20 TUB OMAHA DAILY HEEi SUNDAY, FEUTIUARY 23, 1002. KIPLING VERSES IN BASKET CHILD SAVING INSTITUTE 1r Barae-Joae Fishes Them Oat mm Iiai-lle "B, Baa and Haak at Hair. (Copyright, 190S, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Feb. 12. New Tork World Cablegram Special Telegram.) It u Lady Burne-Jones, the mother of Sir Philip Burne-Jones, the artist, who will Boon arrive In New Tork, who rescued Kipling's poem "Recessions!" from oblivion. Kipling la her nephew. He had thrown the veraea Into a waatebasket, whence (he fished them out, and ahe Anally, though not without much difficulty, persuaded him to end them to the Times for publication. Blr Philip Burne-Jones lives at Rot ting- dean with his mother, close to the KIpllsgs, nd the family la a alDgularly united one, TwcatyTw Children Await Ad1toa This nana for Ik Hoaaele. During the last week the Child Saving In stitute received twelve children for adop tion and two for temporary care and two were placed In homes. Among thosa re ceived waa one little boy T years of age. who had not been at school during the win ter, whose mother is dead aad who had been deserted by his father and left In the greatest deatitutlon with an older brother who works nights and sleeps daya. He la now In the Institute, properly clothed and cared for. An entire family of seven chil dren. In great destitution, whose mother re cently died and whose father waa unable to care for them, waa alao asslgaed to the In despite the fact that Sir Philip does not I stltute and will be given out for adoption. ee eye-to-eye politically with his ultra- Imperialistic cousin. Kipling's verses, written for 81r Philip's Striking picture, "The Vampire," Sir Philip Informed your correspondent, were the result of much labor and persistent pursuit of an Idea that had long proved quite elusive. Writing to him during that time, Kipling says in a letter, now for the first time published: "I've been sitting up with my disorderly tnuse o'nlghts trying to get the four lines which should go with the picture. I could do It In fifty, or, better still, In a hundred lines, but this is not what we want. But I don't despair, and anyhow, I'll do my beet to aend you a few assorted samples before hanging time, that you may see bow bad ther are." When It waa finished and Sir, or, as he was then, Mr. Philip Burne-Jones, ex pressed his obligations for It, Kipling wrote delightful letter, presenting him with the copyright. . "The. verses for 'The Vampire,' " he wrote, "which we will call the vampoetry, are your property; thy are yours from now on, henceforward and hereafter. They won't be handled In any way, directly or Indirectly, by me, so if anyone wants to dramatize them, etc., let them set tbem to music, paint them sky-blue, translate tbem Into Erse, Celtic or HlttlU. use them for av hair-dye advertisement or a Church of England hymn, you muat deal with that Homes are wanted for the following; Three girl babes, 1, J and 4 months old; four boy babes, 1, L t and 4 months old; seven girls, l. I, 5, i, 10, 12 and 15 years; eleven boys. 1. 2, I. 4, 4, 6. . 7. . 11 and IS years. Card of Thaaka. We wish to extend thanks to our manr friends, relatives and neighbors for sym pathy and kindness bestowed upon us dur ing our late bereavement In the ao sudden loss of our doar and beloved mother. God's way it was; His will be done. ALBERT MITZLAFF. MAX MITZLAFF, HomeeKra Bsenreloas. Ticket to nearly all points In the United States on sale at all ticket offices of the Chicago Great Weatern railway on the first .and third Tneadays of January and Febru ary at the low rata of one fare plua $2.00 for the round trip. Oood to return In 21 days from date of aale. For detailed In formation addresa any Chicago Oreat Weat ern agent, or J. P. Elmer, O. P. A Chi cago, III. t In concluding his cousinly note, the poet throws out an idea for the artist In tho passage: the woman's view of the glided bully, who has played the devil with her? Might make a companion plccy." Unfortunately, that "oompanfon plccy" has remained un palnted so far. fS.OO for a Hail I av Days Work, If you live In th country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stockralsers in the neigh borhood, you can make $5 easily by tour or five hours' work. Write m and we will send you our proposition. The Bes Publish ing company, Solicitors' Dept.- Omaha. Neb. Watch work by skilled workmen at Hu- "But have you ever thought of I nermann's, 18th Douglas. No coma back. Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phono MS. Indicted for Swindling-. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 22. -Churl. T Main haii been indicted by the federal grand jury here for uelng the malls In a scheme to defraud Dr. Charles R. Bennett of WaUHeon. O. Main reoorta himself na the attorney of syndicates with $l,0uo,000,000 -pntiiiiiun ana naa carried on an ex tensive correspondence. Very Law Rates. Every day during the month of March I and April, 1902. the UNION PACIFIC will ell Colonist Excursion tickets at ths fol lowing one-way rates: From Missouri river , 120.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena, ' $22.60 to 8pokane. . . $22.60 to points on ths Oreat Northern Ry., Spokane to Wenatches ino., via Hunt ington and Bpokana. $25.00 to points on Oreat Northern Ry., west of Wenatches, via Huntington and Spokane local over Wenatches not to ex ceed $26.00. $25.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle. $26.00 to Ashland, Oregon and Interme diate points, Including Branch Lines on B. P. Co. south of Portland, via Portland. $26.00 to San Francisco, Los Angeles and other California points. City ticket office, 1324 Farnam St 'Phone 118. , union station, 10th and Marcr. 'Phone 629. Raw Merchant Tailoring Firm. For twelve long years Theodore Orad- aoann has been connected with the firm of Browning. King ft Co. until a few months ago, .when he severed his connection with that firm for tho purpose of engaging In Business ror himself. He recently pur chased an Interest In the merchant tailor ing business with Mr. A. Helgren at SOS uoutn ln street, where he will be pleased to meet his many friends who are desirous of good tailor-made clothes at nominal price. Mr. Helgren. his partner. has been. Id the business In Omaha for the past six years and has built up a magnifi cent trade among ths good dressers In hla city. The new firm name will now be Helgren ft Gradmann, and these gentle men have now on display their new spring tock of suitings, which they will be pleased to ahow thosa who desire good ciowes at reasonable prices. Tips on Coal For the furnace ass our SPADRA SEMI- ANTHRACITE $8.00 a Ton. Fully equal to hard coal. For ths soft coal heater, our JUPITER LUMP $5.75 a Ton Clean and lasting. For ths rsxge, our JUPITER NUT $5.50 a Ton. Quick to kindle, hot and clean. If you want a range coal for less money, ws have aa exceptionally good nut for $4.00 a Ton. ELKS AT SALT LAKE CITY Arrama-eaaeaita Made ( On Hulitl Omaha Visitors at Kaats ferd Hate-I. L. W. Raber and Goodley Brucker re turned yesterday from Salt Lake City, where they completed arrangements for quarters for the Omaha delegation at the Elks' con vention in August. They secured accommo dations for 100. In the Kautaford hotel and first choice of the rooms was givsn them. Mr. Raber says that the advent of the Omaha crowd ts ths matter of chief Interest at Salt Lake City, aa news of how ths Elks here do things has reached there. Omaha will be the principal attraction and will get everything of the best. COLONIST EXCURSIONS. Via nk Island stoat. Every day during March and April. One-way tickets from Council Bluffs aad Omaha to ' Bait Lake aad Ogden.. $20.00 Ban Francisco 35.00 Los Angeles 16.00 San Diego S5.00 Helena and Butte 10.00 Spokane 22.50 Portland and Ashland 25.00 Tacoma and Seattle 25.00 City ticket office 1323 Farnam street. Notice. I hereby wish to thank my friends and the public generally for favors bestowed upon me and hereby give notice that I have severed my connection with the Rochester Shoe company. Respectfully, I. L. MOSSLEK. FRY SHOE CO. Hald & Rice Tat 1238. 806 So. 16tb SPECIAL NOTICE Laramie, Hahn's Peak 6 Pacific Ry. Capital stock will be advanced to $2.00 a shara aa soon as track laying commences. Ties now being distributed along grade. Par value of stock, $10.00 share. Now SELLING! AT a.OO share for short time, DON'T CLOSE TOUR ' BUSINESS plans Career and Character of Akrabaaa , Lincoln. Aa address by Joseph Choate, ambassa- for 1902 without getUng a block of this fk.J?r!!t fv" K1"1' Cafe'r d tock ONLY $2.00 a share. Sold In lota character of Abraham Lincoln pis early life his sarly struggles with tha world of ten ,hxg and upwards. Remember, nis character as developed In tho later $2.00 now and $3.00 soma time In March or years of hi life and his administration. which plaoed his name so high on the world's roll of honor and fame, has bsen published -by the Chicago, Milwaukee A BU Paul railway and may be had by send ing six (6) cents In postage to F. A. Miller, general passenger agent. Chicago. 111. Send artlcios or Incorporation, notices of stock homers' meetings, ete to The Bee. We wUl give them proper legal Insertion. B telephone, 23S. Shampooing and hair dressing, t6e, at The Batnery. 3H-220 Bee Building. TeU 1711 Famous hot roast sandwiches at Walter nuuDua i new resort, rear of S!U 8. 18th St. Shampooing and hair oresslng, 25c. at The Vataery. Slt-220 Bse Building. Tel. 171. Publish your legal notices In Ths Weekly Telephone lit. Cameron, plumber. 1110 Farnam; 'phone 46 There's only one Btoaeeypner. Be prints. Johnson Bros., coal. Tel. 1053. April. By order of Isaao Van Horn 4k Co Bos ton, bankers for the corporation. Call or write M. J. Or eery. Financial agent. 414 Bea Building, Omaha. ALL tha cutting cutter asks of you la to In' speot his goods and prices. Take a look. Ho has ths goods and prices. Well, none so low on earth. IRRESISTIBLE SPECIAL for Monday will be ALL 6o cigars S for 10c THIS WEEK IS THE LAST WEEK OF OUR SALE If you haven't been in to see our bargains yet, don't put it off any longer. You'll be sorry if you miss them, they're so good; and this is the Last Chance you will have for a long time at such Good Bargains In GOOD SHOES Remember, they are all from our own stock of relia ble high grade goods, and the prices have really been greatly reduced. We have bargains For Men, Women, Children in many different kinds and styles, and at many differ ent prices. Be sure and call this -week; it's the last ,week of the sale. FRY SHOE CO FOKB1B1U.Y CARTWRIGHT & CO., N. E. Cor. 16th and Douglas. Do You Find St dimcalt to ohtalat STATIONERY AND OFFICE SUPPLIES that In every way meet your ap proval? If you are dissatisfied with price, quality of goods or service vrhers you have been dealing, call oa Tha Moycr Stationary Co., 220-223 So. 16th Street, Hamilton Warren. M. D., eclectlo and magnet le physician, office at Victoria hotel, 130 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable location can be found. Special attention to ail long standing or lingering diseases of women and children. F.H.Wallace,Dentiat,400 Bee bldg. Tel.201. Noon lunch Try Ed Maurer's Improved quick service. 1306 Farnam street. Taft's dental rooms, 1517 Douglas. Have Root print It. EASTER EGG DYES BY MAIL. We will send you a package of German Easter Egg Dye containing 6 different colors, and 20 sheets of calico paper for 7o post paid. 2 packages for 14c; S for 19c. Sold at our store, corner 16th and Dodge streets, Omaha, for Be package. ASK US FOR THE NBW DRUG THINGS. WATCH OUR DRUG PRICES. 11.00 Mme. Tale's Preparations (1.00 PERl'NA 11.00 Wyeth's Beef, Iron and Wine. 11.00 Bcott'e Emulsion Col lAVer Oil. 11.00 Btearns' Wine of Cod Liver OU. 11.00 King's New Discovery $1.00 Jayne's Expectorant 75o 11.00 Hall's Hair Renewer 75c 11.00 Wamrr.ie s Cod Liver Oil 75c $1.00 KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT 6c Il.OU WINK OF CARDUI bOc $1.00 Palne's Celery Compound 62c 11.00 Miles' Nervine 75o (LOO Hood's Sarsaparllla &io 750 5ftc 75o 7no 7oo 75c Stan &McGonn8l!DruiCo SIXTEENTH AND DODGE STREETS. OMAHA.' . . sYai.ftf WMS, fi THE TONIO YOU NEED IN SPRING Is a good pure beer, made from pure water, beat hops and selected barley. You don't need a doctor's prescription nor a lot of patent spring tnnloe. Any reputable rhyslclan will tell you hat good, beer la a tonic. If you are pale, weak, nervous and all run down you can't order a case too soon. Take a glass with each meal you'U learn to like it and you'll be surprised to And how quick It will brace you up. In cases or two dosen auarta or pints de vered. " Metz Bros. Brewing Co. TBI 119, OMAHA. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt, care Neumaywr Hotel, i Council Bluffs, Iowa. PRESCRIPTIONS Watchful car la Indispensable In tha compounding of the prescription on which depends the recovery of the Invalid. We assert that our prescription department Is fully up-to-date, and under the care of carefully trained pharmacists of experience. Good Medicinal Atomiser 0c Quart bottle fort wine kki Quart bottle Cherry Wine &c $3.76 Horllck's Malted Milk $2.76 11.00 Horllck's Malted Milk 64o 60o Horllck's Malted Milk 84o Flso s Consumption uure .,... Ofac Lincoln Tea too Phosphate Sodium, per pound 26c Boraclo Acid, per pound 26o 8-ounce bottle Witch Haxel, beat 12c Hu-Can Hair Tonio 750 I Hu-Can Cough Cure 20o NEW PIANOS, NEW CASES, NEW PATTERNS, : HOSPFS Music warerooms are resplendent with a beautiful stock of real Art plonoa, la handsome colonial and semi-colonial cases, many new de signs la artlstlo architecture. The most elegant woods used are of the highest finish, work done with moet skilled care and lasting quality. There are new features in ma hogany. In Imported walnut, in rich domestic veneers, which excel all previous efforts In careful selec tions. These Instruments merit in spection and defy competition. They are now on exhibition and ale. w1 The matchless Knabe piano, the elegant Kranlch ft Bach piano, tha best known "Kimball" piano, the old and reliable Hallet ft Davis piano, the rich and handsome Krell piano, the well known Mathushek piano, the Melville Clark, the Schu mann piano, as well as the many medium and cheaper grades, repre sented " In this Immense Muslo House, gives the customer m rare opportunity to make an easy selec tion.' It Is well known that our prices are the lowest, our dealings fair and terms which ws make are most convetent and makes the pur chase of pianos at our establish' ment a pleasure. Ws also have left over from our Special Piano. Sale of the last two weeks several pianos slightly, used. and some odd styles, which we are discontinuing, at the extremely low figures of $117, $126, $138, $158; bet ter ones at $168, $198 to $217. Terms: $10 cash and $5 per month. There are a few almost new high grade pianos at $227, $248. $278, in struments worth double. Terms: $10 down and $5 per month. These are all up-to-date styles and our guarantee will cover all doubts as to their reliability and durability. ORGANS WAY DOWN We have traded for. a number of organs taken aa part pay on piano sales, such well known makes aa Estey organs, Ithaca organs, Lyon ft Healy organs, A. B. Chase or gans, Kimball organs and Hoepe organs, at prices rsnglng from $22, $30, $37, $42, $48, $62, on monthly payments of $2 $3 and $4 per month. We wish to emphasise ' that we have what we advertise. To make sure of the choice of the specials herein mentioned, coma early. A. HOSPE, 1513-1515 Douglas St. 0 7 Tho Great ost Varioiy of Fino Wash Goods IP"-' Thp new wnshahlo fabrics for the season of 1902 as shown la our enlarged, remodeled wash goods department embraces al- most every good make, style and fabric proaueca in euncr European or American factories. The finest product of the most skillful wearers, spinners, designers and printers, are to be found in our wash goods department ,in quantities such as no western ' concern would attempt to handle. The immeriRe business of the past season has made it plain that enormous quantities can be sold of such goods as hare here tofore HAD TO RE purchased in the exclusive stores or tne t ah EAST if they COULD BE PURCHASED AT UUMH. We have selected such lines of fabrics. from the best DO MESTIC MILLS and canvassed the whole of the FOREIGN MARKET, that we mirfht be able to set before the Omaha people as fine a line of wash fabrics as anv shown in the whole United States. Our efforts have resulted In being able to display The Createst Variety of Fine Wash Coods In Omaha grotrh WIIb: Srotrh Mailrae Scotch Tlisiiee Scotch Oxfords- Scotch Linens F.nallxh Konlnrda Knallnh Shlrtlnas Enscllah riqaes Austrian Madras Anatrlan Grenadines Swiss flatlet Swiss Embroidered Fahrlra fret. eh Rwlaaea Hreiuh Itatlntes French Tlaanea French t; a en French Oraandles French t.lnahnma French Grenadines German Linens 4.erman Madras German Oxfords German I.lnen Games German I.lnen Skirting Thousands of the finest fabrics of American manufacture make this opening of the season display the greatest ever seen in Omaha. We will mail samples to any address outside the city, but in all cases we desire that you state ns nearly as you can the colors desired and about the price you wish as we have many lines of fabrics of the same name and prices are in accord with quality. WA8H GOODS FROM 5c TO $5.CO PER YARD Monday in the Bargain Room Monday will be one of the largest bargain days we have had for many a day another carload of new goods has just arrived, consisting of dress goods, wash goods, silks, muslines prints and other goods. No dealers, peddlers-or manufacturers sola to in mis rooni Ws will sell $3 black crepons, silk finish I mohairs 42 Inches wide, strictly all wool Bootch tweeds 58 Inches wide, 60-lnch brll- llsntlnes, 75o granite cloth and other goods worth up to $1.60 per yard, all will go at this sale for 49c. Skirtings heavy enough - to be mads up without lining for 25c. Half wool dress goods,' 6c, 10c, 15c, 20o and 25o up. SILKS All the new line of silks, consisting of Kl Kl Louslenes, black and white stripes, novelties, etc., worth up to $1.00 per yard, all will go at 49c. A full line of silks at 19c, Z5o and 190 a yard. Silk velvets, all colors, "no black," al 19c. 75o grenadines, all colors, 89c 40c moussellene de sole, 15c. 60o velveteens, all colors, 25c. . All the new dimities in the new shades, some plain and some figured, some silk stripes, worth 15c, 19o and 25c, all will go at 10c. German blue calico, 32-in. wide, 9c. Scotch ginghams, fast colors, worth 13a, at 7ttc. 15o black sateen, 8ttc 15o Imported percales. So. 25c Imported percales, 7H& 28-lnob half wool plaids, 7c Shrader's taxativo Fig Powder DR. McGREW (Ai 53 SPECIALIST. Dlaaasas asv 1M as Umm Onlr. M Tea Sitsrltste. M Yaaurs la) Omaha. VARICOCELE" uVgra! safest and. most natural that has yet bean 1 uv.rxi Ko nuln whatever, no cuttlna and does not Intertere wttn work or buaU ns. Treatment ai ems vr uww mum a imrmaneot our guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatmsnt (or Syphilis yrup of Figs, genuine ller s Malt Whiskey .............. COo 8 $1.00 26c Packer's Tar Soap c Mulls fioneer (Jure abc Mennen's Talcum ... $1.00 Wyeth's Beef. Iron and Wine 60c Kodol Dyspepsia Cur 8-qt. Hot Water Bottle And a thousand other bargains. Ko Mo 14o 14a Uo 4o too no A DRUGGIST'S LETTER Kenesaw, Nan., Feb. (, 1901 SJV. C. IT. Schaefor. Omaha, Neb. Dear air: "We notice in today'a Bee that you ask yourself a few quentlons snd then answer that 8CHAEKBH I1U IT; WKLL, HA ID. The way you are all the time howling about the TRUST and COM- IllNB among druggist In Omaha Is nouKh to give mum any one 'hat tired reellitg. even this tlm of year, and In order to et the dally news w bav to take palter containing such TON. Tfc.MPTUlLJ'J DRUG ADVERTISEMENTS EVKRI DAY. As w understand It. you are the fellow In Omaha that has not seas anoiurh to coma in out of th "wet: ' If you oould not spread your CON TEMPTIKLH "CUT THROAT" business out In other dealer's territory, you would COMU TO TOL'n 8 EN 8Kb. We don't know whether our trad goes from us or not tr it a o we never near or It (7), but oven If It does the express company would get the profit INSTEAD OF US, BUT f-EOPUa WOULD RATHER GIVE IT TO THEM ANT WAT THAN TO US. If noth ing ahead thenuuslvea It at least PUTS I S IN, A BAD LIGHT, aa w CAN NOT PUT FOR WHAT YOU 8ELL. PATENT llEDICINES FOR then w must uiak aa enormous profit, as you do not sail auoda tor nothing, or course. Yours, J. 8. KAObDALE 4k SON. The abov gentlemen must hav trouble. SCHAEFER'S Sta-SiE Peyton, Ph. G. Cwtttag; Catter of Drags. 21th aad Leuvsmworth Sta. FINE OLD WINES raKac&penong, pints, 60c; J !i .... - 76c. Haut Bauterne, plnta, 60o; quarts, $1.00. Claret, quarts, 83c, Ko and Burgundy. Quarts. 76c tl. I Khlns Wines, auarta. fita. T&c and 81.00. Sherry. Port, Catawba ana Muscatel, quarts, iac, 6oc. 75c snd tl 00. Angelica, Tokay, Maderla ana aiaiase, earn, sue, TU: and tl.OU per quart. Orans Wine, mart rmm finest navel oranges by th (jaiiromia Fruit Co., pr Imported Port and Bherry, quart, n, ILU ana IL-bU. Mall orders promptly filled. City orders delivered. CACKLEY BROS. rime Wlaes aad Tal LUar. OftMltt re!. Tlfca llaa, AGENTS FCR THE CELB8RATBO tastes good. Is good, tor It cures all Ills And all Blood Diseases. No ' BREAKING! OUT" on th akin er face, and aU atrnal Signs of th dUtaas disappear at ono. A treatment that is mora suooesstul and far tnor satisfactory than the "eld orm" of treatment and at lea than HALF THS COUT. A cur that is guaranteed U b permanent for life. cau.ed by constipation. Impur. blood, liver (jy 20,000:oUityrUloa. .'f nXm? and kidney clomplalnts, prevent appen dicitistry a lOo trial box sold by all drug stores. Richardson Drug Co., Omaha, distributors. Manufactured by W. J. Shrader Msdlcina Co., ' New Tot a and Omaha. au all unnatural w"np?" w Btrlctur. Oleat, Kidnay and Bladder Dla aasn. Hydruo!. urd rmaanily. CUAHOUS LOW. COSSULTATIOK FtUDaX Treatmaat by vaU. P. O. Box Ws. Offlct ovr tit ft. 14th street. btwa Faf I Dougla SUfc. uauu, ssam. nunpiiREVs UQr.1E0PAT.IIC MEDICINES ' Remember we are headquarters cf the above concern and have a complete, fresh stock and sell them all at cut prices. 25o Humphrey's Specifics 20o 60o Humphrey's Specifics 40e 76o Humphrey's Vet Specifics 60o 25o Humphrey's Simples 20o 25o Humphrey's Witch Hasel OU .... 20o 60o Humphrey's Witch Hssel Oil 40c When you come to us you get fresh goods. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO.. Telephone 160. lOtk mmd Farnam Street. Omaha. Mall orders promptly filled. City orders delivered. Now Spring Suits, Raglans, Skirts and waists This year's garments are mors chic, more pleasing to the eye than ever before. For the past 90 days we have been making preparations for the spring season. Wo . would respectfully ask the ladles of Omaha and vicinity when, they are at their leisure, -to visit a few moments la our cloak dept. and see for themselves ths tremendous tock of suits numbering over 1,600; the tremendous stock of skirts numbering over three thousand and the stock of silk and wash waists that we carry. It does pot maka any difference whether you buy or not. See what wo have to offer. cadet, gray and navy, which wo put onl sale at $8.50.' 200 new sulia, In all wool materials. Jack ets silk lined, made la eton, double breasted or blouse effects, for $7.50. 100 new suits, beautiful garments, mada of new basket cloth materials. In browns, black, blue, tans; Jacket and skirt nicely trimmed with stitched bands of taffeta, a suit made to sell for $18.50 early price, $12.00. 200 suits, made of fine Venetians, in 4 dif ferent styles, new designs, with the new sleeve, new cuff, new collar, new fronts at $18.50. Some elaborate suits of Imported nut No. 402 la a skirt In heavy all wool lamb's wool cheviot. In blacks, browns, samples, at ,$30, $10, $50, $60 and $70.00. The Meyer, Levin & Co. Skirls in Full Blast spun, oaaaex cioiue ana storm sergf. worth $8.00, for $3.90. Some beautiful styles In women's rainy day skirts, vory fine Imported broadcloths, at $8.00 and $10.00. 200 women's silk skirts, worth $25.00, for $8.90. 150 rainy-day skirts, stitched bottom, trimmed with two bands of satin, for only $1.60. 200 women's dress skirts, trimmed wlin satin. In corded effects, percaiine unea. velvet bound, worth $5.00, for $2.90. Women's rainy-day skirts, made In home- ECMicMrsTtsra ciausM ErUlYROYAl. PILLS eritflMa a Oaly 0aalaa. "AANSAFa. lli.rll.l. i4l,uttail m tnitnuian'B nnuunn la UM.lt aa4 1A aalalu. kia ualrf wlik Maariktaa. Takaaaatkaa. ItaraM aaaaraa SakatUatieaa aa4 lil may a,, Paraiaalava, TalMvalala aa4 ' Kallar IWr Laalaa, a. Unar. T ra. tar Mall. I T.ua.u.u. 1it DiWUt. Cklakaalar t k laai Ca, r jaA.a 4 WSMMaaa fin InJ f?fvn 4hv READ CIFT DISTRIBUTION PLAN ON PAGE II. Red Jacket Thatcher Coal Not pretty, but strong and economical. IT WILL NOT CLINKER AND BURNS UP CLEAN, LEAVING NO I REFUSE BUT ASH. - $7.25 PER TON In many respects superior to Rock Springs and Ohio. G. B. HAVENS & CO , 1522 Farnam St. Telaprtonaa SOI 317 and) 82 S PART 4 The Living Animals of the World NOW READY At The Bee Office Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents 15191521 Douglas Street Tarawa "THE 99 CENT STORE" 15191521 Douglas Street More Stirring News from Great Clearing Sale. Every dollar's worth of our present stock must be cleared out as rapidly as ponHiMi-. Tula Is tbe great bargain opportunity. Don't mUs It At le t lamp burner 10c kind. Xt 6c pair helt brackets K)c kind. At 6c large tea strainer Hc kind. At bo double fancy match sates 26a kind. At fro granite Iron cups 10c kind. At bo wire corn popper loo kind. At bo rakes ironing wax worth 10c. At 6o Rio Roo scrub brushes 10c kind. At 6o DoTer egg beater lOo kind. At bo bran extension rods lOo kind. At bo Edgar nutmeg grater 2&o kind. At 10c China creamers 2bo kind. At 10c large fancy plates 2bo kind. At 10c complete lumps 25c kind. At 10c tea tiles fancy 26c kind. At 10c fancy cake plates 26o kind. At lic fancy cuspldores 2&c kind. At 10c fancy decorated plates. At 10c 4 crystal glans tumblers. At lo glass syrup pitcher 25o kind. At 10c crystal sauce dishes. At l"o fancy spoon holdVrs 26o kind. All on sale on Main Floor. Goods Delivered Promptly IF YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE. Try one. then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havana w '. .....J .AMa.saA I aalrft klcrh nrlr-ctH ImnnrlsH Dorar I DUaCwU unu i ipui i. - e" r- r- I n . . . it fi 11,1111 f il in aaa mt fMiiA. fTnlAn XdmA TL TT. . W. Car. aad Caioaa, Pood oMlTored TSJSB to gar Part of Uy. r w suoa aminim v-a. - - - .UUNIU alia,