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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1902)
16 TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, TEimUAIlY 23, 1002.. ') SPECIAL NOTICES AdTertlsemeala foe (ki rolamas will ae likn aatll IS m. for the areata ee-loa and aatll 30 p. an. (or snaralaa; gaaday edltloa. ft a tee, 1 3-2o a noil Drat laeertlea, l(trl Ikmtltfr. Notalaa- takea for less than SBa for aa flret laser, tloa. These aaertlaaaeata nut be fa a eaaaeeatlvely. tei. fkMk, eaa kirn aaawara ail a'r-'aea' to a aaataered letter la ear f Too Be. wr aa addressed will ae delivered oa areaentatloa of tha hack ealy. SITUATIONS WASTED. YOUNG man wants plaos to work for . board while attending school. Boy les College. New York Ufa Bids. Tel. is1. A Mm SITUATION wanted as companion to lady; remain at noma or travel, a si. nee. A-M2Z4 23 Wanted, steady position as aalesmnn or martaaer ot wholesale and retail liquor I - huilniu: Inni experience, best references. Samuel Felietler. its West Ma, New fork. , A wt wir. ma vie nod cooks waiting for post- sltlons. Cooks' Union. P. O. Box W, Omaha. A-stol 23 WANTED, position as floorwalker In dry I goods or other nrst-ciass Bouse, wm perls nee. U 16, Bee. A 43 33 1 ..nil. .., , imil I IHFH1IV Uf U1MM, kniiniine ririiaa. Address U 13. Bee. Am 23 POSITION wanted by experienced sienog r H 1 1 1 J 11. . u u. ajw. G&Nl'LEMAN desires position as stenog rapher or private secretary; own typa- writftr wiuine: id leave witjr. auuicbo.u 19. Bee. A-4W3J POBITION by experienced collector with reliable house; Al rerersneea, uuuu -Sired, Aooress V 20, bee. A Mj.4 2j WANTED, position as bookkeeper or other office work by an expert in either line. Address W. P., 122 8. 26th St. A M6i8jto WASTED MALE HELP, MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. WHY WASTE TIME AND MONEY Entering a "would-be ' barber college and I make a lallure, when you have access to the beat tor a tmle more. You can be come an up-to-date workman on an abso lute guarantee. Money ruiundeu 11 not as represented. Vor terms and catalogue WESTERN BARBER INSTITUTE auuress iiiiu.ii bL. umaha. ixto. 11661 23 GOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay. A. 1. 1. Co., 313 Bouuiitio. a vo aTBiAnT work, nrotltabla work, for neat. . eneraatlo hustlers. C. it'. Auauu, CO., ld Howard- a- u VOK A MA I. if DAY'S WORK. If yuu live in tua couuuy or iu a small town Slid nave a good acquaiiuaucs awung tne laimera and stoua iaiscrs in m naivhnnriiiuMi vou uiu uiaiLe e eusliy bv tour or nvs hours' wot. Vvrlie us aud aa wuM aanu ivu our pronustuou. 'Aha Bee Puoilaumg Co., uoiicuoi. twiiu, Omaha. XNstt. ouw WANTED, a good man In every county to take auosoriDUona for The Twentieth Cantury I'armir. Our ageuut maas good . waives avarywnere. Keierences roqu.reo. Auureaa, iwkuueth Centuiy mor, Omaha, Melt. au FRKE1 FREE I Shave, hair cut, singe, any work In barber I line, at Moiar Coiwgs, lt iMB.m St., 3d floor. Hours, I in i B M3 ate FOREMEN Of factories, shops, or gentle men of wide acquaintance can make some extra money without any additional wAPto or ir.terfMr.inrM with tnalr regular duties. Address, stating where emp.oyed - and position occupied, a. US ee. 3 M328 WANTED, by reliable house, salesman who ' visits cities and towns that uss gas, to sell staDls article as side line; one who sells to hardware, gas companies, gas fixtures, etc., preferred; a good pront can . be made by a live man. Address Gas, P. O. box 1692. Phlladalohka. Pa. B M330 10 V ANTED A boy with a horse to deliver Ths Evening Bee. south slue. Call at Bee Olttce circulation department, 1p.m. 117 A WEEK for responsible men In a eanh lorcalitv to maka contracts ior live company. Room 101 N. Y. JU Bldg. B iHtii WANTED Hustler: temnorary position: no canvassing; good pay. Audrens Uiobe, 123 cnestnui si., I'nuauuipnia, r. u-L ji-auii tr 8ALEHMAN wanted to carry as side line our dry goods specialties, direct from the looms; to call on tne country trace. a dress. The Lakewood Company, P. O. Box 414. Philadelphia Pa. B 472 23 BE YOUR own boss. The Eisler Ign Co. wants young men everywhere. Address 1-43 cunion Ave., Bt. jonns, Micnigan. B MJb 26 I2S.0D TO 176.000 a week earned by scores of our employed graduates writing ad vertisement. We teach you by mall suc cessfully, thoroughly and Individually, Write for prospectus. Page-Davis Co., Chicago or Mew xorx. u aai aood salary : iAi.uuO In sluht to one aood man, to Join the advertiser, having $300; Investigate; article of merit; ought to be in every family in omana. u mo us VERY fine stons front 10-room residence. ' 416 N. 26th street; on Harney street car line; hot water heat. IL T, Clarke, 2'J3 Kamge Building. B 447 23 WANTED Experienced, competent retail !hr.!:2;B"iVrl. .,,1... .a . ... v , Drawer 1160. Nebraska City. Neb. B 446 2$ WANTED A good, live man to work city trade with an established, reliable house. selling all kinds of machinery and sup- piles. Answer by letter. U 14, nee. B 46123 TRUSTWORTHY man to travel and col- lect for manufacturer; salary, $80 Per month and expenses; good route; chancs ior advancement: enclose aaareaaea en velops. Smith, Mgr., 366 Dearborn. Chi cago. B 4J0 Da ACTIVE man to work at home; $36 paid for 13 days 'trial: permanent. If satis factory. Manager Engwall, Lakeside building, Chicago. . B 415 23 WHY not try sign painting? No experi ence required; no fraud; samples. Instruc- tions, etc.; iu cents. city sign to.. Dpnngneiu, umo, tv 11a at EARN a better ealary and position; study electricity, mechanical engineering, me- viiaiiiMi tiiMwifig ,1 aiuiiiv, vj Liirmpunu ence; thouaanda successful: Thomas A. Edison endorses Institute: book, "Can I Become an Electrical Engineer?' mailed , free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New xora. . & GOVERNMENT positions where they are and bow obtained; full particulars as to salarlea, dates, plaoea of examinations to be held soon in every state etc., mailed free; writs tor circular 161. Nat. Cor. Inst., Washington, D. C. B 30 A WEEK straight salary and expenses . men with rig to Introduce our poultry Imiira In country vear's c.mir.n - iekpay Add".'..: wlfh st.mpMon: to mix weekly pay. Address, witn stamp, Mon arch Mfg. Co., Box 1637 BprlngUold. 111. B COMPUTING SCALE 8ALE8MAN. W. F. tallmiMHHi Co., Mfrs., Detroit, Mich. B YOUNG man for general work In whole-1 sals nouae; must pe strong and active, aiso gooa penman, u sj, net. tti t ENERGETIC solicitor to Interview pros pective students In thla vicinity; perma nent position. A in. Bcnooi ot cor., nun ion. i u iu ai- WA NT ED, faithful manager to taks charge or dlatrliiutlng depot and office to be opened In Omaha to further buaineaa Intereata of o4d established manufactur ing concern; salary 116 per month and xtra profits : applicant must furnish good reference and have M cash. Address Ma nag or, P. O. box 1431. Philadelphia, Pa, B 671 23 BRIGHT man or woman wanted to rep- ' rveant us In his or her locality. Business nign-graae anu prunmuie. nu captvai re quired. Addreaa fur particular.. The Spragua Publishing Cnmpanv. Jth floor, Majottig BuiiOlug, PeUull, Mich. B WASTED MALE HELP. WANTED, young man wall versed In dry goooa; must be nrst-ciass Mimman ana trimmer. Uive references, experience and alary expected. Box 64. Friend. Neb. a J WE PAT 122 a week and expenses to men with rig to Introduce; Poultry Compound. International Mfg. Co., Parson. Kan. u u j- WANTED, young man, traveling poattlon; experience unnecessary; salary monm and expenses. Plough-Williams Co., Man- nattan mat., Chicago. x iss a- WANTED, boy who is not afraid of work. wno is nanay witn tooia ana wno win work himself up If he has a chance. Ad dress U 29, ears Bee. B Mj60 24 WANTED, hustling salesman for staple line, Salary and commission. Expenses paid. Address U 28, cars Bee. B 651 24 WANTED, a first-class blank book binder and finisher, Anton Rank, Fort Dodge, la. B 649 23 WANTED an experienced tinner and blcy cle repair man. Btate reference and sal ary. '. 1 Dunn, Osceola, Neb. B 646 zs SALESMAN to sell direct from mill to consumer. A few vacancies for men with push and ability. Business Is live and uo-to-date. Good men earn S18 to 330 week. . Whole time required. Best busi ness on earth, investigate. M. x. uina more, 2428 Bt. Mary's Ave., Omaha. ty a- WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack isu., ui ik i-hvuiw., no canvassing, good pay. Bun Advertising .v.. . 1 , , 1.1U 1 1 . . . 1 1UI . 1 . 1 1 1 11 viii(-, kit. ,i.niv Irani, man niui u.vw , ferred. Address, Treasurer, 2X8-7 Secur ity building, cnioago. a WANTED, clerks, stenographers, mechan ics: an kinds or neip. writs to noutn western Mining, Real Estate and Em ployment Agency, F. O. Box 714, 1 Paso, Tex. j B WANTED, medicine lecturer and office worker for medicine company, quick. Ad dress U 0, Omaha Be. B 480 23 t TO IIS weekly working for us at home: no canvassing; If now employed, in hour or two evenings will add & to 36 to your weekly Income; Inclose stamps; work mailed on application. Address 20th Cen tury Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. B WANTED A man to sell brooms by sam , pies tn Nebraska aa side line. B-irt Camp, Geneva, Neb. B 626 83 WANTED, good business man in each prln clpal cfTv to conduct cash business: guar anteed by local banks; big returns; honor able and legitimate; must furnish good references and 3600 cash. Address L. R. H., f. u. dox via, Cincinnati, u. u KA.? Kansas and Nebraska for an Al line of men's clothing; If you can do the busi ness we will make it an object for you to handle this line. Address Whitney, Chrls tenson ft Bullock, Market and Qulncy sts., Chicago. B BOY or young man to work for board. 2015 Douglas street. B M606 26 BARBER wanted; reliable, sober and ex- penencea man, to taae cnarge or snop. Charles Irwin, Pender, Neb. B 633 23 WANTED, .fJ D,wtvflr"wlS '.I'.rT. atw .JlCe.! steady work. Write Julius Wlnkel, I Crelghton, Neb, B 532 24 MANAGER wanted every larga county. uame o tSKin nickel Slot macmne ror drinks or clgsrs; strictly lawful;, takes place of forbidden slot machines, thereby filling a long-felt want; rented or sold on essy payments; sells at sight. Jules Webster Desk Co., Chicago, I1L B 638 13 WlNTim Anell 1 tnr Id, n XT. I braska, by an old-established American wln. and'liquor house, . traveling sales- man thoroughly acquainted with the fa- loons and druggists of the state. Will pay salary and expenses based on amount of sales. Must give references end good bond. No Inexperienced men or lua-hers need apply. Address u si. Bee. a JMDlS zw SKSTS Jrhx?rMS!K address Proofreader, Box 1534, Phlladel- pnia. b SALESMEN WANTED, SALESMEN 350 weekly and expenses; sampieiTee; greatest money making in vention of the age; automatlo washer; does a washing In thirty minutes without I ujiy laoor or aiienuon; cne&per man any i other machine; lndescruotlble; every lady I rtnvai aannla inlnind' mnnau U7ftA . I day for sample and agency." Automatlo I Washer Co.. Station U. Chicago 471-43 GENTLEMANLY salesmen wanted to solicit subscriptions for stock in Book keepers xand and Cattle Co. Small monthly payments. Large profits. Send for Illustrated booklet. C. Messerve, j. tr. A. dec, r.mpona, - & SALESMEN wanted, two experienced gro cery salesmen, worm gooa saianes, ior iMODraaaa ana iowa; responsible nouse; wen estaonsnea traae; write witn refer 2Tc,:T,1.lterVlBW " -aUfu:tory- JV 1. at, fee. WE HAVE an entirely different proposi tion rrom anytning you ever neara or and a great Held to cover, both east and west. Ws ars able to show that any good, ambitious salesman can make $lo0 per weex. we win give guaranteed ter ritory to good men and are able to locate you In any territory lust at pres ent; commission basis only. Territory will be filled rapidly. If you are open for a strictly legitimate proposition give references, present employment and ad dress, u b. Bee. J7 23 CLEAN, energetic, scheme or specialty salesman for traveling. Selling retail merchants a unique, catchy, uo-to-data proposition. Especially adapted to high ncea men. xstaousnea nign rated Arm. . U. Cook, 31 W. Atwater, Detroit, Mich. 40623 specialty ..lea- I men for an entirely new proposition; $100 week easy; give references, present per employment and addreaa. Nebraska and Iowa territory. Strictly commission basis. u s, nee. tut at WANTED Hustling salesman for Ne braska by well established wholesale houae; high commission contract, with $25 weekly advance while traveling. Jes H Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 400-23 WANTED. Al experienced traveling sales men to sei: tne product or our factory to reta.i trade must turnisn nest rererenoes. Address ltu Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. 411 23 SALESMEN, by an old and established manufacturer or flavoring extracts, bak ing powder, spices. Good salary to hard workers. Box 617, Chicago, ill. SALESMEN to sell bank check protector: sells to stores and offices: remarkable I novelty; sampls 3oc Terry Mfg. Co., To- Udo, 1, o. SALESMEN WANTED Experienced coffee salesmen for eastern South Dakota and southwestern lows, by larga coffee roast ing establishment having established trade In above territory: only experienced men need apply; good openings for right men; salesmen acquainted In this terri tory preferred. Address Agent, 6i2 Dela ware Bt., Kansas city. Mo. 3 23 BALE8MEN Three special , advertising scheme men Immediately. New scheme, but atabllehed. Good pay. Novices need not apply. Address U 3, Bee. 437 23 ai vgvib-m .n,t , -ri,- , 8ALJ F8MiSv "I.itl torf$ T?nA other popular, rapid sellin pf.claVa .""J'l.? Acme File ig omce professional men. D. 8. cooper. Burlington. la. -563 23 SALESMEN tn sell toilet sosn to dealers: xiuu per monm salary ana expenses; ex perience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., et. Louis, Mo. BALESMEy wanted Two high-grade ex. perirncea specially salesmen tor Ne braska and Iowa; best selling snd most attractive line on the market; houae re aponaible; trade well established; a money maker for men of ability experienced In rirocery, dry goods, drug or advertising Inee: men worth M.f per year and ex penses, with good references, can secure permanent and profitable employment; writing, giving age and references; per sonal Interview if satisfactory. Address U iu. Bee. Ma i- 8ALESMEN looking for a lucrative line they can control should write the C. 8. Page Mfg. t o., oea Moines, la. tC 23 WANTED FEMALE HELF. WANTED, two young lady students te kin bairareaaing. manicuring ana CBl- ropody and ailentins diumu Call er writ Routa 3jul Bee Bldg. C - WAITED FEMALE HELP. WANTED, at once ctrl for anneral house work; muei know bow to do plain cook ing. ii tta caiaweu st. miw WANTED, girl; a competent, reliable nurse gin; reierences requlrea. Mrs. ueorge n. Voss, is:i cnicago. L'-JIM WANTED, girl for general housework In family of two. Mrs. Wagner, 16o" 8o. 2th DLi i U IADIES, I make big wages and want all to nave me same opportunity. 1 ne worn Is very pleasant and will easily pay 318 weekly. This la no deception. 1 na want no money ana win gladly send rtlculars to all sending stamp. Mrs. 1L A. Wiggins, Benton Harbor, Mich. C 431 23 LADT travelers wanted to handle fast selling side line and appoint agents; lib eral Inducements. Address, lifodel Gar ment CO., ltil K. Superior St., Chicago. C 4T5-23 STEADY home work for laules; no can vassing; no deposit required; no worth less outfit to buy. Send stamped en velope to Dickey Mfg. Co., DlV key Bldg., nicago, iii. . u 4o aa" LAD1E8 wanted to work on sofa pillows; material furnished; steady work guar anteed; experience unnecessary. Ht'.ni stamped envelope to Miss McUee, Needle work ucpi., iaeai co., cnicago. C 410-23 WANTED Bright and discreet married or widowed ladles to act as promoters for an article of supreme and guaranteed merit for ladles only. Very large and sieaay revenue can be earned with mini mum of effort. Address, Hygienic Specialty Coi, Postoftlce Box M. New a or. j tu sr GD3X, for housework; plain cooking; no waaning. f ranKiin uu c 40 Ki WANTED Two ladles for traveling po sitions, making san.e territory together; reference and addi-ess required. U 7, ee. is too Z3" LADIES make 33 to 310 weekly; we furnish pleasant work, no canvassing; send stamped envelope. Co-operative Home I work co., 6007 btate kit.. Chicago. C 4i ZiT LADIES copy letters at home. 34 to 18 per week; send stamped envelops for ap- Monarch Supply Co., Dept. ii. Chicago. C 414 23 LADIES wanted to do embroidery and xttiienuerg; i ineir nomes; sieaay work. .uicagu v-rucnei jo vnicago, ill. J WANTED Lady In each count v tn renre. em nouee eataDiisnea ten years; solid weekly cash salary. 318. oald hv rlk I 5.hdCti'l.'r.,..wJi? il xPnl'". dl- iwi i "in ucuhmiw. myjiivy auvanceQ ior expenses, -saanager, 32V caxton Bldg., Chicago. C A PRACTICAL, wideawake lady of busi ness ibci wsnra 10 represent us. None neea answer witnout some business ex perience and good references. Call after 10 a. m. Monday. 8. Hess. 410 Woodmen of the World Bldg., 16th and Howard Bta. c 500 23 WANTED At once, Jacket maker. Mrs, a. Mara, xna ana uougias Bts. c li723 LADIES everywhere, 300 monthly easily earnea, jtnctiy reuaDie; stamp brings full ex p -.nation. Alser Co., 610, hi Pear- uom, mcago. t, WANTED - Flrst - class lady cook. 808 South 20th St C 623 23 HOME work; $60 monthly, copying letters; euner sex. Dena z sinmns ror narriciimrs. Hick's Supply Co., 5oH Halsted St., Cht- $6 TO $15 SALARY guaranteed per week to jauiea aeainng pleasant nome work; ex perience unnecessary. Inclose stamp for full Instructions, etc. Address ZOth Cen tury CO., Toledo, O. C 644 23 BRIGHT woman or man wanted n wm. Brnt u.Wn her of X locantl high-grade and profitable. No capital re- uirea. Aaaress ror particulars. The Bnrague Publishing Company. 7th floor. M&jeaiio Duiiuinx, iron, alien. VJ wanted, a Id girl, with reference, at wis t-ass St. C 606 23 W-A.NTEP. "?-- Mr cook: must aivw rexerence: waaea an ner weeir a. dress C. R. Baldwin, Missouri Valley, la. I o wiiisALi writing letters snare mo menta; taaies oniy. Bena stamped ad- oraasea envelope, irons CO., Chicago. c- EDUCATED people who need an Income i", wvamc t, iwi, -iiuHuei- J ' ' 1 ' .. ... . . . . WA-NTE5Idy,ncallTB,,,er' experteiioed, Apply Monday 1911 Farnam. C 662 23 WANTED First-class girl TT 8 for general housework. Mrs. L. Sunderland. 1329 Bo. 32d St. C 640 23 HELP WANTED. $12 WEEKLY for copying letters, home; .-mi.-, oca. cn-iiu two aittiripB ior particu- . aie ouppiy 1,0., oa jjearoorn Bt., m V3. 150 PA1D by reliable firm to gents and ladle" fr home work In spare time, town or country. Address, with stamp. I . ' 1 Vi I .V, lar 1 ... 1 1. ... 563 23 WANTED, a lady or young man to taks ui a in uwii own anu aurrounaing towns for Imported shirtwaist materials; exclusive designs, sells on sight: ble- Dav: experience unnecessary: full nartlniilnr tree, una uucKley Custom Shirt Mfir. Co., Bt Louis, Mo. , 1.. , ( - " FOB RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel. . 13tb and Farnam. I Ea7a E 376 ONE furnished room, with heat, on car une. jus h.uus; e per uonta. , Hi aj 220 N. 1TTH ST., furnished, stesm heated room, new nut tS M349 23 large, well furnished room, with alcove, modern. E liiu Tm FOR RENT, large south front room, with aicove. mantei grate ana large closet. lvus uapitoi Ave. is ggi THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms. light housekeeping. 429 N, 24th St., South omana. is M378 26 FOUR unfurnished rooms, all modern, fine neignDornooa, loot o. zttn, very reason able. E 445 23 FURNISHED southeast rooms, modern. aieain neat, sua d. fiotn 01. ju oj j FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE home for young men. 101 8. 25th 8t F 378 ROOMS and board. Glencalrn, 1603 Do-'glaa. F -03 8TEAM heated rooms with board. 190 capltdl Ave. F 463 FURNISHED rooms and board. 2223 Dodge. F M327 26 FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland notel, ism and Chicago Bta. F 361 LARGE parlors, single or suite. Ths Ross, b.'-t tiarney. wisa Mir FURNISHED front rooms, single oi suite, with board; references. 316 8. 26th SL F M361 23 TWO large, nicely furnished rooms, with Doara. bus b. ann at. f mux 23 LARGE south front alcove room, modem. 3oao Harney. F M4M 3 FOR RENf IKFIRNISHED ROOMS. FIVE unfui aUhed rooms. 1130 N. 17th. O M100 FOR REN' I unfurnished rooms. 8. Z4th. G M273 23 DE"K room spare. $5 per month, ground Poor room in im Bee bunding, racing Farnam street; no expense for liaht. beat or Janitor service. R. C. Peters aV Co., Rental Agents. Bee building. O 114 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. IOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by Ths Bee at 16 arnam St. It has four storltMi and a baacmaut which was formerly uaed as Tba Bae piaas room. This alii be rented very reasonably. If Intareated apply at once to C. C. Rosa, waur, sveratary, room 100, Be building. aai FOR RENT, store In flrst-claas looatloa; rent reaaonaiila. Apply H. C, Peiera aj Co., growuxil fiuor, Aae Bide lHt rOR BE!fT STORFS AKD OFPICE9. FOR RENT (lease for sale) The store room at 220 N. 18th St.; sue xis isei; iinr room back. Inquire of lessee on premises. l-aw 1.0 AGENTS WASTED, WANTED, canvassing a genu In every county to solicit subscriptions io ihm TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment Wltn assured gooa Income. Agents, tn the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Can vasaera make easily 8w to $W0 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, Bte building, Omaha. 213 "MEDICO LOOT," the best family medical book in the world; xuu otner gooa seuer. W A. Illxenbaugh & Co., 600 Ware Blk., Omaha. AGENTS with Hayes Metallic Rubber tires for rocking chairs. ihw monm. j. v,. Hayes, 416 Locust St., Pes Moines, la. Trf A VT'I' L.'TT . ao warltla aa raalH MVt rtdk In Kilt Iii H All 1 Uili INCH TV . as w- ivin ing and loan. Industrial lite insurance or investment bonds; excellent contract to hustlers and an attractive aa well as re liable contract to sell. If you mean Busi ness and can stand prosperity call Room 212, Bee Bldg. J w- WANTED, manager In every city, county to handle beet paying Dusineaa Known; legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe nix Co., U W. 2U Bt, new iora. j -turn ts- inr.NTA WANTED Wa have an Interest ing proposition for a "hustler in eacn rountv. BlamD for particulars. Address. Klmmey & Jennings, Box . 137, Pes Molnnes. la. J 401 23 $2.60 STARTS you In mall order business at home; tun particulars ror stamp, wuod as Co., 73 La Salle St., Chicago. j 110 w CASH paid for distributing circulars. Send stamu. American Plstrlbuter. Kansas City, Mo. J CUAMRnrKS for 8t. Patrick's day, vJllrVHUXWVl'VkJ March 17th. Agents wanted. Big sellers. New novelty, eena mo tor sample una. joa. jr. isiis, umana, Neb. J tioo WEEKLY made In mall order business; conducted by any one, anywhere; particu lars for stamp. Central Supply Co., Kan sas City, mo. J AGENTS, write now for free sample of work and terms. Star harness mender, best 25c seller out. We make other quick selling necessities. Columbia Mo v. miz, Co., St. ixmls. Mo. J .Tvrma , . lamp that makes Its own gas at cost of 1 cent a day; sells for 31; will send small model free to those wishing to work for us. Write our Department B tocay. Em pire Gaslight Co., vo west Broadway, New lork. J EXCELLENT side line for traveling men. wltn estanusnea route; aeniand already created; no samples to carry; big commis sion. E. V. M. Co., 61 Franklin St., Chi cago. J $60 PER WEEK easily made selling Ool- conaa aiamonas; txn per cent pront; nnest Imitation diamonds known; solid gold settings: fully warranted. Particulars free. Qolconda Diamond Co., Cincinnati, O. A LITTLE Plain Talk Rand, McNa'ly A uomDany nave lust issued a "Mew rri'i Atlas of the World. It contains over 400 pages of maps and descriptions of every state and roreign country, togctner wun recent census reports. Neatly and dur ably bound. Fits ths pocket fits the purse. Sells everywhere. Sample and agents 'terms mailed to vour address upon receipt of 26c. Rand, McNaUv Company, Chicago, III. J SALESMEN to sell our high-grade, ready mixed nouse and Darn paints; imerai commission paid; goods delivered; ex clusive agency given dealer in each town, reliance paint co., Bt. ixiuis. AGENTS to sell the new combination life accident and health Dollcy. Issued ex clusively by the Conservative Life Insur ance company; assets, $1,600,000; old line company; liberal contracts lor energetic, competent men. Address the company. Maaonlo Temple, Denver, Colo. J 482 23 MANAGING agents, exclusive territory, large commissions, ai siocks, casn ana inatallments. liberal contracts. Inter national Guaranty A Trust Co., Parrott building, San Francisco, Cal. - J 431 23 WE HAVE the fastest seller out, needed and used In every nouse: not bulky, can carry day's stock In pocket; nearly 200 per cent pront; run-aized sample free, puritan Mig. co., m-c$ w. sist Ave., Chi cago 111. J 475 23 START In business for yourself. For small sum we turnisn machinery witn ex elusive control of your locality to manu facture the best and cheapest fence post known. A Steel tube with concrete filling. No power needed. American Fence Post Co., Elyris, O. J-664 23 JUST out. sells at sight, the Reliable Gas ugnter: no maicn necessary; turn on gas and it does the rest; Just like electricity. Bend 26o for sample. Liberal discount for quantities. Reliable Gas Light Co., Chicago. J-477 23 I PORTRAIT agents, quit crayons; try I washable enamelinea; no glass; also new premium plan. Family Portrait Co., Chi- cago. J AGENTS WANTED to sell our $1,000 acci dent and nealth policy; 36 weekly Indem nity, accidents or Illness; $2 per year; easy seller; no competition. Travelers' Guaranty Co., Columbus, O. J I WANTED, a rents for churn: makes hutter ; -. .... .. In one minute; $260 per month guaranteed. Asaxter cnurn co., ureenneia, o. J 634 23 STORE ROOM at 16th and Howard; good location ror any kina or business, inquire of Wright & Los bury, 606 So. 16th St. J M677 THE ELEGANT corner room flrst floor. Board of Trade bldg., corner . 16th and Farnam, formerly occupied by James E. Boyd Company. Apply Secretary Board of Trade Bldg. JM576 25 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED, space In doctor's office to ex hibit vapor batn cabinet, u is, nee. K 23 ROOM with two beds, with board, for two young men; prefer vicinity 01 rianscora Park; stats price. U 31. Bee. K 485 23 MARRIED couple desire room and board in nrst-ciass private lamiiy; permanent 11 suited, u 20, nee. n. tui za WANTEDTO BUY. WANTED to bur. a small amount of dry. good black walnut, 1 Inch ana tmciter. 0l Douglas. n-MMt zs WANTED, nearly new typewriter. Smith or nemington; wiae carriage prcierreu; state price. Address u , Bee. N-M380 25 WANTED, to buy, second-hand gasoline engine, 4 or s-horne-power. Address r a. Bes ofnoe. Answer tocay. ssi' WANTED To buy Omsha Loan and Trust Co. Uissourt farm mortgages, hicks at Yuts Co., Macon, mo. s Z3 WANTED to buy or 7-room cottage, vicinity Hanscom parg; montniy pay menta. Addreas 2113 Grant sL, city, N-515 23 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS, ETC. THE BEST In buggies ana wsgons at IL Frost a, 14to ana iveeveuworin. r tat RUBBER-TIRED coupe, newly painted. IMU; glues sloe rocaaway, ito; s lamiiy carriages, $t6 to l9 eacn; wagons. Druxn mond Carriage Co.. 1Mb. and Harney. P 346 EXTRA line new light delivery wagons. usual pne. v iu. ourg, wciuiu av. ieia-Mis FOR BALE, horse, buggy and light wagon also Urge les box and self-computing scales. W. J. Boruck. 3ul 8 St., South Omaha. P MS79 25 FOR 8ALE, horse, absolutely sound and gentle. years old. free driver, for car riage or wagon, weight l.loo pounds. Call . ni . ft.An l V anI 1 aa nan. a l norsnwa i iev v-m -' worth Bts. P-443 23 LADY'S driving horse, harness and phae ton; nrsl class, u u, " FOR BALE, span of horses. 1 span of have. l4ou. and 1 span of blacks, x,suu. Write Suul Lake treat, On-aba. ; f 34575 O FOR gALE riRHlTtRK. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TeL 1 2020. New and secondhand, Dougnt, sola, exchanged u w rOB SALE M1SCELLAHEOIS. FIR timbers for housemovers, etc., 40 to 71 It-J cribbing ana nog fence. ui Doug las. Q-30 2D1IAND safe cheap. Perlght, Ult Farnam. Q 31 CADET cost, good as new: will fit boy 13 or l years oiu. Aauress tx aa, ties. Q-M6M INDIAN goods and relics. Ui Farnam. VJ-483 TYPEWRITERS, latest modala Remlna- ton, Bmitn-rremier, Lwnimora, replaced I Workman as Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phone t43. When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extia stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw ths aa in ins Deo. 2D HAND sate cheap. So h warts, 114 S. 13th. FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any Otner musicu nwirumenij o up. 1 he Wltunan to., 19-1 r amain. 3V1 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue Ires. Sher man 4k Mci.onnaii urufi Co., 10th and podge, omana. (J 388 FOR BALE, scholarship In aa Omaha snormanu scoout, cneap. inquire K2 Bee Bldg. VJ M968 SAMPLE piano, eaatern manufacture, fully van miLtTu. - . n ed, at a bargain. Boom 414, Mo- Cague bldg. Q-M733 BEAUTIFUL Chickering upright piano at a Bya-w iuwvi atwvHS w.i savwagMf; liu, 0-M7Q BICYCLES. Phonographs and aunDllea. Omaha Bicycio Co., cor. letn and Chicago tits. vt 7W FOR BALE, four hesd of cows, ten head or l ana x-year-oias; two miles north oi F lorence. 1. Hi. price. w M33 23 TWO fresh milch cows for sale. 3108 Sew ard St Vi M436 Ml STEINWAY piano ior sale. Mrs. Cobb, The Merrlam. if-44-8 FOR SALE. Do you want to Increase butter on vour table one-third more, bulk atiri wnlirhl or take from vour recnilar churning a third more butter than usunlT Send 25 cents, silver, for recipe. Vese- 1 table Ingredients, butter sweet and whole- some and will keep. Money refunded If I not as renrAaented. Our own dlscoverv. I Address the Recelpe Co., 412 Granite, Spokane, Wash. Q 413 23 DON'T BUY A TALKING-MACHINE Until you have examined our genuine Edison line. Prices. $10, $30, flO. Columbia Graphophones from $5 Up. Gramophones, $20 and $30. Easy payments. Bend for catalogue. Edison Records have no eaual. OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago us. Bicycles ana p nonograpns. vi SECONDHAND SEWING MACHINES. These machines have all been thoroughly overnauiea ana are in gooa repair are are very cheap. I 1 Domestic, machine $10.00 3 Singers, square bed, very latest head. 15.00 Singer, high arm 10.00 Singer 2 00 Singer, tailoring 12.00 Shoemaker machine 16.00 One Howe 3.(0 One St. John 100 One White 10.00 Modern drop-head machines, slightly used, of any make, very cheat). We rent ma chines for 76 cents a week or $2.00 per month, and repair and sell parts for any make of machine manuracturea. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO Phone 16G3. Cor. 16th and Harney. 'Phone B-618, 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs; 613 N. 24tn St., Boutn omana, y tti zs FOR SALE, SECOND-HAND LUMBER 200.000 feet of second-hand lumber will be sold at once at north end of exposition grounds. Inquire of H. F. Cady Lumber co. lei. i. w Ma Ml NAMES and addresses of 816 farmers Just collected from rural delivery boxes, 26a Km. Hi. nogers, uorry, l a. w z.v CLAIRVOYANTS. OYLMER, OMAHA'S SCIENTIFIC PALMIST. Reads the palm aa though It were; a printed code. Tells the past and correctly pre dicts the future. Her advice Is Invalua ble. If in trouble of any sort, consult this gifted lady. She can help you. Parlors. 815 So. 15th. In Granite block, 2d floor. Take elevator. 8601 23 MME PALMER, the celebrated eoirltuat medium and occult wonoer. is stiu giving her marvelous reading, Past, Present and Future positively told. Consult her. She Is the greatest 01 an me readers, rer- man.ntlv located at 1610 Davenport St. 8602 28 Mrs. FRnn clairvoyant. 81 N. 16th. o jyo MMB. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. 15. a ELECTRIC TREATMENT. Mms. Ames, Cumberland nouse, 15th Cap. l-IU Ml MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R 3. A St Ml ronton PARLORS. 221 V4 N. 16th. flat B. T-M36a F28 BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; attendant, him r. istn. v iae A T Mi9 M3 MAS! AGE, Manicuring. 1615 Howard, fiat T M721 Ma PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; babies adopted, nut urant t Mrs. Gardels. TeL F-1132. U-397 PR. ROY, chiropodist, corns snd superflu ous hair removed oy lectnuiiy. n. ia, Frenser Block. V 81 HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, (or ladies oniy, in connection wna Tha Batnery. aem xtiag. u oe MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. 3d floor, r 1 U iUUS Al lO PERSONAL. ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. u. Mara, xi at ym'. L - CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Batbery, rooms xxs-xw nee mug. lex. 171a. u GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano co., ia Doug. las. u 4i VI A VI. woman's way to health; rational. Wholesome noma treatment, w sea diu,. we- A- PRIVATE home ladles before and during connnement; adopt babies. ie uuraeu. . Mrs. ourgsL, u i- uTwnwa h virtue of the I $40 MONTHLY on $100 Investment; abso Tm. vital. r4o h.tiy p " ''f reliable: payable weekly; free book, t ih vestea, oo nereoy prw i M Henshall, Bronner. 320 Broadway, L W. F, authority claim thxt the STOECKER CIGAR Is genuine and of the best quality. It retails st strictly o straight. Union ' made. W. BV 8TOECKEA CIGAR CO. U 269-34 GOLDMAN 8, the only perfect pleating plant in the weau uv uuugias ui jt. U MI0O uiupnomn ar.d halrdrssslna. 35a Bt connection with The Batbery, ilft-ijiO Bee building. I ex. ins. w v- RUPTURE permanently cured In to to days; sna tor circular, u. o. nww, . p., fell New York Ufa Bldg., OnxahaJseb. Mlddismis. wall paper cleansr, 14j8 Jackson. W I9Q ELITE PAitLORfl. 815 8. X6th et.. 2d Hoot. ay siv RUPTURE CURED FOR $26 No psln, no detention from business; send for cir culars. Empire Rupturs Cure Co.. 933 K. Y. Life bldg.. Omaha. V MY73 LIEBEN, theatrical masquerade costumjr. luxa irarnam. wiano TUNING taught by mall: satlsfao- tlon guaranteed; diplomas given. Na- lon.l Tunlna (Jolleaa. at. Joseph. Mo. i,'-MJi 23 PERSONAL, WILL Fsmiiel Mohler please communicate I with his family at Qrlnnell. la. His sig nature Is wanted. U-rMi74 24 LADY owning Remington typewriter de sires noaiuon; alx year experience witn wholesale house 'n omana as stenog-1 rapher and general office assistant; ref erences Al. U 11 Bee. U 3S Z4 OEORGB Toasts. February What to Eat." Mollis. U-4J0 23 WRITE at once for valuable book, sent free, showing how to secure Independ ent Income for life. Jumlapa Co., 114 Fullerton Bldg., St. Louis, Mq. 1 T 1C1 7w SECRET SERVICE. Private work a specialty. H. M. BOWERS, 261t N. 34th St., Omaha. TJ MARRY The Denver Corresponding las- sociatlon, Incorporated under Colorado laws; 3.r0 members, worth $100 to $100,(no; Issues 30-year membership; paper. Hie, sealed. H. !. lxive. Mgr., Denver, colo. U VRW ij- REBPECTABLE, middle-aged widower Dos t vet v worth 1 U.Oiio. wants sincerely honest wife; no objection to poor lady. If respectame. Address urana, 1x7 vvssn Ington St., Chicago, III. U 417 33 BUPERFLVOV8 hair, warts and moles Dermarently removed by electricity; con sultatlon free and confidential- all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 161$ Douglas. u MARRY or correspond for amusement: send stamp for sealed particulars, dox U ZSS, council Biurrs, is. u what he tella comes true: send luc ana birthday. Prof. E. Gemot, box 868, rrov- Idence. R. 1. u WHY do vou drudge your life away when rortune may tie waning on your An East Indian Psychic will send test llfs reading, lucky birth gems and astral col ors for 30 cents. Send sex and birthday. Omer Manama, 78 Fifth Ave., New York City. U INPEPENPENTLY wealthy lady, with pleasing personality and sweet disposi tion, desires husband for business ad- visor and companion. Miss Loyal, Room I u, ui vine, tincinnau, j. U 425 23 MARRIAGE paper, sample copy, 4o. The Champion, Box V, 363, council jjiujis, ia. u LADIES, bust developers.' Call or write ror run particulars. Nenrasga vacuum Co., .suite 37, Douglas block, omana. insd. u a YOUNO widow owning her own home and Independent Income would assist husband In business; would marry soon. Cora K. It., Box IMS, Bt. ixjuib, mo. U ------- IMMENSELY wealthy, handsome and In- tellitrent ladv wants Immediately good. capable husband. Address Erie, 67 Clark bt., Chicago. u SUCES9FUL business nan. very wealthy. middle-aged, wants sincere, honest home loving wife. Address Mr. C. 96 Fifth Ave., Chicago. U living in Pennsylvania, would marry and nnanciany aia nonoraoie, capame nus band. Union, 69 Dearborn, Chicago. U ota ia YOUR fortune told from cradle to grsve. What I tell you comes true. Send dims ana Ditto aate. proi. J. Myers, Chicago, Li- REFINED young lsdy, worth $20,000, wishes correspondence wun respectaoie man wno has a view to matrimony. Box 2638 To ronto, Canada. U 631 23 MATRIMONIAL Journal, containing large list, sent sealed, plain envelope, lus. Ad dress p. o. oox ass, omana. u BUSINESS CHANCES. TO OET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room tu, Mcuagua ounaing. T 425 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchange your business or property quicg communi cate with one who has the customers. J. H. Johnson. 8a N. Y. Life. Phone L-Z270. X M331 FOR SALE Millinery store, doing good business; aiso goou noiei tor aaie tor lease to right pany. ootn gooa locations in N. E. Nebraska. Call or write 624 N. Y. Life building, omana. x 134 LAUNDRY business In good location In iittv a ueairauie iirotMiaiuun ior maaina money: reasonabale terms; Investigate. J. H. Johnson, m. x. Late. x M228 GENERAL MDSB. Choice and clean $8,000 stock Neo. town; annual Dusiness xju.uun; will consider part good Improved land; give full descriptions first letter. J. H. Johnson, 843 N. X. Lire. x M565 24 7-ROOM brick flat, nicely furnished, fine location, roomers only. Furnlturs for nla reasonnble. party leaving city. J. H. Johnson, w. x. uie. x M225 FOR SALE, or trade, my entire livery stock, at a uursani. auhtth w . u. Utterback, ogaen -uvery, council biikts. X MHS3 OLD established German weekly paper tn eastern xowa; iwj, wm ixyius noet time If desired: compositor can do all the work himself. Address for further Information u , ee. i-un h GROCERY BTOCK-Clean, up-to-date, fine location In cltv: dallv sales. 3100: will In- voice about $4,600; owner wishes to re- tire; for spot cash, quick, will discount 16 per cent: aon t miss mis goiaen oppor tunity. J. Al. jonnson, n. x. i.ue. Y M564 4 I xk 11 PuniriT nald on each share sines Dec. 1, 1W1. It y"U WHIII HWUU 1jrllS. . - InvMtmsnL shsres 810.00 each, dividends payable every fifteen days, send for cir cular. Dteriina: at -o., w uurri; miiu- lng, New xork. Mention paper. Y 433 $3 "DOLLARS AND HORSE SENSE, we naver emnlnv aaenta or Day commissions. Our business Is strictly co-operative, and aa we understand co-operation, all Inter ested should share alike. Why should some other person receive a commission . . " . . v. . ... ?" ?Sr.r "7, T " '.enuring bu.lne.77re senerallv stiort-livea. gran an tnere is In sight and go out of business, probably to open up later under a different name. We nave ample evidence to substantiate thts statement. No misrepresentation In n v reanect. do everything we claim. everybody Intereated shares allks. Our booklet. ''Dollars and Horse Sense," will xiet, uoiiara ana iiorae w,n tell you how we do It, and the extensive iri.i tin. ,. . ..'b - - - j nur claim that vour money esrns an aver age weekly profit of 5 per cent, and the Investment I always subject to your con trol. Twenty years of experience and two years under the present co-operative nian with a record eeoond to none. Is the evidence we have to offer. Legitimate financial agencies report on us, ana to thla wa will add the endoraement of two national banks snd sn extensive list of customers, w. w. o tiara, ixw ana jl&x Union Trust Wiog., wnciuuau, unio. Y 432 23 FLOURING MILL, 76-bbl. capacity, fully equipped, ooiug gooa ouainesv, an e-rvoiu houae, variety of fruit, bama. cattle sheds. 16 acres choice ground, completely faneeA for feeding cattle: loc'xttd In Neb.. fine section of stata; good opportunity for making money. Only $8,000 (or all, Might consider otner gooq property. J. n. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-o63 33 New York City. Ttao 23 I WILL furnish money to patent and pro mote a gooa invention ior an interest in the earns. Business, P. O. Box (72. New York. x 4.3 w PROPERTY free offered you; Southern facino raiiroau: iraverees i famous xwau- mont oil district; write for plat, map, application blank. Addreas, Texas Col onization CO.. Deed Dept.. Chicago. Y 17423 ARE you coming to Bt. Louis? Do you ..(.III llu.Di, uw i i.i,i. .ivww, . i in ' 1 1 , 1 frocery, restaurants, cigar stand, livery T lavs all sizes and prices. Writs for par ticulars, norms air oroaerage to.. 7uo oaa reuow xJiag., ot. xui. mo. Y 464-tl SPECULATORS WHO HAVE 825 or upward Investigate thla; 25 to 40 per cent earnea mommy wun no cnance oi lonl.ig the original Investment; Interest- showing how to rnaks your Idle capital earn a good Income; divlriunda paid weekly; blxneei reierencea. Denver to- Operative Investment Association. Ex change Bldg., Denver. Colo. Y 421 23 HOTEL, furniture and fixtures: 60 rooms. elegantly equipped; li houae; paying proposition; located In Uvs county seat town southeast Nebraska; owners ags necessitates retiring: will sell reasonable and lease house. J. IL Johnson. N. Y. Ife. BltlNESt CHANCES. AN INVESTMENT of $300 earns $18 weekly. The $11 will be sent you unless you wish it aaiea to pmicipa,!. fan ,t-,i ..- Addrees. J. W. Culver A Co.. Room l', Omaha Bldg.. Chicago. 111. Y 467 83 FOR SALE First-class bakery and. con fectionery; only one in town; gooa ousi- liLk..ik mm Hnf lorees, Y 403 23 1D7, Exeter, Neb. DENTIST or doctor contemplating locating would do well to puy me rurniture 01 -room flat. Houth Omaha: owner going to Mexico; no reasonable offer refused. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y M567 4 AN INCOME of $1,000 per year can be se cured by anyone who win lake tne trou ble to Investigate our plans; no gold mine or gambling scheme; simple, straightfor ward business proposition of unusual merit. The Jumlspa Co., 814-615 Fullerton Building. St. Louis, Mo. Y A SMALL Investment made through us rill pay you a cash weekly income. frreater every week than a whole year a n teres t on the same amount In bank. Will commence to earn this at once ana continue to do so until you withdraw your money. No gambling scheme or speculation, out ny means 01 a legninmi llcensed business. Address E. J. Arnold Co., tth and Fine streets, Bt. 1,0 u is. Mo. Y a DIVIDEND paying business proposition: Wa dealra rood renreaentatlve in every city In the V. 8. to sell stock of a Cal ifornia Electric Power and Mining com pany. This Is the most profitable Invest ment sroca ever orrerea tne puouo. i has three distinct dividend paying fea tures, all combined in the one Invest ment. Will pay a liberal commission fur nish all required advertising matter and highest bank and commercial references, Roanoke Investment Co., Marquette bldg.. Chicago, 111. Y HOTEL for rent, a three-story brick hotel ror rent in a gooa business town: tne only IS a day house In the city. Address A. A. Peterson, West Point, Neb. x tsv w- YOUR eye Is now on a road to success in f raln and stock speculation, information n detail. M. B. Williams A Co., Suite 808 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago. X M WANTED, a furnished hotel In good coun try town; willing to buy linen, crockery and silverware; purchase of furniture later. Add roes U 8, Bee Office. x t-s zj- "8UCCES8 IN SPECULATION." Large profits can now be made In stocks and grain on small Investments by our safe system. Send for our book: "Modern Methods for Sale Investments," and our special letters of advice free. M. B. Flower Co., bankers and brokers, Chi cago Stock Exchange Bldg., Chicago. X m ra il ROOM8, elegsntly equipped, first-class lurniture, nnea witn nrst-ciass roomers; best location: paying proposition. J. H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y M568 24 AN ENERGETIC man with good business quauncations can secure managerial po sition with Ohio corporation capitalised for $250,000; must come well recommended and be able to take stock in company during term of engagement, from ll.OnO to $3,000; same to be taken up at expiration of agreement. This company Is composed of the representative business men of Columbus. Salary, $1,800, and liberal com mission. Address Howard D. nemp. sec retary, Sphar Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. , x FOR BALE, drug stock and fixtures, cor ner park Ave. ana pacinc, or Dunning for rent March 1, $25 per month; splendid Elace for drugs, soda, news, etc. D, V. holes Co., 310 N. Y. Llfs. Tel. 829. X UW9 RESTAURANT, furniture and fixtures; fine location: paying business; owner leaving city; a bargain; Investigate this. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Ufa. Y-M669 14 MR INVESTOR, SHOW US A SINGLE irnBiAMUiu wnere mere was ever a cent lost in buying shares in a SALMON CAN NERY company on the pacino coast. If you can, you can get a good reward. wnen you nave tuny convinced yourseir that this Is a fact why not send for par ticulars to the company, who offers you today ONE DOLLAR shares at 16 CENTS and tha next block goes positively to 25 CENTS. A quick Investigation will surely be otg money to you ny writing to tne INTERSTATE FISHERIES COMPANY. 3O3-S03 Pacino Blook, Seattle, Wash. X MO MS $397.15 DIVIDENDS paid In cash on every account 01 saw invested witn us irom AUGUST 1, 1M01, to FEBRUARY 15. 1903. Smaller accounts earned proportionately. Dividends paid promptly every two weeks. Send for BOOKLET and OFFICIAL RE PORTS showing how you can DOCBI.B YOUR MONEY every six months. Writ us at once and be In receipt of a constant Income. AMERICAN STOCK COMPANY (INC.). Nassau-Beekman Bldg., N. Y. C, U. S. A. X 60S 23 FOR SALE, only millinery business In town 86 miles from Omaha; good location. large trade. Address u at, ilea, iom m FOR SALE, rooming house, nets owner 365 per month, at a bargain. Clear residence property to trade for a small farm. Farm lands all over the state for sale. If you want to buy a farm or business write us. If you have a farm or business for sals see us also. Abbot Bros., room 10, Bush man block. Y 617 23 FOR EXCHANGE. eh,anC J00 Ward0bJf-,,nor folding bed. N 49. Bee. Z-MjIO LOT for piano; will exchange $460 lot 26th and Taylor bin., zor piano. Address T ea. 3-M301 25 WILL exchange 346 acres good Improved rarm land, an unaer cultivation, ior mer chandise. Land In Burt county, eastern Nebraska, I miles from P. O. Address L, W. Newell, Bancroft, Neb. Z M656 M2 WILL exchange first-class vocal or piano lessons ror any commodity. Address u 10, Bee. Z 467 23 A GOOD grain elevator and coal business In Iowa to exchange ior a I arm. j. n. Parrotte, Paxton Blk. Z 537 23 HOW $100 AVERAGES $20 MONTHLY I Itl I ! 1 1 . VQU are looking for a apeculatlve. sound and very profitable Investment, send for particulars showing how we make $lu0 average $30 monthly In a carefully tested and thoroughly proven Investment. No sensible Investor can afford to overlook this opportunity, as It la the most suc cessful money-making proposition ever offered. Highly endorsed oy an. i --- i x - m Q, xi.. .. at i v.v ")"-- " - " a- READ THIS LIST and And any kind of business you wsnt, an sixes ana prices, In Omaha and country towns. Hotels restaurants, cigar stores, pool rooms, meat markets, groceries, barber shops, general merchandise stores, bakeries, office business, mantle business, livery, Isundry, dys works, horse collar factory, dentist office, show outfit, drugs, billiard hall, millinery, machine shop, racket store, confectionery, saloons, hardware, dreaamaklng parlor, country newspaper, flour mill, blacksmith shops, express business, rooming houses snd boarding houses. Call on ms. Williams, Room 411, McCague Building. Y 194 23 LOST. LOST, at Unity dance at Metropolitan hall. February , ngnt piue crepe snawi. its ward for return to 3u8 W. O. W. Bldg. Lost-360 24 LOST. 88 Smith 4 Wesson revolver. Re ward for return to Bee omce. Lost 30 23 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 16th Doug 434 A. C. VAN BANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. tjo BOYLES College, court reporter principal. in. x. i-'re. NEB. Business 4k Shorthand College. Boyd's 1 neater. l BICYCLES. WHY not get the best The Tribune bicycle cannot be excelled, lyoi monis at bargains whlls they last. Gas mantles, burners, chimneys, shades, gasoline lamps. Louis Flescber, l-3 Capitol sve. -Mr,14 Ml OSTEOPATHY. G1D E. ALICE JOHNSON, oataopatba. Hulls 616 N. X, Life bldg. TeL 16M. 30 PR A. T. HUNT, 613 McCague Bldg. Tell 2361 444 PH. MRS. MUolCK, JUeuglas Blk. Tel- twi - . ' f "v s$