Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1902, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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Wini Fiercest Battle of His Life in Fifteen
Fltiilnmoai, Wha Is Referee, De
clare It Greatest Baltic Betweea
Little Mem He Etc Raw Me
Govern and Corbett Kelt.
LOUISVILLE. Feb. 22. Terry McOorern
defeated Pare Sullivan tonight in the arena
fi the Southern Athletic club after fifteen
rounds of it deiperata fighting as waa ever
ieen In any ring. From the first tap of ths
'gong; to the end It waa slam bang, ham
mer and tongs, nearly every second, both
men working away with all the energy they
poeseased. There ha seldom been seen
battle where the Issue waa more In doubt.
'In one round it would be Sullivan and in
Ah next tt would be McOovern. Then Sul
livan would come strong again and even
thing up once more.
McOovern, knowing that the fight meant
tils position In the front rank as a fighter,
.waa after hi man every second. In the
majority of the rounds he was on the ag
gressive and Sullivan waa forced to do far
more defensive work 'than hi opponent.
Me put up a wonderful tight, however, was
tam to the core and lost the fight more
through a blunder of his own than because
he was knocked out.
Groggy at the Last.
When the finish came, however, he was
groggy and going fast. The chance are
that h would not have lasted many more
rounds even had he risen to hi feet be
fore FItzslmmon called ten.
In the fifth round Sullivan was at his
best. He forced the fighting, especially
In the last half, and had McOovern plainly
going. The latter walked in a very un
steady fashion aa he went to hi corner
and nothing but bis splendid recuperative
power enabled him to come out In shape for
the sixth round. He came out atrong,
however, and although there were times
when Sullivan seemed about to' turn the
tide hi way again, from that time on. Mc
Oovern kept steadily, but slowly, gaining.
He fought hard, and Sullivan was grad
ually, but surely, going backward. Sulli
van was badly punished, his left ear be
ing split open, hia llpa cracked, his ncae
bruised and hi left eye damaged.
MeGovera Sever Lets I'p.
During the twelfth, thirteenth and four
teenth rounds Sullivan was slowi.T going.
McOovern was at him like a wildcat every
Instant, He gave him no rest, and Sullivan
was. when possible, hanging on for life.
'The end came when the fifteenth round
was nearly over. McOovern had forced
Sullivan Into a neutral corner. He landed
ft storm of right and left swings, and
catching Sullivan with the left square on
the law, sent him down on hi back. Sul
livan wa up like a flash, but did not rise
from bis knees. He was confused, groggy
and nearly out. Fltrsimmona counted nine
and as ha uttered the last word Sullivan
started to rise, but did not get higher than
low crouch. The instant hi knee wis
off the floor McOovern came after him and
Sullivan, hardly knowing what he was about,
went down again.
The referee promptly declared him out
ad McOovern the vlc'tor.
Sullivan attempted to quastion the de
cision, but Fitsslmmons would not listen
to him.
. Fits Makes m Statement.
After the fight was over Fitsslmmons
said; ,. .-
Discussing the light Fitsslmmons said:
Sullivan wa down more than ten second
before he tried to rise. He wa on his
Knees fully five seconds, before I began
to count and had he atood up when I said
Kidney Cure FREE.
, A Trial Bottla of tha World's
Greatest Kidney Cure
Snomlns; urine In a glass or bottle, let It
tand for 14 hours; If there is a reddish
edlment in the bottom of the glass, or if
the urine Is cloudy or milky, or If you e
partiolea or germs floating about In It.
our kidneys are diseased and you should
lose no time, but get a bottle of Warner
feats Cure, a It Ta dangerous to negleot
your kldneye, for even one day.
WARNER'S SAFE CURB la the only
positive euro for all forma of kidney, llvtr,
Madder and blond disease; uric add yot
awi. rheumatism, diabetes, pain In the
back, soeldlng and painful paaeage of
Urine, frequent desire to urinate, painful
periods, bearing down and so-called female
yea knees.
Me, ST St. Mark's Place, Brooklyn, N. T.
I an 0ver Tt years old and have long
suffered from kidney and liver trouble.
Not long ee I called a physician who did
no good, and a friend recommended
Werner' Safe Cure. I began taking it
wlUuut bona that it would be of any r.
1; . una. louise oratj. : t
Tl year old.
wJee, bat at oao I began to notice a change
Ir the better. In addition to kidney and
liver trouble. I have suffered from rhau.
aaaiievn. Tbe latter haa entirely dtsap
peered and I feel Ilk a young girl. I am
willing at all Umea to recommend thla
frraateat of all remedies. Thankfully youra.
. . . ..... . J s . n ...
WARNER'S SAFE CURE la purely veg
etable and contains no harmful drugs; It
sVuea not constipate; It la now put up in
two regular eiaee ana is eoia oy ail arug
gitus, or direct., at 0 CENTS AND 11.00
4L svriiiv. i ssa uuui one oetu a aoee,
tutus substitute. There Is none "Just
a good aa" Warner's Safe Cure. It ha
cured all forms of kidney dieeaae during
the last thirty yeare. It la prescribed by
all doctors and used in the leading hos
aitala aa the only absolute cure for all
forms of disease of the kidney, liver, blad-
ae ana diooo.
To convince every sufferer from disease
Of the kidney, liver, bladder and blood
that Warner Sate Cur will cur them a
trial bottle will be cent absolutely free t
any one who will write Warner Safe Cure
Co., hocheeter, N. Y., and mention having
M thla liberal offer In The Bee. Tbe
autnanaam of this offer is fully guaran
mi by tbe publisher. Our doctor will send
tnedtoaJ booklet, contain- symptoms and
treatswsat or eacn auvsee. and many con
vinclng testimonials, free, to any one who
will write.
WAHNH.R S SAFE PILL8. taken with
Wwurt feafe Cur move tbe bowels aad
JU a see cut,
if f - -v 1, war ,
nine and been asved bv the rnne I wnnM
still have declared him out. lie was down
and out for keeps.
"It was the greatest battle of little men
I ever saw. McOovern Is certainly a won
derful fighter, but he haa s great deal yet
to learn. He took aa Immense amount of
needless punishment tonight, and had be
been more careful he might have worn ear
lier than he did."
McOovern said:
"From start to finish It was tb hardest
fight I ever had, and Sullivan Is the tough
est man I have ever been up against."
Preceding the fight challenge to the win
ner were received from Eddie Oardner,
Austin Rice, Harris Young and Abe At-
tell. Sam Harris, McOovern' manager,
said McOovern' next fight would be with
Young Corbett, if tbe latter held to.hls
Fight by Roane's.
Round 1 McOovern lead with rls-ht hand
on the head. Clinch followed. McOovern
rushes Sullivan to the ropes. Referee had
trouble separating men. Sullivan holding.
Sullivan Innded Tit-ht left on head. Mn
clinched and wrestled. Sullivan put right
to race. Mcuovern rushed, landing lert
to face, repeating second later. Men
clinched. Sullivan hnlriine-. Rulllvan nut
hard left to mouth. Men clinched again,
Sullivan holding. McCHovern landed left
and right In succession on face, stngeer-Ine-
Sullivan. McOovern landed hard risrht
on law aa gong eounded. This wa clearly
jucuovern a round.
Round 2 McOovern landed left on h1
Men clinched. Fiahtina- savaaelv with
short-arm body blows. McOovern put left
io muuin. nuiiivan lea wun leri, dui ieu
short, getting left In stomach, and clinched.
McOovern put left to jaw and right to
body and left to nose, staggering Sullivan
to the ropes. McOovern put left to mouth
and right to ribs. Sullivan landed left to
ear and got hard body blow with right.
McOovern ducked left awing and landed
succession of lefts and rights on face.
Sullivan backed away, followed bv Mc
Oovern, who put right to body and left
to jaw. hii in van landed right on neck.
End of round, Sullivan tiring.
Salllvaa Galna at Eaa of Roan 4.
Round McOovern DUt left twice to
face, Sullivan swinging right and left to
body. McOovern rushed Sullivan to the
ropes and Sullivan clinched. McOovern
got hard left on his jaw and put right
and left on Bullivan's In return. Sullivan
put two lefts on the body and a hard right
on the ear. They clinched. McOovern put
Sullivan to the ropes. McOovern put two
lefts to the body, Sullivan landing two
lights on the face. McOovern landed hard
right on neck and Sullivan clinched. Sul
livan uppercut McOovern with right and
swung left to neck. The men clinched
and in breaking away Sullivan got two
hard rights to McQovern's neck. Sullivan
was fighting stronger at the end of the
Round 4 McOovern nut llirht Wt tn
body. Sullivan put left to Jaw and right to
cnnei. men cuncnea, Mcuovern puncning
while they held, amid cries of foul. Mc
Oovern put left to chest. McOovern swung
right and left wildly. Bulllvan lnnrlln nn
ear. McOovern put right and left on Jaw
wnnoui attempting to return. Bulllvan
rushed, landing on jaw and landed hard
right on chest. McOovern staggered by
a left on the neck. Sullivan put left on
mouth, right on ear and left on mouth
without a return. McGovern aeemed tired
at the close.
Roand Is Solllvan's.
Round B Sullivan nnr loft tn law an1 ern
right on neck In return. McOovern bored
in, putting left And right to neck. Sulli
van DUt left to fane. Man ffllnchevl M.
Govern appealing; to referee to make Sul
livan oreaa. ctumvan put lert to face and
right to ear. Sullivan landed allff loft n
Jaw, pushing McOovern back. McOovern
swung wildly, missing Sullivan by six
Inches. Sullivan put left to the face and
right to bodv. Sullivan tlairmipa.1 Ur.-
Oovern with right on Jaw. Sullivan pushed
McOovern to the ropes, landing rights and
lefts. McOovern was groggy. McOovern
isggerea nuiiivan witn lett and right to
the Jaw. A hot mlxup followed, both
lighting wildly and both being tired. This
waa Sullivan' round.
Round S Sullivan came out of hi corner
determined to finish McOovern If possi
ble. Ho rushed McOovern to the ropes,
both landing light blows on body. Sulli
van put two lefts to the face and got
' rajm on mo jaw, staggering mm.
McOovern landed a left swine- on the u,
repeating immediately. McOovern landed
left on Jaw. Sullivan upper-cutting with
right as McOovern came. McOovern put
m ici, muu riant to jaw ana got straight
left on mouth In return. McOovern landed
left on body and right on Jaw and a clinch
followed. McOovern shocked Sullivan's
head With rln-ht anil loft wln.. vc
Govern landed hard left on Bull'lvan'a
mouth, starting a few drops of blood.
Both Men Tired.
Round 7 McOovern rushed anil n.i!1t,..r.
clinched. Both men were tired. Bulllvan
put a right awing to the Jaw and right to
the- body, stonnlnor UKOnvan,
landed left and right on Jaw. (ending Sul
livan to the ropes, and landed right on Jaw
as Sullivan came out. Sullivan clinched.
Mcuovern landed left on neck, but his
right for body was blocked. McOovern
put left to face and right to Jaw and
brought a savage uppercut flush on Sulli
van's chin, shaklnsr Sullivan hadlv. Sulli
van was bleeding freely from mouth. Sul
livan uppercut on chin with right, but was
sent back by a series of short-arm hooks.
Mcuovern swung viciouBly with left, but
waa blocked, and Sullivan clinched as the
bell rang.
Round 8 McOovern led with left for face,
but wa blocked. He staggered Sullivan
with a left and then staggered him in the
opposite corner with a right, both blows
being to Jaw. McOovern led for the body,
but was blocked and Sullivan clinched.
McOovern uppercut with left and put right
to jaw. Sullivan put right to body, but got
left on the face in return. The men
clinched and were pulled apart by the
referee. Sullivan on the break-away landed
right on the Jaw and cot a left under tha
right eye, nearly closing it. McOovern put
left swing to the eye and right to the body.
v uc-rce iniAup louowea, Mcuovern en
deavoring to uppercut in the clinch. Ths
men were wrestling at the finish of the
Both Mea Clinch.
Round B McOovern rushed, lanrtlne- la ft
and right on face. In the break-away he
put a heavy riirht on tha horiv. In tha
clinch that followed McGovern received a
nara snort-arm Jolt on the chin from Sul
llvan'a right. Mr-Govern lanriad a hart
straight right, ataaserlne Hulll van. ' anri
T 1 II. I.. . f .
lunuirra ii wun a ieu on tne Daa eye. Mc-
iu,eiu ruiuru again, putting a neavy
IWlna On Rtllltvnn'a mmith A n11..U tfAf.
lowed. Sullivan upper-cutting with right
on the chin in the break-away. McOovern
ijui ieu to jaw ana Bulllvan clinched,
upper-cuttlnr with hia rleht and nnttln a
heavy left lolt nn tha iuar aa lh,i
The men clinched and as the referee broke
mem nuiiivan got a nam straight left on
the nose. ' This ended tha rnnnrt
Round 10 McGovern put left to the Jaw
and got a similar one In return. McOovern
landed left on mouth and swung right
pretty low. Sullivan appealing to the
reieree. Bulllvan landed atralght left on
the nose, sending right 'to the bodv aa h
clinched. McOovern swung twice with left
tor me jaw, out was Diocaea botn times.
McOovern put right uppercut on chin and
left swing on the ear; men clinched and
wrestled all around ring, flulllvan put left
to the mouth without a return. McGovern
rushed, putting right on neck, send In a
Sullivan's head back Immediately after
with a left on the chin. The men cllnchait
Bulllvan landed an uppercut on the chin in
me Dreag-away. euinvan s lert ear was
badly split and waaebleedlng profusely as
ne went to nis corner.
Salllvaa Begins ta Weakea.
Round 11 McOovern rushed, putting left
to the ribs. Bulllvan put right to the
body and McOovern put left on Sullivan's
Daa eye. Clinched, Bulllvan as usual get'
ting In uppercut on Jaw. McOovern stag'
gered Sullivan with a right on the neck
aud floored him wun a left on the Jaw
The referee stopped the fight and wiped
rosin irom tne giovea or numvan. Mc
Oovern got right on Sullivan's damaged
ear. his left on the jaw and sent him
reeling witn a ngnt swing to the Jaw,
Bulllvan landed a atralght left on the law
but got a left awing on the neck in return
Mcuovern put a vicious right to Hulll
van's law. staggering him. McOovern
awung leavlly with his right on Bullivan's
Jaw. Sullivan was very tired at the finish
of the round.
Round U McGovern swung wildly with
right and men clinched. McGovern poundd
Sullivan's bad ear with his right. Men
cuncnea and Mcuovern nit tne ear again,
8ullivan backed around tha ring. McOov
ern following closely, attempting to land
on Sullivan a ear. but Bulllvan blocked
every blow. McGovern landed hard left on
Sullivan's Jaw and wrestled him to the
rots. McGovern out straight left on Bui
llvan's mouth and got a atralght left from
Sullivan. Bulllvan put a left hook to jaw.
A series of nilx-ups followed, the' men
being broken repeatedly by the- referee.
Bulllvan uppercut with right and got a bad
lert on tne jaw at tne nnisn oi tne round.
Both Fight Slowlr.
Round la McOovern rushed, putting left
to body. McGovern put left to the nose
and landed a series of rights and lefts on
the Jaw. finishing with two swings to the
bodv. McGovern put right to body and
Sullivan put atralght left to face. Sulli
van uppercut McGovern with right and
the men cllm'tu-d. McGovern put right to
nose and bod, Bulllvan put left to ribs,
both men missed right and left swings
and McOovern put right to Jaw. Sullivan
Is nsntlnc on the detennlve. Bulllvan put
right hook to Jew and received rlsht swing
on the mouth. McGovern put hard right on
the ear and the men clinched and were
wrestling at the close. Both were tired
nd fought slowly throughout the rouna.
Round 14 Sullivan cot left lab 10 McOov-
em's chin, following with a straight left
to the mouth twice In succession. Mc
Oovern put left hook to the fsce and clinch
followed. Sullivan nut left to the body and
McOovern slipped and fell to his knee as
he tried to com In on Sullivan. He was up
In en Instant. Bulllvan put light left on
mouth and McOovern drove his right Into
the ribs. Sullivan nut left straight on the
nose and followed It with right and left
swing and McGovern tried to counter. Mc
Oovern put hard right on Sullivan's ear,
bringing new blood in a stream. MoOovern
put heavy right and left to the Jaw, fol
lowing It with a storm of blows to the ear
and neck and the Jaw that made Sullivan
hang on for dear life. During the round
Sharkey coached Sullivan audibly and Ref
eree Fitsslmmons shouted at him: "Keep
till there, Thomas."
MeOovcra Wins.
Round IS McOovern missed a left swing
for the body and received a left on the
neck. McGovern rushed, but was blocked
and Sullivan clinched. McGovern rushed
again, putting his right to the jaw and
backing Sullivan into the ropes. Sullivan
put two lefts to the face, hut they were
weak and lacked steam. McOovern put
left and right to the face, staggering Sul
livan badly. McOovern planted two lefts
and a right on the jaw, sending Sullivan
half across the ring. Sullivan was very
tired, but holding on. McGovern knocked
Sullivan down for the count. McOovern
Sullivan was not knocked out completely
and could have risen bad he tried. Fits
slmmons counted ten and Sullivan rose
partly to his feet. As be did o McOovern
started at him and he sank without
straightening up. Ths referee then called
time and declared McOovern the winner.
Bulllvan attempted to arise, bnt FItzslm
mon took him by the shoulders and pushed
him toward hi corner, laying it waa all
over and that Sullivan bad lost.
Defeat Lather Koantse la Playing
OST Finals la Fehraary
The Omaha Racauet rluh has been con
ducting a series of monthly tournaments
of squash ball in Its court rooms, corner
uouge ana fourteen in streets, tne last or
which was concluded last evening In play-
ng off the finals of the February contests.
Consolation finals were first disposed of,
Samuel Burns, jr., and Conrad H. Young
being the contestants. Burns won ths
first, third and fourth games, thus render
ing It unnecessary to play the fifth game.
The score was 15-9, 11-16, 15-10 and 15-9, the
second game going; to Young. Charles
Kountse was referee.
Much Interest wss taken in tha nlavlnc
off of the finals In the tournament, a sliver
mounted stein being the prise. The con
testants were Luther Kountse and Frank
Haskell, the latter having been the winner
of the January tournament. Many bril
liant plays were made, to which generous
applause was given. Haskell again won
by the following score: 16-7, 7-15, 15-8, 16-1
Philip Dodge was referee.
A tournament for March I now being ar
ranged, although the entries have not been
completed. The following are the entries
thus far: N. P. Dodge, Jr., F. J. Haskell,
Samuel Burns, Jr., J. 8. Brown, B. W. Cot
ton, C. H. Young, H. T. Clarke and J. F.
A large proportion of the spectators of
the contests last evening were women. The
monthly tournaments will continue through
Marcn, April ana prooaniy May.
Nebraska aad Kansas Universities at
Loaaerheads Over tha Nest
Foot Ball Contest.
LAWRENCE. Kan.. Feb. 22. (Special
Telegram.) It Is very doubtful whether
Kansas ana Nebraska will meet on tne
gridiron next fall. Aocording to contract
between the Atnietic association or tne
two universities. It Is Nebraska'a time to
com to the Kansas field next ssaaon. For
years games have been alternated between
the two cities of Lawrence and Lincoln and
Manager Foster has made out his schedule
with the corn huskers on McCook field. He
reported, however, to the board today that
tne Nebraska manager seems to oe unwill
ing to bring his team to Kansas. The
board promptly voted to declare all future
athletic relations between the two schools
ended If the Nebraska manager continues
to refuse to allow the game to be played
on the Jaynawker neld. The Kansas-
Nebraska contest are alwava the big
eventa tor both Institution and such a rup
ture would end a long series of college
athletic contest between the slBter states
of Kansas and Nebraska.
Lord Bereafard Writes tha Jockey to
Apply (or a Rcaewal ot
HI License.
LONDON. Feb. 22.-Lord Marcus Beres-
ford has written to Tod Sloan, the Amer
ican Jockey, who 1 In Paris, urging him
to apply for a renewal of his English li
cense to ride. His lordship said to a rer
resentatlve of the Associated Press: "I
.ike Sloan and will do anything I can to
help him. Many sportsmen believe he has
been sufficiently punished. A there are
none too many good Jockey available, I
houe the stewards will reinstate him."
In view of Lord Beresford's connection
with the king' stables and the understand
ing that William C. Whitney la anxious for
Sloan's reinstatement. It Is generally ex
pected that the Jockey's application will be
Whltfleld Convinces Other
ates of llllaois City's
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 22. (Special Tele
rram.) President Whitfield ot the Western
eague returned home this morning and
held a conference with Van Brunt and
Manning of the circuit committee this
afternoon. Hia report or the condition of
affairs at Peoria wra regarded favorably
and tne schedule committee win send a
representative to Puorla during the coming
week to assist tne reona looai committee
In raising the necessary amount of capital
stock to Insure the completion of the
schedule season. It all rests with Peoria
now, aa President Whltneld convinced the
committee present at today' meeting that
it would support a western league club.
D. M. Morrill at Soath Omaha Scares
Klaety Per Ccat la tha
HASTINGS. Neb.. Feb. 22 (Special Tele-
gram.) The amateur state shooting tourna
ment cioseo nere mis aiternoon witn a
large squad of marksmen still at tha trip
when the last event came up. The five
heat averages for the two days were as
ws: J. M. Hughes of Wisconsin won
lor ot South Dskota, Wllllim Vesch of
raus tuy. ssva., wt,. tt. uirrenderrer,
Wood River, Neb., 62 S4: D. M. Morrill,
Boutn Omaha, wi per cent! The purses
were large and the weather fine. A large
squad of shooters will depart tomorrow for
Carroll, la., to attend a three days ama
teur shoot at that city.
Oaaaha Elks Defeat Caaarll BlaBTs
The Omaha Elks defeated the Council
Bluffs Elks last night on Clark alley
1st. 2d.
H. D. Reed
Al Krug ....
224 ,M
. 4T2
Total .'...177 t&S 83
3d. Total
Kinney ..
Searle ....
Deetkln ..
Mayne .,.
.70S 722 726 2.162
Admit Omaha Caaatry Clah.
CHICAOO. Feb. 22. The Western Oolf
association at a meeting here has admitted
the following clubs to membership: Spring
field (III.) Golf club. Euclid club of Cleve
land, Omaha Country club and the Kent
Country clue or tH-and Kaplda, Mien.
F. 8. Young of the Country club of Kan
sas City was added to the committee o
Ave appointed Wat season to handicap all
the members of the clubs belong tug to tbe
Magnates Disapprove Hit Resignation in
Strongly-Worded Resolutions.
Reaffirm Their Allegiance to Spald
ing as Their Chosen aad Ac
cepted Leader to Elevate
Base Ball.
PITTSBURG, Feb. 22. Adherents of A.
, Spalding, In a conference here today.
disapproved of acceptance of Mr. Spsldlng's
resignation as president of the National
league, which the latter submitted by mall
from California.
At tb meeting were Messrs. Reach and
Rogers of Philadelphia, Ebberts and Han-
Ion ot Brooklyn, Hart of Chicago and Drey
fus and Pulliam of this city.
At the conclusion ot the meeting tonight
the following statement was given out:
A conference was held between the offi
cials of the Pittsburg Athletic company,
Chicago League Ball club, Brooklyn Ball
club, and Philadelphia Ball club (limited),
members of the National league and Amer
ican Association of Professional Base Ball
Affirm Allegiance to Spalding;.
A letter dated Po'nt Loma. Cat., from
Mr. A. O. Spalding, was received tender
ing his resignation of the presidency of
the said league, If In the Judgment of the
four clubs It should be deemed wise to
accept It.
After a full Interchange ot views. It was
unanimously resolved:
That we dlsamtrove of such resignation
and respectfully return It to Mr. Spalding;
that his nomination and election to the
presidency wss In support of a principle,
which principle Is the eradication from
league councils or tne uniair. unjust ana
unsportsmanlike methods which nave so
marred Its action In the past. In other
words, the elimination of what is known
as "Bnishlsm and "Freedmanlsm with
out any antagonism to the personalities to
Messrs. Brush and Freedman. who were
and are the authors and exponents of said
Isms." .
Resolved. That we know of no reason
why we should abandon that policy and we
believe that Mr. A. O. Spalding Is the
Ideal and practical leader to enforce It.
Kesoiveo, mat inasmucn as tne qaestion
as to the validity of his election to the
office of said presidency is now pending in
the supreme court of the city of New
York, and ss arguments bv counsel nro
and con on that subject will be made during
the first week of next month, that It would
be unwise and Impolitic for us to make
any further declaration at present other
than that we abide by the decision of that
Cnrllng la Shirt Sleeves.
The Omaha Curling club had its
game of the season Saturday morning at
o clock, when the members met at Cut-
Off lake to have a final throw of the stones.
By mutual understanding the two old vet
erans, James Bowie and P. L. Forgan,
were asked to skid and they picked their
men with care, and though Forgan played
an extraordinarily good game ne naa to
lower his colors to Bowie's rink, who won
by 13 to 11. However, the game was not a
good test, as the Ice was too soft and
tnere waa tne snectacle or curlers uiavina
In shirt sleeves. The players were: Ad
ams, Lindsay and Forgan (skip) against
Meldrum, Melvln and Bowie (skip).
Oxford Beats Cambridge.
LONDON. Feb. 22. The annual game of
foot ball, played umler association rules.
between Oxford and Cambridge, took place
looay at tne yun ciuo nere ana was
won by Oxford 2 to 0.
Prcseatatloa Is Held Back to Await
Mall Instruction from Colom
bian Government.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. The presenta
tion of the protocol drawn under the direc
tion ot Dr. Martinet Sllva, the Colombian
minister here, and providing for the trans
fer to the United State ot the necessary
right In consequence of ths building of
tb Panama canal in case that might be se
lected, ha been deterred for several day.
Cabla advices just received from Bogota
ask that the presentation of the document
be postponed until tbe arrival at Washing
ton of Instructions from the seat ot the
Colombian government. Tbes are expected
to arrive on tbe next mail steamer from
Colombia, which will probably reach New
York on next Monday or Tuesday.
War Survivors Remembered
by the
General Govcrament.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. (Special.) Th
following western pension have been
Isaue of February 6:
etc. John Rasch. Decatur, S1U. Original
widows, etc. specltM accrued veDruary 7,
minor or ueorge walker, Beatrice, iiu:
wm j . j , nine, v r c , 90, Butiivna .... a
man. Rockfora. 28.
lowa: original mepnen it. nturaivan
(dead). Laurens. 112. Increase, restoration.
reissue, etc. Christopher Brown, Waverly,
210; James Foshier, Pleasantvtlle, 210; Wil
liam J. rreston. Btorm iaae, sx; unanes u.
i'enneio. urinneii, rreaencs Mott,
Wlnterset, 210; Mexican war, Oeorge R. A.
Barnard. Sidney. 212. Original widows.
etc. Special accrued February T, Virginia
wens, iiinsDoro, ss; juary uononue, Ave
high. 8.
Colorado: Original 8neclal February 8
Jsmes N. Cochran (dead), Silver Cliff. 212.
Increase, restoration, reissue, etc. Andrew
J. Lochbaum, Denver, 110; John a. Hath
away (dead). Denver, xs. Original widows,
etc. Marv E. Murnhv. Florence. t: ste-
clai February s, tiien i. coenran, silver
Montana: Increase, restoration, reissue,
etc. vviuiam. ai. ureen, jucjeou, so.
Nominations by the President.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. Ths president
today sent th following nomination to th
George L. Sieberecht, United State mar
shal tor tb western district of Texas.
Receiver ot public money: Jsmes W.
Ross, at Glenwood Springs, Colo.; Harry J.
Murray, at Watertown, S. D.
Jastle Gray a Little Improved.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. The condition
of Justice Gray of the United State su
prem court, who I (uttering from paraly
Is, I stated by Dr. Johnston tonight to
be a little Improved. At present no seri
ous result 1 expected.
General Uaeather Retired.
WASHINGTON, Fob. 23. Brigadier Gen
eral Ouentber, recently promoted from
colonel ot artillery, wa placed on th re
tired list oT ths army today by operation
of law on account of age.
Rnmar at Hitchcock' Retiring.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. A rumor ws In
circulation today that Secretary Long' r
tlrement will be followed by that of Secre
tary Hitchcock. No confirmation of tb
rumor could be obtained.
Oeverner of Kanaae Aanonnees Ills
Candidacy far tha I'pper Hoasa
at Washlaatoa.
TOPEKA. Kan., Feb. 22. Governor W,
B. Stanley todav made a formal announce
ment of hi candidacy for United State
senator. He Is the first candidate to make
an avowal of his Intentlcn. In bis as
aouncemant Governor Stanley aays: "From
correspondence and Interview I am satis
fied th people are not unfriendly to my
candidacy, aud while It 1 said that th
people have little to do with making United
State senators, I shall leave my candidacy
in their bands."
Winter caughs r spl ta result In coa-
umptloo if neglected. They can be soo
broken up by using Foley's Honty sad Tar.
This is to be a genuine Clearing Out Sale. Everything
fn the Fumiivrt line must be told before moving- into our new store. Here
is si chance to get some Big Bargains. The following are only a sample of
(he many we have to offer.
llpAmntri Quit a Solid oak nicely carvod. beveled mirror. A
DCUlUUIU OUllC varv attractive) suite, at sneclal OC
flHfl r.fVcerc Go,iea oalt flight French plate plass, base 40 in,
UUU UrcSbCrS 0Dgt castored, and well made-reg-
ular price 9.00 special sale
fniirflrC Golden oalt tr"me BPrin8" dge side and spring end. Top
VUULIICb 8 rows tuft. Steel construction, Patent buttons, made on
canvas, covered in Best Belgian Velours Regular price 915 f f D
and 118 Must go at this special sale, only llsUl
PvTOneSnrt Tohlne Made ,n oak ,n 8"olden oal1 fiuUh: 8 fu long,
CAlClIMUM IdUltb 42-lncn top. legs fluted. A vory C
strong table Regular price 17.25 at this sale a-Fa-WsuF
Ci'rfortn'irHc Madoof "elect oak, Polished golden finish, shaped
OlUCUUdlUS French bevel mirror, one drawer lined, nicely carved,
Cast Iron Handles Regular price 119.00 will go at f " t
this sale 3.JKJ
HrM WoclnrfonHe Solid oak or ash; well made, with splasher
UUU WdMlMdllUb back; nicely finished, castored 9 "7 EZ
Regular price $5.00 Special sale - "
Remember Every Article in This Department is a Bargain.
la Oar Dargrnla Annex.
Odd Curtain each 25c
Sample and Odd Curtains Some pairs in lot, each 49c
ORANGES! ORANGES! One cent each.
Big supply of nice, sweet, juicy naval oranges
In Oar Bara-aln Annca.
lc each, lc each, lceach. lc each.
Our Big Clock Sale still continued in our Annex
Bargain Room.
Phenomenal values offered.
To close out a few nicely finished Center
Tables at actual cost from 39c up.
On Second Floor.
I5fh and Capitol Avenue.
M I la. .aur si
GUARANTEED CURB for all bowel troubles, eppendlcitis, biliousness, bad breath, bad
Bieea, wina ea tne steaiacn, Dioatea do we i., ioui mourn, oe.aaca., iqqiiuuu, .u.f v
pains after eating, liver trouble, sallow skin and disriness. When your bowels oon t move
regularly you are sick. Constipation kills more people than all other diseases together. It
starts ehronle silm.ots and long years of suffering. No matter what ails you, start taking
CABCARBTS today, for you wflf never get well and stsy well until you gst your bowels
right. Take our advice, start with today under absolute guarantee to cure or
money refund. d. The genuine tablet stamped C C C. Nev.r sold la bulk. Bsmple aad
booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Company, CMearoer New York. 9
Mors Boofra Frco to illon
H. J, TILLOTSON, M. D., the Master Specialist of Chicago,
who treat, man only, ta raaotmuMd aot only In MteaHS. oi relet, tret br ta. laity
ae w.11, a tb. t.ramaet Investigator of hi am. tn tae S.I4 ot FeVeJff an. Marroa.
Ulieaiei, .as .el pe.bHea.e4 a new aeria. ot eoleaUfle eoobe, fully IIKistraVea,
hl.k Seal vlth th. .paelal class of Disease, to erkloh hie nrmotlee I. limited.
Th.M er.rke are tor Men-.rofeeslcmel Eeaaere and StedenU, trtterete4 In DleeaM.
I M.n, ana are the result of teventyae yeare exp.rtenoe In th. treatment ot
Van'. Maledleat they nr. therefore eminently araotioabl an4 eomarabanslTe.
Th. continued srowtk of my etiveee nraeMoe as a Specialist la Die. mm ot M.a
bee hooeme national In scope, ana Is the loftoal otitoome of the epplloatlo of the latest est so tin.
methods an pe-eon.l attention In the enre of FelTlo and progreesle. Heoel Pleeaiei Th. Anther
wishes to enllrhten the yens man and th. adult In rtdrard to th. meet eommoa ailments that affllet
mankind, and explain his discoveries and method, which he originated and esolaale.iy eentrola, with
naraetilarattenteoa te their abaolat aad peeJUve enrss. Ths Important), of tbse. books Is shews by
their TlUee.
Kindly .tats whs Ko.l. Strlotsre. Ko. . Vs.ricee.le.
beohe ran sL Ke. t. Hsrr. SeineJ Debility. N. T. Srunllls.
Correpond.nt .henl Ke. S.
stess nemo nl sddrees He. e.
eersrsllv. Mo. I.
. s. rroetat. aland and
Venereal Mi
Cwrt-ewjsasisteesete CeMelereMstl.
Tn. poster enil
eorreenend wish any person whs
eendia.n, end will be pleases) te cise hi. expert opinion trse, In plain enrelepe, to those who will send
him deeerlptlon of their .ymptoave. Book sent "KKE If yon describe year ease tally, a del roe.
TtLLOTSON, M. D, lxa TUlotsos
and bt
FAMILY doctor who has attended
father and mother in sickness,
watched over the children as babies
and given them advice as they grew np to
maidenhood and manhood has a very close
relation to the family. When he comes in
ball tbe suffering1 seems over, halt tne dan
ger past. Us comes at all hours of ths
night and day and after year of such
service confidence in him is almost un
bounded. But in time tha mother begins
to ail and ths daughters growing np de
velop th troubles and weaknesses of wom
anhood. Her th phvsician very often
makes his mistake. Ths mother may b
going through the change of life, but the
physician calls it a general running down
of ths system or thinning blood. He fre
quently treats bearing-down pains as kid
. ney trouble and says deranged mense arc
mere temporary trouble that will wear off.
In treating every case from whooping
congh to diphtheria and typhoid fever th
average physician has no time to specialize
any one class of diseases hs has no oppor
tunity to make a study of the particular
maladies of women. And he has another
disadvantage in that thousands of modest
women will not tell the details of this kind
of sickness to a doctor. But Wins of Cardui
is a family physician, a specialist of female
diseases that has never been -discredited as
a regulator of menstrual disorder. It sel
dom fails to effect a perfect cure and when
case are absolutely incurable, it never fails
to benefit the patient.
Mr. Theodora Fuller, of Neensh, Wis.,
is one of th thousands of women who have
cause to praise Win of Cardui. She is one
of the prominent women of her town and
her letter cannot fail to attract ths atten
tion of thousands of sufferers. As Presi-
, -
Uieseesn. ns. e. nsaroceie.
Ne. t. Bladder and Kidney Did
he. la ReSu Diseases.
ssmeetlT desire, to become informed as to his tree
Balldlag. 84 Desrbora SI reel. CHICAOO.
dent of the Social 'Science Cltib she is a
leader of ths bt chought in her commu
nity. Sh writf:
"Three yean age I suffered with inflam
matioa of the womb caused by catching
a bad cold during menstruation. I had vio
lent pains la the lower part oi th abdomen,
also along the spiral column, and frequent
headaches. At times my menses would
stop altorcther and then .suddenly I would
flow without ceasing.
M I consulted my family physician and he
prescribed for me, but I got no relief. Read
ing aa advertisement in ths paper of what
McElrec's Wine of Cardui could do for such
a case I decided to try it and took it faith
fully for three weeks, when to my relief and
delight I found myself entirely cured and my
general health much Improved.'
To cure a woman suffering like Mrs.
Fuller suffered, in three weeks, is truly a
great thing fur any medicine, but with
Wins of Cardui this very thing it occurring
everyday. Thesiiryof Wine of Cardui
is an bid one but it is coming home with
renewed force to thousands of women,
Mrs. Fuller's letter is only one note in the
great chorus of praise that is going up to
Starting a Now Yea
This month ws begin our new year. Th
past year has been a very aatlsfactory on
In business. Evidently th publto does not
think all the druggist In town are dishon
est except one. We hav furnished th
best good for the least money, which I all
any store can do. For th coming year
w will be th exclusive agent for th
for this section. These paints need no In
troduction to the people ot thla city. Hav
ing been used here for the last if years,
they have established a reputation second
to none. For spring painting be sure and
call for cample card. We will gladly fur
nlsh all Information you may need, a w
keep a practical painter, who attend ta
all such requests.
14tb and Douglas St.
See Our Latest
Camera Before Buying
We have lust received
shipment of
a new Camera, especial!
made for us
by the Rochester Optical company
(makers of the "Premo"), which ex
cels anything yet placed on the mar
ret, having tne combined improve
ments of the 1901 serlee. Call and
see this or write for full particulars
and prices. If you are Interested in
photography send for a sample copy
of our Photographic Monthly, fre.
Robert Dempster Go.,
1215 Fartiam St.
Exclusive Dealers in Photo Material.
S5.00 A H0NTI3
of MEN.
13 years la Omaha,
cured by th QUICK
EST, safest and moat
natural method that
has yet been dlscorered.
vet been disc
Boon every sign and symptom disappears
completely and rorever. no "BREAKING
OUT" of the disease on tb skin or face,
A cure that 1 guaranteed to be permanent
for life. ,
UaRlftnpCI C cured. Method new,
f AillwUllCLC without cutting, pain;
no detention from work; permanent our
WEAK RTElf from Excesses or Victim
to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion, Wast
laff Weakness with Early Decay In Young
and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and
strength, with organ impaired and weak.
STRICT I' RK cured with a new Homo
Treatment ' No pain, no detention from
Business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles,
Coaswltaciea Krea. Treatment by Mall.
OHAROBI LOW. 11 8. 144k St.
Dr. Searles & Swiss, Omaha. Neb.
Tea Shea
la FlfbcaDfiia
sufferer from 8TRICTUK8 and Ita
nir. i ". tn or . . .. , . , , I I I, . ... I .
v-iiuiB, . i.iwv,r.i.rjJ Arrvntaiiiia ants
Beminal Weakness is invited to cut out th
coupon below, write his name and address
St. James Medical Association,
62 St. James Bids;., Ctaclnaati, O.
Please send me a copy of your Illus
trated Work upon the Male Sexual
System, securely seoied, PREPAID.
painty, mall It to bt. s.lj.HI,.ul
oc Bt. James uiog.
Cincinnati, O.. and thei
will send the!
strateo Treatise, showing
parts of the male system
involved Id
urethral ailment. PRE- , f.Rg
68 It James Bldgr CIINC1NXIATI, O.
Wine of Cardui. This is because Wine of
Cardiii lifts woman from the despair of a
life shattered by suffering. It gives thsm
health for their sickness, straneUi for their
weakness, ambition for their despondency,
buoyancy for their pain. No suffering
woman of serious thought, with an active
interest in her own welfare, will negleot to
take this great remedy.
Mrs. Fuller's physician failed, but Win
of Cardui in three weeks cured her men
strual disorders and womb trouble which
were causing stomach trouble. The terri
ble flooding was wasting her blood and
strength. Stomach trouble, nervous and
bilious attacks were making life a torture.
What better offer of health can any woman
ask than this? Lay hold of it today by
securing a (1.00 boltle of Wine of Cardui
from your druggist and begin the treat
ment today.
If yon need advice write to The Ladies'
Advisory Department, Ths Chattanooga
Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tsnn., and
tell them just what is ths matter. De
scribe your case as fully as you can and a
confidential letter of medical ad vice will be
sent you free of charge. i
vgtTTT; I H'f I WwM'mHlTfli k
I II I v-. -N ,-vi I