Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Tail t Itt DiflilU Tin for Vots
Jl tea ell 8-f Or(o Concladr (a De
i hate, Pleadlaa- for III Ami ft'
mi the Froaaeed
, Meaear.
WASHINGTON. Fab. U. While no defi
nite agreement ba been rsacbed, a, vot
oo th Philippine tariff bill In fb senate
miiii to be In sight It appears Ilkclr.
Judging from A discussion of the subject
lata In the" day's Ion, that tha Tot roar
be; bad. next week, although tha matter It
rat. iarolved -in. soma uncertainty.
Yt. Teller of Colorado concluded hi
Speech -today.- He1 urged that the Filipino
ba given tha fullest -possible measure of
self goTecBtnDt, the United Elates simply
maintaining a protectorate oyer the Islands.
He- - would prefer, that this government
withdraw absolutely And without eonditloa
from the archipelago than tbat the present
war should eotrllnne; -
Mr. Mitchell of Oregon delivered a carefully-prepared
speech , In support of his
amendment to reduce the tariff duties upon
Philippine products coming Into this coun
try to BO per cent of the Drngley rates,
maintaining that congress owed this con
cession to ths Pacific coast states as well
as to fha Philippines themselves.
' Ths Philippine bill will not ba considered
tomorrew or oa Monday, the sedate having
made special orders for both of these days.
Sympathy Co f eaatsr Bladtbara.
la 'bis Invocation at 'the' opening of to
day's session of tbe senate ths chaplain
mads feeling ' reference to the death of
Senator Blackburn's son.
concurrent resolution was sgreed to
directing;' tW, secret!? of war to report
whether there ,1s danger of the Mississippi
river cutting through tha spaca between
that river and the BL Francis river near
Walnut Bend, Ark., and If such danger ex
ists to present an estimate of cost to avert
tha danger.
Mr. MeCnery of Louisiana offered a reso
lution,' whtoh wss adopted, directing tha
- secretary dt war to inform the senate what
railroads are being built In Cuba, by whom
they are being built and under what au
thority of law."
Another resolution offered br Mr, Qal
linger was adopted, directing tha postmas
ter general to send to tha senate a list of
the persons employed in the ' division of
rural free delivery at the lima It was In
cluded In - the classified service, whence
they were appointed and whether they were
subjected to an examination before they
ware placed In tha Classified aervlca.
A bill was passed to Invest la the Spanish
treaty claims commission certain powers
possessed br circuit and district courts of
tha United States.
Ceaso BUI Tomorrow.
Mr. Quarlee of Wisconsin made an effort
to secure consideration of the census bill
and it waa agreed that the bill should ba
considered tomorrow.
Discussion of tha Philippine' tariff bill
was resumed. Mr. Teller, continuing bis
speech. He presented clippings from
newspapers recUlng . instances , of cruelties
practiced by the American troops upon
Filipinos. Ha did not vouch, ha said, for
tha accuracy af the reports and ba .dis
claimed aay Intention to criticise the Ameri
can army as a whole. H thought the
private soldiers could sot bo ttad for
such cruelties when, men of culture and re
f-netneot attempted to Justify, op the plea
of war, the cruel sedition laws enacted and
enforced la tha Philippines. Hs urged, In
View of the memorial of the federal party
presented to the' senate yesterday, that
thlo government announce a definite policy
toward the Philippines and to say frankly
v. ni mis government proposed to ulti
mately do with them. .
Further along ha said that much a be
might sympathise with tha Filipinos, hs
could not bring; himself to wish disaster to
befall 'American arms.' He expected to
vote tor the appropriation to aupport ths
imy. " ' '
Teller rears lata Fatare.
Mr. Teller said that, jn bis Judgment
tha day would coma when the United
States would clash with soma Asiatic or
Europssn nation in ths fsr eastern seas.
Then tha Philippine islands, held as they
are now, would ba a source of weakness
to this country, if treated by the United they ought to be. the Filipinos
at that time would be a source of strength
to this government.
At the conclusion of Mr. Teller's speech
a bill appropriating $8,00 for the relief of
trustees of Carson-Newman college at Jef
ferson City, Tesn., was passed.
Mr. Mitchell of Oregon then addresssd
the senate in aupport of his amendment to
tha pending bill .to place certain articles
entering the United States from the Phil
ippines on tha free Hit, to levy a tariff of
(0 per cent of the Dingier rates on artlclea
not admitted to tha free list and to elimi
nate that portion of section t of tha bill
wblchnroTtde that the came tonnage tax
hall be levied on all vessels coming from
our Insular possessions as Is levied oir ves
sels coming - from foreign countries. Ha
dented that It was either expedient or right
to apply, to . our Insular possessions tha
earns rule in these respect aa Is applied to
foreign countries. He maintained that
congress Should. differentiate In favor of
tbe insular possessions.
Referring ' to ' the argument that the
United. Sutes was bound to accord to all
nation the right to deal with the Filipinos
on tr asms basis as that enjoyed by
Americans,. Mr. ; Mitchell aald: "An open
door la the Orient Is all well enough, but
If, the price of It Js to be the surrender
of a principle, of the rlgtt t exercise the
very. highest prerogatives attaching to us
aa .independent sovereign power, then thst
(oor had better b forever closed."
A bill to regulate the practice In- the
United Statea courts as to : appeal aad
writs of error waa paused.
Tb eenate then, at 4. SO p. m., went Into
executive session snd soon afterward ad
ourned. ,-x '
Aaareprlatloa Are Fixed by the
He as CoaasBltloo oa
- Ferelf Affairs.
WASHINGTON. Teb. II The dlplomatlo
and consular appropriation bill, completed
today by tha house committee on foreign
affairs, carries about 1,00,000, a small In
create oyer last ear. A new United States
legation building at Pskla 14 provided, to
cost This Is ta ba oa ground pur
chased, lnt year and la a part of the newly
established, aad protected foreign quarter
The emergency fund for diplomatic aad
consul purposes is $78,000, tjut It la stated
Ibat tots does not cevar any unusual items,
fhs salary of the consul to Pretoria, South
After Dinner
To assist digestion, relievo dtstres
after eating or drinking too heartily,
to praveut constipation, laks
Kecd'o PHIa ': (
4Wi4 every whore. ii cents. 1
Africa, ws increased to- f 1.000. and at
Dawson City, Alaska, from $1,000 to 13,600,
both on account of living. The committee
concluded not to carry out the project of
educating ten atudenta in China, as there
waa no assurance they would remain la tha
government service after learning the
Chinese language.
Other changes provided In tha bill are:
Consul at Che Klang, China, removed
to Nankin; consuls at Osaka and Hloga,
Japan, removed to Kobe; consul at Aaravj,
Swtlterland, removed to Lucerne. ,
Rotterdam, Holland, Is made a consulate
general. . .
The bill appropriation for Internal con
ference of tbe Red Cross at St. Peters
burg $3,000. It fixes the following consular
Amsterdam, Holland, $2,000; Budapest,
$l,t00; Ensenada, Max., $1,600; Freiburg,
Germany, $1,000; Guatemala City, Central
America, $2,500; Patraa, Greece, $1,600;
Pernambuco, Brattl, $$,000; Porto Llmon,
Coata Rica, $1,500; Puerto Cortes, Hon
duras, $1,600; Santos, Bras 11, $3,000; Stan
Bridge, Canada, $1,000; Three Rivers, Can
ada, $3,000.
(Continued from First Page.)
tucket the president bowed in acknowledg
ment of tbe applause, as the trata made
only a short stop.
Providence was reached at 7:17 and the
private car was shitted to a spur track in
the Union station, where it remained until
the arrival at 8:67 of the Federal ti press
from Boston, bound for. Wastrington,
While the car was set off on the aiding a
crowd congregated about infrequently -calling
for the president, who did not, how
ever, appear. A number of person suc
ceeded in getting through the lines of offi
cers to the car and were admitted to tbe
president's irawlng room.
At til, the car being attached, the train
drew out. Again the president came to the
rear , platform and bade good by to the
crowd. He was cheered while tbe train
passsd through tbe entire length of the
WASHINGTON, Fsb. It. Mis Alice
Roosevelt, daughter of the president, will
leave here tomorrow afternoon for Groton,
Mass., where her brother Theodore, Jr., la
lying ill of pneumonia. The details of the
trip will not be arranged until after the
president's arrival here at 1:30 o'clock to
morrow. It is thought, however, that she
will take tha through Pennsylvania train
to Boston. She, will ba accompanied by a
maid.. .......
Sasseatlea that Farmer of ta State
aoalaV Rid Themselves of
- 1
OMAHA, Feb. ll.-To'ttt Editor of Tbe
Bee: In the American Review of Reviews,
February number, an article headed "A
Grain Buyers' Trust" cltea an Interesting
condition of things .In Kansas, which Is
parallel at present la Nebraska excepting
ai to the Farmers' Co-operative aseocla-1
tlon. If you take up the question in Ne
braska you will find tha same condition ex
lata as In Kansas and that the organisation
of grata buyera la ao extensive and so tied
up with railways that our farmera obtain
much less revenue than they should.
Nebraska la becoming a mora Important
wheat state every year, but our farmers,
unfortunately, are not In position finan
cially to rid themselves of the grata trust.
We believe you can do the entire commu
nity of , Nebraska a .great deal of good If
yott will take this on In aa Intelligent man
ner with scene of tha leading farmera of the
state, wherever they may be Interested in
the elevators, YonraTaTjr truly, P. O. M.
Ohio LegrUlatar Passe Bill ASTeetlaa;
the Treatment, of, Diseased
COLUMBUS, O.. jFeV The house to.
day .passed a MU-taad at .Christian Sclen
lists. It provides that any parent or a-uar-
dlan who shall wilfully -deprive any sick
child under -tbe . age of 16. years of tha
services of a physician shall be fined from
$10 to $300 or Imprisoned for U months,
or coin.
A bill was introduced appropriating $76.
000 or state building and exhibit at tha
St. Louis exposition.
Tha position of the house oa tb ques
tion or abandoning tha canals wan Indt
eated today when a bill providing for the
abandonment of a remnant of the Wabash
a- Erie oanal la Paulding county waa
passed. Only two votes were recorded
against the measure.
Weather Mas . Teeeea a Haadfal el
Frosty Mlaelvee at Nebraska
Doorsteps. '
WASHINGTON. Feb. II. Forecast:
For Nebraska Snow Friday; colder la
central aad westers Portions; Saturday.
fair; nnrta wind.
For Iowa Saow Friday and. In east nor
tlon Saturday; northwest Winds.
For Missouri Snow Friday and in east
ta south portion - Saturday; northwest
For South Dakota aad North . Dakota-
Fair Friday and Saturday, probably ' colder
Friday; variable wind.'
For -Wyoming Partly cloudy Friday.
witt snow in southeast portion; Saturday,
fair and warmer; variable- winds. - .-
Loeal Keeord.
Office vv the weather mm mi it
OMAHA, Feb. - IS. Official record of tern!
rereture ana precipitation compared wltii
he corresponding day- of the last three
- . . .- -. im. ikm. isoo. im
Maximum ismperaiurs.... zs 17
Minimum temperature.... at' If 1 y
Mean umpriuii i ju g
Precipitation 00 .uu t
Kecora 01 wmpimun ana precipitation
at Omaha foe Ous -day and since March L
Normal temperature ,
pendency tor the day
ExceSi einoe Marcn 1. ,.124
ronii yi;n,n.iiuM ,, ,w men
-incv for the day mi.L
Total rainfall ainoe March 4..,.J4.H inchea
!eni'tncy since March 1 . huhe
tendency for cor. period, 111.:..' .03 ln. h
pegclency for cor. period. lx.... 4 at inches
Bteyerte from gtatlea at T as.
a I
: t
Omaha, cloudy . ,
Valentine, cloudy
North Plaits, cloudjt ,.
Cheysnns, snowing
Bait Lake City, clear
Rapid City, allowing
Huron, snowing ...-.,.
t hlttaa-o, pertly ciouuy
St. Ixiuia, cloudy
fit. Veni. partly cloudy .........
Davenport, clear
Kansa City, cloudy ......
Havre, clear
Helena, olaar ,i p......
Hlemarck.i cloudy .,....,,..,..,.
CUIvsstaeirf clovdy ................
H 14
Mi Ml
r- JndW-afcea below aero.
T luiicia trace of precipitation.
LbumX forecast OiHulal.
t lfiit Ba lirsa Cuba at Oast, lays Gsi-
tral Wilaea.
Former Ooveraer of Matansaa. Kara
This Poller la Needed aa Rtlmala
to Cskia Commerce Crit
icise Admlnlstratloa.
CHICAGO, Feb. 1$. "Since our occupa
tion of Cuba, we have not done one thing
to repair the ravages of war. We have
re-established no families in their home
steads, nor attempted to restock barren
farms and plantations. We have not taken
single step to extend the commerce of
the country so, aa to enable the .Island to
recover from the devastation of the recent
In these words General James H. Wilson,
lata governor of Matansaa, and recent ap
pointee' as delegate to King Edward's
coronation to- represent tbe United States
army,' charged negligence of Cuba In a
speech delivered tonight at the Union
League club. He made frequent reference
to what ' he called the unfair treatment
the Island bad received at the handa of
the administration. The speaker made It
plain - that an interpretation of broken
faith might be placed upon our conduct by
the -Cubans themselves.
We pledged ourselves at the beginning
of-tbewsr," ssld tbe speaker, "against
tha Intention of exerting. any sovereignty
over the Island and promised to withdraw
our army as soon as peace wss restored.
In spite of this pledge we have exercised
every conceivable attribute of sovereignty
over Cuba. We have absolutely controlled
the domestic affairs of tha peopl and
although perfect order baa existed fjr two
years, our army la still In possession ' of
the country."'
The remedy proposed by General Wilson
la immediate reciprocity with Cuba. I An
nexation, .he' maintained, Is sure t6 come,
but to meet the emergency he proposed
removing tbe duty on the Cuban Importa
tions and at the same time surrounding
the Island with out own protective tariff
on foreign Importations.
This policy. General Wilson asserted,
would act as a stimulus to Cuban com
merce that would restore the ante-bellum
prosperity of the conntry. By a quotation
from autistic he attempted to show that
free trade would have an Injurious effect
on practically none of our industries. The
effect upon the tobacco Industry, he as
serted, would not be felt and tbe bugar
Industry would not suffer to any great
(Continued from First Page.) .
an's tpeclsl interest was governed by its
geographical position.
Hevr dpeealatloa Baclted.
1OND0N, Feb. ' 14. The statement of
Lord Cranborne, under secretary for
foreign affairs, in the House of
Common ; yesterday .that ' tbe ' sub
stance' of the Anglo-Japanese treaty waa
submitted to the United States befors
closing, ' ba ' excited., renewed speculation
as to the attitude of the United Btates.
.The Dally New, asks why in the world
the - treaty should' have been previously
transmitted to the United States, since
Aricaha Vnd -Interest'' -inthe far eaet
a compared, with thpen of , Great Britain
ana japan. . ...
The Dally Chronicle allude to the sup
position that It was foreknowledge of this
matter to encourage China In. it demands
against Russia.
Tbe same question ha been much dis
cussed in . Vienna, where it seems ' to be
thought that , Great Britain and Japan
formally invited the -United States to Join
tha alliance and tbat Washington declined
to do so on the plea that it desired to keep
free hand. '
. . Wast to Be Friendly. ,
These speculation are reflective of tbe
anxiety shown by ths European powers to
be on good terms with the United States
Another point in the discussion is tha
affect which Australian legislation' exclud
ing Japanese Immigrants' will have on the
successful working of the agreement.
A dispatch to the Dally Press from Tokto
ay tbe ew alliance evoke the greatest
enthusiasm on all sides. The political par
tie ar giving banquet and tbe students
are orsanlslng a monster torchlight dem
onstration to ba held before the British
Tha whole object of the nationalist
nartT." cables the correspondent, "waa to
maintain the Integrity of China."
BERLIN, Feb. 13. Tbe foreign office cm
eiala here deny that Oermany w aa In nego
tiation to participate in tha Anglo-Japanese
treaty Of alliance. Oermany wa aware of
tha conclusion of this treaty immediately
after ite' signature, but was in no way a
participant in the negotiations.
t'amlsed Fleasare la Japan.
YOKOHAMA," Feb. IS. The press here
Ives vent to unmixed pleasure at the con
elusion of -the agreement with Great
Britain, which aecurea for Japan admission
into tha comity of great nations. Tbs press
also recognises that tbe agreement also
Imnnaes heavy responsibilities . and tbat
Japan must not fall Into the error of, sup
posing tbat peace will be assured without
further effort. , ,
Several of the papers comment upon tbe
extraordinary fact that the leading world
nover abandon It policy of splendid Isola
tion openly to clasp bands with Japan. The
Nlchlnlcht Shlmnln says that the union of
tbe strongest military power in tn east,
with tha greatest naval power In tb world,
constitutes an -invincible force.
Tbe Asahl Bhtmbin. an important paper
of Tokio, declares thst tbs whole country
eclaime the agreement, which for the nrst
time remove Korea beyond the dangerous
contingencies of flussla'a willingness to
sacrifice tbat country oa the altar of its
grsat ambitions. . 1
NO Immediate Chaase Kseectrd,
WASHINGTON, . Feb. 13. No Immediate
change In the atatu quo la expected here
a a result of the British-Japanese treaty
relative to Mautburia ana Korea, in max
ing Ita pledge ta ba United Statea govern
meat to withdraw from Manchuria, kusii
used tfcls language:
As soon as Isstlng order shall have been
Mtabllahed In Manchuria and when the
neceosary measurea shall have been taken
to safeguard tha railway,- the construction
of which has len guaranteed by a formal
agreement with t nlna In connection wit
the concession granted 10 me r.aai
Hallway Chinese company. Rusula will
fall to withdraw Ita troopa from within
tha boundaries of the adjacent emidrs:
provided, however, that the action of other
powers snail nui inu in me wjr.
The question at Issue is bather tbl
proviso may bs regarded by Russia as hav
Ing been violated by the making of the new
treaty, thus Justifying It la remaining
Manchuria. Tbe anawer to that question
is expected soon, and In the ships of
response to Mr. Tower at St. Petersburg 1
connection with bis protest agslnst tb
Russlsa-Cblnese bank agreement.
The Japaneae minister, Mr. Takahira, ha
received tbe following cablegram from
Toklo: '
The Anglo-Jspaiies treaty wss an
nounct-d on the VJih Inat In the House
teers by Ueyrai Yuvvunl Kaiaura, mlula
ter president, snd In thw House of ftepre
sentitlves by Mr. Komura, mlnleter for
foreign affairs, with the following explana-
In View of th arliial altiiatlnn In ths
far ent and the Interests of the empire In
volved therein, and recognising the flealra
blllty of eMnbliKhlns- close and confidential
relations with friendly powers having com
mon Interests with our own country, .the
imperial rovertimpnt entered Into nesotla-
tlnns with the lirltieh government laef year
for the purpose of sttalning that end. The
two governments, hnvine- been hsunllv
rougnt into complete accord unon the
inject after extended nranilaiimia. and
he Imperial government having obtained
lis majesty's sanction. Inatrnrtod fholr
plenipotentiary to sign with , th British
i""ijtni-mirjr at iondon on the sotn of
anuary. last, an aa-reemant havln lha
above objects In view.
J nis agreement Is entirely pacific In Diir-
pn, snd has no other object than the
proper safe-guarding of tha Interests of the
neighboring empires of China and Korea.
Considering that the nrlnrlnlea of terri
torial Integrity and the orten door have
been voluntarily declared and approved by
all of the powers qoncwrned, It Is our be
lief that the present agreement would not
be regarded In an unfavorabla lla-ht hv anv
of the powers - . -..
It was stated at the Russlaa embassy that
the purposes set forth in tha Brltlsh-Jap
anese agreement aa to tha preservation of
the Integrity of the Chinese empire ar in
harmony with those of the Russian gov
eminent, which baa consistently contended
for that principle.,
Perfeeta American .Policies. .
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Former Attorney
General John W Griggs sees in the new
treaty between. Great Britain and Japan a
great step toward the realisation la the far
east of policies of which the United Btates
has been a determined 'and notable expo
nent, according to ths Herald. He said: -
"This treaty is apparently a carrying out
of tha policy enunciated by Secretary Hay
In bis net of July, 1900. . It should meet
wHh approval in America, as It erysallses
Into actual practice those Ideas for which
we have atrlven. It affects us only favor
ably and, aa apparently giving to us Just
what wa wished, tha 'open door,' should be
Welcomed here, v ' r :
Tbl .la on rte eurfac no altruistic move.
Great Britain and Japan say they hav In
terests .at stake and they announce, that
where there Is a coalition of power against
on the other will Join Jta ally in resist
ance and that they will mutually exert
their Influence' in ' peace to aid each. The
agreement recite that -they seek to obtain
in China and Korea equal opportunities for
commerce of all nations, and tbat therein
is distinctly, to our advantage. Wa have
long stood for the. open door. ' '
"While we may welcome also tha provl-
lon concerning the maintenance of tha In
tegrity of the Chinese empire, which bas
been a steadfast object of our policy. It I
not certain- whether Russia will look upon
it with- eqpal favor. " I cannot tell bow it
will regard It, . Russia baa always held tb
door open to us. . She has avoided discom
moding our merchants and bas ben friendly
to us in China. ..We have nothing to. com
plain of In its treatment of our business
Interests in Manchuria or elsewhere. As
It has constantly protested it Intention
to continue tbat policy, we have nothing
especially to fear.
"Tha treaty is in consonance with inter
national law and la not unique, although
modern parallels of it are rare. It bas
often occurred that two countries hav
agreed upon a .policy, of mutual defence,
but It ha become mora Infrequent, at gov
ernment in recent time have, com to ba
actuated more by .motives of national in
terest thsn by those of family Interest.
The United States signed such a treaty
with France in -revolutionary 'day. . That
did not hav for:' ita object, however, the
conservation, of trade of territory of any
third country. Suctr treaties are rare.".
n aatIo'a'' at Pekln.
PEKIN, Feb. 13-Tbe Anglo-Japanese al
liance became-generally known here todsv
and has created t 'sensation.- Those British
and Japanese - residents ot" "Pekln . whose
opinions . are worthy? of consideration be
lieve this will Insure peace. (The chief ob
jection raised by tbe diplomats -of opposing
interests la found In the clause of ths alli
ance which contemplates possible, interven
tion in the event iOf internal disturbance
In China or Korea. These diplomats are
telling the Chinese official that the new
treaty amount to an attempt to establish
an Anglo-Japanese protectorate which
threatens China's Independence.
Chinese officials, including Prince Chlng,
the president' of the foreign office, profess
hearty approval of the treaty. v '
Prince Chlng' has announced that he will
not further discuss' the Russ'o-Chlnese bank
agreement with" the Russian agents. x
Russia likely;to play even
Aaatrlan Papers See a Way td pa Re
versed fee British-Japanese
VIENNA, Feb. 13. Tbe Anglo-Japanese
treaty of alliance ta the feature of today'
new in tbe Austrian" newspapere and Rus
sia's probabl action is widely discussed.
The consensus of .opinion among those who
ar generally in touch with. Russian views
la that the militant Muscovites will en
deavor to revenge themselves by stirring
up disorders .In Afghanistan, while the.
Russian government will Its low, awaiting'
the moment whenr Japan, having organised
the military force of Cbina, will Join hands
with the latter and drive out all Europeans
with tha exception of the Russians, who.
by tbat time, will occupy an impregnaoia
position In Manchuria. '
Neve Against Raasla.
YOUNQSTOWN. "iff., Feb. IS. Senator
Foraker, who came here, to attend tbe
Foraker club banquet, said in an interview
today regarding the Anglo-Japanese 'alli
ance: It la a move of the nations against Ru-
rla for an open door. Russia occupied
Manchuria with the Intention of keeping
out tha other nations, and now England
and Japan are sutnaing iur i uiwu uuui
In the eaat. .
It la the same position as wss taken by
the United State agalnet Kuasla In the
China affair and ths position will redound
to the benefit of this country.
j Acts Like Magic
ijj SiU by all Dealer in
Sff 28 mid 6DC eizca.
Ipr tf Maintain Baser! Wbsra Fht
Ocoirrsi ii Oeaosalad.
Ramber of - Men Killed la FtM la
Placed at Five, bat Some Think
Fatalities Will De
Doabled. '
MIDDLESBORO, Ky., Feb. 13. The pre
cise number of dead a the result of the
battla at Dee Turner'a "Quarter House" sa
loon yesterday at Sunset la now believed
to be five, although there are still reports
that ten men were killed.
Tha Identified are:
CHARLEY CECIL, tha MIddlesboro dep
uty sborlff, who waa killed at tha opening
of the fight,
MIKE WELCH, who waa Turner'a lieu
tenant. '
FRANK JOHNSON, Turner'a barkeeper.
The last four men were burled this aft
ernoon In tha same grave at the old Tur
ner burying ground.
Lee Turner, tha proprietor of the fortresa
and Saloon, which were hurried, bought each
a handsome casket. . Tha men were his
taunchest allien.
John Doyle, tb townsman who ws
thought to have been mortally wounded,
probably wilt recover. Tom Hopper, . an
old man who wa with Turner' band, was
hot three time, but succeeded In reaching
hla borne alive.
Lea Turner la now at the mine. He In
tend to rebuild bis saloon and fort and
says ha will remain if ba bas to keep a
tending army ef 600 mountaineer within
hi palisades.
All Is quiet tonight and It is believed
tbat for tha present the trouble hi over.
Bones ware found 'in .the rulna of tha
burned saloon, but It is believed t hey are
not human. A man named Russell la aald
to bs missing.
It was reported here on tha streets to
night that Lee Turner, 'proprietor of the
burned "Quafter House," who escaped from
the palisades with his brother during the
battla yesterday, lias all day been, scouring
the mountains for tha purpose of gathering
round him men enough to come against
the MIddlesboro officer who burned his
fort and killed his staunchest supporters.
Tbe Mlddleaboro men are greatly alarmed
and have mustered Into service all who ara
available. Tha band that went after Turner
yesterday bas remained together all day.
Last night ten coal miners from Excelsior
went to Mingo mine, where Turner is stay
ing, and offered blm their services.
Mr. Turner, Lee Turner's wife, who live
here, waa aeen tonight by the Associated
Press correspondent. ' She said that she had
not beard from ber husband since tbe bat
tie occurred, excepting once,, when Lee tel
ephoned ber tbat be Is safe, but she thinks
Turner will remain In the mountains and
rebuild hla place. She also said tbat Tur
ner la a man who doe not know what de
feat la and that tf it becomes necessary be
will put a standing army of 600 mountain
era in hi fort. .1 ,
(Continued from First Page.)-
the Burlington, Ita Jig is up, and tha Bartley
pardoa I tb only thinar that will work
tnisjwonder,; If Savage Istlll in the rafe,
C-iTiVen tlon time. :
,;"Thrfplnton Jlere la that Savage will -not
last many more 'weeks," and that the rail-,
roals will have to drop blm before conven
tion time." " i'v-
Several-People Are Injured" In Colll
t slon of Trains on Elevated
- .Track. .
' ' ' '
IMEW YORK, Feb. 13.-Two express
trains on tbe Third avenue elevated were
in collision this evening at One Hundred
and Fourth street. Tbe hundreds of pas
senger were thrown into panic,' several
were cut with glass and seven more ss
varaly injured. -
May Murray., contusions of head.
Robert Harris, fractured ankle.
A. B. Peterson, contusions of the bead
and fractured band. '
John Duane, fireman on one of tbe en
gines; left leg lacerated, shoulder dislo
cated. R. J. Cooley, cut about bands and face.
Mrs. Albert Roberts of New Rochelle,
hock and contusions.
tfllllam H. Ncwmsn, contusion left side
and arm.. -
The rear train should have tsken a
witch at . One Hundred1 and Fourth street.
buts from causes unexplained, the switch
waa hot thrown, and tha angina telescoped
the rear coach of tbe first train.
passengerTrain is wrecked
Pittaeara- aV Detroit Flyer Strikes a
Broken Rail aad Leaves
the -Track,
FREMONT, O., Feb. II. Westbound pas
senger train No. 405, the Pittsburg" ft De
troit flyer oa the Pennsylvania, struck a
broken rail this morning bstween Helena
and Mlllerevllle and left the track. , The
train, composed of engine, baggage car,
smoker, passenger coach- and two sleepers,
was dltchsd and several coaches were
wrecked. The wreck train from Toledo and
a number of physicians have been aum
ft.dutd. -Three persons were seriously In.'
Jured. '
A Detroit woman passsnger who refused
. '.1'
to give ber name was badly cut on the left
templa and suststned a smashed toot and
broken ankle. One of the clerks In ths
mall car was severely cut and bruised.
Many others were struck by flying spllnleri
or Jarred. The ' baggage and mall cars
landed in a field and were demolished.
Other cars ' were badly damaged. Both
sleepers are upelde down In a ditch. The
train 'was filled 'with passengers and that
no one was killed Is a miracle. Dr. Crls
more of Helena dressed the Injuries of
those hurt and they were taken to Toledo
In a special car.
TOLEDO, O., Feb. 13. The passengers In
jured in tbe wreck of the Pennsylvania
Vestlbuled train at Helena today arrived
here this evening. Those most seriously
Injured sre:
Harry Ruortay, baggageman; seriously
bruised and cut.
T. Oetger, post clerk; strained back.
Mrs. Hsroly Custerfleld of Detroit, bad
cut over eye."
Three May Die ns Resnlt of Accident
la Pennsylvania Col-
V . v. Hery. ' . ,
FOTTSVILIB, Pa., Feb. ,13. Eleven men,
three of whom may die, were Injured at the
Boston Run colliery, St. Nicholas, today la
being hoisted by mistake up the dumping
chute. The eertouely Injured are: ' '
William-Thomas condition critical. '
Owen Dunn, eplne and ribs frsctured,
probibly will die.
Joseph ' Rltzkue,' skull frsctured, Injury
probably fatal." 1
Joseph Francis, foot crushed. 1
John Davis, praises and lacerations.
Elmer Koch, lacerations of body.
The men on tbe wsy to work got Into a
"gunboat" to descend the slope Into the
mine. They gave the signal to be lowered,
but by mlatake the engineer started the
machinery the wrong way, and the car with
ita human freight started up the'trestled
slope to the dumping chute. The men
were rapidly hoisted to What seemed like
certain death. They clung to the side of
the csr aa -it n eared tha top ef tha plane
and . went over tbe knuckle, but were
unable to hold out when tbe "gunboat" was
turned -on-an angle of 90 degrees. They
went tumbling - down the chute and were
terribly cub and bruised.
The engineer, William Bevan, cannot be
found. (. .
General Miaager Bllekenaderfer of
Wheeling at Lake Rrle Net
. Serloasty Hart. .
CLEVELAND. Feb. 13. It Is now believed
that there will be no fatalities aa the result
of the wreck of the eastbound Cleveland
and New York ' special on the Erie road
near Warren, O., yesterday afternoon.
George Thomas of this city, who waa at
first thought to be fatally injured,- regained
consciousness during the night at the hos
pital at Youngstown, and It la now believed
be will recover. '.
Miss Cora James, also of Cleveland, who
was reported badly- injured,. Is doing well:
Mrs. M. Goldsmith Is only slightly Injured.
The condition of tbe other passengers In
jured In the wreck is said to be improving
by the physicians.- Trains are again run
ning over the westbound track at the acene
of the' wreck, but the eastbound tracks ara
not. yet cleared. . President Ramsey, whoso
private car was attached to tbe rear of the
wrecked .train, proceeded to New York late
last night with General Manager Bllckens
derfer of the Wheeling ft Lake Erie.-' The
injuries suststned by Mr. Bllckonaderfer are
not serious. The officials of tbe Erie, road
have as yet made 110 official .statement as
to the cause of the wreck...; Tbey .are- in
cltned to. the belief, however, that It was
caused by a broken wheel. or Journal.. ,
errant Arraigned In C'onrt for AI-
t - . .
, leged Robbery of His
NEW YORK;' Feb. I3.r-Danrel Donaldson,
known to Miss Helen- Gould ' as Daniel
O'Neill, her second butler, was arraigned
today and pleaded guilty of having robbed
Miss Gould's residence. He was formally
charged with stealing a combination opera
Brings the
Buyers and
Bet the Inatrumenta In motion. ' A
bigger cut for this week. Monday we
placed on sale some of the finest
pianos we have shown. The
prices are selling them the easy
terms 'we mate la the Inducement.
Pianos In mahogany cases, in oak
caaes. In ebony cases, with the latest
Improvements, with the Boston fall
board, three pedala, continuous
hinges, duet music desks, at ridic
ulously low prices. Think of buying
a -nn new. up-to-date piano for tttt,
1,118,. 1138. S138, 1158, (ITS. on payments
of 110 cssh and 15 per month, Then
see tha high grade planoa at 1227, 1247,
ajjd U7, , Jn. the moat beautiful
neera known, to piano makers' art
Come while they last
Our' matchless "Knabs" Planoa, tha
art "Kranlch 4 Bach" Planoa, '. tha
best known "KlmbalH Planoa and ths
sver reliable "Hallet Davis" Pianos
hava no equals. Then there ar six
teen other well known pianos to se
lect from, which ws offer at prices
unheard of In the past.
Wa also sell, ths greatest piano
player, the ' "Apollo." the best self
playing , piano attachment . In ths
world. Just a UtUe cheaper and on
easier Urma . thai) you can buy any
other for.
We aetl Piano Btoola. Piano Bcarfs.
We Rent Planoa. Tune Pianos, Re
pair Pianos.
A. Hospe
I5IJ I515 Douglas-Street
4,1. marine glass valued at $50, but Captsln
li'M of tbs detective bureau thinks ha
may have stolen as much aa $10,000 worth
of property.
Ths robbery took place while Miss Gould
was away on her recent tour of tbe wait.
The police bsve thus far recovered the fol
lewlbg articles: One Russian ssbla coach
robe, valued at $7,000 and pawned for $200;
a pair of opera glasses valued at $1M and
a pair of marina glume valued at $200.
Tbe akin ia tha aeat of an almost end
less variety of diseases. Tbey are knewn
by various names, but are all due to the
earn cause, acid and other poison in
the blood that irritate and interfere with
the proper action of the akin.
To have a emooth, aoft akin, free from
all eruptions, the blood must bt kept pure
aad healthy. The tnony preparationa of
arsenic and potash and the large number
of face -powders and lotiona generally
used in this class of diseases cover tip
for a short time, but cannot remove per
manently the ugly blotches and the red,
diafiguring pimples. . - - 1
Eternml vtgitanoo Im tho prktm
of m bomutltul complexion
when such remedies are relied on.
Mr. H. T. Shote. aS4 l.ueas Avenue, at. Louis,
Mo., aays : " My eaughler was afflitlrd for yearr
wHh dliSgurlag eruption oa her face, fVblcfc
ruined all treatment, fctie was taken to two
celebrated health spriags, bet received ao bene-
St. Maay snedwines were pnarrieeo, out wita-
out reault, until we decided to try 8.8 8 . aad by
the time the trsiboulewasenU'
nee 1
began to disappear.
A doaea bottles cured her
completely and left ber sal srctty smeoth.
Sae la now aeveataea years eld, asd sola signal
3x embarraaalris diteaae aaa aver returned
S. 6. S. ia a positive, unfailing cure for
the worst forms of skin troubles. It is
the greatest of all blood purifiers, and ths
only one guaranteed purcly,vegetable.
Bad blood makes bad couples-ions.
purines ana invigo
rates the old and
makes new, rich blood
that nourishes the
body , and keeps the
akin active arid healthy and in proper
condition to perform its part towards
carrying off the Impurities from the body.
If you have Ecrema, Tetter, Aene, Bait
Rheum, Psoriasis, or your akin is rough
and pimply, send for our book on Blood
and Un Diseases and write our physi
cians about your case. . No charge what'
ever for this service.
Most effective, agreeable and
reliable Toaic Stimulant for
Body, Brain and Nerves. Trj
it when fatigued or over
worked from any cause.
Malntatned its Reputation
"i.;" ifV during past,38 years VC -;
AllDrugiiist, ' Kc fuse Substitutes,'
WHITK DOVK CUKE never fain lo l-lror crav
ing (or ttrons drink, ths apnatile tar which cannot
rilit after ualns this remedy, ulvea In any llqulr
trlih or without knowledge of patient i taeleMiSle
Bhennaa McConnell, drugslaia, Ittb and tuUga
Famoua Western Drama,
Prices-Mat. 26c; 60c, 75c. Night, Ko,
80c, '76c, 11.00. . - '
Prices Mat., 25c, 6tx and 70c. Night.
26c. 60c, 76u and 11.00. Seats on sale.
Tha DUtrlbatioa. of !
will be resumed at
Prldav. Feb. 14. IttOK. at lull o. aa.
under tha direction pf a special committee
consisting of F. A. Nah, chairman; Oeo.
B. Pritchett, J am mi O. Wax tin, George C.
Towle and E. C. Page. .
Namely: Count John a: Creighton'a ivx)
cash donation, and the Nebraska Brewers
Asaoclstlon's donation of a' chest of Oor
ham Sterling Ullverware, 100 pleoea, will
Orst be given. ,
Then will follow the following:
The Paxton-Tnomas atandaxd bred colt,
"The Elav' . ,
The building and Traders Commlttes'e
1350 diamond brooch.
1 iiv v. yrm i vii.iii. .... m ...uiuiiu , 1 1 1 p ,
i The-fiinipson wagon. .
; The Deere carriage. -,
The Sharp Red f ox Robe.
The Court House Committee and the
John A. Kama Tailoring Company's tailor-made
suit. j, . -
The Uuckert ft McDonald custom mad
suit. .-;
FTk. Villi n.l.. mnA rtt.maa l I
(In setsi. imd the Union Pacific round trip
Bait Lake - ticket donated by the Under
writers' committee "-..
The Woolsteln Co., Bachelor' cabinet.
The. James t. Paxton AiiKora Quat, "Th
OolUen Horn," with harness and wagon.
And numerous ether smaller articles.
All other unsold articles will be disposed
pf at that time
BY AlCTIOJI Aanilaaloa Free,
' NOTE. Numerous small articles con
sisting of a child's red cap, veils, handker
chiefs, rubbers, found in the Elks Club
Rooms during, the fan, still remain un
claimed at the committee room. Klks Club.
Owners will pleas call for train.
, ' TELEPHONE 1511.
Matinees Wed., 8a t. and Sun.'
Every night this week, :1S. .
Tho Ornheun Road Show,
i'lrrtiur Martin -a.
' Mclntyre and HeaOi, Joe Welch. Elisa
beth Murray, W. cfT Flelda, The Union
Oatllng Ciuards of Omaha, L Agloa and
The Berenadur. Prices 10c, "vO. :.
MATiasSlfl lUUtt-lOa aad SO.
Kntlre Week. Includlna Baturdav Kvenliu.
the boxing wonder, vs. TERRY MU8
In four friendly rounds. -
Saturday night; FRANK ' MAYO
BILLY IIALfcY of South Omaha.
SUNDAY MAT. In Oay Paris burlaaquera.
Og-ea every e-reeiaa.
lat Faraaaa Street.
We have Juat received a full stock of the
new Edition Records, and lhey are tha
UKEAT&bT SURPRISE ever made in the
Every one Is cordially Invited to call aad
hear these new Prooaa Reourds.
Talking machines at ail price.
try jvynii