a 1 " THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. FKIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 190. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL inough Buying to Qire the Market a Rather Firm Close. MAINS MORE 11 A JAGCtD FASHION Kheat and Cora lachanged Oata Haa Dall Day aad Provisions Close a Shade Lower. CHICAQO, Feb. S0.-Oraln -markets se wed sgaln today In a jarted fashion. The ruling tendencies were for lower priced, ut the small breaks brought In enough uylng to prevent material declinee and the close waa rather firm. May wheat jlosed unchanged, May corn c higher and Bay oats Ho up. Provisions closed a shade to lflc lower. The wheat market opened with a bearish Kitlment. Uverpool rabies were lower, e winter crops In most states had a perfect covering of snow and more snow Sas predicted. May opened Wttc to itifcc lower at 78c and 7774c For a time It was thought bull markets would prevail, but the nervousness In the New York stock market Influenced selling In grains and Secreased prices. Receipts at primary Points were liberal and eotport clearance Were the lightest for some time. May sold ff to TTSko and then turned dull. There was little short Interest at the opening, ut when sellers of today found lower prices brought out buyers they began to fover. New Tork late In the session re iorted fifty-one loads taken for export. This had an Improving effect and May nrsook the bear side and sold up to 7S'c. The close was steady, unchanged, at 78 V 8"4c. Local receipts were 14 cars, one of contract grade, and Minneapolis and Du iuth reported 270 cars, making a total for the three points of 284, against 654 for two lays last week and 3fl6 this day a year Igo. Primary receipts were 442.000 bu., Igalnst 430.000 Isst year. Seaboard clear knees of wheat and flour equaled 109,000 bu. Corn acted a good deal In sympathy with wheat and almost duplicated Its fluctua tions. Cables should have brought a bull ish Impulse. Liverpool showing good strength. May die try to hold up and ripened c lower to unchanged at 61M HHc, but when wheat broke corn followed sfter and declined to Kfic. Outsiders sold 10 some extent, but the general condition rf the corn trade helped a recovery. Borne ten days ago bears began predicting a de cidedly freer movement of this grain In the west. It was argued that renters and tax payers would want to get rid of their Muff before March t, and It was main tained that the west, finding corn likely to get soft, would sell freely. For a few days Kansas City did get somewhat better car receipts, but there has been no In crease to note, and bulla take the tight situation as indicative of a firm market for some time to come. This argument, taken together with the revival In wheat snd some export business In com and short covering, worked May up to a firm close, VftHc higher, at SlHtiSlHc. Receipts were only 77 cars. Oats were dull and moved almost - In duplicate with corn, a shade lower to start, weak later and firm toward the last. Rhort selling was carried on early and covering brought the strength toward the close. May closed o up at 4Sc. Receipt! were 11 cars. Although the run of hogs, both here and at western points, was small and the hog market good, provisions were weak all day. The reason assigned for the decline waa that longs were selling out. May pork sold as low as I16.62H and closed 10c down at S15.67I4. May lard closed a shade lower at $9.40 and May ribs a shade lower at 8. 42 8. 45. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 15 cars; corn, 110 cars; oats, 106 cars; hogs, 0.000 head. The leading futures ranged as followei Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close. Yes'y. Wheat May 7Tf78 7Si TTM TVAIPA 7R4PH July ToVtH 78i4& "8 78$ TS Sept. Vi WkTliAW, 77 77 Corn May SlHfH 61rH 0H 61HW4 . 1 July 61Vfci 61 eon 61V. 61 8ept. w 69H 60 60 Oats May 4SH 43 43 43 July 86 36 864 3Wt,tT 36H Sept. il Sl 31V31tt& 31Vi Pork May 15 SO 15 80 15 90 15 7 15 774 July 15 9ZV4 16WV4 15 724 15 82 16 87 Lard May t 42 42 t 35 9 40 9 40-2 July W 62 9 47 62 9 62 Rlba May 8 46 8 45 140 8 45 8 45 July 8 65 8 65 8 60 8 52 8 56 Sept. 2 8 62 60 8 62 ' 8 62 No. 1 Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market easy; winter patents, 3.80t&4.00: straights. 3.4Kf?i3.70; clears, t3.00 8.40; spring specials, 84.20; patents, i3.20 I. ,u; siraignis, iz.svKi-a.aj. WHEAT No. S. 704.75c. No. 2 red. 82K.c. OATS No. 2, 43ra'43c; No. 8 white, 449 oc; rso. s wruie. 'gwc. RYB-No. 8. 60861c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 6 3AC. SEED No. 1 flax, $1.67; No. 1 northwest ern. U.7X PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. $15.46 715.60. Lard, per 100 lbs., $9.20ig9.22. Short ribs sides (loose), $8.258.40. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $7,1047.12. Short clear sides (boxed), W.VtXSS.iSO. WHISKY On basis of high wines, $1.28. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 30,000 28.000 Wheat, bu 73,000 70.000 i orn, nu ts,uHi 82.tmo Oats, bu 116.000 63.0110 Rye, bu 1,000 6,000 Barley, bu 87,000 39,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa easy; creameries, 18'S'8c; dairies, 18fjB4o. Cheese, strong, 10i'2c eggs, suwr, ii-ca.ii, dvwc, lie; turkeys, 13c; fowls, Ue. Pressed: Weak; springs, lOfc'Uc; fowls, 12-i.UVc, turkeys, lH'gMc. MKTAIA About 21.000,000 lbs. of copper for delivery during the next seven months In parts of lake, electrolytic snd casting, l.fioo.oiio lbs. of each kind per month, was offered for sale at the Metal exchange to day at the market price, but there were no buyers. Prices for copper were unchanged. Iake Is quoted at $U.25ih3 50: electrolytic, $I2.&12.37; casting. $l2.12Va 12.37. The Ixinrlon copper market was 7s 61 higher, closing with spot at 56 17s fld snd futures st 55 6 M. Tin was about lower on the bid price, but quiet, with 1:4.50 asked and $24 .25 bid. Iead was unchanged here at $1.12' and unchanged In Loiilon at a.11 12s M. 8elter was unchanged at home and sbroad. New York was quoted st $4.12fi4.17 and London at 17 17s Sd. Iron was firm and unchanged here, but higher sbroad. Glasgow closed at 53s lid and Middlesboroua-h at 4M lid. No. 1 northern foundry, Ill.OfWi 12.50; No. 2 north -rn foundry, $15. fta 17.00; No. 2 southern soft foundry, $16.5017.00. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Conditio of Trade aad Qootatloas osi Staple and Fancy Prodare. EQQS Receipts, increasing; market weak; fresh stock, 30c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 78c; old roosters, 4(6c; turkeys, PfalOc; ducks and geese, 7c: spring chickens, per lh., 7i8c. DRESSED POULTRY Turkeys. lHil.lc; ducks, HKjjllc; geese, iKglOc; spring chickens, m 9o; hens, r9c. BUTTER Common to fair. lSg)19c; choice dairy, in tubs, 19g21c; separator, 2741 28c FROZEN FISH Plack bass. 18c; white bass, 10c; bluefish, 12c; bullheads, 10c; buf faloes, 7c; catfish, 12o; cod. 10c; crapples, 11c; halibut, lie; herring, 4c; haddock, 9c; pike, 8c; red snapper, Hc; salmon, 12c; sun fish, 6c; trout, 9c; whlteflsh. 8c; pickerel, 6c; fresh mackerel, each, 20C(j'35c; smelts, Hc. OYSTERS Mediums, per can, 22c; Stand ards. rer can. 25c: extra selects, per can. 33c; New York Counts, per can, 40c; bulk Standards, ner seal.. 11.36: bulk extra se lects, $1.0U1.66; New York Counts, per gal., $1.75. nuKOKS-uve. rer aos., tmc. VEAL Choice, &S8c. CORN 63c. OATS 60c. BRAN Per ton, $20. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice upland, if; No. 2 upland, $8, medium, $7.50; coarse. Kye straw. b. rneee prices are ior nay f good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts, 8 cars. VBIKIAKLKS. POTATOES Northern. SI: Salt Lake. $1.10; Colorado. $1.10. CAKKOTH ter tU., TbC. BESTS Per bu. basket. 50c. TURNIPS Per bu.. 60c; Rutabagas, per 100 lbs., $1.25. PARSNIPS Per bu.. 80c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dog., $2.40. GREEN ONIONS Per dos., 26c. LETTUCE Head, per drum, $4; hothouse, per dos., 35c. Jr A rt ljr. i i'er aos., zac. RADISHES Per dos., 35c. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per lb., 8c; Kansas, per bbl., $3.Zs. CABBAGE Holland seed, crated, ZC. CAULI FLOWER Per crate, $2.75. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $2.25; Mich Igan, red or "yellow, 3c per lb. cblery ca irornia. 4047tC. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. 6. xKUlTS APPLES Ben Davis, ner bbl.. $4.004.60: Wlnesaps, $5: Jonathans. $5.50: Belleflow- ers, per dox, i.vt. fiSAKU vikers, xz.26; Lawrence, sz. 50. GRAPES Malagas, per keg, $8. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $7; per crate. 2.t0. NAVI iJKANS i'er DU., K.lo. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGE-Californla navels. $3.003.25: Duanea. z.tu. BANANAS Per bunch.' according to slse. 1UB Jalirornla. new cartons, ii: im ported, per lb., 12rsi4c. NUTS New cron walnuts. No. 1 soft shell per lb.. 12c; hard shell, per lb., llc; ino. z son sneti, iuc; io. n nara sneii, c; Braiils. per lb.. 14c: filberts, per lb.. 13c: almonds, soft shell, 17c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; co- coanuts, per sacx, .i.tx. iionk-w Z4-sectlon case. S3.Z5. CIDER Nehawka. ner bbL. S3.25! New xorg, $3.ou. POPCOKN-Per lb., 6c. HIDES No. 1 green. 6c: No. 1 rreen. 5c . w . A .v.- . . , , m nui l , w , . , vj. x real calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to lb ids., vc; ory nines, 8Wi3c; sheep pelts. (oc; norse niaes, ii.ouw.-i!. St. Loale Orals, and Provisions. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 20.- WHEAT Hlrher: May, 84ii4c; July, 77? c; No. 2 hard. 76 CORN Finn: No. 1 cash. H4c: track. 62c: Aiay, otuc; duly, mc. vi i tj iiiniiri iiu. tt v anil. nnu. hick. 45e; May, 44(S'45c; July, 36c; No. 2 wnite, ,gyic. KiK-ixiwer at eivic. FLOUR Dull and unchanged: red win ter patents, $3.90(&i4.06: extra fancy and straignt, tt.4iXW3.tt"; clear, IS.WaS.Xy. BHiiiDS rimotny, steady at S5.75(O6.00: prime wonn more. . uKiNMKiAiv aieaay at 3.iw. BRAN Dull: sacked, east Irack. 90e. HAY Dull but steady: tlmothv. SlO.OOa pruine, .iio iu.uu. WHISKY Steady at 81.31. IRON COTTON TIES $1. B AGO I NO 5to'64c. HEMP TWINE-KC PROVISIONS Pork, easier: Jobbine-. old $15; new, $16. Lard, dull and easy at $9.10, Dry salt meats (boxed), weak; extra shorts and clear ribs, $8.62; clear sides, $8.87. Bacon (boxed), weak; extra shorts and clear ribs, $9.37; clear sides, $9.62. TUITT A T .H I,iH' Pin, . J IK O 1..-. Higher at $4.00. puuLTni steady: chickens. Set turkevs. iwH'iiijc; qucks, tuc; geese, cxgc. Dun n r irm dairv. 18fn23c. EOGS-Hlgher at 31e. RECEIPTS Flour. 6,000 bbls.; wheat. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qeotattoas f the Day Varloas CossModltles. NEW TORK. Feb. i0 FT TJejlnt 17.635 bbls.: exDorta. 8.614 bbls.: th market was fairly active and about ateady; winter patents. $3.36j4.26; winter straights, $2,709 .vo; Minnesota paienis, til. vug 4. 15; Minna .sota bakers. l2.9fVa3.36: winter low rH , $2.fi 90. Rye flour, steadier; fair to good. ' $3.2533.40; choice to fancy, $3.504j3.7S. CORNMEAL Quiet: yellow western. 81.27: city. $1.25; Brandywlne, $3.60&3 70. RYE Dull; No. 1 western. 6c, f. o. b., nun, inw, wyw, . I. i., i ew xork, Larlots. BARIJY Dull; feeding, 63065c, c, I. f., New York; malting, 6S(.3c, c. i. f.. New WHEAT Receipts. 151,060 bu.; exports, oi.no ou. Dpoi, siaaay; iso. I red, c r. o. d., anoat; no. t rea, fo, elevator No. 1 northern. Duluth, 86VtC f. o. b. anoat: No. hard. Manitoba. 84c. f. o. b. afloat. General heaviness prevailed In the wneat market ail aay until the litst hour, when export trade and firmness at the southwest started vigorous covering. The . early weakness resulted from bearish ca hies, the decline in stocks, liquidation snd favorable crop news. The close was firm at o net decline. March closed at 84lc May. 83 T-16tli 15lc. closed at 8S'c; lulv. MV,rS3e. closed at 83Sc; September, 829 0V riuorq Ri mc. CORN Receipts, 4,000 bu. Spot, steady No. I. 68c- elevator, and SSVc. t. o. h. afloat. Readily following wheat, the corn market waa weak all day. Apart from a sharp final rally on covering, which left tn .T'Thst nrm at uncnangeu prices. Muy, (ioVv. yfce. closed at 6t'ic; July. SMifi-ViV.c cloved at 66u; September, 64S3'o, closed . at OATS Receipts, 81,500 bu. Spot, steadier No. J, 50c; No. 3. 49c; No. 2 white. 614c No. 8 white, 51c: track mixed western, 60 d 6c.; track white, 6uijo6c. Options were quiet ana easier. HAY Quiet; shipping. 60565c; good choice. 87S'f(90c. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice 19ol crop. 14ii ixc; crop. linISc: o du. 1 6c: Pacific coast, IM crop, I4yl;jc; 19u0 crop, HIDES Steady ; Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs 18c; California. 21 to 25 lb., 19c; Texas ury. z io . ids., i'c. LEATHER Steady : hemlock sole. Buenos Ayrts. right to heavyweights. 24'i25c. VliOI-Quiet; domestic fleece, 26(j29c. i PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, Sljrto 13.00; mess, $SS'"b100; beef hams. $l9&v,f 21.00; packet. SlO.&ts 11.60: city extra India mesa, $l7.6ii 19 50. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, Sft.tMii9.26; pickled shoulders, $7; pickled hams, $ Ttnio.uO. Lard, easy; western steamed, $9.65; refined, easy; con tinent, $7: South America, 413.50; com pound. ll.TSwiiou. Pork, dull: family, . SlT.uxti'lT 60; short Clear, 17.6u.20.6O; mess, $16 o(Kit 17.00. TALLOW Firm: city, 6c; country, Vic. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, Vtin'ir: Japan. 44i6c. BUTTER Kecel pis, 5.817 pkgs ; firm; state dairy, ti2c: creamery. 2ij3Jc; June creamerv. 17irt25o; factory, l&fi'-lc. CHEESE Receipts, 410 pkgs.; strong; fancy large, early made, colorod and white, 11c; fancy small, state full cream, early mae. colored. 12tf12c; white, Uwilc. K.GGS Receipts, 4.9J7 lkgs.; unsettled; state and Pennsylvania, 3c; western, at mark. 8iii-c. . PVULlHK-AUvs; Quiet; sprlus, bht) tnent of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive or tne loM."'. goia reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $1.2,276,- 083; gold, $86,731,996. !SEW YORK STOCKS AD DOJiDS. Affireted by Attorsey(if sersl'i Die- tarn In Northers) Securities. VKW TORK. Feb. 20. Th announce ment by the attorney general of the United States that he believed the Northern Se curities company Infringed the anti-trust law and that he would file a bill in equity In the supreme court. In accordance with Instructions trom the nresident. to test the question, overshadowed all other considera tions In tne stoc maraei touay. i ne acme Interest manifested in this company by all speculators, and, Indeed, all holilers of se curities, was vividly demonstrated by the effect In the stock mnrket. and was the more notable since Great Nortnern pre ferred la the onlv stock listed on the ex change which Is directly included In the se curities company. Yet the whole market fell awav sharply unner neavy liquidation, with nniv a fnw iinimnnrtant exceptions. The stocks of the transcontinental com panies were naturally most ancciea, as ih, format ion of the Northern Securities company represented an effort to harmonise conflicting interests in inai neiu. vi -.. Northern preierrea lost 0V4, .lorinwesie. 1. KocK isiana tMi. bi. r-aui -. 1 unra Pucltln v. and Southern Pacific 2"i. -else where In the liJt losses generally ran from 1 to 8 points and considerably over that In many exceptional cnaes. On the curb Northern Securities, when Issued, dropped over 3 points. The direct concern of auch a variously assorted lot of securities In the welfare of the Northern Securities com pany is not very oovious, out mo aeino speculator in stocks, and especially tne professional trader. Is deeply Imbued with the conviction that all his woes are the out growth of the conflict for Northern Pacific nni.tmi lnat vr. and that it is only neces sary for the readjustment to be made of the situation precipiiaiea ai mm n,.w marii.i lo rnaiime all the buoyancy and speculative furore that waa Interrupted by tne May panic, ror eume mim has been a deep-rooted conviction among the speculators that the supreme court would throw out of court Minnesota s bu t asainat the leaalltv of the Northern Securi ties company. There has been an assump tion also, which was carerully tostereo. in v... ini.ni! of a re (. of speculation. that the public opposition to financial com binations was more apparent than real and that a demonstration of the public utility of these combinations would secure them against Interference even where technically m nnvlctlnn of llleaalltv. This morn ing's announcement from Washington was therefore a ruae snoca 10 an ui "h tlmtstlc sentiments that have been care fully nurtured In the financial district. The selling swelled the dimensions of the trad ing during the first hour to a volume equal to a full day s business during the recent past. Prices declined sharply and the mar ket looked seml-demorallsed .Heavy sell lng for European account added to the pur den of the market and at the same time created a sharp day for exchange, which created the fear of gold exports. Vhereyer prices had been moved up recently on the presumption that plans were In prospect of combinations of existing properties along the lines of the Northern Securities com pany the effect waa especially marked, as In some of the coalers and tne Gould south westerns. The early excitement was suc ceeded by comparative quiet. Liquidation proceeded, but in a more orderly manner. Buying for support occasionally rallied the market, but it was discontinued at recov eries and the sagging tendency revived. This course was continued up to the close, which was active and easy, hut not at the lowest for any important stocks. There w enormous selling of some , of the spec ulative bonds, especially the f h b s. Baltimore & Ohio convertibles. Union Pa cific convertibles and Consolidated Tobacco, which fell from 1 to 2 points at one time. in the general bond list there was no pressure of liquidation. h"8h ?! cllneo were the rule. Total sa es, par value. $5,720,000. United States prices ad vanced . the refunding 2s . the Ss and the old 4s per cent on the last call. The following are tne --losing prices on the New York Stock exchange: ern Becurltlee company. The transactions rirrueii any recent day a Dullness ana stocks were soon a dollar or two below parity. The decline progressed throughout and prices closed weak, with some above the worst of the day. Csnadian Pacifies were sympathetically lower. Consols were essler. Home rails were Irregular. Spsnlsh s were weaa on the riots at Barcelona. Kaffirs were st first cheerful and a respect able bualness was done In those securities, but they relapsed on realisations and the latest war news. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres, 144.40; Madrid, 36.30; Lisbon, 20; Rome, 2.60. The weekly statement of the Bank of England's shows the following changes: Total reserve, in creased i;h).0n: circulation, decreased AMM.onn; bullion, Increased 161,0W; other securities, Increased 2,124,0i'0: other de- P'niiB, ill , riwr'l a.iU.VV, fMIIMIv; ,t- w , i r. increased 2,i21.i; notes reserve, Incressed 750.000; government securities, unchanged. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability is 49.18 per cent. Last week It was 48.24 per cent. Rate of dis count tinchanced at 8 ner cent. PARIS, Feb. 20. I'rlces opened firm on the bourse today and later reacted, became Inactive and closed heavy. Governments were fractionally lower. Spanish 4s fie- cllned on the reported aggravated strike troubles at Barcelona. Thomson-Houston was firm. Russian Industrials were main. talned. Rio tlntns were lower on rumora that a strike had broken out at the mines and also on reports that New York was selling in connection with the Northern Securities company difficulties. Offers of lie Beers were renewed. Kaffirs opened firm and reacted on London selling. Their weakness whs accentuated after the close of the bourse. The private rate of discount today was unchanged st 2 &-18 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 101 f 10c -Tor the ac count. Exchange on I.ondon, 25f 14c for checks. Spanish 48, 77.SO. Tne weeaiy state ment of the Bank of France shows the fol lowing changes: Notes in circulation, ue- creased 2o.2Hn.OUOf ; treasury accounts cur rent, decreased 4.35O.O0Of: gold In hand. In creased 25,325.O0Of; bills discounted, de creased 64,485,OQ0f; Bllver In hand, Increased 1 fttf.onnf. BERLIN, Feb. 20. At the opening of the bourse today local securities were main tained and Internationals were firm. Span ish 4s were easier on the strike riots at Barcelona.' Amertcuns were weak on At torney General Knox's opinion regarding the merger of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railroad systems. At the close prices were generally weak, on the decline of Americans In London. Exchange on London, 2m 46 pfgs. tor checks. 0MAI1A LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Steers and Cows of Good Quality Sell at Stronger Prices. HOG MARKET ACTlVc AND NVE HIGHER Sheey Receipts Moderate and Trade Ralee Fairly Active aad Jest Akssl Steady with Wednesday ob) Desirable Grades. SOUTH OMAHA, Feb. . Receipts were: Otticiai Monday umciai Tuesuay O111c.nl Wednesday Oniclal Thursday .. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. . i.w7 0,11s 6,tii ,. D.iiO 11, iM t.to ,. lu.-i 1.68 ,. i.io . D.titAI 4.UU Four dava this week . 12 ZX4 37.03 lvM Same days last wea....lo,bb 49,144 lb,i.2 Same wees betore 14,uu7 '1:UV 1j.i'H name three weeks ago..l2,l2 ,ju i.K S bame tour weeks ago...i4.4i j,oii 13 a bame oaya last year.... y.tuv ii'.ol4 The following table shows the average price o( hogs sold on tne Soum Omaha maraet the past several Uas with com parisons with (urmer years: fate. I 1!)02. lWl.lirjO.l!.lcSS.187.lKK. Roaton Stock quotations. BOSTON, Feb. 20. Call loans, 3( cent; time loans, 4Jj4 per cent, closing: g4 per Official Jan. 17... I 6 12Ui 1 4 fii 1 mi 1 i!i 1 am 1 11 Jan. 6 S 22 3 , t M S 2i 4 1) Jan. 2...6 . to 4 Ui ,,, a,, ;. Jau. M...I a usvi t ai ku X 70i 1 a jci 1 i a a 1 1 .t M S W " I SB i l t 17 4 6o a 4 Mh W m 7i . in i Mi ) Z7 t Wl 1 s to 4 te mi a tail a iii 9-!i 1 4 ui a mi a ui a isi 4 03 w-i si r 1 a ai a ji t i a a n-i 6 ivi 4 661 1 a .i a i a C3 6 16 6 21 4 7M I 66 I a 1 4 00 c 001 4 i a 81 1 1 ;i a u a uo s m 1 s & 4 ioi a mi a Ui a mi a u I S iui 4 Ml $ ,U a ill i 6 00 1 I , a Ji a 71 a 2i s 89 01441 6 321 I $ 651 $ 77i a 261 1 84 I 4 1 6 & 1 7 I 3 kl i i 4 a s 34 82! a S8 " 9UI s ai (IB I 6 3 4 75i a 601 3 t3 I 3 ad 6 81 6 28 4 '.5 a 68 3 8'.t t $6 3 92 l 0 2,1 4 mi a &i a wi a j4 6 78i I 4 ii a wi a mi a a m i ,8- 6 22 I I 62 3 87 3 31 3 W 0 Mv 6 M 4 831 I 3 1 3 38 3 81 I 6 80 4 78 I &0 I 3 39 3 M Jan. 1. Jan. 11. Feb. 1.. r eo. 2.. Feb. a.. l-'eb. ,.. Feb. 6.. Feo. .. Feb. 7.. Feb. .. Feu. V.. Feb. lu. Feb. 11. reo. Ij. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feu, Feo, 13... 14... 16... 16.. 17.. Feb. 18 Feu. 12... Feb. DO... 41 N. E. G. C 5S 'Amalgamated Atchison os Baltic An nfrt otv tiintcnam .... Rnatnn A A 2h.t iCal. A Hecla ....630 Boston Me 1W Centennial 16 Boston Elev Cl Copper Range Y. N H H...ZU Horn, coat . Fltchburg rfd....H6 Franklin ... nlon facinc ,...H'i isie nuyaie Mex. Central .... 38 Mohawk .... Amer. Sugar ,...129HOId Dominion do Dfd. Amer. T. A T. bom. I. fe 8 ... Gen. Electric . Mass. Electric do pfd N. E. O. &. C. Tnlted Fruit . U. S. Steel .... do pfd Adventure Alloues ........ Consols, money 4 5-16 Norfolk St W. do account ao pra Anaconda 6'Ontario Sc W. Atchison 77H Pennsylvania ao pra iteaaing do 1st pfd. ao za pro.. Southern Ry do Dfd Southern Pac. Atchison 75: So. Pacific . h nM ! ?!.... 96,8o. Railway Baltimore & O...103 do nfd Canadian Pac... .114 .. q .1 Hr, 80 Ches. St Ohio 45 Chicago & A 3J do nfd 76 Chi. Ind. & L.... 60 An nfd 79 Chi. A E. Ill 140 Chicago G. W.... 23 do 1st pfd 84 do 2d Pfd 45 Chi. & N. W 213 C. R. I. & P 160 Chi. Ter. & Tr... 16 do Dfd 30l C. C. C. A St. L.1001 Colorado So 17V . do 1st Pfd ws do 2d Pfd J3H1 .... 64 .... 32 do pfd J'4 Tex. & Pacific... 40 Tol.. St. L. & W. 21 do Dfd Union Pacific ... do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheel. & L. E.. do lid pfd Wis. Central ... do pfd Adams Ex American Ex... U. S. Ex 40 .101 . 233 . 42 't . 19 . 31 . 20 . 41 .195 .226 .113 Baltimore A O...1061. tanadian r,ae....ii7 Chesapeake A O. 46 Chlcaao G. W.... 25 C. M. A St. P....lfi7W uenver A K. u.. 44 Union Pacific, do pfd 94 1 do pfd Erie 39 U. 8. Steel.... do 1st pfd 70' do pfd do 2d Dfd 57 Wabash Illinois Central... 144 do Dfd .oulsvllle A X...106 Snanish 4s M.. K. A T ,. 25'Rand Mines UVJ JIIU 01 lUKDWim f. T. Central. ...167 Wells-Fargo Ex.190, Amal. CoDDer .... 69 Amer. Car A F.. 28 do Dfd 8x-i Amer. Lin. Oil... 20 1 ao pra s Del. St kudson...l71,An0er- f 5L- h W ?! Anac PMir.:-Co.V:. e3 ;?lBrooklyn R. T... 61 ia jo1- f uel J Ziv Con. Gas do pfd 'iS'0erl- Electrtc . .Glucose Sugar Hiocklng Coal . ?J .'Inter. Paper .. " do pfd...... Inter. Power . J" Uiclede Gaa .. Adam Con,....:., Alice Breece .j... Brunswick Con... Comstoclt Tun Den. A R. Q do pfd Erie do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Gt. Nor. pfd... Hock. Valley . do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central . do Dfd Lake Erie & W. 3n,iriKa,!onal I'Sad'." do nfd Ij. A N 103T, National Bait Manhattan T. 1K 1 Balt creamery, 2330c; corn. 60.000 bu.: com. 29,000 bu. : oats. 63.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 6.000 bbls.: wheat 29,000 bu.; cornl 64.0UO bu.; oata, 28,000 bu. Kaaaae City Grata aad Proylsloaa. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 20. WHEAT Ma v. 75c; July, 74(&'Mc; cash. No. 2 hard. 74'11'itc; iNo. z. 74c; no. a rea, 85c: No. 3. 84c; No. 2 spring. 7474c. CORN May. 61e; September. .69Sc; caah. No. 2 mixed, tkngtilo; No. It white, U oa 10 wo. a wnite, &frmic. RYE No. 2, 604(tc. HAY-Cholce timothy. $13.60: choice prairie, $12.50. BUTTER Creamery, Slig; dairy, fancy, 20c. EGGS Firm : fresh Missouri and Kansas stock quoted on exchange at 27c dozen. loss on. cases return. RECEIPTS Wheat. 24.400 bu.: 10,411 nil.; oaia, ii.miu du. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 8.800 bu.: 48,800 bu.; oats, 8,000 bu. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. SO. BUTTER Firm, fair demand: extra western cream' erv. 30c: extra nearby Drlnts. 32c. EGGS 4o lower and very unsettled; fresh nearuy, ajc; iresn western, ale; rresn SOUtn western, 81c; fresh southern, 2S'n-2Sc. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, fancy small. Ilil2c. SUGAR-Reflned. quiet. ' , Mlaaeapolla 'Wheat, Floar aad Braa. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 20. WHEAT May, 74Sc: July, 76c; on track. No. 1 hard. 76V: No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 3 northern. jast'il-i Jc. FLOUR First patents, $3.90j3.95: second patents. $3.teii;.8S; first clears, $3.754j4.80; second clears. $3.40. BRAN In bulk, $15. Met. St. Rv. Mex. Central .. Mex. National . minn. A St. L. Mo. Pacific ... M.. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central... N. Y., Central.. Norfolk A W... do pfd Ontario A W... Pennsylvania .. Heading ao iHt pfd do 2d nfd St. L. AS. F.. do 1st pfd do 2d Dfd St. L. South w.. do nfd St. Paul do pfd Toledo Cirala and Seed. TOLEDO. Feb. SO.-WHEAT-FIrm; cash, &trc; Aiay. ihvc; juiy, oi-c. CORN February, 66c; May, 62Uc; July, S2V,c. OATS February, 45c; May, 44c; July, 38c. SEED Clover, February, $5.80; March $0.80. Peoria Market. PEORIA, 111., Feb. 20.-CORN-Acttve No. 3. 63Vc. OATS Lower; No. S white, 43c, billed through. Baak Clearings. OMAHA. Feb. 20. Bank clearings today ft zn.k7N.84; corresponding day last year, )M kio : increase, U4.04j.s. CHICAGO. Feb. 20. Clearings. $25.4?.7S1 balances, tl.9r.9 231; posted exchange. $4 85. on demand $4.88: New York exchange, par, NEW 1 OKK, f eu. ao. aJiearings, $J33,8ul 384: balances. $12.36.4tH. BOSTON. Feb. 30. Clearings, K0.28J.854 balances. ll.H5.Mn. HHI1.ADELPHIA. - Feb. 20. Clearlnsrs $Jf.7Ml. balances, $2.!.874; money. 4 '"BALTIMORE. Feb. 20 Cleu-lngs. $3,794. 4!ni: balances. $4!"0.744: money. 41 Der cent. ST. LOU 111. Feb. 20. Clearings, $84.-4 balances. $1,242,688; money, 4410 per cent New 1 org exenange, ac aiscount. CINCINNATI. Feb. 20 Clearings. $3,361 W: money. 3t4 per cent; New York ex change, 2oO discount. Coadltlaa the Treaaary. WAS1JXNUTON, Feb. W.-Today a slate- 85 219 116 ,289- . 43 . 17 . 19 7b i . KB . 91 , 4li . 23 . 63 . 9t . 72 . 45 . 99 . 3 Con. Cal. A Va..l25 Deadwood Terra. e0 Horn Silver 140 ron Silver 64 Leadvllle Con ... 6 MS?? No- American . Pacific Coast .. ,7Saclflc Ma '? People's Gaa ... 101 Jt Pressed 8. Car. .f Pul'man P. Car.. 218 i?iH"SPUD, Steel.... 15 . 6jj Sugar 129 . 33 Union Bag A P.. 16 fiu eo U. B. Leather n 83 67 60 83 , 72 fin nfrl D-t e m U. S. Rubber".'.'.' 14 v. aw.:::::-.: . 1 .j imi n-riL Si7! I '"""t" t-'nion... 901,1 . 5s Amer. T -...r.. - .lfi3 do pfd....... .188 92 The LamTnercia 1 A rf.,. 1 - . financial hi;. ..JJ""ir'..na" m.xTlJe".d,y.f,,,,U,t Vnt Bremen" E'ii" le8a!,Y.' a." departments of the mar- wVr in. ? DUl American shares were the flattest on Attorney General Knox s opinion, portending government In terference and intimation to suppress the Northern Securities mmn.nu .LLLl. JSn market opened Arm. but broke on the cab e dispatch regarding the merger. The mom.n! ri m r r , ...... i . . . . ... xt , , samereo neadway de- !PJ.?NW. Totk ttempt to harden prices I Iimil una BOUinfm Hr.f1r 1mA I. w- ... 10,000 shares of Southern Pacific being so d V,' t0 Leon at K' tlnto. Wew York Money Market. NEW YORK, Feb. ).-MONEY-On rail steady at 2ti'M ner cent- in. S5.: percenT" P mercantile paper. 4ffl STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at 24.S744 posted .-ates, $4.85'S4.86 and $4 88Q4 8u r,.rr, Tyyi.. 1 Kin- c.i . . ,y; e-ui. commerclHl SILVER Bar. SSUc: JO ' WTlL', bills, $4.84UM R5V. dollars, Mexican BONDS Government, strona: state 4n. active; railroad, weak. 1 ha closlna uuotationa ah Ka. ... - follnxa- - ... unl. 4s.. .101 U. 8. ref. 2s, reg.ingv do coupon 108 do 3s, reg lox do coupon 108 do new 4s, reg..l3 do coupon X)W do old 4s. reg... 112 N, ao coupon . do 6s, reg.. do couoon . Atcn. gen. 4s 104U do 3s. 7,1; do adt. 4a ta: N. w 21', Lk Bait. A Ohio 4s..l03 B'adlng'gen 4s 99", do 3s...v Kfii St L A I M cf 5a'll7 do conv isi lintii St 1, a B o 1. i..7t Canada So. 2s... .111 St. L. 8. W. Js... dhu Cent, of Ga, 6s. ..HI do 2a " " do let inc 79 S A A A P 4a..!! 91i Hex. Central 4s.. 82 do la Inc 30 A St. L. 4s. ..105 M.. K. A T. 4s... 99 do. 2a K2 N. I . rAntrnl 1st 1 1 n 1 l"6No. Pacific 4s lif,2 A -1. ' ..... Chcs. A O. 4S..H0 Chi. A A. 3s.... C, B A O n. 4s... 9S' C. M A B P g. 4s.113U C. A N. W. c. 7s.isx C. R I A P 4S....111U CCC A 8 L g. 4S.103 C hlcaao Ter. 4a.. SSti Coorsdo 80. 4s.. 94 Den. A R. G. 4s.. 10" Erie nrlor I. 4s... 98", do general 4s... 88 r w a d c is...m Hock. Val. 4s...l09 runno 4s 94T4 Tex. A P JT-IS. 1' o. . Inlon Pho. 4a.":!iat? do 1 cotiv. 4a i,j An " do deh."B -n we'i Phnl" W. A I.. E. 4 ft1.. 4a Offered. Foreign Klaaaelal. IX)NDON. Feb. 20 The condition of the money market here waa practically un changed today, except that discounts were a shade harder. Most sections of the Stock exciianse were quiet, tne aepresslnn Americans monopolising attention. Hmv selling began early for both local and New York account on the onlnlon of Attorney General Knox In regard to the merger of the Northern Pacific and Great Northern railways inrouga we Bieuiuni 01 the North' Indicates Sunday. me omciai number of cars of stock I brought In today by each roa was; 118 Osceola 157". 1 Parrot 35" IQuincy 2w'8anta Fe Cop. 36 Tamarack aaJiTrlmountaln .. 5iTrlnlty 88 United States 43ll'ta.. .1 93?4Vlctorla 21 (Winona . 3 Wolverine , 61 80 14 20 34 11 C, M. A St. P 4- O. A St. L 2 Missouri Pacific 44 Union Paclnc System 2 C. A N. W F.. E. A M. V.... C, bt. P., M. St O. a. at si.. 31 C, U. A Q. . 40 . 3 .245 . 93 .. 13 . 17 . 23 . 61 C, R. 1. A P., east.. -., n. 1. at f., west. Illinois Central 9 2 1 15 3 1 6 I 27 4 11 1 14 2 6 13 1 2 124 10 "l Total receipts 141 The disposition of the dav'a receipts was as follows, each buyer pjrehasing the uu.uuer 01 neaa inaicatea: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Loadoa Stock Quotations. 1X5NDON. Feb. 20. 4 p. m. Closing: Buyers. Omaha Parkin Co.. nwiit ana Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Swift, from country G. H. Hammond Co 68 R. Becker A Degan 92 Vansant A Co 84 Carey A Benton 76 Lobman A Co w. t. Stephen Hill A Huntzlnger Livingstone A Schaller.. Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. F. Hum H. I Dennis A Co B. F. Hobblck Other buyers 181 ... 29 ... 42 ... 85" .... 334 ... 97 BOH 108 91 44 95 V Z4- 651 823 659 616 2.519 1,'C,8 647 3.540 1261 656 3,019 40 2U0 41 101 14 205 63 34 6 43 26 . 7 6 181 .... 524 Total 4365 9,901 8,485 I ATT! .K" Thara . i. ., i 44-Tt 1 oattla I. tA , ""flJ v- "v," v. iiiuiniajr auu tne J7 market took on considerable activity in M fir? I view of the liberal demand. All the buy- -Jtera were out early and It was not Ion before they had picked out the more de sirable grades. mere were quite a few beef steers here today, but, the same as has been the case BAR 8ILVER-Qulet; 26 7-16d per ounce. MONEY 22i3 ner cent. The rate of dia. count, in tne open maraet ror snort 0111s is 1 rnr ,. im mil th niT.iiia. Zt 7i.I K 1 eCee?t,: t0t three mnth"' ml'' offSVSST IVt' paAlcW Snolce V,k per cent. New York Mining; ttaotatloaa. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. The followlnr are tne closing prices on mining stocks: Little Chief Ontario Onhlr Phoenix Potosl Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ... Standard .. 12 ..700 .. 95 .. .. 12 .. .. 13 ,. 30 ..220 Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. COTTON Snot closed quiet; middling uplsnds, 8 13-16c; middling gulf, 9 l-16c; sales, 110 bales. Fu- urea closed steady; February, 8.58c; March, 62c: April. 8.58c: May. 8.50c: June. 8.60c: Julv. 8.50c: Auauat. 8.51c: SeDtember. 7.94c. The marget opened easy, wnn prices zM points lower and at the close was steady and net unchanged to 4 Dointa hlirher. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 20. COTTON Quiet, steady: sales. 20.200 bales: ordinary oTTng, 713-16c; middling, 8 3-16c; good mid dling, 8 9-lbc; middling lair. lo-itic. u- . . . I.'.. V U llAfl T.I t. ... V. 8.16c; April, 8.20.23c; May, 8.29&8.30c; June. 8.34'o8.3(5c; July, 8.39.40c; August, 8.24iti H.Z5C. a i. , jvj 1: jo, rcu. sft-wi iv,-uici, middlina. 8t-16c: sales, none-, receipts. 3.697 bales; shipments, 4,160 Daiest block, dj.bwi Dales. GALVESTON. Feb. 20. COTTON Firm, 8 6-16C. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 20. COTTON Spot, limited demand, prices l-sca lower; Amer ican middllnr fair. 5 1-lfid: good middling. 4 25-32d: middlina. 4 21-32d: low middling. 4 9-16d: good ordinary. 4 7-16d: ordinary. 4 3-16d. The sales of the day were 7,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export and included 6,200 Dales American. Receipts, aa.uw Dales, inciuaing j,suu Amer ican. utures opetiea ana ciosea quiet. Packers, however, took hold freely and uiu Bieauy 10 strong prices, in a good many cases, the same as noted yesterday, sales were made that looked 610o higher, but other sales did not look any more than steady. The best demand was for the cholced bunches and It was on such kinds tnat tne most strength was noticed. There was also a verv active demand for cow stuff and particularly for the bet ter grades, such as sell from $4.00 up. Buyers took about everything they came 10 tnat was at an uesiraDie ana sellers were quoting the market stronger In the majority of cases, with some sales 6c. or even 10c, higher. The demand for can ners, however, and for the medium grades continued moderate and the market on such kinds could not be quoted much more tnan steady, it was not a hard matter, however, to sell out at fully aa good prices as were paid yesterday. Bulls of good quality that were fat com manded strong prices, but common kinds were neglected. Veal calves and stags also sold at good, strong prices. uniy a rew siocaers ana teeaers arrived this morning and the market was active and stronger on the better arades. There have not been too many stock cattle offered this weeg to meet the demand, so that prices have held up In good shape. Com mon Blockers, however, are in poor de mand and there has not been much Im provement on cattle of that description. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. ..loot) ,.14"0 ..lrt'O ,,1W ..nil) ..1170 ..1630 ..14,0 ..1490 .. 215 .. 170 .. 90 .. 115 .. 120 .. 1X5 .. 13S .. 130 8 26 8 25 8 25 a ?s 3 35 8 35 3 40 8 50 3 hm CALVES. ...1475 ...12ii0 ...150 ...1640 ...lHi.0 ... 9tl) ...1I0 ...159U 6 00 6 25 6 50 (0 6 50 6 50 6 50 6 60 1.. 110 , 120 , 110 , 11 . lro , l) . 187 IK 4 00 4 15 4 20 4 25 4 3" 4 60 4 60 50 6 60 6 50 50 6 75 6 75 7 00 1.. II.. 1000 4 00 8TOCK COW8 680 2 50 STOCK 327 2 50 STAGS. 1 1.T70 4 DO AND HEIFERS. 1 ..600 2 80 CALVES. 1 410 3 50 2.. 4.. 4.. 25.. 3.. 2.. 4.. 12 7 13 1 2 68 8TCC K E HS AND FEEDERS. 4W 647 575 646 76 1094 62 684 942 978 840 645 5X1 F. 136 steers. .1151 HOGS Tho shape today 2 00 2 60 2 60 2 75 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 40 3 50 3 60 2 60 3 50 8 70 8.... t 17 8 2. . 6. 4 22 22 21 21 83 J. Klesel Oregon, 4 90 31 feeders, hog market waa than It has been 60s 693 890 490 750 W 7H5 , 9:5 , 5tf , 873 , 835 , 835 942 3 75 3 75 8 85 4 00 4 05 4 06 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 80 4 36 4 50 4 60 There did not' seem 1074 4 85 In better for some to be any time past, more hogs on sale than packers wanted and buyers were out earlv. and. as they started in bidding strong to 6c more than mey aia yesterday, the hogs Degan moving toward the scales in good season. As the morning advanced the market seemed to take on more life and the close was scttve nd Just ajout 5c higher than yesterday. The better weight hogs sold mostly from o.9j to $6.15, medium weights went from o.80 to $5.95 and the llgntwelghts went from $o.75 down. Packers took hold or tne lightweight stuff In better shape today than for a good many weeks past, so that tno yarns were cleared uy tne miaoie 01 the forenoon. Representative sales: No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. 72.. 66.. 61.. 18. Oil aad Itosla. - OIL CITY. Feb. SO. Olle-Credlt bal- No. 1 1 1 1...., 1...., 8.... 2...., 2...., 4.... 1.... 53.... 1.... 8.... 15.... 21.... 2.... 2.... 15.... .... 1.... 2.... 22.... 23.... 20.... ancee. $1.16: certificates, no bid; shipments. 73,313 bbls.; average. 77,568 ddis.; runs, 9,zu bbls.; cverage, 66.106 bbls. SAVANNAH, Ga.. Feb. 20. OIL-Tur- Dbntlne. nrm: rosin, nrm: quote: a, h. c. l" ft T.. XT M 7E. KT (IOC. W tl n W 117. ltr a J 1 20. . Mfc-u; Vrtnif V-.K Wl riTT Palrnlaitm 1 steady. Roeln. ' steady: strained to good. 115641 1.67. Turpentine, steady at 440 8.. 45c. Cottonseed, quiet. I 23 TOLEDO. Feb. ao OH North Lima, I 21.. w.r . . . i i i .! aw. I . oat , mum L,ima anu iiiuimis, tpu. i a..... LIVERPOOL. Feb. 20. OIL Linseed. I 23 3s 3d. I LONDON. Feb. 20. OIL Calcutta lin- 14.. seed, spot. 60s; linseed. 33s to. Turpentine. I 8. apints, r. ua. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ... 650 8 00 1 1060 6 25 ,..800 8 76 22 1028 6 30 ,..1070 4 50 6 ...1251 6 30 ... 890 4 60 6 1146 6 30 ... 870 4 50 20 1041 6 30 ... 860 4 60 21 1073 6 80 ... 955 4 50 15 1056 6 35 ... 826 4 60 40 1204 6 35 ... 841 4 60 2 1160 6 40 ... 860 4 60 40 1214 6 40 ...1030 4 6) 19 1(194 5 40 ... 905 4 65 19 1157 5 45 ... 880 4 65 21 1120 6 60 ... 9X7 4 65 21 1102 6 65 ... 980 4 70 50 1214 6 65 ...1022 4 86 31 1196 6 55 ...1190 6 00 32 1164 6 60 ... 865 5 00 38 1168 6 60 ...1070 6 00 13 1232 6 65 ...1058 t 00 82 1216 6 65 ...1230 6 05 1 1120 5 65 ...1215 6 05 13 1058 6 75 ... 987 8 10 62 13d0 6 75 ...1013 6 10 34 138 '5 80 ... 928 6 10 1 1263 6 85 ...981 6 15 36 145 ...1139 6 20 1 1137 ...1140 6 25 6 1653 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 986 4 70 15 1177 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 20 COFFEB Msrket opened steady and unchanged and for the balance of the forenoon was specula tively flat, with sentiment favoring neu. trnllty for the time being. The foreign market news was oulet. as expected. Bra. sillan recelnts were about as predicted and the situation as a whole waa devoid or new features. Up to the noon hour but 1.2M) bags had been dealt. In. In the late ses sion an easier feeling developed and real ising became nonular. Short selling helped to torce tne marKet lower, as aia iaie aa vlcee from the Havre market. The close was easy, with Drices net 6ii 10 points lower. Total sales were 17.600 baas, Including March at 6.2666.30c; May. 6.454j.60c; July. 6 85c: September. 6.8fij.90c October, S.9oc; December, 6.0o.0jc; January. s.uc. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK, Feb. 20. EVAPORATED APPLES There la a, fair lobbing demand and a firm tone, but prices remain un changed: state, common to good, 7tfjS1c; prime, 9U9Uc; choice. &10c; fancy, 10 fjlle. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS The general situation remains about un- rhanand. Anriefita and nrunes show strong tone and are meeting with a good Jobbing trade. Peaches show little feature, but are steadv. Prunes. aT4ic. Apri cots. Royal, l8l4c; Moor Park. 9M2c Peaches, peeled, 14l8o; unpeeiea, vuhq.. agar Market. NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 20. 8UGAR- Firm; open kettle, JM-'-'c : open kettle, rentrlfuaal. .w.iw- centrifugal, granu lated and whites, none; yellows. 3? lia-16c: ui-oniti iUiiaUc. Molasses, strnn open kettle. Uta'c: centrifugal, 74'lc; vrun. nominal. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. SUGAR Raw, firm: fair refining, 3c: centrifugal, test. SSc: molssses sugar. 2c; refined, firm. Market. 1 1 4 1 27 14 1 1 2 1 10 10 10 17 1 T 17 1 23 1 4 26 ... 986 6 00 ...1007 6 10 .,.1073 6 20 ...1165 6 40 STEERS ...H4 4 70 ...1012 4 85 ... 670 1 00 ... 880 1 CO ... 8-"2 2 00 .. 870 .. 913 .. 796 ..10U0 .. 940 .. .. 8;K .. 9o5 .. 91 .. 900 . .1020 6.1O 2 00 2 05 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 25 130 2 35 2 35 2 35 2 35 1060 2 35 i z as Wool BT. I.OI-IS. Feb. 90. WOOI, Unchanged ; mailliinV -.-.. I . . I I'r, I S.U. " hatht flllS. 12W4f 15c; heavy hue', lu-fll-i uo washed, U0 j 1- 2 1 1 9N2 871 ...1027 ... 9o0 ...11"0 ... 815 ... 967 ... 780 ...10M) ... 913 ... 961 ... 6N0 ...1010 ... 9S5 ... 946 ... 8rt) ...10.-W ... 910 ... 84 ... ,...1017 9 ...1060 ...1150 ... 753 ...1010 ... 810 ... 875 ...1170 ... 421 ... 644 .... 64) ... 674 .... 840 .... 750 i a e 64 ... 00 .... 790 ...1140 ....1O50 I...UM 2 56 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 65 2 70 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 75 2 85 2 00 $ oo 3 00 8 00 3 05 3 10 3 25 3 25 2 25 3 25 8 85 3 40 3 60 $ 60 a 5" 17.. 19.. 20.. 22.. AND 10.., 17 COWS. 1 2 , 1 1 8 a l 6 i 19 22 22 4 7 2 a 1 4 10 .1098 1121 1222 , 1353 cows. 980 1032 5 90 t on 6 00 6 40 6 45 6 55 6 65 6 65 4 85 6 00 1... 21... 26... 1... 12... 7... 1... 1... 22... 1... 2... 2... 2... 7... 8... 2 ... 97? ...1028 ...1185 ... 900 ... 920 .... 977 ... 793 ...1200 ...1218 ... 930 ... 866 ... 871 ... 871 1200 920 1142 1086 1040 940 1132 930 1116 1100 4 15 1120 4 15 ...... 1084 4 15 1016 4 20 1160 4 25 980 4 25 1142 4 25 1110 4 25 1IM) 4 30 1 4 35 1.100 4 40 1080 4 40 1410. 4 60 .11x0 4 60 .117 .1141 .1120 2 60 a su S 65 3 65 a 75 3 75 2 76 a 76 3 75 8 75 2 80 8 85 8 85 3 85 2 90 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 05 HI 1144 7 1191 82 1W9 3 1216 HEIFERS. 2 75 2 80 2 80 2 66 2 75 3 85 8 85 10., 8..., 82... 3... 3... 1... 2 7S I 75 io 3 oo 104 BULLS. 1.... 1,. h $.. .13M ..1351 .. 810 872 .. 8f .1 .. 71 2 ..12.J ..1610 ..1380 ..12) 9n0 4 55 4 55 4 65 473 4 75 4 75 4 85 4 90 4 95 2 90 2 90 4 05 4 25 4 30 i 00 3 50 2 65 2 65 2 76 114 106 20 103 29 108 23 107 25 105 110 160 i6 165 25 164 93 158 77 160 87 167 89 160 86 1K8 12 165 24 179 20 167 .164 ..175 ..168 .165 .172 .165 96., 71... 113.. 85 88. 84.. 67 177 90 158 88 184 86 180 61 182 76 193 D5 161 95 164 82 183 82 187 80 180 65 227 71 185 47 90 78... 82... 94... 84... 96... 85... 83... 88... 56... 67... 77.. 90.. 9 ..193 ..187 ..198 ..181 ..1S6 ..185 ..190 ..194 ..198 ..198 ..219 ..216 ...195 ...196 186 40 200 62 205 62 190 76 184 72 204 33 198 87 183 21 185 76 197 82. 80 120 80 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 10 6 10 6 35 5 50 6 60 6 50 6 60 6 65 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 6 60 5 60 6 60 6 65 6 65 6 65 5 70 6 70 6 72 6 72 5 72 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 5 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 5 75 6 77 6 80 6 80 6 80 5 SO 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 5 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 . 6 80 . 6 80 6 80 5 85 6 85 Av. ....213 ....213 ....238 ....226 76 211 8h. 120 40 40 124 8.1 70... 76... 83... 69... 71... 64... 78... 78... 92... 88... 78... 63... 33... 75... 207 ..239 ..200 ..193 ..219 ..220 ..203 ..2O0 ..212 ..213 ..217 ..200 ..260 ..214 . .226 75 220 85 225 82 212 77 224 70 213 80 215 70 228 66 222 67 222 66 248 72 216 67 213 89 216 68 222 71.. 6.. 74.. 71.. .223 ..220 ..220 ..235 ..207 ..217 ..230 ..229 ..251 ..268 160 120 80 120 160 40 120 40 80 160 120 80 40 40 120 80 120 40 120 Pr. 6 85 6 85 6 86 6 85 6 85 ' 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 87 5 87 6 87 6 87 6 87 6 87 5 87 5 90 5 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 6 92VJ 6 96 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 5 05 05 6 10 6 10 10- 10 10 10 6 15 616 Indian steers, $3.3fp 60; cows and heifers, 2 45i 3. 95. . H MIS Receipts, 4,500 head; market strong; pigs and lights, $5 8.v(i.95; packers, a. St)itl 10; butchers, $6 1ii6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 300 head; markrt steady; native muttons, $4 00 4i'f: lambs, $5.25u6.S5; culls and bucks, $27664.75. Kaaaas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. SO. CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.000 nstlves. 40 Texans and 250 calves; all killing cattle 10c. higher. Block ers and feeders steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.()fr6.r0: fair to goad, f6.tV(i6.nO; Blockers and feeders, $.1504 90; western fed steers, $5.25fj6.on; Texas and Indian steers. $l.60'ii5.5i); Texas cows. $2.3:'fi 4.50; native cows, $.1 Hfi'4.7fi; heifers, $;t.7V(i 6.60; cannera, $2.00fc3.0l); bulls, $3.25''o4.50; calves, $45o7.00. HOGS Receipts. 8,5nn head; market ace five, firm; top, $6.30; bulk of sales, $5.7ofj 20; heavy, $6.2"!r6.30; mixed packers, $5 SO 6.20; light, $5 3666 00: pigs. $i.h6fi6.S0. SHEEP AND IjAM BS Receipts, 1,90 head; market steady; native lambs, $6 40-a 6.65; western lambs, $6.40Cn6 60; native weth ers, $n.Ooj6.7R: western wethers. $5.0ojj 5.H0; yearlings, $5.85ff6.45; ewes, t4.664j'5.60; culls and feeders, $2.&ofuM.60. Dry Good! Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 20.-DRY OOODR There was more demand for cotton goods generally at first hands today and business with Jobbers was lively, a large number of visiting buyers being In town. Prices of staple cottons were unchanged. Prints sold at the recent advance. Print cloths were firm but quiet. Cotton linings were firm. Mllvraakee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, Feb. W.-WHEAT. Steady; No. 1 northern, 76W7c; No. 2 northern, 75S,76c; May, 78c. RYK Wulet; No. 1, 59Hi6uc. BARLEY Lower; No. 2, 62c; sample. jjjl4!2c. CORN May, SlVie. Maaafaetnrera Favor Kxrlnslnn. SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 50,-The bo-4rd of directors of the Manufacturers' and Producers' association has adopted a reso lutlon favoring the continued exclusion of Chinese, which has been sent to the Onli fornla members of congress. The Mer chants' exchange of Oakland has also passed resolutions to the same effect. 98.... 84.... 72.... 66.... 57 268 120 83. ...,.243 160 67 216 ... 80 240 ... 66 240 ... 79 228 ... 68 231 ... 61 231 ... 62 222 ... 69 226 65 228 71 244 28 292 64 275 61 261 67 241 ...200 ... 6 80 60 2M 59 200 40 6 80 70 225 94 186 ... 6 80 57 248 85 190 ... 6 80 . 61....V.272 77 1SS ... 6 80 , 61 275 65 195 ... 6 80 61 273 40 188 ... 6 80 75 262 25 224 ... 8 85 72 277 39 252 200 6 85 76 226 95 189 40 5 85 45 299 SHEEP There was another moderate run nf aheen at the vards today and Dackera took hold In good shape and bought up the better grades at Just about steady nrlces. It was noticeable, however, that while they were anxious for both sheep and lambs that showed quality and were fat they were slow about buying common stuff and particularly those that were not fat. Sellers who had that class of stuff found It a little hard to sell out at what they considered steady prices. Anything at all desirable, however, sold freely at good, steady prices and the pens were cleared In. good season. The tops were Just about the same as they were yester day ana tne range ui untca iur uiu uiucr ni kinds will be found below. There were a few feeders In the yards this morning and they sold readily at good. steady prices. Quotations: Choice lightweight yearlings $5!i5(H6.00; good to choice yearlings, $5.50iH 6 78; choice wethers, $6.00ji6.2o; fair to good wethers, $4.7505.00; choice ewes, $4.404.66; fair to good ewes, 4.oub.o: common ewes. $3.00(&4.0o; choice lambs, $t.0uti6.60; fair to good lambs, $6.00(86.26: feeder wethers, $4.00 04.50; feeder lambs, $4.60416.00. Representa tive sales: No. Wt. Pr. 20 western ewes 99 $2 60 213 western wethers 78 8 90 201 western ewes 99 4 00 488 Utah ewes 98 4 40 230 western ewes 98 4 46 399 western wethers 96 6 40 291 feeder lambs 68 6 60 1257 western wethers 96 6 60 260 Colorado lambs 81 6 40 6 western ewes 122 4 60 6 western wethers 156 5 25 S99 western wethers .95 5 40 3 western lambs Bo 6 60 107 western lambs 62 6 80 western lambs 113 3a CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. , a Cattle aad Hogs Active aad Strong and Sheep and Laabi Steady CHICAGO. Feb. 20. CATTLE Receipts, B.000 head. Including Texans; market active snd strong: good to prime steers, t(iuft7ntv nnnr In medium. t4. 003.6.00: Stok ers and feeders, i2.5065.00; cows, tl.25f5 A; t.A.lfA,wm t ba-xf, SO: canners. I1.2:V(i'2.30: bulls. 2.50tfi 4.60: calves. t2.5O7.00; Texas fed .aa.ru ti tAUfl 7h HOGS Receipts, 30,000 head; estimated "x rim- loft nver. 6.000: active and strong at early yesterday's prices; mixed and hutchers, $5.8616.30; good to choice heavy. $6.3016.40; rough heavy, $6 90fii.l5; i,.h, t&7F.A;no hulk nf sales. I5.9oai6.20. KH'EKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000 aheen steadv. lambs 10frl5c lower; good to choice wethers, $4.754.6.25; fair to choice mixed, $3.86ffi4.60; western sheep snd vearllngs, $4.50416.00; native lambs, $3.7531 a ha. ...t.rn lamha. 15.25416 60. Official yesterday: Receipts Cattle, 18.643 . hncra 10 ism head: sheen. 20.080 head fswinments Cattle. 4,129 head; hogs, 8,827 head; sheep, 633 head. New York Live Stack Market. Nt.W reo. w.-nn.Au, t f-o re ceipts, 262 head, mainly consigned direct: 1 car oi sierra uiu tnriav ttt head cattle. 10 head sheep, about 150 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, SSI head; weak; veals . . - r , a est sold i m.j-ot; ... . . . ....i-..,, . . , . . u ...... i .. i . . a ii.ai, - nnr.r.r ai.w ........... . . -, , . sheep, steady; lambs, weak, particularly for common and weak stocn; sneep soia at 1. . .d DA. m,llu t RO 14. sf1, lamoe. m.wyiDff", .", MOOS Iteceipts, a.oi iioaj. . St. Joseph Live Stock Market. bt insiTPH. Feb. 20. CATTLE Re celnts. l.tl head: maraet strong to lac kiA.r- native. 4.0ni6 K5 : cows and helf mn t2 00ru6 60: veal., ii.WuZM; stocker and ,n...r. v ninTI. ID. ii, wi jn,.Hlr,t. 8.000 head: stesdv: lleht and litrht mixed, $5.6tvji6.u6: medium and v x, lAA.Vri 0: n il. 13 sytlA.W. SHEKP AINU LAMlia receipts. nr,i. market steady ; western tamos, .au-(o x; western sneep, 4.w(t.uu. Stork la Sight. The following tsble shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five principal niarkets for February 30: t. aiim. ...lfrjtf t Ii 3.262 9.3 m 2.H50 , 10 , l.o Hogs. Sheep. 4.130 30.000 12.001 8.5oO 140 4 5"0 300 8.UX) 50 ...18.112 60.690 18.330 South Omaha... Chicago Kansas city St. Ixuls St. Joseph Totals St. Laals Live Stack Market. ST LOUIS. Feb. 30. CATTLE Receipts, 1 luO head, including euu Texans; market strong and 10c higher for natives; slow snd about steady for Texans; native shipping and export steers, $4.56i63G; dressed beef and b'itcber steers, t4.0uii.0u; steers under l.Ooo lbs., $3.ao852a; Blockers and feeders, it tmft T.- f.iwa and heifers. $2,254)6-36: can- ners, bulls, t ioou; Texas and S5.Q0 a norm! Specialist In all DISEASE9 and DISORDERS of MEN. . 13 years to Omaha. SYPHILIS cured by the QUICK EST, safest and most natural method that has yet been discovered. Boon every sign ana symptom Disappears tjompletery and forever. No "BREAKING OUT" of the disease on the skin or face. A cure that is guaranteed to be permanent for life. UKDIOnPCI C cu.ed. Method new,-, WAnluUwCLC without cutting, pain; no detention from work; permanent cure guaranteed. WEAK MB! from Excesses or victims tn Nervous Debility or Exhaustion. Wast ing Weakness with Early Decay In Young and Middle Agea, uu 01 vim, vigor ana . strength, with organs impaired and weak. STRJCTIRK cured with a new Home Treatment. No pain, no detention from business. Kidney and Bladder Troubles. Canswltattoa Free. Treatmtsl by Mall. . CHARGES LOW. 119 S. 14th St. Dr. Searles & Ssarles, Omaha, Neb. JOBBERS k MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, CHICAGO. E. L.HICKS, ...General Salesman.,, ,..t .... OMAHA SALESROOM, 1S0S Faraaat Street. - J. E.H0WE, Resident Salesman. WHEN IN THE CITY Visit Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go. Wholesale Dry Goods. 1117 Howard St. MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Carls & Cowgill Iron Works. IfAjrUrACTUMKS AND JOBBSM Or MACHINERY. BKKRAI. RCTAHintO A SraCTAXiTA IKON AND BRASS FOUNDBR tMl, lBOg aa 1BOS Jaakaaa Stvaat, Osaaka. He. Tel. m. lakrUkM. Agent. J. B. CvwgUI, Ug f nuiE co. Maaufaorarers and Jobbers of Steam and Water Supplies Of All Kinds. 1014 asl lOlS DOUGLAS ST. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. U cstcrn Electrical vv Company EUctrioal Supplies. Hearts Wiring Bells aad Gas Llghtim Q. W. JOHNSTON. Mgr. Ifilf Howard pu AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Go., Oasaka, Mob. Manufacturers of ' Tents and Canvas Goods. Sand for Catalogue Number 23 GASOLINE. ELNulNES. UQLDSUOBILE" Olds Gasoline' Engine Olds Gasoline Engine Works, 1114- Far nam St.. Omaha. BUY WHEAT Wheat bat declined eight cents and corn nina rants from ton Drlees. Wi ennalAai both a purchase. Place your orders with I responsible rouse ana one tnat win givi you prompt tad satisfactory execution. BOYD COMMISSION CO. KEEP POSTED ON THE Chicago Grain Market Daily Trade Bulletla Mat upea request. M. E. COOKB. Commission Merchant. Ss aaa Basra sf Trssa, C'klaaga. Msmbsr oi the Chicago board el Trade.