Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1902, Image 1

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    rHE Omaha Daily Bee.
IfhMlsr f Kntacky and Grosvtior oi Obi
Exahtif a Lif'j Varbal taste. .
Dnmwi Anitas Taward Inrlggd aid
Gtraaaj ai "Flinktjiim."
Eari a Eittar InrwtiT at Friidat Iom
Tlt for ltMit AoU
Bllclla Load Applause la Ills Able
Defease of th President and Sec
retary Hay, Who Are
Severely Score"-...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. The ' j,
if nrlvat nanalOB dav of the hoiUff . '
enlivened today by an impassioned speech
from Mr. Wheeler of Kentucky In denun
ciation of what he denominated "flunkey
lam" to foreign coutitrlea. He took the re
cent atatementa emanating from continen
tal cabinet a regarding tbo attitude of Oreat
Britain during the Spaniah-Amerlcan war
aa a text for a wholesale attack upon the
trend of the United States' recent diplo
macy. He severely scored Secretary Hay
and declared that if Lord Pauncefote bad
ought, as was alleged, to circumvent this
country during the war of 1893, the sooner
he was shipped across the seas the better.
He also criticised the president for his
reported intention to send his daughter to
the coronation of King Edward and pro
tested against the offlclal reception cf
Frlnce Henry.-
His speech aroused the house to a high
pitch of excitement and elicited from Mr.
Boutell of Illinois a spiced defense of Sec
retary Hay, whom he eulogised In high
terms. Several members took a hand and
later In the afternoon Mr. Grosvenor of
Ohio took Mr. Wheeler to task for his "In
opportune protest" and rehearsed the his
tory of the visit of the prince or Wales lo
this country In 1860 and his reception by
President Buchanan.
During the day 162 private pension bills
vrere passed.
Respect for Roosevelt.
Mr. Wheeler excoriated what ha termed
the modern disposition toward "European
flunksylsm." Until 1896, he said, all
Americans had gloried in the splendid Isola
tion of the republic and Us determination
to hold aloof from foreign entangling al
liances. Less than five years ago, he de
clared, a president, "goaded on by the
pitiable flunkey In the State department,"
had stretched his arms across the seas In
adulation to the people of Great Britain
and today the government was hugging to
Its bosom that which since the battle 'of
Torktewn had systematically and persist
ently plotted our downfall. -
"I have respect '-for the present occupant
of the White Houae. I frankly avow," said
the speaker.- "I think he Is too honest to
be palatable to the average republican par
tisan. A little Quixotic, it Is true, hasty
tempered, full-blooded ant) not exactly de
sirable to many of our citizens, and I In
dulge the' hope that the lingering element
of Americanism will Induce him at the first
opportunity' to boot out that man In the
Ctate department, who In my Judgment has
brought us -40 this humiliating condition."
acere at Easlaaa'a Friendship.
He continued:
England a friend of the United States?
1 would to Ood she were, but what a
spectacle have we presented in order to
boaat that we have the friendship of Great
Britain and have become a world power.
For more than four years we have wit
nessed Oreat Britain maintaining military
etatlona Inside the borders of two repub
lics. We have seen her agents going up
and down this country enlisting men
buying materials of war, and I believe 1
will not travel outside the record when I
assert that any member upon this floor
whn has served her as much as four
years has received letters from his con
stituents protesting against the enforced
enlistment of American boys by the Eng
lish government to do battle In South
We have swung further away from the
democratic traditions, from republican
Ideas and from republican principles In the
last five years than In the previous luO
hock to Oar Ff-era.
Things are now accepted as a matter of
course that would have shocked the Intel
ligence of our forefathers beyond endur
ance, all growing out of this atrtving to
lock arms with the great European powers
' and become a world power.
It may be well enough to treat the repre
sentatives of foreign powers with courtesy
and consideration. I no declare thit If the
rublliatlon In the preaa la true this man
aunr-efnta ought to be ordered to take the
first ahlp to croaa the waters. We want no
urn man In the republic. It he comes here
to represent his government, well and good;
but if he comes Tiers to hatch conspiracies,
tn attempt to force hla wlshea and his
Idea a upon the American people the aooner
we are rid of htm the bolter It will be.
And another thing, Mr. Chairman, I am
only restrained from discussion of what I
regard aa the moat unfortunate Incident by
the ordinary amenities which should obtain
between one gentleman and another.
I allude to the fart of the opportunity
eled by the chief citizen of the republic
to aend a member of hla family across the
water for the purpose of participating in
the coronation of a king. It la establishing
a precedent that he ought not to recog
nise. n4 It la but one more link in the
chain showing toward what end we are
One other matter I wish to advert to.
In the next few days we are to have a
brother of a ruler come over to thia coun
try and taka chart: of a little tug, ship,
vessel or yacht, whatever you please to
term It. built by soma people up In New
York. We are appropriating thousands nf
dollars, and the Anglomanlacs and the
Kuropran maniacs are falling over each
other to get to sea a little IHitrhman come
over aod take charge of a little ahlp. (Ap-
f lause on the democratic aide). What dif
wrence doea It make whether he la a
frlnce Henry or not?
Boajaet to the Raraltats.
There are thousands of citlsens of this
republic following the plow as noble, aa
honest, aa Intelligent a Prince Henry or
Srince anybody else ' (Applause on the
emorratio aide. Why do the American
people give heed to thla foolish and dis
graceful flunkey lsni, enacted by the prea
ent admlntatratlun?
Mr. Grosvenor f Ohio:
If the gentleman had been living at the
time Lafayette came to tnia country, bear-
I .. ,h ' Li.Mi.l.alxn n f ,), IH n . n
would he have overruled the action of
George Washington In sending a commis
sion lo meet mm ana accompanying him
over the country? ,
Mr. Wheeler:
No, I would have been proud to Join In
the commutation to welcome the Marguia
da Lafayette, lie was a great soldier, a
great fighter and fought fur the rluhta of
the American peoulj (applause) but thU
man represents mat Kinicism or nunkeytsm
that eeeka to enslave the labor of every
people ander the sun.
Mr. Gillette of Massachusetts:
I H,ea tne gentleman crltloUe the demo
cratic aumiiuairaiion oi rturnanan tu re
ceiving me prime oi wales 7
Entirely Dtffereat Case
That la a very different thing. (laughter
uu uerutive cries on ine rvpuuiiea.ii alUr)
'Continued en Second Page.)
Admiral Voa Baadleala aad Sew York
Officials Make Friendly
NEW YORK, Feb. 14. Admiral von
Raudlsnln, commander of the Oerman Im
perial yacht Hobenxollern, was kept busy
today receiving and returning calls. In
the morning, wearing full uniform,
many decorations, and accompanied by
Lieutenant von Wuertemburg, he called
upon Mayor Adolph Lanker of Hoboken.
The two conversed for a few minutes In
German. Mutual compliments were then
exchanged in English and tha admiral was
Introduced to some of the city officials be
fore he returned to the yacht. The mayor
will return the call tomorrow afternoon.
Major General Brooke, command. ng tha
Department of the East, called on Admiral
von 1 Bsudissln enrly In the afternoon and
was received with much ceremony. He
spent some time with the admiral In the
latter' private cabin.
Late this afternoon Admiral Barker re
turned the call of Admiral von Baudlasln
made yesterdsy. After th American ad
miral took his departure the German ad
miral left for New York In citizen's cloth
to call on seversl families he had me it
" -Tonight he wss the guest at dinner
-Mn-law, Mr. Alfred C. John-
The j of New York visited Hoben
xollern late in 'the afternoon, but as the
sdmiral was' absent he remained only a
few minutes. It Is snnounced by the officers
of the Imperial yacht that the yacht will
not be open - for visitors until Prince
Henry's arrival. Painters and burnishers
are at work on it.
Preaident Easnuel Herr of the Hoboken
Board of Health held a conference with
Surgeon Uthemaon of Hohensollern rela
tive to smallpox. It wss decided to vaccin
ate all of the crew who needed It, and this
was Immediately begun, about twenty be
ing vaccinated.
A telegram received today from the
Kayor's secretary said It would be neces
sary to present the freedom of the city to
Prince Henry at 4 p. m., February 25, which
Is tl)e original date set. The date had been
changed to February 22, the date of the
prince's arrival here.
Enjoys Gar Time with Family Before
Leaving; for Hla Tear
to America.
HOLSTEIN, Prussia. Feb. 14. Prince
Henry of Prussia, closing his books on
America, romped with his children most
of the day. He and the princess and their
children went out coasting again. Prince
Henry went down hill on his stomach, back
ward and standing up. The princess also
made descent standing. She looked quits
girlish as she balanced gracefully on the
swiftly-moving sled.
Prince Henry went to the Yacht club last
svenlng. It Is a regular thing for him to
spend Thursday evenings there. It Is un
derstood that the young fellows stayed
away from the club that evening. About
twenty of the elder members were present,
mostly naval officers, among them being
Admiral Arnlm and Fischel, Three bmvis
of "punch were" mixed' and! the" part drank
g pleasant Journey to Prince Henry, Th
prince proposed "The United States" and
the toast was drank to a chorus of "hochs."
In a bunch of newspaper clippings that
came to the prince thla morning from Ber
lin was one which described ths "Hohen
sollern punch," invented by g Broadway
bartender. On the margin of the clipping
ths emperor. In his own handwriting; had
written: "Schreckllcber katsen jammer An
Morgen" (What a headache In the morn
ing). Prince and Princess Henry of Prussia
have seen many curious things In the
American papers, of which numbers were
received during the last fortnight, and they
have had a lot of fun over them. But they
have not seen a line, said a member of the
household, "that they knew was not kindly
Every preparation for the voyage to the
United 8tates Is completed. Carta this
evening took away the laat pile of baggage
from the castle yard. The prince's special
train leaves here at 8 o'clock In the morn
ing. The princess will not go to Bremer
Haven to bid the prince farewell.
Ho Is to Make Friendly Cavil s
Americans, Bays German
BERLIN. Fe6. 14. Ths Berlin Neusts
Nachrlchsten today devoted a leader to
the departure of Prince Henry, and wlahes
that his enjoyment of American hospitality
be not Interfered with.
"The mission upon which the prlncs goes
ss the representative of Emperor William,"
says the paper, "Is In no sense political.
In spite of ths political character imputed
to It In unfriendly quarters In order to
create divisions among the American people
and spoil the visit. The visit of Prince
Henry Is Intended for the whols Amerlcsn
people, and not merely for th German ele.
ment in th United States. No sensible
Oerman statesman wishes to see German
Americans other then good American cltl.
tens. Th practical sense of th Amer
icans has frustrated all attempt through
political maneuvers to dsstroy ths har
mony of the prince' trip."
Kaiser B.graeet that She visit Am
baeaader White After Ed.
ward's Coronation.
(Copyright. 1902. by Frees Publlehlng Co.)
LONDON. Feb. 14. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) It la stated
tn American circles here that when Miss
Roosevelt comes over to attend the corona
tion of King Edward shs will proceed to
Germany aa the gueat of Ambassador White
at Berlin. This will be done at the sug
gestion of the kaiser, who is anxious to
show Impartial hospitality to th presi
dent's daughter, whose charming person
ality is so closely Identified with ths pres
ent Anglo-American civilities, the launch
ing of the emperor's new yacht and the
visit of Prince Henry to the United Btatea.
Prisoner Bays Ho Acted la Belt-Defense
to Avenge
SPARTA. Wis.. Feb. 14. J. 8. Parker, a
well-to-do cltlsen, who formerly lived at
Cornell, 111., was rhot and killed near
MUlston laat night. His body waa found lu
the highway this morning and Hiram Hall,
who ha since been srreatsd, admits that
be killed him. Hall claims to have acted
la self-defense snd charges that Parker
had been Intimate with his wits. Parker
also was carried.
DOKiars ship is wrecked
Air Tstsel UhU witk .DiratWr, ut
Atranatit Esoapag.
ladaaated Inventor Bays Fallnre I
Dne to Mere Accident aad Ho Will
Yet Ball to Capo
MONACO. Feb. 14. Santos-Dumont, th
r.eronaut, met with a dlssster here todsy
and had a narrow escape from death. His
airship is a tattsred wreck, while tonight
his motor He at th bottom of th Bay of
The morning broke gloriously, but as
there was considerable wind, Santos
Dumont decided not to attempt Bight.
Toward 2 p. m., however, the wind dropped
and the weather appeared to be perfect.
With the exception of an ominous-looking
cloud hanging over the hill called Tete de
Chlcn, which overlooks the bay, ths sky
was clear and blue.
At this hour Santos-Dumont announced
that he would make a trip In his airship.
A big crowd assembled at ths entrance of
th aerodrome, and a th large door of
th building rolled back, tha airship
emerged at twenty minutes of t. A num
ber of steam yachts and launches, Includ
ing the prince of Monaco's yacht. Princess
Alice, and a launch belonging to Eugene
Hlgglns, with parties on board, were cruis
ing about th bay with th Intention of
following tb balloon. Cheers greeted
Santos-Dumont as his airship rose, and Its
head pointed for the middle of the bay.
It was soon noticed, however, that In
stead of maintaining Its usual equilibrium
the balloon rose and pitched In a way that
created considerable aaxlety among tb
, Coatlanes His Flight.
The aeronaut, however, kept on his
flight and, pointing his whip to th left,
continued to ascend until the long guide
rope was quit twenty feet out of the
water. In turning the balloon th guide,
rope caught In the screw, and this, with
the erratic working of the airship, created
a situation of great danger. At th same
time a squall burst from Tete d Ohlen, and
Santoa-Dumont tilted tha head of his bal
loon upward In order . to disengage the
gulderop. but In doing so th ballast
shifted, and th oil used to run the motor
began to spread.
Fearing an explosion, tb Inventor pulled
the emergency cord. Thla ripped the en
velope of the balloon, which at once began
rapidly to descend. Santoa-Dumont did not
lose his head. He could eaatly be seen
from the shore, watching ths various parts
of the airship.- At this time tb balloon
had (lightly lighted Itself, and th lower
part, having become ampty, tb airship
dropped slantingly toward the pigeon
hooting ground which border the bay.
Excitement Grows Intense.
- In front of these srounda there 11m a
reef of aharp rock, and th excitement on
shore became intense.
arose' that Santos-Dumont woul drift, en
these'rocks snd Wdashed to piece. "
la tha meanwhile tha itm imnrKi,
tha bay ware making toward th pot where
waa supposed the balloon would fall.
The first to approach was Princess Alice,
belonging to the prince of Monaco, and
those on board seized tha ha
rope, which had become disentangled.
At tbls time a sharn cracklnr ....
mad by th motor could be heard and the
screw waa seen to revolve. Th balloon
then slowly rose for a few momenta. But
the motor stopped again and the airship
aescenaea a second time until Santos-Dumont
was Immersed un to hla irmnii, i
the water.
The seen was witnessed with lniiu
excitement by th onlookers ashore and
Maintains HI Con rage.
The aeronaut with ths pluck which ha
characterized him throughout his danger
oua experiments, could be seen standing
up In hla car gestlculatlcr and ihniitin.
directions to those towing him toward
iTincess Alice.
At 8:J0 th snd of th balloon burst, and
tb prince of Monaoo. who waa on hnairA
the launch, then gar order to rescue
Santos-Dumont. The launch then came
alongside th airship, which threatened at
any time to smother Santoa-Dumont. Tha
latter waa pulled Into tb boat. Th prince
or Monaco took him by the hand, urged
him to allow himself to be taken on board
th yacht to. dry hlmaelf and chan hii
clothing. The aeronaut energetically re
fused to do this until the remnants of his
airship had been saved. With the sea
water dripping from his clothes and look.
Ing Ilk a water rat, the Inventor stood In
tns bows or tha launch shouting directions
for th salvage of his airship.
It wss ImDOSslbls to save mora than tha
silk envelope. The motor hsd to be left
to its fate and It sank. The launch on
which the Inventor waa then made for the
The great aasemblags on the ahor ac
claimed him with extreme enthusiasm. His
first words of a harried Interview, obtained
as he made his way toward his residence
I am not discouraged. My trip to Cape
Martin le only postponed. I will start
again aa soon aa 1 can get ready. This
accident waa due to the entanglement of
the guide rope with the acrew and wlrea
of the bailonn. The balloon waa not fully
Inflated when I started. (Seeing that an
accident waa Inevitable, I pulled the Miter-
f;ency cord, but pulled It harder than I
ntended, Thla made a bigger rent than I
wanted. Consequently the airship col
lapaed too quickly and for a moment there
aeemed danger of the casing falling on me
But luckily thla danger waa averted, i
shall try again.
Veteran Politician Retain His Hold
on Yonasj Republicans of
KANSAS CITY; Feb. 14. Richard Keren
of SL Louis, national committeeman for
Missouri, rstsined his bold on the Young
Republican club of Missouri when, today at
their annual meeting, John Swanger of
Milan waa elected preaident of the club for
th ensuing year and Rush C. Lake of Kan
sas City wss msde secretary and treasurer.
Ths candidates, supported by Thomas J.
Aklns, chairman of th republican stat
committee, war withdrawn from th con
test In the Interest of harmony. For a
time a hard contest seemed Inevitable aad
Rush C. Lake and H. R. Snyder of Spring
field were spoken of as compromise candi
dates for president.
About O0 republican from all parte of
h stat attended the meeting. Tonight
th club's annual banquet was given, with
Hon. A. B. Cummins, governor of Iowa, the
guest of honor. Six. hundred republicans.
Including big delegations from 8t. Louts,
St. Joseph, fiedalla. Sprlagfteld and other
points, war preacab
President's Bon aad HI Companions
Rapidly ronajnerrac the -
0R0T0N. Mass., Feb. 14(Thl was an
uneventful dsy at th Grototi schools Theo
dore Roosevelt, Jr., ho Improved very rap
Idly and for th first tlm sine his Illness
he partook of solid food, meat being In
cluded In the diet. The Gammel and
Powell boys also partook of meat.
The boys rested comfortably all day. Mrs.
Gammel read aloud to them some of the
time aod they were eagr to hare her rekcl
at length.
Dr. Jewett of Boston spend his tlm at
the Infirmary, carrying out the order of
Dr. Warren. At each taking of th chart
th respiration, pulss and temperature of
the patients were normal and from 'all ap
pearancea the convalescence wss anlnter
rupted. , ,
It la hoped the boy will be able to alt
np by Monday.
Young Roosevelt's lungs ar rapidly
clearing with th possibility of a resolu
tion completed tn a very few dsys. All the
out-of-town newspaper correspondents have
left Groton. Th school will reopen on
March 4. .
The report from th sickroom tonight
at p. tn. showed all three of the boys
asleep. From now on they will not be
awakened for the administration of medi
cine, as It Is believed that sleep will be
the most beneficial for them.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 14. Mies Alice
Roosevelt left Waehlngton at 4 p. m. for
Groton, Mass. She was accompanied by
tha Whit House steward.
President at Washington.
President Roosevelt . returned to the
White House this forenoon la a very happy
frame of mind after five anxious days at
the bedside of bis boy, who has been criti
cally 111 with pneumonia at Groton, Mass.
Th journey back to th seat of govern
ment was made much more leisurely than
the hasty daah Into New England last Sun
day, when the president's anxiety to reach
his aon outran the fastest special train.
The trip to Groton wa mad in fourteen
hours, but eighteen hours were 'consumed
in the return and In this home-coming th
president hsd a chance to mak three short
rear car speeches to th crowd at Worces
ter, Woonsocket and Providence. In each
he assured the watting ; hundreds that
"Ted" was all right and out of th woods
and in each case th crowd seemed a Joy
ous as the president and cheered Vocifer
ously. The journey after leaving Providence wag
uneventful. Dr. Lambert, who went to
Groton at the special request of th presi
dent, left the train just before it was taken
onto the ferry boat Maryland at -Harlem
river early this morning,' Ths private car
did not go into the Philadelphia station and
at Baltimore there wa no ne except train'
bands to gas curiously into the csr of th
nation' chief executive. .
Th president received no word from
Groton during the trip except h few news
paper report that th boy wa progressing
favorably through the convalescent stage.
There were only a few peopla aft be Penn
sylvania station her when v1)- president,
arrived. Aslsstgnt Secretary " If -b - met
him and th party wss "dr:;, .it.. . air to
tfcs'WhfoTtbu.-'-'"-T: , ' "T
Get Controlling: Interest In Colorado
A Soathern, so Report
CHICAGO, Feb. 14.-The Tribune tomor
row will say:
"John W. Gates, John J. Mitchell, Isaac
Ellwood and thos associated with them tn
the control of th Colorado Fuel and Iron
company appear to have made another rail
road venture.
"It la learned from good authority that
they have purchaaed a controlling interest
in th Colorado Southern railway. This
road runs from Denver, Colo., to Texllne,
N. M S60 miles, and Its other division
branches and extensions comprise a mileage
of 785, making the total length of miles
operated 1,142. The company also owns a
majority of the stock of th Denvsr ft
Fort Worth railroad, and haa a half In
terest In the Colorado Midland railroad,
which nms from Colorado Springs to Grand
Junction, Colo. Th Rio Grand Western
owns the other half interest of tb Mid
land. "Th mine and plant of tha Colorado
Fuel and Iron company ar all located on
th line of th Colorado AS Southern ant
th Denver Rio Grande roada,. By th
acquisition of the Colorado aV Southern
the Gate lyndlcat means to give all of It
business to this road, and thus greatly In
crease lta earnings.
"The stocks, bonds snd liabilities of the
Colorado A Southern amount to $667,201,
Lino la Chartered with Capital of
Fifteen Million Dol
lar. GUTHRIE, Okl., Feb. 14. A charter was
granted today to the Denver, Kansas A At
lantic Railroad company to construct 1.414
miles of road with a capital stoek of 16,
000,000. The Una is to run from Denver
southeast to Marshall, Okl. .thence via Okla
homa City through th Seminole, Cblcka
ssw and Choctaw nations to Paris, Tex.,
with a branch from Colgate, I. T., north
east via South McAleater to Fort Smith,
Ark.; another branch from near String
town, Choctaw nation, via Antler and
Eagletown to Trxarkana. Ark; another
branch from Marshall via Outhrle, Shaw
nee and Tecumseh t a point on the Red
river. The road will traverse th counties
of Wood, Grant, Logan, Garfield, King
fisher, Canadian, Oklahoma, Cleveland and
Pottawattamie in Oklahoma.
The Incorporators are Smith H. Mallory
of Charlton, la.; J. H. Cameron, Albert K.
Yerkea and 8. D. Cook of Chicago, . J. 8.
Cooley and J. M. McCormlck of Oklahoma
City. L. N. Van Horn of Salt Lake City,
T. C. Llndley of Medicine Lodge, Kas.; H.
K. Blokford of Alva, Okl., and J. M. Bucket
of Sprlngvale, Kan. ,
The Choctaw, Oklahoma Gulf is re
ported to be back of this company.
Faad la Being Collected for Bafferera
la th SyrlngrBeld
SPRINGFIELD. O., Feb. 14. A mass
meeting of citlsens of Springfield wa held
this evening for the purpose of raising
1100,000 to bs distributed among the con
cern which were burned out by the firs
which destroyed the East street shops on
Mondsy. Nesrly J20.0O0 wss pledged at tbs
meeting. - Many wsge earners In tha city
are pledging oo dsy's pay to ths fund
and many manufacturing concerns will
mak up th baUac.
sfsMV t leonr EslstM of Was lt and
Mm. Tiilka Paid 0vr.
Coastaatlaoplo Dlepateh Annooneo
the Fnct Limit Tlm for
Delivery Haa Not Yet
" CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 14. Th ran
som of Mis Ellen M. Eton and her com
panion. Mm. Tsllka, has been paid.
The limit of time allowed for the release
of th captive hsa not yet expired, but
their delivery to the American agents Is
expected hourly.
SOFIA, Feb. 14. Bulgaria, an official
newspaper, declares that as a result of an
energetic note from ths United States gov
ernment, Turkey has permitted the opening
of negotiations directly with the brigands
for the liberation of Miss Stone on Turkish
BOSTON, Feb. 14. News that Miss Stone's
ransom haa already been paid was shown
to Rev. Judson Smith, D. D., of the Amer
ican board of commissioners for foreign
missions. He looked at the dispatch and
"This may be 11k another report to tb
ame effect. But If thla report is well
founded, It looks a little ominous, the gap
of tlm possibly between payment and de
livery of goods. Ths first. word we look
for here Is assurance of her actual release.
However, this news may be hopeful."
Hearty Demonstration I Given 1,1 It
er al Leader by Liverpool
LIVERPOOL, Feb. 14. Lord Rosebery re
ceived a tremendous ovation at the great
liberal demonstration her this evening.
HI lengthy speech, tha principal one of
the evening, was attentively received and
heartily applauded. He failed to throw any
fresh light upon the war situation, but he
trongly emphasized hla hostility to ths
Irish party and hla deslr to utterly alienate
It from the liberal camp.
During hi remark Lord Rosebery said
that tha greatest change had been under
gone, Mr. Gladstone' bill were dead and
burled, the Irish party had now indignantly
repudiated any connection with the liberal
party, and he believed they had acted
wisely. It wa both to their Interests and
to those of the liberal party. Th Irish
leaders had played their full hand. They
bad demanded an Independent Parliament
la Dublin, and thereupon he had cried
"halt." This remark waa greeted with ap
plause. Continuing, Lord Rosebery said: i
I m not prepared, at any time or un
der any circumstances, to grant them an
independent Parliament, No sane person
would ever consent to handing over the
destinies of Ireland, situated In the very
heart of the empire, to a Parliament con
trolled by tnoee- who have epr-iH-d the
earnest -wish that w might be overthrown
In bettle. Tb Irian, nutloq is too large
for any one parry. It will need the en
i sy and the pstrhntsm.ef boh- Tnr
worttae o-Wrt-tBwiihr-TKmi ars-my
nun, i MniiiDBnii, dui i wisn to make
them perfectly clear on returning to pab
U life. . - . - I
Regarding th war,' Lord Rosebery said
h had been ridiculed for the suggestion
of casual peace negotiation In aome way
aids inn, but ha thought th mission of
Dr. Kuyper bore a resemblance to euch a
course. H thought th reply to Dr.
Kuyper waa fitting and dignified, but the
government had noted wrongly In declining
to reckon with the Boer delegates In
Europe and allow them to send a deputa
tion to South Africa.
."The trouble with th government," said
Lord Rosebery, "Is that they are always
thinking of the present. I try to think of
th future, when Boer and Briton will have
to live together In South Africa,"
The speaker appealed for an Immediate
and searching Inquiry Into the remount
scandals, commented generally upon the
government's seeming want of a (definite
policy In Malta and Wei Hal Wei. In con
clusion, he begged that his hearers would
not be too ready to allow their hand to
be tied by th Anglo-Japanese alliance.
Agrarian Loader Rcalgraa a Member
of German Castoma Com
mlttee. BERLIN, Feb. 14. Th frequent differ
ences of opinion which ha'v occurred In th
customs committee of the Reichstag cul
minated tbls morning, after severs! dis
turbing Incidents, In an open split t,cd In
th resignation of ths chairman. Baron von
Kardorff, one of the agrarian leaders.
Although Count von Poaadowski-Wehner,
the imperial secretary of state for the in
terior, declared the government could not
adopt th suggestion, tha committee by a
large majority adopted a motion to th ef
fect that the tariff bill should become ef
fective January 1. 1906. at the lateat. This
waa followed by several liberal motions,
which Baron von Kardorff refused to en
tertain. Th liberal and socialists vio
lently denounced the chairman's ruling and
the committee subsequently overruled the
chair. Ths chairman's resignation fol
Vneondrmcd Rnmor Is Published by
Pnper that t'oant
la Dead.
VIENNA, Feb. 14. The Nleus Wiener
Journal publishes an unconfirmed rumor
that Count Tolstoi I dead.
ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 14. The Moscow
Corler says Count Tolstoi's condition Is
hopeless. On th other hsnd, ths 8t.
Petersburg Vlsdomostl publishes a telegram
received from a physician yesterday saying
that acuta inflammation of the lungs snd
pleura aet in February 6, but that since
then there has been a gradual Improvement
In the patient's condition and that (her 1
still hop that he will recover.
Ko Detail of th Disaster la th
Caneasa Roeelved at Bt.
LONDON. Feb. 14. A dispatch to a news
agency from St. Petersburg announeea that
the large town of Shamaka, Transcaucasia,
has been destroyed by an earthquake. No
details of tb disaster hsvs been received.
Many Bneeomk to Plagrae.
LONDON, Feb. 14. A dispatch to 'he Ex
change Telegraph company from Lahore
says that under the new regime of non
intervention the plague is ravaging th
Punjab aad a thousand deaths ar occurring
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Saturday and
Probably Sunday; Variable Wlnda.
Temperatnre at Omaha Yeaterdayi
1 p. -a
S P.
Jl p. t
4 p.
B p. a
ti p. i
T p.
8 p. s
9 p. a
K a. m
H a. m
T a. m
I Xft
i...... XB
M a. m. . . . . .
ft n. m. . . . .
1 a. m
It n. m
12 an
Veteran Bookmaker Is Bald to Be
Alive aad In Amer
ica. SPRINGFIELD, Mass.. Feb. 14. A rumor
Is current here that Laurie Marks, the
bookmaker who was supposed to hsve com
mitted suicide In the English channel No
vember 17, Is alive and In hiding about this
city. The report originated with a member
of the police department.
During the laat few days numerous old
friends of Marks living In this vicinity have
received payment In full for, loans msde
him about three yesrs ago. Th money hss
been paid through sn sgent, who abso
lutely declined to answer questions. Mrr..
persons believe that Marks Is In Brat. I.
He left Springfield two years sgo for
London, where he opeaed a poolroom which
figured In the sensational swindle of the
bank of Liverpool. He had borrowed ex
tensively, but. he bad a good reputation aa
a "sport," and It vu known that sooner
or later every debt would be psid.
Three days sgo a representstlve of
Marks paid oft all of th obligations, which
ar estimated a an amount between 11,500
and $3,000.
A police offlclal who I In a position to
know, made .the' statement yesterday .that
Marks is here, or had been here. In the
last few days. City Marshal Stebblns says
that under the circumstances the police
would have no right to molest Mark If he
should be seen on the street.
Poaae Is Dlabaaded ' aad Effort to
Capture Leader of Mann- ,
talaeer Clvrn I' p.
MIDDLESBORO, Ky., Feb. 14. Quiet has
been restored In the neighborhood of, Lee
Turner's "Quarter House," three and a half
miles from this city, where th fight oc-
urred Wednesday between the Middles
boro officers and Turner's mountaineers,
th ruin of tb burned saloon and th
stockade which surrounded it being the
only reminders of th conflict which caused
the death of five, and probably six, men.
and the wounding of three others.
'. According to the latest reports, the list
of tb desd comprises Charles Cecil, dep
uty sheriff; Frank Johnson, Mlk Welch,
Jeff Prhder and Perry Watson of Turner's
force. ..'... . .'.'
' The wounded are: John Doyle, deputy
sheriff, probably, fatal; ; Leon A. Hopper;
John Johnson, ' mountalnsers, members of
Turner's band. Tom Russell, a Turner man.
Is missing. ' :' .
" Ns a'teniBt h boon made to capture Lee
Turnerr"Ke JTB "at HaoCT'rt,"Tnn.,1 Sur
rounded by hi friends,' and It Is believed
that a demand for his surrender would re
sult In another desperate battle. Th posse
which made tha attack on th "Quarter
House" Wednesday evening has disbanded.
Is Fonnd Dead by Her Son aad tbo
Murder Involves a
NEW TORK, Feb. 14. Mrs. Kats Voepel,
a widow, was murdered In her apartments
In Christopher street early today. Sbs was
found dead by her young aon. There were
thirty-six knife thrusts In her body and a
blood-marked room told of a desperate
atruggle before the woman gave up. The
police detained the son, but have little
reason to suspect Mm and hava so far
been unable to fathom ths case. Robbery
was evidently not the motive, for a large
diamond ring wa left untouched on the
body. She wa last seen alive at 6 o'clock.
Man Who Deserted American Army
Mecta Death on lalaad
of Samar.
MANILA, Feb. 14. Th army scouts,
under ths commsnd of General Walker, in
an engagement in the istsnd of Samar, re
cently captured seven rifles and numerous
bolos, killed a number of Filipinos and also
killed the officer In command, who was a
notorious renegade named Winfrey, a de
serter from the Forty-third regiment, whom
the American troops had for moaths been
endeavoring to capture. A man named
Long, who deserted with Winfrey, Is still
operating with the Filipinos.
Nearly a Foot Covers tbo Ground
In Bom l.ernlllles In
that Section.
CHARLOTTE, N. C. Feb. 14. A heavy
scow began falling here today at 1 o'clock"
and at midnight the snow was six Inches
deep on a level. The weather Is very cold
NASHVILLE. Tena., Feb 14. Th heavi
est snow since 1885 covers the ground here
tonight. At 6 o'clock it was eight and one
half inche deep on the level snd it has
been falling up to 11:30 p. m.
Duel Between Children Is Culmina
tion of l.oasj-Staadlaa;
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 14. Willi Ledger, 14
yaars old, was shot and killed tonight by
Fretwell Shock, a 10-year-old boy. The
killing waa the culmination of a feud that
baa loag existed between two factions com
posed of boys. The boys of both factious
are the son of well-to-do and respectable
Indicted, bat a Fagltlve.
TOLEDO, O., Fb. H -Frank Brady,
cashier of the Imperial Savings company,
which recently failed, haa hen Indicted.
It ia alleged that he secured tW.OnO of the
bank's funds. Brady is now In South
Movements of Ocean Vessels Feb. Id.
At Olesgow Arrived; Anchorla, from
New York.
At Havre Arrived: L'Aquatlne, from
New York.
At New York Arrived: Graf Walderaee.
from Hamburg: t'astle, from Bremen.
At Liverpool Ph I led: Tennisran. for St.
John. Arrived: Westernland. from Phllu
delphla; Bohemian, from New York; Do
minion, from Portland, M.
At Kobe Sailed: Claverlng, from Hong
Kong, for Taroma.
At Olliraiter Pasaed: Yang Tse, from
UverpouJ, fur 8elUa via Chin aud Japaa.
Crniktd j Oiaat Dsnldsr, VTh'eV CrasuM
lit Gtlf tailrsad Trail.
Litl f Caiialtiei Vaj Bs Itorstisd si
InrtW tavtitifatUa.
Hip Eei Kalli form Billaida Dawn Upa
th Trail.
Reverse Lever, bat Too late to
Save Live . of Workmen
Shield Car from De
struction. LTTTLE ROCK, Ark.. Feb. 14. Seven
mcu were killed and at least fourteen wer
seriously injured by a bug boulder weigh
ing fifteen ton crsshlng tnt lbs caboose
of a work train on the Chocktaw, Cklahoma
4V Gulf railroad,, twsnty mil west of Lit
tle Rock, at 1 o'clock this morning.
SAMUEL SIMON, whit, Boonavllla. Ark.
B. L. JONES, whit. Boonevllle. Ark.
ORANGE FOSTER, colored. Little Rock.
JOHN WILLIAMS, colored. North Little
HENRY M'GEE, colored, Llttl Rock.
Bill Penninger, white, foreman of gang,
leg broken and Internally Injured, serious.
William Logan, white, Booncvlll, hurt
internally, injuries serious.
Andrew McOrew, colored, Llttl Rock, In
jured Internally, will die.
Freeman Davis, whits, Alabama, both
legs brcken.
John Connor, white, Rosedale, Kan., hurt
on head.
Ed McOinnls, foreman extra gang, badly
Frank Powell, colored, Llttl Rock, hurt
about face, hands and legs.
Moae Garrett, colored, Llttl Rock,
shoulder dislocated.
Emmett Burnett, colored, Dumas, Ark.,
srm hurt.
John Holllns, colored, Llttl Rock, arm
aad Jeg hurt.
Jim Carroll, colored, Llttl Rock, arm
broke and bead hurt.
W. H. Bellew, white, Boonevllle, Ark.,
Injured about face and legs.
D. C. Hardin, colored. North Llttl Rock,
head and hsnd hurt.
Otto Raylor, white, Missouri, badly In
jured about body.
Gllmpso of Their Doom.
: Th work train was beaded west, tb en
gine pushing six cars snd a caboos. It
was in chargs of Conductor J.' R. Gamble, '
fcagieeer Nasar; and Fireman W. H. Evans.
ff-A- th UJaMra.r'-pgiiHtag toe', fcl. -bmaiaj
bordering :ha five two tall wast of Little
Naumelle, th crew saw a haavy rock, roll
ing down th steep declivity! having bssn
detached from the hillside by . th rain.
The train wa going alowly, but was almost
upon th rock when It struck" th track.
Engineer Nasor reversed hi snglns at
once, but tb train struck It with almost
full fore.
Th caboose waa at tb bead of tb train
and was shivered Into splinters. Almost
all tb men who were killed and wounded
were In the caboose. There wa a crew of
fifty-four men, whit and colored. Just
back of the caboos wer three cars of
sand and many of tha men were burled un
derneath th sand, which waa thrown tor
ward by th terrific Impact.
Blx Killed Oatrlgfat.
Six men ar known to have been killed
outright. Three wer left on the scene and
three were brought to Little Rock on th
train that wa dispatched to tb seen as
soon aa the news could be sent to the
city. Fifteen Injured were brought to Little
Rock and are now at St. Vincent's Infir
mary. On of th most seriously injured
died on the way to the hospital.
It Is believed there are others killed and
buried under the sand at tha wrsck, as
there ar aeveral missing and unaccounted
for. Workmen are clearing the wreck and
looking for the bodies.
If ths engineer had not stopped th train .
when he did, the entir trsin mutt have
been hurled down tbo, embankment. Con
ductor Uatnbl bad a close call. Twu
truck passed over him, but he stooped
down and the first did pot touch hliu. Tha
second paased over his foot, crushing it
so badly that It may have to be ampu
Crashes lata Aaetaer Ono' Ahead
aad Disastrous 'Wreck
ALTOONA. Pa., Fsb. 14 Three mn
killed, four probably fatally and two seri
ously Injured, on freight train a complete
wreck and another nearly so ar th result
of un accident this morning on th Penney I--vanla
railroad on th steep grad a fw
mile above th Horseshoe curve. Th lift
of victim follows: i ,
A. 8. GROVE, conductor of th forward
U. B. WESTNER, brakamaa of th for
ward train.
T. W. COONEY. brakeman of th forward
Probably fatally Injured:
M. W. Hart man, flagman of th forward
B. W. Klnkaid, engineer of tb forward
J. W. Fluke, engineer of tb rear train,
Simon Frederick, brakeman of th rear
train. '
Bertoualy Injured:
Tbo firemen of both engine, asms aot
Control was lost of tb second taction of
n eastbound freight train soon after
emerging from Gallitsln tunnel and two
mile west of Allegrlppus it crushed Into
th rear of ths first section. Tan cars, th
caboose and two engine war completely
Grove, Weatner and Cooney wer la th
caboose of tb forward train. Their bodies
were torn to piece. Hartman was stand
ing on tb front platform of th caboos
and th ahock threw him far down over th
mountain sids. Engineer Fluke aad hi
fireman jumped when tbey saw tbs train
ahead of them. Fluke was found uncoa
sclou fifty feet away from th track.
All tb injured men war takea t th
Altoona hospital, where It waa said that
Fluks wss dying and that ther wa llttl
hop for the recovery of Hartmaa, K'nnl
aad Frederick,