Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The. omaha Daily Bee.
till! lii.t . ... , . I. cs . V ".- AA
Aany i.-e ana ftuuOay, One 1 ear. ;...., S Oo'
iiiuBiriinu oee, .line leit I -w
Sunday tire, one Y-ar XUO
baturuay Bee, one Year 1 00
XwentleiB Century Farmer. One Year... LOO
Pally Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... to
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Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
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Chicago 1M0 Unity Building.
Hew York Temple Court.
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Communications relating to news and edi
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.1 '
' Oeorge B. Tsschuck, secretary ol The He
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
gays that the actual number of full am
complete copies of The Daily, 'Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed -during
the month of January, 1302, was as. fol
lows: .'
1 ,....80,500 16....
X .... 80,210 n....
It J... .80,090 ' 18....
. .80,180
. .80,4110
.. 80,400
. .80.200
.. .80,110
...80,185 1
1 80,170
10 30,130
11 8f,80
11 80,430
U 80,470
14 80,100
IS 30,070
...... ,S,40
i 11...
Total .". ,..41,03
Lcbs unsold and returned copies.... 9,940
Net total sales. v.. 932.0T0
Net dally average.,... 80,007
Subscribed In Iny presence and sworn to
before mo this 1st day of February, A. D.,
U02. M. B. HUNCIATB. -
(Seal.) Notary Public
At present rate the Omaba Ministerial
association will soon have as many new
names as old names on Its roster.
That Ohio man who has been con
victed for the fourth tlmo of murder
has one consolation he will only have
to be hung once.
Over $1,500 In Nebraska's contribution
to the McKlnley memorial fund. This
Is a creditable showing, but it should yet
te materially Improved. '
combination of flreprooflng manu
facturers has been incorporated In New
Jersey. The usual amount of water in
the stock will be one of the ingredients.
. We. .refuse, -to .believe the embezzler
whA Innlnffl Vi 1 a ilnurnfall la Ann Vnw
lng learned to play - poker. He cer
tainly failed to learn the game In all Its
intricacies. ' ' ' " '
Omaha has wanted a market house for
long time and still-wants one, but
avhea It comes It must be a creditable
market house suitable to Its needs, 'even
If we have to wait for It a little longer.
When the other candidates for the
headship of the Elks organization saw
the antlers of the Omaha entry coming
out for the start they all took to their
beels and returned to the training stable.
The plumbers in the Missouri Valley
are reported to contemplate a concerted
Increase In prices for work. The new
schedule will probably provide 'a charge
of 25 cents for looking Into the' shop
windows. ;
8outh Omaba democrats are about' to
revise their call for city primaries, in
srder to postpone nominations until
after the republicans have first acted.
This Is characteristic of democracy in
these parts. .
! Rest your fears. It Jg not a crime to
be poor any more than it is a crime to
be rich. But dishonest poverty is Just
a criminal as dishonest wealth. It
takes, no pulpit debate to demonstrate
these truths. .
An Antarctic explorer reports having
reached within 800 miles of the south
pole, the nearest any one has ever been
to that goal At that rate the goal of
the southern frost king is not likely to
ie crossed for some time. .'
One Chicago scientist is trying to
Show the people of that city that it is
cheaper to burn the coal smoke than to
allow it to escape from the chimneys.
If ha van prove his case he will do more
to abate the smoke nuisance than a book
full of. city ordinances.
Chicago packers do not understand
twny a Sou tli Dakota company w hich in
leads to engage lu the-killing of live
stock should incorporate; with S'JOO.OOO,
000 stock. Wind Is pleutlful in South
Dakota and its people have as srood a
right to' capitalize It as have those 'of
iw Jersey, , ,
General Funaton is to be initiated into
the Elks as soon as he has entirely re
covered from his. illness. The Elks are
all right, but If the general is really look
lng for something which will'remlud
him of the strenuous times that are
past he should ooiue to Omaha aud Join
the Kulghta of Ak-8ar-Ben.
CapUid Hosou, in a . recant speech.
declared that the United States should
bo the peace arbiter of the world. Like
most other countries, the United States
. will do reasonably well seeing that
keeps tut of trouble itself. The peace
maker proverbially gets into the thick
est of the fight and gets out without
Tea thanks. ...
The close vote in committee on the
bill providing for a government' Pacific
cable indicates that there "will be strong
opposition to the measure In the house,
though! it Is. doubtless safe to say that
It twill pass ' that body., . Of course . the
prlvste'coinpany which has made a pro
posal to lay a cable will exert against
the bill all the influence it can com
mand, but having failed to persuade a
majority of the house committee on
commerce that the company's proposal
ought to be accepted there is good rea
son to believe that it will be unable to
convince a majority of the house that it
would be well to accept the company's
, . A - cable between . the United States
and our possessions In the Pacific should
be owned and controlled by the govern
ment The arguments for tnls pre
sented. In, the report of Mr. Corliss are
ample and conclusive. The proposed
cable will be used chiefly by the gov
ernment and for that reason It Is most
Important that it should be controlled
and operated by the government As
Mr. Corliss says, the proposed cable will
be a great public utility and as such
should be in the public control. From
whatever point of view the matter is
regarded it' must be obvious that the
construction and operation of a cable
line to our Pacific 'possessions should be
the work of the government and that It
would be most unwise to place an enter
prise so essentially public in character
In the hands of a private corporation.
We can very properly follow the ex
ample in this matter of England and
other countries whose ' governments
have established telegraphic communica
tion with their possessions.
The fact that a private company has
made a contract' to lay a cable to
Hawaii Is not' a matter which' the
government Is called upon to consider.
It is wholly an affair of the company
and we can see no good reason why
the government should have any sort of
dealing-with that company. ; The cor
poration, when It contracted for a cable
line, was well 'aware of the proposition
that the government should construct a
Pacific cable. " The subject was before
the last congress and was pretty, freely
discussed. In view of this the Com
mercial Pacific 'company. In contracting
for a cable to Uawali, has no claim to
any consideration on the part of -the
government ' Perhaps there can be no
reasonable objection to the government
purchasing the cable the company has
ordered, if It can be bought as cheaply
as the government can contract for, but
there is no obligation to do this, nor in
any respect to relieve this private cor
poration of what It has assumed in con
nection with the construction of a
Pacific cable. '
Congress should not unnecessarily
delay this' most Important work, which
is . demanded alike for commercial,
political and military , considerations.
There Is no doubt that direct telegraphic
connection with our Insular possessions
would" have most valuable results com
mercially and politically?' 'If congress
consults public sentiment in the matter
it will promptly. provide for the con
struction of a government' cable!
That the , peculiar methods , of the
school book trust exposed from time to
time in Omaha, are not confined to this
city has been brought out by recent dis
closures In Boston, where the trust has
been pursuing its old tactics of reward
ing its friends and punishing its enemies.
The charges and counter-charges in the
Hub have a strangely familiar sound to
those conversant with school matters in
Omaha. , .
. The chairman of the text book .com
mittee, for example, publicly admits that
he has written and contracted to write
text - books , for the great publishing
houses that are seeking orders for books
for- the city schools. - Another member
of " the 'same committee - is likewise
charged with having planted a daughter
In a high salaried position with one of
the publishing bouses that draws thou
sands of. dollars .each year out of the
municipal, treasury., ,Under these cir
cumstances the Boston Post calls upon
the members Implicated in the scandal
to hand In their resignations.
The .situation in Boston strikingly re
calls the fact tnat an Investigation
Into text book favoritism in Omaha not
long ago found our present superintend
ent of schools making the admission
that he had been liberally subsidized by
the school box trust under pretense of
engaging him to write a chapter on Ne
braska for a text book on geography it
was preparing to sell to eur schools.
i The president of the great steel cor
poration found among the people of Eu
rope with ; whom ae -came in contact
only friendship and admiration, for this
country. . Mr. Schwab met' leading
financiers aud manufacturers who it ap
pears -were very much Impressed with
the combination of which he is the head
and which he is now more strongly con
vinced than before he went to Europe
is a great thing for our Iron and steel
Industries. That may prove to be the
case if economy and reduction in cost
which Mr. Schwab says are the objects
In view, shall be attained and the con
sumers of . the products of steel are
thereby benefited. As yetf however, the
steel trust while paying large dividends
to stockholders, has shown no disposi
tion to consider the Interests of con
sumers and it may fairly be doubted if
it will ever do so.
'As to the friendship of foreign finan
ciers and manufacturers, It is very ques
tionable if it exists to the extent Indi
cated by the statement of the president
of the steel corporation, whose observa
tion was doubtless confined to a limited
circle. There is quite as trustworthy
authority for saving that many Euro
pean manufacturers, who have suffered
from American competition, do not feel
at all friendly toward this country and
would like to find a practicable way to
shut out or put check upon our com
petition. In view of the suggestions In
this direction that have come from Euro
pean statesmen, who must b presumed
to know the sentiment among their peo
ple engaged in 'the Industries, It Is not
possible to believe that all European
financiers and 'manufacturers are
friendly to the United States and admire
us for having taken their trade.
Perhaps the feeling of commercial
hostility toward the United States in
Europe has somewhat abated, but It Is
by no means entirely dissipated, and
while the idea of a continental alliance
to check American competition has prob
ably been abandoned as unattainable,
there is no, assurance that European
countries wHl not discriminate against
our products in their tariffs.
The passage In the house of repre
sentatives of the bill repealing the war
taxes by a unanimous vote was extraor
dinary. It was a sagacious move,
from a political point of view, on the
part of Mr.' Richardson,, the democratic
leader, in asking unanimous consent
that the bill be put upon Its passage
without debate, ' since it enabled the
democrats to go on record In favor of
tax reduction with as much prestige as
the republicans. Ilad the usual course
been pursued there would have been
democratic objections to the measure,
and while of course these would have
been futile, they might have been made
to do service against the party, '
As we remarked at the time the ways
and means committee recommended the
repeal of the war taxes, one of the ef
fects will be the cessation of agitation
for general tariff revision, which, how
ever, had already practically ceased.
What effect, If any, the action of the
house will have upon the ' question of
granting tariff concessions to Cuba, re
mains to be seen, but it is certainly not
favorable to anv lnrr ennnaa.lnn Tli
house has done its duty m relieving tpe
American people or taxation to the
amount, of $77,000,000 and If the senate
concurs the government cannot afford
to make any great sacrifice of tariff
revenue in the interest' of the Cuban
sugar and tobacco growers! The gov
ernment will continue to have ample
revenue, after the, repeal of the ,war
tales goes into effect for all legltimate
expenses, but It cannot safely cut off
much more revenue.
It Is possible that - the senate, will
make changes in the house bill and that
a. few of the taxes repealed by that
measure will be retained. We think it
safe to say,, however, that in the main
the bill will have the support of the
senate republicans and that it will pass
that body without any material changes.
There is no doubt as to the public ap
proval of this legislation and the re
publicans of the senate are . not likely
to disregard the public will and also the
pledge of their party for an early repeal
of the war taxes.
, BY ALL MKABa SELL. .' " , .' '
The Intimation has been given out that
the auditorium directors have an'oppor
tunlty to sell' the auditorium site and
get back not only the $60.0uO which has
been locked up there, but also an addi
tional $20,000 'or $25,000, which would
go to , increase the building fund. If
this is a bona fide offer rather than an
attempt to frighten people Interested in
the present location into coming to the
front with more subscriptions, it should
by all means be promptly accepted.
The fundamental mistake committed
by the auditorium promoters wss the im
pounding of the greater part of their re
sources by a purchase of real estate
forced under the influence of those who
had property Interests to subserve. , By
this hasty action money that was sub
scribed for' the purpose of erecting an
auditorium building was used for a real
estate speculation, with a resulting de
pletion of the auditorium fund, from
which it has not yet recovered. If the
directors can get their money out of the
site again and turn It back to the orig
inal purpose of construction they should
not hesitate to do so.
Should this be accomplished, there Is
no good reason why a site equally well
located and suitable should not be se
cured without drawing materially upon
the construction fund at the present
time. This could be done in one of two
ways either by lease of the ground, sub
ject to an annual rental, payable out of
the Income of the auditorium, or by re
quiring the owners of the property to
take at least half of the purchase price
in auditorium stock. The advantage
that would be gained by such a course
would far outweigh any loss occasioned
by a change of site, even if all of the
subscriptions conditional upon the pres
ent location should, be entirely' with
drawn. Had this course been pursned
from the first the auditorium would
now have been well under way, '
And now we are. told that the Omaha
attorneys who howled loudest for the re
establlsbment of the supreme court com
mission are decidedly dissatisfied with
IU operation. , Of course, Omaha at
torneys have no reason to expect better
treatment or more favorable notice of
their superior legal attainments than at
torneys Jroin other parts of the state,
but the fact remains that they profess
disappointment in tbelr expectations.
To. the 4 lay observer, ' however, the su
preme court commission seem' to be
doing precisely what was anticipated.
The commission Is confessedly a tem
porary makeshift designed to bridge the
period 'until 'the supreme court can be
enlarged -by constitutional amendment
The trouble' has been that many attor
neys preferred 'to content themselves
with the makeshift rather than work for
the permanent addition of more Judges
on the supreme bench.' - That was one
of the contributing causes of the defeat
of the amendment when it was ' sub
mitted five years ago. If the attorneys
are finally waking up to the realities of
the situation there may be some hope of
carrying the amendment when it Is sub
mitted another time.
The last large tract of white pine In
the state of Wisconsin which had not
previously passed into the hands of the
lumbermen, hss now been transferred
to them. Of course there are many
tracts which have not been denuded of
tlmlier, but at the present rate not many
years will have elapsed before those
magnificent forests will be a thing of
the past The lumberman Is leaving a
serious problem for the-coming genera
tions to solve In the restoration of what
he Is destroying. i
The Real Estate exchange must pos
sess Its soul In patience until the su
preme court clears the way for the next
move In the campaign for tax reform.
but at the same time it can line up for
another Inning. . And when its gets
through with the city assessment it will
have the pleasure of tackling the county
assessment which contains inequalities
just as gross.
Aar Port la a Sterm.
Detroit Free Press.
On account of diplomatic exigencies Great
Britain has decided that the Japanese are
to be considered x-offlclo aa Anglo-Saxon
Will Bara-mlas Fr
Kansas City Journal.
The Daalsh Islands have not cast much.
Let us hope that they will not be Uks soma
other islands cheap to buy," but expensive
to keep. r
Pleterlal Gld Bricks,
' Chicago Chronicle. ' ' : '
The prevalent infatuation of Americas
money for foreign art is bringing Its inevit
able result The pictorial gold, brick is
ready, for gullible investors. It requires
aa much astuteness to buy a good picture
at a fair price as to detect a salted mine.
Net Small aa Palated.
Chicago Record-Herald.'
1 Congressman Wheeler of Kentucky re
ferred to Prince Heary as "the little Dutch
man." The' prince Is six feet and half an
Inch .tall, weighs' 182 pounds and always
keeps in the pink , of physical condition.
What do they call a good-sized man in
Kentucky, anyway f; ,
Throws Cp the Spoag-e.
.' Washington Post
Mr. Moreton Frewen has formally and un
reservedly' admitted the failure of the free
sliver cause. For the benefit of some of our
younger readers we will state that free
sliver was a fetish advocated strenuously
by the decemratlo party la 189t and dodged
to beat the band In, 1900. -
Where Reform la Heeae.
Baltimore American.
, The protest of women travelers to the
president concerning the customs regu
lations at the port of New York contains
a serious charge in their complaints ,of
insulting and . , Impertinent treatment
Civility to citizens should bs the keynote
of the entire public service, and if these
complaints are found to be well grounded
such a state of affairs should be promptly
remedied. , ,. .
A Hint o the Trvata. ,
Brooklyn Eagle. ,
Wisdom and prudence dictate that obvious
aad notable abuses .springing from combina
tions should, be, serrected now . while, the
combinations are in good odor rather than
be left to pile up for a dire day of reckon
ing, .which, If it gomes, win amount to aa
industrial ' revolution. The combinations
sheuld submit to discipline at the hands of
their friends rather than wait for punish
ment from their enemies.
Kaee Breeches svael Paanpa.
Boston Herald.
It appears to have been settled that our
official representatives to the coronation
must wear, knee .breeches after all. ' Their
toggery will be an ordinary black evening
dress coat and waistcoat, with tight-fitting
black cloth knee breeches, black silk stock
ings and pumps. The special and regular
representatives of the United States will ba
the only people at the coronation thus
attired, since everybody else is required to
be either in . full- uniform or in what' is
known as court drees. They say that Am
bassador Choate has been appearing at all
court . balls, . state concerts and - dinners
given by the sovereign In these clothes. In
which he looks well, being endowed with a
particularly plump--pair of calves.
. ., -
PrealSeat Heoeevelt'a Daughter at the
' .' CerOaatloa.
Baltimore American- (rep.)
i The press dispatches tell us that Miss
Alloa Roosevelt is to go to' the coronation
of Edward VII, king of England, aa a sort
of adjunct to our, special embassy.. From
the same source, we glean the information
that whea the daughter of eur president
arrives at the court of St. James she Is to
ba treated with Ute same marks of honor
and distinction as are accorded to prin
cesses. In other words, she is to figure as
the child, of the ruler of. one of the great
powers of the earth. This is not pleasant
reading for democratio America.
Miss Roosevelt la a moat charming young
girl aha is not yet II. She has recently
had soma pictures' taken. They show her
to be a child of - prepossessing face and
form. She wears her gown well and is,
withal, a good, average specimen, of sweet
American girlhood. That she can outshine
all the sprigs of royalty who will throng
Westminster abbey we have no doubt In
the princesses' section of the reserved
seats she will be as a bright and shining
star. Her face will be aa attraction It
will be a relief from those of the other
daughters of rulers, who, by Intermarriage
of royalty, hare all coma to look alike.
As aa American girl she would shins there
In a way to please all Americana
But this princess business cannot be
swallowed. Every American girt is a
queen; of psuedo-prlncesses we have none.
Nor will we. The father of Alice Roose
velt Is not the ruler of this nation! Our
presidents are not rulers. Here the people
are sovereign. Presidents are the servants
of the people, who make and unmake them;
who may regulate their tenure of office,
fix their salaries, and, if occasion demands
It, Impeach and drive them into oblivion.
No president has ever ruled this country:
none ever will. The people rule, and
President Roosevelt Is, as. one ex-prestdent
has stated, coarsely perhaps, but aptly,
their "hired man."
Should he conssnt that his daughter go
to the coronation to rank as the daughter
of the ruler of the United States the presi
dent will fling ' down a gauge which the
American people will not fall to pick up.
We have no real princesses; we will have
no counterfeit ones. Let Alice Roosevelt
go to the coronation as the sweet and at
tractive American girl she Is and the
nation will follow her triumphs over royalty
with pride aad Interest. But let her go
masquerading as a princess, daughter of a
ruler who la only a servant and wo shall
hear the storm which will break about the
resident's head.
Advertising Values
It doea not need much argument to con
vince the modern world of the value of
advertising. There are still some among
the professions, so-called, whose exponents
look upon almost any direct means of tell-
lng the world what they profess to be able,
to do as more or less derogating from the
dignity of the profession. But even among
such as these there are not wholly want
ing signs that they are beginning to sus
pect the mistaken policy of permitting the
pretenders to take and keep the ear of the
world. They give soma Indications of a
willingness to take the common sense view
of the shrewd preacher who admitted that
It la bad policy to "let the devil have all
the good times."
The modern world has become a reading
world. It does not trust any more to the
spoken transmission of news from man to
man any more than to handing along the
history of men's doings by oral tradition.
Along with this almost universal practice
6f reading has come that of advertising
In printed form or readable form of some
kind that each one of us pursues. Naturally
the leading medium for this recognized
practice of advising our fellow men
of what we can do gravitated to tho
newspaper, tho medium through. which men
learn what Is known as the news of the
world. Essentially the spreading of knowl
edge of where forms of business are trans
acted is news aa truly as spreading knowl
edge of anything else.
Ingenuity of self-interest the desire to
"make money" led some men to invent
other ways of advertising for which the
Inventors could get payment and their name
is legion., "Wall paper,", as. it is called, of
all kinds, billboards, programs of all the
Infinite variety of entertainments, circulars,
many forms of books which but for the'
fact that their cost is defrayed by the ad
vertisers wno can do persuaded to use
them, would never be printed, and count
less other schemes for promoting alleged
imbllclty have grown up until many who
have business to advertise give no small
part of their time to listening to solicita
tions. Every "manager" of a doubtful con
cert or recital seeks to thus lure the public
Into paying the cost of his programs. The
visitor to every theater must turn over
many Inky pages before he can find the
bill of the play he has come to see. Every
city street Is disfigured with huge, ungainly
billboards. Through the country houses
and barns and fences and rocks are made
unsightly with painted placards of pills
and potions. Many business men seem to
Philadelphia Record: The alliance of
Great Britain and Japan is a pitting of the
two greatest island empires against the
greatest of the continental empjres.
. Indianapolis News: The probabilities are
that Russia will merely be "checked" by the
Anglo-Japanese alliance. It ' has been
checked before, and In many parts of the
world. But always lta movement has been
Springfield Republican: So far as Man
churia Is concerned, however, this alliance
does not promise to effect substantial re
sults, at this late day, unless the Jap
anese are now prepared, with British sup
port to strike with all their military force
against the advance of Russia In eastern
' New York Work: Should war result be
tween Russia and Japan over Korea, as
has been anticipated, the latter power
would now have the support of England,
whose naval operations are unaffected by
the v trouble In South . Africa. ' Further
moves on the international chessboard In
the east will be awaited with world-wide
New York Times: The publication of this
treaty comes just after the publication of
the protest against the signature of the
treaty by which China was to make over
Manchuria to Russia, and that protest was
subscribed by the United States, as well
aa by the contracting parties In this treaty.
In effect the British 'proclamation of
"Hands off!" is aa American proclama
tion also. That fact will not fall to be
noted In all the chancelleries. It is en
tirely safe to. say that "the crime of 1895"
will cot be .repeated.
New York Tribune: There have been In
timations of late that Oreat Britain, Japan
and the United States were working to
gether at Pcjjln to thwart Russian designs
upon Manchuria. The three have "a corn
unity of . Interests in that part of the
world, and are natural and logical allies.
Tho United States Is not a party to this
treaty. It does, not enter. into such alli
ances. But it will welcome this treaty as
a guarantee of its own welfare, and will
continue to give its cordial sympathy and
moral co-operation to the two great and
friendly powers which have made It .
Detroit Free Press:'. That Oreat Britain
should have entered into such an appar
ently Jug-handled arrangement that she
should have turned her back on her tradi
tional policy of "magnificent Isolation" In
order to gain the support of a third-rate
power like AJapan is significant. An offen
sive' and defensive alliance between Oreat
Britain and any other power would have
been a nine-days' sensation la Interna
tional politics; but when the nation is
neither whits nor ' Christian and - Oreat
Britain voluntarily agrees to pay a usu
rious rate of interest oa the Investment,
the wonder must be increased.
Prince Henry soon after returning from
the United States will celebrate the quar
ter. centenary of his service In the navy.
Senator Hanaa now has in his possession
the pen with which Speaker Thomas B.
Reed signed the famous McKlnley tariff
act .
Thetus W. 8 1ms, a representative In con
gress from Tennessee, was working thirty
years ago in a brick yard at $1 a day and
later wandered over ths Big Bend stat,e
with tho pack of a peddler on bta back.
Hon. Martin I. Towneend, the oldest liv
ing graduate of Williams college, baa Just
celebrated his 2d birthday at Troy,-N. T.
He is the oldest member of the New York
State Board of Regents, having served since
J87J. .
General Russell A. Alger, In a recent
speech on 'the reforesting of barren lands,
urged that Germany's system of maintain
ing the Black forest should be carried out
In the pine barrens of the United States
and especially in Michigan.
J. A. Howells, a brother of William Dean
Howells, still edits tha paper, the Ashta
bula Sentinel, upoa which ths novelist
worked when a boy. Mr. Howello says:
"I was bora in the room next to the one
In which my father worked on the St.
Olairavllle (O.) Gasetto and I have never
been much further from a printing office
Cheklb Bey, diplomatic representative of
Turkey la Washington, la officially unknown
to tha Roosevelt administration, though bo
has been In the national capital six months.
Ha reaohed Washington Just before Presi
dent McKlnley's departure for Buffalo and
after tho tragedy there his credentials had
to bo returned to Turkey for aeceeaary
changes as to the personnel of
ernment Tho corrected papers have not
yet arrived and Cheklb Boy U a Oil la of
ficial retirement, .
think it cheaper to pay for most of these
schemes than to spend time in'trylng to say
no to solicitors.
Business' men, however, give evidence of
beginning to discriminate between the kind
of advertising that. 1 of , value' and ' the
many kinds that are Worthless. Some time
ago the Board of Trade of a large "New
England city appointed a committee .made
up of practical business men to Investigate
and report upon the whole question and
the report recently made Is detailed and
exhaustive. It sets out a great, variety of
facta which were unearthed in the course
of the investigation, many of them very
curious and some very amusing. , Touching
the issue of books of ephemeral character,
the report details one case where a-large
number cf advertisements were secured on
the representation that 10,000 copies of tho
book would be printed and distributed,
while the. projectors collected from ad
vert leers several times tho whole cost of
the work done. In fact, no books were
printed except enough to show to advertis
ers, who thought themselves shrewd in In
sisting on seeing a copy.
The committee gave especial attention to
the practice of advertising, in programs,
theatrical and other, and. reached the con
clusion that It Is practically without value.
One curious and amusing Instance of test
ing it Is detailed wherein certain trades
men, v quite a number of them apparently,
advertised In , certain programs that for
some plausible reason they would give away
certain articles of trade usually In fair do
mand. The programs appear to have been
some of the great value of which as ad
vertising mediums great things were prom
ised and some of . the advertisers rather
trembled for the possible result As a mat
ter of fact no . one of them .ever had as
much as one single call for the articles so
advertised, though the ordinary sales con
tinued as usual.
These are examples of the facts un-
earthed and the unqnallfled, positive recom
mendation of the committee la the complete
abandonment by business men of all these
advertising devices and ths concentration
of all the money that all business men
can devote to advertising in the columns
of the legitimate mediums for such busi
ness, the newspapers.
That this agitation runs along with a
general movement . against the unsightly
billuii.-d Indicates a fresh application of
common sense to the general conduct of
Ripples ea the Cvrreat of Life la the
A strenuous gas meter tucked away in
a corner of a home la the suburbs of
Ootham, some three years ago, worked up
a bill for $1.65 for gas which the owner
claimed he did not contract tor. He re
fused to psy and the company turned off
the gas. The owner happened to be a
lawyer with time to burn, so he called the
gas company into court, fought his claim
for damages tfrough the devious paths of
litigation, and Anally, In the - supreme
court, was awarded Judgment for $4,300.
The lawyer claimed that the gas was turned
on before he took possession of the house,
and sued the company for falling to pro
vide bim with a meter or to give him any
light at all. The Judgment was obtained
at the rate of $5 a day, which was fixed
as a penalty for the failure of the com
pany to turn on the gas. For 195 days the
lawyer burned kerosene lamps, and then
sued for $985. The action was tried la
four courts, the company refusing still to
turn on the gas, and the plaintiff won
every time. Now the corporation, for
lighting over a bill of l.(5,has to pay $5
for each of the 730 days, besides ths costs
of the suits. , .
It was a pleasant day on Wall street.
relates the New York Evening Post. . Old
Trinity faced the usual busy crowd of
brokers, some sad, some gay. In a private
office on the first floor of a great building
a gray-haired man sat calmly at a desk. It
was ths sort of face that steadies one In a
worldly atmosphere; The door opened, and
a man entered whose bearing indicated the
unscrupulous promoter.
He began at once:
"You see, we are in search of men like
you to become directors of our company.
There are great prospects and lota of
money. If the thing goes through all right,
there will be a handsome profit for those
concerned, especially for persons on the
Inside;' (Here there' was a curious little
wink.) Big men are in the scheme, snd ws
are' in search of one or two more of your
caliber. Will you go lnT"
"I have no money to invest in such enter
prises," said the older man.
"That's Just it You need not put In a
cent. Only let us use your name, and we
will do the rest".
"But I have not time to - attend board
meetings, and I certainly would not con
nect myself with any concern with whose
affairs I was not familiar. I cannot Join
"Let us get down to business,", said the
promoter. "You have reputation; we have
money. . A fair exchange is no robbery. We
will give, you 850,000 in cash for the use of
your name. You will be In good company.
Now will you Join usT"
"No; I will not."
"What, not tor $50,000 in cash?"
"No. sir; not for $50,000 In cash."
"Well, you are a 'queer man," said the
promoter, as he reached for his bat. to go.
This is a true story, and yet they say that
Sunrise or Sunset? "
Which shall your mirrorsay? If the former,
then your hair is rich and dark, long .and-.
heavy; if the latter, it is short and falling, ,
thin and gray. . . ' .V
The choice is yours for ; Ayer!s :Hair
Vigor always restores color to gray hair. tops. v
falling of the hair, and makes the hair jW ;
long and heavy.
Yonr Hair Vigor has tamed mv hair from gray to Jetlsck. I aa
ialforbatUhasioae(or m. sad I intend to keep on mslag it. - -'
Mrs. Wm. SrxcBT, BochtslsvOa, Pa. .
tut, AnsraakSa,
every other man you meet on Wall street
worships the almighty dollar!
' The highest priced bit of land In New
York. City ,1s. a triangular plat 15x18 feet
on Broadway, near Herald Square. What
gives it extraordinary value is the fact
that the rest of ' the" bloc Is owned by
a department store company.' A writer In
tho Saturday Evening Post says when ths
agents of 'the. department! store people
sought the owner he bad gone to Europe.
They wrote and-asked him to cable a
proposition. , He replied that he would sell
for $125,000. They laughed at him and
offered hlra something leas. He didn't even
answer. Finally they offered him $126,000,
and he told them that his price had risen
and was now $150,000. " They offered htm
$140,000 and he declined. Then they rose
to $150,000. and he told them that his
price was $175,000. V Before they oould cloee
be had Jumped it to $190,000, then to $210,
000,' to $225,000 and Anally $375,000. This
for a bit of ground that haa in it S18 square
feet or at the rate of nearly $3,000 for
every square footl The department store
people Indignantly declined to buy. When
they woke up they found that a little mer
chant with a speculative mind and con
siderable backing had snapped up the parcel
at the owner's figure. All this occurred
inside of three months. The proprietors
of the department store now find them
selves in this aredicament: They have a
huge plot of ground containing about four
acres, for which they have paid enormous
prices and on which they are proceeding
With the construction of a building to cost
several million dollars, while the vital cor
ner, a mere speck of ground, is denied
them, except at a price that makes even
New York stare.
An Irishman, bent on showing his recently
arrived friend tho eights of Now York, took
him to the bridge at Fifty-fifth street over
the railroad tracks, near the entrance to the
Fourth avenue tunnel. While they were ad
miring the view, the bridge and. the tunnel
the Empire state express passed under them
with a roar and a rush that almost took
their breath away and disappeared in the
tunnel. "What d'ye thing of . that, Pat?"
said Mike to his daied companion. ' "Well,
Mike," rejoined Pat, as he gased at the
gaping orifice that bad Just swallowed the
rushing train, " 'Us a mighty .small hole
and a mighty big train. If them cars lver
miss It there's going to bo a horrible smash
some day." , , -
Washington Star: "Some tnen," ' snld
Uncle Eben, "treats delr hosnea better dan
dey does delr wives An' den again, some
men's hoeoes treats 'erft- better dan' delr
wives does." :-.
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Yes. 1 saw your
father and It's all right."
"Splendid 1 How did you accomplish such
a delightful result?" -
"I got the Janitor to crack on all the
heat he could and concentrate It In yoUr
father's office." . ... . - : . . , .
"Well, It thawed him out"
Chicago Tribune:. -"When people learn
how much alum, there is In It," remarked
the doctor, "it will be good-by baking
powder." '
"And that," retorted tho professor,- sell
ing hie hat "will be the cream of ta-ta."
Philadelphia Record: HeDid you say
he was a millionaire? .. k ,
She No: a milliner. ' . ..
He Well, that should be the same thing
if he collects his bills regularly. -
Judge: Miss Kitty Don't you want to
teach me to skate, Mr. Simpson?'1,
Mr. Simpson I'd be chainKd. Miss Kitty,
but I don't skate. , , .,
Miss Kltty-ls that so,' Mr. ' Simpson?
Well, then, let mo teach you.
Boston Transcript; CRrrle-r-What hateful
things they will say about people! That
horrid Mrs. Tattler declares you accepted
the first man who proponed to you.
Bertha Well, she lan't far oft. I did
accept the first man whom I Oermltted
to propose to me.'' .. avile ati,- J ".? ioot
Philadelphia Press: CttSey Did you say
Brannlgan had quit?
Caesldy Ayel He left-his place lasht
Week.. , ... y .
Caseyr-Shure, he told me he had a lolfe
Job. ' '
Caasldy So he did. "Twae Irr. a quarry
he wurk'd, an' the. blase wint oft befoor
ho knowed It.
J. J. Montague In Portland 'Oregonlan.
Fiercely roars the raging fire, engines dash
from all around, i r
Flames shoot out from every window, with
a snapping, crooking sound, "
Yet no crowd. In wild excitement 'round the
building rocks and sways.
Breathing groans and moans of horror at
the sights that meet their case.
Not one lone spectator- shudders . at the
havoc of the heat,,, . ,, ,
For the people all are gathered at tho dog
fight up the street.
Far away our gallant soldiers fall like ten
pins on the Held,' " ' '
Fighting till the last shall perish or-the
enemy shJl yield.' ,rv ,
On the . board upon the corner dreadful
bulletins are spread,' '
Telling of the awful details, swttfng forth
. the lists of dead. . .. .- . ,
Yet no eager throng, waits breathless jto
peruse each' later sheet,' ..'
For the crowd, of oourse. Is gathered at the
dog fight up the street. ...
in tne tneaters tne actors play to row of
empty chairs,
Vacant Is each office building, for the in
mates are downstairs,
Empty every store 'and warehouse, lifeless
i every market place, ".--v . mi
In hotel, and shop, and gin mill, is no sign
of human fare. -
Not a single stolid .copper 4 patrolling on
his beat,
Every one, perforce. Is 'gathered at the
dog fight up the sjtreetx,. r Jt
There's no spectacle "So thrilling In Itilm
world of wild alarms . . , s
That a crowd will not desert It for a dog
fight's subfle charms, . .. -,
Death and war, and business failure, mar
riage, Vove or politics..-.- v .- .
All are elri; tracked till tho' people afcall dis
cover which, dog lick.
Nothing else can wield a power so en
thralling and complete.
Bo profound and soul-comnelMflg as a dog
right up the street. ( f ,
' -ir- I Hi "'
5Sk 2