Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 16, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    3T The Omaha
PAGES I TO 10. g
Edward Cheeses Ciates de Taoreio for
His ltj ca Kiritra.
Greei Xoiiice.t U TJaafil MeBonts of the
T riiM of Wales.
I srpstial Fltral Toath Adds IrajcTanot to
the I alt 6ea Ail.
Glorious Old Park Could Easily Be
British Poverelga'a aa a Gift, bat
All Hla Efforle to Bar
Arc I a avail 1 obj
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Feb. 15. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) Among the many
estates offered hlra. King Edward has
finally fixed hla choice on the Chateau
de Thorenc, at Cannes, for bis residence
during his stay on the Riviera in March.
It belongs to Lord Rendel and Is considered
the most beautiful demesne on all the
sure coast, leaving In the shade even the
great estates of the grand dukes of Russia.
Lord Rendel Is the head of the board of
management of the famous Armstrong firm
and has a fortune estimated at over $00,
000,000. From 1882 to 1683 be was civil lord
of the admiralty. While prince of Wales
King Edward was several times a guest
at Thorenc. A few years ago It was
rumored In English circles at Cannes that
be had offered to buy the place, but that
Lord Rendel refused to take money and
Insisted on making a present of It and the
then prince had given up the idea..
The 125-acre park surrounding the castle
Is entirely hemmed tn by stone walls clad
In Ivy and honeysuckle. The avenues and
' lanes aggregate twelve miles. When In
England Lord Rendel lives In another
superb country place, Hotchlands, at Qull
ford. He spends five or six months each
year at Cannes and has another One resi
dence at Postllppo, near Naples.
Faatldloas About Her Gardes.
Lady Rendel has long been renowned for
ber exacting fastidiousness aa regards the
keeping of her gardens. At Thorenc sbe
lias twenty men ooiog nothing but looking
after them, besides a head gardener, two
foremen and a squad of experts for the
greenhouses. The avenues alone provide
work for several bands every minute of
the day. Not a fallen leaf, burned match
or footprint Is allowed to remain on the
sand. As the park lies on a hillside, the
aged Lady Rendel never strolls through It
except In a tiny chair drawn by two white
donkeys and two men with rakes follow
at a distance to Immediately efface the
traces of the wheela.
What has attracted the king to the
Chateau .de Thorene more than anything
, else-Is the -woedeaful Jrollectlon of axotie
- plants and flowers. In the grounds the
. flower beds are never permitted to contain
any but planta In full bloom. As soon as
those are on the point of fading the whole
bed la spaded up during the night and re
set with flowers about to open, which have
been kept In reserve In remote fields or in
special forcing houses. From many lofty
points the promenader discovers enthrall
lng views of land and sea.
Lord Rendel's daughtar, Maud, married
Herbert Gladstone and Tborence castle
possesses the room which the great Glad
stone himself used to occupy there for a
month almost every winter.
In a particularly picturesque nook facing
the south and the sea there Is a clump
of olive trees set out by the prince of
Wales with his own hands more than fit
teen years ago. They are doubtless the
enly trees be ever planted and he shows
an Interest In their welfare and growth
very time he returns.
flrim Saeetetv Oatwlnga Flylag
chine, Tkesgh Its Speed la
' Two Mllea a Mluate.
Copyright, 190J, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Feb. IB. (New York World
Cablegram 8peclal Telegram.) New details
of the fearful balloon journey which Captain
Tarlsch , von Slegfleld recently made from
' Berlin to Antwerp, ending In his death,
have been made known by his companion,
Dr. Links.
The distance, 400 mllea, waa made In five
hours and thirteen minutes. It takes an
express train fifteen hours to make the
run by rail between the two cities. The
balloon attained the most terrific speed
between Htldshetn and Wesel, going at the
rate of 135 miles an hour. The 108 mllea,
after passing Wesel were covered In
seventy-eight minutes. At ons time the
balloon was flying at the rate of sixty
yards a second, about two mllea a minute.
garglcal Operatlaa Plaaaed Car a
Girl Who Ilea Beea Two
Yeara Toagus-Tled.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN, Feb. 15. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Prof. Berg
Biann, the kaiser's surgeon, has a case on
band which is attracting the widest atten
tlon among medical men. It Is that of a
young girl who has been tongue-tied for
two years. Ths trouble was caused by a
violent assault, which paralysed the musclej
of the tongue. Prof. Bergmann has tsken
the rase after several unsuccessful at
tempts have been made by other special
Ista to restore speech. His plan la to cut
out the top of the throat and replace It
with aa artificial organ of silver. The ope
ration, which will be witnessed by eminent
surgeons from far and near, will take place
at the end of this month.
Former Q.rta of Madagascar Would
t'ala Settle la Theae tailed
(Copyright. 1903, by Press Publishing Co )
PARIS, Feb. 6. (New York world C-
blegram Special Telegram.) Ra naval a.
formerly queen of Madagascar, having tired
of her gilded captivity In Algeria, baa
petitioned the government to allow her
to settle In the I'ulted States. She offers
to take an oath never to attempt to re
turn to ber native Island nor to communi
cate with her former subjects in any man
ner. The Freuca government baa not rs-
114 to ter
Vnlque Poaltlon la Brltlah
(Copyright, 192. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Feb. 15. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) She who
York has become through the dear. . the
first marquis of Dufferln and Ave 4 nly
American marchioness in the Br peer
age. Her father is John H. Da f anker
at 24 Washington Square, Ne-- " t.
utru buv lull I ICU, UtUTO j T" AU 1
Dufferln's second son,, sh , tne Lady
Terence Blackwood. Two ago Lord
Dufferln's eldest son,' the of Avs, was
killed In battle while d g Ledysmlth.
and as he wss unme , Lord Terence
Blackwood became U e and took the
title of Viscount Clandewye.
The new marquis and marchioness of
Dufferln and Ava have a beautiful house In
London at 75 Cadogan Square, where they
are now. The new marchioness is expect
ing a visit from the stork and has to be
kept quiet.
The marquis has been trying to let this
house for the coronation season, since, on
account of being in mourning, they will not
be able to go out or to entertain. The
coronation, probably, will be the only fes
tivity they will sttend.
Their house is entered by a large, square
hall, an uncommon thing In a London house.
All the rooms are beautifully decorated and
upholstered. When they first went Into
It the drawing room was done In a shade of
rose red, but when everything was finished
sbe decided the color wa3 unbecoming, so
she had the whole altered at a cost of
$2,500, all of which was paid by her father,
who also gave the decorations and furniture
for the bouse.
The late marquis of Dufferln, after a
long and brilliant carper as governor gen
eral of Canada and British ambassador to
saveral of the most important courts of
Europe, died last Wednesday, in his sev
enty-sixth year, respected by all, yet
ruined In purse and broken In beart
through a perfectly Innocent but too trust
ful connection with unfortunate specula'
tlve enterprises. A pathetic letter, writ
ten by him at the time of the Whttaker
Wright smash, has been published here. In
which he moana: "It is really heart
breaking. I am nearly ruined, and many
others are Involved in the same cammlty.
The one bright spot In the whole business
is the way my shareholders have behaved
And what do you think that good fellow
C. did? He asked leave to place 1,000
at Lady Dufferln's disposal, and yet be
himself Is a poor man."
The late Lord Dufferln courteously as
seated to more than one request of your
correspondent for his opinion on impor
tant International questions. In November
of 1800 he wsa asked to write an article on
the old and the new diplomacy, he being
the most distinguished living exponent of
the former. He sent this Interesting let
ter, hitherto unpublished: "I bssten to
acknowledge the receipt of your flattering
proposal, but In the first place I am far
too busy to be able to embark on any liter
ary task, and In the second place I do
not know that I have any distinct concep
tlon of what Is meant by the new and old
diplomacy. The telegraph and rapid means
of communication by letter between the
foreign office., and Its dependents aa.. of
course, modified the position of the repre
sentatlves at the various courts of Europe
to a considerable extent..-! Imagine that
Is not what you mean by the expression.
new diplomacy a term which I bare
frequently seen used in the newspapers
without, however, being able to compre
bend exactly to what It applies."
The "new diplomacy" was , McKlnley's
which was copied by Chamberlain, while
Dufferln's letter is an admirable example
of the "old diplomacy."
Veteran of Egyptian Campaign and
Comrade of Methaea la
Booth Africa,
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Feb. 15. (New Tork World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Drummer,
the famous war dog of the Northumberland
fusiliers, recently died at the military hos
pital at Colchester. He went through the
Egyptian campaign and was at ths battle
of Omdurman, where he suaoped at bullets
which he thought wen flies. He sailed for
South Africa with the first regiments sent
out and was the only dog Metheun allowed
to accompany his column north of Orange
Drummer waa at Magersfonteln, where
Major Ray, Northumberland fusiliers, son of
Colonel Ray, Drummer's owner, was killed
at the relief of Klmberly, and was wounded
In the shoulder at Wynberg.
Queen Victoria suggested her Intention of
giving blm a medal when he returned from
South Africa, but the war officers raised
objections. He had, however, miniature
medals and clasps from Diamond Hill
Johannesburg, Paardeberg, Drlefonteln, re
lief of Klmberley, Belmont and Hodder
Edward Objects and Losssa Theatric
eal Manager Govera Them
elves Accordingly.
(Copyright, 190J, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Feb. 15. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Word baa
gone abroad among the London theatrical
managers that King Edward has no relish
for plays In which kings are burlesqued
He took particular exception to the king
of Illyrla in "Kitty Grey," a gay Lothario
who haunts theatrical green rooms and en
tertalns actresses at supper. Conae
quentiy tne aays oi "Kitty . urey" are
The king believes that tbs turning of
royalty Into ridicule or contempt 4 not
beneficial to loyalty, yet It la asserted that
his own popularity la largely, due to his
"Illyrtan" reputation.
in cnaracter or tne King oi illyrla ap
parently Is baaed on that of the king of
the Belgians, who Is King Edward's cousin.
By I slag All Fear This Mad Lover
acceeds la Esttagalahlag
Hla Flaaae.
(Copyright. 1908, by Press Publishing Co
BERLIN, Feb. 15. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) What is
styled here "an American duel" occurred
at Lamberg recently, causing a great aen
satlon. Carl Mriyglob, a school teacher
first swallowed arsenic, then, while writhing
In pain, seised a rasor and gashed hi
throat; after that he shot himself twice
with a revolver and finally hanged himself
by a contrivance pievloualy fixed on a door.
He bad had a quarrel with hla rival for the
affections of a Polish girl, and they had
drawn lots to determine which should kill
Ctuptrsllif of liifi Hoisoheld Chtsts
AfUr Edward's A twit
Kinj'g AitoBoblla Saves Balfour from an
Awkward P rtdicamont
If bistort Amend bj, Hostility of Theii Owi
War Correepondent Mlstakea for Col-
ael Lrark, Belligerent froaa Gal
way Another Deaclt Tanked
aa Rational Debt.
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Feb. 15. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) A strange,
unrecorded Incident happened this week In
the House of Commons. It' waa suddenly
discovered that the proposal to appoint a
second deputy speaker under the new rules
wss Illegal without the personal assent of
the king. The proposal might come any
minute, so Victor Cavendish, M. P.. comp
troller of the king's household, was posted
off to secure the royal assent.
On reaching Marlborough house he found
that the king bad gone motoring to Windsor
and would not be back for an hour. For
tunately for the government, an unexpected
ebate Intervened before the new rule and
Cavendish arrived 'In the king's motor In
the palace yard with the royal assent just
In the nick of time to save Minister Bal
four from the awkward necessity of ac
knowledging that he bad overlooked this
constitutional form.
The ministers are amazed at the hostile
reception accorded by a large body of their
own followers to the new punishment rule
directed against the Irish members. The
rule not only doubles the period of sus
pension, but It makes a return to the House
by the suspended member depend on an ex
press Ion of sincere regret, under the belief
that none but Irish members would refuse
to apologize. However, many tories have
declared that they will never apologize. So
this Ingenious proposal Is doomed, as It Is
not the object of the ministry to provoke
possible disfranchisement of British con
Irish Expect to Safer Aloae.
The Irish members' view of the rule Is
that punitive suspension powers will only
be exercised against them, and where the
English members defy the chair, which they
did, with entire Immunity from punishment
or even rebuke, on the home rule bill, the
speaker will use tbe new power given blm
to suspend the sitting member until the
psasion cools.
Scotland Yard was grievously hoaxed this
week over the supposed appearance in the
House of Commons of Colonel Lynch, Oal-
wayX; absent minister.. George Lynch, a
war correspondent in Cuba, China and
South Africa, ' visited the house as the
guest of Msjor Jameson, M. P., and signed
his name In a book aa "Lynch, M. P." In
stantly word waa conveyed to Scotland Yard
and a cordon- of detectives was drawn
around the chamber until two of them
who were personally acquainted with Col
onel Lynch saw they were after the wrong
The Incident created a great commotion
among the ministers. Scotland Yard evi
dently apprehenda that Lynch will take
hla aeat, aa It Is still closely watching both
nouses oi parliament. As a matter of
fact. Lynch apparently has no Intention
of risking hla liberty. He has had no
communication whatever since his election
with the Irish members, who are rather
disgusted at the part he haa played.
The magnificent revenue of S710.000.000
which Beach, chancellor of tbe exchequer,
will announce In bis budget, still leaves a
deficit of $300,000,000 to be added to tho
English national debt this year. Any at
tempt to moke tbe country pay its wsy
under present conditions would provoke
instant reaction, so Uabllttlea are being
pueu on to me debt.
New ttaaker, Owner of Dally News,
Will Raa His Paper Agalast
oath African Scheme.
(Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing C.)
LONDON, Feb. 15. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) George Cad-
bury having absorbed tbe whole proprietory
interest of tbe Daily News for $675,000
proposes to continue to conduct it on antl
war lines. Mr. Cadbury. as a Friend.
opposed to all wars. He showed recently
the consistency of his convictions In
remarkable way by refusing to accept an
order for goods of his manufacture for the
troops. He intends to exclude from his
paper all accounts of horse racing and bet
ting, but will report athletic contests. He
haa established a model village In con
nection with his manufactory, run on en
tlrely new and philanthropic lines. '
The official returns show that 100 deaths
are occurring In London just now from
Influenza and Its sequels, to every one from
smallpox. Medical observers say this In
fluenza epidemic, like the first one, orlgl
nated In southern Russia, traveling across
Europe and leaving a terrible record of
death and disablement In Its train. Ths
smallpox returns remain practically sta
tlonary, the principal centers being tho
East End slums in Westminster.
Baeoaaters ei
i fttreeta Occur
Are Still
TRIESTE. Austria. Feb. 15. Crowds
thronged the streets this morning, but mili
tary patrols ksep the strikers and publio
generally moving. All the aquares and
public buildings are occupied by soldiers
and large contingents of the military
forces are la readiness for Immediate ac
tion. Business is suspended.
A number of those who were wounded
when tbe troops on the Plaza Orande fired
a volley Into a mob yeetsrday have since
Many black flags wsrc flying this after
noon and mobs paraded the streets smash
ing ths windows of those who did not dis
play mourning. The result was that there
were many encounters between ths popu
lace and police and soldiers, and many
arrests were made, Ons detachment of
troops which was attacksd retaliated by
firing oa the mob. A number et rioters
wars) Injured. ,
President's "on Makes Steady Ad
vancement Toward Recoverr
Doctor'a Examination.
OROTON, Mass., Feb. 15. The latest re
ports from the rooms of the three sick stu
dents are favorable. Mrs. Roosevelt stated
this afternoon that her son wss doing fine
and that they were all extremely gratified
with his Improvement.
The Potter and Caramel lads are also
gaining, although their ' convalescence Is
not so rspld aa in young Roosevelt's esse,
should no new complications arise. It Is Mrs.
Roosevelt's belief that she will be able to
take her son to . Washington some ' time
aext week.
Miss Alice Roosevelt arrived at Groton
this, afternoon, accompanied by the stew
ard of the White House. She was driven
to the Infirmary of the school, where she
was cordially greeted by Mrs. Roosevelt
nd Teddy, the latter seeming delighted to
see his sister. Mother and sister re
mained by the sick boy's bedside during
nearly the entire afternoon and evening,
leaving shortly before 9 o'clock for the res
idence of Mr. Gardner, which Is their home
while In Groton. There was every reason
to believe that the patient would pass
a comfortable night.
Dr. Warren, the school physician. Is now
the only physlctsn In attendance upon the
Ick boy, his greatly Improved condition
having warranted tbe dismissal today of
Dr. Jewett, one of Dr. Warren's assistants
and ths expressed Intention of the latter
to make but one visit a day here.
The last of the out-of-town newspaper
correspondents left this afternoon.
A medical review of young Roosevelt's
esse obtained today shows that the boy
became ill as the result of cooling off
suddenly after violent exercise. The first
diagnosis showed acute lobar pneumonia
in both lungs, the left lung being the more
seriously Involved. . The left lung soon be
came entirely affected and the right con
gested. It was a typical case of double
Dr. Lambert, upon his arrival last Mon
day, found the lad seriously 111. with pulse
120 and temperature 106. and tbe case had
become complicated with acute pleurltls.
The administration of oxygen was
deemed necessary. This greatly relieved
the patient. The second stage of the dis
ease found the heart' ineffective, but
oxygen and powerful stimulants had the
desired effect and on Tuesday the tem
perature dropped. On Wednesday oxygen
was discontinued. The stage of resolution
was entered with the vitality of tbe pa
tient not greatly Impaired. The heart
gained In strength and the Improvement
waa very steady.
ROME, Feb. 15. The pope has cabled to
President Roosevelt, expressing hope for
the speedy recovery of the tatter's ron.
Identified by Bell Boy aa Companion
of Gneat Foanjd Dying
la Room.
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Walter 8. Brooks,
a young commission merchant of this city,
wks found dying In a room in the Glen
Isiimd hotel. West and : Cortlandt streets,
las( ml4nlghjUsuid otto hf death several
hours later In a hospital the police were
notified and took in charge Florence Burns,
handsome Brooklyn girl, with whom
Brooks had for some time been keeping
company. She probably win be arraigned
A negro bellboy Identified tbe girl as
the one who came to the hotel with Brooks,
but Miss Burns denies she was the person,
and declares she met Brooks at his place
of business early Friday evening, leaving
blia at 8:30 o'clock to go to her home in
Certain It is that Brooks and some young
woman went to the Glen Island, register
ing as J. Wilson and wife. It was midnight
when the bellboy smelled gas In one of the
hallways. Brooks' room was broken Into
and he was found lying across the bed un
conscious and gas was pouring from the
Dr. Sweeney was summoned and noticed
what waa apparently a simple cut on the
back of the head. Later be discovered it
waa a bullet wound and Brooks was re
moved to the hospital.
At the station tbe girl did not flinch at
tbe examination through which she was
put, maintaining that she did not spend
the night with Brooks. Tbe bellboy, how
ever, picked her out from three women
lined up before him, as the one who bad
been at the hotel.
Dr. Sweeney snd the police put aside the
theory of aelf-murder, because there was
no powder mark around the spot where
tbe bullet entered the head. Counsel has
been engaged by the girl's father, who Is
Fred Burns, well known In sporting circles
as the bnnouncer at big sporting events,
Brooks Is a compositor, and friends of the
family say the young man waa Infatuated
with the girl, and that the family was using
svery endeavor to have tbe Intimacy cease.
Brooks waa 20 yeara old and known as an
amateur athlete.
Hold Banqnet. Which W. J. Bryaa
leads a Oreetlaa; In
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. Democrats preml
nent in this and other aectlons of the
country met at dinner tonight by the Invl
tatlon of the Brooklyn Democratic club at
the Germanla clubrooms in Brooklyn to do
honor to the memory of Samuel J. Tllden.
Three hundred and fifty men sat at ths
tables. Presldeat Herman A. Meti pre
sided and seated near him were former Gov
ernor Robert A. Paulson of Pennsylvania,
W. Bourks Cockrsn, Representative David
de Armond of Missouri, Edwsrd M. Bbep
ard, John E. Redmond, Lewis Nixon, Jus
tics William L. Gsynor and ex-Comptroller
President Mets read a number of letters
of resreu
They were from ex-President Cleveland,
ex-Becretary Olney, William J. Bryan and
ex-Senator David B. Hill.
A letter of regret was also read from
J. M. Pearson, Mayor of McKlnney, Tex.
There was a postscript to Mr. Bryan's
Utter which resd: '"Euclosed editorial on
steadfastness will serve ss a aentlment in
cass rod desire one."
The first paragraph of the letter said:
"A party must have principles or it can
have no claim on public confidence, and
how can It commend Its principles better
than by standing by them? Who will have
faith In the creed of a party if the party
stands ready to barter away Its creed in
exchange for a promise of patronage? A
halting, hesltsting, vacillating course not
only fails to Invite recruits, but It alienates
sad drives away veterans. The party that
haa no higher purpose than to save its own
life will die because it deserves to die; ths
party that Is willing to dlr, if need be, for
the sake of a grsat cause, will IIto because
It deaerveo U Urs.
Leaves lit Kativo Shores for Visit to tho
United States,
Hakes tho Voyage on Itoamor Iron Print
Vessel ts Eipeoted to Break tho Keeord ii
Speacer Eddy, with Rnsalaa and
British Noblemen, Leave Bremer
Haves with Royal Oer-
BREMERHAVEN, Feb. 15. At Hamburg
Senator Tlrcblrschky joined the party of
Prince Heny, and at Bremen, where the
tra.n arrived at 1:40 p. m., Admiral Hrpliz,
secretary of the admiralty, Adjutant Gen
eral von Plessen and other high ofDc.als
from Berlin were added to tbe prince a
suite. They lunched leisurely In the royal
waiting room of the Bremen station and
then entered tbe train, which at 2 p. m.
stesmed slowly toward Bremerbavcn. The
inhabitants of every village along the route
turned out, gathered along the rail track
and gave the princo a great ovation.
Bremerhaven, usually a dreary place, was
bright with color in the prince's honor.
All the shipping on the river flew Ameri
can and German flags and the wharves were
black with cheering crowds, as Kron Prlns
WUhelm drew out Into tbe stream at 8:43
p. m., with the band playing "Tbe Star
Spangled Banner."
Kron Prlns Wllhelm passed Hohenweg at
5:25 p. m. Fair weather prevailed and the
aea was calm.
Previous to sailing Prince Henry In con
versation with a correspondent of the Asso
ciated Press referred to the report that he
had a written a letter to Admiral Dewey
apologizing for the conduct of the German
squadron in Manila bay during the war with
Spain. "It is all untrue," said the prince.
"I have never written to Admiral Dewey In
my life."
The last seen of the prince from the
shore here was when he stood on the bridge
of Kron Prlns Wllhelm In an admiral's
uniform and lifted Ma cap In response to
tbe cheers of the assembled crowds.
Commander William H. Beehler, U. S. N.,
the United States naval attache at Berlin,
bid the prince good-bye from the United
States embassy.
Kron Prlns Wllhelm Is expected to break
the record. Its machinery was In perfect
condition, and Us bunkers were filled with
picked coal. Director Schmidt of the North
German Lloyd line, to which the steamer
belongs, informed tbe correspondent of the
Associated Press that he thought it would
average 22 knots all tbe way over and get
to quarantine. New. York.-at .o'clock on
Saturday morning. The drew of Kron Prlns
Wllhelm, from tbe captain to the stokers,
are determined to do their best
Among the passengers of Kron Prlns Wll
helm are Spencer Eddy, secretary of the
United States legation at Constantinople;
Miss Eddy, Commander Sir Charles Gust,
R. N. (retired) ; Mrs. Moreton Frewen, M.
Goullchamberoff, attached to the Russian
finance ministry; George A. Armour, Al
lison V. Armour and William Candldus.
Many Pnaacnscra Aboard.
There are 200 first cabin and 200 second
cabin passengers on board Kron Prlnz Wll
United States Consul Henry W. Dledertch,
of Bremen made a speech at the twentieth
annual dinner of the Navigators' guild, at
Bremen, yesterday evening that has been
more talked of today than any other inci
dent connected with Prince Henry's depart
ure. Mr. Dlederich, after dwelling on va
rlous reasons for amity between Qeraia-.y,
the United States and Great Britain, said:
Prince Henry le not srolns- to America to
establish a new alliance of friendship, but
to give renewed expression to the old,
friendly relations natural to the triole re
lationship of Germany, England and Amer
ica. Here is a Urelbuna created by heaven
and not by the arts of diplomacy. The
great sections of the Germanic people
should be united in close ties of friendnhlp
for the advancement of peace and civiliza
tion. Mr. Dlederich's remarks scored tremend
ously. When "Ladles" were toasted, the name of
Miss Alice Roosevelt was heartily cheered.
Prlace Enjoys the Seat Intent.
Prince Henry was unable to be present at
the dinner, owing to the preparations being
made for bis departure to tbe United States.
Tbe prince, however, read on the train a
printed report of Mr. Dlederich's speech,
and when the consul met him at Bremen
Haven station and wished tbe prince a
pleasant journey. Prince Henry congratu
lated him on bis speech and thanked him
for the sentiments expressed. Mr. Dlederich
gave the prince a telegram from Mr. White,
United States ambassador at Berlin, wish
ing blm, in behalf of the embassy, a good
voyage, a happy vinlt to the United States
and a safe return.
There are several hundred weight of
delicacies, wines, cigars and cigarettes, un
organized contributions from all over the
German empire, on board Kron Prlnz
KIEL. Feb, 15. Admiral Prince Henry of
Prussia started f-r Bremen at 8:30 this
What looked like bait of Kiel'a popula
tlon assembled at the railroad station to
bid farewell to Prince Henry at 8:30 o'clock
this morning. Also at the station were
Admirals Von Arnlm and Von Koester and
fourteen other naval officers of high rank
and a large guard of marines. On tbe plat
form of the station tbs prince kissed the
princess, his wife, and stood uncovered on
the rear steps of the car In aplte of the
sharp, wintry air until ths train was out
of the station.
Brings Emperor's Sympathlea,
BERLIN, Feb. 15. Ths Cologne Gazette
devotes a lengthy editorial jo the departure
of Prince Henry on his visit to the United
Stales. It savs:
Prince Henry goes to express tbs em
peror's greet sympathlea with the racially
related American people and his frank re
cognition of their power. Prince Heary
Is in Germany a popular personage, and
his subordinates would go through Are for
him. The German people are attached to
ths prince admiral.
Emperor William has followed the ad
vancemcnt of American shipbuilding with
great Interest; there Is no yacht swift
enough for him, aad be bad repeatedly
given commissions to German and British
builders to make blm a swift sailing yacht,
and has now commissioned an American
ICoktUued o Second. Fags-i
Forecast for Nebraskn Partly Cloudy
Sunday and Momlay; Variable Winds.
1 Kin Edward's Home for March.
"addea ( base for Royal Approval.
Prince Henry Starts for America.
C'hanatra at Omaha Indian Aaency.
S President Considers Schley Case.
lrclnnd Condemns Anarchy.
Outlook of German Tariff Bill.
8 Hhca Flahta to Save Hla Serk.
Covcrnnr'a Reply In Omaha Cnae.
Month Dakota Indnalrlal Scheme.
4 Honors to Saaan B. Anthony.
Remarkable Career of Billy Weil.
5 Senate Warfare oa C ivil Service.
Snnth Omaha Library Propoaala.
Echuea of Local Aaterooma.
6 l.aat Week In Omaha Society.
Womaa'a Club and Charity Work.
T French Criticism of fircat Brltala.
Reaulta of Saturday Hacca.
8 Coancll lllaffa nnd Iowa Kewe.
9 Sporting fioaalp of the Week.
It) Knllroa.U Cat OAT Dcadheada.
Recollections of Notable CampalaiB
11 Hard for Hlsh School Stadeata.
Alhlellca at Ncbraaka Valverelty.
4et Away from Winter Rlsrore.
Kubellk a Boy, but Remarkable.
131 M Oman i Her Waya and Whims.
13 Amusements nnd Musical Notea.
14 Editorial aad Comment.
15 Guarantee Good Health or Pay.
Aarlcnltnre the Indpeadent Life.
Booka of Old and Hccent Date.
IS Condition of Bualneaa In Omnha.
Commercial and Financial Matters
ltt "No Other Way," by Walter Beaant.
Temperature at Omaha Yesterday I
Hour. Desc. Hour. Dei
B a. m 14 1 p. m...... 27
it a. in ...... 1 : S i. m.i... il'J
7 a. m la 3 p. m at)
N a. m 1 4 p. m
l a. m 14 O p. m K
10 n. in IN n p. m Si
11 a. in 111. , T p. m UU
12 m SB
Arrest of Engineer Leada to Proapect
of Hla Securing
PITTSBURG, Feb. 15. An engineer asleep
at his post, a wreck in which one man Is
killed, a coroner's Investigation, resulting
In the engineer and two others being held to
await the action of the grand jury, form a
series of events this week that may result
In William Jackson receiving his share of
a large estate.
Jackson is the engineer who, by his own
frank admissions, was responsible for the
wreck on the Fort Wayne railroad near
Evansvllle on Monday morning, whea Mau
rice Burk was killed. Jackson, his fireman
and a brakeman yesterday were beld by
the coroner's jury on charges of criminal
negligence. This morning Coroner Jesse
McGear received a letter, dated Belleville,
111., and signed F. Helms, In whlch tbe
writer says a man by the name of Jack
son, and an engineer, is being looked for
by representatives of a large estate, of
which Jackson Is entitled to a large share.
The letter asks the assistance of the cor
oner In finding whether the Jackson who
was In the wreck la the man wanted. The
coroner will communicate with the engineer
at once. , - ; .. .
.. .- ;-n .i wWi. in it innr"-ry -'
Accident Occurs from t'nknowa Cnnae
at Trade Dollar
BOISE. Idaho, Feb. 15. A brief dispatch
to the Statesman from Silver City, Idaho,
states that two men were Instantly killed
and another badly hurt in an explosion at
tho Trade Dollar mine today.
The dead:
The exact cause of the dtaaster Is not
known, but it Is supposed that a powder
magazine exploded.
Several men were overcome by gase while
endeavoring to rescue their comrades.
Well Known Chnracter of Eastern
Montana Finally Meeta
Hla Fate.
HAVRE, Mont., Feb. 15. Henry Thomp
son, better known as "Bad Man Henry,"
was shot and Instantly killed today tn a
saloon at Saco by Ed Spuefell. Ths fight
was the result of a quarrel over a woman.
Thompson was a notorious chsracter In
eastern Montana. Four years ago he and
Ed Starr, a stock Inspector, fought a du:l
near Saco, In which Starr was killed and
Thompson badly wounded. He is also said
to have killed a man near Miles City. Ho
came here from Indian Territory.
Wisconsin Man Probably Enda Pro-
longed Dlacord la Fatal
APPLETON, Wis.. Feb. 16. John O.
Holmes tonight shot George Walter, Martin
Walter and Henry Walter, all sons of
Holmes' wife, who waa formerly Mary
Walter, widow of the late George Walter,
proprietor of the Star brewery. George Is
In a critical condition, but tbe others will
recover. Holmes was arrested.
Mrs. Walter married Holmes a year ago
at Denver, Colo. The relations between
ber sons and Holmes bavs since been
Justice Tearna, Millionaire Lumber
man, Annonncea His Politi
cal Plans.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Feb. 15. Justice
Teams, a local millionaire lumberman, who
was a candidate for the nomination for
governor against Governor Bliss in 1900,
today. In a formal interview, announced
his Intention to secure the nomination this
Movements of Ocean Veaaela, Feb. 15,
At St. Vincent. C. V. Sailed Hellenes,
from CHpetown, ior ney west.
At Bermuda Arrived Topas, from Lon
don, for Philadelphia. Sailed Glenmore,
from Vixaaatimmriy. or Baltimore.
At Hong Kong Arrived Athenian, from
Vancouver, via Yokohama; Oopack, from
Seattle, via Tacoma, Victoria, B. C., and
vi.if tnr Mnnila.
At New York Sailed La. Gaacogne, for
Havre: Maaadam. for Rotterdam; Jiohen-
solli-rn, for Genoa, Napln, etc.; Isucanla,
for Liverpool: I'airicia. ior Mainour; rur
nuaal. for GlaFKow: MlnneaDoila. for Lon
dun. Arrived Ktrurla, from Liverpool and
At Glasgow Sailed Sardinian, for Port
land. At Liverpool Sailed Campania, for New
At Antwerp Sailed Southwark, for New
At Havre Sailed La, Champagne, for
N Vf.rk
At Bremen Sailed Kron Prlns Wllhelm,
for New York, via Boutnampion ana t-iier
Ibourg; Koln, fur New York,
Iptoial Afoit UoOoBts Coiolndss Omaha
aid Wiiiobage InTottifatios.
Belief that His Dismissal is ibott to Bo
Dr. J. F. Tan of to Go ftors Chojsiao EWsr
to Canton.
This aad Two Other Highly Important
Matters to Come Vp Soon Befora
Interatate aad Foreign Com
merce Commission
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. (Special Tele
gram.) Special Agent McComas of the In
dian office, who has been Investigating
charges filed by Asslstsnt Clerk Pitman
against Chief Clerk llaygood at the Omaha
and Winnebago agency, haa wired Commis
sioner Jones that ho has completed his mis
sion and that his report Is on the wsy.
Commissioner Jones has wired McComas
to go to Genoa and make a general Inspec
tion of the school there. While it is only
conjecture. It is believed here that Agent
McComas has verified the charges sgslnst
Haygood and will probably recommend his
dismissal from the service.
Haygood is regarded as one of the best
clerk In the service by those In authority
here, but Is ssld to be addicted to drink
during the absence of Agent Mathewson
from the reservation. Mathewson Is re
ported as having attempted to minimize tbe
fallings of bis chief clerk, but the special
agent had Instructions to go to tbe root of
the charges.
Pitman, who was formerly In the Indian
office here, has made no charges sgalnst
Agent Mathewson, as assorted by soma of
the papers near the reservation, but only
against Haygood, who is a son of Bishop '
llaygood of the Methodist church.
To Transfer Dr. Tarner.
It Is the purpose of the Indian depart
ment to transfer Dr. J. F. Turner from the
Cheyenne River agency, where he Is at
present, to the Canton Insane asylum for
Indians In South Dakota. Dr. Turner has
been elgbt years in the Indian service and
is regarded as a most efficient man by tbe
department. The transfer will probably
be made Arrll 1.
Representative' Hepburn's pure food bill
will be taken up by the committee on Inter
state and foreign commerce, of whlcb be
Is chairman. In the course of a week or
two. Three Important measures are pend
ing before this committee, whose considera
tion will attract great attention. The pure
food bill, tbe bill to create a Department .
of Commerce, .which has passed- the senate, '
and bills Amendatory of tho Interstate fvmii
r(i'rtf,'law.'.J'rH,,' -..-".-- ' V
Howard Eaton of Medora, S. ' D., waa a
guest of the president this afternoon. Mr.
Eaton has known President Roosevelt ever
Since tbe latter's advent in tbe west,, and
owns a ranch adjoining that of the presi
dent. udge Smith McPherson and wife have
gone to Kansas City, where the judge will
bold a term of United States circuit court.
Department Notea.
Postmasters appointed:
Iowa C. W. Blackman, Moorhead, Monona
county. '
South Dakota D. A. McKllllp. Leslie,
Stanley county; O. R. McCune, Dallas Cen
ter, Iowa county.
Joel C. Ash of Gates, Neb., is appointed
railway mall clerk.
Tbe postofflces at Clay Mills, Jones
county, and Hollandale, Winnebago county,
la., have been ordered discontinued Feb
ruary 28.
These rural delivery routes will be estab
lished In Iowa March 1: Cambridge, Story "
county Frank E. Scott, carrier; area cov
ered, thirty-six square miles; population,
600. Polk, Polk county Frank A. King,
carrier; area, twenty-two aquare miles;'
population, 460. Story City, Story county
Otis Anderson, Ole K. Helvlg and Jacob
Nordskog, carriers; area, ninety-eight
square miles; population, 1,676. '
The postofflces at Mackey and Rosendale,
Boone county, will be discontinued.
Former Nebraaka Senator Oppoaea tho
Ite-enactment of Chlneae
Exclusion Act.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. Former United
States Senator Thurston of Nebraska mads
an argument before the senate committee .
on Immigration today against tbe proposed
Chinees exclusion bill.
He said that ths regulation of Chinese
Immigration should be left to diplomatic
negotiation in order to prevent irritation
which already was such as to affect the
Chinese legation tn the United States aad
possibly the Chinese court itself. He eon
tended that tbe Chinese government would
be willing to co-operate with us la meeting
our desires and aald that It is far prefer
able to approach the solution of ths prob
lem in that way. In view of ths fact that
we are now asking of China more than
ever before, while we are in a position to
lve less.
He also aald that while ba did not favor
coolie labor, he was sure the Chinese bad
boen a most valuable factor In the de
velopment of the west snd bad not Inter
fered In any way with the labor operations.
aye the Parry-Roosevelt Political
Interview la Without
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. Senator Bever
ldge today made a denial of the report
sunt out from Indianapolis that Presi
dent Roosevelt had recently In tbe sena
tor's presence, asked D. M. Parry of In
diana bow be would like to be on tbe
ticket with the president as a vice presi
dential candidate in 1904. ,
Senator Beverldge aaid that ha bsd called
upon tbe president with Mr. Parry that
he might extend an Invitation to the presi
dent to be present at tbe annual conven
tion of tbe Manufacturers' association In
May next, and that no other subject what
ever was discussed by the president and
Mr. Parry on that occasion. Senator
Beverldge tonight received a telegram from
Mr. Parry stating that tbe Indianapolis
story regarding his visit t the president
waa without foundation. .