Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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fried onions
Indirectly Cu4 the Death of the
World'a Greatest General.
t It la a matter ef history that Napoleon
laa a gormaod, an Inordinate lover ef tbe
'good things of tbe table, and blatorr further
records tbat hla favorite dish fried
en I on bit death from cancer of tba stem
eh, It la claimed a I no, vraa probably cauaed
from hla excretive Indulgence of lb. la fond
fjess for tbe odorous vegetable.
The onion la undoubtedly a wholesome
article of food. In fact. It haa many medici
nal qualities of value, but It would be diffi
cult to find a more undtgestlble article
than fried onions, and to many propte they
re ilmply poison, but tbe onion does not
stand alone In this respect. Any artlc e
ef food that la not thoroughly digested be
comes a aource of disease snd discomfort,
whether It be fried onions or beefstesk.
The reason why any wholesome food Is
ot properly digested Is becsuse ths stom
ch lscka some Important element of di
gestloa; some stomachs Isck peptone, oihers
re deficient la gastric juice, still others
Isck hydrochloric scld.
Ths one thing necessary to do In any case
ef poor digestion Is to supply those ele
tnents of digestion which the stomach lacks,
nd nothing does this so thoroughly and
safely aa Stuart's Dyspepsia Tsblets.
Dr. Richardson, In writing a thesis on
treatment of dyspepsia and Indigestion,
closes his remsrks by saying: "For these
suffering from scld dyspepsia, ahown by
tour, watery rlalngs, or for flatulent dya
pepsla, abowa by gas on stomach, csuslng
heart trouble snd difficult breathing, as
Well as for other forms of stomach trouble,
tbe ssfest treatment Is to take one or two
ef Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableta after each
meal. I advise them becsuse they contain
no harmful drugs, but are composed of valu
able digestives, which act promptly upon
the food eaten. I never knew a case of
Indigestion or even chronic dyspspsla which
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tsblets would not
Cheap cathartic medicines claiming to
cure dyspepsia and Indigestion csn have no
effect whatever in actively digesting the
food, and to call any cathartic medicine
cure for Indlgeatlon Is a misnomer.
Every druggist In the United States and
Canada sells Stuart's Dyspspsla Tableta,
nd tbey are not only the safest and most
uecesstul, but the most solentlflo of any
treatment for Indigestion snd stomach
BMlraSTatae All amis) Afftoetlsas Care at
tsar Him by WaaOkaryto
epscial Trealaieats.
When Tonr scaln ia dre. full nf
Dandruff or irritated; when the
' hair falls out. aplit-. fades, loses
its lustreorsbowsother evidences
of decav or disease. Dermatoloarist
Woodbury can positively eradicate all ab
normal conditions and promote anew and
healthy growth. Thousands owe their
beautiful bair to a timely caJlon him. Con
sultation Is free, and 80 years practical ex
perience la guarantee of the best possible
results in all cases. Those unable to call
at tbe office may write for book and full
information. Address JOHN H. WOOD
BUBY D. I., 163 State Street, Chicago.
The Truth
The immense strides made
in the art of photography has
at last made it possible, to
publish a complete Natural
History, illustrated exclu
sively with half-tones taken
from photographs. No other
illustrations represent the
exact truth.
of the
Ten Cents
. Each Section
Issued weekly, 14. sections. Price,
by miil, I J cent. 1,000 il!utra
tioDi. 850 pges. Colored frontis
piece to each section.
Every Animal
Every P&ge Illustrated
These half-tone illustrahons
were taken direct from the
original photographs and
every photograph from life.
Beet li us 1. 'i uud S are now ready
at till office.
Frock Piper Csirnrsi En fit id far Its
Attitsie Tswati Pswtn
ya King's Goveraaaent Is Takls
Refers Isi the Disavowal of Its
AsikaMaasr, lard Pa a are
fote. PARIS. Feb. IS. Ths French preas Is
following with keea Interest the develop
ments of what Is described here aa "Eng
land's campaign of calumny" against
European nation In ths question of Inter
vention In the Spanish-American war.
The Journal dee Debata aaya: "The Eng
lish press will admit that ths British gov
ernment has underlsken a campaign of
slsnder in o'der to mske England popu
lar In the In 1 ted States. If. however, Dr.
von Holebcn's dispatch Is correct, the re
sponsibility tor the 'conspiracy' against the
United States falla on Lord Pauncefote
and In this case tbe campaign atsrted by
England was not only clumay snd Impudent
but slanderous. Lord Crsnborns's reply
yesterday seems almoat a disavowal of
Lord Pauncefote." I
Ths Temps thinks Grest Britain is get
ting orated In the controveray with Ger
many and says: "Ths United States must
Just now feel ths emotion of a young belle,
who for tbe first time hss come In con
tact with the pressing admiration of amor
ous rtvala. They are quarreling aa to who
shall enjoy her good gracee and not merely
over the queatlon aa to who may Inalnti
ate himself Into her favor, but aa to who
has proven her true, great and only friend.
Dr. von Holeben'a dlapatch totally upsets
the English stories, and according to Lord
Crsnborns's statement, England Is tsklng
refuge In the disavowal of Its ambassador.
It la a pitiable spectacle."
Governsneat Net Hespoostole.
BERLIN, Feb. 18. After Lord Crsn-
borne'a repeated atatementa on the subject
In the Bittlah Houas of Commons it ta now
generally recognised here, except In tbe
extremely anglopbobe press, tbst tbe Brit
ish government was not privy to Lord
Pauncefote's action April 14, 1898.
Oerman government circles are now will
ing to concede this, though emphasising
the impossibility of Germsny knowing that
Lord Pauncefote acted without Instructions
from hie government, It being against all
diplomatic precedenta for an ambassador
to make so Important a proposition with
out Inatructiona.
The explanation that Lord Pauncefote
acted in behalf of Dr. Hengelmuller, the
Austrian minister, while not rejected ab
solutely, la not regarded as exposing Dr.
von Holeben to blame for a misconcep
tion, since Lord Pauncefote gave no In
timation In the conference that he was
aubmlttlng another proposition, and the
Impression made on the ambasssdor's uni
formly was that it waa aubmltted on Lord
Pauncefote's initiative.
There is no disposition here to keep the
controversy alive, alnce it ia proved that
Germany took no unfriendly atep agalnat
tbe United Btatea.
Two Haodred Bodies Already Recov
ered aad aa Maay More
Thought to Be Dead.
TIFLIS, Russian Trans-Caucasis, Fsb. 15.
Two hundred bodies of victims of ths
earthquake which destroyed tbe town of
8bamska had been recovered up to last
evening. It appeara certain tbat 200 bodies
are hurled in the fissures and debris cauaed
by the shocks. The quakes continue at
Intervale and the work of excavating In
search of ths victims proceeds with dtfll
culty. A mont ths dead are many women
who, at ths time of the principal shock
were congregated in the various bath
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. IS. The Istest
nsws received hers from Bhamaka confirms
tbe eppalllaf character of the earthquake
at the place and adds that SO.) corpses bsvs
already been taken out of the ruins. Ths
pllea of wreckage are so vast that tba
search Is necessarily slow. Most of tbe
victims were Mussulmans. Tbe survivors
are encamped outside the ruins of the city.
Expert to Keep Preeoot Force to
South Afrlea (or Nine
Months Looajer.
LONDON, Feb. 16. The army estimates.
issued today, ahow a grand total for the
year 1902-03 of 9.810,000. which la in
tended to provide for 420.000 men, of which
119,700 men are for the ordinary army
aerrice and 200,300 for war service.
The estimates, of which 40,000,000 Is
required for war, show a decrease under
this head of 23,230,000, compared with
1901-01. In a memorandum, tbe war secre
tary, Mr Broderlck, explains that the es
timates are sufficient to maintain a field
force in South Africa of ths present
strength for eight or nine months of ths
asw financial jraar.
Sufferers from this horrible malady
nearly always inherit it not necessarily
from th parents, but way be from some
remote) ancestor, tor uncer oiten runs
through several venerations. This deadly
poison may lay dormant in the blood for
years, or until you reach middle life, then
the first little sore or ulcer makes its ap
pearanceor a swollen gland in the
breast, or some other pert of the body,
give the first warning.
IO cure lancer mimroguiT sou perms
nently U tbe poisonous virus must be
eliminated from the blood- -every vests re
-f it driven out. This S. 5. 8. does, ana
Is the only medicine that can reach deep
seated, obstinate blood troubles like this.
When all the poison has been forced out
of the srstem t&e lnccr aesjs, sau an
disease never returns.
Cancer htcinsof ten in a small way. as the
following letter from Mrs. Shirer shows t
A small pimple came o my law about an tack
below the earoa the left side o! say lace. Jlgaw
ssc ae pain or tncnavrn
etne. and I should hav
forgotten about tt has it
Botbcgua to ir flame sod
Itrhj it would bind a
lUtle, tk.jecnbow, but
wo.iiu not Deal. This
continued for aoms lima,
wuca my jaw began to
swell, becoming very
paislui. 1 nc cancer ae
gaa. to eat sad spread.
111111 ,t arnaaa nr.. aa a
half dollar, when! beard f
a a a ...I .t ..,. I
eJ to give tt a lair trial. W
and it waa icmarkabis
wrhat a wonderful effect "
il had from tbe very beg inning; the sore oegaate
heal aad after takings few bottles disappeared
courtly. This was two years ago that arc Mill
no sigua of ths Cancer, aad say general heal lb
continare good. Mas ft- fauiasa. La Plata, afo.
is tbe greatest, of ell
1 blood purifiers, and the
only on guaranteed
purely vegetable, bend
lor our tree book on
Cancer, containing valuable end interest
ing information about this disease, eru
wntc our physicians about your esse. W
msVe no chsree for medical advice.
A Well Kaowa Jewsaaer W m
Reeoaote Her Eaoerlestee While
Vlaltlas Rated Woman.
(From the Boston Herald.)
It was my privilege recently to csll upon
the world fsmous Mrs. Pinkham st Lynn,
Mass. I must confess thst among all news
psper women there hss always been a great
feeling that Mrs. Plnkhsm wss a myth; we
are so familiar with advertising methods
we grow to be akeptlcsl and always taks
such ststements as sre made In the Plnk
hsm advertisements, ss well as all other
advertising, with the proverblsl "grain of
salt," but, aa before elated, being near the
city of Lynn, Mass., I thought I would in
vestigate a little in order to satisfy my
curloaity, and I must say I wss surprised
at what I found.
To begin with I had no Idea that the
Lydla E. Ptnkbara estsblishment wss any
thing Ilka the immense slie that it is, and
when the atreet car stopped In front of a
great collection of buildings and the con
ductor told me that It waa tbe Lydla E.
Pinkham Labratcry, I should have been sure
he had made a mistake had it not been for
a small sign which is on ons of the original
Upon entering the office I was received
ny a very courteous lsdy and was very
much impressed by ths fsct thst all the
occupants of the room were women and
although my sojourn in the buildings cov
ered something more than an hour visiting
the entire place and private office, I aaw
nothing but women, and waa alao pleased to
learn that no man ever bad access to these
rooms. I wss satisfied thst their claims
that this is strictly a woman's Institution
were altogether truthful.
After atatlng ths purpose of my visit I
was introduced to Mrs. Pinkham. who
turned me over to a bead assistant with
Inatructiona that I was to be shown every
thing In and about the labratory, and par
ticularly asked me to visit the "private let
ter department," which I did. Tbia Is the
department In which Is received hundreds
of thoussnds of letters from ailing women,
and in which every letter Is opened, care
fully conaldered by competent persons
under Mrs. Plnkhsm'a guidance and care
fully and accurately answered by women
only, so particular Is Mrs. Plnkhsm about
having even a suspicion of these letters
going through a business office where msn
are allowed to frequent tbat she will not
allow a typewrltsr to be used and every
letter that goes out of this office Is written
by hsnd by women. I was also shown posi
tive evidence, which clearly satisfied me
on tbe point that no letters are published
unless the writer's speclsl permission Is
first obtained.
To say that all this was a revelation la
putting It mildly, and when I was shown
the great cabinet of fllea that contain thou
ssnds upon thoussnds of letters, then, and
only then, did I begin to realise the magni
tude of Mrs. Pinkham'i work. Just think
of it, every one of these letters had been
answered as carefully as the most com
petent knowledge could dlctste, and not one
cent has ever been charged for advice. I
saw where more than one million such let
ters were filed, and I began to feel that this
one woman was doing more good among tbe
alck women of America than any combina
tion of men and women tbat I ever heard of.
I came away from Mrs. Plnkham's labra
tory feeling that it was my duty to all
women to use my facilities as a newspaper
writer to assure them thst what I saw con
vinced me that Mrs. Pinkham Is more com
petent to advise sick women tbsn sny other
one person in the United 8tates. Ths vol
ume of information which she hss collabo
rated during the last twenty years contains
a record of every kind of female Illness tbat
a human being could possibly develop, and
that nowhere In the world could a woman
get more accurate and helpful advice In re
gard to her illness than by writing to Mrs.
Plnkhsm, at Lynn, Mass. I hsve no In
terest In Mrs. Pinkham or the Pinkham
Medicine Co., but I have a atreak of hu
manity In my make-up, and I cannot rest
without unburdening my mind in regard to
this matter, and every time I see the fol
lowing paragraph in a newspsper, I csn
hardly keep from aaylng out loud while I
am readlnc It, "every word of that la true,
and every woman who ia 111 and doea not
take advantage of Mrs. Plnkham's advice
la slowly committing suicide. Ths para
graph referred to ia as follows:
"Women suffering from any form of
female weakness ars invited to freely com
municate with Mra. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass.
All letters are received, opened, read and
answered by women only, thus hss been
established the eternal confidence between
Mra. Pinkham and the women of America
which baa never been broken and has In
duced more tbsn 100,000 sufferers to write
to her for advice during tba last four
months. Out of the vast volume of experi
ence which she bss to draw from, it Is
more than possible that shs has gained the
vary knowledge tbat will help your case.
8be asks nothing lu return except your
good-will, . and her advice has relieved
thoussnds. Surely any woman, rich or poor.
Is very foolish if she does not take ad
vantage of this generoua offer of assist
ance." Margaret L. Brlggs.
Jndsc Batter Hopra Hearing; Cam Be
Coanpleted by slooday
In the contest between J. 8. Ewart of
Kearney, father, and Mra. Ruth Dodder ot
$429 Franklin street, Omaha, grandmother,
for ths possssslon of little Ruth Ewsrt. Mr.
Ewart was returned to the stsnd and Ue
tilled to having atwaya contributed to tbe
support of Mrs. Ewsrt and ths children
since they passed from under his roof. He
stated that hs hsd sent them In all about
$3,000, and paid $600 on a bouse for them
Sines September 23, 1801, he said, he had
not been ao liberal with tbem, as hs had
learned thst his wife Intended to ask Sep
aratlon. From that date until the present
he stated tbat hs had sent her $190.
At 1:45 Judge Bsxter adjourned court
continuing ths hearing until 9 o'clock Mon
day morning, which early hour was set In
the hope thst ths hearing could be com
pleted by noon of that day.
The Brat Army im tk World.
Tba Amerlcsn army Is tbe most effective
organisation In ths world. Ths men ars
well fed and well paid, but tbeas alone
111 not mske a good soldier. He must
hsvs steady nerves and a strong constltu
tlon. To fight disease It is slso neoesssry
10 navs ins sama requirements. If you
re weak and nervous you need Hoststter's
Stomach Bitters at once. It will stesdy
your nsrvss and curs Indigestion, heart
burn, disslness and conatipatlon. Try It
Bldo Rod Wrecks Car.
When the Twin Pity Express on the Chi
eaan. St. Paul. Minneapolis A Omaha rail
road neared Florvnrs laat night at t o'clock
tho left aide rod of the engine broke, and
the whirling looae end mad a wreck of the
cab abovo it. Tho fireman waa "hoveling
ai in umr. i no irain ia aue in umane at
:!&. out 010 not arrive until 11 o clock.
Marble Dealers to Coaabloo.
NEW YORK. Feb. 15 -A meeting nf
quarry owner and marble dealers in this
city haa Just been held, with a view, it la
aaid. of comMnlng Interests. Whether o
not ths meeting had anv relation to that
held In Omaha F-lday is unknown. Only
preliminary piana were awcusseu.
Breaks Slot Hoc ret.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia.. Feb. 13 Joseph
Fatten, a barber or tnla city, today brok
the state bowling record, scoring an aver
age lor on games i m
Win Tti ThoiiasJ Dollar Bin's Hand;
csp :n Txiitiig Bio
(onirit Is Cloee ot Time, hot l.lttle
Mare Keep Her tomotltora la
the Rear from the
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. IS. Kcnlc, carry
ing the colors of Cesssr Young and rlddjn
by Lee Jackson, won the $10,000 Burns'
hsndlcap st Oakland today In the presence
of over 7,000 people. Nona waa second and
Corrlran third. The mils and a quarter
wss covered In Z.10H. After two days' rain
there was sunshine, but the track wss very
A Held of twelve went to tbe poat. with
Bob Smith's entry. Articulate, and Greyfeld
favorites at 2 to 1. Nons snd Obla, carry
ing the colors of Tom Ryan, were second
choices and were In strong demand. Corrl
gan and 8cotch Plaid represented Burna
and Watcrhouse and were well aupported,
while Diderot was plsyed from 10 to 1 to
6 to 1. Eonle remsined at about 10 to 1
throughout the betting.
In a false breakaway Artlculste propped
snd when they finally got sway Greyfeld
wss In front, while Articulate' propped
again and was practically left. Aside from
him tbe start wss a good one. Corrlgan
at once went to the front, followed by Obla
and Greyfeld, while Nona and Articulate
brought up the rear. Corrlgan and Obla
aet the pace, but at the atretch turn Obla
tired and fell bark. Corrlgan continued In
the lead, hut Eonle, who, fortunately, got
through next to the rail, assumed commsnd
In tbe stretch.
Distances All Competltora.
None, who wss forced to go wide on.
the tnrns, closed fast, but Turner was foreed
to pull out at ths last eighth pole, losing
some ground. He finished resolutely, but
could not cateb Eonle, who won by five
length, amid much enthusiasm. Corrlgan
was only beaten a neck for second money,
while Blsck Dick wss a close fourth. Grey
feld ran well for a mile and an eighth, and
his stable companion. Articulate, after
making up much ground the first mile,
tired, and was eased up. -
The event wss worth 17.000 to the wlnne".
Eonle la a chestnut mare by Eon-Mermaid.
The A ma ion handicap went to Duckoy,
who heat Meehanus a neck. Kenllworth,
the favorite, tired under tbe weight and
was third. Adirondack gained a nose vic
tory over Nlgrette In the t-yesr-old event,
through the superior finish put up by Bull
man. In the last race Colonel Ballantlne
beat The Weaver a neck through Bullman
outriding Rnnsch. James Wilson olalmed
Colonel Ballantlne for $326 and today Harry
Stover retaliated by bidding the horae up
from $300 to $500. Wilson retained him.
First race, six furlongs, selling: Phyllis
won,. Pnsaensa second. Constable third.
Time: 1:174.
Second race, one-hair mile: Adirondack
won, Mgrettc second. High Chancellor
third. Time: 0:50.
Third race, one mile: Flnpnso won. Wol
hurat second. Sea Lion third. Time: 1:43.
Fourth race. Burns handicap, lio.ouu, one
mile aud a quarter: Konlc won. lons
second, Corrlgan third. Tlmp: 2:10j.
Finn race, three-quarter or a mile.
handicap: Duokoy won, Meehanus second.
Kenllworth third. Time: 1:15..
Hlxth race, one mile, selling: Colonel
Pallrntlno won, The Weaver second, Ishtar
third. Time: i:4M.
Heajelman aad t'nvananah Get First
Prise In Sis-Day Watkloar
NEW YORK. Feb. 15 Heselman and
Cavanaugh, the German-Irish team, were
he -winners or tne six-aay go-aa-you
please match at Madison Bouare Garden.
Their score for the six days, or IK hours.
was 770 miles ana 4 lav.
A crowd of fair proportions aasemmea to
witness tne itnisn or tne mi ten. ur tn
forty-three teams which crossed the line
on Sunday night only fifteen remained on
the track at the finish. Ten of these teams
only are entitled to prise money, although
the management will return the entrance
fee to an tnose who nnisnea. xne prise
money will be divided as follows:
First team. 11.(00: second. 11.000: third.
7M; fourth, 50O; fifth. HS0; sixth, 1250; sev
enth, iu; eignin, i.a; nintn, iw, ana
tentn, iis.
Heteman and Cavanauan. tne German-
Irish team, who had been In the lead from
he start, held their place with ease and
there was not st sny time any strenuoua
conteat for first place. The Hurst brothers,
ungiaua s chsmpiona, were compelled 10
withdraw from the race at a late hour.
The race was finished at 10:12 o clock and
the leaders makins tbe last laps carried
boquets of flowers. They were cheered
ami applauded Dy tne i.wii present ana
after the race was finished the victors and
their nearest competltora paraded around
he track. Aa thev were malting tnis extra
lao manv men lumped over the rail to the
track and Hegelman and Cavanaugh were
picked up by some of their admirers and
carried to their quarters.
Cavanaugh, who weighed 127 pounds on
entering the race, lost three iiounds during
the week, while Hegelman, who weigh. -d 141
pounds on entering, gained iwo.
nit tinai score was:
Hegelman and Cavanaugh, TT0.4; Phelton
and Guerrero. 744.5: Kaliey and Metkus.
7;.6; Golden and Tracv. 719.4; Gllck and
Howsrth. 692.7: Noremac ami t artwrignt.
77.4; Feeney and Feeney, tWS.S; Froxer and
Sullivan. tW.5: Davis and Carroll, 64S; Dean
and Campbell. 6l.4; iierr ana iierr, 2o:
Kellar and urenp. krisi, ivingaton ana
Smylle, 62S.S.
Tbe world s recora is miies i.xw ysras.
Omaha, Mllwaakee, Knnsaa City,
Denver, St. Joe and Des Molnoa
tho Others.
ST. JOSEPH. Feb. IS. (Special Tela
cram i The circuit committee of tho West
ern league of base Dan ciuds met nere
todav and deelded to run the lea a lie with
six clubs tha present season, but before tha
meeting aeijournea a niesr was receiver
from President James Whitfield, who Is In
Peoria, to the effect that Peoria wa
anxious to come in and that the financial
backing from the city was good.
Action on ine six-chid nroieci was re
voked and It was decided to meet sgaln In
one week, when final aetlon will be taken.
It la expected Des Moines will constitute
the eighth club In the league.
The next meetinr will be held either hers
or In Chicago on the can oi r-resioent wrnt-
neiri. Those title, aenniteiv neciuea upon
today were Colorado Serine-. Omaha. Mil
waukee, Kansas city, uenver ami hi.
'pKORIA. 111., Feb. 15. President Whit
field ot the Western league haa decided I
organise a stock company here and today
he began work. He has met with favorable
encouragement and aays that next week ha
will have the company completed and win
make application for incorporation paper.
This dons he will turn the matter of or
ganisation over to the stockholders and
award Peoria the remaining franchise in
the league.
Fltsslananoas and Jeffries Agree on
Articles for Glove
NEW YORK. Feb. 15. Robert Fltsslm
mona and James Jeffries signed articles
hero today to meet In a twenty-round
alove contest on some date between Vfav
10 and 10 for the championship of ths world.
The conteat is to take place before tha
rljb offerlna ths highest puras. The win
ner is to receive (0 per cent and tha loser
40 per rent of tne purse.
at. Cnthbert Scores M'rll.
NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 15. Saint Cuth
bert, who has gradually bean rounding Into
form, today at-ored very cleverly in the
T Soto handlran. worm I1.S4A to tne win
nsr. Ths gelding was always favorite In
ths bettlna. belna backed from 4 to i to 1
(tevoy. who mlvhl have been a dangerous
rival, was over-weighted. Ranco made ths
early running, but could not stand ths pace
St ths snd Ogle waa the only other win-
nlna favorite. Jockey Ian haa been sus-
Dnded pending an Investigation of hla re
cent ride on Ogle. Rrsulta:
First racr. selling, six fiirlnnro: Orla won,
John Urlgshy second, l.ady Alberta third.
Time: I :!'.
Second rare, five ftirlnna and a hair:
Ogle won, Man second, Amlgarl third.
Time: 1:H.
Third rnra, handicap, one mile and a aix-
teenth: Malay won, intrusive second, Eva
Hire third. Time: 1:47V,.
Fourth race. Do Hoto handicap, sis rur-
longs: Paint Cnthbert won, If You Dare
second, Ranco third. Time: 1:13V
Fifth race, selling, one mile and three-
eighth: MJor Manstr won. El Ohor sec
ond. Little Klkln third. Time: $:t!i.
Hlxtti race, selling, one mile and seventy
varda: Cast Iron won, Garter Wan second.
Frank M third. Tims: 1:47.
Leary of C'allforolo lalmi Twenty
Yards lo Ten Seconds
CHIC inn G.h ,X A -n.l:V, lmmln
record waa broken in the sportsmen's ahow
st the Coliseum tonight, when J. Isrv of
the Olympic Athletic club of San Francisco
swsm twenty yards In ten seconds flat.
My so doing- he cllr A two-fifths of a
second from the wor..- mark set by B.
Carroll Srhaeffer of Philadelphia. This J
wsn a feature of the luu-yarn race, wnicn
Leary won easily, lending at the finish bv
three lengths. Sprncer of Columbia 111I-
verslty waa second and Guy M. Daly of the
Homestead water polo team third. Time
for the 100 ysrda was 1:07, which la three
seconds slower than Leary's beat time for
the same distance.
Share Honors for First flare la
Asnaiear Billiard Championship
NEW YORK. Feb. IS Chnr'es S. Norrls.
formerly of the Chleago Athletic associa
tion and now a resident of this city. Is ld
far first honors in tho amateur billiard
championship with Wilson H. Rlgourney of
Man rraneisco. iNornx ncm nis oin cnio
mate. C. F. Conkiln of Chicago, tonight by
a score of 400 to Sft.'i. It was a close gnme
throughout, as the narrow margin which
divided the players at the finish will show.
Slgournev and Norrla will play off the
tie next Monday night and the winner nf
that contest will play Wtlnon P. Fos for
the amateur championship of America.
Longer eaaon Is Arranged for, with
One llnndred and Twenty
Six Untues.
ROCKFORD, III., Feb. IS. President Sex
ton today Issued the schedule for the Illi
nois, Iowa and Indiana league. It calls for
12A gamea, a slightly longer season than
last year. Double-headers will be played
on the holidays. The spring meeting of the
league will be held at noes isianii on rvn
rnary 26. Each club will be ready at the
time to post Its forfeit of tOfl to finish the
aaaaon. He vera 1 of the teams are complete
and the other clubs have only to sign a few
I.avrn Tennis Players Beroaie Me sa
bers of the National
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. The rules com
mittee of the I.ewn Tennis National sso
clation today changed the slxe of the ball
to the else used by the Kngllsh champions
and the principal field tournamenta.
The Omaha Field club was admitted to
membership. .
The executive committee was empowered
to appoint a committee to make all nr
rsngements concerning the proposed inter
national cup matches.
All Favorites Lose.
CHARLESTON. S. C Feb. 15. No favor
ite won at ihe Exposition track this after
noon. Rr.oy Riley, the winner of the fifth
trn a Mt tn 1 shot. Results:
First race, selling, six furlongs: Jullett
B won. Gratia second, Patchwork tnira.
Time: 1:224. , , ,
Second race, selling, five furlongs: In
tent won. Randolph Junior second, Katie
Gibbons third. Time: 1:07.
Third race, one mile, over four hurdles:
Vines won, Collette second. Royalty third.
Time: 1:59. , . , ;
Fourth race, handicap, six furlongs and
a half: Ducassa won. By George aocond,
8am I.asarus Eaqulre third. Time: 1:27V.
Fifth race, four furlongs snd a half:
Rubv Rllev won, Bad Penny second. Give
and Take third. Time: 0:69.
Tveo Iteeorda Broken.
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Two records were
broken In the open swimming matchea held
tonight at the New York Athletic club. The
events were: .
2"0-yard handicap: won oy tv. nmnc
with 0:21 handicap; Charles Rubert. New
York Athletic club, swam the first heat In
Z-35 1-6. the beat prevloua record being
2:M 1-5. .
50-yard novice race: Won by F. on
Salxe of Columbia. Final heat: 0:34.
goo-yard race: won oy uno wni, cw
York Athletic club. Time: 12:271-5, beat
ing record by 0:23.
'Wisconsin Beats Chlraaio.
rmnnn Feh. IS. In the intercollegiate
track meet held here this evening between
the University of Chicago and the Uni
versity of Wisconsin the latter was victor
ious, taking 47 points to 30 by tne i niversity
Of Chicago. in ins iwo-mne romu
penter of Wisconsin broke the weatern in
door collegiate record in 2:141-5.
Astor Goes In for Hselsg,
LONDON, Feb. 15 William Waldorf
Astor, as r preliminary to going in for
horae racing, has registered hla colors un
der the Jo-key club rules. They are light
blue, with pink sash and cap.
Korlrr Stays wltb Brldfgrsomi.
NEW YORK. Feb. 16.-Wlllle E. Keeler,
the Brooklyn olub'a great batter and out
fielder, today signed a contract to play
with Brooklyn and captain the team during
the season of 19u2
Tommy Ryan Wlas.
CHICAGO, Feb. 15. Tommy Ryan waa
given the decision over Buck Bauecholte at
the end of alx rounds tonight. The fight
waa In ths gymnasium of the Chicago
Athletic club. .
Wafceo Bowls the Better.
WAHOO. Neb.. Feb. 16. (Special ) In
their match hers the Wahoo bowling team
defeated Its rival from Fremont. Score,
2.2S2 to 2,168.
tsneatloas and Answers.
OMAHA. Feb. 14.-To the 8portlng Editor
of The Bee: To decide a bet will you decide
whether Wisconsin best Michigan at foot
ball laat season. Fred bets Tom Wisconsin
did beat Michigan.
Answer As ths tesms did not meet last
season It was impossible for Wisconsin to
beat Michigan. Fred losea.
ALDA. Neb., Feb. 15 To the Sporting
Editor of The Be: Please state In The
Sunday Beo whether Frank Jsmes was
ever sent to state's prison, and how was he
valeaaeri. II. H. GRANT.
Answer Frank James was never sent to
Ma aurrendered to Governor Crit
tenden soon after Bob Ford killed Jeass
Jamea In ls2. and was pardoned for his
Missouri offenses. No effort hss been made
to punish him eisewnere.
Sold at Drug
lie Firmly Helive Hypnotism a Publld Benefit. Hns Donated $H.Oi0
Toward the Free Distribution ot the llnndsomely Illustrated nook
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Society and in the Home.
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Dr. X.La Motte Sage made a fortune out
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His methods sre rsdlcslly dlfftrsnt from
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lent Influence without miking a gesture or
saying a alngle word. He gives the only real
prsctlcsl methods for the development or,
the power of Personal Magnetism thst hsve
aver been published. During all the time Dr
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notism upon the human mind. He became
convinced that this mighty, mysterious
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The result Is that the college hss grown talnow successful In life thst ycu csnnot te
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Thousands of successful students In a'1
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cal benefits to be derived from Dr. Page's
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The college which Dr. Ssge hss found'.d
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