THE OMAHA DAILY PEE; TIITJ11SDAY, FEHRUARY20, 1902. 0 SPECIAL 110T1CES will take watll IS am. far vaalac HlUta aa. aatll 0 a. aa. far faarala til Saa4ar eatltlea. Rale. 1 1-Sk a ward flra iBsertlea, la ward lkrn(lr, Katkla Ukta far lese tkaa SIM far tk Crai taeer Ha. These agvertlsesaeats ( fee) raa eaeeeatlvely. Arleere, hr rstlaer aaaa fcereel eheelt. Baa nav inwtn a limH ta Sasjsalres letter la tar ( Tka Baa. Aaawer a aree4 will Itver. aval preaeatatiea al ikaak aalr - SITUATIONS WANTED. TOUNO man wanta place to work for board whllo attending echooL Boyles College, .New York lila Bids. JM8 ITUATION wanted as companion to lady; remain at home or travel. i jj WANTED MALE HELP. GOOD messengers wanted; increaaed pay. A. D. '. Co.. U South lath. . B 6 TiTiiiv work. profitable work, for neat. nratta hustler. C. F. Adams. Co., lSi Howard. ' UM $5 FOR A HALF PAY'B WORK. If you live lit tha country or in a small towri and ' Have a good acquaintance among the'larmera and atocK raiaera In the neighborhood you can make 15 easily by lour or nve hours' worn. -Write ua and wa 'will end you Our proposition. U na bee Puolisning Co., Boilcnora' tjep.. Omaha, Neb. - B MZM WANTED, a good man In every county to take auoscriptlona foe Tha Twentieth Century farmer. Our agenlH make good wage everywhere. Keterencea-required. A a u rem, Vwentietb Ceolury rainier, Omaha, Neb. ., '-.... B-Sli . FREE! FREE I Bhave, hair cut, alnge, any work In barber line, at Moler College, tail Farnam at., 3d floor. Hours, 9 to 4. B-Mi23 M6 THE MOLEll Barber College. 1623 Farnam at., wants men to leant the barber trade by our mi t hod uf practical experience, expert Instructions, etc.; steady practice lurnlahea by tree work, which saves two years' apprenticeship; only two months required; on account of tha demand for graduatea during the spring rusn, special offer la made for thirty ouya; can earn scholarship,, board, tools and transporta tion If desired; particulars mailed tree. - B M923 3v WANTED, ten ornamental Iron workera. Steady WOrK for right men. Apply at once. P. Rlohter iron Worn, iwnver, Colo.. i - B MaiS WANTED A flrat-claas Job printer at once; steady situation. Addreaa T 64, Bee. . . .... UMXI9 ta GOOD carriage blacksmith wanted. Apply Phil Kllpple, Bait Lake, Utah. ... ,. ., .. , B M297 21 8TRONO man, willing to do all kinds of work; none oyer i years wantea. jonn Hochstraseer,- 1403 Jackson St. B M292 a BALKBMAN wanted to carry as a aide line our dry goods epeclaltlea, direct from the looms; to call on the country trade. Ad dress the Lakewood Co., P. O. box 414, Philadelphia. 1, ... . . B M2U 2U FOREMEN ioT factories, ahopa, or gentle men of wide aoiiunlntaiice can make some extra money without any additional work or interference with their regulur duties. Addreee, stating where employed and posltlOA. occupied, 64, Bee. B M328 , ' WANTED, by reliable house, salesman who visits cities and towns that use gas, ta Bell staple article as aide line; one Who sells to hardware, gaa companies, gus fixtures, etc., preferred;- a good profit can be made by a live man. Address qas. P. O. box 1692. Philadelphia. Pa. B M330 WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED,, two, young lady students to learn hairdreselng, manicuring and chi ropody and sclentlflo massage. -Call or write Room two. Bea Bldg. U 663 ; WANTED, ladles' to learn' hair dreaatna. manicuring and facial masaage; gra-lu-atea earn , 813, to $16 weekly; only one month required j best opportunity ever offered Call or write Moler College, 1C2S Farnam aU C fc4 30 WANTED, st once girl for general house work; must know how to do plain cook ing. Call at 2734 Caldwell St. C MZI6 OOOD girl for general housework; ' small lanviy; gooa wagea. um a. aisi dl -, ..,, C-M281 COMPETENT girl for general housework. Mrs. Li. T Sunderland. 1329 So. 33d St. .... . C M3us 21 OOOD girt for genera) housework. 1034 Park ave., . - -.. .-C M313 21 WANTED, good girt for general house work; two 'n family. 2708 Farnam st. . ..... C-M336 20 FOR KEMT UOLS1LA. houses. . a. a. Wallace, Brown block, D 373 10 MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office loUVS rnam, or Tela. lbus-Hbi. mf aaa UAl ICtTQ tn all' parts of city. The O. HUU5M V. lavU Co, 6e2 Bee Bldg. P 369 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwait, Barker block. . -.. ; D 371 teidHT-ROOM. modern: except furnace. 123. Q. H.. Mattinger, Bea Bld. Phone 463. ' ' ' ' - ' ' t r' A OOOD 8 or 9-room houae; strictly mod ern, gooa niai""" wiimiu- waiaung distance; var guuu.l;i r,m iq rig&( Drty. ' M. J. Kennard ft Son, 3u9-10 Brown block. ' ' iJLa TWO I ft t-r. mod. Cottage, phone A-266S. f - . P 74S HOUSES, etc, JT, P. Wead.. U34 Pouglaa. I HOUSES, stores. Be mis, Paxton block. - P 37a PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO., 8ul N. T. Ufa. .v.. ,.r . . P M4yi CENTRAL, modern, steam heat, T-room housei 8 and 4-room flat. Tlaatrd, 223 N. 23d alt. P-3JO-F-21 FOR RENT, 3613 N. 17th St, (20, large I story modern house of 8 rooma, also barn. IS. 2-room house at 36th and Decatur St. The Omaha Realty Co., IjuI Pouglaa St., upavaua. a (IS 1 cheip " " moaern, rent 104 North 23d, 14 rooms,' modern Improve- 2314 N. is th Ave., I rooms, city water. $12. t.14 N. 19th, 9 rooms, modern, 20. W. FARNAM ISUiiU ft CU, 1320 Farnam Street.- - uioe FIVE unfurnished roorne, all modern and flrat-claaa. 2Ui4 Miami BU . P-214 row. KB. in 1 i aorouaniy moaern nouee 1 rooma pa tlat avenue, f renting Turner park; very desirable. See Juo. W. Rob-1 bins, IStn, ana arnam His. lor partlcu fare. P M 21 FOR RENT. 816 Park ave.. fine new 7-room modern, oak poiiynea noors, itu jj. v. tholes Co.. 310 N. Y. Life. Tel. tC9. P M318 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. PEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam. IiS ONE furnished roofb, srtth, beat, on ear line. .l&U Cuusi ti--mr cnoath. E Sat FURNISHED southeast "' rooms, modern. steam haU ids S. Sftth sL EM326 tS FURNISHED ROOMS AMD BOARD. NICE home for. young men. 108 8. 26th St. ,,.'!.. ROOMS and board. Ulencalra. leuS Pouglaa. F-4&3 - -1 ROOMS, voardl sUaaa heat soil 1 Harney etreeb .... ........ F-rM3&4 Ff FURNISHED rooma.' ateam' bath. lal Caaa.. :.:, STEAM heated roams with board. 1009 Capitol Ave. 1 I, F-4S3 rUKNUSUEP rooms and board. 2228 ivdge. FURNISHF-D ROOMS AND HOARD. FOR RENT, r.lcely furnished, steam heated room, with or without board. Midland notei, ism ana tmctit via. . s&i FURNIPHED front rooms, single of en suite, with board. IK 8. 2th it. F MTO VT LARGE p flora, single or cult. Tha Rose, 20 turner. F-7S8 Ml A PLEASANT home for man and wife, or I one or two gentlemen, in private family. Modern houee. Kererencea. 25il Bt. Mary a ave. F 816 20 FOR REST UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FIVE unfurnlahed rooma. 1120 N. 17th. a M100 FOR RENT, I unfurnlahed rooms. 2"9 8. 24in. u viz, IS 23- PE8K room apace, IS per month, ground noor room in The Bee Dunning, lacing Farnam atreet; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. R. C. Petere A Co., Rental Agenta, Bea building. O 118 FOR REST STORE AND OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bea at xis arnam oi. u naa four stories and a baament which waa fAma,lw nu mm Th. Vu.a tireSB TOOm. This will ba rented very reaaonably. II Intereated apply at once to C. C. Roae watcr, secretary, room 109, Bea building. 4261 row He. MI, store in nri-ci rent reaaonahla. AddIv R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bea Bide;. 1361 FOR RENT (lease for aaleV, the etoreroom at 220 N. 16th at.; site xt reei; storaae i 4 MJJO zvr- AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvaaalng agents In every county to solicit aiibacrlptlons to - THE TWENTIETH CENTURA FARMER. Steady employment with assured good income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Can vassers make easily 60 to lluo per month. ' Addresa Century Farmer Bolicitors' Bu reau, lice building, Omaha. 213 "MEDICOLOQY," the beat family medical book in the world; 200 other good sellers. W A. Ulxenbaugh Co., MO Wars Blk., Omaha. J 107 WANTED Ten house-to-house canvassers, r. tn?' "J- WIiiT. W wrK.l?-r 32 per day. W. Metcalf. Victoria Hotel, Room 13. J M310 30 - AOENTS wanted for Monroe chemical Ink eraser. For further information or outfit addresa II., general agent, f. u. box la, Gordon, Neb. J M3is w WANTED TO RENT. A BATCHELOR wanta to rent 40 acres of corn land, with board. 1 Hi, Bee. K.-M930 80 nAfllbir-l III VI iuiiiiDiimi uvudvi, t. use of kitchen, within is minutes' walk Of postottlce. vVlll pay good pries if ac commodations are satlalactory. Refer ences exchanged. Address, T 36, Bee. iC IMS WANTED, HOUSES I List your house for rent with us. Ws have a big demand. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, Bea bullulng. K M33S 23 WANTED, part of furnished houae or small cottage, for light housekeeping; will rent for a term ot months. U 1, Bee. . K-M323 20 ROOM or rooma and board (or two young men. T 65. Bee. K. Maza rOH SALE FtRNITURK. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge, Tel. itusu. New ana aoconanano, oougni, aoia. exchanged. u eft VOH SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC THE BEST in bugglea and wagona at H. fcrvBt'B, Hth and ivavenworth. P 386 RUBBER-TIRED coupe, newly painted, . xmi; giuas siao rockuway, tllio; 8 family carriage, S4 to i each; wagona. Drum ( nutuu warning -co., xttii ana uarney, PW& EXTRA Una new light delivery wagons, H uuual pri-je. wm. iturg, if nnerman ave. P 308-M18 1'OH SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ' FIR timbers for bouaemovera. etc.. 40 to 11 tt.j criDDlng and nog fence, tail Xoug- I 4 3DUAND sate cbeaj. Peright, 1119 Farnam. CADET coat, good as new; will fit boy 13 er 14 yeara oiu. auutwi a aa, xea. W M568 INDIAN goods and relics, llil Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, lateat modsls Reming ton, Smith-Premier, Denamore, replaced by tha UNDEUWuOD; low price. A. H. W orkman ft Co., 1617 Farnam. '.Phone taut. , W "Jrl When You Write to Advertisers- remembet ,i ouy iaa an entia stroke or two of 1(1 e pn- 10 meoiiua ua laoi wat I you aaw ma ad In Ihe ea. 2DHAND aaia cheap. Schwarta, 114 8. 12th. U w jTOR As Phonographs. supeiior to Any Other muaical Instrument; ta - uplhs tin STYLES truases. catalogue tree. Bher- man ft jacvonnau wu v um podge, Omaha, jroR SALE, scholarship In aat Omaha suortnana fcuuui, vucay Auquice m dm Bidg. aj-vsaSSS SAUruu pianu, hi.hui.uiui., iuh I -warrauted, at a bargaiu. Room 4li Mo- Cague biag Q-M7&3 I BEAUTIFUL. Chlckering upright piano at I lit.. X .....n 1 . UiW-b.ii. a uQrlnca. Room 414 AlcCaaue btda. . O M781 nifTfr-LES. ohonoaraDhs and sunnllea. Omaha tJlcycie i-o., cur. ma ana uicago , Sta. m as . i i re CLAIRVOYANTS. 1 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 819 N. 19th. H 398 MMUTUYLMER. genuine palmist, 316 S. IS. , 8-198 f ' " ELECTRIC TREATMENT. Mma. Amea, Cumberland honaa, 16 th ft Cap. i-m aa. MMK 8MITHV baths, 118 N. 18, M floor. HI 1 HONTON PALLORS. 121 N. 16th, flat B. I M BEATRICE HARLOW, bathe; Egyptian treatment; allenoanu ui)fc r.. iotn. lat jl a aaoav ana MASSAGE, Manicuring. 1615 Howard, flat T M 7H M6 PERSONAL. PRIVATE hospital, before and during oon- Unament; babies adopted. !Uui Oraot tH. LI,. 1 1,-r.l..,. 'I' .. I J.l 11 - I ! 1U7 PR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superdu- oua hair removed cy electricity, it. 14 Frenser Block. U WS GOLDMAN'S, tha only perfect pleating plant in tne waei. uw iouguaa oioca. . . U-A1400 HHAMPOOING and hairdreaslna. 2&c In counecllou with Tne ilatliery, als-2A He bulieiug. leu in. u u RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to SO I oays; ana lor circular, u. o. vtooa, as. P 821 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. U-eul, Mlddlemls, wall paper cleaner, 103 Jackson. u .ao ELITE PARLORS, 618 8. 16th aL, Id floor. u atiw atf HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro pody, lor laaita only, in councvuon witn The Batbery. 216-2J0 Bee Bldg. U-3aa RUPTURE CURED FOR 624 No pain, na neteniiou irum puainaaa; aarni lor cir culars. Empire Rupture Cure Co., 933 N. Y. Life bldg , Omaha. U-M273 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mr a A. C Mark. U ft pouglaa. V-tv4 PERSONAL. LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costumer. 1018 arnam. U 408 CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection witn l no tfamery, rooms ua-zzw en m'H. lei. 1414. u"z GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retail, comna Piano wo., ita laa. vj V1AVI, woman's way to health; rational. Wholesome horns treatment. 141 Bee Bidg. PRIVATE home ladles before and during confinement; adopt bablea. 13 HuMetta. aara. Xi u rg a u u aw r- MME. SMITH, baths. Ill N. It, td floor, r l U M308 Jdl6 I, W. F. 8TOECKER, by virtue of tha autnonty in me veateo, no nereoy prv claim that the . STOECKER ' CIGAR la apnulna and of tha hnt nualltY. it I retails at strictly 6o straight. Union made. - W, F. BTOECKER CIGAR CO. . . . y 2&-34 WANTED A Reandlnavlan creamery but ter maker, fairly guod-looklng. afte 30. poor but honeat, and In a good position. would like to correspond with gpoa-iooa JS'to'ww fma'tron'mJS be good housekeeper, have fair educa tion and, most of all, have good health and kind dlepoaition and able to furnish refernncea of a epotlees character. Ad dress Creamery Butter Maker, T 63, care umana Bea. u v- MOLLlE - urtoua Marriage Ctistoms. FeD- ; ' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loana, bonds and warrants. Ueorge company, ran uarnaj street. W 40S IH PER CENT on business propertjr. s per cent on residence property, Options to pay whole or part anytime. lone ic W. B, WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. w M I WANTED, city and farm loans; also bpnds and warrants, it. J. cetera cu, nw Farnam 8t., Bea Bldg. W tuS MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha .real estate. Brsnnan-Lova Co.. 109 South 13th. W 410 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 411 IH TO I P. C. money. Bemla, Paxton Blk. vt tia PRIVATE money. Sherwood, W7 N. Y. L. w us FOR SALE. FARM AND CITY LOANS; R. C. PETERS CO., BEE BO., OMAHA. w ei aicnt MORTGAGE. O. O. Wallace, Brown- Blk. 1 W 114 PRIVATE money. F. P. We.d. 1524 Douglas " - I I PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 W 41 B 3300, 3500 AND 11.000 private money, LI, I or s yeara, on eastern NeDraeica larms or well located cottages in Omaha. W. L. Belby. Board of Trade Bldg. W 918 -a -T MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. , WE make loana .on - Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Wagona, Carriages M and other chattels. Ws make . 1 SALARY LOANS. Of without mortgage to persona who have Dernutnent positions. You can gtt the money on very short notice ana -pay u vava in uui muoio,. or wAAn 1. tofiaer. Tim v fur I, nntv N E Y what time you keep it. We are leaders in low rates, quic ana con-I fldantUI service and courtaous treat-I nnL We invite oomDarlaona of I n,a time ' navmenta. - mtn iu. 'vou tha rull amount nf h. I LOA3. in caaa. wa always ."try to ulraae." -OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., -119 Boaad ot Trade Bldg. Tel. 26. lEatabiianea jku.j tto. isth St. A 4I, WE NEVER REQUIRE SECURITY, SALARY loana on YOUR NOTE. Only reaulrement a ateady noaltion. NO Mortgage, endorser or publicity. (SMALL PAIMENTS REDUCES COST.) PAY Weekly, Semi-Monthly or Monthly. PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES 1 V 1 'la.l. J U.nkl.l... 11 . ll I Teachera, Bookkeepers, Stenographera or any employes given time to suit their requirements. . GUARANTEE Lowest Ratea In Town. VERY private offices. EAtiiLY found. xeiepnone 1111 tor eve. aate. TJn charaea for Information or nar.era Open Noons, WednsaUay and Saturday Evenings. Can call on you If preferred. Room 3u3 Third Floor, PajttOn Block. X-701-. LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BAUAJiibu raurLa, mercnanta, team ster, boarding houses, eto without as euritv! easiest terms: 40 onlcea In cipal cities, Toiman, 440 Board of Trade mag. , A. 423 VITRNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES Kxr? LOANS. "Absolutely without removing - aoods." Written guarantee given to thla affect. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room Sua, raxiou oiuva. , Jfc 419 1 xxoNEY loaned on plain note to salaried "people; business confidential; lowest ratea! 614 paxton bioc a. xu i. a. Glutton (Jo. I ' . : : MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. jewelry, to salaried people. . Foley Loan Co., sue u, fuu urnu, a saraex aut. 3L-6U MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew airy, horses, cows, eta C F. Reed, 311 8. 13. A. 434 LOANS on CHATTELS and -SALARIES J. W. TAYLOR. 633 Paxton block (top noor;. -v MS&i 'BUSINESS CHANCES. WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange your buaincaa or property quick communi cate with ou who has the customera. J. U. Johnson, 843 N. X. Lite. Phone L-2770. x J TO GET In or out of buainesa call on Wil liams. Hoom aU, jaciague ouuuma. H 433 FOR SALE Millinery atore, doing good MShV ot?tvboTh'oM business; also goou noiei lor saie (or tease to right party), both good locationa In N. E. Neoraaaa. can or write 824 N Y. Llie building, Omaha. 1144 HOTEL, furniture and fixtures, 64 rooma, elegantly equipped; 13 houae; paying proposition; located In live county seat town southeast Nebraaka; ' owner a age necesaitaUa retiring; will sell reasonable ' and leaaa nouae. j. tx. Johnson, N. Y. Llie. ''-. X M786 LAUNDRY business In good location In city; a uesiraoie proposition, lor making money; reaaonabale terras; Investigate. J. 11. jonnaon, rt. i. uia. xM.i-4 FOR SALE or exchange, a rood flouring I M946 21 I 7-ROOM brick flat, nicely furnished, fine location, roomers only. Furniture for sale reasonable, r-any leaving city. J. 11. jonnaon, n. 1 . uie, X M225 ELEVEN rooms, elegantly furnished, mod. ern brick tenement, beat location, every paying propoallon; future plana necesal- 1 Utea quick sale. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. - OUR GUARANTEE 18 Lite. Y-M229 1600 REWARP To relieve at home any caae of long-atand- FOR BALE, or trade, my entire livery ing, obstinate, abnormal suppression stock, at a bargain. Addreaa W. c. from any cause. Even If others have Utterback. Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs, failed, try our compound concentrated Y M233 vegetable fluid extract. We never dlaap- e 1 1 1 1 1 point. Used for over eighty years with out a single failure. Why despair? Pr. FOR EXCHANGE, Mead Rem. Co., 19 Qulncy SL, Chicago. : . -7u F2i WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49. Bea. Z M510 LADIES I Chichester's English Pennyroyal i'llla are the best. Safe, reliable. Take LOT for piano; will exchange 8450 lot 26th ho other. Send 40 atamps for partlculara. and Taylor 8U., for piano. Address T 63. "Relief for Ladles," la letter by return Z M301 26 mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester - - Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa. OSTEOPATHY. " . BICYCLES. GID E. ft ALICE JOHNBON. osteopath. fiulte 815 N. Y. Life bldg. Tel. last BIG BARGAINS by buying bicycles now: 69 money made if you place your order at '' once; our stock la about exhausted on 190 PR A. T. HUNT, 812 McCagua Bldg. Tel. models; these wheels are Juat as good 2362. 414 'aa 1902 mi dels and we will offer what we 1 bave left at a price that will astonlah you. PR. MHjs, MU81CK, Peugia Blk. Tel. 2X23. Lou la teacher, laU Capitol ave. v- 44 J X353 a FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. RANCtI and farm lands for aala by tha Union Paclfla Railroad company. B. A. I WeAUneter, land oommieeloner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha. Neb RE CI COLORADO ranch lands, hom'steada. school section leases. L. W. Irwin. Ak ron, Colo. RB M Til HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also Or insurance. Bsmis, Paxton Piock. .. RE 471 Boyd County LANDS. We leave with next party Monday, February 24th, at 3 o'clock p. m. Send in your name at once if you de sire to go. ( POTTER, FORGAN & HASKELL, TEL. 470. '. 420 N. X. LIFE BUILDING. RE M2ke MONET IN THESE. Better Investments for the Amount No ' WALLACE. 111-313 BROWN BLOCK. 13,600 8. W. Cor. 34th and Davenport. 1 houses, rental 1336 per year, all specials 1 paid, -best place on the market for dou-bla- nouses or flat building. 3,0(io 1613 Cass, 33x132, I cottages, rental per ytur, s blocks rrom r. u., ivu it. west 16th, business up to it; nothing like It in the city (or price. $1,6"0 33x140, N. 18th, rental 1300 a year. 1. 100 50x150. corner. 8. Omaha. 4 8-r. cot tages city water in eaca, rental jv peri month, 3 biks. rrom all packing nousea. WALLACE, 311-513 Brown Blk. RE 313 20 LANDS AND FARMS, I have inquiries lor tanas ana larms in ivannas, iNeorasaa, Iowa and 8. Dak. Give full description. location, aeo. twp. and Kg., and price at which you will sell, and pay commission of 3 cent. plua'25.00, in case of sale only. W. L. Belby, general real estate and loana, uoara iraae mug. Charles E., 1201 Wll I IAIV1.MJ1M farnam street. RE 423 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-room homes in uanacom t-iaca, i win give you ha rgam. owner im w. uai a.m BK &no vein i 6-room cottases. modern ex cept lurnace; l t-room cottage, an in excellent condition, 360 monthly rental, continually occupied, tine location, on 17th street, 10 blocks north P. O., owner going to California for health; H cash, Va eaay; J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. t, UII, RE 880 HOUSES Harrison ft Morton. Tel. S14. RE M167 Mah4 When You Write to Advertisers i'of the pVno m.nuon lh." fact Uiit YUIA SUAW LUfJ HU ill AUV S-ww HOUSES and lota In all parts of cl or; also aere property and rarm lauaa. i iw u. . UavU Co., Room K3. Bee Building. - ijw w rmuai , tarmsi FARM31 For bargalna In farm property gp to O'Nelll'a Real Estate-. Agency, equtu Omaha. KE 428 PAYNE. BOSTWICK ft CO., 801 N. Y. Life. na-uiM ra f i. Mn.irs. - n nr.: i. . -1 1 ... 1 1 1 11 . a.. a. . 4th floor N. Y, Life Bldg., omana, msd. iargesi law, i unil-.tlun and real estate agency in the world. Associate banks, attorneys and real eatate brokera In every county In the United States and cities. of foreign coun tries,-. : FOR SALE OR TRADE-160 acres of No. 1 . Jana joining nuii, .aio, .m.o lecu M44 t o., uucuiu, nea.j ... RE MJ08 21- ' ' i i m 22-FOOT business lot on Farnam atreet nmar aati! nwn.r. who le-tnnn.resident. is ' inw in Omaha and 'mudf'setl this week: THIS IS A UREAT BAliUAUN.. It. O. Peters .ft co.,,l03 acnaai bi, ymuna, in en.. ,v fT'" J3MALL H0ME3.',- . BMXLL PRICES. Every One a Bargain. . WALLACE, ' 311-813 BROVN BLOCK. $4V) 3109 Seward, full lot, -r. house, city water,, stable, neiow graue, uui . ory, comfortable and convenleut, use of lota adjoining, rents V. ' 34003821 Fort at. (Central Park add.), goou e-r. cottage, luu lui. . iruia aim ahruhberv. rente 35. $7502617 N. 17th, also kaown aa 2516 Sher- . man ave., gooa t-r. nouse, large ubiu, rents XK.fiO- tS60 222 Charles, S-r. cottage, barn, city water. - , WALLACE, 311 J. J, Brown Blk. ; RE-314 20 WANTED, to buy fo cash, 8-room . modern nouae on west larnam or Hanscom Park car line, S4.UU0 to 36,000. . HARRISON ft MORTON., TEL. 814. ' XJtV9l'V M-J RE 317 23 A SNAP A beautiful home for Bale, 7 rooma. modern, aooa barn, pavea street; price, 3,0u0 encumbrance, 11,200; owner leaving city, inquire cramra ni.. . RE M331 21 IMPROVED farm, 300 acres, '.H mile north I La Platte,. Sarpy county; eaay ternia: &rlce, SGS an acre. Nason, Her Grand otel, Omaha. Neb. RE M332 2f FOR SALE. ' t-room house, city water, sewer, east front. nioe location, oniy tour uiocaa irom mgu anhnol. 11.1(a). Good 8-room houae, south front, two blocks from High school, city water, sewer, win make a nice home for anyone that wanta In llvo in. S2.&U0. Two houses that bring an Income of $22 per month, well located, in aoumwesi pari oi the nltv nnlv ll.fiOO. I Two-story, 7-room house, city water, hot -and cold water, aewer, nam, ioi wxiuu, natural ahade trees, within eaay walking B-room house, lot 20x100. east', front, good cellar and bain, cy water... sia anu a ,1.., DUUIII VIII.1WI rv. . ..- - 20 acres, with small house, 88 apple trees, good roads on three siaea oi it, gooa wen. Will make a nice fruit and chicken farm. Close to Florence, 1,200. , J. A. LOUOREN, 424 Paxton Block. ' , ; . RE M334 20 . FOR SALE. . , ' 240-ACRE RICH FARM, 3 miles from Plattamouth, Neb. Good Improvements. New modern $2,500 house, finlahed In natural wood. Good barn and all other buildings.' 40 acres In orchards, 2,000 se lected apple, 300 cherry, 809 peach trees, all bearing. Finest spring of water In tha state. Fine spring house. Splendid corn land. This farm is all right In every re spect and a great bargain.; Only 815,000. On easy terms. RICHARD C. PATTERSON, Sole Agent., 310 N. T. Life. RE M322 20 MEDICAL. - PR PRIES, the acknowledged leading apeciallat tn disease of women in umana. would call the attention - of suffering ladies to his unsurpassed a ceo m mixta Hons before and during confinement, and hia treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Pr. Pries, Arlington block, 1613 podge, Omaha. -431 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. QRKQO Shorthand. Om, C. Col.. 16tb At Doug 434 A. C. VAN 8 ANT'S School. T17 N. T. Lite. BOYLES College, court reporter principal. I, i. Lira. NEB. Business A Shorthand College. Boyd's 1 neater. - LOST. 15 REWARD for the return of my English Dtilidog, wnite ana onnaio spots, one year old, to 1507 Yatea St. Lost 271 19 I A WHITE fox terrier pup, black ears and face. Reward, owner, w. 11. Wilbur, 4117 Farnam. Loat 370 19 LOST, small Mexican hand carved pocket- book containing Din ana some cnanaje. Return aame to Bee office. Lost 31a 19 LOST, bunch of keys, with tag. Return to Bee offlra. Reward. I-ost M321 32 FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well aa lire. Charter metnDera iree. particu lars from Frank Roaewater, supreme manaa-er. 222 Bee Plda. T34 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential, uoi uougina ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTINO COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. 440 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners. 1424 B. 13th. -4S TREES. FRUTT. shade and ornamental trees, v.nes, shrubs, rohs, small fruits, etc. Addreaa Omaha Nursery, Papllllon, Neb. 9o3 M14 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., -914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 384 OM. Van. tltor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tela. 1559-863. 483 POLICIES PURCHASED. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, purchased. Loana on policies. Call on or write The Putnam Co., 604-S N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 343 " - B I STAMMERING AMD STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 4n6 FLORISTS. U HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1SJ, AUCTIONEER. IN Neb. and Iowa. 2511 N, South Omaha. 909 F23 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 456 VOICE. Muni1 a. diiah , voice, ait oneeiy building. jj7H.1j l FACTORIES. I TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases; trunks repaired. Om, Trunk Factory, 1309 Farnam. - 461 STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co., 209 8. 13th. ' 463 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL. 11. M. S. Walklln, 2111 Cuming St. 404 COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. Phnn. cm. (j4t7 r & DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at home. Mlsa Sturdy. 3043 Farnam. 367 If 29 PHOTOGRAPHER. F. J. HOLOUBEK, photographs. 1263 S. IS. M933 F3U NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee bldg. Tel. 2536. M.iU I FURNITURE REPAIRING. GLOBE COUCH CO., 'lei. 2-29. 1519 Leavenworth. Ml uu LAUAllHI, . OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars, c; cutta, u. xu leaVenworin. Tel. m. MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe- ciaity of nre eacapea, snuuers, aoora ana William G. Madden, plaintiff, vs. Ne salca. M. Anareeu, Prop., IV 8-wih su braska Fire Insurance Company, et al, de- I - - p. MELCHOIR, 13th chiniBta. and Howard, ma--Mil CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds ot carpenter work and repairing I Kire Insurance Company baa been de promptly attended to. J. 'X'. Ocolltree, I dared; that said dividend la payable at my MHh. ana Lake aireeta. 870 I office. In the Brown block, In the city of . 1 I Omaha, and that payment thereof must WM. EVER1TT. Special rates to real ee- lata men; weather stripa put on. Leavenworth, - zsus TYPEWRITERS. NEW ft 2dhand. 1119 Farnam St., Omaha. 4w WILL buy a good aecond-h.nd Remington or Smith-Premier if cheap; give number and price. T 49, Bee. mjm ur a n a in P Immunity from pain . follows skillful dental treatment. De cayed teeth that are success fully filled with gold or other filling cease to be a source ot . trouble end pain. . Gold fill ings 81.50 up. P Bailey th Dcntiit, SIM paalas ttloek. 16th and Farnam Sta. Lady attendant Phone 1088. O! POBTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read dally by all Interested, aa changes may occur aa any uiue.j Forelen mails for the week ending Feb ruary 22, 19u2, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) at the Oeneral Poatofflce a follows: PARCELS POUT MAILS close (iNK HOUR EARLIER than cloelna time ahown below, rarceia roei mans ior cer many c.oi.e at 6:uo p. m. Monday, per a. a. Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosse. and Friday, per a. a. Ural waiaeraee, via iiamourg. Regular and Supplementary analla close . . . , I , I. k- .. 1 , V. . . 1 . . w . . at Foraian Branch half hour later than closing lime shown below (except tha4 Supplementary Mans tor curope ana cen tral America, via Colon, close one hour later at Foreign Brancn). Traaa-Atlaatl Malla. TUURSDAY-U t a. no. for FRANCE, POITOKFK B NOTICE. SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, POR TUGAL, TUHKEY. EGYPT, CKKKCK. BHITISII INDIA and IXRENZO MAR Ql'KZ, per s. a, Ia Toviralne, via Havre (mall for other farts of Europe must be directed "per s. a La Touralne". SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. s. K. M. Thereela (mall must be directed "per s. a. ThereaU"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK direct, per a. s. Island (mall must be directed "per a. a. Island'1); at 11:30 a. m. (supple mentary 1 p. m.) for EUROPE, pe' a. s. Ktruria, via (jueenstown; at 12 m. for AZORES ISLANDS, per a. a. Trojan Prince (mall for Italy must be directed "per s. e. Trojan Prince"). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takee Printed Matter, Commercial Pa pers and Samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unleea specially directed by It. After the closina of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above, ad ditional Supplementary Mulls are opened on the piers of the American, English, French and Herman steamers, ana re main open until within Ten Mlnutea of the hour of sailing ot steamer. Malta far Boath aad Central America, West ladles, Eta. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YU CATAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, pei s. a. Ksperanca (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed "per s. a. Eaperanaa"); at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, tier a. a. Trinidad: at. 10 a m. for BRAZIL, per a. a. Coleridge (mall for Northern Brasll, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must be directed "per s. a. t-'oieridge '). FRIDAY At li m. (supplementary 12.30 D. ml for BAHAMAS ana SANTIAGO. . per a. a. Santiago; at 11:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami, Fla. SATURDAY At a, m. (supplementary 8:30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. S. Philadelphia (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be directed "per s. s. Philadelphia"); at a. in. for PORTO RICO, per a. a. Arkadla, via Ponce (mall must be di rected per s. a. Arkadla ); at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary iu:;w a. m.) lor run TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8AVA N1LLA nnd CARTAGENA, per s. a. Altai (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. a. Altai ): at 8:30 a. m. (nupple mentary 10:91 . m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. s. Andes; at v:m a. m. (supplementary io:; a. m.j for 8T. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEE- 1A7 A XI T a . J li" VT I lU' 1 T) T 1(21 A V rt3 finiti aiiu tv j vv mvL n and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. a. Foutabelle (mall for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. a. Fontabelle"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Mexico, via Havana at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Ollnda, via Matanxas etc. (ordinary mall only, whicn must be directed ' per a. a. Ollnda"). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at tins omce aaiiy at e:w p. m. (con necting close here every Mondny Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence ny steamer, ciose at tnis omce daily at 6:30 p. m. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched dally, final connecting closes, for dispatch via Port Tampa, on Sun days at 4:30 a. m., Wednesdays and Fridays, 6:30 a. m. ; for dispatch via Miami, on Mondays and Fridays at 11:30 p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless - specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally ex cept St.rday at 1:30 p. m. and 11:30 p. in., Sundaya at 1:00 p. m. and 11:30 p. in. Mails for Costa Rica, Bellse, Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thence, by steamer, close ' at this office dallv except Sunday at 1:30 p. m., Sundays at "liOO p. m. (con necting closes here Mondays for Bellse, Puerto Cortea and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at 6:00 p. m. previous day. Trans-Paellle Malls. Malls for China 'and Japan, via Vancou- ver, close nere ORiiy at s:iw p. m. up to reoruary is, irciuaive, tur ainpaicn, per a, a. Empress ot China (registered mall must be directed "via Vancouver." Mercnanaise tor tne u. a. fostai Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:80 p. m. up to Feb ruary. 19. inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Kinshlu Maru. (Registered mall must oe aireetea "via Seattle ). Malls for HawaL China. Japan and Phll- i lpptne Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to February no, inclusive, tor dispatch per s. s. jsip non Maru. ' Mails for Austria (except West Austria, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand. Fill. Samoa and Hawaii, via Ban Francisco. close here dally at 6:30 p. m. alter reoruary "2 ana up to reo ruary 22. Inclusive, or on arrival of a. a. Campania, due at New York February I 22. for dispatch per a. s. Sonoma. I Alans tor nawau, japan, i.mna ana i-nii- ippine jsiaiiuH, via Dan r raiicintTU, uiucc nere aaiiy at e:sv p, m. up to r eoruary 23, inclusive, lor dispatch per a. a. Peru. Malls for Australia (except West Australia 11a, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goea via San Francisco), and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. after February 22 and up to March Ml, InclUHlve, for dlnpatch per a. s. Mlowera (supple mentary malls, via Seattle and Victo ria, close here at 6:30 p. m. March 2). Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to March ' 3, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala. mec"a. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to March 12, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Australia. Trana-Paclflo malls are forwarded to port I of Balling dally and the achedule of clos- I ing is arrangea .n tne presumption or tneir uninterrupted overland transit. Registered mail closes ' at 6:00 p. ta. previous aay. I CORNELIUS VAN'COTT, Postmaster. Poatofflce. New York. N. Y., Feb. 14. 1902. LEGAL NOTICES. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. Tn t Vi A Tt u I ri't Pniipt in m n4 ,- TVn..1. I County. Nebraska. i icnuania. , To all creditors of Nebraska Fire Insur ance Company: You and each of you are hereby notified that in pursuance of an order of the dis trict court of Pouglaa county, made Janu ary 17th. 1902, a dividend of two (2) per cent on all allowed claims aaalnat tha Nnhraalia be demanded at my office, and unless auch demand be made py April lath. 1902, you and each of you will be forever barred from any right to participate In the funds appropriated for said dividend. Such claims must be presented at' the office of the undersigned, receiver, In the Brown block, In the city ot Omaha, Poug laa county, Nebraska, or transmitted to Put.d thla 13th day of-February A. P. 1902. him at tnat aaareaa Dy man. Receiver of the Nebraska, Fir Insurance Company. ,. F13 d3vt NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of tne stockholders of the South Piatt Land company will be held at the office of aald company, in Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 6th day of March, A. D., 1901 By order of the Board of Directors. Lincoln, Nebraaka, Feb. 1, lt2. C. H. MORJtlLL, Preaident F2 430t A. li. MINOR. Secretary. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINO. The annual meeting of stockholders In The Bee Publishing company will be held at their office In the city of Omaha on Mon day, March 8. l'i, at 4 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors and such other bualueaa as may properly come before auch meeting. By order of the preaident. (jt-uuut, IS. lOCliUUK, Secretary. FeblK lOtMftE GOVERNMENT NOTICE. PROPOSALS. Fort Riley, Kansas, February 18, 1902. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be re ceived at this office until 11 a. m... central time, March 20, 19u2, and then opened, for conatructlng tha following bulldlnaa. In- I eluding plumbing, heating and electric wlr- ing: One artillery barracka and one double cavalry carnuKi at rort miey, Kansas. Bidders will state in their bid the time in which they will complete the work, aa time will form an Important consideration in the award. Full information and blank forms I of proposal furnished upon application to I . I .. ,.M. Tlna mnA ,n...lrii.llan, maw thla office. Plana and apecidcatlona may be seen here, also In omce ot depot quarter master at Chlcaao. Bt. Iula and Omaha. United States reserves the right to accept t.r twt anv m all tirotioaala or anv nart thereof. t.nveiopee to ie inooraea i ro noaala for Public Buildings" end addressed Captain G. O. Creea, constructing ansrter- master. DELIGHTED WITH RESULTS Cakinaaa Haass Orstifitd Crtr Prermiof Irbitmisn Csmsiittss'a Wsrk. THIRTY OUT OF THIRTY-SIX MEMBERS MEET Plans with Alteraatlvea Ara Proposed for tha Peaceable lettleaaeat at , Capital-Labor Ceatre- NEW YORK. Feb. 1!. The first meeting of the executive committee of tnlrty-etx, appointed through the National Civic Fede ration to arbitrate labor troubles, was held hers today, with Senator Hans In the chair. The object of the gathering was to receive a report on a working plan by means of which strikes, lockouts and other forms of disputes between capitalists and the laboring. clasa may be settled. This plan was presented by a subcommit tee In the form of a set ot by-laws, which provide that the chairman of tha executive committee of the federation shall appoints' committee on conciliation to consist of nine members, three of whom shall be selected from each group of the executive commit tee, representing capital, labor and the general public, whose duty it shall be at the request of the chairman, upon Informa-' tlon of a threatened strike or lockout ol more than local magnitude, to use Its good' offices In restoring hsrmenlous relations, re porting Its action to the executive commit tee. Provide mn Alternative. Should the efforts of the conciliation com-. mlttee prove Ineffective snd should both parties to the dispute deslrs the servlcs of . the executive committee, they may be directed to secure two employers sad two wage-earners from the executive committee, to serve sa an arbitration board. Should these fall to appoint an umpire to finally settle the dispute they may select a fifltt member from the division representing the public. Should a controversy if em of such mag nitude as to Justify such action the officers of the executive committee shall be au-' thorlsed to call a meeting of the entire executive committee to consider the ques tion and to take such action aa may In Its ; Judgment be required. The executive committee may appoint ' local committees to deal with local disturb ances, the rules governing the same to be ' In harmony with the general purpose of tbo Industrial department. Delighted with Results. At the close, ot the meeting Senator Hanna said: Tha meetlntr waa verv Batlsfactnrv. Thirty out of thirty-six members were present and the spirit displayed was splen did. We feel delighted with the results of our efforts toward utter harmony between capital and labor. Among those who attended the meeting were: Senator Hanna, Cornelius N.. Bliss,, Oscar N. Straurs, Charles Francis Adams , ot Boston, Archbishop Ireland, Bishop Pot-, ter, Charles W. Eliot, preaident of Harvard university;' John u, Mllburn ot Buffalo, Charles J. Bonaparte of Baltimore, H. P. . Vreeland, Marcus M. Marks, James A. , Chambers, William H. Phfalers, Samuel . Oompers, John Mitchell, president ot the United Mine Workers of America; Frank P. Sargent, .grand master of the Brother-. hood of Locomotive Firemen, and Theodore J. Shaffer, president of the Amalgamated association. BIG DEAL IN MINING LANDS r Capital Ponrlaa; Into Sowtb Dakota tat Acquire Valuable Mlaeral Prop erties Near Deadwood. DEADWOOD. 6. D., Feb. 19. (Special.) . A mining deal involving a consideration of 1750.000 Is pending In the Bear Oulch die- , trlct. A California ayndlcats has lately taken a bond on several hundred acrea of ground In the district, the bond running until September 1, 1902. John Treber of , Deadwood, Edward Groifield of Spearfish, E. St. John, Mark Heidloff and a number . ot others of Bear Gulch have placed their properties In the bond for prices ranging from $40,000 to 175,000. The ground under bond lies around Nigger Hill and almost surrounds the Inter-Ocean property. Tbo syndicate taking the bond has undertaken to develop the claims and confidently ex pects to meet the final payments. South Dakota Ineorporatlona. PIERRE, S. D., Feb. 19. (Special.) These article of Incorporation bave been filed: Interstate Associated Trust company, at Pierre, with a capital of 5,000,OijO. Incor porators: Hubert 8. Cronk George W. Caudle. R. M. J. Tallman. Bonde-Beck company, at Arlington, with ' a capital of 110,000. Incorporators: John W. Bonde, Charlea O. Beck and F. E.' Barthe. Evangelical Lutheran church of Java, Walworth county. Trustees: Ludwlg Hahn, Matthoua Wolf, Philip Splry and John Bleber. Bohemian Benevolent Society of Scot land. Trustees: Kmll Walanke, Frank Stenhagen and Ferdinand Coch. Emmanuel congregation, at Mount Ver non. Trustees: Joseph K. Johnson, O, T. Holland and O. Narmick. Platte 'Phone company, at Platte, with a capital nf 2,0u0. Incorporators: T. E. An drews, B. H. Brady. George R. Ellsworth, J. W. Gray and F. C. Smith. Bed Rock Oold- company, at Rapid City. a capital of 11,000,000. Incorporators: P. Stevenson. G. A. J. Mlllair and Oscar Nelson. Federal Votma Machine company. . at Pierre, with a capital ot 8S.0no.O0O. Incor porators: Frederick (J. Tompkins, Thornton N. Motley and Oscar Nelaon. Robert Emmett Mining and Milling eora-: pany, at I'lerre, with a capital of 1160,000. fiicorporatora: Julius Zetssche, Benjamin H. Doner and J. E. Evana. Klnaabury County Land oomnanv. at Het- land, with a capital of HO.Ouo. Incorpora tors: Henry Mauch, George J, Clark and P. H. Crothers. Etowah oold Mining and Mining com- rany. at Pierre, with a capital of 31.000,000. ncorporatora: Thomas M. Keysor, A. Wellstrup and Oscar Nelson. Self-Heatlng Branding Iron company, at Pierre, with a capital ef 126,OnO. I ncorpora tora: Abner A. Plilpps, J. E. Evans and Warner B. Hitch. Honey Uold and silver Mine, at nerre. with a capital of 32.ouO.UOO. Incorporators: James T. Stanton. Frank E. McKensi and O. W. Sanders. Enterprise on and Development company, at Pierre, with a capital of $280,0(10. Incor porators: Fred Homer, Tbomaa 8. Ather stone and L. L. Stephens. western Lana company, ai woonsocxett, with a canltal of !'..t0. Incorporators: W. T. Brlgga, Elmer E. Hunter and Pal Hun ter. Pakota Stat bank, at Baltic, witn a cap ital of 10,0u0. Incorporators: James F. Toy, H. u. boiem, w. iiass ana u. n. Sweester. Northwestern Industrial company, at Pierre, with a capital of $900,000,006. Ineor- orators: 'I noma 11. neaant, Mortimer letxger and Oscar Nelaon. A Good Start, For well merited supremacy Most 'ft Chandon Champagne shows far In the lead throughout tha world and la America Its. increase during 1901 I greater than 100 per cent ot the combined Increass ot all tha other champagne houses. Most ft Chandon Whit Seal, Epernay, Francs, Is a dry, delicate and delicious champagne. Adf. KOLUKD-ALSERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, 8. M. New Twtn-Screw a. a. ef 13,Cu0 tons register. T5K22T Rotterdam " Steamer AMSTERPAM, March 810 A. U TSteafnerW St3t&Dl!uu1 Mar. 16, 10 A.M. ' Apply to Harry Moorea 14U Farnam street; J. 8. McNally. 1328 Farnam street; li. 8. Jones, iMi Farnaia sueet, Omaha.