Telephones 61i-I. ' We Close Here will be headquarters for the newest, daintiest creations In the new Foulard Bilks. You may first see every newest shade, every latest Parisian thought, when you come here. Noth ing like these Foulards will be found elsewhere in the city, aa all the styles and patterns shown here are confined to us. NEW SATIN FINISHED LIBERTYAH pretty designs nothing over-large, noth ing too extreme tna on a strong point la tha .beautiful harmony of color 11.00 par yard. NEW SATIN FINISHED TWILLS All the design! are eiqulslte In medium and large affect they are brought out In all tba new aprlng colore $1.00 a yard. - NEW SATIN BROCHE The dealgna on the surface of tba Silks ara comparatively quiet, and the colors and contrasts are not too sharp every yard, every touch - denotes axtlatlo beauty of tha highest character I1.J5 a yard. SPECIAL HANDSOME SATIN FINISHED FOULARDS Tba prlca, width and qual ity all tell Jnit exactly what Una values ara her offered. . Ton will be pleased with tha variety and freshness of designs In this special Silk. Tha- styles and colorings ara perfectly beautiful U inches wide only 750 a yard. - Thompson, Belbeh &Ta Y. IK. SX A. ards and hypocrites that aver happened." (Laughter.) Tlllataa aa lpor Met. In tha course of his speech Mr. Tillman became involved In a lively colloquy with Mr. Bpooner of Wisconsin regarding tha ratification of the Paris treaty. Tha South Carolina 'senator referred to Mr. Spooner's comments In his speech yesterday upon the part taken by William J. Bryan tn se etrrtng the ratification of the treaty. He areued with tha Wisconsin senator that the influence of Mr. Bryan was potent, but ln slsted that even hie Influence was not suffi cient te induce tha senate to ratify the treaty.' After he had done all that it waa . possible tor htm to do, Mr." Tillman as serted, the republicans yet lacked votea enough to secure ratification. "You know," ha shouted, shaking ' his finger at the republican side, "how those votes necessary were secured." , "How were they secured?" demanded Mr. Spooner. . "I know if the senator does not." rTlled Mr. Tillman. "I have received inft i Ion In confidence from that aids of the cham ber. I know that Improper Influences were used In getting those votes." Spooaer Dessaaia to Know. "Name the man," Insisted Mr. -Spooner, upon whom those influences were brought to bear. It is due tba senate and due the country that ha name him. A man who Impeaches another In confidence is a cow ard. If tha senator knows of any man who has. been . Improperly - Influenced be should name him." ' "I know," aeserted Mr. Tillman, "that the - patronage federal patronage of a state has been parcelled out to a senator klnca tha ratification of that treaty." j "What state?" demanded Mr. Spooner. i "South Carolina," shouted Mr. - Tillman. "Then," Said Mr!. Spooner, "I leave you to fight tba matter out with your col league." .iH. v. ...... ) "Well." retorted Mr. Tillman, "I never shirk the responsibility for a statement I make. I know that ha (Mr.- SicLaurln) Voted for the treaty. I know that Im proper Influences were brought to betr,"-. I know what I believe." "You almply believe," retorted Mr. Spooner, "what you do not know." L'ropa for av Tlaso. f . . This ended tba Incident tor tha time, tnit the 'feeling engendered mandated itself later in a thrilling and sensational scene. Mr. Tillman, continuing his speech, read some . letters frcm some soldiers in1 the Philippines, detailing soma crusltles prac ticed on the naUvea by tha American Torcea. Ha told of 1(0 Filipinos to whom the writer stated, the "water cure" had been administered, resulting in the. death Of all but twenty -six of them. . '. . ' Mr. Hoar Interrupted to say that ho bad received many letters making charges t gainst the American forces, but In every Instance tha writers had given him the In formation either In confidence or as Inci dents of wb,lcb thsy had. merely heard of and of which they proteased to know noth ing personally. He protested against in formation of that kind and. declared; ' "I do' not want anybody to tell me tn strict confidence of a murder." Bnrtoa Defeads Fnastoa. ... . i Mr. Burton at Kansas Interrupted to de tend General Funston, upon whom, hs said, tha comments of Mr. Tillman had reflected, as the soldiers who were charged in the letters the South Carolina senator had read, with the cruelties, were under Gen eral Funatoa's command. Mr. Burton read General Funston's explicit denial of the very story which had been referred to by kU- Tillman tba denial concluding with the statement:. .g ' "This statement I wish tb brand as aa atrocious lis without the slightest founda tion.. . Statements of this kind are merely braggsdoolo and braggadocio la repeated la the senate." Mr. Burton quoted General Funaton to the effect that practice of thla kind were sometimes resorted to by the Mscabebe soouts (natlvee). f "Thafe a confession of the truth," cried Mr. Tillman. He disclaimed any reflection on General Funston. . Sooa afterward Mr. Tillman concluded his remarks. j Scarcely had he resumed his seat when there waa enacted .one of the moat aensa- ERUPTIONS Pimples, Salt Rheum, Tetter Proceed from humors, either inherited, or ac- ' quired through defective digestion and assimila-' tion. To treat them with drying . medicines is .... dangerous. The thing to do for their radical and ' permanejQt cure is to get rid of the humors and to give strength and tone to the whole system. Hood's Sarsaparilla tha medio; to -. . r take. It is positively ' unequaled for all humors and all eruptions. Accept no substitute. - . ' "My daughter had a breaking out on bsr - . . body. I red testimonials of Hood's Br- . TnlrA IfrAria saparllla and procured a bottle. Thla did I UIVw UUUU a her so much good I got another bottle, and It cured her. She has pever been troubled v with erup'jons siace," Mrs. kllln Condrey, . - UoBjlpbea, Kan.' ! Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cure and keeps the promise. SsturdsyS at I p. m. Bee, Feb. S3. 190, More New Foulard Silks to Show You tn all. these Bllka ara mora lovely than arer tlonal scenes aver wltnesssd In tba his tory of the United States senate. Pals to the llpa and trembling with the emotion which In vain ha endeavored to control, Mr. McLaurln of Bouth Carolina arose and addressed tha senate, speaking to a. question of personal privilege. ' Instantly a hush fell aver tha senate and nvr . th nentila In tha thrnnarMf eallerlMI. ) The very atmosphere aeemed charged with excitement. With breathless Internet tha auditors, both on the floor and la the gal leries, hung on every word tittered by the South Carolina senator. Despite the emotion under which the senator waa laboring, Mr. McLaurln aeemed the calmest man in the senate. He epoke with deliberation and hla enunciation waa clear and distinct Every word ha uttered seemed to be felt as well aa heard In the remotest part of tha hletorlo old hall. McLaarlav Begins Bis Reply. "Mr. President," he began, "I rise- to a question of personal privilege." Ha had voiced less than a dosen words, yet the excitement by this time had become Intense. All aeemed to realise that a portentous vent was about to happen. Senator Scott of West Virginia moved restlessly about tn the rear of the chamber and Assistant Ser geant at Arma B. W. Layton arose from his seat as if to. listen tha better to what was about to be said. "During my absence," continued Mr. Mc Laurln, "a few momenta ago from tha senate chamber in attendance upon the com mittee on Indian affairs, the senator who has just, taken his feat (Mr. Tillman) said that Improper Influences had been used In changing tba vote of somebody on that treaty, and then went on later and said that it applied to. tba senator from South Caro lina who bad been given the patronage In that state. I think T get the sense of tha controversy." ' '.,(.. V Harla lacUlvo Charge. SU)1 controlling himself with', an effort, but still Speaking-' ver calmly and with "a Carefully modulated, tone, -. Mr McLaurln said, and hla words cut through tha senate chamber like f-tulfat-s-i y -j, ! "I desire to jtat,e, UK Presidents! would ttbt use as strong languaga'aa I Intend had I not soon after this senate met replied to these insinuations and said that thsy were untrue. VI now say," continued Mr. McLaurln, with distinct emphasis upon every word, a-jd half turning toward Lis colleague (Mr. Tillman), rho sat in , tha same row only three seats away, "that tha statement Is a v?!'.:ful, malicious and deliberate lie." Mr. MeLaurla got no further with his statement. Mr. Tillman, who was occupying hla reg ular seat on the main alele, sprang with tlgr-llke ferocity at hla colleague. Mr. Teller of Colorado, who was sitting at his dssk between, tha two South Carolina eena tors, was swept aside without ceremony. Indeed, tha Infuriated Tillman climbed over him In hla effort ,to reach McLaurln. Tlllmaa aad HcLaarla Mix Ua. Without tha slightest hesitation Mr. Mc Laurln sprang to meet the attack halt way. Mr. Tillman aimed A wild blow at hia col league with his right fist. It landed upon Mr. McLaurln'a forehead Just above tba left eye, although Ita force was partially spent on McLaurins arm, which he had raised tn effort to parry tha blow. Instantly McLaurln'a right arm shot out, the blow landing upon Tillman's face, ap parently upon the noss. Again Tillman struck out frantically, this time with his left baad. Tha blow did not land upon Uc Laurln. Then followed a wild scrimmage, with both Senators clutching at each other madly. Senators Warren and Scott, both of whom are powerful men, rushed toward tha combatants to aeparate tbem. Assistant Sergeant at Arma Layton sprang over deeka la hi eJXort to reach tha bellig erent senators. Strikes gerceant at Araaa. Just as he seised McLaurln Tillman aimed a left-handed blow at his colleague, which struck Mr. Layton In tha face. For tunately the blow was glancing and did no special harm. Mr. Layton tor them apart. Both senators still were striking wildly at each other, aome of the blows land ing upon Mr. Layton. Aa Instant later tha angry . ssnators were pinioned In tha arma of Senators Scott aad Warren. They were dragged further apart, si- THE OMAHA- DAILY - 1113E; SUNDAY,- rflBKUA It Y 23, 1001 though they still made Ineffectual efforts to get st each o;br. Finally they were forced Into their avals. Mr. McLaurln, although very pels seemed to be the calmer of the Ofo. Mr. TUlman wss as white aa aN sheet. Aa he eat down in his seat he drew his handker chief from hla pocket and wiped blood from his face that seemingly was flowing slightly from the nose. Until that time It had not been supposed that blood had been drawn in the encounter. Bseltesaeat at Hla Teasloa. During the fight eenators all over the chamber were on their feet. Not a word, however, was spoken. The senste never In all Ita history had received auch a shock. Tha president pro tern, Mr. Frye, waa the drat to regain composure. In calm and un impassloned tonea ha directed that the eenate bo in order. , He rapped two or three times with hie gavel and in a moment a aemblance of or der waa restored, senators having by this time partly recovered from the shock and moved hurriedly about the chamber. Mr. Gallinger was first to address tha chair. "Mr. President," eaid he, "I ask you that the doors be closed." Again the president pro tern requested the senate to be in order and that the sen ators resume their seat. It was reserved for Mr. Prltchard of North Carolina in a measure to relieve the strain under which all were laboring. He deeired to addreea the senate on the pend ing Philippine bill, and, calling for the at tention of the chair, said: "If tha senator from South Carolina (Mr. McLaurln) has concluded - McXaarla Renames Speech. He was interrupted by Mr. McLaurln, who said calmly: y "I will now proceed with my remarks, which were so unceremoniously Inter rupted." "I call the senator from South Carolina to order," interrupted Mr. Teller. "Which one of the senators T" lu quired Mr. McLaurln, with asperity. This one," sa.'d Mr. Teller, Indicating Mr. McLaurln, "and t?e other one, too, for. that matter." ' ' Mr. President," interjected Mr. Foraker. "I loin In that. Surely," he continued with great feeling, his face nale with excite ment, "there is some way to protect the dignity of this body." "Certainly," said Mr. Burrows, who had been endeavoring vainly to get the eye of the chair, "and the aenata cannot let thla thing pass." "Mr. President! MrPresident!" said Mr. Gallinger, "I ask again that tha doors be closed." Go late) Kieentlve Session. "Mr. President." aald Mr. Foraker. who had moved into the main aisle, "I move that the senate go Into executive session, with out comment" Every senator, atlll laboring under tha emotion which all endeavored to conceal, the motion waa agreed to and at 1:62 the doors were closed. Tha proceedings after, the doors elosed covered almost two hours of time and re sulted In tha adoption of a resolution In the form of an order, as follows: , Ordered. That the two senators from the state of South Carolina be declared in con tempt Of tho' senate, on- account of the al tercation and personal encounter between them this day in open session,-and that the matter be referred to the committee on firlvlleges and elections, with Instructions o report what action shall be taken by tha senate in regard thereto. The - decision In tha secret session was based largely on tha foregoing resolution, the first suggestion of which wss made by Mr. Foraker. In presenting the resolution, Immediately after tha doora of the cham ber were closed, Mr. Foraker took occa elon to remark that the occurrence had been, an outrage on the dignity of the aenata',' of which -the senate should take cognisance. Hoar Wests Explicit Aetloa. Mr. Hoar endorsed the resolution of Mr. Foraker, but said he thought the action of the aenata should be more explicit than contemplated by the resolution. . He therefore moved to amend it by order ing that tha two senators bs dsclared in contempt by the senate for disorderly eon duct and speech in Its presence and that both should bo taken in custody. In sup port of this amendment , he said that any court or any other parliamentary body would commit . men for auch a grave of fense against lis dignity to Walt its Judg ment. The reference of the matter to a committee, ha said,. would be on a line with court's .reference to an auditor or ref eree, and the offender should be restrained during tha investigation. , Mr. Blackburn and other aenatora then stated that the two South Carolina aena tora were willing to apologise and thua purge themaelvea of contempt, and la view of this statement, Mr, Hoar withdrew tha portion of hla amendment providing for their commitment. 11 Asrree on Gravity of Offense. Mr. Foraker then accepted the amendment of Mr. Hoar and It was embodied In tha resolution. Before the vote waa taken a number of aenatora epoke, and while there were many kind utterances regarding both aenatora, here was no exception in the opinion as to the gravity and aerlousness of tha offense. Among the senators who thua delivered themselves were Messrs. Teller, Fairbanks, Hanna, Blackburn and Spooner. Mr. Hanna suggested that aerloua aa had been the en counter In tha aenata. It waa not so grave as the charge of misconduct made against Mr. McLaurln, and ha thought thai any In veetlgation undertaken should extend to that matter. v Mr. Teller, while uniting with other sen ators In deprecating the oc.urrence, aald that It waa not unprecedented, that there had been ' other similar Instances on tba Boor of the senate, instancing the en counters between Eenators Benton and Foote. ays Spooner te Hot Bin melees. He also suggested that Mr. Spooner waa not entirely blameless for today's occur rence, because by his Interrogatories ha had provoked Mr. Tlllmaa to make the charges that were but vaguely made be fore his Interference In the debate. , Replying to this statement, Mr. Bpooner said that ha had been of the opinion that Mr. Tillman should either not make his charges or move for an inquiry by the aen ata If he believed them to be well founded. There was much discussion as to whether the vote of the Foraker amendment should be taken la open or secret aesslon. A motion wss made by Mr. Teller look ing to the opening of the doors. This waa voted down, IS to 42. The repubilcsa aen atora generally expressed themselves as willing to hear the apologies promised, but Insisted that first there should be action on tba resolution. Dlvlalea aa tne Qaaetloa. On the suggestion of Mr. Bacon, there was a division of tha two branchea of tha question. Tha first vote was taken on the declar ation that the two senator were In con tempt and it prevailed by aa unanimous vote of CI to on a roll call. Tha remainder of tha resolution refer ring the matter to the committee on priv ileges and elections was adoptsd without roll tali. Both the South Carolina senators remained la their aeats during the entire seeslon. They conferred frequently with their frtenda. but neither attempted to ad dress the senate. At t-ii p. m. tha aenata resumed opea seeslon. Evidence wss abundant that tha citing. Nearly every senator In the chamber Waa on his feet. Groups of sena tors were gathered here and there about the chamber, ail discussing the porten- tloue event which bed thrown the dignified body Into a ferment. Rentqve gent ef Secrecy. As soon aa order could ba restored Mr. Blsckburn .satd that as the seal of secrecy bad been removed from tba aecret eesslcn Just held he wsa at liberty to ssy that dur ing that aesslon ha had made a statement to tha senste of what ths senator from South Carolina (TUlman) waa prepared and pleased to ssy to tha senate. He ex plained that both eenators from South Car olina had been declared 'In contempt What be desired now to know, and he wanted tha chair to rule on the point, was whether any statement could ba mad to the aenata In open aesslon by either of the senatora while they were tn contempt of tha senate.- Mr. Foraker Interrupted to auggest that unanimous consent be given to tha aenatora to make their statements. Mr. Blackburn declined to hear, for a moment, any auggestlon that unanlirious eonsent ba given tbem to addreea tha een ate. , . Blarkbwra Demands a Rallaa. That they were In contempt, all aenatora, all tha world, now knew. What ba wanted to know waa whether senators In contempt could address tha aenata, not as a matter of courtesy, but aa a matter of right. On that point ha demanded a ruling by tba chair. Tha aenlor aenator . from South Carolina (Tillman), he continued, waa willing and anxious to make a atatement to tha aenata, but ha wanted to know how he could make It. The action of tha aenata In declaring Mr. Tillman in contempt waa, in hla Judg ment, premature. Mr. Hoar auggeated that tha aenatora could address tha senate by unanimous con sent, or by a motion giving them that priv ilege. Mr. Blackburn objected to any unanimous consent, maintaining that tf the aenatora were accorded tha floor in that way, thsy held It for any purpose and had tho un doubted right to speak on any subject. "Oh, no, no," came protests from ail parts et tha chamber. . ' Not a Conrt Caee. Mr. Stewart of Nevada was about to sug gest the practice of courts In contempt cases, but - hs 'was Interrupted by Mr. Blaclapurn with the statement that tha senate waa not a court in Any sense. Tha senate had its own rules and by them only could it be govsmed. Mr. Aldrich of Bhode Island aald there was nothing in tha rules of tha aenata which governed apeclflcally such a viola tion of tha order and dignity of . the body as bad occurred. As both aenatora had been declared by the aenata to ba In eon- tempt, it was manifest that they would not take tha floor except for tha express pur pose of purging themselves of that con tempt Ha maintained that tha aenatora from South Carolina had been adjudged out of order by a vote of tha aenata.' - The diacusalon on this qusstlon waa quite lengthy and was participated in by Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Foraker and Mr. Teller. Frye Gives Hla Verdict. Other senators showed a disposition to discuss tba subject further, but tha presi dent pro tern, Mr.-.Frye, announced that ha was ready to rule, and said: While these two senatora are declared to be in contempt, the chair could not bear either if be should arise fend address the chair, but on motion made by any senator mat tney oe neara, tne cnair wouia recog nise the senator makina the motion and would hold that the motion was in order. The ordinary trahegresnlon of rules or vio lation of order, the senator violating It must , take his ohair and he , cannot be recognised by the presiding officer again until the senate has relieved him from that by motion. Of course the senators from South Carolina can be relieved from the condition in which they are now so far as recognition by the chair Is concerned by motion and by a majority vote of the !:. ' X-r 1 1 ' eg?'-1 , i-ip, Yi Mm telk. ? mm - K':- Pr Vt M V 4 m If. K V lv 1 if eenele. What will hsrren after the two senators have purged trutneelves so fnr s it Is possible of the contempt, the rhnlr will be prepard to rule whenever that question Is raleed. Blaekbara Makes Motion. At the conclusion of the ruling of Mr. Frye. Mr. Blackburn said: "I move that tha -senior senator from South Carolina be given the floor." "Why one senator from South Carolina?" Interjected Mr. Spooner. "I move that the two senstors from South Carolina began Mr. Blackburn." "Thafa right aald Mr. Spooner." 'Be given the floor," continued Mr. Blackburn, "to make any atatement in their own way to the senste to purge themselves of the contempt." Tba motion waa carried. In a breathlesa alienee Mr, Tillman arose to address tha sanate. . He was calm and collected and gave no Indication by bla manner of the tremendoua acene in which be had been one of the principal actors a short t'jne before. He spoke deliberately and everyone of tho 100 auditora leaned forward, eager to catch hla words. Hs tald: Tlllmaa Begins Apology. , Mr. President, I have always esteemed It a nigh honor and privilege to be a mem ber of this body. I had never had any legislative experience when I came hero and my previous service as governor of Bouth Carolina for four years had unfitted me In a measure to enter thin auguet as sembly with that dignity ard regard proper regard I will nay for Its traditions and habits and rules that is desirable. I have been here seven years. I have In that time learned to Judge men with a little f.cre catholicity of spirit than when I came here. 1 have found a great many people here In whose personal Integrity and honor and regard foi their obligations ns fentlemen I have Implicit confidence; but hve seen so much of what 1 consider slavish submission to party domination that I confess 1 have felt somewhat at a loss how to Judge men who In one aspect appeared to be So high and clean and honorable and In another appeared more or lees deeplcable. I say this c-ecause of the fact that one of the senators hss seen fit to allude to some matters that occurred in the debate this afternoon. Rearrets Any Offense. I want to ssy that so far as any action of mine has caused any senator here or the senate as a body or the people of the United Btates to feei that I have been derelict and that I have not shown that courtesy and proper observance of the rules of this body that 1 regret it; I apolo gise for it. I was ready to do that two minutes after I had acted, but under the provocation which Was known of alt of rou I could not have acted otherwise than did, and while I apologize to the senate and am sorry that It has occurred I have nothing more .to aay. - Mr. McLaurln arose at tha conclusion of Mr.- Tillman's brief address. He, too, waa calm, but It waa evident that ha was suppressing hla emotions by an effort. He spoke with greater feeling than had been manifested by hla colleague, par ticularly when he told the senate how sorely ha had been tried by the accusations which had been made against nlm from Urns to time. Hla statement follows: McLnnrln Offers His Apoloary. Mr. President, I did not realise that I was in contempt of the senate, nor do I think now if my words are read In the record that I was in contempt of the sen ate, but at the same time, as the senate has ruled that I am In contempt of thla honorable body, I beg leave to apologise. I desire to say, Mr. President, that I have been very sorely and severely tried. I was in attendance on the committee on Indian affairs, when I received a message from a friend in tha senate that my presence was needed here. The history of the vote on the Bpanlsh treaty is known to all of you. There have been statements in newspapers and insinu ations that I had been Influenced by im proper motives in connection with my vote on that treaty. Knowing in my own soul and knowing that Qod In heaven knows it was false, when I was t6ld that It waa centered down to me, I was so outraged by what I considered a most brutal assault upon my honor as a man, and especially in view of the fact that in the beginning of the session, after the action of my-jwrty associates I made a most careful and de libnrate statement. exDlalnlna all those matters I did not feel as a man, that I could ever hold my neaa up again it l oia not resent it in the place where It was de livered in the strongest and most forcible terms that I could employ. Look for Mara Tronble. -With that, Mr. President, I am done, ex mm Ufie IV. n. ' Erect! Form health, the Erect lacing is put upon passingly graceful Erect Forms 973 figures. Fairly low-busted medium hip. Of sterling; jean or black sateen. Trimmed with lace and baby ribbon. Sizes 18 to 30. I.OO. Erect Form 974 is the same aa above,' but Is made of fine quality coutiL Sizes 18 to 30. Fect Form 959 Improved, for average figures. Made of French coutU or black sateen: trimmed with lace and baby rib bon. Sizes 18 to 36. $2.00. Exact Form 966 for full developed fig ures. Made of French coutil or black lasting cloth. Low SUes 18 to 36. $3.00. Weingarten Bros., 377-379 ' No ether Corset can take the place of cept I have this to say. If there is any more talk of that kind or any more.. Aa Mr. McLaurln uttered the last sen tences of hla addrees. Intimating that If there was any further effort to press upon him the accusations which had been made against him there might be trouble, there was an evident stir In the chamber. Sev eral senators rose to their feet as if hslt expecting a renewed outbreak of the trouble. Mr. Bacon of Georgia and Mr. Patterson of Colorado, both of whom were sitting near Mr. McLaurln, urged him to stop where be wsa. Mr. Patterson aald: "I beg the senator to refrain." "I will refrain then, Mr. President." said Mr. McLaurln. As he resumed his seat ha made an effort to compose himself aa It to dispel any fear on the pert of those about blm that It might have been his Intention to preclpl tate further disturbances by any violent comments. Bttiat Discussion on Bill. After some discussion It was arranged, at the auggestlon of Mr. Lodge, in charge- of the Phlllpplbe bill, that discussion of the measure should be resumed, Mr. McLaurln of Mississippi desiring to address the sen ate.' Mr. McLaurln then took the floor In op position to the pending measure. He de houned the method of the majority and de clared that the policy was detrimental te the best Interests of tha United States. Tha Filipino people did not want the Americans to rule them and were Arm for independ ence. He aald it waa time the United States returned to Ita, ancient traditions and avoided the complications of colonial government. ' ' The senate thee, at 6:30, took a recess until S o'clock. The senate then reconvened at 8 o'clock, not a doten senatora appear ing on the floor. Frltchard Snrcests Bill. Mr. Prltchard of North Carolina made a brief address In support of the Philippine bill. He referred particularly to the ad vantage tha Philippines would be to the south, and upon this point said: I have examined with great care the Im portation of cottsn and cotton goods to the Philippine Islands from all countries, both manufactured and unmanufactured cotton, for the twelve months ending June, ial, I find that the total Importations of cotton and cotton goods to those Islands for the period named amounted to t9.610.J07. Of this total the United Btates furnished the small amount of $127,325. These figures are sur prising, but true. Those Islands Imported 9,S82,963 worth of cotton and cotton goods from countries other than the United Btates in 1901. Is it not reasonable to suppose that when our comma -ce with those islands Is firmly established It will surely be at an early day that the south will furnish the greater part of this 9,SS2,9S2 worth of cot ton and cotton goods thst has heretofore been furnished by other countries? Daaarer of Political Strife. Mr. Fairbanks of Indiana .followed In an hour's address in support of tho Philippine bill. "Tha great danger we have 'to fear In dealing with the Philippines la not Insur rection in the islands, but political exi gencies In the United States," said tha sen ator. " The danger la that parties may seek to make Issues of conditions In tha islands and that our course there will be determ ined too often by supposed party necessi ties here." The senator epoke of the gradual reduc tion of tha army. ' '. ' "This," he said, "was proof of Increasing tranquility and would seem to forcibly neg ative the assertion that we ara making comparatively no headway In tha establish ment of good order." ' The senate then, at 9:40 p. m., adjourned. Both Remain la Contempt. - Tha atatua of Senatora TUlman and Me Laurln Is that they are atlll in contempt of the aenata and only by a vote of the sen ate can either b recognised either to apeak or to vote on any question whatever. The senate la operating under a clause of sec tion 6, article 1, of the constitution, which recites: "Each house may determine tha rules of V V, I'M M B I I I I a. m a m I JT WW- 1 To) is built just as you are built. The lines of your figure blend with the lines of the corset that means absolute fit unbelievable comfort and most important of all, perfect Form does not strain, the. bust or abdomen. The pressure of the. strong back muscles, throwing the shoulders into a sur poise. 1 here ts a special erect rorm and 701 for medium Erect Form 9 over abdomen and hipsj short from waist ' line up. Of French contil or black serge, trimmed with lace and baby ribbon. at.sjo. Erect Form 970 lor medium figures. Made like 973. ' Of light, durable batiste. In white only, trimmed with lace and rib bon. Sizes 18 to 30. $1.00. . Erect Form 972 In white batiste only. ' . For medium developed figures. Has ex-, treme low "V" bust I. ng over hips and - abdomen. Trimmed with a wide band ribbon. Sizes 18 to 30. Sl.tO. bust and long hip. SPECIAL! The New Long Hip Erect Form The corset is of good length, and extra pieces reach down and case in the hips," producing a sloping eifect. ;, Two models are now ready. They will fit the average figure. -'; '. Exect Form 711 at 92.00 each Erect Form 713 at $4.00 each Your dealer will supply yoo. If he does not carry the "model you desire, mention his name and forward the price direct to . Largest Manufacturers . of Corsets in the World J Broadway, NEW YORK the W, B. Erect Form Accept no Its proceedings, punish members tor dis orderly behavior and, with the concurrence of two-thirds expel a member." Tba aenata adopted a resolution declaring both Tillman and McLaurln la contenfpt. By a vota both were allowed to make state., ments In which both apologised. But tha senate took no further action and tha reso lution referring the matter to the commit tee on privileges and electlona la still In operation, 'and until the committee is dis charged or the senate relieves tha South Carolina senatora of contempt they must remain silent In the senate. Thla la the Judgment of all aenatora Who have considered the question, and tha pre siding officer. It is said, will refuse to rec ognise their right to participate In tha proceedings until the order la vacated. DEATH RECORD. Mrs. Lais Ostrosa. Mrs. Lois Ostrom, mother of County Com missioner Henry B. Ostrom, died yesterday, st 3841 Franklin street, at tha age of 72 years. The funeral wilt take p"lsca Monday at 1 o'clock from tba residence of George A. Ostrom, 8343 Franklin street. The In terment wilt be In Prospect Hill cemetery. Mrs. Ostrom's death adds another t tha number of pioneers who hava passed Swsy. She came to Omaha thirty-one yeara ago. Seven children aurvlve, George A Henry E., Mrs. K. C. Kenniston, Mrs. C. 3. Bar bour, Mrs. Lois Caldwell. Mrs. John Mor rell of New York City and Mrs. H. H. Allen of Juan, Porto Rico. Major Koareae A. Ellis, t'. S. A. GENEVA, N. Y.. Feb. 22. Word has been received here announcing tba death ot Major Eugene A. Ellis, Thirteenth cavalry, U. 8. A., at Hot Springs, Ark. At tba time of hla death be was on sick tetve. He waa stationed at the custom house, Ouantan amo, Cuba, and had been detached from bla regiment at the close of the wsr with Spain. George Barton, gpearflsh. SPEARFI8H, 8. D., Feb. 33. (Special.) George Barton died at hia home In Crook oounty, Wyoming, after a short Illness. Mr. Barton waa well known tn tha Black Hills, having aome to this region In tha early days. Ha was in business at Spear fish and afterward at Sundance, Wyo., for several yeara. Colonel William It. Dickey. KALAMAZOO. Mich., Feb. 22. Colonel William H. Dl"key la dead at tba Michigan asylum for tha Insane here. He served during the civil war and waa afterward colonel of the Twelfth United States In fantry. He was admitted to tha asylum some time ago from the Soldiers' home at Grand Rapids. Ex-Mayor William Stockier. NEW YORK, Feb. 22. Ex-Mayor Wil liam Stockley of Philadelphia died last night In thst city from paralysis, with which he waa stricken several weeks ago. Mr. Stockley waa born in 1823. Ha waa three times mayor. Attorney General af oath Dakota. HURON. 8.x D., Feb. 22. (Special Tele gram.) Attorney General Pyle, who has been very sick for some time, died last nlaht. FIRE RECORD? Fraternity Honse at Iowa City. IOWA City, Feb. 23. (Special.) Tha Sigma Ml Fraternity house waa destroyed by fire early this morning, caused by an ex plosion of a lamp. Loss on tha house, 110, 000; personal proptery, 14,000. Fourteen fra ternity members living at tha house escaped with their night clothes, a few odd' lots of coata and sloes. Tba piano waa also saved, tha rest ot tho -property la a total loss. maaeynsr wr you. 62 for stout figures. Long 7i a6batitute. y j Is. . .V aeoxet aeasloa had been mora or leas es