Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 19, 1902, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUKE 10, 1871. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 19, 1902-TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. REPLIES TO WHEELER BcprueiUtiri Qillttt Auw.ri Ititick ' Ian.' Pkiiipyio "f Usktyiim." WHEELER REAFFIRMS HIS SCATHING WORDS 'Xadiag Dnterti fivfii " Tkif Ar1,t lii IN'T WANT PARTY HELD s S1BLE Poiitt U Eril Inflnnou of J pw.nt'i l.marki. ADMIRAL EVANS GIVES ORDERS j GOVERNOR GETS MORE TIME ALL PART,ES WIN VICTORIES Outline Plana for His Captain at reception of Prlnre Henry. NEW YORK, Feb. 18. Rear Admiral Rob- lejr D. Evans today Issued orders to the captains of his fleet concerning their duties on Washington's birthday, the day Prince Henry Is expected to arrive. First, the order direct that at 8 a. m. the vessels of the squadron will "full dress" ship and remain so dressed until sunset. At merid ian a national salute will be fired. When Kron Print Wilhelm, having on board Prince Henry, arrives, the admiral and his staff will board It at or near quar- 1 amine. When the liner passes Admiral 'ans' squadron the vessels will man the Aary tops, turrets and rails. A salute 'twenty-one guns will be" fired by each ahln th. nrtvian flncr hnlnv hrnken at the I PERSONAL AFFRONT TO FIREI6N NATIONS mBin at the first gun. At the last gun of the salute each vessel will haul down the Case tf Osaka. CtmminioB Ooitiiiii TJitil Fcmrtk tf tfarok. QUAL'ZATION HEARINI IS tPENEO Iter I. Inn Likely to Be Announced To day Whether Portlona of Alter native Writ Should Be Stricken Oat. Dwells I'pon the Value of Interna tional Friendship and Denounces Inch Actions as Harmfal to America Abroad. German flag and reholst the American flag. When Hohemollern hoists the imperial standard a salute of twenty-one guns will be fired by each ship of the squadron. After the Imperial standard has been sa luted, commanding officers of the squadron will vlBlt Hohenzollern and ray their re- Washington. Feb. IE. The sneech of spects to Prince Henry. The ships of the Mr. Wheeler of Kentucky In the house last squadron will be illuminated with electric SYldav. when he bitterly assailed Secretary ngnts and mottoes rurnisnea lor me pur l.v and l.oril Pauncefote and criticised the Pe frora 1 P- m. to 9 p. m. official DreDaratious for the reception of me minaers or Emperor wiuiam s yacni (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. 18. (Special.) The time allowed Governor Savage to appear and show causa why he does not appoint a fire and police commission for the city of Omaha has been continued by the supreme court to March . Th. alt.rnatlv. writ of mandamus ln.ued In thla ru. two week. 1 foP e 15.000,000 improvement loan un tne other hand, mttsnurg was car- Straight Tickets and Allied Forces Share Honors In Pennsylvania Local Elections. PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 18. Election were held throughout Pennsylvania today tor municipal and borough officers. There was no general vote for either county or state officers. In some ; sections of the state the recent heavy snowstorm had made the roads almost Impassable and a light rote was the result, but la most sections a heavy vote was polled, especially In the larger cities. Good order prevailed In the various contests, general politics not being an element In the fights. Thus, lr. Philadelphia the candidates sup ported by the city leaders swept every thing, electing all the candidates for the more Important offices and nearly all the ward offices. This also Included a big ma- ITI COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Ifarkti Home Ordiianos TJaailncnily Futtd Orsr Maj.r,s VsU. MAYOR DECLARES SCHEME IS ILLEGAL Arson That Municipal Authorities Have Ho Rlaht to Turn Over Pnbllo Streets to Be Vaed for Private) Profit. ago was returnable today, but by general consent the time was extended to enable the attorneys to prepare their argument. Briefs on behalf of C. C. Wright, the re lator, were filed with the court this morn ing, and Ed P. Smith, , representing mem bers of the existing Board of Commission ers, appeared with an extended argument in favor of the governor's contentions. Mr. Smith asserts that the governor dis claims any intention to Intimate by his re turn to the alternative writ that there Is anv Haalp. An IK. i th. njui.f m am- .V. ' - . .w" v-.... said todar that tha platform around the ' . " - - i-noce nenrjr, nia a sequel iu m - ; " - - croacn upon HIS powers or duties as gov- today during the debate on the Indian ap proprlatton bill. Mr. Gillett of Massachusetts In half hour's speech declared that the Intemper ance of Mr. Wheeler'a language carried Its own condemnation. Nevertheless, he (Gil lett) grievously deplored such an affront to a foreign country. During the course of the speech two dem- yacht would only accommodate 200 people. These will be Prince Henry and his party. the president and his delegates, and such others as can be accommodated. Prince Henry will visit Columbia uni versity on February 28 at or about 11 a. m. He will be met on the university grounds, directly in front of the main entrance to the library, by Prof. William Carpenter VUlard, rled by those opposing the state and city administrations, the independent repub licans having formed coalitions with the democrats under the head of the citizens' party. In the other cities state and local is sues were fought out. Scranton elected P. W. Costello, democrat, for mayor. Wllkes- barre elected a republican mayor, Charles H. Price. Reading gave 850 majority for Edward Yeager, democrat, for mayor. At Harrlsburg Vance C. McCormlck, the democratic candidate for mayor, Is elected by 2,000 majority. McCormlck Is but 29 years of age and was captain of Yale's foot ball team of 1892. At Lancaster anti-Quay republicans Joined with the democrats against Chester Cummtngs, the Quay republican candidate ernor, but feels that the issuance of the writ prayed for would be an unwarranted use of the powers of the court, and that he would not be performing his constitutional duty did he not protest to the fullest ex tent. The argument begins by calling at tention to the three powers of government r mayor, but Cummings was elected by as created or divided by the constitution- nearly 1,200 majority. legislative, executive and Judicial. It Is At midnight a conservative estimate at Derate, Robinson of Indiana and Thayer of proressor or uerman c pnnoiogy, ana tne contendea that the contltution expressly Pittsburg Indicates that the admlnlstra Massachusetts, disclaimed any sympathy " With Mr. Wheeler's utterances. will conduct the visiting party to the Th... ,,.r.c rfr.w from Mr. Talherl library building, through the main entrance, Of South Carolina the statement that he where the officers of Instruction will be rilr.rf .h.r. In th. M.nnnaihllltT for rnl ,u uuu " luo I" '" " I TXT a 11 n Tln Aw Ik. VInV..11JllHM Amm th. anodtrh av-fv wnrrl nf which hm ft Id hfl aw-tuc, .uo uiiuuiiuiuB u. ui ' I m . in a i . A A VI. tov. l,m..lf .nhu. I "i iuwucy win u iu niiu- -,..n.i. rnii-H Mr. rmrmina ngton tomorrow to make the final arrarfke- viewed by the attorneys defending the re vhat ha had aald and declaring that he meDt toT th launching. At the dinner spondent, forbids the governor of the state w,m v. hi. .nni. h.ihBr ihflv Rnd reception at the University club to the from either directly or indirectly exercis ver discreet or not. He read a number Prlnce- on March 7- tn Kue,ts wlu delude lng any control over the court or in any ine uerman amuasBaaor, iuo uermao connui I manner aireniing 11 in me way in WMcn Its general. Rear Admirals Evans and Barker, I duties shall be performed. forbids any person or collection of per tlon has saved five out of nineteen select sons constituting one of these departments I and twelve out of flfty-ons common coun- from exercising any of the cowers or duties cllmen. properly belonging to either of the others. Mntaal Limitations. This constitutional provision, as it Is tf letters, telegrams and one cablegram trom London commending bis utterances. (The Incident was the feature of the day. Bill to Redeem Silver. Earlier in the session Mr. Hill of Connec llcut and Mr. Shafroth of Colorado dis tussed the former's bill to redeem sliver I health of the prince will be proposed by along ex-Judge Henry E. Howland. Adjutant General Corbln, Major General like limitation upon the court and forbids Brooke, Colonel Bingham, Commander I it exercising any control over the chief Cowlea, Assistant Secretary of State Hill executive or In any manner directing him and Admiral von Baudlssln and his staff, as to how duties devolving upon him as There will be no speechmaklng, but the governor shall be performed. Further In gold The Indian bill itself waa not touched In Ihe speechmaklng. Mr. Burleson of Texas made a speech on the subject of trusts. Re spoke of the strenuous one who bad succeeded to the presidency last fall and contrasted his Min neapolis speech last summer with the ut terances la his message on the trust ques tion. Before his accession to the presi dency ho bad spoken of "trust barons" and monopolists; afterward of "captains of in- the line of jurisdiction It is con tended: "Under the provisions of our constitution POLICE WILL PROTECT PRINCE the powers of the three departments of the state are not merely equal they are ex clusive In respect to the duties assigned to each; they are absolutely Independent of each other; they are equal, co-ordinate and Independent. It was the Intention of th framers of our constitution that they should remain so. Neither equality or inde pendence can be said to remain if this court has got the power to direct the gov Washing-ton Department Plans Spe cial Precaution Aarainst Injury te German Visitor. WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. The police de partment of the city of Washington has taken extraordinary measures to Insure the iustry." all of which, he declared. Indicated bod,,J ""fetT ,of P!'"ce Hefnr 'nd Uto ,UJf wnor In any manner in the performance of ih.t th. waa contmllad hv th. on the occasion of his visit to the capital, forces in the republican party which ha(1 and prevent any unpleasant Incl- i the nast nrotected trusts. I ouia, lar aa auvuice . precaunuuB auu nxr ''Hllf-nf-'tNmhitJttirnffnnnwad with an I PUn protection Can. V t knur'. .n.h in .nnnnrt f hi. wii t mak. "Jor oyivesier. me eniet or ponce, nas silver dollars redeemable In gold. He aald been 'J consultation with Assistant Secre- powers are not co-ordinate with the powers that U the treasury refused to exchange , -"" or this court. Should this court attempt to gold for stiver the people would lose con- luI" UDJD acqmumea me as- control the governor in the discharge of ..... .1 .l.lnnr nan.nln .w mrl.l. (h. ilaln 11. a . 1. 1 m I ..... Ddence and disaster would follow when the I pians. in suDstance, mese coniempiaie a considerable augmentation of the Washing ton detective force, and such measures as will cause the detention or expulsion from the city of all suspicious and questionable pinch came. Experiences a Warnlnsjr Fast experiences should be a warning Commercial conquest of the world awaited the duties which devolve upon him as gov ernor. "If this court has the enm the' governor to act, then the governor Is not equal, is not Independent and his any of the duties pertaining to his office as governor, you would be taking one step Republican city chairman. J. O. Brown, concedes the election of Larkln; citizens', by about 5.000 majority, but would give no figures on council. ' PITTSBURG, Feb. 18. After one of the fiercest and most stubbornly contested campaigns the heaviest vote ever cast In a municipal election In Pittsburg was nnllc.d tndav. Returns so far received And It places a mRke It almost certain that the . repub llcan administration has been defeated by the republican-democratic, or - citizens ticket, by a good sized majority. Republican Chairman Brown claims that Jose E. Lewis, the present incumbent, has been elected controller by 6,000 majority The citizens' chairman, on the other hand, claims the election of John B. Larkln by 10,000 to 15,000 majority. While numerous fights took place at the polls and much bitterness was shown, nothing - serious transpired and only four or five arrests were made. The fight for controller was' the prlncl pal battle, but In many wards the contest for councilman was almost as exciting. The independents claim to haVe elected a sufficient ni'mber of councllmea to give the fuslonlsts a good-slied sorting minor ity. DAUGHTER OF VICE-PRESIDENT Hiss Alice Morton is Married In Wash in a ton to Wlathron Ruth erford. NB'Wt YORK, Feb. 18. Miss Alice Mor- thls nation when it became impregnable I characters, beginning now and carrying In Its Industrial and financial strength. When that was secured it could have no rival elsewhere. Mr. Gillett then made a speech critl clslng Mr. Wheeler for bis attack on the president. Secretary Hay and Lord Paunce lote last Friday. The ' more disgraceful such utterances Were the more notoriety they achieved, be aid. Such remarks, he said, addressed to a foreign country naturally made an Im pression abroad. People there knew noth log of the man who gave notice to them; they only knew of his official position. On that account, he said, the stigma of the thaaa m.A.urM forwnrd until th. nrln.. I . - - -- , i ceaence irom wnicn mere Is no escape, in the direction of absorbing the functions ton. fourth daughter of former Vice Presl- of the executive department of the state, dent Morton, and Winthrop Rutherford This we submit should not be done unless I were married today In Grace Episcopal the case Is such that the court Is driven to church by the Rev. Dr. Huntington, rector, suoh course by an unbroken chain of pre- The wedding waa simple lil the extremes there being no bridesmaids and no decora FETES FOR GERMAN COUNT to "We have been unable to find any adjudi- I tlons In the church, except two boqueta of cated case where the relator sought as I ascension lilies that filled the vases on the against the governor the relief sought In alter, this case. The provision of our constltu- I The ushers were Winthrop Chanler, Eger tlon defining the three departments of gov. I ton Winthrop. jr.. J. Border Harrlman, ernment and denying to the members of one I William R. Travers and Herman Duryea. department the right to exercise any of the The bride was gowned In heavy ivory powers Belonging to either of the others. Is satin, severely nlaln. with a train of Brus ... . 1 1 1 1 I . , m . I . . . ... . PHii.inm.PBU wh iaon.,nt I " 1 auu jouna in the sels lace that was caugnc wun a sienaer Baudlssln. , rear admiral of the German con"tltutlon of nearly all. if not all, of the spray of orange blossom and fell over the I .Int.. Ar In. imlnti ' I . . . . . . . . . 1 Jt i ir.ii nr nor vnwn. Hni wore iiu jcwuib auu Phlladelphlana Give . Receptions Renr Admiral Ton Baudlssln of Hohensollern. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair In North. Bnow In South Portion weoneeoay; Thursday Fair; Northwest Winds. Temperature at Omaha Tcsterdayt tleman's friends told him' what he thought of him, Mr. Gillett said, tbers perhaps would be some strained friendships. Partisans Disclaim Responsibility. At this point two democrats arose and Blsclalmed sympathy with Mr. Wheeler's remarks. Mr. Robinson (dem.) of Indiana, amid republican applause, declared that navy and commander of the Imperial yacht Hohensollern, who la In this city as the -es justice Marshall's Rullnsr, guest of Lawrence Johnson, brother of the Responding to the argument of tha at. gentleman's speech attached to all of the aamirai s Dromer-in-iaw, Airrea jonnson, torney general, the relator, C. C. Wright, members here. If every one of the gen- ""uru: mis afternoon at tne um This evening a reception was given office of the nerson to whom th. i. In his honor by Mr. and Mrs I directed, but the nature of the thing to be Lawrence Johnson at their home. About done, that the propriety or impropriety of inviiauons were sent oui 10 prominent issuing a mandate la to be detarmln.H members of Philadelphia's society to meet Mr. Wright contends that this rule haa h..n the distinguished foreigner. Toward noon accepted by all tribunals, holding that the Admiral von uauaissin availed nimself or judicial department has jurisdiction over me opportunity 01 seeing sometning of the chief executive to comn.i th. n.r. the democratic party could not be held re- Philadelphia In a carriage, and when he ance of a purely ministerial duty Imposed reiuruea irom uis orive ne was entertained I by legislative enactment. He asserts that at me university ciun, alter wnicn ne paid several social calls. carried an Ivory prayer book. Those present Included the Marquise de Tallyrand, Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ker nochan, Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Astor, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Iselln, Mr. and Mrs. Bay ard Cutting, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Van derbllt. Mr. and Mrs. Payne Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. Whltelaw Reld, Mr. and Mrs. Douglass Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Twombley and Dr. and Mrs. Webb. sponsible for his statements. "I have made no such charge," observed Mr. Gillett. "but tf the gentlemen on the ether side do not agree with Mr. Wheeler they should Say so." This brought Mr. T. yer of Massachu setts to his feet with another statement that Mr. Wheeler spoke for himself. It was unjust and unfatr, he declared, to charge the democracy with being In with tils utterances, "One after the ether." said Mr. Gillett, Wrlth an amused smlls, while his colleagues Were convulsed with laughter. WANT CONGRESS OF POWERS Borr Delegates In Thanking Cochran Outline Method to Stop the War. WASHINGTON, Feb. 18. Representative Cochran of Missouri two weeks ago Intro duced a resolution Inviting Paul Kruger the governor Is bound by law to appoint the commission and that It is not an au thority or duty placed upon him In terms or by implication under any conatitutional INDORSES POSTAL SERVICE Publishers' Asaoclntlon Commend Postmaster General's Act Repeal Ins; Second Class Privileges. NEW YORK, Feb. 18. The American provision. He says tne authority to provide Newspaper Publlshera' association held a fire and police commission Is a legislative the first day's session of their annual meet- Two Important matters came up for con sideration before the city council at Its regular meeting last night. One was the introduction of an ordinance bonding the city in the sum of $190,000 to fund out standing Indebtedness, and the ether was the mayor's veto of the city market house ordinance. The refunding bond ordinance, after vigorous objection from Lobeck, was read the second time and referred to the judiciary committee. The market house project was carried over the mayor's veto by a unanimous vote. The market house ordinance was passed at the meeting of February 2. It proposes to locate the house on Capitol avenue, be tween Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, and to appoint a board of three appraisers to assess the value of the property con demned. Mayor's Veto Message. The mayor's veto follows: To the Honorable, the t'llv Council of the Oltv nf Omtihit. (lAnllnmpn: I return hore- wlthout my approval of document 37, passed Dy your nonorable body at your last rcguiir meeting. The matters Involved In this pro Dosed ordinance are of larae Importance and genera.1 public Interest and I have given tnem carerul consldertlon Deiore taxing final action In relation to them. I think It is pretty generally conceaa that the city oimht to have a market houfie. The people differ, quite radically, however, an to the question of location, character and cost of the structure. The proposed ordinance 1b the preliminary step In a plan to permit a syndicate of Interested property owners to erect a mar ket house on tliat part or uapitoi avenue vacated by this ordinance, such structure to be either owned or operated by them until the' revenues therefrom reimburse them for the monev exriended. or else to be owned by the city upon the city obligating ltseir to repay tne money loanea Dy me promoters. This scheme has several very serious dlHU-nllli n. In the first place, if the Plan Is to have the syndicate remain the owners of the building until the city purchases, the Question arises whether the municipal authorities have the right to turn over to private Individuals, witnout compensation, nuhlle atreetn to be used for private profit. pariiuuin-riy eireeis wiiii:ii imvn umi i curpea ana Bewereu ai tne expense ui ahutttna nronertv owners, some of whom are adverse to such a plan. I doubt very much whether such a scheme could be legally consummated. Antagonistic to Charter Powers, In the second place. If the Idea Is to have the city own the market house, subject to a Hen of the promoters, this plan Is an tagonists to the charter powers of the city, which provide that the municipality can onlv borrow monev by means of a bond Issue to be approved by the people at a special election. in my judgment, tnererore, neuner oi ae proposed plans can be legally carried out. Another serious question to be considered Is the desirability of the proposed location. Other things being equal, the market house should be erected as near as possible to the geographical center of the city and in th. ntnr f nnnulatlon. I am advised by the city engineer that the geographical center to abejUff-Tvrentyi seventh' and Ottt tornta. streets, while the center of popula tion, according to careful figures, has been located at about Nineteenth and Farnam streets. A glance at the map shows that th. rnnltnl a.venu. location is not a de sirable place for a permanent market house. It is clear at the east Biae or tne city, neither buslnesa nor residence prop erty, and the center of business is rapidly moving further away from It to the south. All indications point to further movement southward and westward. Again, 1 am opposed to the erection of a cheap makeshift market house. In the building of a market house we must take into consideration the future of Omaha as well as the present. In the course of Ave or ten years Omaha will double in popula tion and this must be borne in mind. Suggests Creditable Market Honsc. I would suggest that a proposition be submitted to the people at the next Novem ber election to vote 8200,000 of twenty-year 8'4 per cent bonds for the erection of a creditable permanent market house that will answer the needs of the city for years to come. Under the plun now being urged of private ownership the cost as proposed is to be about 835,000, and it would take It nr .oven to oav off this amount with Interest If 87,000 were paid yearly. The interest at 3 per cent on ju,uw amounts to but $7,000 per year. Surely, If the cheap makeshift proposed on Capitol avenue will produce $7,000 per year there ought to be no difficulty In doubling that amount with a suitable building at a desirable location. Such a building could be made to accommo- date a nre company ana tne money now paid for rental of one engine house could DC SftVcd. A market house of the kind Indicated would be much more than self-supporting from the start ana tne excess couia w placed In a sinking fund to care for the LnH. at their mnturltv. Thus, at the end of twenty years Omaha would have an up-to-date market house and grounds, all paid for and our cltlsens wouia not oe ouraenea with taxes for the same. ,A large majority of our citizens are op posed to the Capitol avenue plan for the reasons I have given. Opposed as I rfm to the erection oi a cneap maaeMnui uiuiu- lng unaer a scneme oi uimuuui ifK9"-j, and being impressed with tha prospects of our greater Omaha. I am compelled to veto the proposea orninnnre. nmiin-nuii, Ordinance. Hour. Ilea. Hour. Ilea. 5u. msl... 17 1 p. m ...... I" s. m 17 fi p. m 8 T a. iu IS 8 p. in...... ' h a. m IN 4 p. m...... U f a. m sen n p. m 2T ID I, n Sit 8 p. m SCM 11 a. to Ita T p. m SIN IU m SI 4 H p. m 27 B p. m ail BODY FOUND IN THE RIVER Remains of Murdered Man for Which Three Thousand Dollars Is Offered. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18. The body of Noah Long, tte old man who, according to Rhoda Taylor's confession, after being robbed on the night of January 30 was thrown from the old southern bridge which spans the Kaw river between Ar gentine and Armourdale, was found today not forty feet from the spot Indicated by the woman's confession. There were no wounds on the body, and the doctors who held an autopsy over the body decided that the man's death was caused by drowning. The body was found by some laborers who were trying to release some sand scows from the Ice. They will receive the $8,000 reward offered for the body. The coroner Immediately summoned a Jury, which will hold an Inquest tomor row. The finding of the body corroborates the statement of Rhoda Taylor that the old man, after being robbed of the $120 pension money he had received that day was thrown Into the river. Henry Dona hue, jr., and James Goff, according to the confession, threw Long Into the river, but David Moran, Marjorle Donahue and Rhoda Taylor were all parties to the robbery and all are held on suspicion of complicity In the murder. Their preliminary hearing is set for next Wednesday. INSURANCE RATES ADVANCE Twenty-Five Per Cent Increase Con. templated Bait of Rockies as Result of Big Fires. NEW YORK, Feb. 18. The Journal of Com merce tomorrow will say that at a largely attended meeting of fire Insurance com panies held Tuesday afternoon a resolution was adopted which provides for an advance of rates throughout the United. States, east of the Rocky mountains, with the exception of New York city and its immediate vi cinity. The resolution, as given by the Journal of Commerce, gives as the reason for this advance that losses have been very great and during 1901 a remarkably large number of fire insurance companies were forced to liquidate. The Paterson and Waterbury conflagrations, coming on the heels of a bad year, necessitated prompt action. It was agreed that throughout the country rates shall be advanced 25 per cent on mercantile stocks, in all buildings, except such as are occupied as owelllngs above the grade floor and on frame store build ings," also flfanufacttinng rTaks and other special hasards which have not been rated under revised and reported schedules within one year. GIVES BOND IN BRIBERY CASE Kansas City Man Will Answer Charges In the Franchise Trouble at St. Louis. authority and the power conferred Is im parted from the legislative department to the executive." Hearing In Equalisation Case. Hearing was begun this afternoon in the Shrlver and cass wherein William G. tng at the Waldorf-Astoria today. About 100 publishers, representing newspapers from coast to coast, were present The day's business was confined to a discus sion of topics relative to advertising de partments. S. H. Kauffman, president of Mr T.ih.rt nf K., is t..n.4 I to visit the United States as the ruest of I Ruarn T. Morton ar. aebin t. k. .v. the association presided. mr. ..m. I this country. Yesterday Mr. Cochran re- I .unrein, court l..n. . writ l ine meeting aaopiea ia rewiiuuuu, of dl- I desire to ssv that 1 want t t.w. m. I ceived a letter, signed by three members I to compel the city council of nm.h. t which emanated from the board hare of responsibility ' for that speech. I of the Bor delegation quartered at Brus- as a Board of Equalization and Investigate rtorV . .. . . I . i i t. j b . I ... .... w I HABAlva1 Thai Ha imArlrBII NAVanft' endorse every worn oe said ana 1 am sorry I --- ... ....,- CUIUp...ul. .K...i.i me sasessment of cor- per Publishers' association endorse the he did not go further. I believe those who I porung nis enoris ana ior tne interest i poratlons. The appearance was before the action of the postmaster general of the they are taking In the two Boer republics. I main court. Judaes Hulllvan um,i. . I United States in his efforts to connne believe as he does should say so and not be Infernal cowards about It." Good Will of Nations Valuable Continuing. Mr. Gillett said tbs good Will of every nation was valusble to the Tha letter reviews from the Boer stand. Ic..irb t.Hn. nrt ri. a.. second-class privileges to tne puoilca- i w--o n an vii j nviiri uot :nn ti.inu AntiiiAi A v. nrivi i actoci rUt H hlok 1. I a. . .. ' CHIliCU IV sWV-M tional tlonal Vnlted States and that it was exceedingly secure th. extensive gold mine, of the damu- would be to require thV countslimen k l re,T,en UBIMMT",, to nine a t.unt in th. r.o. t . I , . . ....... 7 . . 7 ""i"' me counciimen by the committee on arbitration. James - - -i m iuiuaun ui . PC I Lieu ua- 1 10 violate tne IBW. I w , tlonal policy to control all gold mines The argument of City Attorn.v rn wherever possible, either by purchase or was mainly as outlined in The Bee this seizure, in order that Great Britain may morning. and declare, that Great Britain Invented He Insisted that th. complain,. anVt the tween" 7he em"o7.T .Vlntt nit rrrr iho,ebrSpr hw.:t; :,r zrr Loa great people. Personally, he said, he was not In sympathy with the worship of roy alty. There were only two classes In this country who regarded birth. One was the aristocratic class of th. great cities and the other the class which refused to rec ognize refinement, culture or education It It was taluted with color. But he had be lteved that th. visit of Princs Henry wss a proper occasion for a suitable demon stration of good will. Our relations with Germany recently bad been almost trate.d and her. was an opportunity to display our friendship. Wheeler Makes Reply. Mr. Wneeler replied to Mr. Gillett. He tlsclalmed th. Idea that on last Friday ie bad spoken tor any ono except himself, though b. believed that many people b- Heved as bs did. Hs said bs bad lnnumer able letters and telegrams from different parts of tbs country containing unstinted prals. of bis speech, Mr. Wheeler than began to read some of the communications hs haa received. In 'reply to a question from Mr. Borelug (rep.) of Kentucky, b. said few of them were from Kentucky. H. read a telegram from Rochester, N. Y., signed "K Lifelong Continued a Becond Pag.) command the world's Industries. The let ter, enclosing appeals to "herolo and gen erous America" to Intervene in behalf of the Boers, says: Slue. England will not permit friendly Intervention, Invite it to a congress of tha emptory wrtt shall be Issued will be taken .uu .ce .uetuer aucn a congress i later. called in the Interest of peace will b. Ignored. England would not dare to re fuse to attend such a congress if called by the United States and participated In by lour or Dvs of the powers. M. Lynch, president of th. typographical union, was present and advocated Its con tinuance. After some discussion th. ques tion was left standing, to be settled before the meeting finally adjourns. The argument today was mainly as to whether certain portion, of the alternative r..'." m ::.iA d!c""on H trial of charles woodward -. v iiico tomorrow. Action a. to whether or not the per- PRINCE GETS HIS SENTENCE Trouble Securina" m Jury In Case of Aliened Murderer of Sheriff Richer. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 18. Robert M. Snyder, the Kansas City financier, for whom a bench warrant was issued by the grand jury Sat urday, charging bribery in the Central Traction franchise case, reached here from New York and has given bond In the sum of $5,000 to Judge Ryan for appearance In court. Mr. Snyder later left for Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18. Robert M. Sny- der, whose name has been connected with the Central Traction bribery case in Ft. Louis, arrived here today. Mr. Snyder was accompanied by bis attorney. There is not much to say about this affair," said Mr. Snyder when questioned by a reporter, "and I would rather be ex cused. I don't wish to discuss th. matter In any way. I bave oeon aavisea Dy my attorney not to talk about It." VANDERBILT'S CAR DERAILED Private Coach -of the Millionaire Jumiis Track, but No One Is Hurt. ELKHART, Ind.. Feb. 18 The engine drawing a Lak. Shore passenger train con taining th. private car of W. K. Vaode rbtlt ss partially derailed this morning at Accomplice la Murder of Brother-la- Law Goes to Prison for Two Years. CHEYENNE. Wyo., Feb. 18. (Special Telegram.) The trial of Charles Wood ward, charged with the murder of Sheriff Rlcker, was opened at Casper today, but a Jury was not secured. Twenty jurors were examined and a venire Issued for KANSAS CITY, Feb. 18. William Prince thirty more. It is believed a Jury will be was today formally sentenced to two years secured by tomorrow night. In the penitentiary- Judge Davis over- Tb attorneys for the defense, Bennett ruled a motion far a new trial, and the d Hesch, made a motion to postpone th. prisoner decided not to appeal. trial, on tb. grounds that the session laws Prince was found guilty of complicity In of 1901, under which the jury Is being or- the murder of his brother-in-'aw, Philip ganized, are Invalid, but Judge Branel II. Kennedy, contracting agent of th. Mer- overruled the motion and the work of se- chants' Dispatch Transportation company, curing a Jury proceeded. Kendallvllle. Cinders and 1c. clogged th. Prince's slater, who did th. killing, was Tb. prisoner seemed to b. In a better frog at a crossing, causing th. accident, given a ten years' sentence, and her father mood today than at any time sine, bis ar Tb. passengers war. shaken by tb. sudden and another brother are still awaiting trial rest. Its talked and Uugh.d with those stoFplng ol tb. train, but no on vas buru I for complicity In tbs affair, I about him. Haacall Favors Hascall took the floor after the reading of the veto and spoke In favbr of the or dinance. He said be thought the language of the mayor's message was misleading. "The locality is the best that can be se cured." said be, "and will be the best for many years to come. It is in the heart of tha cltv'a densest population. Those who live In the so-called residence districts In the suburbs would have to take a street car or carriage anyway to com. downtown, so It would b. no accommodation to them to bsve the house established a few block. farther west." Lobeck opposed the entire proposition of building a market house, and thought that $200,000 bad better be spent In building underground conduit, for electric wires, which are now a menace to life and prop erty. "But since we are to have a market bouse," said he, "I guess the Capitol ave nue location la as good as any. Trostler made a speech in favor of the ordinance. "I favor municipal ownership. said he, "whether of market bouses or of electric light plants. When put to a vote the ordinance was carried over the mayor's veto unanimously, the following voting to sustain it: Lobeck, Hoy., Hascall, Trostler, Zimman, Burkley and Karr. Whitehorn and Mount were not present. For Refandlnsr Bond Iaaue An ordinance proposing to bond the city In the sum of $190,000 to take up outstand log Indebtedness In the sum of about $175,- 000 In the form of 7 per cent warrants, ws Introduced and placed on Its first 'reading. Lobeck moved that It b. placed on file, Hascall objected, and moved that, after tb. second reading. It b. referred to the Judl clary committee. He said: "We are al lowed under the city charter to pass an ordinance bonding the city In any sum less than $200,000 for refunding purposes, and I think If w. ar. to preserve th. city1 credit w. should pass this ordinance. W must either do that or repudiate." Hoy. thought It would b. wis. to take up (Continued on FUtb Page.) RELEASE MISS STONE Bmlfarlaa Irijaaui at Lait lir. Up Tkiir Lsif lufftrinf; Captive. REPORT CIMES FROM THE PARIS PRESS Oitlawi Gt laitom aid Dli.r Minis. ry U Am trie IftsU. REV. MR. TSILKA PLACED UNDER ARREST Ciargsl with CtMnlioity ii tk. Kidnaping f tk , HUSBAND OF MISS STONE'S COMPANION Excitement Prevails Over tha Appre hension of tha Tsllkn Man Who Was Formerly Si Co-Mission, ary with His Wife. PARIS, Feb. 18. The Temps this even ing publishes a dispatch from Constanti nople which announce, that Miss Ellen M. Stone has been released by the brigands, who have hold ber captive sine. Septem ber 3 last, and has been banded over In good health to the dragoman of th. Amer ican legation. The dispatch adds that "Rev. Tsllka" haa been arrested on the charge of com plicity In the kidnaping of Mis. Stone. i i I, The companion In captivity of Miss Stone was Madame T. S. Tsllka, a Bulgarian, wife of Mr. Tsllka, a teacher of Samakov. Miss Stone, when traveling with Madame Tsllka and a party of about fifteen friends, was captured by brigands In the district of Salonlca in September. Since then vig orous efforts have been made by th. United States government and by friends and rela tives to obtain the release of the mission ary. The brigands demanded a ransom of 25,000 (Turkish), but only $72,500 was collected tor the ransom, and this sum was paid over to the brigands February by , M, Garglulo, chief dragoman of the Amer ican legation at Constantinople, and W. W. Peet, treasurer of the American mission at Constantinople, who met the brigands on the road to the Podromon monastery. Training- of Mme. Tsllkn. Mme. Tsllka was educated at the North field seminary. At the time of receiving her American training and education she waa Miss Stephanora, a Bulgarian. Having been converted in childhood to the Chris tian belief, she came to America, after hav ing refused to marry the man of her pa- ' rents' choosing. Dr. Dwlght L. Moody be coming interested In her welfare, found a place for ber In hi. noted school. Having finished her education at that school, she became a trained nurse. While engaged In her professional duties In the Adirondacks, she became acquainted with Mr. Tsilka, a Macedonian, who had also been educated In the United States. At that period h. ' wss preparing for a medical missionary. Soon after the compl?t4ton of their school terms the couple married and went out as missionaries. 1 " Miss Stone Is one of the members of the foreign board of missions. She has been attached to the Salonlca mission, eince 1878. She was born In Roxbury, Mas.., and her home is In Chelsea, Mass., where her mother resides. Four of Miss Stone's brothers are In business in Boston. LONDON, Feb. 18. Rev. Tsllka, who, according to the Constantinople correspond ent of the Paris Temps, In a dispatch announcing the release of Miss Stone, had been arrested on the charge of complicity in the kidnaping of the missionary, 1. the husband of Mme. Tsllka, Miss Stone's com panion. ' It was announced recently that the au thorities suspected Rov. Tsilka of com plicity In the abduction of the missionaries. TRAINS PLOW THROUGH SNOW Follow Closely Behind Track Clearers to Get from Station to Station. PLATTSBURGH, N. Y., Feb. 18. With more than two feet of loose light snow al ready on the level throughout northern New York, a severe storm, the third of the season, started yesterday and still con tinues. A foot or more of snow has fallen and the wind is blowing half a gale. The freight traffic on all railway lines was abandoned and all effort, centered on keep ing the main lines open for passenger trains. . The branch of the Delaware & Hud son running from Plattsburgh to Moore's Junction, twenty miles In length, ba. been abandoned. The passenger train, follow closely behind the plows, which In some cases were driven by tbre. engines. LONG LINE OF ELECTRICITY Tranantlaalon of Power from Missouri River to Butte, Hlaty Five Miles. HELENA, Mont.. Feb. 18. The largest and longest transmission of electricity In the world has just been completed by the Missouri River Power company, trans mlttlng power frora Its dam and plant at the Missouri river to Butte. Tha length of this line Is sixty-five miles, crossing the main range of the Rocky mountains at an altitude of 2,700 feet and a .pur of the main range at almost an equal height. At present this line convey. 12,000 horse-power, but it is intendod to double the construction of another dam. The transmission Una con sist, of two complete lines on parallel role, of three large cablea each. Republican Is (elected. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Feb. 18. George U Shipley of this city was today elected lieu tenant governor by the legislature. The vote was 73 for Sheplry, against 23 for A. A. Archainbult, democrat. The office was made vacant by the death last Uetmber of Governor Gregory and the conaequent aceKHlon to the chair of the chief executive by Lieutenant Governor O. D. Kimball. Movements of Ocean Vessels, Feb. 1. At IJverpool Arrived: Saxonta, from New York. At Antwerp Arrived: Kensington, from New York. ...... . At-New York Sailed: Kaiser Wilhelm der Groe, for Bremen via Plymouth and Cherbourg. Arrived: Maria. Thereaa Kalaerln, from New York. At B!llly I'aaaed: Phoenicia, from Ham burg, for Now York. SEND APPEALT0 ROOSEVELT Belaian Pro-Doer League Asks Presi dent to Prevent Krltstnger'a Condemnation. BRUSSELS, Feb. 18. The Belgian League for the Rights of Man has addressed an ap peal to President Roosevelt, asking btm "for the love of God" to Intervene to pre vent the condemnation of Commandant Kritzlnger and other.. Commander Kritzlnger wa. captured by General French in December. Hit trial began In South Africa February 15. KEEP REGIMENT AT SHANGHAI Germany Considers It Necessary Support Interests in Chlnn. to BERLIN, Feb. 18. At a meeting of th. budget committee provision was mad. for th. maintenance of the German regiment at Shanghai, asserting its presence there wa. necessary in order to adequately sup port German Interests In China. A ma jority of the committee assented to tb. demand. FIND EIGHT HUNDRED BODIES Uncovertnsf Work of Earthquake In Caucasus and Aldina; tha Survivors. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 18. Th. bodies of 800 victims of the earthquake at Shamaka, Transcaucasia, have thus far been recovered. Th. treasury has given 50,000 roubles for the relief of the destitute. In the villages mrroundlng Shulmaka 270 persons were killed. COUNT TOLSTOI GROWS WORSE Suffers a Relapse After Galnlnn- Strensjth and His Condition Is Critical. LONDON, Feb. 18. Th. Moscow corre spondent of the Dally Mall says that Count Tolstoi has suffered a relapse, that bis fever has returned and that bis heart Is weak. PROF. PEARSONJS DROPPED Trnstees of Northwestern Accept His Reala-natton as Member of Faculty. CHICAGO, Feb. 18. At a meeting of tbs executive committee of the board of trustees of tbs Northwestern university It was decided to accept th. resignation of Prof. Charles W. Pearson, whose criticisms of biblical miracles hav. provoked so much discussion. This action of tb. trustees will tak. affect Immediately and they bav. announced tbey will not consider th. mat ter again unless publio opinion demands U, i