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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1902)
TOE OMAHA DAILY BEEi 8UNDAY, FEIHITJAHY 23, 1002. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL MINOR MESTIOJI. Davis ells drug. Btockert sells carpets and rugs. Mets bear at Neumayer'a hotel. Wollman, aclentino optician. B'way. Dr. Roller has discharged all his small pox casea. Born to Mr. and Mra. J. W. Templeton yesterday, a son. New novelties In picture frame. C H. Alexander A Co., 333 Broadway. J. C. A W. Woodward, archltecta, room t Everett block. Council Bluffs, la. Missouri oak body wood. $&. cord. Wil is m Welch, N. Main street. Tel. 12. Robert Harrington of North Beventh street la slowly recovering trom pneu monia. Winona hosiery and underwear. Drop me a postal card. W. 8. Homer, lit Fourtn street. Mrs. Owen Cunningham, aged 7 yeara. Of Nineteenth avenue and J ourth atreet. waa committed to St. Bernard a hospital yesterday. Henry Wageck, 11 Nlchola street, was reported to tho health board yesterday as suffering from smallpox and waa removed to the pest house. W. H. Smith, brother of County Re corder Smith, recently returned from the Klondike, has Bold three claims near Daw aon City to Chicago capitalists for 132.UUO. Charlea Btevenson and James M. Brown engaged In a tight last evening In a South Main street saloon and were arrested. They gave bonds for their appearance In police court Monday. Until March 1 Bourlclus will have a epe clal aale on records for talking machines at 40c each, or S4 a down. A piece of sheet music free with each record. M6 Broad way, the piano house, where tne organ stands upon the building. Bert Huffaker, who has been a resident of Bllver City, la., tor severs! years, has returned to Council Bluffs to make his home In the future. He has accepted a position with the Cole-Brelsford Hardware company, where he waa employed when he left here. Manager Stevenson wlsWa to Inform his patrons that the production of "Nathan Hale." which takes place at the Dohany theater tonight, will be complete In every detail. AH the acenery and properties of the original production at the Knicker bocker theater, New York, have been en tirely repainted and will be used, together with a new set of costumes, and no ex pense has been spared to make this pro duction In every wsy In k-eplng with all New York productions. The play is in four acts and six scenes, opening with the old grammar achool In New London, Conn., and all the way through depleting acenea and Incidents of revolutionary times that make the play of absorbing Interest from Beginning to end. Davis "Ha glass. Plumbing and heating. Blxby Boa. COUNCIL BLUFFS SOCIETY. Mrs. Lawrence Overmler has returned from Marysville, Mo. Mrs. J. N. Casady, Jr., of Oakland avenue Is In Chicago visiting friends. Miss Banders entertained at cards Friday svenlng. Thirty guests attended. The Kucher club will meet Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Kay Blxby. Marlon Macrae entertained schoolmates it her home on Fifth avenue Friday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Benton are home from their wedding Journey to Bait Lake city. Mra. A. B. Haxelton Is expected home trom Dea Moines the latter part of the week. Dr. J. H. Plumer of Hyacinth, Neb., Is guest of his sister, Mrs. George H. Rich mond. Miss Helen Letson was hostess to thirty friends at her home on Fifth avenue Friday night. ' Mlsa Ella Rosenfeld entertained at whist Saturday the A. O. T. Bowling club of Omaha. The United Commercial Travelera will give a poverty ball In Royal Arcanum hall buturday night. Mr. and Mra. Edgar Hafer entertained at cards Monday evening at their home on Washington avenue. Mrs. E. B. Allen entertained the Atlas flub at a Washington tea at her home yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Brelsford will entertain the Calendar Card club at their home on Frank itreet Friday evening. Mra. Frank P. Bradley will leave early hi March lor California to spend the re mainder of the winter. Mrs. W. A. Travla of Little Field. O., guest of Mra. Charlea Bradley, will leave lor her home early In the week. Miss Price of Chicago, who has been Visiting Council Bin IT a friends, will leave early in March for Hot Springs, 8. D. Mrs. Constant of Lincoln, Neb., and Mra, llt'lsmer -of Red Oak, la., are guests of Mrs. James McClure of Stutsman street. I. Beers Rohrer, student at Mexico, Mo., la spending a week'a vacation with his parenla, Mr. and Mra. -M. F. Rohrer, Vine Itreet. The New Century club met Wednesday ifternoon with Mrs. Friend of Frank street. The club will meet this week with Mrs. Gafford. Mr. and Mra. J. H. Arthur entertained the members of the Broadway church choir at their home on Washington avenue Mon day evening. Mra. W. B. Crewdson, wife of RevMr. Crewdson, pastor of the Christian church of this city, who has been critically 111, la Improving slowly. Mr. and Mra. W J. Marble were given a aurprlae party Tuesday evening at their home, 131n Avenue A. Cards, games and a dainty luncheon pasaed the hours. The Ladlea' Mualral club will be enter tained March S at the home of Mra. I. M. Treynor, First avenue, Mra. Treynor and Mra. C. A. Wiley giving the program. The Tuesday Eucher club was entertained Tuesday afternoon by Miss bowman. The club will meet this weeic with Mrs. Harry Cummlngs of Omaha. Lunch will be served at 1 o'clock. Fay Bulin and Miss Emma Case were married Wednesday night at 8:30 at the home which the groom had fitted up at 7 Harrison street. Rev. George Edward Walk outdated. Mrs. V. Q. Hulette entertained the 1'nl. verslty club Wednesday afternoon. Mra. Hulette will soon rumuve to Wichita, Kan. Mrs. J. M. Matthews of Angle avenue will entertain the club this week. , The next general reception of the Council Bluffs Woman's club will be given by the members of the modern language depart ment of the club at the home of Mlsa Maude Smith of First avenue. The First Avenue Eucher club waa enter tained Tuesday evening by Mrs. Eva Mur ray of Willow avenue. Mra. A. V. FruKh waa awarded the prise for carda. The club will meet thla week with Mra. Frusn. Mr. and Mra. 8. T. Kerns, who will soon remove to near Corning, la., were given a surprise party Friday evening by Jewel court. Tribe of Ben Hur, at their home on Harrison street. Supreme Deputy Frank Johnson of Omaha, on In halt of the order, gave Mr. and Mrs. Kerns a One framed painting. A reception waa given Tuesday evening by Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Caifre In the Broadway Methodist church vicarage, Lm) Fletcher avenue. In honot of Rev. and Mrs. atyron J. v aaueu. Tin musical program included a song by Mrs. Callee, a vocal 1J1 by James Bollinger and Mia McKad ca and a violin solo by Miss Bessie Crane. District loart Cases. Both sides having waived a Jury the trial of the suit of Frank Peterson against Paul Paulson to regain possession of a I welling was begun before Judge Thoroell In the district court yesterday. The case was brought on appeal from the court of Justice Bryant by the plaintiff. The Jury In the suit of Stone ft Tinley gainst Jamea Saguln to recover on a note srlglnglly given to Jamea P. Weaver brought in a verdict yeaterday morning for the plaintiffs. A motion for a new trial was Bled yes terday by the defendant in the case of James Jacnbaon agalnat E. L. Shugart. In the suit of W. 8. Ueaton against E. H. BUsafe ft Co., Judge Thoroell ruled that the Insurance money involved and which the plaintiff sought to collect belonged to C. Draper, one of the defendants. Judge Thoraell overruled the motion of the plaintiff for a aew trial la the personal Injury damage suit of Gideon R. Sutherland galnst the city, K T. flunblaf Cs, touches U. BLUFFS. RAILWAY BADCES OF HONOR Faithful Employes of Motor Company to Wear Gold Stan. TO INDICATE TEN YEARS' SERVICE On Show a Record of Five) Yeara la the Company's Employ Wis Are) oa the List. Old-time employes of the motor company, as a reward and mark of distinction for long and faithful service, will henceforth wear badge of honor which will dis tinguish them from their fellow-employes. Conductors and motorneers who have served the company continuously for ten years will be entitled to wear two gold stars on each lapel of their uniform coat. Those who have served for five years will wear one star on each lapel. Thla orSer, Issued by W. B. Tarktngton, general superintend ent, went Into effect yesterday. Four conductor and twelve motorneers have been continuously In the service of the company for ten years and. their coat lapels will henceforth be adorned with two stars. The conductors entitled to this mark of merit are A. D. Van Horn, D. E. Buck, P. J. 8mith, W. F. Thome. The motorneers who have served ten yeara and are entitled to this distinction are Robert Cragg, Charles Barnett, James McClure, R. Roper, H. Brooks, H. Hough, John Nelson, Luke Graham, Grant Schoup, Jamea Meek, George Mehllng, W. E. Hoyt. There are three conductors who have served five yeara and are entitled to one star on each lapel, Oscar Pfelffer, F. B. Hudson, 'Pat McMenoroy. These three mo torneers are also entitled to the same mark of distinction, M. J. Sullivan, L. Benedict and R. H. Carter. The men are much pleased at thla mark of their long service, as they realise that when the public understands the signifi cance of the stars they will respect an em ploye who has by honesty and faithfulness to his duty won this badge of esteem from his employers. GEORGE A. LEE IS MISSING Condactor of Omaha-Bluffs Line Draws Hla Par sad Mystifies His Family. George A. Lee, a conductor on the Coun cil Bluffs-Omaha line of the motor com pany, to missing from his home at Twenty sixth street 'and Avenue A. He drew his pay last Tuesday, stating to the caabler that he was sick and needed a few days' layoff. He was granted the leave of absence and the company la Inclined to believe he wilt show up again all right. Fellow-employes, however, believe he has left the city, His wife has not seen him since he drew his pay. He did not account her with the fact that be Intended to apply for a leave of absence. It was rumored that hla departure was due to an entangle ment with another woman and that she had left the city with him. This was found to be not the case, as the woman said to be as sociated with Lee is at ber .home and de nies knowing anything about the missing conductor's whereabouts. Lee has two children by a former wife. Hla present wife has two children by a former husband. It was reported yester day to the officials of the motor company that the family had been left In deatltute circumstances and Lee's fellow-employes started to take up a subscription. When Mrs. Lee heard of their Intention she asked that It be not done, as she could get along all right for the present and she expected her husband would return to her. It waa reported that Lee had been aeen In Omaha and some of his fellow-employes went across the river to look him up, but failed to get any trace of him. Lee haa been In the employ of the motor company three yeara and the officials are Inclined to boilers that he will satisfac torily explain his absence. Some of his friends are of the opinion that he haa gone to hla former home In Minneapolis to visit relatives. Davie sells glass. Coanell Bloffa Cksrehei. The sermon will be omitted this evening at the Broadway Methodiat church and the monthly sacred concert given In its place. The choir, under the direction of Ned Mitchell will be assisted by Miss. Ethel Cook, soprano, and the Misses Grace and Cornelia Stevenson. Thla will be the pro gram: Prelude Serenade Gilchrist . Mrs. Lena Sims-Sylvester. "Gloria Patrla" Hymn 1 Love Thy Kingdom, Lord Randall Magnincat" In G Boyle xsunc DUiuUin" in C Boyle Duet How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds Brown Misses Grace and Cornelia Btevenson. Hymn Take My Life and Let It Be.... Malan Tenor Quartet Nearer, My God, to xiiou Bmitu Messrs. Brown, Kynett, Btevenson and Miti-hxll. Solo Face to Face Johnson Miss Ethel Cook. Anthem Daybreak Parka Solo o Come Hither, and Behold the wonts or me Lord Buck Ned Mitchell. Anthem Tbay Shall Mount Up with Wlnga as the Eaglea Simper Offertory Andante Haydn Hymn Stand I'p for Jesus Webb r-osuuue in D Tours At the mornlna servlc th rhnir miii render Prothcroe's "Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem." Vincent Brown will sing as a solo "The Wayside Cross" and Mrs. Bol linger ana mihs Mchuilrten will sing the duet, "Sweet Hour of Prayer," by Rogers. This will be the musical program at the vesper services this afternoon at 4 o'clock In St. Paul'a Epiacopal church: Organ Prelude Prooesnlonal No. 543, "Forward Be Our . VVatchword'' .j.. Btalner "Gloria Patrt" Stalner "Magnificat" Wood "Nunc Dlmlttla" Wood Vesper Anthem Singing In God's Acre , Brackett Solo Show Me Thy Way, O Lord Bodsteln Mra. L. R. Hypes. Hymn No. inn, "Jerusalem the Golden" Le Jeune Sermon by the rector Anthem Who Are These That Are Ar- . rayed Stalner xiecessional No. 395. "Those Eternal Bowers" Morley Organ Poatlube There will be holy communion at I a.m.. morning prayer and sermon at 10:30, when the rector, Rev. George Edward Walk, will preach on "A Perfect Church." Lenten services will be held Tuesday, Wedneaday, Thursday and Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The clasa , for confirmation will meet Monday at 4:30 o'clock. Wedneaday ight service a 111 be held at All Saints' chapel. Eighteenth atreet and Third avenue. "Growth In the Kingdom" will be the subject of Rev. Harvey Hosteller this morn ing in the Second Presbyterian church. la the evening his theme will be "Christian Patriotism." Sunday achool will be at aeon and Junior Endeavor society meeting at 4. The Young People's service will be at 4:45. Rev. C C. Maxfleld of Omaha will con duct services morning and evenlag In the First Baptist church today. John Dale of Omaha will occupy the pul pit of Trinity Methodist church thla morn ing, and Rev. C. W. Miller In the evening. There will be no preaching services to day In the First Congregational church. Sunday school will be at noon and meeting of the Christian Endeavor society at 4:80. A business meeting of the congregation and society will be held at I p. m. In the church parlors. There will be morning prayer, litany and sermon at 10:80 this morning In Grace Episcopal church. Sunday school will meet at noon. The First Church of Christ, Scientist, will hold services this morning at 11 o'clock In the 8app building. The subject will be "Christ Jesus." Sunday achool will follow this service. Experience meeting will be Wednesday night at 8. Instead of the regular sermon thla even ing. Rev. W. B. Crewdson. pastor of the First Christian church, will deliver an Il lustrated lecture on "The Jewish Taber nacle and Its Significance." Conference services will be held today In the Latter Day Saints' church. There will be prayer and social service at 0:45, preaching at 11, by Elder Joshua Carlisle, and preaching at 2:30 by Elder F. M. Cooper. Theodore M. Thomas will be In charge of the services in the Delong mission at S and 7:30. Rev. Henry Delong will be assisted by Dr. Trenner of Omsba. Past Master Workmen. At the meeting Friday night of the Past Master Workmen's association of the An cient Order of United Workmen, it was de cided to limit its territory to the towns of Council Bluffs, Missouri Valley, Woodbine, Pacific Junction, Glenwood, Tabor, Red Oak, Shenandoah, Vllllsca, Walnut, Marne, At lantic, Creston, Preecott and Charter Oak, Instead of all towns in the southwestern part of the state. These officers were elected: President, O. Hochman, Council Bluffs: vice president, W. R. Emmons; secretary, W. F. Donaldson, Missouri Val ley; treasurer, E. Totman. Jones Held for Grand Jary. A. E. Jones, charged with brutally beat ing his wife, who bat since brought suit for divorce, was bound over to the district court grand Jury yesterday morning by Po lice Jndge Aylesworth. Hla ball was fixed at $300, which he furnished. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. 541 Broadway. FILES CLAIM FOR DAMAGES leeks to Recover $30,000 for the Death of a Missionary at the Hands of the Boxers. ONAWA, la.. Feb. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Charlea A. Anderson of Whit ing, through bts attorney, E. A. Smith, has tiled a claim with the State department at Washington, claiming $30,000 damages for the death of his sister, Hilda 8. Anderson, who waa killed by the Boxers in Mongolia province, China, in 1900. Two of Mr. Anderson's sisters were killed in China during the late uprising against foreigners, but only one was a subject of the United States, the other sister owing her allegiance to the king of Norway and Sweden. Hilda 8. An derson was naturalised at Rockford, 111., In 1897, and went to China as a missionary for the Christian alliance. galcldo of Mrs. Moggie Croft. SHENANDOAH. Ia., Feb. 22. (Special.) Mrs. Maggie Croft, a widow of 60, com mitted suicide tonight by taking atrychnlne. She was despondent owing to long con tinued Illness. Her death was discovered about 10:30 and a coroner's inqueat was held at once, the verdict being suicide. NATAL DAY AT JOHNSTlOPK.NS Twenty-Fifth Anniversary la Cele brated Dr. Ira Remits Made President. BALTIMORE. Feb. 22. The notable ex ercises which mark the quarter century in the history of the Johns Hopkins univer sity and the installation of Ira Remsen a president of that institution were attended today by fully 4,000 peraons, many of whom came from all parts of the country in order to participate In the Jubilee program. The features of the exercises wero an address by the retiring head of the Insti tution, Dr. Daniel Oilman, the Inaugural of President Remsen and the conferring of degrees upon a large number of educators, and scholars, and a congratulatory address by President Eliot of Harvard university. To the beautiful stralna of Liszt's fes tal march, an academic procession of 1,500 alumni and atudents entered the auditorium of Music hall, where Governor John Wal ter Seth delivered an address of welcome. President Oilman after' a few words of thanks to tbs happy reference to himself by the state'a executive, aatd: The dlatlnguUhed acbolar who haa been called to the presidency of thla university by the unanlmoua voice of the trustees and with the hearty concurrence of the faculty Is no stranger to the dutlea and cares that devolve upon him. He haa been a member of our aoclety aince Ita earliest daya and haa won the entire admiration of the com munity. With the knowledge of a colleague ind tne aevouon oi a iriena i now wel come him li, the name of the governing board to thla high station and bespeak for him perpetual confidence and support. You are thrice welcome to this seat, Ira Remsen. doctor of laws, In Yale, Columbia and Princeton. May the blessing of God be with you. Then followed President Remsen's In augural address). On motion of Dr. Oilman the following degrees were conferred: Doctor of Lawa Charlea William Eliot, president of Harvard university; James Angell, University of Michigan: Andrew Diiliaon White, ambassador of the United Stalea In Germany; John 8. Billings. New York; Granville Stanley Hall, president of Clark university In Worcester; James Schouler; John William Mallet of the Uni versity of Virginia; charlea Doollttle Wal cott, superintendent of the United States Geological survey; Simon Newcomb, pro fessor of mathematlca In the United Statea navv; Jamea Loudon, University of To ronto: William Patterson, McUill univer sity. Montreal; Joslah Koyce, professor In Harvard university; John Franklin Jame son of the University of Chicago; E. B. Wilson of Columbia university; Wootlward Wilson of Princeton, Francis Landey Pat. ton of Princeton, William Kalney Harper oi the University of Chicago, Charlea Wil liam Dabney of the University of Tennes see. N. M. Butler of Columbia university; Henry Smith Pritrhett of the Massachu setts Institute of Technology, David Starr Jordan of Stanford unlveralty, Arthur Twining Had ley, president of Yale univer sity. . A Thoaeaad Uollara Thrown Away. Mr. W. W. Baker of Plalnvlew, Neb., writes: "My wife had lung trouble for over fifteen years. We tried a number of doc tors and spent over a thousand dollars without any relief. She waa very low and I loet all nope, when a friend suggeated try ing Foley's Honey and Tar, which I did, and thanka be to this great remedy it saved her life. She ia stronger and enjoys better health than she has ever known In ten years. We shall never be without Foley's Honey and Tar and would ask those afflicted to try It." MeGovora aad Yoaag Corbett. LOUISVILLE, irv.. Feb. 22The South ern Athletic club will try to arrange a fight between McGovern and Young Cor bvtt In this city on Derby night. May t. It Is Intended to have the mauh take plats la Ue Audiluriuiu, DELAY IS CAUSING TROUBLE QoTernment Negleotflil in Cleaning the Tama Indian Beserration. THREAT TO LIFT THE QUARANTINE ladlaa Trade Is Valnnble Larger Pro Tram for O, A. R. Encampment Keeks Damages for Palling Wrong Tooth. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Feb. 22. (Special.) The delay of tho officials at Washington In arranging for the cleaning up of the Tama Indian reservation in Iowa Is causing the local authorities of Tama county a great deal of trouble and annoyance. The people at Montour, one of the towns near the res ervation, threaten to lift the quarantine agalnat the reservation and permit the In dians to come to their town, as the trade of the Indians is valuable to them. There were several cases of smallpox In Montour, but none lately. At Western college ot Toledo one ot the students was taken 111 and la being cared for; another. Miss Albta Cox, was pronounced 111 with the chicken pox and sent to her home In Madison county, near Earlbam. The State Board of Health here waa notified and Investigation showed that she had smallpox. The presi dent of the State Board of Health haa noti fied the people near the reservation that they must continue the quarantine until the Indian bureau has funds to pay tor all blankets and clothing burned and cleans up the reaervatlon. The Indiana are restless and as spring approaches desire to get off the reservation and If the matter Is de layed much longer they cannot be re strained. A few days ago a peddler went on the reaervatlon and purchased a lot of the blanketa which had been used by the sick Indian and started out to sell them. The people of Toledo beard of it, organised a posse, pursued the man and burned his blankets. O. A. R. Encampment. Arrangements are being made to include in the annual department encampment ot the Grand Army of the Republic, which meeta In Des Moines May 20, reunion of regiments and brigades to which soldiers will be invited from all states adjoining Iowa, and It Is expected that a large num ber will be here from those states, chiefly former Iowana or membera of Iowa regi ments.' The committees are preparing for an attendance of from 4,000 to 6,000 at the reunion. Governor Van Bant of Minnesota will be present, also Commander-in-Chief Torrance. The chief address at the open ing of the encampment will be by General G. M. Dodge of Council Bluffs. There will be reunion ot several brigades and regiments and the program as now being made up will be unusually fine. Jiew Corporations. The McCallsburg State bank has been Incorporated at McCallsburg, Story county; capital. 125,000; B.; M. Raamussen, presi dent; E. O. Dillon! cashier. The Maquoketa School Furniture com pany haa been Incorporated; capital, $25, 000; by W. B. Sutherland and others. For Polling Wrong Tooth. T. W. Williams of Keokuk, has sued the Keokuk Medical college for $1,000 for datn agea to hla face, by which he claims his former beauty haa been permanently and painfully injured to the extent ot $1,000. It is claimed by the plaintiff that one of the doctors at the institution gave him a cause of action by wilfully, neg ligently and maliciously pulling a sound and very valuable tooth of the" plaintiff without his consent, lacerating his mouth, causing him pain and permanently Injuring hla looks. Patriarchs Militant. The department convention ot the Pa triarch Militant will be held In Dea Moines next year. This was decided at the meet ing held In Marshalltown. The department also pledged $300 toward the fund for1 the entertainment of the sovereign grand lodge ot Odd Fellows In Des Moines this year. The Patriarchs passed a resolution indors ing the bill pending in the legislature to make It a misdemeanor for anyone to wear a' secret society emblem who is not a mem ber of the order la good standing. There waa a large attendance at the convention. Inaaraace Compaalea Come Back. Some time ago the leading foreign in surance companies doing business in Iowa, paid their annual tax of S 1-2 per cent on gross business done In Iowa, and at the time of filing their certificates of tax pay ments, they notified the treasurer and au ditor that they had paid under proteat and reserved the right to question the legality of the payment.. Thla was equivalent to withdrawing from the state, tor the au ditor refused to issue them certificates at that time under the circumstances. These foreign insurance companies have since withdrawn their protest and received their certificates to do business. At the same time a bill haa been acted on favorably in the legislature to take off the discriminate I ing iax oa loreiga insurance companies ana leave them on the same basis as the do mestic companlea, paying 3 1-2 per cent. Another bill Is to be introduced to tlx the rate for both foreign and domeatlc com panies at 2 3-4 per cent. There has been complaint that so many of the foreign companies have withdrawn trom the state that It la hard to place Insurance on some large manufacturing Industries. Coatest of tho Colleges. Drake unlveraity Is making big prepara tions for the state oratorical contest to be held next Friday night at the Drake auditorium. A crowd of at least 700 is ex pected from the different colleges who will take part in the contest. It is expected there will be fifty from Ames, seventy-five from Cornell, 150 from Simpson, seventy five from Iowa Wesleyan, 200 from Des Moines college, besides others from other points. On Thursday evening a banquet will be' tendered the visiting delegation at the Savery at o'clock, and on Friday aft ernoon a reception will be held at the home of Chancellor and Mra. W. B. Craig, for all visiting students and presidents of the different contesting colleges. Smallpox Sltaatloa. Dr. A. M. Lynn, president ot the Iowa State Board ot Health, after a personal investigation regarding amallpox In Dea Moines, Issued an official statement tonight, aaylng: "Present effective methods are expected to soon relieve Des Moines ot the disease. Business Is not Interrupted and traffic Is following its usual lines and travel con-, tlnuea uninterrupted, with entire aafety to the traveling public." Capture Lastgo Party of Boers. LONDON. Feb. 22. A dispatch from Lord Kitchener, dated Pretoria, February 21. says Colonel Park, with 800 mounted men, recently aurprlsed a Boer force at Nooltge dacht, Transvaal colony, and captured 144 prisoners, together with a quantity of munitions ot war and a number of horaea and wagons. There were no British casu alties. Tho prisoners Include Field Cornets Joubert and Bejater sod Uautenant Vlljoea. SHOPS 0PEN BUT NO TRADE Attempt to Reanmo Roalneaa la Barcelona Reanlta la Fnllare. BARCELONA, Feb. 22. Although there waa some resuscitation ot ordinary life In this r'ty yesterday. It was largely artificial. A few public establishments reopened under the compulsion of the authorities, but practically no business waa transacted. The street cars ceased running at 8 In the evening and the newspapers were unable to publish, the compositors refusing to work. The captain general authorized the managers of the papers to seek for printers outside of Barcelona. There were some Isolated affrays and at tempts to aack bakeries, during which five persons were wounded. It waa reported this morning that a num ber of workmen had been caught In the act of preparing bombs. ' The captain general haa allowed the rioters three daya in which to deliver up ail their arms. After the expiration- of that time any person found In possession of arms will b tried by drumhead court martial. Orders have been issued to all the saloons to close at 7 o'clock In the evening and citizens are not allowed to be out ot their residences after $ p. m. . MADRID, Feb. 22. Agitators are actively urging the declaration of a great atrlke here February 24, In support of the strik ers In Barcelona, The royalists are greatly excited by reports that workers at Barce lona have been tried by court-martial and shot. This, however, ia officially denied. Advices from Valencia aay the atrlke there has been suppressed, but that the workmen are clamoring for the releaae ot their arrested comrades. More factories have reopened at Sara gossa and Sabadell. SENDS AMERICAN TO PRISON Police Jndge la Ecuador Take Ar bitrary Coarse la Collection of a Claim. GUAYAQUIL. Feb. 22. A police court Judge here today Issued an order for the arrest of Jackson Smith, manager of the J. P. McDonald Construction company, until he has paid the sum of about 4,000 suores (a aucr ia equivalent to 97 cents. United 8tates currency), claimed by a sub-contractor named Darquea, who, It la said, really ewes the McDonald company money. It la asserted that the case Is net, even according to Ecuadorean law, one fer a police court, and that the sentence Is arbi trary, being dictated by a Judge who had no evidence but Darquea's statement before him, who Is sitting miles away from the placea where the work In connection with the case was done, end from whose sen tence there Is no appeal, - The whole cave Is looked upon as an attempt to haraas the American conatructtng company, Mr. Smith left here this morning for the com pany's works, but will probably be ar rested and brought back. KING LEOPOLD N0T COMING Haa Sold Nothing to Indicate an In tention to Visit the United Statea. BRUSSELS, Feb. 22. The Associated Press la authorised by an official of King Leopold's household to announce that while his majesty has on several occasions, ex pressed a desire to visit the United States he has never reached the point of suggest ing any date. Since the denial of a report, several months ago, that the king intended to visit the United States his majesty haa not utteaed a word from which could be deduced any foundation tor the report that he Intenda to undertake a voyage to Amer ica thla year. NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH Switchman, Conscious, hot Unable to Move, Lies la Front of Ap proaching Cars. Conscious, with eyes staring wide at the impending danger, but with his back so wrenched that he waa unable to move hand oy foot, Walter Colgow, a Union Pacific awitchman, lay across both rails of a track at tho yards Friday and watched two freight cars, pushed by an engine, bearing down on him. The man's injuries bad de prived him also temporarily ot the power ot speech and he was unable either to cry for help or save himself. Meanwhile the other trainmen had not seen Colgow fall and he was shut out from the view ot the engine men by the Intervening cars. Foreman Neff, in charge ot the new ma chine ahop construction, saw the man's plight and let out a cry ot warning. The englnemen did all they knew and the cara were atopped, when Colgow had disappeared under the end of the first one. The forward wheels of the leading truck were within a foot ot hia body and he bad Just fainted from shock. When Colgow waa revived he waa In a pitlablo nervous condition and was alao suffering greatly from the severe twist to bis -back sustained In falling from the top of a car onto the ties. It was, feared at firat that he waa permanently incapacitated, but yesterday the hospital authorities re ported that he waa better and would be able to work again, though not for some time. Colgow's accident happened in a peculiar manner. The engine waa pushing three cara, with the switchman on the front end. At a point on the track dirt from the ex cavations for the new buildings had piled v higher than the Tails and in the rail grooves water used In mixing the con crete had flowed along and frozen, so that there waa an Ice surface higher than the raila. When the Bret car reached this place It ran along on the ice and left the rails. Where the ice - ended it begsn to bump along the ties, and Colgow signaled tbs engineer to stop. His warning waa not heeded and the cara moved on. Just ahead, and cloae to the track, waa the huge cinder pit. and the derailed car waa heading for It. Colgow began to yell for a halt. - but there waa still no response, so he ran for the back end. As be was about to leap from the top ot his car to the roof ot the next one the two broke apart, the couplings hav ing been aevered. The car went on Into the ditch. Colgow meanwhile had Jumped far short and fell to the track. Jako Gaadaaer Badly Hart. RAT PORTAOE. Oot. Feb. 22. Jake Gaudauer, the famous oarsman, slipped on the Ice while curling at the rink here, fracturing a bone In his right shoulder and cutting his face badly. His surgeon says Gaudauer will never row a boat again and will be In bed for weeka. Yoaag Roosevelt Holds Up Well. WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. At 12:15 o'clock this afternoon President Roosevelt received a telegram from Mrs. Roosevelt st Wilming ton, Del., saying that young Theodore Is standing the Journey well. They expect to reach Washington ,at 2:15 p. m. Tidal Wave Kills Fifty. NEW YORK, Feb. 22. It ia reported by Salvador correspondents, ssys a Herald dis patch from Panama, that the recent tidal waves on the Salvadorean coaat coat a loss of more than fifty people and partlil de struction of seven vUlagsa. QUESTION OF GYM AND GUNS Board of Education Has Case of Set Against Sex to Settle. GIRLS AND BOYS BOTH HAVE ADVOCATES Member Howard Declares Cadets Shall Sot Have Gssi If Girls Are to Be Deprived of Their Gymaaalnm. "No gym, no gunst" This will be the shibboleth ot a strong faction of the Board of Education at Ita next meeting. , "It our girls can't have a gymnasium in which to get healthtul exercise, eur boys esn't have those extra guns with which to drill!" Thus the lines will be drawn. It will be a casa of sex against sex. The board Is about equally divided on the lasue. Mem ber Howard stands as champion of the girls, and Member Homan will marshal his force In behalf ot the boys. It will be a merry war. "I think we are derelict in our duty to the taxpayers of thla district," said Mr. Howard, "when we permit that gymnasium to be closed because of a paltry expense ot $63 a month which an Instructor will cost. The new High school building was erected -with the understanding that It would Include a gymnasium for the girls. We gave our promise to the Woman's club of Omaha to that effect, and now the first thing we do Is to close It Indefinitely. The girls stand in need of physical exercise Just as much aa the boys do. The boya have their military drill; the girls have nothing that corresponds with It. The boys have an opportunity to make up demerit marks In their other studies by efficiency In drill; the girls have na such means of redeeming themselves. For this reason I say the boys shall not have the extra guns unless the girls can have the gym. "I have been talking with several mem bers ot the board on this subject, and I'm pretty well satisfied now that at the meet ing Monday night a motion will be made to reconsider the action ot last Tuesday night whereby the gymnasium waa closed. Wants No Discrimination. "I am not opposed to buying guns for the boys. The proposition of tho govern ment to sell us 250 new Winchester breech lending rifles for $3 each is a good one and one of which we ought to take advantage, but I aay if our economy la to result In Inconvenience to the girla the boys shall be required to share that inconvenience. It is not right that this board should dls criminate In favor of either sex." Member Homan declines to stata what hla tactics will bo. but ho Is firm In his conviction that the board ean't afford to maintain the gymnasium. . Another Important matter which will be taken up by the board Monday night will be the appointment ot a truant officer 'provided for by the compulsory school law passed hy the last legislature. Eleven peraons have ap'plled for the position, as follows: Mrs. Grace Allan Bradley, Otto C. Schwerln, A. P. French, Edward Yarton, Monte Soule, Beecher Hlgby, Philip F. Helse, James M. Rollo, George L. Dennis, E. D. Mullery and C. W. Cain. ; The board la divided on thla issue, as well as on the one ot the gymnasium and the guns. Some ' think it a wanton waste of money to pay $1,000 a year to some man to lead a reluctant pupil to school by the ears. The practice of "playing hookey," they say, is not general enough in Omaha to warrant the expenditure of such a sum for auch a purpose. "Besides," says a member, "our school rooms are already overcrowded with pupils who are willing to be educated with out coercion, and if the truant officer should round up enough estrays to earn his salary it would put us to the expense of renting extra building and employing extra teach ers." The other side is In tavor of conforming to the law by employing the officer. PEARSE MAKES QUICK CHANGE His Ultimatum to Board of Edncntfon Undergcea a Sadden Revision. There was a strike at the Osaha High school for a few minutes one day last week and It failed. For some time Arthur 8. Pearse, commandant of cadets at the In stitution, haa been clamoring loudly for ad ditional guns for the cadet battalion. The guns did not come and Mr. Pearse con cluded to suspend operations until they arrived. He Issued a general order Tues day morning to the effect that drill of the battalion would be suspended Indefinitely and visited one of the ' members ot the school board, personally serving the notice. To the member he said the suspension of drills would be contlnyed until the desired guns arrived.' v The member responded: "Very well, but, of course, when the drill 1 suspended you will have nothing to do and your sal ary will be suspended while you are on a vacation." 'I do not understand any -such thing," replied the commandant. ' 'But auch Is the case, nevertheless, he was told. Then the commandant did some think ing, with the result that after a conference with hla brother, the superintendent, an other order was Issued superseding tho first one, to the effect that drills would be sus pended for one week, until certain rooms could be secured. FRACTURES STEPSON'S SKULL Aatoa Martcaek Beads Fred Blasek to Hospital aad Is Locked la Jail. i.iM Martenek. axed 4$. and bis step son, Fred Blazek, aged 2J. quarrelled Sat urday evening at their home, First and Spring streets, and Blasek la now la Clark aon hospital with a fractured skull, while Martenek is locked up In the police sta tion, on a chargs of assault with Intent to do great bodily Injury: M.ri.n.k who wears a wooden leg, baa been working In a dairy at Albright. He had not been home tor several weeks. When k. m. hla wife yesterday afternoon hs gave her $5, aaylng that ha would only need a small amount for tobacco. ni.,.ir works for the Cudahy Packing company In South Omaha. He went home about o clock, ana wnen ne saw nis step father he promptly told him to go away, ao Mrs. Martenek's daughter explained to Sergeant Dempaey and Officer Flsxe. Mrs. Martenek cannot speak EnglUb. it anneara from the daughter'a account of the quarrel that her brother insisted he waa supporting tns Jamuy. ana mai ne did not intend to support bis stepfather, too. Martenek aelzed a two-inch auger, and k.n ninrk attamoted to elect him from the bouae, Martenek struck Blazek a bard blow on the forehead, knocking him to the floor. Blazek sprang to his feet, the blood streaming over bis face, and man aged to take hold of the auger. After a struggle. In which the stove waa upset and the furniture scattered. Blazsk se cured the auger aad struck Martenek a severe blow on the back of the head, the spiral sdges of the auger making five cuts In tha araln. Ui 1a itrnrk hint airaeS the left shoulder, bruising It severely. . During the time the blows were delivered, the two men, both bleeding profusely, kepi struggling from one part of the room t another, upsettlna furniture and leavlnl spots of blood over the Boor. The frightened women ran from tbs house aad told a neighbor to rail the po lice. Word Waa tilnhnn4 h lh tturllnv- ton telegraph operator, and Captain Hayes sent sergeant Dempsey and Officer nfc with th patrol wagon to the acene ct the trouble. When the officers arrived th men had stopped fighting. Martenek was lying la bed with his head loosely wrapped with s towel, while in another room Blazek waa being cared tor by his sister, who had washed hla wound and waa endeavoring to stop the bleeding with wet towels. Both men were taken to the police sta tion in the patrol wagon. The wounda ot Marterek were found to be slmnlv scaln cuts. Police Surgeon Francis Borglum, as sisted by Dr. Raymond Mullen, cared for uiazek, ana round that his skull was frac tured, and after dressing the wound sent mm 10 ;oe Clarkeon hospital. The fracture la considered serious, al though at no time was Blasek unconscious. H was weak from pain and loss ot blood. Ante Room Echoes With a banquet Friday evening waa closed one ot the most successful reunions of the Masons of the Scottish Rite ever held In the state. When the reunion opened Tuesday there were applications from fifty-three persons desiring to be ad vanced in the decrees from thm fnn.l K M the thirty-second. Heretofore many ot those who took tho fourth degree would atop before they completed the degrees of the rite which are conferred at the re unions, the larger number stopping after the eighteenth had been conferred and hav ing the other degrees conferred at soma subsequent time.. This year those who dropped out were the exception to the rule, and mors than fortv mn r.-i. .- thirty-second degree on Friday. me banquet waa spread in Freemasons' hall at S o'clock and consisted Af IK chnl.. est viand of the season. The service was excellent and the cooking perfection. At the close of the feast Matthew a. w.n h toastmaster of the evening, took charge. Addresses were delivered by Governor E. P. Savage, who came up from Lincoln for tho occasion; W. S. Summers, William Cleburne, a S. Loblngler, M. F. Funkhouser. C. E. '"'""i. uenry v. wnson ana Mr. Folsont of Lincoln. The banauetera wera mt h taoie until midnight. Tangier temple, Nobles of the Mystlo Shrine, la making arrangementa to placs Itself in position to act as should act the temple which bears upon Its rolls the name of the Imperial potentate of tho order for the coming year. There was a Joint meet ing ot the committees ehsrged with the arrangementa for the excursion to San Francisco at the hall last week, and at that meeting a change was made in the hustling eommlttee, O. H. Pickens being added ia place of a member who could not serve. This committee has in charge the work of preparing for the excursion by securing the names of those who. will make up the party. At this meeting it was decided to send from Omaha to the coast the largest number of Shrlners who have ever made tho overland trip. Letters were received from some of the temples In Iowa and east. era states asking about what Omaha in tended to do, some of them expressing a desire to come through this city and Join the party of the next Imperial potentate enroute. The result ot these letters waa the adoption ot a plan which has for ita purpoae the organization at Omaha of a large excursion party composed of membera of shrines from all over the east enroute to San Francisco. To do this Tangier tem ple will have a strong entertainment com mittee and wjll have to make preparation for receiving and caring for the travelers. Some ot the temples which corresponded with Omaha on the aubject have made plans to go to the coast by way of Kansas City and to return by way ot Omaha, so it would not be surprising If the majority of the tem ples In the United States had representa tives in Omaha during the month of June. either going to San Frlnclsco or returning therefrom. In thla connection it la recalled that it haa been Just ten years since Tangier tem ple entertained the Imperial council la Omaha. On that occasion, with a member ship but one-third of its present size, the temple raised the sum of $9,000 entirely within its membership for the reception and entertainment of guests. With th present large membership, and taking Into consideration the good work done In 1893, the preaent commltteea believe that they will have no trouble in raising the funds required for the trip. The prominence of Tangier temple as the home of the Imperial potentate will Involve the maintaining of "open house" durtng th year, and while the committees are at work preparing for the trip to the coast, they will constantly keep in mind the fact that fund must be provided In addition to th usual amount for the extraordinary ex penses which will be Incurred during th next year by reason of Its prominence. Clan Gordon, No. 63, Order of Scottish Clans, held Its regular meeting Tuesdsy evening a( its hall. Continental building, when a number of applications were dealt with and the remainder of the evening was devoted to song and aentlment, among tho most noticeable features of which were the songs by Clansman Watson and th humor of Clansman P. T. Anderson aa a story teller. Banner lodge. No. 11, Fraternal Union nt America, is making elaborate preparatlona for an entertainment and public meeting to be addreased by tbs supreme secretary of the order on March 13. Mondamln lodge. Na 111, has made arrangementa to move Into the Tatea hall, third floor ot the Crounse block. Omaha lodge. No. 211, ha reorganized Its degree tesm. Omaha grove No. 1, Woodman- Circle, gave an entertainment at Its ball Thursday evening. "The Sniggles Family," Intro duced by Miss Ada Berg, was ths featur of th evening. Th Fraternal Brotherhood of th World will give an open entertainment in ths Royal Arcanum ball. Bee building, on Thursday svenlng, February 27. The pro gram will consist of games at cards and good music and dancing. Refreshments served free. The public is most cordially Invited. Th. Roval Highlanders organized a cast Is at McCook Friday night, electing the fol lowing officers: Clarsnce B. Gray, P. I. P.; J. Raymond Mcuari, J. r. ; rrana n. vanus, htr rounsellor: Mrs. Laura B. Pope. worthy evangel; Charles O. Blomqulat, sec retary; Matnew Lawntaon, treasurer; J. O. Conley, warder; John Hust, sentry; Mrs. Janet C. Tyler, herald; James C. Mitchell, guide; Mra. Anna H. Conley, first worthy csnsor; Mrs. Clara Snydor, aecoad worthy censor; Robert W. Devoe, C. ot 8.; Robert M. Knlpple, C. of A.; George W. Norrls, Georgs Beck and Mrs. Louise J. Rltten houss, uDifers; Dr. Will V. Gag and Dr. Charlea U Fahaestock, physician.