Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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mt of American BeTolution Honor Natal
Daj of Great Patriot.
tlw tha Curreat at Gorii Was
Turu4 aa a Result af tha He
cess of Americas Arm
aad Ideas.
Tbs Nebraska society of the Bona of tha
American Revolution at ttt annual meeting
la tha Commercial club parlora Uat even
log appropriately obaerTed the anniversary
f Washington's birth. The Omaha chap
ter of tha Daughters of the American Revo
lutlon, together with the famlllea and
trlenda of the two societies, were the In
vited guests. The program, which waa the
conclusion of the series given by tna ao
elety during tha year, commemorating hls
torlo anniversaries, wss presided over by
dr. Carroll O. Pearse.
"Civic Results of the Revolution" was
tha opening address br Charlea 8. Lobln-
gler, who said In part:
In our histories It Is the martial glory
ef the revolution of which we reed most.
The hraverv of the men of Blinker Hill.
the heroic sacrifices at Valley Forge, the
triumphant scenes of flaratosa and of
Tforktown those are the pages of the
revolutionary record upon which we moat
lonaiy linger, But
Peace hath her victories
No less renowned than war,
and dear as theee events have become to
ha through the valor of our ancestors It Is
nevertheless true. that not the military but
Ith civic results of the revolution nav
' made It a landmark In history. The first
freat civic result of the revolution was
he voluntary union of the colonies. For
nearly two centuries they had remained
In a state of dependence upon the mother
country and of Isolation from each other.
twtth scarcely the sign of a yearning for
f nationality. But the guns of Concord and
Lexlnxton roused them to a sense of com
won dangtr. Washington, the Virginian
was Disced In command of a continental
army. Including men of all colonies, who
'forgot they were New Yorkers or Cro-
llnlans and became for the first time
I Americana, fighting a common foe and en
Jilted In the common cause of liberty. Thin
i In the fierce forge of war the scattered
'colonies were welded Into a nation.
Development of Federation.
work performed by Washington In edu
cating tha people to a realization of -tha
need of uniting tha states into a nation
and to his efforts later, when ha saw the
deflclencea of the Articles of Confederation,
toward obtaining an enlargement af the
powers of tha government. Washington's
Influence and work as a member of tha con
stitutional convention In settling differences
between tha ststea and In Inducing tha con
vention to adopt the constitution aa pre
pared, were thoroughly reviewed. '
The writer in closing dwelt on tha part
Washington took In securing tha ratification
of the constitution by the states, and called
attention to the fact that the almost ab
solute certainty that Washington would ba
the first president under the new constitu
tion waa a powerful factor In the contest
for ratification.
An original poem by H. 8. Jaynea on
"Tha Human Washington" followed, por
traying most vividly tha human slds of
Wsshlngton In all bla achievements .through
childhood, youth and manhood. Tha open
lng and closing atansaa were:
Who has not heard of Washington, our
country glorious sire,
And learned his virtues to respect, ; his
vainr 10 admirer
But few are they that cars or dara to
search the records o'er.
To prove thit he, though great and wlee,
waa numsn to tne core.
Though some, because of his reserve, have
styled h m "The unknown.
'Twill be our task to briefly ahow his heart
was life our own.
Earh year we meet to celebrate the day
that iv him hlrth.
Nor can we realise how much hia spirit
rules tne earth.
AVhlle we do praise and glorify tha work
that he has done.
The one first In our hearts Is still "The
Human Washington.
Jo K. Barton contributed to the program
by singing tha old song "A Thousand
Tears," which received a hearty encore,
The entire company, led by Mr. Barton,
joined in tha closing aong "America." i
social hour, Including refreshments, con
eluded the enjoyable celebration.
Former Coaarresaanaa Butler Tartlet
pates In Celebration by
Tbs Jacksonlan club and Its frlenda met
la the club'a hall last evening to bear ex
Congressman Walter H. Butler of Des
tv. t.,.i i.. ,,,. ,t . ii i mo nea. la., deliver an anaress on i ne
- .L. J .I.. I T-, 1 .I-- I.J....J....
, u.uu ui in. i r v uiuiiun, lununcu iiuiii in i &swisl biiuu v. iiiuiiinuvuv.i
'first and waa Its counterpart. It consisted Th ., .rr.nd for the address aa
oral svstem. a system which Dreserves the Prt of the observance of Washington
autonomy or tne individual state, wnue tirmaav anniversary. An entertaining mu
providing a central power supreme within ilca, program contributed to the enjoyment
Its own sphere. This, like the other, was a I " "K , . . . . . ' ,.
wnlaua achievement. The process by which of the evening. Tha club la having Its
all former permanent political unlona had I rooms handsomely redecorated. Tha re-
.TtVneTr KaraAnJ ail .Ue'm'pTe fPt' redln T0 ' b8 tnrow
to reaerate had tailed eitner oecause tne I wgeiuci.
PI a a a;es Between Motor and Trailer
and Injures Dennis J.
central si
- 'absorbed the locsl or because the local unit
was too strong and defied the central. Our
.fathers first round the true center of po
'lltlcal gravity and the federal Idea is one
; of America's original contributions to the
(science of government.
Again, throuah the revolution It first be
came poaalhle to perfect the Idea of the
; written constitution. This Idea had long
521 ,T'n .lnA.w.ffl.r.w-. -".kLT?-,TS Dennis J. Kelleher. sg.d 68. of 1711 Spruce
iln.tirumMt nt nvrnmn ' mi tha mil nt 1 street was struck on the head and thrown
. ru.nia ana in tne coioniai cnarters ana i rrom a street ear on seventeen! n airaet oe
'comDaeta. But tha full fruition of the con-I . - . v..ti -.
.tit.rtlnn.l IH.a -a. UK h. eaunlntt,... I no CT1CUOIBU llWUll SI
and It waa then that the first complete I last nigm, receiving severe, out not aeri
constitutiuns were produced. Disregarding oua injuries,
ma'm V.amia arms ine laws. are u1u. .,, ., K R1 with a trailer.
silent" the struggling colonies framed their . . ' , '
Individual constitutions in the very midst waa crossing tha Missouri Pacific tracka
t vi me war ana wiinnitiss man iour years near the unseed oil works a ireignt car
ironi nn conclusion 01 ine treaty 01 peace ,.. v4 i. .n4in tha
tha hiiaii..hi onnv.ntinn ... th t had been left atanding near tha crota
Instrument which Oladstone nronounced the lng started toward the street cars and be
most wonderful ever struck oft at a given fnr tha mntnr train enuld ha run over tha
' tima by tha brain and purpoae of man. rM.ina tha ear .truck tha trailer and mo.
sovereignly os mi rnipw. tor ctr t tj, coupling.
L Along with the written constitution and I The projecting roof of tha trailer wjs
r springing irom ine s
rectly under It. Tha roof struck him cn
iresa of the revolution, occurs the first-in- the head and tha blow pitched him off tha
4 Stance, ai least it, moaern limes. 01 in- . rnduptnr R H Hsrrlnrtnn was In
vltlna- tVta nuinl. t.. in.a ritranllv linnn tha "ar. UOnQUClOr K. It. tiarringion WBS In
i -character of their fundamental laws. 1 charge of tha cara.
! Theretofore constitutions and. laws had I Harrlnaton aald tha enlv exnlanatlon ha
j Ibaan proclaimed by some author. ty abova I eollia I. that tha brakea of tha frelaht
t tha people. But the first and only con- coul" lv 'nat ln . , . ine ireignt
t stltutlon of Uaasacbuaetts, framed In 1780. car had not been aet tightly and that tha
was submitted to their electors In their Jarring of tha rails caused by tha motor
U Mno"omviiSSi ough to set tha car In motion,
today It ha become the rule In tha grade being toward tha croastcg frcm
town m
until today
America, with rare exceptions, to submit the point where tha freight car waa atand
Oil cumui uuuw a 11 vi aii nujriiuiuviiia iu uiv i tn
reed ua from tha dangers of International
Kelleher'a wounds were dreased at tha
H police station by Police Surgeon Francla
tauaht ua nolltloal anlf-rellanr. Dura'u,u " "r- naymuoa muuen aua oe
her Imnortant clvio achievements fol
lowed In the wake of the revolution
4..-. ....
and enabled ua to develop those Institutions was taken home In tha patrol wagon.
: wmcn nave neen at once our own pnaa
and tha wonder of obervlng foreigners from
lla Tocquevuie, early in tne century, to
l Bfenoer, Bryoa and Von Hoist in our own
' oay. -
Washlnsrton and tba Consultation.
M. B. O. True of Tecumeeh. in a paper on
"Washington's Part In Framing tha Conatl-
tutlon." paid eloquent tribute both to tb brMh goelety of tn, Son, of tn, Am
can Revolution held Saturday afternoon re-
Nebraska society Naaaea OBIeere ta
larva for tha Esialng
The annual election of officers of the Ne-
mm food
la of Llttl Baneflt Unleaa It! U5
' catted.
Nearly everyone will admit that aa a na
tlon wa aat too much aad too little) of
' vegetables and tha grains.
suited aa follows: U P. Fuokhouser of
Omaha, president; Charlea 8. Loblnglerof.
Omaha, aenlor vlca president; Richard I
Allen of Ames, Junior vice president; R.
Frank Alexander of Omaha, secretary; Paul
W. Kuhna of Omaha, treasurer; Thomaa O
Doyle of Omaha, registrar; Carroll . O.
Pearse of Omaha, historian. These officers,
with Rosooe Pound of Lincoln, M. B. O.
For business men, office man and olerks, TrU. TaCUmseh. Rollln 8. Rlsini of
and la fact everyone engaged In aedentary Alnsworth and C. Will Hamilton, J. W. Bat-
tin and Amos Field of Omaha,' will consti
tute the board of managers.
or Indoor occuatlona, grains, milk and
vegstablss are much mora healthful,
Only nea engaged la a isvara, out-doer
manual labor can live on a heavy meat diet
Aad continue la health.
Spiritualism, Declining;.
It has been tha general observation that
for some years past spiritualism has been
In a gradual decline. Tbla is tha law with
everything that ta not founded on trua
merit. Tha reason Hostetter'a Stomach
Blttera has been recognised aa tba leading
family medlclaa during tha past fifty yesrs
la because it is founded on true merit, and
bis always been found reliable la cases of
indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation and
biliousness. Try a bottle and satisfy yourself.
Aa a general rule, meat enca a day la
At a recent meeting of the stockholders
of the Shook Manufacturing company the
following directors were elected for the
anfflolaiit for all claaaes of man woman and I ensuing year: C. U Shook. E. R. Duffle
-rll " W. .. Taylor. E. M. Jdertln and W.
cnnaren. ana grains, mill ana vegetaoiea n,nr.
ahould constitute tbs bulk of food satea. I Otto V. Loosbsrg. who was srrested In
, But many of tbs most nutritious foods are I Chicago bn information forwarded by tue
' difficult of digestion, and I
advise brain workers to eat largely of Harney street saloonkeeper, and for whom
grains and vegetables where the digestion .Detective Heltsfeld went to Chicago, was
I. tft ...k t ...lmll.1. th.m nrnn.rU. OroUgflt CSCK St U:W last mgUl.
. , ... . .w L : i. I Vivian Thompson, aged a yesrs. was
It U alwaya bert to get the best reeulls sUghtly burned about the face and and her
Irom our facd that aoma almnla and harm I hair waa slnaed bv the exnloaion of a tain.
leaa ttlfaatlva ahnuld ba takan after meals "" atove in the apartments Of Virs. IJail
less fl gestlva Should be taken arter meats Uanicom 1702 i.venworth street. Satur
to assist tha relaxed digestive organs, and day sftarnoon. The explosion Ignited the
several vaara exDerlence have nroven I ouu
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta to ba a very
safe, pleasant and effective digestive ami
a remedy which may be taken dally with
tba best results
Stuhrfs Cyspepsla Tablets can hardly be
kulMlrtv i.r..lln. .1.1.,. 1. 1. ..Ml....,
inougn me names were soon extinguished
and little dumage was done.
Turner hall on South Thirteenth atraat
waa crowded last night, the occaaion being
a Martha Washington ball given by the
members of the Vrl Jed Sokol. The ball
was ueautiruiiy decorated with United
City Attorney Lambert Reports on Law
Buitg Won by City. "
Trial of John Henry Loeehner Kf
erted to Begin In District Court
oa Monday 'Maajla
City Gossip.
At tha request of Mayor Kelly, City At
torney Lambert bss prepared a statement
of certain aulta won In tha courta by the
city alnca November 1, 1900.
One of the first aulta of Importance tried
waa that of refer Lenagh, city garbage
maater, who presented a claim for $3,530.
This waa not allowed by the council and
Lenagh brought ault. Tha case waa con
tested and tha city won. Then there waa
the grading tax case of V. Ceoetka for 11,-
500, and again tha municipality won. For
personal Injuries alleged to have been sus
tained Thomaa Brondner brought auit for
$10,000. In thia he waa defeated. Her
man Zeller wanted tha city to pay him
$20,000 for breaking an arm and receiving
aevera bruises by reason of a defective
pavement. Tus case went agalnat Zeller,
because wit Defies swore on the stand that
Zeller waa Intoxicated at tha time. Anna
Zeller also aued for damages alleged to
have been caused by a change of grade of
Twenty-third street. She wanted $2,500,
but the court and Jury decided against
her. Fred Lehmer had a personal injury
claim filed and wanted $5,000, but the Jury
decided that the city waa not to blame.
A number of tax casea were tried and
won. The total amount of the suits men
tioned which were won by tha city amount
to $43,700.
In two casea the city won without going
to trial. One was brought by .W. C.
Hlckson for $5,000 and tba other by Jen
nie McGregor for $4,500. When these
esses were called no appearance was made
by the plaintiffs, and It la asserted that
this waa because of the evidence being
closely looked up at tha time.
In addition to this City Attorney Lam
bert haa brought ault to .ecover Judg
ments obtained and paid by tha' city in
four cases against the Omaha Oaa com
pany. These aulta aggregate $10,287 and
represent outlays made by tha city for
personal injuries alleged to have been
caused by neglect of the Omaha Oaa com
pany when laying trenches. At the time
tbe city granted a franchise to tha gas
company a bond waa given indemnifying the
city against loss in cases of this kind,
but under legal procedure It waa deemed
advisable for the city to confess Judgment
and then aue the gaa company on the
bond given at tba tlma of tbe acceptance
of the franchise. i
lerhser Trial Monday.
Secretary John J. Ryan of tha Board of
Education will appear In tha district court
on Monday morning with certain records
of tba board in tbe caae of John Henry
Loeehner. Mr. Loeehner waa indicted by
tha grand Jury for malfeasance in office,
and it la expected that the trial will com
mence Monday. On account of hia being a
candidate for mayor Mr. Loeehner is anx
ious to have the case tried, as he asserts
that ha expects a vindication. Mr. Ryan
will ba on hand with the records demanded.
On account of tha prominence of tha de
fendant the case la attactlng considerable
attention Just now, especially in political
circles. , '
City Protests.
On Monday tha city authorities will 'Ilia
In tba district court an appeal from ths
decision of the appraisers appelated by
Judge - Vlneonhaler In tha Omaha Bridge
and Terminal condemnation proceedings.
The terminal company applied to the court
for the appointment of appralaera witfc a
view to condemning certain portions of
A and B streets, including an alley. Tba
court made the appointment and tba ap
praisers awarded the city the aum of $3.
About one acre of ground la Involved. Tha
city proposes to fight the case and If pos
sible compel the terminal company to pur
chaae tha ground at what adjoining prop'
arty la quoted at.
Talklaa- Library Bite.
Dr. W. J. McCrann, aa president of tbe
South Side Improvement club, is using all
of hia Influence to have the proposed Car
negle library located south of N street. He
has been figuring with a number of owners
of property In tbe vicinity of Twenty-fourth
and O atreeta and Twenty-fourth and P
atreeta. These owners are, however, bold
lng back, with the expectation that tha O
street viaduct may ba built aoma day and
In that event the property would double la
value. As only $5,000 baa been appropriated
by the city for a alte, the property in ques
tion Is considered entirely too valuable at
this time to file bids.
Royal Arcanum Eatertalameat
Invitations have bean Issued by Knoxall
council No. 1464, Royal Arcanum, for a
musical and literary entertainment to be
given at the First Presbyterian church oa
Monday evening. The entertainment will, it
la expected, be one of the best of the kind
ever given In South Omaha. Extensive
preparations have been made by tha lodge
for tba carrying out of what promises to
be a decidedly interesting program.
Revival Meeting; Toalgbt.
At I o'clock this evening a mass meet
ing for men only will be held by Smith
and Colburn, tha evangelists, at the Firs
Methodist Episcopal church. Special music
by a male quartet and a chorus of thirty
voices haa been arranged for tbla occa
aion. Charlea Cullen Smith, tha evangelist
in charge, will deliver a confidential talk
oa "Tha Vices of Mea" and relate aoma
of hia experiences while at Cbickamauga
para auring tns upanisa-American war.
Every male person over 13 yeara of age ia
Invited to this meeting.
No special effort waa mads to observe
Washington's birthday by tba oltliena of
South Omaha. The banka and city offices
were closed all day and the business at tbe
stock yarda waa transacted before aoen.
There waa only one delivery of mail, but
business men made no pretence of closing
tbelr stores. Flaga floated from staffs oa
all of the school buildings, but otherwise
no attempt at decorating buildings was
Made City Cosslo.
Mrs. T. B. Scott is still on ths sick list
f"o)C A
Gut Prices on Vehicles, Bicycles, Graphophones and Automobiles
' Such values never before offered In Omaha. Part of our Immense stock of Buggies. Phaetons. Surreys. Runabouts, Carriages. Farm and Delivery VVgons and
Blcyclea were slightly damsged by smoke and water in the Central Hotel fire last November we have secured a tew nsrgain lots irom joooers ..uv.r. ... ... a-- mm
at less than wholesale prlcea, for we are determined to put only new goods in our new store, largest stoca oi urspnnpnnnre ami nr. -r... v. -
over this list and call at our store If you think of buying this sr. We csn and will save you money. Bicycle repa ri. tires, carriage tires, etc., and Orsphophone
records at any old price.
Ji C 3 1?
qteam and Gasoline or Electric
Power. 5C
CSX. $5 to $150
All Records are of the latest make
and up-to-date music. All types of
machine Bold on payments. Special
attention given to mail orders. Be
sure to write for catalogue. $5,000.00
new stock to select from.
$10 to $75
S3 to $60
$20 to $40
$110 Banner Surrey,
$llu Moon Bros. Surrey,
$150 Moon Bros. Surrey,
$226 Moon Bros. Park Surrey,
$300 Moon Bros Cabriolet,
$140 Troy Open Burrey,
$175 Troy Canopy Top Surrey,
$225 Troy Extension Top
Surrey, for
$300 Woodhull Traps,
$150 Woodhull Traps,
for ...I
$150 Racine Traps,
$25 Western Bicycle,
$31) Admiral Bicycle,
$30 Olive Bicycle,
$ World Bicycle,
$ World Bicycle,
$45 Iver Johnson llicycle
$50 Orient Bicycle,
$50 Stearns Light Road Wheel,
$60 Stearns Racer,
$2 Motor Bicycle,
50c Foot Pumps,
25c Too Clips,
Fish Bros. Wagon,
Hi Fish Bros. Wagon,
3v. Fish Bros. Wagon
34 Fish Bros Gear,
Urea 3 Inches wide
3Vi Flah Bros. Gear.
tires 3 inches wide '.
$50 Small Delivery Wagon,
$70 Fish Bros, Delivery Wagon,
$80- Fish Bros. Delivery Wagon,
with top
$75 Piper Spring Wagon,
$90 Moon Bros. Spring Wagon,
for I'
ll 20 Milk Wagon,
$60 Banner Top. Buggy
$70 Banner Top Buggy
$ Tlmpken Top Buggy,
$150 Tlmpken Top Buggy, fitted
with roller bearings
$125 Mountain Top Buggy,
$lli) Mountain Top Buggy,
$125 Troy Top Buggy
$150 Troy,
$225 Troy Victoria Stanhope,
$125 Moon Bros. Top Buggy,
$75 Racine Top Buggy,
$90 Racine Top Buggy,
. 110
$90 Clark Phaeton, $60
$125 Enger Phaeton, IE
for I w
$150 Moon Bros Phaeton Q
$125 Moon Bros. Phaeton, Qg
$150 Racine Phaeton, Q
$2(K) Troy Phaeton, 70
$60 Banner Runabout,
$85 Fanner Runabout,
$S0 Tlmpken Runabout,
$125 Moon Runabout,
$125 Troy Runabout,
$115' Troy Runabout, basket
aeat. for
$140 Watertown Runabout,
$116 Racine Runabout,
$125 Racine Runabout.
$90 Troy Concord.
$80 Moon Bros. Concord,
$100 Racine Concord,
$125 Tlmpken Stanhope,
$165 Tlmpken Stanhope, fitted
with roller bearings
.. . ... ..-. . i ( .1 . . . KU haw.
Tou cannot hope to duplicate these pricea on same quality of gooda elsewhere. Come and see me-l can easily convince you tn.v - - -a
Don't wait too long these prlcea will aell the goods.
Corner 15th and Dodge Streets, Omaha.
To the Public
Mr L L Mossier, former manager of the Rochester Shoe Co, has
severed connections with this store, The new manager has decided to
force the sale at all hazards, Prices no object Must positively raise
money to meet creditors, and nothing is so heartless as a creditor
Hence, we have arranged hourly sales for Monday. Don't miss this
opportunity i
failed a patent medicine, aa they do not States flags, the stage being covered with
act oa ths bowels nor any particular organ he flratVf tha kind T ev given by
tut only on the food eaten. Tl y supply
what weak stomachs lack, pepal i diastase,
and by stimulating the gastric lands In
crease tha natural secretion of h.-drochlorlc
People who make a dally pracl ce of tak
) lng one or two of Btuart'a Dysp .psla Tab
r lata after each meal are sura to have ptr digestion which mans perfect health.
Thsra is, no danger of forming an injur
ioua habit aa the 'ablets contain absolutely
nothing but natural digestives; rocaiao.
morphine and similar drugs have ai place 8taies 'and
pepsla Tableta are certainly tha best known
1 aad most popular of all stomach remedies.
Ask your druggist for a fu'ty cent park
'age of Btuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets. nd after
a week's usa cots ths Improvement In
health, appetite and nervous energy.
society. The grand msrch was led by U
Bartoa and Mlaa Marie gustertc. The- ar
rangement committee waa composed of
Anton Novak, Rudolph Havelka, Anton
Knoll. B. W. Bartoa and Joaeph Koiclk
Refreshments were served.
Mrs. Phil Aarons. the north side mil
liner, haa gone cast to purchase gooda.
Mr. fed Wilcox, assistant manager for
Prowultig, King A Co., Is home from New
P. Clem Dearer, receiver of tha I'nlted
lutes land office at O Nelll. la In rinm'i.
(or a couple of car. lie Is staying st ths
doners! Charles P. Manderaon suffered
severe brulnes as a result of a slip by his
horae on Friday. The general was caught
agitlnat the side of the stall and hia side
and arm brulaad auttuleiiliy I') keeu him
indoors for the day. Ho was uut last even
ing with tila arm band,
From 9 to 12 a. m.
078 pairs of boys', girls' and children's
high grade shoes, arranged In three lots,
former values, $2.00, ?1.50 and f 1.25, go at
$1.18, 89c and 59c
Monday Afternoon
From 2 to 5 p. m.
800 pairs of men's and women's shoes,
broken lines, all hand welts and turns, In
cluding patent, vlcl, enamels, box calf,
vicl kid and French kid, values from $3.50
to $7.00. Divided into three lots and go at
Shoe the little ones at your own price.
Vltse Atmes Johnston Is horns for a dav
or two irom acnooi.
A democratic meeting la billed for 2711
nail umi mi auernuon
II. B. Pleharty and wife are home again
irom aa en-nuci wciiarq trip,
There will be no preaching service at the
First fresoyterian cnurcn today,
A meeting of the Working-men's club will
be held this afternoon at :.) o clock.
Miss Alice Hsvens. who has been quits
slik. was reported in urn oetter yesterday.
The infant child of Dr. and Mrs. W. L.
Curtis has about recovered from a severs
r. A. Mxlcher Is much better and waa raalon of Mr. 8andwall s thlrty-slath birth-
hia ia be out for a short time vtn.nta v I day,
afternoon. I Mrs. W. U Dawson of Lincoln was tha
b. cv.atei . will deliver a rnnfirmiHo. sutst tost week of her slater, Mrs. ira
Indira at the EDtacoual church at 1 ovi.w w Iiawaon. 2510 street.
i hia afternoon. I '-Tha 3torv nf the Cross" will be repeated
Th lor a I horse market l Imnrovln. .n, I at Bt. Martin's Episcopal church at 4
laraa aliipmenta to the yards here ra I o
peited eaorily. I Mrs. L. F. Kuer, wife of Chl-f Etter of
Mrs. Esther Terrell. J71 Bouth Twenty- the tire dipartment was reponea consia
fourth ureal. Is seriously ill and frlenda I erably better yesterday.
ara Invited to call. I Thera will be a meeting of the German
V V. ftanriwall entertained suite a nartv I American club at Twentieth and Mikaourl
guests at n'.e home. IJi North f.ight- I tteiue mi a u tiui ma .- ""
$3i38j $2i39j $L89
Lay in your yearly supply, at prices never before dreamed of You'll
only the highest grades at Omaha's Finest Shoe Store,
Crodif ore' ond Elontirupi Solo,
Rochester Shoe Co.,
1515 Douglas St. 1515
were guests of Mrs. R. I.. Wheeler last
week. They have gone on to Chicago.
W. 8. Anderson of Albright has recov
ered from a severe attack of rheumatism
which kept him indoors (or over u month.
Chicken thieves have been active In the
sojthern part of th city during the lust
few days, heveral flocks have disappeared
llarry M. C'hrlatie. secretary of the Com
mercial club, la bark from an extended
southern trip. He reports a must delight
ful time.
Mrs. IJsrbrr. 617 North Twenty-uerond
eentb. atreet, Friday olgW U waa la'aoc! W. U. blew and U of Dram. Neb.. 1 uct, will entertain the Ladies Aid so-
clety of the Presbyterian church Wednes- j church st T o'clock this evening. Mist
day afternoon. i Grace Dumron will act aa accompanist.
The Missionary society of the Presby
terian church will meet with Mrs Mc
Hurney. 13 F street, Thursday afternoon.
The King's Daughters of the Presbyter
Ian church will meet at the home of Mrs.
A. E. Miller, Thirteenth and M streets,
Friday afternoon.
On Wednesday afternoon the Ladies' Aid
circle of the Methodist church will meet
at the home of Mrs. Anna beavers. 4Z&
North Twenty-second street
Miss Jessie Carpenter will sing st tas
wouaau meeting at the freab lerLtU
Crowd l.lsteaa to llryaa.
ANN ARBOR. Mich.. Feb. t2. William J
Uryan paid hia fourth visit to this fit ;
today. lie came under the auspices of llu
law students for the Washington birthday
address and tha greatest crowd that ever
jammed Into I'nlveralty hill was preaenl
Uuring his lecture Mr. Bryan touched
upon the money question ana strongly de
uounced the "pretenl lmpeflallsUo pollc
of tbe nation."