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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1902)
THK OMAHA JAIXY JlEEt 8ATTJITOAY. FEimUARY 22, 1902. 11 A i t i 1 ) III :. 1 .. W X s Ml SPECIAL t.OTICES will m tmhrm aatfl II . far tha ! til I M p. a. Uf ; baadar eaitlea. Katea, 1 I -2a a ward Srat lasertlaa I wer thereafter. Netblaa takes tee leae than -9Aa far the (nil leer U Thee ad vartlaaaaeate r eaaaeeatlvelr. Advertisers, kr reeaestlaty a MmI aheak, answere reesed ta a ktrtl letter ia car f Te . Answer mm lllrMM4 will a deliver, a aralaUa al tfc kkaak air. ' : SITUATIONS WANTED. TOTJNO. man wanta place to work (or 1 board While attending schooL Boyle Colleg, New York Ltle Bldg. Tel. 14. A Mali HTVATION wanted aa companion to tadyi remain at noma or travel, a 23 r-r 5 r ; W.ANTKl) MALE HKLP. &OOD iMMengera wanted: ipereaatdpay. a. 1. co.. m Boutn nth. m I kTKADT work, profitable work, i anergetto buaiUra. C. Auam UOWard r ' for neat. AtUUU CO., lti TZ tr. mu a HAl.IT DAY a WUKK. U yoa live In id uouniry or in a .email town Mid T aava a guud aciumiiinc .among tna.tarniera.au4 not iir In the nlKktxrhuixj"yuii can inn eaaiiy ' . f by lour or uv bvvra' .ton. Vyrlie ua - and .w Will avttu tvu our pruponuiou. ' Vh be I-ubl.lauuig Co., (juiicuvi uviu, 'r vrmintii' jiaw... . . WaSTUD, a good man In every c6unty to ,i una auofrujtiona (or 'i'b 'iwyinleth .r : Century JTarauar. ' Ovlr age out nara good ( kagaa ayary wBcre. . ttaivrencea required. Adaieaa. Vwtutiatb Cvntuiy .uir, ' VPk. .Walx .- ' FItKEI FREE! Shave, hair cut, ainge, any work In barber lint, at Woler Cbiiage,' k'arnam i ( W lleor. Hours, k Ki . i Ai.J ids -I ! . I ll . . I I II rORF.MKN of factorlea. ahoDa. or gentle- inin wtila imjuitnlanca can' maka aom antra taoney withoilt any additional work or uiterterenc with their- regular duue. Atldreas, stating where employed and position occupieu, a i, t w B M328 WANTED, hv reliable house, talesman who ts Its cities ana town that use gaa to ell staple article aa side line; one who sella to hardware, gaa companies, gas fixtures, etc., preferred; a goou' proht tan "bs made by a live man. Adureee Gas, V. i h Vhlladlr,hlA. VA. B MXlU if WANTED A boy With' a horse to deliver The Evening tfe, south side. Call at Bee Office circulation department, 1 p. m. . - BJ-S41 M" WANTED, first-class pants maker; union bill: - Hack Lane. 131 b. Kb. B M367 Ti' W TO 115 a day 'for responsible men' (n ekch locality to make contracta for. a live cemp&ny. Room WI N. V. L. Bldg. B 36if WANTED, a shade maker. Apply at once by letter, atatlng age, experience ano references, 4o 4. 'lobn, care W. K. Ben nett Co., lath and Capitol Ave. . . B 864 B WANTED, another delivery boy at once. Apply to Schaeter'a Cut-Krloe Drug Btore, lain and Chicago. 21 t - - i ,1. i FREE! scholarships for the next 80 day In bookkeeping, illustrating, ad:- writing, iournallsm. stenography or proofreading. Mention course you wish to study. Cor- . feapondence Institute of America, B-ttM, cranton, ja. o-rait NOTICE! TMIfl Local ftnd general can vaaelng agents. American flavoring Co., Butler, jra,.- p-gia ar-t WANTED Hustler; temporary . position; 1 no canvassing; good pay. AddreHS Olobe, . 723 Chestnut St., PhlladelphlaPa "WANTED by reilabl house,-salesman who ' v.'enl cities and town that use gaa, to , gell staple article aa aide line; one who V sells to hardware, .gas companies, gaa ' fitters etc., preferred; good prortt can be made by a Ave nan.- Address Oas, V. O. . box mi, Philadelphia, Pa. B-rM376 P- ' WAN l'kiUViilSAAA.a) Ufeil.t. .- WANTED; two yoans Jadr .' student "to i m kAlrAreaatna. mahicurlns: and chi- --'roDodv and scientific massage. Call or write Boom ta). Be Bldg. C-8 '" WANTED; at once girl for general housa work; must khOwlioW to uo plalh cook Mng; fce.ll t l?4 CaidweU t, C-M274 -. . ' WANTED,' glrtt A"competnt, reliable fiiire girl; reieranc? requireu. jnre.. ururia -x. VOSS, vnicago. . . aim C M364 WANTED, woman to dust furniture. Peo- pie s Btore. ' C 161 11 tvAKTCD. two lady cajivassers: exrer1- enead. Apply before 10 o'clock Monday morning. 1M1 Farnam. C M371 22 - ' ' ; 1 ' - HUVlfiuiva.iai'iwi iwr ii vi town, buooi knma. Inaulra Sunday between and- 11 ' at Arcade Houl. M. B. Putney. v ' C M369 M ' V rok R1CNT HOUSKB, HOUBEfl, - O. a. Tallace, ' Brown block. a il - TO MOVE rtfht get Omaha Van Storage CO. OZqc adu aruaiu, v ia. Jjoa-oo. 1 So ' unl U P.ry .":. s The O. ivvwi . Avavui sos uee AJiag. i A jrf ai. EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, VX al U. tungor. lie Bdg. fi-hono. 41. TWO i A 8-r. bouse: rbone A-2M. ?' . i .' La- Li 14 MOUSES, eta , F. D. Wead. 15M Douglas. . ' A 1 .HOU8BS. tore.. Bemls, Panton . block. ... . D Jtis PAY N ill. BOSTWlCK CO.. 801 N. Tt Life, .' , .... HVI CENTRAL, modern." steam Jeat," 7 -room - house; k and 4-room lieu Tlaard, xu N. Ud BtL l-q F.-21 - vitrvfii t9 U lllii . t'Hi l.i.. ' aiotil modern houAe ( rooms, also barn. &, ji-rooni liuusa at 6U nd Decatur St. 7..! . i i. i . u ... tu.i Tk....iUM-ki, ,i Ana viiuaua, ca v UpaUairs. --i ' i . A 77 C hIrNEI, 11 .rooms, modein, rent SM North 13d, 14 rooms, modern Improve ments, U6. nw N. 28th Ave. I rooms, city water, 811 Li N. 19th, I rooms, modern, 120. W. FARNAM SMlTll A CO., 1320 Farnam -.'Street. " ' i ..DM riVE urifjrntshed -rooms,' atl modern snd , flrst-clase. 2124 Miami St. P 214 .-.FOR RENT, 616 Park ave., fine new 7-room v . modern, oak polished floor, 40. D, V. kthole Co., if. N. Y. Lite. Tel. a?9. ; ' " . D-M318 NEWLY furnished l-room house- best of . Telereiices required. Inquire loOs Harney or-1628 Wirt t. . ' D MX1 23 f a ' - a 1 1 . i TWO l-room flat, on 6-room flat; steam heat. 7u4 N. 16th. Inquire engineer. H 1-M350 53 S-ROOM modern house, with laundryur ' - room, bath, ga. etc., newly paoared: trlotiy Srt-clsA 18, .2810 Seward. Key nest eoor. aj ms .i- . tpU KNT ft KXISBLU ROOMS. DKWET Kuropeao boteL 13th and Farnam. I I 1 lb die ONE fumtshtd room, With heat, on car Una. lb Clink; 6 per month. K t&i ' FURNISHED eoutheast roomi. modern, teatn ieat. '608 S. fcilh St. - B M228 12 ' tto N.17TH ST., furnished, ateam beate ' 'room, new flat E MJ49 21 LARGS, well furnished room, with alcove. modern. . hi MJuj U - . r , . - - . . ' T)K RENT. large south front room, with alcove, mantel grate and large closeL 19u Capitol Ave. E Jbl rHll:K furnished or unfurnished rooms. , Uaht housekeeping. 42a, N. lull at . Suth Omaha. K M378 - rURNMUEI) ROOMS ADD HOAHU. . NICE homo tor young men. 108 S. 25th 8L hnuiHcn rooms and board. ROOMS and board: Olencalrn, 108 pnugls. F-?-2 ROOMS, board: steam beat- 2011 Harney 'treat. - F MM4 F22 FURNISHED room a. . (team bath. Hill Caaa. beat, ga. F-362 STRAM heated rooma Capitol Ave. Ith board. 109 , F IM FURNISHED rooma and board. 2128 PortM. F-M327 V, FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooma, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago Bta. . F-Ml LARGE parlors, single or aulte. The Hni, 2020 liarney. TlVi Mr FURNISHED front rooma, single or en suite, wun Doara; reference, ii B. ztn at. F M361 28 TWO large, nicely furnished room, with hoard. B. 20th at. F MiHl El FOIl REX T llFl RXfSMED ROOM!. FIVE unfurnlahed rooma. 1120 N. 17th. ' O-M100 FOR RENT, t unfurnished rooms. lo R. V pak. room soace. IS oer month, around floor room. In The Bee bulldinc faclna -Farnam street; no expense for light, heai or Janitor tervlce. R. C. Peters A Co., Rental Agents, Bee building. O 11 i - 1 . ,,...! ' I - L " t FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. tOH RENT. the. building formerly ocou . pled by The Bee at 1S Farnam Bt. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee preea room This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at onoe to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room too, Bee bulKllng. I HI FOR RENT, store In first-class location rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Co., ground-floor. Bee Bldg. C cetera at 1264 FOR RENT (leaee for sale) The store room at zzu n.. itth at.; else Kxso feet; storage room back. Inquire of lessee on premise I-M&fi 2S AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agent In every county to solicit subscription to THE TWENTIETH CENTt'RT FARMER. ' Steady employment with assured good Income. ' Agent In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Can ' vassera make easily W to lloo per month, Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, Ute building, omaba. Ill ,"MEDICOLOOT," the best family medical book, In toe world; iv other good sellers. W, A. HUenbaugh 4k Co., 600 Ware Blk., yroana, , J 107 AOENTB WANTED in every town TO BELL "HUNT'S ROUND POINTED PENS." These pen do not cratch nor spurt the Ink, the points being rounded by a newly Invented process. This is an American Invention, the first improve ment in steel pen making In seventy years. Put up In patent boxes at popular prices. We give Targe profits and liberal cast) prises to the best workers. In every town you have an equal chance. Write for terms and full instructions on how to sell successfully. C. Howard Hunt Pen Co., Camden, N. J., the finest and beat equipped pen factory in tne world. J-M37I $3 00 TO 15.50 start mall order business at home: absolute certainty of success: oar ticulars free. 74 Commerce bldg., Chicago, J MJiU iim WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. HOUSES I List your house for rent with us. W nave- a Dig aemana. k. u. feters co, ground floor, Bee building. K M23I 21 ROOM, or rooms and board for two yenng men. i ao, iee. iv WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy for cash a7-room house. Must be modern and well located. Write particulars, c, zu3 n. iua. . N 3.8! 2a WANTED to buy. a small amount of drv. rood black walnut, 1 Inch and thicker, toi Douglas. . ; w M344 WANTED, nearly new typewriter. Smith or remington; wide carriage prererrea taie price. Address u , ilea. - .. ; .-'; .jj-msso ss FOE SALE FURNITURE. rHTCAOO Furniture- Co.: 1410 Dodce. TeL 1020. New and econdband, bought, sold, exchanged. u-a FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS, ETC, THE BEHT lu ouggiea ana wagons n. i Frost S, 14ln ana Mivtnworiu. asa RUBBER-TIRED eoupe, newly painted, 2o0; glass side rockawayr H2S; family carriage. 146 to 175 each; wagona. Drum mond Carriage Co., 18th-and Harney. , . P US I EXTRA, line new light delivery wagons. usual pri?e. wm. rturg, onarmnn ivi P 2U-M1S : FOR SALE, horse, buggy and light wagon mmn litre ten oox ana aeii-comDuiini scales. W. 1. Boruck, 1 S strBouth - n s. aTu thiLm umana. . mr m FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I FIR timbers for housemover,-ete., 40 to tl ft.; cribbing and hog fence. SOI Doug. la. ' . sr-wv JD HAND aafe cheap. De fight. Ult Farnam. I CADET? rost. kood as new; will fit boy It . or 14 years old. Address H U, Bee. i ... woea INDIAN good and relic. 1119 Farnam.: I . '" . " 1 ' Q-i TYPEWRITERS, latest modal ' Reming ton. Bmun-rrviniar, iiisBjurv, wwpimvwa by the UNDERWOOD; low price. A. H. -workman V Co.. 18l7 Farnam. 'Phone 8438, Q 494 When You Write ' to Advertisers remember It only take an ektra stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aaW the ad In The Baa. 2DUAND safe cheap. Sch warts, 114 S. 13th. . . tj at LjroR SALE, phonographs, superior to kny other - musical instrument;, 36 up Thg I v.',.. mk n in Fa r nam. C2 tul ' Q-391 , , . - 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man .A MoConnell Drue Co., 16th and Dodge,1 umana. FOR SALE, scholarship in a umkha thortafcnd school, vheapi Inquire 232 Bee Bldg. i v a SAMPLE piano,' eastern manufacture, fully warranted, at A bargain. Room 414, Mo- Cague biog- si saiw BEAUTIFUL Chickering upright piano at a aaorlflc. Room 414 McCague b0dJM70 oirirrt.EH. nhonoxraphs and suouUes. Omaha, Bicycle Co., Cor. ltp and Chfcseo FtP. SALE, four head of cows, ten head or 1 and 2-year-olds; two mile north ot Florence. T. E. Price. . 4J-M3J CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 113 N. 16th. 8898 MME a YLMER.' genuine palmist. 315 Bll. tr .' ELECTRIC TBKATMENT. Mm a. Ames. Cumberland house, 15th A Ca 15th A Cap T 771 M7 MME. SMITH, bathe, U8 N. 15. 2d floor. R 1 l awn aii- BONTON PARLORS, 821Vt N. 15th. flat R ed A AAA 2A BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; attenaani. au n. mm. viae A. T MuH Ml I MASSAGE, Manicuring.. 1815 Howard, flat T MT21 M5 PERSONAL.. PRIVATE hospital, before and during eon flnement; babies adontml. 2Jo Urant PL .,..11.1-1- rvl IT 1 1 . f . 1 : oft aula. .uv w -. aitm. m, fiR ROY. cblroDodlst. corns and auoarflu qui nair nwuitv ai ammui, n. ia. Jfrsuser Block. . U PERSONAL. manicuring and chlro party. -for India amy. in connection wun n wun U ts the Batbery, HMJO Be Bldg. ACCORDION plesttrrg, cheapa-st, beat ana quickest. Mrs. A. U. Mara, u AJougiaa. CHIROPODY a apeclalty. In connection with The Bathery, rooma zia-zai atm mag. lei. 171. u oie GRAMOPHONEB and auppllea, whole-ale ana retail, Collin aviano co mu, las. U 40 VlAVt. woman' way to health; rational. Wholesome bom treatment, it ties it ins, U PRIVATE home ladlee before and during confinement; adopt babies, zvzo uuraetie. airs. JUurget. tl moti aaiv- MME. SMITH, baths. US N. 15, 2d i J"f. r t . U M2ul Mla W. F, 8TOECKER, by virtue -of- the aumortiy in me vestea, oo nereoy yiv ciaim mat tn. ... .. .... STOECKER CIGAR Is aennina and nf the best duality. It retails st strictly so straight.. Union made. W. F. STOECKER CIGAR CO. U 2BS-Z4 OOLDMA.M'8, the only perfect pleating plant in tne west, sou uougias dicx. , i u alvN I SHAMPOOINO and halrdresstna. 25c la Bl'PTIIBlf. itertnanantW Olirall In in la SI I ...... . . i d a .i V.. ih New i-ork Life Bldg.. Omaha Neb. Mlddleml, wan paper cleaner, 1401 Ackaon. u fbS M-e ELITE PARLORS, 1B S. Uth it, 2d floor. ' U MRU M I RUPTURE CURED FOR 123-No pain, no detention rrom ousiness: sena ior cir culars. Empire Rupture Cure Co.. til N. Y. Life bldg., Omaha. , . U MZ7I LI KB EN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. lull Farnam. ' - l m MOr.t.ttU The Miseries nf Dlnlnr. Fbru. ary "wnat to Eat.' eorge. u m;j a PIANO TTJNINd taueht by mall: Satlsf ac tion guaranteed'- oipiomae - given. -re- tlonal Tuning College, St. Joseph, Mo. U-M37I 23 WILL Samuel MoMer please communicate I wun ma lamuy mi urinneii. jb. ins eig- nature is wanted. ' u Mai. Z4" MONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loana, bonds and srarrant. ueorge at company, ieui i arnaj atreet. 4H PER CENT on business property, " 8 per cent on residence property. Option to pay whole or part any Cine. W. B, uiviKut, a b. lbtn m. W 407 WANTED, city loans and warrant. ' W. Farnam smith Co., U20 Farnam St. W-401 WANTED, city and farm loans: also bonds ana warrants. u. jfeters afc i.o.. kui arnam t.. Bee Bldg. - w MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real state. Brenoan-Love Co., 309 South lstn, W 410 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H, l nomas, ut Mat. Bank Bldg. Tel. lets. - - W 411 i TO IP. C. moneyi - Bemls, Paxton Blk. . ; W ii PRIVATE money. Sherwood. U7 N. Y, la . .. W UI FOR BALE, FARM AND CITY LOANS. I R. C. PETERS CO.. BEB BG OMAHA. W 74 Mchl MORTGAGE. - O. G. WalUce. Brown Blk. PRIVATE money, F. D. Wead, 1M Dougla w i 8 PER CENT loan. Garvin Bros.; 1604 Farnam. W 411 1300, 1500 AND 11,000 private money, 1. 2, 8 1 or 8 years, on eastern Nebraska farm or I wen locatea cottages in umana. w. u. Belby, Board of Trade-Blrtg. t W 918 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE make loans on Furniture. . . Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages 11 II and otner cnatteis. VI- W jnak. SALARY LOANS. O N E Y without mortgage to persons who have permtuteht positions. You 'can et tba money on very ahort notice aind pay It back in one month, or geep it longer, ana pay ior it only what time you keep it. We are leader in low rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treat- mont. We invite comparisons of lates, time, payments, ' etc. we give you the full amount of Abo LOAN In cash. W always "try to piease. - OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. . Tel. 2296. (.Established 1A)2.) 3oS So. ItJtfa Bt. ft 947 WB NEVER REQUIRE SECURITY. SALARY loans on YOUR NOTE. Only requirement a steady position. NO Mortsaae. endorser or oubllcliv. (SMALL PAYMENTS REDUCES COST.) Dl V ' Weekly, BemlMonthly.or Monthly.' .PRIVATE OFFICE -FOR LAD1K.11 R. R. Men, Clerks,' Machinists, School Teachers, Bookkeepers, 'Stenographer or ny employe given time to ault tbslr reouiremenis. OOARANTEH) Lowest Rates In Town. V&Jlx private onices. xbAniA. x round. Telephone 14X1 for eve. data. No charges tor Information or paper. o; 3pen ioona, Wadnssday and Saturday vwnV tVksV k r HrMiu,BWS10"' -&A&JrlT&ZA. Room 8u Third Floor, Paxton Block. " -X-701 LARGEST - BUSINESS IN LOANS TO t)AljA-Kin.L -.if-Ajii. mercnants, team- slers, boaraing nouses, etc. without se- curltyi easiest terms, w.amce in prln- clpal ciue. AOiman. etv uoard ol : Trade.l Biug. Av 121 1 " i ...... .fimlmc Df iwto UADOVB . LOANS. "Absolutely - Without remailna goods." written guarantee given to this eaeci. a-sls.iuiam aaj i.u., Room VD. fMW" a IIS MONEY loaned on plain note to talaried .peouivj uiwuh. v. uu.BHua; ivweat raiaa U4 Paxton block. The J. A. HuttonMJo. . ' A. 41 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, jsweiry. to saiariea people. our Ut Co., sua. tc Luff Urean. Barker Blk. . - - - - A7 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, law- airy, worses, cows, si a. v. jr. jteea, 319 S. 18, JW 12t LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIKa j. w. ;i.iyit, kw raxiun block (to noorj. a. pam BUSINESS CUANCBi. TO GET In or out of business call on Wll- ,i- - ....... ,ii 4.. k..,.. iaatua, wu ma, w.a.awv v4iu,yB, WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange yeur ousineas or property quica commuul- caie wiiw uua wuw uu iua ku-iumcia. 4. H. Johnson, a43 N. Y. Lite. Phone L-227U. I-Maal FOR BALE Millinery stors, doing good Business; iaju euvu uuici ivr aaia iur aaaaa to right party;, coin gooa locations In N. L. Nebraska. Call or writ 24 N. Y. Lite building, Omaha. Y-1M LAtiNDRY busln. city; a teslraoie lness in good location in i propoauloa for making money; reaaoiiaoaie terms; - investigata. J. 11. jonnson, 1. a. lulu. 1 jaiai 7-ROOM brick flat, nicely furniahed, fine location, roomers amy. . e urmiure for sale -reasonauie. r-arty leaving city. J, H. Johnsoo, N. Y. LIU. ' Y M226 FOR BALK, or trade, ray entire livery stock, st a bargain. Addreas W. C. Utiarback, Ogden Livery, Council Bluff. Y M2S3 OLD established Oerroan weekly paper In eastern Iowa;' always good paying; 8950, pert time If desired; compositor can do all the work himself. Address tor -farther information U 3. Bae. Y M24I 23 " FOR; EXCHANGE, WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49. Bee. 2VM510 LOT for piano; afl exchange 8460- lot Jth and Taylor Bt., toi plunj. Address T 62. , ; .. .... aV-MJUl 2 FOR SALE REAL ICSTATE. RANCH and farm landa for sale by the I'nlon Faciflc P.illro.) company. r. B. A. inlon Pa- MeAllester, land commissioner, Unl clfla Headaiiartcra. Omaha. Nab. v.. , . T COLORADO ranch lands, bomestea'la, school section lasses. 1). W. Irwin, Ak ron. Colo. " RB MKO F27 HOtfUEH. lot, farm, rinche, loans;' also nre insurance. Ale mis. raxion AJinca. Hbd U7 LANDB AND FARMS. I have Inquiries for lands and farms In Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa and n. l'na. uive iuu aescription, location, sac. twp. and Rg., and price at Which you will sell, snd pay commission of I per cent, plus 12500, In case of sale only. W. L. Pel by, general real estate and loan. Board Trade bldg. r MBS HOUSES Harrison A Morton. TeL 314. TT . RE M1S7 Mch4 Boyd County LANDS.- , We leave with next party Monday, ebr.uarV , 24th, At J 0 ClOCK p..m. . . a. a c , , it Aa ociiujii vuui name ai vine jvu viv- Sire tO Kb, ' POT I tR, ' r ORGAN & HASKELL, TEL, 470. v Vtt N. V. L1FH BUILDING. AUI-rMSa WILLIAMSON Charles E., UOt arnuio airaeu IF TOtT ' want one of the nicest s-room homes in tunsoom placet l win give you a bargain. Owner latt city. Must sell. J. U. Uherwood, HI M. T, l Bldg. $5,500 FOR S a-room oottagea, modern ex cept lurnace; a rroein coiiage, an in axcellnnt nndltlnn. kint monthly rental. ' continually occupied, nne location, on 17th street. 10 blocks north P. O.: owner going , to -California for health; H cash, H vy, J. 41. jonnson, sun. a. AAia. . 'When You Write , " to Advertisers " . ' remamher .i mi. tr stroke or two of the pen , to mention the tact that you saw the ad .In The Bee. UOU8E8 and lots In all parts of cl.y; also aura properly ana larui ikiius. ana s. Xavla Co., Boom 662, Bee Building. . u ,7 tail FARMS! KARMSI FARM31 For bargains In tarra property go to OMeiu . Jttegl ustaie Agency, souia Omaha. KK-tl PAYNE," BOBTW1CK ft CO.." 01 K. T; Life, NEW Snow-Church Co.. 4th floor N. T. A-ifa Kida . . utaana. inbd. Aavrttest law. eolleotlon and real estate agency- In the wbrld. Aasoclata banaa aitorncy and 1 real estate brokers In every county In the United folates and ciue e xoreign-couu- trie. . WANTED, to buy for cash, l-room modern nouse on west r arnam or Hanscom Park car line, M.uOOtq ' 16,000. HAKKiaON te MORTON. TEL. 114. RE-217 U IMPROVED farm, 200 acres, H mile north Ia rwu, narpy ..pouniy; easy, terms price, Ai& an acre. Nation, Iter Grand bote I, omaha, jNeo. . itta muz Corner Lot for $SQ. 226 cash and payments of 15 ior 110 a month. Three blocks" southwest of Han-1 scorn Park. Convenient to car and school; I THK BYRON REEO'CO.. 212 S. 14th St. Kit, JM3M) XI A'$NAP. ' Two houses and two lots, two blocks from car line. on of five rooms and 6n ot thres , ' S 'm aA. . ' THE BY HON REED CO., 212 8. 14th EL Itlli MiibO ii FORTY acre for- rent, 4 miles northeast of Omaha; splendid garden piece; 84 per acre. W. T. uranaznv eue ue mag. 1 ' ' RE-63 27 'i iT.irir.irA urnnK firtM . A quarter section of alfalfa land and a ri,vV..r-il. -r:V ST-' -laT JU 1 1 1 rinnhl. in valna In nvi 1Aari: Jk nap at twelve noilars per acre. Easy rarms. Aoareaa tmx omi. lx niton, inbd. HEi coo arc FOR SALE, forty acre, tour miles north- eui ot tmana; niia uuuuiu taiiu. auiau - did for gardanlng;-1100 per acre. w. T. Graham. 4X. Bee. Bldg. KL 32 27 FOR SALE). 240-ACRE RICH FARM, three mile from '.' Plattamouth, Neb. ' Good "Improvements. New modern 12,500 house, finished In natural wood. Good barn and all other bulldlnch. . 40 aoras In orchards, . 2.000 eleoted apple, 200 cherry, 800 peach trees, all bearing. Finest spring of water In the tate. Fine spring house. Splendid corn land.- This farm Is all right In every re pect and a great bargain. Only $15,000. On easy terms. RICHARD C. PATTERSON, Sola Agent, 810 N.'Y. Life. RE-M881 28 60 ACRES, 10 mile of Council Bluffs. 70. ao acraa near Manawa. ' 21.400. Good farm near Hamburg, la., improved. for merchandise. Livery outfit of 81,500 for cash or land one-halt Interest in electric light plant in ' county aeat town; a ealuable and paying -J"vtment; cah or good. farm. HSBOURl VALLEY REAL- ESTATE CO., ooo Airoaaway. wvuikm ciuuh, is. Btt-Mifil 24 160 ACRES. Sarpy county. Improved. 16.500. 1 la ar.ra near Da Bolt Place. 32.S40, I iU lm. n 16th at., with houe. 81.600. immediate posseseion given on all these. w D. WEAD. 1524 DOUGLAS. I .. u f flkfajM ! I . - MEDICAL. tit, SToTe-i ,i,--..MiitiAtti.TM4 i..riin soeoiauac la niseaaaa st woman in umaaa. ... L.l.l ll tha attention ' of suffering r ladles to hi unsdrpaased accommodation ' before and during Confinement, and his treatment . for irregularities, ne matter what saua. Call or addreas, with stamp,' Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 lodge, umana. LOST, bunch of keys, with tag. Return to Bee omca. newara. iiok-bw tc- fam a TT-Uv k n rM at MfttrAnnl 1 1 n hall February w. ugm oiua crepe snawi. n ward for return to 8u8 W. O. W. Bldg. Lost 3v) 84 LOST. 88 Smith A Wesson revolver. Re ward for return to Dee umce. Lost SM 2S SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. I QRjuGO Bborthand. On. C COL, ltn Doug A. a VAN BANT S cbooL HI N. Y. Life. BOYLE3) College, oourt reporter principal. ri. x. AAta, ' NEB, Business A Shorthand College, Boyd Theater. -437 . . 'bicycles. tll(i J)AJtUAi;iO VJ uu'iip uivjtica uuw, 'monev made if you place your-order at onee; our stock la about exhausted on 1901 mndi! tnaaa wneaia are jua; aa aooa as lava model and we wtjl offer what we have left at a price mat win asioman you. Lout Fescner, iua uapuoi are. - anros II STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 312- lit Jones, gencraJ eniae auj turwaruuig. OIL Van. titor. Co., 1U1 Faj Tels.l&i.8-&Sl. FRATERNAL ORDERS. THS GARDENERS protect old age a well aa life. Charter uMttisera free, rat-iieu. 'lare from Frahk Howatcr, supreme . manager, ta 2e BidA, .. .... OSTEOPATH T. G1D E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Butte 614 n. x. Aue bldg. TeL !. DR A. T. HUNT. 611 McCague Bldg. TeL tXX -44 DR. MRS. MU8ICK. Douglas Blk. TeL ?tl STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg. FLORISTS. U HENDERSON. 1511 Farnam. TeL 194. 4 AUCTIONEER. IN Neb. and Iowa. 2512 N. South Omaha. F2S BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., til North ltth. 455 VOICE. CLEMENT B. building. SHAW, Voice, 612 Sheely 937-M-1S STAMPS, COINS, ICTC. BOUGUIT-Omahe Stamp Co.. (OS S. 13th. 451 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, euit cases: trunks repaired. Om. ' A, Trunk Jb actory, lax rarnam. -461 POLICIES PURCHASED. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, ivi rrhmerl. 1ilnl An DollcleS. Call on or write The Putnam Co., 604-t N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Ne. 43 PAWNBROKERS. , ing; ail business oonfldentlaL 1301 Dougla ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANT, Tele phone 2110. 611 South Thlrteentn street. FUR LRUSSLNG. O. R GILBERT, CO.. tanners, 1424 B. lth. TREES. F'.tUlT. shade and ornamental trees, Tines, Shrubs, robes, email fruits, etc. Address Omaha Nursery, Paplllion, Neb. 5S M14 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 133L M. & Walklln, 2U1 Cuming St. tt COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone STL Q 467 i-M DRESSMAKING' DRESSMAKING In families or at homa MIhs Sturdy. Wt2 r arnam. joi sa NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA riating Co., Bee bldg. Tel. 25S5. Olid FUiiNITURB REPAIRING. GLOBE COUCU CO., 1511 Leavenworth. 843 M14 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry hlrt. 8c; collar, 2c; cutis, 40. liw A-eavenworm. abi. oi, MANUFACTURING. P. MELCUOIR, 13th and Howard, mi M45 chlnists. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL klndt of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2vth And Lake streets. -Jiv wm evkritt. Soeclal rates to real es I all U1VU a vv..v wm . . .w atamen: weather strlDS put Oo. Leavenworth. ' " i I NEW 24hand. HIS Farnam St., Omaha, i aov P a d J3 n Q Immunity from pain follows skillful dental treatment. D cayed teeth that are euoces f ully. filled With gold or other filling ceaava to be a source of trouble and pain. Gold flll . Ings 11.50 up. p b Bailey tits Dentist, ml PalAtuM Block, . ltth and Farnam St. Lady attendant. ' . Phone lost. b: O U D n POSTOFFICH NOTICE. ahnuM ta read dally by all interested. a change may occur at any time.) vniin maila for the week ending Feb ruary 22, 1902,' will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the General Post'office aa follows: PARCELS PUS1' MAlB c lose ,huwn below. Parcels Post mails for Ger many OiOe at :w P. m. juouuay, per a. a. Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosse, and Friday, per a. a. Graf Waldarsee, via Hamburg. Ttentiar and Supplementary mails close t tvnraiirn Branch half hour later, than oloaliis: time shown below (except that I a . , n i.i in. n 1 1. fv Malik f o r Kutous and Cen- i irai jnicn, x-v.y.., -- I later at Foreign Branoh). ' I i irSBV-Allsoliu Jiaaaaaa. SATURDAY At 7:80 - m. for IT ALT direct, per s. s. is., m. ineresia tmaji n..t h. Hirantad "tier s. e. Theresla"): at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per . s. Island (mall must be directed "per a. Island ); t U:30 a, m. (supple mentary 1 t. m l for EUROPE, per . a. Etrurla, via Queenatown; at 12 m. for AZORES 1BL.AIN1, par a. a. irojauj Prince (mall for Italy must be directed "per s. s. ATOjan rnnce ). 'rnmii-u taxes rnnwu ... , .o. v wr and Sam -'les for Germany only. The t . 1 1 . 1 11.,,-. I m ..... I I. 1 t, 11 sau-ie class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be eent by this ship iinlmi anaciallv directed by It. After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atianlio aiaua namea aoove, aa dltional Supplementary Mall are opened on the pier 01 tne American, n.ngiiau, r rencn anu vie, .1 - .,. , . main open until within Ten Minute of the bour OI sailing 01 steamer, Mall far Soath and Central America, Weat ladies, Ete SATURDAY At a, m. (supplementary 8:30 a. m.) for rumu bilu, uukacau anl VKNEZUELA. per a. a. Philadelphia (mall for Savanilla and Cartagena must be directed ' per . . rnuaaeipnie ) t m. for PORTO RICO, per a. a. Arkadia, via Ponce (mall must be di- rxned "per a. s. Arkadia"): at 6:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for 1X)K TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8AVA NILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed rwr a a. Altai I: at 8:20 a. m. (sUDUle- mentary 10:3 a. ta.) for HAITI and SANTA MAKTA, per a. s. Anaes; a 111 a. m. (suDolementary 10:30 a. m WARH and WINDWARD ISLANDS and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per . s. Kontabelle (mail for Grenada and Trinidad muat be directed "per . Fontanel!"); at 10 a. m. for n;ni. ter a. a. Mexico, via Havana at It p. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Ollnda, via Matanaa etc. - (ordinary mall only which must be directed "per Ollnda"). . , Maila fur Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and t Ik nee py steamer, close at this office dailv at 6:30 p. m. (con neottne ' cloaa - her every Monday Wedawedsy and Saturday). -Mails -for AUiiuelon, py rail to lion tun. And thence POSTOFFICH NOTICE. by stesmer, cioee at this office dnlly at 90 p. m. Mnlls for Cubs, by rail to Florida, and' thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, final connecting closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Sun days at 4:S0 a. m., Wednendays and Fridays, 5:30 a. m. ; for dispatch via Miami, on Mondays and Fridays at 11:20 p. m. Maila for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch bv steamor, tlose at this office dally ex cept Si.rdsy at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. in , Snndaya at 1:00 p. m. and 11:30 p. in. Mnlls for Coata Rica, Bellse. Puerto Cortes aid Ouatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence by steamer, close at this offlc dsllv except Sunday at 1:S0 p. m., Sunday at "l:!" p. m. (con necting closes here Mondays for Belize, Puerto Cprtex and Guatemala, and Tues days Kir Costa Rl.-a). Registered mall closes at 8:uo p. m. previous day. Traaa-PaelSe Malls. Mails for China and Japan, via Vancou ver, clone nere daily t p. m. UP to February 18, ' Inclusive, for dispatch, per a. a. Empresa of China (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver." Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via ranadul. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, Close nere uauy at o:.w p. m. up n rru ruanr !. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s, Klnshlu Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle J. Malls for llawal. China. Japan and Phil ipptne Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 o. m. ud to February 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Nip pon Maru. Matls for Austria (except West Austria. whicn is forwarded via Europe), new Zealand. Fill. Samoa' and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. atter February 1 and up to Feb ruary "a, inclusive, or on arrtvai oi s. s here dally at 1:80 D. m. ud to February MX, inclusive, or cuspatcn per e, Peru. Malls for Australia (except Weat Australia, 11a, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which roes via San Francisco), and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. after February 22 and up to March "1. inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Miowera (supple mentary mans, via Deatue Rnu itw rla. close here at 8:90 n. m. March 2). Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p.' m. up to Marcn 8, Inclusive, for dispatch par s. . Ala meda. Mails for Tahiti and Marquesns Islands, via Ban r ntncisco, ctose nere aauy at 8:30 p. m. up to March 12, inclusive, for nlNnatch ner a a Australia Trans-Paclllc malls are forwarded to port ui annuls; uauy anu ine acneuuia ui uiua Ing 1 arranged .- the presumption ot ilr. Vn"trrupted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6:00 V. m. I raMfi VAN COTT Poslmaater. Postomce, New York. N. T.. Feb. 14, 1902. GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS -FOR RI'BfllSTENrE STORES. Office of Purchasing Commis sary,4 Omaha, Neb., February 21. lis.!. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnish ing bams, dry salt cure, in tierces, will be received at this office and at the offices of tne purchasing commissary. U. 8. army, at Kansas City. Mo., and Chlcaco. III., until 11 o'clock a. m. Tuesday, March 4th, 1902, at opened. Articles of domestic production or I rnanufacture will be preferred to those of eqruarsPeXnAtt and places of delivery, blank proposals and juriner imormauon lurnisnea on appnca- tlon to either office. Envelopes containing I proposals should be Indorsed, "Proposal 1 te or Subsistence Stores, to be Opened March nff crary 4, lliogui, vuiiiuuof at A'Ui . Iiallllt aj-LfiiiuiiEf eary, Chicago, 111.; to W. 11. Bean, captain commissary, purcnasmg commissary, ivan- kaa City, Mo., or to William R. Grove, cap tain, commiHsury. purchasing commissary, umana, reo.. wilmam k. ukuvk. Captain, commissary. F21-22-24-25-26-27 PROPOSAI.S. Fort Rllev. Kansas. February IS. 1302 Sealed pronosals In trlnllrata will Via re ceived at this office until 11 a. m.. central time, March 20, 1902, and then opened, for constructing the following buildings, in- .l.i.lln- nlnmhln- -lut-U -.1. Ina: One artillery barracks and one double ravairy barracks at Fort Kiley, Kansas, Blddera will state in their bid the time in which they will complete the work, as time will form Sn important consideration in the award, run inrormation and blank form ihisFoifYce. Plana and sn4cincation mav ha seen here, also In office of depot quarter- master at cnicago, i. iouis and Omaha. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any oi all proposals or any part tnereoi. .envelopes o De inaorsea pro posals for Public Buildings" and addressod Captain G. O. Cress, constructing quarter master. 6tD20-21-22-23M18-19 LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S NOTiem In the DlBtrlct Court in and for Dougla County, Nebraska, William G. Madden. Plaintiff, vs. Ne braska Fire Insurance Company, et aJ, da- li'nuann. To all creditor of Nebraska Flra Inaur. ance Company: You and each of you are hereby notified that in pursuance of an order of the dis trict court of Douglaa county, made Janu ary 17th, 1902, a dividend ot two (2) per cent on all allowed claims against the Nebraska Flra Insurance Company has been de clared; that aald dividend la payable at my office, In the Brown block, in the city of Omaha, and that payment thereof muat be demanded at my office, and unless such demand De mane oy April itn, ivuz, .you and each of you will be forever barred from anv right to participate in tha funds annrourlatedT for Said dividend. ttucn claims musi oe presentea at tne office of the undersigned, receiver, in the Brown "block, In the city of Omaha, Doug las county, Nebraska, or transmitted to him at that address by mall. Dated this 13th day of February, A. D. 1902. A- u. w i M AN, Receiver ot the Nebraska Fire Insurance Company. JT13 d30t NOTICE) OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be beld t the office of said company, in Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a, m.. on the 6th day ot Marcn, A. u.. rwo. By oraer or tne oara oi Director. Lincoln, Nebrsska, Feb. 1, 1902, C. H. MORRILL, President F2 d30t A. B. MINOR. Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Tha annual meeting of atockholder in Tha Beat Publishing company will be held at their office In the city of Omaha on Mon day, Marcn a, isw. at o ciock p. m., ior the purpose of electing a board of directors nn aurh other business a may properly com before ueh meeting. By order of the president. Secretary. rebU lOt M AH HOLLAHD-Af.!ERICA LIIiE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. 8. M. New Twin-Screw . a. of U,ouo ton register. Ttrm Rotterdam Steamer AMSTERDAM. March 810 A- M. Twln-8crw Cleffinrls-w .. Bteamer uiuibiiuuiu mar. id. vs A. ax. Apply to Harry Moored 1416 Farnam street; J. S McNally, 1828 Farnam street AA- d. Jones, jam r arnam atraat. vmana. IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION IOTH AND MARC Y. Illnol Central. Leava Arrive. Chicago Express ........a 7:20 am a 8:10 pm Id..; 7:80 pm a 1:06 am C.McMxa. Minneaoo Kf f . lit umiiea Mlnnakiuilla At St. Paul Kznreaa a 7:20 am blO:3S nm Chicago Expresa. alOi pm Lklcaao aV Nortkweetersi. "The Northwestern Line. rtl. , t .. 1 . 7 1 A am r'hi.aai Paasanaer!'.!.!'.a 4il6 am a aioo am Eastern express aav:o-am a e:ua pm Kaatrrn Special a 4:se pm a 4:06 pm Mall a 2 40 tlmana-tiucagu aj v ta-..a aim e sv am Mail A 8:80 am fwta rcu'Spr.""T:0Im III Twin City Limited a 7:4 pm a 8:40 Bloux City Local am a 8:50 Overland Limited... a :w am a 7 so a 8:50 am a 8.26 a 4:25 pm . Vast Mall California k-x press. Paul nq Expraas Eastern fcxpree... ...a4l:30 pm a 4:25 a 7:00 Atlantlo r.xpreas Lincbln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:06 pm t12:80 ... . . , l . i.n T . .... Orand Aaiapa ixkiu o :av pm o t kleago, MUwankee a St. Paal. r.,i. T.I ml tad a :00 nm a lot ghlcago A Omaha Ex.. b 1:18 am b 1.48 Campania, due at New York February 22, for dispatch per s. s. Sonoma. Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phil ippine Islands, via San Francisco, close RAILWAY VAH. Missouri rarlfln. SL Ixul Express al0:00 Sro a 1:3 pm K. C. A St. L. Kx press.. a 10: 50 pm a 8:15 km (. liloaae. Hark Iaia4 ak f acme EAST. les Moines and Uav- ' enport Local a ?: am a s:-3 pm Chuago Express bl 1.1 J am a 8:t pm Drs Moines A.ocai a :vi pm du :mi am Cli'csso l' ist Express, .a 4:Ji pm a 1:28 pm u domes, xtoca 1 as- land and cnicago. . . .a i:w pm a I.ZS pm WEST. Lincoln, Cjlo. Springs. Denver, rueuio and West a 1:80 pm a 4.18 cm Colorado, Oklahoma A Texas Flyer ....aS:aopm a 8:80 sm Wabash. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 8:18 pm a 8 JO am St. Louis Local, Council Blurts a 10:00 am al0:8u pm DURLINGTON STATION 10T1I at: MASON Chlcaga, Barllagtva a Qalacy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:v0 am aiv:20 pm Chicago Vestibuled Ex. a 4:00 pm a 7 146 am Chicago Local a 8:9 aun a 4.0 pm Chicago Limited a 7:ii pm a 7:45 am Fast Mall a 2:40 pm Kauai City, St. U Intra. Jaseph A (.ovarii Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 90 am a 8K pm Kansas City Night Ex,.al0:30 pm a 6:15 am St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pin all:15 am Barlingrtoa a Mlasoarf River. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:55 am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:35 pm L'enver Limited a 4.2o pm a S:tM pin Black Hlils and Puget Sound, Oenver Con- ' paction . a 9:00 pm a 8:48 ara Lincoln last Mall b 8:60 pm a 8.I1 aw Fort Crook and Platts- ' r ' 'mouth . '....b 1:20 pm bll:0S sm Bellevue A Pacific Jot, .a 7:40 pm a l;2y am Bellevua A 1'aclUo Jet.. a 3:00 am WEBSTER DEPOT KITH A WBBSTBH Fremont. Rlkhora 4 Mlaaaarl Valley. ' Leave. Arrive Black Hills, Deadwood, r t Hot Springs ...........a 1.-00 pm a 1:00 pm 'VN'yomlng, casper and ' Douglas , dl:00pm 8:00 pm Hastlntrs. York. David ' . city, Buperior, ueneva, Exeter and Seward.... b 8:00 nm b 8:00 Dm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am blO:2I am Fremont Local c 7:30 am Mlasoart Paelfle. ' Nebrsska Iyical,' Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm alO:25fim Chlvaao, St. Panl, Mlaneapolla k Omaha. Twin City Psssenger.. a 6:20 am :1J pm Rinnr ritv P.nnr a r ,?. .m ' "6:30 pm b:46'.m a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally PUBLIC SCHOOLS CELEBRATE Washington' Birthday Is Observed by Poplls One Day ta Advance, Washington' birthday, February 22, was celebrated in All of the city school ye- terday. The buildings inside and oui wera with flag,, and bunting knd the pupils participated fa musical and literary program Which reflected the spirit of 1 . . f panawiiaui.. . iu m.u, m im atuuuia ma logueS were given Id which (he participants onl.l costume. Som4 of the pupils prepared original essay 09 the aub- Ject of Washington and his achievements. All of the school which did not celebrate Lincoln' birthday, February '12, had "double-header" celebration, wherein tribute was paid to the memories ot both Wash ington and Lincoln. This was made neces ary on account ot ths birthdays of .these two statesmen coming ao close together. A peculiarly appropriate phase of yester day's celebration was the taking ot rontrl- butlona in the city schools tot the McKInley memorial fund. At th last meeting of the I Hoard nf -Rdnpatlnn nerml.sinn wii rriniai Bara or. Kauct-on permission was granted I the teacher to announce this contribution 1 la their chool room. and aocept uch mqney trom the pupils was voluntarily advanced. "The contributions will be taken In such I tv .. not to arouse anv rlvslrv amnno- the various room or schools," ald Super intendent Pearse. "In most casef a paste board box with a silt In the top 1 placed on the teacher' desk and (he pupils are told that they can contribute if they want to. There "I no way of telling how much a pupil drop in, -or if he drops in any. The only record we will keep ot the Contribu tion will be those of tb various school and this will be to enable us to, make a re port to the McKInley Momoiial association. Teachers, of course, aa well as pupil, will ha permitted to contribute to this .fund." Mortality Statistics. The follcwlna births and deaths were re ported at the office of the BoArd of Health during the twenty-four hour ending Fri day noon: -..(.., Births Henry Cleveland. 429 Center street, boy; Joseph R. Stofford, 2225' Leav enworth street, boy; John W. Caughy, 70S Leavenworth street, boy. Deaths Mrs Metzian, rxx ieavenwortn street, aged 62 years; George II. Oopk, St. Joseph's hospital, aged 30 years;' John Warller, Florence; aped 86 years; Thotnas Tallon, 1928 South Fifteenth street, aged 78 year. , Seasonable Fashions. 4061. Knickerbocker Suit. 3 3 S Vear. Boy' Knickerbocker Suit la Norfork Style, No. 4063 Uttle boy ara alway charming dressed in knickerbockers and rather long' Russian coat. Their own manly ambition tsi gratified by the trousers lu" "u"r, 7 " . I irom view, inie pretty nine sun ia snowa in cream serge banded with ram 'braid and worn with a whit Ualher belt, but blue sad brown eerge, veivst, velveteen, t Corduroy, cloth and all the hearttr wah abl fabric, pique, duck, lined and' th like, are equally appropriate. The knickerbockers fit smoothly about tha waist and hips, but are full al th knee, below which they aW drawn" op by meM ?f ,Mtl lnrt" a hem. Th coat I laid in two pox piaus at to back, two at th front, and lap Aver to close in double-breasted style,' with kand- 1 V. .... n mrrA Kii(n.V,t-. A soma paata -."-'-"'-. the open neck 1 a blpt square sailor collar and tllllDg th opening la th smooth shield. I The sleete ar m regulation tyie, th I . .. i. .v. i... liia i- ..i.jv.a a,..w. Lm I lutine.a av im- To make thl suit for a boy of I year of age 4 yard of matertar T Inches lm wld., 4 yard. 13 inche wide. IH yard. 64 am I inche wide or 2 yard 60 tochea wide wil) pm r.auired. I Th patters 4061 1 cut in lxe for boy pm i of f and year or age. pm I ! I ... For the accommodation of The Bae read- pm I eri, these patterps, which usually reUt al am I - . . . -a , , i ... . . i -1- - J . . ra Irom ! K'"lm- - f I 1 .1 . . ,a mam, a m V. 1 nk aAwava all am I nounaaa yitva, v f.v wi.,. I expense. In order to get any patters en- an I CIOS in enis. aire nuraurr ana uaiue a pm! pattern wanted and bust measure. . ' ' 4 . - - A .