PRINCE HEKRYJF PRUSSIA Has Landed In New York City With Ills Suite, and Una Been Ac corded a Hearty Reception. THE BAHKRSRESERYE LIFE Am mm Amerleaa Pablle lastHaHoa Join la a Royal Amtrleaa Welcome, Americana have do especial reverence for kings or emperors, (or monarchies or In heiiled public titles, nut the American people rejoice at the opportunity of wel coming royalty to her shores when royalty comes representing a great nation America exteads the right hand of fellow ship to every land In the civilised world and acclaims the representative not be cause of his birthright as a ruler, but be cause of the good will Columbia bears to SISTER NATIOXS. I'rlnco Henry will find Americana hos pitably hunting wherever he appears and Invite him to carry back to the stalwart nation which honors him as a prince royal a message of amity and genuine friend ship. Germany and America are never likely to engage In any form of warfare involving armies and navies, whatever commercial reprisals and controversies may come Into their business relations. THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE admires the German character, the Ger man nation and the German loyalty to the German fatherland. Among Its policy hold ers It numbers many of German birth and descent. It claims the right, therefore, to join with Amertcsns generally In the felicities of this occasion. Should Prince Henry com to Omaha M. II. ROBISON, PRESIDENT, will be more than pleased to show the royal gueet that her in Nebraska w have built up'-n Ufa Insuranc company In four years which ranks among the best in the union for It age. It would probably startle him to know that on of the oldest and strongest eastern companies was six teen years old before it reached the volume of business carried today by the Bankers Reserve Life. PRINCE HENRY IN ONAHA would be a notable guest. He would say with every other thoughtful person that It is folly to send away $1,600,000 of savings annually to secure indemnity which can as well be purchased at home. -The German government is strong be cause of the loyalty of Its people to the fatherland. The west can be strong upon the same principle. Let us stand by our home enterprises. Thre new states are , to be opened immediately. Write to B. H Roblson, president, Omaha, Neb., for ter ritory and terms, for general, state or special agencies of the Bankers Reserve Life. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting and r.ngun. Biuuenis won aeairw it in 4lmi to nnattlnna to earn board while at- (end I hit Hend for catalogue. New York Life building, Omaha, Neb. An. Evidence of Quality. The Drinking of Storz "Blue Ribbon" Blue Ribbon has a pronounced and distinct individuality of its own. It baa that rich hop Savor found only In highest grade brewing. Absolut purity In combination of malt and hops with our own ARTESIAN WKLL WATER maka 'Blue Ribbon" a per fect and delightful beverage. . The tonio qualities of "Blue Ribbon" are tiul to the best specially brewed tonics for the sick room and the convalescent Storz Brewing Company Telephone 1260. OMAHA Itt'Strv-To close out stock we mall TO Filter liitaet ew.nre., marches, waJtmea, for I kj; money back u not eaUsAed. bhtw Co.. Can too. O. 11 Anecdotes With a jfc ar ian win uieuup ui uiverpuui A I preached a sermon recently an WftAT . V t I.L . t I 1 uiu wuuiHa w am urnru iv "Never.was I so disappointed. I never heard a bishop. I thought d hear eornethlng great. . But I could un derstand every word he said." Rev. Dr. Nextly, In pursuance of a design to deliver a series of discourses on the mountains of the bible, msd th follow ing announcement: "Next. Sunday evening, brethren, I shall preach a sermon on Mount Ararat." And ufter the services were over, relates he Chicago Tribune, Aunt Ann Peebles went forward to lay goodby and wish him a pleasant voyage and a safe return. General Ralllngtcn Booth of the Volun teer of America tells a story of a prayer meeting held In New York on the east side during the recent mayoralty campaign. In the midst of a prayer, he relate, one pious brother said: "O Lord, we pray Thee that the democratic party may hang together In the coming election." "Amen, answer prayer, Lord," put in a republican who waa near. "Put I do not mean it as the repub lican brother mean It, Lord. I pray that we may hang together in concord and ac cord," continued the democrat. "Amen, Lord," again said the republican; "any cord, so long as they hang." A story i told of a certain English bishop well known for hi verbosity, who rose to address the House of Lord on a very im portant occasion. "I will divide my speech under twelve heads," he said, to tho dis comfort of his audience. The marquis of Salisbury begged to be allowed to inter pose with a little anecdote. "A friend of mine was returning home lata on night," ha said, "when opposite St. Paul's he saw an intoxicated man trying to ascertain the time on the big clock there. Just then It began to strike and slowly tolled out 12. The man listened, looked bard at the clock. and said: 'Confound you, why couldn't you have aald that all at oncer ' The blshcp heartllr Joined in the laughter which fol lowed and took the hint contained in th atory. The good minister of a Scottlah parish had once upon a time a great wish for an old couple to become teetotalers, which they were In no wise eager to carry out. After much pressing, however, they con sented, ,4aylng down as a condition that they should be allowed to keep a bottle of "auld kirk" for medicinal purposes. About a fortnight afterward John began to feel his resolution weakening, but he wa de termined not to be th first to give way. In another week, however, he collapsed entirely. "Jenny, woman," he said, "I've an awfu' pain in my held; ye mlcbt gle roe a wee drappie an' aee gin it'll dee m ony guld." "Well, gudeman," ah replied, "ye're owr late o' aakin', for ever sin' that bottle cam' into the hoose I've been bothered sae with pains I' my held, 't Is a' dun an' there' nae drappie left." An evangelist who Is making many con verts in Holton, Kan., preaches like this: "The man who pose as a skeptic and will not listen to conclusive proof a to the truth of God'a word 1 a dishonest puppy. "You may announce yourself as a man, but when you go Into partnership with whisky, either by your vote or support, you become a dirty, low down, white-livered devil. "Don't tell me you ar an atheist, and then go 'round pouring out blister-mouthed profanity In the nam of a God you don I believe in, you skillet-headed old scrub. "Th men that can be bought at a big price here won't bring 15 cents a dosen in hell. I am reaching tor you poli tician." In making th announcement to his congregation recently, reports th Ban Francisco Wave, an Episcopal minister, who parish Is not more than a thousand mile from San Francisco, said: "Remember u,r communion servlc next Sunday. Th Lord I wltn u in in rore noon and th bishop In th evening." ' Here I another lapeue lingua, which had it origin In a Sunday school out in th mission. The - superintendent was making a fervid prayer a few Sunday ago and asked divine blessing upon each and every enterprise In which the school was interested. He closed his petition to the throne of grace in the following words: "And now, oh, Lord, bless th lamb of this fold and mak them 'meet for the kingdom of heaven. Amen.' " A gentleman prominent in on of the stat department had occasion recently to visit New York, relatea the Albany (N. Y.) Argus. Upon his way back be was seated at dinner opposite a gentleman whom, by the cut of hla frock, th whit tie and general appearance, he took to be a clergyman. The waiter entered with the dinner ordered by the supposed clergyman. He wa a pompous darky, with a pro nounced strut and dignity to give away. Just then th train rounded a curve and before th waiter could get off hi dignity th tray wa tipped a little and a bottl of salad oil fell Into th "clergyman's" soup, breaking the dish and spattering soup all over hi clothes, whit tie and THE ILLUSTRATED BEE. Religious Flavoring gray whisker. Th clerical gentleman exhibited all th external appearance of having an apoplectic fit, but before he could say a word he waiter gathered up the tablecloth with all Its contenta and was out of sight in a minute. The "clergy man" turned to the Albanian and em phatically remarked: "My God! ain't he the limit!" The widow of an English army officer wa visiting me with her son, a charming little fellow about 6 years old, relates Harper's Magaxlne. - Th mother told me with pride how honorabl he was, how high-minded, and that shs had never for an Instant aeen In him indications of any trait that were low or base. The child waa put to bed every n'ght at . We dined at 7. I wa aittlng In the drawing room one evening before dinner. The room wa dark, the door open, and my seat commanded a view of both the talrway and the dining rorm. Th table wa set, and in the center wa a dish of tempting peaches. ' Presently there cam to my ear the patter of little bar feet, and a childish figure, clad in a night gown, stole down the stairs, through the hail, into the din ing room, up to th table. Small fingers seized the topmost peach from the dish, and the little fellow turned and trotted away upstairs again. As I sat in the dark, in an agony of ap prehension, theft came again the patter, patter of little feet, and a white-clad figure stole down the stair, through the hall, into the dining room, up to the table. Small finger replaced the stolen peach ust where It bad been, and a stubborn little voice muttered, "Done again, old devil!" He waa a typical small boy, who lived in a well-to-do town in the western part ct the state, with pride in his native horn and a vague idea that the city people con sidered all outsiders as small potatoes and few in a hill at that. Now, when his mother brought him to Milwaukee to visit her brother, relate the Milwaukee Sentinel, he held his head proudly and intended to convey the idea that he and his were of some importance. , Hi uncle took him to see th different big buildings, including the Pabst theater, the library, postofflc and th various churches. On Sunday they were seated in St. Paul's. The' mother turned her head to take in the beauty of the pictured win dow with their pretty colorings, and se cretly wished her lot had fallen in the city, but the boy sat bolt upright as though such surroundings were very common to him. When they reached home his uncle re marked: "Well, Tommy, the church is something grand compared with your build ings In C ." With an Impatient .'ois of hU head, Mr. Impertinence announced: "It wouldn't make a wood box for our Baptist church." T BE SO Till, FREE REMEDY. Many ladle and gentlemen who cannot complain of any kind of alckneaa are ab normally thin and cannot find any medical treatment which will correct this condition. Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Flesh Builder is not alone Intended for those who are sick, but also for those who appear well and hearty, but cannot acquire sufficient flesh to round out the form. In dyspepsia, in digestion, all stomach, troubles, debility and nervous disease no remedy is so prompt and powerful. In order to demonstrate the wonderful merits of Dr. Whitney's Nerve and Flesh Builder every person wbe will address the C. O. Jone Co., Elmlra, N. Y., will receive a trial package In plain sealed wrapper absolutely free. OUR ENGRAVERS JHanz Engraving Co. IM-207 Canal St. Chicago, Illinois, Ar Justly celebrated as the engrav ing establishment which can at all time be relied upon for satisfactory results, whether th engraving be a fin half-tone, wood cut or sine etch ing. Their facilities ar so extensive that work which mini be executed quickly for ahlpment to distant cities can be easily turned out. . .When ordering engraving from your printer ask for Manz Perfect Engraving. DO 7- liUUuJufuUjJ f Kj -Lie, : Equipped with Moffett Built by P. J. KARBACH & SONS, CARRIAGE AND WAGON MALE It S. Thirteenth and Howard Streets, n THE HALFTONE PLATES FURNISHED THE ILLVSTRATED BED AreEngraVedtop the BAKER BKQS. EXGE&VIftG CO. OMAHA. The Omaha Sanitarium, A model Institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. They offer no ur cures but extend to th sick th best treatment known to medical science. Indorsed by physicians everywhere. Address for particular The Omaha Sanitarium, (68 N. nth Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska. Phone A 1197. . . W art I c. Tii u nn whteker the equal ol a par male v turnkey ana 0? ILER'S PURE MALT U ebeolntaly the t neet. mellowest end mort de lightful whiskey In the warm. unllAM tnrtnai Distillery. Omaha. Handsome is as handsome does. The picture of THE VOST typewriter is plain enough, but its work is incomparably beautiful. YOST WRITING MACHINE CO 413 South Fifteenth Street 0MAMA. NEB. A BUSINESS DISPUTE la easily settled whan accounts are properly kept. Don't practice (alia economy by trying to save on LANK BOORS. We will make you a act ruled and printed to order at such a small coat that you can buy th beat. A. I. ROOT, Printer. 14-41 . tatb St., . . OMAHA. NEB. February 23, 1902. 1 W I if I 1 U if in n V-1 1 f !j Roller Bearing- Axles Omaha, Nebraska. j :2lllCA TtJGTHSOAP RkrdMM Um ni ,Immm n 1 1 Ian fcMUM tha lertk idwm lha trMli. Ft. uwaar m liquid to 10111 nul convenient urkui is mrry mw. I all lrulw aiTKOAtiaw, ChUacatCa, A. 01250003600 FOR HUSTLERS BOTH MEN A WOMEN noma or traveling, grt 9m Mart raav Our Portlaa Water Bull a wonderful laeaatiom. Oraat aallar bi mnna. tsrei l.a Enor"oa demand. Orar UJMU al- DOME . ;3 (ilUtlorr-moTWTrTtryimpuritF. S Fumtahf ntiwkutlr par. iw nn virile (.tee vWe k.- Jl. HmU FittAras MfM 1 if pro will ftttrt, iokmMn. aiooior bil.a BUI dlMua. Wrttsm tTt HTKW Pill swn nwmtri KAHHISUN M f 6 CO, 12 Harris Bldg.,ClaciaaaU.O. rnoner. V aloabla llaVpa TRB ITOKIi dss UAKRiaosi CO, OS 81 PAINK8VI.L.K. OHIO. YOU CAN BUY OUR HALFTONE ENGRAVINGS which appear from time to time la Th Illustrated Be. On small portrait cut make a nominal price of 11.00. On larger cut ( cents per squar Inch. They ar all In Brat-class condition. Our photographic department Mil also print additional copies of our. original photograph at a reaaonabl rat. The Bee Publishing Co,, Omaha, Nab. if I i I -CTal TH i a- a .k- It . -ST tSXi SEEDS PUMTS, Vfi v'J Vfltl'JJ "" Traa Tha beat V-WyA graanaoueaaof Planuanj e- a-Vlftrvk i-verbloomlng Hoaaa. Mail X, 'V s-3 ,'M Poetpaid. aefa arrival LJ euaranwad. Try ae, our f 1- " cocxle aill plaaee ro and I . ' diraot deal will tare vow