Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Ktnrj Karmai ii Eoum f Ctmmtii
. Cbjacw U Saw Tmty.
It Ti Omt Briuli t K !
tha Jaia-nts Peliey.
Conservatives de-
It Vttta Itirtj Appwal i
Mi America.
tSs-Attoraey General Grin; Com
paend th Treaty a Carrying Oat
i Principle at American
ll;ri Diploma.
lONDON, Feb. 11 The parliamentary
Keretary of foreign affairs. Lord Crsn
rne, replying in the Home of Common
today -to "Henry Norman (liberal), who
Baked whether the Anglo-Japanese treaty
Of alliance waa communicated to the United
States government before Its text was pub
lished, and, tf so, whether the government
of the United States expressed any opinion
thereon, said the substance of the agree
inent was communicated to the United
State government before publication. The
united Btates did not express any opinion
On the subject.
Lord Cranborne added the Information
that Manchuria was no more excluded from
the scope of the agreement than any other
province of the Chinese empire. The sub
ptance of the agreement. Lord Cranborne
aid. was also communicated to Germany.
Mr. Norman said he objected to the
'Anglo-Japanese treaty on the around that
It - waa evidently an anti-Russian -threat
and that It tied Great Britain to the
wheele of Japanese policy In such a way
that It might be forced to go to war against
Its own interests.
Made for Mutual Defense.
Lord Cranborne explained that the con
tracting parties were only bound to un
dertake mutual defense of their interests
When the danger was due to the aggression
of others, and the power called upon to
belp the other must Judge whether the con
flltion of the treaty have been observed.
The liberal leader, Bir Henry Campbell
Bannerman, thought that the Identical in
terests of Great Britain, the United States
and Japan could have been sufficiently se
cured by an Interchange of notes Instead
Of by an explicit undertaking of this kind
The government leader, A. J. Balfour,
said there seemed to be an impression that
Something hostile to peace was behind the
agreement. That was not so. The treaty
was not based on secret information of lm
sending dangers, but on the broad facts of
British interests. The treaty made
atrongly for peace, because even the most
adventurous nation would ahrink from at
J tacking "Japan, with' tho knowledge -that
' Great Britain would alao have , to be en
countered. The treaty waa not unfriendly
In other nations. It would. Mr. Balfour
hoped, have a sobering effect on the con
tlnental schools of thought, which Imper
, lied the world's peace. An Interchange of
notes would have resulted in ambiguity,
Ha Violence ta Other Powers.
The foreign secretary, Lord Lansdowne,
in the House of Lords today made a some
what similar reply on tha subject of the
new dual alliance to the one made in the
House of Commons by Lord Cranborne.
Lord Lansdowne added that nothing In the
aarsement did violence to the accepted
policy of the other powers. 80 far as the
treaty concerned tne integrity 01 vmua,
Manchuria must be taken as forming part
of the Chinese empire. The object of the
alliance was the three-fold the mainte
nance of the status quo, the policy of the
open door and the maintenance of peace in
the far east.
No powers in this, the far east, were at
all comparable with those of Great Britain
and Japan While it waa true that all al
liances of Great Britain with other powers
had been regarded with considerable us
1 oiclon,. he frankly averred that the govern
ment was not going to be deterred by these
facts. They aaw on all sides a tendency of
the great powers to form groups and ever
Increasing naval and military armaments.
Involving ever-increasing burdens on the
people. '
W11 Becomes Spasmodic.
In these dsya wars broke out with a
uddonness which wss not the case in
former years. 80 the country, adopting
without reservation the doctrine that all
alliance! must be avoided, must be en
dowed with extraordinary self-sufficiency.
Britons must not be swayed by old-fashioned
superstition in regard to Isolation,
hut must consider whether the objects of
ths alliance are commendable; whetLer the
prl:e la too great. If these questions are
satisfactorily answered, then the alliance
Is a good thing. There was much greater
danger In leaving questions of Interna
tional policy to a vague understanding
v than in embodying them publicly In an
Great Britain deslrid to preset Japan
kgaiust what it conceived to be the gravest
peril that might menace It, namely, a
coalition of the powers against it. The
agreement would compel Great Britain to
come to the rescue of a friendly country
whose obliteration by . a coalition of the
powers Great Britain could not, under any
circumstance, tolerate.. Tha treaty was
not connected with the government decision
regarding Wei Hal Wei. . The maintenance
of the independence of Japan and the Inde-pender-"
of Korea were of great importance
to Great Britain.
Beaehery Kapresae Approval
Lord Rosebery expressed approval of tha
treaty. Ha said that the effect of the treaty
would be felt In a greater part of Europe
Md in the reat of the civilised world.
Continuing, Lord Cranborne said Russia
had recognised Japan's special position In
Korea, by the agreement of 1S98 and almoit
very power had endorsed the principle, of
the ope a door and the territorial integrity
of Chiaa. The new treaty, therefore, was
merely along lines already accepted by al
most every power. Great Britain's commer
cial position In Chlaa was of the greateat
Importance and who could aay what its
Importance would become in the future with
Chlna'a Infinite capacity for expanalon?
Great Britain's commercial position, sl
though gveat, waa not unchallenged
Bpherai of influence did not auit it It
wanted the whole of China open to Indua
trial eaterprlae. 1 be . government was
hound ta take every care la safeguarding
Its commercial rights in the Orient. Jap
iCvaUaued on Beoond Faga-i
German Contend English Ambassa.
dor Knew of Proposed Pub
licity of Dispatch.
BERLIN,' Feb. 18. Referring to the ex
pression in the London press that the pub
lication of l)r. von Holeben'a dispatch of
April 15, 1898. was an unfriendly act
toward Great Britain, the German official
asert that, on the contrary, the British am
bassador here, Sir Frsnk C. Laseelles, was
Informed beforehand that the dispatch was
to be published and was assured that Ger
many meant nothing unfriendly to Great
Britain, but merely wanted to clear Its
own record.
. Regarding the Intimation In the London
papers that Great Britain could make it
unpleasant for Germany by publishing cer
tain documents, the officials here ssld:
""Ve have nothing to fear. No document
-this matter exists which could cause
t embarrassment.
The United Btate ambassador, Andrew
D. White, was interviewed on the subject,
but declined to express any opinion, ex
cept that the line of conduct revealed on
Germany'a part was entirely In accordanoe I
with all that had passed between the For-
elgn office and the United States embassy
during the Spanish-American war.
Mr. White said: I
The Oirnn envernment showed at that I
time, not a captious, , vatious neutrality
but a friendly neutrality, evidently feeling
that the war was Inevitable, and that to
Interfere would be folly.
The Kreuxe Zeltung, In an Inspired note I
concernlng the Spanish-American war con- I
troversy, ssld:
"Germany has spoken tha last word in the
Lord Fauncefole dispute. This step was
necessary and It has fulfilled its purpose, as
the British attempts to conceal and distort
the facts have now been properly revealed
The Kreuse Zeltung thinks that had
Great Britain seen the end it would
have thought twice before acting.
The paper concludes: "The world knows
that It Is not Germany who deserves re
proach for desiring to secure success by
double-tongued procedure in the domain of
world politics.
Determined Step I Taken by Em-
v 'peror William Against the
BERLIN, Feb. 13. Emperor William's re
cent conversation concerning Christian
Science and spiritualism seem to be bearing
fruit. The police authorities here, on the
emperor's orders, will Investigate "Eddy-
ism" to secure material for a public warn
ing In the matter. Emperor William has
also directed that inquiry be made among
prominent scholars regarding their views of
The authorities contemplate measures
against the spiritualists such as the hold-
log of public seances, and the prevention
of mediums falling Into trances for the
purpoae of communicating with spirits.
German Buy Importations
I ulted State Rnln Their
from I
BERLIN, Feb. 13. The Association , of
German Swine Breeders, which has as
sembled here, has discussed the scarcity of
hogs suitable for butchering. Ths general
secretary of the association, Herr Burk
bart, explained' that the 'unrestrained hn-
Dortatlon of American bacon and lard waa
completely ruining the German fattening
business and making Germany entirely de-
pendent on the hog markets of tbe United
States. Herr Burkbart also said the
Unlte.d State was also dictating prices and
the remedy was to make the Oerman hog
Independent of American com-
German Official Deny Report of
Kaiser' Decree to Vise
aaela. BERLIN, Feb 13. The Foreign office her
pronounced incorrect the statement, cabled
hence, that Germany la on the point of pre -
senting an ultimatum to Venesuela. On the
contrary, the outlook Is Improving and a
friendly settlement of the questions In die-
iute Is more probable. .
WILLEMSTAP. Feb. 13. It is asserted
that there la no foundation for the report
that Germany lntenda to present an ultl -
matum to Venezuela, aa a result of th
questions In dispute between the two coun
tries. The German cruiser Vineta has left
La Guayra, Venesuela, for Porto Cabello.
Lord Mlnto AUadea to the Royal
Reception . Tendered to
. Prince.
OTTAWA. Ont. Feb. 13. Parliament was
opened todsy with the usual ceremonies.
LorJ Mlnto, the governor general, in the
speech from the throne, alluded to the
royal visit of last year and ths cordial re-
ceptlon given to the prince and princess
of Wale. Tbe speech also expressed the
consideration of tbe people over tha as-
saaslnatlon of President McK'oley and a
bill ta promised similar to tbe one now be-
fore congress to punish more sdequately
those who, by speech or otherwise. Incite
fanatics to the perpetration of such horri.
ble crimes.
West India Paper Thinks Island Gete
Warst of th
ST. THOMAS. D. W. I.. F. 13. The
Tribune today comment aa follows on tfi
Danish West Indies treaty:
There Is nothing advantageous for the
islands. Tbe general feeling Is on of utter
disappointment. Tbere Is not a solitary
line la the document promising better times
ana it is silent on vital points which It is
necessary to know to allay ths fears aa to
the future commercial status of the Islands
with the world. What adequate compensa
tion for shutting off the Islands frem their
sole resource, a' free harbor?"
Bat Coaaltloa I still Recorded a
Precarloa, say Latest Bof- '
letla from Bedside.
6T. PETERSBURG. Feb. 13. Count Tol
stoi la alightly Improved today, but his
condition is still precarious.
Boota-Tockrr nn American.
NEW YORK. Feb. It Commander Booth.
Tucker of the ttalvation Army took th
oath of allegtano aa a Utlaen of the United
PUitos fcMT ludajr. -
Fmidsat Xseisvslt Leaves Hit Baa at
Grotai Out of Dciftr.
Mrs. Booaevolt Remain la tke Sick
Chamber aad Ml Alien Will
Take Her Father's
Place There. -
GROTON, Mass., Feb. 13. The moat
eventful day at the Groton school since
Theodore Roosevelt, jr., became 111 closed
with ths departure of President Roosevelt
for Washington late this evening. Before
that the president, in the homely phrase,
"Ted has improved with such rapid Jumps
that 1 am sure he is out of the woods," had
told to the world of the load lifted from his
The day wss full of happiness for the
president and Mrs. Roosevelt and for all at
the infirmary or near the school grounds,
The first report from the bedside of young
Roosevelt showed that be had passed a
good night. After the morning examination
by the doctors it was announced that the
boy's condition waa nrovreaalne: favorahlv.
Th r t ,al(, tnat th , ,
... . ,
'"B well, although the patient was still In
the second stage of pleuro-pneumonia.
known to medical men as the stage of edu-
neiti Well All Day.
Later In the day Dr. Warren stated that
the patient's temperature, respiration and
pulse were normal, a decided contrast to
condition during the Isst few days. The
boy rested well all day, although his pulse
was accelerated for a short period this
afternoon, because of the departure of his
This afternoon, after visiting hla son, the
president spent most of bis time at the
Gardner ma.nslo transacting official busi
ness. - Before lunch he calls 1 on the other
nation- r . 1 . m T . 1 .
and chared them urwlth hls kindly greet-
ings. Then he proceeded to the Powell .cot-
tage and held a brief interview with the
newspsper men who had made that place
their headquarters. The president feelingly
thanked them for a gift of flowers to Mrs.
Roosevelt and for their courtesy to him
and his family during the trying days that
have so happily ended.. The remainder of
bis stay was with Mrs. Roosevelt and his
Leaves for HI Train
At 4: IS p. m. the president, accompanied
by Mr. Cortelyou, Mr. Barnes, the executive
clerk; Principal Peabody of the achool and
two secret service officers, left in
"as for uroton village station. A special
traln w" n readiness there to take the
P 10 Worcester. Many persons had
gathered at the station and in response to
thelr cheers the president doffed his hat.
He also bsde farewell to the newspaper
men grouped at his platform. 'At 4:30 th
train left
Mrs. Roosevelt kept Indoor nearly all
day, her only taste of the cool, bracing atr
being during her walk from tho Gardner
h nuns. Jo UaajftrMrji-Sb9ta boccea4;
well under the strain. She will be relieved
somewhat dnring the next few daya by
Miss Alice Roosevelt, who. the president
bad tatd, would leave Washington, tomor
row for Groton. He also said that Mrs.
Roosevelt hoped to remove Theodore, Jr., to
tbe White House within , ten days, adding
that the boy would return to Groton to com-
D,ete h,s cue aa soon aa his health would
No vUltor called at the achool during
the a''- Thl lng Prof. Jackson of the
fBcultr called at the Powell cottage and
,Bure1 tha newspaper men that the patient
waa holding his own, confirming esrller re
ports by saying that his pulse, respiration
and temperature were normal. The Indi
cations also were for a good night
GROTON. Mass. Feb. 13. At 11 o'clock
tonight the boy waa sleeping quietly and at
midnight the room waa In darkness. It
wss announced tonight that no further late
bulletins will be Issued unless there Is an
unfavorable change In th patient's condi
tion. NEW YORK. Feb. 14. The train to which
1 waa attached President Roosevelt's private
car Columbia reached Mott Haven without
Incident at 2:15 o'clock this morning. Dr.
Lambert left tbe train at Mott Haven and
proceeded to bis residence In this city.
The trsin was transferred to the steamer
I Maryland and taken through the East and
1 North rivers to the Pennsylvania station
I at Jersey City.
Arrlvea at Woreeatei,
WORCESTER. Mass., Feb. 13. President
Roosevelt reached Worcester from Groton
at 6:15 p. m. on a special on the Boston
& Maine road. His car waa then turned
over to the Providence division of the New
York, New Haven Hartford railway and
lert at 6:10 for Providence.
., The train left here over th Consolidated
at 4:10 p. 111.. after nearly an hour's delay
waiting for clear lines.
The run from Groton. wss made la ex
cellent time, considering the nature of the
road, which has many curves and aome
very heavy grades. Two full atopa were
made on the trip. Deducting tbe tlm lost
I D' tneM delays th rua of thirty-two miles
I maa m lxtT minute.
I At Ayer -ult crowd bad assembled at
I station to se the president and cheer
him. The train, upon arrival at Worcester,
wss run Into the Boston A Mala yards.
Th engine and passenger coach wer de
tached from the president's - private car
and an engine and coach of the New York,
N,ew H,e" a,rM,'d rVlrtmd. thl,r
union station, whence It was to start tor
In the union atatlon there was scarcely
standing room about the presldsnt'a car
aa it waited to be attached to tbe regular
train. While waiting tha president came
out on the rear platform and said:
I am very pleased to see you all her.
1 1 thank yeu for coming out
The boy Is
I u right." '
Aa the train started for Providence the
president reappeared and lifted his hat.
I H was In Worcester forty minutes.
Cheered Alona the Root,
crowd that blocked the entire platform
In the Union atatlon awaited the arrival of
President Roosevelt. When ths train
PHed In at 7 t7 the cheering brought the
caifi executive w turn i wr piaiiorm. n
t hasted the people for th Intereat they
I bad shows,' and aald hla son waa on th
road to recovery. With hla closlag word a
great wave of cheers came from the crowd
Tha run from Worcester waa uneventful
only two short stops being made at cross
tugs until Wcoosocket wsa reached. Here
a crowd of people had assembled end la
snswer to enthusiastic calls for a speech
the president came to the rear platform
and spoke a word of greeting. At Paw
Continued on Second Page)
Rear Admiral toon Von Bnndlssla
and Stair Retnv-n Visit In
Sew York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 23. Rear Admiral
Count von Baudtssln, commander of th
German Imperial yacht' Hohensollern, ac
companied by his chief of staff and the
German counsul at this city, returned to
day the official call! made yesterday.
The first call was made to Rear Admiral
Banker. This waa followed by calls on
the major general, commander of
the Department of the Rest, and on the
mayor at tbe city hall. The admiral wore
a blue uniform, heavily embroidered on the
cuff. He wore a number of decorations.
among them the badge of the Order of the
Black Eagle of Prussia, the badge of the
Guelphlo order of Hanover and the 'badge
of the order of the Crown of Wurtemburg.
Under a plain black bow ho wore the in
signia of the order of the Iron Cross.
Lieutenant Rebensburg also wore the Iron
The party left Hohensollern on the navy
yard tug Narkeeta. A detachment of fifty
marines, under command of Captain Theo
dore P. Kane, was lined up in front of
the landing atage at the navy yard, and
the band of the marine corps played "Die
Wacht am Rhine."
Rear Admiral Barker received his vis
itors, assisted by Joseph Coghian and
West. The party-went to the admiral's
residence, where they remained for a quar
ter of an honr. After the nanal civilities
had been exchanged the German admiral
and his suite were escorted back to the
landing and his aides.
Columbia, flying the admiral's pennant
at the main truck and the German naval
colore at the fire, fired a salute of thirteen
guns from Its forward battery aa the guest
departed. The , marines presented arms.
the band played "The Star Spangled Ban
ner ' and the admiral and his suite, after
saluting the marlnea from the bridge of
Narkeeta. ateamed ' away for Governor'a
General Brooke walked to the landing at
Governor's island, with aa aide, end met
the German rear admiral as he landed
from the tug.' The party proceeded to the
headquarters of the commander of the De
partment of the Kast, a detachment from
the garrison serving as escort. Courtesies
were exchanged. The officers of Hohen
sollern were shortly escorted back to Nar
keeta. ...
At the city hall General Buense pre
sented the rear admiral to the mayor, who
shook bands with him and saldr - -
"I am very glad, indeed, to welcome you
to our city."
The admiral added that he was pleased
to be in America. After a few minutes
the visitors left for a short visit to th
German conaulate, when they returned to
Hohensollern. .
Mnst Take Chance an Benching; New
York la Time for Re
ception. '
KIEL, Prussia, Feb. IS. Mayor Low of
New York has cabled to Prince Henry ot
pt,-i. eavlnr that Hera WtSMid director
general ot tne norm wbhu uuyu uu
think that unless tbe-Kron'Prlns Wllhelm
sails from Bremen earlier than S o clock
Saturday afternoon it will not be able 'to
arrive at New York; owing to the rough
weather which prevalla at this season of the
year, until late In the afternoon of Feb
ruary 22, too lata for tbe ceremony ot tne
municipal welcome and the presentation to
the prince of the freedom of the city of
New York. When asked if the steamer
could not leave Bremen at aa earlier hour
Prince Henry leplled that he waa unable to
change the sailing hour ot the Kron Print
Wllhelm, but, he said. It would de ita best
to teach New York early on Saturday, Feb
ruary 22 The Kron Prim Wllhelm la not
chartered by Prince Henry. He and hta
party go simply aa passengers and it is too
late now to notify the hundreds oi oiner
passengera . that the steamer would sail
twelve hour earlier than lieretoiore an
nounced, as it would have to do in order to
catch tne tide.
Prince Henry, his adjutant. Von Egtdy,
and two of the little princes were coasting
yesterday. Prince Henry, pink-cheeked.
lithe and athletic, appeared to be in fit con
dition for the hard campaign of dinners
and reception that awatta him en the other
side ot the Atlantic Tbe crowded program
rather dismays soma ot the members of tha
prince's suite, but Prince Henry looks for
ward to a genuine holiday, during which he
Is going to have a good tic- as well as one
which will give him -many valuable fresh
Dewey's Famoa Flaaship I Over-
haaled aad Entlre- Modern
ised for Reception..
NEW YORK, Feb. lJ.-r-Tbe United States
cruiser Olympla. captain Henry Lyman
commanding, went Into tbe harbor from
Boston and dropped anchor oft Tompkins
ville, S. I., about 1 o'clock. Olympla comet
here to participate in the naval reception
of Prince Henry, after which It will pro
ceed south to become tbe flagship of Real
Admiral Htgglnsoo, commanding the North
Atlantle aquadron, now in West Indian
Olympla, th famous flagship of Admiral
Dewey, has been at the Charleston navy
yard in Boston for two years. In which
time H wss completely refitted, overhauled
and modernised, at a total cost of $400,000.
The vsaael was placed In commission on
January 2i and left Boston for thla port
February 11.
Governor of Minnesota Will Bear Mrs
aa to Prlaec Henry on Be
half of Germnn.
CHICAGO. Feb. IS. Governor Van Sant
of Minnesota will have time accorded him
during the visit of Prince Henry to Chicago
to preaent an address to the royal visitor
on behalf ot the German societies of Min
nespolls and St. Paul. Thla was determined
today at a meeting of the executive com
mittee tor the entertainment of tbe prince.
This will be rather unususl. ss It will be
the only one of the kind which will be al
lowed. Hundreds of requests hsve been re
ceived by th committee asking for permis
sion to deliver written addressee to the
prince, hut it has been found necessary to
refuss them.
Governor Van Bant will com in person
to deliver th address.
Cleveland After Dorks.
BALTIMORE, Feb. 13-Ex-Prosldent
Cleveland and Dr. Paul Van Dyke ot
Prlncfton university left tonight for a
wwk'i duck shooting on the preserves of
the Hack Bay Uunnnig club In southeant
rrn Virginia. They will be joined at Nor
folk by lr. Hartmaa and Mr. UtlUnga of
iladUiuute, , . .
GsTtrnar Flan Campaign laud at lit
Iartl7 Pardon.
Ben Whit Alleged to Be Roaadlas
t'p HI Cohort to Eneompa th
Overthrew of tho Great
' Nebraska Liberator.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 13. (Special.) Governor
Savage has strongly Intimated In communl-
cationa to republican newspaper editors and
in conversation with friends that he Is de
sirous of making the Bartley pardon the
principal Isaue of his campaign tor tha
gubernatorial nomination. The governor
says ha wants a vindication of his action and
Insists that he believes tbe people ot the
state will ahow their approval by nomi
nating him at the convention thla year.
He ahows no hesitancy In expressing con
fidence thst he will he chosen in the reg
ular way for the chief executive's chair, and
on aeveral occasslons recently haa asserted
that he bates his belief on the assumption
that popular sentiment will soon turn over
whelmingly In his favor.
With a view, to breaking the almost solid
opposition of tbe republican press to the
pardon of Bartley the governor has written
to aeveral prominent editor, asking them
to call at his office In the state house the
next time they are In Lincoln. Although
slightly different In wording the letters are
alike Insofar aa 4hey extend an invitation
for an Interview. The following Is a copy
of one of the letter recently aent out by
the governor:
rcxEcunvB chamber, Lincoln,
Neb.. Feb. 6. Now that my action In ex
tending clemency to Joseph Bartley has
been reviewed by the pretis of Nebraska,
I trust that I may be accorded the pleas
ure and privilege of personally talking
aver this matter with you the next time
you are at Lincoln.
Without winning in any way to Intrude
upon your Judgment, I shall be pleased
to have you call at my office at your con
venience and exchange views on the sub
ject. All my life 1 have accorded to others
an honesty and sincerity ot purpose and
I trust I am not awking too much when 1
request a like consideration in return. 1
nave the honor to be very respectfully,
E. P. SAVAGE, Governor.-
Other Views of Situation.
Whether the governor's Invitations to
call will be accepted and whether hi per
suasive powers will be able to convice his
visitor of the errors ot their ways, has
not yet developed. The political situation In
Nebraska, as It is viewed in birdseye by a
Lincoln correspondent of the Sioux City
Tribune in a recent issue of that paper. Is
affording food tor gossip here, and may be
Interesting to the general public. The
Tribune correspondent writes:
"The biggest factional fight in Nebraska's
political history will be pulled oft within the
next four months. The Union Pacific and
Elkborn crowd of republican politicians
haa joined force for the avowed purpose of
putting the Burlington machine out of busi
ness. "The Burlington has been the biggest
factor In republican politics for years. It
waa never friendly towarda tbe fusion 1st.
jnaeu-tia .. KJi sro bat tt- leartean
sistently and hard ' for ' tbe republicans
alone. When tbe state registered a verdict
for the republicans tha Burlington folks
moved up and grabbed hold of the throt
tle. They have been running things ever
since the first day of. January. 1901. They
were sidetracked In the senatorial race by
the Elkhorn's pull upon just enough mem
bers to prevent the Burlington candidate
from winning. Last fall tbe Elkborn came
down to the state convention with Ita whola
contingent for Barnes of " Norfolk for su
preme judge. This was but a ' blind, and
tbe deal was tomako Sedgwick judge and
have Barnea succeed him as commissioner.
The Burlington stood for Davidson, but kept
In th dark aa to the Elkhorn's plans until
too late to beat them too many of their
men had stood by Sedgwick to make It Baft
for them to attempt to dump blm.
Will It Drop Snvnaref
Since that fall th Burlington machine
haa been strengthened and tightetaed, and
tbe outlook for tbe opposition to whack It
to advantage wa not good until tha fatal
mistake of Governor Savage In pardoning
Joe Bartley. Thla waa what the opposition
had been working for. It Is no secret that
the Burlington managers were th men who
converted Savage to the belief that bis sal
vation lsy In pardoning tbe defaulting state
treasurer. He did so, serene In tbe belief
that it Insured bis renomlnatlon.
The outburst of indignation a ma red htm.
but It delighted the antl-Burlington fel
lows. They are now quietly uniting with
tho antl-Bartley pardon republicans' wher
ever it Is possible which Is in nearly
every county and they say that the Bur
lington will either have to withdraw Sav
age or else go down with him. Lancaster
and Douglas counties have been claimed
by the governor as certain to indorse hts
position on the pardon question, but that
la not so sure. Here In Lancaster the
morning republican paper haa indulged In
no comme-it on Its part upon the pardon,
but it haa been diligently printing all of the
antl-Bartley, anti-Savage comments of th
republican press. Except among th poli
ticians, resentment here Is as deep
out in ths state, and it will be impossible
to prevent someone presenting resolutions
to the next county .convention condemning
the pardon and asking that tbe delegation
be Instructed to vote against the renomlna
tion of Savage. Thla may be sidetracked
by Instructing for a local man for stats
treasurer, but It will be a risky under
' Opposition' Object.
"Tbe Elkborn makes po attempt to dls
guise its purpose. Tbe men In charge of
Ita politics, Ben White, R. B. Schneider
and N. D. Jackson, say they are going to
whip tbe Burlington out of Its boots, smash
its machine and compel it to retire from
politics. The reason they assign is that
tba Burlington haa made it Impossible for
the big men in tbe state to" secure official
position; that It picks out for governor
and senatora men who are of mediocre
ability; men wbo are willing to do aa .hey
ar told and ask no questions. This they
propose to change. Tbey Insist that they
desire only tbe purification of tbe party
nd that once accomplished they will re
sign the reins of power themselves and
step down- The Burlington fellows laugh
at this, and ssy It Is simply a fight to re
place one machine with another of different
brand. .
"A weekly paper that may be changed
later into a daily has been established for
the pupose of carrying th war into th
Burlington territory, and a well known Elk
horn political writer, Frank A. Harrison
put in charge.
"Lancaster county is the keyston of th
Burlington arch. Without thla county it
would not cut much of a figure In stat
convsntlons. Here is the nucleus of any
combination, and It haa always worked
heretofore. It th county 1 wreated frt
Continued on second Paso.)
rnrwmt for Nebraska Snow Friday and
t'oliter In Central and western l'ortlona;
Saturday Fair; North winds.
Temperatare at
Hoar. Dec.
S a. m... ... 2,-t
tl a. m ..... . ssi
T a. m a-J
a, n S2
a. m 3CU
10 n, m 81
11 a. m K4
13 m 24
Omnha cserdayl
Hoar. !'
1 P.
n p.
4 p.
5 p.
T P.
ft p.
i ..... .
i ..... .
Kansas City Conrt of Appeal Hold
Commission Men Not Liable
la Case of Theft.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) A decision 'of considerable Im
portance to cattle commission dealers has
been made by the Kansas City court ot
appeals. The court decides that commis
sion dealers cannot be compelled to pay
for stolen cattle wblch they may have
aold. ,
. Hundreds of stolen cattle are sold at
the stock yards annually. -.When the rom-
mlsslon men have no means of ascertaining
thst th cattle offered to them for aale
are stolen, it is a presumption that the
rattle belong to the men shipping them,
Under this decision the commission men
are held not liable for the sale of stolen
cattle. Thla reverses the general practice
at ths aock yards.
For years purchasers ot cattle have been
compelling the commission men to maks
good aucb losses. Thousands of dollars
have been paid out annually by commis
sion men in reimbursing purchasers of
stolen cattle
The decision means a ssvlng of many I
thousands of dollars annually to tbe com- the surrender of Lee's and Johnson's
mission men of Kansaa City In the ban- armies. The amount to be paid under, the
dllng of cattle. Now It is up to the pack- bill waa limited to 150.000. Tbe other bill
Ing houses' and cattle speculators to de- wss to confer on the Spanish claim corn
vise some means ot protecting themselves miasion authority to send for persons and
against the purchase ot stolen cattle. paper and to punish for contempt.
City Connrll Take Determlaed Ae
. tlon, Closlagf Theater aad Pro
hibiting; Pnblle Gatherlac.
DES MOINES. Feb. 13. (Special Tele-
gram.) Tbe city council this afternoon it-
sued an order closing all theatera and
churches and forbidding public meetlnga
of all kinds, Including political meetings,
on account of smallpox. The council also cessions to private cable monopolies, nota
crdered general vaccination In the schools bly the Commercial Cable company, con-
and among city employes. I
The decision will put a stop to tbe bitter
congressional campaign which In raging la
this district between John Prouty and Con-
gressman Hull, as well aa the municipal
campaign. Speechea have ben made nightly
for more than a week by Judge Prouty,
who asplrea to aucceed Congressman, Hull,
and big meetlnga are billed for every night
during thla and next week. Hull la ex-
pected to return next week, and. ha, too.
expected to enter on a contlnuoua speaking
campaign. The Prouty managers bald a oon-
LferenceJodax and deide4Jto, hold,. emaUlanca. offence and for the elfafa of our
noonday meeting at buslnesa nouses. Even
these meetlnga may b (topped.
Booth Dakota Towa Battle
Blaso that Swecpa Bnsl.
nes Center.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., Feb. 13. (Special
Telegram.) The town ot Kimball, Brule
county, was last night visited by tbe worst
fire In its history. Notwithstanding tbe
excellent Work of the fir department, the
flames for a time threatened the
lime inreaieneu me enure
town. They were not subdued until dam'
ge to the amount of 350.000 bad been
done. The fir is supposed to have aurted
In -the store of S. J. -Snyder. It. wept
northward to a hotel, where Jt waa wUh the one p,.,, by tba house In av
topped. arai concresse and said he did not think
The principal losses ar:
J. IL Wolf, general store, stock and
bullding. 112.0U0; Insurance. 37.000.
Olln A. Matson, general store, biock
valued at $9.0uu; insurance light, probably
nnt nvar S KL
8. J. enyoer, general store, stocit ana
kniMlnr - 11.000: insurance. Saw.
nrhener uros warenouse. Dunies ana
stockfarm machinery, w.ouo; amount or
Insurance, It any,- not known.
Found Galltr of the Morder of Her
Haebaad, a Wealthy
BOZEMAN, Mont., Feb. 13. One of th
most sensational murder cases ever tried
In Montana waa brought to a dos today
when a jtlry brought In a verdict of man
slaughter against Lucy 8. Black. Th de
fendant waa accused ot poisoning her hus
band, John H. Black, with morphine and
arsenic between the 6th and 10th of Octo
ber last.
Tbe deceased waa a wealthy farmer, con-
slderably older than his wife, and It was
charged that ab simply married blm for
bis money. The poisoning wss slow, but
conclusive. ,anjahm endeavored to prove
deceased hsd died of ptomaine poisoning.
Severe f bow Storm Prevail la Kaa-
with Threatening
TOPEKA, Kan., Feb.' 13. A severe
storm la reported from northern and
ern Kansas tonight. Snow commenced fall
ing In Topeka at 10 o'clock tonight and by
morning th entire eastern portion ot the
state will be .covered.
In Larned snow and aleet haa been falling
all day. Aa far north aa Philllpsburg ths
storm haa lasted all tha afternoon. Tha
temperature la falling and there la trouble
In store for tbo cattlemen.
Movements of Oress Vessels Feb. Is.
At Rotterdam Balled: Rotterdam, for
K.11 York, via Bolonne. Bur Mer.
At Yokohama Arrived: r-nipre or
Japan, from Vancouver and Victoria, B. C,
for Kobe, ruagasuKi, nnangnai ana nong
At Hong Kong oauea: cmpreas 01 In
dia, for Victoria mid Vancouver. B. I:
via Shanghai, jsagasakl, Kobe ana Yoko
hama. At Usard Psnsed: LAqultaln, from
Nw York, for Havre..
At New York Arrived: Germanic, from
IJverpool and uueensiown; Mongolian,
from (Ilassow and Mlvlll.
At Malta Arrived: Auguste Victoria.
from New York, for (.Tonstanlinotil, etor
At I Jverpool Arrived: Ooetmlr, from
Kw York: Weelernlaiid. from PhlladeJ.
phla; Parisian, from Bt. Johns and Hall-
At Glasgow Sailed: Buenoa Ayeran, for
New York.
At Queenstown Sailed: Teutonic, " for
Na-w York (from Liverpool).
At London Balled; Mesnba. for New
At Southampton Arrived: Bt. - Loula,
from Jfetar xuJt. . .
Han Adapt Eolitl ravoriif f pilar1
S!ti ef i tiara.
Eill ta Gaistriot Bridra at 8t Jaisplj is
Amsaf Tho fau4.
Ex-Coiftgrat to B Eainbimi for Leu
f Bids-Arm,
Representative Corliss 1'rge Paaaaar
of HI Bill Providian for a Gov
erament Cable to
WASHINGTON. Feb. 11 Th house to-
day unanimously adopted a resolution pro-
posing an amendment to the constitution
ot the United Statea for the election of
senators by direct popular vote. Ther .
was no demand for time to debate th res
olution. This is the fourth time th hous
has adopted a similar resolution.
Two bills of genersl Importance were
passed by the house todsy. the remainder
of the time being devoted to mlnof busi
ness. One was a senate bill to provide for
the payment ot the claims of confederate
officers ' and soldiers whose horses, aid
arme and baggage were taken from them
by union soldiers, contrary to the terms of
A bill also wss passed to grant to the
White River Railroad company the right
to construct a railway across th govern
ment landa in Independence county, Ar
Manila Cable Bill.
Speaking to a pro forma amendment to
the latter bill, Mr. Corliss (rep.) of Micht-
an, wno is tne author of a bill to provide
for tbe laying of a government csbls from
San Francisco to Manila, addressed the
house on the cable project. He waa op-
posed, he said, to congress yielding con-
trolled by the Mackey-Bennett forces, and
dwelt on tha importance of the United
States operating ita own cable line.
"The right to conalruct cable lines," he
aald, "la an Inherent right ot tha nation.
No one haa a right to lay a cable without
permission or congress. Ther Is no law
In existence by wblch cable lines can b
I "Congress," h continued, "has assumed
I the right to control th construction and
operation of cahle line In Alaska. Ia It
I not far mora Important for th malnten-
1 people to control eauio communication witn
Hawaii, the Philippines and tha Other
islands in tha Pacific?"
Bilda-o for St. Joe.
Tbe following bills wer passed:
To authorise a bridge across th Ar
kansas river near Fort Gibson, I. T.; to
construct a bridge across th Missouri
river at St. Joseph, Mo., and to authorise
the Memphis, Helena Louisiana railroad
to construct bridges across th White and
Arkansas rivers.
When the committee on election of tha
prcaident, vice president and repreaenta-
UyeB ,B COBgreM w, considered, Mr. Cor-
.... ..n. ,h iint ThiUon nronoa-
- I . ' 1 J . , hahJa
I wb r . .
- th ,ecUoll of ,enator ot th United
ing a constitutional auieuuuicui m iufiuvf
Bulet by popular vote. He explained that
. .-,.oiu.i0I1 wa. Dractlcall Identical
., neceggary to discuss the measure.
w. no desire to debate the mets-
.,,., -i.hout a dlmatit.
i ui, m " -
I ng vote.
At 4:45 the house adjourned. '
House Committee aad St. Loots Mem
Discuss Neeeasary Apprprlatloa
for World' Fair.
WASHINGTON, Feb, 13. Th officials ot
the government board tor tha St. Loula ex
position and a number of Bt. louib men ,
Identified with that enterprise today were
before tha house committee on exposition
relative to the amount required tor tha
goverlunnt exhibit.
Congress haa heretofore appropriated
3250,000 as a part of tha amount for tha
building, but tbe amount for tha. exhibit It
self wss left open.
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture Brig-
ham, head of the government board, aad
his assistants calculate on 3800,000 tor tho
exhibit. They also destra a building to
C0H 1450,000. '
I Supervising Architect Taylor of tba
Treasury department stated that th build-
ag would cost from 50,000 to 7,000 mora
If built within tha tlm originally aat tor
hpen,n "K""1 tM wU ,f
1 anotner year wmm inuwm.
Th varloua officials explained tha magni
tude ot th work and th plant to make
thla government exhibit In every . way
worthy of th enterprise aa h whola.
I - j
Indlna Appropriation Bill I Con
plctcd nnd Make "amber
of C'haaaes.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. The Indian ap
propriation bill completed today carries $8.-
840,500. The Item for support of schools ;i
33,347.020; for fulfilling treaty emulations
The Dawea commission it reduced In
membership from four to three. Among
the general provisions Is one forbidding the
withholding of rations becaus.i of attrhd-
aac at a non-government achool; also re
quiring Indian Territory Judge to reside at
Muskoge. Th bill omits th uaual appro
priation for an Indian achool at Oraod
Junction, Colo., owing to a local controversy,
it bslng claimed that th government It
mad to pay for aewer and othtr Improve
ments which tbe public enjoy. Tbe esti
mate waa 344.725 for this school, but tb
bill out off tbe school entirely.
Before tha bill was reported today tha
committee added $40,000 for an Indian ex
hibit at th Louisiana Purchase exposition
at St. Louis.
eeretary Boot at Work.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Although still
suffering with a sever 00 Id, Secretary Root
I hat resumed hut auUoa, . .