Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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JTiIKIdj Dolif Is Bsfard te Vattert Fsop!s
Wait U Iiow.
Peaver Mrftlii Postponed and Mag
' states (Itlkrr St. Joseph to
t'aaaalt la Regard la .
Next Mate.
Xothln' do!o'.
That U the present status of affaJra In
th world of bat ball. During the week
meeting was held at Buffalo, tba ostensible
object of which waa to adopt ualform play
ing rules. Much debate waa had, and
alight modification waa recommended for
the rule In regard to atrlkea and balls. Tba
neat notable feature of (he meeting waa
the admlaelon to full fellowship of delegatei
from the American association. After de
nouncing tnese men a ouiiawa ana pro
Bouncing the ban of excommunication
gainst them. It must have afforded Pat
Powers Iramense satisfaction .to alt' In the
aame meeting', with them. , But Pat
la doubtless a philosopher all truly
great men are aod knows when he
is' licked. In talking aboujf matters
one Western ' league ' magnate ' said
he could not understand how these Amer
ican delegates happened to be present, and
then naively added; "They must hare been
admitted aa representatives of an independ
ent league." To a man up a tree, It would
eem so. Surprise over their admission will
not be very widespread, though, for faith
la Pat Powera' alleged' authority to bind
and loose la not very deep- outside of cer
tain quartera, and even there some skepti
cism exists. In any event, the meeting Is
not likely to be long remembered nor to
have any direct effect on the course of
bape ball, for at hla Drat opportunity Ban
Johnson declared that his league would not
be bound by the rules adapted -there, and
Thomas Jefferson Hlckey aald "mea tooa."
These gentlemen being the representatives
ot the only two Independent leagues operat
ing between the Rocky mountains and tba
Atlantic coast. It la probably all off with
tba Buffalo code.
No, gentle reader.' It Is not a mistake to
refer to the two Americana aa the only In
dependent leagues. The National, a long
lovingly referred to as the "big" league, la
rapidly going the way of other "big" things
in thla country, the "big fellow" for ex
. ample. When Ban Johnson entered the
field the National league magnatea laughed
him to acorn. They wouldn't listen to him,
and Invited him to go bis length. Wail,
Ban Johnson put the "big" league on the
hog, and didn't bait try. He simply went
ahead and organized hla teams In the cities
elected, played ball, made money and now
aarenely faces a world that frowna on all
base ball leagues but hla. In the Interim
the "big" league la split in the middle,
four clubs against four clubs, an effort to
elect g president Is tied up In court and the
whole affair in such condition that an al
most complete reorganization must take
place before any' business can be transacted.
80 the National la a long way from
being Independent. When Tom Hlckey waa
president of the Western league he had no
hesitation in entering as a member of the
National Association of Minor Baae Ball
Leagues, of which P. T. Powera la presi
dent. When Tom Hlckey became president
of the American association he refused to
acknowledge longer the suzerainty of Mr.
Powera, declining to be classed as a minor
league. ' The American association waa Im
mediately denounced aa an outlaw organi
sation, ita sole offense being its, refusal to
enter the 'minor .league fold. Mr. Powers
wanted hi astern league to be considered
the veal thing and waa aupported In thla
by Mr. Tim Murnaae, esq., president of the
New England league, who furnished Mr.
rowers with a very Instructive aad. In aome
, ways, amusing compilation from the census
of 1900, to ahow how absurdly fallacious
were the Hlckey aspirations to major
league honors. But Hlckey declines to be
classed with the minor leagues, and, there
tore, la aeciaxea an outlaw by the power
or Powers. Up to date Hlckey la aeveral
paraaanga la advance of the procession led
by the president ef the Eastern league,
It will, therefore, be easily seen that The
Bee la quite correct In calling Ban John
aon and Tom Hlckey the only independent
base ball presidents In the eaatarn half
of the United States at present. Al 8peld
Ing may be somebody In this class, but Pat
Powers never will.
Another feature of the week was the
postponement of the Western league meet
Ing which waa to have eonvened at Den
ver last night This waa put off one
month. . No very deep research Is needed to
develop the reason. When the Kansas
City mealing adjourned tba circuit was
left Incomplete, and ao far at aurface In
dlcatlona go no great progress baa been
made toward filling the gaps. It la now
certain, that neither Milwaukee nor Indian
spoils, which were so confidently claimed,
will be on the list. In pes Moines the
prospects are the poorest. At Kansss City
little or nothing la known.' The Western
league enthusiasts still claim that Man
nJng and Nichols will put la a team there
to compete with the American association
but the publio expression all seems te dls
credit this talk. Colorado Springs, Den
ver, St. Joseph and Omaha are the only
towna the Western la certain of. Preal
- dent Whitfield la reported to be negotiat
ing with Peoria with a fair degree of auc
ceea. No other reaaonably available can
dtdate appears. With only about all weeks
left to make up the circuit, It la plainly
up to the Western to hustle.
Tom Burns, the Colorado Springs money
burner, baa acquired the magnate habit
for fair. He doesn't sleep at night, owing
te the pregnant thoughts that aurge through
his teeming brain, each big with poasl
billtlee for the league In which he has
staked bla base ball reputation. When
daylight cornea each morning he bunts up
the nearest reporter and outlines to him
another campaign of triumph. This one Is
tsken at raadom from a choice collection
of Ihtervlewa furnished the Colorado press
during the week by the effervescent Mr.
The. story that haa ben going the ro-jnds
of the prees to the effect that the Western
league will dleband In a day or ao has riot
the slightest foundation. 1 have said that
the American waa on the run and I atlll
say It. When I was ea-t the other day
Manning and Preeldent Whitfield strongly
urged me to allow the entire Western
league situation to htt printed, but I would
not agree to It. Therefore, 1 don't feel
that I am privileged to give out any secret
information at preeent. .
Friday next Van Brunt of St. Joseph and
myself will be In Milwaukee to look oyer
the situation. The manager of the Mil
waukee Western league team will ac
company us. It in my opinion that the
American association will never play ball
In Milwaukee. Havershaw, half owner of
the team with Harry Quln, la at outs with
his partner and wants to come over to the
Western, bag and baggage.
In Kansas City I predict that the situa
tion la going In favor of the Western ee
fast as it can and I don't think Tebeau will
ever play there. Hlckey has offered to
make concessions to Van Brunt and myself,
but I did not care to talk to him. The
American association magnates are '''
and ersred badly. They have two cltiee
that they can count on, Columbus and
l,oulsvllla, which are good ball towns for
the first mon'h, but poor afterward. Tney
are tied up everywhere else and are ready
to confer with ua If we care to have them.
Toledo wants to come Into the Western
and hns offered to pay the expense of the
Western league circuit oommlttee If It will
come there and look over the aquation.
They have got plenty of backing. Watklns
of Indianapolis now wants to accept our
propoaltlon, but I have not decided about
this yet.
Mr. Burns could confer no greater favor
on aeveral thousand Omaha ball cranka
than to allow the Whole altuallon
In regard to the Western league to be made
public. What we want to know Is the
truth. Pipe stories have lost their grip
here. Omaha expects to have a team In
the Western league this sesson. Expects
to get good ball and will give It good
patronage, as It always has, but Omaha
wanta to know something more definite
than has yet been confided to the public.
Three or four weeks ago the people here
were worked up to a fever atage over the
prospecta of getting Into faster company.
That prospect was blighted and the blight
1s properly . ascribed to Mr. Bums. Now
that It Is certain that Omaha is to be in
the Western league, the faithful, here
would like to know what they are going
to get. The "Just wait" story la getting a
little monotonous. At the time of the Kan
sas City meeting Omaha was -the biggest
toad In the Western puddle. Now that
Omaha Js fixed, the tune has changed aad
It la ''Van Brunt of St. Joseph and My
self" who are running the show. Well,
so far aa Omaha la . concerned, Messrs
Van Brunt of Bt. Joseph and Myself" are
welcome to the lime light If they will only
do something. We are weary, oh, so weary
of the fairy tales we have been told. Let
'Van- Brunt of St. Joseph and Myself" get
action and quit talking to us about pulling
towna out of the American association. If
we are to have Peoria, Sioux Cits, Wichita,
Emporia, Pueblo, Lincoln, Wahoo, Pacific
Junction or any other towna to make up
the circuit, let ua know it. ' Omaha haa the
most loyal, lot of ball cranks In the world,
but "this suspense Is killing ua." Please,
good Mr. Burnk, the next time Van Brunt
Manning, Whitfield or anybody else asks
yon to give up the situation, do It. Baae
ball in different from a raining deal,, you
know.' Tou must have publio support to
make a ball. team go. .
Teeterday the Western' lesgue magnatea
met at St., Joseph And i admitted, after due
deliberation, 4hat there is no prospect of
the Western having a team In Indianapolis
thla year, but they, atlll bona to get into
Milwaukee and St. Paul." Rata. This fools no
one, but reminds all who ever aaw the play
strongly of Topsy'a - confession to Miss
Ophelia. When caught with the glass In
her hands and the ribbon up her sleeve.
Topsy, owned up thus: "I "'less do gloves
Miss Feelr, but I 'clar to goodness I don'
knows puffin 'bout de ribbon." - Quit trying
to play Morse with us, gentlemen, apd let
ua know something definite about the clr
cult for next summer.
participate here this time. The shoot will
occupy the Isst week of April.
In addition to all thla there la always la
prospect the Oread Amerleaa handicap,
which will occur during the first week of
April at Kansas City. There will be eselly
seventy-five gunners from Nebrsska down
there, and ten Omaha shooters bsve aald
Iready that tbey will shoot through every
The first Information relative to tbls tour
nament at live birds hss Just been Issued
by the officers of the assoclstlon. The pro
grams wHI be out February to. Accord
ing to the preliminary program there will
be, March II, an eight-bird and a twelve
bird event, no handicap; April 1 there will
be a alxteen-blrd event with the same rules
ae tba American handicap; April I, the great
American handicap will be opened aad will
be continued from day to day until completed.
The rules provide that birds will be
'extra" In all events, that money In every
event will be divided on the "high gun"
system; regular entries for the Grand
American handicap close March S3, and
post entries received after that date must
be accompanied wl'.h $19 additional fee.
Interstate Association's trap shooting rules
govern all contests, and the order of shoot
ing will be decided by lot. A sterling silver
trophy valued at $160 will be presented to
the winner of the Grand American handicap.
There will be a novel contest on the
Omsha Gun club grounds March 6. On
that day an all-Nebraska team will com
pete with the Omaha Oun club team In a
twenty-five' live bird event, ' The conteet
'111 be interesting from the fact that
mong the all-Nebraska team will be four
men who have always shot in the Omaha
team ana they are resolved to bring upon
their whilom brothers an ignominious defeat.
In the Brat place the challengere of the
11-Nebraska team apeclfied that the Omaha
team should be composed only of residents
of Omaha, South Omaha und Council Bluffs.
Then they gav the namea of the all
Nebraska team. The first man mentioned
was Dan Bray of Syracuse, one of the most
rellabje shots in the Omaha Oun club.
The second man named was Frank Beard
of Herman, the "B 27" entry, whoae acorea
have been the pride of Omaha In many a
closely contested match. The third name
was Dick Lindarman of Weeping Water,
another man whose average Is close to
the perfect mark. Then came the- name of
G. A. Scbroeder of Columbus, who has
often brought victory from the Jaws of
defeat when the Omaha Gun club was la a
close match. The other namea submitted
were George! Carter of North Platte! cap
tain; Terryberry of Louisville, Beverldge
of Fremont, Solvers of Grand Island, Burke
of Elgin and Blmpklns of Lttacolaa
The challenge has not been accepted, but
It undoubtedly will be at the next meeting
of - the club. A probable line-up . of the
contesting parties haa been made 'as fol
lows: Parmelee against Bray. Dick Kimball
against Llnderman, "Grant" against Beard,
Townsend against Scbroeder, Fogg' against
Carter, Lewis against Slmpklns, Hard'.n
against Terryberry,' Montmorency against
Burke, Beershelm against Solvere and
Burke against Beverldge. Such a combina
tion. It ia believed, would make a good
race and land the Omaha club-winner, al
though three of lis best men have gone
over to the enemy.
Tragi Followers See Their Gaaae
Eapaed mm Sprlaar Months
- .Cam Nearer- .
More shooting enthusiasm Is apparent In
Omaha during the present month than for
long time previous, snd the sportsmen
say that this and other indications are
that the coming summer. will be tbe best
shooting season In years. The member
ship of the different Omaha gunning or
ganisations is larger and healthier than
ever, as all tbe men are actually shooting
Tournaments have followed fast on each
other's heels this month and there are
still a half-dozen In view. At St. Ed
ward. Neb., Pete Simpson, the old Omaha
shooter, who now lives out in the burg
named, will give a three days' ahoot on
February It, 1 and 20. Five Omaha ahets
will go out and show Pete a time.
Then on February 20 and $1 there will
be two shoots In progress, one at Hast
Ings, Neb., and the other at Glldden, la
A large attendance la promised at both.
The biggest shoot of the month, and
therefore, one wnicn will attract more
Omaha sports than any other, la the one
which J. L. Forkner will give at Carroll
la., on February tS, II and 17. There will
be $400 added to the regular money, an
tbe prospect haa caused ten Omahana to
announce already that they will be there,
April, too, will be a gala month, for
then will come the biggest shooting event
of the year for Nebraska, and It will be
held here In Omaha. That Is the annual
state shoot and It appeara new that thla
will be the moot successful and most largely
attended of any state ahoot of the many
that have been held. Last year It oc
eurred at Lincoln and waa a great sue
ceea. Fully 100 shooter are expected to
1 . " ' ' ' - y-t ""a
;tim: FAT
f i
GtoarnG Eicctric
nail and Roach Paoto
ami eUs out el tba hots. Ooa IrjfTKlUat
dries up their bodies, leaving ae odor.
Xt.U safe and suxc -exterminator also of Mice,
Water Bug, Crotoa Bug, Cockroaches and all other
vermin, it haa been in general use in houses, stores,
hotels, factories, offices,, public building, etc, for
twenty-five years. Absolutely guaranteed.
f A I IT I f M " SqbaHtwtea ea4 ImHaH e are wortbtoaa.
. t. UAUI IUMi lasMsetluani'tUviaia taaeesialaialBe.
U sect! a bag at Druggists aad firooera of seat dlreet by Express prepaid. ,
Rome Marked Chaagrs la Team Stand.
lags aad Records ( In
dividual Trans. .
Omaha .
Gate City..
8t. Charles
Western ...
Krug Park
Clab Staadlags.
W. L. P C. HI. Tot. AV
89 18 . 91 4S.M u
.661 W 47.et3 KM
.mi m 7,4u m
.M3 974 48,065 S4(
.52 4T 47,760 ."0
.438 93 46,475 815
.421 924 48.0M
.21 928 44.006 7M
82 26
S3 26
si M
to 27
25 32
24 33
15 42
Hiah seoret Earn (Omaha) and Seaman
(uato city), m.
dlvldaal Averages.
Name and Team.
Emery, Omaha
f ritaener. t. unaries...
Kolls, Clarkson
Read, Omaha
Bouthy, St. Charlee
Denman, Clarkson
Zarp, Omaha
Beaman, Oate City
Tracey, National
Beeelln, German
Schneider, Bt. Charles...
unmsn, omana
Hartley, Oate City.,,...
Bmead, Omaha
Brunke, Clarkson
F. Conrad, Oate City...
Al Krug, German
Flanagan, Bt. Charles...
Weber, German
ClarksofT, Clarkson
Reynolds, Western
Wlgman, Omaha.....'....
Lawler, Western
Inches, Clarkson
Bongele, Krug Park
Sheldon, Gate City
Huntington, Oata City.
Btapennorat,. German....
Conery, Krug Park ,
Molyneaux, Clarkson....
H Reed, Western
Wllle, St. Charles ,
Zltsmann, Krug Park..
Nlelson, Krug Park.....
Baden, St. Charles
Bwenson, Western.......
Wevmuller. German...'..
Fogg. Krug ram i
C. Conrad, German ,. M
Furay, Omaha 15
Ayera, Western 43
Miller. National 4s
Sellerk, Western 42
Luraa, Clarkson 15
Ahmanson, National 48
O'Brien, Gate City 9
F. Krug, Krug Park..... 47
A. C. Keed. National 21
Werhtler. Krug Park.... 21
Plotta. National 15
Sterrlcker, Gate City 9
Davey, National 44
Games. Totst.
4s ,M9
' ,)
1 8,937
6.466 8.926
39 .6,336
45 . 7.3l7
Av. HI.
178 223
' 225
171 228
171 232
170 ,
168 -108
166 .
163 '
157 .
- . . . , , ..I
By The Slate Electro-Medical Institute, Which Combines All of the Curative Powers of
Both Medicine and Electricity in Our System of Electro-Medical Treatment.
Professional Excellence Can Be Obtained Only by the Doctor Who
Faculties on a Single Class of Ills.
Concentrates All His
In almost every ' vocation specialty
work Is now railed for snd demanded.
Thla la notably - true when. IIf or
health la Involved. It Is then that the
beet treatment the medical profres'on
affords is sought afu ., and this ran
only come from the true specinllnt,
whose doep knowledge, expert skill,
vaet -experience and thorough eclen
tllic equipments have given him com
plete mastery over the diseases that
constitute his specialty.
Whatever may be your ailment, get
help from one who has made such
canes a sperlal study. It your eye
sight Is falling, go to a reliable op
tician or oculist. If your hearing la
defective, consult a competent aurist.
If a bad tooth Is dlstresKlng you, en
gage the skill of a dentist. Or If you
are burning with fever or shaking
with chills, tell your troubles to a
family physician. They can do more
good than I can, for I do not treat
' such complaints nor pretend to cure
Hut if you tiave one of the serious
diseases peculiar' to men, such as
allied troubles, which Is depleting your
vitality, or if your crs nun been
araravated and made -worse by -the
use of specifics, free samples, trial
treatments op similar devicesif this
. Is your unfortunate Condition I want
you to write us or come to our ottloe,
where you will be welcome to private
counsel, a careful personal examina
tion and an honest and scientific opin
ion of your ca.e free of charge.
These diseases and weaknesses of
men and they alone are my. npeclalty.
To them I have , earnestly and ex
clusively devoted the best years of my
life, during which time I have dis
covered and developed various forms
of treatment which make their cure
an unqualified and absolute certainty.
Ia It not worth your while to investi-
f ate a cure that has made life anew
omultltydes of men?.
IImvSmmmaIm Under . .our. Electro
VdriCUCBiS Medical treatment this
uiiuwwwiv InBj(tlous (Unease rapid
ly disappears. . Vain ceases almost In
stantly. . The pools of stagnant blood
are driven from the dilated veins and
all eorerress and swelling quickly sub
sides. Every, indication of Varicocele
MS ' W
The Longest Established, Most Successful and Reliable Specialists In Dis
eases ef Men aa Medical Dlplomaa, Licenses and Newspaper Records Show,
I Uo not treat all diseases, but cure all I treat. I treat men
only and cure them to stay cured.
Stricture &
the pride, power and pleasure ot
perfect health and restored manhood.
Electro - Medical
treatment dislodges the
re completely ana
removes every obstruction from tne
urinary passage, allays all Inflamma
tion, stops every unnatural discharge,
reduces the prostate gland when en
larged, cleanses and heals the bladder
,and kidneys when Irritated and con
gested, invigorates the sexual organs
and restores health and soundness to.
every" part of the body aJTected by the
Contagious Blood Poison
Our special form of Electro-Medical
treatment for this disease la practi
cally the result of our life work and Is
endorsed by the beat physicians of this
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dangerous drugs or Injurious medi
cines of any kind. It goes to the very
bottom of the disease and forces out
every particle of Impurity. Soon every
sin and symptom dlsappeara com
pletely and forever. The blood, the
tissue, the flesh and bones and the
whole system are cleansed, purified
and restored to perfect health, and the
patient prepared anew for the duliee
and pleasures of life.
Nervo-Sexual Debility .
Men. many of you are now reaping the
result of your former folly. Your man
hood is tailing and you will soon be
lost unless you do something for your
self. There is no time to lose, lm
potency, like all sexual diseases, Is
never on the standstill. With It you
can make no compromise. Hither you '
must master It or It will master you,
and 1111 your who'.e future with misery
and Indescribable woe. We have
treated so many cases of this kind
that we are as familiar with them as
your are with the very daylight,
once cured by us you will never attain
be bothered with emissions, drains,
prematureiiess, small or weak organs,
nervousness, falling memory, loss ot
ambition or other symptoms which
rob you of your manhood and abso
lutely unfit you for atudy, business,
leasure or marriage. Our treatment
or weak men will correct all theee
evils snd restore you to what nature
Intended a hale, healthy, happy man.
with physical, mental and sexual
powers complete.
Cured to stay cured by
our Electro-Medical treat
ment without the use of
and without detention from
the knife,
Ra!lei Diseases KFi;
from other diseases. Kor Instutica,
sexual weakness sometimes comes
from Varicocele or Stricture; innumer
able blood and bone dlseosea o"ijn ra .
suit from contagious blood taints In
the system, or physical and mental de
cline frequently follow Imnoteney. In
treating diseases of any kind we al
ways remove the origin we cure the
One personat visit
red, but If you
Correspondence "rj::
red. bi
cannot call at our office, write ua your
symptoms lully.
given to all
Fatlents to hold
or our promises.
Do not hesitate. If you cannot call
today, write and describe your trouble.
legal Contract
soon, vanishes and n its stead comes
REFERENCES Best Banks and Leading Business Men in This City.
OFFICE HOURS From 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays 10 a. m. to 1 p. m.
.1308 Farnam Street,
State Elecfro-ledica
e r
Between 13th and 14th
Streets, Omaha, Neb.
team a week ago.
second and third.
'Frlttcher and Kolls are
The nineteenth week of 'play In the
Omaha Bowling league naa witnessed a
general shaking up In the relative positions
of both teams and individual rollers In tba
relative standings. At the same time It
baa been g week ot fairly good play, tba
pace aet the previous week having been
maintained by most of tbe clubs, and bet
tered by a fw.
The Omahas Increased their lead for' first
place somewhat, defeating the Oate City
mea two games, and profiting, further by
the drubbiag the Bt. Charles team admin
istered to the Clarksons. The play ot the
champions wae practically the aame ae that
of the week before, being thirty-nine pins
lower on total score. Meanwhile tbe Ger
mans were tbe bit of the week by making a
great leap from fourth place te tie with the
Clarksons for second. The Germans beat
the Westerns three gamee straight, and
their total was 1SI pins better than the last
one they made.
The Clarksons fell down miserably, thslr
score dropping 120 points in the week, aad
the t. Charles team took three from them,
but the latter men did not have to play
very hard to do It, ao their own score
showed a decrsase of lit points from that
ef the week before. Tbe Clarksons had
such a big lead for second place, however,
that neither their awn disaster nor tbe
successes of ' other teams - combined was
sufllclsat te head them fer tbe position. '
The Nationals Improved their game 191
polats, and took two from the Krug Parks,
who also bettered their scores. There
were no new high scores for teams set, and
tne .ealy radical change ia averages was
that by the Nationals, who Increased their
Sixteen pins.
With tbe Individual playtrs Emery ef the
Omahas haa done himself proud by going
from third place to a safe first. He Is ens
of tha aureat bowlers la Omaha, gad waa
the only man wba was etle ta make a, tV
(latest showing against the Kansas City
The bes.t total score' t)f the week ? waa
that of the Omabas, 2,634, while the same
team rolled the best single game, 924.
Charles Seaman of tbe Gate City team threw
the best Individual total for three games,
684, 'and be also tied with Zarp of the
Omahas for high score In a single game,
Two bowling events, one Just passed and
the other to come, have done much to spur
on the Interest In the sport. The first 'was
the contest with the Kansas City cham
pions. This brought out a crowd that Over
taxed tbe space U Clark's alleys, and It
Just served te show what a strong bold
tbe game has on the people, and In what
unexpected places and walk of life It has
laid Us captivating snares.
Tbe second event Is tbe tournament of two
man teams.' This will begin Friday night
with ten teams competing, including In
their personnel most of the best bowlera
In the city. Play will continue five weeks,
each. team playing five games,
Tenpln soorea of 200 and better at Clark's
alleysr F.- J. Bengele, 204; 3. Matthar,
Council Bluffs, 201; J. H.- Hodges, 207, 214,
204: Potter, 200; W. F. Clarkson, 200. 216,
21; King Denman, 210, 217; H Beeelln, 214;
Charles Berman, 204. 207, 217; M. I. For
seutt, 215, 4)4, 283, 205, 213; C. J. Francisco,
204, 202, 216; 0. Carson, 2o7;. M, R.. Hunt
ington, 205, 2X2, 222, 201, 206; 8outhy, 202,
201. 214. 208. 205; W. W. Hartley. z;'e;
Makepeace. Kansas City. 213; Kllng. Kansas
City. 200; 8. Elseman. 220, 233, zoi, 210, zo
213. 204, 201;. C M. Zarp, 235, 217; Georgs
Flanagan. 24t. 214; Jack Beerkle. 209, 217;
L. B. Lucas, 211, 205; B. W. Christie, 200,
222, 201, 222; W. H, Emery, 263. 284, 22,
213, 214, 215, 228; Henry Lehman... 203; V.
C. Brunke. 20. 222; W. F. Schneider, 213. .
Tenpln acorea of 200 and better at Lenta
ft Williams' alleys: R. H. Rhodes, 204; D.
Williams, 244, 204, 212; H. Kruger, 200;
J. H. Hussle. 203, 209; Will Zttsman, .203.
212. 229, 20", 214; T. G. Sherwood, 215; Ed
Whltehorn, 211. 201, 208; P. Williams, Chey.
enne, Wyo 223,' 213; 3. T. Schmltt, 204;
E. J. Conery, 210. 208; Fred Bill, 202, 207,
214; R. L. Haney, 232; E. A. CreigbtoB,
211; Lou Bushman, 216; Joe Gleaaon,' 20T;
Al Krug, 201; R. Stoetiel, 209;" M. L; For
scutt. 202.
Tenpln scores of 200 and better at the
Gate Cltf alleys: A. Potter, 224. 208; H. D.
Reed, 226, 209, 202, 208; Art Kelkeony, 208;
Al Gordon. 204. 211; Charles Seaman, 208,
236, 21U 226, 211; Art Jgckson, 202; W. A.
Chandler, 204; W. 8. Sheldon, 204. 208, 211;
W. F. Kfelle. 200, 204; W. H. Salvers, 222,
204; M. Greenleaf, 220; C. J. Francisco, 214,
211, 200; H. Besslln. 232; C. Conrad. 202,
204; etapenhurst. 200; Conery, 200, 209, 211;
Charles Miller. 212; WUJ Zlttman, 204. 222;
Al Johnson, 210; George Sands,' 201, 211,
203; John Kelly. 208, 214, 206.
Only Safe Medicine for Babies,
The Insldea of baboa-ln-arma and little children are very delicate and tender,
Mothers must not be reckless In the use of physica.
safe medicine for babies:
i. sr. flaa fnrl4lM with tnf uts,
i acta vmn.r .na cnua iw
Inn 1 na lhm o.llv 1. in
prMtio..7'- Ur.A.I.OrtHa,
I found CHttnta, la tn. e... r T;
There ia only one gentle, perfect,
"Irani has CrTU and twelve
stm b.D.ot. ah. thtak. they are wonder
ful, .4 g.T. ttm to ear b.bjf before ae
WM thru. yn.r. old. ' '
Alte. eewe ll, wi z.ign,n ., bo.
Our was .irk tail w. w.ra dr..d
try C. . m. w. .niriT iur..
r too mam in yrumw wi - '
olll. Bowman, M.trosoll.. HI
w. cannot say too
nM."-lln. Moll!
Taararcta ar. inflli
children and alwara brtn
Ilonry Joynt, r
"0,.,wtB work aaav and wlthnnt rain.
1 har. W.n thim t. asy babl.e with .pl.a
aid itu.lta." ,
Km. K. B.ttag, Bt. Lonla, Mo.
panaabl. for young
ring ktr.lulti.''
P7 M., Waaler, !
" I
aa th.y k..p
bromine bill
by who la not wry atronr, th. v.ry .
medlrln. I .rer as. Tbay 4e Juat waa
yon rooommand."
-Mr, a. M.Caapaaa. MilU.K.T.
"I bon. a Arm la tha
esc- of Caaaarati. K"n my baby boy like
U.m.''-Mra. Uda O.naak. Jar.ay City.
"I think Caacarat. iplcndld. They have
tMnefltad tut sraatly. My baby waa alctd
wth croup and Oaararata aRnrd.4 inataBt
ralt.f."-l(ra. Ella, I.lta, Ohio.
Mamma takea a CASCARET, baby gets the benefit. Isn't that good
Bensef The sweet, palatable Candy Cathartic Cascaret, eaten by the
naming mother, not only regulatea her system and increases her flow
of milkj but makea hef milk mildly purgative. Baby gets the effect
diluted and as part of its regular, natural food; no violence no dan
ger perfectly natural results. No more sour curds la baby's stomach,
so more wind, colio, restless nights.
Best for the Bowels. All dnifflata, tse, jt, joe. N.v.r
sold In bulk. Genuine tablet atampod CCC. Ouaranta.d
to euro or your money back. Sample and booklet free.
Address Sterling K.m.dy Co., Chicago or New York. MS
Ssnlth. Gestae Males Be Followed
by Several ef Considerable
Local Interest.
The tea-round match between Eddie
Gardner -aad "Hatch" Smiths to occur at
Washington ball on February 28, Is attract
ing Interest In sporting circles for two
reasons. In the first place, both boxers
have made themselves "solid" with all who
bave seen thorn go by their clever work
and Industrious business throughout. Smith
has been In the ring In Omaha aeveral
times, and, although Gardner has appeared
only once, hla showing against Cle Oleson
on that occasion made him a warm favorite
here. -
The second reason why unusual 'interest
attaches te this event Is that it Is the Srst
of a series .of-fights which Oardner will
figure In here In rapid succession.. Aftsr
tba Bmlth affair Benny Yanger.aad Kid
Broad will both-be brought here te meet
Gardaer aad It la thought that both matches
will be. during March, If Oardner can atand
the work.
Another sporting - event for the near
future .that carrl-w considerable Interest is
the welterweight match between Billy
Rhodes of the Pacific coast and Mike
Shreck of Cincinnati. 8hreck Is. well known
here and hi showing In the mills which
he won from Danny Haley and Charlie
Burns at 8outh Omaha last fall bave earned
for him the sobriquet "The Whirlwind."
Not so much has been known of Rhodes,
except from his workouts ln training
Wbtttaker for bis Smith match.
Clark's Bowling Alleys
1313-15 Harney St.
Boy Are Waking I'p aael , Proaalae
to Have Oood Team la
the Field.
Mascullns , athletics are now to be re
juvenated by the Omaha High school. After
weeks and months of lethargy tbe boys
have now roused at last from their trance
and will no longer let the girls share
alone the athletto honors of the Institution.
Tbe cause of the revival Is the approach
ing base ball season, and tbe High school
will begin early on Its team. Members
of last year's team have just elected Al
fred Falrbrotber captain for the coming
year. He Is well known aa a star end on
the right wing of the Omaha High school
foot ball team's line for four years past.
In the summer game he plays aa catcher.
- There are a great many - candidates and
tba prospects are good for a first-class
team. Emulating the example of the state
university squad, tbe boys will Indulge In
Indoor practice from now on till the
weather opena up sufficient for outdoor
work. They haven't the fine rage equip
ment ef the 'varsity men, but In the- baae
ment of (he old High school building they
have rigged up a good place, with plenty
of room, where the aspirants can exerc'se
their wings and practice on all kinds of
pusxle balls.
So, when tbe Nebraska men begin work
next Monday In their cage, the Omaha High
school boys will be working out for the
first time In their own Indoor quarters.
Easily Reeeactteat.
Chicago Tost: "For a defeated man you
seem to be rather happy."
"Yes." replied the politician, "we went
down to defeat, of courss, but when I see
the other fellows trying to. make the four
teen office that are outside of civil service
do fof 840 clamorous men, somehow I can't
feel so awfully unhappy about It."
Bra. Dicker' Baaday Sayings.
Atlanta Constitution: Trouble la a
blessln' in disguise. Some folks wouldn't
ri r ' imiiim "a i iTii T fciwi
Any sufferer from HTHIfrtrnw an4 it.
offspring, VARICOCELE. Prostatitis and
seminal weakness la Invited to cut out tha
coupon below, write his name and address
DR. McGREW (Age 53)
Diseases aad Uiauruxa u aiaat Oaly.
2 Yearn- Hxperleaee. - g years la
ViDlfrtOCI C cured by a treatment
aatest and moat natural that has yet been
discovered. No pain whatever, no cutting
and does not Interfere wlta work or bual-
ness. Treatment at office or at borne and
a permanent cure guaranteed.
Hot Springs Treatment tor Syphilis
And all Blood Diseases. No "BREAKING
OUT" on ths akin or face and all external
signs of the dlaease disappear at once. A
treatment that la more auccessrui and far
more satisfactory than th. "old form" of
treatment and at leea than HALF THa!
COBT. A cure that Is guaranteed to be
permanent for life.
PICO Oft finnca cured of nervoua
Ulkll d.U VUU debility, loaa of vitality
aiiu all unnatural weaknesses Ot me,
Stricture, Uluet. Kidney and Bladder Dis
eases,' Hydrocele, cured permanently.
IHAKlifeS LOW, lUktlU A'UU.1 VHaSbl
Treatment by mlL P. O. Boa 7M.
Office over 216 4. 14th street, between Fnr-
r am and Pouglaa ote.. OMAALA. una.
be happy at all onleaa dey bad aomepln' ter
growl over. ' i
No matter bow rough da road ter heaven
Is, you'll feel all de mo' lak enjoyla' or yo'
res' w'en you gits dar.
De good " dies young, but dese grey
headed sinners is too skeered ter die at all
Some folks wouldn't go ter heaven In
cherryoot er fire fer fear er glttln' dey close
scorched. 1
De Good Book say dat Wisdom cries out
In de streets, ea no man regard her. But
In dese days she'd be 'rested t de (ust cry
en b lued In de black Maria.
Cured VYhHa
Vcu Slesa
In Fittest. Days
St. James Medical Association,
il St. Jaanes Bids:., Clnrlaaatl, O.
Please send me a copy of your Illus
trated Work upon the Male Sexual
Byst"m, aecurefy sealed, PREPAID
FREE of all CHARGES. ' V '.
palnly. mall It to bt. James aledlual A.ail..
62 St. James Blrig., Cincinnati, O., and the
will send their Illustrated Treatise, .howlns
parte of the male' svateru
uretnrai aliments 1 rtc
lnvnlv.d in
mi S-n I"" r
paid. ritCL
ta St. Janes niagr., CIINCISfllATI. O,
A Model
Doctor's Office
Most doctors fled It convenient
te have evening or Sunday office
hours, fa'.loau caa hardly veJk
op stairs it stub times. .
The Bee Building
haa all Bight and Suaday elevator
service. Water and gas. aa wall
aa eleetrle light are la each too ml
Tbe rooms are all light aat eur
ffleas are meet attractive. Reata
are ae higher that Is laterier
R. C Peters & Co.,
"Keatal Afeacy.
AreaiMl Floor, Bee leildlBf.