Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1902, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY, FEIHUJAK1 14, 1002 WOMEN SEE VICTOR! AHEAD Delegate, to Enffrsp Ooaeatia Ceifidnt f Tieif luom LARGE CROWDS ATTEND THE MUTING ' i Mr. Helea A. thaw a. aa la Hr Aearea Sara Prelaat ltae rell la a gymBatnlser wt( tha Caaaa. - ' - WASHINGTON. Feb. At aa ptformal nesting of tba National Weman Suffrag toclatloa today, held prvlou ta tba call ing together of tba regulation convention of tba organisation, tba advancement of tbt eaue of woman suffrag w discussed. Mary O. Hay of New Tor presided. 8b e aid two of tba New Tor atata officer bad remarked that woman'! suffrage would coma Juat ' tba sain If tbera waa no rganlxatlon; that It would come through tba process of evolution. Tble statement caused a number of tba delegate to n nounca that tbey wlahed It known that they entertained no auch sentiment, and asked for the namea of tba two atata officer, but Mlaa Hay declined to glv them. Organisa tion, Mlsa Hay argued, waa necessary to auccea. She advlaed all present to Join club "with the Idea of aowln i little suf fraga aaed." She declared that evolution night bring auffrage, but It would be ae compllihed quicker If evolution waa helped along. A number of delegate urged Increased activity In the matter of membership. 'Mr. Catt aald b would be glad If resolution would be Introduced In the con vention ; to double the membership, and thereby aet everybody to work. Two yeara ago, Mr. Catt eiplalned, after the conven tion bad adjourned, a requeat wa aent throughout the nation to try to doubl the membership, but some people felt .that It did not receive the Inspiration It would have had the conventional endorsed it. The member at once acted upon the auggeatlon and declared it to ba tba sense f tba organisation that all abould join In an sort to double the membership. Attendant 'la Saatalaea. . Whan the association proper waa called to order by Preaident Catt for it aocond day's cession there, waa but a alight falling off In the attendance, notwithstanding the in-: tensely cold weather. , Report from the committee on creden tials, board of auditor and tba correspond ing secretary ware read and approved. Tha report of Harriet Taylor Upton, treaaurar, wa then submitted. . Susan B. . Anthony at thla point stated that aha had a little schema, for getting noma money out of "Unci 8am," It wa that when Mr. Catt spoke before tha com mittee of ccngre on Tuesday of next week aha abould deliver a portion of her annual address and then ask "leave . to print." By tbt means, aba aald, tba gov ernment will print tb entire apeech and it will be, aent under governmental frank to every state in the union. Mia Upton itated that the railroads had granted an unusual concession in extending the data of tha ticket to February 28,. Mr.' French of Rhode Island gave notice of an amendment to tha by-lawa providing that whenever twenty-five member of any state petition tba exeeutiva committee (bat any question shall ba referred to tha La tea for consideration auch question ahall be to referred, and It a majority of tba state vote In favor of It tha aama ahall become a Jaw. -. . , . . Mrs. Henry Blackwell.' chairman of com mute on presidential suffrage, urged every woman la every state to petition their lee. Jlslatur Asking for the right to ot for presidential electors. ' ' : ' ' . Waat Mora Paallelty. Mr. Babcock read an interesting paper regarding tho effort which hav . been made to induce the newspaper of th country to glv mora apaca to tho cause of woman auffrage. Letter of sympathy were sent to Mrs. Isabella Hooker. Mrs. Mary ' Anthony, Carolina Miller, Bailie Clay Ben- setta and Mrs, Helen P. Jenkins A recess wsa then ' taken, until 1:30 'clock. - The afternoon session wsa devoted mainly to addresses by the ststa presidents. They were preceded by Mrs. Virginia Clay Clon Ion of Alabama, who delivered an address of greeting. Among the speakers were tha following presidents of their respective atate : California, Mrs. N. L. Wood; Illinois, Mrs. Llitt F. Long; Iowa, Mr. . Adelaide Ballard; Kansas, Mlsa Helen Klmber; Mis sourt, Mr. Addle M. Johnson j Nebraska, Mrs. Clara A. Young. A crowded) audience greeted tha members of tho convention at tha night seeslon, - Which, according to tha program, waa to ba . "An Evening with tha New Woman." Half a dosen Interesting papera ware read by wall known women writers on law, medl clna and theology. "A Captivating Alliance," tha flrat paper was rtad by Mrs. Helen A. 8haw of Boston. Trlbate ta Frealaeat Roosevelt. In tha course of her remark Mr. Shaw paid a hearty tribute to tb civil service record of Preaident Roosevelt and la tbt connection she asserted that he wa with tha woman auffragiata In their efforts to ob tain the ballot for women. Her reference to th president were received with ap plause. Miss Margaret A. Haley of Chicago) was to have spoken on tha "Present Opportuni ties for Woman in Politics." Because of business matters, however, sbe wsa unable o ba preeent and In making this announce ment Mrs. Catt. the president, spoke in ap proving manner, of Mies Haley's work. In connection with In Chicago School Teach er' federation. Mis Elisabeth Olllmer (Dorothy Dlx) of New Orleans contributed a very Interesting paper oa "The Lady and th Quill." A paper oa ."Pills In Politics," by Dr. Cera Smith Eaton of Minneapolis wss next read. Tba discussion of the topic of "From Status to Statutes" gave Ml Gail In Constant Misery Relief Gomes at Last to an (Ma Citizen. After years -.nd years of constant' mlaery from backache and the many annoying complicatlona that accompany aiok kidney, a eltlsea of Omaha finds relief and cur. Tb public statement .which follow will help many a reader. Mr. J. B. Ask ot titi Lak atreet says "For fiftseo yr after accident I bad attack f kidney cotuplaint, occurring; mor frequently and mor vr al time went by. Two week befor I procured Doaa' Kidney Pills at Kuhn A CO' drug stere, earner of Fifteenth and Dougla atreeta, I aaa ran dea !a health and I thought th treatment might help my kldneya. It did. 1 am-pleesed t recommend a prepanstloa which acts up. to the repreaentatlona ansd for It." . . ' Bold fo W per box by all dealer. Fnttar-Mllhura Co.. Buffal. N. T., Ol tat for th I'nited States. Rmabr th aame. Doaa', aad tak a uuuuu. La u till In of New Tork an opportunity to peak of tba work and possibilities of womea la the lesal profession. To obtain the full meaaur of success, woman, she said, must stsnd on her feet, clothed with tb full right of eoverelgn cltlxenshlp;. sue ceaa In th law muet depend upon absolute obliteration of sex prejudice. Those per sons opposed to tha advaacement of woman, b aald, are on the ebb tide. The future held for them aura defeat Th night session terminated with a talk by Rev. Ida C. Pultln of Boston on "Th Need of th Hour." This need. b de clared, wa a chang of front, tb putting forward of tba great moral Issues In place of th greet) (or gold, and the advancement of the moral principle that hall reult la tb uplifting of oppressed humanity. ACTOR J. W. COPE DISAPPEARS Leaves the "Artsaaa" Campaay lad. aealy aaa laser , Peeallar Clreasaataaeoa. J. W. Cope of tha "Arltona" company, which opened an engagement at Boyd's theater last night, disappeared Wednesday evening Just before th beginning of th performance while tha company wa ta Slout City. From the railroad agent In Sioux City It waa learned that Cope pur chased a ticket to Chicago and left at 7.40 o'clock for that city. Further than that nothing I known of th whereabout of tbe man. Manager' McClevia aald laat night: "We bav telegraphed all over the eastern coun try in hope of finding some trace of Cope, but have heard nothing. Ha appeared in tbe afternoon performanc at Sioux City and I wa talking with him at o'clock of that day. I believ h left u while tem porarily Insane. He had with him $500 be longing to tbe company, but no baggage. He waa not a drinking man and wa on of th most faithful of th entire company. HI place In the company will be taken by Stage Manager Mitchell." A dispatch from Sioux City says it has been learned there that Cope la In Dea Moines, wbera hla parents livs. It aid that he visited them when th "Ari se" company played at Dea Molnee Tuesday night and had appeared moody nd preoccupied aver since. His volfs says sb knows no reason for bis conduct. A later dispatch from Dea Molnea said that Copa w.w not In that city. REPORT ON COUNTY TREASURY Shewing; of Receipt aaa Dlaaapaa. aaeaf far Jssasry aaa Hal. aaea aa Hand. i Th report of County Treasurer n. Tta jLiaasser, snowing th whereabouts of county runda for Jsnusry, 1903, follows . HECBIPTS. Collections In January.'.'!!". M8o!5 Total ', EXPENDITURES. ..$220,591.50 ..$ 67.7M.M ATOM Disbursements In January Caah In drawer January SI Check In drawer January 81.., Postage account Protest money on hand On deposit In banks: .. 1.414.14 174.0 240.51 . 47.110.01 merchant- National United State National Commercial National Flrat National Packers' National , Omaha National Union National , Total .. 4.40127 .. 10,3.7t .. 30.1S7.13 .. 11.600.00 .. 10.466. 20 .. 6.000.00 .I220.SS1.M . 16g,7.65 Balance on hand January Si.,.. Th many friend of O. H. Hausan. en gineer L. E. a W. R. R., at present living in umi, u., win do pleased to know of his recovery from threatened kidney disease. He writes: "I was cured by using Foley's Kidney . Cure, which; J recommend . to . all. specially trainmen, who are usually siml larly afflicted." - Woman's Work in Club and Charity In compliance with tho request of th executive board of tbe General Federation ot Women' club, tb harmonising com mlttses from the Massachusetts and Georgia federation have met. Aa all-day conference waa held oa Thursday, Febru- ary f, at tha Holland house, New York, and at tUe' close of th meeting th two committee were no aearr th completion of their task of harmonising their con- dieting opinions on ths color question than they were la th morning. No decision wa reached and th moating adjourned with nothing accomplished. Massachusetts wa represented by Mr. My Aide Ward, president ot th .Massachusetts federation, nd Mr. A. C. Wt and Mr. Ida Barrett Adam. Th south wa represented by Mrs. A. O. Oranger and Mrs. J. Liadsey Johnson, president and x-prstdent ot the Oeorala federation. Aa chairman ot correspondence, previous to ths Milwaukee biennial-, Mrs. West wss responsible for th admission of tb Now Bra club Into tho Massacbuaetta fsdsra- tlon. Mrs. Adam Is a prominent member ot the Middlesex club ot Lowell, Mass., which wa on of th first of th thirteen Maatachusette clubs to withdraw rrwm th Oenrl Federation ot Wtmea'a dub last year In protest against th drawing of th oolor Uu. The reoreeBlatlvea from Qsorgia oeeupy place in th foremot rank of outhra club women, and aro Identified throughout th outa with every effort for tb btter- ment and olevatloa of the womanhood ot that ctioa. They hav been especially ctlv4n their effort to bettor th Indus- trlai and oclal condition ot tb colored women and children and th southern club women feel that they ar especially 0ttd tn rnraaant them In th matter ot drawing th color line. Tha delecate from th outb held, that th lnrtloa of th word "wait-, into in by-laws of tho General Federation of Worn- en' club tu th only feaalbl mthod of settling permanently whether colored club hall b a part ot th general federation and colored dlgate racogntscd at convention of the national oclty. Regarding th matter Mr. Oranger y: Th color oueatlon had been a drawback to olub work ia th outa from th firt, because our womea have refuaed to tak part until th matter la definitely settlsd. II ths line is not draws strictly mere will b a general disruption of th federation, W fel tbat th aortbara woman who ar living couth and who hav learned the tru ltuatloa to b Juat aa eager aa w for thl aetloa. Ia our judgment It will b juat aa much to .tha advantage of the colored women ato tb whit women. Th better educated colored women do not want to join th whit club, nor do tbey wat aoclal intercourse with whit women. Som of th colored club are managed ia a ma- terly fashion and ar doing meat excellent work and It will arv t weaken ralhr than to atrengthea them If affiliation of while aad colored clubs !s permitted.' . Royal Worcester China" was th sp clal topis of yesterdsy morning's masting of th art department and attracted tbe largest attstden: of th year, the c'i fir- Ing the .large room. Ao unusual collection of fin spee'mens' bad been loaoed for tbe occaalen to Illustrate tt subject which wis presented by Mis Ethclvya Kennedy ia tbe abieare of Mr. Lawrl. Sh especially presented tbs process of ths manufacture of tb war. "Early Car Painter ot America" waa tha regular leaaoa subject ad wa followed by a discussion at Us HONORS TO CHAMBERLAIN Lard Mayer f Londat Fmenti Him with Freedom f th City. SECRETARY MAKES NOTABLE ADDRESS laity at Bsnalr InveWea la tha Straaarta la Santa Africa Oat llaea (aa.ea Which Lad to the War. LONDON. Feb. It. This metropolis be stowed Its highest distinction on Joseph Chamberlain, tbe colonial aecrelary, today, when, at Oulld hall. It conferred on him th freedom of the city In a gold casket. Mr. Chamberlain accompanied her husband and they war greeted oa their arrival with a fanfare of trumpet. Mr. and Mra. Cham berlain were conducted to th library, where they were received by the lord mayor. Sir Joseph C. Dlmadale, and the lady mayoress. The hall wss crowded, among those present being Mr. Cbamberlaln's political colleague and adherenta, who duly applauded the be stowal of tha ctty'a freedom. Tbe addreia In connection with th preaentatlon con gratulated Mr. Chamberlain on tbe services be bed rendered to tbe empire during the last twenty-five year, dwelling specially on the way he baa welded tbe colonlea to gether. In replying Mr. Chamberlain disclaimed any intention of making political capital out of th occasion, but he aald he thought he might. In behalf .of th government, make an appeal for national support. Tbe government bad two great national objects la view to establish beyond question Brit ish authority in South Africa nd to main tain tbe unity of tb empire. Both object were Involved in the South African war. The war would alway be memorable, be cause It had called out a greater military effort than ever before asked from Oreat Britain, and because It had shown to friend and foe the potential strength and Inex haustible resource 'of the empire. He had not thought It necessary to stoop to meet the Imputations of national greed, lust or personal ambition and motlvea sug gested by tbe Insignificant minority, alnee the war bad the approval of alster nation acroaa tb seas. Eneplr Wa at Stake. In regard to tb Immediate cause of th war, aald Mr. Chamberlain, It waa not only Impossible for a great nation to allow It subjects to be humiliated, or oppressed. Its engagements broken, and black racee op pressed, but the very existence of the em pire was Involved and the government was pledged to continue It until the danger from which they had escaped was forever averted. After a reference to "Shallow observer abroad, who foretold Great Britain' down fall," Mr. Chamberlain concluded with a greet, glowing tribute to tbe colonlea, who, throughout th war, he aald, had demon atratad their determination to ahare tho obligation a well a tb privilege of th empire. It waa a long step toward th .consolidation, which was now within a measure of practical ' accom plishment. He did not envy the states man who would ba willing to eompromlsu ths issue for which th empire fought. The nation wa not vindictive to it cnemle. If they surrendered today they would be welcomed ss friends tomorrow. The ex pulsion of thoae who caused the war waa only a meaaure of elf-preaervatlon. Simi larly, immunity for treaaon waa not hu manity, but waa cruelty to tbe loyaliata and to tbe Boer who now. In thousands, recognising th futility of th struggle, were aiding Crest Britain to end' the. war. In .justice to those who fad died, and as security for ths survivors, tbe Boers must be made to rscognli tbat they ar de. merit of th genre of story-telling paint- Inc. During th business seeeloo It wa da- elded that a full length Stuart picture ot Washington b placed in tbe children's da- partmlnt of the Public library on February 12. Regarding th placing of a statue In th children' department the women unan- Imoualy voted 1100 for that purpoae. It wa at first considered wisest to raise the amount by th contribution of f 1 by aaoh member, wntcn would be mor tnan sum- cient, but th woman finally decided to present three itereoptlcon illustrated lec- turea during Lent. By thl plan they ex- ,pct to not only ralaa tho neceasary amount for th etatuo, but will b enabled aa wall to review the Amerlcaa artists and sculp- tors. Th thro subjects decided upon were: Th Architecture and Bcu ptur of th Con- gresslonal Library." "Mural Decoration ot tb Congresiional Library" and "Mlscellan- sous . Amerlcaa Painters." During these lectures ther will b no regular meetings of th department, as ths subjects entirely cover tho review work, - Insamuch as th work of at least twenty of tb American painters la represented in tbe mursl work of th library and alio tho work ot nearly aa many sculptors. Th ticket r to b "u, it aaa suiucieui aumoer nav already eeen uocnoea to nearly meet tb required amount, Tn aurery commute or tne unuo oav- Ing Inatkut held a called meeting on Thursday morning at tha Institute for th consideration ot th regular monthly busl- neas. Th report of a number ot special committees wer aiso nesra, tn women having recently added considerable new furnishing to ths building. Th matron reported eight children hav Ing been placed ia home during th laat mono, sixteen returning to tueir parents, eleven admitted to the horn, on death and six tska into th horn tor th second t!m. Th women hav undertaken th prepara- tloo and disposal of a very complete amerg- BrT box for us In home and among cnuaren, irom wmcn tney expect to realize a sum tbat will greatly assist them in their other work. The members of the Ladles' Aid of ths eecono rresoyicnan cnurcn spent inursaay at tb Child Saving Institute sewing and making over clothing tor th children ot that bom. Thl aaslstanc 1 especially xaluabl to th Institute aa ao much of the doming coatrioutea nas to t maae over, Any other ocl.'y wtahlng to rontrlbu it asalatanc may arrange a day by conferring with Mlas Cook, tbe matron. It waa decided at Wedoeaday' meeting of tb Woman a Cbriatlaa Temperance union to observe Wcdnetday afternoon, February a rrancia v uiard Memorial day ana, instead of tbe regular meeting, to hold a memorial ueet'.cg ia th parlor of th Young woman a Cbriatlaa association, to - Pa at I SO o'clock. Previous to this meeting th member of tb local union will meet and transact tbe regular bualnesa. Mlaa Magee' report of her work at Tenth Street City mission waa th feature of Wednesday's meeting. Tbe growth an4 progrea of th mother' club, now number- Ing thirty-one members, bs been especially gratifying, as th women come from neigh- borhood as far distant a Taenty-flrat and Burdette and Twentieth and Plarce, and front tba entire track district along the rivr. At first th wlng class aad U h?' To do otherwise- would be to Invite tb rnntemnt nf fneeta-n countries, whuSS af fection It seemed Impossible for them to I gain, but who respect) at any rate, tney were able to secure. Read Uaea ta Leaveawerth. WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. Information has reached the War department from Manila that th plar for th execution of th n- exptred portion of o much of th sentence a relates to confinement at hard labor of Jamea C. Read, let captain and commit- ary of aubalatence, baa been changed from the Presidio da Manila to the United State Penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., to which latter point the prisoner ha bee aent under proper guard. Confirmations ay lac aate. WASHINGTON. Feb. II. Th ccntt to day made these confirmations: J. A. Williams, register of the lend office i iJk Mar, Colo. Receiver of Public Money D. C. Wr ner, at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; J. D. Dun can, at Springfield, Mo. Postmasters: New Mexico R. H. Baleaar. Las Vera. South Dakota T. A. Steven. Chamber lain; w. u. Arnold, Clear Lake; .. H. jonnson, Brldae water. LOCAL BREVITIES. At Temple Israel Friday evening Rabbi Abram Simon will deliver a sermon on me suD.'ect: "The Ideal Messiah. Judge W. W. Slabaugh returned at noon today from Hannibal, Mo., whence he had been called by the Illness of his wife sister. Rev. Dr. Davidson of St. Matthias' church will give a lecture on the hlatorv of the church In Trinity Cathedral chapel at 7:30 mis evening. . , ., J. O. Barr, formerly employed by Cud dlngton A Wilcox or South Omaha, de nies that he ever had any allpa, coal checks or other papera belonging to that nrm in nis possession.. . Oeorge A. Custer post and the Woman's rtener corps win ro in a todv to council Bluffs at 7:30 Saturday evening to pay a return visit to. Ajorn-nam Ljincoin post, Orand Army of the Republic. The fire department extinguished a small blase In the two-story frame building at Kfl North Twelfth afreet at S:30 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The fire was caused by a defective flue. No damage was done. Leroy Clenllen. 8-year-old eon of Paul Clenllen. 10 Franklin street, who was In jured Wednesday evenlnr while roastlnsr. by colliding with a wagon, wa resting well last night at Clarkson hospital anil tne attenuing pnyaioian nas nopea or nil recovery. James Gladwin, who waa arrested Tues day night for carrying concealed weapon, had a hearing before Judge Berka Thurs day afternoon and was discharged. ' Glad win stated thnt he carried the revolver to keep from being robbed of 154 which he had in hi pocket. The annual election of officer of the Peter Cooper club, held last night, re sulted as follows: Huyh Mcintosh, presi dent; Elmer E. Thomas, vie president; P. W. Marsh, treasurer; P. L. Forgsn. secretary. A large crowd waa present and an enthusiastic meeting held. The club Is lining up for work and In the future will hold regular meeting. Committee for the year were appointed, i Joseph Dickinson, who worka on th nouth of Council Bluffs, came to Omaha 1 yesteraay afternoon and while in com pany with some colored women discovered tnat two jjo gold pieces nad mysteriously disappeared. He informed the police and Maude Johnson, Mabel Reed and Mamie Smith- were arrested, but no trace of the money waa found. They were all locked up- Social lodge No. 105,' Degree of Honor, rave a valentine parcy in the Ancient or der of United Workmen temple laat night. A literary and musical program waa car ried out, the folio win taklnc part: Mr. and Mra. Charles Thalm. Adolph Theltn, Kd isvans, j. w- ifivana. Mr. J. w. Kvans, Mlsa Tenlck. E4 F. ' Pickering. A war dance waa given by Will and Ed Jordon. A dance followed the-, program. . A large crowa waa preeent.. . : Marv Shelby, who waa for a time ad ministratrix of the estate of Joseph Crelgh ton, ha the prospect of aome suit against her as the result of-Judge Vlnsonhaler's decision of yesterday . euHtslnln the ob jections made by the St. James' Orphans ge and others to tier flnns-repot-t sxd InatructJ ina that suit can btroiiKht against ner for the 17,000, which ah Is said to have proper voucnera or receipt to snow lor it. social hour of the Wednesday afternoon meetln aufllced. tha women comnletin fifty - four garment and' twelve quilt, many of them learning to ew"for th Brat tiro but of late they have aaked for explanations of varloua aubjects of current Interest, especially concerning th public school, and on that afternoon, Mia Ma gee baa cured a speaker to addresa them on that subject Sixty girls are now in regular at tendance at th Saturday afternoon sewing and Industrial claesea,., but, owing to tbe lack of fund to provide ibe necessary ma- terlal for the boys' Industrial classes, Miss Mageo has suspended tbem for. th present, or, at least until after th mow I gone, when It will be necessary to receive tbem again to keep tbem oft tbe atraet. . Aa interesting report wss given by Mrs. 8hln rock of the Demorcst contest, work in Omaha alnco It beginning twelve yeara ago. Dur Dg thla time 20S medal hav been awarded and 11,600 expended In these contests, - Th members of Mu Sigma club mot at the home of Mr. M. M. Van Horn Wedne day morning, "Charlea tb Bold" and "Mary of Burgundy" being th topic for tb day. Mrs. Fleming acted aa leader and Mr. Pat rick gave a reading on "Charts the Bold." Mrs. Wright read th magna chart of Th Netherlands. , The fourth ot the series ot horn cul ture talk bslng . glvan - by ,th Young Women' Christian '. association will taks place Monday evening at the horn of Mr. Charles Bates, at 3202 Wool worth avenue. "Woman la the Home" Is to bs tbs even ing' subject, and will be presented by Mrs. W. P. Harford. Seven o'clock Is tbs hour and a general Invitation is extended to all association members. Dr. Abby Virginia Holmes will rssd Charlea Sheldon' atory. "For Chriat and th Church," at the Sunday afternoon gos pel meeting. Tbe next membership tea will occur on -Monday evening, February 24, and it has been desired to make the affair a Martbs 'Waablngton tea. It is urged that all mem bers intending to b present will leave their nsmcs with ths secretary befor Feb ruary 22. Tbe member of tb Horn Queen circle met at Mount St. Mary' academy on Thursday afternoon and efteoted a perma pent - organisation, th ' following officer being elected: President, Mrs. J. R. Wood ward; first vie preaident. Mra. T. J. Ma hooey; aecond vie president, Mrs. Frsnk Morearty; secretary, Mra.' Harrlst MacMur phy; treaaurer. Rev. Mother Leo; execu tlva committee, Mrs. Mlllen, Mrs. MscMur- pby,. Mlsa Herberts Jaynes, 81ster Mary Angela. Mrs. C. J. Smyth and Mrs. A Schail. Ths women wish It understood tbst there Is no membership fe connected with the organisation and that It I entirely non sectarian. Th dutle of member conalat only of enlightening . themselves ia tb cienc of bomemaklng and extending tbe Interest of th orgarleatlon abroad. A number of tb wealthier women of the city have contributed S5 each to b uaed In th establishment of a scholarship fund, whereby the brnaflta of tbe Slaters ot Mercy School ot Domestic Science may ba given to deserving young women unable to pay for the inatruction themselves. The next meeting will be held st I o'clock oa Wednesdsy afternoon. February 2. wbsn Mrs. MacMurphy. will glv a demonstration la ths msthods of ths school as a part of th afternoon program. AT SOUTH OMAHA AlTlTtl of Aritatiai far Itntt Car Lilt U Frt Oreek. IMPROVEMENT C-UBt PAYOR THE PLAN Caaasalttee Will Be Appelated A p. raaeh Oaleer f Oasaaa Street Railway Company aa th Project. Sine Washington sdvl.-r Indicate that th garrison at Fort Crook I to be en larged to aceommodst a rtglment, thoe ab hav long been In favor of a street rar llni to the post evince considerable in terest In th matter. Now that ther 1 a probability ot an lurreaso In th garrison, request I to b mad of th street csr company to complet Its survey and con struct a tin. Judge Rrea, on of the prominent mem ber of th Ecat Sid Improvement club, and Judge Agnew of the South Sid Im provement club ar in favor of tb pro posed Una, and it i understood that at aa early dat Joint committee of th two clubs, a well as a commute from th council, will b appointed to wait upon th officer of the Omaha Street Railway company to what can be done toward th construction of a lln? along Thirteenth street to Fort Crook. Business men In South Omaha insist that the Albright line abould be extended, thus bringing tbs people from Fort Crook into ths heart of the city without the neceaslty tor a transfer. Bom ssy that th Albright line can be extended for less money than it will coat for the building of the proposed Thirteenth street line. In ny event, the people of South Omefaa ap pear to want a suburban line to Fort Crook and Bellevn and argue that it would b a paying Investment. Plenty of Ice. While tba cold weather last Backer and th lc companies will continue to cut Ice. although all of tb hou ar rilled. Ia om case loo ia being piled on tb ground and temporary shed will be erected over tho stack when the cutting endk. Th quality of th lc Is excellent. Waat Walk Clean. Councilman Miller I after th mayor and th afreet commissioner In an attempt to have some of tb lc and mow cleaned from th sidewalk ia th buslneaa portion of the city. The street commissioner is busy thess daya looking after his owa af fairs and tbe mayor Insists that ther 1 no money oa hand to pay for th removal of lc from th walk. Miller want th po 11c ordered to enforce the ordinance gov erning th removal of mow and Ice, but tho mayor hesitate on account ot the PlbIo xpen, Bonds Forwarded. Th lu of 1110,880 In refunding district improvement bond were ablpped east by express last nlgbt. th necessary signa ture and th seal ot tha city having been appended during th day. Tb deal I all closed now, except the payment ot th money, and thl ha been guaranteed by the buyer. By thl sale there will be no need of renewing any district Improve ment bond thl year. Deferring: Vacation Proposition. Som of th member of th city council ar inclined to tb opinion that no further attempt will be mad by tb present coun cil to pas any ordinance concerning th vacation of Railroad avenue. Th proposi tion of the Union Stock Yards 'company to 'undertak"' to construct a viaduct across th traeks within a year. In lieu of tb vacation of 1.600 feet of. valuable railroad trackage, doe not seem to meet with tbe Idea of th council, and th result will likely be that the present council will put off actloa. Thl will laav th proposition up to th coming council. Equalisation Boara Meets. The city council met yesterday after noon as a board of equalisation to bear I complaints on tb grsding ot B street from Twenty-third to Twenty-fourth street. No complaint were filed with th board and It ia not expected any will be. Another easlon of th board will bo held today. Maale City Goasln. Harrv tl. Christie left yesterday after noon for a southern trip. Mm Anna Riley entertained the New Century club yesterday afternoon. Th Norwegian - American Republican club held a well attended meeting at Franek'a ball laat nlgbt. jay Laverty, one ot the well known bual nesa men of the city, la being talked of for a member ot the Board of Education. Joanh Dworak la aolna? to be a republi can candidate for councilman from tha Second Ward. Hla opponent will be Mliea Welsh. Th Woman's Relief corps of Phil Kear ney Dost win uieet wun airs, uranae. Twenty-third and H streets, Saturday, to complete the installation of officers. Pantatn Holland of the South Omaha cavalry troop haa engaged the large hall at the Exchange for tne mueter of the troop. It la expected the troop will be mustered Tuesday evening. TEST BILL POSTER ORDINANCE Validity of Isstk Oaaaha Enactment a)aetlaad la Hades! Cor an Praeeedlna. South Omaha's bill poster ordinance, which haa been a topic much discussed Inc It racent promulgation, l to be tested la duttrict court, and a writ of habeas corpu I to b laaued Immediately at the order of Judge Baxter la favor ot Lewi G. Walsh and directed, to Watioa Wolf, jailor of th South Omaha jail. Walsh, It appear, attempted to paint som sort ot business admonition on th dead wall ot Mr. Mulvlhlll property and wa jailed for It under sentence by Pollc Judg P. J. King. Walsh' attorneys tak th stand that th ordinance, which I No. 103. is void, becaus section 4 "attempt to creat a monopoly and unlawfully Inter fer with tb right ot th petitioner and others to perform labor as sign painter within South Omaha." Th section of tb ordinsnc to which this objection is takea Is quoted aa follows: if .hall be unlawful for any person niiiar than the bill Dost.r. hla asent or en- Dlovea or those acting oirectiy unaer ins iLuthorttv or under his direction, to post any bills, except those who in person post Kill ar wiiAr-m mil vpruMUM miiirr ui mvir goods, wares or business, and such poatlng shall be done as to place, manner ami time under the Direction ana oraer or tnd aid bill poster. Any person found guilty OK tne violation ui any ui me pru viiinm of this ordinance shall, upon con vtctlon thereof, be .fined In sny sum not .1ina ID B or D irapriiynwi in in. cum mon Jail or saia cuy tor a periou not ex ceeding thirty days, and may be required to work out ootn nne ana cobib. till ht.M tt l. "During a period of poor health aoma tlm ago I got a trial botti or uewitt a Llttl Early Rlaere," y Juatlc of th peac Adam Shook of New Llaboa. lad 'J tooh thm aad tbey did pi so much good I bsvo used them aver mc " Sat reliable snd gsntls, DeWltt Lima Early KlMr neither grip nor distress, but atlm ulsts tbs liver snd promote regulsr and easy sctloa of tbs bowels. Martlaa License.. Relvla M. Shaw, Cambridge. Neb 3 Delia Broyiee. Omaha Oeorea H. Kevea. Omaha Emma Ko-aisKy, uetroit Hermsn A. Albrecht, Omaha x Eli MlchaaL Omaha U Iraas one-sixth pure glycerin, is per fectly transparent and contains no impurities. The delicate perfume of natural flowers. It is a toilet pleasure. The pride of the makers is to sustain its purity and high quality. JAMES S. KIRK Current Literature Tbe Sheridan (Wyo.) number of the Omaban, which is juat at band. Is meat at tractive in appearance and if it doe not meet with th hearty, approval ot tb fiber Idanltea they must be hard to please. Th frontispiece 1 a fin' engraving of tha hot springs in th Big Ho.rn mountain, wblle scattered through tb number are a very large number of illustrations ot scenes bout Sheridan. J. V. Dwyer contributes a poem entitled "A Mountain Tragedy;" C. S. Coutant. atate librarian at Cheyenne, writes of the esrly history ot Cheyenne county. Among other feature ar: "Sketch of the Banking Interests of Bheridsn;" "Orln snd Farm Products;" "Mines and Mining;" "Th. Trout Fly and the Rifle;" "Ranch and Ranches;" "Railroad Facilities and Irrlgstion;" "A Mountain Hunt." Any. one desiring to know something of tb thriving young city of Sheridan will find all reeded information In thl number of the Omaban. The Philharmonic, published st 803 Mich igan boulevard, Chicago, la on ot tb most attractive appearing magastne received. Th frontispiece In tb February number Is a study In child life, a pen etching by Frank Holme. Among the special features la this number ars: "Mademoiselle Chamlnade;" Th Theatric Art ot Make-Up;" "Mas senet, a Biographical Sketch;" "In th Labd ot th Pharaoh:" "Tone, th Soul of Muale;" "In th Field ot Music;" "Emm Csiv at .Home;" "Chicago . Art Student Froli:;V' AmMca Stage." . Literary Nates. Hsrper ac Brothels published on Feb ruary 4 a new novel by Harris Dick son, suthor of "The Bleck Wolf's Breed. It Is entitled "The Siege-Of Lady Reso lute," and Is a delightful story of tha genuinely romantic type. Harper 4 Brothers will publish a bio graphy of one of the most picturesque and Interesting characters of our time. Cecil Rhodes, founder of th British South Africa oenvany and ex-premler pf Capo Cecil UOIonv. 1 lie uiuHinyiij, ciiuiu Rhodes: A Study of a Ci Jareer,.' was writ ten by Mr. Howsrd Hensman, a personal friend of Mr. Rhodess and an authority unon the history and affairs of Rhodesia. Harter ft Brother pumisnea recently nw n.l revised edition of Colonel McClure's stsndard work on "Our Presi dent., and How We Make Them. hi,.). ) fnllv un tn date. Including a portrait or Presiaent itooseveii. in. m niihll.hor. will also Issue a newly revised edition of William Blalkle a excellent manual of sensible physical exer clae, "How to Get Strong, and How to Htav Nn." now laBliea in inurv uuiivriiivni form than heretofore and at a popular price. Mr. Arthur E. Boatwlck has compiled IIHrarv atallatll. whlrh contain awful warnlnga ti r our army vi .uinuia. rrea prove mat nunureoa gi ui unuw" Miirarie. fr.auentlv fall to read booka through to the end! Of fiction this Is least, snd of science most true, as might be expected. Between these extremes his tory was found to occupy a middle ground, but mor readers were sble to finish all the volumes of Jnstln McC'srthy s highly "Hlainrv of Our Own Times than to reud to the end Gibbon' stately "Rome'' or Hume'a "England.". The answer to Mr. Bostwlrk's query, -u leaders annlrt aeem to be. "it aeuenas unon ths entertaining qualities of th book." President Rooevelt in oil npt;r on iml . . . ' - M toll IE an VAI 1 I AI i ne war ui rlAa'i hlafnrv published In tnie country oy uttie, nran Jk Co., of Boston, apeak of America a unpreparedness, aa followa: "Had America poeeeaaed a fleet of twenty hips of ! the li aiiAra rntiM have Dilea -their tr.Am unmniated: and the three years' of iik ita In.. In blood and money would nave oeen ii". ium merely monetary standpoint such a navy would hav been the cheapest kind of Insurance; and morally Its advantage would hav been Incalculable, for every American worth the name would have lifted hie head higher because of It exig ence But unfortunately the nation lacked ika wtailtm a r mmm inia. inu 1 1 riiuaa m uu rechoss for the presidency Thomas Jeffer son who avowed that his 'passion was .if mnr In blood and wealth, than the political leaders moat reck essly In different to war have ever cost It. There never waa a better example of the ultimate evil caused by a timid effort to secure neace. througn tne wr" yl -the refusal to make preparation for war. than that afforded by the American peo Jm. ..,u.e tha Drealdrnclea of Jefferson and Madison." Tha above books ar tor sale by tb Megeatb Stationery Co.. 1308 rarnam i In tbs Misses Department- We bar a Hue of shoe at li.oO that aro lnr every way the equal of our boys' auoes at tb!a price thla department Is o large that we know we buve Just what you want aad If you're looking for a shoe that will give good wear, fit perfectly and look neat at a uall cost you will be Interested la these Sl.M) sboes-we want you to come and see tbem. anyway, even If you do not in tend to purchase. Drexel Shoe Co,. hew Fall tatal.sus Maw ltay. Uasss's t-l-ani Hssls. 141 rARRAM BTHatKT. 7s7Xasth peace.' and whoee timiauy aurpasaea ev-n hie philanthropy. Both Britain and Amer ica have produced men of the 'peace at - r n,i. nattern: and in America, In aaaal fc COMPANY CONVENTION BEE IS BUZZING Csatty Cotnmiuiaian to Farticirat i Two Cbtritr lttiiri T ENDIAVOK TO BRING NATIONAL HERE Delegation Will - Go to Mlltvaukra Kest Jan with Av.ned Purpos of IndsrlBS Blt Orssnlis. tlen la lslt Omaha. Th county commissioners hav tb con vention bu bussing in their bonnets with particulsr diligence at present. Tuesday of next week they go to Fremont to ornt be fore the stale convention of the Nebraska Commissioners' snd Supervisors' Ofsoci- tion and after tbat they ar planning to end the charity committee and perhaps om other to Milwaukee to attend the June convention of the charity associations of the United State and lecur It next, meeting for Omaha If possible. It has been th custom for only the couuty agent to attend these charity con ventions, but because of the new plan to secure the convention tor Omaha, which plan Is said to be favored by several local charity workers who wish to strengthen tbe movsment here, It Is now proposed to send th wbol committee, which include Con nolly, Harta and "'f eeff To tho Fremont convention the delega tion, from Omaha will include-ths entire board and perhaps County Clerk Miller snd others. Mr. Miller and tb board have en tered Into a new brotherhood with appar ently a better understanding and tb icicle that uaed to hang perpetually tu the doqr between tbelr respective room have thawed, leaving the way clear to a free In- tarmlngltng. If he goea to Fremont be promises to spplsud everything tbat Com missioner Ostrom may aver In bis psper on The Commissioner in Politics." Commis sioner Hsrtc Is to talk on "Road and Bridge Work." Commissioner. Connolly has pre pared, on typewritten pgges ot Indefinite number, an srticle on "The Csre ot tb Poor," of which he announce b will read as much as the audience will stsnd for' Ths program doesn't announce what Com- mlaalbner O'Keeffe la to talk about. If any thing, and Commissioner Hofeldt ays be may talk about two minutes In tho debates, but will not prepsre any special paper. The final arrangements for tb trip srs to be made at tb meeting Friday morning. There 1 also to be brought up then th de mand of City Boiler Inspector John Russell tbat a licensed engineer be employed ss bight fireman at ths court hous snd th hearing oa the application for a liquor li cense for a saloon to bs established In Irvington. ... Disposing; af Kilts Prise. At !:S0 thl afternoon at the Boyd theater the blr sifts from the Elks' fair will be awarded uy a committee consisting of K. A. Nash. Oeorge t;. I'rurneti. james u. Mar tin, George C. Towle and K. C. Page. Theae gentlemen have accepted the commission put upon mem oy tne r.m. committee. Admission to the theater will be free. Always fOiUvt thin You. New to Show 2525a fiT iValetitities Th neweat Ideas snd catchiest designs for Valentine Day Feb. 14th I la the day Come arly. ocUty itlonr. 1201 Famam St. BOOKS , Rtw aa thl Pa aaa a aa4 a. Wo caa alea faralea ssy aaals aaBllsaa. Barkalow Bros.' "Book she," - Faraaaa Vkss SAO. IT 1 Thl tlgaatar I aa every boa ot ta gaaata Laxative BrorafOulnlnc Tsbut remedy that ear a cald sat aa Jmj.