Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEt THTJItSIJAT, FEBRUAHY 20, 1002. COMMERCIAL 1ND FINANC11L Qrttal Jtg Ling Owing it Btariik laat! aaai ii tit Markat tlRN CLOSES LOWER AND WHEAT NERVOUS (lata aad Provisions Arc Also Affect kg the Depreaalns; lilaeatti aad Cloac at Lower Flgorrs. CHICAGO. Feb. 19. Orslns inward along In a dull rut today. Ilearlshneaa wan the uppermost characteristic, but no narrow Waa the range that May wheat closed only Ho lower, May corn a shade down and May oata Vic lower, Provisions closed fytf UUo depressed. Early trade In wheat waa small and ner vous, with tendency toward lower prices. Cables were lower. Flour newa waa weak and the weather for winter wheat was food. This induced aome ahort selling and sent prices down a trifle. Northwestern receipts were liberal and predictions from that section of the country Indicated a bet ter spring movement. The seaboard was bidding, but at prlcea lo lower. Dull news waa also a bearish factor. May opened Ho to K8"0 lower at 7SHru78o and fiddled around for over an hour with hardly a change. Weakness In coarse grains helped to depress wheat and May eventually touched Tla. There had been some selling for longs by the southwest and commission houses had sold aome for the out-lde ac count. For a time It looked as if the mar ket could be manipulated easily, but when New York worked a fair business on the break the crowd that had gone short early came In and bought. Most of the loss waa regained and May closed steady, He down at 7(4 o. There waa a sprinkling of bullish ness throughout the session, which, how aver, had little strengthening effect, when the reports had It that much of the winter wheat country hlch was supposed to be under snow was unprotected. Ban Fran- dsco also reported a fair continental de mand and prices went up He. tiocal re ceipts were 22 cars, none of contract grade. Minneapolis and Duluth reported 2M cars, making a total for the three polnta of 276, gainst 2M laat year. This day last week Was a holiday. Primary receipts were 437, ooo bushels, compared to 436,000 last year. Beaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled 440,000 bu-hels. The seaboard re ported 12 loads taken for export. A bearish sentiment carried over from yesterday depressed corn at the openlna. Commission houses sold some of the south west. There was no Improvement In the cash situation and a general bearish ten dency prevailed. Prices hung somewhat under laat night's close. One large profes sional bought in to some extent and buoyed the market for a time, but when he threw over hla purchases the crowd went short and May broke to 80c. The general situa tion waa almost unchanged. Clearances were very small and the movement was light, colder weatner was preaiciea in me feeding country and the freer movement expected west showed no signs of beginning at once. There were several little spurts of activity in corn and near the close the sr!" short sellers took profits. This brought a steady condition and May closed only a shad. under at 614C. Receipts were 84 cars. Oats had little life snd followed corn closely.. Prices fluctuated over a range of only He though there was a slight decline from yesterday. The steady tone at the close waa felt on the revival In corn. The close waa Ho down at 4Hc. Receipts were 70 cars. Provisions were quiet, but were depressed by general celling, following the early grain weakness. Hog receipts at the yards were light and brought better prices, but the sentiment was more bearish than for weeks. May pork closed j2tyc down at I1R.T7H. May lard R(g7Hc lower at 19.40 4.42H and May ribs Be lower at 18.45. Estimated recelpte for tomorrow: Wheat, SS cars; corn, 75 cars; oata, 80 cars; hogs, , 40.000 head. - The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. H!gh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat ' May 78fi4 78 T7 7RHf T84?J4 July 78HH 7S 7S4 78H' 78 Bept. Tl 77 77H 77 Corn May 6iH"4 gin 4 eiH6iyv8H July 61 "i 614, DON, 61', 614 Sept. 60H 6059li&H 60 60 Oats May 43ffH43Vff 43 43 43 July 3KV4 36 36itH 86 36 .Bept.-- Hi :.31 - 81 81 Pork , , May 15 82 15 85 15 70 IB 77 IS 90 July IS 80 IB 86 15 82 15 87 15 97 Lard . May 47 9 50 9 87 9 40-2 9 47 July 9 57 9 60 9 B0 9 62 9 60 Ribs May 8 47 8 47 8 42 8 45 8 60 July 8 57 8 57 8 52 8 55 8 60 Bept. 8 62 8 62 8 60 8 62 8 70 No. J. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Market steady: winter patents 3.8u&4.00; straights 83.40iBS.70; clears, S3.003 8.40; spring specials, (4.20; patents, 83-213 8.70: straights. S2.904r3.20. WHEAT No. 8 spring, 7075c; No. t red, 84fi)6MiC. OATS-No. 2. 43iS-43c; No. t white. 453 o"4c; rxo. wnue, vstfftc. RYE No. 2. 61c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 61! 63. SEEDS No. 1 flax. 81.67H: No. 1 north western. 81.72; prime timothy, J6.4OQ6.50; clover, contract grade, 89.25. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $1555 8715.60. Lard, per 100 lbs.. I9.20tf(9.22fe. Short ribs sldea (loose). 88.30fiX.45. Drv salted shoulders (boxed). 2712fej7.25. Short clear aides (boxed), WHISKY Basis of high wines, tl.31. The following were the receipts and ship- Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbla 38,000 2),000 Wheat, bu M.000 63.000 Corn, bu 94,XiO 37.0 K) Oata, bu , 44.0HO 84,000 Rye, DU 1.0W 1 QUO Barley, bu 55,000 28,000 On the Produce exchange todav the hut. ter market waa steady; creameries, lSfeja 28c; dairies, Waiic. Cheese, firm, 1012o, unmiucu, irnn, a-to. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Varloaa ch 272 saetattoas of the Day ' Commodities NEW YORK. Feb. 19. FT.rf7T R.lnl. 1.183 bbls.; exports, 1.991 bbls.; market quiet, but firmly sustained at old prices; winter paiems. nt,wQ.a; winter 1.85: Minnesota patents. sota bakers, 82.9u(ii3.35 ; winter low grades. 82t4i2 9o. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good. f3.26fi3.40; choice to fancy, I3.50.tf3. 76. CORN MEAL Dull: yellow weHtern. 81.27: city. 81. 25; Brandywlne, 83.60tfj3 70. RYE Dull: No. 2 western, 66o. f. o. b . auiuai, bloic, invoou, u. . j., new xork. tar Ion. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 6366c. c I f . New York; malting, u72c, c. i. f.. New York. WHEAT Receipts. 22.800 bu.: exports. 90,0. bu. Spot, steady; No. 2 red. 88c, i. u. d. , no. rea, wvc, elevator No. 1 northern, Duluth. 6tV. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard. Manitoba. K9c. f. o h afloat. It waa a alow market all riuv in wheat, generally easier at first, (wi-ium of disappointing cables, prospects for larger receipts, liquidation and short selling, but steadier in the lat hour on covering and export rumors. Closed steady at c net decline. March closed at 84c; May, 8311-16 ((84 l-16c, closed at S4c; July, WSl!iC closed at 3c; September, 8n'Oi31-lbc, closed at CORN RecetDta. 10.0CO bu. Rnnt No. 8. 68c. elevator, and 6tc. f. o. h afl,mt' Weakened at first by cable advices, the decline In wheat and liquidation, corn sub sequently recovered on a demand from shorts and export bulnes. Mmv, 6irV, ic. cloaed at HV: Julv, E.1i,Cjlc. closed mi whk, oepiemuer. ojuo -lttc, closed u OATS Receipts. W.0t0 bu.; exports. 15 du. Bpoi, mm; ro. s, vc; ro. s, 4Sc; No 2 white, 61J?51c; No. 8 white. 61c; truck mixed western. 4ti60c: track white. Mi.a Stic. Options opened easier, but later rallied with corn. HAY Steady; shipping. AOuoc; good to HOPS Firm; slate, common to choice 1901 crop. 14(i18e; J0 crop. I;il3c: nlda s,i 6c; Pacirtc coast. liai crop, 14ul!- ; ISi.'O crop, ItirtFH Diilvt r.ulvt,n 9rt tA Ik. IRc; California. 21 to 2i lbs., 19',c; Texas dry. !4 to 30 lbs.. 14'ie. LEATHER Oulet; hemlock sole. Buenos Ayrea. ngnt to ueavyweignta, ztDi'.'ac. WOOL Firm; domestlo fleece. i'i.ii"c. PROVISIONS Heef. firm; family, 111 13. uu; mm w'fl i.w; Deer uma, l.'"i)i a w; panel, uu.a; city extra Iiidl mes. $17 Sti'19 50. Cut meats, steady; plckl. bellies. 8.2&i8.dO; plckUd Khouldera. 8' nu'Kieu Hams, s iyn lu.w. Lrd. steady western steamed, .6o; refined, steady; con tliieut, 89 76; South America, 810.76: com pound. 17.7UD8.U0. Pork, oteadv: family !7 i."r?!7.h0. short vicar, 817.50& 20.00; mesa, 116 OvXij 17 .!. TALLOW Firm; city. Cc; country, CO 'c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra ri'-i Japan, ut'c. bCTTKR Heceipia. 7.326 pkg. : firm state dairy. i :&c; creamery. Z-yHX-; Jun creamery, 17(ri-'Sc; factory. Iiin21c. ClItKiSE Receipts. I.edO ykg. ; fancy large cariy luaae, colored, iviruc; fan large early made, white, lO-lifHc: fanrv small, state, full cream, early made, col ored, 12c; fancy small, atate, full cream. iny made, white, 12c. KOOH Recelnta. 2.7117 nkn ' nulet and easy; state and Pennsylvania, 3uc; west ern, at mark. xc. J'UULIKI-Alive, easier; springers, 110; urkeys, Uc; fowls, llc. Dressed, slow; prlr.aers, li213c; fowls. Sialic; turkeys, 14'(l inc. MKTAIS All the local metal markets were quiet today, with copper snd tin a shade lower, but spelter was a trifle higher. The local market for tin closed with spot noted at I24.87H'525.25. while at London pot was 10s lower and futures off 1 6s. Spot cloned at 116 IDs and futures at 10 Ifis. Copper waa 6s lower for spot at ondon, with futures 7a 6d off. spot closing it 55 10s and futures at 54 Km. Ixirnl prices closed with lake at 812 2"fi 12.50. electrolvtia at tl2.2ui7il2.ri0 and chsIIiik at 812.37. Lead waa steady and unchanged at 84.12. London lead closed unchnnced at 11 12s 6d. Spelter was firm at S4.12Vut 17H here and London was Arm nt 17 7s Sd. Iron was firm here. The Kntrlinh markets were somewhat higher. Glasgow closed at 53a 3d and Mlddlesborough closed t 4is 7d. pig iron warrants closed here t JU SOft 12.50: No. 1 northern foundry. 817.50 n8.5o; No. 2 northern foundry.; No. 1 southern foundry, 816.sMft7.60; No. 1 southern soft foundry, 116.50(17.00. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Conditlosi of Trade and (taotatloaa am Staple aad Fancy Prodace. ROnfl Recelnta ll.hl- mirl resh. stock, 80c LIVE POULTRY Hens, 8fie; old oostera. 4S6c; turkeys, 510c; ducks and teese. IGitU' nrlnor rKllfon. rmr I V if. j- . . , -- H, DRESSED POULTRY-Turkeya. ll13c: dUckS. Kkilllcr mu firAinn- mrln rlilnl,. fttilrtcjhens, 910c. ' buukr- Common to fair, 18(frle; oairy, in tuDt, l821c; aeparator, VTtCtf.v.KJ mart du.i. i . bass, 10c; blueflsh, 12c; bullheads, 10c; buf faloes. 7c; catfish. 12c; cod, 10c; crnpples. lie: hallhnt hin i,.jj..i.' r. pike, 8c; red snapper, 10c; salmon, 12c; aun- flat, C. . . . . A.. V. i . a . . . ilT. V , vv wiiiiennn. no; picaerei. iiiBvuri, uu, "i .ije ; smelts, loo OYSTERS Mitltimi nor . r. ). ards, per can, 25c; extra selects, per can. 83c; New York Counts, per can. i9z; bulk diiiiuiuuii, per gai., si.oo; duik extra se lects. 81.001.65; bulk New York counta, per gal., 11.76. t'lucoMt-Llve, per doi., 60c VEAL-Cholce. 6fi8c. , .. CORN-63C. OATS 60c. BRAN Per ton, 820. M AY "Prinmm Mimt v.. M-v ttti , - aale Hay Dealers' association: Choice up- upiana, ; meiium, 87.60; coarse. 17 Tt i. -r. . tn nh... n.j - are for hay of good color and quality. De- imm lair, xiece-ipis, a cars. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-Northern, 81.0C; Salt Lake, 110; Colorado, 81.10. CARROTS Per bu.. 75c BEETS Per bu. basket, 60c, tt;rtv;ipr pr hi, .k.... looTb." 51.25. - parsnips Per bu.. 80c. CUCUMBER8 Hothouse, per do.. 82 4a GRKKN OMONS-Per doi.. 26c. house lettuce, per doz., 35c, rnnoLiCj i rer aoz., Z6c. RADISHES Per dos., 35c. SWEET P JTATOKS Home grown, per )., 3c; Kansas, per bbl., 83.25. CAPBAOE Holland seed, crated, 2c. CAULIFLOWER Per crate. 82.75. flWIflNH On.nUI, n.. ..... -. -. . an, red or yellow, 30 per lb. i anrornia. op76c TOMATOESl ITInrtriia ru.. a.k..I,.t . - , - w-wnoKvb kllLf, 5. FRUITS. ATTT.lTja Cm Ti. .... -, . W ntuni XR- IE Eft. .. . . ........ fu.w, Evuenow- ers. per box. 81.76., PEARS-Vlkera. 82.25; Lawrence. 82.150 GRAPES Malagas, per keg, 88. mNBCBnii-a ir kki -. 82.56. " NAVY BEANS Per bu.. 82.15, TROPICAL FRUITS. OR A NOTTS California m u.l. naun. budded, ma 1 ?SAi5s 5!?.. .... $2.25rM.76. ' " FIGS California, new cartons, 81; Im ported, per lb., 12S14o. M1BCJSUUANEOU8. shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb.. llc: No. 8 soft shell, 10c; No. 8 hard ahelL 9c; t)r.,ll. ... . K All..... ,7. ' almonds, soft shell, 17o; hard shell, l6oi pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per sack, 88.50. ii A v i." v n.. ii i . , .. u c nr feKiumi case, sj.zo. r - - .. , vu., f.w, IHW Tork, 83.50. purtJUKN per lb., 5c No 1 salted. 7c; No. X salted, c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c; No. 3 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 7c; dry hides. 8lJoj sheep pelts, 75o; horse hides, t&0if2.25. St. Leals Grata and ProTlsloaa. BT T ATTTO v.t. In nTTtnim n . . No. 8 red cash and elevator, 84e; track. r'AP TC Poaiof XT a aVa . a i M Tl ?.;o . if.... vrs, . M. , , OATS Easier; No. 8 cash, 45c; track 46rjj)48c; May, 4c; July, 86c; No. i white, 47Sj.48c. Y V t.' Ml.. i r . CO. r buun-iiuii, unchanged; red winter I. . o."-.w, cin inucy ana straignt, Dtcu-iimomy, a tea ay, o.7btr.00; prime CORN MEAL Steady, 83.10. BRAN Dull; sacked, eaat track, 90c. HAY Easv: tlmothv. Ill FJuMk nA. i.. 88.60rdl2.60. " ' " ' WHISKY Steady, 81.81. IRON COTTON TIES 81. B AGOING 6a'c HEMP TWINE-ltc. T ii ri7T ainxr a t.l, i . . , . . XIKli; nlrl XlKdn T a I.I UJ. J?" Dry salt meata (boxed), dull, weak; extra r .2. "''vl Him, n--; ciear sinea, 88.87. Bacon (boxed), dull, weak; extra a.uu wwr riu, iv.aim ciear sides, $9.62. METALS Lead, steady at 84.06; spelters, lower at 83.92. , POULTRY Steady; chlckena. 8c; tur keys, 10rallc; ducks, 10c; geese. 6c FtTTTTTT R Plpm - grammar, ' Ol.', dairy. 19ih4c. ' . kuo-Lower at 81c. HKPKrPTH rim, K AAA . ..I . M 000 bu.; corn, S2,ono bu.; oats. 4a,Ono bu. Dn.x-oijn in r iour, puis.; wheat 83,ou) bu.; corn, 77.0UO bu.; oats, 63,000 bu. Kaaaaa City Grata aad Froylaloaa. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 19 WHEAT-V.. 75c; July, 74c; cash. No. 8 hard. 7576c; No. 8. 7tf75c; No. 2 red, 85c; No. 8 red 84fic; No. 8 spring. 74c., ic; September, 69c; cash. No. 3 mixed. 60fg6ic; No. 8 white. 6inc: No. 8. W'i'Seic. OATS No. 3 White, 46'H47c. RYr-No. 2, 60fflc. HAY Choice timothy. 318.50: rhuli.. prmrie, sk.oi. BUTTER Creamery. 2226c; dairy. EGOS Steady freah Missouri and Kan sas sioca quotea on cnange, Z7o per dos., loss off, cases returned; new whltewood cases Included. 27l4c. RECEIPTS-Wheat. 24.400 bu.; corn, 97,600 DU. ( (JI8.I.B, II,IM) 8JU. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 12.000 bu.: rnrn IU,1W UU. , VKll, l,VW UU, Peoria Market. PEORIA. Feb 19. CORN Inactive. w a, k--. OATS Quiet; No. 2 white, 44fH4e, v litKivx None- Whisky quotations were ausnenrleA nn the Peoria Boaid of Trade todav for th nrsi urns it tne niatory of the exchanae This arlnei from complications grolng out of unauthorized pouting of 31.28 basis ior nmanea iiouoj yeftieraay morning, linn wun luriunen py a local nrm with out knowledge of the New York manage nearby, 85c; fresh western, 25c: fresh aouth- western, .V-.; fresh southern, 32c, CHKKSK Firmer : New York full creams, fancv small. Ilal2c: New York lull creams, fair to choice, 9ijUc MJW YORK STOCKS AXD BOSDS. Market Active at the Last Hoar, Sense ' Storks neeoverlae; Slightly. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. The principal ac tivity In today's stock market wa concen trated In the final hour, when Union Pa cific and St. Paul, after lying quiescent all day, were suddenly pressed up about a point over last night. At the same time there was an urgent demand developed for Tennessee Coal, the reuaon for which was ot explained, but which carried the price 3 over last nlRht. These actions, coming n top ot desultory advances in siocks not sualiy active, caused a hardening tendency II around and disposed the shorts to cover. The earlier strong points meantime suf fered from realizing, so tnai me closing was Irregular, but active. The speculative activity was confined to the high-priced Industrials and the stocks of small railroad systems up to that time. The movement in Bugar and Amalga mated Copper waa very erratic and after ravermng a wide range, mey ciosea tne lay with net eains of only a fraction. The dealings In the United States Steel stocks were very large, and buying by brokers usually used by syndicate Interests was on a large scale, but the speculative public refrained from following the initiative, which waa supposed to be based upon the tentative proposition to convert the pre ferred stock into a per cent bona, i ne Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville stocks nd the Evansvllle ft Terre Haute atocas made sensational advances on the belief that they are to be Included In a coming consolidation. The United Btatea Rubber stocks were moved upward on the basia of the wet weatner, wnicn increased tne de mand for the company's goods. There were wild movements In other minor stocks, some showing new strength and others dropping back. The general market was Inclined to be reactionary during tne morn ing, the Readings, especially, showing the ffect of oroftt-takina-. The Question of gold exports tomorrow was open all day nd tne decision to send goia was an in uence In the late rally. Rates for money re unchanged, but the undertone Is firm. The flow of funds from the Interior to this center has become small. The fact' Is evident that syndicates and large capital ists are following up the resources or tne monev market as closely as possible by taking up the greater part of the available credits, and the professional speculntor with borrowed money on margin knows from hard experience that his convenience Is the last to be consulted while other re quirements are to be met In the money market. With the uncertainties of the Northern Securities case and the coming dubious period regarding the next wheat crop, speculators are disposed to go cau tiously. There Is a continued good demand 'for bonds of various grades, but the movement of prices continues Irregular, owing to oc casional profit-taking. The general tend ency, however, waa firm. Total sales, par value. X3.i6.u. United States refunding 2a advanced per cent on the last can. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: The stock mar ket continued weak early today on re newed liquidation of Kaffirs, but the selling ceased around noon. Paris came a buyer, and the close was cheerful. The Consoli dated African Copper trust was Introduced today witnout a prospectus. i ne cpui la to be 600.000. Instead of 2.667.000. as was rumored on Monday. The market rilailirpri the romnnnv. which it describes as a Barnato bang, requiring onna con fidence on the part oc tne puonc. isew York bought united mates oteei, out neg lected railroad shares. Rio tlntoe were teadv and money rates were unaiterea. Th. followlna are tne closing prices on the New lorn biock exenanga; Atchison do pfd Baltimore & O do pfd Canadian Pao. Canada So Chea. ft unio.. Chicago & A.. do pia... Chi. Ind. & It.... 61 do pi a hum Chi. E. Ill 1411 Chicago G. W.... 24 do 1st pfd 85 ri 24 nfri 46 lAdams EX 196 Chi. Sc. N. W 219 American Ex 230 c" R? LAP 163 U. 8. Ex 114 Chi. uer. tt it... io ..o-i m.i' a r tm mulAmal. Cod Der ... 69 C. C. C. ft St. Ii.101 Amer. Car & F.. 8 Colorado So 18 LP": S do 1st Pfd tV ". WH, . . ai MlaaeapolU Wheat. Flour aad Braa MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 19.-WHEAT-C.ish 74SC: May. 71 '4c; July, 76'c. On track: No nam. m-i -. i nuruiern, i-iic; AO. northern. 73'fi73Vc. FLOUR First patents, SS9iS?3.95: second v .rwvo, uibi clears,'gj.ftO BRAN In bulk, 315. Mllnauh.ce Urala Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb' 19. WHEAT .ower; no. i nortnern, TB'-jc; No. 2 north ei ii. i.i-i-. miy, iac. RYE Dull: No. 1. tiMifilr. BARLEY Lower; No. 2, 6163c; sample, CuRN May, 61c. Toledo Grain aad Seed. TOLEDO, Feb. 1.-WHEAT-Csh. 87c May. Ktic: July, Rlc. t urtiN May and Julv. 62fi62',.c. OATS May. 44,c: Julv. JSc. SEED Clover, February, 8160; March Philadelphia Pre4e.ce Market. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 19.-BUTTER- rirm. gooa aemana; extra western cream ery. -: extra nearby Drluta. z2c. fXKiU Steady, co4 aemuud; freh . 77i . 97 .104 . 94 .U51 . 861 . 4i . 86 76 So. Pacific 66 So. Railway SK'v do Dfd Pi'. Tex. ft Pacific... 42 Tol., St. U ft W. 21 ao pia i Union Pacific ....103 do Dfd 8914 Wabaah 24 do pfd 44 Wheel, ft L. B... 19 do 2d pfd 31 Wis. Central 21 do pfd 41 u balances, 81.6(0.46; posted exchange, 84 86 for sixty days, 84 wr on demand; New York exchange 6c premium. Bi, tAicjw, rcb. i. Clearings, S9,633,s3; balances, 31,149.43.1; money, 4' per cent New York exchange, par. CINCINNATI. Fell. 19 Clearlnas. 83.840.. 260; money, 3fr per cent; New York ex change. 2oc discount bl. 1AJUJH. Feb. 19. Clearings, 39,633.820; balances, 31,149,433; New York exchange, par. New York Moacg Market. ' NEW YORK, Feb. 19. MONEY On call, stegdy, 2C(i2 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4i4 per cent; sterling exchange, firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.87 Kir demand and at 34.84 for sixty days; posted rates, S4.8i(H.88; commercial DIMS, tt.MVf4.lK. SILVER Bar. 65V.c: Mexican dollars, 43-Sc. uuin us uovernment, nrm, atate, inac tive; rullroad, firm. The closing quotations on bonds ara as follows: U. 8. ref. 2a, reg.inR, do coupon W do 3s. reg 1 do coupon life do new 4s, reg.l.v do coupon 139 do old 4s. reg.. .Hi do coupon 112 do is, reg lot do coupon Ins Atch. gen. 4a 104 ao am. s IM1 Bait, ft Ohio 4s.. 103 ao ii8 w L. ft N. unl. 48.101 Mex. Central 4s.. 62 do Is Inc Sl'i M. A St, L. 48...105 M.. K. ft T. 48... 99 do 28 83i N. Y. Central ls.103 do gen. avts lWi N. J. C. gen. 5a.. 1W No. pacllic 48. do 3s 103 N. ft W. con. 4a. 74 Reading gen. 4s.. 99 fit L ft I M C. 68.117 791 95 ,.120 do COI1V. 48 HWVa Kl t. Jk R F 4s Canada Bo. 2s... 110. st I. . W. la. Cent, of Ga. 5a. ..Ill do 2s do 1st Inc 79 a A A V 4a.. Ches. ft O. 448..110 Iro. Pacific 4a... Chi. ft A. 8s.... 84 Ho. Railway 6s.. .120 C. B ft U n. 4s... WrtT. A. Pin. la... 12074 C, M ft 8 P g.48.114 ,T, St L ft W 4s. M C ft N W c. 7a..l48iUnlon Paclflo 48.104 C, R 1 ft P 4s. ...111 do conv. 4a 107U Wabash la 1181 V - ..ill' CCC & S L g. 4s.l03 Chicago Ter. 4a.. 8 Colorado Bo. 4a... 94 D. ft R. G. 4a.. ..102 crie prior I. 48... irj do general 4s... 88 F. W. ft D. C. la.linii Hock.' Val. 4s. ..109 do 2s Ills do deb. B 73. West Shore 4a. ..113 W. ft L. E. 4s.... 93 Wis. Central 4a.. K9U Con. Tob. 4s 66 Bid. Foreign Financial. LONDON, Feb. 19.-The tightness of money was not relieved today. Several amounts In loans due to the Bank of Eng land have been renewed dally. The result Is doubtful until the turn of the financial year, consequently discounts were disposed to harden. Business on the Btock exchange opened Irregular and Inanimate. High-class securities were neglected. Home rails Im proved a fraction. Americans were dull, barely at parity, though a few stocks hardened In sympathy with New York and cloeed quiet. Rio tlntos eased and re hardened. Copper waa irregular and closed firm at 65. Kaffirs, which occupied the chief attention, recovered after a forced liquidation. Mexican rails hardened on tratltc returns. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres, 142.40; Madrid. 35.67; Lisbon, 30; Rome, 22.60. Indian council bills were allotted today at la 4 l-32d. PARIS, Feb. 19. Buxlnesa on the bourse today started hesitating, owlpa to the continued weakness of Kaffir-. Later there waa a general recovery and prices cloned firm all around. Spanish 4s were in better demand, owing to the belief that the strike troubles In Barcelona will shortly end. Italians hardened. Thomson-HouBton re covered. Metropolitans were dull. Russian Industrials finished firm. Rio tlntos were adversely affected by New York advices. Kaffirs rallied well during the latter part of the day, In consequence of large pro vincial purchases and London buying or ders. The private rate on discount waa unchanged today at 2 9-16 per cent. Three Ser cent rentes, lOlf 16c for the account. Ixchange on London, 26f 14c for checks. Spanish 4s closed at 78.25. BERLIN. Feb. 19. Home funds were In good demand on the bourse today In con sequence of the easier rate for private discount. Spanish 4s, Chinese and Argen tines maae a gooa recovery, xocais fluctu ated somewhat, but rallied at the close. Exchange on London. 20m 4Urjfra for checks. Discount rates for ahort bills, 1 per cent; for three months' bills, 1 per cent . Jan. 87... Jaa. 88... Jan. 38... Jan. 30k.. Jan. 31... Jan. 31... Feb. I.... Feb. 3.... Feb. 8.... Feb. .... Feb. .... Feb. 6.... Feb. 7.... Feb. 8.... Feb. 8.... Feb. 10... Feb. 11... Feb. 12... Feb. 18... Feb. 14... Feb. 16... Feb. 16... Feb. 17... Feb. 18... Feb. 19... do nfd. Amer. S. ft R... do pfd Anac. Mln. Co.. oJ3 Brooklyn R T.. JSC -oio. r uei ee i., (muT Con. Gaa ESlCon. Tob. pfd.., .190 Gen. Electrio dn 2d nfd 84 Del. ft Hudson... 172 Del. I A W 283 Denver ft R. G.. 44 ao pia , Erie do 1st pfd , do 2d Dfd Gt. Nor. pfd...., Hock. Valley ... ao pia Illinois Central. Iowa Central .. do pfd Lake Erie ft W UU UIU I'M .T . l . . T.. A N loss Manhattan L lM,"?"0"?! Balt Met. St. Ry 170 ??": ex. Central .... WFIZZ0 . 48 . 46 . 7 . 33 . 62 . 87 .222 .116 ZS1 M Mex. National Minn, ft St. L... Mo. Pacific , I.. K. ft T do Dfd N. J. Central... N. Y. Central... Norfolk A W... do pfd. STf Olucose Sugar... 44 Y'.1 Vfnolrlna- Cn.l in. Inter. Paper ..!!! 20 g4""-.p,power-:::: JS Su'Laclede Gaa 91 . National Biscuit. 47 . 11 . 23 . 63 . 93 . 73 . 46 .100 . 39 83 ltttt V nam iosi Paclflo Mall ... im2 People's Gaa .. - "I I'rpHHIvl a ra do .193 .164 Dfd. Pullman P. Car.. 219 republic Steel ... J6 Ontario jl. w iaT . -ai z 1 esi ao 1st pfd.... do 2d nfH St. L. A 8. F.. ao 1st pfd.... do 2d nfd St. L. Southw. do pfd St. Paul do pfd a. na ?"lU. 8. leather I do pfd U. 8. Rubber.... do Dfd TT. 8. Steel do pfd Western TTnlnn 'Amer. Locomo. ,'. ao pia ... 84; ... 61 .. 83 .. 73 .. 58 ..166 .190 80 11 81 U, 13V4 531 ' .lit 94 91 31 92 Boston Stock (Isolations. BOSTON. Feb. 19. Call loans. 2ffl4 M, cent; time loans. VaAV. ner cent nni.i closing: ..192 ..161 ..211 ..146 Atchison 4a Gaa Is Mex. Central 4a N. E. G. A C... Atchison do pfd Boston A A Boston A Me... Boston Kiev.... N Y. N H A li. Fitchburg pfd.. Union Paclflo .. Mex. Central .. Amer. Bugar .. do Did Amer. T. A T....157 Dom. I. A S 33 Oen. Electric ....291 Maas. Electric ... 87,' ao pia N. E. O. A C. United Fruit . U. 8. Steel .... do pfd , Adventure ... 102 Alloues s 80 Amalgamated ... SW, -s tiamo ami 69 Bingham 22 77'Cal. A Hecla 620 9i?4 Centennial 1AU ,22 Copper Range ... 6o5 uoni. uoai 744 r ranklln 1414 Isle Royale 20Vi .103:Old Dominion';;.' 22 28V.IOaceola 78 .i" Parrot 3114 .118Qulncy wo Santa Fe Copper. 3 Tamarack 245 in mountain B4U innitv iiv 5'ii l tah 24 884iVlctorla 6' 44 Winona ji 94iVolverlne n 22 'Trust recelpta Loadaa stock 4)aotatlona. LONDON, Feb. 19. I p. m.-Cloaing: Consols, money... 94- Norfolk A West. do account ...94 7-161 Anaconda 6 Atchison 79 do Dfd 10UV Baltimore A 0...1r7.l Canadian raclnc.lix1 Ches. A Ohio 47 Chlciiito O. W.... 2T. C. M. A St. P....1W Vfiiver k n. u do pfd Erie do 1st pfd.... do 2d Dfd Illinois central 69 92 3 43 84 Louis. & Nash....lu78nantah 4a.... ai... iv. i i .'o'ittand Mines. do Pfd s7 DeBeera N. Y. Central lti do Dfd Ontario A Weat Pennsylvania ... Reading do lat pfd do 2d nfd Southern Ry 34 do pfd 9i Southern Paclflo. KiJ 45iUnion Pacific 1 (4,V do nfrf u '1' a. nieei 4m. 47 . 12 4o U. 8. Steel. li do pfd... 68 Wabash ... 144 do pfd Kcot York MinlBaj (taotatloaa. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. The following are ma 1-iusnig prices un mining atocKs: Adams Con Alice Breece Brunswick con. Comatock Tun.. 30 iLlttle Chief 45 lOntarlo M Ophlr 9 Phoenix .... b'j Hotosl Con. Cal. A Va.. 140 Savage Deadwooil Terra. 60 Ifilerra Nevada. Horn Sliver 140 Small Hopes .. Iron Silver 84 Standard Leudville Con ... 6 I ... 12 ...700 ... 90 ... ... 10 ... 6 ... 13 ... 30 ...320 Bank t'leavlaga. OMAHA. Feb. 19. Bank clearlnga today, 81.Oh8.733 49; corresponding day last year. 31.0mi.421. 68; Increase. 862.311. 81. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. -Clearlnga. 8233, 103.067: balances. 81 Od8.0o4. BOSTON. Feb. la,-Clearings, 322.126.245; balances. S1.31S.S1!. PHILADELPHIA. Feb. lS.-Cleaiings. 82.2?94.; balances. 32.7u,584; money. 4 per cent. BALTIMORE. Feb. 19.-C)earlngs, 83.908, 479; balances, 3676.318; money, 4 per cent. CU1CAUO. Fab. l.-CUariDs, S27,6w,31$; Condition of the Treaeary. WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. Todav'. at .re. tnent of the treasury balance In the gen- i luiiu, exciuuire or ine iAi,tnv,uuu gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $172,400,084; go.d..386.242,458. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. COTTON Snot ciosea quiet; middling upland. 8 13-1 6c: mid dllng gulf, 91-16c; sales, 208 bales. The martlet openea eteaay, with prlcea un changed to S points lower, following an un expected show of weaknesa on Uvornnnl'i part. In the last hour heavy realizing lorcea may oaca 10 s.doo ana at tne close ? rices were net 39 points lower, with the one steady. NEW ORLBAN8. Feb. 19. COTTON Steady; sales, 3,200 bales; ordinary, 613-16c; good ordinary, 7 7-16c; low middling, 713-16c; middling, 8 3-16c ; good middling, 8 9-16c; middling fair, 9 5-16c; receipts. 16.52S bales; stock, 344,718 bales. Futures, steady: Feb ruary. 8.15c: March. 8.14fft8.16c: Anrll. 8 20 8.22c; May, 8.2758.28e; June. 8.338.34c; July, ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19. COTTON Oilier middling, 8 5-16c; sales, none; receipts, 6,235 bales; shipments, 3,445 bales; stock, 63,243 Daies. LIVERPOOL. Feb 19 COTTON Snnr In limited demand, prices steady; American middling. 4 ll-16d. The sales of the day were 7.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and export, and included 6,600 American, tieceipt were n.uuu bales, in cluding 10,600 American. Futures were quiet. dui sieauy, ana ciosea eieaay. Oil and Rosin. nn. citv nK 10 rvtT rvayti, 81.15; certificates, no bid; shipments, 153.176 bbls.; average, 76.804 bbla.; runs, 154,900 ddis.; average., w.x.'i cms. SAVANNAH. Feb. 19. OIL Turpentine, firm. 42c. Rosin, firm; A, B, C. D, 31.30; E, 31.35; F, 31.40; O, 31.47: H, 3152; I, 31.76; Vh W VAW l li1.!! 1Q 11 T T PaifAlanm ulet. Ronin, steady; strained to pr6od, S1.65 TOl.KDO. Feb. 19. OIL North Lima. 85c: South Lima and Indiana, 80c. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 19.-OIL LInaeed. 32s Sd. Cottonseed, Hull refined, spot, steady, aus ea. LONDON. Feb. 19. OIL Calcutta linseed. soot. 60s. Unseed. a 33s 4V4d. Turpentine. spirits, z8 ua. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 19. COFFEE Spot Rio. dui'- No. 7 Invoice. 6c. Mild, quiet: Cordova. 8312c. The market opened steady. with prices unchanged to 4 points higher and after the call followed a narrow rut, with special tone tame. Aa an offset to bullish Euroriean market newa were very heavy receipta in the crop country. The statistical situation aa a whole waa re garded aa very bearish. Toward the close reallzina- forced Di-ices down somewhat, The final tone was quiet, with prices net 8 points lower 10 a points nigner. loiai saiee were 18.000 baits. Including: March, b.X(ct 6.40c; May, 6.65c; June, a65c; July, 6.70c; September, 6 9o(4a.9fjc; October, 6.96c; De cember, 6.10&'6.15c; January, tuc. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralta. NEW TOR.C, Feb. 19. EVA PORATED APPLES There -was a quiet trade, with nr ces wel kustalned. Strictly prime ah- Dlea are firm in tone. State, common to good, 7Se; prime, 9g9c; choice, 8(8 loc; fancy. 106Uc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Few new features present themselves. The day for prunes In jobbing quarters was fair and the tone Is firm. Apricots and peaches are steady to firm, but quiet. Prunes, S0 6e. Apricots, Koyai, jojjuc; moor rarK, 9Vll"c Peaches, peeled, hjjsc; un- peeled, bvtC.. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19. WOOL-Oulet and unchanged, easy on tine grades; medium grades. 13fl8c; light fine. l?Val5c; heavy tine, IWlic; luD wasneo, 1-wtViC Till:: REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on file Wednesday, reuruary IK: Warranty Deeds. Josephine Miller and husband to Charles Peterson. 'i nw Do-16-10. .3 4.400 D. w. Merrow and wire to Hamuel Kati. outlets SOU to 2m. 209. 210 and 211. Florence S.800 Herman Shunke and wife to George Noriach. m3u acraa of tan lot 10 In 17-16-13 1.600 J. J. f iugerald and wife to M J Hardina. lot S. block 10. Albriaht'i Annex 100 A. M. Grove and husband to Emma A. Fuller, lota 1 and 2. block 26. .a. 1 1 il::::::: 10 Total amount of UanItr 1,...3iu,0O2jJ 1........ ait Claim Decda. Dewey to S. A. Orchard, elu5 feet lot 9, Kounue'e Sarah J. undiv d add. 8. A. Orchard to Sarah J. Deaey, undiv lot . block 10, Kountxe's 41 h add., and undlv w36 feet of e!40 fet lot 8, Kountxe'a 2d add F. D. Brown to Emma K. Archibald. waO feet lot 1 and w6i feet lot 2. block S, Hawthorne add , OMAIIA LITE STOCK MARKET , i a Oattlo BomIiU Vodtrtto id Tri4 Biloa lotir and Itranf. H06I OrCN HIGHER, IUT CLOSE WEAK Light Ran of Sheep ana Lamba aad Market la Active aad Jail Abont . Steady aa Compared with Toes day's General Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 13. Receipts were: Cattle. Hoa-s. Sheep. Olnclai Monday , 2.627 6,418 6,611 Official Tuesday 3,270 11,113 VM6 uinciai Wednesday 3,103 10.8Z3 Three dava this week.. B onn 27 3T3 14.674 Same dam last week. ...12.195 33.946 12.112 Same week before 11,422 26,900 13,094 Same three weeka ago.. 8,374 21.269 7.1" Same four weeks aao ll.:vi 33.679 10,260 Same day a last year.... 7.09J 23,178 26,616 The followlna table shows the average price of hoga aold on the South Omaha market the past several days with com partaona with former years: Date. 1902. 1901.1900.1899.198.1897.1896. f 12 4 2 8 83 t 96 I 22 8 (8 t 37 ( 84 4 82 03 186 484 170 9 8 17 4 6.) 3 (4 8 98 8 17 4 66 I 84 5 i 22 4 67 9 84 6 2b 4 (8 3 68 t 92 4 (2 9 09 6 94 5 81 8 69 6 11 6 33 4 86 6 16 6 21 4 70 8 56 9 08 ( 06 4 81 3 81 198 1 29 4 76 8 66 6 26 4 84 8 70 8 00 4 80 8 71 9 01 5 82 3 66 6 04 6 80 4 79 t 98 6 24 4 82 8 68 I 92 6 30 4 75 8 66 6 81 6 28 4 76 8 68 S 21 4 83 8 68 5 78 4 76 3 68 8 78 S 22 8 62 S 23 4 83 3 47 I 82 8 84 8 66 8 64 3 63 3 731 3 SM 4 01 8 721 8 72 I 8 78 8 71 8 71 3 76, 8 77 8 81 a 3 83 3 8 3 301 8 27; 3 17 8 29 3 r7! 8 19 3 26 8 21 8 19 8 23 3 23 3 27 3 27 8 26 8 2 i H 8 301 8 93 3 95 3 S6 13 93 3 89 8 84 3 841 a 3 8S 3 87 3 31 3 90 8 91 3 38 3 81 4 11 4 19 3 93 3 91 3 M 3 93 408 3 9a 3 93 4 00 30u 3 U 8 89 8 84 Indicates Sunday. RECEIPT8 FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following tahl showa the receipta of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date and comparisons with laat year: , 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec. Cattle 116,360 89,65 24.822 Hogs 396,291 326.23 7d,S1 ..... Sheep 103,91)7 1U,M( f.wu The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each roa was: Cattle.Hogs.Shp.H'sea. C, M. 4 St. P. Ry 11 S 1 Wabash 1 .. .. Missouri Pacific Ry 6 1 4 Union Pacific system.... 23 22 2 2 C. A. N. W. Ry 7 11 2 F.. E. A M. V. xv. K z ou .. .. C, St. P.. M. A O. Ry... 18 14 .. 1 R. & M. R. Ry 21 18 .. 1 C, H. & Q. Ry 6 .. .. C, xv. 1. at r., east iv .. x C, R. I. A P., west 3 1 1 Illinois Central 6 4 2 142 . 8 10 Total receipts 135 The disposition of the day's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the number ot Dead indicated : Buyers. Omaha Packing Co.. O. 11. Hammond Co.. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A co R. Becker A Degan Vaneant A Co Carey A Benton Hill A HunUlnger Livingstone A So nailer.. Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. F. Hun H. L, Dennla at Co Hobblck Wolf A M Other buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 2,117 2,720 2,771 2,621 668 943 670 267 Total 8,121 10,229 2,448 PiTTt.F There was not a heavy run of cattle here today, which makes the aup- ily for tne week to aate consiaeraoiy less han fnr the drat three dava of laat week. but far in excess of the same days of last year. Packers, however, all aeemed to be anxloua for auppllea, ana aa a result the market 'waa active and steady to strong, particularly on the more desirable grades. There waa a liberal sprinkling of beef steers In the yards this morning, but the quality waa nothing to brag of. Buyers, though, took hold In good shape and trade waa active at strong prices. Aa is gen erally the case on that kind of a market a nAl minv alea were made that looked 6 or even 10c higher than the same kind of cattle sold ior yesteruay. in ymw ui mo good demand, practically everything waa aold in good seaaon. There waa also a liberal demand for cows and heifera. The better gradea In par ticular moved freely and the kinds that aell from 84.00 up were undoubtedly 610c higher In a good many caaea. The can nere and medium gradea also moved more freely tnan mey nave ox wun uui i;i but there was not much change In the prlcea paid. There was a better tone to the trade, however, and sellers had very littlo trouble in disposing of . what they had to offer. , , Bulls, veal calves and stags sold In just about yeaterday'a notchea, but It waa noticeable that there waa a good demand for the better gradea. There were only a few atockera and feeders In the yards today, ao that every thing showing weight and quality was picked up In a hurry at stronger prlcea. There waa not much change in the prices nald for the common cattle, but It was evident that they aold with less difficulty than of laie. iwornui"o No. Av. 4 1035 1 1300 No. 10 8 14 8 6 20 2 6 11 2 86 17 2 16 IS 1.. 2.. .. 22.. 7.. 20.. IS.. 20.. 19.. 8.. 22.. 10.. 9.. 16.. 23.. 15.. 16.. 1 21 1 1 10 2 2 3 3 8 2 8 l...i... 1 6 20 6 8 8 3 3 7 1 9 I 10 12 9 4 1 1 4 4 16 Av. Pr. . 550 2 60 sun 1 i5 .1016 3 85 20.. .1050 4 00 W.. . 890 4 00 17.. . 770 4 00 .. . 936 4 25 41. . . SOS 4 55 59.. . 816 4 60 19.. ..1010 4 60 .. . 941 4 65 1.. . 987 4 70 10.. .1(0 4 75 20.. .... 918 7a is.. 975 4 75 36.. 996 4 85 13., .... W 4 85 8., ....1063 4 90 17. ,...1121 SOO 89., ,...1060 8 00 10.. ,...1140 6 00 14.. ,...1028 6 00 44.. ,...1U S 00 34.. ,...1160 8 00 21.. ....104S 8 00 8.. .... 871 i 00 .. ,..,1029 S 05 7.. 890 6 10 44.. ,...1172 S 10 18. 1IK!n 6 10 ' STEERS AND STAGS. 1 ' 6 40 STEERS AND HEiFERS. Pr. 6 lo 5 ?.0 6 i5 6 15 6 15 1085 1129 1111 1116 6 15 1175 6 20 1193 S 25 1094 8 25 1116 5 25 9o0 6 25 993 S 25 1231 6 30 1214 6 35 1180 6 40 1119 S 40 , 1163 S 40 1168 S 60 1262 S 60 1380 6 60 1257 5 00 1371 5 60 1350 S 60 13M S 60 1246 S 65 1438 6 o 1342 S 76 12K8 6 75 1237 B 75 921 4 30 . 992 4 60 . 809 4 50 .1169 4 65 . 917 4 65 817 4 75 982 4 85 12. 10.. 18.. .. 19.. 16.. 23 .lifio .. 992 ,..106 ...IK ...1048 ..1163 6 20 .1103 t 30 4 90 4 ) 5 00 5 00 6 15 STEERS 'AND COWS. ...K0 6 16 14 167 6 85 ...1U S 20 HEIFERS. ... 750 2 75 13 819 4 25 ... 783 8 15 1 900 3 75 ... W 3 7a 21 676 4 66 ... 970 4 00 1 9.0 4 0 ... 818 4 00 1 1080 4 65 ... 815 4 00 1 ,..1460 4 6a ... it W ..806 1 75 ,. 8M 2 00 .. 7o 2 15 ..1020 3 25 .. 970 2 06 ..1060 2 2a .. 860 3 25 ,.1UU0 2 2a .. 82 2 30 .. 884 2 3j .. 815 2 35 .. 825 2 35 .. 873 2 40 .. 813 2 40 .. 9i7 2 60 ..1190 2 W .. 977 2 60 .. 932 2 60 ..lo-S 2 60 .. 973 3 30 .. 9:9 8 60 .. 917 3 60 ..1040 3 60 ..640 2 65 ..ll'O 2 65 .. 992 2 70 .. 870 2 75 . . 975 2 75 .. fthO 2 75 ..940 2 75 .. 977 2 76 .. 942 2 75 .. 840 3 8i ,.12f0 3 00 .. Kno 8 10 .. M-S 3 15 .. H0 3 25 .. 975 3 25 .. 9u0 3 25 .. 3 25 .. 9-'2 3 25 ..796 3 25 t n cows. 3.... .... 8 1, 18, 4 24.. ..1136 3 50 .. 9f4 X 60 ..1200 3 60 ..1010 3 60 .. 946 3 60 .. 905 3 65 ..11) 8 75 ..1180 3 75 ..1075 3 75 ..633 3 75 .. 94U 3 75 ..1030 3 76 ...105 3 73 ....1330 3 &j .... 941 3 DO ....1'-'7 3 90 ....1098 3 90 .... 960 4 00 ....1130 4 00 - .... 930 4 00 ....1125 4 On .... 981 4 00 ....1016 4 00 ....1015 4 00 925 4 00 .... 962 4 u'i ....llHl 4 il 89 4 IS ....11HS 4 ?5 ....120 4 23 .1077 4 25 3 lot 4 & 1... 3..., 15..., 3.... 1.... 1.... 2.... 10.... 8.... 1.. ...lo) 4 25 ,...11' 4 35 .... 4 40 t..l"!i 4 4l ...11"0 4 45 ...1J0 4 45 ...0 4 45 ...ll'O 4 60 ...1276 4 50 ...120 4 60 1. ,1,4. i;;;;; 1 . tt 16... 18... 1.... 1.... 1.... 9.... 23.... 20.... 13.... 1.... 20.... 1.... 3.... 17.... 6.... 3.... 2.... X 1170 4 0 ...118 ... 870 ... (Ml ...11 20 ...12H0 ... 80 ...1010 3 r 3 40 3 4 3 40 3 40 3 6n 8 60 t 14.T0 11. ...., ii. 973 9.. 11"8 .12 .1120 2... 1 ....1670 ....1.120 I...1.W1 .... 9.10 ....1420 ....12T.0 ....ll'O ....lKlij ....11H1 ....l;wo ....1070 ....120 ....1WM ....1690 ....12X1 ....1290 ....1821) ...I860 .... 2) ....-2.-.0 .... 2.H) .... 250 BULLS. 1KO0 .....1376 838 BTOCK 7!i9 6H0 1140 440 2 85 2 85 8 00 3 00 3 00 3 15 3 15 3 25 3 2:i 3 2;". 3 25 3 30 3 40 3 50 3 i" 3 65 3 75 3 75 CALVES 4 25 6 50 4 60 6 no STOCK 30 3 25 833 3 00 STAGS. ....155 ....1361 ....14 .... 13f3 ....1476 ....1325 ....INiO ...!""0 ,...159) ....1370 ....1610 ....1910 ....2340 ....1720 ....1370 ....14) ....1670 1. 1 1 1 CALVES. 1 4 80 4 DO 4 65 4 65 4 75 5 00 6 00 3 75 8 75 3 85 8 90 4 00 4 no 4 00 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 25 4 ti 4 iA 4 40 4 in 4 00 4 25 60 6 60 60 8 60 MO 120 110 170 350 3 75 8 K COWS 3 15 2 60 2 50 2 60 1.. AND 2 1.... 9. 4 75 11(0 HEIFERS. 615 2 tnfi 690 611 2 75 2 8i. 3 00 1 WHO COWS AND HEIFERS. .... 794 2 95 42 86 4 50 ....9. 8 Ml 12 1028 4 55 .... 873 4 25 9 1031 4 65 743 4 30 8TOCKERS AND FEEDERS 800 6H0 6.V) 6M! G.-.7 , 6.16 790 625 2 3 00 3 20 3 25 8 40 3 50 3 00 3 65 31... 8a..,.. 18 1 16 40 f'3 697 410 642 780 829 950 8 85 3 65 3 ?n 3 75 3 85 4 (10 4 2o V .1 k'alaal Oramii 63 Steers... 1270 6 25 9 steers. ...1262 S 26 HOOS There were not as many hogs here today by 4,000 hesd as there were a week ago. It waa evident, however, that the BUPDlV Was larva ,nnnth in meat I ha demand. The market started out in aood shape, with prices Just about 6c higher hRn yesterday. Trading was active and the bulk of the offerings was disposed of In good season. Heavy hogs sold largely from 3.90 to 36.10 and from that up to $6.20. The Ilieaium Welo-hta want rmm I. ?fc 85.8o and the lighter loads went from 35.75 down. Along toward the last end of the market, however, packers seemed to have their orders pretty well filled and all of a sudden stopped buvlna- at their former bids. They did not want the rest of the hogs unless they could get them at yester S?f",? P"0''" nd In some canes they were bidding even a shade lower than yester day; It was mostly the light loads, how fKel. ,eft- as buyers picked out the better hogs early In the morning. Owing to the drop in prices It was rather late before anything like a clearance waa made. Representative salea: No. 25.... 13.... 11.... 16.... 93.... 83... 111.. 81.. Av. Sh. Pr. 108 . 96 .114 . 96 ..117 ..150 ..139 181 100 173 63 174 90 176 74 214 85 1K4 88 188 5 190 86 184 186 8: 82... 82.. 68.. 89.. 102. 86. .186 .199 ..186 ..181 .2i0 .186 71 193 76 207 68 206 101 193 160 200 '46 40 40 160 80 120 'so 40 74. 71.. 78.. 71.. 71.. 38.. 88.. 81.. 83.. 76.. 38.. 60.. 81.. 86.. 85.. 76.. 71.. 77.. 69.. 89.. 73.. 68.. 191 ....2O0 ....177 ....149 ....206 ...204 ...185 ...181 ...183 ...180 ...203 ...190 ...212 ...26 ...201 ...206 ...196 ...200 ...207 ...196 ...210 ...227 86 184 29.. 85... 73... 73... 85... 74... 86... 71... 76... 71... 62... 82... 13... 16... 72. .195 ..191 ..215 ..208 ..220 ..267 ..227 ..184 ..202 ..206 ..207 ..187 ..244 ..236 ..219 80 219 72 214 120 240 120 40 'so 120 80 5 00 6 00 6 00 5 OH 5 15 6 25 5 as 6 60 6 60 5 60 6 65 5 65 5 70 S 75 S 75 5 70 5 7t) 6 70 6 70 6 70 6 70 5 70 6 70 6 75 6 75 S 75 " S 75 S 75 5 76 6 76 6 75 6 75 B 75 6 75 5 75 6 75 5 75 6 75 6 75 6 75 E 80 5 80 6 80 6 80 5 80 6 80 ' 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 6 80 5 80 6 80 5 80 6 90 5 80 S 80 5 80 6 80 6 80 5 80 6 80 6 80 5 80 S 82V4 ft 86 No. 74... 80... 19... 77.., 93... 74... 44... 20... 92.. 61.. 28.. 90.. 80.. 74. Av. .214 215 216 ,...214 ....204 ,...207 ....253 ...224 ...216 ...217 ...214 ...24 ...209 ...217 80 234 78 2o7 80 217 Sh. Pr. ... 6 85 ... S 85 ... 6 85 6 85 6 85 S 85 S 85 6 85 5 8.1 6 85 S 85 5 85 6 85 6 85 160 5 85 6 85 80 40 80 80 76. 33. 77. 12. 78... 70 84 212 214 228 254 224 ...233 ..205 74 223 71 213 91 215 83 250 65 262 70 237 79 12.... 63.... 72.... 74..., 78..., 30..., 60..., 60..., 66..., 64.... 66.... 74.... 70.... 62.... ::::. 67.... 61.... 61.... 74.... 66.... 55.... 63.... 67.... 68.... 64..., 67..., 65..., 64.... 67.... 62.... 60.... 65.... 43..., 40 40 120 80 '80 40 80 120 40 223 ..223 ..219 ..223 ..258 ..236 ..278 ..243 ..262 ..260 ..246 ..260 ,.256 ..246 ..276 ,.264 ,.239 ' 60 ..251 ... ..276 ..2f8 ,.2rt5 40 120 40 40 80 61.. SHEEP There waa a .276 .236 .2a6 ,.253 ,.277 ,.258 ..263 ,.270 .20 .278 .296 .291 ,.402 .279 .277 ... very light 240 6 85 6 85 6 85 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 S 90 5 90 5 90 5 90 6 90 6 90 8 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 95 6 95 S95 6 95 B 95 5 95 6 95 6 95 5 95 6 95 B 95 6 00 6 00 6 09 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 05 6 05 6 03 6 10 10 6 12 run of sheep and lambs here today, so that buy ers were out early and sellers had no trouble in disposing of what thev had on hand at good steady prices. In fact, every thing sold as fast as unloaded. Lamba sold as high as 86.40 and yearlings brought 15. 1 5 and ewes sold as hiah aa 84.35. The rest of the offerings were not particularly choice. mere were a lew feeders on sale and a bunch of lambs sold at 86.40, which Is the highest price paid here for feeder lambs in some time past. Quotations: Choice lls-htweleht vearllnas. 85.76ft6.00; good to choice yearlings, 85.6o( 6.76; choice wethers, S5.0O&5.25; fair to good wethers, 4.75i5.00; choice ewes, 84.40l.65; fair to good ewes. 34.0O'S4.4O: common ewes. U.00n4.0o: choice lambs. 36.O0ifi6.5o: fair to good lamDB, reeoer wethers, 34.00 44.50; feeder lambs, 34.60(5.00. Representa tive aaies: No. v Wt 44 western ewe 52 feeder lamba 132 western ewea 12 western ewes 25 cull lambs .... 215 Utah feeder lambs. 438 western wethers 196 western lambs ... 806 western yearlings 623 Colorado lambs .. 106 72 91 148 64 100 73 69 61 Pr. 83 00 4 25 4 30 4 66 4 75 5 40 5 65 6 75 6 75 40 CHICAGO LIVE MOCK MARKET. Cattle Receipts Are Heavy Hega Opea StroBa- aad Sheep Steady. CHICAGO. Feb. 19. CATTLE Recelnts. 18 OIlO head. Including 500 head Teiana- 10 prime ateers, j.; poor 10 medium, 84. 006.40: Blockers and feeders, 82.6oftii6.40: cows, 812((ja.25; heifers, 32.5uCrt.50; canners, II. 2602.30; bulls, 32.60o4.60- calves, 32.60fe6.26; Texas fed steers, 84.505.75. HOOS Receipts. 40,000 nead; estimated tomorrow. 44.0U0 head: left over. 8.0u0 head: opened strong to 60 higher; closed advance lost; mixed ana Dutcners. 8i.vtxfli4.3u: good tn choice heavv. i6.2lfrti40: rooirh lieatv 85.90'n.16; light, 85.506.10; bulk of sales; 8o.9orn6.20. bhu&p an u luAM on Receipts, neaa; aneep, aieaoy; lamns, weaic 10 loc lower; good to choice wethers, 84.7666.26; fair to choice mixed, 83.854.60: western sheep and yearlings, S4.5uvi.0u; native lambs. 83.76S.60: western lambs. 85.2C.fi4.66. RECEIPTS Official: Cattle. 6.573 head; lll'KB, 60,010 llf-ttU , BIITI', Aat,JlrO IICCIU. SlllPMENTS-Offlclal: Cattle, 1,806 head; nogs, o,im neaa; sneep, cw neaa. - Kaasas City Live Jttock Market. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 19. CATTLE Re celnts. 3.400 head natives, 600 bead Texan 100 head calves; all grades of slaughtering and feeding cattle, strong to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, 36.00 ?i.75; fair to good, 84.76&.0o; stockers and eeders, S3.6u6.uO; western fed steers, 84.75cd) 5.75; Texaa and Indian steerr, 84.26ti5.65; Texas cows, (.i.uwi.du; native cows, I3.U 4.75; heifers, 33.76ra5.25; canners, 32.0uii3.i bulla. 83.25ifi4.5o; calves, 35.504i6.50. HOGS Receipts, lJ.oou head; market strong to 6c Digner; top, sum; nunc or aalea, $5.7706.25; heavy, 86 206.30; mixed packers, 86.96 26; light. 35.25& .: plfta, 84.6u4i6.20. SHEtiP AND LAMBS Receipt. 2.800 head; market active and atrong; native lambs, l.4iAjii.76; western lamba. 36.4utt4.6u; native wethers. 85.00in6.75: western wethers. 86.00416 b(); yearlings, 85.85'g 45; ewes, 34.66; cuiis ana nwuert, a-.wjtut.j. t. Joseph Livestock Market. 8T. JOSEPH, Feb. 19. CATTLE Re celnts. 1.3uu head: market strona: natives 94.uOn6.75; cows and heifers, Il.ioiy5.4o: veals, 34.ooa6.75: stockers and feedera, 82 5uij4.75. HOOS Receipts, 9.000 head; steady: light and light mixed, 35.6560u; medium and heavy, (; pigs. u l so. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipta. 700 head: market ateady; western lamba, 36.66&6.6U; western sneep, i ia.iu. . at. Luul Live stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 19. CATTLE Recelnta 2.6u0 head, including l.SoO Texana; market steady to airong: native snipping and ex port ateera, 3t55b36: drMd beef and butcher steers, S4.0Kfl4.lS; ateera under I.Otf lbs , 88.i4r8.35; atockera and feedera. 32 60 4..u; sows ana neuvrt, i.wa.Bu; canners, 31.75173.00: bulls, 82 8MT.7S; Texas and Indian steers, 83.2o'y6.i5 cows and heifers, J.4"'g) 3.76. HOG Receipts. 8.000 head; steady: plus and lights, Sr-.ii5.90; packers. 35.8,'j.9v, butchers. t.l"'6.85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ).'fi head: market steady to strong: native muttons, 34.on?5 60; lambs. li.ovSS; culls and bucks, 83.&oii4.60, flV Tork Lira Stock .Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 19. RERVES Re ceipts. 8.297 head! steady to strong; bill's mil nnmn firm to 10c hlo-her: ateera. 84. !'f 6 70; Blockers and feeders, 84 25; oxen. 31. -S i5.60; bulls. 83.zrf'4.3o; cows, i3.n3.ti. 'shies steady. Bhlnments. 600 cattle and 8,0 quarters of beef; tomorrow. 10 cattle, 150 sneep and 600 quarters or oeet. CALVES Receipts. 1,280 head: steady; veals. 34.6IXH5.00: little calves. 14.004.50: barnyard calves. 33.S3.75: westerns, 33.75. SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, 7.w;f head; sheep steady, good lambs nrm to 10o IHKlin i iiicuimii, finiKi, 1 avii.v arrivals unsold: sheep, 34 0(vff5. to. HOGS Receipts, r.wft nead: nrm; sia.s hogs, S6.6Crtf6.55; westerns, 86.7o5.$6. Stock la Sight. Th followlna table shows the recelnts of cattle, hoga and sheep at the five principal markets for February is: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. South Omaha 3.103 10.823 1.698 Chicago 18,500 40.000 Kansas City 4.100 18,000 St. IxmiIs 4,600 6.000 St. Joseph 1,300 ' 9,000 Totals 31.608 78,82) 25,998 Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. Feb. 19 DRT OOODf Ad ditional advances In prints are made today in Keeping witn those already reported. Print clothe continue strona. but demand moderate. Heavy brown sheetings and drills very firm. More demand fromhome trade, fair bidding by exporters. Bleached cottons quietly Arm. Colored cottons scarce. Men s wear woolens and worsteds firm, with fair demand. Dress roods tn reauest for fall In staple llnea at nrm prlcea. Sngar Market. NEW ORLEAN8. Feb. 19.-SUOAR- VI m. A l.A1,, W lr,l rnii'i w-n r, hid, fcTniav., vf.,,, centrifugal, SW3Vjc; centrifugal, granulated and whites, none; yellowa, 3viS'3 l3-16c; sec onds, 2ih3Viic. Molasses, strong; open ket tle, imac; centrifugal, V'uisc. syrup, nom inal. NEW TORK. Feb. 19 SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 3Hc; centrifugal, 96 test, 3c; molasses sugar, 22?c; refined, firm. ARRANGE FOR YORK MEETING Fine Program Mapped Oat to Eater- tala Yoong Mcn'a Christian Association. YORK, Neb. Feb. 19. (Special.) The local and state committees having In charge the arrangements for the annual Stats Young Men's Christian association meeting to be held st York from February 22 to 24, announce that every Indication Is that the convention here promises to he the largest ever held In the stste. York has the repu tation of being one of the best convention cities In the west. If hotel accommoda tions are not sufficient, citizens have agreed to throw open their homes to the guests. Among the speakers will be soma ot the blgh officials of the railroads of Nebraska, public officials of the stats and a Dumber of noted orators In the west. The Omaha delegates and several speakers sre making arrangements for Pullman sleepers, which they will occupy during the convestlon. Besides the fine program arranged for each day and night session Is the championship game of basket ball between the Omaha Young Men's Christian association and the Lincoln Young Men's Christian association. It will be the first gams ot basket ball played In York. FREMONT WIFE IS AFTER HIM Torn Peters la Jail at Sioax City with Charge ot Bigamy to Meet. . - 6I0UX CITY, la., Feb. 19 (Special.) To: Peters, recently discharged from, th county jail for the theft ot an overcoat, is ' under arrest again, this time for bigamy and adultery. A woman from Fremont. Neb., who claims to be his wife and the mother of his eight children,' appeared at the county attorney's office yesterdsy and swore out the warrants on which Peter wss arrested st Oto. He was brought back to Sioux City last night by Deputy Sheriff Pecaut. This alleged bigamist baa been living at Oto for several weeks past with a womsa whom he married In Nebraska some time sgo. Both sre working tor James Arthur of Oto and the woman was employed by Mr. Arthur before she married Peters. She claims to have been married to him about twenty years, while Peters Is not much more than 38 years of age. The Nebraska woman claims that Peters deserted her about three years sgo, leaving her alone to care for and support the eight children that were born to them. STRIKE FOR HIGHER WAGES Workmen on the , Darlington Bridge At Plattsruonth Lay Down Their Toola. i PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feh. 10 s. clal.) The men employed in the caisson, known as "sand hogs." struck for hia-har wages today. They wers employed In digging up the sand under the calasoa. wmca wss mown up tnrough pipes in the caisson, as it was being lowered from the bottom of the river to solid rock, on which the new pier under the Burlington railroad bridge is belna- built. Th. .m. ployers refused to comply with the work- ingmen s aemsna for SO cents per .hour and they quit work. Thera ara three crews ot fifteen men In each shift, and each craw worked lght hours. C. P. Olson, the super. Intendent of bridges for the . Burlington road west Ot the Missouri rlvae n.lA v.. would bsve no trouble In getting all the wanieo to take the places ot those who had struck for hither c&isson has been sunk shout thirty-eight leei ana it is expected that ten teet lower win reacn sona rock. DAKOTA PUBLIC EXAMINER Governor Herreld Appoints George C. Anrnnd of Bowdlo to tho Place. PIERRE, 8. D., Feb. 19. Special Tele gram.) Governor Herreld today appointed George C. Aurand of Bowdls as stats pub lic examiner to take the place of H. N. Cooper of Canton, who has resigned on sc count of press of private business. Tbs ap pointment goes lato affect the laat day of this month. Mr. Cooper's resignation being for thst data. JURY FINDS JUJNTER GUILTY KilHae- ot Hoaaer Holland, Iowa Athlete, Hold to Bo Marder la Second Degree. MOUNT AYR. la.. Feb. 1.-Ths jury la the Hunter murder cass today returned a verdict of guilty of murder la the second degree. Hunter shot Homer Hollsod. champion college athlete of lows, Novem ber 9, in a quarrel over money lost at gam BUY WHEAT Wheat has declined sight cents snd corn nlns cents from top prices. Wo oonsidei both a purchase. Place your orders with i responsible house snd one that will gly. you prompt snd satisfactory execution. . coyd connissioH co.