Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1902, Page 12, Image 12

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Karnes Fat on Present Fs."el Without
Authority of Law,
bwrfi Assert that Coaaty Coasnale-
sloaer Ha at Make I'p List Them,
serve aad Nat Delegate Em
ploye 1a Do It.
At the next meeting of the Board of
County Commissioners, to be held Friday
of next week. Chairman Oatrom of the com
soltt-e of the whole will Introduce a reeo
lutlon asking the Judge of, the criminal
court to aothorlie the board to withdraw
the Jury Hit for 1901 aa already prepared
ul to make up a new one. This la the
result of the hearing granted yeaterday
afternoon to Francis A. Brogan, James
H. Mcintosh, Arthur C. Wakeley, C. C.
Wright and W. D. McHugh, conatltutlng
the executive council of the Omaha Bar
association. The attorneya affirmed that
the letter of the law had not been observed
fa. preparing the Jury Hat, but Chairman
Oatrom atatea that hla action la more in.
fluenoed by the discovery that after the
rsvioua llat waa made out and approved
by the board there waa a supplemental
llat of nearly S00 names slipped In among
the sheets given the copylsta In the office
Of the dlsUiot clerk to Include among the
names copied Into the recorda and from
there copied onto the allpa that were used
subsequently In making the drawings for
the Jurlea of the present term. For these
00. Mr. Oatrom aaya, there la no account
tng, aa the olerka, the commissioner aad
Judge Baxter all disclaim knowledge of
My eotoept the doien or more that were
added Just before the drawing In the hope
tf catching some of the notorious Jury
Jary Tamper la at Separate Chare;.
A prominent member of the Bar associa
tion council aald yesterday, after the In
Centloa of the board waa declared:
"Thla action la distinct from that to be
taken aa the result of the charge of Jury
tampering by the street railway company,
which waa preferred at the association
eiMtlnf In January. We have had this
work in band only two weeks, but wo are
In earnest about it, and hereafter the
Bar association will have a committee at
Terr Jury drawing. It la to our own aa
much aa to the publlo'a Interest that the
commissioners aelect only those men wno
re really well qualified to serve."
The address which the committee made
to the board yestrday cites that the board
delegated to the county clerk's force the
Work of making up the Jury llat and then
directs the board's attention to the stat
utory requirements that "In making auch
Jury list the county board shall choose a
proportionate number Vrom the residents
of each ward and precinct," which Is, In
the council's opinion, a apeclOs direction
for the board to perform the work Itself,
eeklaa- Jobs aa J or ore.
Continuing, the council writes:
Further, ire call your attention to the
provisions of 6tKk of the Code of Civil
Procedure, by which It Is provided that If
any person should seek the position of
juror be shall be guilty of contempt of
court, liable to a line and disqualified to
aervo as a juror. Yet we find it to be a
fact that a largo number of the names
now In the box, to be hereafter drawn
from, aro the names of persons who were
placed on the list at their own solicitation
and who are therefore disqualified.
The board's contemplated dismissal of
the present jury list will not affect the
panel tor the present term of court, as
those for the first two periods of the term
were drawn January IS and that for the
third waa drawn Thursday, in order to com
ply With the statutory requirement that
they be drawn twenty daya before the time
tor their service to begin.
Arm Broke aad Back Spralaed 1
. Wreatllna- Contest at Medl-
cat Colics.
Folic Burgeon Francis L. Borglum Is con
Bad to his room at 633 South Thirty-third
tree with a broken right arm and a badly
sprained, back, the result of a wrestling con
test with Fat McCarty at the Crelghton
Medical college Thursday afternoon. Im
mediately after the accident Dr. Borglum
rent to Sixth and Pierce- streets to attend
patient. Up to that time his injuries bad
not pained him and were not considered
serious. While returning from the call he
suddenly became faint and was taken to hla
borne In the police ambulance. An exami
nation ahowed that one of the bones In the
Tight for arm waa broken and that his
back had been seriously sprained.
Aaaesaeemnti of tho T,heater.
Thla afternoon and tonight will be the
best two performance of the engagement
of The Heart of Maryland" company at
Boyd's. Sunday afternoon, night and Mon
day night. 8. MUler Kent will be aeea In
"The Cowboy and the Lady." Tuesday,
Howard Kyi will epen an engagement of
r three performances In "Nathan Hale." Mr.
Kyle will precede hi opening date with a
lecture Tuesday afternoon at Boyd'a on
"Nathan Hale" and his life under the
ausploee of th Woman's club, the Sons
of th American Revolution and the High
school students.
ATI th unprecedented successes which
th famous Kubellk has enjoyed have not
keen the means of depriving the artist of
' bis modesty and almost proverbial kindll
' Bess. In manner he la entirely simple and
'unaffected, but he has a most fascinating
personality, not being handsome in the reg
tdar Way, but his face la most Interesting.
His hair crows back from hla brow and
In amount satisfying th standing of s
virtuoso, and hla dark eyea are wonder
fully expressive. While playing, he seems
almost transformed and U a most fascl
Bating picture to the auditor.
Musicians may be interested to know that
tt passes three excellent violins a Josef
' Guaruartua (th present of Frledrlch
IJroecfce), s Josef Oueroertus which h pur
chased from Concert Master Kranssowlct
tn Budapestb for 10,000 florins, and finally,
splendid Antonlus Btradlvarius, a pres.
ant from th family of th millionaire
member of Parliament from Reading, Wal
ter Palmer esq. Beside these, he baa two
yrj fla Francois Tourte bows.
' Kubellk will b at the Boyd on Saturday
evening, March a. He will play the famous
X major eoooerto by Paganlnl, his favorite
election, and th very one with which
be has achieved hla greatest triumphs i
las numbers by Beethoven, Dvorak, Schu
mann and BaninL
The "I Gay Parla" burleaquers at the
Trooadero conclude their engagement today,
sataoratlng Lincoln's birthday with a grand
holiday matinee and evening performance.
Commencing Sunday matinee, the man
agement la pleased to announce that It will
offer Its patrons, without tall, an excellent
burlesque attraction, "Th Brigadier Bur-
lquer,a sow playing a phenomenally sue
sful engagement In Bt. Paul.
For S clear complexion, bright aparkllag
ay and a vigorous digestion, take Prickly
Ash Bitter. It puts th system in per
fect order.
Shampooing aad hair d railing, 15 e, at Th
Bataary, Z1S-SM Be Building. Tel. lilt.
t 1
Special Attractions
In the Cloak Section
Unusual offerings in NEW SPRING SKIRTS, RAGLANS,
SUITS, Etc. A number of special purchases will be placed
on sale ::::::::::::::::::::
$15 Silk Skirts for $7. 50
A sample line of fine taffeta and peau
de sole dress skirts made with drop
skirt and triple flounce. Trim
med with fancy ribbon applique.
etc. no two alike
all on sale
$7.50 New Spring Dress
' Skirls $4. 98
These skirts are mad of all wool
cheviots, pebble cloth, Venetians,
homespuns, etc; they are lined with
aatln taffeta and moire, stitched
trimming, new serpentine shape
the latest 1902 ideas
$7.60 values
$12.50 Spring- Raglans
Women's New Spring Suits
A special purchase of women's fins
spring raglans will be placed on
aale. Made of new shower proof
materials, loose or tight back, fine
oxfords and cheviots,
all the latest
special .
Jheviote, O sTl Q
styles. Q.VO
An extraordinary One line of beauti
ful spring suits, new blouse, eton,
Norfolk and tight fitting effects,
made of the newest materials
snd shades, unusual
at ,
$7. 50 Tailor-Made Suits $2.98 $6. 50 Golf Skirts $2. 98
In eton, blouse and reefer styles,
made of novelty cloth, coverts and
homespuns Jacketa silk lined.
skirts made with
new flare $7.60
values ,
Women's golf skirts mads . of all
- wool golfing cloth, flounced, stitched
and stripped
sew ahades of
To make a rapid clearance of all the finest
automobiles and bow coats, garments that
8oldfor upwards of $27.60 and made of
the best materials, in all colors, we will give
you choice of any ot them tomorrow for
Read In Sunday's papers all about the
Great Sale of Lace Curtains we will hold
on Monday, Feb. 24th. Its a very important
sale 2, 500 pairs of the finest Lace Curtains will
be sold for one-half and one-third their value.
' N. B. Some of them are now being displayed In our Douglas street
Special Clove Sale for Saturday
Perrln's best P. K. Kid, also Dent's former prices Cf f(E
125 and I2B0 i , ta.JC
Perrln's Breda and P. X. M. former prloes $L60 t R
and 1.75-now .'. -Pl.aSJ
Mocha and Brack Driving Gloves former price 11.60 and $1.75 f K
now iis-
All 811k Lined Olovea former prices $1.60 and $2.00 V E
Albert Cahn 219 south utn street,
Shirt Tailor and Men's Faralaber.
No Baslaesa Will Be Transacted by
Jadsea oa Wasalaartoa
Thla will be observed as a holiday about
the courthouse. Judge Baxter has con
tinued until Monday the hearing on the
motion to quash th indictment of Joseph
Murphy of th South Omaha school board
for malfeasance In office, which motion was
argued yesterday, and also th hearing ot
the argument of Cuddington as Wilcox,
coal dealers, to be allowed to disobey the
order ot the oourt commanding them to de-
liver In court certain books and coal slip
that the grand Jury had when It Indicted
them, and which record figures In the
school board case.
Judge Dickinson continued until Monday
the hearing on the Gordon Injunction to
prevent the city paying Police Judge Berks 'a
salary for January. Judge Read la grinding
out the tax eases. Judge Slabaugh la busy
with a ault in the Ballou estate, and Judge
Estelle is keeping a Jury on Its dignity
while the tribulations of the Flggltea are
being rehearaed In the suit ot Laura
Donahoo agalnat Jesse Reeves and other,
Reevea having once sworn out an Insanity
warrant against her with the result that
she was detained s couple of daya at s
Papllllon hotel waiting for an Insanity com-
mission to make the examination that never
. la Judge Fawcett's court th slander suit
of E. J. Wallac against th Dally News
Publishing company was compromised yes
terday, after s jury had been drawn. Judge
Vlnsonhaler, In county court. Is hearing
the forcible entry and detainer suit of Ida
May Cole against Orant Fox,
She Itecommeads Chamberlala's
Caasa Remedy.
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy tor a number of years and have ne
hesitancy In saying that It la the best
remedy for coughs, colds and croup 1 havs
evsr used In my family. I have not words
to express my confidence In this remedy.
Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For
sale by all druggists.
Via Rock Island Rent.
Every day during March and April.
One-way ticket from Council Bluffs and
Omaha to
Bait Lake and Ogdea.. 130.00
San Franclaco , J5.00
Los Angela 35.00
3B Dlcgo 15.00
Helena and Butt 10.00
Spokane 21 50
Portland and Ashland 15 00
Tacoma and Seattle 26.00
City ticket offlc 1321 Fernam street.
Send artlot or Incorporation, notice of
stockholder' meetings, eta., t Th Bee.
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bt telephone. 2U.
Publish your legal notice la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone Us.
Jo gcrosTStaa, Dlschargred la Oa
Case, Immediately Rearrested
oa lew Complaint.
Joe Scroggins, who attempted to commit
suicide Tuesday afternoon, was dismissed
by Police Judge Berka yesterday on the
charge of disorderly conduct. He was Im
mediately arrested on s warrant Issued by
Justice Altstadt on complaint of Maud Han
sen, charging him with assaulting and at
tempting to kill her. His hearing was set
for Monday. Not being able to give the
necessary 1200 bond, he waa aent to the
county Jail.
When the breath Is foul and the appetite
disordered. Prickly Ash Blttera la the
remedy needed. It purines the stomach,
liver and bowels, sweetens the breath, pro
motea vigor and cheerfulness.
Homrsecitera' Eacaraloae.
Tickets to nearly all points In th United
States on sal at all ticket office of the
Chicago Great Western railway on the first
and third Tuesdays of January snd Febru
ary at the low rats of on far plua $1.04
for th round trip. Good to return In tl
daya from data of sale. For detailed In
formation address sny Chicago Great West
ern agent, or J. P. Elmer, O. P. A-, Chi
cago, 111.
Very Low Ratea.
Every day during the month of March
and April, 1903. the UNION PACIFIC will
sell Colonist Excursion tickets st th fol
lowing one-way ratea:
From Missouri river
$20.00 to Butte, Anaconda and Helena.
$22.50 to Spokane.
$22-50 to polnta on the Great Northern
Ry., Spokane to Wenatchee Inc., via Hunt
ington and Spokane.
$26.00 to polnta on Great Northern Ry.,
west of Wenatchee, ' via Huntington and
Spokane local over Wenatche not to ex
ceed $26.00.
$26.00 to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
$26.00 to Ashland, Oregon and Interme
diate points. Including Branch Lines on
8. P. Co. south of Portland, via Portland.
$26.00 to Sas Francisco, Los Angeles and
other California polnta.
City ticket office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone
Union station, 10th and Marcy. 'Phone $2.
SS.OO fur a Halt a Bay War.
If you live In the country or In a amall
town and have a good acquaintance among
the farmera and stockralsers In the neigh,
borbood. you can make $5 easily by four
or five hours' work. Writ na aad w will
send yon our proposition. Th Bee Publish
ing company. Solicitors' DeoU Omaha, Ne.
Shampooing and hair dressing, I5e, at The
Batbery. 21-220 Bee Building. Tel. 171$.
T A LLON "nomas, age 78 years, at resi
dence of . slater. Mr. M. Brennan, liuf
South Fifteenth street.
Funeral Saturday morning at o'clock
from residence to Bt. Patrick? church. In
tarBoeut La Hirif isapulclir cemetery
Thl really extraordinary sal Is drawl ng rapidly to a close. Make your selec
tions Saturday or loee a great opportunity.
Men's long, full broad aboulder over
toats that sold regularly at $18. $20. $25,
$27.60 and $30 your choice for $10 and $15.
Men's fine overcoats that sold regularly
at $10 and $12.60, your chelc for $5.00.
Men's finest Steln-Bloch Co, snd Hart,
Schaffner tt Marx tailor-mad aults that
sold regularly at $18 to $32.50 your choice
$10 and $15.
Men's fine suits. In over fifteen different
patterns of worsteds, caaslmeree and chev
lota that sold early at $10 and $11.60, your
choice for only $5.00.
Boys' knee panta suits Is all styles, at
leas than half price.
12. ro knee pants aults st 65c
$3.50 Norfolk knee panta sulta for $1.5.
$5.00 manly and aallor suits for $2.60.
Boys' odd long and knee panta almost
given away.
$1.60 boys' long pants for 60c.
$2.00 to $3 boys' long panta at 95c.
76o to $1.60 One knee panta for 25o, 60c
and 75o,
"My what an elegant lot of new eprlng
stilts you folks have got. It appeara to
me you have about two thousand of them.
W have been everywhere and have seen
nothing to compare with the. The styles
sr far ahead and the pricea much lower
than anything we ever saw, even In other
cities. These and almilar remarks may
b beard every hour In our cloak depart
ment They Indicate that our efforts to
get together the most complete ltns of la
dles' tailor-made suits, have been auccess
ful. Suits may be bought now 25 per cent
less than our regular spring pricea later
200 new aults, In all wool materials, Jack
ets silk lined, made in eton, double breast
ed and blouse effects, for $7.50.
100 new suits, beautiful garmenta, made
of new basket cloth materials, In browns,
black, blue, tana, jacket and skirt nicely
trimmed with stitched banda of taffeta
Women's Spring Suits
a suit made to sell for $18.60, early price
200 suits made of fin venetlana, tn four
different styles, new designs, with the
new sleeve, new cuff, new collar, new
fronts, at $18.50.
Borne elaborate sulta of Imported sam
ples, at 30. $40, $50, $0 and $70.
full bleat.
150 rainy-day skirts, stitched bottom,
trimmed with two band of satin, for only
200 women'a dress skirts, trimmed with
satin, in ' corded effects, percalln lined,
velvet bound, worth $5, for $2.90.
Women's rainy-day aktrts, mads tn
homespuns, basket cloths and storm serges,
worth $8, for $3.0.
Some beautiful styles In women's rainy
day skirts, very One Imported broadcloths,
at $6 and $10.
200 women's silk sklrta worth $25, for
Extra Specials for Saturday
Misses' skirts, trimmed with satin, for
$1.60. '
Mlssea skirts, worth $4, for $2.60.
Women's silk waists, $8 quality, only
Women's underskirts, mads ' ot extra
quality percaltne, worth $2 20, for $1.00.
All our children's Jacket st $1.60.
Children's eiderdowns st 60c.
Women's all wool flannel waists, 49o.
Women's wrappers at 25c.
Women'a underskirts st 25a.
Hen's Furnishing Specials
Men's $1.60 night shrlts, a large sample
line In fins sateen, cambrlo snd mualln,
worth up to $1.60, at 49c
Men's $1.60 all wool shirts snd drawers
st 60o.
All the 'men's wool snd fleece lined
shirts and drawers, that sold up to $1, at
Men's $1 underwear at 25c.
Men's $2 negligee shirts at 98s.
Men's 60c fine llsle-t'read fiose at 25c.
Men's $1 colored laundered shirts, In all
the new colore and styles for spring, at 49o
All the very latest styles In men's spring
underwear at 60c.
Saturday in tho Bargain Room
W will have special salea all day on Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Good. Prlnta,
Challls, French Flannels, Velvets, Furnishing Goods, Crockery snd Housefurnlshlng
Goods. No peddlers, dealers or manufacturers sold to In thla room.
Ws will sell 64-Inch black broadcloth
worth $1.60, 75c silk striped challls, 75o
granite cloth, $1.00 chevlota 54-Inch wide,
$1.00 silks, 75c foulards, $1.00 walstlng
silks, all go at 49c a yard. .
Wo will sell 76o black soils!, 75o blsck
figured fancies, 75c all wool German henrt
ettas, 76o black brllllanUne, all will go at
S9c a yard.
We will sell extra heavy skirting In staple
grays, brown, chalkllnas, etc.; 88-lnch
henrlettas, 43-lnch sergee, all will go at
26c a yard.
lOo dimities, Eo.
19c snd 25o dimities, 10c
15c percales, yard wide, 6c.'
W will sell sll day 25c vasea, 20c cupa
and saucers, 25c mush bowls, 26o covered
dishes, 20o tooth plok holders, 16c, 20o and
25e bowls, 15o, 20c and 25o plates snd
fancy dishes, 25c hand saws, 25o keyhole
saws, 20c screw drivers, 20o strainers and
other articles, all on one table, at 10c
At another table we will aell salt snd
pepper cellars, tooth pick holders, fancy
dishes, fancy cups and saucers, screw
drivers, washers, chains, vases, padlocks,
can openera and a thousand other articles
to numerous to mention, worth up to 20c,
all wlU go at 6c each.
100 dosen men's and boys' unlaundered
shirts, made with lined bosom and double
backs and front, made to sell at 60c, all
will go at 25c each for one hour.
600 dozen ladles', men's and children's
full aeamleea black hose, made to aell at
15c per pair, on sale for one hour, at to a
Men's colored laundered shirts, slightly
soiled, worth up to $1.00 to $1.60, at 25c
All the men's hesvy underwear that aold
to a $1.00 per garment, wool and fleece
lined, on sale at 25c each.
. FROM g TO 8:80 P. M.
We will sell Hill's muslin, worth 8tto
only two yards to customer, at 6c a yard.
What You Can Buy at ilayden Bros' for 10c
4 lbs. pearl hominy for lOo.
I lbs. navy beans for 10c
I lbs. rice, 10c.
1-lb. package seeded raisins, 10c.
t lbs. best oatmeal, 10c.
1-lb. can blood-red salmon, 10c.
K-lb. csn cocoa, 10c.
1-lb. can blackberries, 10c.
2, 2 -lb. cane sugar corn, 10c.
1-lb. csn baking powder, 10c.
1-lb. fancy mackerel, 10c.
I large cocoanuta, 10c
t lbs. fancy new dates, 10c.
10 naval oranges, 10c.
8 Neufchatel cheese, lOo.
1 lb., cream cheese, 10c.
1H lb. pork sausage, 10a
t lbs. new bologna, lOo.
GIRLS' SPRING COATS I" Chevlofs. CovcrU snd proadclots
Exclusive style gotten up by a famous house. First cholo to early comers.
Great Variety Boys' Blouse Waists tttlltlM-
We are making every Mne of juvenile apparel SO STRONG IN MERIT AND
PRICE that parent who consider their best interest cannot afford to paa
them. If you have boy a, girls or Infanta to clothe you can outfit them PROP
rCRLT and INEXPENSIVELY at the children's store.
Competent saleslady to show Infant wear. Our t pairs for 25c boya and
girts' hose are worth going many blocks to get. Tou've paid 25c for hoae not
eo good.
Tw . . . fZb
lu-amlVaw a anm
Talk AStlt
Op a. Ore hard WUaelaa
Starting a New Year
This month we begin our new year. The
past year ha been a very satisfactory on
In buslnees. Evidently the public does not
think all the druggist In town are dishon
est except one. We have furnished the
best goods for the least money, which la all
any store can do. For th coming year
we will b th exclusive agent for the
for thla section. Theae paint need no In
troduction to the peopl of thla city. Hav
ing been used here for the last It years,
they have established a reputation second
to none. For spring painting be sure snd
call for cample card. We will gladly fur
nish all Information you may need, a w
keep a practical painter, who attends to
all such requests.
14th and Douglas Eta.
Old Elk, finest of old Kentucky Rye
Whiskey. Made by the weU known dla
tlstlllera, Stoll V Co. of Lexington, Ky.
Ripened In the wood snd bottled In U. 8.
bonded warehouse. You will not find a
better or more finely flavored whiskey than
Old Elk. Price, half plnta, 40c; ptnta. 75c;
quart. 81.50.
Mall order promptly filled.
City orders delivered.
Fla Wine aad Table Llaer.
OtBil ratme. Teleaaaae 114.
15he Charm of New
Fshiors ad the
Power of Low Price.
Hats for Spring 1902.
We bein the season with hata aa
usual but not with the usual amount.
Always growing, until we were com
pelled to remodel our hat department
and added more space. What docs such
a move signify? It means that we are
going to sell more hats this season thau
ever before.
We never, at any time of our career,
owned such a magnificent stock of hats.
and surely never so large never so
many 6tyies never so many colors and
Its all hats everywhere and m-irns nowhow rnm.
pared to the average hat dealers.
MEN'S HATS, for Saturday's offering several cases
men's stiff hats, made of clear stock fur, trimmed with tho
finest gros-grain silk, with a genuine ltussian leather sweat
band, in all the new stylish shapes and shades, including
the new flare brim This hat is exactly what we claim it
to be; the best hat on earth for the money, and is sold
the world over for $3.50 and f 4.00 E- C
our price WeOvJ
Our Men's Shoe Stock
lias developed with a rapidity that has exceeded all ex
pectations. It is without doubt the recognized head
quarters for excellent footwear. Why?
Because we give the best genuine shoe
val ues in Omaha; then, again, we guaran
tee every pair to give perfect satisfaction
regardless the price you pay.
Men's Shoes $2,90
At this price we offer a complete assort
ment of men's shoes, in velour calf, box
calf and vici kid, with yellow or brown
edges. This splendid shoe comes in all
sizes and widths, just as good as any $3.30
or $4 shoe sold outside tJlO Q-O
this store our price -P iJ
dm mk
Gfnr D
n (on HZ). it,
1 " l&amkmM'J'B&SS'101
Schmollcr & Mueller
Buy the Entire Stock
of Jas. T. Reenter.
of New York at their on price for
apot cash. ' This stock constats ot
many of the old standard makes.
These are not old used Instruments,
but brand new and up-to-date styles
in sll the fancy and natural wood
veneers, mahogany, burl and French
salnut, quartered and circular sawed
oak, rosewood and ebony.
These places would have been good
retail values st Reerdon's pricea, viz:
$300, $50. $400, $450 up to $500, but
when you can get them at such rldio
ulously low prices as they are being
aold at thla clearing out sale and then
on easy terms, what good reason have
yos for sot buying s piano? Think of
getting one of these high grade tn
strumsnts for
$119, $137, $148, $156
and up, on terms ot $10 cash and $5
monthly payments.
Why procrastlnatsT Act quick and
get choice of selection. Elegant stooi
and scarf free with each piano.
Largest Piano Dealers In the West.
1313 Farnam St., Omaha
Tclephon 1625.
502 Broadway, Council Bluff's.
Telephone; 368.
Our Welted Shoe
For Women -
At $2.50 Always
Walch We Carry la Connection With
At $3. 50 Always
all the attention it Is re-
Is deserving or all the attention it is re
ceiving from the women of Omaha and
Samples of this $2.50 line of women'e
shoes are now shown in our south window
and simply cannot be equalled for less than
$3.00. They are in all leathers, enamel,
patent, kid and calf. ,
A remarkable assortment of $1.50 welted
Bend for catalogue.
Frank Wilcox, Mgr.,
Tel. A724.
30S S. 16th St. .
For tt'a a great snap while the assort
ment lasts. We refer to our "Useful Arti
cle Special Saturday" on Washington's
birthday. It means a saving of 4u per cent
on any style Tooth Brush 'cause we have
them all. 40 per cent Is worth savins.
We hftve the combination trust drug gang
all going south on the price situation. We
know of as many as rive different pricea
on the same article which that hot-air out
fit are trying to get from Its patrons, so
look out for them and don't pay more than
the following:
12.00 Mi-Dude's Succus Alterans 11.35
M.75 Malted Milk, hospital slse $2.06
2oo Mistletoe Cream 13o
25o Laxative Bromo Quinine 2o
25c Carter's Little Liver Pills l2o
60c Syrup of Figs (California) 3to
6uc Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Sua
6oc Oem Catarrh Powder aito
5oc Malted Milk tia
Boo Kld-ne-oliis , ., 4110
Too Hall's Catarrh Cure aog
50c Cramer's Kidney Cure (genuine) .. euo
Rubber goods, all klnda, at out price.
Tel. 747. . W. Cor. 16th aad Cblcaa.
Goods delivered FREE to sny part of city.
Bettor than Imported.
Cook's Imperial
Delicious invigorating harmlea.
Absolutely pur.
to buy bear uncer
tain aa to quality of
Ingredient and proc
ess of making. Bet
ter, far belter, to
drink only a bear th
merits of which are
beyond cavil. Such
a beer Is th cele
brated Mets. Long
known for it high
grade and all around
excellence, no danger
lurke in quaffing it.
Indeed, on tiia con
trary. It a diges
tion -alder and a
bullder-up of health.
Metz Bros.
Brewing Co.
Or Jacob Neumayer, Art., care Neumayar
I Hotel, Council Bluffs, lows. . .