Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaha' Daily Dee.
Xal1y Be (without Bunday), One Year..M o
IwJly Hee and Sunday, One Year "0
Illustrated Bi, One Year l.0
Baturday Bee, tm Year!!!!;!!!!;!!!!!!!! l!o
Twentieth century Farmer, one Year..
pally Be (without Sunday), per copy.... to
J Hilly Be (without Sunday, per wes:4...12o
lally Bee (Including- Sunday), per wenk-.lic
Sunday Bee, per ropy
livening Bee (without Sunday), per week. loo
Kventng . Be , (including Sunday), ' per
week ; 15o
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
Should b addressed to City Circulation De
partment. orncEfl.
Omaha The Bee Building-.
South Omaha :uy Hall Building, Twcn-ay-fifth
and M Street.
Council DhinTs 10 Pearl Street. .
Chicago 1440 Unity Building.
New York Temple Court.
'Washington 4ul Fourteenth -BtreeC
Communications reuttlnr to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed; Omaha
JJee, Editorial Department.
Business letters and remittances should be
addressed: The, Bee Publishing company,
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
nivihln to Th He. Puhll.hlne- Company.
Only 1-cemt stamps accepted In payment of
snail accounts. Personal checks, except on
Ltniaha or eastern exchange, not accepted.
tats of Nebraska. Douaiaa County, as.!
George B. Tsst-huck, secretary of The Be
rubllsmng Company, being auiy sworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month ot January, isub, was aa fol
lows :
l....... SO, SCO
t '
4 SO.llO
SO,155 '
8O.40O v
T 30,800
10 80.1U0 .
11 80,300
11 80.430
IS 3O.470
14.... 80.190
IS ..80,070
14 SO.IM
17 . 80.1BO
U 80,280
U 80.SHO
30 ...OO.IOO
a .. 30,430
. X2...;; r.80.490
a ,...8o,zoo
, 24 , 80.130
1 ...., .-...80,000
, M .' ! .80.400
, 27 81,100
U ..80,050
2 88.040
...; ;....8oao
. 11 .80.000
Less unsold and returned copies....
Net total sales... 88,07V
Met dally average 30,0T
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 1st day of February, A. D.,
im. M. B. HUNOATB,
(Seal.) Notary Public.
Miss Stone can relieve an anxious pub
lic by letting us -know just where she
If at
South Omaha at last has a library
board. If It succeeds In keeping one
library board and no more, he library
may be expected to materialize in due
time. '
Who wants to be referee to take the
testimony in the tax ' mandamus case
pending In the supreme court? - Accord
ing to precedents only popocratlc law-
yen need apply.
Congressman Wheeler has evidently
taken the advice of the great showman
to get people to talking -about' him if
they will not say anything good at least
get them to talk. 1 ." v
The association of county commis
sioners of Nebraska showa wisdom In
selecting Omaha for its next meeting
place and thereby saving express
charges on supplies.
Omaha needs an auditorium, a mar
ket house and a fireproof hotel, the one
about aa badly as the other, and will
play no favorites as to which will come
under the wire first in the race.
An effort la being made to weld the !
tag end of all the so-called reform par
ties In Missouri Into one party. The re
suit should be as artistic as the rear
yiew of a pair of bard times trousers.
The decision ot the supreme court that
money can be ,drawn out of the state
treasury without a legislative appro
priation adda another argument for an
early revision of Nebraska's state con
Says President Roosevelt In conclud
ing his observations on the Schley ap
peal; "There is no excuse whatever from
either aide for any further agitation ot
this unhappy controversy." All right-
let It rest'
The permanent census bill provides for
the collection annually of the statistics
fjf cotton production. Why could not
Senator Jones furnish the desired in
formation from the sales account of the
cotton bale trust? .
Eighty thousand white children of
school age in the Indian Territory have
absolutely no provision for their educa
tion. Such a condition should certainly
not be allowed to continue. This coun
try cannot afford to permit such a body
f youths to grow up in ignorance.
The resolutions adopted at the confer
ence of negroes at Tuskogee, Ala, con
tain good advice to white aa well as
black. Summariaed, it is attend to
business, avoid extravagance and save
a little every year. Advice is cheap,
but advice like this would be worth
money if people would only follow It
Secretary Bhaw has had troubles be
fore, but baa managed to settle them
without much dltttcuity. It is different
now that the women who have bad
"lovely" , bonnets and other Imported
finery muaeied up by the customs in
spectors are after -him. Nothing less
xtotent than the . impervlousness of the
irallway baggage agent can save hlui
this Ume.: - '-
The Canudlan member of Parliament
Who talked so freely about marching
down and capturing Washington should
take a trip over the border and see the
little difficulties which stand in the way,
He should also remember that the
greater portion of the people of the two
countries get along in neighborly
fashion without putting ia any time
bumlahlng up ImplemenU ot wax.
to test tbk ueroer.
The announcement that, the attorney
general 'of the United States has ren
dered an opinion that the anti-trust law
of 1800 la Tlolated by the merger of the
Northern Faclflc and Great Northern
railway systems, and that a bill In
equity will be filed by the United State
to test the legality of the merger, will be
gratifying to ail who have'approved the
course of the Minnesota authorities in
challenging the action of the Northern
Securities company as In violation of the
law of that state which prohibits the
consolidation of competing lines of rail
road and also as a violation of the
federal anti-trust law.
In the argument on his motion before
the supreme court of the United States
to file a bill of complaint on behalf of
the state of Minnesota against tne
Northern Securities company, the attor
ney general of that state said: "The
declared public policy of thef United
States Is e gainst the consolidation ana
unification of competing lines of rail
way and the removal of competition In
freight and passenger rates. This pol
icy is declared In the so-called anti-trust
law of the United State." While there
Is no specific reference to railways In
the law. of 1800, that act applies to all
corporations engaged in Interstate com
merce. It prohibits contracts or com
binations the effect ot which would be
In restraint of trade or commerce among
the several states and there can be no
doubt that railway corporations are em
braced In this. ' Indeed, this was the
view taken by the supreme court of the
United States In regard to the traffic
agreements between railroads and It Is
doubtless upon this that Attorney Gen
eral Knox relies for the proposed action
by the Department ot Justice to test the
legality ot the merger. It would eeem
to be perfectly obvious that if a traffic
agreement is in violation of the anti
trust law such a - combination of rail
way lines aa baa been effected through
the Northern Securities company also
contravenes that act Of course the
contention is made that there is no ac
tual combination or consolidation; that
while the Securities company baa taken
up the stock ot the two railroads and
they are placed under one control, still
they remain practically Independent
lines.' But It appears that this conten
tion has had no weight with the attor
ney general of the United States and
bis view of It will command great atten
tion. The question Is one of far-reaching im
portance. ' ' If state law can be success
fully overridden, aa the Northern Se
curities company ha attempted, to do In
this instance, what resource have the
people for protection against railway
monopoly As was said by the attor
ney general of Minnesota: "If what is
attempted to be done here can be suc
cessfully accomplished, the states of this
unlon are powerless to enforce such
statutes. The national government,
under its present constitutional .limita
tions, can enact no legislation which will
protect state commerce and state, traffic
against such a monopolistic consolida
tion as is referred to in this bill." It
Is interesting to note that the proposed
proceedings on the part of the govern
ment have been prompted by President
Roosevelt, who baa thus shown that he
is taking an active interest In such
The efforts of members, of the Board
of Education to devise some means by
which the annual Interest payment on
outstanding floating debt : may be re
duced are inspired by" A commendable
spirit The Interest-bearing warranto
against -the school fund range, accord
ing to the period of the year, as high aa
$150,000, and under the law draw In
terest at the rate of 7 per cent That
the school district can command money
on' much more ' favorable terms goes
without saying, and if an arrangement
could be perfected by which advantage
could be taken of this high credit a
saving of at least 2 per cent ot the In
terest rate could be effected. Such a
saving would amount to several thou
sand dollars each year and would be
worth making."
The obstacles in the way of . every
proposition to reduce the rate of inter
est on outs.'de warrants are . entirely
legal , In character. Every warrant
drawn in favor of a creditor passes into
private bands and becomes private prop
erty, entirely at the disposal of the
holder. If the creditor insists upon hav
ing the warrant registered for Interest
and holding It in his poisst-ssion until the
money is available for its payment out
of the fund against which It Is drawn,
no one has a legal right to compel him
to part with it sooner or to take less
than the stipulated rate of interest
This Las been decided time and again
In connection with the purchase of state
warrants for the state school fund.
Every transaction for the sale of a war
rant must be entirely voluntary, whether
tho purchaser is .a private broker or
public treasurer acting In bis capacity
as custodian of trust funds.
The real effect of a standing offer to
take the warrants on behalf of the
school - district would be the same as
has been the standing offer of the state
treasurer to purchase state warrants for
the state school fund, namely, to raise
them to a premium. This would be
more especially true with respect to
local school warrants bearing 7 per cent
Interest as compared with state war
rants which bear only 4 per cent In
Investigation into this matter, there
fore, forces the conclusion that the legal
Interest rabf on local warrants is alto
gether too high and should be reduced
by an amendment to the law at the very
next session of the legislature. Side
by aide with this, however, steps should
also be taken to bring the finances of the
school district closer to a cash' baala
It the schools could be administered
with the resources on band and without
iasuln warrauU that c&nnot pa cashed.
on presentation, the whole amount of In-
terest now paid could be eared, Instead
of simply a fraction of It, aa proposed.
The last census gives the population
of the Indian Territory as 301,000, of
which about 84,000 are thought to be
members of the Ave clrllized tribes of
Indiana. Thus more than 300,000 white
people, non-citizens, are living within
the boundaries of the five tribes, who
control lands having an area of approx
imately 19,000,000 acres. This territory
has received a good deal of attention
from congress and the legislation pro
vided has resulted In the Improvement
of conditions there, though these are
still far from what hi to be desired.
As has been pointed out by Representa
tive Little of Arkansas, there are many
thousands of white children of school
age for .whom there are no schools
and he rightly characterised this as an
outrage. Of course the white people,
having no voice In the government of
the territory, can do nothing to remedy
this unfortunate situation and Mr. Little
nrged that congress should establish
there a territorial form of government
that would enable the white people to
have a voice. It may be doubted, how
ever, whether this can be done without
contravening the treaties made with the
five civilised tribes in 1808, which pro
vide, among other things, for the con
tinuance of their tribal governments un
der their respective constitutions and
laws, when not in conflict with the con
stitution and laws of the United States,
Mr. Little expressed the belief that the
territory is not ready for statehood and
it will manifestly be expedient before
giving any serious attention ta th
question of statehood, that the people
of the territory shall have such ex
perience in the affairs of government
as they - would obtain through ' having
a territorial form established. Cer
tainly the auggestlon of Mr. 'Little ap
pears worthy of ' consideration. The
government should carefully observe
whatever obligations it has entered into
with the five civilized tribes, but all
proper effort should be made to remedy
such . unfortunate conditions aa are
pointed out by Representative Little
and which are likely to become worse
if neglected.
: It is undoubtedly necessary at present
that a departure be made from ' the
long-established policy of excluding ves
sels from the coastwise trade, in re
gard to the Philippines. Trade with the
archipelago cannot now and will not be
able for several years to rely upon
American shipping, which is very 'small
In the Pacific. . To apply the law re
lating to coastwise trade to the Phil
ippines would destroy our commerce
with the islands, therefore foreign ves-
aela must be allowed to enter this coast-
wise trade for a time.
It is a question, however, whether the
provision in the Philippine tariff bill in
relation to this does not go farther than
la necessary in the matter of time during
which the proposed departure from our
policy shall continue. Senator Mallory
of Florida suggested that the time in
which foreign ships shall enjoy par
ticipation in the Philippine trade be
limited to one year from July 1 next
urging that this was necessary in the
Interest of American shipping. That Is
perhaps too abort a time, but there
ought to be a limit since without it
there would be wanting an incentive
to the building up , of American ship
ping on' the Pacific, and it ia most de
sirable that this ahould be encouraged
to the greatest possible extent . A
strong American merchant marine on
the Pacific ia essential to the develop
ment of our trade with the far east
and no proposition should have the
countenance of congress that could in
terfere with this. While, therefore, the
time limit suggested by Senator Mallory
may be too short the policy he advises
of having a proper care for the inter
ests ' of American shipping is entirely
wise. '
3 .
It seems to us the supreme court has
set up a dangerous rule in holding that
the clerk of the court is entitled to draw
out of the treasury without a legislative
appropriation the salary fixed In the
constitution for the office. The consti
tution is explicit that no money shall be
drawn out of the treasury 'except In pur
suance of an appropriation by the legis
lature and we believe this restriction is
not only salutary, but intended to be
superior to other provisions relating to
official salaries and emoluments. This
is entirely apart from the question
whether the present clerk of the court
who has the highest compensation ot
any officer in the state, la entitled to
the sum in dispute. It is readily con-
celvable that the legislature might fall
to pass a salary appropriation bill or
that the bill aa passed might be void
because or its own delects, ana under
the decision of the supreme court those
officers with salaries designated in the
constitution could draw their money,
while others would have to wait for
curative legislation. Th ftr wm
curative legislation, xne safer way
would be to make no exceptions to the
requirement of specific appropriation,
leaving claimants to present themselves
to the succeeding legislature or to trans
form their claims into judgments by suit
lu the courts.
. The story comes from Denver that
negotiations have been completed for
the sale ot the street railway lines to an
Eastern syndicate for 18,500,000.
Whether the story is borne out by the
facta or not it gives a hint for the Real
Estate exchange on the value of fran
chised corporation property.
The most serious part of the postpone
ment of the city tax levy ia the prospect
that it will be deferred over the period
when several interest payments on
bonds become due. It is absolutely
necessary that these obligations be
rwAyUy met and Citg Treasurer ilea-
nlnga will be fully supported In taking
whateTer steps may be necessary to pro
tect the city from a default on Interest
Jn the absence of the resources that
would ordinarily have been at LU com
mand had. the lery ordinance been
passed at the regular time.
The Indians in Indian Territory ob
ject to the building up of towns along
the railroads In their country. When
the Indian learns what a nice thing It
is to go to town Saturdays and talk poli
tics he will speedily withdraw his ob
jection. Senatorial Happiness.
Chicago News.
No objection was raised In the senate to
the ratification of the Danish treaty. When
the senate can acquire Islands and spend
money at the sani time what more U
necessary to complete Us happiness T
Arrusjla the Faaeral.
i Boston Transcript,
Hon. Jerry 81mpson, who was one of the
founders of the populist party. Is now
making arrangements for its funeral. ' He
thinks It was the offspring it democracy
and ought to go back to its parent's grave.
Wise tea of Pardoalna- Fewer.
Philadelphia Ledger.
President Roosevelt U distinguishing him
self by his sparing use ot the pardoning
power. The latest batch of appeals for
j executive clemency numbered ten, and nine
were refused. - It la time for such a check
to he put on the practice ot pardoning al- 1
rn oet every applicant who can afford, to I
have his case presented skillfully.
General Baaeomh la Action.
Portland Oregonlan.
Certain senators talk as If they supposed
somebody would believe them, or as if they
believed themselves, when they exclaim
that our possession of the Philippine Islands
means tyranny and oppression, destruction
of freedom In the islands and loss of lib
erty to ourselves. The senate chamber
ought not to be dedicated, without reclama
tion, to wind and silliness.
Bow Wo Grow.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
American history moves fast. Since, the
republicans resumed control of the govern
ment, In 1897, the territory of the United
States has been enlarged by the acquisition
of Hawaii, the Philippines, Guam, part of
Samoa, Porto Rico and the Danish West
Indies. The isthmian canal will be prac
tically added before long.
Drawing- the Color Mao.
Springfield (Mans.) Republican.
Some of the senior class of the University
ot Nebraska which Is a northern state
are "aroused" by the choice of Booker T.
Washington as commencement day orator.
If any of these youngsters should become
as great a figure in. civilization as Mr.
Washington It would be surprising. There
are many white - men who would willingly
swap skins with, the eminent Alabama edu
cator In order to do work at all comparable
with his. .
Yearning; (or a Yiaateatloau
Springfield (Mass.) Republican.
Governor Savage of Nebraska has received
so many hard knocks because ot the Bartley
pardon that he yearns for vindication, and
ta that end. It Is said, the pardoa will be
made the principal Issue In his campaign for
re-election. Governor Savage may be court
ing defeat The" republican press of the
state has, almost' without exception,- con
demned hie action and the expression et
publlo opinion by ballot may not be what
Governor Savage expects.
The Protest Too afaeku
Portland Oregonlan.
Great Britain and Japan waat peace, and
for that, purpose-they have Joined fleets
and armies. Russia wants peace, and to
that end. It announces, Its army and navy
are always ready. Great Britain and
Japan want the. Integrity of China and the
Independence of Korea, Russia also de
sires tee Independence of -Korea and the
tntegrU of China Where all are so
anxious for the same result it Is a Pity to
maintain such costly armaments of offense.
The Daalsh West ladle.
New Tork Tribune.
For thirty years American statesmen have
appreciated the strategic value of these
islands, all the more valuable now with the
prospect of aa Isthmian canal, and have
been anxious lest they should fall Into
other hands In a way that would be trouble-
some to us. Finally, under tne sxiiirui
management of Secretary Hay, the far
seeing design of Secretary Seward has been
carried out Their usefulness to uk Is be
yond Question. We should make it equally
certain that the new relation is one of
usefulness and blessing to them.
Pratt Republican Policies.
Indianapolis Journal.
A statement prepared by the Treasury
I department shows that the debt of the
United States, which tn 1865 was $78.25 per
capita, waa In 1901 only $U.46 per capita,
and that the annual Interest charge,
which was $4.l per cspita In 1865, was
88 cents per capita In 190 L In 1866 the gov
ernment waa paying from 4 to 71-10 per
cent Interest on Its Indebtedness, while In
1901 half of the entire debt drew only 1
per cent Interest. It may be remarked In
cidentally that these results are due to re
publican financiering and administration.
Garaerlaa the LestHssate Fml
Industry Thrift.
. Louisville Courier-Journal.
News from Wahoo, Neb., Is of a rosier
I ting than formerly cam from that stats.
The correspondent from that remarkably
named town writes the Omaha Bee that
jt i T ..... . nvwflA firm mnrtnfM
(or 0 000 were nled toP Pecord u, that
I county, and that during the same month
there were releases ot eighty-six mortgages,
amounting to $100,000. As Nebraska 1 one
ot the corn-growing states. It is plain to be
seen that the drouth last year did not sen
0Usly cripple th farmers. This gratifying
r i. h. same order aa ths
piece of new is of
reports ot overflowing bank deposits and
big railroad earning. Th farmers ar
paying off -their mortgages all over tn
middle west, and ar lending money as low
as per eent In many localities. Th
banks of Kansas City. Omaha. St Louis
and Chicago never had such large deposits
from their country correspondents as now,
land th old days of th usurer with his 11
to 15 per eent interest rates hav passed.
Farm mortgage, at on tlm ot so Uttl
nt. .r. nn. desirable Investment
hut th.r ar t few of them tor th
nna.iMn, that has haloed th situation
In th arid part of Dakota Is th digging
..ii. Th- ni auDolv ta so abundant
.nd at ...rh a .hallow deDth that Irrigation
becomes easy, and there ar ao mors such
terrors In th dry season. It U said that
South Dakota Is on a land "boom" and that
100.000 Immigrants ar expected this year,;
while North Dakota will b proportionately
benefited, though held back somewhat by
th colder climate. However, th two states
ar being rapidly settled up by Scandlna
vUae, who com from a similar latitude
luaJL the best sort EkMuar tiuxt
Ktchla of People an Events la tne
Katlonnl Capital.
Senator Francis B. Warren of Wyoming
denounces as baseless tba current stories
of money-laden lobbies Influencing the leg
islation of congress. In a letter In Col
lier's Weekly, Senator Warren says:
. "The lobby of sensational literature and ot
newspaper space writers reeking with
glowing stories ot vast sums spent In the
purchase of votes, ot presents of valuable
stocks, ot costly wine suppers and other
favors la a myth, sad is one ot the features
of life In the capital city 'the visitor will
not be able to find. The efforts ot friends
or enemies of publlo and private measures
are In evidence In the bustle and rush In
the publlo corridors ot the capltol during
a se:on of congress, but this is a harmless
phase In the work ot securing or preventing
legislation and Is but little more than part
ot the general routine of legislative work.
"The protective and restrlotlve means at
the command, first, of any member of con
gress; second, of any committee; third, ot
the presiding officer of either branch;
fourth, of the senate or house as distinct
bodies, and fifth, ot the president ot the
United States in his power of veto, make It
well nigh Impossible to secure final Incor
poration Into our laws of radically unwise,
unjust or wrongful legislation.
"The susplcloa that Influenoes which will
not bear the full light of publicity are
being employed tor any publlo or private
measure creates a prejudice against such
measure and tends, to make adoption more
While the millennium has not been
reacnea in matters or aaopung legislation, I
1 am certain that there Is a constant . ta
provement and ' that the ' tone of - public
I service is on an upwero ireno. in legia-
latlvo branch of the government Is Inclined I
w do minaiui ui use oecua ruu luierveie
of the people, and the executive branch, as
evidenced by the work of every department
of the government service, is conducted
upon business principles and in accordance
with law."
President Roosevelt is credited with the
possession of a memory alleged to be ex
ceedingly and sometimes disagreeably re-
tentlve. Two senators were discussing this
characteristic of the chief executive. Said
one i
'The president knows the clerical and
personal side of the government as ' few
other men know It'
'I should say he did," returned the other.
"I asked him a little while ago to reappoint
marshal in my state and I no sooner
mentioned the man's name than the presi
dent broke out with: 'So that scoundrel
is still In office, is het I remember htm
when I was la the civil service commis
sion,' The matter of reappointment was not
The "high hand shake," which prevails In
Washington to such a considerable extent
and which is particularly noticeable in so
ciety and diplomatic circles. Is said to have
been Introduced here by the late President
McKinley. The hand shake of the late
president says the Washington Star, was
one of the most attractive and interesting
things about him. When receiving a large
number of people and In haste his right
hand was always held out la the customary
fashion, hut when receiving cabinet officers,
congressmen and others in his private office
there was an air about his hand shake that
was Irresistible. The elbow of his right
arm usually rested close to his body, while
his hand was held upward nearly to level
with Jxls chin, thereby requiring the other
person to raise bis hand to that level. Then
Mr,-McKinley would grasp the hand in a
clasp with the fingers of his hand around
the fingers of the other person. The presl
dent's hand would move to the right and
left three or four times and the hand shake
would be concluded. Mr. McKinley rarely
departed from that method of handshaking
and in . time those who were . with him
grew accustomed to It and became devotees
of the habit ' themselves. . Soon after Mr.
McKinley commenced this method ot hand
shaking the diplomatic corps took it up,
and now It Is generally known as the
"diplomatic" hand shake. It Is still in el
lstence among the foreign representatives
and Is extending to other circles. Secretary
I Cortelyou, whose long association with the
hate president made him familiar with the
ways of ths latter, grew accustomed to
shaking hands in the same manner as Presi
dent McKinley. He now has no other way
of clasping the extended hand but this one.
Publlo men In Washington often speak of
President McKlnley's hand shake as one ot
the most Interesting they have ever known.
A certain member of congress noted for
I convivial tendencies, who halls from a
state that does not prohibit had an amua
lng time at dinner the ether night apropos
of a wee bit of blue ribbon he wore In his
buttonhole, the Insignia of some order to
which he belongs. The buUer be.rlag the
wine Ignored him aa completely aa though
Ignored him as completely aa though
he were not at table, and passed him again
and again In filling the other glasses. . Won
dering why he was thus neglected, the
statesman beckoned him te bring ' some
wine, but , to no purpose. The butler
winked knowingly and passed on. The
disgusted member finally called the man to
him, and holding his coat so that escape
was Impossible, said:
"Why don't you fill my glass V
The butler smiled knowingly. "Has hit
hi, didn't know, sir, that you was a tee
totaler, sir."
"A teetotaler! What d you mean?"
asked the guest.
"HI thinks hi hought to know, sir; hi
belong to the same society, sir," and with
that the man pointed to ths blue ribbon
in the disgusted member's buttonhole, the
badge ot a local temperance society.
Former Representative John Allen of
Mississippi, familiarly known as Private
John Allen, one of the commissioners to
the St Louis exposition, passed through
the city a few days ago, reports ths
Washington Post. In spit ot the burdens
of his new office, "Private John" had suffi
cient vitality to relate on of his charac
teristic anecdotes.
"The legislature of Arkansas," said Mr.
Allen, "once enacted a law requiring those
who wanted to take a drink to tak out a
license. Well, I guess that was all right.
They should have figured along th same
Hoe as they did In my stat several years
ago. Th Mississippi legislature passed a
law restricting the sale of liquor to quan
tities not less than on gallon. Th act
waa sent to Governor McNutt for his ap
proval. - Th old governor, who was eele-
braUd for his gastronomlcal features.
looked at the bill a moment and then said:
This Is on of th most sensible acts this
legislature has passed. Every member de
serves the thanks of th entire common-
wealth. It give me pleasure te sign th
I act tor I feel that nothing short of a gal-
loo Is calculated to satisfy th thirst of
I th average man In Mississippi.'
A western congressman, who has been
building a very handsome and spacious
residence, was asked th othr day by on
I of his colleague how th bou.e was pro-
"It Is all , completed." was th reply.
"AH that I need now Is a parrot.
"A parrot T" queried his friend.
"Yes," replied th congressman. "I
want a parrot. I want th bird to roost I
ever th front door and Just say, 'Fool!
'Fool! every tlm he sees m com up
the wsiky - -
The Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce baa
Invited President Roosevelt to attend the
banquet to be held by that erganlxatloa on
March 6 In celebration of Cincinnati's cen
tennial. William Henry Bishop.' the novelist and
Instructor ot Spanish at Tale, has resigned.
He will remove to Spain, where he will re
main for soma time and devote himself to
literary work.
Secretary Shaw asks the complaining
women of New York to suggest, some
I scheme whereby the law to prevent smug
gling may be enforced without se much
annoyance to passengers.
Rev. Dr. Thomas E. Oreen of Cedar Rap
Ids, la., has been chosen as the orator at
the grave ot Washington In April by the
Sons of the American Revolution at the
society's triennial meeting.
Sir William McDonald, the donor oil the
gift of 25,000 for the establishment of an
agricultural college at Quelph, In Ontario,
has already disbursed vast fortunes for
philanthropic ends in Canada.
Lieutenant von Elchel Strelber of the
Third Uhlans, German army, recently wag
ered that- he could drink a quart bottle of
brandy In tea minutes. He did so and was
burled with full military honors. .
Dr. Conan Doyle has scored a complete
failure In his attempt to get a German
publisher to take up and circulate In that
country his pamphlet on ' the cause and
conduct of the war In South Africa.
Some of the out-and-out New York chap
pies have taken to wearing the monocle.
which at present Is In greater favor than
ever among London dandle. Eastern opt!
clans notice an appreciable increase in the
demand for alna-la classes,
fw,B v, rnlorada fcaa received
, w.t a,entin the
Invitation tendered by the governor to be
come the guest of Colorado at a banquet to
be given to Generals Funston and Mac-
Arthur at some future date.
M. Delcasse, French minister of foreign
affairs, has appointed Miss Jeanne de VII
leneuve of New York secretary of. the
French consulate there. Miss de VII-
leneuve,' who belongs to an old French fam
ily. Is the first woman to bo thus Honored.
General Lew Wallace has a luxurious and
ideal author's "den." It la erected on his
lawn and at a cost which most people would
consider quite a fortune. In shape It re
sembles an Oriental mosque and the In
terior is one large room, handsomely fur
nished and decorated, and on the walls
bangs a portrait of the sultan ot Turkey,
painted by the general himself.
During the hearing at Albany on the pro
posed bill prohibiting the shooting of live
pigeons from traps Horace B. Henderson,
master of St. Paul's school in Garden uity,
L. I., where many such shooting contests
take place, declared that frequently he Dad
found wounded pigeons In the tower of the
school chapel and he and his neighbors had
found dozens of maimed birds on the w in
stils and doorsteps ot their houses.
They are having a laugh on Champ Clark
In Washington. A New Torker told the
Missouri congressman that the only real
people lived on Manhattan island. Champ
nnrt.inE-iv reniied: "Why. vou are the most
provinclal people in the country. You don't
know anything . about the United States.
Hardly a man among you knows anything
about Missouri, but let me tell you there
are mighty few Miraourlans who don't
know New York." For a minute or so
Champ did not realise why everybody
Carefally Planted. Pipe Cinches Dls
jointed la Two State.
New Tork Time.
The clumbers of. at least two states are
laarnln from disagreeable experience that
to maintain a conspiracy la restraint of
trade, with high-handed rules rramea to
drive from the business all who do not
conform to the regulations prescribed by
the National Association ot Master Plumb-
era, la danaerous even If profitable. One
batch ot Texas master plumbers was lately
rounded up on Indictments for violation
of the anti-trust law Involving aggregate
penalties et $66,550,000, and moat of them
confessed Judgment and withdrew from the
association. It Is not reported that tney
have vet naid the Judgments. A second
round-up has Just taken place at Austin,
with a large number of defendants. The
penalties claimed under the statute against
twenty-one ot them already amount to
140,960,000, and are Increasing at tn rate
of something over $100,000 a day. The
plumbing business has been understood to
be profitable to those who engage In It
under favorable conditions, but scarcely
profitable enough to warrant the risk ot
such magnificent penalties as the Texas
law imposes. In the first Texas case a
i -1 ..nn.l.XnH mtmm mmAm rieffMllfant-
, j at indwlou.,
. ,.i nni..H.i .n
member are separately Impleaded and
stand charged with violating the anti-trust
law of the state by forming aad entering
Into a combination to restrict competition.
This procedure Is strictly In accordance
with the decision lately handed down by
Judge Morris, in th cue or ta mat of
Texas against the Shippers' Compress and
Warehouse company, to the effect that a
corporation could not be held to be a vlo.
lator of th law, but that each member wb
eaters into such corporation and forms a
part of It la guilty of such violation when
It occurs; This would seem to be an odd
ruling, but the Texas anti-trust law U an
odd law, and probably the distinguished
Jurist whom we have quoted Interprets It
Ia Ohio the anti-trust law has been In-
If we live in' deeds,
' - - v - - 4
'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral must be 6000 years old!
For. sixty years it has been curing all kinds
of throat and lung troubles from a slight
tickling in the throat to the most desperate
diseases of the lungs. ;
This is the way your doctor orders it ..
5- On bottle of Ayer'M Cherry Pectoral;
Sr. ' Carefully follow direction on bottle. ,
Ask him how many patients he has curecf
with this prescription. " V;'.:.-;. V
I have used Ayer's Cherry Pectoral extensively in mr practise, and I reran! .
it th best of all remedies for colds, coach, sad bronchitis, whether scuta or
chronic" J. C CoMrroM, M.JJ, Rathi, MUs. ;
ISattctl sa . J. C AVER CO., L.J1. Ms. 1 :
voked by one John A. Smith, who has In
stituted a suit against the Akron Master
Plumbers' association, charging that the
association Is organized ;' for purposes at
variance with said law aad citing Injuries
for which he claims damages la $21,600.
As the Ohio law provides that double the
amount of damages proved may be col
lected. ' the defendants are ' really con
fronted with a $46,000 damage suit. The
petitioner alleges that because he la not
a member of the Akroa Master numbers'
association he has been unable to buy goods
suitable for his trade and has been put to
great inconvenience and loas in conse
quence, and he promises to produce letters
by the pound from firms which have refused
his orders on the ground that they did not
dare to sell htm because of the threat ot
the association to boycott those who vio
lated Its rules. As it is oa exactly these
Lllnes that the master plumbers', associa
tions have worked. It looks as If Smith had
a good case. Indeed, It Is surprising that
they have not. before been made defendants
In conspiracy suits. In no trade has the
principle ot the laws defining publlo pol
icy In such matters been so openly defied
as by the plumbers, and that retribution
has overtaken them will probably not oc
casion widespread unhapplness outside the
associations which have had things their
own way for a good many years.
Philadelphia Press; "You should adver
tise In our paper." said the solicitor.
"Don't need It," replied the dealer.
"No. Our phonographs speak for them
selves." Washington Star: "What do you Intend
to do when you. are out of publlo UfoT"
asked the friend.
And without a moment's hesitation Sen
ator Sorghum answered:. ....
"Get in again." )
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "What did Blab
berton represent at the fancy dress ball I"
"Why, he was the Washington, monu
ment." "Eh! That's funny. It seemed to me
that all he needed was a meter and a
burner to be a gas pipe."
Chlcairo News: Mver I believe wo will
follow the same occupation In the next
world that we do here on earth.
Uyer Oet outl What would Plumbers
do In a place where the water pipes
could nt freeze even If there was any
Baltimore American: "I would rather."
said the elder Washington to the neigh
bors, "lose a thousand cherry trees than
have my son tell a lie."
Ana yet." murmured tne neighbor
among themselves, "he claims that ho Is
training the lad for a political career."
Shaking their heads In obvious doubt,
they walked slowly away. .
Chlcaco Tribune: - Nsekus llterarr
editor) What are you working at nowT
connus tmerary specialist;! am writing
a history of Babylon.
Naggus What do you think about Baby
lon T
Connus Nothing. That's why I am writ
ing a history of It.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "There were a
number of vicious boys snowballing la
front of my home this morning." ,
Did you stop them?1
but 1 StODtX
ut I stopped two of the snowballs
and that was all I
carea u ao.
Chicago Tribune.
"Who befriended Unci
"I," said John Bull,
"I used my pull.
I befriended Uncle Sam." '
"Who helped him lick Spalnt". '
"I," said the Kaiser,
"I stood right by, sir. .
I helped him lick Spain." J ' ,
" " "Who stood off th powers?"
"I," said th Csar, ,
"I was right thar.. ,
I stood off th powers.. ;
"Who's his friend nowT" . '. ,
"I," said they all, . "' ". .
With unanimous bawl. V . ' '
.. ,.- 'Tm, his real friend jiowl'V , ,
"I am sorry, but can't," wrote the brake
man, - To answer the written request -
Of a deaf and dumb tramp In a box car
Just leaving a station out west.
And bis lantern swung out tn th darkness,
To signal the train to a stand,
And the tramp was set down, quit a mil
from the town,
With th price of a meal In his band.
As he paced . tow'rd the dlm-shadow'd
His fancies were bitterly sad,
For a mother was patiently waiting
To greet her unfortunate lad.
Not a light, save the ones on th switches.
Was burning to gladden hia sight.
And he knew that some ehed must afford
him a bed ...
From the chill of that October night.
And the stiff western breese that waa
Seemed urging him on in his track.
When the sense of some danger Impending
Compelled him to pause and look: back.
From a spark that waa cast by tba eiigin
The far distant plain lit th sky.
And the flames skurrled. fast, on th wings
of the blast.
Tow'rd th calm-sleeping village near by.
Not a moment la lost In reflection, '
Forgotten are ail of hlo aches, -
Till he reaches an outlying cottago
And pounds on Its portals, and nhakea.
From within are repeated the questions:
"What la wanted, I aay? Who 1 there.?"
But th mute heard no sound so continued
to pound
Till a shot pierced th seat of all ear.
But the village Is roused, and Its people,
Well versed in a dangerous strife,
Sava their homes from th pralrl fire's
Wh'ch'coet an unfortunate's life. '
As they gather, beerlmed, from the battle
To view his remains they exclaim: .
"H waa only a 'bum'i" but hia yes are
' now dumb,
. So ha feel not th old sens of sham.
In hi pocket they found a worn letter
That told of affection and said:
Oh. return to your heart-broken mothort
How could he? poor lad, he waa dead!
When they learned of his bitter affliction
Each heart sought to ren1er his meed,'
And the "company's" best bore bint down
from the west
With a purs and th tale of his deed.
Leavltt. Neb. ISAAC A. KiLGOREL
not yearsf then