Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1902, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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ftsitsrii fmn'i 8ffrraGin Tr.bttt
bj Autciates.
la Respaadlagr te Warm Wenle fraia
Her Cinriira the A4
Worker Clves War
to Tear.
WASHINGTON, Fab. 13. Interest In the
Katlonal Suffrage association meeting to
aey waa heightened by tba fact tkat It
marked the eighty-second b'rttaday of Su
san B. Anthony. She was tba recipient of
many congratulation! and was feelingly re
ferred to In the Invocation by Mlu Laura
da Merrltte. Many floral trtbutea alaa
vera received by her.
Tba following fneessge of greeting from
tba foreign delegate! wae received by her
and read from tba platform:
We. the undersigned, foreign dleg-atea
to the flrat International Woman BulTrage
conference, gladly take the opportunity of
your eighty-second birthday to express to
you our love and reverence, our grati
tude for your life long work for women and
our rejoicing thai you have lived to nee
auch great onward made by thtf
world at large In the direction In which
you led at first under inch prejudice.
Fraying that you may enjoy years of
health, cheered by ever-fresh advance, we
remain your loving friend. Thla waa
algned by Florence Fenwlca. Miller, Eng.
land; Sofia Levorne Frlendland. Russia;
Carolina Holnian Huldobro, Chile, Gudrum
Drewaen. Norway; Vlda Ooldateln, Aus
tralia; Erma Ewald, Sweden; Antoinette
Stolle, Germany.
Blew Flam of Work.
, Mrs. Doyer of Philadelphia presented a
plan of work for the coming year. That
part or It relating to taxation without rep
resentation cauaed considerable dlscus
alon, which developed the fact that in pay
ing the taxes a number of the delegates
Insert In the tax certlftcatea the words
"paid under protest." A suggestion by the
president that all present who were tax
payers ahould rise, brought to their feet
over 200 women.
Other recommendations by the committee
were to appoint a special committee to
double the membership; that clubs seek
qualified women as local organisers and
when auch are found Invite them to assist;
that a national column be published In
tba Woman 'a Journal; that systematic work
be dona to Increase the circulation of
suffrage; that presidential suffrage be
urged and that there be a woman's suffrage
tamp, similar to that used In France;
that prises ba offered for the best esaya on
woman suffrage and "that we continue our
plea for a sixteenth amendment respecting
woman auffrsge."
To Record Baffrace History.
The committee also recommended that a
atata historian be appointed to keep a rec
ord of all information concerning woman
suffrage; that it be recommended that each
local suffrage association establish a circu
lating library of suffrage books. The rec
ommendations were adopted unanimously.
The executive committee offered a resolu
tion, which waa adopted, declaring that
atata not regularly organized along repre
sentation lines or not holding annual meet
ings and elections, be regarded as unor
ganised and open field for national organ
liars. In responding to the addresa of greeting
tf the delegates. Miss Anthony, with tears
la her eyes, referred to her fifty years of
work In the causa of woman suffrage, say
ing she had consecrated her life to it. She
was unable to proceed further On account
of emotion.
Saaatltate for Birthday Present.
Mrs. Catt then announced that It had been
tba Intention to give Miea Anthony a birth
day present, but' knowing her aversion to
attentions of thla kind, she said, it was
proposed to recognise her birthday by hav
ing the members pledge the sum of $5,000
(or carrying on the campaign of woman
suffrage. The delegatea responded with
surprising alac.lty and the announcement
that $5,103 had been subscribed was greeted
with vociferous applause.
The report of the committee on resolu
tions waa then read. The report Is:
1. The National Woman Suffrage associa
tion, at Its first meeting of the twentieth
century, In the capital city of the Vnlted
rtatea, reaffirms the principles of the
eclaratlon of Independence and calls for
the application of those principles In the
case, of women who are taxed without
representation and governed without con
sent. Rejoice In Progress In New fork.
t We rejoice In the granting- of suffrage
during the past year to JuO.uOO women of
the state of New York on questione of
taxation and In the extension of municipal
suffrage to the tax paying women of Nor
way, we recommend that the women tax
payers of every atata appeal to their legis
lators for suffrage-In their own behalf.
I. We rejoice In the granting of equal
guardianship and control of minor children
lo both parents In Connecticut, the matter
of married women's property rights In a
number of states. In the success of the
Methodist women In securing the right to
be members of the general conference. In
the victory of the Chicago women teachers
ever the trusts and corporations of Illinois
Which have evaded taxation.
Protests Regalatloa of Vlee.
4. We protest against the government
regulation of vice In our new possessions
and we urge President Roosevelt, who has
been for years an outapoken opponent of
auch regulations, to put an end to It.
i. It la the sense of thla convention that
no sex distinction rnould be made In re
gard te the franchises In our new possessions.
4. Wa point with satisfaction to our four
equal suffrage states, containing more thin
1 Ouo.OOO American eltlsens. with elcht
vnlted States senators and nine congress
men, whe represent constituencies of
women. The beneflelent experience of
thirty-three years on thuse state confirms
everv hone and refuiee every objection
7. Whereas It Is learned that some of the
department of the government are refus
ing to accept women who are approved by
the civil service commission snd who are
fairly entitled to positl-ins; therefore. Re
ceived, That the attention of the civil serv
ice cnmmliwlnn and all heads of depart
ments be called to this unjust discrimina
tion. t. We affirm that Intelligent suffrage. Ir
respective of sex. Is the watchword of pro
gressive democracy and that the equal co
operation of women and men Is e.eentlal
alike to a happv home, a refined society, a
successful church and a republican ante.
The resolutions were unanimously adopted,
after which the convention took a recess
for luncheon.
England aa4 Her C'eloalee.
Tonight's session waa given op to "An
Evening with England and Her Colonies,"
Introducing Miss Vlda Goldstein of Aus
tralia, who spoke on "The Australian
Woman In rolltlcs." Mrs. Catt said that
while the principles of democracy were
first enunciated In the Vnlted Btatew, Aus
tralia has carried them farthest and
nearest to their logical conclusion. The
reason for this Miss Goldstein explained
In reply wss the prejudice that exists here.
In her country, she said, where the popu
lation wss but 4,000.000, the prejudice bad
been overcome.
The session wss brought to a close with
an address by Florence F. Fenwlck Miller
of Englsnd on the "English Woman In
Politics." Surprising aa It may seem, the
ssld, the women of England have more votes
than those of this country, and they vote
In every election except tor members of
To Carry on Kxteaslvo Operations la
Development of Western
Oil fields.
SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 15. The Post
thla evening says:
Resultant upon extensive operations car
ried on In development work by an ex
ploration ana prospective organisation
formed by Joseph thanslor and C. A. Can
field, of the Chanlir-Canfleld company.
nd A. B. Butler, the largest Interest In
the accumulation and transfer of western
oil properties ever undertaken, has just
been consummated and Is now announced
(or the first time.
By this transaction lus.OOO acres of oil
land In Wyoming. Utah and Colorado, 25.000
acres of which are proven, are turned over
by the exploration concern to the American
Consolidated Oil company, a combine of
syndicates composed of men prominent In
the oil business In Chicago, Omaha snd
California, for the sum of $5,600,000. San
Francisco will he the source of euDPllus
and the corporation has already estab
lished a branch office here.
T. I. Eistk Bsviswi Ismarkafcli Carter
rKttfti Mintrel
Makes Over Halt Mllllea Dollaro aa
MinatreUy, la Wklea He Merer
Scores a Failure la User
ter of Ceatary.
The prevention of consumption I en
tirely a question of commencing the proper
treatment in time. Nothing is so well
adapted to ward off fatal lung troubles at
Foley's Honey and Tar.
by ike
Survivors Remembered
General Government.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. (Special.)-
following western pensions have
Nebraska: Original Marvin F. WeMon.
Wymore, f. Increase, Restoration. Reis
sue, Ktc Michael Felthauser, Nebraska
City, tx; Theodore N. Graham. Sprioxneld,
112: Mosea Blunk. Lincoln. 1T. Original
Widows Sarah Maatln (special aocrued
February 1). Clark. IS.
Iowa Original ueorge w. Russell, tan
Dee Moines. $10. Increase. Restoration,
Reissue. Etc. Simon Keck, Washta, $s
Henry J. Grannls, Randalla, $10; Franc!'-
Kidon. ireion, s; i nanes winsnr,
Brandon. $8: Samuel B. Sloan. Greeley. M;
John M. M. Roberta. Albta, $10; Robert T.
Pray. Bethlehem. $10; Henrv Parkinson,
Washington, $8; Thompson F, Blair, Vinton,
$8; Samuel U Edson, Wall Ike, $8; John
W. Fisher.. lies Moines. IZ4: Btepnen A.
Crawford, Belle Plalne, $10. Original
widow. Ktc Harriet w. r-enningmn
(mother), Qulmby, $12; Nancy B. Haworth
(special accrued February 1). Mtlo, $S:
minora of Peter Anderson, Humboldt. $14;
Dorl Klrtley (Indian wars), Lyon. $8.
South Dakota: increase, Kestoraiion. rte.
Issue. Etc. Isaiah Corbln. Wentworth. 1J.
Renewal Maria Lee (widow). Elk Point,
Fire Inder Jevrlak Chareh.
Shavings In the carpenter shon In the
baaement of 1117 Podge street caught fire at
o clock last night and for a few minutes
burned lively. The department extinguished
the fire In a few minutes. Loss nominal.
The first floor of the building Is a room oc
cupied by a Russian Jewish church named
Hnsm zion. or wnicn M a. zimman is
rabbi. James Blake and W. W. Reed oc
cupy the basement aa a carpenter shop.
Marriage Licenses.
The following marriage licenses have been
Name and Residence. Age.
Peter Nelson, Omaha M
Emily Molln, Omaha 34
Rudolph Carroll. Omaha IS
Edith Nixon, Omaha IS
Railway Notes sal reraoaala.
A. O. Shafer. aaalatant ' engineer of the
Interlocking switch evstem and the block
signals of the Union Pacific, baa returned
from Indiana with a bride.
J. B. Markel. superintendent of the Pa
cific Hotel company, has returned from a
trio of Inspection or tne' eating nouses
along the Union Pacific system.
The Burlington Is offering a rate of one
and a third fare - for the round trln for
the Stockmen's convention at Alliance.
Neb., on February 18, good within a radius
of aeventy-flve mllee.
Aaalatant General Passenger Agent
Buckingham of the Burlington has Just
returned from Denver, and says that the
oil excitement over the discoveries near
Boulder la something fierce, worse than
anything that waa ever seen at Beaumont.
He says there are 100 oil companies at
A vaccination epidemic Is spreading over
Miasnurt Faelllo headquarterx in Oman a.
Yeeterdav morning It waa hard ot find any.
one In the office, as all were besieging the
quarters or the company pnysioisn.
latent General Frelsrht Arent J. O. Phil-
Itnpl started the fad. and Chief Clerk
wlieon. Contracting Agent McCowan, So
liciting Freight Agent Hover and Stenogra
pher Darling had followed suit by noon.
The newt of the death In Chicago Satur
day morning of William H. West, the vet
eran minstrel, doubtless caused more genu
ine regret on the part of the theater-going
public and theatrical people In general from
the Atlantic to the raclfic oceans than that
of any theatrical personsge who has passed
away In recent years. While the death ot
Mr. West waa not unexpected among his
trlenda and admlrere who have- known for
some time that he waa suffering front can
cera mr.lady that waa sure to result fa
tally within a very abort time yet the
news Comes aa a shock to all.
William H. Weat has been before the pub
lic aa aa entertainer for more than a quar
ter ot a century and waa one ot the moat
prominent exponents of the art of min
strelsy this country hts ever had. It would
be hard to estimate the number of people
that be bat furnished entertainment for
during hi career, but It la aafe to aay that
there are few men or women In the coun
try who have been attendants upon places
of amusement any time during the last
twenty-five years who have not enjoyed the
jokes, eonga and variety "stunts" furnlshsd
by Mr. Weat and his company. In the world
of minstrelsy he waa an originator, never
Imitating cr copying anybody. Not only
were his performances and Ideaa praise
worthy for their merit as novelties, but for
their artlatlo worth as well.
Discoverer of Ballad Slagrera.
He waa particularly noted for discovering
and bringing out male ballad singers. It
waa he who first discovered Raymond Moore,
the famous tenor, who waa found working
aa a clerk la a email eastern town. Later
he found Rlohard Jose working In a black
smith shop tn California, from which ha
took him to join his company and to later
develop Into one of the greatest contra-
tenors this country has ever known. Num
eroua other well known vocalists are In
debted to Mr. West for their prominence In
the theatrical and musical world.
Mr. West's company played Its annual
engagement In this city early in the sea
son. Mr. West had been with It, appear
ing regularly at every performance In hts
ususl capacity of Interlocutor, until Just be
fore reaching Omaha he waa forced through
Illness to leave It, going on to San Fran
Cisco,- where be underwent an operation. He
recovered sufficiently a few weeks ago to
go to Chicago.
Mclntyre and Heath, the well known mln
strsls who have been appearing at the
Orpbeum during the last week, were for
some years associated In a business ss well
as professional way with Mr. West, and
both knew him Intimately.
Mr. Heath's Trlbate.
When seen at the theater after the mat
Inee Saturday Mr. Heath aald: "I have
just heard the news of poor Billy's death,
and while I rather expected It, It Is a blow
to me. Mr. Mclntyre and myself formed a
partnership In the amusement business at
about the same time Billy Weat and George
Primrose started out together as a song
and dance team. We are all about the
same age. Aa I remember West's telling me
he started his career as a clog dancer In a
dime museum back tn 1872. I first met htm
when he waa with Haverly's mlnstrela
along In 1878. At that time Milt Barlow.
the two Georges Primrose and Wilson
and Billy West were the principal comedi
ans and dancers of the Haverly aggrega
"It waa during this tour that the tnoet
successful combination of minstrelsy ever
known waa formed by a man named Mann
He organised a company headed by and
known aa the Barlow, Wilson, Primrose
A West Mastodon minstrels and opened an
engagement la Philadelphia with them the
next year. They played one season In the
southeast and tn 1179 went to San Fran
cisco, opening the eeaaon there and atart
Ing on a tour across Use country, receiving
an ovation at every place tn which they
appeared and besides packing the different
theaters to the doors, they actually turned
people away at every performance. They
did this remarkable business In every city
they visited on this tour with ths excep
tion ot Omaha. I remember it well, for It
waa here that Mclntyre and I met them
that season.
Clroae Reals Mlastrel Show.
"We were doing a black face song snd
dance act in ths concert of Anderson's clr
cus. Ths West aggregation was billed to
give two performances . on this particular
day at the old Academy of Muslo, while our
show ws- tented a few squares away. The
circus, as It alwaya did la those days and
has ever sine,, draw the people snd ths
minstrel show waa given to very small au
diences. Thla combination was, I believe.
the greatest minstrel organisation ever put
together In thla country and it toured sue
eeasfully for several seasons. Barlow and
Wilson aevered their connection with the
combination along early in ths '80s and
George Thatcher waa taken In. After this
It was called Thatcher, Primrose 4b Weat'
"In 1881 West married Fay Templeton, the
well known act rasa. They lived together
only about twenty-four hours, and 1 do not
believe that even West's most Intimate
friends ever knew the real cause of ths
separation. Certainly hs never told It and
I don't believe that she did cither. Mr.
West then made a tour around the world
with Oeorge Primrose aa his only partner.
On the steamer going ever to Europe he
met and fell In love with the daughter of
our minister to Turkey, I don't remember
her name. Later he married her and they
lived happily together until she died, which
waa, I think, less than two years after they
were married. His third and last marriage
waa to one of the Hanley sisters, who for
many years had prominent parts In alt of
the Casino productions. I believe his last
wife survives him.
Maaaara Mclntyre A Heath.
"In 188T Mr. Thatcher and Mr. West or-
gsalzed a minstrel company separate from
the one that bore their name, placing Mr.
Mclntyre and myself at Its head and calling
It the Mclntyre t Heath minstrels. We
toured the south and west and not only
made a great deal of money for ourselves.
but for our managers as well.
"It has never been my good fortune to do
business with a more honorable or upright
man than was Billy West. He was generous
to a degree, always redy snd willing to
give HbeniHy to say worthy chsrlty snd
ever ready to help a friend In need. He
was a shrewd business man and during his
lifetime accumulated a fortune which. I be
lieve, will reach three-quarters of a million
dollars or more. Of course, some of this
he Inherited from his second wife, who wss
very wealthy, but the greater part of It
waa the direct result of hi own thrift and
business ability. He invested his flrat largo
profits from the minstrel business In flats
and other properties In Chicago, and later
made extensive real estate purchases In
Philadelphia, New York and Brooklyn. His
home at Benaonhurst, a suburb of New
Tork, cost close to $100,000 and was, dur
ing the summer season, the rendeivous of
many members of the profession who were
numbered amongst the innumerable friends
of this whole-souled fellow. West wss
prominent In Masonic' circles, ss well as
being a member of the Brooklyn lodge of
Elks. I considered him a man among men
and one of whom too many good things
could not be said."
I Why did YOU quit Coffee?
W. R. Bennett Company
Lace Curtains
Tlilrd Floor
We must soil out our entire tttock of Cur
tains before moving to our new building at
prices lower than ever.
Monday and Tuesday We Offer
300 pairs of the finest Lace Curtains in our stork
some worth up to $6 a pair all Q Of)
clean, desirable goods, sale price. . . . stsiwU
Tine Nottingham Curtains 3J yds. long, all the
newest effects, worth $4 a pair, Q OR
sale price, per pair fcistU
1 lot of odd and sample Curtains, some slightly
soiled, worth $3.50 a pair, sule ilQf
price, each "Ulf
For Monday and Tuesday Selling
Carpet Department
Third Floor
Now is the lime to buy Carpets. We are
closing out our entire stock of Velvet, Tapestry
Hrussel and Ingrain Carpets nt less than cost.
Best quality of Velvet carpet in nil the new de
signs and colors, with or without HRp
border, worth $1.15, sale price, yard. . .Uwll
Extra heavy Tapestry Brussels in bright cheer
ful colors and patterns one of the best wear
ing carpets made regular price 90c, n
sale price wWM
The best nil wool Ingrain made, strictly fast
colors, a good assortment to select CCa
from, regular price 70c, sale price, ydUU
Crockery Dept. in Annex Basement specuutor Monday and Tuesday
Wash Bowl and Pitcher,
Odd Wash Bowls,
Set of 6 Dinner Dates,
A set ot each
ENOUBH GREEN and Gold Decoration
under glaze ware, set of 6.
Tea Cups and Saucers
Which is about H value for this high
grade Pottery. See the line snd Judge for
Nut Bowls, Fruit Bowls. Celery Trays, for this sale, only
Sugar Bowls, Creamers, Celery
Boquet Holders, Pickle Jars,
Dishes, Oil Cruets all new and
brilliant, your choice
10 c
Traveller Ms Ftad Sfaay Attractions
Here aa Their Day
of Rest.
"Omaha Is getting to be one of the best
Sunday towns In the country, remarked
U A. Caddlngton at one of the hotels last
night. "I used to come here on Sundays
and would actually get lonesome because
there was no one around the hotela. There
were rooms to let in every hotel tn the
city. Since I have been sitting here to
night three or four men have been turned
away because there were no rooms for
them. One of the men aald he had been
to twt hotels before coming here. Omaha
is a good place for traveling men to spend
Sundays and you bet whenever we are tn
reach of the town, we always come In. The
art gallery Is one thing that attracts me.
I love art and every Sunday that I can
I come to Omaha, and It you want to see
me In tne afternoons, you will And tne
right over at Ltntnger's. Others rome for
the theaters and others because they like
the town and are well treated here."
The clerks at the different hotels bear
out Mr. Caddlngton's statement. For aev.
eral weeks all the hotels have had an un
precedented run ot business. At one hotel
It was said that ths business at the pres.
ent time is better than It had been dur
ing ths exposition.
Rey. Jenkins and fsmllv have entered
their new home on the corner of Flftv-
8 rut and California streets. ,
The Hound 'Dosen club met on Wednes
day with Mrs. G. W. Marshall and en
joyed a very pleasant afternoon.
Mrs. Plndall of Hannibal. Mo., who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. R.
Rush, returned home on Saturday.
The Dundee Woman s club will meet
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. B. Car
mlchael. Mrs. W. L. Selby will lead.
Mrs. P. J. Barr will entertain the
half of the mothers' and daughters' or
ganisation of Dundee on Saturday after
noon. A meeting wna held at the school house
on Friday evening for the purpose of dis
cussing plans for the new school bulldlnrr
to be erected on the site recently purchased
west of Dundee.
The Dundee Woman's club gave a valen
tine party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Barr tlday evening. In which the hus
bands participated. Prixea were awarded
Mrs. W. L. Selby snd Mr. K. V. Heaford
tor the most attractive valentines nhown.
Dainty refreshments In heart shapes were
Clearing Out Sale of
Jewelry Bargain Annex
Fine black and
imitation marble
Mantel Clocks
various styles, all
8 day, Cathedral
gong, half bour
strike, reliable
makes guaran
teed by us worth
--iwVate- J.avV.w.'f
--"""'" ''s.A
$5.75, ?G.50, ?7.30, f 8.C0 to close
Sterling Plate Bracelets
Engraved links with padlock and key,
worth 35c, only
Teaspoons .
Crockery Division, Bargain Square "Kf
Special for Monday and Tuesday.
GREAT SALE OF PLATES Decorated closing lines of Dinner, Breakfast, Tea and Pie
sizes value not considered your choice for ,
DECORATED SIIADE and GLOBE LAMPS, clearing price .Kgr
It probably cornea to every thoughtful
peraoa at times that there are plenty of
aomsion. mediocre people, and that if one
deteimlaea to, he or she ran press to the
front, pass the crowd, snd win position,
isms and gold. It Is largely a matter of
determination and health. Many
tennlned character with brilliant posa.blll
tlea la held back by 111 healths Soma find
that bright, keen thoughts refuse 10 come
te their brains, and wonder why.
The kind of bra La work 'that makes suc
cessful preteestoaal men makea heavy
draugbta oa the filling of the minute nerve
-cells of the body, aald tiling being com
,yosd el a (reyUh sort of material ahlch
must be replsced dsy by day, or the brain
and other parts ot ths body wtU sot act
Coffee Is a bidden but powerful enemy
to one's progress In life. Its subtle,
narcotic oolaon weakens heart, interferes
a de- with digestion and has a definite and de
structive effect on the nervous system.
People who are content to load themselves
with Impediments to progress, who refuse
to supply body with food snd drink of ths
kind needed to make up for the daily dis
integration of nerve and tissue, must stand
aside In the race for pre-eminence.
The ones whe are properly U4. will
surely via the laurel.
Postum Food Coffee furnishes the gluten
and phosphates ot grain needed by Nature
to nourish brain and nerves with food. It
does not narcotise and tear down. It la
frequently misjudged oa first trial, because
of Improper preparation, but It will be
found to be most delicious beverage It,
after boiling commences. It be allowed to
continue boiling for IS minutes. This Is
nsceasary te extract the food value and
There are those who are entirely rare
leas as te what goee into the stomach, but
the one whe would make all his movements
tend towards health aad possible greatness.
cannot afford to risk adulterated food or
dilfi cr svsn coBss. ,
ti. N. Wsrllr waa a business visitor In
Tekamah Wednesday morning.
Miss Prudence Tracy visited relatives In
Omaha Sunday and Sunday night.
Mrs. J. 8. and Mrs. Axel Paul were shop
ping in Omaha Wednesday atternoon.
Henry Anderson and August Prochnow
went to Blair Saturday morning to attend
to some business.
Mr. and Mrs. Hmll Weber, who have been
spending several weeks here visiting rela
tives and friends, returned to their home
at Wayne, Neb., Saturday.
Fror. Oordon of the publlo schools rave a
dance at the town hall rluay night for
the benefit of the achool library. The net
proceeds were t'-D, which will be used to
buy books.
A number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Anderson surprised litem at their
home on Main street Tuesday nlg-ht. Oames
were played, including proareuslve hlnh
five. Dancing was also Indulged in and re
freshments were served.
Kev. Francis 8. White of Omaha preached
hla last sermon at St. Mark's Episcopal
church here last Sunday. He has been aa
slgned, in addition to his duties as pastor of
St. Andrew's church at Omaha, to hold
services at the Clarkson husultai. Mr.
Smith of St. John's Episcopal clergy house
has been assigned to St. Mark's church
hers and will conduct services aa usual.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
8herwood Uulnn last Monday.
The school children were allowed to have
valentine boxes in the scnool rooms Frl
The staff of Benson teachers was granted
the opportunity of visiting among the city
schools Tuesday.
Mrs. John Siwedv. who had arent several
days at Uretna, Neb., with relatives, re
turned laal Tuesday.
The Benson town hall has been supplied
with electric fooiliahts on the stare. In ad
dition to those throughout the building.
The anniversary of Lincoln s birthday
was observed in the village by nag-raiding
and appropriate exercises in me scnoois.
Mn William It. Tlndell. who has been
conllned to nor room for the last two weeks
with a bad attack of tbroat trouble, la im-
Ous Williams Is the new proprietor of the
business formerly known as c . uoason i
enteral store. Mr. Williams took poases
sion last Thursday.
Numirous repairs have been made at the
Benson Methodlet Episcopal church. The
church cellar has been enlarged and
lighted. New doors have been put in and
alao new window Hants.
Servlcea will be held at the Benson
Methodist Episcopal church at 11 o clock
nd will ba conducted bv the castor. Kev.
A A. L.uce. A meeting of the official board
will be held for the purpose of electing
Sabbath school omcers.
The electric llahts recently put In In Ben
iab ware first used last Monday night. The
Benson Improvement club met Ihu same
evening to consider the question of con
structing a city water avsteni. The ex
pense was found to be too heavy and no
definite action was taken.
The Benson Literary society, last Friday
evening at the town hail, gave a program
. wil Ailed house. Some of the num
bers were: Instrumental music, Mlaa O Con
nor and Miss Witty; vocal solo, Mlvs Ed
Una. and gramophone selections by Wsrd
Walh. A farce waa played by the young
people. The rejular debate was held over
for next week. The subject will be. "Should
n educational test or a property teet
nualtfy a voter?" The Waders are Arthur
Thomas and Harry r oju
Collar Buttons j)
Cold plated wlfh celluloid back,
only lc each, or 12 for
Rogers' "Al'' Sugar Spoons, warranted
quality, worth 25c, sale price
Woodenware Specials
in Annex Bargain Room
You will find a nice line of useful articles in
Woodenware at special low prices.
Towel Roller with iron brackets, only gg
Wood Coat Hangers, only fa
2 compartment Knife Boxes, each Qg
Towel Rack, 3 arms, only , . . . . gg
A 6-hook Hat and Coat Rack, each 7g
Wooden Spoons, each Ag
Fancy Willow Lunch Baskets, choice 25C
A complete line of Wood and Willow Ware
to be found in Anuex Basement at the lowest
W. R. Bennett Company,
15th and Capitol Avenue.
rLrW ' rs LHaiv M. LaXamp, lA
ffa2 I, ) I Swcrtta7 aad Trsssursr sf the Kansas City Lodga, I I
Mtrn 8t',
I ILVV women get sufficient rat. The .cm i young thil- I'f 'f. gSSSfQ-! S :: H I
I F I dren. the duties of their tomes .si in many earn the fi'jXi:2 ' ff
II I Wemanil. mada nnon them ot modern soeiety keep Uiem ItM T. s4rL.(7 ""if H':rllaT
1EW women get sufficient t'mi. The car young thil-
dren, the duties or weir i own ci ia mmj ra me
demands made upon them by modern society keep them
hnnra after they should be in bed. This con
stant atraininjr of the nerves is killing hundreds of thousands of
women. One of the first results is that the delicate menstrua!
function is upset. This terrible drain is sapping their lives irear
ina away the nerve tissues that sleep cannot replace.
Mrs. Lillian M. LaCamp, No. 215 East Fourteenth Street,
Kansas City, Mo., is the secretary and treasurer of the Kansas
City lodge of the Order of Eastern Star, which is composed of the
wives and daughters of Masons. Her position is one of great
trust, for in her keeping are the secrets of the order and the
money which the members pay for its support. Her word carries
great weight with everyone who knows her. In writing this
testimonial she is in line with her daily duties helping those who
are in need. When she can toll them pf a great remedy like Wine
of Cardui, who have a better claim on her time and consideration
than the hundreds of thousands of her suffering sitrs? Mrs.
LaCamp says this for Wine of Cardui :
"McElrtc's Wias I Csrdul Is carUlaly a boon te won eut snd tlrta
wemea. I have never snow a a medicine that would so quickly snd
permanently restore a woman suffering with ths many dlusjcs peculiar
to her sex. I Havs tried It myself snd know whereof I speak and I havs
rccemmcaded N te dazsns el mothers, tunering with scanty, profu$ aad
painful mcmtruation, kidney or liver trouble, snd I have ytt to know of
a case which was net greatly Improved by Its si. Btcsus of this I
am pleased te snderss fi. lesllag assured that tt will not disappoint any."
Mrs. LaCamp is positive that Wine of Cardui will give relief
to weak and suffering women and she does not hesitate to say so
in strong terms of commendation. And she hopes that thousands
of women will take Wine of Card n I t etaui'. she has brought it
to their attention today. It is a fact that r woman cannot at
tend to the exacting duties imposed on her without taking
some medicine to repulate the menstrual periods. Irregulari
ties of the menses grow worse unless properly treated. The
flow may become scanty or profuse. In the former case the
entire system is poisoned by the refuse which cannot escape.
Profuse menses or flooding drain the body of its strength.
Wine of Cardui when taken by a woman whose health is
injured by the strain of too much work, will strengthen her for
her tasks. It will stop the weakening discharges which waste
the vitality and undermine the constitution. This is an im
portatit message to every suffering woman. It shows how she
can secure relief in the privacy ot her home.
If advice is needed for your case write a letter to the
Ladies' AdvisorVDepartment, The Chattanooga Medicine Co.,
Chattanooga, Tenn., and advice will be given you free of
Hotel Bell Boy harrowli- Escapee
Fatal Accident aa ftls
teeata Street.
James Poe, seed IS, a bellboy at the Her
Grand hotel, was struck by a motor car
la front of tha hotel at 80 O'clock last
night and narrowly eecaped loelng his Ufa.
The lad had been aent to the annex, snd
ban returning miscalculated hla chance
to cross the track ahead of the car. He
received a severe blow In the left breast
and a acalp wound. No bones were broken,
and Dr. B. M Riley, who examined the
boy after he was csrried Into ths Her
Oraod dni( store, said the Injuries srs
not serluus.
Joseph Astleford at This City Meets
eaddea Drath la Sarpy
Joeeph Astleford, aged IS years, wss
killed by being struck by ths limb of a tres
which be and hla eon had just cut down
on a farm near Oil more, Sarpy county,
Friday morning. Mr. Astleford lived at
425 Martha street, Omaha.
THORPE Mrs. Mary J., aged 48, Feb
ruary 15. r"i at Clarkaun huaillal, wife
of Rowland Thorp.
Funeral services at family realdenee. 1W3
South Eleventh street, i p. ni. Monday.
Friends invited. Interment at Exeter, Neb.
irritailopft' or a!w,Hnj
r.i ii.ii Bevbraaae
,mu ' ' raiaUw. s4 ao4 m1
U.sCtsi08. S or Huoe.
bian,s.rJ V r-awi.:a
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May 4 kaamUenJ C