Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 19, Image 19

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Copyrighted. 1901, by Dodd. Mead A Co.)
Tba CoMlialoa of the Baln.
It waa Oliver's design to deal with the
maa of revenge, so that he might enjoy
four and twenty hours, at least, of the
king's bench prison, with the full delights
of the poor side those flights with which
be wee himself familiar. The time of year
was stl'l summer, but late summer, when
the nights are cold. Mr. Fulton would
therefore be able to anticipate some of the
Joys of winter, with no bed to lie upon, ex
cept the hard, bare, unwashed boards; no
blanket to cover him, no change or domes,
crowded room with close and confined air;
no food, unless he was so lucky as to share
la some of the miserable doles of the
prison; and ao drink. Four and twenty
hours, OllTer thought, of the poor side j
would be quite enough to quench that burn
ing desire for revenge.
He left bis man, therefore, alone for th
moment. There was, however, one more
source of danger, hitherto unsuspected;
that, namely, from the parson who had con
ducted the ceremony In Newgate. Like all
his brethren, be kept a register, In which he
entered the names of the couples whom he
married. Now, Oliver considered. If the
man had any suspicion of the wealth to
which the lady bad attained he would most
certainly have endeavored to make money
by bis knowledge. As be hac not done so.
It was probable that be bad quite forgotten
the name of the bride and even the circum
stances of the function. He resolved, bow
ever, to And out the man and to ascertain
the truth. The mere name In the register
without any qualifying description would
bcWf no Importance, because In such cases
a tame may be easily assumed. A maid
servant, an apprentice, a milliner's girl,
may assume for the occasion the name and
tyle of her mistress. In itself, therefore,
the register would be cf no use to its pos
sessor; and, as for other evidence, he was
disposing of that by the banishment of one
of the two persons chiefly concerned and
the imprisonment of the other.
However, it Is not a long Journey from
the temple to the Fleet and he made bis
way to the place.
J The haunt of the marrying parsons is not
I delectable place for the stranger to visit.
2ftwhere' to It mentioned as one - of the
bows of London; the market, seldom
cleaned, la strewn and covered with broken
fruit and vegetables trodden Into the ground
and putrefying; it la encumbered with bar
rows; it ia not only noisome with Its un
wept rubbish, but it Is dreadful to ears
polite by reason of the people who are con
tinually fighting, quarreling and cursing.
Brery other house Is a tavern and In most
of the tavsrns may be found a parson In
cassock-bands : and wig ready to- marry
u,nl. - . Karl, .nom mt f nmnnrtlniixl
'to the appearance the patrrnamely from
Ave shillings, or even half a crown, to' a
On Fleet Bridge and Ludgate Hill are the
men who tent all day long for thelr.mastera,
dragging In, so to speak, any couples who
may happen to be walking along the street
or on the bill.
To one of these men Oliver addressed
himself. He learned from him first that
the clergyman who bad tied the futile knot
Was dead; he bad been dead for nearly three
years; bis calling, It would seem, la not
conducive to long Ufa; perhaps because It
Is too intimately connected with punch and
strong drink of various kinds, he was dead,
however. Next Oliver was Invited to bring
the lady -when he might be comfortably and
afely married by the defunct divine's sue
eesaor. .Thirdly, as he showed no signs of
producing a lady, he waa earnestly invited
to offer the means of procuring a drink for.
at thirsty throat. Lastly, be was referred
ty the landlord of the tavern where the
pilous soul had set up bis quarters; lived.
"drank, eaten, slept and died. j
Oliver found the place a little way up the
market. ' The landlord was standing at the
open door, a man ' of middle age and for
bidding aspect, bearing upon his brow the
unmistakable stamp which sooner or later
brands the man who leads a lite of internal
Iniquity.' No one can deny, I believe, that
the landlords of the Fleet taverns do lead
lUtes of Iniquity, if halt the reports are
.1 "I have come," said Oliver, "to make In
q Irles concerning ths registers of marriage
kept some years ago by your marrying par
on." i
"Oh!" the man replied. "You would like
' te aee those registers, would you? Pray,
lr, why do you want to see them?"
"I bear that the parson Is dead. . Tou
have probably kept bis books."
"Maybe maybe. You are a lawyer, I
perceive, air. When a lawyer wanta to see
the register it ia for some purpose of his
own, I take it" ,
"Naturally. Tou are quite right."
. "Well, air, the register is, perhaps, in my
possession. I do not say. Perhaps it is
not. May a body ask why you want to
see it?"
Oliver assumed his most lawyer-like air.
"Sir," he said, "I need not Inform you; It
muat be plain to a person of your under-
, standing that such a register may be of
Infinite Importance In proving, or sub
stantiating, or the reverse, as the case
may be, claims to an estate, to Inheritance
or to succession. Take, for example, the
ease of oae bora in wedlock who .cannot
prove bis motfier'e marriage except by
reference to these registers."
"Aye, air, I understand. Or there may
he equally the case of a woman who would
tide. If she could, the proofs of her mar
riage, You take me. surf These marriages
must be beneficial to the community, be
cause they are cheap and easy and may be
hastily entered upea. Tou take me, air?"
"Perfectly. - Perfectly. Tou are quite
right 8uoh a ease might immediately
arise." . .
"Well, air, we come to this. The regis
ters are worth money, especially to lawyers.
Tou must, therefore,' pay for looking at
them." r
"By an' mesas. I will give you a pres.
wu iw rawing a las registers sspi oy uua
divine this devoted servant of Hymen. I
want especially the register of three years
"High men or low men turn all the same
"to my old friend. But, alas, good si
only three years ego? I can ahow you now
the registers of tea years ago or evea of
years ago but of three years ago
Tu must know, sir, (hat the cause of the
caath of my unfortunate and pious friend
heas a member of the University of Ox
ford, sir, and as full of learning as an egg
Is full et meat 4 say that the cause of-tale
te aet his candle beside the bed and too
Bear the .sheets la. eoasequense which
the latter caught firs. and la extlngulshiaf
the flames we not only saved the unfor
tunate gentleman, who was lying dressed In
his silk cassock, but caused him a fever,
which, together with the burns, carried him
off three days after." ' ,
"And the registers ?"
"They were under his pillow while drunk
or sober; ho always kept them. And what
with the fire and the water they were
mostly reduced to pulp and ashes."
"8o they are no longer legible, then?"
"Just at they were brown ashes and pulp,
as I said, we threw them away. There was
nothing left of them that could be read."
"Oh! Tbey were destroyed. Perhaps as
well. My friend, you have lost a guinea by
this misfortune. Pray, If I may ask, have
you found a successor?"
"Truly, sir, there Is another divine who
hath taken his place. A scholar, tbey tell
me, but he lacks the persuasiveness of bis
predecessor. He certainly drinks aa bard,
but he Is wanting in the pleasantneas which
used to make my borne a place of resor
for gentlemen and wits. I shall have to
send him about his business, I fear. When
be ia la his cups he weeps over bis sins,
weeps, sir. How can young people be en
couraged to. marry by a man who sheds
tears If you give him a glass of punch?"
From the Fleet market Oliver took oars
across the river. As hs had expected, twenty-four
hours of privation bad already .re
duced his friend to a condition of great hu
mility. Ho had .already sold bis wig, his
coat and hla stockings, and waa horribly
and miserably thirsty.
"Sir," he cried eagerly, "I have been look
ing for you. , I have been expecting you.'!
"Where are your clothes?"
"It Is an extortionate place. They give
nest to nothing for them. The wig gave
me a pint of Lisbon; the coat gave me three
glasses of punch;. ths stockings this morn
ing gave me a pint of small ale. And I am
already consumed with thirst again. On,
sir, have pity cn a poor, thirsty unfortunate
bankrupt!. My thoat Is like aa oven for
dryness. For the love of the Lord, sir, give
ms a drink give me a drink."
Oliver sent tor a bottle of wine. There!"
he said. "It will make you happy for an
The man aat with his head In his hands,
moaning, tor the consuming fire of thirst In
his throat. When the bottle came be seized
it and drank off half the contents without
the form of pouring It into a glass. "Ha!"
he sighed., setting down the bottle with a
deep sigh. "It is heaven! I want no better
"How do you like the prison?" '
"Sir It is It Is" He drank again. "It
Is not heaven. All night long I was pur
sued, sir. by rats. The rats of this prison
are as large as cats; all night they ran
after me, thousands. of rats, there were;
and they chased me and no one else. Do
you think, sir, I ask you as a Christian and
a Briton do you think that his majesty's
gracious prisoners should bs hunted
hunted, sir" (hs looked about him with
terror la his eyes) "hunted by rats as big
as cats and twice aa fiercer
vt by, sir, it you invite them, so to
They ran after me all night only after
Hie. The other man In the room sat up and
cursed me. I did not bring the rats Into
the prison. They have no pity upea me;
they cursed ms."
The livid looks betrayed the horror of bis
mind. "I see them again," be cried. Jump
lag about. Oliver gave blm the bottle. He
drank again. "Ha!" he said, "they are
gone. Where did they go to? How did
they get Into the room V
"You told me." said Oliver, "that you
would have revenge. Tou. said that re
venge was dearer than life. As you csnnot
have revenge, I suppose you would like to
keep your life."
"Sir, I waa wrongs I would rather have
drink. Olve me drink, and I ask for no re
venge. Sir, I waa wrong. The lady did not
ewe me 1.200, but less than. 100.
thought to cheat the creditors. I did. In
deed. I have been deceiving you."
"Not m. air. Tou have not deceived
me, I assure you. What do you proposs.
"Nothing, nothing. O, It those rats'
Hs trembled and shook.
"Now, sir, give me your attention. Tou
are in great misery; you will be In greater
misery before long. If, however, yon are
disposed to sign a ststement giving the
truth of .tha .whole matter ao fv as yqu
art concerned, I shall bo. tnk you out et
this place, where you may be quite aa com
fortable as outside, but I will remove you
to the master's side; I will give you a lodg
ing and 15 shillings a week. Will that do
for youT'
"Sir, I accept; I accept with Joy. Any
thing anything I want protection O!
against the rats. I want drink."
If Oliver had been In the tavern one hour
later he would have been edified by the
spectacle of the prisoner restored to self
respect and even happiness. He was In the
first stage; that of a boastful Imagination.
"Gentlemen," he said, "I hope we shall be
good company. For my own part, I am the
great Mr. Fulton of Ludgate bill, whose
bankruptcy made so great a stir in the
city some years ago. ' I drink to the health
of the company. It was for many thou
sandsa great many thousands. There was
a woman who " he checked himself and
looked about the room. "I drink," he re
peated, "to the company. This Is a pleas
ant place and the drink is good; the drink
is ood."
' I do not think that Oliver bad occasion
to pay that allowance very long; the grave
yard of St. George'a church opened, I am
sure, before many weeks or months, for the
final reception of the poor wretch who bad
made of life so terrible a mess and bungle.
The tears shed by wife and children were, I
believe, few and quickly dried. There is,
Indeed, one reading of the fifth command
ment too much neglected. When a man
has fallen so Ipw aa to be hopeless; when
there can be no reform, but only a deeper
ainklng In ths slough, with no chance of
reformation, the children who would most
anxiously obey that commandment do well
to pray for the best thing that can happen
the apeedy dissolution of their parent
with gratitude, praise and thank offering
when their prayers are granted.
Showing- How the Best-Laid Plaa May
Go Wronar.
"Wo havo now," said Oliver, "settled the
whole business. The two principals, If we
may so call them, are aafe; one of them Is
locked up for life la a debtor's prison. The
other will tomorrow be dropping down the
river on bis way to the gold coast, where,
let us hops, be will remain tor the rest of
hla natural term."
'Is there no other way with, the man
Fulton than making htm a prisoner?"
My desr madam. I did not propose to
leave him on the poor side. I have, believe
me, a lively recollection of that aide of the
prison. The man blusters about revenge.
I have placed htm where revenge ia impos
sible. Revenge, he says. Is dearer than
life. Very good; we shall sea what starva
tion, with no drink, will do for our friend.
He has now, as I was sure he would do,
submitted himself. I have, therefore, with
your permission, given htm the means of
living and drinking. 'We do not drink lo
live,' be would say; 'we live to drink.' So
long as be can drink he is as happy in ths
prison as out of It." ' ' ,
"As for the other man, I will go tnis
evening In order to make quite sure of hla
readiness for departure. He la now reduced
to terror unspeakable, and will, I think, givs
us no trouble." -
He assumed his disguise once more it
turned out to. be for ths last time and ha
repaired to Great Hermitage street in order
te take his sable friend on board ahlp and to
leave him there, in - comparative safety,
until the sailing of the vessel. It was st
nightfall. Just after sunset, that be arrived.
He encountered the very thing which he
had held up before Mr. Truxo, as a danger,
without believing In it himself. - How it
was done, or by whom, be never discovered.
The sailors and the lightermen would, one
Is sure, considering their own lives, scorn
the work of aa Informer and would refuse
with indignation to taks the wages of In
famy. But there were occasional craftsmen
whs also used the bouse aad among craiU-
men may sometimes be found here and
there one with aa eye to the reward, rather
than bonor; to personal gain, rather than
the general welfare. It muat have beea
oae of thoas who betrayed the herole negro-
hero of ao many burglaries. As to the dis
covery of the fact, namely, that Mr. Adol
phus Truxo was one who had escaped from
the bouse of bondage and the plaatatioaa
la Virginia, that had certainly beea re
vealed, confessed with pride and proclaimed
aloud, by the hero of the adventure him
self, when la hla cups, Tba real la easy of
surmise; given a man with a feeble sense
of bonor; given a man, also, who. while In
drink, declares the truth boastfully; what
more certain than aa Information laid at
Bow street; a claim of ths reward offered
for such Information; and. Very possibly,
the things which Oliver waa enabled to
witness that evening when he arrived on
the spot.
First he found a great crowd of men and
women, both gathered together In the street
before the tavern. They were violently
agitated; the women were all talking to
gether and all aa loudly aa they could, so
as to be beard above the rest. Oliver
beard broken parts of the cxclamattona.
"Tbey ssy he baa settled two, at least; two
are dead; more than two, six, at least, are
knocked o' the head, besides two desper
ately wounded. He la fighting them all
together. He's a lion, not a man. Where
Is Doll? They say that Doll brought In
the constables. She Is with blm; she Is
looking on; she has sold blm; she Is fight
ing with blm; banging is not too good for
her; she is standing up for ber man. He
Is upstairs In bis bedroom. Doll keeps
the stairs with a poker. They are going
to Starve him out. He will set fire to the
bouse; the landlord has run away. The
man will be banged if they take blm alive.
Shame to bang so proper a man, though
black of color!" And so en with contra
dictory statements, but all tending to show
that a fight was going on and that Mr.
Adolphus Truxo was defending ' himself
As for the men, they formed In groups;
they whispered to each other; they looked
dangerous. It was evident that tbey were
thinking of a rescue.
Oliver pushed through the crowd to the
front. ' -
At this moment the man of whom they
were speaking appeared at his window, that
of a first floor front. He threw open the
casement and stood before them all, roar
ing like a bull at bay be was a man proper.
Hla rough walsteoat was thrown open, he
had no coat, his broad, square shoulders
and his deep chest were exposed; It was
surely Impossible tor a man to look stronger
or more terrible; be had a wound of some
kind In the face and the blood waa trick
ling down; bis fierce eyes flamed like those
st a wild beast In wrath; he bellowed, with
rage Inarticulate. There was no longer
any touch of terror in the man; face to
faoa with the danger, all the brute surged
upward with the lust of fight. Such he
must have looked when, to procure bis free
dom, he fought and slew the overseers in
the plantation of Virginia. Oliver re
garded him with admiration aa he made
one more and the last fight for escape.
He also perceived at once that unless tbs
msn in the crowd attempted a reacue there
waa no hope for the man. The posss that
had been brought out against blm consisted
of twenty men; they wers armed with
cluba and they were a determined com
pany. Some of them stood guarding the
door of the tavern; the rest were gathered
under the window at which the negro stood
defying them. He had no weapon; be
shook hla huge fist at them; he defied them,
he cursed them; within could be beard the
ahrill voice of Doll, who guarded the stair
case. Some of tha constables showed on
their beads and faces the marks of recent
encounter In bruises, wounds end bleeding
places; ' these were due to the defensive
efforts of Doll and they Increased the de
termination of the men to effect the arrest.
The hesd constable stood out In front, ex
horting the man to surrender; but his
words were neither heard nor regarded.
Come down," cried the women. "Jump
on their heads. Jt's your only chance.
Jump, ye devil. Jump!"
"Steady, men, steady!" said the leader.
We are 12 to 1. Let him Jump. He'll
have to before long. When hs does, strlks
at his shins It's no use to strike at his
thick skull. Batter bis shins. Surround
blm and batter bia shins."
The prisoner In the bedroom looked out;
most of the constables were stationed at
ths door; beneath the window there were
only three or four. "
"Jump; Lord love ye!" cried the women.
"Drop down. It's nothing. . You can't hurt
yourself. Jump! Jump, you fool. Jumpl
and run for It!"
Ths msn of ths crowd mads a movement;
they drew together; they looked dangerous.
The easement window waa narrow for a
man of the negro's bulk, but he waa able to
put his legs through, and his body followed
after; then, for a moment, he hung cling
ing by one hand to the window sill, his test
no more than three feet from the ground
and bla back to the wall. Had be dropped
Immediately ho might bare escaped; at
least a rescue might have, been attempted.
But he beaKated; he hung by the wondow
sill for half a mtnuts in apparent uncer
tainty; and the men of the crowd who
might have made a rush watted, looking
os- Had there bean a leader among them
to give the word the end might have been
different. But they waited, and too long.
At that moment one of the constables,
mindful of Instructions, swung round his
club aad brought It down upoa ths negro's
shins, which srs, as Is well known, like the
heel of Achilles, being tne most vulnersble
part of bis frsme. They might have bat
tered en hla skull la vain, but the shin the
ahln Is a negro's most tender part. Tbs
ua uioiipsl bh ths ground with a yet of
agony; be fell headlong In a heap; be strovs
to rise, but his enemies were upon him. He
received without an attempt for the mo
ment, to defend himself, all the clubs upon
his hesd; he was recovering from the blow
upon his shins, he was about to make sua
more effort, when one among them was It
one of the constables? but a constable Is
not armed with a sword ran upon him
with that wearn and drove it through him
from behind. The negro raised hia arms;
he sprang to his feet with a hosrsa roar,
and tie fell down desd. The man had coma
to the end of his tether; for such a one,
he bad enjoyed a long rope and had been
allowed to commit many crimes. But the
fates do not allow more than a certain
period of lawlessness; It la sometimes short
and sometimes long it comes to aa end,
soon or late. This man was a murderer,
a housebreaker, a ahopllfter, a highway
robber, a footpad, there was no kind of
crime that he had not committed Joyfully
and eagerly; he bad set before himself an
Imaginary hero who broke all (he laws.
Then the fates at last Interfered, the thread
was cut.
"Who dons it?" asked the constable,
looking around. "Well, ths man's dead; It
we hadnt killed blm, he would have killed
The constables gathered together; the
fight waa over; at their feet, prone, lay
tiie body of the man tbey had come out to
take. The bonor of a oonstable ia con
cerned with a successful capture. At the
same time, the men of the posse were, per
haps, pleased that a man of so much cour
age and such vast strength should have
been forbidden to make that last struggle
and should have escaped the gallows.
Then came running out of the door none
other than Doll, his poor, faithful wife,
battered and beaten by her husband's bru
tality, yet, woman-like, fighting for him and
loving him to tha end. With a shriek aba
threw herself upon the dead body.
" 'Tls bis wife," said the women among
themselves. Tbey were whispering, now
awe-struck la tbs presence of death. "Look
at her. They call her Doll. She married
htm five or six years ago. Tou remember?
We laughed at her because she had gotten
a black man. Hs was a good husband to
her when bs was at home except for
black eye and a klok and a turn at the
strap. What odds for a black eye, with
uch a husband as that?"
They carried the body into the house and
upstairs to the room where ho bad slept.
Doll followed with despair in her face.
Then ths constables marched away In al
ienee. The landlord prepared for the coro
ner's Inquest, which would be a thirsty Job,
and the crowd dispersed ths women still
chattering and the men downcast and re
proachful. They ought, It was felt, to have
rescued so brave and strong a victim of
tha law.
Oliver attended the Inquest, stsndlng
modestly at the door. The coroner and the
Jury viewed the body. They took the land
lord's evidence. The man and bis wits had
coma to hla bouse some days before. Tbey
had money and they took a room the room
which the Jury bad seen, Tbey paid for
the room and for the food and drink which
they ordered. They were free With their
money. The man never told the landlord
what was bis trade or anything about htm
aelf. For his own part, so long as bis cus
tomsrs paid thslr wsy and behaved quiet
and reasonable he asked no questions; the
company that used hla house was the most
respectable; they found the man friendly
and pleasant. That waa enough for htm.
When the constables came to arrest blm he
was down below, by himself, exoept for his
wife. He fought ths whole posse, having
for weapon nothing but a chair, which he
soon reduced to a leg; being overpowered
by numbers he escaped up the stairs and
barricaded the door; he got out ot window
and waa aet upon by the constables. Soma
ons among them who had a sword drew It
and ran htm through a vital part.
Tba head constable also gave evidence.
Information bad been received that a cor
tain man, the man upstairs, bad escaped
from the plantations of Virginia, whither
be had been transported for life; the man'
name was Truxo; bs waa a negro who bad
been sentenced to death, but his sentence
was commuted. Hs was ordered to sum
mon a posss and to arrest ths msn; be
brought a doxen constables with htm; there
was a fight; tha man threatened to mur
der everybody. ' The fight was terminated
by a sword thrust , which killed the man
and prevented further mischief and prob
able loss of life. 'Hadjis beea arrested
he would have beea banged moot certainly.
Runaway cases wsre never pardoned;
man may have one chance, but not more."
The coroner summed up. The Jury found
that the man bad met with bis death In ths
course of resistance to the law, and thai It
was Justifiable homicide. So all was over.
The Jury went away. Oliver felt some
what sorry for tha fate of the Kan, who
waa, after all, ia spits of bis daring and
bis strength, a mere criminal, unworthy of
pity. Ha, too, came away. There was
nothing more to be done. The man was
dead. He had certainly left ao papers
behind. Hla widow knew nothing, or re
membered nothing of the event. There
as no cause to fear ber. She would make
a living somehow or other. How do such
women make a living
He did not think It necessary to com-1
munlrate the Intelligence to the captain of
the ship. That officer bad Inst bis paaaen-
ger, but wss the richer by his passenger's
OMver went back to Drury lane and put I
off his disguise. "I shall not want It any
more," he said. "My business is ended.'
"Remember Not Past Years."
Ollver'a taab m-aa Ann, laahl waa aaf'.
no charge could now be brought against
her; the bridegroom in that terrible mar
riage was silenced by death; the man of
revenge was silenced by drink and seclu
sion; the Fleet parson was dead, his regis
ters wers destroyed; the dressmaker was
a woman of many secrets, all of which
were safe with her provided she had her
ladlee' custom. Lord Stratherrlck could
do nothing but repeat what he had beard
and his words would no longer be beard.
The landlord of the Orapes had no purpose
to gain by repeating a rumor of which be
bad no proof. The lady'a reputation, In a
word, waa saved. It only remained to com
municate to her the news that the business
was now burled and could never be revived.
He sighed as be thought of the reward that
might be offered blm, and of Alice and of
her warning that Isabel waa In love with
blm. For now, in ths first flow of grati
tude, words might be said, a reward might
be offered which In common gratitude for
all Isabel had done tor blm he could not
He owed everything to her his freedom,
bis good name, bis present prospects, his
hopes, his ambitions; he repeated to him
self that she had found blm in the deepest
distress and had taken him out of his mis
ery; be had no right to entertain the
thought of any other woman if this woman
should haply claim more than gratitude,
more than friendship.
Isabel waa In her parlor, the room at the
back on the ground floor; her own room,
where she aat when she was alone, sur
rounded by her books and ber pictures.
. . . A I,H I
Bh looaeo up wneu uuver .ppc..
an inquiring glance. .
"Madam." he aald. "I bring yon wnai i
hope you will consider good news.
"You always bring me good news, unver. i
Tell me quickly what your news Is. I am
more anxious than I can tell you.
"Providence, madam, has been your
side may I say on our side?" I
"Surely you may say so. But now .
"Your enemies are finally scattered. You
will bear no more of them."
How? What have you done? I
"Madam. It Is not what I have done. It
Is surely the hand of the Lord. Tou were
in h haruia of wicked men. Tbey are si
lenced and nowerless. As for the escaped
convict" he paused, thinaing now uv- i
present the story of tns last scene. i
"Has bs cone on board?" I
-fjnt on tha shiD provided tor him. Das I
alike visum; by the gods the end was other-
wise appointed. He has embarxea ou iuo
ship whose pilot Is Charon. Someone-Po-
lleve you, madam not mysein-Deirajou
htm. The constables were sent out -
rest blm. He fought them, being a to"0
ot Infinite courage, and well-nigh SCP
them for the moment but In the fight
knew not who drew a nwra I
and so be fell. Murderer, robber, companion
of murderers and robbers he has met wun
the death that be deserved, but noi at my
hands." I
Isabel sighed, but not with grier. we
la dead. Alaa! Oliver, I cannot cnooso men wh we nothing and understand noth
but feel relieved. Tou think that be has rjo you believe that I have not oh.
left nothing no papers behind hlmr I
"What DaDera could such a man possess, i
or leave, who knew not how to read r I
writs? He has left nothing neitner papers.
nor record, nor history. He has nescenoea i
In the grave; his place knoweth him no
more. Well for him that he nas pensuea
in this way instead of the way bo feared
and deserved."
Isabel bowed her head. "Can I pretena i
to be eorryT" ahe asked. "It we may not
desire the death ot a alnner ws may at
least acknowledge the hand of Providence
When a sinner is cut down. It might have
been myself. Oliver, can I forget that I
once held that man's band while tne parson
declared that those whom God had Joined
together man must not part?"
Dear lady, there was no marriage, no
waa already married."
"The marriage was In my mlhd; it was
in my Intention. I can never forget tne
shams and the humiliation ot It."
Let the memory of the day and tne hour
perish. Dear madam, forget tne man ana
all. Aa for the other, the poor drunkard.
who In his sober moments talked ot re
venge; who pretended that you mads blm
"What of hlmr
"Tou know that he is in ths King's
Bench prison. He is now submissive ana
repentant that Is. afraid be will get no
more drink. I have ventured to pledge your
word for a small allowance, wnicn wiu give
htm a sufficiency. It Is the best placs for
him. believe me. At the tavern where he
lived he drank all day long. He would
have been killed In a few days or weeks.
Already be had begun to see rats and
creeping things, which is the worst sign In
ths world. He will live longer In the
prison, If It Is worth while to prolong a
useless life In the hope of repentance. But
ha has had a fright. He wlll never again
talk of revenge. It be does be wlll have
to go back to the poor side, where there Is
no drink to be obtained except for money.
And he will have none.
"I must tell his wife and Alice where he
ia. Oliver. It was my sin that found ms
out when this man was taken to my brotbr
in-law with bis story. He goes into
orison, where hs will die a pauper. I am
free and rich."
"Madam, you have done kind uai good
actions. These are gjks guardian angels
for you. They atand between you and evil.
That man'a Ufa has been a long course of
drink, with the evils that drink brings
with It Do not waste your pity upon
1 will not. Poor wretch!" Tet shs
waa wasting pity upon bam. "Perhaps bis
wife will go to aee blm."
"There remained the Fleet parson.
Madam, you wlll not be surprised to bear,
perhaps, that shortly after you saw him
this worthy divine went to bed drunk; it
was not, I believe, an uncommon ending of
the day with him; tba candle aet fire to tha
sheets and In the extinguishing that fol
lowed not only hla life waa lost, but bis
latest book of registers was also burned
Irrecoverably. Madam, aald I not that
Providence was on your side. Afflavlt
Deua; tha Lord bath ones breathed and your
enemies are scattered."
"The Lord hath aent me also a faithful
and moat loyal friend." She gave blm her
band. He stooped and kissed It. Shs took
his hand In her own and held It. Hs
changed color, thinking of what might be
la ber mind. "There," she said, softly
"henceforth you are my brother. Do you
understand? My brother." Alaa, Oliver
would never understand what It cost her to
confer this title upon blm. He only
thought that Alice bad been mistaken. "My
brother," she repeated. They were, hs
thought, teara of relief nay, of gratitude
for her release. But tbey were not
They were the tears with which she could
not choose, but offer when she made sur
rsndsr, ones for all, of ths dream that bad
filled her soul until It became a part and
parcel of ber life. Insomuch that, without
It, there seemed no Joy or hope or Joy left
at all. "All that I have Is yours. Prom
ise me that If you want anything that I ran
clve you, you wlll tell me. It will be
my happiness my chief happiness, my
brother to watch your happiness." To
promote blm lb wat (trliif up to tbU loyl
and true gentleman the bond which would
have made htm her own for life. "But I
canhot help you. Wealth, honor, rank,
office all will be wen by yourself, for your-
self. We women can only look on. There
Is a great future before you. And 1 shall
sit and watch and thank God; yes. Oliver,
thank God all my life for you and for your
She released bis band; he saw the tsars
rise to her eyes and roll down her cheek.
He stood before her too deeply moved frr
irb, too deeply moved even to ktse ber
onna. At lengxn as ioudu wonii.
'Madam, remember what I owe you.
Think what you have done for me. Could
1 do anrthlna-. think of anything, while
there was a service left undone tor you?"
Nay, but you make too much of a simple
act." She dried her tears. "Oliver," she
said, "there is one thing that I must do for
you. "Oh! one thing I must do and that
tonight Immediately.'
What Is that madam?"
"It Is the thing that Is dearest In your
thoughts and lies nearest to your heart.
Oh! Oliver, you have preserved my reputa
tion. Indwd, I think you cannot know how
great a thing rou have done tor me. My
sin my grievous sin found me out and
followed me even to this place when I
thought myself secure. I was threatened,
you know. Those who threatened me were
ruthless. They wanted to rob me of all and .
to tear from me my good name. Alaal
Heaven knows that I had deserved all all ,
all. But you, best of friends you saved
me! Oliver! once more what Is the
thought that Is nearest to your heart?"
"Madam," he stammered, "what should
It be by my ambition and my hopes."
I do not mean your ambition; I said
your heart, Oliver, not your head."
'Can It be other than the contlnuancs of
your friendship and my service?"
"That Is still your bead. I said your
heart, Oliver, your heart. Answer me faith
fully, my brother.'
"Madam, what am I to say? Tou know
not what you aek."
You think so? Tou shall aee. Tell Alloa
tnat , ould Bpetk to her. wm you tiag
the bell? He Dulled the bell rone.
.... .. .. - . ...
Beared. "we want your beJp. No one can
if tw,.m .n.
know j have Mked OIlTer t. mc wnB
I. neareBt to nl. heart. He seems unable.
. . . hlmr.
The girl crimsoned and then turned pale. ,
"Madam." she said, "how can I know Mr.
-.,.. hft.rtr.
"Little hypocrite how badly you play
,h, wh !,,,,, ,. , .-..
. . -.. T-nnk- at thl. man!
h9 hM no word8 o( , 0 a .lmpl.
question. Well, there is no one who knows
Oliver's heart better than you yourself.
For you nave betrayed yourself. It waa on
tns lght of the thunderstorm. I was
aittlna- here. and voice vour voices
. ... (n aln,.- frnm .v
AIlce my dear th,y weM thB votce, of
you an3 OUver j Dear(J wnat yo weM
taylng 8nal, x reca words?"
"No no no, madam."
"Then, Alice, you must help me. I have
asked Oliver to tell me what Is nearest to '
his heart. He seems unable to reply. This
rioquellt iawyer can mv, 4 jurjr but Be
pRnnnt rnnva hlmtualf. Will vnn Violn him?'
Th fM crIm(med( and then turned paie
Ma(Jam ., he .tgmmered, and tnen( jlk.
ner ,ov,r ,n9 Mm,ned .Uent.
"I am a woman, Alice. Therefore, I have
tyeg t0 iee j am not nka fooIlBn
ierved certain looks of ths kind, called
Ketr.Tinsr looks in Oliver's eves? Do vou
believe that I have forgotten tboae words?
Xn xl,oe foP ioyaUy and iove whera
thy equal if ,t De not tny ioverI TeU m.(
honestly, what is nearest to hla heart?" '
TheB 0ilver took the girl's band and mads
"Madam, let me answer for Alice. 1 have
rent u red to love this maiden."
"Why there! There! Alice, do you hear?
Ha repeats what hs told you in the garden,
But T forbid you to repeat what you aald!"
H6 aarea t,, iay tnat ne loTeg you -rh,.,
Alice, your lover has consigned your father
I to 4 debtor'a prison. Can you forgive blm?
I He will be a prisoner for Ufa. We shall
i no to ,tarvs him but can you
I forgive him?"
"Madam, my father is what you know.
Oliver could not commit an act that waa
I cruel or unjust or anything but right and
I honorable."
..But coneiaer wilful girl, Oliver has his
name and fame to make. Would you ham
per blm at the outset? ".
"Madam, be has done me the bonor to
aay that be loves me. I will not hamper
him. I will let him go free from any
promise. It is enough that I bare heard
nim say once that he loves me.
I "After all," said Isabel laughing through
I her teara .,you ft palr of foo,fc You
thuk that you call Uve on W0Tdii vow, ,n4
poetry snd promises and hopes. It Is like
llvlflB on alr nilead of mutton chops. Let
ma advise, let me provide. Alice, my dear,
ukt hta nand chlId b. h t
Dle, gee men have no shame bs takea
your hand without a thought of trembling,
You wlll lnarrr him tomorrow morning, or
ths day after, when you choose. The sooner
the better. Alice, my dear, Oliver haa be
come my brother you are my brother, Oli
ver, are you not?"
"Madam, you aay so."
"Therefore, Alice, you will be my Sister.
It Is a Under relation. Child." for Alice
burtt lnto fe hof
Is duty. It Is gratitude; it ia atonement.
For. OU! my dear, my dear, if my sin has
found me out the Lord has granted forgive
ness. Ah! desr Lord!" She elasned har
bands. "In mercy thou rememberest not
past years."
(The End.)
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