Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Hegyj Saowi, Followed by Rtin end Sleet,
Sweept from South.
'Wires An Laden vl.n lef Coal and
Dttlh and .Deetrnctlon Beeolt
( Horeee end Pron-
WASHINGTON, Feb. II. At tbl hour
p. . but two report have beet received
from the welthei- bureau etatlone Outside of
Washington, communication by telegraph
balm destroyed by he teyere aleet itorra
that he" prevailed since daylight. ' '
Tha laat advices received Indicate that the
torn, which ii central thia morning off
tha South Carolina coaat. ll moving north
eastward, increasing It Intensity.
It will probably reeeb the aouthern New
ngllnd coaat by Baturday morning, caus
ing high 'northeast galea' along the middle
Atlantlo tad aouthern New England coast
Meat Dlfaa-reeable la Years.
NSW TORk! Feb.. ii. Snow, followed by
rain and eleet, today created in this city
tad vicinity the" most disagreeable weather
rendition know In maty years.
During the .early hpurg of -the day heavy
wet snow fell In greet flakee." Thla condi
tion prevailed for several hours. Shortly
after soon the snow turned Into s ateady
arlarle of rain that .continued with Inter
mittent periods of "sleet -tit afternoon and
fr into the Bight. Much'of the anew from
the recent bllisard "was converted Into
slush end tonight the streets are Inches
deep, .' the sidewalks 'throughout the city
were covered ind the crossing were almost
Impassable. The work of the street clean
ing department was undone end the city's
streets ire In a worse condition thin before
thousands Of snow ahovelere went to work
after the billiard.
Mereory Tikes a Drag). -
During the evening- the- temperature
dropped enough to turn-the downpour of
rain Into coating of tea over buildings
and trees. In Centra) park the big treee
creaked undeT the weight of thick 'Ice.
Many branches fell. - This condition pre
vailed throughout other parks in the city.
Traffic on the Brooklyn - bridge was el
l most at a standstill. Heavy trucks 'could
scarcely be moved, even when four heavy
horses to "each did their best to gt a foot
hold on the slippery roadway. Street car
traffic everywhere waa much -Interrupted,
but the greatest difficulty was experienced
on cross-town horse car lines. Pour horses
were attached to ill of these cars tnd bid
'hard work getting along.
The wires of the Ire department were re
ported to be . working ill right, but the
police telegraph In some parte of the city
. wag interrupted. '
Fffta Aveaae a (beet of tarn.
- Fifth avenue was i sheet of Ice. It wss
early deserted by carriages and by midplght
nothing live an oocaslopal automobile wis
to be' seen on the thoroughfare.
In Broadway, after the theaters closed,
.the acene waa one of great confusion.' Cabs
and carrlagea drawn up In front of the
theaters were handled only with great dtf
Acuity. Many horses felt. Automobiles hid
lest trouble than the carriages, although
they were hard to handle. '
, Many1 electrlo llghf wires were broken by
the weight of the coating of Ice and many
others hang low.' . . '
In Fifth venue the sidewalk along Cen
tral park, where the tree overhang. It was
almost impassable, owing to ', the branches
which were bent almost to the earth.
, Jersey pity was hit hard tnd by 10 o'clock
the elty practically ws lo darkness and
there ws every indication that the elec
trical st price, which j wholly overhead,
win. oe entirely out or order by morning.
Bleetrle Wires Dtwi.'
Electric wires were, down In every part
of the city. The fire alarm system w
crippled tnd tha police wires tre In bad
shape. Trolley can ceased running entirely
late la the evening. - -
. . At Communlpaw and Woodward aveaues
a high-power wire fell aeroaa the baekt of
a .team of horses drawing an expresa wagoa.
Both horees were killed and the driver was
badly shocked.
All the trains la and out of Jersey City
were behind time. The departlpg trains
. were delayed, by the ferry i boats, whioh
'Consumed tfa rice the uugl time In cr.oaiing
Norpi rt?r. . ,
. At Newark the street were ankle ditP In
alutk. , la tha lower sections the sewers
became clogged, th streets were toot over
Its Cause Exists in tho Blood
. - . . t -
In wfcat keeps the mucous membrane of the nose,
throat, stomach, bowels and other, organs in a state ,
6f inflammation. It is therefore impossible to cure
itf by any local application. .It is positively danger
bus to neglect it, since it is yery likely to develop
'nto more, serious trouble, '
Upod'Q SarSQpnriHa Pre- it, removing its
cause, cleansing the blood of scrofulous and all
, other impurities and giving vigor and tone to the
vhoje system.
Dont wait till you are worse get Hood's today.
"I waa tultcrer from nasal catarrh
kaewa remedy, hut gradually grew worse
Hood's Sareaparllla, aid thle medicine has completely cured me
. pt that troublesome diteaae" Matid Doan, 111 Arrow Ave, Indian.,
a polls, ltd.
"I was afflicted with catarrh and waa about to give up In de
epatr whet I concluded to try Heod't Sarseparllla. When I had
lahea three bottles ef thle medicine I thought I waa cured, but
decided Jo take; Jwo more, and I have not had any return of the
d la teas elite." Eugene Forbes. Lebanon, ICaa.
"For eoma three years 1 had catarrh, of the stomach, I was
treated by specialists, who only helped- tor the tlne being. FN
tally a triced advlaed me tq -try Hood 'a 8ara.parilla, which I
d4, ao) tke result is I am entirely cured. I cannot say too much
la priiee) ef ihle wonderful medicine, which I recommend to all
eutferere from catarrh. " Mlaa Hattle Crompton, Valient Springe,
Hood's Sarsaparllla promises
flowed sod the water backed lata the cel
lars. Fortunately, the electric light and
trolley wires were hot prostrated.
Coanislrttlea Cat OCT.
South and weat of New Tork telegraph
and telephone wires were prostrated early
In th afternoon, and although conditions
Improved somewhat between New Tork tnd
Chicago lit In the evening, communication
by wire with . Philadelphia ad Baltimore
wis cut off sbsoltrtety. Slow communication
was restored with Washington by way of
The aleet and rain freeting on the wires
wrought havoc with the telegrsph lines
out of this city. This Is in ordinary re
sult of sleet storms, tnd while no par
ticular daqage was reported from .any
quarter, communication was etmv'T cut off.
The only way. la which messages could be
transmitted tb the tooth was by way of the
Buffalo route to Chicago, thence back. The
storm 'probably wrought more havoo with
the telegraph lines In this section than In
ten years.
Harlem Is Flooded.
All tho.atreeta la Harlem were looded
tonight and In maay instances ths water
flowed Into the basements' of houses. The
lam at the . Manhattan entrance of the
Brooklyn bridge was probably the worst on
record, 1ut no 'one wss reported Injured,
tn other sections of the city reports were
numerous of persons Injured by falls,
most of the -victims tustajnlng broken
limb. " '.
;. "PITTSBURG, : Feb. il. Anxiety waa In
creased today along the Monongahela and
Allegheny1 rivers, where' great Ice ' gorges
have formed, by the continued rain and the
proapecta of warmer weather. The altut
tlon 'today was disquieting, and river men
of ' years ' experience aiy that with the
present weather conditions tasting the Ice
is due to move by Bunday.
In' 'the meantime owners of Imperiled
property along the rivers and the officials
ef" the river - coal combine tre preparing
10 move tnir effect so as to be clear of
the Impending danger. The great gorge
on the Allegheny river, which extende
teventy miles up the river tnd varies tn
thickness from Ave to ttxteen feet. Is being
watched night tnd day by ' the river men
tnd early warnings tre to he sent out when
It begins to move. It 1 atlll hoped that the
rain will cease and that the thaw will be
t alow one, so that the Ice may melt and
move out elowljr."'" --;-
VP .to. midnight no movement has taken
place in the gorge, but the seriousness of
the situation has pot abated. A drizzling
rain Is bow falling tad a- continuation of
the moderate weather prevails. .
Twenty-rive Pee Cent Advance En
forced ay Sontheaatera Tar.
1T Aaaoclatloa. ' '
ATLANTA, Gt., Feb. 81. The Southeast
ern Tariff aasoclatlon today decided to
make 16 per cent Increase In Insurance
rates on til stocks of merchandise, without
exception, and on frame store buildings;
also on ill manufacturing risks and other
special hazards which have tot been rated
uader revised schedulea within a year.
Thia action went Into effect today and waa
caused by the extraordinary Are . losses
which the companies have been called upen
to bear during the laat three years, tnd
especially tlnoe the beginning of the pres
ent yetr.
Herled lata ' Corndeld la Collision
J ' ' ' Which Derails Wbola
FOR JVAtNE. Ind., Feb, 2.-Tte Rich
mond passenger traia on the aouthern
branch of the Grand Rapids "Indianapolis
railroad, wae wrecked two miles from, Peru
this evening. Every car ws derailed, .
The accident waa caused by the breaking
of t truck under the baggage car, throwing
the smoking car off the track and throwing
1 piasenger coach seventy feet into i corn
fleld. The special car occupied by "A Run
away Girl" ' opera company stands cross
wise of the track. Several of tke passen
ger were badly ahapen up, but none seri
ously Injured.
Laxative Bromo-Quinlne removes the
cause. B. W. Grove's atgmtura on every
box. Price, 15 centa.
' Favor Dlroet Vote for Senators.
COLUMBUB. O., Feb. tl.-The hous of
representatives of the Ohio legislature hat
placed Itself on record aa being in favor of
electing United States senators by a
direct Vote ot the people. This action waa
taken when the Worthlngton - resolution
came up for consideration, ft being adopted
by a vote of 78 to Si. The resolution asks
congress to take the necessary action.
and tried nearly every
Finally I began taking
to euro cad keeps Its promise.
iniinu iJ iViijUiHitiniui
Hay-PatiDcefote OanaJ Oompaot ii rormalljr I
Concluded tt Washington.
Caalrarr to Oplaloa the Ternti
aatloa of Keaedatloaa Does Not
Mark Lord Paaaeefoie'e
Esl af Office.
WASHINGTON, Feb. II. Final ratlflca
tlone of the Hay-Fauncetote treaty giving
England's assent to the construction of
t canal across Central America by the
Vetted Statea were exchanged at the State
department at I
o'clock this' afternoon,
There waa very little ceremony tbout the
exchange. Coplea of the treaty had beea
prepared preclaely similar except that In
the fact that the signature were Inverted
In one copy tnd these were formally ex-
changed between Lord Fauncerote ana eo-
retary Hay. a protocol being elgned. for-
mally atteetlag to that fact which
form part of the recorde.
Lord Ptuncefote wee In the best humor
Av.. ii.. ...rt.riii outcome of the libera
ot himself and Mr. Hay. He regards the
treity is one which will do much to pre-
Tent friction In the future between tna
two peoples.
It has been suggested that with the com-
pletion ot thia great work the Bruno gov-
trnment mlaht regard Lord Pauncefote'e
eervlcee is ended, but It la learned Jhtt
thla is tot the caee.
im IB mv m --- i
t -.A t.n.4n.n. tha aaeraitarv of forelxn I
affaire, baa algnlBed to Lord ptuncefote
hie dealre that he ahall remain in Wash-I
lngtoa for tt Indefinite period.
- ...
Tarker Baiarl May Reoelve
ntlmatam If Brl.aade
Break Faith.
WASHINGTON, Fen. 2i.-ii
. . . . a a i
it the State department thit fifteen daya
have-now elapsed since the money for Miss I
Stone's reason) waa paid over to the tgenit I
af tha hlaand.
At letat live daya have elapsed beyond the
time fxed In the stipule
anon to piace oer I
ri the hands of her friends. There le no
xpianetloa ef tbe delay. It Is hoped that
physical Conditions, auch as heavy snows
and adverse weather,, may account for the
umim' K. i1bIIvm-. Tha Affl-
...... ...... a. v.,. .v... .1. v..
Oil u . w .V .. -J .w - ,
cutis aro toaiu rii I
been a breach ot faith on the part of the
brigands, but even it this were sp they do
not regard themselves e blsmc worthy for
having trusted them.
From the firat the United Statea govern
ment haa beea advene to paying ransom,
but in response to appeala from every qutr
ter reluctantly tuthorlaed Mr. Letshman
td deal with the brlgaade. However, if It
t..rna r,. that th. hria.da h.T. broken
f.i.h ..a th.t th.- k... aith.r tak.n tha
.. .h. .nti..a I
away again, or that they have killed them
then there will be no further attempt to
deal with the brlganda on the part of the
United States government but Its entire
power will be directed upon Turkey and
vi.,i-.t. th. ..a
enmni.t. .t.,miHn of ih. .
rK- ---- -- --- r---rr-, -7
gardiess of cost or effort.
National Coancll of Women Want
Itecograttioa for Erring;
. .
WASHINGTON, Feb. SI. The National
Council ot Women In triennial cession to-
- . . . ... . . . I
U17 ciuni a nmoima 10 revise ana
codify the conetituUot and hyltwe of the
order. ; Mra. Barrett made t plea for the
recognition of motherhood regardless of
circumstances and ' surrounding In which
It exists. She urged greater chtrlty tor
women who have erred.
At tonight'a session Mre. Margaret Bye
Z;;, po...Mlon.." sn.
charged that American officials end sol
diers In the Philippines ire misusing Fill
plno women, tnd she appealed to President
Roosevelt "that he put tn end to the crime
against these women.1
.. .... ...... ....... m
uniiea oiaiea nnurcir aii-o:
Caar'e Intentions Respectlna;
WASHINGTON. Feb. II The United
States government Id now perfectly satisfied
ta fo the correctness of Russia's Intentions
respecting Manchuria. The pledges here
tofore obtained from Russia have been re-
pewed tnd reinforced eo etrongly that they
must be accepted as satisfactory, unleas
our government le prepared to deliberately
Question Ruasia'e Integrity, which lt his
pet the leaat disposition to do.
Aannal G. A, H. EBranipaaeat.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. The annual en-
camp-sent of the Grand Army ef the Repub
He', under an agreement reached today be
tween the Grend Army ot the Republic
executive committee and t committee of
Waahlngton business men, will be held here
during the week commencing October 6.
The cltlsens will give 311,000 for aid to
neecy r?terane coming here. '
Jaetlee Gray Batter.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Justice Gray of
the eupremi court of the United States,
who Is tufferlng from t etroke of paraly
sis, la better today than he haa been since
the etroke occurred, but is still tery eerl-
tery eerl-
well last
ously Indispose He rested
Army Roeosaasendatlo...
WASHINGTON.' Feb. 21. The tecretafy
Of war has decided to transmit to congress
the report apd accompanying papera ot the
army post board, making varloua recom
mendations la regard to military corpa tnd
cstibllsbmen of four large military camps.
More Charges Aaralnst Parrot.
WASHINGTON F.h. 21.-Th, Civil S.r-
.1,. haa for.arri.A to P,..l-
d.nt Roosevelt new charseS aaaln.t Geo.
enl Parrot, the new euryayor of Idaho.
UtaUniBta inc. WMItn "
Qeaeral Knastoa Denlee that Officers
KANSAS CITY, Feb. 11. General Fred
erick Funaton. - In discussing the "water
cure," t form ot torture charged agalnat
the eoldlere In the Philippines, said that he
had never aeea the "water cure" ' acnlled.
but he had heard lt described. "Tbe vie-
tint' is bound and t canteen forced Into hie
mouth," svd the general. "His head Is
thrown UDWirl ind back ind hie noae
grasped by "the lingers of the torturer,
atrananlatloa follows ta matter of courae.
When the victim Is about auffocatsd the
application is telecaed tod he la given
a chaace to talk on recovery or take an-
other flos. of It The operation le brutal
hevond a doubt, but hardly fatal.
"Tha eharaa which 1 have luet refuted et
tke request ef the War department ' waa
most vague. 11 wee made by 't loidler tad
to the effect that he had Helped adminicle
the water cure to ISO Satires.' That la the I
kind or rot t soldier is apt 10 wnte nome
four beers under his Jacket to help his I
Imagination. Nothing of the kind ever oc
curred with the knowledge of the offlcere
or ever occurred tt til, for that matter. H
KTerett-Meore) HeMlaaa ia a C!ee-
laait System Are Booarht tie
Andrewa gyadle-ate.
CLEVELAND, Feb. II. The bankers'
committee of the Everett-Moore eradicate
today Issued the following official state-" ;
ment concerning the sale of ths "big con
solldated" railway lyatcm of thla city:
The deal for the Kverett-Moore holdings
of stock In tbe Cleveland Nlectric Railway
company hna been practically cloeed. A I
tie beaded by liornce B. Andrews
mock of the F.ertt-More syndicate in
the company. The price at hiVh the stock
w'JJ, ndlcau! whl ?h , JSi nt
rotiatlng for the property, fall to make, t
propoB i. hunwhu i in mram...
Anarewj, wn wae lormer,, preeiaeni
wntollflatea, has already a I
-.A " " ll7'u
it 10 per cent Of the whole. It order to I
aecure full control. It Is said he must pur -
chase about 46.000 shares more at t cos
of netrly 14,000.000. Mr. Andrews tnd hi.
' rJ. 01 ln"
- - ''-'-' '' ' """"itne diplomatic corps ana nmomi iuh n
Pmr. known wctlly ka tbe ' Uttle Con- WM prompted by unfriendllneea to the
V T La .1 v i
nt. It la understood to be the purppee of I
those intereated In the two compeolee (o
effect t conaolldation. Should thit be ef-
. . , . I
feotCd it would put every etreet car line in
the city tinder the xontrot of one company. I
The the Big Cotaolldated.' tt la I
"" " " measure relieve tne
"" lu" .rii--"jr i BOrtl. th British under eecretiry tor tor-i
Jynd'ct,? t0 'lt " ? theLlcn,
bankers, committee. The sale of the Stock! Tha rie an raralm offlea Is aeemlnaly I
tt $80 per ahare returne to the holding
"17 , in"'"l l"!r equiuea in
wiTfcVaTE ZV.Z , - .
...v w. ..... i.u iu
oneratlon to relieve the teleohone altuati Oft.
- ... . i
Is believed the syndicate will pnctlcilly
De n shape to Co ahead tnd oonduct the
gttalrt ot Us numerous other interest a
Illinois Conrt Holds They Aro Pbyal.
elaae and Not Trained Naraes aad
Can Practice Medicine.
BPRINUriBLJI. III.. FeB. 21. Tha ait
. . - r " - I
P" court today handed down an opinion
a magneuo oeaier is a poysioiaa ana
not a trained nurae ana is entitled to a
license. The opinion wae rendered tn the
case of the people against Joseph P. Gor
don In t auit to recover the penalty for
practicing medicine without a license. The
from Winnebago county, where
ii emereo in laror oi tne ae
lendant and which the appellate Court at
firmed. Dr. Gordon was a magnetic healer
ltd the supreme court finds thtt the circuit
"""' ,u "ircnng o jury io nnn
or tn ocfnt and that the appellate
ourt, tTTti ,n rmlns that Judgatent tnd
" Juui,u"'" OI la' w" cou" n-
!Va "o remanaec. ine supreme court
holding that t magnetic healer la a physU
t trained nurce. at insled on
by the defendant, because he does hot nee 1
druga or material remedy.. I
.; . ..I. ' 1
Band of Craay tnake's Indiaae Makes
Raid on a Hardware I
MUSKOOSB, I. T.. Feb. II. A bead ot
Frtxr Snaka'a .follnwara mad a a raid n
. , ', ,, . ,
. jun acroee me ute
from the Creek nation, ruabed a hard-
ware etqre, eelced t lot Of arma and am-
munition and fled. ...A posse immediately
started In pursuit and It is reported cap.
tured several of the band after a two houra'
running pgbt. 1
Two of the captured men hive been
r!S!-?7 f "
nd Peter Hutlplttt,- prominent members
ot the Chltto Harjo band. They atated
that they were going to get arms and that
go to Tard-Deka Chute' place, twenty
miles west ot Eufala. Old Ytrd-Deka ja a
blind Interpreter, ' living near the Old
Hickory grounds, tbe council meeting plaoe
of the Snake band. The latest from
Wewoka is that the Snakea have dlsDraed.
. , . ' -
auma ia c T c 1 7 uircvviuu. .
Milwaukee- Brewers Decide
on aa -
-ranee If War Tax ia Net
' Redneed.
MILWAUKEE, Feb. 11. The Sentinel to
morrow will eayi
The Milwaukee Brewere' association hie
decided to . ralae the price of beer toon,
unleae t reduction of the war tak la made.
The amount of the tdvince 10 price it tot
. AAA An hut -will t JataMlail
yet decided on. but will be determined
" - ------ -
congress. .
The prewere maintain mn material oi ail
kinds entering into tne manuiicture or
h.. . i.hP ha.a atvanpat In
"; " -" ' t. --r r-
Aeaaltted Of Snkeiilentst
OTTINCT. 111.. Feb. . 11. Captain 3.
Henry, former. ''"'' .-'. ?i
X. United Bl. R.nw.y d.
Benefit association, wae acquitted tonight
by the Jury, before" which he was tried on
a cnirge or mir'ai .iw ui iunui vi
aa""ffMi VhoVu.;
nount in the fundi of the aaaocia-
d the 'American .Surety compapy
th MSOCli
thtt tunou
IM ln4 I
which was on Henry' bond, raid over the
which was on Henry a oona, raia over in;
amount to the aaeoclatioh. henry denied
thllt h, ,t0i? the money. .
Coffee Drinkers B.eaWe Proof.
Whan 'naraona lnalat 00 taking aomC klbd
of food or drink that causes disease It is
t' - W ... ...
not fair to bleme t Doctor for not curing
Coffee keeps thousand of people eick It
? .M" L0', "a
TOCTC I DUl DOS w v ...
con ooo.--.,. "
ha to shift over to Pottum Food Coffee.
A case of thla kind le Illustrated by Mre.
Kelly. 133 th tve., Newtrn. n. i., wto
..,.. ..i bave beea ailing for about eight
I yeara with bilious trouble tad Indlgeatlon.
Every doctor told me 10 giva no
I laughed et the idea oi conee-nuning mm,
I until about three years age I wa tn
very bid ind had to hav t doctor tttead
me regularly.
. m . . . . . . . H . . I ., tna hawa .nr.
I fee, but prescribed Poetum Food Coffee. I
aoon cot to making It so well that I could
I mat tall the dlSerenee la taate between
I Poetum and the eommoa coffee.
"I began to Improve rlgbt away tad have
never hid t bilious apell elnce giving up
I ml and taking on Poetum. When I
started I weighed 109 pounds, now I weigh
I uo. Mr friends aak wbet.has made the
change end. of course, I tell them It WM
leaving off coffee and taking up Poetum.
" know husband will paver go back to
the pld fashioned coffee again. Tou can
use nr nuai it you prist thia letter for j
I am not arbamed to hare tbe public khOW
I just what I have' to eay about Poetum and
I what It his done for me."
"' , .
Lord Ltnadowne Bayi Oenntny Misnnder-
rtood Position of Ptnnoefote.
gays British Aatk-aseaaer la Ble Note
for Ceafereaee of Forelaa Dele-
gatee Acted Merely ia For
aaal Capacity.
BERLIN. Feb. II. Lord Ltnidowne, Brit
ish secretary of etate for foreign aaairs.
hat Informed Baron vot Rlchthofen, aecre-
or of tho German Alnlatry for foreign I
ffalra. that the British government has
uken note of the publication by Germany
dispatch from Dr. Voh Holeben, Ger-
man ambassador to the United States, con-
cer,Bg the meeting -of ambassador! held
Washington. April 14. 1898, without fol-
lowing the usual procedure of obtaining
the consent of the other governments inier-
M,ed. "
tofd Unsdowne and the British govern-
ment dellre Germany to mow inai n
miundertood the tctlon ot Lord Paunce-
, fv. Britl.h ambassador to tbe United
gut'M,- In the meetlftg of April 14. 1S9I.
pauncefote'e part lo that meeUng
t altaply that of the eenior memoer ot
United Statea.
Broa ton Rlchthofen baa not yet replied
to tord Unsdowne'e dispatch, of which the
foregoing is the eubetance. The Indlct-
iuivbuiiii - - -
,i ,. nrmanv In Its redV thereto I
wiu polnt tngt the foreign office waa
arM -Ivlflg information to the presa, cola-
eaent to the first speech of Lord Cran-
teklng cognisance ot the official British
iutement given to the Aasoclated Press
! that Germtny. Russia tnd
rranoe Supported the snort ot Austria to
L....A1. dt a I. Ula I-. V..aaA4--a I
Deriuiao ureti rtriLBia w juiu iu Giuivyctu i
LONDON, Feb. 11. Cabling from Berlin,
the correspondent oi the Morning Post aaya
he underatanda the Pauncetote controveray I
to be the subject of diplomatic correspond-
ence between the German tnd British gov-
ernmenta. The correspondent also eaye It
la declared that the British government has
Informed Germany that Dr. Von Helenben,
tbe German ambassador it Washington,
misunderstood the character of the Inltlt-
tlve taken by Lord Pauncefote, tbe British
aaihaaaa1ne thor
tmbiseador there.
(Continued from First Page.)
attnt communication with Germany at all
"AH ! well."
QUtENSTOWN, Feb. 31. A wireless tel
egraph meesige waa received at 3:30 p. m.
irom tucayia.
Lucanla reported that In atltude f6:5l
north, longitude 35 :H west It was in com-
o j
leiegrapn? wuo tiu
Lloyd steamer Kron Prlna Wllhelm and ex-
changed greetings with Prince Henry, who
la on board. Kron Print Wllhelm signalled
"AH well
NEW YORK. Feb. 11. The Dosition slven
Lucnle's wlreleaa dispatch seems to
Indioat'i that Kron Prlna Wllhelm, contrary
to IE reports circulated that on leaving
Bremen it had Instnictloas to proceed
lovr the northern of shorter courae, la
coming over me soumern courae, waica is
lone-cr bv al moat 100 miles. If tha Teasel
Iu taklne that courae lt would, under or-
ji.... ai.i v. 1.,,. v
1 uiutj uuuuiuuu., us v nwu. w-.
Wlla lt, fact,rd. which waa made over the
Lw.. . ' i tha i.tu.M. ini.t.
tne course of the northern and aouthern
rftutea are Over 200 miles apart, and it
Kr0ft Prlna Wllhelm were on the northern
anuria lt la doubtful If Lucanla could have
communicated with it.
Bag-lMh Preae Opens Neve Chanter ia
gpaalah War Affair in View
of Prlnce a Visit.
LONDON, Feb. 21. The weekly revlewe
mike the Impending arrival of Admiral
I Prince Henry of Pruesla at New York the
. . .s... .k.... ,v. c k
1 oociiiua ui iuviuvi v w v"uiph
war controversy. The Bpectator revlewa at
length the whole etory of the diplomatic ex-
change, with t view or controverting wntt
itr claim ta "tne oiaioruon oi toe actual
facta by the GermaP prest.'1
The paper disciaima anr attempt to mar
the reception of Prince Henry, but declares
that both Englishmen and Americana "eeO
through, Germany'a game and refuse to be
mktlead by the 'Inspired attempta to un
dennlne their friendships and understand-
log. A tact which will be written down
by the historian," says the Spectator, Is aa
weU reC0gnlied todty ta it will ever be.
I . . . . . . . ' ..
Thlt th,t En,! u,ed her Influence.
land the Americana inow ane uaea it, on
the alda of the United Statea as against
4ho. wha -Ished to take sides with SdsIo
i ... tl-t of the attitude toward America
I . V ' 7. ' m .
aunng ne war ui.piayeu oj iifo ana
i reanectiTeir ia louna ia tna re
spective attitude of the English and Ger
man anuadrone toward Admiral Dewey In
I u.niia hav. Tbe Germane nearly fired on
,a Amarlcana. If they had done . eo the
8ng,7.U would hive acted on tbe America
.iJJ .'.' '
- .. ,rMt, th. m.tter llrhtlv. U
i e-- - r- - -
say. tha m Vm.. a. a Cn.nt,
' p-il.. enry aa bait for the Ge.
V "c ' " v..
I man, hook,
man, r. ' -
brother, the emperor, will ever tucceed in
weakening the aubstantlal grounds pn which
Analo-Amerlca eo-eperttlon now rests.
ii th. aam. connection the Outlook ex.
preases great eaUafacfloo aa to Secretary
Hay'a note to Russia, tod commends it ta a
itm.n ihlrh aalna aAitltlnnal
I , , I . .M...l,l.n Al
I tVlVl tWl . 1.1 Wit.l v W-W ...U'UUV w .
The Saturday Review, on the other hand.
purauee Its customary anti-American
courae and roundly abuses tbe government
for being drawn Into thle fresh "humiliat
ing petition," and denomlnatee the whole
controversy- as ta "international slanging
The Baturday Review declare that the
4i,eioeuree blicken tbe memory of the lite
p,a.ldent ucKinl.y. ti they chow he fol-
I owea Bismarck', policy without Elsmarck's
excuse, and that he willfully suppressed
gpain'a final capitulation In order to par-
Iticioat. in war when he mlaht manfully
I navc stood out egilnst the popular clamor
I tad eecured peace.
Loala Prepares an Elaborate
Casket of Hand ' Carved '
tllvee and Gold.
I ST. LOUIS, Feb.- It. Tke solid silver and
I gold casket which will be presented as a
souvenir to Prince Henry of Prussia by
Mayor Welle will be finished wltbla a day
r two. lt will be II Inches long, 4tt Inches
high and 4tt Inches from front to beak. All
the material to of solid stiver and gold.
I with decoration, la full relief, rickly out by
I hand la solid metal and enameled. The
I meet ornate embellishment will be the de-
vlce en the cover. Thle consists of the
common seal of St. Louie, on either Bide of
which are the Amwiican and Oerman eaglea,
the key to the city protruding at the top
tnd bottom, about the lower part being a
epray of forget-me-nots. - Inside- the souve
nlr will be lined with navy blue watered
alike. The casket IteHf will be placed In
black seal leather box, which will be lined
With royal purple velvet. The casket wilt
hold the addrees of welcome handsomely
engrossed on parchment
foaiplalat with Plate of Amerl
tin for RerelrlaaT Prlaee
I.eaah at Ranters.
BERLIN. .Feb. II. The .epvated at.
rtrei Anuria, frnm tH 1 n e-f Mm a
. 0, glnlgt,r aeoeot to tha visit of Admiral
Hear, of Pruiai. .nma
.mutemeit d rt,au her,. Tna ,.Uit
tl contained In a Figaro dispatch from
representing Emperor William as
fllp,eM6d lt0 th, brg ot the Amer-
jc1 Mvaj offlcere and that, therefore, he
hM oroeri to make the vlalt aa Oer
man-American aa possible. TBe bfflclele
gaf that thle la absurdly fslse and thit
Germany on the contrary is delighted tt
(n ,tltu(J, or tD, American ntvtrofflclila.
Lim lipnaj niJKE TO EXPLAIN
t,MLl-. UrUrl UUC ,U tAra-RIIl
P,rt. .ager,. i. Hes.laa . Diet
for- Reaaoaa at
DARMSTADT, Grand Duchy of Hesae,
Feb. II A caucua of tbe party leadere IB
s-vw. - . n vmuvu v. - k J ' - - -
th. .Ani h.mhae nf tha Hemlan Diet
has requestsd the grand duke of Hesae to
communicate to them hU reisont for ob
tuning t dlvoroe from the grind duchese.
The prime minister. Earl Rotne, in a con-
dilatory etat.ment. Intlmtted thit the
communication referred lo would be made
to the Chamber behjnd cloaed doora.
The aeparatlon of tbe grew duke and
gran a oucness oi nesse waa pronounoea
ft at ri mm KaB 99 lektlf K hafi tillRValeftdi AAllft
-. -"
"rnest Ludwig, grand duke of Hesse, la
the aon of the Grand Duke Louie IV and
uncle of the present emperor of Germany
Hie mother waa Prince's Alice of England,
t daughter of the lat Queen Tiotorla. He
ia about 33 ycira old and wae married
April 1, 1894, to Viotoria of Sate, Gothe
tna uoburg, who le also t granddaughter of
Uueen Victoria.
one cbiid. tbe Princess Elisabeth, bora
Marcfr 11. 1895, is the result of the union,
A elster of the grand duke la the'ctarlnt
ot KuBBia, wntie tnotner mnrriea prince
Henry of Prussli.
pewet now flies northward
Breake Bark Through Line of Block
houses and Loses Oaly .
Two Men.
PRETORIA, Feb. 21. General Dewet, wUti
400 followers, broke back northward
through the blockhouse line, the nlgbt of
tn9 10th ,nit - ten j,,, wt ef L,IldIeyi
0rang( Rlyer CoIJBy Th. MoektoUii
cpened m Ue B , of whom
Tbe remainder fled.
No Responee front Geraaaars
BERLIN, Feb. 21. The note of tbe
United Etatee to Russia and China on the
subject of commercial rights In Manchuria
haa beea communicated to Germany, but
bo answer hie been made. ' Germany main.
tains the attitude tt "hie previously an
nounced, ' thit MkncbufU la outside' the
sphere of Oerman interests and it sees no
reason to change It
' Droneat In Now" Sooth' Wales..
LONDON, Feb. 12. According to the 8yd-
-j v. .i. -
-f ,7C iV w l .I.
South 'Walea Is nov experiencing Its', ev
entn ye,r ot ,ttl0ft contfhuoue drouth,
The ''rcM have appointed February 28
dAy of "umllUtlon tnd prayer. The
government haa proclaimed thla day to be
1 genenl hoiidiy, so ill business will then
be suspended.
Rev. Tsilka' Rot Under Arrest
CONSTANTINOPLE, Thursday, Feb. 20.
The authorities here deny that Rev. Mr.
Tsilka, husband of Miss Ellen M.' Stone'
companion in captivity, haa been arrested
tor complicity In the kidnaping ef tbe let
ter. . They aay that, according .to last re
ports, Mr. Tsilka Is In Sofia, Bulgaria.
i "
new TORK. Feb. 11. The consul gen-
er1 of veneiuelt today received the fol
ihwlna- dispatch: -
1 pln.r.a pv., n r-nnaHtiitinnai on.
I rresa inaugurated today. All members
vijuny, All uiBiiiusi
CASTRO, Prealdent.
Eoaenia, "o Care, So Pay.
Tour druggist will refund your money 11
PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Ringworm
Tatter. Old Ulcere and Sores, Pimples end
I Blackheads on the lace, ana til ekin ait
leasee; SO centa. '" - '
laprema Conrt Vnkolda Lower TH
hnnal and Sends the Bank Preal
dent to penitentiary
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Feb. 21. Tbe U
preme court today affirmed the decision of
the Cook coonty criminal court' in tbe cast
of William A. Pauuiet. presiaeni oi e yen
tr.t Tru.t and Saving, company, who waa
convicted of receiving deposits when he
knew the bank was insolvent and aentenced
to the J.ll.t,. p. court 1. of
the opinion that Paulaen waa t party at ta
conceotlon of a acheme to defraJa by 10
,,"' ...w ,.,... .uhacrlDtlons
eeptlng ae each payments of "?c''P"on,
to Its stock, the assets of another banking
ltltution which assets he ,knew were In
P" worthies, and that he waa eognl.ant
utUlaed by thla operation,
Sarah Bernhardt,
.ft . . . . .
the great French actrpae aayj: "f n
Gold Seal Champagne
excellent. In fact uperior t many Freaoh
Champagnea. It surprises me that each
fine wine eat' he produced in America.
GOLD SEAL le served In every flret-elaae
cafe aad club, aid cold everyhere tt half
the price of Freack wine.
Mre. Mrhols Makes a tlateaaenl. Tel(-
"I ni of Her Knowledge
the leasee walrh Led fo the
The following facte, aav. the Belfast.
Me., Republican Journal, have never be
fore been published. The incident caused
much comment at the time and It waa
thought worth while to make an investiga
tion. With this end In view, a reporter
called upon Mra. Elisabeth Nichols at her
ome In Sea report. He., ind obtained tha
following information. She said:
"About six year ago my nerve broke
own completely ind my whole system be
come a wreck. I suffered dreadfully from
Indigestion and my eye were very weak.
I had frequedt 'fainting Spells. Finally my
eight failed me entirely and I had to have
my eye bandaged all the time."
"This etate of affairs." she continued
lasted for a yetr, when I wae forced to
go to bed and etay there conetantly. I
cecame eo weak that I could take only two
Ublespoonfule of mUk at t time. I could
tot feed myself and eleop waa almost Ini
pocslble. This lasted another year end I
. a a ..... k ... '
iMu m auca etate ot nervous ex
haustion that when my people Wanted (a
mike my bed they could move me 6tt1y a
tew Inchea at a time. I had become ex
tremely thtn and waa atlt! losing flesh. I
had tried nearly alt the medicine In the
market, but failed to find any that Belpeff
me." '
"But how were you cured T" asked tha
"I'll tell you. My condition finally be
came ao critical that my family expected
me to die any day. Then my huahaat
bought tome Dr. Wllllame pink Pllle for
Pile People, tnd three daye after I begat
taking them I could eat without assistance,
tnd In t week I could tit up inl he
df etsed. After I hid ttken five" botea 1
began to giln fleeh. I continued the use of
ring nil for Pile People until I had
taken ten boxea and waa able to help my
family pack up ind move to t new heme.
After reaching there I took two more boxea
of the pills and 1 have been able , to work
hard and take care of my family ot fly
people ever elnce. '
"It 1 now four year (lnc I stonned
taking medicine and If I ever have to take
any more it will be Dr. Wllllame' Pink
Pllle for Pale People. Three ot my neigh
bors have taken tbe pllle with good results
and I positively consider them tbe beat
remedy there le."
The above statement waa sworn to br
Mrs. Nichols at the reporter'e reouoat be
fore Charles F. Adams, a notary public
tt Bearsport.
Not only have many casea similar ia
this been cured by Dr. Wllllame' Pink Pllle
lor paie People but equally wonderful r.
i-fUa have been accomplished by them in
t large number ot diseases arising from
mm diooo or anattered nerves, two fruit
ful, causes ot almost every III to which flesh
s belr. They are a poaltlve cure for such
diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paraly
sis, ut. vuus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia.
rneumatiem, nerroua headache, tbe after
effects of grip, of fevers and of other
pcute diseases, palpitation ot the. heart,
pate and aailow complexions and all form
of weakness either In male or female,- i.
Wllllima' Pink Pills for Pale People are
also t specific for troubles peculiar to Jo-
males. In men they effect r radical cute
la all cases arising from worry, over
work or excesses of whatever nature. Dr.
William'. Pink Pills for Pale People are
old Jn ..boxes (never . In loose bulk) ,. at
fifty cents a box or alx boxee for two dol
lars and fifty cents,, and may be had of all
druggists, or direct by mall from, -Dr. Wll
llame .Medicine Company, .Schenectady,. N.
Y. Be euro to get tbe genuine; substitutes
pver cured anybody. .
Every sideboard needs lt
Every buyer likes It
Every user is satisfied
The demand la enormous
an1 universal.
The aupply will
never vary Irom Its
standard of quality.
V Baltimore
la the leading
of America.
It U
Always Uniform
' Putt)
el at al! Srtt-fUM eafM an kr lakkera
W LaJialUN OK,
Poruty Rat
Food Inepactar.
n. l. ru;:cc;:mi, d. v. s.
Infirmary, Mth an
ToiaaiaOBO tea,
Prices-Mat, c toe: night. o to L
Sunday Mat.. Night and Monday-Clyde
Fitch's Big Success,
Prices-Wat., X5c, 60c; nil at, iixt to II 00.
Seata on Sale.
Ua tineas. Wed., Bat. and Sua., 1:11
Katherlns Bloodsood. Auar s Bag Pic
tures, Marie Dupont aV Co.. tva JHudga,
The Bosiiios. Three Westons, lTtust SisUr
and the Klnodrome.'
Prteeo two, K6 and BOe.
Commencing Sunday matinee, real bur
lesque without fail. ...,