THE OMAHA DAILY TW.Et SUNDAY, FCBRUAHY 10. 1002. Tel til. 91 & Two Silk Specials We are offering IMavk Peau tie Hole, As Special 3s o. Black Teau dc Soie, , less than $1.73, but for this special they go at f 1.27. .We urge that you ask to see these popular black silks, as we know you will be surprised at the values we are offering. If yoil-oannot visit ow store in person send for samples. "Thompson, Beldeh &Co. V. H. . a. cu.ernw a, i SCHLEY CASE IN W HITE HOUSE Wjjl HnHs DiioiiseJ to Detail it Preil dent'a Eeriew. CONGRESSMEN COUNSEL WITH EXECUTIVE Sneaker Henderson Assarea President that Action I ilitinblt to PreeW teat's Dee l Ion Can D , .Blocked la Hoau. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. An Important conference was held lu the cabinet room Of the White house today. At the presl dent' request he was joined there shortly after 10 o'clock by Senators Allison, Aid rich and Spooner, Speaker Henderson and Representatives Cannon and Grojvenor and the conference lasted until a tew minutes after noon. It Is something of a coincidence that those' 'at 'the conterence' today were, with the ticeptlon of the president and Sena tor Bpooner, the same men who took part la the famous conference a few weeks prior to the' Spanish war, which resulted In the definite conclusion that congress should appropriate $50,000,000, to be placed at the disposal of the president to prepare for war. Not since that momentous occasion until today bare the same iun been 1 formally summoned for a conference at the White Htruee. v Previous to the conference the president breakfasted al the White House with' At torney General Knox, Postmaster General Payne and Senator Hanna. When the con ference broke up those who participated In It were unusually iretlcent. - The fact. that the senators are members of the steering committee of the serial e and Speaker Henderson and bis. two lieu tenants who were present today practically control legislation in the house, gave res tthe ballot that the consultation referred to the legislative progiam In congress and might have a bearing upon the shaping of Cuban, Philippine and war revenue re peal legislation. There also was an Intimation that' the president talked with his hearty leaders In congresa about the Schley case and color was given to this surmise by a remark dropped -by one of the senators. But noth ing definite as to. the purpose or. result of the consultation could bs oUalnad. ilL-Waya ml Means Tariff Case. WASHINGTON,' Fetf IS. The Tost tomor- row will say concerning the- conference of j the president with republican leaders of the house and senate at the White House (hat the chief, topic was the ways and means j smmtttae'B l!t'!oi Chi reduction if war venuefteW Tne .'Post Wftr v say "h'it; Speaker Henderson' "and " "ftep'resentattvs OrosVenrfr eplatne'd the' reason for pushing thCt' 'measure through ' the' house' without permitting amendment, the reason vbelpg that they feared the reopening of the whole tariff question should any other course be adopted. 'The Post further will say: ' "The conference, It' Is understood, resulted In Jhe president consenting to the plans of that. house leaders and informing them that he. desired to have the war revenues reduc tlon' bill' disposed of as quickly as possible. He, shared the belief with the speaker and Mr. Groevenor . that delay. . .was menacing to the chances of the bill passing. i'"lt was decided that a conference of the republican 'membera of the 'committee on way and means should be held Immediately after the war revenue bill passes the house tor the purpose of ascertaining how- the. Members stood on the president's proposi tion tor a reduction in the tariff on Cuban auger,: 'It was agreed, that this should be the hjwtt Important question taken up la the house.". j n - Dlseass Schley Case. tTh :JPfiH' ). alv say : Ths Schley case waa also under discus sion at' the conference, ..the president being anxious n that- I disposition of the esse should not be followed by action in con grjjss.." Speaker Headersop. was. able euret tha prrel dent: rhat- legislation could be blocked In the house, 'but It "was pointed out to htm, by the senators that the situa tion In the a 6 ate was different, the more liberal rules of that body allowing any rselutcn,u he- considered if Jt commanded a niajortty vote. '. ., ''TheV'b'ritdent'f'vlewei regarding the Schley case became generally known last ntght asnhe resultof he conference. "It l . ssldfOr&Chi win' not undertalts to dls cuss in his review, any of the events that ortyrse'd prior to the' battle 'pf Santiago, on the "grputfd that 'If Behley'g, conduct was . reprehensible it was condoned by the Navy iejiartitient? arid PresldVnt WcKlhley when bleir'i fcromdtlori was recommended. '""As- -for' the fiattle of Santiago the -presl. dfW te Inclined to-;tne' opinion", according t6 '61s visitors, that the victory was won by all'the captains, and that the credit Hlflnot' be given eirfuslVely to Schley, al though Jhe latter' acted courageously, and whh.' Oregon; succeeded- In preventing the Seapo of Colon. . , ' .' a'' i ' ' I ' ' Make Your. Back YOUR 'i . . at -XV ::: - ' ' S'"'Aju lessen all your'euergles, go tbat you lo not feel lik'e doing much of anything, when they . fail to perform their functions as they should T;7 wben they.'a re weak," torpid or stagnant. ' Hood's Sarsaparilla actso kli- . - ... - neys directly and V. " ; peculiarly,' gives theuv vigor... and tone, and is positively unequaled " fot all their- ordinary ailments; s . It contains the best and safest substances. .'. . :- -e .. a i - . . , i - .: --"I was la very poor health and had kM- vwf f J. g-, . It 'T iuuuie. I uau rnau a inu oral nooui . UCt, IIOOQ Sv-Hood Sarsaparllla and decided to give It TodflV trial. , lv ha done wondera for me, and jnsde me a Barrows, Hood's Sarsaparllla promises Bee. Feb. It. 1901. as special o. 1 A beautiful well worth ?1.25, at 98c. 2 We are offering n beautiful well worth $1.23, at fWc. AMP VeiLA4 FILIPINOS NOT GOOD JURORS Long Aceastomed to t'orrnpt Coeirta They Have Aeqatrd the Habit. f WASHINGTON. Feb. lS-Jhe hearing of Governor Tatt on the Philippines question by tbo senate committee on the Philippines began today with a, series ot questions by Senator Patterson In regsrd to the fitness of Filipinos for jury duty. Mr. Patterson asked whether the ' native population on which-the voting franchise Is bestowed could not be trusted to do Jury duty. The governor replied In the negative, saying they are so ui-d to corruption In the admin istration of Justice that (hey could" hot be trusted. "They need to be trained," he said, "to have examples; they are not yet ready for Jury duty." Referring to the code of procedure In the Islands, Governor Taft aald in reply 'to a question by. Senator Culberson that It is an American code rather than a Spanish code. Under the Spanish regime, said Gov ernor Taft. the courts were not only slug gish, but notoriously corrupt, and that the first courts established by General Otis were no better. Under Spanish rule there was a substantial denial of Justice. Referring to the petition nf the federal party Governor Taft said all the cases of Imprisonment referred to there were for military rod not civil offenses. Practically there are no civil prosecutions for political offenses at this time. Governor Taft said that tbo original draft of the federal party platform had been submitted to the com mission and that tha.-4eclaratlon tor state hood was then -mora explicit' than waa ultimately adopted. "My recollection." he said, "Is that we said to the representatives of the party that this , must be far In the future and that we could make no promises one way or the otbor" , .. ..' "Is not the commission responsible for the formation of the federal party?" asked Senator Dubois. "No. sir; It waa not.'V Governor Taft responded. He gave the names of several prominent Flllplnoa who had assisted In the organisation. They had, be aald, con sulted the members of the commission and the latter had encouraged the formation as far as possible because the party-was for peace. The promise of statehood had been no prominent part of the missionary work of the leaders. FAVORS THE NICARAGUA ROUTE Railroad Constructor Says. Labor Is ' Readily secured and Health Conditions Are Better. WASHINGTON.. Fteb. 16. C. P. TrW a railroad contractor, waa before the commit tee on Interoceanlc' canals today and gave Information he had'acq'utrad while building ten miles of railroad la Nicaragua, He es timated the cost of, building a railroad to Nicaragua lake at (715,000 a mile. He aald there was no trouble about aecurlng labor In Nicaragua, aa there were no unlopa to Interfere or cause strikes. Mr. Treat. aTb-i said the health conditions of Nicaragua were better than Panama. CONFIRMS PAYMENT OF RANSOM State Department Receives Cable Ad vice Reajardlns; Mosey for . Mlsa Stone'a Release. WASHINGTON, Feb. IS. The State - de partment has received cable advices con firming the -report that the ransom' mont, for Miss Stone has been paid to the brigand captora. It Is not known when her release will occur, but it m understood that the brigands have made a condition that they shall have a period of a week or tea daya in which to make sura tbelr safety in re treat before the prlaonar la delivered up. Nominations by the President. WASHINGTON. Feb. 15.-The presjdent today aent these nominations to the senate: Alpheus P. Hanson, surveyor general, Wyoming, reappointed. Army Captain cavalry. First Lieutenant Leroy Kltings, Sixth cavalry. First llnutenants of artillery, O. G. Bun ker, Minnesota; Hiram E. Mitchell at large; Leonard T. Waldron, New York; Phillip Yost, Ohio. Second lieutenants of cavalry, Edgard N. Coffey, Mississippi; Raymond S. Jbnslow. Kansas. . Second lieutenants of artillery, Leroy C. Bunker, California; John B. W. Corey, Mln. nesota; William, a?. Oesebre, Wisconsin: Kulph EL Herring, Minnesota; John Fhll seck. New Hampshire; Rex Van Uencorpul, CJorgla; l.aurla L. Lawson, at- largo; Joseph K. Myers, at large. Second lieutenants of Infantry, Louis B Chandler, at large; Martin Novak, at large; Sidney Smith, Louislttna; John W. Ward Arkansas; S. P. Herrun, aerueant, Eight eenth Infantry; O. H. Michaels, Klghth In fantry; Jam W. Everlnatnn, Minnesota: Andrew J. Lindsey, Missouri; Walter C Short, Illinois dwln Thompson, at large. Assistant aurgeons,' with rank of captain, Herbert McCouatby, Kentucky; James H. M-ad, Michigan. Navy Lieutenant Commander Henry Mo Crea. commander; W. K. Orltfin. Michigan, asnlstant surgeon, with rank of lieutenant (Junior grade). ., SIDNEYS Ache aew woman.' Mrs. Frances e Roasvllle, Kan. to cure and keeps the promise. IRELAND CONDEMNS ANARCHY Wule Imtad Coinitatiei if Neermrv te lapirm Crime. OFFERS THREE PLANS tt LEGISLATION Is Afplaaded la Hla Virile Denuncia tion of 'Enemies . of Liberty," Whom He Woald Kirlnde from Country. CHICAGO, Feb. 15. In the name of liberty Itself Archbishop Ireland ot St. Paul to night demanded the passage of federal laws for the suppression of anarchism, the enemy of liberty. Speaking at the monthly dinner of the Merchant's club the archbishop specified three kinds of legislation to this end, each of which be regarded as essential to the welfare of the country. By the first an archist immigration must be excluded; by the second the lire of the chief executive must be effectually protected; by the third the formation 'of plots on American ' soil against the lives of foreign rulers must be prohibited and in case congress has no au thority for such legislation the archbishop saw his way forward unhesitatingly. "Let the constitution be so amended that this authority be allowed it beyond a doubt," ho said.-. "The matter Is of sufficient seri ousness to wsrrant the proposal of an amendment to the constitution." Of the so-called philosophical anarchist Archbishop Ireland bad no good to speak, and he received a round of applause when he said: "As It Is men who dress up such theories In florid language and cover them with the respectability of a respectful name do Im mense harm and should receive the scorn and contempt of right-thinking men." The subject assigned to Archbishop Ire land was "The Limitations of Liberty." PRINCE BEGINS TRIP (Continued from First Page.) ynrd to do the work, convinced that the Americans build the best tbat marine architecture commands. His majesty, free from Jealousy, admires American ingenuity, and as proof has placed the order. He has sent bis brother to witness the launching, and this unreserved action la a compliment to the Americans and the emperor alike. The prince has no political business in view, -but regards It as Important thst two racially related nations, who have no politico to fight out anywhere in the world, but on the con trary have manifold attachments, should be drawn nearer together in mutual confi dence and respect. Emperor William has ordered that a brief report of the visit be cabled to blm daily. He has also ordered Prince Henry to write a detailed . report of his experiences and observations during the trip. Prince Henry will train the report during his voyage and will deliver it to the emperor upon his return. Sends Apolosr to Dewey. WASHINGTON, Feb. 15. The Associated Press today received from 'authentic Sources a statement regarding the report that Prince, Heury bad written a letter of apology to Admiral Dewey. The Informa tion which follows waa not received from Admiral Dewey himself, but an intimate fj-land. of his,' .and can be absolutely vouched for: , , . Tha admiral has , recently received a letter from a member of the United Statea embassy at ' Berllp, la which the writer g;ave a - resume of k' conversation he had had -with 'Prince Henry of Pruasfa at the dinner given the . Jitter by Ambaasador White prior to the prlnce'a departure for Amer)oe. .; : ... In conversation the prince, referring to his having .hoped to return from the east via Sao Francisco after bis service In the China squadron, but having been obliged to hasten borne via Sues on account of his mother's Illness, In bis usual candid man ner and agreeing with a remark tbat the present was a much more opportune time for his visit, said: , I know you Americans feel very sore about affalra In the east and I do not blame you. I myself made a mistake which 1 eee Is now being exploited by the English presb to create a prejudice. When at Hong Kong at a dinner on Deutsch land (the prince's flagship in the east) Commodore Dewey was present .and was the senior ofljeer. There were two Russians and Kngllxh and omefra of other nations when I proposed the health of. first, the czar of Kussla, then others, and last of all that of the president of twe United States. Dewey waa offended as I learned the next day and 1 realised I had made a great mistake. I Immediately went on board Olympla and saw jJewey, wno ac cepted my apology most graciously. The prince added that he was well aware that mistakes bad' been made on their part, but that bis relations with Admiral Dewey had alwaya been of the most agreeable and pleasant character. He aent hla highest re garda to the admiral and expressed his sin cere hope ot seeing bint during hla vlslt Rostte of Prince's Train. PITTSBURO. Feb. 15.' The following Is the schedule and route of Prince Henry's special train rom Pittsburg' to St. Louis: Arrlvo In Pittsburg over the Pennsylvania road March l'at 11:20 a. tn. eastern time; leave at 10:80 central time; arrive at Den nlson at 1:10 p. m., leave at 1:11 p. m.; ar rive at Columbus at 4:20 p. m., leave at 4:30; arrive at Cincinnati at 8 p. m., leave at 8:30 for Chattanooga via Queen aV Cres cent; arrive at Chattanooga Sunday at T a. m., 'leave for Louisville over Louisville aV Nashville at. 7.25 a. m.; arrive at Louis ville at 7:45 p. m., leave for Indianapolis via Pennsylvania lines at 7:55 p. m.; arrive St Indianapolis at 11:05 p. m., leave at 11:25 p. m.; arrive at hi. pouts Monday it i t m., leave SL Lous at 11 a. m. for Chicago. ENTERTAIN, GERMAN' ADMIRAL Americans Show Count Ton Bandlssln Over Some of the Larger hloa. NEW ' YORK, Feb. 15. Rear Admiral Count von Baudissln, commanding the Ger man Imperial yr.cht Hohenxollern, left Ho hoken on the government tug Narkeeta to day,' accompanied by Commander Clifford West, aide to Admiral Barker. They first visited the battleship Illinois, on whose deck Admiral von Baudissln waa received by Admiral Evans. A salute ot thirteen guns was fired as the foreign visitor boarded the American battleship. . Admiral von Baudissln manifested par ticular Interest In the big guns of Illinois. The officers of the ship called attention to Olympla, lying close L,, ,nd the Ger man commander looked with Interest at the fisgshlp of the battle of Manila bay. W bea the admiral left the warship a part ing eaiuu ot thirteen guns-waa Bred. There will be religious aervlce for the crew of . Hoheniollsrn tomorrow morning. In the evening Consul General Buena will entertain Admiral von Baudissln and a party of hla officers at dinner.- Colonist Season Rates. CI1ICAOO. Feb. 15. Transcontinental roads today announced low colonist secOnd class rate tickets to be sold every day dur ing March and April for California com mon points aa follows: From Chicago, fit; St. Louis. 30; New Orleans, 130; Missouri river points.' tii. , KANSAS CITY MAN INDICTED Former Banker of the Missouri Tow C tiarsed with Bribery la I. I.onls. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 15. Robert M. Sayder of New York baa been Indicted' for bribery by the February grand Jury which la in vestigating the municipal franchise scan dals and this afternoon a bench warrant was issued for his arrest and turned over to Sheriff Dlckman to aerve. R. M. Snyder Is ths promoter who pushed the Central Traction bill through the mu nicipal assembly. Mr. Snyder la promi nent both socially and In a business way In Kansas City and is well known In St. Louis, Chicago and New York financially. George Snyder, his brother and until re cently cashier of the City National bank ot ' Kansas City, said this afternoon that he had not sen R. M.' Snyder for sevsral days and did not know where he Is. "I think he le In New Tork City," aald be, "but am net certain." "How did bis name become associated with the St. Louis scandal " was asked. "I do not know," replied Mr'.' Snyder. "I don't care to say anything about the matter at all." R. M. Snyder has beea Interested In financial affairs in Kansas City for several years. He was the principal promoter and president ot the Missouri Oas company whose advent was the cause of Kansas City securing dollar gas. previous to he was president of the Mecbenlcs' Savings bank, a atate institution that has-gone out of existence. KANSAS CITY, Feb. IS. Robert M. Sny der left for New York City Tuesday last and Is expected home some time next week. Inquiry at his home failed to elicit bis address In the east. : HEAVY SNOW STOPS TRAFFIC Ten-Inch Fall In North Carolina Ties t p Railroads and Street Cars. AKHKVILLE, N. Q., Feb. 15. Ten Inches of snow has fallen ' here within the last thirty-six hours, Street csr and railroad traffic waa affected, but not to any serious extent. NORFOLK. Va., Feb. 15. A heavy fall of snow began here this morning and con tinued during the greater part of the day. Over three Inches fell, - according to the weather bureau measurement, but a stiff wind made the drifts much' deeper. ATLANTA, Oa., Feb. 13.A severe storm raged at Vicksburg last evening, and today la central near Jacksonville, Fta. The dis turbance was a mixture of rain, snow, sleet and thunder storms and was also felt at Montgomery and Charleston, Snow pre vails generally and is the heavlet of the winter. Charlotte reports fifteen Inches; Nashville, ten; Knoxvllle, nine; Chatta nooga, eight, and Atlanta, three. Freexlng weather extends south (o a line running southwest from Wilmington, N. C, through the central portion of the cotton belt and much colder weather Is predicted . tonight, -In Atlantic street car trafflo haa been seriously Interfered with since 8 o'clock last night, several of the suburban lines abandoning their achedules until today. ' Sleighing was indulged la on many of the streets.. . .. . Trains from the east were only slightly delayed up to noon. At Blacksburg, S. C, there are eighteen Inches ot snow and no trains are moving In any direction. ' KILLED IN IDAHO SNOWSLIDE Three men Are Canarht Sear Head of .Smith Unlch on Mountain -' t noate. , LEWISTON, Idaho, Feb. 15. A miner ar riving .today from Warrens, brings the news ot the death pt three men who were caught yesterday In a snowsllde near the head ot Smith gulch oh tha route to the mountains. The victims were: BERT TITLES. J. S. CAMPBELL. B. M. 8KILE3 of Welser, Idaho. Arid Williams ot Wetson and A. Myers of Boise were the other members of- the. party, but they escaped. . From Buffalo Hump comes the newt that Ben Hamilton lost his life In a snow slide last Wednesday. Hamilton waa caught In an avalanche ot snow about a) mile wide. Ilia body baa not been recovered. DENIES REPORTED PURCHASE John J. Mitchell Snys Statement Re garding- gala of Colorado ' Southern is Intrne. CHICAGO, Feb. 15. John 3. Mitchell, mentioned as one ot the men associated with John W. Gatea In the. alleged pur chase by the "Gates party" . of the Colo rado Southern railroad, today declared tbat the report,, ao far as he was con cerned, was ."Inexcusably untrue." . John W. Gates la aald to be In Port Arthur, Tex. WOMAN GETS TEN YEARS' TERM Convicted of Mnrder of Hasband, hat Protests Innoneenee to Last. BOZEMAN, Mont.. Feb. 15. Mrs. Lucy Black, recently convicted' of having poisoned her husband, was todsy sentenced to ten yesrs tn the state penitentiary. Mrs. Black strongly protested her Innocence. .1 .. i ' i m i Ibsen .Resumes Work. CHR1STIANIA, Norwsy,' Teh. 15 After a year'a complete rest Henrlk Ibsen haa ao far recovered hla health that hla physicians have sanctioned hia reaumptlon of work and' the dramatist haa started ,a new play. TEETH AND FOOD. Help . In Tins of Meed. Spmetlmea bad teeth cause. Illness, par ticularly when they are Dot Ot to mast I oats) food. A man In Ada, O., had all of hia teeth drawn. He waa aick with lndlges. tlon and lack of vitality 'and hla teeth were In a bad condition. He eipected, with s new complete aet of testb, to regain his health by thoroughly chewing hla food, but he had an experience that Is well worth knowing of. "Instead of Improving I continued to lose strength," he says, "until I waa a mere moving ekeleton. I tried a number of prepared foods, but none ot them helped me until I got Grape-Nuts. The flavor pleased my palate at once. I soaked the food la cream and got along with It nicely. Within a few daya I noticed that I waa not ao tired and laded. - Oradually I grew stronger, so 1 left off all other foods and took only Grape-Nuta. . -. "My old-time vigor came back and in two montha I gained IT pounds.; This waa remarkable, for I an of spare build. Now I Bleep and feel woaderfully well. "Inasmuch aa I am doing so nicely with out -teeth I have concluded to wait until my gums have finished shrinking before having a aet made. I don't believe I could have gone through the drain oa toy sys tem had It not been for Grape-Nuta. There la no doubt about the life-giving and nerve buildlag force of that food., j talk Qrape Nuts to all. of my friends." Name given by Postum Co.. Battle Creek, Mich,. . We offer thanks Accept our apologies to all who could not be waited on. Come Monday the Entire stock doomed Great Creditors and Bankrupt Sale. The Rochester Shoe Co. Estate 1515-Douglas Street-1615 TARIFF IIE1SURE IN CERU1HT Freipettsef tfca Bill Art Steal ily Grow lag Her Diraal. GIGANTIC SWINDLE THOROUGHLY EXrOStD Trial of Officers Whose Company Rever Earned an Honest Divi dend Herr Schmidt's Fas. elaatln Trap. BERLIN, Feb. 16. The prospecta of tha tariff bill grow more dismal. The majority of the committee continues to vote amend ments, agatnat tha warning of the govern ment. An amendment providing for the abolishment ot the municipal Octroi duttea, still in vogue in aome towns, received an overwhelming majority of votea after the imperial secretary of slate for the Interior, Count Poeadowskl-Wehner, had announced that it was contrary to the constitution and that constitutional revision was necessary before the abolition of those duties could be effected. The amendment adopted yester day fixing January 1, 1806, for definitely putting tha aew tariff law In force la a atep of the agrarians and la intensely embar rassing for the government, since It Is not certain when the treaty negotiations can be concluded, and the amendment la plainly designated to compel the government to In vite tariff wars, through denunciation of the present treaties before new ones are con cluded. Aatl-Amerlcan Animas, The agrarians in discussing the amend ment abowed their usual antl-Amerlcan animus. Count von Kanlta, the agrarian leader, again argued that the United Statea could not aflord a tariff war with Ger many, aaylng it would bo "downright sui cide," owing to the heavy excess of Amer ican exports to Germany. Tha VoSsische Zeliuog answers this assertion, by showing that tha Immense German imports of raw materials from the United States are neces sary cotton, 269,000,000 marks; corn, 104,. 000,000 marks; copper, 101,000,003 marks; lard, 69,000,000 marks; petroleum, 68,000,000 marks, etc Trial of Swindle's Offleers. The trial of the officers ot the Treber Trocknund company ot Cassel, caused a great aensatlon. The newspapers filled! many columns with details of the trial which brought out the history of the com pany's meteoric career, showing it to have been a gigantic swindle from the begin ning, though Director Schmidt aucceeded In deceiving the board of overseers until the crash came. They trusted him com pletely, while distributing 60 per cent dividends from fictitious stocks, hoodwink ing the Lei pal ger bank and hla own over seers and making Immense advances. Kever an Honest Dividend. Ths evidence Indicated that the company never earned an honest dividend and that It waa a humbug throughout, even ' when Its shares were manipulated up to 1900, The concern waa founded In 1889 with a capital of 850,000 marks for utilising tha waste producte ot breweries. Later It pur. chased a patent wood distilling method which proved worthless, nevertheless, Herr Schmidt captured the confidence of the public, and waa able to raise the company'a capital to 20,000,000 marks. In a doten parts he established branch wood distil leries In all the leading continental coun tries, not . one of which bad paid expenses. Yet Herr Sshmtdt succeeded In launching rose-colored reports of ths company'a busi ness. The overseers confessed that they were so fascipated by Herr Schmidt that they trusted hlra without any examination of the affaire of the company. MUELLER MOVES ON THE QUIET Desired Keep His Mlasloa to. tha lalted Itatea from Beeam las; Pnblle. ' BRUSSELS, Feb. It. It la said tbat the desire to keep secret the departure of Dr. Mueller, the former conaul of the Orange Free State in Holland, for the United States waa ao keen that the Boer emissary hooked hla passage under an assumsd name. Aocordlag to Information from respon sible Boer quarters, Mr. Kruger'a letter to President Roosevelt, of which pr. Mueller Is the bearer, doea not appeal for Inter vention,' but expresses regret tbat be la unable at present to personally congratu late President Roosevelt on bis accession to office and concludes with a gratified allusion to the numerous Invitations to visit ths great republie which have arrived and are atlll arriving. Besides reorganizing the Boer propa ganda In tha United States, Dr. Mueller will direct hla efforta principally to obtain log government prohibition of the exports ttoa of artlclea regarded by the Boers aa contraband of war, tbua Indirectly eliciting aa opinion on the war from the. United Statea government. Dr. Mueller la aupported by wealthy Boer sympathisers in Europe and haa great hopes regarding tha result of his mission- GOVERNMENT" HELPS MARCONI Redaction of Slsty For Cent In Teje, a-raph Rates Coaeeded la Retara. OTTAWA, Ont., Feb. 15. In return for a contribution from the federal government toward the erection of a Marconi telegraph station at Cape Breton for the carrying on ef the transatlantic wireless telegraph eye lets,' ths Marconi company haa agreed to give a rata 60 per cent lower than the present cable rate. Government messages will be handled at a still lower rate. MORMONS INVADE DENMARK l tab. Daara Retara to Native Land to Erect Temple of Worship. COPENHAGEN, Monday, Feb. S. Corre spondence of the Associated Press. The Mormons are making strong efforts to gain a permanent foothold in Denmark. Jt la notorious that thia little country haa fur. nished a large quota of emigrants for Utah. Somo of the moat prominent leaders of this sect are Danes. Danish missionaries who have been aent to work In tbelr native land have not been well received in Den mark. Moot of them have been banished from the country as soon ss it was discovered that they were here to gain convene to their religion and to encourage, people to emigrate to Utah. For this reason their work haa often been carried on ' secretly. The authorities of the Mormon church seem to have decided recently that Den mark Is an exceptionally good field tor their operatlona and there are now over 100 Mor mon missionaries in this country, under ths direction of a superintendent at Co penhagen - . The missionaries publish an organ In this city and diatribute thousands of tracts and a piece of property in the best part ot Copenhagen has been purchased on which they Intend to build a Mormon temple. Money for this Is being collected among the Mormons in the United States. About 500 Danes are Induced to emigrate to Utah every rear. The Danish press la aroused end it Is thought that atepa will be talen to pre vent a Mormon temple being built in the capital of Denmark and to rid the country of Mormoc'em and. It propagandists. . , BIGEL0W DENIES THEi STORY (ays He Did Not Predict "War Be tween United States and . , Germany.- LONDON. Feb. 15. Poultnev Blaelaw. when Questioned reaardlnr - his' mnnrtad references when in America to. a war h- tween the United Statea and Germany. said; T r rail tnt a.1 n a,.nu.afc.i .111 . . ... ... v-Su w . uim commercial rivalry, combined with unfriendly leglsla- -' ..'.pn iv viuuiunr puuuo opinion on both sides and that Prince Henry's visit can have no Influence beyond the small circle which meets him personally and likes him for his Individual qualities' WhHt struck me most forcibly during my Visit to the middle went universities was Inn 11. n a .... u . . 1 ... .V .. ... . J .vl w.i uiiivvrMiies r.a Cornell, Wisconsin, Minnesota, etc., over ' mujr iimnua ruirrn coueaes m nttlna students to take the lead In practical TV , "i;." "P 1 maraeis or the world is more stimulated at the head, watera of the Mississippi than In the east ern elates. The Intellectual vigor Of our uu.vciBii.cB i nut. yei appreciaieu. MEEJ IN SECRET CONFERENCE German Ministers of State Convene In Chancellor's - Palace at Berlin. ' ' ' ' - BERLIN, Feb. IS. There waa a. sscre't conference of the ministers of state at the Imperial chancellor's palace thla afternoon under the presidency ot the chanoellor. Count von Buelow. In noma quarters It was supposed that the conference waa connected with the troubled in the tariff committee of the Reichstag, which resulted yesterday in the resignation of Its chairman, Baron von Kardorff, one of the agrarian leaders. COUNT . TOLSTOf , IMPROVES Chance for the Belle Follows ' Is. ' favorable Symptoms of the ' Day Before. . .. YALTA, Crimea, Feb. 15. Count Tolstoi is somewhat . improved . today, Hia pulse la 90 and bis temperature, la (Satisfactory. The change fog the. worse, in hla condi tion ; which occurred last evening waa eauaed by a spread of the pulmonary In flammation to the right lung. The lofiam motion Is beginning to subeids. MARQUIS OF DUFFERIN BURIED Larae Gatherlaa : of . alearaere aad Dnke of .Argyle .Bepre ' seats KlnsT.' BELFAST, Feb. 16. The body of the mar. quls of Duffer In, who died Wednesday last, waa burled this- afternoon at Claadsboys. There waa a large gathering ot mourners. The duke of Argyle represented King Ed word. '' BANK PLUNGER AWAITS BOND Defaaltlna- Official aad Former Police Commissioner fader Sheriff's Charge. f DETROIT. Mich..' Feb. 16. Frank C. An drews, former police commissioner, was ar raigned In the police court this evening on a warrant charging him with misapplying funds of the -wrecked City Savings bank to the amount of 1200,000 and upward while he waa vice president pf that Institution. Hla bond vt nx4 af, with two sureties, Mr. Andrew did not have' bondsmen In court aad be was taken across the street te the county '.Jail by Detective Lombard. Sheriff Dickinson met them In ths Jal office and took Mr. Andrews to hla house, which is part of the Jail, where ha aald be would keep btin foe a time while hla attorneys and friends continued their efforts to se cure ball for him. Late tonight one bonds man had been secured It waa reported, an efforta were being made to secure a aecond. Thle la tha second warrant that baa beet sworn out for Mr. Andrewe aa a result ol the wreck of the City Savlaga bank, white wss caused by his overdrafts and over-oer. tifled-rhecks. He waa arraigned on tbt first warrant Monday night and released under 110,000 bond. The warrant issued to day waa on complaint of 8tate Bank Com missioner George L. Malta, and charges that . on December 11 Andrews converted $300,000 and upwards of tha bank's funds to hla ''own unlawful use, benefit and advantage Without knowledge of the bank'a directors." After waiting in vain until a lata hour for the appearance of the aeoond bondsman, Sheriff Dickson ordered Andrews locked up In a cell which waa done. It le believed that hla attorneys are still trying to secure the necessary securities. CAPTAIN OF SHIP IS DEAD" Killed la Gala Whleh Destroys Rarsje Off PaclSe Coast. ASTORIA, Ore., Feb. 15. A gale Is rag ing along the coast and one barge was lost In thla city as a result of the storm. Cap tain ..Hana Reustoff waa Instantly killed by. the overturning of a sidewalk which was caught up by the wind. At times the wind attained a velocity of over 100 mile an hour. Sen! to on. Frd Trial Package, of this Naw Din. covery Mailed to Every ' Man -Sanding Nam and Addreaa- Qulakly Restore Strength '' and Vigor. Free trial packares of a moat remark able remedy are being mailed to all wha writ the State Medical Institute, They urad 0 nany men who had battled far A. E. ROBINSON. M. D, C. M Medical Dlrectei rears against the mental and phyaloal suf fering of lost manhood that the Institute has decided to distribute free trial packa ges to all who writ. It la a home treat ment, and all men who suffer with any form ot sexual weaknasa resulting front youthful folly, premature lose of strength, and memory, weak back, varicocele, or emaciation of parte can now cure them selves at horns. -The remedy haa a peculiarly grateful ef- reot or warmtn ana seems to aci oimri io the desired location giving strength and development ' Just where It Is needed. It cures all the ills and troubles that come from years of misuse of the natural func tions and has been an absolute suecees In rll cases. A request to the State Medtnal nstltute, T70 Elttktron Building, Ft. Wayne in nit atHn that vmi datr ana Of their tree inai pacaases win ne comiiii wnn Rromptly. The Institute Is desirous of caching that great class of men who are unable to leave heme to be treated and the free sample , will enable them to as how eaaylt le to be cured of seaual weak ness when the proper remedies are em- F Loved. The Institute makes no restrict ions. Any man who writes will be sent a free sample, carefully sealed In a plain package so that its recipient need have it fear Of embaraasmenl or publicity. Read ors are requested to writ without delaj. . Do You Want to Patronize Home Industry? OF COURSE YOU DO. Thea inveatt , gate thla it will coat you nothing. Hun dreds have Invested In the last ten daya. REMEMBER, thla la no phantom thou sands of mile away, but la right at tot door of Omaha. Our ground haa beet as amlned by two ot the most practical mln erologtste and geologists that the counlrj can produce, and also by the aaslstsnt geo logist ot Wyoming, but you nsed not take tbelr word- Go and aee for yourself. STOCK WILL BE FOR SALE THIS WEEK at 25 cents per share, and remem ber every dollar la used for developing purposes. . Our outfit will be at work Is a few day. Address all communications to 'the . - . " . - Omaha Petroleum, Gas and Goal Co., . 208-210 Bet Bld. Omaha, Neb. Free Us.