Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Of n fitw Catarlh Cure.
Physician arc slow to take up new and
untried remedies, untlU their value has
teen established by actual experlmeut, and
they are naturally skeptical of tbe many
Bew preparation constantly appealing and
for which extravagant claims are made.
The most liberal and enlightened physi
cians are always ready, however, to make
a fair trial of any new speclBc and gat at
Us true medical vslue.
A new preparation for the cure of ca
tarrh baa attracted much attention In the
past few month and haa met with great
favor from the medical profession not only
because It la remarkably suoceesful in the
cur of catarrh, but also because) It Is not
a secret patent medlcne; anyone using tt
knows Just What ba la taking Into hla sys
tem. ,
It Is composed of blood root which acts on
the blood and mucous membrane, hydraa
tln for same purpose to clear the mucus
from head and throat, and red gum of eu
calyptus tree to destroy catarrhal germs in
the blood.
All of thesa antiseptic remedies are com
bined In the form of a pleasant taating tab
let or lozenge, and are sold by druggists
many recent est In chronic catarrh cases
have established lta merit beyond question.
Dr. Sebring states that he haa discarded
Inhalers, sprays and washes and dependa
entirely upon Stuart's Catarrh Tablets In
treating nasal catarrh. He says: "I hare
had patients who bad lost the tense of
amell entirely, and whoae hearing was also
Impaired from nasal catarrh, recover com
pletely after a few weeks use of Stuart's
Catarrh Tablets. I have been equally suc
cessful with the remedy In catarrh of th
throat and catarrh of stomach. I can only
explain It on- the principle that catarrh is
a constitutional disease, and that the anti
septic properties In these tablets drives the
catarrhal poison completely out of the sys
Dr. Odell says, I have cured many cases
of catarrh of stomach In past four months
by the us of 8tiart's Catarrh Tableta
lone without the use of any other rem
edy and without dieting. The tablets are es
peclally useful In nasal catarrh and catarrh
of the throat, clearing the membranes and
overcoming the continual hawking, cough
lng and expectorating, ao disgusting and
annoying to catarrh sufferers.
t ' .
A Good Thing
Good- things ar aiwaya
bought freely, and
Baltimore Rye
IWtHJfl -
r S
Has the largest
sale -because the
people know the
Best Whiskey
when they taste
U. It is the best
because it Is
Pure; Old,
and never disappoints.
ti is particularly
recommended to
women because of
its age and excellence.
Sold at alt flratlaaa rafos sad by Jobber
Wtt LAKaUAN BOM. rUlUmoro. M4.
Poor Indeed
are those weighed down by tunUldt.
Rreasion. Men no in this world
irough buoyant nerve force.
The loss of this lorce daily drags
down to failure some of tbe world's
brightest minds. Such a condition is
commonly known as Nervous Debility.
When you lose scll-conudcncc and
feel your strength, energy and nerve
(ore arc slipping away, it is high time
you seek aeuaiul aid.
You prefer bonita, and saw "a to
misery ana uuure,
have no equal as a nerve restorer. A
couple of bono will dispel that heavy
feeling; the unnatural weariness dis
appears and replaces languor with new
furce and viiror of bodv and brmin. atix
boxes will cur any ordinary case oi
nervous aenuuy. u not, you get your
monrv back.
. l 09 per box; t for $5 00. mailed la
plain package, book free.
Eiprsmt Coirt Gives Decision la IsTsr of
Ultrk of Oeirt
ablle Srnool Teachers Asked to I
Opel ale for Library Eitenelon
Date Bet for State Petal
try Shaw.
helpful to the teachera. We expect some
time soon to eend to every school room In
tbe state a carefully selected and graded
1st of books suitable for school libraries.
with tbe prices and directions as to where Shrivsr aid Mortoa Win Tint Xetnd ia
For. sale by Kuhn oV Co.
South Omaha, si.u
blurts. la.
Puller Paint a
Drug Co., Omaha; Dillon's Drug store.
Davis urug Co.. council
A Model .
Doctor's' Office
Most doctors Sad It convenient
to have evening or Sunday offloa
hours. Patient a caa hardly walk
np stairs at such times.
The Bee Building
has all night and Bunday elevator
ferries. Water and gaa, aa well
as electric light are la each room.
The rooms are all light and our
afflcaa are moat attractive, Reata
era bo higher than la Inferior
R. C. Peters & Ca,
tea til Aeacy.
' Ground Floar, lee BullJaf,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 19. (Special.) The su
preme court haa given a decision holding
that Lee Herdman, clerk of tbe court. Is
entitled to a salary of 11,600 a year aa re
porter, notwithstanding the last legisla
ture failed to make a specific appropria
tion for the purpose. Commissioner Old
ham, who wrote tbe opinion in tbe case,
"A speclBe appropriation, 'made by law,'
within the meaning of aectlon 22, of article
111, of the constitution. Is an appropriation
made either by direction of the constitu
tion Itself, or one made by the legislature
under the forma and In the manner pre
scribed is tbe constitution for drawing
money from the publlo treasury. The ap
propriation for the salary of the reporter
and ex-offlcio clerk and librarian of the
supreme court Is made by aectlon 25, ar
ticle ivl, of the constitution, and requlrea
no special legislative enactment.
Greater America Exposition.
In the case of Hayden against' The
Greater America exposition the court de
clares that It Is tbe duty of Judge Dickin
son to vacate a restraining oraer ana
thereby give tbe parties Interested an op
portunity to proceed In tbe main case in
accordance with tbe mandate recently filed.
No formal order was Issued, tbe court as
suming that the Judge will act In con
formlty to the vlewa so expressed. The
court holds that If tbe district court mis
takes or misconstrues the mandate of this
court, Its obedience may be enforced by
mandamus, which Is an appropriate remedy
to make the mandate effective.
The relator in this branch of the esse,
Richard 8. Horton, prayed for a writ of
mandamus, addressed to tbe Judge, directing
him to vacate a restraining order allowed
In the action wherein Hayden Bros, sre
plaintiffs snd the selator defendant, re
straining; 'ths defendants from further pro
ceedlngs In the original case.
Miles Will Contest.
In tbe case of Joseph Williams, et el,
appellants, against Joseph H. Miles, et al.
appellees, the motion of the latter to dta
miss tbe appeal Is overruled, the court
holding that an appeal will He. In tbe
case of Joseph Williams, et al, plaintiffs
and appellants, sgainst Joseph Miles snd
others, defendants and appellees, the mo
tlon of the three sppeliants to dismiss the
action la sustained, the court ordering tbe
esse dismissed upon payment of three
fourths of the taxable costs. Both actions
arose from the Miles will contest esse.
Alert for Para Food Prodoets,
Numerous Inquiries have been received at
the food department regarding a prepare
tlon branded "apple fruit vinegar," which
la being offered to Nebraaka wholesale deal
ers by a Kansss City manufacturing firm
The food commissioner holds that the term
la Identical In meaning with the terms
vappie vinegar," "orchard vinegar or
elder vinegar," and that when analysed
apple fruit vinegar muat meet the require
ments specified for cider vinegar. Vinegars
are, by law, divided into two classes. One
claas is termed apple, orchard er cider vln
egar and must oe the legitimate product of
pure apple Juice and contain net less than
per cent of elder vinegar solids. Tbe
other class la termed grain, wine of fruit
vinegars. Tbe law declares that all vinegar
snau oe maae wnouy rrom the fruit or
grain from which It purports to be or Is
represented to be made and shall contain
no foreign substance or artificial coloring
and not less than per cent of absolute
acetic acid.
A shipment of vinegar received at Grand
Island from the Menarch Vinegar Works
st Kansas City has been oondemned by tbe
commission. The barrels were branded
"pur apple Juice vinegar," but an analysis
showed It to be a distilled vinegar artifl
dally colored. It will be destroyed or re
turned to .the shipper. Another shipment
of a similar character was received at Min-
den and will be treated In a like manner.
Land la Good Demand.
ucpuiy iana commissioner Eaton re
turned today from Antelope county, where
he conducted a land leasing auction. He
disposed of all available school land In the
county excepting one quarter section. Next
week Commissioner Follmer and Deputy
Eaton will conduct land leaalng auctions In
Greeley, Loup, Garfield and Washington
counties. Tomorrow afternoon sn auction
'will be held In this county to dispose of a
small tract of unoccupied school lsnd.
Library Extension.
Secretary Edna Bullock of tbe Nebraska
Library Commission haa Issued the follow
ing communication to the publlo school
teachera of the state, asking tbelr co
operation In the work of library extension:
"We Invite your attention to, and ask for
your co-opera tlos In, the work of library
extension. It Is a subject thst appeala
moat urgently to those who are educating
children of the state. There would soon
corns a time when an uneducated native
Nebraskan would be hard to find, If, In ad
dition to tbe good work our schools ars
doing, the people had some wsy of com
pleting their own education. Let ua lay
tbe foundation for a aystem of universal
aelf-educatton In Nebrasks, and let us be
gin by stsrtlng libraries wherever there Is
any hops of maintaining them permanently.
In order that children may know how to
ua books, enlarge your school libraries In
accordance with some definite, well-planned
policy. A school library cannot take the
place of a public library, but tt caa be used
to prepare children for entrance at the
'people's university,' aa the public library
has been aptly called.
Tt la tbe desire of this commission to be
to purchase the books. We Invite you to
make sny demands yon msy desire to upon
our time and energies In the line of mak
ing this commission useful to the schools.'
Anaaal Ponltry Show.
Tbe board of managers of the State Poul
try association bss decided (o bsve the next
annual poultry show held In Lincoln from
January It to 24, 1903. C. M. Lewelllng of I
Brownvllle has been .elected to officiate as
superintendent of exhibition. Judges ap
pointed to assist blm are: W. A. Russell,
Ottumwa, la.; C. H. Rhodes, Topeka; Adam
Thompson, Aurora, Mo.; David Larson,
Asisumsnt Litigation.
Corporations Involved Are Glvea
Leave ta Intervene la Case
Feadlnsr la the 8a.
preme Coart.
LINCOLN. Feb. 19. (Special Telegram )
The supreme court this morning overruled
motion to strike out several vital sec
of Bellevue was drowned Isst night. The
boy sksted Into a hole made by the re
moval of Ice from the water. Tbe body
found thla morning In alx feet of
water. Mr. Lee lost another son by drown,
lng some time ego.
Wshoo, and A. R. Carruth, Lincoln. The UoM of thfJ alternative writ In the case
noara aiscussea a movement to provioe Pi- o( wlii,,ra a, gbrlver and George T.
manent quarters ror tne association ana to ,.nst the Omaha city council
It was the genersl sense of those present
nrivir In tha raa la fnr n rjeremntorr
that active work with thla end In view wrlt t0 comp.i tn, t0unclV to sit again aa
a board of equalization and hear complaints
against tbe assessment of corporations.
should be Immediately begun
Section of Llejht Artillery
The preliminary organization of a
The respondents, the members of the coun-
tlon of light artillery waa effected at a h". wer 'eT t0 B n" n;
m.sHn. i,.m ir. tu. ...... .v. k.. .. t.. stanter and the corporatlona Interested
capltol last night. Adjutant General Colby "r Hven leave to intervene.
aspeetnr Sinclair Mow Estimates
Pnrtrlda-e'a Defalcation at Less
HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 19. (Special Tel
egram.) In connection with the suicide of
Postmaster Louis B. Partridge at Kenesaw
It la thi. general opinion that D. M. Baul,
principal of Kenesaw publlo schools, will
be placed in charge of the postofllce until
n appointment la made.
Postofllce Inspector Sinclair has finished
the Inspection of Postmaster Partridge's
books and reports the shortage to be 671.
Tbe Kenesaw postofllce Is now In charge
of Mr. Norton. There Is a strong move
ment to have the wife of the dead post
master appointed.
haa assured the promoters that If the sec
tion Is properly formed It will be mustered
Into the stste service snd probably made
a part of the Wymore battery. P. Jamea
"The matter stands now," said Mr. Con
nell, "Just as though the motion had not
been made. My answer, a part of which
Cosgrave and Tim McCarthy are the chief Published In The Bee of Monday, waa
workers In the movement.
Telephone Competition at Lincoln.
Renewed efforts ars being made by the
left In the handa of the clerk of the court
to be filed at once In case my motion was
overruled, snd I presume it hss been filed
by this time. The motion which tbe court
Independent telephone promoters to obtain overruled was to strike out certsln para
graphs of the alternative writ which I
considered Irrelevant. It waa merely a
preliminary matter and of no consequence
so fsr ss the merits of tbe esse are con
cerned. This action of the court la with
out significance In the way of forecasting
Its final action."
Commissioners and Supervisors at
Fremont Treat Mssy aes
tloae at Interest.
rRKMONT. Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.)
franchise from the Lincoln city council.
The proposition Is being agitated among
the business men of the city and after pub
lic interest la aroused an application for
the franchise will be made.
The atate association of managers and
officers of 'Independent telephone exchanges
finished lta work In annual session last
night. About fifty of tbe 100 exchanges DISCUSS WELFARE OF COUNTY
were represented, it wss sgreea ny an
present that steps should be tsken to com
plete communication between the various
station, thus establishing an independent
long-distance circuit. The following on
cers were elected: Tom E. Parmele, Platte
mouth, president: I. W. Clark. PaDilllon.
vice president; E. C. Hansen, Fairbury, I The commissioners and supervisors put In
.ecretarv and treasurer: J. H. Currta of a busy day today ana accompusnea conaia
Bradshaw. A. E. Gantt of Falla City. T. ereble work. Lt evening tney listened
F. Martin of Albion, executive committee. to an addreaa by W. H. Clements of the
Fremont Normal school, mis waa ioiiowea
bv a discussion on the payment of Interest
P. Course? Richards was this afternoon on county money In the tanks. Nearly all
bound over to the district court on the those taking part were opposed to the
charge of assaulting his 12-year-old step- present law, which requires the banka to
daughter, Marie Magaants, ana in aeiauu i paT j per cent on county balances. The
of 11.000 bond was committed to the county bankg would not pay that rate, but were
Jail. The defendant submitted no testimony, I wtning to pay 1 1ft or 2 per cent. The
but tnrougn bis attorney insisted tnat ne result was a loss to tbe county. The law
was -innocent of the cbsrge. The principal I , ntii. mnnort imonr the members
testimony4 for the state was given by the and a resolution demanding lta repeal was
young girl. Richards 1 well known in city adopted.
political and business circles.
Contestant Appeals to Higher Coart
from the Rallngr of the Cennty
BEATRICE, Neb., Feb. II. (Special.)
The contest over the office of sheriff has
bobbed up again, having been taken from
the county court to the diatrict court upon
Tbe first on the order of business this
morning was election of officers and the
following were chosen: President, Phillips
of Adsms county; vice president. Winter of
I Madison: secretary, Roberts of Dodge
treasurer, Harte of Douglas. The attendance
today waa much larger than yesterday and
more were present than have attended any
previous annual meeting. Thirty counties
sre represented. In the afternoon Janitor
Houck replenished the baskets of apples,
oranges, bananas ana cigars, ana tne con-
a writ of error. This case was dismissed , ', v .. , w .
In county court by the party bringing It,
who paid all coats. The contestant filed an
affidavit on the first day of the term of the
county court, ststtag that the ease was dls-
missed without his sanction snd without
his knowledge, and asking that the ease
be not dismissed, but thst the court set
sside Its decree, which had already been
spread upon his records, and permit tna
case to come before a Jury. The attorneys
for the defendant, who wss also the In
cumbent, filed a petition to the effect that
the county Judge had already dismissed the
case by a desire of the party who -filed It,
and that tbe court did not have authority
miscellaneous questions In which each felt
particularly Interested. Among the ques
tions discussed were the power of the com'
mlssloners to place minor children who were
a county charge In suitable families whsre
they could be better looked sfter than In
poorhousea; how the duties of the county
boards of health could best be perfected;
and the liability of the cqonty.for injuries
caused by defective bridges., On the latter
there waa a diversity of opinion. Traction
engines were also discussed at considerable
length. Some commissioners wanted a law
compelling the ownera to plank bridges be
fore running the engines over them, while
others doubted whether such a law would
Jl!: 1?.:.r'U'.rir? do any good an. tlt If th. bridge, were
the petition snd the plaintiffs have filed a
writ of. error. There are aome prospects
of this case being taken to tbe supreme
The district court convenes here on Mon
day next, with Judge Lettoa on the bench.
The docket contains 200 cases, among ths
most important of which ars the damage
suits sgainst the Wymore saloon keepers
and , the case of ths State against Jasper
Byers for contempt of court. Mr. Byers
disappeared during the laat session of the
grand Jury and took the proceedings of thst
body with him. which consisted of books
snd records. In a few daya be returned
them by express from Council Bluffs, la.,
to the county attorney. Mr. Byers wss
secretary of the grand Jury at the time.
Coaatjr Coart Glvea the Boy to Adopted
Parents nnd Hla Mother Appeals
to Hlsrher Trlhanal.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Feb. 1. (Soe-
clal.) Val Burket and wife brought re
cently habeas corpus proceedings against
Mra. Frances Crisman, mother of tba child,
and Mrs. Sarah Jane Tldd, her mother, in
county court to gain possession of their
adopted child, Robert E. Sampaon, who had
been kidnaped by bis mother and her
father. Judge Douglas ordered ths boy to
be returned to the Burkels. Alexander A.
Altacbuler of Omaha cams here and filed
petition In error In the district court,
seeking to set aside ths decision in ths
lower court Hs also filed an amended
petition in the county court, aeeklng to
set sside, vacate and cancel the decree
of adoption1 made and rendered by Judge
Douglas on December 18, 1901. It Is under
5L M M
Twclvo Yoars of
Awful PHo P-!n,
A. ft. Auringer, Brsidwood, 111., Saya
"After Buffering untold agony tor over
twelve years from both forms of piles, and
trying all aorta of pits remedies without re
life, I am completely cured by Pyramid
Pile Cure." Sold by all drugglsta, M centa
a box. Book, "Piles, Causes and Curs,"
nulled free. Pyramid Drug Co- Marshall,
properly constructed they would hold up
the engines.
The remainder of the afternoon session
wss tsken up with a discussion of various
questions of general Interest In regard to
management of poor farms, roads, bridges
and taxation. One which created the most
Interest ras In regard to the advisability
of the countlea foreclosing tax liens. Com
missloner Welton of Lancaster was of the
opinion that It waa very poor policy and
that hla own county would be way behind
financially by doing so.
A special meeting will be held at Bea
trice in December, at which time the legls
Jatlve committee will submit its report,
The next regular session will be In
Bestrlce In Jsnuary, 1903. Ths commls
sioners attended the Innea band concert
thla evening aa the guests of ths Commer
cial club.
Plattsmonth , Yoatha Have to
Trial for Stealing; Money
from a MI1L
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Feb. 19. (Spe
clal.) Sheriff John D. McBrids filed a com
plaint against Walter Speck and Frank
Boetel, charging them with burglary.
la aald the boys broke into tbe mill of
Helsel and stole $10. The boys were ar
ralgned before Judge Archer today and
waiving examination, were bound over to
tbe district court, the bond of each being
fixed at $200.
Had to Pass Water Very Often Day and Night
Salt of Mrs. John P. ftesbltt Asjalaat
Saloon Keepera of He.
hraska City.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Feb. 19. (Spe
cial Telegram.) In the district court this
afternoon the rase of Mrs. Rena Nesbltt
sgainst John Mattes, Jr., et al, waa called
and the work of selecting a Jury waa begun.
Thla la a case where a number of saloon
keepers and their bondsmen are sued to
recover $10,000 dsmages for the alleged
ruin of the plaintiff's husband. Dr. John
P. Nesbltt. There are nearly fifty witnesses
on the plaintiff's side of the case and a
large number for the defense.
Gerrard la Acquitted.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.)
The ease against Charles . A. Gerrard,
charged with violation of the game law by
exhibiting for aale at Monroe a quantity of
croppies and auckers, was beard by a Jury
In Justice Hudson's court yesterday after
noon, a verdict of not guilty being quickly
agreed upon In the Jury room.
Attorney Genernl's Condition.
HURON, S. D., Feb. 19. "The fever has
not left the patient, but the tempersture
spproached normal this morning," ssys Dr.
Alford, physician of Attorney General Pyle.
These la nothing unduly discouraging In the
general's condition except the feeble heart
action, which organ requlrea constant
treatment and Is still maintained by stlm
ulants and remedies. The pulse Is seldom
below 120. The query naturally arises.
' How long csn this continue without abso
lute heart failure T" ,
Cured by the Great Kidney Remedy, Swamp-Root
NjiJ --s ym
DR. KILMER aV CO., Blnghamton, N. T.:
About two yeara ago I had a very severe case of kidney and bladder tremble.
The pain In the small of . my back wa so severe that I could not stand It to stay I
one position more than a moment or two, and waa obliged to pass water very often
day and night. I tried medloinea and doctors without getting relief. Notiolng an
advertisement In the Topeka State Journal of Swamp-Root, I determined to give It
a trial and bought a bottle. By th time I had finished the first bottle the pain and
entirely disappeared from my back. The pain and frequent desire to pass water
eessed. However, I continued to take the medicine, using about six bottles la all.
That was over a year ago and I have had no return of the trouble slaoe.
Saa Flirts with Populace Today aad
Tomorrow nnd West 'Winds
Grow Fresh.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 19. Forecast:
For Nebraaka, South Dakota and Kansss
Partly cloudy Thursdsy and Friday; va
riable winds.
For Iowa Fair Thursdsy and probably
Friday; light to fresh west winds.
For Missouri and Illinois Fair Thursday
and Friday; variable winds.
For Montana and Colorado Partly cloudy
Thursday and Friday; variable winds.
Local Record.
OMAHA, Feb. 19. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
tbe corresponding day of the last three
1902. 1901. 100. 189S.
Maximum temperature.... 30 26 81 62
Minimum temperature.... i 10 in 34
Mean temperature t. 24 18 24 48
Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .00
Record of temperature and DreclDltatlon
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature .., u
Excess or uenciency iur mo uay ., y
Total excess since March 1, 1101 .,901
Normal precipitation jfl Inch
Deficiency for the day 03 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 24. S9 Inches
Deficiency since jarcn 1 o.w incnes
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901... .21 Inch
Deficiency for cor. period, 1900... 4.67 inches
Hepnris iron iuaai ni 7 p. an
(A. H. Nooney.)
Chief Engineer, State
Capltol Bldg.,
Topeka, Kan.
Jan, 2nd, 190S.
: B
: ?
; s
Omaha, clear
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy ...
Cheyenne, clear
Bait Lake City, clear ..
Rapid City, clear
Huron, clear
llllston, clear
Chicago, clear
Bt. Louis, clear ..........
St, Paul, partly oiuuuy
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, cloudy....
Havre, partly cloudy ..,
Helena, cloudy
Bismarck, clear
Galveston, clear
M SO) .00
32 32 .01
32 SH .01
28 84 T
42 44 .00
40 44 ..00
24 82 .00
28 30 .00
22 24 T
28 32 .00
28 32 .00
22 28 .00
28 28 .00
42 44 .00
401 44 .00
28 82 .00
62 62 .64
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
Weak and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more slokness and tsaffertn
thsn any othsr disease, therefore, when through neglect or other onuses kidney
trouble Is permitted to continue, fatal results are sure to follow.
We often see a relative, a friend or an acquaintance apparently well. Vat Is s
few days we may ba grieved to learn of their severe Illness, or sudden death, caused
by that fatal type of kidney trouble Brlgh fs Disease.
The mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder ratnady.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Is soon realise d. It stands the highest for Its wonderful
curss of the most distressing eases. A trl a; will convince anyone and you nay have
a sample bottle sent free, by mall.
Sample Bottle Swamp-Root Free by. Mail.
EDITORIAL NOTE Swamp-Root has been tested In so many ways, and has
proven so successful In svery case, that a special arrangement has been made by
which all t readers of Ths Omaha Bee who have not already tried It may
have a sample- bottle sent absolutely free by mall. Also a book telling, an about
Swamp-Root, and containing many of the thousands upon, thousands of testimonial
letters received from men and women who owe their good health, In fact their very
lives, to the wonderful curative properties of Swamp-Root. In writing, be sure and
mention reading this generous offer In Tbe Omsba Morning Bee when sending your
address to Dr. Kilmer as Co., Binghsmton, N. Y.
It you are already convinced that Swamp-Root js what you need, you can purchase
the regular fifty-cent snd one-dollar else bottles at the drug stores everywhere.
Don't make any mistake, but remember the name. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, and the addreaa, Blnghamton, N. T.
! to Star. If day m llacM, tt caa kr
Ummi to la Mnl color vlthoM tajarf MkosMk
m co fay m applkcooa of cha Hair Regensrator
ftboohrtcly banntcos. A.r fthado ncodttood. Color
not. tmi GNU ArfLICATloN LASTS
alOITTHS. SombU toot aoir cglon aroo.
ruperial Chemical Co.. 136 W. 23d St.. N. T.
4 cunt tdurxitm
iDin 1 u "2r"n"."'
r to I to Son. Y I OIKnargos.inasmnioMons,
OairootoZi V. IrrltaUoes or aloorotlonj
ar VI nne
sot 10 wtoiara. of at o 00 jntv
rroxau Oooioaloa. rsl aloes, aas eut I
rtAJSdMUl'liO. ssat or soisoaena.
"or saat I
oM y OrmartTftsta.
or saat 19 plain
dtooo. uroi
s eotucn, 1
Pmmlllwmty Cumd ml jraaw Vi
ym( ir ana all aaocrloas at the
Hair mad Scalp pr-ftivcly euro only with
my aciontiflc troatiooata, cpoclally pro.
pared (or each caAO. Full loformalion
with book iroo. Call or trirto, IOHM H.
WOODBUY O 1., r. liuta SI.,Chlraro.
isisisai'i'r ' Tinnijnf
, Papllllon Flra Is. Averted.
PAPILLION. Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.)
A destructive fire was promptly averted
stood that papera have been prepared for early this morning by quick work of tbe cit
the arrest of Mrs. Crisman, her father
and their attorney, Altschuler, after the
trial In district court, on the charge of
lzeaa of this place. Tbe hardware store of
H. Corey wss the building where the flames
were discovered. Ths fire originated from
a defective Hue. '
Drowned Nenr Month of Platte.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Feb. 19. (Special
Telegram.) A K-year-old. son of C. R. Lee
of Bellevue was drowned nesr the mouth of
the Plstts river last night while skating
! with a younger brother. H. C. McMaken
of thla city bad recently cut Ice there.
faeceaafal Contestnnte of the Prelim-
Innrr Declnmntory Coatest
at Geneva.
GENEVA. Neb., Feb. It. (Special.) Ths
preliminary declamatory contest closed Jest
night. Ths judges were: Mrs. P. B. Brsy- PAPILLION. Neb.. Feb. 19. (Special.
ton. Superintendent qhsrles Smrhs, Jr., and I The lS-year-ofd son of Merchant J. H. Lee
iter. 1 nomas urimtns, ana tna reieree wss
County Judgs Sklpton. Ths successful con
testants choaen for ths local contest in
two weeks were: Oratorical "Lafayette."
Retta Walker; "Francia Scott Key.'
Chauncey Hrubeaky; "John Brown," Mabel
Williams. Drsmstlo "Battle of Zaralla,"
Carrie King: "Fall of Pemberton Mill,'
Evangeline Strickland; "Soul of the Vio
lin," Marcella Flory; "Soul that Passed in
ths Night." Laura Cox. Humorous "Ths
Fountleroy Wall." Essis Heath; "Scorching
Versus Diamond," Lelta Mohrman; "Buy
ing a Feller." Rose Wilson; "Alternate;
Telephone Romance. Ross Wets.
Rev. Grtssbr Bints nt MeCesk.
M'COOK, Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.) Mc-
Cook Methodists are pleased with the order
of the bishop instructing Rev. L. M.
Origiby to remsln in charge of ths Meth
odist church of this city snd rescinding his
order authorising his removal to Salt Lake
City. Utah.
Frnctarfs Ankle while Conattna;.
WYMORE. Neb., Feb. 19. (Special.)
While coasting Miss Csrrls Hsrpster. relief
telephone operator, broke her right ankle,
Biliousness & Indigestion
Even deep seated dyspepsia art
quickly and ta&ily remedied by
powders, with a little self study.
Relief Is Quick; Cure Certain.
It's Actios).
Ths eompoaltioa of "Oranfolna" Is pablished
oe page t of oar direction booklet la every
packaao, and its aeenrnte balanoa of remedies
, Bormalli stimulates nerves, stomach aad liver,
to secure perteet seiion aad assimilation of
A Common Kxperlene.
Mr. Irrlas I- Sanrari eblecaaT. Mra
"Tbaro ta BiHUlna llko -OrHticaiuo to cuo bitioue
Boas. boa I fool an atek ciain( 00 I take a
oajdar and ropaat in bait aa boar, and erory Uiroe
bnura Iharoakflor aatll a total st (IS bar boon taM.
tba raoult to cooulaoe raUaf aud cleaving as of
Isis t Dmiilitt itj'O.tS 14 B0 Packages. J V
i c-i
Will positively advance stock to
tents for
When well Is completed, which will be. not later than
Saturday nightthe 22nd. Our c'asing is now net in
cap rock hence the above POSITIVE STATEMENT.
LAST DAYS of 25-cent Stock
If you wish a bonanza investment, act quick
II. I. FOKSYTII, Sec'y and Treas.