THE OMAHA DAILY BKEi WEDNESDAY, FEB1UJAUY 19, 1902. Republican Press Comment on Governor Savage's Candidacy A.Ian. Coaaty. ture developmrota that be m right and nomination would iwimp both the atate union eomethlng bappena ttfi now and thin Una at aoma length. Clancey tug- Iras exert a great deal of lalluenp In atataT Did or did not that not paaa from Hastings Tribune: Oovernor Ssvsge wilt P wrong he will not fall of hla ra- and legtalatlv ticket, next November to clear the blame now nested that good mm be sent sown to tne party pontic, dui worn in. tn, ... ..,r.n.-r -- ........ never rapture the gubernatorial nomination ward. The public, with Ita preaent knowl- Beatrice Times: Governor Savage haa resting upon him. tint fall. His political rouse la cooked to cdS ,b rase, does not endorse the gov- announced bla candidacy tor re-election. turn and his finish Is In sight. error's action, neither would it endorse him 'lie Is aald to have big barking In all parte n.- n-. at ,os polla should be be so unfortunate as of the state. The two national senators to be able to secure nomination Albion Newt: The republican party of Ne- better for him to to back and s braska Is Just now In a critical position. It than It would be for the admlntatr s evident tnat tnere is an organised clique, the state to again go back Into the hands have claimed to be alnce hla pardon of Composed of Savage, Bartley and their 0f the Bymths, Meeerves and Porters. Hartley, It la difficult to see bow Mr. Savage INenda, that Is aetermlned to use tne re- ....... can be renominated. There is no room to next aeaelon of the legislature to work for wielded over the voter wb6 haa ho Interest Could a custom like thla do otherwise than the of a bill restarinc what the In Office notaing or em re aeiatr, new win inaueac unrnry ia nrrrue iu nuu . . . ... .A ... . . k ..II. V . . II w . . . . ., ,k governor has robbed ua of, and promising met worsr we anouia .mm. i n i i w .inn r luuuci. i n " ' in utr jvi i. . I n n I uovrruvr Holt Coaaty. The Conservative does not ask the Fre lor Savage In IMS will sign any Ear P. Savage oa the ticket for governor mont Tribune or anybody else to tike "Mr. a. It Is from Nebraska are reckoned as hie active ..TV,. nf nfflr. bill that the legislature paspee. Will he. next fall wouia o a suieta ao certain ana -onon s um.uppor.ea wm,,. - - - nnn ii,io.i!. if th. r.m.hiir.- nm. nf upn the '"P1100 ot h 9 , r offlc ihoi.h? if the governor thinks a bid of aure ae the eleetlbn was to be held. His against previous state treaaurers." but It vtlon of the state are aa solidly against hlra aa they " " . m .... tV. .fnnh this kind will bring him any support from excuses for the pardon ot Bartley are so challenges the records-lf they haye been Governor Savage will be retired politically of damphools. Indeed. Dakota Coaaty. doubt that, aside from this, there la a will grieve any over It. The next repub llcan convention will make a grandstand i1a 4nniiHlne lha aatillm&nlg that f tl fourth, of the people of Nebraska believe ??? vr.rld' r"h, of ,h PfP' of at heart to be right. Kearney Coanty Mlnden Gazette: The Gsxette predict that if Governor Savage wants a renomln Madison county he must take us for a pack flimsy that no party rould afford to go on kept Intact to show thnt he tins misstated If he thinks he the defense of them before the people. eotta BlaST Coaaty. I heir caaet What Bartley did with the state warrant proceeds, about which the thla aectlon of the state, cause us the ex- 8cotta Bluff Republican: Oovernor Savage Tribune talks nobody datattaly. pense of maintaining a lobby at Lincoln .nnounc th.t h. la a candidal for re- rrh'.r' U""1 S.atee Senator Millard, who at the next aesslon of the legislature and nomination thla summer. Thlr,, coming at " l" , . 7 . . V .. ,h. :ta privately work against our Interests, and ,t doe, ong wlth ,ha ugly rumors that art ,,or. V " a- then aecure our assistance for his renomlna- -0i. the rounds that both ienatore art Pf8P,r ot tba chemical National of Nev. (ubllcan party for Its selfish purposes. It la inconceivable how they expect to ac Dakota City Eagle: Governor Eira Sav- etrong element in the republican party who compile!) their purpose, taking Into account age was ao highly elated and to much will oppose his renomlnatlon. the feeling throughout the state. It la rPa.d with the bitter criticisms in the .,, fT0bable their oraanlxatlon Is more ex- at.t nr... itimii kl. r..rrfAfi nr ifi.t kin th.t if r:n.mnr R.v..a w.nt. rennmlna- ihn run nur ntlRtinr fnr hli rfnnmlnii. i 1. . . A. . . ,- k-iJ tensive and complrte than la at present of all thieves. Joe Bartley. that he promptly Wood River Interests: Governor Savage tlon he will get It. The Bsrtley matter tlon at the next republican convention by distributing federal bstronaae to bring Tork City, k as well posted aa anybody, ex- known and It will not do to underestimate declared his Intentions and announced that ennouncee that he will seek a renomlna- will furnish a good excuse for aome fellows promising to algn our bill It we aucceed in ,bout hla renomlnatlon. looka as though c'pt Bartley, can be. Tne i,on- ita atrength. If they have a combination of he would again be a candidate for the noml- tlon for governor. If there ever was a to " bolt." The boltera should remember forcing It through the legislature, then he tne powers that be are determined to ruin rtl h" Bot endeavored II the atateand federal patronage It means nation of governor. There'a no use, E. fellow who ought to ge away back and alt that Joe Bartley waa the meana ot getting (a certainly very much mistaken. We tBe republican party In thla atate. When 10 uPt" Hartley because tnaay of h!a that It will require active and persistent you might ss well go "way back and sit down, and "stay sot," It is this tarns Gov- no of the beneficiaries of his misfortune would not lake the governor s promise If Savage pardoned Joe Bartley It waa con- Pr'vor notoriously handled state ffort on the part of the rank and file to down. The republican party, aa well as the ernor Savage. The rank and file ot the off the ticket last fall. The eame conven- he would reduce It to black and white, for feied by everyone that he had made a ttta- 'f' Ju,t M b aw "4 nappened to os- Irustrate their plane. It behooves every voters of the atste, are like the hog, know republican party won't atand for any auch tlon that nominated tba man was also the the reason that wa do not believe he Is a take which would ruin him politically. But 'pt a,,ct' Bl otructlo9. But It republican who Is In favor of a clean and when they have edough. trick mule. one which demanded Bartley'a return to man of bis word. Even If he would put up if, m the face of the etonn that that tea- k" BJ,a 11 aM now object to reputable party to watch closely the de velopments of the next few months. Box Bntte Coasty. the hope that he may be nominated. Savage Clr.nii TiLnrl Inil nnrfnt r fSnvernne tk. h-nlt-Mtl., K.fnr. th. .vnlr.tlnn nf - Knn i. mw-w t.1. imimMU li. . ,iwi -j . ia v - t x .w WaRing tSnrtiey a Vicarious SflCTinoa IVT ail Savage, the lamenUble misfit who outrsged hla parole. The pot should not call the could not have the vote of one republican people by party leaders there Is no power t ln Of his party and Ita repreaentattvea Emerson Enterprise: Governor Savage the cltlxenshlp of Nebraska by pardoning, kettle black. . on earth or In hades that oan keen the r- e agenta. The Conservative wis Ma Coaaty. he aucfeeds In making the nomination, publican party in pow thla atata. " rr J""' "! " ' Governor Savage may Governor Savage bs. shown himself weak Thousand, of hone.t . renublloana. who bav. " rt? favorites to do ao and screened them from tor Bart-company, surrounded by bad influences and inspired k.a .nnn.inx.rl ih.i ha lt..lrS A renomlna- In l)- f-tk nr.l.l. Alliance Timet: Governor Savage makes .... .a Tr.....r.e Rtfr that he doea hi. ii,. .k h.ii,.i.i. .m. the statement that he la a candidate for not Without regard to the wishes of battled liso.000 of the fceople'a money re tiaak flu Af rat - k. .m. ... hi. nMitir.i f,imr in tplteful In every critical question thnt grown old fighting the battles of the party, w v . . . j v A , . . . . . . ... iBTor 11 rn id au wv lua i:rvnvu lVJ!iU-LnAh.5Vrn "h tor both positions. ing .hort.gthl. governor, backed by the l" "L?.??" ?C .li l.l. Mate of Nebraska. It is hoped that the b, the leader. God help the party, tor It .tn? " ?! renomlnatlon at governor. Pop party thM Bentmell the republlcana cf the ttate gsrdleea of what term might be used In re- fnnrft jnnrnfti: Lniesi wa ir Krraiir sum virinnt nnimrai rimiiA rnar na nitn- mnct SSJIZX X mistaken In the temper of republican voter. ,rto disgraced the republican party, an- ntlon . ren.t.n, S.v.g w. hP 7h mra ' lon b T .'almost s i5 I .1 T. ? t D,Jon co"n,y. there wm one deIce- "ounces that he it a candidate for election lou- . , . x, .tnr. . . - but If It should by any machlnatlona of Savage will be be ao forcibly shown that h. "cw w wUn' w hop nd, " Im?t t-..V..; .tar ,10n tnat W,U 80 dOW W ,ht "tBU C00' "Xt Tbl" WM b!nUd " '0me t,m .. C .n.o " " "pMt l S P". even V h'a fri.hS. that h 'V' ? the'eo l tmit S - fJ?loaV Vent,on ,bat W'" n0t "Vr th6 Teaom- nd' ,he """no... of it. It "VaJbTan tte uner overwhelming defeat. will step down and out. Our faith In the brln th ,? ?' h0 "?! who hav. the 2i welb.rlTf fie mv t,on ot O"0' 6 nl lh conM 'n t -urprlae. It appear, that there Is on tbV"' S ThirdW ?P?Bt fa.t "nourt Norfolk News: Oove.ncr Savage la avl- vopubllcin party I. auch that we do not " BaM'!ld J'L,, w?)! 1 heart .11 . . Sri. ,,uent "dorsement of th. Bartley pardon no limit to the endeavor, or presumption J""; weoeeloPe(T c... of smallpox tly believer in mlr.cle.-lt would be a believe that It can be ruled by thieve, or now Just ho w many men ahould 1 .haro Whli n?JZ,tol l D,xon co,,n,y r'Publ,cn r ,n ,aTor of ot thttt " con,ro of thl. com- t0 ca,ch e" Pei of smallpox. r(ip(lbllP.n state convention their sympsthUers. D"'U ,h m' " ,h,y "r ' " before he people at the next elect Ion a , ,tlc, monwealth executive office. . And after I.l-oola Coaaty. would choose to nominate, him for governor ,..... ar. hi. p!ul.tlona and apeculatlons in "'i.' nT??!! l"0Tl'. n""iIbI- D-d. co.-tv. hi. flight to the aouth, and -his return, the North Pl.tte Tribune: Th. way matter. another and gre.t miracle If the Sherlda- Coaaty. ,h. money of th. at.t. of Nebraska. 0?t- an net i , , ,h- ... f Z . TK n.. Th. t .nroln Journal Punent. telf-appolnted autocrat fling. ,h,png themselves It U evident that people ahould elect him after he I. noml- u.-l!l Recorder: There Is a whole lot ernor tiavag. . tne unaer-oa.n "" an act In oppoaltlon to the demand, of hi. Fremont Tribune: The Lincoln Journal aowB the tlet ,0 ,ne decent tt)mtat b f " " , t d , ,h NpuMlcM nated. ot 000 new.pspers talking about the re- ot the atate of Nebraeka. He pardoned party,, and the republican party can afford haa obtained from Governor Savage an au- ( h repubCM party, ,he rank and file. ,ute convention will be Savage and antl- VncUoll. Coaaty. nomlnatloa of Governor Savaga at th. banda Bartley and he bad the right to parden nr tria. rniiriirM mir fnnvtni mi. idm b d. ir 4 nmpi ni inn rPDUDiicin newi" " ! . I f Nelon Gatette: A reporter to the State feow. alway. know a great deal more than papera Intlmate-Oovernor Savage wa. In V.T.nrt r it win be backed 7 " f J . . qU"- ' B?,K,PM IM'fr the real actor, in th. political drama do flueneed unlawfully and Improperly to di ." !. .v. . . ... -.5 .1. ,n yterday'a Issue on the approaching theDJ,elT w, do.t Dr.,end to know thla thlag. he la amenable to the law. And ,u" t"uul7 campaign. Governor savage la quoted aa v.. ,K . Kii ..... i a , inn.,.nA no experiments Brown Coanty. ' Ainsworth Star Journal: Savage haa an nounced himself aa a candidate for gov ernor. He ia not satisfied with ha haa brought upon the high holda and with the humiliation brought upon the republican party braJka, but like every other Impurity to contaminate all with whom he cornea contact. We do not for one moment VL'fc.n h. n.rnl.ll Rnrtlev It Was BFBttV CCn the disgrace ISIJ. ,h., .. ., A..trr.. .-: na ,ne noperuis arter reaerai patronage WCBt part of the state. In thla atruggle ian.: Te.. I am a office he :: - . -t.t fnr n ""."" iu uu Bartleyism .and booaieism win no arrayeu ernor." It la also at. k. v.. ""I - - .m rlht." tne inference belm that "the . -i-.n A.t .ni ri..n nniuira . " in ui. ...i. in It. at.t. rnit. ... - .. b'" ...., . r .i a cim iu i rrurr Ne- 'l ,: -"v.' : : " f fi.. ut,m tMlr own and we believe the latter will win. The nder nft circumstances seeka . . .. " woras. as expressea at me uncoiu con- mua nf the renubllcana do not approve 01 re.nleetlnn. Jn.t hn. !,e!J:"!?lt who are auppoaed to be intelligent cu.,o- Bo far a. the Tribune la con ,7m ...nn'fn, th. nine, has d ,M or ib'u own T0,M'. ,na oallengoa cerDe1( lt will oppose " - " tnem. Ana wo are told, by tne same BTsge. and in thl ior some momn. Dn n u.,,ui Mu..t.. th.t the tilebltera of the atate house w .v. . : . . . . . r '"H"""--"" - ' campaign, uovernor savage ia quotea aa v.. ,K kh . -m i in...4 r n-.-t. i....ii. .nin. nu.b luu IClllUllvail WIV1HIIVII Wilt "i. I hi. i. v. ...... V9n.HVU Hn. nut w. ran immIi K. KrAntfhr a thtnlr tha rflvrrflAr. direct rharaes are Droved. od 'i11 tb0v' Wb, they will be ao Idiotic aa to renominate a ha may be Impeached or depoaed from ouicicr ' " W1" man discredited by a decided majority ot office, at waa hfei predecessor, Dxvld be a candidate for vtn (n ..... nr... . a n..-!. w. k... nmlw wa ..unit R.v... mr.i ke- K.v... m.111 ennnnrt f - - " ' - to itst. i ne coovenuon paseea a re.o.uMon rentlon ,a8t ummer, ad .bandon their .. action In the Bartley case and If hi. , ,, i, , h. f. nf ih f.ct thVt o't"y no doubt at 10 our attitude, and cauae it it auppoaea tnat tnit paraca may ' ,n absolving tbe party from any aympathy ,d ,h - ...,. .. . th.,f ,nd tht the fw g . ?. . k! nim M T ' J 5. f . ' that Is one of undying hostility to a maud- hav. harmed the republican partyT Why wiih th.t nffielnl act. Undoubtedly the feel- l.f".tbat. ."I17. J' :.8 tte convention la controlled by him with but two or three exception., the entire ,, ..,,,., ,.,,.,.. L.k .k. .h. vw .nri .h.r. s.v.-w .rmd. mln'.stratloii ot Justice. . either morally or legally. Instead of uollt- tantoa csaatv Ically? It there no criterion of right and Stanton Pickett: ii k. - a...... ....... .... v - nu in i nccinrni inn inoir oncunin. inn - . i i j A ... i.ninr. i - ... . . . - . . . . . . . . , .ion mi mu DTn vuuiu ireura utu . f ...-ntmnnt toward the coventor man- . C . .Z i..... "na nl" "enun, nuu m. uuuiiii.iiu prc.i oi ing in againsi mm, remains nomination, but even the fact that he bad T, T .Ta u.u.llv The caae arovernor a chair did wrong. Will th. re- ourtlJ( lt mtKU, hla certain defeat at tha to be seen. If be Insist, and th. "friend." enough following to give him a showing be- " "whai aii.V.d during the .ucceed' f,ubl,can, "f the ut t?, Wll they po,lB. ot thS utter there la no que.tlon. of Bartley .ucceed In lining up the party iun iuj tuutounuu wouiu id mai enuci ana , mnnthn It wen tnerelv because of the . norm t iaiie iriuuno; re nro iu lesaers, 11 wouia seem a moil opportune 1n so far bo condemnation of the republican , " f Had the aovernor permitted . . . wo"" Ior unaouDteaiy me celpt of a ,etter from Governor Savage, in time for the fuslonlstt to again get that taken the bull by the horn, and no longer party la Nebraska. Savage ahould not. In fT ,,,, r where the con- . . V 'rmu ,u ouo l,mef which he Invitee u. when In Lincoln to office. Any old thing ought to be able to expresses a desire to retire to hit farm, lean .i ... i. ... jt - , vi- tne Hartley anair to reel wnere me cou- w, th. iigten to the Boncinus araumnnta ... v. i.n .v t.. w . .u... . .. . . ' Bgniuni a amj siaca ana exenange yarns ' iun vn, ue niiuwcu iu liibuo un vtlnn lf It he tnlehr hava had some . . ' crop in u see uini nnu mm n mi ucm suvu n iimiunn. nam. before tbe convention and if It were ,nr ?!n reaarded f ,b 3rcoPhfln,- ven ot our own m-- Bartley pardon. Some friend of the gov- otoe COmt,. ahould bo received with th. .Hence of con- 'v"". f .rrt ? more iJ aorrw Bun,,y' who wlU n ou,et"r -t"1 oothly ernor evldetiy called hi. attention to . 0t C"",r- , tempt, while no vole, .hould be ao lov, a. b" ? BuPt hen T anteTan ,Sge n th rPub,,cn the 'MPec- the article recently appearing In these col- me"" Journal: The people of Ne- L ,m - k tnan'ln anger. But when he granted an tlv. ward)1 and prec,nct, and tr to ,eM '"a fc k.k,. .v.,t k braska may look forward to lively ttmea . -. u. , nnonnnltlnn.l n.rnnn In R.rtlAV nn New .. - uiuii. luu lvuij " , in.m nnw anriniia it m vnr nn in nnnn.. ini pflif thn nnmtnnnrv nf thn rentlh- Governor Savage hat . York Coanty. York Republican: The Bartley gang I. and chewing tobacco with the hired man r'n round Oovernor Savage. It It or guess on th. weight of a bunch of Berk shire piga. On the contrary, he It pro nounced in ma intention to atand aa a stated that "now he has the support of Bartley and hla trlenda, he will be a strong candidate tor governor." Good Lord I haa K. I .. .am ..J . .w . -11 . .. O. i . . . . m . . . ..... . . . a a little too aevere on him. Nothing, how- candidate for a renomlnatlon. Wa admire 11 oon, " ,D,lT ,n1 ,n' convic.ea miei. ever, that Governor Savage can say i-nard- ! b" "JOUnCfd b m,elf cBaate his nerve at any rate. If he really desires "Ba wno "CUM hlra the theft. any cmcanery ne were 10 receive aucn nom- j- v. .i. .- hi. n.rtw in h. far. . .. . ... Year a day he alapped hie party in tne race wi.h of thn nnwem th.t ht Thn tmi. burr him ao deeo In the bowel, ot oblivion a" ..""T."1" P'ndent mistake, the aentlment. the good B. nU ln ardonln. Bart,., .oum "r the gubernatorial nomination. None what ... ub,lc. nartT , Ne. are looked upon as prob.ble dlotatora In - nfaM nrriaren n i ill h e 1 1 . iua insua in wbuv - -m iv. . v . i w " .. hin .. A(imi.A w . t.iina kna. ro rmMF nut A rfamnuP n thai hnnAM f . . " ' . BUUUU icaio VI loa rcuuuilCiOl OC ' Xltlll Annnn isf . rr.vAfnnP ai ht ,. aa,H uu -Buausav uia ucif, wuiiv uuoit hrAalf A 1 1. In V nf tit a gkM In t fit AM ln aw Taa rfUUUIini OUOTfDUOn 7 11 IS DUl main, it win HAVfln &na anu-Bavave .a. - v uuBo uu, VF.u.a. v. vi. t... --.....-4 - wvv ,n based larcelr upon the Bartley Incident. It . II l , r act. hence It we ahould go to Lincoln prior J v- .. Hartley he la taking exactly the proper tin its itpttiirtti n awtiH win It wei MSI thU X mo The ha. ben a lt la,f"Tt" theyklpen',t tbeat? t0 to he state Convention It Is not 'likely we Pawae. C.-.ty. COur.. to find it out. and when he doe. th. 1 tht haa da- ia wen tnat mie is so. . mere nas oeen a herulled into anv kind of consent to anv .... v . v. . . ..... .... baurhed tha atate and d scrared tha re- .... . .... . i . t . v . - - l- nujrt nnn vim. wn nn mm. wh 11 1 m. uiv- .r-.ii. s.Ar.rt-.. Haw.-.-. r-m uil will m i.r 1 1 1 1 111 uiiiHrinn in ni. aa to forever put a damper on the bopea of criminals and their aider, and abettor, high placea. n v ... . gooa aeai oi mauuna noumini nooui ion nuph nrnpneilinn Hartlngton Herald: Oovernor Savage Bartley matter, not in the state convention, afUp tne independent is pleaaed that naa announcea nis canaiaacy to aucceed himself. Thia be, for the reason that publican party an opportunity to place u- a marvyr me man who boio a flrat pIace Iet th, central committeemen And for that reason. how,ver l0 be ln Uncoln during the atate nouncet that ho will be a candidate tor B,t or hi. record aa goveraor.. The ra- Dub"c" r'r,,y-. Ml P" T1bo,n,D,on .niinn .nn will dewnia whatever Inflii- n.nnn .nn ,ni ..b hl r.n..nii... .nn. publican oress had manifested a wllllnrneaa ""l,,r ior governor u. u. .ure. ouv r.prc.ou uy Governor Savage haa made the ahameleas " " . " t . " 7 V..-.. . .k. . " T. ; ,.t ...,. .... ... .jr to lona at the breaent senatorial condition I. aa it should havo been moved, by aome mysterious mo. chaIien... Let the reDuhlic.n.- of H.ll enc' w" m'J .""vo venl OD Ior ln "onaination. xseoras.a is To htm w. r...,rn th.nk. fe Rd It will give the re- tlve. to defend Bartley and hold him up a. cwint -from t,ke UD . - ernor. nomin.uon we wm ao mi. . republican under right conditions, but with "Tl . ad Elmer Rt.ohenao; and Bh ielf .quarely on record either In favor of achool warrant and stole th. money. The ?tt g o to .ntand tb,t We "re confldnt hat th nomln.t on odium of the Bartley pardon r.ating on , or agatnat Bartleyism. Should the politl- governors candidacy will equarely join the that f Dreeentatloa want.a , ,a , ot Savage meana his defeat at the polls, him. there will bo little chance for auc clan. behind the Savage-Bartley toaue sue- istue. In all that la to follow, this will be convenUoI1 aP convenUon aa near' to the Nebr,k" B back to the re- cess, and tbe people will declare hla de- ceed in nominating their man. which lt the ttorm center. Those who endorse and peopIe ai'polbl( a ocveotion at dlffl- PubUc"n th proml" that the feat la jutt. ..uiwin. v..nK mmAi nawriahu tha. itkfarA i innttrt unvurnnr HAViM muii ffnaoran inn ..a. . . .... iM-ooiuny, iuuuru utui vu-., .-.w - - - - - cuu ior Beii-appoiniea leaaers 11 tney ap party would give tha 'people a cleaner and Pierce Coaaty. from now on until tha nomination, nm Dorgan. and Bud Lindsay, and Ed Slt.r. made the boys will see to It that he la But "nould the same Influence be found not forgotten, but Is remembered a. hit act. ,n control of the republican atate con deserve, ventlon. then tbe plain God's truth It thtt Valley Coaaty. the republlcana of the atate will deserve to be beaten by 40,000 votes for allowing It. - rnh.; nf r.nnhHc.n ninnr. of th. atate. support Joe Bartley. They must be ready "L'J IL.-. " "If better than did the fualon- Plalnvlliw R.nub,,P.n; Rwnnhlle..." of Ord Quia. Oovarnor Savag. wa. much "'"V" " .. JT ,ow,n . ' Eluding the mt InfiuenUa, ataUaUy, - Jo apojoglxe to, .the ng of th. atate l. lVT" ' N.?. will, we have no doubt.. xerc... J! ZJZl ..rt. mT BrTh. .W t" vraa" "'.-u.i r.'".r . ,r'..r::: r.'. D1- ti-iooaw to watch thing. n. - . . ... ta-d. tha - " hjt ..".:r." th.t h. nrm.w n.n.r.n .v.. '' to 'i- oenouucea ino otruoy imruuu, wm tjuuoi wiv-vw"" - pretty closely 1 niVA Ifl I II 1 1 1 T - IQBmBniTtm Ur lUCI fill! w ,vaauvuvu. a, uw IssaaaA n Kmwa have to repudiate the ticket and do their tne content, it oenevea tne grouna to oe pubucall party . utmost to defeat lt. Look out for warm well choaen. If there yet remalnt any h tni.. pv.ii.iv. iu n w. unnriy iuiiuws idii 11 td siaie con- Lord. and conaclenc. th. campaign for nomination vtntIon ta controlled by thl. element .to , wL;Bter votiotljr win luruiea Uripuriuuuy w cuii iui. Broken Bow Republican: . The eelf-an- oul- . V i"" Savage-a contingency that can hardly be - . U. . ..J ..ill k.. W, th. " " " ' IrMU rk . .ln. . ,1 o k. .i uui auu vi UVII nuii.u in h. .m will h. mail. ' W. r.nmlv. thn ' . Arr.itl. rlt.mrilnn fin...... C . . - - w.. tact that some of the .mootheat echemers Osceola Record: The announcement by come out flat-footed 'and announced that ha !" bU lt"tVl?at. rhapt Colonel Brown will furnish opportunity to nettle that ...I. In T ",n.t. ,n "t1" r backing Savage and It may uovernor savage tnat be win be an active is a candidate for governor. The atata- 7Z.t v .. . , . d,,ht. Th Tr.b,.n. believe, it know. th. !uch 'x,en.t tbat lt. ,hoM nominate noMlhI. that ,h caD Bom. candidate for renomlnatlon haa opened up a ment that the aovernor ha. n.rvn ..n. . Q""or Stvtge la not ao different Broken Bow Republican: . me eeu-an- ,.Kiio.n. nf nnn.. B"Tls- contingency tnat can hardly be n . . t. ... very lively regarding candidate., b. verv tr... h.,t h. .h.. . ..r- rrom otBr men not to be guided by tSXLZuS-Sr 11 "unty. There may be a dot.n who. for 1" " ?' tlmA And not only will Savage be defeated, but While the Record la not a prophet, neither quality of Judgment. ! "l!?!! will bo a candidate for re-election may be all right ao a Governor Savage la too loyal a republican m V tat 3iMthit '"leu. reaaons. would favor tbe nomlna- "n "V,,!?": the fact that hi. nam. I. on th. ticket will doe. It claim to hav. any Influence In the .bl.U.ff'. 2" .be Le:fh, "an tlon of Savage on th. Bartley Issue, but the T lUVl:?lC,l' 1 to th. other candidate, thousand, of nomination of governor.. It la willing to vVa.alaartoa Coaaty. roTn.i.; hi. .;;r..t tB; tb,nk- thea- rrit.hi-L.riico7i in . .v.. .ii. nf th. n.rtw thnt ele- telve. adversely. Faraaa Coaaty. Beaver City Tribune: The first choice ot Haastltoa Coaaty. other men. We tall to aee any harm that could possibly accrue to anv man bv hear. Dial, ttll.l . T. -.- . Rvik . . ... .. ... risk Ita reputation aa a gueaaer by aaylng " " " ricmuui inoua mai ing irom nis own lips wny no decided, after that no man will be nominated for that ffect onately aollcltoua about a long Una of nearly a year's deliberation to pardon Mr. r,i.. i. th. ... ..... i.irauiu.u preucirssora 10 oiruer in ttsniey. me reasons mav not be aucli aa Tlld'en Citizen: Ezra P. 8avage muat be . .v , . .,.. office ot atate treaaurer. and differs from would ledum Colonnl rtrnwn m nn . h..t votes. " tin. wIia k. . . .k. nf t)..ll..l.m . . hi. Aurora Republican: It begins to look like lifted with an abnormal amount of brass, ... . . flirth.. .. ..rM., the Conservative aa to the propriety of they certainly are such aa would influence i .. . . ... ... . ... , , . , -i - neivnw luivriej;. maui.u. . , . will oi tne majority oi me pinj mm -aio-vated him to h(s present position. The suc cua of tha republican party and ita princt- ninn naramount to the oersonal ambl- th. Tinok..THhnn. fnr nnrnnr nf v- the coming atate campaign would reaolve r gall, or assurance, or all three attrl- e ... ' ... .... . the pardon of Bartley by Goveraor Savage, aome honeat men. thev cnrtalnlw km in tlona of any man In the party. No true r- braska la Harry C. Lindsay of Pawnee "self Into a contest between Savagelsm and butea, to think for a moment that repub- feelln n h othef countea having The atned Tribune Ignores tha custom flenced one. and might be worth knowing, publican will urge hla candidacy for any CUy, It, jait choice la Ezra P. Savage of antl-Savageism. Already a distinct line-up Hcans will elect htm to the office which he no Urg(j cme( Jn them 'n u ln 0f former state treasurers, which permitted The cry "Away with Him! Crucify Him! position to the detriment of hit party, Sargent. Between the two are a thouaand noted with the politicians on the Savage tumbled upstairs Into last March. Far bet- coun(y ht w. b'e defeated at the tb deP"lt f th Pnbllo funds ia bankl Crucify Him!" waa not new. even l.00 knowingly. D. E. Thompaon. who ao per- gn aBd available republlcaat. ,'d th rnk nd flle. backed by the ter a blatant pop or aome old woman. n- f 6' m u gr(J friendly to the ruling party. It Ignores year. ago. Whan one's mind It made up alstently Insisted on hi. election to the . . . country press, on the other. The strength Norfolk News: The Newa recently aaw ' the fact that In republican atata conven- and he haa committed himself It I. but na Vnlted States senate In the face of the " T' of the former will ho In Ita determined or- a letter from Lincoln in which the writer naiiaa coaaty. tlonIi f0 Beary , gnMtlon, promisee tural that ha ahould only want to bear overwhelming sentiment of the republican Blue 8prlnga Sentinel: Oovernor Savage ganltatlon and pull with federal patronage-, stated that he had a talk with Clancey, Friend Telegraph: The Bartley gang In- of auch depoalta did aecure omlnathee. auch evidence aa auttalna the cause he baa party against him, atamped him aa not only announcea to the dear, Buffering publlo tbat the latter will depend mostly on numbers, the governor s private secretary, concern- duced Oovernor Savage to pardon Joe Bart- It Ik either Ignorant or forgetful that Wll- made hit own. The Tlmea baa no exchange unworthy the office he aougbt, but vinaafe to he It a candidate for renomlnatlon. The and public aentlment. There will be a Ing tbe hospital at Norfolk. Clancey paid ley, but are they etrong enough ln thl. lard waa nominated for atata treaaurer of tbat la read with more Interest, and whose be admitted to the councils of the party, party ahould pray, from now until conven- grand flght In the convention, and ahould hla respecte to the people of Norfolk ln state to renominate and elect him governor Nebraska year, ago because of tha promise opinions generally are more highly re Should the actona of Oovernor Savage In tlon, and then act mightily, to tee that It Mr. Savage win out there, he will lose the term, more emphatic than elegant, and In- for a second term? The crack at tba party of a loan of $26,006 of publlo money to a apected, than the Hub, but we do think in pardoning Bartley against the expressed does not proceed beyond the desire for th. election, a. he ought. Thl. paper refuses tlmatcd that we might be a mess of mud- whip when wielded In the hand, of men certain republican banker in Alma. And thla case Colonel Brown fasa not risen to will of the party prove In the light of fu- renomlnatlon. Such an accident as hi. re- absolutely Ita support of Ezra P. Savage died oafa. After relieving himself along who have fat positions to disburse doubt- hat tbat, money over been repaid to the bla full height and breadth. CCP1D GIVES UP READILY liitar of FretptetiTt Eridt Siddtily Check! Vatrimoniat FnjMt. MAN IN THE CASE COEI TO CITY JAIL Ctrl Leavca Her Rel.atlvae at Sebraska City with, lateatloa of Bala Married, bat Coonnte to Retara Blaajlo. Joe Glnder and Miss Zobeda Thompaon will not aend out their wedding carda Just at present. . Their contemplation of matrimony haa been suddenly checked by Mrs. J. E. Lleby of Nebraska City, a sister ot tha bride-tbat-waa-to-be, and aa aa In cident of the application of the check rein Mr. Glnder la an unwilling guest at tha police atatioa. . ' Mr. Cinder, until be came to South Omaha, to take a position In cne ot tbe packing houses, waa a realdent of Nebraska City, where Mtaa Thompson lived with her rela tives. The young people have been in love for over a year, but Misa Thompson's rela tlvea have never been In sympathy with their project to launch a new craft upon the troubled asa ot matrimony. It waa only a few weeks ago that Mr. Glnder changed hla residence from Ne braska City to South Omaha. Tea days ago Miss Thompaon Informed Mra. Liaby, with whom she baa made her home for the paat an yeara, that she Intended to go to Missouri to ylalt her parents. All preparations were made for tbe visit and in enoklns tls tha UMo thlnejj which teU 0,0 a-,r-rlr1nv' '"nirw n w a GBOB COMPANY tXlRACT.Sii. imie-goea a long way.. the girl left with the promise to write Im mediately upon her arrival. Several dayt passed and no letter came. Mra. Llsby concluded that something waa wrong, and hearing from home that the sister had not arrived, concluded that she had come, to Omaha and Joined Oinder. She wrote to the police and requested them to locate Oinder and find if the girl waa with him. Kinds Slater la Sooth Omaha. Instead ot waiting tor a reply to her let ter, Mra. Llsby went to South Omsha Sat urday and located her stater. After a lengthy Interview Miss Thompson stated that abe was ready and willing to return to Nebraska City, but that aha was afraid to do so, aa Glnder bad threatened to Injure her If aha left him. Glnder Informed Mra. Llsby that he and the girl were married and tbat he would not allow her to leave him. The girl denied that they were married. Monday afternoon Mra. Llsby and Miss Thompson came to Omaha a ad aecured a room at Ninth and Jackson ttreets. About I o'clock la the evening Glnder made hla appearance there and demanded that Mlas Thompaon return to South Omaha with him. Mra. Liaby notified the police atatlon and Detectives Drummy and Mitchell and Officer Flak arretted him and locked him up. to be held until an Investigation la made. Misa Thompaon told the officer, that aha waa tired of Glnder and deaired to retura to Nebraska City. Oinder is a widower and haa three children living In Nebraaka City. He clalma that he and Miss Thomp son intended to marry when he left Ne braska City, but tbat the marriage waa postponed until he was la a better condl tlon financially. Misa Thompaon and Mr. Llsby will return to Nebrsska City aa aooa as Ginder'a bearing la concluded. Uos't Aacest Coaaterfelta. For piles, skin diseaaes, aores, cuts, bruises, burns and other wounda nothing equala DeWltt't Witch Haul Salve. Don't accept counterfeits. None genuine except DeWltt'a. "I have Buffered alnce US with protruding, bleeding pilea and ua'll re cently could find no permanent relief, saya J. F. Gerall ot St. Paul. Ark. "Finally I tried DeWltt'a Witch Haael Salve, which loon completely cured me. tiaabeal Dsaaatd la Heavy Sea. PEN8ACOLA, Fla.. Feb. IS. ln drawing up to the navy yard com dovka today the l ulled States aunboat Maohina was caught bv a baavy swnll and driven with such violence agnlnat tha dock th.t one of Ita plewa beluw the aater Una M loosened. NEW BOOKS AND MAGAZINES laait of ITtw Starr by Atttraliat Writer Laid ii Eiflaid. rmurriNE affairs discussed in full Seasatloaal Book by oa Eaglleh. xaaa laoa the Rapid Growth of the Valted Btatva and Itn Trade Development. The new' novel by E. W. Hornung, which la freah from the presa, la entitled "At Large," a name tuggeatlva of tha Australian bush which the author haa made ao Inter esting In former stories. As a matter ot fact the acene of thla story is principally England, though the atlrrlng adventurea here related have their beginnings in Aus tralia. The hero, Jack Edmonetone, return ing to England after making hla fortune in Australia, finds another man, also from Australia. Milee by name, paying court to hla old sweetheart and received with favor. Hla dlacovery that hla rival la a notorious Australian bushranger and outlaw, "at large" In England under an assumed name, la accompanied by the complicating dlacov ery that thla tame outlaw la one to whoae friendly act, yearn before, he owed hie fortune, and to whom therefore 'be teela himself bound In gratitude. From thla dis tressing dilemma, the hero Is disengaged only with the greatest Ingenuity on the part of the author. The reader, ef Mr. Hornung's latest effort will agree that the ten that wrote "The Amateur Cracksman" haa lost ncne of ita cunning. Charles Scrlb- ner'a Bona, New York. "Philippine Affaire A Retrospect and Outlook," by President Schurman, baa Juat been received from 8crlbner'a preys In book form. This address, though somewhat cur tailed, waa delivered before the members ot Cornell university on Ibe morning at Founder s day, January 11. It wss rtpested In substance before the Reform club ot Boaton on January 20. Within tbe email pace of the I'M P-ges composing thla book Preaident Schurman tells the whole story of the Philippine troubles and what ateps have been taken by the government of tbe United Staua to pacify the ialsnds. Incidentslly, tbe writer lets lis a flood of light upon Filipino character and upon tbe desire and aaptratlona of the people. He give, a very clear Idea ot the Spanish government of tbe Islanda and showa wherein th.t system should be Improved, at the aame time quot ing the opinion of leadera among tha Fill plnoa on tbe aame subject. Coming from the president of the first commission to the Philippine Islands, the statement of the caae In tbla book may be regarded as au thoritative. Any one deairlng a plain, un varnished account of tbe relations between thl. government and the Philippine taland. .hould not fail to read President Schur man'. address a. preaented In thl. volume. Cbarlea Scrlbner'a Son., New Tork. Tbe world haa alwaya Judged pretty harshly the union of George Eliot and George Henry Lewes; not for Itself, but for lt. Influence upon other. The early life of George Eliot and tba nature of her Intimacy with Mr. Lewes and the strong personality of each are feelingly dlecuased in the March Delineator by Clara E. Laugh tin In her series on "Authors' Lovta." Cer tainly George Eliot's four and twenty years of life with Lewes were Idyllic, full of earn est purpose and unremitting labor and crowned with a perfection ot mutual un derstanding and helpfulness. Mr. Lewes first encouraged her to write Action and her success proved his wisdom; her novels bear ample testimony to tbla. The article la accompanied by aome rare Illustrations quote a few of the chapter headings will ahow the tremendoua scope of the wcrk: The Americanization of Europe Aala The Ottoman Empire, Ita Effacement by Uncle Sam Central and South America Tbe Monroe Doctrine Marriage and Society Art, Science and Literature Tbe Secret ot American Success A Look Ahesd, etc., eta. Mr. Stead brings the whole world within the purview of the reader, ahowt what we have dona and what we are going to do to lift the world to the American atandard of living. Tbe book Is exceedingly Interest ing and equally Important, while of 1't timeliness there can be no question. Horace Markley, publisher, New York. Current History for February presents a record of the world's events during De cember laat and cloaea the eleventh volume of thlt valuable chronicle. A striking por trait ot Secretary Hay la tbe frontispiece of thla number, to accompany an opening article by Joseph Fitzgerald, entitled "The New Treaty .and Secretary Hay." Tho contents In general deal with congress and the president's message, the South African war, th United Statea in Chinas crisis, the supreme court decisions respecting the Philippines, the Pan-American congress. South American matters. Lord Roaebery't Chesterfield apeecb, Marconi's triumph, eto. WlU Carleton'a magazine, Every Where, for February la distinctly up-to-date In Ita leading features for ths month Washington and Lincoln. The reminiscences of the great emancipator, by Colonel J. H. Little- field, who knew him Intimately, are a dis tinct addition to Lincoln literature. There la also a full-page cut of th great war preaident, aald by Robert Lincoln to ba th beat picture of hi father that baa ever been made. A picture of Lincoln' death bed, from a painting by Colonel Llttlefleld, and never before published In any periodi cal, la alao given, together with a view ot Lincoln's old home in Springfleld. The above book ar for sale by the Megeath Statloaery Co.. 1301 Farnara St. Send artloivt or Incorporation, notices of stockholder' meeting, etc.. to The Bee. W will gtv thsm proper legal insertion. Bte telephone, 133. Henry Loomls Nelson, the distinguished political writer, opens the February At lantic with an appreciative article on "Three Montha of Theodore Roosevelt," la which he crillcslly examine the events of the first three months of the new adminis tration ln the light of President Roose velt's well-known character and character istics. He sees very much to praise ln what haa already been accomplished, and boldly prophesies that ths president "will Influence for good tbe politics of the coun try, help the blind to ae ths value of public chastity and the deaf . to hear tbe voice, of the pecple greeting unselfish s.rv 1c. in their behalf." The Indefatigable W. T. 8tead cap. all dlacuaslon ot the conquest of tbe world by American enterprise and grit with a vivll and suggestive book ot aome 480 pag-a, called "The Americanization of the World " Beginning with a study of th United Sta'i and the British empire, Mr. Steed rush.s along In bis vigorous and comprehenatvs style to reveal by cold disclosure of facta and tendenciea Juat why the American Idea It dettlned to dominate tbe world. To i 1 ai . k.. ii.tKini. l Always B Now to h bow You. J Q Cakes, Pies, Goodie.- Takes more skill and a good deal more time to bake cukes, pies or anything than it does to boll eggs or try potatoes "If It wasn't so much bother I'd bake a cake today" ever bear that In your home? But wbat'a tbe uae of baking? You couldu't possibly bake anytblug better than you can get at Balduff's nor any cheaper, either there are loaf cakes, layer cakes, light cakes, small cakes, pies, cookies, bread and lots of other good things fresu two or three times a day and perfectly delicious. W. S. Bnlduie 1520 Fsuracta St iJ,An (Society Stationery Our dlnplay Is tbe largest. ' Our goods the proper thing. Society Stationer. Hog raraaja St. BOOKS Review oa thla Pais ess b B4n4 ( aa. Vk'o caa alao faralaa asy boob) pahtlshed. Bsrkalow Bros.' "Book stup," If IS roraaaa St, Taeae Cur Women's S2.50 Welt Is equally as good t shoe as our men's special which has gained Such a splen did reputation among our customers this shoe at $2.50 bas never been equaled in eltber llgbtwelgnt box calf or vicl kid with tbe genuine welt extension sole tbst does iwt; with tbe necessity for wearing rubbers and at tbe same time keeps the feet dry and warm and tbat glres that nest, dressy appearance tbat you would expect only In blgb priced aboea. Drexel Shoe Co.. Omaha's l'ai4ato last Maaao. . 110 rARHAM STtlCCT. Seat fall Calalngae Sow Ready.