Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Cninit that tk Iqsalintism Bear!
' AjasisaUt Qisttieis lBTWi
Feremptory Writ of Msadsmes
Would Require Coanellmea (
Violate the Law, Arfiti
Attorney (or the C ity .
Cltr Attorney Conncll'i valise, which was
packed yesterday morning preparatory to
Sila departure (or Lincoln In the afternoon,
bulges with ltss burden of legal document,
which will be presented to the atate su
preme court today. The documents
ire for the moat part "exhibits" In the
tsse of the Stste ex rel William O. 8h river
Hid George T. Morton against Myron D.
Karr (sod the remainder of the city coun
cil), sitting as a Board of Equalization."
Another instrument is the answer to the
Relators' application for a writ of man
Bam us compelling the council to recon
vene as a board of equalization. It com
prises fourteen pages of typewritten mat-
' The answer goes on to say that the city
Council oonvenad as a board of equalization
January 14, 1902, and remaln1 In session
as such until January 20- It resumes: "Re
spondents say that the relators, on Janu
ary IS, pretending and assuming to be act
ing on behalf of all taxpayers oft eTmaha ex
cept aald five corporations, filed five com
plaints against said corporations and asked
that a time and place be set for a hearing.
'A time and. place was set and a full hear
ing, lasting several hours, was had. The
natter was considered and adjudicated and
the complaints overruled and rejected and
the relators are therefore estopped from
presenting the same claim again.
aslon nt Judiciary Power.
"These respondents further maintain that
to allow and grant a peremptory writ of
mandamus in accordance with the terms of
the alternative writ Issued herein would be
to require these respondents to act In vio
lation of law, and would be an Invasion of
,thelr Judiciary and legislative power and
functions, and would be a wrongful attempt
to control their discretion, and would be
placing the city council of the city of
Omaha, sitting ss a board of equalization.
In the power and at the mercy of said re
lators, and their counsel, and would re
quire said council, sitting as such board,
without reference to the number of sub
poenas or witnesses or for the purpose, for
which the same might be called, to Issue
II process of subpoena that said relators
night require, and would require the said
council unlawfully to require all persona
connected with any of said corporations
whose names said relators might suggest
as witnesses to appear before said board
and to answer under . oath as to
the possession or ' control of tbs
property or franchises of the
aid several corporations and the value
thereof, and would compel the said city
council,' including' these, respondents as
members thereof. In violation or law and
rights under tbe constitution, to produce
books and records for examination and from
the evidence produced by said relators, in
place of the manner required and directed
by law, determine the value of the property
and franchises of said corporations for the
purpose of taxation for tbe year 1902, and
would further unlawfully require said coun
cil. Including these respondents, to assess
the said property of said corporations for
uoh , purposes at 0 per cent of its fair
cash value, and without authority of law
to certify 40 per cent of the fair cash
value of the property of said corporations
to the tax commissioner as the corrected
and equalised assessment of each of said
corporations for tbe city of Omaha taxation
tor the year 1902."
Councilman Hascall has changed his mind
fcbout s accompanying Mr. Connell to Lin
coln, and so far as known at present the
City attorney went alone.
America's greatest beverage Is Cook's Im
perial Extra Dry Champagne. It Is the pure
fuloe of grapes naturally fermented.
Aiassaeemtnti of the Theaters.
David Belasco's reallstlo drama, "The
Heart of Maryland," which will be pre
sented at the Boyd Thursday, Friday, Sat
urday matinee and night, has the record of
attaining a success rarely, if ever, equalled
by any production brought forward upon
the American stage within the paat score
of years. Its story of woman's and the
nobility of man's devotion touches the sym
pathetic chords of every human heart
There are no Impossible characters to mar
the realism of the story; they are of the
type of men and women that are familiar
to us in our every day Uvea. The scenes
and event are of the actual tinge, though
It may be with a glow of romanticism.
The attraction at the Trocadero this
reek, the "In Gay Paris" Burlesquers, Is a
kuoat excellent one, every act in the long
bill being worthy of mention. The attend
ance has been very satisfactory, the en
gagement closing Baturday evening, with
dally matinees. For next week, commenc
ing Sunday matinee, tbe management an
nounces the real thing, "The Brigadier
Burlesquers," a targe company vt dashing
burlesquers who have been playing to
capacity on the northwest circuit, compris
ing Chicago. Milwaukee, Minneapolis and
EL Paul. This company Inaugurates the
regular burlesque season again, numerous
sther similar excellent companies following
. la succession.
0adc Key-so Promises to Give Ilia
Opialoa In Case on Sater-
' day Morulas'.
Attorneys for the various interests in the
fnjuneUoB suit to prevent the city council
from passing the subway ordinance, which
require that the electric wires be placed
Underground, have completed their argu-
- tnenta before Judge Keysor, but the judge
baa not passed upon the matter. The cita
tions have bean so numerous that he has
taksn the matter under consideration, with
But making any definite promise than that
ba "may be able to deliver himself next
Eeturday morning. -
This Question Was Asked on the
I Street - Car ' This Wtoralaa by a
Prominent Clothier.'
; There was a tinge of sarcasm In the In
Mr. Jones himself will answer for nay-
drn Bros. - Here is his reply:.
Messrs. Hayden Bros, City: .
"Dear Sirs la hnswer to your request, I
take pleasure in stating that learning
through the papers that' I had been
selected as the winner by the
three Judges In your contest for
ths best answer to the question, 'Why are
Hayden Bros, selling ths most clothlag In
Omaha?" I called there at your stors last
Saturday evening and selected and received
the (20.00 overcoat awarded to me and am
perfectly satisfied with it - in every way.
Should any one care to make any inquiries
relative to the matter they will be gladly
answered by me from my residence, 2611
Sherman avenue, and my business address,
the Western Union Telegraph Co. Thank
ing you for your courtesy in this matter, I
am, very truly, yours.
. G, D. JONT,a."
As there was so much interest displayed
in this contest, we are anxious that all
whe took part directly, or indlrecTly, be
thoroughly satis-fled of the absolute fair
ness of ths manner of the award, and will
be glad to give any explanation that may
be desired to those calling at the store or
writing or telephoning to us.
Jtrm Quickly Curmd fry
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
It acts on nature's plan,
loosens the cough, relieves
the lungs and opens the se-
cretions, effecting a perma
jient cure.
; It counteracts any ten
dency of a cold to result in
It is pleasant to take, both
children and adults like it.
Prise 25 cents.
o n
--aT s
Big Sole Today of Fine
We recently bought the entire stock on hand of A. L.
Silberstein's Griffon brand cutlery. There are no better
knives, scissors or razors than the Griffon brand. It is
known the world over as "the best."
Buying the whole lot for spot cash we secured them at
about 25c on the dollar, and today we will inaugurate
the biggest sale of all kinds of Griffon scissors, Griffon
knives and Griffon razors ever held at 25c on the dollar.
25c and' 35c Scissors, 10c, 15c
We will sell all the Griffon scissors
that generally sell at 25c and 35c,
in pocket scissors,, cuticle scissors
and dressmakers'
$1 Shears and Scissors, 25c
All of tbe large size shears, all the
fine pocket scissors, all the fine
manicure scissors, all the fine but
ton bole scissors and hundreds cf
other different kinds and
styles' of scissors, msny
worth up to $1. all go at..
$1.50 Shears and Scissors, 50c
AH the beet grade scissors, every
pair branded "Griffon," scissors of
every description, . most of them
worth $1.60 each tbey are all the
best scissors that could
be had at any price,
and they go at .; ..
Knives Worth Up to $2.50, at
15c 25c and 39c
In this lot you will And all the Jack
knives, pocket knives, pen knives,
heavy knives with many blades. One
pearl handle knives with three or
four blades, knives with cork
screws, knives with scissors and
knives with all kinds of Implements.
These are worth up to $2.50, and we
divide them Into assortments at
15c, 25c, 39c
The best razors on the market today
are ths Griffon brand. We have
divided these razors Into two lots
many sold in the regular way up
to $2.60.
We have pat those that
generally sell np to
$1, on sale nt ....
All those which sold
up to f3. BO, we have
pat In one lot, at
$1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 KID GLOVES at 49c
Did you see the window display of these gloves?
" Thousands of women did, and many wanted to bur
them at once, but they bad to wait for tbe sale. It
begins today at 8 o'clock. Tbese are tbe finest kid
gloves that bave ever been placed on bargain counters,
tbe styles are new, the sbades varied, Including black,
white and all colors there are all sizes In the lot, and
tbey are worth 1 1.25 to $2.00 per pair. -It Is a verv
unusual bargain offering, and the low
price we offer tbese goods at
should tempt you to buy three -or
four pairs
riT n r" r-a
w n
iiti ii i i a
br : L?nina
liUo Denartment
What 10c will buy at Hayden's 1,000 articles for 10c, worth
ten times the money. Kead the list cups and saucers and all
dishes with covers count as one piece. ' '
25 different styles of decorated cups and aaucors. '
S5 different styles of decorated dinner, tea and pie plates.
Large vegetable dishes.
Large meat platters.
8-quart milk pitchers.
Fine crystal Are polished glassware, gold finished cameo plates, fine vases,
bisque figures, sugar and creams, majolica Jugs; cake plates, large scal
lops; oyster, soup and oatmeal bowls; lanterns, butter dishes, celery trays,
chambers, night lamps, fruit dishes, milk boilers, sliver top salt and pep
pers, spoon traye, syrup Jugs, fire proof baking dishes.
Egg cups, ramicans, stiver-plated cream sets, baking dishes, mugs, banks,
plates, cups snd saucers, creams, bowls, vegetable dtehes, platters, fruit
dishes, fine blown tumblers, sugar and spoon holders, Cinderella slippers,
olive dlsnes, ring trays, salt and pepper holders, tea pots, soap dishes.
Nil Skirts
lliS Made Free
Only two days more to have your skirt made free. For par
ticulars inquire at our high grade dress goods department.
The Early Bird Catches (he
Worm, the Early Buyer Saves
brought us a prescription for a staple pro
PnietTJ "rt,cle. hl? morning, and upon be-
PR we, j the ORIGINAL. CUT
th? kRUGOiaT when in need of any
h.JlrJn.!a dpu"" "ne and was Blad he
m.,J. .th'8 'nstanoe, as we saved him
?nyti, u,ua,i he dded that ' while he
" " "' "rae omer cut price drug
nnt kL. -lo knew that they cut prices
,k tTVVT' rJSIiw"nlfa lo Dut Because
IF1AV HAn T-k n.i i .... . .
iM.i ?ut Pro- Why. because we com.
PU the to see?
S t i ui 8 NO. 4 PILLS (for men75c
00 Prickly Ash Bitters 75o
00 Crerman Kimmel Bitters 75c
00 Temptation Tonic 27c, 4 bottles.. 11.00
- ' i a customer 0(0
60c Gem Catarrh Powder 80c
LC? ZyT?p ,'" 'California) 30c
BOo Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 30c
50c King s New Discovery 35o
500 6-graln Llthla Tablets 36c
25o Laxative Bromo Quinine J2c
&Sn,a!S0JL Jbe?t r colds) 20c
o.viw ji-rjn all 1SIU1IT.
Tel. T4T. S. W. Cor. 16th and Chlcao.
Goods delivered FREE to any part of city.
Card of Thanks.
OMAHA, Neb., Feb. 17. 1902. At a largely
attended meeting of Omaha lodge, No. 39,
B. P. O. of Elks,' held on Friday evening,
February 14, 1901, It was unanimously voted
that the sincere and hearty thanks of tbe
lodge are due and are hereby tendered to
the public for the very generous patronage
extended to ths recent Elks fair; to the
press of this city tor the lengthy news
items concerning ths fair, so freely and so
often given In their columns; to the ladles
who so ably assisted In making the fair the
great success that It was; and to all those
who made such generous donations to the
fair, tbe number and value of the same
being far beyond the expectations of even
the most enthusiastle and sanguine mem
ber of Omaha lodge at the time when the
first steps were taksn toward holding the
FRANK A. FURAT. - Exalted Ruler.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 15c, at Ths
Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716.
Vis neck Island Rente.
Every day during March and April.
One way tickets from Council Bluffs and
Omaha to
Bait Lake and Ogden SliO.OO
Helena and Butts 20.00
Bpokane 22.50
Portland and Ashland 25.00
Tacoma and Seattle 25.00
,Clty ticket office, 132S Famam street.
Send articles of incorporation, notices of
siocanoiaersv meetings, etc, to Tbs Bee.
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bee telephone, 233.
MS.OO for a Half Days Werk.
; If you live in tbe country or In a small
town and have a good acquaintance among
tbe farmers and stockralaers in tbs neigh
borbood, you can make IS easily by four
or five hours work. Write us and we will
send you our proposition. The Bee Publish
ing company. Solicitors' Dept.. Omaha. Neb.
Shampooing and hair oreaslng, 25c, at Tbe
Bathery. 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716.
Publish your legal nvUces la Tbe .Weekly
Bee. TslepLocs It.
Man-Entlnsj Lion.
The' "Living Animals of the World,"
which Is so packed full of anecdote and
lively descriptions of strange, as well as
familiar animals, gives an interesting ac
count of the terrible man-eating Hons of
"When Hons grow old they are always
liable to become man-eaters. Finding their
strength falling them, and being no longer
able to hunt and pull down large antelopes
or sebras, tbey are driven by hunger to
killing small animals, such as porcupines,
and even tortoises, or they may visit a
native village and catch a goat or kill a
child or woman going for water; and find
ing a human being a very easy animal to
catch and kill, an old Hon which has once
tasted human flesh will in all probability
continue to be a man-eater until he Is
killed. On this subject. In his 'Missionary
Travels,' Dr. Livingston says: 'Man-eater
Is Invariably an old lion; and when he over
comes his fear of man so far as to come to
villages for goats, the people remark, 'His
teeth ars worn; he will soon kill men.'
They at once acknowledge the necessity of
Instant action, and turn out to kill him.'
It Is the promptness with which measures
are taken by tbs greater part of the natives
of Southern Africa to put an end to any
Hon which may take to eating men that
preventa these animals as a rule from be
coming tbe formidable pests, which man-
eating tigers appear to be In parts of India.
But man-eating Hons In Africa are not
Invariably old animals. One which killed
thirty-seven hciaa beings In 117. on the
Majlll River, to ths northwest of the Vic
torla Falls of the Zambesi, was, when at
last he was killed, found to be an animal
In tbe prime of life; whilst the celebrated
man-eaters of tbe Tsavo River, In East
Africa, were also apparently strong, healthy
aalmals. Thess two man-eating Hons
caused such consternation amongst the In
dia workmen on the Uganda Railway that
the work of construction was considerably
retarded, the helpless coolies refusing to
remain any longer In a country where they
were liable to be eaten oa any night by a
man-eating Hon. Both these Hons were at
last shot by ons of ths engineers on ths
railway (Mr. J. H. Patterson), but not
before tbey bad killed and devoured twenty
eight Indian coolies, and an unknown num
ber of native Africans."
Parts 1, 2, t and 4 "Living Animals of
ths World" now ready and on sals at The
Bee Office, Pries 10 cents each, by mall 15
ADAMS Mrs. A. W.. seed 64 years
Funeral will be held from Christian
church. Twenty-third and K streets, South
CniahA, Tuesday, r eoruary is. at 10 a. m ,
fuv. UU1 uinOaUug. tiurM Laurel UlU.
Thousands of new suits, thousands of new skirts, thousands
of new waists, the like you never saw before at this season of
the year.
We fully realize the advertisement we get by selling new
suits in the early season. Any suit sold now means that we will
sell ten more from if before the close of . the season. Therefore
we are satisfied with a smaller profit at this early date. It stands
to reason, doesn't it?
Women's suits In the very newest styles bought to sell for $10, at $6.98.
Women's suits In all colors, neatly trimmed with new Jacket and new skirt,
bought .to sell at $12.50, for $80.
New suits in cheviots, serges and fine Venetians, bought to sell for $25.00, on
sale at $14.95.
100 sample suits sent on by the manufacturers of New York for examination
and comparison, at $10.00,' $15.00, $20.00 and $25.00.
250 more of those beautiful silk skirts, worth $25.00. for $10.00.
160 women's rainy-day skirts with pleated backs, In all wool, $5 quality, $2.98.
60 misses' rainy-day skirts with several rowe of stitcblngs and trimmed with
satin bands, at $1.50.
Women's skirts in grays, castors and blues, double flounce, worth $5, for $2.98.
All our $2.00 waists In nice flannels to close at 49o.
Your choice of all our French flannel waists that sold up to $7.60 and $8, $2.98.
Every winter garment will be sold at less than the cost of linings.
BOO winter Jackets that sold up as high as $9.00, for $3.60.
250 fine kersey Jackets, nearly all lined with Skinner's satin. In colors and
blacks, that sold up as high as $20.00, for $5.00.
Women's dressing sacquea with satin bands on collar and cuffs, $2 quality, 69c.
Women's wrappers for 26c.
Women's percale wrappers, trimmed with braid, $1.00 quality, for 490.
Women's heavy fleece lined flannelette wrappers, 15-inch flounce, elaborately
trimmed on shoulder and slseves, worth $2.00, for 79o.
' Tuesday in the
S Bargain Room
TWsdavfwill be a creat banrain day in the bargain room
Rh coodR. silks, linincrs. house furnishing goods,
uiv w'v.--'s . c j r o w
etc., all will be on sale at most ridiculous prices. No dealers,
i 1 . . J a A Vf-!
peddlers of mercnants soia 10 in mis room
From 8:30 to 9 a. ra.
We will sell extra heavy LL muslin.
yard wide, fine clean goods, wortn
.60. yard, 'only 10 yards to customer,
for 2ttc. i . '
All day we will sell 28-lnch nice bright
plaids, worth 15c, at 6c.
Handsome half wool novelties, no
trash, new goods, worth 16e, at 7H
Ws will sell nlcs 36-lnch plaids, worth
25c. at 12Vc.
6-lnch henrlettas, worth 39c. at 25c.
Strictly al wool serges, worth 75c, all
colors, at. 49c.
76c corduroys will go at 29c.
From II to 11:30 a. m.
We will sell all wool, two-thirds wool
and silk and wool dress goods, worth
from 26c to 75c yard, only 10 yards
to customer, at 10c.
All day we win sell 24-lnch new spring
foulards,, the 76c grade. In all colors,
at 49o yard'"1
We will sell Kl Kl Cords, In all the
finest and newest designs, at. yd, 39c.
We will Self yard wide black skirting
silk, worth 60c, at 29c.
Yard wide black lining silk, worth 60c.
at 19o.
We will sell silk velvets, worth 60c, (no
blacks); at 19c
From 2:30 to 3 p.m.
We will sell fine apron checks, blue
only, and only S yards to customer,
at, yard, 2c.
All ' day we will sell 86-lnch percales.
dark and light colors, the 15o quality
beat them if you can at 6o.
We will sell Simpson's black and white
prints and silver grays, nice styles,
at 4c.
American shirting prints, at I 7-Sc.
16o black sateen, 8VjC ,
19c linings, 6c
From 4:30 to 5 p. m.
We will sell full standard prints, dark
. and light colors, worth Ec, 60 and
7Vjo yard, only 10 yards to customer,
at lKc.
Al! day we will sell 25o Imported per
cales on the piece, all spring colors,
at 7Vc.
Zephyr ginghams, all new spring
shades, at 6ic.
And 1,000 other things too numerous to
St -
The Living
Animals of
the World
At The Bee Office
Price 10 cents By mail 15 cents
Try one, then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havana
Tobacco and compare It with high priced Imported Cigars.
T. & JUce Mercat."e Cigr Co., Maou factuxsns. St. LouU. Union Mas.
Men's Spring
The last days of February nnd the whole month of
March with its job-lot of weather, six kinds every twenty
four hours, makes a man's thoughts turn instinctively to
a spring overcoat before he thinks of anything else. Our
new ones are here for spring 1002 beauties, too all the
new shades all the latest styles all the new linings;
Haglans box coats short coats medium length coats
coats in black, brown, slate, tan. Coats for fat men for
slim men for you. Bring $3, $G, $7, $8, f9, ?10 to this
, store and select your SPUING OVEKCOAT.
Men's Spring Hats
In our hat department Ave are showing all the latest
creations in men's spring hats. There's not a shape that's
new there's not a shade or color that's correct for spring
there's not a size, not a width of brim or height of crown
that you won't find in our hat department.
Today we want to call your special attention to our fa
mous Nebraska Special for $1.50
This hat is made of fine fur stock, it has pure silk bind
ing and band, it has a full leather sweat band, it. comes in
all shapes and all sizes, and is just such a hat as hatters
get two-fifty to three dollars for, our re- $
inarkable low price for this remarkable good hat
Now going on at Schmoller &
Mueller's, who are closing out
the entire stock of Jas. T.
Reerdon, New York, at prices
that make all previous sals
prices pale In comparison. Ev
ery day finds more people tak
ing advantage of these hlth
therto unheard-of prices. Ele.
gant standard make pianos,
regular value, $350, 400, tit0,
and $600, are being sold at these
figures, $118, $139. $117, $156.
and up, on terms of only $10
cash and $5.00 per month.
this ssle. Catalogue, bargain
lists and prices may be bad for
ths asking.
We will ship, on approval
anywhere within 500 miles of
Omaha, any piano we represent
and pay freight both ways, If
tbe Instrument, after careful
examination, is unsatisfactory.
Remember, we sell the
A. B. Chase,
Packard, Steck,
Mason & Hamlin,
Pease and
Marshall & Wendell.
Largest Piano Dealers In ths West.
1313 Famam St.. Omaha
Telephone 1625.
502 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Telephone 386. . '
mnmyfr v, ..' .. .ua
Ths oldest reliable DRUG STORE at 14th
and Douglas has always been known as one
of tbe best plases In Omaha to havs your
prescriptions compounded. Our help Is
always the best, grsduates in pharmacy
and state registered men are ths only ones
who compound here. All physicians who
favor us say they know they are getting
Just what they prescribe, as results Is what
tell, and they get them here. Our prices
are tbe most reasonable, consistent with
tbe genuine remedies furnished. Tbs
next time give us a trial:
14th and Douglas Sts.
y if
If Von
fire in Doubt
About the Creditors'
and Bankrupt Sale
Being Genuine
Ask any attorney of promi
nence in Omaha.
Stock Now Being
No waiting 50 expert eboe
fitters in attendance.
Great Creditors'
and Bankrupt Sale
Rochester Shoe Go
1515 Douglas St. 1515
should impel anyone not to take a drink
Into their stomach that Is not absolutely
pure. For beer drinkers Mets's beer offers
in point of purity and wholesomeness ad
vantages possessed by few If any other
brew- . .. '.v .. '
Metz Bros. Brewing Co.,
Tel. 110, Omaha.
Or Jacob Nsuniayer. Agt., care Neumayer
Hotel, Council Bluffs. Iowa.
- i '
Let Us Fit aLady,
With a Pair of . J
After that ws care not whe
shows ber "just as good" or
even "better thsn Sorosis" bs
causs tbe same comfort and
styls combined Is not found la
sny other line of ready-to-wear
The price la never more and
you may rest assured your
neighbor's Sorosis cost her ne
less $3.60 always.
Send for catalogue. Tel. A. 724.
Frank Wilcox. Mgr., 101 8, 16th BU
Our Boot Booklet mailed free for ths asking.
1517 Douglas Strait
Our vitalized air brings us new patients
dally, simply because you felt no palm
when teeth are extracted.