Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Vast lidi Opsisd Hsrs Will B lilt On
ts Chicago
Omaha Commercial flab, So "aye
Army Officer, Is gkootlna- la Iha
Dark oa (onmlmrr op-
ply Proposition.
The information given out In regard to
toe open In of bids at Omaha for supplying
beats for tha Phillpplns Islands was incor
reet In one or two details. Tba bids will be
epened at Omaha today and tba lowest
bid will be sent to Chicago with a recom
mendation by the commissary officer at
Omaha, This bid will ba compared with tha
lowest blda received at Chicago and Kansas
City and tha lowest bidder will receive tha
In tha opinion of representatives of tha
tommlssarr department there la too much
Importance attached to tha opening of bida
In Omaha for this claas of material. "You
aee," said he, "that tha largest packing
bouses at South Omaha are managed by
men who are also Interested In Chicago.
In that city they hare all arrangements
made for the apeclal work required on this
class of meat. It will be easy for them to
teep the work in Chicago by arranging their
ida so that the Chicago house will have the
lowest one.
"The Commercial club aeema to be shoot
ing la the dark on the question of commis
sary auppllea in Omaha. What would do
the jobbers more good than anything elae
would be to have restored to this city the
Kinshasa of atorea previously bought at
la point.
"A short time ago we bought all of the
ommlaaaiT atorea required in the depart
ment at Omaha and also purchased for
otne of the posts in other departments.
Mow we only buy In Omaha for Forte
Crook, Meade, Niobrara and Robinson. The
uppltes for Forte Riley and Leavenworth,
the two largest posts In the department,
and for Forts Reno, Bill and Logan H.
Roots are purchased either at- Kansas City
r BL Lools. It may be well that this Is
ton, for theee cities are nearer the posts,
put there is no such an excuae for another
change which haa been made. We used to
buy auppllea In Omaha for Forta D. A. Hus
Sell and Douglas. Today they are bought
In Chicago and shipped through Omaha to
their destination. Wa now buy for only
tour posts at Omaha, where we formerly
bought for nine, and this la the business
Which the Commercial club should look
after. It aeema to me. The packers will
take care of the meats. If they can get
them out cheaper in South Omaha than In
Chicago they will probably do It, and If
the award la made for Omaha it would not
be surprising to see the meat prepared in
the Chicago housea and ahlpped to thla
4ty." ,
). Faal Mts Highly Pleased wit a
Reception Given Them In
r '
This City,
Omaha hospitality la marked high in
l Paul, while Kansas City haa been put
flown in the Minnesota capital aa a very
ahllly proposition. Upon the return of
the committee of the St. Paul Commercial
club from lta trip to Kansaa City and
Omaha the St. Paul Dispatch reports:
The committee waa treated better by far
8n Omaha than in Kansaa City, though
their atay -waa longer in' the Missouri
town. It Is not in the amount of amuse
ment and entertainment offered in the two
el tied that this conclunlon is reached, but
in the warmth and seal of entertainers In
making visitors feel at home.
The newspaper then goes on to relate
the chilly reception given the visitors at
Kansaa City, and adds:
Things were different In Omaha. The
train waa expected at o'clock, in the
morning and a delegation of half a dosen
leading men was waiting at the depot aa
It pulled In. The aamo men and aa many
more gave a breakfast to the Mlnnesotans
at a first-class hotel. Omaha businens
men gave freely of the time in explaining
their progress in getting an auditorium.
More than that, some fifty of them sat
down to lunch with tha visitors at the
Commercial club. They were prominent
buslnees leaders and men of affairs, in
cluding Charles Pickens, manager of the
Paxton-Oellagher company; Thomas Fry.
Eanager of the Booth Packing company;
r. Weller, of the Richardson Drug com
pany; Mr. Rector, of the Rector-Wflhelmy
company; George Kelley, O. D. Klpllnrw.
Ferdinand Haarman and J. A. Sunderland.
Most painstaking of the Omaha people
Was President F. H. Sanborn of the audi
torium board of directors; O. W. Hoobler.
rotary of the board. John E. Utt. sec
retary of the Commercial club, and J.
frank Carpenter, lta president, were alao
eager to enow good wllL
City Electrician Sohnrl Asserts that
Provisions of Ordinances Are
Strictly Bnforeed.
OMAHA. Feb. 11 To the Editor of The
Bees Replying to a suggestion made in
The Bee relative to atrlct enforcement of
the electrical ordinances, insofar aa the
Inspection of wiring ia concerned, I wish
to stater that this la being done by the
electrical department. No building plao
ing wires or electrical appliances therein
can be aupplled with current without a
thorough Inspection of such appliances and
wiring. In fact, during the period of con
Structlon an Inspector ia kept constantly
M the ground.
Wtthln the laat throe months a thorough
Inspection, of electrical appliances in all
fcotels, stores, warehouses and almllar
buildings haa been made, and where de-
toots were found they were reported to the
frwners,' with requests for Immediate re
City Electrician,
Banana for Lean Than Bight Dollars
Cnnntered by One tor FIN
teen Thnnsnnd.
A bill of $7.83 haa brought into existence
a counter claim for 116,000, the latter In the
guise of a claim for damages. Robert Botka
baa aued George A. Hoagland for that
mount because, he alleges, Hoagland had
s-sported, him to the Credit, Reterence and
Trust company aa designedly and dishon
estly refusing to pay a bill for the amount
first mentioned and thereby prevented his
getting a large building Antrart later.
Judge Estelle haa dismissed the case for
lack of evidence that Hoagland ia really a
party to the autt.
tlrely a question of commencing the proper
treatment in time. Nothing la so wall
adapted to ward off fatal lung troubles aa
0f aouwy ana a sr.
Xxrnde Tart, Ken. is, Uoyd s Theater.
Those wlehlng to attend the lecture, "A
Gllmpae of a Sculptor's Studio," next Tues
day evening should reserve seate by Friday
evening. February 14th. at 60 city hall.
- The teachera begin making tkelr reserva
tions Saturday morning. Seats, 50 cents.
Three or four hundred good seats left.
Sand artloles of Incorporation, notices of
stockholders' meetings, etc, to The Bse.
We will give them proper legal Insertion.
Bee telephone, 133.
Shampooing and hair dressing. 16c at Tha
bather;, Xlt-aZ fie SuUdlB Tel. UU.
S .BOO Pair Men's Pants, tke Entire
Stack of n New York Maaaf aetarer.
This Is the opportunity of a lifetime to
purchase high grsde men'a panta at less
than half the cost to manufacture. Our
purchase of the wholesale manufacturers
entire stock of men's pants enablea us to
offer you the following extraordinary bar
gains Saturdsy:
ALL $5.00 MEN'S PANTS AT $1.98.
We also offer for Saturday
Boston Store, Omaha.
King Mnrphy Telle Insnnlfy Board
He Hna Aeeeaded Close '
te God.
On an Insanity warrant a worn out by hla
wife, Charles K. Murphy, more generally
known aa "King" Murphy, which name ba
used In advertising his dally balloon aacen
slons at Manawa last summer and at South
Omaha on New Year's day, waa taken be
fore Dr. Tllden and the insanity board yes
terday morning. The board after examination
was inclined to believe that the warrant
waa justified, but gave Murphy into the
custody of his brother and mother, who
asked the privilege of caring for htm at
their home in South Omaha and who will
send him to a sanitarium for a time if pos
The aeronaut haa conceived the Idea that
hla ascensions have taken him near to God
and that now God haa become a special
guardian of hla person and given him the
power to rule his balloon by the simple
exertion of his mind. The doctors concede
that his aerlQl trips may have proved too
great a nervous (train and aided hla de
A Popalnr Work on Natnral History
Containing n Taoasnnd Photo-
graphs from. Natnre.
Once upon a time geographies and books
of natural history were illustrated with pic
tures or wild beasts that never were on
sea or land. They bore the names of
actual animals, but were evolved like the
German professor's elephant from the ar
tist's Inner consciousness. When museums
of natural history came Into being these
grotesque fancy sketches gave place to pic
tures made from stuffed specimens, which
were less interesting than the old. wood
cuts, but truer to the life aa true to life
as the picture of a dead beast could pos
sibly be. Then came the artist, who was
g hunter also, and could draw a wolf, for
instance, that the wolf's family would
praise for lta likeness and critics who had
never seen a wolf would admire as a spir
ited work of art. Witness the rise of
Seton-Thompson and the vogue of "Wild
Animals I Have Known." But now comes
the photographer with his kodak and the
snapshot, ahowlng the atag at bay, the
wildcat leaping, the rattlesnake colled to
strike, bids fair to supplant, for practical '
purposes, the handiwork of the cleverest
artist. So mighty a nlmrod aa President
Roosevelt has come out in favor of the
hunter who bunta with the camera only.
especially in the United States, where the
big game that was once abundant la now on
the highroad to extermination.
It is the use of the camera that gives lta
great and unique value to "Living Animals
of the World," a popular work on natural
history, of which Messrs. Dodd, Mead ft
Co.- have Just begun the publication. The
text of this elaborate work, though scien
tifically accurate, la written in a thor
oughly popular style, but Its Interest is
dwarfed by the extraordinary attractive
ness of the lustrations. Each of tba
twenty-four sections is to have a colored
cover and frontispiece,, several full-page,
half-tone platea and many smaller pic
tures, all reproducing photographs taken
direct from the birds,- beaata and fishes
they portray. To have filled a volume
with plcturea of domestle animals only
would have been a simple task, but many
mem here of tha cat family, of the dog
family and of other subdivisions of the
world's fauna exist only in a wild state
and hava had to be tracked to their re
spective lairs. The South Sea islands, the
Interior of the Australian continent, the1
jungles of India, the wilds of South Amer
ica, the plains and mountains of tbe
United States and tbe desolate wastes of
Arctic America have been Visited by the
devotees of science and aport, who have
returned laden not only with pelts and car
casses, but dry platea and films.
The supply of photographic material
drawn upon for this monumental work
waa virtually unlimited. The ducheas of
Bedford waa .among the moat liberal con
tributors to It slid so waa Hon. Walter
Rothschild, for whom photographs have
been made In all parts of tbe world. One
of the pictures shows Mr. Rothschild him
self with a silk bat on bis bead, riding
one of his enormous tortoises; another
ahowa bta four-in-hand of sebraa broken to
harness. Several of tbe views of wild ani
mals taken by Lord Delamers in Africa
with a telephoto lens gives vivid glimpses
of life in tbs Jungle,
There is something new and startling in
the sight of Hons, leoparda. baboons, gi
raffes, rhinoceroses and sebras caught In
the act, aa It were. In the heart of their
native wilds, v Not the least curious and
valuable of the pictures are those of fishes
in their natural surroundings, actually
takes from water. In sea and stream. For
these the editor la Indebted to Dr. R. W.
Shufeldt of Washington.
Some of the beat plates were made at
tbe New York, "soo;" others at the Eng
lish and continental sqotoglcal gardens,
while others still were obtained from the
owners of prlvats game preserves and from
the directors of the publio collections ot
Europe. Aa element of humor appears In
tbe pictures ot Carl Hagenbeck's trained
animals performing their feats and ot
orang-outangs and other apes at play.
Though the strength of the work may be
eald to He In its presentation of wild ani
mals photographed In their habitat, tbe ed
itor baa not disdained to introduce museum
specimens where plcturea ot living crea
tures were not to be had. Ia thla way the
work haa a completeness which otherwise
could not have been obtained. At It stands
it Is an unrivalled portrait gallery ot
furred, finned and feathered animals. Tha
Illustrious number 1,000 and fill, with the
text, 850 quarto pages. '
The work will be Issued vtn twenty-four
weekly parte at tbe nominal price of 10
cents per section, or 16 cents by mall.
Parts 1, I and S now ready at tbe office of
The Omaha Bee.
B.OO for n Half, n Day'a Wtrk.
If you live In tbe country or In a small
tows and have a good acquaintance among
the farmers and stockralsers la the neigh
borhood, you can make IS easily by four
or five hours' work. Write us and we will
send you our proposition. Tbe Bee Publish
ing company. Solicitors' Dept.. Omaha, Neb.
1)1 KD.
MORR1SSEY Marie, aged IT years and 11
Kuuoral Friday morning. February 14, at
. from family reeVienoa. 1HK Houta
Thirty-second avonue. to Hi. Feter s church.
Interment Holy OvtHiioher vemslory,
yrtattda lavHoq. ' . .
Attorstj Cssisll Will Tils it ii Inprtmt
Osirt Next Tnstdaj.
Conncllman Haseall Annonneea Hla
Intention at Going to Lincoln to
Hear the A.-atnrnt la the
Mandamus Proeeedlags.
City Attorney Connell Is engaged in pre
paring his answer to the application ot two
members of tha Real Estate exchange for
an alternative writ of mandamus requiring
the city council to either reconvene as a
board of equalisation or show cause why it
should not do so.
"The answer will be similar In matter to
tbe answer 1 made to the ' injunction pro
ceeding before Judge Dickinson, but differ
ent In form," said he. "It will probably
ba ready by Saturday night, but it won't
be presented before next Tuesday, Febru
ary 18, as that is the day set for arguing
the motion before the supreme court.
Nothing would be gained by filing It before,
because the court wouldn't take It up be
fore .that time. I shall go to Lincoln for
thla purpose Monday."
Councilman Haseall has also signified hla
Intention of going to Lincoln, to be present
during the argument of the case.
Fire and Police Commlsatonere Set
Next Wednesday aa Date
for Trial. (
The Board of Fire and Police Commis
sioners met yesterday morning and set the
time tor hearing the John Redell case for
Wednesday, February 18, at 10 a. m. Mayor
Moores, Commissioners Frank A. Kennedy
and M. H. Collins, City Attorney Connell
and Clerk, Klerstead were present. Com
missioner Kennedy Introduced a resolution
to the effect that the chargea against Re
dell, as chief of the fire department, be
heard on the above date, and mentioned
"the complaints made and filed with thla
board by John W. Bruder, and also the
charges and specifications made and filed
against him as such chief by Fred J. Bug
bee, and also the chargea made and filed
against him by Martin J. Dineen and about
eighty-one other firemen," as tbe Indict
ments which will be heard and investigated
on that date.
. . Tbe clerk was Instructed to serve written
notice upon Redell and his three attorneys.
Tbe board waa informed that, at last ac
counts. Redell waa out of the city, having
gone to New York to attend the funeral of
a brother. The hearing will be held
whether or not Redell is present.
The attorneys for Redell are undecided
as to their future course in the matter of
tbe hearing. C. C. Wright, one of the at
torneys, said: "Mr. Redell la In Chicago,
but we expect him to return today or- to
morrow. We will then decide what to do.
For my part, I do not see what we can
gain by going before the board. However,
Mr. Redell'a desire and the advice ot coun
sel will govern the matter."
Doing Good.
A great deal of good is being done in all
parte - of ' the -country by Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. The moat flattering testi
monials have been received, giving accounts
of its good work, of aggravating and per
sistent coughs that have yielded to its
soothing effects, of severe colds that have
been broken up by lta use, of threatened at
tacks of pneumonia that have been warded
off and ot dangeroua cases of croup that
it has cured. The great popularity and ex
tensive sale of this great preparation can
not be a. surprise to snyone who is ac
quainted with its good qualities. Use it
when you bavs need of aucb a remedy and
it will do you good. For sale by all drug
gists. Announcements of the Theaters.
Innes and his band will be seen at the
Boyd Sunday matinee and night and Mon
day matinee and night. A apeclal pro
gram haa been arranged for Omaha by, Mr.
Innes because of hla close relationship to
the Omaha public gained during the late
exposition. Included In hla program . are
scenes (not in costume) from popular
grand operas. Miss Boyden and Slgnorlna
Borght are still soloists with the band, aa
are Zerl and Kryl, the cornetlst. The an
vil chorus is a big feature. "Old Glory,"
by Baetens, a local composer, will be given
during the engagement.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 26c, at Tha
Batbery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716..
Publish your legal notices In The Weekly
Bee. Telephone tit.
The. building now occupied by tbe Guar
antee Clothing Co., 1616-18 Capitol Ave.,
haa been leaaed to the Anderson-Millard
Co., who will occupy same after April 1st
with a line of carriages and harness. This
leaves the Guarantee Clothing Co. only a
few "more.weeka to get rid of what Is on
hand. You all know this stock constats of
staple and reliable wearing apparel for
men and boys. The Guarantee has estab
lished a large business by their honest
business methods. This is a rare chance
for you to aave money on just aucb goods
aa you sow need to protect you from tbe
cold. Cotton Flannel Glovea, 6c a pair.
Leather or Woolen Gloves or Mitts tor
men or boys, 16c. Mackintoshes, 85o. Rub
bers, 25c a pair. Chinchilla Overcoats,
with fur collars and cuffs, $5.00. Storm
Ulsters, 13-88. Better ones, $1.75. Galo
way Fur Coats, $9.80. Men's Duck "Coats,
60c Rubber Boots, $L60. Ear Muffs, Be.
Undershirts, heavy fleece lined, S6c. Good
Shirts, large' variety,' 25c. Choice of a big
bunch of Men'a 8uita, former prices $7.80
and $10.00, now your pick, $5.00. (Remem
ber when we say they were worth $10.00
that means $10.00). Corduroy Coate, $2.80.
Men'a and boys' Winter Caps, to close, 15c
Pants very cheap. Another big anap Is a
lot of dress and work ahoea pick for 76o.
Duck Ulsters, with sheepskin collars, $2.80.
Plenty ot similar bargains. The way we
are situated, having to vacate March Slst,
is what compela us to make this slaughter.
The Guarantee Clothing Co., 1616-18 Capitol
Ave., near Bennett'a.
A GOOD FELLOW, loved and honored by
bla people, and so ia Shrader'a Pig Powder
a good medicine, recommended by honest
and upright people for such tils aa Chronic
Constipation, Liver and Kidney Complaints,
Lead Poison, Gall 8tonea, Dyspepsia, Ca
tarrh of the Stomach, and all Ills ariaing
from alvine poison and constipation. No
medicine but Shrader'a Fig Powder can
remove alvine poison try a 10a box. Bold
by all druggists in 10c and 26c boxes.
Manufactured by x
W. J. Shradar Medina Co.,
A fc'ew York and Omaha,
, i.
priday is Remnant Day
Today we will place on sale many new shipments of
mill remnants of both foreign and domestic manufacture.
Wash fabrics of every description are included the
lengths are very desirable patterns are new and beauti
ful and the prices are just about half of what they are
Today we will sell one
big counter of very fine lace
striped and checked white
goods at 10c yd., worth 23c.
One counter fine Scotch
gingham at 6Jc yard.'
One counter finest corded'
gingham, 8Jc yard,
One counter fine 40c mer
cerized gingham, 12Jc yard.
, One big lot fine dimity,
10c yard.
One counter 50c mercer
ized sateen at 15c yard.
One counter short lengths
of all kinds of the very finest .
lawns at 2c yard.
One counter all kinds of
India linens, 40-in. wide, 5c.
25c Dress Goods Remnants 10c Silk Remnants 3c 5c, 10c Each
An Immense lot ot mill remnants of
all kinds ot henrietta, cashmere.
' cheviots and serges in
. lengths from I to 7 yds..
regular 25c goods, at
50c Dress Goods Remnants 19c
Today we. will close out our en
tire accumulation ot all kinds ot
dress goods, . short lengths, - dress
lengths and .skirt lengths, all wool
dress goods that aold up to 60c, at
19c yd.. In this lot we also include
all tbe dress goods sample i
ends that match, 4 and
5 of. a klnd go at
Dress Goods Remnants 5c Each
Dress goods remnants of' every de
scription, oB$ yard in length, that
have been selling op to 26c, to close
them out Quick, we pyt
give you 'cho!oe today, '; , f C
ai. .each
A Piano Sale
The entire wholesale piano stock of
Jas. T. Reerdoh Co. of New Tork
on aale now at
Schmoller & Mueller's,
175 'beautiful standard pianoa, com
prising all makes and all atylea, are
now offered at prices that put all
previous piano sales Into Insignifi
cance. Brand new Upright Pianoa,
In rosewood, mahogany, flemish oak,
bird's-eye ' maple,- Italian and Hun
garian ash cases, regular prlcea $360,
1400, 460 and $600, are now offered
and aold at flM. $137, $149, $16 and
P. . ,
Terms; $10 Gash and $5
Per Month.
These beautiful instruments are
fully guaranteed by the makers and
by us and are made with all the latest
We are the sole agents for ths cele
brated Stelnway, A. B. Chase, Voaa,
Stager, Emerson. Steck, Maaon A
Hamlin and Marshall A Wendell
Pianoa, the oldeat makea in the
United States. Call and pay us a
visit of Inspection, whether you wish'
to buy or not.' If unable to call, send
tor catalogues, prices and terms. It
will pay you.
'The largest piano bouse In the west.
1313 Fsrnam St.. Omaha
Telephone 1625.
502 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
. Telephone 386. y
Food Inspector.
ii. l n&n&ccioni, d. y. s.
h v
One big table apron check
ed gingham, 2Jc yard.
One . big counter un
bleached muslin, 2c yard.
One counter bleached mus
lin, 2Jc yard.
All the balance of our out
ing flannel remnants, 5c yd.
One counter very fine
dotted dress swiss, the 25c
kind, at 12c yard.
One big counter Drum
mer's samples of unbleached
table damask, just the thing
for napkins, at 2Jc each.
And hundreds of other
bargains in the basement
An Immense lot of Imported samples
of high grade silks will be closed
- nut tnmnrmv mt
"n,af... ..:...3c-5c-10c
New Mousseline de Sole 29c Yd
Today we place on sale for the
first time the grandest lot of dotted
and fancy silk mousseline de sole
they come in lengths from 2 to 6
yds., but a great many pieces to
match none worth lesa
than 60c yd your
choice today, at, yd..
Embroidery. Remnants
One immense lot ot Drummer's
. samples ot all kinds of
embroidery, at,
One big lot of sample pieces of all
kinds ot embroidery . yoklngs,
fiounclngs, etc., suitable for ties,
apron strings and f
hundreds of other pur
poses, at, yard ..,
nwswismiiWBrivriinaii milium n j irim-n imni v ,wm
to get our famous EGYPTIAN LOTUS
CREAM at 5c PER BOTTLE will be next
Saturday, or. our USEFUL, SPECIALTY
day, as you remember, we have told you
we will nave a special useful article sale
every Saturday. It la a great Biiccees and
we notice some of the PARROT DRUG
GISTS are already TRYING to imitate
us on this point, as they have TRIED on
previous occasions. We wonder if THEV"
will sell Lotus Cream for 4o per bottle
next Saturday?
vie Cramer s Kidney Cure (genuine).... 4hs
$1.00 Peruna,, one to a customer, 57o
ii. w i urry a Malt wniskey 73c
$1.00 Wine Cardul 4to
26c Laxative Bromo Quinine 13c
2fio Quinacetol. best for colds 2to
$1.00 Sexine Pilia 750
$1.00 Dr. Pierce's Remedies 67a
$2.00 Cramer a Pennyroyal Pills $1.00
1-lb. Jar Lleblg Extract Beef il.25
$1.09 Parisian Hair Tonic 750
50c King's New Discovery "350
$1.00 Newbro's Herplclde 680
l ei. 747. . W. Cor. lOih and Catenae.
Goods ftellvsrcd FREB to any oart at city.
Especial attention given to
Bright, fresh, clean coal carefully
screened ' with prompt, efficient de
livery. G. 8. HAVENS & CO.,
1922 Farnam 8t.
Telephones 301. 17 3 and 82S
A "Model
Doctor's Office
Most doctors find tt convenient
to have evening or Sunday ofDoa
hours. Patients can hardly walk
up stalra at aucb times.
The Bee Building
has all night and Suaday elevator
service. Water and gas, as well
as electric light are la each room.
The rooms are all light and our
offices are most attractive. Rsata
are no higher than is inferior
R. C Peters & Co.,
Rental Afeecy.
Grosnd Floor, Bee Bslldlnf.
should be in every
bouse tbess winter
daya. It's good for
Croup, Pneumonia,
and lt'a tbe only thing to cure a cough or
atop a cold. Ouly 25c at all drug stores.
A Whole t arlnail or Remnants tit
Ilka, Dallas; Flannels. Percales and
-the whole will h nlared on Banal
Dealdrs Remnants we will hnve pe
bolt. Do not biIm these sales. Ion
' Tim Peddlers, Dealers or Masafselsrera Sold In This Room.
Remnants of full standard prints,. In nice
long lengths, worth 6c, 6c and 7o yard, dark
and light colors, 2Hc.
Simpson's Black and White and Silver
Gray, the finest gooda made, will go at 4c.
$6-In. fine Imported Percales In remnants
ot dark and light colors, from $ to 10 yards,
several pieces to match, no limit, all go at
Beyard. a
Percales In bolt of the yard. In Windsor,
Arnold, Oarner, first quality goods, worth
16c, 19o and 25c yard, all you want at 7 Vic
Simpson's Fancy Sateens, as fine as silk,
In all tbe new spring shados, from 6 to IS
yards in piece, and are sold regularly at
llttc and 15c,. 6Hc
Black sateen, by the yard, fine quality.
2-ln. wide, regular 16c quality, on sale at
te yard.
Skirting Sateen, nice, fancy stripes, worth
19c yard, will gu at 7Vc.
Nice n9W remnants of Scotch Ginghams
In stripes, checks, etc, worth 12Vic yard,
all you want of them at 6V4c yard.
2,000 yards of remnants of apron checks.
all colors, worth 60 yard, will be on sale as
long as they last, for Friday only, at 2ttc
Remnants of Bilks at 2c. 8c, 6c, 7c, 10c.
16c and 25o, from goods 'worth up to 69c yd.
Silks Skirts Uads Free
of Charge
Big sale on black silk Friday and Satur
day, and we will make any of these apeclal
Heme in plain, lined skirt free of charge:
Black taffeta. 27-ln. wide, worth $1.25,
for $1.00. '
Black taffeta, 88-in. wide, worth $1.76,
for $1.25. .....
Black taffeta, 64-in. - wide, -worth $3.00,
for $3.00. ,..'.... - ,
Black peau de aole, worth $1.60, on sale
at $1.00.
Black peau de sole, worth $1.76, on sale
at $1.25.
Black sole, worth $2.00, on sals
at $1.60. -
We are showing - the new black Moire
silks, black brocades, black ' armure, bril
liant and many other late weavea at $1.00,
$1.25 and $1.60. "
A ' magnificent line of new black grena
dines, all double width and In beautiful de
signs, all ' the very fine t grades, at $1.00,
$1.25, $160. 11.75, $2.00 and :
Skirts Made Free
Plain lined skirts made free ot all charge,
provided goods -are bought In our high
. " l :;tf.- 1
p (
life H I
our new stock of stationery we are closing out our lines of discontinued num
i at one-half factory prices laO sheets of tine stationary with envelopea to match
Knsm at fir
for 6oc and 75c
Jewelers snd Art " and Douglas it.
f fall oaara Mall orders given careful attention. Seleo
aiau vaer pauagM seat te reaponalt,! partUa,
Strong Points
of the Omaha Special
Hlah Brads of lena compact In form
elegance of flniah. Thla inatrument
is made for us by the Rochester Opti
cal Co.. snd Is fitted with a Bau.h
A Loirib double recilllndar lens with
Improved shutter, reverslb'-e back, tele
photo attachment and solid leather
carrying case.
List price, 4x6 sise, $14.00. We havs
all leading makes of
Kodaks and Cameras
Write to us for Information and
prices before purchasing.
Robert Dempster Co.,
1215 Farnam St.
ind Retail Dealers
Photo Siippll-..
litUuAlJl DAY
Prints, Dlmltlea, ateens. Dress Goods,
thoosnnde ef different kinds ot a-oeda
n "qnnrea at trifle of their vnlne.
rlnl Sales on nil other roods ot -the
will he sorry It yen do not eeeae
Extra heavy LU Muslin, yard wide, worth
c, 4c.
Fine, yard wide. Bleached Muslin, 4c '
lOo Towels, 6c.
60 Cotton Diaper Toweling, Sc.
16c Sllkoline Drapery, 7 He.
19o Art Denim, 10c.
Remnants of 25c, 60o snd 76o dress goods,
all mixed up on one large square, several
pieces to match, at a yard, for Friday only,
$10.00 Dress Patterns, for entire pattern,
$s.$. '
$7.50 Dress Pal terns for $2.M.
$5.00 Dress and Skirt Patterns examine
these, they are genuine bargains $1.98.
Apron checks, blue only, 4c.
64- in. Broadcloth, worth $1.00 yard, 49c.
65- ln. Suitings, worth $1.60, 49c.
42-In. French Serge, all colors, 15e,
36-In. Henriettas, all colors, 26c
S-in. Lining Silk, worth 60c, 19o.
32-ln. all wool Tricot dress gooda, 29 0.
S2-ln. Plaids, worth 12HC 6o,
Remnants of 6c linings. Sc.
Remnants of 15c and 19o Dlmltlea, 10c.
Remnants ot 19c Linings, 6c
We have also specials on ladles' Fasci
nators, etc., worth up to 75c, 16c
Underwear, worth 60c, 26c
Neckwear, worth 26c, 10c,
And thousands of other bargains too
numerous to mention. Come early, aa the
crowds are large and best goods picked out.
grade dress goods department and coat not
less than $1.00 per yard. For full par
ticulars Inquire in our dress goods depart
ment. Grocery Prices That Cut
Large sacks pure rye flour, 48c.
Large sacks pure buckwheat flour, SSa, '
6 lbs. hsnd-plcked navy beans, 19a,
S lbs. breakfast rolled oats, 15c
I lbs. Pearl bomlny, 13c.
1-lb. can cove oysters, 7Hc. "
S-lb cans fancy garden beets, 7V4c
Burnham's hasty Jellycon, per pkg., 7V4a.
1-lb. cans blood red ealmon, 12Hc
Oil sardines, per can, 34c
Large California prunes, per lb., 4e,
Fancy Italian prunes, per lb., 7c
Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb., 9c.
Choice evaporated raepberrlesi 25a.
Valentines Almost Given
, Away Friday
Closing out svery valentine in tha house
regardless of price. None carried over.
All will be aold. A chanoe to get ths finest
I novelties at remarkably low figures.
iilMu LyJlelixls
Of 1,800 STYLISH SUITS ind
That sold during tbe regular season at
116. $18 and $20, for only $10.
THH OVERCOATS are cut long and full
and are fine pure wool kerseys, frieses and
oxford gray vicunas, perfectly made.
THE) SUITS are pure worsteds, esssl
merea and vicunas, with military shoulders
and shape retaining front.
The balance of the P.' B. Halght A Co.
clothing stock, bought at 25e oh tba dollar,
will be cloaed out this week, regardless of
' eost or value.
Men's $10 ulsters go at $3.85.
Boys' $1.60 odd long panta for 60c
Boys' $2.60 odd long panta tor 86c.
Men's $12.60 fias overcoats at $5.00.
Men's $18 kersey overcoats tor $7.60.
Men's $15 worsted sulta for $8.86. )
Boys' $2.50 and $3.60 all wool knee panta
suits, in doubls breasted style, vestes and
Norfolk styles, at 95c
Boys' $5.00 to $7.50 very' fine Norfolk and
manly suits, alaea S to 10, en sale tor $l.t
and $2.85.
Boys' $2.50 chinchilla reefers at 86c
Boys' $4.60 fins overcoats at $1.86.
T5o to $1.60 odd knes panta tor 26c and
& Ryan Co..
Lump I S5.75
and j a
Egg J Ton
Jut a
A high grade coal at a medium prion.
H aid & Rice
Tel. 1238.
606 So. 16th
signature is on every bos of the geaalae
Laxative uromoQuinine Tablets
the rented thai eeurea cola lax en day.