THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE, TUESDAY, FEBIiUAUY 18, 1002. FIGCIIES APPEAR 13 COURT Mr, fijg TU ef 8trnr MiiifcstatUis of tki Lerd AltO REFERS TO INTRIGUES OF DEVIL o WW Tit fail and purity Improves the flavor and adds to the Iiealtlifalness of the food. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO, CHICAGO. GRANDMOTHER KEEPS CHILD Jadgs laitsr Inlet ii Hrbsii Csrpni Can . Ovtr Bath Ewart. IITTIE 6IRL IS TO VISIT HER FATHER Both Sides te t'ontroverey Annoence that Decision of the Court la Rat Isfactory, but Attorney Sngeeals Appeal. The conclusion of the habeas corpus pro ceedings for tha possession of Ruth Ewart. a (td I, cama yesterday afternoon when Judge Baxter gsve her Into tha custody of tha grandmother, Mrs. Ruth Dodder of Ui Franklin atreet, with the stipulation that aha be sent at tha expense of her father. J. B. Ewart of Kearney, to visit aim there two month! of each summer va- eatloa, two weeks of the Christmas holi days, and at such other times aa the con tending parties msy be able to agree upon. Tha father Is also to be given leave to visit the child at her grandmother'a. whenever convenient, and she Is not to be taken out of tha state. Both sides expreps them selves aa quite well satisfied with the ar rangement. The. costs were taxed to the father, who is the respondent In the suit. , Before giving bis ruling Judge Baxter re viewed the case briefly from the time Mrs. Ewart went to California for her health to that church hour, three weeks ago Sun day morning, when Ewart seised the child from her grandmother's care as they were returning from Sunday school, and drove te Council Bluffs with btr. The court touched upon the strained relations of tbe father and tbe mother of the girl and of the contrary, desires of each, as to tbe girl's disposition, end caHed attention to tba fact tbe child bad been In the grand mother'a care since 2 yesrs oM.. j . . Remark of the-Jadft. .. "Tha court concludes from .the evidence," continued Judge Baxter, "that the father Is a reputable, honorable and bigh-rolnded gentleman, perfectly capable of educating tha little one, sincere in bis affection for her. and In every sense a proper person to have her rare and custody. But the court la constrained also to consider what will bo best and most pleasing to tha child her . self, and tt la forced to take cognizance of the facte that tha father is obliged, by his interests In the elevator business, to be touch away from his home In Kearney i that during his absence the child would be la tha care of tha paternal grandmother, 1 who Is conceded to bo a comparative atrr.ngcr to her, and who has admitted on the witness stand that aha probably could Sever have any very great affection for the child; that the maternal grandmother al ready has Such affection, has ao one else to look after and would give her every future thought and care to the little one. and, finally, that the child baa her play mates here, has atarted to school here and feela most at home here. The father wishes her In Kearney, but ber presence In Omaha represents tha wish of the mother, who . has equal right. These circumstances, then, Induce the court to decide the matter In a way that gives the mother tba custody of . tha child, but must not be construed as In any way Intimating doubt of tbe father's Stneaa. both aa man and parent." Effect of tke Rnllagr. -The ruling .is In effect that the child ahall be with her grandmother until four teen year of age. or until her grand er other' death, bat visit the father as "DOES MOTHER WANT t.lET " The little fellow has blown with all his strength, and the V downy tufta still cling to the dande lion stem. -Accord- .Vine to the oracle of 'Yblldhood mother doe not want him. i Ihit mother, would tell . UtTarrnt story. 6he baa noticed the weak-- j neaa ot ue nmfrs, ana I i 'she saw him now,! I fhnbed with his ntrnsual . ' "-- I effort and strcveiinir to stifle ti e coagh which followed it, she'd feel how much, she wanted and wanted those eak " lungs made strong, that tne might lose mm. . , For week Innrt, obstinate .cough, hemor-rhae-e, weakness and emaciation la no medicine so henlinr and ae xreagthexiing aa Dr. Pierce's Golden liedicai Waoovery. . It ia especially waftkatile for children, building np weak bodies with sound, healthy flesh. It ia aatiirelj free frosn alcohol and narcotic. "Wtocr beftjre lata, ary oldest boy (was is Bee Marly five yeats etdk. Bad a trrrttde cough; feed ft (be wao wlalrr aad all auatamrr, wraaa J M. Fair. Km- of Caawoa, arrreeo Oa- Oa. rttvaacavu did ham aa mod end "t" I, m wit sad I could do dui Uim any gviea. AJbar yonr yonr ' fiatovar ' k4 rd ai eaa se eaarkry. We swfytaiar - iy. wi an win la fartei . ttrimm him him back frna the eoantry. ana ksuin ar MmM oamcd him Uct la are if ta ciiaBc waalS aa aw (roaa. we wm i"i suave- at la tiaaa. ebe brought HUa back aad aAaf geia hiai you pw ' GaUca alto aafll'iaai ii f kjr a uma. h raurevy acee-ea-' v Tna CosuacC Sense Medical Adviaei ant frtt m recerr of stamps to pay ancpenae of tnsilintj only. Send si oun ce stamp-, fur paper-botmd book, or J4 mil m jo tv cloth lionnd. Address Lax. JL pTristfa, BiJtnUfc-ti. TL f " J III - . 1 hitn. K Superlative in strength Not. There are imitation baking powders sold cheap f many grocers. They are made from alum, a poison ous drug, which renders the food injurious to health. mentloned above. Hie attorneys called at tention to the fact that he had not had peaceful possession of the child for a long time and tbe court stipulated that he ahould have a special visit of one week in March or Aoril. After the decision Mr. Ewart said: "This suits me thoroughly. It Is all I hoped for. I had offered to aettle this matter with the stipulation that the child be kept In tbe state, but they would not agree to that. Now that the court has Included such stipu lation In Its ruling I am content. This will bring about a settlement of the whole matter." In strange contradiction of this state ment, however. Is that of W. L. Hand, one ct Mr. Ewart' attorney, who dictated a motion for a new trial on the ground that the finding of the court wsa not borne out by the facts, and remarked as he did so that the case was "almost certain to be carried to the supreme court." At the conclusion of the proceedings that have kept the parties In court most of three daya there were no dramatics and no sobs. Mr. Ewart crossed the room and kissed his child, but the grandmother d's couraged any prolonged conversation. Mr. Ewart called his brother, Louis Ewart, and attempted to present him to Mrs. Dodder, who extended her hsnd, but he drew back quickly and thruet his band Into hla pocket. The elder brother spoke reprovingly and pulled at his coat to persuade blm to turn about, but he would not do so, and Mrs. Dodder exclaimed: "See there. That shows the malice that Is felt." Testimony Yesterday. The morning had been given over to two witnesses, whose testimony waa In rebuttal of that given by Mr. Ewart at Saturday's hearing. These two were the grandmother herself nd ber daughter, Mr. Mollle Smith. Neither made any statement of particular Interest except, perhaps, that of Mrs. Dodder to the effect that Mr. Ewart haj sent to his invalid wife In California a draft, tor $200, with the explanation that $140 of. the amount was for the expected operation and the .rest tor subsequent hos pital expenses if she lived, or for the pur chase of a casket and the transportation of her body to Kearney if she did not sur vive. Attorney John Dryden of Kearney, argu ing for the father, conceded the .tender In stincts of the grandmother, Mrs. Dodder, and her Interest In tbe child, but called attention to her age, 9, as Impairing her capacity as a caretaker. He said, too, that any partiality the child might seem to show tor' the grandmother was easily accounted tor by the Intimacy that could not but exist when they bad been so much together, and tbe father kept so long away. He said be could not believe M.s. Dodder's statement that she bed said nothing to prejudice the little girl against her father, when It was ao apparent that tbe aged woman cherished only the most unkind feelings toward him. He described the provisions for taking care of the child In the home of her father at Kearney and pleaded that tha father's af fection was even deeper than the grand mother's could be and cited precedents In tended te show thst to" rob ths sire ot hi own offspring would be unjustified. IMPLEMENT DEALERS MEET DUastlsfled with New Rale of Weat. era Railroads aa to Car 8 lata. The Implement dealers of Omaha and Council Bluff held their regular meeting and banquet at the Her Grand hotel last evening. At ths conclusion of ths banquet matters of Interest to the wholesale trade were discussed. The dealers are Tory much dissatisfied with the new rule of tba western classifica tion bureau aa to the else of cars and tbe premium and discount allowed on the dif ferent altes. A similar rule made In the central classification bureau territory has been suspended temporarily and an attempt will be made to have the rule suspended In the western;. territory pending further dis cussion .of .the esse between the shippers and the Interested roads. - Owtpg to ths recent election ot all tha officers of ths Woman's club, with- ons ex ception, aa delegates to ths Los Angelea biennial, the bylaw of that organization war amended at yeaterday afternoon's meeting to sdmlt of holding ths club's an nual election of officers before tbe national mooting. The amendment cbaagea the date of tbe election from two weeks to sis weeks previous to ths saaual meeting. Owing to ths tact that the election occur at tha same time aa the biennial. It would have bees necessary ts elect officers pro tern to preside st the club's annual election, which waa undesirable to all aad furthermore It la especially desirable that tha president that Is to serve the club daring Lhe nest year have ths benefits of the national mooting, as ths present Incumbent, has oneo ren reeeaUd the elnb at tha last biennial and la not now eligible to another term of effior. &oma qnesUon aa retard regarding the wisdom of making rock a change en the fro and that tha oocaalon waa not suffi cient to net such a pnredeni. bat U waa overruled. The club's phranfhitrnta etmnBUlae rw prrtad encouraging progress la Its work. A girl's dob hss been organised at ths Chapel of ths Carpenter by alias nUgasu under tha auspices et the ciun, aad com plete cooking a.-aoil haa been egatppei there, able ia ts apaa rrlaaj,. laxae) mmmmmmmmamnmrnaamammmamammamBmBmaammmaammmmmamammmn Woman's Work in Club and Charity Musical The unique Innes re-established his repu tation. If that were necessary, at tbe two performances yesterday at the Boyd. One hears so many bands that It would seem a difficult undertaking to say which waa superior. But with Innes it Is different. He has the only bsnd In tbe country on tour which Is growing more and more like an or chestra. N The orchestral resources of the Innes band are developing every season. He has this season arranged his band on the sym phony orchestra Idea and the results Justify bis Ides. Innes Is a broad musician. He Is im bued with the highest possible artlstlo mo tives and he never cetera to or compro mises with the Inferior element in bis art. When be gave up playing trombone solos he did a good thing for himself and his art, but his friends said that he made a mistake. Time hss proved that he wa right and his friends were wrong. Then he decided to cut out all cheap or popular "trashy" music hall productions, and his friends said again that he would suffer for It. Finally, he determined that in big cli maxes he would not bring his brasses out in front, on such things, for Instance,' as the "Sextette," from "Lucia," and the march "Love Is King." Tben his friend aid: "Surely, this 1 the climax; he never can do this." But be did, and the au diences still were satisfied, end today Innes Is In ths enviable position of a man who can dictate to the people what they should have, and they seem willing to accept his Judgment. Innes usee ne music score when be con ducts. He conducts everything from mem ory, even the accompsnlmenta to the solos. He knows bis solos, his-soloists, and, his men. Therefore he gets results. There. Is no- doubt but that Innes and Me-organiza tton stand sbsolutely slone ss a mediator between tbe ordinary good concert band and the symphony orcbestrs. Innes is an edu cator, becauae he never bends to the vul gar, but always leads to what is beet In musical literature. The band Is better than It ever waa and the new arrangement of having the wood wind on each aide of the conductor's stand. while tbe brasses are in the background. tbe bass brasses being raised on a dais at the extremo rear. Is s most excellent Ides. The band Is approaching nearer to the or chestral Idea every year. The accompanlmente (particularly that to the "Toreador" song from "Csrmen") were plsyed with the precision, the repression and the sympathy which might be expected from sn excellent pisnlst or a muslclanly orchestra, but not to be looked for from a band. The delicate lace-like work of the wood wind wss noticeable all through the con certs, and their pianissimo tone were cer tainly beautiful. Of the assisting artists, Signer Achilla Albertl wss esslly the star. Maturity sig nalises all of his work. His "Psgllaccl" prologue snd "Toreador" song were splen did. Mme. Borghl made a good Impression. Her Idea of tone production Is somewhat startling, but she procures reeults thst ars satisfactory. Miss Boyden emphasized her previously made reputation, especially In the evening program. Slgnor Zernl was in splendid voice snd ssng magnificently. Tbe season closed with great enthusiasm. For a clear complexion, bright sparkling eye and a vigorous digestion, tske Prickly Ash Bitter. It put the system In per fect order. Accepts Bid for Ire. At the apeoial meeting of the Retail Gro cers' association last night the proposal of the Omaha Cold Storage company to fur nlsh Ice at 12Vi cents per ISO pounds at the factory, with slightly advanced prices for delivery, wss accepted. A report waa re ceived from the delegation to Milwaukee and the question of standard prices was discussed. aewing classes have slso been organised at the Eighteenth and St. Mary's avenue mission for ths Itsllan children from the South Nineteenth district. A motion was made by Mra. S. R. Towne that the club appolot the educational com mittee to Investigate tbe proposed re trenchment for the public schools snd msks a report to the next meeting of the club. A request came from the educational com mittee that It be given additional assist ance In tbe task, and sfter soms discussion, the request wss grsnted snd the original motion carried. It was decided thst the club announce aa under Its auspices the lecture en "Na than Hale" to be given at Boyd's tbester on Tueeday afternoon, February 25, by Mr. Howard Kyle. The hour was set for 4 'clock, so thst ths school teachers inter ested might avail themselves ot ths lec ture. Announcements were mads regarding the National Congress of Mathers ts be held In Wsahlngion. O. C, Pebrwary 14-11, and who tbe crab win not send delegates ts tha msetlng. the president was Instructed ts ascertain If any of the members would attend the congress, and if so. to empower them to represent the club. Tba aftarnoon's program was In charge of tha household economics department. Dr. MUle a prseidlag In the absence of tbe B. C Tovnaenl Tha ad Leader ot geet Aeeerla that Wltneesea Commltte Perjary When They Testified aa te Her Men tal Condition. Mrs. Sarah Flgg, who entertained a crowd In Judge Fawcett'a court room all yesterday with a dissertation on the mani festations of God and the Intrigue of the devil, la the central figure In nine law suits that are to be disposed of In Douglas and 8srpy counties this term of court It possible. The present suit Is ons for $2,000 damages for alleged malicious prosecution. Mrs. Figg sppesrlng ss plsmtiff, sgalnit John P. Hanger, W. W. Wood and Albert Donahoo, whom she accuses of conspiring, June 10, 1900 to deprive ber of her liberty by securing her detention in a hospital for insane, from which she later secured re lease by habeas corpus proceedings. The next suit, set for Wednesdsy before Judge" Estelle, Is cne In which the parties are the eame and the amount $2,000. which Mrs. Flgg claim as damages sustained when she waa tarred and feathered at Gretna and forced, with her husband and other member of their sect to migrate to Bellevue. Multiplicity ef Salts. Among the other ilt ar two for ma licious prosecution, , brought against the same defendanta and Jesse Reeves, by Mrs. Flgg and Mrs. Donahoo, wife of one of tbe defendants, each asking $2,000. Mrs. Dona hoo Is also to aue Mr. Thomas of South Omaha, wife ot a street csr motor-man, for lander, the claim being $2,000. Mrs. Wood and Mr. Donahoo, though protesting thst they would gladly live with their husbands If the latter would,, come to Bellevue and become Flggltes, hsve commenced action In Douglas county for divorce and Mrs. Browning will take, the same course In 8arpy county. In retaliation Donahoo will aue Mrs. Flgg in Sarpy county for gllealatlon of hi wife' affection. Wood has already ued Mr. Flgg there tor false Imprisonment and se cured a $500 Judgment, Flgg promptly trans ferring nu property to hi wife. This lat ter suit grew out of-Wood a arrest on a charge of participating' In the- tarring and feathering. After hi arrest he prepared to prove that he waa In Fremont when that spectacular Gretna affair occurred and the Flggs Immediately withdrew their prosecu tion and psld the $50 court' costs, explain Ing that the Lord had commanded them not to prosecute. In the crowd that fill's every seat In court room No. I, are delegations representing the Flgg sect and the opposition, made up largely of tbe husbands and relatives of Mra. Donahoo, Mrs. Wood, Mrs. Browning snd other women who are said to have been estranged from their famillea by their allegiance to their new faith. In addi tion there are still to come, for the other hearings, twenty or more Ssrpy county wit nesses and others, among whom is to be Rev. Charles W. Savidge of Omaha, who Is expected to describe s religious demon stration of ths Flgglteii' thst be once wit nessed, and also the members of tbe board of Insanity that recommended Mrs: Flggs' detention In an asylum. On the stand In the. morning Mre. Flgg chsrged that practice ll y all the witnesses who hsd appeared agsifist her at the bear ing by tbe insanlty-'lfjoaro' had perjured themselves. She deriM? 'tod, the confes sions she U' aliegSd'Xf he" made before the board that she' bid, danced about all who came to the Flgglte meetings and would not enthuse, and had denounced them as devils. She atlll repeat her. assertion concerning spiritual visitations, however, stating that at such times the Lord put words Into ber mouth that she haa to utter with emphasis; that sn remembers these words alw; "a because they are from tbe Lord, and that He healed ber deformed body. TWO TO GO TO STATE'S PRISON George Lneaa and William Hath array Sentenced for Assaulting lo'.m Coalthard. George Luces and William Hathaway, In dicted for statutory assault upon Zola Coulthard, withdrew their plea of not guilty and entered one of guilty yesterday after noon after Judge Baxter - bad ordered a Jury drawn to try them. The court promptly sentenced Lucaa to three year at hard ta bor In the state penitentiary, hla term to date from January 11.. 10, whjch was ths day of hi arrest and Inemrceraffon In Doug- la county Jail. Hathaway wa given four year at hard Jabar, on ana .charge and tbe other one. Identical ln nature, wa nolled by tbe county attorney. The court took cognizance of the culprit' consideration In saving the county tbe Sxpeni bf trial and of the alleged fact fbaf the girl pretended to be older than she M; but held that the latter fact 1 no defense In law. ' The girl - waa In 'court 'in charge -of Ihe matron of tbe city Jail,' but sat with her mother and slater. 6he wept when sentence was pronounced oa "Local who wss also In tears, but ahe revived and "wa smiling be fore she left tbe court room fifteen minute later. Hathaway did not flinch when his fate was pronounced,' but stopped on his wsy out to shaks bands with ths girl snd her two relatives aed to talk with them a moment. Both men" are young. When the breath la foul and tbe appetite disordered, Prickly Ash Bitters Is the remedy needed. It parities ths stomsch, liver and bowels, sweetens the bresth, -pro motes vigor snd cheerfulness. dress of the afternoon was made by Rev. Edward Hart Jenks, who spoke on "Home Ideals." A violin solo by Mr. J. I. Cook, accompanied by Miss Grace Hancock, and two numbers by tbs Elks' quartet com pleted the program. The regular meeting of the department of etblcs snd philosophy will be postponed from next Tuesdsy to Msrch 11. Dr. Abby Virginia Holmea will address the household economics department st It meeting on Thursday morning on "Hy giene," tbst being the subject of tbe morn Ing's lesson. Tbe fourth of the series of boms culturs tslks given by the Young Woman'a Cbrls tlsn sssoclstion was enjoyed br fully 100 young women at the home of Mrs. C. B. Batea, Thlrty-seccnd strset snd Wool worth svenue. lest night. Mrs. W. T. Harford president of the local association, wa the speaker and addressed heraelf to the toplo, "Woman in tbe Heme," considering her la her five rspacttiee, or as wife, mother, daughter, sister and serving maid. Solo. mon's proverb supplied ber with sbua daac of spt Illustration. Besides ths fifteen-minute talk the only feature of the evening was a plsno slo by Miss Birch. The rest of ths Urns waa gtwu over to g general social. Delicately formed and gently reared, women will find. In 1 11 the seasons of their lives, as maids or wire t or mothers, that the one simple, wholesome remedy which acts gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may be used with truly beneficial effects, nnder anyeonditions,when the system needs a laxative Is Syrup of Fhjra, It Is well known to be a simple com bination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants with pleasant, aromatic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the system when Its gentle cleansing Is desired. Many of the ills from which women suffer are of a transient nature and do not come from any organic trouble and it Is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to the beneficial effects of 8yrnp of Figs, but when anything more than a laxative Is needed it is best to consult the family physician and to avoid the old-time cathartics and loudly advertised nos trums of the present day. When one needs only to remove the strain, the torpor, the congestion, or similar ills, which attend upon a constipated condi tion of the system, use the true and gentle remedy Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the depres sion, the aches and pains, colds and headaches, which are dne to Inactivity of the bowels. . Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Flga can hope to get its beneficial effects and as a guar antee of the excellence of the remedy the full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co. is printed on the front of every package and without it any preparation offered as Syrup of Figs Is fraud ulent and should be declined. To those who know the quality of this excellent laxative, the offer of any substitute, when Syrup of Figs Is called for, is always resented by a transfer of patronage to some first-class drug establishment, where they do not recommend, nor sell false brands, nor Imitation remedies. The genuine article may be bought of all reliable druggists everywhere at 60 cents per bottle. i0 AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Ceineil IeiiUtts to Tactl Frsslem Library lits. of CAUCUS IS TO FIX ' IT UP TODAY Adjoaraed Meeting; Will Be Tonlnht nnd City Fethera May Tnen Take Drlalte Action Mania City Gossln. While all the members of the city council were nresent when the roll wss called Isat night, and Mayor Kelly was hovering about on the outskirts, the meeting adjourned ..-til ' It waa ranorted that the rea? son for thedelsy-f public business, last ( night being , one of r the regular ' meeting nights, waa agreement nau Deea reached In regard to the library board and the purchase of a site. After a conference with the mayor the members of the coun cil agreed to put tbe matter off until to night, when It is expected thst sppolnt ments satisfactory to the mayor and coun cil will be made. At tbe close of the short session one of the councllmen said that the whole trouble now waa about tbe purchase of a site. The power of the library board to buy the site had been conceded by the city attorney and now the council wants to have a hand In tbe naming ot the noara. As the mayor has It now, seven members of the board reside north of N street and the, fight Is between the north snd south sides. What the council seems to want Is an equal division ot the membership among tha wards in order that the best practical site msy bo selected. ' At the meeting tonight It Is presumed tbst ths msyor will make appointments In accordance with tbe caucus to bs held this afternoon. It tha caucus selections sre agreeabra to all of the members the ap pointments will go through. Mayor Kelly la extremely dealroua or nsvtng tns uorsry building commenced, if such a thing la possible, during his term of office. Governor Decides Question. Governor Savage was In Omaha yester day and ho stated that as fsr ss ths pro tests mentioned sgalnst the organization ot tba cavalry troop in South Omaha were concerned ha would not st this time psy any attention . to them. Tbe governor further said that tbe stste wss enuuea to one troop snd tbst South Oms be was par. tlculsrly fitted tor a. troop to perform escort duty by resson of so many ot tne members being . slmost constsntly In the saddle and owning horsea of their own. No date has been set for the muster ot the troop, but It Is understood that it will bs sometime within the next few osys. io Board Meetlns. For ressons best known t tbe members there was no quorum of the Board of Edu cation last night. It wss expected that the Indictments sgalnst soms ot tbs members rendered by tbe grand Jury recently In see alon would bs brought up la the courts yes terday. As the esses were postponed until Friday of this week, the members most deeply interested broke a quorum by their absence. Aside from a report from su perintendent Mctiean no business of Im portance was to come before tbe bosrd at ths meeting. City Most Pay. As already mentioned In The Bee, the su preme court of Nebraek rscently hsnded down a decision in the now famous Dris coll personal Injury case. In speaking of the matter yesterday, City Attorney Lam bert ssld that as ths city sd msds no re monstrance when the cats v.nt to ths su preme court It would e neceessry to pro vide for the psymeLt of tr claim. He GOLlFSEAL America's mtmr CHAMPAGNE wnaa- 19 na Bsvrr IMPORTS AT m-tuiranaem. VILBAJJtAHIMECa USVBAWA..W.T. IftUF?BNIAriG X , fJHf .,al I - 4. -r a- lnTm thinks, however, that there will be no need of making a special levy for the purpose, ss it Is understood that tbe council will make the proper provision for tbe payment of the claim as soon as the 1902 levy Is avail able. By deferring the matter, the claim ants will not only confer a favor upon the city, but will receive accumulated Interest which amounts to considerable. This els Ira has been given more publicity In the last four years than any other claim ever Bled gainst tbe city and it appesrs now tbal It haa not ended. Democrats Chanato IMaae. Ths democratic city central committee hss . Issued a call for primaries, which cbsnges tbe arrangements Brat made, tt was first decided that the primaries ahould be held March 10, but at tbe suggestion of several of tbe candidates, tbe committee consented to a change In dates. . By chaog- Ing, tba. .date .of tqe. primaries to March 11 it,.Wlll Jeave the democrats in the clear, the party will then know what the other politicians contemplate. The republican pri maries are to be held on March T. with ths convention en 'the da? following. Off March 12 the labor party will, caucus and nomi nate a ticket. It is stated that this action of the democrats will, in a measure, assist those In control In' the making up of tbe ticket, as the other nomlneee will then be known. He?elts Inerenalan. Official figures ' given out by the Union Stock Ysrdt company yesterday show that there is constant increase in the receipts of live stock st this point. As com ps red with last year the receipts ot ctttle show sn Increase of over 25,000 bead, ot hog over 64.000 bead and of sheep nearly 6,000 neau. vuneiucnna ids cold weainer auu the difficulty grower of stock bsve In sending stuff to msrket, the showing msde Is exceedingly gratifying, not only to the Stock Yards company, but to' the commis sion men as well. Bwlft Tests Alaras Service. Last night- an alarm Of firs was sounded on the big wrvatle st Swift's and attracted considerable . attention. Investigation showed ttut there was no fire and the whistle was blown merely to give the Swift fire department practice. Maarle City Gossln. Mr. L. F. fetter is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson are now so journing In the City of Mexico. Edgar HlEsins left yesterday for Sioux City to look after business matters. Mrs. R. Gilchrist will entertain the Magic City King's Daughters on Thursdsy after noon, . .. . John Hlnkley wss sent to the county Jail by Judge King yesterday for resisting sn officer. Blnkley was charged by his wife with assault and when Officer Barnes went to arrest him he resisted. Judge King flg- n Rani a mother tbonld bs a source of )oj to all, but tha suffering and danger Incident to the ordeal m&kta it anticipation one o misery Mother Friend ii the only remedy tehich relieve vamrji ot the grea pain and danger ot maternity; thia htvrwhich is dreaded as -sramas'l severest trial is cot only made painless, bnt all the danger ia avoided by its tue. Those who nae this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy; nervousness, nausea and other distressing condition are overcome, the system U made ready for tha coming eveni, jmd the serious accidents so common to tne cntiea? hoar are obviated by the use ot M ether a Friend. "It is worth its weight to gold," says many who have need it- f loo per bottle at drur stores. Book containing valuable information of interest to all women, w H be sent to any address free upon application t OlADFILLD RTOULATOIt OO, Mrtmmt Om. A Pointer For You If you bsve uever worn a pair ot Irexel's shoes you bars never known what real shoe values am It doesn't cost us anything to carry a line ot men's shoes such as our men's $3.30 specials we have tbe rooo wa bare tbs help consequent! we are able to put more value In these f&SO shoes than on can possibly get where the expense, of the boalnee id est' be paid oat of tbs proJt on the shoes. Sew wprfaf linen are now rend for yonr msisNtloii. Drexel Shoe Co.. am ravO moioanas Bear Meade. Oaanaa'a IVIa-Ssi Ikw tftaaaoa iax a a a at am -.. ' iiila--V '"'rkNi-"'''' ' -ill PA:: I I m - ii.ii.. mar- ured that sixty days wss about what the prisoner deserved. The Danish-Amerlcnns have organised a political club snd will meet every Sunoa; afternoon at Franek s hall. Borne Pouth Omaha lumber dealers p bidding on the material to be furnished 1:1 Omaha Auditorium company, Jhe 8mlth-Colburn revival services at tir Methodist church are still well attem. and considerable Interest Is manifest. Five democrats have already officlfilly de clared themselves candidates for the city council. The repulblcan aspirant have nut yet published announcements. The bonds for tbe grading of K street from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth street were delivered by. the city BUlhorHles yes terday to Contractor Dan Hannon. It was reported yesterday that h local ?acklng company had received a large order or dry salt hams, to be sent by Hit- kov ernment for the une of soldiers et Manila. Joe1 Lath "wa Injured In the railroad yards yeaterday afternoon by bring caught between th bumpers of two cars. The-attending Burgeon says that Lath is not seri ously injured. Entertainment' for I nltee) Workmen. Members of the Ancient Order of Cnlted Workmen lodges bnnellted the central. com mittee and Temple association financially nd caused a large crowd of people to enjoy themselves by their entertainment at Wash ington hall last night. The program con sisted of mimic, dancing and a farce on the different characters , who attend meetings of the grand lodge, which to the Initiated was a clever piere of work. The d legatee, the candidate., the hotel keeper, the mayor and hla address, were all right In every particular and delighted the audienne. Those who took part were: I'earl Morris, Miss Turner. 8. Adklns. Miss I). Adklns, C. A. Jacobeon, Miss Wilson, Sam MorrU, t'alvln Urnder. J. C. MrKenna. Bud Mc Donald, Reld Wilson. Maud Lord. Harrv Urader. Jack Cody. Mlaa M. Busterin. Miss T. Bouska. Ii. W. Burtns. R. Adklns, Ole son's union orchestra anil the Kike' quar tet, composed nf Messrs. Miller. Hrennan, Brown and Bwlft. The singing of the quar tet was one or tne nits or ine evening. ' Jyht ,f" appiCTd""1 d,d We" "nd " Marrlaxr Lleenaeo. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday: Name and Residence,' . . Age. Owen L. Burklln, Omaha .......1!1 Ida Knoll. Omaha , 20 Charles Hart. Genoa. Neb Mary Swanaon, Omaha 11 Louis BonacH, Omaha 24 Maria Mercurlo, Omaha IT Henry H. Walker, Jr.. Omaha ,,..,.27 Dora B. Haahborger, Schuyler, Neb 26 George Prawl, Hamburg, la i,;n Catherine Stelnmets. Hamburg, la. ....... .2") Bam R. Elson, Omaha ....41 Mayle A. Manspeaker. Omaha We Knew nnd Yon Know. To meet tbe growing demand and eon sumption, prompted by general appreciation of high quality. Moot dc Chaudon Cham pagne Imported 252,432 bottle )u -1901 In excess of the yesr 1900, greater tbau 100 per cent of the combined Increass of all the other champagnes Imported. Moot Chsndon Wblt Seal. Bpernay, France. Dry, delicate and delicious. Adv. Everr mothT fel great dread of the p-in and danger attendant upon the mod critieaj period k of her life.- Becoming Mofftei