Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
TIIE OMAITA DAILV BEE: Fill DAT, FEBItTJAIlY 14, 1002. CONDEMNS' BOWERSOCK BILL Vcfcratka Rsat EsttU CoiTit'a D ituott Mtunrt in Strang Er.o'.atioi. TOMENS IAIDS SYSTEM IS INDtRSEI Paellle, to remain until the clot of the ration. MeCaaae Sieake on Jest Tnantlen. This afternoon John L. McCsgue of Omaha tpoha on "Just and Equal Taxation." Hit address wn carefully prepared and be pre lected some flirurea on the Inequalities of the tsxes paid by corporations and land DESPERATE FICflT FOR MONET Farmer Ktiiits lebberi Until Beatai Iito TJnionicifTiiBan. Opposition Declared Aaalnst nosed rimmnlir Irrigation -Teatlae System fader . the Baa. Force Thomas H. Varah to Follow Them te Kitchen, Whttt Ha Tries to Defeat Them aad la Brutally dabbed. 'oRAND ISLAND. Neb.. Feb. IS. (Special Telegram.) Thomat R. Varab, prominent farmer residing fire mllea southeast of Don owner, th.t surprised hi. bearer.. Taxation THUGS ROUT GRAND ISLANDER FROM BED be defined aa a contribution of the people. pre I by the people ami for tbe people according to their means for the public aa a benefit and not a "necessary evil." aa It la often considered. Tbe railroads and other franchlsed cor porations In some Instancea were paying cn only 4 or B per cent of tbelr vaulatlon and FREMONT, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.) tB, landowner having tangible property bad L. D. Richards presided at the real estate t0 ,,,, up the deficiency. men'a rnnnllnn IMl mnrnlDB. The first I Pallrnaila In Nehraaka nalit ( nn a number on the program was an address by T,uat0n of only $26,000,000, whllo their ac- IPhn w" assaulted and robbed of $66 In W. R. Mellor of Loup City on "Farm unui tuai valuation was over $260,000,000. Aa wn Q"me' "a '" and Agents." It waa a general discussion ihown DT )tg bonds and atock the valuation w" ",UD" ,n luo UDUB' . r h. ..ti .M. r methods of bringing f th. Union Parian in waa K0. other members of the family, ln- purchaaer and aeller together, contracts lor eMt $78 000 per mile and It la assessed at 'UU,UB l - ..I.. r r..l ..tnta. and waa Ol great prac- nnlv IS ItOO. Other railroads ahnw a mllar ""uv" 1"" " " "-" tlcat value.. The necessity of a contract conditions. fixing the powers of the agent and the rates He referred briefly to tbe Inequalities In of commission to be paid were conaldered. taxation In Douglas county. These Inequal- t th. .ntnlnn tf tha aneeker a contract IHea In tiTitlnn vera raiiaed hv tha was a necessity for the protection of the I law permitting bonded Indebtedness and I " . " , ' " . V . '""""" agent and In hla experience the difficulty other Indebtedness to be deducted from They ordered blm to get out of bed and go was to procure the signature of the owner I the capital stock. The constitution re to It and then of holding the owner to Ha quired all property to be assessed at Its fair valuation and the law should require It to be done. He wsa followed by J. F. Hanaon of Fre mont, who spoke on tbe same topic. The Varah was awakened by a handkerchief over hla mouth. He threatened to can I hla aon-ln-law, but was informed by the rob bers that hla aon-ln-law was at the dance, houaa Wednesday night by the school chil dren of Superior, by which over $100 was cleared, to be uaed as a portion of the fund raised for purchasing a piano for the High school. NEBRASKA SENIORS OBJECT Dleeenalen fa Arensed Over Choice of Orator far Jnne Com-aiesrtsleBt, OMAHA INDIAN SUPPLY DEPOT PiipiUt Iura it at Lett Emit ia tha ( Appropriation BilL DES MOINES SURE OF Bid ARMY TOST terms. The rights of tbe agent at present were not protected, It waa neceesary that there be an agreement among real estate men In regard to auch contracts and they work In I Issue, he said, was between realty and per harmony along those lines. He thought sonal property, and the latter was never legislation was needed to define and protect found by the assessor, so realty, especially tbe rights of both owner and agent. In the country, paid all the taxea. Tbe ques- The aublect waa generally discussed by I tlona of railway and frsnchised corpora tbe members of the convention. The gen- tton taxation did not tntereat the people of down stairs. Varah had been at Haatlngs tbe day be fore and In a business tranaaction had se cured over $250 in cash. On the way down stairs he took the larger of th rolls of bills and tucked it under his drawers, leav ing only $65 in his trousers' pocket. Upon reaching tbe lower floor he was ordered to strike a light. , When he had done so, he made up hla mind to fight for It. The robbers soon clubbed blm Into unconsciousness with the . . . . ..... ... ii.. . .1,1.. uun-ena on revolver, also siasoing mm iu era. op m on seemca nu shoulder and on the forearm with a tracta llatlna- the oroDertv with the agent The taxation lawe of New York were re- ..... . . ferred to and highly commended. M u"n ,nnl ln" " w" Mr U.nann th. annrela.ment nt "r " large nmuuui ui the ratlroada In the country would com pare favorably with that of farm land though at terminal points they got off too easy. Election af Officers. tracta Hating tbe property with tbe agent and fixing, terms of commission and sale were the best for all concerned Mr. Mellor discussed Nebraska, both aa a farming and a grazing state, saying To a arrest malorltv of thin audience Ne braska la. a farming state, ttlmply be cause the lnral rnmmimKr In which vou reside is one of agrloultuial farms where the hope of prosperity to the farmer de prnds on the refc.ilts of his toll In the raJalnr nf rrnnn: but we whould remem ber that Nebranka- la also a state of ranches, therefore It is but fair to nay, that amain rilvlilea tinnori with sericulture It la within the personal knowledge) of some of my hearers that the feeders of the. atate each year scour the western edge nf thla farming part of our state successfully for corn, oata. alfalfa and hay. We. of our Dortlon of the atate. how ever, do not' claim to have a monopoly on the farm lands, aa some of our brothera from the eastern portion do, but are wili ng to concede that the further east or nearer the large renters of population the farm lies, the more Its valuation Inereasee, aa aome of the greatest factors which tend In inn lea a valuable farm is Ita nearness to market and a large population surround ing makes It more desirable as a home to a greater number of fwoples. Some of you are possibly thinking, why don't you mention rainfall as one of thee reasons? The election of officers then took place, resulting as follows: President, James Conklin, Franklin; treasurer, R. E. Moore, Lincoln; secretary, J. F. Hanson, Fremont; Vice presidents: H. C. Smith. Falls City: Fred D. Wood, Omaha; Alonzo Thompson, Fullerton; A. D. Curtis, Geneva; . Willis Cad well. Broken Bow; J. A. Slater, Minden. These, together with Lena Tlbbetts of Hast ings. J. O. Preston of Oxford, R. 8. Rising of Alnsworth. W. M. Remolds of Chadron. A. J. Leach of Oakdale and A. A. Druse of STATE Y. M. C. A. CONVENTION r nena, constitute the executive committee. spilled all over the floor. The robbers found tbe $S6-wallet, but did not secuare tbe roll of $185. The children ran to neigh bors and gave the alarm, and search was made, but no clue was found. Dr. Stone of Doniphan waa called to at tend the injured man, bringing him back to consciousness after two hours. It is ex pected that he will recover. ' Both men wore duck coats and one wore corduroy trousers; both had white mask and one was especially tall. It is be lieved they are thugs who became cognizant at Hastings that Varah had secured quite a roll of money, and followed, Jocated and robbed him the next night. (Trnm mv nhaervatlnn I do not think the rilfrerenra In the rainfall over thla farm ing portion of our atate Is as great as anma of yi tlon of the United States Department of A rrli-nltiira rertfirta the rainfall at Loup tTty to be 29 47 Inches for MOO, and ).7 lncnea tor ii'i, wnicn i mm cumiirw tavorably -with the rainfall over the east ern or farming portion oi our siaie. . . Farm Valuations May Chans;. It ia within the range of powibillty that the present Ideas of farm valuation may mika a radical chanice in the next ten years, and 1 am of tne opinion that thn lands which will be- considered as ot the most VBlue In the near future will be the valley lands of the central and western part of our state which successfully grow hat artat stork food, alfalfa, and 1 would advise any stockman in the state of Ne braska to buy. tract of land suitable for that purpose at the earliest possible op portunity. . Personally, my Ideal for a farm ia not wholly a smooth level tract on which where there is sufficient land auitable for cultivation, and then some cneap, rougn land adjoining for pasture, but aome of you ak the quertlon, why not have It all MMAMh lanT I will tall vou. If It im ah nirw. amooth land, and cood aoll. It is lrapoaalblet to- withstand the temptation very long not to break it out and farm tf mA nsolallv ao ahould VOU crow a crop of wheat turning out forty bushels on an adjoining tract; therefore. If the . pasture Is rough, you see how much lew will be the strain on both mind and body, and the easier will It be to continue to raise cattle, that anchor of hope in ad verse crop seaaons. Fatteraoa va Land Traasfers. , "Mr. Patterson of North Platte then read a paper by W. U Hand of Kearney on the - "Land Transfer Commission On the Tor- rens System of Land Transfers." It briefly outlined the bill, which has been drafted by tbe commission and which will be pre sented at the next session of the leglsla ture. It provides that a certificate showing the title according to the transfers of record may be filed and be conclusive evidence of the title at that time. An abstract only of the certificate to be recorded and on the opposite page a complete list of all mort gage or other Hens against the property. Subsequent transfers to be made by an assignment of the certificate. The bill Many Prominent Members to Attend Aaaaal Meeting; at York. YORK, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.) Tbe Maxwell on Irrigation. The subject of Irrigation was next con sidered. Mr. Maxwell of the National Irri gation association waa the principal speaker. He waa of the opinion that a na tional irrigation law was a necessity in or- twentr-second annual state convention of aer to avoid conflicting claims and to aee the Nebraska Toung Men's Christian asso- tnai tne water supply was conserved as elation will be held at York from February mucn as possiDie. in order to do this ac- 20 to February 24. All Nebraska railroads curate and careful surveys were necessary, have made excursion rates to. this meeting ana until mat was done It would be Im- on the certificate plan practicable to begin any great irrigation The atate and local committees are mak- project. I in8. averv effort to mika this meetlnsr ona Prof. C. B. Bessey of the State university of the verr best and laraest attended and spoxe on tne public lands of western Ne- I most successful meetings ever held. Draexa. in his opinion there were thou- In addition to York's hotels, the citizens sands of acrea not only not located so that of York will throw open their homes and they could be Irrigated, -but of such a na- entertainment will be provided for all who ture 01 sou that Irrigation would not do attend. Each Younr Men'a Christian asso- them much good. They were adapted only elation will send delegates to this conven er grazing and If used for thla purpose It tlon and In addition to the delegates there waa possible to pasture them so heavily will be others who will come and attend. The proposed program of the state con ventlon to be held. Is: Thursday. February 20 Even In tr! Res. elona In Methodist Knlsoonal church at 1:30. Song service, led by William J. Stevens of Omaha: 7:45, Addresa of welcome ;,csponse oy major Marry uujitan oi Hastings. s:is, Opening address of the convention ty Rev, Hubert c Herring, D. ,U.. paator First as to destroy the grasses entirely. It bad been thoroughly demonstrsled that unless Irrigated, crops could not be raised In the northwestern part of the state and hat where an attempt was made to cultivate the lands the result Was only to kill out the natural grasses and It would require years for them to grow in again. .The bulk of the western Nebraska lands, he considered, could be better used for graz ing than anything else. I. A. Fort of North Platte thought some thing must be done to save the surface water which found Its way Into the Platte rivers. Tbe South Platte, he said, bad been a dry bed of sand for years and for the last few seaaons much of the time the North Platte had been dry. at hla city. If Wyoming and the western part of the state used all tbe water and did not re turn any of it to the river bed, it was diffi cult to see where tbe water supply for Irri gation was coming from. Resolatloaa Adopted. At the session this evening resolutions were adopted favoring the passage of mora stringent laws for the protection of land lords, ' encouraging building and loan as sociations, but condemning the tontine plan; favoring a national irrigation law, but opposing the so-called compromise bill now before congress or any other bill that takes away tbe actual control ot water by Congregational church of Omaha. r rmay. f ebruarv 21 Mornlnic: S. Thanks. giving service, John Hogue of Chadron 9:20. "The ODen Bible." by Rev. B. B. Tyler, D. D., pastor First Christian church or uenver. iu, (a) -wno, What, Where, by M. A. Wolfe of Grand Island; (b) per manent organization; (c) state executive committee report. 11, "The Religious Meet ings," paper by C. M. Miyne of Lincoln. 11:211. aiBcusHions on above topics: dinner, Friday. February 21 Afternoon: Session In Methodist Kolscopal church. 2. Praver service, . a. iiarx or rremont. 2:20. Bible study 1, (a) "To Enlist Men." (b) "What Methods." (c) "How Held." bv Georae Babcock of Omaha; 2, "Why Should Bible Study Especially Appeal to the College' biuaeni. oy u. B. fneins or Milwaukee 3.M, "Association Membei tlon of a Higher Btsndarc bership," by E. C. Henry. M. D.. of Omaha xne naie or tne individual Member in the Association." by Howard H. Hubbell or iincoin. conferences. Friday. February 21 Evening: Geone F. Hiaweu. manager rremont, isikhorn Missouri Valley Railroad, presiding. T:3u. Omaha Association by the 7:45, Address.' "Twentieth Century further provides for an inheritance tax of I the state. one-half of 1 per cent on all property con eyed, by will or inherited under the laws of descent and distribution. Vosjae la Parts ( Enrage, ' Certification of titlea waa nothing new in aome parts of Germany and In Austria it had been In force for more than a hundred years and had given perfect satisfaction to all parties. It had met with strong opposl tlon In England from the time It was first Introduced, principally from lawyers, as it deprived them of good-elsed fees for the exsmlnatlon of titles. The history ot the system In the United States was also outlined from Ita adoptlou I MIIRilPR The Torrens land system wss strongly endorsed aud a strong resolution was adopted condemning tbe Bowersock bill for tbe leasing ot the vacant public lands to the cattlemen aa a detriment to the beat Interests ot the state. At the close of the session a banquet was held, after which there were short talks on Immigration by J. R. Buchsnan ot the EVkhorn and J. C. Bonnelt of the Rock Island system. H. I. Wilson of Lincoln gave an addreaa on Nebraska's thirty-five years of development as a state. Presi dent James Conklin was toastmaster. Song service auartet. 7:45. Vision." by A. C. Harte of Mobil. Ala. 8:30, Railroad train, conducted by George D. McDIll of Omaha, International railroad secretary. Saturday. February 22 Mornlna: Sea slona In Methodist Episcopal church. Memory verse service, juna at the option of the parties in Illinois la. 1895 to the present time. Representative Hanks of Nebraska City, who introduced th bill tor the appointment of the commission, spoke briefly urging many reasons for tbe adoption of the reg istry system of transferring land among IN SECOND DEGREE Jary Convicts John MoCermlek af Marder af Mrs. Maggie I Llndsley. NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 13. (Special which ware its cheapness after th lands Telegram.) The jury In the case of Jobu have once been registered and Its simplic ity. About loo members of the Real Estate exchange of Ovjsba arrived over tbe Union It's in the Brew McCormlck, who has been on trial In the district court for two days, clarged with the murder of Mrs. Maggl Liadsley, (RESTRAIN orougni ia a vvruici oi nurv r in ma sec ond degree after nine hour ,' deliberation The defease will file a .notion tor a new trial. Sentence has not been pronounced. Shetmard of North flatte. :ao. "The open Bible." by Rev. B. B. Taylor, D. 1. 10, "What For the FutureT" by H. B. Ward of Lincoln 10:20, "Prayer and Glfta for Nebraska," by r . Lfe w una or umina; ainner. Saturday, February 22 Afternoon Praise service. T. C. Marsh of South Omaha. 2:20, "The Young Men In Unor ganised Towns and the Young MenW Chris tian Association." by C. K. Obei of Chi cago, held secretary international commit tee. 2:60, "Opportunities for Men" (a) "In the Association as a Life Work." by Wil liam M. Parsons of Minneapolis, field aecre tary international committee; (b) "The Foreign Field," by C. K. Ober of Chicago. i:6tf, "The Open Bible," by Dr. Tyler. 4:30, "The PoeslulllUe of the Physical Depart ment," by A. J. Coata of Lincoln. Saturday, February 22 Evening: T:30, Song service by the Omaha Male quartet. 7:46, Addresa by Hon. S. E. Sedgwick ot the supreme court of Nebraska. 8:15, Ad dress, 'Christian Cltlsenshp," by Chancel lor E. Benjamin Andrews of the University of Nebraska. Sunday. February 231, "Quiet Hour," by W. M. Parsons. 2:15, Special students' meeting, G. 8. Phelps and C. K. Ober. J: 30, Men'a meeting. 4. Women'a meeting. 4, Boys' meeting. 7:30. Association rallies In churches. 9:15, Farewell meeting, Metho dist Episcopal church, J. P. Bailey, atate aecre tary. . (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, FVb. 13. (Special.) Dissen sion la reported In the senior class ot tbe university because of tbe recommendation of Booker T. Washington for orator at the June commencement. The name baa been presented by a special committee chosen by the clsss. Tomorrow there Is to be a mass meeting of tbe students, at which the matter will be discussed. Several weeaa ago the committee sent out mrnaTTons to noted speakers to deliver the commence ment oration, first among them being Sen ator Beverldge. Next in order Grover Cleve land waa asked and Booker T. Washington came eighth on tbe list. Chancellor And rews said this afternoon he had heard of no dissatisfaction because of the commit tee's final selection. Pbl Beta Kappa Honors. Nineteen members of the senior class of the University of Nebraska have been elected for Phi Beta Kappa honors. Elec tion of candidates to this fraternity depends wholly upon class standing, 10 per cent only of each senior class being selected. This morning the fortunate ones were an nounced In chapel as follows: A. K. Barnes, Norfolk; Elsie M. Blandln, Weatern; C. M. Bracelln, Humboldt; Mamie Ellis, Lincoln; J. Fossler, Lincoln; R. W. Harbor, Oak land; Ethel May Masters, Exeter; Char lotte Mead, Omaha: Carrie 8.' Nielsen, Omaha; Sarah L. Phelpa, Schuyler; Mallnda Powell, Corydon, Ky.; R. C. Powers, Nor. folk: Bessie Reeves, VlUlsca, Ia.:"H. D. Rlcker, Lincoln; E. T. Sage, Beatrice; Char lotte Templeton, Omaha; ' Annrtta M. Sprung, Lincoln; Mrs. Hattie Williams, Lincoln; Carolina Stringer, Lincoln; Zora Shields, Omaha. Commencement at t'nlversity. The midwinter commencement of the university season was opened tonight with an address before tbe Sigma Chi scientific traternlty by Director Samuel Calvin of the Iowa Geological Survey. He spoke regard Ing the records of the great Ice age id the upper Mississippi. An electrical exhibit In the university armory attracted several hundred visitors. The commencement and conferring of degrees will take place to morrow evening. The orator of the oc casion is John C. Black of Chicago. Lnmbermea May Meet Next In Omaha. The lumbermen finished the business of their annual convention , early this after noon and at 6 o'clock a large party left over the Missouri Pacific for a trip to the gulf. Theae officers were elected: President, J. W. Holmqulat, Oakland vice president, E. S. Clark. Gretna; new directors for three years, M. L. Fries, Arcadia, and T. U. Whlffln, DeWltt. A resolution was passed thsnklng the Lincoln lumbermen for their hospitality and courtesy, and the retiring officers for their exertions. The auditing committee reported and the report, was adopted. It Is likely the board of directors of the association will vote to bave tbe next convention In Omaha. Nebraska Exhibit at St. Loo Is. Governor Savage will meet with the Ne braska commission for the Louisiana Pur. chase exposition in Omaha tomorrow after noon. Plana for tbe state's exhibit at the St. Louis exposition, will be discussed and steps will likely be taken to arouse greater Interest in the raising of the preliminary fund than" has yet beegmanlfested. Requisition for Isnsel Tranx. A requisition was granted today for the return of Samuel Truax from Oklahoma to Boyd county, Nebraska, where he IS wanted to answer to the charge of unlawfully re moving mortgaged property. It is alleged that he took two mortgaged horses with blm to Oklahoma. ' The man is now under arrest and will be brought back by the sheriff of Boyd county. Ta Haasfaetare Matl Catchers. Arttcles ot Incorporation of the 8. R. Patten company ot Omaha were recorded In the secretary of state's office today. The company is capitalized 'for 1200,000 and Its Incorporators are: Slmoa R. Patten, Alfred Millard, Ezra Millard, George A. Joslyn and Benjamin Mclnnerney. Tbe corporation will manufacture tbe Patten system ot catching and delivering 'mail on railroad trains. Governor to Wear Antlers. Governor- 8avage and Attorney General Prout will be initiated tomorrow night by tbe Order ot Elks. They were voted in as metnbera aeveral weeks ago, but until thla week neither found It convenient, because of business engagements, te attend Initia tory ceremonies. Oraters Leave. Governor Cummins of Iowa left tbia aft ernoon for Kanaas City, where ba will sfeak at another republican baaquet. Con gressman Fowler of New Jersey, who was also a speaker at the Young Men'a Repub Uuan club banquet In this city last night. left on a noon train for Omaha, expecting to continue tonight hla journey back to Washington. Hlcaards Grafted Centlnnaaee. P. Coursey Richards, the man who la ac cused of assaulting hla 12-year-old step daughter, was taken before Justice Wester man this afternoon, but on hla own motion preliminary trial waa continued to next Monday afternoon. Hall Prendly Anaoaaeea . Satisfaction with Pnbtle Bnlldlns; Prospect Also Carrey's Pretest from Saatee Agency, BUTCHERS' UNION I BLATZ pi DEER f MILWAUKEE t tt II I A ii I appeals at once to Jlovera of the beverage a meat extraordi- I nary brew. There's !tht indescribable I goodness characteris tic of "BLATZ" and lit never varies. Try it and you'll say I say so too. BLATZ MALT-VI VINE Druggists Kearney to Demeaatrate Its Needs. KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. 13. (Special Tel egram.) In the early part of the present session of congress a bill was introduced by CongresamaA Mercer appropriating 175, 000 for a public building and poet office In this city. Recently he addressed Msyor Roe asking for information regarding the growth of the population and probable growth in twenty years and other data bearing en the matter. A letter was re ceived by Postmaster Holmea running on the same line. Messrs. Roe and Holmes hsve taken the matter before the executive committee of the Kearney Business Men's aaaoclatioa with a request to assist la gathering auch information aa can be se cured, and it la proposed to have a map prepared showing the location ot buildings and indicating the extent of the city. new at Trenton. TRENTON, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special Tele gram.) Snow began falling about 11:30 a. m. and has been falling tbe rest ot the day. There Is no wind. The snow is from the northeast. The temperature Is above freest og. (Non-lntoxlcant) Tenic. or direct. YAL BLATZ BREWING CO., Milwaukee. OMAHA IM1MH, 14IB Doaavlaa at. . Tel. 1081 Farmers laatltate at tit. Edward. ST. EDWARH, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.) Arrangements bave been completed for a farmers' Institute to be held at thla place February 37. Several prominent speakera I bave been engaged. . Nebraska. Ctty Paeklaa; Henae Seeks to Preveat Iaterferenee with Ita Employea. NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 13. (Special Tel egram.) The Morton Gregson Packing com pany, by Ita attorney, W. F. Moran, ap peared In the district court this afternoon and aaked tor a temporary order restrain ing ths local branch of tbe Amalgamated Meat Cutters' and Butchers' unloa. Its offi cers or members from Intimidating or Inter fering in any way with the employea of tbe packing bouse. , Judge Jessea granted the order and will give all parties a hearing next Monday. Tbe packing bouse has been running thla week nearly to it full capacity. Ita man ager claims that the strikers arc using threats and intimidations to prevent em ployes from continuing their work, .which is the reason for bringing the suit. Robbers Loot Gretna, Store. GRETNA, Neb., Feb. 13.-e-(SpeclaI.) Burglars broke into Hughea Bros.' mer chandise atore at an early hour thla morn ing by breaking the front window. They rifled the caab drawer of its contents, about $1.60. The register was broken to pieces and carried to the rear of the store and left there. Aside from robbing the aafe nothing else waa molested. They made their escape through a back window and have not been apprehended. NebraaVaa Hart la Explosion. FAIRBURY. Neb., Feb. 13. (Special. A telegram from Prescott, Aria., says that Max Huber, who formerly lived at Fair bury, was badly Injured in an exploaloa at ths Monte Crlsto mine. His tsther and brother, P. C. Huber, left yesterday even ing. Mr. Huber was developing a mine of his own In the vicinity and It la supposed be w&s in tbe Monte Crista at the time of the cxploclon. Eatertalameat for Plaao Poad. SUPERIOR. Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.) Aa entertainment waa given In the opera Conteat Aejalnat Omaha Graadmether. KEARNEY. Neb.. Feb. IS. (8peclal Tel egram.) Depositions in the Ewart case, to be heard in district court at Omaha nsxt Saturday, were taken before Ira D. Mar- aton thla afternoon. Depositions were mads by Mrs. Nellie Carson, Miss Emma Yotty, A. Arnold and -vtfo. V. C. Chase aad Mrs. Flora Ewart, mother of Mr. Ewart, who aeeka to recover possession of his young daughter, now la charge of her grandmother at Omaha. Wlag Pleads Gnllty aad Is Fined FAIRBURY, Neb., Feb. 13. (Special.) George Wing of Steele city, in tnia county, was on trial in county court yestsrday on the charge ot "bootlegging." He pleaded guilty and ia boarding out bla fine with the sheriff. The fine lmpoaed by Judge Boyle waa 100 and coata. G. O. Taylor, druggist at Steele City, waa arrested for selling liquor without license. His cess will come up for hearing next Monday. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. (Special Tele gram.) The Item In the Indian appropria tion bill continuing the Indian supply depot at Omaha haa bad a somewhat rocky road te travel recently and tor a time It looked as if It would fall altogether. On Tuesday tbe members of the house committee on Indian affairs sought to put the Item in the bill, but on a vote It waa ordered to be atrlcken out. Yesterday the vote wss reconsid ered gfid the Item will be found In the bill to be reported tomorrow, carrying an ap propriation of $10,000, which la $2,000 mora than last year. The wording baa been con siderably changed and ia aimed to meet the objections of tbe secretary of the Interior and the commissioner ot Indian affairs against maintaining an Indian aupply depot at Omaha. Information before the house committee waa to the effect that while the money ap propriated haa been paid out In salaries, nothing has been done toward occupying the buildings leased for tbe purpose. Con gressman Mercer, who drafted the amend ment to tho bill, haa sought to make it mandatory upon the part of the Indian office not only to open bide in Omaha, but also to s tore supplies there. ' Army Post at Des Moines. Congressman Hull ot Des Molnea waa in an exceedlugiy happy frame of mind today over a talk he had with Secretary Root in relation to the new army post to be built In Des Moines. The congressman la up for renomlnation and, while he la here looking after the Interests of hts constituents, hla opponents are asserting that the Des Molnea post will not be built and that the talk of a new postofflce building at that place la de signed only to catch the unwary. Captain Hull said today he had the as surance of Secretary Root that tbe post would be built along the lines contemplated that $200,000 having been appropriated he regarded tbe action of congresa as specific in character and would approve the esti mates contemplating the purchase ot 605 acres additional for rifle range, to cost $28,000. General Miles, when seen In regard to the omission of the post at Des Moines from the list of permanent posts submitted by the army board, of which be was president, said the board did not think any recom mendatlon was necessary in view of the speciflo action of congresa. "We are going to get a new postofflce building, too," said Captain Hull. "Secre tary Taylor sent a letter to the chairman of the house committee on public buildings and grounds today, stating that, in hi opinion, a three-story and basement build ing covering 30,000 square feet on the first floor and 15,000 feet on each of the other floors, could 6e erected at a cost ot $850, 000, Including site. Now wa are going to go for that building, and we are going to get it." Personals and Department Notes. Judge and Mir. Smith McPherson of Red Oak, Ia., are in Washington on their way home from New York. They expect to leave for the west tomorrow. George E. Llchety of Waterloo, I a., passe through Washington today on his way home from New York. N. W. Wells of 8chuyler, who haa been in Washington several daya, will leave for Nebraska tomorrow and rumor saya ba will enter the race for congress In bis district John Garvey of the Santee agency arrived In Washington today. He is here to pro test against the action of the Indian office in turning the agency over to a achool superintendent and abandoning the agent at that place. He claims It will work great hardship to hla people. He saya he cornea with letters and statementa that will give the commissioner a new Insight Into affairs. Z. T. Lindsey of Omaha ia In Washington on a short visit. Senator Millard bad expected to leave for Omaha tomorrow and had so tele graphed his friends, but today .announced he would deter hla visit. Rural free delivery baa been ordered es tablished April 1 at Dike, Grundy county. I a,, with N. J. Bonds as carrier. The route embraces an area of thirty-one aquare mllea, containing a population of 60S. Tbe postofflces at Lear and Fern will be supplied by rural carriers. Iowa Postmastera Appointed H. - D. Smith, Bradgate, Humboldt county; J. H. Marriott, Long Grove, Scott county; T. Lepley, Warsaw, Wayna county. The postofflces at Doty, Boyd county. Neb., and Fleetwood. Minnehaha county, 8. D., will be discontinued February 28. FARGO IS FINED FOR CONTEMPT Hot Springs Merchant Refaaes to Obey Conrt's Order to Sled I Deed. DEADWOOD, g. p., Feb. 13. (Special.) Cbarlea G. Fargo, the well-known Hot Sprlnga merchant and proprietor of the Gillespie hotel at that place,, haa been ad Judged la contempt of court by Judge F, J. Washabaugb and fined $500, with aa or der that be stand committed until the fine la paid. i In 1890 Fargo entered Into a contract with D. A. McPherson and Harrla Franklin to transfer a certain piece of property la the lower part of Dead wood for right-of- way at the time tbe Elkhorn railroad waa bulldiug Into the 'town. Later Fargo re fused to convey tbe property and suit wss brought to enforce ths specific performance of ths contract The case waa in the courts aeveral years, and In 1898 a decree was en tered ordering Fargo to sign a deed to the property. He either neglected or refused to comply with tha order ot tbe court, and this week the attorney for the plaintiffs asked an order to compel him to convey or be declared In contempt. Judge Wasbabaugh granted the order and gave Fargo until noon Wedneaday to make the conveyance or atand a fine. Fargo atlll declined, contending that the property passed out of bis hands several years ago. evening, and gavs ber a terrific blow with stick ot cordwood. Her husband waa working la tbe mine at tha time and did not get off shift until o'clock. He found hts wife unconscious when be got home, and It wss aome time before ehe revived suffi ciently to tell -what bad happened. 8bs did net see ber assailant, but the stick of wood with which she had - been struck was found on the floor. A trunk ta tbe house had been broken open and $45 in money taken. AWAITS TRIAL FOR FORGERY Railroad Man Charged with Altering Par Cheek Bonnd to Dla trlet Conrt. HOW ARE YOUR KIDNEYS 2 HURON, 8. D., Feb. IS. (Special.) John F. Williams, a former clerk for 8. A. Hearn, storekeeper for the Chicago Northwestern company, was examined be fore Justice Van Dalsem Monday and Tues day, charged with fraudulent endorsement of a pay check Issued by the company to Calvin McReynolds. Williams waa bound over to the March term ot the circuit court In the sum ot $500 and la now at tha eounty Jail. Wllllama la a single man. haa relatives at Groten or Doland and has served time at a reform achool. It la said that ha wsa In jail laat winter, haa had trouble at Aberdeen and waa tangled In a lob ot Incendiarism at Pierre. Booth Dakota Incorporations. PIERRE, 8. D Feb. 13. (Special.) - These articles of incorporation have been filed: Mitchell District Hoaoltal company. Mitchell. Trustees: B. A. Babb. W. E. Calme, R. C. Wame, Charles A. Bowers, F. W. Frvbers. A. H. Daniels. R. F. Dun- das and L. K. King. Kinascny Mercantile company, oroton. Capital. 120.000. Incorporators: Auaust E. Klebund, Arnold Rugge and J. C. Kind achy. Brookings Furniture company, Brooklnga. . apttai. n.u"). incorporators: ueorge u Rude. Nels O. Rude and Inarl Rude. Floyd Medicine company. Huron. Capital. $2S0,0C10, Inco -porators: French W. Floyd, Albert B. jonnnton ana I'nuip Lawrence. Taylor Township Telephone company, Hanson county. Alexandria. Capital. $3,700. incorporators: MRtmii jnnnson, jonn Bchroeder. C. E. Twombley. W. M. Newell. Dean Reakman, William Morrow and Ed- wara wenenaa. Newspaper Bold Under Attachment, SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Feb. 13. (Special.) Syd Dakota Ekko baa been aold under aa attachment for $118 due Olaf Nash, an em ploye, for labor. It Is said that ex-Mayor B. H. Lien, a prominent fusion politician now owns a controlling Interest In the pa per. It Is announced that Wallert Hlldahl a brother-ln-law of Mr. Lien, will be the editor and manager of the paper In future Mr. Hlldahl states that the policy of the paper will be strictly independent. You owe It to Yourself to fini This Out at Once. A SOLE TEST WILL TELL Send at One tor a Fraa Trial Bottle) ot WARNER'S SAFE CURE, the World's Greatest Kidney Medicine; It Will Cure Tou. TEST YOUR KIDNETS: Put aome morn ing urine In a glass or buttle; let It atand for twenty-four hours. If then It Is milky or cloudy or contains a reddish brickduat seoiment, or It paiticies or germs niw about in It, your kidneys are diseased. This Is the supreme moment, wben you should begl.i to take Warner's Sate Cure to arrest all these unnatural conditions, for they are the unmistakable symptoms of kidney disease. If after you have made thla test you have any doubt In your mind as to the development of the disease In your system, send us a sample oi your urine and our doctors will analyse It and send you a report with advice free. WARNER'S SAFE CURE ia the only Bosl. tlve cure for all forms of kidney, liver, bladder and blood diseases; urto acid poi son, rheumatio gout, diabetes, pain in the back, scalding and palnrul passage ex urine, frequent deatre to urinate, painful periods, bearing down aad so-ceJfed fe male weakness. Kidniys Cured at 78 - Years of Age. Mrs. George Halght of SSI Columbus Ave., New York, who la 78 years old. say WaxneCa Rafe Oire cured her of serious kidney and bladder diseases and haa kept her In robust health. WARNER'S SAFE CURB la purely veg etable and contains no harmful drugs; It does not constipate: it is now put up In two regular slses and In sold by sll drug gists, or direct, at W CENTB and $1.00 A WOTTLE. LESS THAN ONE CENT A DOSE. Refuse eubetltutea. There Is none "Just as good aa" Warner's. Insist on the gen uine Warner's Safe Cure, , whlrh, always cures. Substitutes contain harmful druse and do the patient more harm than goad. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kidney, liver, bladder and blood that Waxner'a Safe Cure will cure them, a trial bottle will be sent absolutely free to anyone who will write Warner Safe Cure Co., Rochester, N. T., and mention having seen this liberal offer In The Omaha Bee. The genuineness of thlg offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher. Our doctor will send medical booklet, contain, ing symptoms and treatment of each dis ease and many convincing- testimonials, free, to anyone who will write. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS, taken with Warner's Safe Cure move the bowels and, aid a siedy cure. SberlaT Retnrna with Jeaae White SIOUX FALLS, ft. D.. Feb. II. (8peclal. Sheriff Huston arrivsd hero today with Jease White, whom be captured near Albla Monroe county, Ia. White la wanted here for stealing a number of articles from farmer living near Valley Spriags. mm MALADIES TE1EIR End-ef-Tlmeer ta Aeenlted. DEADWOOD, 8. D., Feb. 13. (Speclal.)r John End-of-Timber, tbe Indian charged with assault upon bla father-in-law, Walks Under-the-Oround, with a deadly weapon producing death, has been acquitted by the Jury In United States court. It waa ahown by the testimony of witnesses that tbe deceased waa belaboring the defendant with a club and that End-of-Tlmber ated entirely In self-defense. The United States court haa adjourned, tha four other Indian caaea being put over for the term. WM Benten aad Robbed. LEAD. 8. D.. Feb. 13. (8peclal.) Mrs. Albert Forest waa violently aasaulted at bsr homo in Lead, receiving a blow en tbe bead that rendered her insensible for sot eral hours. Her assailant entered her borne stealthily while aha waa attending to her household duiiei, about a o'clock la tbe AND Millions of Men CURE Have Been Wrecked on the Rock of Sexual Vice. THOUSANDS HAVE BEEN RESCUED BY The State Electro-Medical Institute SPECIALISTS IN DISEASES OF MEN Lengrest Established, Most Bnceeasfal and Reliable Specialists In Dis eases of Men, as Medical Diplo mas. Licenses and News paper Records Show. "I made up my mind soon after graduating from college that no one man . waa great enough to master tha entire Held of medicine and surgery.- Many physicians have tried to do thla, but they have met with reaulta usually disappointing to them- aelvea and often dlsastroua to their patients. For this reason I determined early In my pro fessional career to confine my practice strictly to a single line of diseases and to originating and perfecting cures for them." We, therefore, treat only what . we are absolutely certain that we can positively cure to stay cured VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, NERYO-SEXUAL DEBILITY, CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON, RUPTURE, KIDNEY AND URINARY DISEASES. and all reflex complications and associate diseases and weaknesses of men. CORRESPONDENCE To these maladies alone the best years of our .lives have been earnestly devoted and on them all our faculties are concen trated. Our consultation and operating rooms are thoroughly equipped with every scientific apparatus. Instrument and de vice essential to the most modern methods of practice, and our references, both pro fessional and nnaucial, are among the best cltliens ot this vicinity, who have been cured by our treatment and made happy. We want every afflicted man to fully and freely investigate our treatment. We treat each case separately, scientifically, cloaely watching it and carefully following Ita symptoms with varied remediea through every atage. Referencesi Best Banks aad Leading Bnstneas Men ta thla Ctty. , CONSULTATION FREE and CONFIDENTIAL Heerei Frem 8 a. m. te S p. na., Snndaysi lO su m. te 1 p. aa. State Electro-Nodical Institute, 1338 Farnini St., Balwsm 13th nil WA Sis.. Omaha, Neb. Many cases can be treated suc cessfully at home. Ona personal visit Is preferred, but it It. la im possible or Inconvenient for you to call at our office write a full and unreserved history of your caaa. plainly stating your symp. toms. We make no charge for private counsel and give to each patient a LEGAL CONTRACT to bold for our promises. . U V ' eWr THE KIDNEYS Kidney disease Is the eaemy ws have most to fear as a result of ths feverish haste of saodera civilisation, t It' is a treacherous eaemy working oat Ita deadly effect i ander cover ef sack trlfllag symptoms aa headache, slight bat peraisteat backache, diastases, keart-throbblag, weak 7S digestion, coastlpatloa, freqaaat or diminished passage of arias, scalding srios, sediment la arise. PRICKLY AGH BITTERO S tm m Is a kldsey medicine of the greatest merit. Ita actios Is keallsg i and strengthening, qaickly relieves aching or soreness la tke back, checks wastiag or decay of ths kidneys, corrects tke 2av sow of arias and tbrosgk Its excellent cleansing and y regelating affect la the stomach, liver aad bowels It v speedily restores taa aireagra ana ready glow ef vlgoreas health. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS, 7. RICE. S 100. f"7a. M a 3 .aa f