Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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Aavertlaeaaeate far these eeloasa
rill k takea aatll IB as. for the
eveslaa- edlttea aa til S:0 p. saw
far aa4 day eeltloa.
fllatee, 1 1-Xo m ward Srst lesertlea,
l war thereafter. Hetalaaj takea
far less tfcaa, SAa far the Slrst laser,
tlea. Tkraa ad vertlaesaeste as est ka
raa aeaseeatlvelr.
Advertisers, fcr reejaestlaa; a. a a al
tered cheek, caa have answers" as
Irftiti ta a aaaktrtl letter la cart
f Tka Bee. liiwtri aa edereeeed will
ka delivered aa preaeatatlea af tka
thesis ealr.
YOUNG man wants placa to work for
board while attending school. Boy las
College, Mw lot LUe Bidg. Tel. isvt
WANTED, by young lady, poaltlon aa
bookkeeper; can do stenographic work.
Al references. T 23. bee. A-342 W
WANTED, by a lady at once situation aa
practical aemonatrator In wmaha stores;
neve liad vaat experience ana spienuiu
success In leading atoree in large cities;
Urst-ciass reierences. Addreaa 1 42, Ae.
A i li
WANTED, position aa bookkeeper, cashier
or ottlce work by experlenceu lady
dreaa T 44. Omaha tone. A a68 16
A TOUNU, healthy widow la desirous of
securing a position at once aa a house
keeper upon stock ranch. Oniy earnest,
resueotaoie people need answer. Mrs. A.
LyUe, 614 a. tn Sk, 1-uro"eAflee
WE HAVE good cooks waiting for posi
tions. V- Vnlon. P. O. Box JWOmaha
(iOQU messengers wanted; Increased pay.
A 1. ',. Co.. buutn lain. -
fTEAUX work, profitable work, lor neat,
.i..rltallo liunLlal. lL AUW1U V.O.,
If you live In tu country vr u smaii
towu aud nave a gwud ecuuaiutauce
auuiif tne iaiuirs auu alou raiaeia iu
ine neignuotuuou you can make eaai.y
by lour or uve huura' wm . rue ua
and we will senu you our propuaiuou.
'An bee i-uoiUniug -o., buiicuuia' iept.,
' Oiiiaua, Jseo. UauU
WANTED, a good man In every county to
taae suoacripiuina for iM 'iweuUctn
Ceutury a'ariuer. Out agent maae ouu
i wages evexwnere. iteiarsnoea
Auureaa, iweuueta Century aimer,
Omaha, Neb.
Shave, hair cut. Binge, any work In barber
line. ! Moier Coinage, luA ainain at., i
fHH MOLER Barber College, 1623 i
au, wan la men to iearn tue baroer traue
by our mi mod o practical experience,
ypert Inatructiona, etc.; aieady praouoe
lurniahea by tree work, whion aavea two
years apprenticeamp; ouly two montna
nM .Mli.lllll flf 111 OelfltnU lUT
graouaiea ouniig tne spring ruau, apeciui
acholarahip, board, tooia ano tranaporta
tton U ueaireu; paxUcuiara inaueu iree.
ftillltf SJ7
WANTED, ten ornamental Iron workera.
ataaoy work tor rignt men. Apply at
oace. P. hlchur iroa Works, uenrer,
Colo. B-ilWe
WANTED, flrat-claae a a. usage makers. Vail
m. wi 1 ta. xna Alir rwwHi w.,
Motnea, Aa. "
DETECTIVES, every locality; goou
. emerience unnecessary. InWrnaUonal
UeteoUve Agency, Milwaukee, W la.
U 11 Vr
ANT person who will dlstribuU circulars
for U daily should addreaa Standard Co.,
'Welle. Chicago steady position; no
canvaaalng. biu
WANTED, young man, traveling poaltlon;
experience unneceaaary; salary bo t""""1
and expenses, i-iougn-yi uhhiu, vv., ;...
hattan Bldg... Chicago. B-ilS 1
WE) PAT 'i a week and expenses to men
Willi rig iv iiiuwjim, . . . --
(International Mig. Co.. fr"'gLni6.
' OulrlU-l nee aMnman tJrtntAd tO ! 015'
SIViVjni limil VI vsaaea.a " - - " .
Writ for particular. The Bpraffue Pub-
. . . . . AtAA,iM 121. it 1 w. f rn t f
; iinning vompaiiy, iajww xj
. Alien. "
nnuDlwIHrl RP1I.V, HA T.FiiMAN.
W. F. btlmpson' Co., Mfrs., Detroit, Mich.
Oame o' Skill" nickel slot machine for
. drinks or cigars; strictly lawful; takes
place of forbidden slot machines, thereby
filling a long felt want. Rented or sold
on easy paymenta. Sells at sight. Jules
. webeter jjesa v-o., vmcaa", .
B HI 16
WE positively teach you by mall how to
wnie HvmiHuiBuiai u,B -
4o for our large prospectus. It explain!
everything. Page-Davis Co., Chicago, ol
New Tork, 1
175 PER month and traveling expenses paid
saleamen on baking powder; experience
unnecessary. Purity
B 905 16
xdv. wit T. hnw nu how to write adver-
tlxementa so that you can make $25 00 to
tflo.O per week; taugn: morougury i,j
mall. Bend 4o for big piojpectua. Page-
aVU Co., Chicago or new M,
wivpffn l.dv n, vount'miii to take
orders In their own and surrounding
towha for new and beautiful Imported
shlrowaiat materiala, exclusive designs;
..ii. An .tht hlir niiv! Axnerlenca un-
naneaaarr. Full oariiculara fre. Ad
dreaa TheDuckley Custom Bhlrt Mfg. "o.,
BL Lioula. Mo. i-boj io-
W ANTED Local branch office manager
175 and commission. Bend stamp. God
frey Co.. 8t. Loula. Mo. B-12S-13'
tat a timnrv knnlrbaarkar fl rt
YV Ail 1 E-L't m WWWyvwit v wfunaov'si s -
claaa rtifer-encea. Apply T 38, Bee Office
WiMTcn-Briihi. enereetlc man for
traveling position In Nebraska; $80 per
monin ana expenses, bimui "'""'
Retorenoes. Travelers' Dept., Btar tJing
uivintMi .nl.d An nM estahllshed
concern of Chicago about to open a
brancn at umtiw wama w
aotlve man s manager, who haa some
- . k.i.l-AM ,omilnl,nM In
nioiia uu-.i.v.. ;
the territory. A good salary to a good
. Addreaa T W, Bee. b-m
PRVO salesmen, a dollar a minute side
line; will not conflict, U. Box M8, Okla-
noma Jrug -o.
WANTED An experienced canvaaaer at
once. Can evenings at v. sin-ei
Bouth Omaha. a Msa ir
niRRr.R HT1! DENTS Our catalogue tell
Ing all about the barbers' trade mailed
. free; send jor it. looay. Jtuiencan nr
I rnll... nm.kl V'.h U 'A'i 1li
UV V. Wlt V ...... . -
WANTED, good business man In esch prin
cipal city to conduct caah bualneaa; guar
anteed by local banka; big returna; honor
able and legitimate; must furnish good
references and KM) casn. Address i t. ii.
s P. a bo TU. Cincinnati. O. B
$30 A WEEK straight salary and expenses
, to men with rig to Introduce our poultry
mixture in country; years contract
weekly pay. Address, with stamp. Mon
area Mig. CO.. aox iw opringneia, in.
GOVERNMENT positions where they are
and how obtained; full parttculara aa to
salaries, dates, places of examinations to
be held Boon In every atate, etc.. mailed
free; write for circular LU. Nat. Cor,
Inst.. WasMneton, ! C. B
WANTED, help: $ to $50 per week; learn
piano tuning at home by mall: success
guaranteed. Addreea National Tuning
- College, Bi. rfoaepa. juu. x
EDUCATED people who need an Income
address jrrvvirvauvr, wa xnnaue
bhla. B-
WANTED, first-class speotal agents for a
rush claaa, leeiiuniaie uruiniauiun, oui
blah srade mea with Al references nee
apply. The right man ran make big
money and have opportunities for ad
var.oeiaenl. No. attention to letters not
giving full particulars ,",'"''
1 J... ,. si.aitv Comttany. ' C, fciiilt.
I iil. Building, lands and Investments. ie
loines, la. "lt3
I I . .-..-.e. V wsbll VskrwUkai 111 drV
Awods; must be nrst-claas Saleaman and
. tFtmmer. IHve reierem. -
salary expectl. Bo so.
rREB arholarahlps, for the next 30 days
in Dookkeeplna, tlluitrating, aawnting,
journalism, stenography or proofreading.
Mention course you wish to study. Cor
respondence institute or America, rw.
Scranton, Pa. U S8 16
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, eta. ;
no canvassing, good pay. Bun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B 1S1 14
WANTED, saleamen for high grade pe-
i'iiij ,uiri iui iu an viiioia. v.. c nB",
MgT., Dee Molnea, la. B 144 !
WANTED, clothing salesman with estab-
naned trade in southern nail or lows,
Kansas and Nebraska for an Al Una of
men's clothing; If you can do the busi
ness we will make It an object for you to
handle this line. Address Whitney, Chris
tenson A Bullock, Market and Qulncy
sts., Chicago. B
DETECTIVE8. We Want a sharp man in
every town to do Beeret eervlce work.
$4.00 a day and expnaa. Enclose postas-e
for reply. Box 1&8, Milwaukee Detective
Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 17 16
WANTED, men with experience In building
ana loan, inauerriai lire insurance or in
veetment bonda; excellent contract to
hustlers, and an attractive aa well as
reliable contract to sell. If you mean
business and can stand prosperity call
Room 212, Bee Bldg. B 180 16
$9 TO $15 weekly working for us at home;
no canvassing; ir now employed, an nour
or two evenings will add $5 to $ to your
weekly Income. Enclose stamD. Work
mailed on application. Address, Jut It
fori 1 1 1 rtr V ftr -1 T ,.l 1 n rt
' 'B 17V-13
Entering a "would-be" barber college and
make a failure, when you nave acceaa to
the best for a trifle more. Tou can be
come an up-to-date workman on an abso
lute guarantee. Money refunded If not as
represented. For terms and catalogue ad
140S-4 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb.
B 239 18
WANTED Four or five young men to
anve team in city, call at room 6, l&l&Vs
Faraam, bet 10 and 11 o'clock Monday.
B 246 lt
WANTED, good contmaker, at once; steady
wont ana good pay; prefer Bwede. U.
Abrahamson, Holdrege, Neb.
B M2SJ 17
WANTED, one traveling saleaman, to rep
resent tstimpson computing etcaie to. in
Northern Nebraska. F. Ureldenwels, Her
Grand, Omaha. 44 15
WANTED, salesmen to sell Imported and
aomeauc liquors, principally nna Ken
tucky whiskies, case and barrel goods:
good chance to right man; salary or com
mission, ti. a. B trader at Bon, distillers,
Lexington, Ky. 118 IS
SALESMEN $50 weekly and expenses;
sample free: greatest money maklnK In
vention of the aae: automatic washer:
does a washing In thirty minutes without
any laoor or attention; cneaper tnan
any other machine; Indestructible: every
lady buys; agents coining money. Write
today for sample and agency. Automatic
wasner Co., BiAtlon U, Chicago.
SALESMEN wanted. Two experienced
drug or patent medicine road men worth
ijuu per montn and expenses for work in
Nebraska and Iowa. Attractive and fast
selling lme. - Responsible house. Well
established trade. Good men, write with
reierences. x a, jjee. a ib
SALESMEN to sell bank check protector
sens to stores ana omces; remarkable
novelty; sample 2bc Terry Mfg. Co., To
ledo, u.
SALESMEN wanted to sell -premium goods
on commission, excellent sine line. Ad
dress, The Buckeye China Co., Box 140,
mast uverpooi, unio. 16
WANT ilIJ-Two competent traveling sales
men to sen a man araae line to country
retailers. Must have experience and best
or reierences. Address, jioom ahis, Man-
nattan tfiog., cnicago. zuo it-
WANTED. traveling salesmen: I bald a
man $206.00 last week for selling my white
lead; many get $100.00; any man can
make $50.00 if he hustles. I give great
Inducements to dealers; pay large com
missions to obtain the best salesmen; no
experience necessary, Details on appu
cation to D. T. Weir, St. Louis, Mo.
-9S9 16
CLEAN, energetlo scheme or specialty
salesman for traveling-: selling retail
merchants a unique, catchy, up-to-date
proposition; especially adapted to mgn
prlced men. Established high-rated firm.
Box SS4, Detroit, Mich. -93 16
BALESMEN for all lines of business
(splendid side line) to sell our advertising
fans, 75 different styles, newest, latest
patterns, just the things customers want
we pay the largest commiaslons. Many
of our men give their entire time to our
line ana make rrom i to xio every
week; guaranteed best side line ever
offered, write promptly, with references.
Commissions paid promptly. - American
Novelty Co., Cincinnati. O. 154 16
SALESMEN, by an old and established
manufacturer of flavoring extracts, bak
lug powder, apices. Good salary to hard
workers. Box 517, Chicago, 11L
WANTED, quick, a specialty aaleaman
witn a record and ability to produce re
sults : give nartlculars and references,
Address M. F. Edwards, 707 Houser Bldg.,
ot. .xjouib, mo. in mw
WANTED, two young lady students to
learn nairaressing, manicuring and chi
ropody and scientific massage. Cal or
write Room XM. Bee Bldg. C boa
WANTED, ladles to learn hair dressing,
manicuring anu racial maaaage; gra-lu-
atea earn iu to tu weeaiy: only ona
month required; beat opportunity ever
offered. Call or write Moler College, 1C2I
c arnara su ar
a cook. Apply
8925 Dewey
C 9i 16
GOOD girl for general housework. 1024
Park avs. C MU34 M
WANTED, at a semi-publlo Institution a
woman with experience to take charge of
restaurant and dormitory. Apply In own
handwriting, stating afe, experience and
ianUlyv conditions. Address T 41. Bee.
v Ctf Is
BRIGHT woman or man wanted to repre
sent our Dusineas in per or nia locality.
Write for particulars. The Bprague Pub
lishing Co., Majestlu Bldg., Detroit, Mich.
WANTED, competent girl for general
housework; references required
Jlred Apply
C M969 U
1128 Bouth 21st SU
WANTED, experienced girl to take charge
of omce; must be reliable and rurnlsh
highest class references; give full par
ttculara. Address T 43, Bee. C luO 16
LADIES wanted to work on sofa pillows.
Materials rurnisnea. Bteeoy work guar
anteed. Experience unnecessary. Bend
stamped envelope to Miss McGee Needle
work Dept., Ideal Co., Chicago.
C-80S 16
LADIES, copy letters at home; $4 to $6 per
weex. oena stampea envelope ror appli
cation. Monarch Bupply Co.. Dept. 92,
Chicago. 0201 16
STEADY home work for ladles; no can
vassing; no deposit required; no worth
lees outfit to buy. Bend stamped envelope
to Dickey Mfg. Co., Dickey Building,
Chicago. IU. C i 16
LADY travelers wanted to handle fast
selling sida line and appoint asenta; lib
eral Inducements. Address, Model Gar
ment Co., 161 E. Superior St., Chicago.
C-14J 19
WANTED Lady In each county to repre
sent house established ten years; solid
financial standing; straight, bona fids
weekly rash salary, $18, paid by check
each Wednesday, with all expenses, di
rect from headquarters. Money advanced
for expeuses. Manager, K Caxton Bldg.,
Chicago. C
EDUCATED people who need an Income
address iroorreaosr, box 6i. rhlladsl
phla. C
LADIES, something new, making sofa pil
lows at home; 17 to siz weekly; materials
furnished, no canvassing, steady employ
ment; send stamped aadreesed envelope.
Household Mig. t-o., trie 01., inicsgo.
C M 16
'LADIES make $8 to $10 weekly; we furnish
all material: experience unnecessary:
pleasant work, no canvaxslng; send
i u mied envelope. Co-operative Home
V ora u., ouvi 01111 eu,
C-199 IS
$ TO $15 salary guaranteed pe' week to
ismes oeeinng pleasant nome worn; ex
perience unnereasary. Enclose stamp for
full Instructions, etc. Address. Joth Cen
tury Co., Toledo, O. C 178 1
WANTED at once girl for general house
work, tsnaioi. t miw it
WANTED, a good girl for general house
work. 4.-4 rn. aa at. u mum 18-
$11 WEEKLT for copying letters home;
euner hi oena two stamps iot particu
lars. Eagle Mfg. Co., b Dearborn Bt.,
Chicago. Is i2 18
WANTED, a first-class man to repreaent
ua exclusively in every community in
North America; must have excellent
recommendations, snd be able to give
bond; experienced real estate or Invest
ment men or banks, with real estate
departments, preferred, but other hlh
grade men with proper credentials will
be considered; no attention given to let
ters unless complete Information and
references (bank references. If possible),
and all necessary data, are given. The
American Realty company, "C," Equit
able Building, properties of all kinds,
stocks, bonds and Investments, Pes
Moines, la. 148 M
DEWET European hotel. 13tb and Farnam.
ONE- furnlshod room, with heat, on car
Una. 161 Claik; 6 per month. K 856
NICE east front room In private family.
120 N. 17th SU B-W4-1
THREE rooms, light housekeeping. 1111
b. litn, n, airo
FURNISHED rooms for rent; modern. 2001
Dodge BU Hi no ib-
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping.
steam heat, within ten blocks postomoe.
Address 8, 1504 Faraam St -19$ 16
THREE furnished rooms.
Strictly modern.
2210 Harney st.
E 209 16
TWO large furnished rooms, single or
ensultc; modern. 1918 Dodge Bt.
E M244 18
l-ROOMS for light housekeeping, central
location, $18. illcks, Board Trade oiag.
E M261 16
FOUR furnished rooms for housekeeping,
modern, on Bouth Omaha car line. 1557
17th. B lti 16
NICE home for young men. 108 S. 26th St
ROOMS and board.
Qlencairn, 1609 Douglas.
f m
ROOMS, board; steam beat. 2011 Harney
street. F-M984 F22
STEAM heated, nicely furnlsfted rooms.
witn or without board, at xne Anurston.
F 380
FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated
rooms, with or without board. Midland
notsi, iota ana cnicago bis. au
FURNISHED rooms, steam
bath. 1617 Cass.
heat, gas,
F 3tw
STEAM heated rooms with board. 190
Capitol Ave. F 4S
LARGE parlors, single or suite. The Rose,
no uarney. irini tur
FURNISHED front rooms, single or en
suite, witn board, sis o. ztnn su
F M932 20
WELL furnished rooms, with board, steam
neat, modern house, mx yarnara.
F MM2 17
ROOMS and board; furnace heat; In
private family. 2204 Ohio Bt, Tel. A-2780.
F DbS 18
TWO nicely furnished rooms with board
at bus bouth zoth, Bt. asauba 17"
NICELY furnished front room with board.
modern house. 1507 North Hth St., South
Omaha. F 10b IB
DESK room apace, $6 per month, ground
floor room In The Bee building, facing
Farnam street; no expense for light, heal
or janitor service. v c. Jreters co.a
Mental Agents, Bee building. u u
FIVE unfurnished rooms. 1130 N. 17th.
Q M100
-ROOM apartment, 1913 Farnam; refer
- enceik U us 10
FOUR modern unfurnished rooms with
heat, llghthousekeeplng. 212 Bo. 30th St,
o m iu
2o So. 24th.
unfurnished rooms,
O M218 17
FOR RENT, the building formerly ocou-
?ied by The Bee at 916 Farnam Bt. It has
our stories and a basement which was
formerly used as The Bee press room,
This will be rented very reasonably, if
Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose-
water, secretary, room iw Bee ouiiaing,
FOR RENT, store in first-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters A
Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266
FOR RENT. 2 rooms 12x20. with large fold
ing doors; suitable for doctor, dentist or
omce; locutea on grouna noor overlooking
Jefferson sauare. Also 1 room 20xlut. 1
room 20x70, suitable for storage, light
manufacturing, etc.; steam, gas, water.
Apply to M. J. Franca, Midland hotel.
1 M4 16
FOR RENT (lease for sale), the store-room
at 2M N. 16lh st,; slse 2ox60 feet; storage
room back, inquire of leasee on premises,
1 M2I1 lb-
WANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit suoscriptions to niki
Steady employment with assured good
Income. Agents In the country with
horse and buggy especially desired. Can
vaaaers maks easily t0 to $100 per month.
Address century jrarmer solicitors uu
reau, Bte building, Omaha. 211
'MEDICO LOGY," the best family medical
book in tne world; MX) other good sellers.
W, A. HUenbaugh Co., 600 Ware Bik.,
umana. j iw
BOOK canvassers wanted In every county
nig money i nsw proposition; sens to
everybody; write today. Fontiao Pub,
Co.. PonUao, Mich. . J est Ml
AGENTS can make $5 a day by selling
Royal pepsin tuners, ror particulars
address u a A Bubarrr, Bt. juls. Mo.
J 122 16
WE HAVE the fastest seller out: needed
and used In every house; not bulky; can
carry day's stock in pocket; nearly 2uU
per cent prom; run aixeo sample tree.
punti Mig. CO., ze-oi M. aist Ave., ui
cago, 111. J 120 16
AGENTS, ladles preferred, to sell The
Brooklyn March, dedicated to Admiral
Bchley; 10c copy to agents; selling price
26c Bend 10c for sample copy. Wells
Pub. Co.. HyattsvlUe, Md. J H64-16'
AGENTS make $30 to $76 per week taking
orders ror novelty pnoto jewelry; outnt
worth VW free. For territory address
Eureka Button jewelry o., un state Bt.,
cmcago, 111. j ei it'
WANTED Fiscal agents to handle exclu
sively the stock of one of the laraee
mining corporations on the Paclrlo coast
Address, Pioneer Investment & Trust
Company, Laughiln Bldg., Los Angeles,
Cau i wo is'
AGENTS wanted for a winter wonder. Big
seller. Everybody will want to try 1L
Send for terms and sample. C. O. Myers
Mfg. CO., Atciiiaon, ivan. j ir 1-
AGENTS We have what you want, aelf-
llghtlng pocket lamp, slxe of lead pencil,
bums perfectly, rapid seller. Seeing Is
believing. Sample free to agents. Send
stamp. Fountain Pocket Lamp Co., 127
Duane St., New York. J 976 16
AGENTS and representatives wanted In
every town to solicit members; money
furnished on the co-operative plan with
out Interest to buy or build a home, or to
pay off a mortgage; to be paid back In
easy monthly payments, less than rent.
The Fidelity Home company, 216 Lincoln
Trust Building, Bt. Louis, Mo.
J-1EJ 16
AGENTS. 81.2VO yearly; metal bread boards,
easily sold, exclusive territory; loo per
cent nrulit; Bampla free. A. L. Foranee
Co., Clnciunatl, O. iUt 16
WANTEk-Manager In every city, county,
to hat..e best paying business known;
irummate, new: exclusive control.
Phoenix Co., 18 W. 28th St., New York.
J 131 18
AGENTS wanted, state, county and local.
Ao you want a good tmngT if so. in
vestigate; articles of high grade and ex
ceptional merit reeded by everybody,
everywhere, city, town and country, tou
make double the money we do. Also
state and county territory sold outright.
Enclose stamp, full particulars. Ex US,
State St, Room 511, Chicago, 111.
WANTEI Agents and organisers to rep
resent largeat alck, accident, deatn oeneni
association In America. Big contract.
Policy easy seller. American Benevolent
Association, Bt. Louis, Mo. J 124 16
AGENTS Wanted; $M0 weekly easily made.
we wui prove this. Nsmepiates, numoere,
signs, readable darkest nights. Bamples
free. Right Supply Co., Englewood, 111.
PROFITABLE work all year around of-
rerea agents, euner sex, every town,
hamlet, county. United States; distribute
goods and celebrated booklets; only
agents wanted who will work faithfully;
cover each section thoroughly, look sharply
after our trade with old customers) Money
made easy by hustlers. Write Imme
diately. Heller Chemical Co., wholesale
mall order drug house, Chicago.
J-988 !
AGENTS, write now for free sample of
work and terms. Star harness mender,
best t&o seller out. We make other quick
selling necessities. Columbia Nov. Mfg.
Co., St. Louis. Mo. J
wanted. Big sellers. New Novelty. Send
100 ror sample una. joa. f. bus, Omaha,
Neb. J
SALESMEN to sell our high-grade, ready
mixea nouse ana oarn paints; UDerai
commission paid: goods delivered; ex
clusive agency given one dealer In each
town. Reliance Paint Co., St. Louis.
MEN We have the greatest seller of the
iwenuein century; you can mske rrom
$20 to $30 per day as general agent of our
company; we have an article that has
come to stay; we win give In each city to
the light party the general agency of our
company; If you work only as agent you
can make from $5 to $10 per day; refer
ence required when applying for the gen
eral agency; write at once and we will
open up the path of prosperity for you;
failure Is Impossible. A. 8. C. Co.. 1220
Bt James) Building, .New Tork.
J-4S8 1
WE WANT aeents to sell tt-e best tiar-
nwi "no 01 gooos in me country, rial
ary or commission. The Vlchona Medical
Co., Dept. 26, ZanesvlUe, Ohio.
WANTED Agents for churn; makes but-
ter in one minute; X2W per month guaran
teed. Baxter Churn Co., Greenfield. O.
J 125 18
AGENTS for the latest and most perfect
wasning macnine. weeds only to be seen.
This Is the. first "ad." The C. B. Page
Mfg. Co., Des Moines, la. J 14416
CASH paid for distributing circulars. Send
stamp. American uistrtbuter, Kansas
City. Mo. J
AGENTS, we hare what people want-
lamp that makes Its own gas at cost of
1 cent a day; sells for $1; will send small
model free to those winning to work for
us. Write our Depart met, t B today. Em
pire Gaslight Co., 90 West Broadway,
New York. J
EXCELLENT side line for traveling men.
witn esisoiisnea route; oemand already
created; no samples to carry; big commis
sion. E. V. M. Co., 61 Franklin St., Chi
cago. J
5t) PER WEEK easily made selling Gol-
conoa aiamonas; ouv per cent profit; finest
Imitation, diamonds known; solid gold
settings: fully warranted. Particulars
free. Golconda Diamond Co., Cincinnati, O.
A LITTLE Plain Talk Rand. MeNally A
company nave just issued a New Pocket
Atlas of the World. It contains over 400
pages of maps and descriptions of every
state and foreign country, together with
recent census reports. Neatly and dur
ably bound. Fits the pocket fits the
purse. Sells everywhere. Sample and
agents 'terms mailed to your addrsss
upon receipt of 25c. Rand. MeNally A
Company, Chicago, 11L - - J
PORTRAIT agents, quit crayons, try wash-
auie enameunes, no glass: also new
premium plan. Family Portrait 'Co.,
Chicago. J 179 16
FINANCIAL agent to sell our securities;
UDerai commissions. The Western Trust
and Guaranty Co., New Tork Life Bldg..
Chicago, III. J-184 16
FORTUNE told from cradle to grave.
What I tell comes true. Bend dime and
birthday. J. Myers, 87 Lincoln Park Sta
tion, Chicago. . J 183 16
A BATCHELOR wants to rent 40 acres of
corn land, with board. T 82, Bee.
K M930 20
WANTED Part of furnished houae, with
use of kitchen, within Is -minutes walk
of poHtofflce. Will pay good price It ac
commodations are satisfactory. Refer
ences exchanged. Address, T 56, Bee.
THREE nice rooms, in basement: care of
furnace in part payment. 1 si, ee.
K-M949 16
WANTED One or two unfurnished rooms
with private family; modern conveniences;
house or flat. Must be In good location.
Parties with other roomers need not
answer. References -exchanged. Address,
T.84. Bee. K 130 16
WANTED Desk room In business office
with privilege of the use of telephone.
Address, T 85. Bee. . K 131 16
WANTED, board and room for young lady
In private family; state terms, etc. T 51,
Bee. K.-210 16
A HOME WANTED A gentleman out of
the city a good deal would like to find a
home for Els daughter (over 20) where
light services would be considered In part
payment for her board and room, and
where such services would leave her time
for study. Address T 52, Bee. K 206 16 .
List your house for rent with us. We
have a big demand. R. C. Peters A Co.,
ground floor, Bee building. K M238 22
GENTLEMAN desires well furnished rooms
In good locality, near nsnscom park or
west Farnam. Address T 68, Bee.
K 264 16
ROOMS, with board, wanted by man and
wife In private family without children.
Liberal price paid for good accommoda
tions. References. Address T 55. Bee.
K-M767 17
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 812
914 Jones, general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van. Utor. Co.. 15UH Earn. Tsls. 1559-868.
WANTED To buy, a first-class residence,
about 85,000 to IIO.OUO. Address T 27. Bee
omce. n sat as
OWNERS of houses and lota who are wilt
ing to sell them on easy paymenta snd
at present cash value will find Immedi
ate sale by calling on
Board of Trade. .
N-M6 18
WANTED, a secondhand aafe In good con
dition; must take in book 15x17. Address
Box 222. York. Neb. N l&i Iti
WANTED, to buy, some Belgian hares, one
Windsor roidinc mo. one steam nana
mar.gel, 28 or Su-lnch rolls; one leather
couch, one good Iron bed. Address T 47,
Bee. N-187 IB
WILL buv a rood secondhand Remlnsrton
or Smith-Premier, it cneap; give numner
and price. T 4. Bee. is, le
WiNTBD-Larae slse fireproof safe. Ad
dress, with particulars and price, C. R,
llannan, council uiuns, lowa.
N-217 16
HAVE two purchasers for 6 to 9-room
hnuaea In Hanacom Dark or West Far
nam districts or vicinity of 21st and Web
ster. List offerings with ths Byron Reed
Co., 112 8. 14th St. N 16" If
WANTED, large slse fireproof safe. A1-
drrss. with full dtacrluilon and nrlce. C
R. liaouau. Council Bluffs, la. N-&S3 16
CHICAOO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodre. Tel.
tow. New and second bant 1, bought. Sold,
exchanged. 0-8S5
FOR BAIJ5, sewing machine. Norman W.
lasnorn, Army iieaaquariers, or onr a.
24th ave.
O 821 16
FOR SALE, billiard table, fully equipped:
Smith-Premier typewriter, roller desk and
lady's Mrycle, at a bargain. U 8. Ud St.
B. S. Baker. O 1000 16
THE BEST In buggies and wagons at H.
Frost s. 14th and Leavenworth. P 8S6
RUBBER-TIRED coup, newly painted,
I; glues side rockaway, 818b; 6 family
carriages, $45 to $76 each; wagons. Drum
mond Carriage Co., 18th and Harney.
FIR timbers for housemovers. etc., 40 to
71 ft; cribbing and hog fence. 801 Doug-
8DHAND safe cheap. De right, 1119 Farnam.
Q 37
CADET coat, good as new: will fit boy 12
or M years old. Address H 63, Bee.
INDIAN goods and relics. 111! Farnam.
TYPEWRITERS, latest models Reming
ton, Smith-Premier, Oensmore, replaced
by the UNDERWOOD; low price. A. H.
Workman A Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phone 2489.
When You Write
to Advertisers
remember It only takes an extra stroke or
two of the pen to mention the fact that
you saw the ad In The Bee.
ID HAND safe cheap. Bchwarta. 114 a 13th.
Q 889
Schmoller & Mueller Buy the
Entire Stock of J as. T.
Reerdon of New York
at Less, Than
Factory Cost.
Having Burchased the entire stock of 176
standard Instruments at our own Drice. we
are now prepared to sell beautiful new up
right pianos, regular price $360, $400, $450,
$500, at $118, $188, $147. $156 and up.
Terms, $10 Cash and
$? Monthly Payments.
Never before In the history of nlano sell
ing have such wonderful piano values bee a
rrereu to tne oudiic.
it u to your interest, to sea tnese at once.
Schmoller & Mueller,
1212 Farnam St., Tel. 1625.
$02 Broadway. Council Bluffs. Ia., Tel 868.
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
ataer musicat mon uiuui, up. Ana
W'Htman Co., 1621 Farnam. vl 391
100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Bhsr-
a ifinn.l Tim fVt lit.k .
IPAH SB v. .w uu v. hV rw., .v.u nuu
Dodge. Omaha. Q 32
FOR SALE, scholarship In an Umaha
shortnana scuoui. uiny, Awjuire wi Bee
Bldg. Q-M968
BRAN. 8L10 per hundred; cracked corn.
l.OV II U11U6 SVIa SjUW s V E3 LJ IV)
1909 Cuming St. J M736
SAMPLE piano, eastern manufacture, ully
warranted, at a bargain. Room 414. Mo-
Cague bid. M7H2
FOR SALE, slot machines, all slaes and
Styles. DulU aiouu.u .uw kuivui.uu, flaw
and secondhand, at your own price. Ad
dress Bos 804. toaria City, Neb.
Q-M804 16
BEAUTIFUL Chlekerlmr upright piano St
a sacrifice. Room 414 McCague bldg.
v jxitu
BICYCLES, phonographs and supplies.
Omana uicycie lv., lw. ma ana vnirsao
Sts. Q-7
Monday we will sell the following second
hand macrunes so cneap tnat you can t
afford to sew by hand:
Former This
Price. Week,
Singer I 4.00 I 1.00
Household 20.00 8 00
8 Singers, high arm 80.00 8.00
1 Singer, new improved 80.00 16 00
1 Household 10.00 6.00
1 Union 10.00 6.00
1 White 16 00 100
1 Wilcox A Qlbbs 26.00 12.M
1 New Home 90.00 8.00
1 Singer, tailoring 20.00 10.00
Binger, shoemaker, cneap ror casn.
Modern, drop-bead machines, slightly used.
at one-nair regular price, we rent ma
chines at 76o per week or $2 per month.
These are modern, up-to-date machines,
with comDlete attachments.
We sell needleu and parts for and repair
every sewing macnine manuiactureo.
16th and Harney Sts.
Branch Offices: 612 North 24th street, Booth
Omaha, Neb., ana 834 Broadway, council
Bluffs. Q 103 16
FOR SALE Two Epworth acetylene gas
machines, lz ana is ugni, in perrect oraer:
will sell at low price; perfectly safe and
best machine made. 8. M. Morgan,
Friend. Neb. 0128 III
Until you have examined our genuine
Edison line. Prices. $10. $20, $30. ,
Columbia Qraphophones from $5 up.
Gramophones, $20 and $80.
Easy payments. Send for catalogue.
Edison Records have no equal.
OMAHA BICYCtE CO., 16th and Chicago
Sts. Bicycles ai.d Phonographs. Q
FOR SALE, one large galvanised Iron
steam dish neater, suitable tor a notei or
restaurant; 1 medium siaed soft and hard
coal heating stove. $8.00. Apply to M. J.
Franck, Midland Hotel. Q IS! 16
60 SQUARE pianos from $36.00 upward.
Terms, DO cents per week. Bcnmoller at
Mueller, 1318 Farnam, south side of street.
Q 191 16
FOR SALE One llxie Frost automatic
engine; right nana; usea oniy two years;
ons 48x16 return flue tubular boiler, all in
good condition and can now be seen run
ning our mill and elevator at Atlantic,
Iowa. Will be sold at a bargain. J. A.
Campbell A Son Q M216 17
1 ' j
HAVE you some money you would like to
put in aa invteimoui, oaeea on nrsi-ciaas
real estats security, that will make you a
profit Of not lees than 25 per cent an
nually, permanently? We have a very
attractive stock that will net at least
this mueh placed In our hands for sale.
Price. $100.00 per share, caah, or $1' 00
on Installments of 810.U0 down and $5.00
per month. Price will be advanced within
sixty days. Will be worth $150.00 per share
by January 1 next. The American
Realty company, lands, stocks, bonds and
Investments, "C, Equitable Building, Des
Moines, la. R 147 16
$6 PER hundred, paid for name and ad-
areaaea. cnciuM v aiauiy. .u. sk n. v u.,
Kanaaa City. Me. R 971 16
8 WELL improved fsrms for rent. L. L.
H. biewan, u. n. rai i cans tog.
R M'-T7 IT
OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. make a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
sales, u. Anore-o, prop., un a. mtn ot.
I sol nu
Howard, ma-
THE GARDENERS protect old age as well
aa Ufa. Charter members free. Particu
lars from Frank; Rosewater, auprerae
snanaaer. 222 Bee fc.ts. r
MME. PALMER, the celebrated medium
and occult scientist, noios cnnuiy.m-..
dally on all affairs of life; her advice Is
Invaluable on anything pertaining 10
buslnees, lawsuits, divorce cases and lovs
matter Intelligently adjusted. I'erma-
y ad.
0 Dav
nentiy located at 161
S-T66 16
Rellablelnformatton on all affairs of Hie.
Beneficial advice concerning any trouble
or difficulties whatever. S 3o9 16
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 819 N. 16th.
S 895
MME. OTLMER, genuine palmist, 816 B.1J.
Mme. Ames, Cumberland house, 16th Cap.
T 771 Mi
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, 2d floor. Rl
T 804 M7
T-M366 F28
BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian
treatment; attendant. 321 N. 16th. Flat
A, T M69 M2
MASSAGE, Manicuring.
1615 Howard, flat
T-M721 M5
PRIVATE hospital, before and during oon.
nnement; babies adopted. 8806 Urant 8k
Mra. Oardels. TeL F-U82. U-497
DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. R. 18.
Frenser Block. U-498
GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleating
plant la the weak 2u0 Douglas bWck.
SHAMPOOINO and halrdresslns. 250. Is)
connection with The Bather, 16-220 Boa
building. Tel. 1716.
RUPTURE permanently cured In 80 to 60
days; send for olrcular. O. 8. v ood, M.
D., 621 N- Ycri. Life Bldg.. Omaha.Neb.
Mlddlemls, wall paper cleaner, 1403 Jackson.
U 75S M-5
ELITE PARLORS, 61 S. 16th jfcijffi'
HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chiro
pody, for ladles only, In connection with
The Bathery. 216-220 Bee Bldg. V-&
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and
.,l.l,..l W - A SI tf el 17 A 1 s11tFlMJl
"" CW4
CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection
with The Bathery, rooms 216-230 Bee Bldg.
TeL 1716. U-648
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
and retail. Collins Piano Co.. 1622 Doug
las. U 406
LIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade costutner.
1018 Farnam. U 408
VIA VI, woman's way to health; rational,
wholesome home treatment 848 BeeJJidg.
PRIVATE home ladles before and during
confinement; adopt babies. 2620 Burdette.
Mrs. Burgek U-M961-M10
RTTPPOflR that In th nark VOU Skt
AND heard the band upon your hat
PLAY waitses, two-steps and marches too,
I think it would astonish you.
pom you r .
And then his Dine went out and he pro
ceeded at once to procure a
which Is the best 6o straight cigar on ths
market. $37 per 1.000. Union made.
w. jr. struaiCivaiH tiuan
Ur-M66 17
GET your shrubs and trees trimmed early
If you want gooa results. Aeave oroera
at 1469 8. 16th St John F. Behm.
U 8j Ml
SENSIBLE young lady has $66,000 In
In desiring an affectionate husband to
help make homo happy. Address, S 66,
Bee. U-97816
WHT do you drudge your life away when
rortuno may oe waiting on - your An
East Indian Psychlo will -send test lite
reading, lucky birth gems and astral col
ors for 80 cents. Send sex and birthday.
Omer Manama, 78 Fifth Ave., New York
City. - U
DO TOU know your future? If not. ad
dress J. Riley Allen White. 66 lglehart.
(3 V. A BUI, ,1MU. W V.. .1 VD MMU V.. -
date. With quick reply he gives this in
formation in wonaenui lire reaaing.
U 140 16
INDEPENDENTLT wealthy lady with
nleaaln Dersonalltr and sweet disposi
tion desires husband for business advisor
and companion. ' Mlse Loyal. Koom Li,
404 Vine, Cincinnati, Ohio. U 134 16
AN ENGLISH woman's lovo letters, price
26 cents. Henry jacoo finer, v"stnoutor,
EdwardBVllle, 111. U-660 16
GEORQE It was an automobile frlese. Sea
sge to, reoruary wnai to iwii.
iollle. U-06B 16
TO REACH 16,000 mark we offer beauti
fully Illustrated, practical poultry ana
hare magaslne until 1903 for 10c. Standard,
J, Hall Bldg.. Kansas City, Mo.
U-086 16
MARRY, the Denver Corresponding asso
ciation, inoorporatea unaer ioioraao sibiv
laws. Issues 20-year membership, has 8,000
members, worth 8100 to $100,000; bank
reference; send largest paper published,
sealed, 10c. R. L. Love, Mgr., Denver,
Colo. U-87 16
Inches at home, witn ur. uonway s uust
Tabloids, at trifling cost: $1,000 for a case
we cannot; those developed In past It
years prove 'tis permanent. Sealed facts,
4c stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., . 16
Temple Place, Boston, Maes.
FTNE-LOOKING, middle-aged gentleman,
wortn nearly tau.uu, wants loving wire.
No demands to make, except she be good,
true woman. Address, Mr. Alfred. Box
76. Chicago. 111. U-126-16
SUPERFLUOUS hair, warts end moles
permanently removea ny electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all worR
guaranteed. Mias Allender, 1618 Douglaa.
, -U
MARRY or correspond for amusement;
. . m 1 J !..! ,1
eilQ stamp iw hknu afcit:aiarv.
D 268, Council Bluffs, la. U
A MOST wonderful French clairvoyant;
what he tells comes true; sena iuc a -id
birthday. Prof. li. Garnot, box 868, Fro.
ldence, R. I. U
IMMENSELY wealthy, handsome and In
telligent lady wants immediately gooa,
capable husband. Address Erie, 67 Clirk
Sk, .Chicago. U-180 16
SUCCESSFUL business man, vary wealthy,
middle-aged, wanta sincere, honest, nome
loving wife. Address Mr. C, 96 Fifth
Ave., Chicago. U-178 16
ILLNESS compels sacrifice fine Stelnway
upright piano, perfect condition, beau
tiful tone. Address T 48. Bee office.
U 189 16
A GENTLEMAN, holding prominent posi
tion, worth wu.tiou. ii.ouu yeany, desires
affectionate, home-loving Wife. J. S., Box
83, Bk Louis, HO. u 17 16
'WEALTHY widow, aged 28, unencumbered.
living in rrniwyiv-iim. w uuiu nmrry anu
financially aid honorable, capable hus
band. Union, 6? Dearborn, Chicago.
U 1S2 IB
MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N. 15. td floor, r t
ALL who loet goods In Frontier laundry
. 111 U ' A I.- I .A
1 1 1 c win , - . " ..... ,1., rruiuarv m.
(41 Paxton block, 8 p. m. U M260 18
A BUSINESS man axed 28 wishes to hear
from respectable lady of corresponding
age. vvjKi, m,i i is" a at. nee.
V 764 16
MAIDEN LADT 22. excellent character,
wlshea to correspond with honorable gen-
lldliail liiailliuuillvii mtllliru. ( ri M4t,
JJ 100 AS-
WIDOW 46, hsve my own home; desire (o
h-ar from well meaning gentleman. T 67,
a. u its is
MATRIMONIAL Journal, containing large
Hat, ant sea'ed, plain envelope. 10c. Ad-
areas I . kj. dok duo. umnni. u 7bS lb"
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly aiienaea to. i. A. UcUlllree,
soia anu Aaae airveia, siu
WM. EVERITT. Special ratea to real es
late men: weather strips put aa. sj6
WANTED, city loans, bonds and warrants
uvui, at vvuipiAiiy, aoua srnaj airea,
4H PER CENT on business property.
s per crni on resiaence property.
Options to pay whole or pan uuy Urns.
A. ULlltLib, J1 H. iulh Hi.
WANTED, city loans and warrants. W.
r arnam emitn at Co., u. larnam St.
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bond!
and warrants, it. relets a to.. hjb
Farnam 8t., Bee Bldg. W
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha reaJ
estate. Brennan-ive to,, iy bom.1 Uliv
FARM and city loana, low rates. W. II
Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank uiog. iei. 16IS.
4H TO P. C. money. Bemts. Taxton It Ik.
v tu
PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. U
w in
ail Mom
MORTGAGE. G. G. Wallace, Brown Bik.
w ti
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas
uv Hi
I PER CENT loans, Garvin Bros., 1904
Farnam. vv ilo
8809, $600 AND $1,000 private money, 1. t I
or e years, on eastern Nebraska farms ot
well located oottages in Omaha. V. L
Belby, Board of Trade Bldg. W 918
lifos arnam sk
WE Guarantee as Easy Payments.
TOUR Employer Need Never Know.
No Inquiries of your friends or nelchbors.
if you want an ABSOLUTELY Al placa
to deal, please call. Inquiries strictly
confidential, wether you borrow or not.
Room 808. Third Floor, Paxton Block.
tSee Window from Farnam Street.)
Open Nights, Wednesdays and Saturdays
to jcini r. m.
WB make loana on Furniture,
Pianos. Horses, Wagons, Carriages
and other chattels.
We make
without mortgage to persons who
have permanent positions. You can
get the money on very short notice
and pay it back In one month, or
keep It longer and pay for It only
what time you keep Ik We are
leaders in low rates, quick and con
fidential service and courteous treat
raenk We Invite comparisons of
rates, time, payments, - etc. Wa
Eive you the full amount of the
-OAN In cash. We always "try to
119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22.
(Established 18K2.) 306 South lHta
street. X 947
Only requirement a steady position.
NO Mortgage, endorser or riubllcltv.
Weekly. Semi-Monthly or Monthly.
R. R. Men, Clerks, Machinists, School
reacnera, joooaaewpera, (stenographers or
any employes given time to suit their
GUARANTEE Lowest, Rates in Town.
VERY private offices. EASILY found.
Telephone 1411 for eve. date.
No charges for Information or papers.
Open Noons, Wednssday and Saturday
Evenings. Can call on you If preferred.
Room 3o3 Third Floor, Paxton Block
bALArtiJuu merchants, team
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 otllces In prin
cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade
Bldg. . x ia
live stock, etc Quick service and lowest
rates guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. 633
Itop floor) Paxton block, northeast corner
16th and Farnam; entrance on loth street.
X 423 '
LOANS. Absolutely without removing
goous. wrmen guarantee given to this
Jffeck AMERICAN LOAN CO., . Room
8v3, Paxton Block. , X-419
MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried
wfi "; """ , lowest rates.
,14 Paxton block. The J. A, Hutton Co.
X 420
MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock.
icweiijr, v Hinucu irvyic r oiey loan
;o., sua. to Duff Green, 8 Barker Bik.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, tew,
eiry, norses. cows, eto. u. '. need, 319 8. 13.
A. 424
DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading
specialist In diseases of women In Omaha,
would call the attention of suffering
ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations
before and during confinement, and his
treatment for irregularities, no matter
what cause. Call or addrena, with stump.
Dr. Pries, Arlington block, 1513 Dodau,
f.v.1 liirwiiiri
To relieve st hums any case of long-stand-
''li TO.UU.W, auiiurmai suppression
from any causa. Even If others have
railed. IrV n,IP nmniinn ...... , . J
' ...(. wlU,lLf,f
Tvaeiaoie nuia extract. We never (llxap-
le nuia extrack We never dlxa
Laed for over eighty years wit
ingle failure. Why despair? I
em. Co.. 19 Qulncy St., Chicago.
out a singl
Mead Rem.
970 F21
MEN ONLT If "run down," weak or de-
tinSTS1 VmxiS erlag trom varicocele or
kindred troubles, write for free box
Cactus Cure; gives strength and develop
ment of a giant; never falls. We want
every man, weak or strong, to aend for
Lrhri.b?.i Kfctus Cure.'rJ. Box J.Hil,
Philadelphia, Pa. j77i(j
LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal
.v neat, eaie, reuaoii:. lake
no other. Send 4o stamps for particulars.
"Relief for Ladles," in letter by return
mall. Ask your drueglsk Chichester
Chemical Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. -
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and children: 80 years' practice.
Office 2206 Cuming. Res. tel. F-2i; ulllce
LADIES, our harmless remedy for delayed
v. ,', - w.. . i ... vannui mil, u mi
free. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee,
WONDERFUL cures, home treatment
sterility, weaknea of vital forces In
women, also Inst manhood; why suffer
symptom blanks furnlahvd. Vlrtlltv Com
pany, 14 State at., Chicago. 198 !!
A SILVER bracelet on 16th. bet. Cal. and
Leavenworth. Return to 302 N. 15th snd
receive reward. $3. Lost MiJ 16
LOST from till Douglas St., blsck ccVer
spaniel, (t months old, answers to name
of Mac; leather collar, brass mounted;
reward. Cliff Cole, lu Douglas.
Lost-M931 16
LIRERAL reward for the return of my
English bulldog, white and brindle spots,
1 year old. Tom Dennlson.
Lost-Mft',1 16
A BUNCH of keys with tag, Hrennnn &
Son. Return to Brennan St Bon and r
celve reward. Imt VI 11
NEW A Zdhand. 1119 Farnam St., Omaha.