Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15
THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: BUND AT, FEBRUARY 23, 1002. 15 CRUSADE AGAINST TI1E BEARD Cold-Blooded Science Plucks the Whiskon of Dairymen. HAIRLESS FACES BEHIND THE KILKCAN Vlcrobe Sharps G Farther Im alst on Dorlon Betas? Shorn at the Patriarchal glga ef Utilom, KEW YORK. Feb. 21. A cmudi against the beard baa been started and. If the movement kuni th riay It haa alrMdv ec- quired, it will not ba long before we will bo aa whlskerless a race aa In the days of Napoleon. For the edict haa gone forth and the man of faahlon, the barber and the doctor are concurring to fire It force. The first la actuated by mere vanity, the asc end by gain, the third by science, or at least hygiene, and In thla latter cause la found the real significance of the move ment, alnoe It coucerna the general health. Heretofore the un bearding of a nation haa always reflected its mood. People have he eoma beardleaa after suffering great moral crises witnesa the time of Cromwell In England, the period of the revolution In Franc. Perhaps some people may think are hare paesed through a great political grists In thla country, but that, after all, la not the real motive for the present cru- bade. It Is true that fashion has been gradually reducing Ita devotees to the ab solutely shorn condition. The day of the Bowing moustache, for instance, was passed years ago. In spite of the outcrf of the ladies, the youth of the period long ago relegated the military twist, to the me chanic, the laborer and the man who wears made-up tie. The short cropped mous tache has been lone; In vogue. But more recently the young blood, who Is to his tel lows what the Gibson girl Is to woman kind, haa shaved his face clean to accord wrlth his short niched coattall and bis peg- top trousers, all of which might well take place at any time without rhyme or rea son. But here come the doctors, to whom a flowing beard baa been considered es sential from the ' standpoint of business. Declaring that the beard Is, after all,; but a vehicle for the growth of disease germs which may menace not only the health of (he wearer, but which may transmit the - germs to others; that the dairyman who wears a beard does so to the peril of his eun torn era who drink the milk he contaml 1 Dates; that doctors who wear beards report 7 greater mortality among their patients than tnose who do not; that the man with a beard who enters a railway coach can sot coma away without a very palpable ad' flltlon ' of the bacteria which always In feat such placea, since It haa been proved that the matting of the coaches, composed of many Individual strands or hairs like (hose of a beard, are literally covered with bacteria. The Bearded and the Beardless. Now, It Is a fact that doctors have long separated themselves Into two classes, Ibose who do and those who do not wear beards, and In the larger cllnloa It Is noticeable that ths operstors are as careful pf their hirsute appendages ss Lord Lister was of his fingernails; but the Idea really cams to the aotlcs of the publlo when the frew York Milk commission suggested that all dairymen with whiskers dispense with this part . of their facial makeup on the ground that a milkman with whiskers Is liable to Impregnate ths milk with germs. Following the suggestion the managers of the various milk depots In the neighbor hood of Blngbamton have decided that only smooth-faced men will be allewed hereafter to have anything to do with the milking or hipping of milk Is that part of ths state. Orders issued to that effect state that with Ordinary cleanliness the dust from ths eta Die la liable to Infect the beard and from thence the milk. Some of the farmers who pave long prided themselves on the. beauty and length of their beards are Indignant Kt the Implied possibility ot uncleanllness and at the enforced change I their, per sonal appearance. One man declares that he would rather lose his business than his beard. Others express like sentiments, but many, on the other hand, are heartily In accord with the movement. The significance Of the movement Ilea In Ita relation to the wearing ot beards In general. If there Is menace to the dairy, there Is menace to ether departments ot Industry. Bo Important has the question become that varloua health authorities have for same time been making reforms wherever possible. Menace of Whiskers. - "X suppose the Idea came." said Dr, Park of the New York Board ot Health, from our suggestion to the milkmen ot the State. There Is real menace to the milk W the dairyman is bearded. In the first place ths milker may be diseased himself. lie may have tuberculosis and the dried iputum may accumulate on his beard and drop from It Into ths milk, which would then become dangerous to any consumer already predisposed to the disease. The milker Is forced to Incline his head over the mllkpall In order to get near enough to do hla work and you have so doubt no tlced that men with long beards have a habit of stroking them downward. That BMim FOOD. Xfot lone siuca there was a great nm Cta the fish markets because it was an wounded that fish was food for ths brain. Of course the fallacy of the fad was soon exploded. Normally the food w est nourishes brain, nerves, muscle. 7 bones, etc. each part of the tody assimilating phosphorous alts. live, sc- gaordior to its need, when the train begins to show weakness or the nerves be come sensitive it Is a sign that . there is a Ibsa of the nutrition Contained is the food eaten, and this loss is in general doe to disease of Ihe stomach, and its allied orgsns. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical TM voverv cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food, which hi ths source of the strength of both brain and body. : "I was troubled wtta very freqiseat headaches," Write Mia Belle Bumiaertoa, of ban Una IniYal Co., Tex., "oltaa aeaompeaied by severe Vomiting : bowels were irregular and T sto-aa-ech and liver seemed continually out of order. Often I could eat almost ootblni, and aaoaailmce sbaolutely aothiog. for twaly 'ou hours st a time. I was eotiielv uU foe work, and my J Whole system seemed so rua-dowa that 1 feared a severe sck spell eoa was very f 1 coorared. I was advised to try Dr. r" Qoldca Medical Lnauoeery sad did eo with each eatiaCactory reoults that oeioro 6atT-Uf tB tidrd bottle I felt trSicOy sble to aaoertsaa duties sttetMtiag pubis: school lift- Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser in paper covers is sent frtt, on receipt of at one-cent stamps to psy ex pense of mailing only. Adores Dr. K. V. tierce, BufleL. N. Y. haa the effect of brushing eft any germs they may contain. Again the milker may be perfectly healthy himself and yet ac cumulate bacteria from the dust of the stable. The beard, particularly when damp, may become an Ideal germ carrier, and on an unclean man would bavs great facil ity for the -transmission of disease. In Ihe esse of ths Dhrslclan It mlaht transmit Isease if brought In contact with It. For Instance, a doctor with a long beard in examining a diphtheria case might very well accumulate the germa of the disease while he waa bending down to examine a patient A child with the disease might cough and the doctor's beard might col lect the germs, which, when dry, could very easily be transmitted In this way to another patient. Understand, I do not say it has been done, but It could be done. This danger Is less In the case ot the gen eral practitioner than In the case of the surgeon, whose whiskers might not only interfere with his work, but might collect ths deleterious elements of some pus-fillei cavity, which, drying, might bo transmitted to some other hospital patient. For that reason, perhaps, many of our surgeons ars smooth shaven, or at least, wear only the mustache." One ot Dr. Park's colleagues, to whom the writer was referred by the director of the board, spoks of the danger to health resulting more especially from bearded doctors. A Test Case. "Undoubtedly the beard Is a germ car rier," he said very poaltlvely. "I could give you ths names of three or four well known physicians whose large mortality records are believed to be due to the fact that they wear long flowing beards, which transmit disease. It would ba discourteous professionally to give you their names, and for the same reason you must not mention mine. There is one specific Instance which came under my notice. We were operating on sn accident caae, and the chief surgeon was a man with a long beard. In sewing up the wound this surgeon accidentally al lowed the ligature to touch his besrd. It brushed through the ends of the hairs ever so slightly. We took careful note of the part of the ligature that had touched the hairs of the beard, remembering Just where that part rested In the wound. And ws were not surprised when a small stitch- abscess formed around the portion ot the ligature that bad been touched by the beard. Clearly the germs from the surgeon's whiskers had Infected the previously ster Ulsed ligatures. "It Is Impossible that a practitioner, and particularly a hospital operator, bending down over the breasts and the mouths ot the diseased all day long, as soms of us do, should not run the risk of transmitting con tag ion through the medium of the beard. In fact, you have only to look around you to note the possibilities of disease which may result from the wearing of beards. Some time ago a Columbia college In vestigator went into the elevated trains and collected pieces of the matting and samples of the air from tha cars. He did the same in the ferry houses, the railway stations and the churches. He took his samples to the laboratory of the College of Physicians and Burgeons, and when cultures wars made he produced an appalling number of bac terla,' showing the unhygienio condition ot the various publlo places he had visited. Now, the bacteria flying In the air of the elevated trains, for Instance, could not fall to find lodgment In the beards of the pas. sengers. It might be said that they would also find lodgment on the clothes of the passengers as well, but those clohes are comparatively much further removed from ths mouths and nostrils of the wearers and from the mouths and nostrils of the other passengers crowded hard In the rush hours against the wearer of the beard." ' . ',. Inpars Air. ' " Observations made at Montsours's ob servatory showed that the sir of Paris averages 5,400 bacteria per cubio meter and tha air ot New York was shown by Dr. Firth of Columbia college to be ss bad. Dr. Firth constructed an apparatus for ob taining samples of air in ths L trains. In ths stations and other publlo places where large crowds gather. Hla apparatus looked like an ordinary sachel, but It bad vacuum pump concealed within It and a hols cut In the side so that samples of air could bs drawn In through ths stopcock that protruded. It was an easy matter tor Dr. Firth to turn on the stopcock unob served and secure, a quantity of the air ot the particular room or car In which he hap pened to be. Ths sir was, or course, taken to ths college laboratory and tested. In a cublo meter ot air taken from tie Queens county court house he found 11,777 bacteria, The same amount of air taken from a Brooa lvn church contained 1,800 bacteria. Is i New York school room fifteen minutes after dusting he got 44,428 bacteria from a cubic meter. In one of ths ferry houses ths bac teria per cublo meter were 17,66s. in an other ferry house Jl.lll. In an elevated car he sot 25.444. But this waa as nothing com pared to the amount of bacteria round on the floor matting of tnese cars, in too re port which ha made on this subject he says: "The use of cocoa mate In the cars of the elevated roads of Manhattan establishes a condition that la prejudicial. If not perilous to ths health of passengers. These mats absorb all ths liquid filth deposited on them and part with it again after It has dried on the fibers. I have estimated mat on fiber one and a half inches long from the outer surface ot a mat there were between I 000.000 and 4,000,000 bacteria. On an inner fiber ot the sams length there were nearly 1.000.000." Whether It could be said that the preva lency of the beard might be the index of a nation's healthfulness I do not know. Most of the plague-infected natlona have worn beards, but that might be a coincidence, Certainly the beard, for doctors at least, la not desirable. The science of antiseptics Is acalnat It. for of what use is it to be Immaculate In the matter of apparel and ot fingernails when from the face ot the operator bangs ten times the menace In the form of garm-collectlng whiskers. Smooth Fsveee in Favor. The writer made a tour ot the best barber ahopa of New York to find out, if possible, the proportion smooth shaven men bore to the rest ot mankind. The consensus of opinion was that the practice of wearing beards is dying out, and that even the mus tache la growing less prevalent. The bar ben proclaimed themselves heartily in favor ot ths beardless face, not because of any desire for the general good health, but be cause of the increase it would bring to their trade. When it was Intimated that perhaps It would also give them greater chance to spread contagion by means of the rasor, they one and all declaimed against the pos slbillty ot any such a thing taking place. The raxor, tbey said, cannot spread con tagloa, since it is always sterilised before nse In all first-class shops. The only means of germ transmission that could apply la a barber ahop la the towel, which, when wet, furnishes a first-class culture medium for the propagation of bacteria, and they said that It Is only la the cheap Italian ahopa, where the asms towel la made to serve more than one person. All ot which msy be true enough. The writer, la a walk down Broadway,' noted that among 1,000 male foot passengers only 5 per sent wore beards, and that of the younger men greater percentage were clean shaven than muatached. Allowing for the tact that many of these young men were smooth faced by virtue of inability to raise hair en their faces, it Is significant when consider that it is sot so long since every third mas ea Broadway wore Vaadyke. Bermuda and the Bahamas Get Favor of Local Travelers, WHERE THE BLIZZARDS NEVER PENETRATE MIA AND TI1E SOUTHLAND! George W. Llnlnsrer Tells of Ideal Trio for Those Who geek Variety as Well as Barceaae I from Winter. Travel to ths winter pleasure resorts in the south Is usually heaviest during Feb ruary and March, these months having ap parently been selected by the ultra-fashionable people, thua making possible by their simultaneous sppearance social func tions of pretentious character. The resorts during these months ars thus given more life snd attractiveness n those who seek only escape from the disagreeable weather usual to ths north at thla period of ths year. Of the latter some prefer to remain most of the time In certain places, whlls others, seeking novelty and varied enter tainment, lay out s tour embracing many changes. Florida ssd ths Bahamas have proven the brightest attractions to Omaha winter pleasure travelers. Among those who have a . number ot times visited Florida, ths Bahamas, Cuba and Mexico during the winter is George W. Llnlnger, who yesterday. In discussing tha attractive features ot these resorts, said: Where to Go la the Booth. "While the Bahama Islands offer fea tures of climate snd novelty not possessed In the sams degree by Florida, the Ideal winter trip. In my opinion. Is from Vera Crus to Mexico City, with aids trips to various points of interest. Nassau, the more prominent point of Interest in the Bahamas, may be done, as the traveler expresses It, In about aeven days, still leaving ample time for the delights of bathing. The northern blizzards which per sist in following the Atlantic coast down to and Including Florida, do not strike the Bahamas for some reason. The periodic appearance of frosty spring weather in Florida, causing utter ruin to many of the orange groves, acts as a damper to the enthusiasm of visitors who go there to escspe the raw early spring weather In the north. Besides, one of the effects is to periodically deprive the tourist ot many or all of the early fruits snd vegeta bles, that Is to say, to no small extent. In Nassau one can go ta ths baths, be upplled with oranges, limited In number only by his capacity, and a doxen is gen erally considered a low tide appetite, and besides be supplied with a bathing suit snd other conveniences, all at the expense of 25 cents. Ideal Winter Trio. As I have suggested. Nassau can be leisurely done In seven days, although one can find many points ot'real interest in the numerous Islands composing ths Ba hama group. My personal experience In traveling, Including tours through Europe and Egypt, has convinced me that, when one takes Into consideration the convent encs ot access and variety of entertain ment, a circuitous trip through Florida, the Bahamas and Cuba, returning by way of Yucatan snd Vera Crus, through Mexico, offers features of extraordinary interest to ths traveler. The mountain scenery be tween Vera Crus snd Mexico City is the finest I ever saw. When making the trip I remained on the rear platform of the last car, and it seemed to ms that ths engineer who selected the route ran it to the near est high mouataln peak, from which eleva tion he saw another; and then started for It. And. this successively until hs had the panoramlo view of the most notable mountains In Mexico, Including all worth seeing. In Mexico the traveler finds suggestions of Algiers, of Italy, Francs and Spain, with local characteristics both novel and inter esting. A feature ot the southern trip I have referred to Is ths avoidance of the long sea voyage necessarily involved In a European tour, something that forms a very serious barrier to many to the enjoyment promised and hoped for. California, how ever, still attracts ths great bulk of winter pleasure travel, this being due to some ex tent to the lively Interest taken by the en terprlstng people of that state In securing conventions snd similar gatherings." Others Who Go sooth. Charles N. Diets and Mrs. Diets almost every winter visit Nassau, In the Bahamaa, preferring It to other resorts In the semi- tropics, because ot the lnfrequency of storms, ths svenness of temperature, which rarely sinks lower than 65 degrees or rises higher then 86. Gould N. Diets has also Included Florida and the Bahamas In his southern tours. General and Mrs. Charles F. Manderson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck, Edward P. Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Ouy C. Barton and Miss Jessie Millard, daughter ot Senator Millard, usually, every year, go to Florida or the Bahamaa, or both, during the months of February and March. PRATTLE! OP TUB VOVtKGSTERS. "You never ssw my hands as dirty as yours," said a mother to her little girl. "No, but grandmother did," waa the reply. Teacher Johnnie, can you tell me who first discovered whalebone T Johnnie (promptly Yes'm. Jonah. Teacher (angrily) You bad boy! Why did you chalk your name on this new desk! Tommy Had ter, 'cause I ain't got no penknife to carve It with. "I'm going to be an astronomer when X grow up," said small Edgar. "That won't be a bit nlse," said his little sister. "You'll hsve to sit up all night and sleep In the dsytime." Little Edith wss riding with her father on a very crooked road and after a long alienee she folded her small hands In seemlns resignation snd said: "Well, honeatly. never saw such a curly road In all my life! "During my absence," says a physician quoted in the Rochester Post-Express, "my two boys got into my consulting room, where they began to play at being 'doctors.' Pres ently one ot them unlocked the door snd disclosed a skeleton. 'Pooh! What are you 'frald ofr he asked. 'It's nothing but an old skelllngton.' 'W-wa-where did it come from?' asked the other with chattering teeth. 'Oh. I don't know. Papa's had It long time. I expect It was his first pa tlent.' " It la the sayings of children that make men wise, childish prattle turned to profit that make men rich. In each sweet-tongued expression, ssye ths Philadelphia Telegraph, there la a leas on learned or an argument conclusively settled. This is particularly true of two tiny tots who toddled down the street hand in hand ths other day. In s few worda they decided a much mooted ques tion, and thoae who believe that the human being la a descendant of the monkey and wonder what became of the hairy covering that still adorns the ainiiaa tribe can now rest in peace. "Say." aald the first, "we's Dod's llttls angels, isn t we?" "Yeth." lisped the second, "but we haaa dot any feathers on uth like the 'ittle angels my mamma showed me la a plcturs book. "Well, we had once, don't eo kaowt" re- SBt&GS AE3BS MMKS SEmzsid VJriie to Ulra- PinMsam, Lynn, rJaaa., for Advioo It so Absolutely Frca and Haa Restored Thouaanda off Women to Health. All Letters Are Sacredly Confidential and No Names Are Published Without Special Per mission of the Writer All Letters Are Received, Opened and Answered by Women Only During the Last 20 Years Mrs. Pinhham Has Gained a Greater Knowledge Regarding Female Ills Than Any Other Person, and is Consequently Better Qualified to Advise and Guide SicH Wo "en. It . . fSSS LYDIA E. PINKHAM, Discoverer of Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound. Four Letters Showing the Result of Mrs Pinkham's Advice. Thousands More ot the Same Kind Are on File In Her Office at Lynn, Mass " Dear Mrs. Pinkham : I have been for some years a great sufferer and thoug-ht I would write and explain my case to you as you hr.d helped so many others. Menstruation is Irregular and very painful I have suf fered with painful periods for ten years but the pains grow worse as I grow older. " I suffer most with my back, lower part of abdomen and left side, I have been flowing- all the month and a part of August, not constantly, but will stop for two or three days and then begin again. " The doctor says I have misplacement of the womb. I have bearing down pains when passing urine, and my abdomen is very badly swollen and sore. Please advise me at your earliest convenience." Mrs. A. V. Scott, 21 Page St., Kingston, Pa. (Sept. 30, 1900.) " Dkar Mrs. PinkAaii : When I wrote to you asking advice no one could describe my suffering. The doctors said I could not be relieved un less I had an operation performed, but thanits to you snd your medicine 1 got along without having the dreaded operation. I have taken ten bottles of vour medicine and am once more well and happy. Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a fine medicine and a God-send to suffering women. I trust my letter msy be the means of bringing many of my Buffering sisters to accept your kind aid." MBS. A. V. Scott, Zl rage St., Kingston, ra. 'Jan. jo, ivvi.) " Dkab MRS.Pn?KKAif : Some time ago I wrote you that my regular phy sician had made an examination and tola me I was afflicted with a tumor in my womb. I had backache, headache, bearing-down pains, and very pro fuse menstruation. My limbs would ache so I could not sleep, and I was verv weak and nervous. 1 was bloated from my head to my feet. After receiving your letter I took Lydia 15. Plnltham's Vegetable Com pound and Blood Purifier, and followed all the rest of your advice as near as I could, and the tumor was expelled in pieces, and I regained my natural size. I continued taking your Vegetable Compound for awhile longer and felt like a new woman. I cannot thank you enough for your kind advice, and what your medicine did for me. It certainly saved my life. -Mrs. Pkrlky b. Willis, versmre, vt. "Drab Mrs. PimcHAsi : One year ago I read a letter In a paper telling how much good one woman had derived from Lydia 12. t'lnkham's Vegetable Compound. I had been sick all winter and was nearly dis couraged, aa ths medicine the doctor gave me did me no good. I had kidney complaint, leucorrhaea, itching, bearing-down feeling, and painful men struation. I wrote to vou describing my trouble and soon received an answer telling me what to do. I followed your instructions, and have taken nine bottles of Vegetable Compound, and used one package of Sanative Wash, and one box of Liver Pills. I am well now, do not have those sick spells at the monthly period, but can work all day, and that I never could do until I began taking the Compound. I cannot praise the Compound too highly. I do hope every suffering woman will learn of your remedies and be cured, as I have been. I wish all success to the Compound ; it hss done wonders for me and 1 am so thankful." Mrs. Gknir KiLLoae, Berlin Heights, Ohio. 1 Hflrom Pinkfoam'G Standing invitation In addressing Mrs.. Pinkham you are confiding your private ills to a woman a woman whose experience in treating woman's diseases is greater than that of any living physician male or female. .. You can talk freely to a woman when it is revolting to relate your private troubles to a man besides a man does not understand simply because he is a man. Many women suffer in silence and drift along from bad to worse, knowing full well that they ought to have immediate assistance, but a natural modesty impels them to shrink from exposing themselves to the questions and probably examinations of even their family physician. It is unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge from actual experience is greater than any local physician. The following invitation is freely offered ; accept it in the same spirit. Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters are received, opened, read and answered by women only. A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman ; thus has been established the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Out of the vast volume of experience which she has to draw from, it is more than possible that she has gained the very know ledge that will help your case. She asks nothing in return except your good-will, and her advice has relieved thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer. LYDIA E. PIHKHArj'S VEGETABLE COrJlPOUND. Has restored more women to health than any other medicine the druggists have ever sold It outsells all other medicines for female ills twt t J one Therefore it must be unequalled. Accept no substitute. turned the first, "but Dod pulled 'em all out before Hint aent us down here." "What for did Him do that?" "So that we couldn't fly up In the trees when our mammas want us to come In and be washed. REUUIOl). The Christian Bndeavor society has at tained lis majority. A manuscript bible, richly illuminated, of about the ytwr nio. has ben sold in Lon don for 1,300 guineas. Rev. Heury A. Bulllvan, rector of the Cathedral of the Huly Croe, Boston, ad ministers to the spiritual wants of tha laH con-resliuu in Kew iOusland, his parishioners numbering- between 8,000 and t.Ouo. Of all the missionary societies, the Amer ican Baptist MlHalonury union still stands at the head in the number of church mem bers, 112.163. the MpthndlHts of the northern states coming next with 86,260. The American Sunday School union re ports that t.4oS Sunday schools were or ganised under Its auspices in needy places last year, and that the schools opened with nearly M,0u0 scholars and teachers present the first Sunday. The American Board of Foreign Mlaslons finds India one of the largest snd most accesslbla fields In the world. It haa a population of over 291.uuO.0iiO who ars acces sible to the Christian teacher. Mrs. E. L. SafTord of Washington; main tains and supports a mlaalon out of her own private income in a curious group of lvy-growa stone buildings, erected during the revolution, along the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. It Is known aa the "Towpatn Mission." Rev. B. J. 8. Kerby, vicar of Penn. Eng land, Is in Philadelphia to receive money for the restoration of the church of Penn, which was built In 1213 and which is Iden tllled with the family of William Penn. Rev. Father M an h Irian, tha only i Ar menian Catholic priest In America, is mak ing a tour of the principal cltiea for the purpose of administering to Armenian Catholics, having received a special com mission from the propaganda, at Rome. He barely escaped death three times in. Turk Uh masaacrea in Armenia. The northernmost church on thla conti nent is the church at Nome, Alaska, on the edge of the Arctic Circle, built and paid for by the people of that mining town. A deficit of I2u0 when tha church was dedi cated was cancelled at ouce bx s Roman Cat hollo and another man who had been a saloon ke,e:er. Represertatlven of all the religious de nominations of Boston and of the varloua literary, educational, scientific and busi ness societies and organisations. In fact "all Boston." as one of the city's papers happily phraaos It, are laboring together for a notable celebration of Rev, Dr. F-1-ward Everett Hale's tilth birthday on April I next. All Boston may well unite In It, for all Boston esteems and lovea him. lehls Valley Railroad between Chicago snd New York, or Phils delphla. Superb vestibule trains through without change. Btop-over allowed at Niagara rails.