THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1U02. CHARTER DAY AT IMERSIII DsgTssa Am Coifemd tad Alnmni Crjn 1 ia Frnt4 litTHICH FAVORS STATE IRRIGATION WORK His Flaa la for Rrknik Oaemt Esaerlascat "tatlnae byneasa Ctapr Flies Articles af lacornoratlaa. ' (TYc-M a Stuff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. , Feb: 14. (Special.) The thirty-third annual charter day waa cele brated today at the University of Nebraska. The presentation of the alumni organ took place la the chapel thle morning. During the afternoon the various department were opened to ylattora and In the armory there waa an exhibition drill by the Pershing Rldee. A concert by the cadet band and an athletic conteat Indoors closed the afternoon program. The midwinter com mencement took place tn the chapel to night. At the conclusion of the commencement ceremonies degrees were conferred upon twenty-seven ' students who had completed the required -work for graduation. They represented nearly . all departments, the largest number being from the college of literature,' science and arts. The com mencement address was by General John C. Black of Chicago, who spoke on the life of Abraham Lincoln. The debtees conferred war as follows: Ioctor of Philosophy Oeorge Evart Condra, John Iawrenre Orteg. Master of Arts David Clark Hilton. Bachelor of Arts Elsie Mae Blandln, Allen Gllmour- Burke, Ira Elgin Campbell. Clifton Carter. Guy Milton Cowglll. John Jacob Foaler. William Roberts Jackson, fsophl. Margaret Keliler, Ida Margaretta Montgomery, Haiph Raxatraw Rainey. Zora lnes onviaa, vnarimte ivmpiRiun, r.nwin Letter Toble, John Henry Voss, Paul Ben iett Weaver. Bachelor of Science Philip Joseph A"tes, Elisabeth Upplncott Browne, Bert Lee T ro nm Bachelor of Law William Mathew Herb art, Paul Bennett Weaver. University Teacher's Certificate Philip Joseph Ates, Ira Elgin Campbell, William Koberts Jaokson, Helen eeeiey. Preseatatloa af Alaaaat Oraaa, Tha most Impressive feature ef the charter day exercises was tha presents tion of the alumni organ. This Instru meat waa purchased by graduates of th university from the Transmlsslsslppl expo sition and was today presented to tha In stitution free from incumbrances. Hon, Paul Clark gave recital of tha history of tha movement to purchase tha organ and tha speech of presentation waa made by Professor Fossler. who officiated as chair maA of tha alumni committee. On behalf of tha university.. B. Von Forell, president of tha Board . of Regents, thanked tha alumni and expressed appreciation of tha spirit exhibit)! in the making of the gift. Experiment Itattsa, Irrlsratloa. Tha officials af the department of labor and industrial statistics are gratified at tha work of tha real estate dealers la their coa vent Ion In Fremont tbla week, but express regret that wider publicity was not eivsn a communication from Senator Dietrich, who recommended tha organise tion of an experiment station In connec tion with tha atate university for tha pur pose of Investigating and promoting Irrl cation. It waa th Intention of tha de partment to have this proposition submit ' ted not only to tha convention, but also to th people of th state as well, the hope being to' have) pubtlo Interest aroused la auch a way as might influence favorable .'legislation. .' ' i "The SenaW axplalnsd In his eommunlea tion that th Xaderal govern saeot would ma tarlally assist- any effort of th kind that might be mad by- the state," said R. A. Hodge, chief clerk of th department. "His auggeatlon .waa that tha convention should .take such step as would Influence 'public sentiment tn favor of auch a project. Sen ator Dietrich's Idea contemplated th estab . lishment of experiment stations In different : carts of th ' Seml-arld region, all to be . voder tha direction and supervision of the mala station at th university." lfo Learnl AwtaoHty tm Nebraska, Numerous Inquiries have been received at to stats Insurance department recently Tell Me a Friend Who is Sick Nd Money Is Wanted. Simply Let Me U. Send Him My Book. t ' d ;Tou hav a friend who la tick. - 'write m his name. That Is all Just a postal card. Band It as an act of humanity. ' Tell me which book he needs. - ". "I will either curs that friend or pay all the cost of hia treatment. ' " ' I will at' least do th utmost that medicine can do. I will glvs tbs best advice la my power. I may fail; but thsra will not ba a penny of , cost If I do. r ' -I will do this at tha start; - I will send the tick on aa order oa his or her druggist for six bottles of Dr. Snoop's Restorative. I will tell that druggist to let him test it for a '.month at my risk. If It succeeds ths cost Is $5.60. If it fsils 1 will pay th druggist myself.. I will leave the decision to you. Don't say that this is Impossible, for I do just aa I say.. I hav don It for years dons It with hundreds of thousands. I will do If tn any case, no matter how difficult. I only ask the sick onr to bs fair with himself and me. I cannot always succeed. There ar conditions like cancer, for which I know no cure. But I alone am th loser when I fall. - - My record a for five years show that 39 out of each 40 who accepted my offer, paid for ths medicine taken. That fact alone make tbla of ';. fer possible. - ' There are 39 chances in 40 that I can cur your friend. VI y success Is dus to lifetime of effort. In learning how to strength en tbe nalde nerves. It Is thla nerve power alone that operates tha ''.vital organs..' No organ la weak when it haa sufficient power. I bring back th nerve power thst is all. It la Just Ilk giving mor steam to an eagtae that la weak. My book will expleio it all. ' Every soul whs reads th'.i knows soma sick friend. Tou know - sotnobody who will nsver Snd another way to get well. Let roe tell that friend my way. I must be successful. My remedy must do what I claim. ; ' If It did not auch aa offer aa thla would bankrupt m la a month. Th sick on I your friend a stranger to na. If I am willing to do so much, won't you writ a postal, that he or she may get well? t i ''A- Simply-atate which book you want, aud address Dr. Snoop, Bos Sal. Racine. Wis. - Mild caws, not chronic, ar often cured by one or two bottles, all druggists. for Information regarding tha standing ef the Bankers' Mutusl Casualty com pa ay of Dos Moines. Mr. Babcock, deputy Insur ance auditor, aays the company baa no le gal authority to assure risks In Nebraska, and that la th event of a dispute over a loss ths Insurer would have no recourse In th courts of th stste. "The compaay Insures against loss by burglary, hut ao far aa I have been able to aseertsla has no office la this stats and no agenta hers upon whom service ef pro cess can be had," said Mr. Babcock. "It haa been Issuing policies her for several yesrs and la continuing to do so. On bank In the western psrt of the state hsa written this department that the company refuses to cancel Ita contract with th Institution until a cancellation fee of SS Is paid. Un der the law the company cannot collect the fee. for It has no authority from this de partment and would hav no stsnding la court." I'nltea1 (Mates Cyasam Coataaay. Articles of Incorporation of ths United 8tates Gypsum company of New Jersey have been recorded In the secretary of state's office. The compsny Is capitalized for $7,500,000 and It Is understood that It prin cipal place of business In this state will be located In Wymore. The Incorporators are: Charles B. Brown, Bewltt Bolce, Henry McCormlck. Horace S. Gould and Kenneth K. McLaren. Tha fee paid for re cording tha articles wss 17.600. Witnesses la Meaervc Case, State Treasurer Stuefer, Auditor Weston and Bookkeeper Fodra of the treasurer- offlc were subpoensed todsy to appear In tha district court of Douglas county next Thursday aa witnesses tn ths. caaa against former Tressurer Meterve. ,. This Is the esse originating from the Indictment re turned by th Douglas county grand Jury, charging Meserve with having appropriated Interest on school money to his private use. Qaestloa of Local Option. City Attorney Strode haa decided that tha question of locsl option may be sub mitted to the voters at the next election If a petition algned by the requisite number of cltlxens is presented to th city clerk prior to the preparation of the ballot. This ruling Is made In response to an In quiry from City Clerk Pratt. Bricklayers Want Mara Pay. It haa leaked out that bricklayers , of Lincoln will demand a substantial Increase In pay during ths forthcoming building season. They hope' to command 76 or at least 70 centa an hour for their work. The reason for this demand of an Increase of 10 centa aa hour la said to ba the pros pective scarcity of all klnda of mechanics owing to the great activity that will take place In building. STREETER'S BOOKS INVOLVED Aadttor Discovers Discrepancy la Ac coaats af Missing- Manager at David City. DAVID CITT. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Shelley Btreeter. manager of Armour A Company's cold storage, disappeared a few daya ago and all efforts to locate him have failed. Aa a result of ao examination of tha books, the auditor announces a short age of from $2,000 to $2,500.- 8treeter 1 a young man about 28 yeara of age and baa always borne a good repu tation. Molatava for Winter Wheat. TORK. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Sncw commenced to fall laat evening and there haa been three Inches, . which covers the wheat fields of Tork county, and thla blan ket of anow Is nearly a guarantee of an other great bumper crop of wheat There la about (0 per cent of th cultivated acreage In. winter wheat,-which la In th beet condition.- ' v '-" v Snow at Edsrar. KDOAR. Neb.. Feb. X4". (8peclal.) An other nice fall of anow began this morning about I o'clock and now there Is an even fall over th ground of about three Inch, It Is of much value to winter wheat. anow at Baperlar. SUPERIOR. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Four Inches of snow fell her last night. There waa but little wind and the snow Is not drifted. I Book No. f on Dyspepsia. . . Book No. 2 on the Heartr Book No. 1 on the Kidneys. Book No. 4 for Women. Book No. I for Mm tsealed.) Book No. on Rheumatism. At MORTGAGE' IS A FORGERT Dotraamt Farohaitd bj Ita! ItUts Dealer Frsvet a fraud. WILLIAM 0. lOYLtS HILDS THE LAND Dacaaaeat Aaslaaed by His Half Brather Cavers Hta Property, bat glawatare la Bogae. and Per petrator Dlaappeara. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Feb. 14. (Bps elal.) It la learned from the office of Recorder Of Deeds Schneider that George Bllverthorn. a real eatata dealer In Wau sna. Wis., has been swindled out of $1,200. On the 4th of this month Bllverthorn sent to th recorder's office her aa assignment of a mortgage executed by William B. Boyles and Amelia Boyles, bis wife, bearing date of January 6, 1902. It also set forth that the original mortgage had been duly recorded In the office of register of deeds In Case county on February . 1900, In volume F, of deeds, but the property In volved waa not described In the assignment, which had been made by C. M. Boyles to 811 vert horn. An Investigation created a suspicion as to the genuiness of the original document. It waa found thst no mortgage had been filed on the date referred to and that book F waa used in 1875. Mr. Schneider returned the assignment to Bllverthorn and sug gested that he send the original mortgage. The document was received and shows that the filing waa a forgery. The mortgage covers the southeast quar ter of section S, township 10 north and range east of the sixth principal meridian containing 160 acres of land, one-half m'ls east of Alvo. In answer to a telephone message to Wll Ham O. Boyles, who owns the land, he said that he had never mortgaged the property and did not know anyone by the name of William E. Boyles. C. M. Boyles, who as signed the forged mortgage of $3,200, Is i half-brother of William O. Boyles and his present whereabouta ar unknown. Tbe original mortgage gave tha purchase price as $4,000. BAD MAN RECEIVES BEATING Orders Men to Set t'p Drinks with Be olver ana la Knocked Insensible. MULLEN. Neb., Feb. 14. (8pecial.) Barney Myers cam to town yesterday and proceeded to enliven things at the Red Palace aaloon. He ordered the meq In the place to set up th drinks and when they declined he drew a revolver. The bar' tender ordered htm to turn over tha gun and upon hla refusal assaulted him with heavy ateel poker and beat him Into uncon sciousness. Myers wss then taken to doctor's office to have bta head aewed up. , Proaecatloa oa Horse Deal. COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) The criminal prosecution of Casper D. Mc Patry has occupied ths attention of tbe district court for two daya, the fight being a bitter on, in which five attorneys are employed. McPatry ia charged with making fraudulent representations to the effect that hs had $900 In a Columbus bank, and held t mortgage for a large amount on property here, aucceeding thereby in securing pos session of a valuable horse without ao much aa giving hla not-for th amount ot th purchase. In justice court last week, George Ifland, the, former .owner of th animal, got judgment, against him for $70 aa tbs amount still , due. on .the- purchase. McPatry's defense Is that, hs did not make ths representation alleged,, and that, thts balance of $70 waa paid by him last May to the late father of ths complaining wit ness. Villas; Improvement Clah Active. EXETER, Neb., Feb. 14. (Special.)' The first meeting of the Village Improvement club, which waa organized about a year ago, waa held In the Christian church last evening. The meeting waa addressed by Rev. C. S. Harrison, pastor of the Congre gational church ot York. Neb. Hla sub ject waa on "Fores'try, Tree Planting and Flowers." Thia society waa organised last spring, almost too late in tbe season to accom plish much, work, but upward of 800 trees were planted along various streets and residence properties, also parks laid out on each of ths railroad grounds, and regard Jess of ths lateness of the society's work, a majority of th tree ar atlll living. Many plana for further Improvements ot th town ar under way for this season. Oared ta Death hy Ball. FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Fred Ladehotf. a farmer, fifteen miles north of North Bend, was gored to death by a vicious bull Wednesday afternoon. H want out to th feed yard about 1:30 to fix soms fences and was found by his son dead In ths yard and tearfully mangled about 4 'clock. The bull was standing over him and tramping on his chest. From all ap pearances a fearful struggle had taken plac and the boy and Ladehoff'a wife had considerable difficulty In driving the vicious animal away. Both arma were broken, hta breast bone snd svery rib crushed and hla face badly cut and bruised. Ths bull had been dehorned and had been very vicious for soms time. Ladehoff was 60 years old. Hla funeral was this afternoon. Jack Rabbit aaa Waif Hast YORK. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Yes- terday the township Jack rabbit and wolf circle hunt took place near hers. Sides were chosen and the losing side obligated themselves to psy for supper wbioh was given at the Grand Army ot tbe Republic hall on last evening. Robert Purcell, captain of one aide, won the con test. His side killed 133 jack rabbits. This waa about thtrty-nv mors than th other side killed. Thers wsrs 230 jack rabbits tn all killed. George Slonlger had th largest number ot rabbits to his credit, having killed fifteen. ADAMS, Neb.. Feb: 14 (Special.) H. P. Norcrosa of Beatrice, president, and H. H. Norcrosa, of Adams, caahter of tha Adams State bank, have disposed ot their latereata thereia to Pest Nallor of York. Poa sassioa will bs glved about March 10, when H. H. Norcroaa and family will remov to Beatrice. W. C. Gray haa disposed of his interests la the general merchandise houss f W. C. Gray et Co., snd will sngags in live stock business st Ogallala. Calls Chicago Preacher. COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special. The Baptist church at thla plac extended a call last algbt to Rev. T. L- Smith of Chicago. The pulpit has beta vacant sines ths desth In December of the venerable Rev. W. C. Roach. - It la not known whether Mr. 8mlth will accept ths call. Five laches at Sarth Laap. NOnTH LOUP. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Five Inches of heavy, wet anow fell hers laat nl;ht. without wind, and it (lea wher It tell. Th temperature ia moderate. Leigh Farmers laatltate. LEIGH. Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Last evening closed a two daya' session of farmsra' InsUtuts at Leigh. Th meeting wss the first of Its kind ever held In Leigh and much Interest was shown by tbe farmers. Dr. A. T. Peters and Professor A. L. Hecker of the Nebraska 8tate School of agriculture were the principal speakers, assisted by William Ernst of Graf and John Brearaer of Tork. Valley Sends Its superintendent. VALLET, Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special.) Th school board haa granted the superintend ent, W, W. Waters. , leave of absence and Instructed him to attend the meeting of ths National Association of Superintendents In Chicago February 25 to 27. Operation aa Beatrice Fire Chief. BEATRICE. Neb., Feb. 14. (Special Telegram.) John 8. Walker, chief of the Ore department and the oldest fireman In the city in point of service, will be taken to Omaha tomorrow, where he will undergo aerloua surgical operation. Twa ana a Half Inches af, gnaw. GENEVA, Neb., Feb. 14. (Special.) Last night two and a half lochea of snow fell, lying evenly over tha ground. WOULD DRY UPJHE PLATTES a Declares B. g. StoflTel rssperalag Resalt af Proposes Irrlaa tloa Measarc. SOUTH SIOUX CITT, Neb., Feb, 13. To the Editor of Th Been I see by your val uable paper that George Maxwell, secretary ot the National Irrigation congress. Is op posed to ths compromise Irrigation' bill which la now before the house of represen tatives. The bill, as I understand it, has tor Its object the building of large reeer volra for irrigation in tbe seml-arld dis tricts of the west. This Is all right so far aa It goes, but tbe reader should not be misled, aa the bill goes farther and al Iowa each .atate to control ths supply of water In the reservoirs. Now, the last clauss is the one that will cause all the mischief, snd It allowed to become a law will work untold Injury to the people of western Nebraska. Tbe people of western Nebraska depend on the Platte river (both the North and South Platte) for their water with which to Irrigate, but how are they going to get ths water if this bill becomes a law? To aecurs the water would be an utter Impossibility, for It every stats controlled the water in lt3 own territory, what Is to hinder the states of Colorado and Wyoming from atopplng the Dow of the Platte at the state line and thus forcing the farmer in aeml-arid Nebraska Into bankruptcy be causa of his Inability to raise crops for lack of water? - There Is also Inserted In the bill a clause which has for Its object the following: It virtually aaya that ths farmer who takes a homestead after this bill becomes a law shall have the right to use the water from the government dltcbea, but at the same time prohibits tbe farmer who has spent half hia life In this seml-arld region from the use of this water. Now, If this Isn't clasa legislation I would like to see the friends of the bill explain to me what It la meant for. The government is no respecter of per sons, and such being the esse, I would like to know why It Is that this bill dlscrlm Inatea against the pioneer, , who has braved tbe drouths and sandstorms of weeteru Nebrsska for twenty years with the ex pectation that some day the government would construct Irrigation canals and, thus" bring happiness to him and his posterity. I also beltevo that "a law should be passed repealing the '' desert (land act, which allows persona to file on 640 acres, providing he ' Irrigates' the same, ' I claim that by irrigation a tttff.cfti inaka a living for himself and , family -.pp ,. eighty acres, and 640 acres Irrigated , would furnish happy and prosperous home for. eight men and their families, or forty persons all told. I claim that forty .persons, situated on a farm and having all .the necessities ot life are ot a greater value to a community, both as settlers and citizens, than ono person would be on s section of land. Again 1 claim that eighty acres ot land, irrigated, will bring more happiness to man and his family than a section of, land would to one individual. Governments, aa I understand, are Instituted to bring happl ness to tha greatest number, and thla being the case (with Irrigation assured), I believe this nation is morally bound to repeal the desert act. I also believe that all these selfish con gressmen and senators who want the United States to build reservoirs and then let the states control tbe same are advocating cause which ' will certainly meet a de served defeat every time Ita head appears In congress, and If the constituents would do their duty they would hurl them beneath an avalanche of popular indignation from which they could never arise. What Is wanted Is Irrigation controlled and owned by Uncle Sam. If ths govern ment can run postoffices and, th like, why can It not dig .and control Irrigation ditches It can, is my answer. a. o. mur inu Gamblers to Is far License. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Feb. ii. (Special.) There haa been no change In tbe plan of campaign that will be Inaugurated by the gambling element en the 21st. The county commissioners will be aaked to grant a license, the board will refuse and autt will then be Instituted to compel the issuance of the license oa tbe ground that the new law la invalid. Light Sasw at Pierce. PIERCE, Neb.. Feb. 14. (Special Tele gram.) A light anow fell her last night. It has been a clear sky most ot todsy. ABSOLUTE SECUfilTY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver Pills. Must Bar Slgnntur af tm Fo8faaU Wrapper Betew. rCl ILUAEgZ. ru iizzixus. rci nucumtt. FBI TSnfll UYTJ. roi CSKSTlrATiCX. ret uuow slii. rCITKECOMrLEUOl I Tost amatt sssa aa a watakasasagaa, CUB 1 1 1 C K H KAflACKl. IfllF OUR Proof From All Sections that Po-ru-na Congressman Smith, of Illinois. Hon. Geo. W. Smith, Member ot Congress, in a recent letter from Murphysboro, 111., to The Peruna Medicine Co.. says the following in regard to Peruna for catarrh: The Peruna Medicine Co.: Gentlemen "I take pleasure in testifying to the merits ot Peruna. I have taken one bottle for my catarrh and I feel very much benefitted. To those who are af flicted with catarrh and n need of a good tonic I take pleasure In recommending Peruna." Oeo. W. Smith. Major Longilreet ?lajor Robert L. Longstreet, who served on the staff of Gen eral Lee, Gen. Francis V. Greene, General Arnold, of the Regulars, and General Wllliston, in ths late war with Spain, is the son of the great ex-Confederate General. Maj. Longstreet was mustered out In June, and he Is now In Wash ington trying to get rid of the pernicious malarial fever which he contracted In Cuba. He found Peruna of benefit on his return to the United State, and aaya the following In regard to the great catarrh cur and tonic: v "I have taken Peruna as a tonie on my return from the Cuban climate, and find it excellent." Miss Jennts Johnson. Miss Jennie Johnson, Vies Presi dent Chicago Teachers' .Federa tion, 3118 Lake Park avenue, Chi cago, 111., writes: "Among the different remedies I have tried whea In need of a tonic none have helped" me mors th;n Peruna. I find it especially holpful In cases ot catarrh of the stomach; it restores the functions of nature, lnducea sleep and builds up the entire system." ' Catarrh of the pelvio organs Is ths bans of womankind. Most cases of backachs are caused by catarrh of the kidneys. Peruna Is Just the medicine for catarrh of ths kidney. It stimu lates ths kidneys to excrete from th blood th accumulating poison. It gives vigor to ths beart'a ac tion and digestlvs system. Pe runa used in ail cases of catarrh of ths kidneys. iaassssaieaaaaaxBi tJIRT IN THE HOUSE BUILDS THE HIGH WAY TO BEGGARY." BE WISE IN TIME AND USB SAPOLIQ 3C Saturday, Feb. 15th at 8:30 a. m. Stock will be closed out or the benefit of creditors regardless of 'cost and value tbe orders are CASII THE. STOCK. WOMEN'S FINEST SIIOE8, including advance styles for spring 1902 Fos ter's, Ford's, Armstrong's, Grant's and many others to be sold for the benefit of credi tors. MEN'S FINEST SIIOES Hanan & Son, Nettleton's, Clapp's Bayden's all" must go for the benefit of creditors. ' NONE RESERVED-ALL MUST GO 50 expert shoe Utters in attendances-seating room for all. Creditors and Bankrupt Sale THE ROCHESTER SHOE COMPANY, 3C ill: ABE wherever Located. Peruna Not a CureAI1. Peruna la not a "cure all"; It cures Just one diseases catarrh. But sine calsrrh I able to fasten luelf within tbe different organ of th body, so It Is that Peruna cures affections ot these organs. But w Insist that Peruna -urea one disease only. W claim that Peruna Is the only Internal scientific remedy for catarrh yet devised. We claim that catarrh Is a systemic dis ease; that la to say, It Invades the whole system. We clslm that Peruna la a sys temic remedy; that Is to ssy, it eradicate catarrh from th system. Catarrh Is not a local disease; Peruna la not a local rem edy. 81nce catarrh Invades . ths system, only a systemic remedy csn reach It. Thla Is, In brief, our claim tn assigning to tbs disease catarrh our remedy, Teruna. Men of prominence all over the United States ar recommending Perunn. Over forty members of congress have written their tn dorsement of it. Scores of other government officials speak in high praise of it. There Is no medicine that can taks Ita plac. Address Th Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O., for free catarrh book. COLDS GRIPPB COUGHS CROUP imw i ill S0RE- HOARSE mmmm a THRQMysS PEN, JOB WHEELER ! Says of Peruna: "onSei- 1 1 ators Sullivan, Roach and I I McEneryln their good opln ion of Peruna as an effective f catarrh remedy." - lit:' ' . 'jM 'JkA i "Omaha's Finest Shoo Store" Great Creditors and Bankrupt Sale 1515-DOUGLAS STREET - Guros Catarrh Hoa. Wm. A. Dean, ot Ban Francisco. Hon.' Wm. A. Deane, Clerk of tbe city and county of San Fran cisco, In a letter written from San Francisco, says: " "I would not be without Pe runs, ss I bsve found H to' bs the best remedy for catarrhal complaints that I have ever used. I have tried most alt of the so called catarrh remedies advertised and csn conscientiously say that of all the remedies for catarrhal complaints recommended to ma none have beea ao beneficial a Peruna." Wm. A.' Deans. Everybody is subject to catarrh. Peruna cures catarrh, acut or chronic, wherever1 located. ' Hon. Thomas Gaban ot Chicago, member of the National Commit tee of the Democratic, s writes as follows: "I was afflicted with , catarrh for fourtssa years and though I tried many remedies and applied to several doctors I waa not able to flrd a cure. Finally I learned of th remedy. Peruna. through a friend who bad used It. I took Peruna for twenty-two weeks, and am now entirely cured. I hav very ic-wq t" think my curs a permanent on, as It haa teen a year since then.' I can . heartily recommend Peruna as a catarrh remedy; It will, cur when all .other remediea falL" Thomaf Gaban. Mrs. Brackett, , Mr.- F. BO Brackets I Sable street, Medford. Mass.; says: "I have been treating myself for ca tarrh tor about twenty-four years. During ,that Urns I have used many different kinds of medicine, but since unlug your medicines I find them far superior tn every respect. The tonlo effect of Pe runa on me la truly wonderful. My wife use and rscommsnds Peruna." F. it. Brackett. Few atop to realise la bow maoy waya catarrh taa affect th body. Every organ,' every duct,' vry passage, every opening of the hu man body la liable to catarrh. Pe runa la aa Internal, systemic ca tarrh remedy, and acts bene ficially onvall of the mucous mem branes of the human body. Con sequently It Is equally ffectiv to cur catarrh' In any organ. RESULTS TELL S the bee Want ads t i on mm 1515 ' ' Hon. Thomas Oahan. ! n