Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Davis sells drug.
FJtockert sells csrpets and ruga.
Mets beer at Neumeyer's hotel.
Wollman. aclcntine optician. Bwey.
New novelties In picture frames. C. B.
Alexander Co., 333 Broadway.
J. c. ft W. Woodward, architects, room
$ Everett block. Council Bluffs, la.
Missouri oak body wood. &. 0-Jwl1"
4am Welch. 23 N. Main streeu TeU 13a.
The Salvation army corp. .p'0
to close its quarters In this city lor men
of financial support.
Robert Bchlkellng and May Rhine, both
of Buffalo county. Nebrasks. wer
In thta city yesterday by Justice Brytnt.
Word waa received here yeaerday of the
death, at hla old home In Pennsylvania, of
B? C .Oood. formerly a well known motor
Superintendent H. J. Sllfer of Boone. I a.,
conducted a school of Instruct "nyestj rday
at the local depot for employee of the
Northwestern railroad.
Peter A. Penney, farm hand, of Malvern.
JaT, ha. filed a petition In bankroptcy In
the United States court here, Hla liabili
ties ara 11.19 and his assets consist of 111
worth of clot hln and a Ufa Insurance
policy for $1,000.
The case against John Murphy.
with breaking Into Pat Ounnude r,n
laat Sunday, wa, dismissed In ri
yesterday. Murphy showed that ha had
evil intent and that ha entered the barn
while Intoxicated.
A meeting of the congregation and "Jety
of the First Congregational church will be
Sunday afternoon at 2 In the church. There
will be no preaching service. In the church
Sunday. Tlie choir will meet for rhr
this evening, under the direction of Harry
"Wilson of Omaha.
Tony Prescott, charged with soliciting
subscription, to buy a suit of cloths foe
Cam Payne, colored, who died in 1st. Her
pards hospital, and converting the money
to his own use, admitted his guilt In police
court yesterday and was sentenced to fif
teen daya In the county Jail.
Harold Egbert, charged with the theft
of a sum of money from Joe Woods in a
Broadway saloon, waa arraigned In district
court yesterday and pleaded not guilty.
O. Kahler. charred with violating quaran
tine regulations, waa arraigned and entered
a similar plea. Both are out on bonds.
Ij. R. La ran was arrested last night on
a charge of vagrancy and later admitted
having stolen a fur laprobe, valued at J35.
the property of Mrs. J. E. Williams of
Crescent City, from the Neumayer barn.
Mrs. Williams had reported the theft at
police station and bffered a reward of $25
for the robe before Larsen was arrested.
Infective Weir, who took Larsen in on
suspicion, will receive the reward. Larsen
sold the robe for $3.50 to a farmer named
Leek, from whom It was recovered.
An Incident of special note to the theater
goer, of our city Sunday night will be the
first presentation of Clyde Kltch's four-act
drama, "Nathan Hale.'r with Howard Kyle
In the title role. It will be produced with
full stage settings and costumes appropri
ate to the time. Around the heroic charac
ter, from whom the piny derlvea Its name,
the author ha. woven a romance of ab
sorbing Interest. From the time the scene
opens in the historic schoolUiuse In New
England to the end of the play Interest
continues to grow, and the audience seems
to feel that it Is living the atrugglea for
liberty In the early daya of the nation.
Dance tonight, Hughes' hall. Ladies free
Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft So.
Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 641 Broadway.
Loale A. Wiir Camp.
Louis A. Wagner camp No. S, Phlllpplue
Island Veteran., permanently organised at
meeting last night In the armory of the
Dodge Light Guard, wlt'j these officers:
Commander, George L. Judson; vice com
mander, Frank Compton; adjutant, John S.
Qretier, Jr.; recorder, T. R. Rutherford;
paymaster, W. A. Johnson; quartermaster,
A. M. Flammaot; officer ot the guard,
Charles , A. Anderson; master-at-arms,
Claus Rus. These were appointed a com
mittee on bylaws: Jesse Tompsett, J. S.
Gretser, Jr., and W. A. Johnson.
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 180.
Elks' Social Seasloa.
Council Bluffs lodge of Elks Is arranging
an elaborate social session for Thursday
Bight, March 13, when there will be a
large class of candidates initiated, among
the number being thirteen from Missouri
Valley. Following the lodge meeting there
will be a social session, with a musical
program, after which a baaquet will be
served. Victor E. Bender, E. A. Troutman
and L. Zurmuehlen, Jr., comprise the com
mittee of arrangements.
Dance tonight, Hughes' ball. Ladles free.
Davis .erlls glass.
Holiday Hoars at Postofflce.
Today .being the anniversary of Washing
ton's birthday, a legal holiday, these hours
will prevail at the postofflce: Stamp win
dow, general delivery - window and money
order department will be open from I until
11 a. m. The carriers will make but one
delivery,, leaving the office about 9 o'clock.
There will be a business collection made la
the afternoon, carriers leaving the office at
II o'clock.
Darts sells glass. .
. Heal Estate Transfers.
These transfers were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Bqulre, 101 Pearl street:
Christ Chrlsten.en and wife to Knud
Andersen. n4 aw4 29-76-43, w. d $ 4,000
John N. Magulre and wife to Henry
Wahle, aft m $-74-41, w. d 1,100
William K. Ilamford and wife to Nels
C Jensen, eH eeu 28-77-43, w. d $.620
Kells Hansen and wife to M. P.
Christiansen. 47.24 acres In ett awSL
ts-77-43, w. d TTT
Oldeon DeBolt and wife to Elisabeth
J. Uehrmann, sw4 $-74-40, w. d
Richard Kllnl and wife to H. 8. C.
Demorest. part lot 17, block 13, Wil
liams' 1st add, w. d
J. W. Davis and wife to William F.
Schmidt, n 23 feet lot 13. block $0,
Avora. w. d
X A. Caaper and wife to George Law
rence and Nellie Marie Peters, wH
lot 1, block 18, Beers' add, w. d......
Total, eight transfers
Marriage Licensee.
Licenses to wtd were issued yesterday 'to
toe following:
Name and Residence. Am
Robert Hi-hlekllng, Buffalo county, Neb.. 2
May Rhine. Buffalo county. Neb 18
John Webster, Council Bluffs 30
Maud Moon, Council Bluffs 23
: Sunday, Feb. 23
The Dramatic Event of the Season.
Howard ICylo
Carefully 'Chosen Ci
And a
Nathan Hale
By Clyde Fitch. Humor, sentiment, ro
mance, patriotism. Complete scenic
production. Correct costumes.
Prlces-76c, Wc Jbc
Funeral Director
nuoceaaer i W. C tac
M rkJAHi. eTRavr. rkeae $)t
JgsaaeiaM In wmvm
Pottawattamie County Bar Association
Urge Supreme Court Legislation.
Reasons Stated for Proposed Heqnlre
saeat that All Snprente Conrt
' Jadges shall Live In the
Slate Capital.
The Cummins bill now before the state
legislature was indorsed In strong terms
by the Pottawattamie County Bar associa
tion yesterday at a meeting called by Presi
dent Flnley Burke to dlscnss the measure.
Not only did the association Indorse the
bill, but It selected a delegation to ge to
Des Moines to present Its views on the mat
ter to the proper legislative committees.
The delegation Is a representative one and
Is composed ef Emmet Tlnley, chairman;
Hon. Joha N. Baldwin, Judge J. R. Reed,
C. M. HarL John M. Galvln and A. T. Flick
inrer. These resolutions were adopted and copies
were sent to the senate and bouse Judiciary
committees and the bouse committee on
compensation of public officers:
Resolved, by the Bar association of Potta
wattamie county, That we heartily Indorse
and urge the adoption of the bill now
pending In the general assembly, requiring
the Judges of the supreme court to reside
In Des Moines and maintain the court In
continuous session, and Increasing their
salaries, for the reason that this legisla
tion will enable the court to take the sub
misslon of a limited number of cases, on
full argument, oral and written, and have
them speedily determined on adequate con
sultation, obtaining thereon the Judgment
of the entire court, and will enable the
Judge, to be together for consultation,
within ready access to all authorities, and
under conditions enabling them to do their
work with greater satisfaction, both to
themselves and the bar. 1
It will do away with the present cumber
some and Inadequate "postoftice" system,
which, without Intending any criticism of
the court, has proved unsatisfactory to the
bar and likewise to the court. Under this
system. It is practically impossible, In the
average case, to have the ripened Judg
ment of more than one Judge, and It abso
lutely debars the oral argument of causes
by counsel, which ill of the most eminent
courts have declaiil to be not only con
ducive to better wtrk on the part of the
court, but practically essential to the
satisfactory determination of Important
The proposed legislation will enable the
court. In the discharge of Its business, to
In some degree follow the practice of the
supreme court ot the United State, and
the circuit courts of appeals, which have
been found to be the methods best adapted
to the most satisfactory discharge of Ju
dicial duty.
We believe this system will be conducive
to the more orderly and satisfactory dis
charge of the duties of the court, and
meet the objections which have been pre
valent among litigant, and the bar. This
Increase of labor and expense rightfully
demand. Increased compensation for the
overworked and underpaid Judges of the
highest Judicial tribunal in the state.
The Cummins bill provides for Increasing
the salaries of the Judges of the supreme
court to $6,000 and requires that they must
reside In Des Moines. It also provides for
an increase in the salaries of Judges of the
district court. "
Mrs. Charlotte M. Smith Seeks to Be
Relieved ef Omaha Mar
rlaae Bonds.
Mrs. Charlotte M. Smith began suit In
the district court yesterday for divorce
from Frank Smith, whom she married in
Omaha September 13, 1882. In her petition
she alleges that at the time of their mar
riage Smith falsely gave his name as F.
Lew Smith and his residence as Cincinnati,
when In fact his name was Frank Smith
and his residence Council Bluffs. Mrs.
Smith says she also erred. She gave the
ame of Mellnda Wittum and her residence
as Glenwood, la., when in truth her name
was Charlotte Mellnda Wittum and her
residence Council Bluffs. She bases her
suit for divorce on the grounds of deser
tion and asks to be awarded the custody of
their only child, a son IT years of age, and
the household furniture.
Mrs. Emma Pepper married James Pep
per la Council Bluffs February 18, 189S,
and alleges that he deserted her December
28, 1899. She alleges in addition that her
husband was guilty of cruel and Inhuman
conduct toward her and she asks the cus
tody of their only child, a little daughter,
and to be awarded the household furniture
aid other personal property.
Ilstiger ft Co. were given a Judgment
for $123 yesterday against Hermann Faer
ber, former manager ot the Country club
at Lake Manawa.
Judge Thoraell sustained Mrs. Nettle J.
Hunt's appeal from the assessment made on
her personal property which the city coun
cil, sitting as a board of equalisation, de
clined to rectify. The action of the city
council is reversed and Mrs. Hunt's assess
ment placed at $2,847 instead of $3,609. The
costs of the appeal are taxed against the
Judgment was entered agatnit the city
in favor of Ernest Marsh for $770 upon the
verdict returned In his personal Injury
damage suit a few days sgo.
The suit of A. Goldstein against the St.
Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company
has been continued by agreement to the
next term of district court and Is assigned
as the first Jury case for trial at (hat term.
Mrs. Catherine Diss Seeks Have
Peter Helm Restrained from
Mrs. Catherine Dunn began suit '.n the
district court yesterdsy to enjoin Peter
Helm, saloonkeeper at 230 West Broadway,
from selling Intoxicating liquors. Jens C.
and Nels P. Andersen, owners of the build
Ing; the South Omaha Brewing company
and the Stors Brewing company are named
as party defendants.
Mrs. Dunn alleges that not only did Helm
sell Intoxicating liquor to her son, William,
contrary to law, but that hla saloon Is eon
ducted In violation of the mulct law. The
application for a temporary restraining
order is supported by affidavits from Wil
liam Dunn. Timothy Dunn, Charles Lang-
don and Chester Egbert
Laugdon swears that be saw Helm sell
liquor to Egbert, who Is a minor, and Eg
bert, who Is now serving a Jail sentence jfor
ioe lueii oi a quart or wnissy from
Broadway saloon, swears that Helm's sa
loon Is conducted In violation of several of
the provisions ef the mulct law.
Political Matters.
Thomas R. Drake, district organiser of
the International Typographical union, as-
nouaced himself yesterday as a candidate
for the democratic nomination for school
treasurer. i ,
Thomas Maloney, W. L. Williams. Dr. M.
J. Bellinger and A. H. Dillon are mentioned
la connection with the democratic nomlna
lion for alderman from the Second ward.
Cbalrmaa Brows U l& titl rtpubUclA
central committee today will Issue the call
for the caucuses to select delegates to the
school contention of March 8. The cau
cuses will be Friday evening, February 28.
George Gorman, a member of the Bluffs
Typographical union. Is prominently men
tioned as one of the republican "nominees
for the school board. PreaiJent J. P. Hess,
whose term expires this spring, will, it is
expected, be renominated without opposi
tion. 8. F. Henry, former president ef the
Board of Education, Is mentioned In connec
tion with the republican mayoralty nomination..
State's Attempt to Seise Intoalennto
from Nebraska la Takta
A case, the" final outcome of which Is ot
much Importance to wholesale dealers ship
ping liquor Into Iowa, was appealed yes
terday to the supreme court by County At
torney Kill pack at the direction of State's
Attorney Genet al Mullan. The case la en
titled the 8tate of Iowa against Certain In
toxicating Liquors and the United States
Express Company.
The United States Express company' car
ried a shipment ot liquor from a dealer in
Omaha consigned to twenty persons In Oak
land, la., cash tn delivery. The liquor was
seised by a constable on a search warrant,
an Information having been filed before
Justice- Butler of that town that the ex
press company was keeping liquor for sale
in violation of law. The prosecution con
tended thst inasmuch as the persons to
whom the liquor was consigned paid for It
when taking It out of the express company's
office, it practically amounted to a sale of
the liquor there and then. The proceedings
under the search warrant were tried be
fore a Jury In Justice Butler's court, which
returned a verdict condemning the liquor.
An appeal was taken to the district court
and Judge Wheeler, at the recent term In
Avoca, reversed the finding of the Justice's
court Jury and ruled In favor of the express
Judge Wheeler held that, under a decision
of the supreme court of the United States,
to seize liquor while In shipment was an
Interference with interstate commerce, and
that the shipment of the liquor cash on de
livery virtually constituted a Nebraska
' Several similar cases are pending In vari
ous parts of the state and Attorney General
Mullan, being anxious to have the Question
decided by the state supreme court, in
structed the county attorney to appeal this
Pablle Schools Pay Trlbate to Wash
laa-ton, Lincoln and
' MoKlnley.
The memories of Washington, Lincoln and
McKlnlea- were honored in the public
schools of Council Bluffs yesterday with
programs from the High school down to
the kindergartens.
. The programs throughout the schools,
with the exception of the High school, were
similar, being taken from the book of pro
grams for special days in the public schools
of Iowa Issued by the state department of
In the High school the program was glvea
by the members of the Phllomathlan and
Theta Delta Literary societies In the audi
torium, among the audience being a large
number of parents and friends of the pu
pils. The exercises were opened with the sing
ing of "America" by the audience. Charles
Campbell recited "Our Heroes Never Die,"
and Hugh Sllcott delivered Lincoln's Get
tysburg sddreas. Vocal and piano solos
were given by Miss Phoebe Judson and Miss
Hortenee Forsyth, both being required to
respond to an encore. Mrs. Edyth Thomas
Wallace, a former member of the High
school faculty, gave two recitations, and
the program was brought to a close with a
mandolin solo by John Clark.
At the close of the exercises In the Mad
ison Avenue school the mothers of the pu
pils were entertained at a Martha Wash
ington tea by the teachers. The girls of
Miss Perry's room, garbed in Martha Wash
ington costumes, acted as waitresses. Mrs.
William Pryor, who was Miss Msry Oliver,
a former teacher In the Madison Avenue
building, presided at the teatable.
Deeds of Violence Grow Nnmerons
and One of Them Is a
Myaterloas Affair.
The police received word Isst night from
Sheriff Morgan at Glenwood that the burg
lars hsd broken into tbs residence of New
msn Stone, father of Hon. John T. Stone,
northwest of Glenwood, and bad blown
open a safe and stolen $135. ,
Sheriff Morgan also reported that tbs
same night an attempt had been made by
two unknown men to shoot a wealthy
bachelor named Patrick, a relatives of Mrs.
N. stone. Patrick was reading In his
library when two men approached the win
dow and one fired at him with a sbotgua.
Several of the shot grated Mr. Patrick's
arm. breaking the skin, but not seriously
injuring him. Before they could fire again
Mr. Patrick seised a gun standing near the
fireplace and fired through the window at
his assailants. Summoning help, a search
for the meu was made, but without success.
As Mr. Patrick is not known to have any
enemies the affair la wrapped In mystery.
Settles for Fifteen Hnndred Dollars
Death Claim of 'William W.
McMahoa'a Widow.
The suit of Mrs. Florence McMahon
against the Union Paclflo Railroad Com
pany established a new record in the dis
trict court yesterdsy. Within an hour after
the suit wss filed the railroad company
confessed Judgment in an amount agreed
upon, the money was paid through the
clerk of. the court to the plaintiff and the
entire proceedings made ot record.
Mrs. McMahon sued for $2,000 tor the
death ot her husband, William W. Mc
Mahon, a brakemaa In the employ of the
union Pacific railroad, who was killed
August 13.1901, by being thrown from a car
and run over at the gravel pit in Buford
Wyo. Besides his wife McMahon left two
sons and three daughters. The railroad
confessed Judgment In $1,600.
Dance tonight, Hughes' hall. Ladles free.
XS apposed 1 Be a Mnrder.
OTTUMWA. Ia., Feb. 2L Rollln Houdy-
shell is dead as the result of a guashot
wound at the home of Eva Bliss, in the
teaderloln district. The coroner's verdict
was that be died at the hands of an un
known person. There have been ao arrests.
On Complaint ( Girl's Mother
LEMARS. Is., Feb. L (8peoial.) Joha
Relnts was arrested todsy en complaint of
the mother of Miss Fannie Eogle. The
young people are both under 20. Relati's
father, who Is wealthy, furnished a bond.
UU claim fee ia buwcejih
Benate Take Up the Day on Plan to Make
It a Beformstory.
Coat Commissi la Hard at Work
Actor Cope Has Bet. Heard
From New Ineorpora
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Feb. 21. (Special.) The
Iowa legislature will recognize the national
holiday tomor.-ow, and both houses ad
journed over until Monday morning. The
senate entertained a resolution to take a
recess from- Febrnary 27 to March 3 on ac
count ot so many members having business
at home March 1.
The major portion of the day in the sen
ate was spent in discussion of the Emmert
bill to transform the penitentiary at Ana
mosa into a reformatory for men. This
provides that the prison shall become a
reformatory after the plan of those la
other states and all persona who are under
SI years ot age except those who have been
convicted ot murder may be sent there in
stead of receiving prison sentences. There
are provisions for paroles and determina
tion of sentences and transfers to the pris
ons where that may be deemed necessary.
Some objection to the measure came up.
An effort was made to place manslaughter
In the list ot excluded crimes, but this
failed. Senator Ball declared his belief
that the bill in Its present form would be
unconstitutional In thst It provides that
the Board of Control may assume some of
the offices of the Judiciary of the state In
determining the length of sentences. He
offered amendments to correct this. Sen
ator Trewln also offered amendments, and
In view of the Importance of the measure.
which contemplates a complete change in
the prison systems of the state, it was
made a special order for next Tuesday
The bill to provide for the support ot
the Insane hospital at Cherokee passed the
senate. It fixes the percapita per month at
$15 tor the present, but provides that It
shall be reduced as the number ot In
mates increases. The other hospitals re
ceive $12 per month, and the state la to
pay the difference between the $12 a month
and whatever Is paid at Cherokee. .
The bill to provide for notices in gar
nishment proceedings in Justice courts was
The house considered the bill to tske
from mayors of cities and towns their
Jurisdiction in criminal cases and after
debating It, some time It was defeated.
Require Free Pa.aea.
In the house Representative Donohue in.
troduced a bill to require that all railroad
companies shall furnish free transporta
tion to state officials, members of the su
preme court and members of the general
assembly. Other bills: By Calderwood, to
give county farmers' institutes represen
tation In the Bute Agricultural board; by
Fltcbpatrlck, establishing the rank of colo
nel of cadets at the state educational in
stitutions and providing for a commandant;
by Ball, to provide for compilation of town
ship laws and publication of the same;
by Alexander, to provide for payment ot
expenses ot fidelity bonds; by Lambert, to
materially change the fish and game laws
and the opening and closing seasons; by
Bishop, to punish tramps with thirty days
in Jail; by Healey, to authorise employ
ment of accountant to settle with state
officers and giving the executive council
the power to prescribe how books may
be kept; by Molsberry, to make the re
porter of the supreme court an appointive
office; by Do well, to provide for a board of
fire and police commissioners In Des
The house held a session in the afternoon
and passed the Campbell bill to provide
for the consolidation ot school districts,
the vote being 73 to 8.
The Lyman bill to amend the law in re
gard to adultery, providing the punish
ment for persons unmarried as well as
married, wss passed, 68 to 0.
The Wise bill to make the law providing
for dairy Inspection In cities apply to cities
ot 6,000 or over, Instead of cities ot 10,000
or over, was passed, 64 to 0.
The Anderson bill to further define the
duties ot state printer and binder was
Coal Commission at Work.
The commission appointed by the gov
ernor to Investigate coal mine explosion!
In Iowa will be ready with a report early
next week. The commission visited tbs
scene ot the disaster in Mahaska county
and Inspected the mine. It has also called
before It a number of practical operators
and miners for consultation. It Is believed
the commission will report In favor of the
employment of special shot Brers In Iowa
mines and the dampening of the atmos
phere, as well as inspection of the blasts.
New Corporations.
The following papers bsve been filed with
the secretary of state regarding corpora
tions: Schaefer Manufacturing company of
Davenport; capital, $30,000: Ida Schaefer,
Katherine McKlnney and others.
The Ka uak canning company; cap
ital. $25,000; by Ira B. Needles and others.
The Wilton Telephone company of Wil
ton Junction; capital, $3,000; by J. M. Rider
and others.
The Building, Savings and Loan associa
tion of Wlnterset has amended Its arti
cles; also the Merchants' Life association
of Burlington.
Actor Cape Heard From.
8. J. Cope of this city has heard from
his son, John W. Cope, the actor, who left
the "Arliona" company mysteriously at
Sioux City. He was in Detroit and tele
graphed his father that he Is all right and
on his way to New Tork City. His wife
Is still with the "Arizona" company on its
western tour.
Jndn-e Pnrlsh Commits Murderer of
Homer Holland to the
MOUNT ATR. Is., Feb. 21. (Special.)
At 9:50 this morning "Mat" Hunter wss
sentenced to the penitentiary for life for
the murder of Homer Holland.
The court business came to a focus yes
terday afternoon so tbst the time of sen
tenclng wss advanced twenty-tour bours.
Judge R. C. Henry and 8. W. Miles, attor
neys for Hunter,, both pleaded In court
for a ten yeans' sentence. Judge Parish
then gave the sentence.
He approved the findings of the Jury and
said hs would bavs done so even hsd tbs
verdict beea for the first decree. Hs said
that if Hunter lived up to the gambler's
code ot honor It made no difference. He
lived In a moral, peaceful community,
with good school privileges and yet chose
the moat llllegel of occupations.
"Holland was your friend, yet you de
liberately armed yourself snd hunted him
down." 'said the Judge to Hunter. "All the
evidence shows Holland was not svsa sus
pecting the attempt oa bis Ufa. This Is oae
( lk CAJOu nans ttera teena t be ag
eolutely bo extenuating circumstances."
The judge continued by giving a life sen
Jaase Whltaner Derides Case
Brnnaht ny Oermaa Catholics
f Williams.
WEBSTER CITT, Is. Feb. 21. (Special.)
Judge Whltsker of this district hss Just
handed down a declelon In favor of Arch
bishop Keane in the esse brought some
time ago by the German Catholics ot Wil
liams, a town east ot this city.
The German Catholic church at Williams
was rebuilt In 1895, after having been de
stroyed by a tornado. For the new church
the German Catholics contributed $3,000.
They brought suit for the return ot this on
the ground thst they had contributed it
with the express understanding with the
archbishop Ihst a priest should be sent
them who could apeak both English and
German. This wss never done. The court
decides in favoV of the archbishop, hold
ing that he has the right to send any
priest to whatsoever parish he pleases, and
that insomuch as the Germans are greatly
in the minority It would be unjuat to sell
the church away from the majority In or
der to return to a small minority their
Governor Cnmmlne Makea the Frln
clpal Addreae at the Dedi
cation Exercises.
BOONE, la., Feb. Jl. (Special.) The
Eleanor Moore hospital was formally
opened Thursday, the prominent features
of the occasion being the addresses ot Gov
ernor A. B. Cummins and Dr. Falrchlld of
CI la ton. A large number of people wit
nessed the ceremonies. The building and
grounds cost $12,000. The land was donated
by S. L. Moore and the building named the
Eleanor Moore hospital in memory of his
luwiter, who before her death expressed
the wish that Boone might hsve such an
institution to care for unfortunate people.
The building is a three-lor brick struc
ture ot modern srchltecture and was built
with funds raised by popular subscription.
It Is fitted with every convealence and a
number of societies have furnished rooms
and will maintain them.
Kllllnar of Joseph Mlddlesworth Held
to Be Manslaughter In
First . Draree.
SIOUX CITT, la., Feb. 21. The Jury in
the William Walters case at Parker, S. D.,
today returned a verdict of manslaughter
In the first degree. The crime of which
Walters wss convicted was the killing ot
Joseph Mlddlesworth at Centervtlle, 8. D.,
November 7.
Thirteen Million Dollars In Bonds
lecsrei on 'Frisco Railroad
. Property.
ST. LOUIS, Feb. JU. A first mortgage
deed of trust, to secure bonds amounting
to $13,000,000, issued by the St. Lou's,
Memphis Southern Railway company, has
been filed In the recorder's office at Clay
ton, St. Louis county. The Old Colony
Trust company of Boston, Mass., and John
F. Shepley are made trustees.
The property covered by mortgage is the
Cape Girardeau Northern Railway com
pany. Southern Missouri as Arkansas Rail
way company, the Hoxie, Pocahontas &
Northern Railway company, and the St.
Louis aV Memphis Railway company, all of
which have recently been purchased by the
'Frisco system. The purpose of the bond
ia to supply the means for building a new
'Frisco feeder.
Majority of Glucose and National
Starch Stockholders Accept
the Terms.
NEW TORK, Feb. 21. A circular Just Is
sued Informs tne stockholders of the Glu
cose Sugar Refining company and National
Starch company that a large majority of
the holders of the preferred and common
stocks ot both companies, having accepted
the offer contained In the notice dated
February 8, 1902, and having for that pur
pose deposited their stocks, the consolida
tion plan la declared operative. Steps are
being taken to Increase the capital stock of
the Corn Products company to $80,000,000.
Scholars Are Refused Entrance Be.
cause They Wore Clasa Colors In
Defence to Board's Order.
MANSFIELD, O.. Feb. 21. One hundred
and thirty High school pupils. In rebellion
against the order of the Board of Educa
tion forbidding the wesrlng of class colors,
were locked out from school today. All
wore colors In open defiance. A few who
did not wear colors were almltted to their
classes. A wholesale expulsion m antlcl
pated. The doors and windows of tbs
High school building were smeared with
black paint during the night.
' Acquires Lines of Bteumers.
LONDON, Feb. 21. It Is reported In ship
ping circles at Liverpool that the combined
International Leyland lines hsve secured
control ot the Dominion, the Boston &
Dominion and the Canadian lines ot steam
Activity la Market Is Attracting At
tentloa of Eastern Dealers
Prices Rlae.
BOSTON. Feb. 21. The Commercial
Bulletin will say in tomorrow's report
on tne wool rraae or tne uniiea states:
Activity centers In the west, rather than
In the east. The new Arlsona clip opened
laat week nas aavancea smartly tnis weea
the longest and finest wools selling this
week at Pnoenlx, Ariz., at 634 clean, de
livered In Boston, an advance of 10c the
scoured pound over last years opening
Kan tern dealers are contracting for wool
on tha sheeD a back In Nevada and else
where. Hartford dealers have bought this
week the entire supply of scoured wools
left In St. Louis. Jn Boston Australian
wools of M's quality have sold at Tec clean,
an advance of 2c since the last sales. The
coming London auctions of 160,000 bales will
be offered, against 218,000 bales at the same
time last year.
Tha receipts of wool In Boston since Jan
uary 1. 1C. have been 29.0t3.163 pounds,
against 16,046,339 pounds for the same period
In 1901.
Tha Boston shlDinents to date are $43,024,
971 pounds, against 30.232.600 pounds for the
same penoa in iwi. i ne sioca on nana in
Boston January 1, 1903, was 7 1, 340. 463 pounds.
The total stock toaay is OJ.aa.nbi pounas.
Tsva Is Declared t acnnatltatlonnl.'
ST. PA1TI Feb. 21. The supreme court
tndav declared unconstitutional tne la
niacins a 1 Der cent tax on the property
of freight lines. The court holds that the
law makes unequal taxation, '.'he decision
was in tha case of the state against th
Canada Cattle Car company, an action to
collect a aum of money alleged to be due
as taxes
CLEVELAND, Feb. 21. The Jury In the
trial of Vernon Rogers, who shot and killed
his sweetheart, Margaret Hallen, on Oc
tober It laat. today returned a verdict o
mnnlar In tha sarond dvarea. After shoot
Ing the girl. Rogers attempted suicide by
sending a bullet tnrougn nig awn aeao.
iiia 111 tH erao fiewgveza
Ra.y Plnee la the Meaatalns ef
West Virginia.
In a little West Virginia mountain town
situated high up In the Appalachlaa range,
not far from the border of Maryland, is
located the modest plant that turns out
millions- ot postal cards every month for
the United States government. The town
Piedmont. W. Va.. and here the busy
factory is at work six days In the week,
making the little oblong sheets of card
board which are destined to carry mes
sages of alt sorts from all conditions ot
people. Here, also, Is tnsde the cardboard
from which the postal rards are made; here
It is cut Into the requisite sizes and the
cards printed, and finally packed and
shipped into every state, city, town and
hamlet in the United 8tatea, Porto Rico,
Hawaii and the Philippine islands. '
The postal card manufactory, relates the
Philadelphia Record) Is a two-story, fire
proof brick building with a cement roof.
The building is further protected by patent
automatic fire sprinklers, with an abundant
supply of water, so that danger from fire
reduced to a minimum. The building
is not large about 100x60 feet. The power
to run the machinery Is furnished by the
plant of the paper company whose large
establishment adjoins that of the postal
The first floor of the building is used for
a press room, rssing room and a dry room
for the printed postal cards. There are
wo printing presses in the press room.
each having a capacity of 1,200 Impressions
an hour. The size ot the sheets of paper
used on these presses is 60x30 Inches, and
each sheet contains ninety postal cards
resdy to be cut and packed when It comes
from the press. The dies used In the print
ing of the cards are, of course, furnished
by the government. The presses are oper
ated by four men. each of whom works
eight hours every day. In the casing room
one man is kept busy putting together the
knocked -down pine boxes In which the
cards are packed for shipment. These
boxes are made of pine grown In West
Virginia, and are shipped "knocked-down"
to the contractor. The boxes vary in else,
holding 6,000, 10,000, 26.000 or 100,000 cards,
respectively. The largest shipment ever
made from the Piedmont works was a con-
lgnment of 24,000,000, which went out on
June 16. 1900.
The paper must contain 69 per cent of
sulphite spruce fibre, 22 per cent of soda
chemical poplar fibre bleached, and 9 per
cent of English clay. All of these com
ponents must be clean and free from im
perfections; calendered to a uniform weight
and thickness, and finished on both sides
suitable for writing with Ink or pencil,
the tint In all cases being, of course, a
uniform buff. Even the tensile strength
is. tested, and, in fact, in every possible
detail the cards must conform to ,a rigid
government standard. Even the quality ot
the Ink used In printing the cards snd its
color, black, must be exactly as the gov
ernment has stipulated In the specifica
tions under which the contract is let, and
what is known as a water finish to the
material used in the manufacture of the
cards Is not permitted.
The regular force at the postal card
manufactory numbers only forty employes.
half of whom are women and the re
mainder men.
Young Woman Had Very Good Gronnd
. for Detesting Him.
Two well-drtesed and attractive young
women business girls, apparently rustled
Into a car the other morning and took seats,
relates the Detroit Free Press. After they
were comfortably adjusted, with parcels
and umbrellas, the one In the blue cloth
suit scanned the two men who sat opposite
and remarked to her companion:
"It's too near the stove here;' let's move
Then the girls arose and took seats far
ther down, out of range of the two men.
What was the matter, Clara?" the other
girl asked; "It wasn't really too warm back
"No," the first girl answered with spirit.
"but that horrid man with the brown bat
and overcoat sat near us. He Is always on
the car near me, Laura, and I detest the
sight of him."
"I don't know him," commented Laura;
who la he?"
"Why, I don't know him, either," Clara
explained, "but I won't sit where I bave to
look st htm."
"Has he ever been rude to you?" asked
"Rude? I think so. About three months
ago I dreamed I was standing before the
altar in a lovely church all decorated with
palms and flowers and was Just about to be
married oh, to such a handsome man,
Laura, and that hideous old thing in the
brown hat and coat the very same man
came rushing down the aisle and arrested
my promised husband for bigamy." :
. Friendly Aid.
New Tbrk Weekly: Jinks -See hers, old
boy! Tou ought to do something to reduce
your flesh. Tou are becoming fearfully
Minks Say, Jinks, you are about the
fortieth friend who has made that offen
sive remark today, and I'm getting tired
of it. It worries me.
Jinks That's all right, Worry reduces
Wants Oleomargarine Bill Enacted.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Feb. 31. The state sen
ate todsy passed two memorials to congress,
one being the house measure urging con
gress to pass the oleomargarine bill and
the other a senate resolution favoring the
passage of United States Senator Nelson's
bill to strengthen the Interstate commerce
Little Liver Pills.
Must ' Signatures
5ee Fee Ismllo W mesne
to take aa sngan.
lAHILKo rraiiiHKEU.
"-J itti E roi BlUOBUllt.
I livFli rat Ttmi uvu.
M r r fit tiiiiw tun.
1 - r.'H, now fir trip he.
Why be lrk when we (rvaraatee thU
medicine to help yon!
Some peopla ara aptly described ai
"always grunting." They never seem
to feel just right, and if one thing isn't
the matter with them another is. These
are the people that we always feel like
crossing the street to avoid meeting.
They are always more or less ill because
they refuse to adopt a sensible course.
When they feel some particular symp
tom they dose themselves with various
things which are supposed to be good
for what that symptom indicates.
There is no use in pursuing such a
course as this. The only wny to get
cured and stay cured is to find the root
of the trouble and pull that root out.
Now, everybody knows that weakness
or diseases of the stomach, liver or kid
neys and consequent impure blood is
responsible for more than ninety per
cent of the ills that flesh is heir to.
The only sensible "thing to do is to
take Smith's Green Mountain Renova
tor. . That doesn't waste any time chas
ing around for this symptom or that
symptom, but goes right to the vital
organs, cleans them out and strengthens
and upbuilds them, and purifies and en
riches the blood. Just as soon as this
is done you get well, and just as long as
you keep yourself in proper condition
by the use of this famous old medicine
you are going to stay well.
There isn't any guesswork about this.
In its native Xew England home,
where it is the standard household
remedy for old and young, rich and
poor, Smith's Green Mountain Renova
tor has been effecting the most wonder
ful cures for a great many years, and it
will do for you just what it has done for
"My huhand has already told ynn how won
derfully he has hn benefited by Caking Smith's
Orx.h Mountain Renovator, and now I want
you to know the rest of the story.
" For years I have been a frail woman. Ify
household duties and cares of a family wore so
much upon me t his winter that I was afraid of a
Tere illness. When I saw what the RENOVA
TOR did for Mr. Sohntt, I decided to try It. It
does not went poeolble, but In four weeks I have
changed Into a healthy, rested and vigorous
woman. Your medicine Is the best remedy for
tired out people that I hare ever trlsl. I have
no more backache, headaohe cr nervousness.
The RENOVATOR cured me."
. (Signed)
Mas. Rcintv (Vtwott,
B10 S. Senate bt., Indianapolis, Ind.
March 1, 1901.
Try this medicine. If it fails to help
you, come back to us for your money.
Boston Store
f keens "sinless Stricture Cure eradicates every
trsce of Stricture, cleansing and healing; from the
start, allaying- Inflammation and enlargement
of the Prostate filsod snd restoring Lest Vitality.
No cutting, dilating, drugging or bougies. We
positively gssrsntte a thorough, painless and
permanent cure in every case, end you can
Pay When Cured.
We mean Just what we say, and it costs nothing
to investigate. Our remedy is a direct local ap
plication to the effected parts, snd Is absolutely
harmless. Will malt in plain sealed envelope, to
any address, our interesting book, "Aa Eonest
Talk,'1 containing many testimonials, also, a
0. A. SKEIN CO, i2i Atlas Bank Bid., Clnolnnsll.a
jroiuoit'S the growth ot the hair and
gives It the lustre and siiidness of youth.
When the hair Is gray or faded It
It prevents Dandruff and hair falling
and keeps the scalp clean and healthy.
Pullr half her eaaraas has la She story
Pull t ball n
Wttalr. U
J Wltalr. Utf
Hair Regenerator
Is responsible tor most of the beaattrnl
fnadM at balr yen aoa Uwlar. It la ebao
uuily harmlMe, eaallr applied. Invalo.
ebl tor Bird and Mnaiaaohe. Bampls
of hair oolorea tree. bod for Pajnetilol
al Chemical Co.. )& W. ad til.. N. T.
A Alodel
Doctor's Office
Moot doctors Ila4 it convenient
to have evening or Sunday effloe
boars. Fatleats caa hardly walk
up stairs at such times.
The Bee Building
baa all might aad Sunday elevator
service. Water and gaa, as well
aa alectrlo light ara la each room.
The rooms are all light aad our
offtoee are most attractive. Rental
are ao higher than la Inferior
R. C. Peters & Ca,
leatal Afeocy,
Greend Floor, lee Building-.
- f itV.iJeJe'V- see-