Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1902. n HESERVE'S LINE OF DEFENSE Baggertion that Ha Maj Oonteet Douglas Countj'i Jurisdiction. PAUL JI3SIN A CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR rbalraii Lindsay Gifwli Boon to Call Republican Stat Central Com anlttee Together Nebraeka'a Ob Baled llraw School. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 21. (Special.) It is earned on good authority her that former Treasurer Meserve's main defense against tba Dougla county grand Jurr Indictment ill be on the grounds ot venue or Jurisdic tion. It la contended by the frlendi ot the accused that even If a Judgment ot guilt ia returned It will yet be possible for Mr. Meeerve to ear hlmaelf, and In explanation ot the declaration they call attention to that rule of law which provides that a criminal prosecution must take place In the county where the crime waa committed. An Investigation of the transactions of tba former treasurer with the Union Stock Tarda bank haa demonatrated that, there is reasonable doubt that th crime alleged waa committed In Douglaa county. The In terest money paid by the South Omaha bank on the 10.000 deposit of state school money reached Mr. Mee.rv la a roundabout way, if the conclusions of the state legal officials are correct, and three counttea are brought Into the consideration. They are Douglas, 'Lancaster and Redwlllow. . It la asserted that the South Omaha bank, at the and of each month during the time the school money waa on depoalt in the In stitution, credited the First National bank of MoCook with 1150. From Information obtained by the attorney general there Is : ground for the belief that the bank In turn credited Mr. Meeerve with $150 each month. It hi claimed that this la ths way Mr. Meserve received the Interest money from the South Omaha bank. Pa a I Jeeoea Candidacy. The name of Paul Jessen of Otoe county has been added to the Hat of republican, candldatea for governor. His candidacy, bo it la reported here, waa officially an nounced thla afternoon by a Nebraska City republican newspaper. Mr. Jessen wsa one of the leading Hayward supporters in the senatorial contest of 1899 and last year In the republican convention waa one of the foremost In favoring the condemnation ot tha Bartley parole. He baa been frequently mentioned recently as a candidate for the gubernatorial nomination and the announce, ment made In Nebraska City today, there fore, will not be a great surprise. Reaablloaa State Ceatral Committee. Chairman H. C. Lindsay expect soon to Issue a call for a meeting of the repub lican atate central committee for tb pur pose of fixing a time and place for the atate nominating convention. He waa In Lincoln thla week and would have Issued the ealt had Secretary Mallalleu been In the city. "The prevailing sentiment aeems to be la favor of an early convention," said Mr. Mallalleu. "The advantages of beginning the campaign early are numeroua. It will enable the candldatea to do more effective work aad will likely do away with tha prac tice of holding two conventloaa la a county. Persona I have talked with re garding tha matter think that both candl datea tor Bounty offices and delegatea to the atata convention should be named at the aamo time. When the state convention la held lata la tha year many of the counties have a convention tor no other purpose than to name delegatea. "I expected thla week to issue a call tor a meeting ct the atate central committee, but because of the absence ot Mr. Mallalleu, ark) ia in Colorado, dscided to Walt a while. I may see him within the next week or uo and If so will probably determine when to call the committee together." Baled Straw Sehaalheaa. In a book soon to be Issued from the department of public Instruction will be a description ot the only baled straw school house known to have been constructed on Nebraska soil. Such buildings are numer oua on tha plains ot other western states, but so far as known the only on ever built In Nebraska wsa In Bcotts Bluff county, near Mtnatare. The book la being prepared by State Superintendent Fowler. It will contain descriptions and photographs of representative buildings, from the cheapest and smallest that are found la the raral dlstrlcta, to the modern atrncturea In the cities. A brief account of the building of the baled atraw school house In Bcotts Bluff county waa obtained by Mr. Fowler from James Baney of Mlnatare. Mr. Baney says tha atraw was mads Into bundles, which were thea built together with mud and held In place with poles. Ths walls so made, he says, wars surprisingly serv iceable, equaling the aod walls In durabil ity. rilsasjreesaeat la Diatfi Salt. The Jury In the CRellley-Hoover $20,000 damage caas disagreed after being out tblr-ty-slx hours and was discharged this morn ing by Judge Cornish. Trial of the eaae consumed three days' time in the district court. O'Rellley, an electrician, aued Dr. Hoover and Stephen C. Hoover, propri etors of the Llndetl hotel for $20,000 dam ages alleged to have been sustained be cause of a fall Into an unprotected grease trap in the hotel dynamo room. The vote was eight for the plaintiff and four for the defendant. Plead Net Gallty t Harder. C. B. Heywood, charged with the murder of John J. Oillllan, and Willis Buckner, charged with the murder of 'Bill'" Mc- Oowan, were arraigned in the district court this afternoon and both pleaded not guilty. Their trials will probably take place within the next two or three weeks. Oallty f Forsrcry. Elsa Lewis pleaded guilty to the charge of forging the name of Henry Oasenkop to a check for a small amount aad by Judgs Cornish was aentenced to one year la the penitentiary. ( New Iaeerperatleas. Artlclea of Incorporation of the following new Institutions have been recorded by the atate authorities: Ths Creston Ancient Order of United Workmen Hall company of Creston, Platte county; capital stock, $1,600; directors, J. T. Morris, J. L. Brown, John Schurr, T. E. Alderson, F. E. Belknap. The Kennard Glass and Paint company; capital atock, $100,000; Incorporators. Frank B. Kennaid, James O. Wallace, Aahton Clemens, Jr., A. B. Carpenter; will main tain offices in Omaha, South Omaha aad St Joseph. The Van Brunt Manufacturing company of Wisconsin; capital stock, $85,000; In corporators, Daniel C. Van Brunt, Henry B. Wilklna and Jamea B. Haya. Barllaaea Ene-toemea's Ball. Over 1,000 persons tonight attended the fifth annual ball of the Burlington railroad englnemen in the Auditorium. A delega tion of 100 wsa here from Omaha, and nearly all of the larger towns on the Bur lington aystem were represented. The grand march waa led by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Toung, appearing In tha roles of George aad Martha Washington. Music waa fur nished by bands from Oermantown and Lincoln. ANALYZES TOE SCRIPTURES Bt. B. B. Tyler Telli of Bible to Xebmka T. M. 0. A. Convention. REGARDS IT AS A DIVINE LIBRARY Olrea the Keyword for Rack Depart neat, fraa Law aad Poetry t Sernaoas aad Preparer. TORK, Neb.. Feb. II. (Special.) Dele gwtes to the convention of the Toung Men's Christian association arrive on each train and the commltteee In charge of the ar- braska experiment atatlon and agricultural school and also lectured oa alfalfa. The afternoon seeslon waa largely given up to Dr. A. O. Peters, who discussed the corn stalk disease and diseases of farm aalmala. ORD STATE BANK IS SOLD C n. Aadereoa, Oa f tke Parehasera, Is Elected Vie Pre. deat. ORD, Neb., Feb. XL (Special.) The Ord State bank waa sold yesterday to parties from the eastern part of the state. The new owners, who hsvs over $0 per cent ot the stock, are: H. D. Coe ot Swsnson, C. B. Anderson of Omaha and C. B. Qoodell, T. H. Miller and Anton Dredna of Crete. The new officers are: H. D. Coe, president; C. B. Anderson, vice president; Vincent Kokes, rangementa are kept busy looking after eMhl.r. Perey M(unt ulllUlt cashier, their welfare and entertainment. Already L, directors are H. D. Coe. Vincent Kokes. mere are more nere man nave atienaeu c q,,, x h. M1,r ,nd c, B. An any previous siat conveniio oa io urii i (erfon- asy. . The first session of the convention waa held last evening In tba Methodist Episcopal church. Owing to the absence of Mayor McCloud, who Is out of the city, the ad dress of welcome for the city was made by Judge O. W. Post. Dr. Cross of the Congregational church and President Bchell of York college also delivered addressee of welcome on behalf of the churchea and eollege. Response was by Dr. Ward of tha State university. Rsv. Hubert C, Herring of Omaha gava the opening ad- drees on "I Will Make Tou Fishers ot Men." The song service waa led by Wll 11am J. Stevens of Omaha. This morning s session began wit a Will Dedicate New Odd Fellawa Hall. TABLE ROCK. Neb., Feb. XL (Special.) At the regular meeting of Table Rock lodge No. IX, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, held ir :hetr hall at thla place last evening,' It waa decided to dedicate the new Odd Fellows' ball here oa the night of Thursday, March II. Tb grand lodge officers are expected to be present and a big time ia anticipated. Father f Eta;ht Haaary Owes. DAVID CITT. Neb.. Feb. IL (Special.) Charles Green, 40 years of age, who haa a wife and eight children to aupport, la under PTMt rttawA with alMllnv a w a n ttavna thanksgiving service Rev B. B. Taylor of I ,x ,noulaerl eanned . ,T,r w,ten Denver apoke of the bible as a divine library of sixty-six volumss, fourteen een turles in preparation, and forty persons. more or less employed by its divine au thor. This library, ha aald, falls into tha following groups: First, law; second, his tory; third, poetry; fourth, sermons; fifth. biography; alxth, ecclesiastical hlstoryi seventh, epistles; eighth, prophecy. He gave the number of books in law as five; history, twelve; poetry, five; sermons, sev enteen; biography, four; ecclesiastical his tory, one; lettera, twenty-one, and prophecy, one. and a revolver farmhouse. from Alfred Hookston'a Salla Caaty MortaTagree, WILBER. Neb., Feb. 2L (Special.) During January, $66,478 of real estate In debtedness In Saline county waa paid off. The number of mortgages filed for record was twenty-nine, aggregating $28,474; re leased, seventy-three, amounting to $92,961. Adams Stat Baa It Seld. BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) Tha firm of Pnet A- Ta.vl,e Aff TmW K H a rav 1 am; at t ia tilhla mnA m 4ia I. .... ... ... - - - i ttmiffht tee a narna hum tank mmlh wab worn to eacn group, in ey worn to me fornM(riy owned by Mayor W. P. Norcroas CHISEL FURROWS HIS FACE Steel Tool Peaetratee Joha Demi's Cheek aad Jaw' Beses. FREMONT, Neb., Feb. II. (Special. ) John Demi, an employe of the Fremont planing mill, met with an injury which threatena the sight of an aye. A chisel flew off the turning lathe, striking him on the left aide of the tec Juet to the left ot tb base of tha nose. The steel passed through the bone la. a downward direction until the point protruded inside the Jaw bone to the left of the chin. He was taken to the hospital and the chisel waa removed. The phyatclaaa hope to be able to aav his eye. books of law was duty; to the books of history, organization; to the books of po etry, experience; to tha books of sermons, expectation; to the books of biography. manifestation; to the books of ecclesiastical history, power; to the epistles, doctrine and practice; to the book of prophecy, consummation. W. J. Stevens of Omaha had charge ot the song service. Many cttltena are enter taining delegates. Ths afternoon session waa opened by a song service lead by W. J. Stevens of Omaha. The bible study subjects, "To En list Men." "Waal Methods?" "How Held?' and "Why Should Bible Study Appeal to College Students?" were ably handled and very much appreciated. B. C. Henry, M. D., ot Omaha gave an lntereattng address on the promotion of, a higher standard of ac tive membership. The evening aesslon waa opened with service by the Omaha association quartet. George D. McGUl, International railway sec retary, conducted "The Railroad Train." Ha called on members of different associations who were officiate and employes of railroad companies, and they gave talk which were highly appreciated. The Methodist church was crowded to tta capacity. of this city and H. H. Norcroca of Adams. FRED L STEVENS GETS STAY apreaa Ceart Grants Writ f Brrr for Accepter of Deposits la Insolvent Bask. PIERRE. S. D., Feb. IL (Special Tele gram.) The supreme court today granted a writ of error and certificate of probable cause la tha ease of the state, as defend as t in error, against Fred L. Stevens, plaintiff in error. Stevens had bsen found guilty on ths charge of accepting deposits of the Planklnton bank after the concern was known to be Insolvent. Sentence waa to be passed Monday, but the writ stays tha aeatence until tha case is heard ia tha su preme court. DEAD ON BARBED WIRE FENCE Joka Tsekaes Peedoae la His JMa-ht Wsaderlsgs a a It Canary Will laapeet Scheel System. BEATRICE. Neb.. Feb. IL (Special.) County School Superintendent Staller and City School Superintendent Stevens leave Monday for Chicago to attend the annual meeting of -the National Educational as sociation. While there they Intend to make, a thorough tnspsctlon of the school system ot the Windy City. , PIERCE. Neb.. Feb. XI. (Special Tele gram.) John Tscbens, a native ef Bwltier- land, and a peculiar and widely known character la Pierce and vicinity, was found dead at tha Mao Bparr place, west of town, this morning. Hs west to tha Sparr place Thursday and stayed all night It appears Seetk Dakota Incorparatlene. PIERRE. 8. D.. Feb. 11. (Special.) These article ef incorporation have been filed Roxdale Stock association. Pierre: oanltal. 3u,uw; incorporators, . A. May, M. ieie hantv. R. M. J. Taliman. Cupertino Fruit company, Huron; capital, 130,000; Incorporators, J. W. Rupert. H. R. Rupert, M. N. Lawrence, Philip Lawrence. Continental Spindle Top Oil company. metre; capital, swu.uuu; incorporators, George A. Carden, Charles Dexter, J. B. luvajie. Boyer-Merrtll company, Lead; capital. 1100,000; Incorporators, William H. Boyer, Robert M. Merrill, T. F. Johnson. Iowa and Northwestern Land company. watertown; capital, xow.ow; incorporators, A. J. Sylvester. O. M. McBrlde. J. F. Klreeher. Thorndvke oomnnnv. Bis Stone: cesltal. 16.000; Incorporators, Frank W. Thorndyke, I'onraa ruder, Ellsworth Bmltn. Sunbeam Mlnlnar. Mllllna- and Manufae fit.., II AM 000; Incorporators. J. N. Wright, W. F. wrignt, w. w. wrignt. White Rook Loan and Investment com pany. White Rook; capital, 16,000; lnoorpo Write A Postal To Get Well. that he got up during the night and went outdoors. In the morning he waa found ra tor's. 8. E. Oecarson. Harvey O. Powell, hanging over a barbed-wire fence, from Newell N. Powell. which it is suppose d he fell In an attempt a' r"ny'"lo"Lr-V.' to Climb over. His head evidently had nln'r. A. H. ehnnfennlna-. 8. 8. Hardin a. strucK a trsa in falling, as blood waa "araing. v ."' . I Cltlsens' State bank. White Rock: cap! sruuuu. ni waa ciaa in only .i tmr- inMn,r,in unrv a vtorrL au muniHin ana trousers. Marry J. Kerr, J. A. KlcRert. Tschans had nearly XLOAA let vin v. I Colton State bank. Colton; capital. 16,000 relative. I. Swltxerl.nd laat summer and 2.7:1: ftCS?' ueor"" after he received H went to bis native! Western Land Security company, 'Sioux country for a visit. He hail K..n Falls; capital, 1100,000; incorporators, W. C, . ... .k . , . V. I Holllster, F. C. Blierman, W. H. Lyon. a nam arinxer and alnca ha received hta I ir..i r... a a I , UllIU V T' ' I ntllllUH IVIIimilJ, " UVM money he waa much of tha time under the capital. 11.000.000: Incorporators. F. C. Influence of liaror. It ! nnort .. k. Dickey. J. M. Rlcker, Spencer V. Noble, ..iii v.. t7(U) , 7 " American Tool and Saw Flier company, sun nas ITOO deposited in tha bank here Pierre; capital, 1100.000; Incorporators, He also was about to make final proof or Joseph E. Sanson, R. Ieslle Barnes, I. W, hla oialm w... . Ooodnar. R M J. Taliman. MBurrtir inn . ., , . ...ltai. w.uoo incorporators, n. tj. oraaiey, CARNEGIE AND GRANf) ISI iWniCharlee Knudson. O. W. Sanders. IVtrillUsliaj fiat U V.ti tuiiijawiy , civuo Send No Mcney. Simply tell me Some One Wfyo Needs Kelp. If you are sick let ma know It. If you hav a friend who needs help, tell me his address. Let ma send tha book be needs. Let me offer the sick one a way to get well. Coaaellaaaal Ceaaailtt Seek Se- ear Aeoeptaae ef Offer for Llkrarr Balldlasr. GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. Feb. XL (Sne- clal.) Mayor CI ear y appointed Councltmen McLaughlin. Clifford and Ooehrlng to act aa Do that much, and I will do this! I will aend with the hook an order on your druggist for sis bottles Dr. Sboop'e Restorative. I will tell your druggist to let you test It for a month. It satisfied then, the cost is t&.64. If not, I will pay your druggist myself. It shall net coat you a penny. City; capital, 11,000,000; Incorporators, L. R. raimer, ueorge a. isnim, vnaries wnu- IOCK. , , Feather River Consolidated Mining com pany, Pierre; capital, 11,500. wo; incorpo rators, w. E. walker, J. wens, j. al, Evans. Monometalic Gold Mlnlra company, Pierre; capital, 1500.000: Inct'rporatora, R. M. Wllea. A H. At wood. T. P. Rates. Sawver ac McRae C"Tiiiv. Pierre: capi i a committee in conjunction with the nubile I tai. iioo.ood; incorporators, wurrut ti. saw hihrar. . .... w. yer, OusUve F. McRae, T. P. Estes. v.- n UUUs cilne .Automatic Macnine company, to raise 13,000 annually for maintenance of 1 Pierre; capital, UOO.000; Incorporators, H. J, the library In tha event the Carnegie offer Ademe. E. T. Wray. L Bunch, T. P. Estea, - ... " . I Chemical I.vmDh Cure company. Pierre; . ,.w,v ror a jiprary ouildlng In thla city Mpuai7 iaooWO; incorporatore, 11 Spencer caa om accept eo. me provision of the new Baker, Howard C. Magnusson, T. p. Kates, charter allowlna a lew of 1 mill. fnr n. American - Restoring company, Pierre; brary purposes it Is believed will furnish a way to provide the necessary maintenance. Hitherto only one-half to three-ouartero of I la mill haa been levied. The Orand Island SISTERS OF CHARITY RELY ON PE-RU-NA TO FIGHT CATARRH WHEREVER LOCATED IN THE SYSTEM. TKE SISTERS' GOOD WORK. In every country of the civilised world tha Sister ot Charity are known. Not only do they minister to the spiritual and Intellectual needs of tha charges committed to their care, - but they also minister to their bodily needs. With so many children to take care of and to protect from climate and disease, these wlss and prudent sisters have found Peruna a never-falling safeguard. A letter recently received by Dr. Hartman from the Ursuline Sisters ef Cleveland, Ohio, reads aa follow. We hav lately giro Peruna a trial, for though the medicine waa not new to us, wa had not tried it sufficiently to testify to its worth aa we are now ready to do. "Wa And Peruna an excellent tonic and a valuabla remedy for catarrhal affection of the throat. V c hare recommended It to our friends aud hav good reports from them aa toita merits." Yours Respectfully URSULINE SISTERS. Four Interesting Letters From Catholic Institutions. - a Si I m Dr. Hartman recelvea many lettera from Catholic Sisters all over the United State. A recommend recently received from a Catholic Institution In the Southwest reads aa follows: Proaatmeatt Mother Saperloe (ayst "I can testify from experience to the efficiency of Peruna aa one of tha very beat medicines, and It gives me pleasure to add my praise to that of thousand who hav used It. For years I suffered with catarrh of tha stomach, all remedies proving value- leea for relief. Laat spring I went to Colo rado, hoping to be benefited by a change of climate and while there a friend advised me to try Peruna. After uaing two bottle I found myself very much improved. The re mains of my old disease being now so slight, I consider myself cured, yet for a while I Intend to continue the use of Pe runa. I am now treating another patient with your medicine. She haa been sick with malaria and troubled with leucor- rhoea. I have not a doubt that a cure will be apeed'ly efteoted." ' SISTERS OF CHARITY All Ovsr United States Use Pe-ru-na for Catarrh- . From a Catholic Institution in Cen tral Ohio comes the following rec oramendfrom the Sister Superior; "Rome yea a f rlead ( la atltatlon renaatiiK to mm Dr. Hart saaa'a Ptraaa aa mn emoelleat renaady for the laflitnia f watch, we thea baa several ease wkteh tbreateaed ta be af a sertaae ebnraetei, W kegsa to as It sad experleaoe aek wenaerfal ream It that slae thea Peraaa haa beeaan aar faverii; aaealela far lalataM, eatarrb. cold, eaagh aas broaehltls." Another recommend from a Cath olic institution of one of the Central Statea written by tha Sister Superi or reads aa follows: A aaaabar af years ao aar attea tloa waa called ta Dr. Hartmaa'a Pe raaa, aad alae then we bar aeed It wltb weaderfal reealts for aria, aaajha, cold aad catarrhal dlaeasea af tb head aad stoanaea. Fer rlp aad wlater eatarrb especially It baa beea af arreat acrvlc tb laaaate ef thla laatltatloa. These are samples of letters re ceived by Dr. Hartman from' the various orders ot Catholic Sisters throughout the United States. Th namee and addreesea to these let tors have been withheld from respect to th Sisters but will be furnished upon re quest. One-half of the disease which afflict mankind are ' due to some catarrhal de rangement of the mucous membrane lining some organ or passage of the body. A remedy that would act immediately upon tha congested mucous membrane, restor ing it to ita normal stats, -would eons- . quently cure all theee diseases. Catarrh ia eatarrb wherever located, whether It be ia th head, throat, lungs, stomach, kid neys, ?r pelvic orgscs. A remedy that will cure it in one location will cur It in all location. . Peruna ia such a lemedy. The Sisters of Charity know thla. When catarrhal dlseaaea make their appearance they are not disconcerted, but know exactly what remedy to uss. . Theee wise and prudent Slatera have, found Peruna a never-falling safeguard. They realise that when a dls-. ease la of catarrhal nature, Peruna la tha . remedy. Dyspepsia and female weakness are considered by many to be entirely dlt-. ferent disease that dyspepsia I catarrh of th stomsch and female weakness Is due to catarrh of tha pelvic organs the Slaters are fully aware, consequently Peruna is their 'remedy In both these very conir.-.on and annoying diseases. , If you do not receive prompt and satis factory reaults from the use ef Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratia. ; Address Dr. Hartman, President ot The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. TAKE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD Kansas Populist Beoidd Not to Afiliato with Demoorats. REACH DtCISlON AFTER A BITTER FIGHT Ei-Consrressmaa Rldgley Leads Fae. tloa la Favor ef Abaelat Sarrea r ta Democracy, bat la Whipped Back la 1.1a. TOPEKA. Kan.. Feb. II. The populists of Kansas In session her today, decided lat tonight that there would be no affil iation between the populist and democratic forces in Kansas this year. A atrong fac tion led by ex-Congreesmaa Ridgley fa vored absolute surrender to the democrats, but there were enough of the old-Umo pop ulists to defeat thla plan. The meeting waa a lively Sght throughout Majority and minority reporta were Sled by th com mittee on resolutions on the subject ot I ti. rf rrf hack t the j inri irn 11 . nvaiuiiiiH i-uiiiniij, itriiv, i luiiuii. " - - - - - - - capital, $600,400; Incorporators, R. M. Wlers, , commltte and a night session ordered. At A. H. Atwood. T. P. Eate. Please note what that means. I furnlah the treatment, give you my best advice,' answer all of your 1 attars. It I auoceed, th eoat Is only tS.BO aad th result is health. If I fall, my effort aad my medicine Is free. Can't you see that I mast know how to cure? Th reason Is this: I hav apsat a lifetime in learning how to atrengthea th Inslds nerves. That nerve power is the force that operates every vital organ. It la to your body what steam la to an engine. When any vital organ Is wsak and falls In Its duty, I bring It ths power it needs. Ths results are certain, and most chronic diseases cannot be cured in any other way. ' My book will tell you why. I don't mean that I never fall. I caa always bring back this vital nerve power; but sometimes an organic disease, like cancer, makes a cur tmposslbls. . - But auch conditions are rare. Ia aay cass, no matter how difficult, I will take the entire risk. My records show that la sach 40 who get these sla bottles pay tot them pay because they are cured. It - is this remarkable record that makes auch aa offer posslbls. Plead Hot tiallty a Iadletaaeats. DBADWOOD, S. D., Feb. .1. (Special. ) library Is the third in th state, has over In circuit court W. C. Covert and Harley IT.000 volumes and In point of patronage Covert, Indicted for robbery; Gerome Har also stands well to the front. In the laat I vey, indicted for horss stealing, and Leo three montha f.000 volumes have been la- Wlnsberg. charged with attempting to kill sued. I gol Levinaoa. were arratmed and entered I a --a -..II, rti- twA, fV tm mw SCHMIDT IS DISCHARGED accused ' e'nK implicated In the robbery of Ed woods at Galena in December, over which Jerry Kelly was killed by Deputy Sheriff Patterson. Ons of the Coverts was driving ths team behind which Kelly was riding at ths tlms ths deputy sheriff met 1. 1 m n a,M fi, WlmlaM mi A COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. II. (Special.) I 7-7'..... v" . .," .- ..I. In Justice Hudson's court this afternoon I .... ...... , ... . . Christian Schmidt, a well-known young :V".,7""'v. Tr.."".: ".V.IJ ..V"' uvea of this city was tried on the charge (rom Oerm.ny te show that Wlnsberg 1. ot of larceny. John T. ten otOconee being th. 0WHma n, moUon to complainant. Teten's testimony that S0 ln a was abstracted from his trousers pocket ' . during the night ot February . while he ' Daaagei Aaralaat laloa Pari Be. I I 1 1 .L. aa M a. . I wa. .,Mp,UB ,a ia, un m . Tery Darn WVAKBTOV Wvo.. Feb. tl.-SDecial rith Schmidt, was not considered by the 7.m u.h.ii wmiri, -r ..,. I" " u"c,?t wa Wh,Cfc t0 aas been awarded damages at Ogden again.; a. J , ' s aaq as tn jnian pacific In ths sum of 15.000. Evldeae la Held laaaaieleat a Caa vlet Hlaa Na th Char f Larcvay. waa dtacharged. . Ther are 19 chance In 40 that I can cur you or your friend. It la absolutsly certain that la moat chronic dlseaaea my treatment represents the utmost that medicine caa do.. It is certain, too, that no other physician will assume the risk, tor a common treatment could stand a test llks that. No matter, what your prejudice or doubts, remember that I take th riak. I alone am the loser It I fall. And If I succeed, yu are well. Be fair with yourself. At least get my book, I am sorry for the aick one who caa aay "no" to my offer. Will Balla New Hall. BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 31. (Special.) The members of the Modern Woodmen of America at Liberty decided at their laat meeting to build a large two-story hall. The top story will be used for lodge pur poses and ths lower Boor by city author!- I ,ppta, This was the second trial of the case, the first having resulted ln a verdict for Mitchell for damages to ths amount ot $4,600. Mitchell was a locomotive firemen on the Union Pacific. Two years sgo head-snd collision occurred oa Wasatch hill and Mitchell was seriously Injured. The railroad compaay baa again taken aa Simply atata which book you want, and address Dr. Snoop, Boa mi. Racine, Wis. Book No. 1 en Dyapepala. book No. on the Heart. Book No. I on the Kidney a. Book No. 4 for Women. Book No. I for Men (sealed.) Book No. on Rheumatism. tie. Tb cost ot th proposed structure! is estimated at 16.000, aad a company will be formed aad (00 shares at $10 each will be Issued as a mean of raising ths neces sary amount. Mild caeca, not chronic, are often cured by en or tw bottle. At all druggists. Farmer' laalltat at Ord. ORD. Neb., Feb. $1. (Special.) The farmers' institute was a great success. Among ths speakers waa O. Hull ot Alma, who discussed with the farmers present the subject of hogd. C. M. Le welling of Brownvllie spoks for aa hour oa the esre I aad management ot poultry. E. von Forell ot ladlaaa Object ta Lease. PIERRE. S. D., Feb. II (Special Tele gram.) Fifty Indians from the Moresu river, la Cherry Creek country, are la coun cil at Fort Pierre today on the matter of leaaea oa the Cheyenne River reservation They are having a memorial prepared for their signatures ln protest against ths leasing and will probably forward It to Washington by messenger. The family that keeps oa hand aad uses occasionally ths celebrated Prickly Aah Kearney discussed tha working at ths Ms- bitters U always a well-regulated family party in ths state be kept" intact and that no attention be paid the democrats. The ml-orlty called for affiliation with the dem ocrats. This precipitated a great atorm ln the convention, the members becoming so excited ln the discussion that followed aa to apply personal epithets. MORE TROUBLE FOR ANDREWS Third Warrant I awed far Defaaltln Banker aad' His Ball Is Doabld. whereas the complaint says his account was overdrawn $149,133.55. The complaint charges that these discrepancies were mad with the Intent of deceiving tha bank examiner. Asks for a Receiver. WICHITA. Kan., Feb. II. In the dletrtet court a motion waa filed today asking that a receiver be appointed for the Modern Tontlea, a fraternal Insurance organization, on the alleged ground that the order Is Insolvent. the night session exactly the same reports were submitted, ons favoring and one op posing affiliation with the democrats. Tha fight was atubborn, and finally resultsd la acceptance of the majority report.- No plana for the future conduct oi me . . - . A 1 I . 1. nartv were maae, otner tnaa ipi im party would run lU own affairs without the assistance ot the aemocraia. Deal la Choice Epithet. aeral hundred delegate were In the conference which began at 10 o'clock today ln Representative hall. For aome lime past the members of the party hav been trying to reach a conclusion as to whether they had better abandon their organisation en tirely and become aemocraia, retain tneir organisation and, endors th democratic ticket. If it la satisfactory and they are -i..n reoresentatlon upon it. or wnetner they should put a straight ticket In tha Held and Ignore any advances of the democrats looking toward fusion, saco oi me mm propositions had ita supporters. Ths lead ers of the party as a rule favored going Into the democratic party, but, recognising that thla action would cause all sorts of op position and possibly a apiit in to party, they decided to work for the compromise measure of wsltlng until after ths demo crats nominate their ticket and then en dorse It If it is satisfactory- Chairman Ridgley addreesea me comer- ence. tie atiecsea tlon law. A row was precipitated aa soon aa Rida-lev aot through aad a .test of strsncth between th fualon and antl-fualon forces. Edwin Taylor of Wyaoootte county nominated Grant Harrington ot Browa county for temporary chairman. Harrlag ton waa the candidate of the fusion ele ment. W. J. Babb nominated Walter N Allen of Jefferson county aa tha candldste of the aati-fusioa forces. The antt-tusloa- lsts were successful, th vet being tit to 10d. The antl-fuslonlata thea organised ths conference. The committee on resolutions In th popu lists' conference after aeveral hours' dis cussion brought in two reporta. Ths major ity taper. recviaUBeaded that th popullat DETROIT, Feb. II. A third warrant waa Icausd today for Frank C. Andrews, vice president of the City Bsvlngs bank, which Is ln the hands of a receiver, on a com plaint charging him, together with another officer ot th bank, for whom a warrant was also issued, with making a false report on the bank's eondltlon to th stats banking commissioner oa February I, 1901. Mr. Andrew waa arraigned la the police court and hta counsel asksd that he be re leased under thla charge on his personal recognisance ln view of th fact that th ball on th two former complaints against him totals $36,000 and la ample. Judge Wheland declined to grant the requeat and fixed tha ball at $60,000. Thla waa not fur nished. Mr. Andrews' xamlnation was set for February II, th dale ot his examina tion on th other two complaints. The complaint mads today alleges falsifi cation of tha report which was supposed to show the condition of the bank at the close of business February f, ItOl. The com plaint charges that ths loans and ths dls counts ln the alleged falsified report was $76,000 out of 'he way. In the matter of overdrafts the report stated that they amounted to $191.61, whereas ths books show, according to the complaint, that they amounted to $198,87.6I. The complaint re cites that ths report set forth that there was $00,896.74 In bank ln reserve cities. whereas th true amount was $J8,96.74 Th report stated' that there were In other banks $38.750. 87. whsn ths complaint states there was but $16,760.67. Ths re port stated that, in exchanges for clearing house, there was $97,898.90, and of checks, csah items, interest and revenue account, $963.7$, when the proper amount for these two - items should hav beea $32,366.74, The report gave the amount of currency aa $140,686, - when the true amount, ac cording to tha complaint, waa $40,062.60. The amount of gold coin In tha report, aa held la the bank, was $21,292.60, while the complaint declares ths trus amount waa $6,670. Tha amount of silver was given at $10,102.26, Instead of $7,056.60, the true amount, according to the complaint. The amount of commercial deposits recorded la the report , waa $746,267.66, whereas ths complaint declares the right figure to have been $943,267. The report indicated that F. C. Andrews was not I'.able In aay amount to the bank as payss, whsn tha complaint declare he really was liable at that time for $92,600. The report alao ahows that anothsr dl rector of th bank waa liable to the bank as payss for $21,000, whsreas the com plaint aays the true amount should havs been $46,462 70. P. C. Andrews, aa In dorser, was reported to be liable tor $37,000. whea, the complaint aaya, he should have been liable la this capacity for $142,201 15. The report indicated that Andrews was aot llabl la any amount far overdraft. TWO DAYS OF SUNNY SKIES Nebraska, Iowa and Adjolnlaa; Statea Are Promised Southerly Winds. WASHINGTON, Feb. Jl. Forscast! For Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri. Kansas. North Dakota and South Dakota Fair Sat urday and probably Sunday; variabls winds, mostly southerly. For Wyomlag and Colorado Fair Satur day and Sunday; probably colder Satur day; variable winds. For Illinois Fair Saturday and 'probably uaday; variable winds, becoming southerly. Laeal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Rtiwwaii OMAHA. Feb. M. Official record of tem perature ana precipitation compared wiia the corresponding dsy of the lsst thres years; . . l!. 1900. J899. Maximum temperature.... 41 22 Kf 4 Minimum temperature.... 19 14 21 3 Mean temperature ........ 30 18 27 ai Precipitation 00 T T T Record of temperature and nraelnltaHon at Omaha for this day and since March L lnoi: Normal temperature g Excess for the day 4 Total excess since March 1 (03 Norma, precipitation 03 Inch Deficiency for the day 03 inch Total rainfall since March 1 24.89 Inchea Deficiency since March 1 t b3 Inches Deficiency for cor. period, ISM)... 4.6. Inches Reports f rem Statloaa at T a. ia. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. HI -J 1 3 s : 3 c : B : ! B n Omaha, clcudy Valttntfn. 1'IOUCIV North Platte, oartly cloudy . Cheyenne, partly cloudy .. Bait Uie city, ciouuy .... Rapid City, partly cloudy Huron, cloudy Wllliaton. clear Chicago, clear St. lula, clear St. Paul, clear Davenoort. clear , Vanaaa City, clear Havre, clear Helena, clear Blamarck, cloudy 60 64 60 64 4, U m .oo 34 .12 1 82 82 ,(J0 .00 . .M .wo .Uu .1") .60 SI 4" it M 31 Ail 64 40 .in 4o 4l .00 441 46! .00 3e1 41 .U0 T Indicates trace of precipitation. SsfMig Injur to0 In BROWN'S Bronchial Troches t rafaaf fo asssws, baares , lltrt am 4eanr freaaJa. 8o 4 Im Sexee -. A raa1 Imltmthnt.