Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    'mis Omaha daily bek: ijUday, ijhiuahv 14, mo...
A4vrtleeAat for thea eelemns
will takea til II . a. tr th
areata edltlea and aatll 8:80 f. aa.
tor aiiirilai Saadar rSIOaa.
Rates, 1 1-Bo ward Srst tasertla,
la a word thereafter. Rhlasj lake
far lese thaa S).t far ba Srst laser,
tlen. The aSvertlseBBeate asest aa
r a roaeeaatl vely. reaee(laT .
fcere! aback, ratt bare anew ad
Sreeae t a a ana be red latter ear
f Tbe Baa. Anawara mm addreaaee will
tea deliver aa areaeatatlaa at
keek, mmlr.
YOUNQ man want place to work for
board while attending achool, Boyies
College, Mew York Lite Bidg. Tel. im.
f SB." 'M
A V .-..-.. .- . , - Manahle Tid I -
gently breo. wienea aliuatlon aa noje
koverneae; can me entire uPrvl,loptSI
oren; can aupertniend tne. preparing ana
erving of nieale; can aieo uj
Ing; la acquainted with the atorea of tne
city and can do all tne marketing; refer-
. - . . u u care
encea ezcDangrd.
"Mlaa cara
of ibe t),
A TOUNO American woman, capable and
gently bred, wlshee a situation aa house
governess; can taae entire eupervmlun o(
. - V. , . knr.lll,1ln -M-VITIItf tflll CDIl-
oren; can i Superintend the preping nd
serving of meie; can a.eo uo p
In; is acquainted with tne of the
cuy ana can no an tne mrnmi,
envea exchanged, Aoarcaa T , . 4.
A Is
OOOP roeaaengera wanted; Increased pay.
A. O. Co., -14 Boutta lsth.
Tf iiiv wnrk nrnfltabla work, for neat,
h.i.ri.n. i- Aaaina Co., Will
B io
a vno li i l v IMV'B WORK..
If you live xa tne country or in a amau
town and nave a good acquainiauee
among tne tarmera ana etoc rauiers in
tne neighooritoo-you can make eeauy
bv lour or nve iwura' wor. v rlie ua
and will aenu you our proposition.
'ine bee Co., bullcuora' Ul.,
Umana, Neb. . :
WANTED, a good man In every county to
.k. ..ikrTntmnM for The 'lwenUeto
Century Farmer. Our agenm make good
wagaa eVefy where. teirericee rqu.rd. t
Aaureaa. .t wentieth Century aimer,
irnuha. Nan B ii
mrri - trTtlCE!
Shave, hair cut, singe, any work In barber
line, at Molar College, loil rarnam at.. d
noor.. Hours, y 10 .
THE MOUCR Barber 'College. 1623
at.: wanta men to learn tne barber t ratio
by our mtUiod uf practical experience,
expert Instructions, etc.; aieady practice
k... irmm worn which savea two
yeara- apprenticeahip;- only two montha 1
required; on account ot tne demand fur
graduates ounng ine swnia -" --
offer la mde tor tnlrty uaya; can esrn
echolarshlp, board, toole ani transporta
tion U dealred i parOcuiara mailed tree
WANTED,, A man to tend furnace and do
cnorea afouna a house. Apply i ioug-
WANTED A. Gordon, preea feeder. Chase,
213 8. Wth. St., -
WANTED Flrst-claea experienced clerk In
our general etoTe to taae charge of our
grocery department; must be tnorougnly
posted ana. be competent enough to ao
the bt-ylng; muet be able to talk German,
Single man preierreu; iw
peeted an aaad reternncea, Keeker Co-
Albion, Neb. . " B-MUSO to
d aiillcltori also
laundry flrTver. Beferenca required.1 Ad
dress A ua, Aiea emce. "
WANTED, ten ornamental iron workers.
Steady work for right men.- Apply t
once. P. Rlohter iron Worka, iwnver.
. Colo. . - B MIWs W
WANTED, t canvaasera;
Boom 17. Union hotel. ....
a, ready sailer.
WANTED, two youug lady students to
ABirrtr.Mtntf ' manlcurlna- and cnl-
ronodv and 'scieniltlc masajige. Call or
write Room 320, Bee Bldg. - C-t6S
WANTED., girl for general housework.
Mrs. ueo. . ivninaui. " .,,M7JJ'1
. i ' ' t ii
wiwTcn ladles to learn hair dressing,
manicuring an facial massage; gralu-
iea earn SIX td. 31 weekly; only One
n.nh rennlrad: bust OUDortUnitV ever I
onereu. wan vr miw ini .w,.a,
Farnam St. - -.
HOUSEKEEPER In family of four Sjown
persona. Address i m, e. m I
i HOUSEKEEPER In amall family. S. E.
! cor. lUth and Manderaon sta. C M93
BHIRT makers and shirt finishers wanted
at Albert, Cahn'a. 213 . Uth. C-W7 14
wiHTtn nna nurse In' the Training
School for Nurses; also homes wanted for
three boy bajee ana several ouier cnu
dren at hlld Saving Institute, lurh and
Ohio el. '.. w awia aw-
WANTED, gtrl for general .housework. 32J
, Casasu . ' ' " C MH10 16
WANTED, experienced girl for general
housework in iamiiy oi tnree; no warning;
referencea required:
Apply 416 N. 2h at.
tj una it
a ' cook. Apply
3028 Dewey
u sis 10-
GOOD girl for general . housework. 1024
Parkave. C-M934 18
Q.. Q. Wallace, Brown block.
....... i a
unvE rlaht art Omaha Van .Storage
o.; OBlcs laiAVS raroajn, or isia imis-m.
. A
urn it" i-(T In all parts of city. The O.
tlUUOUl V. Jvla C0.1 fcaJ Bee Bldg.
A t
HOUSES and Sate. Rlngwait. Barker block.
BIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, 322.
U. at. riatiingcr, on uiu, mom oa.
JFQR RENT 12-roora modern bouae, 1?J4
Uougiaa arevi, a. t -JOliN
a noon S or l-room' Boose, s'trlctlv mnd.
ern, good neighborhood, within' walking
diatanee; very reaeonable root to right
party. M. J.Kennard 4k Son, j-10 Brown
block. . IA12S
TWO I aV s-r. mod. cottage. Phone A-2S.
HOUSES, etb. ". D. Wead,-1524 Douglas,
A Ai4
HOUSES, atorea.
Bern!, Paxton block.
- -;.
PAY N 19. BOSTWigK CO.. Sol N. Y. Ufa.
v ...... . - ..... l-WIM.
CENTRAL, modern. ' steam heat, T-roora I
house; and 4-room Oat,. Tlsard. 222 N.
ua bu a -u
70-ACRE well equipped dairy 'farm, .with
house and barn, nar city.
F. D. Weed.
Ia24 Dougiaa.
FOR RC.NT. WIS X. 17th St.. IJ0. large 2-
story modern house of 3 rooma, alao barn.
Sa A-room houae at 36th and Detratur Bt.
The Omaha, Realty Co., IaoI Douglaa St.,
upstairs, " "
FOR RENT, T-ropm modern houas, Stat
ave. and rarnam. possession un n is.
l MS'IJ 14
DEWEY European hotel. 13th and Farnam.
ONB turnlshad roam, with heat, on car
line. lalS Cla;fc; M per niontn. - eu
FRONT room; gentlemen only. . 1417 N.
17th St ' BMS.i 15
NICE home for young men. 103 S. tilth st
- r 4
ROOMS and board. Giaucalfu. ItuS Douglas,
ROOMS, board; ateam heaC fvll Harney
ait t Siw
BTF.AM heated. Mfflr
furnished rooma,
, at Tbe Thurston.
F 3W
with or without board
FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated
room, witn or without board,
hotel. 16th and Chicago 8ta.
F 481
FURNIKHED rooma, ateam heat,
f 5
bath. Hl7 Caaa. . .
8TEAM heated rooma with
Capitol Ave.
board. itOf
LA ROE pa rlora, single or aulte. Tbe Rom,
vjj uamey. iw tir
FURNISHED front rooma. single or en
auue, Willi Dwra. ei o. join St.
F M933 SO
DESK room apace, IS per month, around i
noor room in ine Bee building, facing
Farnam atreet: no expense for liaht.. heat
or janitor service. K. c fetera at uo.(
Rental Agenta. Be building. O US
' . . .
rive; uniurmanea roogii
U10 N. 17th, '
O M10S
OR RENT, the building formerly occu-
pled by The Bee at Hit Farnam Bt. It haa I
lour stories and a baaement. which waa
formerly uaed aa The Bee Dreae room,
This will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at once to C. C Koae-
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building,
FOR RENT, ,atorr In fli
rent, reasonable. Apply
J '
flrst-clasa location;
R, C. Fetera
Bldg. ' I WS
FOR RENT. S rooma 12x20. with large fold
ing aoors; auitatile lor aoctor, aeniist or
otnee; located on ground floor overlooking
Jefferson square. Also 1 room auslu), 1
room evxiv, auitaoie lor storage, ngni
manuracturingi etc.; ateam, gaa, water.
Apply to M. j. Franck, Midland hotel.
. My u
VV ANTED, canvassing agenta In every
county to solicit auoscriptiona to this
lWt,f.iiE l H . UUN I UHI f AKMH;K.
Bteady employment with assured good
income. Agenta In the country with
horse and buggy especially dealred, .Can
vassers make easily Mo to fluv per month.
Auoress century f armer eoiicitora Bu
reau, wi ouiiuing, umana. iu
"MEDICOLOOY." the beat family medical
book in tne world; other good aellere.
rv. a. niwnrauin ec .q.. suu ware Bin.
Umaha. J W7
BOOK cajivasaera wanted In every county;
via uiuuc, now ii uiriBiiiuu, evua tu
everybody; write today. Pbntlac Pub,
Co., Pontlao, Mich. J eot Mi
WANTED BoarB and room; . young
coupie; no cnnaren, J. li, iee.
. . , K-M986 IS.
fi. BATCHELOR wanta to pel
corn iunu, with board. T
nt 40 gores
WANTED Td buy, a Brst-clM residence,
auoiii et,,wu to iu,im;. Aaarese a tt, turn
ornct. , . nvL Ae
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL, !
HUSU. ."1W
and avcunananc, bougut, soiu.
'tf ISO'
I'OFFEK at private sale during this week I
houaenolo.' turniture, carnagaa, uarneaa,
uuiiaiu ta.tie, vow, etc., at uue 8. uu si.
li. b. Ataaer, U SB 14
FOH BALK, sideboard, sewing machine.
uooKcaae, lange, iron oea anu otner tur-
Uiture. Noriiwn W. Aawnorn, Army I
neauuunrutrt, or asu o. mm Ave.
O V21 IS
i'HE BEST in buggies and wagons at H.
rust a, iiin gna iaveuworiu. toe
alNGLhi alogh, 310. -LMiutue
aleigu, tie. - ri .
4. nili.p mi in., n.iiinla allirha. ' "
irummoi.a carnage co. ' P w
t in timbers for housemovers, . etc, 40 to
ii iu; triuuing ana nog leuce. sua Aiuug
la. w v
iUtiAetii sfe cheap.
Delight. 1111 Farnam.
I'lllUT roll, a nod a new: will flt hnv 11
ut a aata wiu. wiwm a , oee.
e Mode
jNDIAN goooa and raUoa. Ul Farnam.
A'YPEWRlTURtt, latest models Kerning-
ton. bmitn-jr-remler, Venainore, ropiauod
uy iu. LiiAn-ivnuuLi; low price. aa.
Vtuiainau at v,o., Aui rarnam. A-lione sua.
When, You, Write
to Aavemsers
rr imbei . wui u tra Stroke of
I two oi tne pen to
yuu w uia an In
to lucuuua uie tact . that
Ana atea.
1 ulliKD safe cheap, ttchwarts, lit 8. 13th.
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
Otner musical imuuinnni; as up. Aus
vvutmau co., abaa rarnam. r 14 Ma,
luu STYLES trusses, catalogue tree. Sher
man at Mcconne.i irug co., Ath uud
Aiuuge, Onuina,
FOR SALE, scholarship In an umaha I
shorthand, acnuui, tuev. inquire tu tsvm
Biug. ., . W-A1MS
braN. 31.10 per hundred: cracked corn.
fl.Wi per nupureo.. wayner eea store.
irw turning ai.
, uDI n nlunn ...I ma.itfnnt, i. 4.i
warrauieu, at a oargaiiu,- itoom 414, mc -
Cague biug.
FOH SALE. lot maohlnea, all alxaa, and I
styles, ooin eiectrio ana auiomatiu, jiaw
ana secondhand, at your own plica. A1-
oreas box an, uaviu v-ny, is no. , . .
. . t-M804 1
BEAUTIFUb Ctilckerlng upright piano at
a sacrinoe. itoom 41 jacvague piug.
O M781
RICTCLE8. DbonucraDh and . aupollea.
Omaha Blcyvie Co., cor. Win ana Cnicago
bts. k e lye
FOR BALK, ' two fresh cows. 40th and
Orant- cnariea roreat. . 14 sau 14
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 311 N. ltth.
MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 313 S. U.
Mme. Ames, Cumberland house, Uth AV Cap.
A iiA ati
MM hi. SMITH, baths, US N. It. 2d floor. R 1
;a ai r
T-Mi i'Aa
BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian
treatment; attundauL 321 Si N. 15th. Flat
I . . A MOBS Ml
MASSAGE. Manicuring,
1 Howard, flat
T M7a Ma
PRIVATE hospital, before and during con
finement; babies adopted. 2juS Ureot Alt.
Aire. Uaraoia. A el. e -UM. C AJJ
DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu
ous hair reinovea oy electricity. At II,
a renacr xiva, .1;
GOLDMAN'S, tbe only perfect pleating
plant in toe weat, r Aougia pioch.
BHAMPOOINO and halrdreaalna. 26o. In
connection wita ine Aiainery, xte-uo Bee
bulltllng. leu in. C Ml
Ili;PTL'RE permanently cured in SO to SO
day; 8-na ror circular, u. o v ood. M.
D.. 621 New York Uto Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
, . C H
HEAIXJUARTEHS for Phonograph,
,raptuiinone. Records ana buiiull
N-b. t'.-l Co., Cor. 15th and Harney.
I'nwn Afru. C-MM Aft
K '
MM1 mis, wall paper cleaner, Jackson.
- U M-&
: - '
BUTE PARLORS, SIS 8. lth sL.2d floor.
manicuring and chlro-
pody, for ladles only. In. connection with
n who
ACCORDION pleating, r: heapeat. beat and
quicxeat. . Aire. A. C. Mark, 1L Jjougiaa.
C U4
CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection
with The Bathrry, rooma 213-220 Bee ni l.
Tel. 1714. t U-449
GRAMOPHONES and euppllea. wholesale
and retail. Colllna Piano Co., 1822 Doug-
LiIEBEN, theatrical, masquerade eoatumer.
iuia r amam. u J
OMAHA Cancer Cura Sanitarium, SOOT N.
Mtn nt.. Omaha. jNeb.. treata cancer.
i tumora and all akin dlaeaaea; cure guar
nteea. u Wl Fit
MME. SMITH, bathe.' Ill N. , 3d floor, r 1
V1AVI. woman'a wfy to health; rational.
wnoieeome noma treatment. 0Jeing.
, u rw
PRIVATE home ladlea before and during
confinement; adopt bablea. 26tO Burdette.
nn. ourgeu- - u miu-
'8UFPO8E that In the Dark vou aat
AND herd the band nnnn vttne bat
PLAY waltaea, two-stepe and marches too.
i tnina: it would astonish you,
Don't vnuf
' And then hie nine went out and ha nro-
ceeaea a i once" to orocure a
which it th belt he Btralrht cigar on the
irrncv si pr 1.9J0. union maao. '
, , - . . r V M968 17
Tha pigtail Idea, Is good--Fb-
ruary "What To ISt," page 71. Mollle.
WANTED, city loane, bonds and arrant.
ueorge company, itvi, arnaj sireei.
. vr
,44 PER CENT on business property'.
a ner cent on residence Drooerty.
Options to pay whole or part any time.
W 407
city loana and warrants.
Farnam Smith
& Co.. 1120 Farnam St.
WANTED, city and farm loans; S-lsO bonds
i and warraata. K. C. Petera St Co.. 1702
Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. w toy
MONEY to loan en- Improved Omaha- real
eatate. Brennan-Love co,, wj tsoutn jsto.
FARM and city loana, low rates. W. It
Thomas, lat in at. Bank mag. xei.
ttU TO . P. O. money. B.mla. PA.ton Blk.
w az
PRIVATE money.
Sherwood, 387 N. Y, L. I
VY 41
run paoej, r Anm apu uii waw
WHnt Jlcni
O. Wallaoe, Brown Blk.
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglag
i PER CENT loana. Garvin Bros , 1804
rarnam. n-ui
ISuO. tsoo AND 31.000 brtvate money. 1. I. 3
or D yeara, on eaatern iseDraaKa larma or
well locatea cottages in umana. vv. L.
Belby, Board of Trade Bldg. w sis
halaki loans en iuurt amuau. ...
.Only requirement a steady position,'.
' 1 MnriHaa. endorser nr nnhllMtv.
' n4OSAl iruU'MWIIMll. V- aWWHUi' 1
R, 41 Man, Clerka, Machinist,. : Bchpet I
nTAansiava UiwikbaanSN NlannaranhuH
TJS)VHI a-uvapeeye, mimvR4 a4llVt W W
any, ampioyea ,gtvea tune ta sUU. their
o u akan a ki'Bf Lowest Rate in-Town.,
V-rS5K5 i4u for"e?dir"Hlays ,f advance. ..TOe Jor particu.
No charge tor InrormaUea or taoera. - . J
r 1. n. . . ATAB.u.uu. n 1 . . 1 .. I
aiyeninga. can can on you ir pref erreo.
Room bus Third Floor. Paxtoa Mlrwfk '
i . . JL vol 1
To loan on
Furniture and
A'lanoa.- I.iva
Pianos, Live
Block. ato.
v f tbe property,
ai auV l--Ahjw- Au people holding
i-rt i i a-sn iia permanent uoslttona.
Mou vaji borrow iroia Iiauw UO. Xou can
get tne money on short notice. You get
me tull amount In caah. -you may kD
t It one moniu or more anu pey ior it only
.what time you keep i it. our rates are low,
out o uaui osa i coutldentiai And our "motto
la to try to pieaae. .z.
lit AAoard of Trade Blqg. ' ." - -Tel. kM,'
iluitabiianea iows. - su 0. iota si.
biaAjAA&acaj -ai,wa-a.av, uiercAiams, ieam-
atera, Dparoing nouaea, eie., wimout ae
uurity; eaaieai terms; 40 o mces in prm-
cipal cltlea. 'i'oluan, 440 Bwirtt I Trade
Biug. . .X iU
live stoca, 01c. xuiwa. avrrice anu lowest
ratea guaranieea. J, W. TAXLOK, tit
(top Hour; A'axton block, northeast corner
lbtn ana S'arnam; entrance on Ain atreet.
IaIAN &. ' Aosoiuieiy wimoui removinat
gooas." Wrlitsn guarantee given to tnia
neuc AMAChlCAN LOAN Co., Room
KM, Paxtoa Block. . . A, l
MONEY loaned on plain note te-salaried
veople; Dusmesa connueniiai; loweai raiea.
14 A'axton mock. 'Abe J- A. nutton Co.
imonei loanca on lunmuri, bioch.
ieweiry, to aalaried people. Foley Loan
Co.. sue. Vb Uua ureen, Barker Blk.
' 1 A-674
MONEY loaned, on pianos, ' furniture, Jew
elry, horses, cows, ec j. . neea, m ts.
TOGET In 'or out of business call on Wil
liams, Atootn 41a, anvv-ague uuuuing.
" ' - . k 425.
WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange
your Duaincss or pruuerty quick communi
cate who- one wow n m- vuauiiuera. j.
li. Johnson, 343 N. Y. Lite. Phone L-227u,
- I AM&l
KLEVER rooms, elegantly furnished, mod
ern DricK tenement, pesi locauon, every
room ailed with nrst-class roomers, pay
ing preposition, future plana rieceaaltataa
Udy selling by Fab. L J. li. Johnaoo,
t. . A4ie. . . iojhu
FOR SALE Millinery store, doing good
business; also gooo noiei ror sate tor lease
r?. Ll'NebTai- fl lriT. ft
1,1 la Duiiuing, vwavii. a am
FOR SALE CHEAP, steam paste plant:
all tne maoniuery avna cquipmenia tor
manufacturing wall paper paste and brick
mush; thla bualneaB produce large pro
fits; can be conducted with small capital.
J. H. Johnson, n. I. ura. iMlit
I HOTEL, furniture and Hxturea, SO rooma.
elegantly equippea; a nouae; paying
proMieltlon; located In live county Beat
town southeaat Nebraaka; owners age
necessitate retiring; will aell reasonable
and lease house. J. Ai. Johnson. N. Y.
lit: . X-M7
FOR SALE, an established general rndae.
business doing S22.0W to. 326.0U) a year;
located In good farming section; only one
mhar eeneral stock In town: stock will
invoice about 38.0UO, but will be reduced to
about i in the next thirty day a. Ill
health cause ot selling, iso tradea. Ad
Uiesa Ixck Box 14,. wputna, ist
. Y-M798 IS
TOR SAI.E. old established grocery busi
ness; ireen stoca, gooa iraae ana nxture.
Will reduc etock to H.OuO If required.
T 20. Bee. I 4i 17
FOR SALE California restaurant; propri
etor wanta 10 leave city, aqub n St., aouta
Omaha. y mm 1
FINE location, paying business, furniture
and nxturea ot resiaurant ana 7 rooms
above, well furnished, alwaya occupied.
Owner's health forces sale at aarriAce.
No reasonable offer rejected. . If you're
quick you u get valuable proposition J,
H JObnaA. mi. X. UIA 1
FOR BALE, nice clmw stock nt drug In
live town; want oont anil carriage; good
reasons fnr selling- Add reus R. My,
M. E., Virginia, Neb. T M91I 16
RESIDENT representatives .wshted In all
rnncipai ntiea to handle a line nt puiio
ng specialties. Application from re
sponsible parties desired. Olve refer
ences. State experience and full particu
lar. Van Kannel Revolving Door Co.,
New York. Y MK24 1
WANTED, an active man or woman to
Bell oil atocka. Wg commlaalnns and
legitimate propnsltlona. Addre, with
referencea, the Mnrtln Owen Brokerage
Co., 838 17th St., Denver,. Colo.
FOR SALE, a t1.000 etock of general mer-
cnanniae in nrat-claee cnnnltlon. Including
a ruit aupply of etaple artlclea: beat loca.
ion in a nveiy town in I'nugiaa couniy,
where a general etore hualnena hna been
conducted with- aucccaea .continually for
over 2ft years; bullrilngn are spacious and
win D aoia or rented, aa buyer eeiecra,
at a low figure; would consider aome
good eaatern Nebraska land at a cash
value aa good aa cenh; no professional
trader need apply, Addfeee T 24, Ree.
y. Ma IB
FOR BALE, drug a tore in western Iowa
aoing gooa Duaineae; reason ror aening,
Ill-health. Addresa T S3, Hee. Y M927 It
WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for
roiaing Dea. is Hee. ft ataiu
Farm Harfleon Sc Morton, N.Y.U Tel. 314
If you want a ranch In the beautiful South
juiup nver vauey, wen improvea, an
needed land and under fence, awav down
cheap, write to K. Ei ' Brega, Callaway,
Neb. . . B1S-MS39 14
LANDS AND FARMS,' I hare tnqulrlea
for lar.n ana rtrmi in ivansaa, iNeorasxa,
Iowa -and B. Dak. Olve full description,
location, sec. twp. and Rg., and price at
which you will sell, and pay commission
of I per cent, plua $2.eo, In eaae of sale
only, W. L. Selby, general real estate
and -loans," Board Trade bIJg.
Charles E.. 1301
Farnam' street.
IF YOU want one 'bf the nicest S-room
home in uanacom riacc, i win give you
a bargain. Owner .left city. Must sell.
1. U. Uherwood, 7 N Y. L. Bldg.
tft.BDO FOR I S-tbom oottag a, modern ex
cept lurnace; 1 l-rwm an in
excellent condition. W monthly rental,
continually occupied, fine location, on 17th
atreet. 1U diooks norm r. owner going
to California for health; cash, eaay;
J. 11. Johnson, 843
M. I. ure.
IMPRQVEq farm, S00 acre : H mOe north
$0h on- HHmU'
When You Write ,
to Advertisersx
i l - . . .
remember It only lakes an xtra stroke or
two or me pen u. rqenuun uie i&vi u.
you saw the ad In The Bee.
HOUSES and Iota In all parts of cKy; also
acre property ana iarm lanaa. i ne u. .
uavis co.r itoom m, Aiee Aiuiiaing. .
.. . RE-430
For bnrgalns In farm , property go to
O'Nelira Real .s tats Agency, bouiq
Omaha. , . . -j ' , , RE 47t
PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO.. 601 N. Y. Life,
i . ... . i j
HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loana; also
are insurance, jpemia, raxton biock.
On account.of fheayy.snow, our
" Tic I ' - . - ,
1 UoYfl : COantV -trro pestpopea. Will
give notice of next trip at least three
I rJ I I CK. rcvKMAlv . HAJw:l.l,
420-21 N.;Y Lite bldg.
1 , T ,A7n '. lirrtahii. Nph
. 'v,.. ..... RB-331.
1 NEW Snow-Church Co. 4th floor N, Y,
1 , . . . u. t iaaJ
Aiie xiug., vruiaie., w. -" .
oollnctlon and real estate agency In the
'world. Associate banka attorneys and
real estate brokers In every county In tha
United Statea and cttlea of foreign coun
tries. - :. -M; fi ' fwi
1 uniiiiu.n,i,n. .a. mwiv Tel tiA.
. ,,; AtS M16J Mch4
RANCH and farm landa for aale by tha
iTrtiin pda AA Hal roan 'comDany. - is. A.
McAlleater, land commissioner. Union Pa-
clno Headquarters. , umana, neo. ,
i i . , ill ' ii
COLORADO ranoh land- hpmeateada,
school section lease. ; v(-y. irwm. ax
ron. Colo. RE M3-J8 F27
I CHEAP cottage: Two cottages, corner lot,
I 27th and Bnruette Sts., both H.7V0. ,
I 28la Miami St., 1 roonui, $1,15X.
618 Hamilton t.. rooma. large lot, 3160.
28 12 So. lUtn etc. B rooms, w.
HM Dorcas kit.. 4 apaA'cmenuH si,w.
2711. Burdett St., rooms, fci0. . - ..
.Vacant lot,- pear 3th and Emmet Sta., flSO.
Lot i, Nelson's, 12x120 feet, 3afa0.
GRAHAM At URE, Bee Bldg. RE 664 14
Fin (Arm for feeding or dairying, only
three miles from South ,. Omaha , yards;
good Improvements; i-foom house, large
barn, cattle and hog heda, etc: ; to be sold
at onoe; a bargain at l.60. y Bee or write
ua for f urtner parucuiars.
W . r A K.N AM. Bill in at w.,
1220 Farnam. Bt,
RE MM9 14
DR. PRIES, the' acknowledged leading
specialist In discasea 01 women in umana,
would call the attention x ot Buffering
ladles to hie unsurpawned accommodations
befora and during -eonilnement, and his
treatment for IrreguiarlUeB no matter
what cause. . Call or addreaa, with stamp,
Dr. Prleu. Arlington block. Ial2 Dd(S9,
Omaha. -
To relievo at home any vase of long-stand
ing, oDsunaie, aunoiuiai . aui,reiion
from- any cause. Even if othera have
failed, try our compound ' concentralsd
vegetable fluid extract. We never dlsap
pulnL Uaed for over eighty yeara with
out a single failure. Why despair? Dr.
Mead Rem. Co.. 1 (JUlney St., Chicago.
10 F21
GREGG Shorthand. On. C. CoL, ltth It Doug
C' VA f ANT'8 school, tit N. Y.JJfe.
BtiYLEg College, court reporter principal.
is. x. AJie.
NEB. BuBlneea St Shorthand College. Boyd's
QID E. ALICE JOHNSON, oateopatha.
Suite &li N. X. UIO bldg- ABL, ABtn.
T. HUNT, 313 MoCague Bldg. Tel.
I pR. MRS. MU8ICK. Douglas Blk. Tsl. 3S23,
I W k-"'v1 M6
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to.
J. T,
Soth and Laa streets.
WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es
tate men; weatner atrip put on. z
RKPAIRING very .cheap.
IMS Leav. Tel.
77S M
NEW tdhaqd. Ul Farnam St., Omaha.
U HENDERSON, 131 Farnam. Tel. L&S
A SILVER bracelet on 11th, bet. Cal. and
Isvenworth. Return to V2 N. 15th and
receive reward, 33. Lost MSI23 IS
LOST from 2111 Douglns St., black cocker
spaniel, montns om, answers to name
of Mac; leather collnr. hrnaa mounted;
reward. Cliff Cole, 14(9 Douglas.
Lout- M931 1
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 12-
S14 Jones, general atorage and forwarding.
OM. Van. Dtor. Co., 1611 H Farn. Tela. 1569-f3.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. make a spe
cially or nre escapes, snuuere, aoors ana
safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 1U2 8. 10th He
I -&3 F20
p. meix:hoir. uth
Howard, ma-
INSUrtANCE Dollcles. old-line companies.
purcnasea. Lrfisns on pouciee. iail on or
write The Putnam Co., 504-6 N. Y. Life
Biag., umana, Ni. 34
THE GARDENERS protect old age aa well
aa lire. Charter members free, particu
lars from Frank Kosewater, supreme
manager, zz Hee Flrta. . 724
TEL. 1331. M. S. Walklln, nil Cumtng 8C
OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North ltth.
TRUNrts, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks
repaired, urn, Trunk A1 actory, xzt arnara.
IN Neb. and Iowa. 2513 N, South Omaha.
O. R. GILBERT CO.. tannera, 1424 B. 13th.
BOUGHT Omaha Stamp Co.. 20 S. Uth.
EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat
ing; all business conudenllal. uoi Dougias
OMAHA Steam Laundry; ahlrts, 8o; collar,
it;, culls, 4u. not Leavenwortn. let, mi.
MONROE Coal and Feed Co.
'Phone S7L
Q 467 "Aa
DRESSMAKING in famtllea or at home.
Miss bturdy, 2042 Farnam. 367 F29
F. J. HOLOUBEK. photographs. 1368 8. IS.
mm b ju
OMAHA Plating Co., Be bldg. Tel. 3S3S.
CURED. -Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg.
' I
phone 2190. all South. 'Thirteenth
(Should b read daily by all Intereated,
as vnauaea may occur a. avuy uiaw. 1 a
1 - ... .
s-nrelarn malla for the week ending Febru
ary IS, liViA, Wlii ;'iv iPKOMBTLi In all
tuMi at the Ueneral Poatomo a follows:
fA.Hy-b.LM rOOk MAlLb Close ONE AAUUAt
AijAAtLAcAt tnau closing time snowu oeiow.
L.....,V k.l I.,.. .I..- I
At CU1BIU Aimubu mvi.. m.v, uu
closing time shown beiow (.except supple
mentary Mails tor Kurope ana Ceatral
America, via Colon, close one Lur at
r breign Braaon,
Traasatlantto Malla.
SATURDAY At T:S0 a. m. for ITALY di
rect, per s a. Aionensouern (man must
ba directed "per b. a. lioheniollern : at
7:20 a. m. (supplementary s a. m.) for
EUROPE, per a. a. Lucanla via Uueena
town; at 7:d0 a. m. for NalA'HERLANDS
direct. Der a. s. Maaedaiu (mall must ba
directed "per e. a. Maasdam' A; at 9:30
a. m. for bcuriAAJMij direct, per s. a.
Furnessla (mall mustr be directed "per
a. a. r urnesma j.
take A-rlntea Matter, conjmsrcial , ra
purs and Samples for Germany only. The
sme class of mall matter for other parte
of Europs win. not ne sent oy tms snip
unless specially airectea oy ib
After th. closing oi (he Supplementary
Transatlantic ! namaa above, addi
tional Supplementary Malla are opened on
the piers of the American, jungiith,
French and German steamers and re
main open until within Ten Minute of
the hour ot sailing ot steamer. ,
Malla far Boat aad Ceatral Anaerlea,
West ladlea, Ete.
FRIDAY At 19 a. m.
IaAND' direct, per a
. Ul 1 ..I. . a. i .un
-. , -
' r. m. (auDDlementai
- ANA. per a. . Cartbbe (mail for Barb-
- ados, Grenada and Trinidad muat ba di
rected "per a. a. Carlbbee 1: et 3 P. m,
s. Capri via Barbadoa and Pernambuoo
(mall for Northern Brasll must be di
rected - per B. B. wapn i, at -ii:av p. m.
for BAHAMAS, per steamer from Miami,
SATURDAY At 3 a. m, for BERMUDA,
per b. b. Pretoria; at 9 a. m. fur PORTO
RICO, per a. B. Ponce; at 9 a. m. (supple
mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and
VENEZUELA, per Maracalbo (malt
for Bavantua ana Cartagena must pe m
a. s. Alena (mall lor uoaia Atica muat b
directed "per A a. Alene '): at 10 a. m. for
I.UDA, per n. jiioiiu i.a,ua A iiaraua.
at 10 a. m. for GRENADA. TRINIDAD
and CIUDAD BOLIVAR, per a. B. Mara-
Malla for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at
close hare-every Monday, Wednesday and
this otnee aany at v.av v. in. luonuectina
Saturday). Malla tov Miquelon, by rail
tn Hoaton. and thence by ateamer. close
at thla office dally at :90 p. m. Malls 'or
Cuba, by ran to r lonaa, ana inence oy
steamer, ara dispatched dally, nnal con
necting closes, for dispatch via Port
Tampa, on Sundays at 4:iiu a. ra., Wednes.
dava ana rriuaya, u . a. m., tor nia-
n.ih vIa MlAml. on Monday a and Frl-
dava at 11:30 p. m. Malla tor Mexico
City, overland, unless specially addressed
for dispatch by steamer, cioa at thla of
... a-ilv Axceot Sunday at 1:30 o. m.
and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and
'1 30 p. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Bells.
Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to
iiew Orleana, and thence by steamer,
close at this office dally except Sunday
at 1:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. ra. vcon-
n.nlna closes here Mondays for Bella. Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues
days for Coeta Rica). Rgistered mall
close at S p. m. previous aay.
TraasaaclSe Mails.
Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, clos
here dally at s m p. in. up io renruary
10, InuluJiva. for dispatch per A a. Ala
u.iia fur Hawaii. Japan. China and FhlllD.
til n Islands via Saa Francisco close her
reeled "per a. a. Maracaioo-j; at so a. Kin.A City Day l:m a S M Am
m. (supplementary 10:30 a m.) for FOR- .ty Night Aux. U:At pm a I S
TUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA, BAVAN1L- u'yer.. .a t.L) pui Zli'T.
LA. CARTAGENA and GHEYTOWN. per t -.. f aAA.Aa aa
dally at S: p. m. up to February 10,
tlirliial f,,r IniiHtfti n,r a a IlnrlC.
Malls for China snd Japan, via Tacoma.
clone here dally at : p. m. up to
rebrunry 14. Ineluelve. for dispatch ier
S. a. 1 II v mtila
Malls for Chins and Japan, via Vancouver,
cioee here daliv at s:w p. m. up to reoru
sry l. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a.
l'mprea of China. (Regisiered mall mint
ie directed "via Vancouver. Mercnan
dine for the U. S. Portal Agency at
fShanaLal cannot be forwarded via Can
Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle,
ciose here dsllv at S;W p. m. up to reoru
ry m, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. .
Klnshlu Maru. (Kcgletercd mall must be
directed "via Rutt:"l
Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip
pine iMiaiida via San r rancisco. icue
here dallv at S:30 t. m. ut to Febrimry
20, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Nip
pon Alaru.
Malls for Aus
tralla (excert West Australia,
warded via Europe). New Zee-
which Is forward
land, FIJI. Samoa ana Hawaii, via San
Francleco, cose here dally at 3:30 p. m.
after February 2 and up to February 2J,
Inclusive, or on arrival of a. a. Campania,
due at New York February 22, for die-
natch ner a. a. fv oma
Mails for Australia incept West Australia,
which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, 1
which goea via San Francisco), and FIJI
Islands, via Vancouver, close here dally
at 6:30 r. m. after February 22 and UP
to March 1, Inclusive, for dispatch per
a. a. mow era tsuODiementary mans, via
Seattle and Victoria, -close here at 3:30
p. m. March 2)
a for Tahiti and Marniteaaa lalanda. via
San Francisco, close here dally at 3:30 p.
m. up to March H. Inolualve. for ills-
uaicu per a a. Australia.
Transpacific malla are forwarded to ports I
pi sailing naiiy and the schedule oi cioa-
Ing ta arranged on the presumption of
ineir uninterruntea overland transit.
Registered mail closes at t n. m. Drs-
vioua aay.
Postofflce, New York. N. Y.. Feb. 7. 1302.
BirPF.tvy.B'H NfiTtcm
In the Dlatrict Court In and for Douglag
v.uuniy, iMeDrasKa,
William a. Martilnn. nlalntltr. vi K-
Drasxa lre Inauranoe CompanTy, at al, de
fendants. To all creditors of Nebraska Fire Insur
ance Com Dan vi
IOU and each nr vntl ara herehv nnflfleA
that In purauance of an order of the dis
trict court of Doufflaa countv. made Janu
ary ii in. jjii, a aivioena oi two t) per cent
on all allowed clalma against the Nebraska
Fire Insurance Company ha been de
clared; that said dividend la payable at my
m ..a i n 1. 1 i. i -i . . . .
V.11U.,, II. L 1 1 a D1UWH uiuu.. in I 1 1 R III, 111
Omaha, and' that payment thereof must
be demanded at my offloe, and uniene such
demand be made by April .lHth, 1SU2, you
and each of you will be forever barred
kv Ani.ll 1UK mil a 1 1 I
irom any right to participate In tiie funds
appropriated for said dividend.
nucn claims must be presented at the
.office of the undersigned, receiver, In the
Brown block, in the city of Omaha, Doug
laa county, Nebraska, or tranamltted to
mm at mat address oy man,
Dated this 13th day of February .A. D. 1902, 1
' A. U. W X MAN.
Receiver of tha Nebraska Flro Inauranca
company. F13d3ut
notice is nereoy given that the regular
annual meeting or tne atocanoider of tne
South Platte Land company will be held
at the office of aald company, in Lincoln,
Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 5th
aay or march, A. lvuz.
tj oroer or tne noara or Directors.
Lincoln. Nebraaka, Feb. 1, 1903.
C. H. MORRILL, President.
F2 OSOt A. B. MINOR, Secretary.
WAKTRTl f rtf TT a amiw .hi. viti
unmarried m.n t.- .V. o, ""-1"
. . VB ... . , , u . . j v . vuaracier I
ana wmperwie nnoue wno can apeak, read
and writ English. For Information apply
to Recruiting Officer. 16th and Dodge eta;,
Omaha, Neb.
Illlaola Ceatral.
Lear. Arrive.
Chicago Exprees
...A 7:20 am S:1S pm
C!hlrirn MlnnvanAlla A
St. faui AJmited......a 7:80 pm a 3:03 am I
Uinneapolla s 8U Paul
Kinrnu . a 7-m am KiA-m I
Chicago Express aioiss m
.-A.,a a. n .v I
"Tbe Northwestern Un. -
Chicago Special a T-lo mi aii-wi I
Chlfo Paenger-:::;:: 47:fl pS ft Jm
Eastern Exrrtk .;.al0:4 am a 4:06 pra
... . . ,
Eaatern Special .........a 4:64 pn 4:06 ptn I
KSffw'LtV.'T-V.". ... ?:40 P
FasridTii:...?.:. ixzs
Cedar JKapidr Paaa a 1:30 cm
Twin City Express.
I M , ., I , , ( .l
City limited a 7:hS Dn, . laT. 1
City Local a 4;i am a 3:M boa
tuieu I'aeluv,
Overland Limited .
Faat Mall
a 1:40 am a 7:30 am
California Express.
a 4 ii ra ym
Facino lLxpress ..
.ailuM pm
1. ' 1 . ... am h.vnrMI
a 4:35 pro
a im .
I . 1. . .U
. . j 1 .. 1 lw.1 n ' , ..
uncuiuDuui"viiii M.H DD C. 1 t. ...
Ul Aiiu AffWM.. wi - .v, yu V v.jb am
a Dally.
CaWeaso, Xltwaake at St. Pal.
Chicago Llinitd........a ,3:09 pm a s ot run
Chicago Omaha 0 1:1a am o s:v pm
:4v put
BAlBBWitrA c-aciAe.
SL Louis H.xpreaa....M..aiO:oo am a f:2e pm
AW . W. A mmm.mkAW.W AP1U S;AB Bill
Claleaatw, At oca, Aaiaael a I'aeiAu.
Dea Moines and Av-
anport Aammu. a 7-lo Acs a:j am
Chicago Akxpreaa bll:lS am a ;ua put
ijmm ai.w. mw t. .w bui VUIW am
cnicago fcxpre.. lit yea a iub pui
uu AtLuinea. hue lat-
una aua t-mcago..... i:i pm a 3:21 ant
Uneoln, Colo. Bering, .
Tf BkSI Am
AJenver, a-usumi , avuu
Waat a li Dm ami ..
Coioiado, OKiahomav 4k ,
Tex At iycf a ia pot a S:iS am
fit. Luuia "Caflaoat BaaA'
ACxpraaa ............a .;! pm a S:3S am
pll. A-OUIB AVia.1,
iilUHS ...a ....
10:00am SJ.043 pra
Chleas. BarlHatea A ttaiacy.
laava. a
Chicago 8pcial .....a u ant tuo auomlof propriety about her, bsf only opportun-
I ... .. J . I Hiiil-A M W . . ... ..... . I
I Alivatev - ww m I. SB Am
cbtcaau Aaicai.
a : Am a a u .....
u. . - : - a.
.a VAU A I :
a'ast aaaia , , a .v nia
BurttAAft . aAtaauarl River.
wvmore. AMatno
Nebraaka express
m 3:40 am
......a B:u ao. nii-ti I
Daavsr Aitrultet.... a 4.a nut
a Pia
Blaca Ai-Aia aua rui
bound- AeuvBr ' Ctiov-
laeotAon S:00 pm
Uaooln "at MaiI b S bv pm
run crwA ana Platt-
bjaouUi S) b:30 pm
Bauiaivue Pacino el..a liau pm
Bvauevu- Pectin. Jet. .a $m am
a I II am
a U an
bU.-Ot am
a mj aia
AvaaAB urn Caaaell
all a s.
a AjaAly. li Pally axoept Sunday.
W16ABaR ia.A-0' as mEBSTEU
laaava. am..
rreaaoat, EIWkr at JtiaauSrl AAt
uu.w 14111a. DeaadWOOd.
Hot bprings . 3 .00 pa :cja pm
r7 L.ajDr and
. . Alnm . u
1 Hastings, fork, David
Ao u a i ' . , a- w v.w pm
'. -,,w a.unerlor. Geneva.
txir and keward....n 1:9 pm b 3:00 pnj
NonoiA. uncoi and
Fremont JjlO la b KJi aia
FiBAiAoui Aaivaa. . aa
aiuuiii -Ajia.
Nebraska LacaL VI)
yplng Vi alar.
0 4:1 pm al):lt am
CbiaiaAA, at. real, tiluueayviia
Twin City Passenger... 130 am a 9:11 pm
Sioux city A-aaii8vr..A im luiw am
bmerson Local b t.iv pm b S:43 am
Imil k Dally except Sunday, a Bun.
day only, d Dally except Saturday. DaJ.y
except Mooaajr.
Nsw York-Rotterdam, via Bouloane. S. M.
New Twin-Screw e. a. of 13, "i tone reglater.
Steamer MAA8DAM Feb. 1ft, 10 A. M.
Twlu-hcrew D44ava1aai
Steamer flul IS I U III Mar. 1, 10 A. M.
Steamer AMSTERDAM ....Mar. 3, 10 A. M.
Apply to Holland-America Line. 3S B way.
N. Y. Harry Moora. 1416 Farnam Street;
Louia AMiayas, first XMationai SMUut.
Trtuitiss tajs 8t. Yslsntins lsoriot4 F is
Lifs far Cnpia.
Ram of the Messages that O TeSay'
Are ( ailed Naif," Whit Others
Are Sappoaed to Re
This Is the day when even some very old ,
sod dignified men act a little foolish about
things ot the heart and are torglTSq bs- ,
cauM i0 ,,, Mhlr peopi, gotlng
pretty much the Sams way. i
Tradition furnlsbee the present genera-
ji,.,, wltB ... m.nn.r . ,.iM oyl, B.
w,"n " Of tales about St.
Valentine, the anniversary of whose birth-
day thai Is supposed to be, but tbs prettiest .
In , H. , , . L - .
" . " " - A'-v n Bor
neo, at tne rost ot nia lire, an the
betrothed st the time the old Roman am
peror, Claudius, placed a yearja ban a -marriage
because an Inamorata of his own .
had deeerted him. St. Valentine, the
story goes, was thrown Into prlaoft ana be- '
beaded for bis defiance or the tyrant's
mandate, but his heart continued to beat -
forever, and those for whom he has made -
the sacrifice met on bis birthday each year
thereafter to exchaaga love tokens, which
In most Instances wars la the form of '
hearts. In Shakeepeare'a time .there be
came prevalent, too, the belief that tbe
birds of the aunnler sones mated on tbat '
day, the male feeding the mat of bis
choice from his bill. ' f
Tbe mating custom went into decline
some yeara ago, after long popularity, but
the Valentine hearts seem not only te be
as much In favor as ever, but to be really
Increasing In their popularity.'
The missives now exchanged ars said to '
be of mora artistic conception, too. ' Tbe
comlo valentine la In demand by only tbe
children and a few people with yellow
Journal notions of Illustrated fun,- wblla a
principal Omaha bookstore ordered' bun- '
dreds of dollars' worth of the pretty cards -this
year, but not one of the comics, ox-
plaining that the demand for the latter baa
.rnwn an amall that it Hu,n't e.a t earrv
" - '
them in stock. - -
Th young man-who ta very, very 'cor
rect today and right up to tbs minute sends
tbe girl ot his heart a box or design of
roees or violets no other flowers are
quite ao appropriate Wrapped In wall pa-
per of the most flaming design obtainable
Or, If It is not flowers, It le confection,
which this year Is displayed In more elab
orate and diversified forma than ever be
fore. And, If not that. It Is a gold heart
with some dainty chasing on Its exterior.
Cupid, of course, appears everywhere
and on everything, for Cupid ts emblem
atic of love Snd love Is king, at least for
the day. A man who bad never married
and waa sour because be hadn't complained
to a saleswoman yesterday afternoon as bs
glanced over tbe display counters under
her charge in a local bookstore tbat there
Is "too much love In valentines." He ash! '
.. .. . ... . . . . .,
mey were "musny ana meaa mm urcu.
But that la what Valentine day is for,'
the girl answered
A nvihina- elsa
"aa nJrln,Pc iso
promptly. "You can't
but love to Inspire
Tbs cards on her counters bore out br
claim. They were In all aires, but always
with the besrt dealgn In evidence, even to
the colors, which were heart red. violet or
bird-egg blue. Tbs old stylo comics were
replaoed with some really clever poater
coneelts, In which ther wers funnylsms
of more delicate wording. Tbs Torsos ap-
plied to things wblcn are modern, as, lor
in...c. thla nna. lettered In gold under
the figure of a golf girl:
i'TKov 4Aii mM vmi'rA dafrv on anlr
Ana at love ana in. , miss. ,o
11 . . r. .A a . m ,.n,1l.
But some day a la
.Called JJfW
And a olfferent ljn
euiiiD j ....... . ,
I "caaaie,
ne vou'll roll elf."
Those who would complain of the motor
should remember that thla Is Valentino
da when M tolnf. ,r to b, forg,veo it
they have approximately the right sontl-
The more seriously aentlmental kind la
Illustrated by tbs following, which tbs ,
I complaining customer bad In bis band when
be told the ialeswoman they wars too soft:
"What can I give tnee. wnat can i . aay .
To prove how I lova thee, this Valentine s
I'll give thee my heart; then at least thou
wilt see
There's nothing within it, heart's dearest,
but thee,"
This F. Marlon Crawford variety of goo-
goolng is for only tbs extreme eases, but
.. ... .,.. . ,.i,t.,.Ki. ,mh.r
BXB tUVI f BS V Skin w BV w Ha aw ww.
of "extreme eases" waiting for an excuse to
express themselves the demand. for this,
kind of valentin Is greater tbsn some ,
people who have been. -married Jong enough;
to become acquainted with the real thing
might suppose. ,
Tha bookstores and department stores snd
posey emporiums report that th sale of
valentine offerings this year Is larger than
ever before, and the mall man, tbe express
companion and the messenger offices confirm
tbe report. k ' ' ' '
In many of tbe rooms of the publie
schools today there will be special valentine
boxes. In which th children will mall their
gifts during the day and from which there'..
will be a general drawing just before school '
dlamlsaes this evening.' It Is this tbat at- -
forda tbe boy of the school hi only oppor
tunity to "get even with the teacher," and '
tbs good little girl jrho 'sits In tbe back'
eat and always has a "visitors' day" halo
1 It . n la. I1.A mw.M tha Ka annar ,A In.
comparably sweet she think them. It
give them an opportunity, too, to let otner'
ilttd boy, and girls have an Inkling of the '
I Juvenile liking tbat 1 budding and later
I blossoms into tne anection ot maturity.
Bakt Bsall Game BetwM CtmU
. . sBa0 Of a9 StAtft ft( Yt IW
C A. Cyaaaaalaaa.
Tbs tooc-awalted basket ball gam t.
twoen th Young Men's CbrlUanassooia-.
ton teams of Omaha and Lincoln I to tak
plac tonight st th local Young Mtn's
Christian aaeoclatton gymnasium, A .
clean, fast gam ts assured, aa these two
teams' sr probably tbs best In Nebraska.'.
Of the two Audresen boy, wbo wers on
th Lincoln team and wbo wr challenged
for professionalism, Wilbur Aadrsn, tap-
1 fain ) 1 nliv aa tha aharaaa vail
i -I ... r r --
proved against him. Robert, however, has
been shut out. Th two wrs. th stars of
th team and ar former University of '
Nebraaka men.
Two preliminary games will b played.
on between th Omaha High ncbaol team
I and th Omaha Business- Man's tstm at
o'clock, and on between the funler teattta
of th Lincoln and Oman Young" Men's
Christian aaaoolaUon btwh th halve '
ot th big gam. Tb iinsup for tb main
vent will be: '
Lincoln.- Omaha. -
Hamel ...
Hancock .,
Litnia., peviioa
....Right Field fardeea
Center..... Hanson
Lft Guard C. Willard
,. Right Guard O. Willard '
Subatltut McCarthy
Field ....
Benedict .
Wood ....
Hew Osier a Hows at Oak.
SUPERIOR. Kb.. FO. 13 (Special.)
A new opera bouse, 90x34 feet. Is to be.
opened at Oak. Neb., on tb venlng of '
Fsbruary 14. Be Scroggln, a baakar, ta
tb proprietor of this aatarprt.