r THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1002. if t 4 ( SPECIAL NOTICES Aavertlseaaeata far theee ttiM rill he likri til IS e. for the vealf, edlttaa aaS til 0 s. as. (r HeratesT aa day edltlea. Rate. 1 1-Sa ward rt laserttea, I ward thereafter. aJeialaa; takes far the gfle far the first laaer- lie. TkfM advertleeaaeale aaaet he tmm eoaeeeatlvely. Adverttaere, hy reaaestlasr a here eaeek, ktrt aaswers- ad grease ta a am here letter ! car f Tka Baa. a a swore a eddreeeed will ka Sellvere eat BeeatavUea al tka Shee8 . I , ! J SITUATIONS WASTED. TOUNO man want place to work for board vhile attending school. "'' Collegs, New York Lite Bldg. J'j, nabl and gently bred, wishes a "u"',on."?,"Jf governesa; can take entire supervision of ine nouse, inciuums " ' "V dren; can superintend the preparing and serving of meals; can also do plain sew ing; Is acquainted with the stores of the fit J an n da U the marketing; refer- an.. ..rh.nttd. Address. "Mlaa e9," care f . The Bee. A- WANTED By- young tedy, position bookkpeDer; can do stenographic worn, Al references. T 23, Pee. , A-M81 lr A TOUNO American woman,' capable and gently bred, wlshea a aliuation as house governess; can take entire supervision , pf the houae; Including servants and chil dren: can euDerlnteiid the -preparing and urvlnf of tnealn: ran alflo do Itlaln WW Jng; la acquainted with the atoree of the City ana can ao an ne mrt-iiiin , enoe-a egchasgad. Address T ( ffF- . A 935 la , WASTED MALE HELP. GOOD messengers wanted; increaaed pay. A. D. '. Co., Ul South lth. Ti-mr anrk nrnfltahla work, for neat,, eneraretie huMtera,- U. ". Adam Co., 1W Howard. B Itid . ac i-au ii ii is r k va WORK. If vnii live in the country or In a small town . and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stock raieere In the neighborhood you can make 6 easily by four, or -five hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition. The Be Publlahmg Co., Bolleliora' lei't-. umana, web. . o w WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions ' for The 1 wentieth I Century Farmer Our agent make good wages everywhere. Keterencea required. ( Addrea,. Twentlettt Century Farmer, Omaha, Neb. ' . . - B U , i ii i ' i . . -i 1 Shave, tialr cut( elnge, any work In barber I line, at Molar College, WJ3 Furnam at., 3d floor. Hours.. to . B-M7al Mo ' ruu inl trn Ti .. CM.,, 1RI Firnim t., wants men to Warji An barber trade by. our. method of practical experience, expert Jnetructlorts, etc.; steady practice furnlahed by tree work, ' which aavea two years" apprenticeship; only, two months required; n account of toe demand lor graduates during the aprtng ruah, special offer la made for -thirty aaye; can esrn uhelarsblp,. board, tools and transporta- tton It desirea; particuiara ijiaueu irr, ' : i l ' BM523 r WANTED, a mas. to tend furnace and 4o chorea around a nouse. APP'y iuu laa. : ,' -B-sxHf WANTED One turner and one machine woodworker. Burr Incubator Co., ISIta av. and Davenport. p aiane,. WANTED-A Gordon press feeder. Chase, ti a. win au " i M.. a . LI MOT? 1. I man prtferrea; must be well recommena- j eq.-iflkpurese nu,... bM9 9 13 . '- ' ' WANTED Flrt-class experienced cleric In mt I. Ink rhnrve .of nut grocery department; must be thoroughly postea ana oe oompeieni enuusu w l the bvylng; muat be able to talk-German; I pingie man prereirea; siaiu. irjr c-.-pected and. send references. Becker Co., WANTED Collector and solicitor, also laundry driver. Reference required. Ad- dress T 26, Bte office. B-W8 WANTED, two good. men to handle our warf. and carriage speclaltlea. Address Racine Merchandise Co.,' Racine, Wis. B M916 13 1 L.I ' .,,..'1,-1 :; WAIITED FEMALB HELP. WANTED.- two -yeung - lady - student to learn halrdresaiug, manicuring and chi ropody and scleiitlno massage. Call or write Room 220, Bee Bldg.i C 668 WANTED, girl for general i housework. Mrs. ueo. an. .mriKin, ,i n. win si. ' . C M788 14 WANTED, ladles to learn hair dressing, msnlcurlns and facial massage: ara-lu- atee earn 212. to 816 weekly; only one month required; ' best opportunity sver offered. -Catl-w write Moler College, 1C21 Farnam-at. -. c zo HOIT8EKEEPER In family of four grown HOUSEKEEPER In email family. 8. E. cor. 18th and Atanaernon sjs. c Msa BHIRT-irakers and shirt finishers 'Wanted WANTED, one ' nurse ' In the - Training . School lor Nurses', also homes wanted for three boy babes and. several older chil - dren at Child Saving Institute, 1Mb and Ohio sta. ' - -' C M!12 lb WANTED,. 8lrl .(or general Jiouaework! 2632 case su . , w.v 860 MONTHLY copying, letters at home, either aex: inclose two stamps with ap plication.' Lake Shore Mercantile Co., Quincy, III. 1 . ' ' c Mtftra u- W ANTED, . sxperleuced .' . girl, for general houseworg in, ramny or mree; no wanning; references required. ' Apply 419 N. 3th at. FOR REST H018ES. houses. o.- q: Wallace, Brown block. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; offlcS li3lH I arnam, or Tela. It&i-toA. lA 308 Un! ICCC in all parts of city. The O. riVJUoCO T. Davis Co.. K.2 Bee Bldg. HOUSES and flats. Rlngwatt, Barker block. i 371 EIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace. 822. G. M. Netiinger, Bee Bldg. 'Phone 40. . , - i 573 . 1 1 ' M II , . FOR RENT 12-room modern house, 1724 JOHN W. R3BiUN8, 1801 FARNAM. . D M 1'A - A GOOD I or l-room house, strictly mod- ern. iou, nriMnnmiwu, wiinin waiaina distance: very reasonable rent to right tmrty. U. J. Kenuard at Son, 3u8-10 Brown oioca. u TWO I -r. mod. cottages. Phone A-2.68. HOUSES, eto. V. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. HOUSES, stores. Bemls. Paxton block. 1 z,& PATNB. BOSTWICK. A CO.. (01 N. Y. Ufa, D M43 CENTRAU'rnodeim, steam heat. 7-roona house; 8 and a-reym, flaw TUard. 23 N. 70-ACK1S well equipped dairy farm, with house and barn, bear city. F. D Wed, FOR RENT. 13 N. 17th St.. $3- large 2- stary moderu hauae of 8 rooms alao barn. . $4. j-ruom hqe at 36tb and Decatur 8c The Omaha Realty Co., lAil Douglae St., upstairs. a ii. FOR - BENT, T-reom ' modern housed list ave. ana t arnam; naacMion m arc n u. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1J FARNAM. . -. . I Mali 14 rorl RK14T PinWISHED ROOMS. - '. , . , f . I . LEWES' European bote.. 13tn and Farnam. t)N8 fuiniahd reort,, with heat, on car line. 141, Claik; U pat niuuib. s bj FRONT room; gentlemen only. 1417 N. aitka at. -M. li Ft F.MSHED ROOMS ARD BOARD. NICE horn, for young men. 108 S. 2Mh St. r-378 STEAM heated, nicety furnished rooms, with or without board, at Th, Thurston. FOR RENT, nicely furnished, ateam heated room,, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16th and Chicago fits. F 381 ROOMB and board. Olencalrn. 1609 Douglas. F3H1 1 ROOMB, board; ateam beat, ton Harney street. . . i-bsm z" FURNISHED rooms, bath. 1617 Case. team beat. Ma. IT Jba STEAM heated room with board. 1 Capitol Ave. F 461 LARGE parlors, single or suite. The Rom, liarney. KtiH Mir FOR REST I'MriRRISnKD ROOMS. DESK room space, S per month, ground floor room In The Bee building, faoiuc Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service. . c. Peters CO., itentai Agents, Bee building. 1 u lis FIVE unfurnished rooms. 1120 N. 17th. QMinn FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. l,OR RENT." the building formerly occu- pled by The Bee at 1 Farnam St. It has four atories and a basement which was formerly uned as The Bee press room. mis win be rented very reaaonaoiy. if interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. . i etL FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent reasonable. Apply K. c rater, at Co., ground floor, bee Bldg. 1266 ' ' iiK-i . , m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b law. ..it,, in i it ing noore: suitable Tor doctor, oentist or onjee; locatea on ground noor overiooKUig -IafT arann eiiitsarA A lain 1 a-rtr-ksnsi 9 1 1 H 1 1 I Jefferson sauare. Also 1 room 2uxltt. 1 room ntxio, suitable ror storage, ngnt manuiactunng. etc.: ateam, gaa. water, Apply to M. J. Franck. Midland hotel. i-tim is AGENTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing aaents In every county to solicit subscription! to THIS TWENTIETH CENTUhl FA KM ILK. Steady employment with assured good income. Agents In the country with norse ana Duggy especially desired. Can vassers make easily 160 to llOO per month. Auareaa century farmer Bollollor, Bu reau, me building, umana. at "MEDICOLOGT," the test family medical dook in toe woria; m otner good sellers. W. A. HUenbaugh & Co.. MO Ware Blk.. n , 1 i i . i . It i BOOK canvassers wanted In every county; I via iiivuvj, now iiiufjuriuun, seiie 9 every Doay; write toany. fontiac pub, co., i ontiac, Alien. - j ajau- . WANTED TO RENT. WANTED Board and room; young I couple; no children. T 21. Bee. i . . K-M9R5 1G WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy. a first-class residence. aDout ao.vou to ,io,ouo. ' Address T 27, Bee ottlce. N Vji 1 WANTED to buy one leather. couch; must I Da an rigm ana reasonable price tor caan. Aiao on ateam wringer, only hand-power. Aooress m. 4.. r ranca, jaiaiana notei. XM M'Jt", 13 1 .3 " FOR SALE PtRMTt'RB. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. lilt Dodeo. TeL . . . . . mu. xsew ana secononano, Buugnt, solo. I exenangea. O 8i i OFFER at private sale during this week houaehold furniture, carriages, barneea, 1 billiard table, cow, etc., at 111 S. Cd 8t B. B. Baker. 0-487 14 FOR SALB-HOHSRS, WAOONS, ETC. 1 1 HB BEST in buggies and wagons at H. Frost's, 14th and .Leavenworth. . ftSH. SINGLE slUgb. tiK. Double slelgil, 1d. 2 other good double sleighs. Drummoud Carriage Co. P-845. FOR feALB MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timbers for housemovers, - etc., 40 to ii iui cfiuumg aaa nog leoce. sui ijoug- 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. CADET coat, good as new; will fit boy 13 or M years oiu. Aaoress tx m, nee. W-MS86 INDIAN goods and relics. ' 1119 Farnam. ; . w m TYPEWRITERS, latest models Ktmlni. ion, omiiji-i-ieinmr, venamore, replaced Dy me unumnwn; low price. A. re Workman ft Co., Ul? Farnam. 'fhone 2439. ... When You Write . . k to Advertisers rerdembet it only takes an extra stroke or two of the pen to mention ta taet tnat you saw ma aa in me shms. gDHAND safe cheap. Schwarts, U4 8. 13th. FOR BALE, - phonographs, superior to any Otner musical uisiruuiani; aa ' up, i ne Wlttman co., uutt arnam. vr 391 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. She,. roan & Mcconneii urug co.a 16th and Lodge, oinana. - 14 ski FOR BALE, ' scholarship In an' Omaha ahorthgna aonooi, cheap, aaquire K Bee Bldg. a nam BRAN. $1.10 per hundred; cracked corn. 11.80 per nunurea. vyagner s reed Btore, ivuv cummg t, w aiidw SAMPLE piano, eastern manufacture, fully warrantee, si w oargain. . iwon til, mo- Cagua biag. . w M7W FOR SA LE, slot machines, all alse and styles, to in electric ana automatic, new ana seconanana, ,i your own price. AU dress Bos 894, David City, Neb. J MS04 IS - - 1 I BEAUTIFUL Chlokorlng upright piano at a sAcrlllc. Room 414 McCasue birlu. ' C-M781 BICYCLES, nhonosTanha and aunnllea. Omi ; Sta. Omaha Bicycle Co., Cor. lfth and Chicago M VS FOR ' SALE, one galvanised steam dish heater, suitable fur hotel or reetaurant: one soft coal heating stove, 84. Apply to M. J. Franca. Miuiuna notei. y mws II CLAIR VOYABTS, MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 818 N. 16 th. I MMB. GYLMER, genuine palmist, 315 8. U. 1 0 "ELECTRIC TRHATMfcJST. me- Ames, cuuioenana nouse, in cap. M11S, SMITH, oaths. Ill N. IS. Id floor, R t 1 ix ur I BGNTON PARLORS. 321), N. loth, flat H. 1 - BEATRICE HARIJW. baths; ,Kmtlan I treatment; sttandant. 321VS N. 15th. Flat a. . -a aiDMP mi MASSAGE, Manicuring. 1618 Howard, flat A. T Mf.'l MS' lK2tSOSAI PRIVATE hospital, before and during oon- n.nemeni; Daoies aaoiuea. orsot bt. Mia. Gardela. Tel. F-U&2. U SV7 DR. ROY, chlropodlat, eorna and superflu ous nair remuvea cy eiecinciiy, h. u. Frenavr Block. . Ut GOLDMAN'S, the only perfect pleatiag piani in im west uw jjougias oioca. U-M400 SHAMPOOING and halrdreaalng 25c. In connection with The Belhery, 2ls-2a Be bulling. Tel. 1716. U ttl RUPTURE permanently, cured In 30 to SO days; ,oa lor circwiar. u. B. v 00a, M. D, bH New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb, U SUA HAIKDRESING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, la connection with '1 - Haih.ru 9H.9-V1 11 U hi.f. 11 T-i. PKRSOXAL. Mlddlemls, wall paper cleaner, 14(4 Jackson. - , U liiS M-S ELITE PARLORS, 15- & 16th at.. ?d Soar. ty Mr M7 HEADQUARTERS for Phonograph, Ore pha phone. Records and Supplies. Neb. Cycle Co., Cor. 15th and Hurney. Phone 1WH. U M 887 16 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and Quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 4c louglas. CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection witn i nt uatnery, rooms zie-zzo ee mtg. xei. tiio. u sia GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale ana retail, coinns nano to., iwst LMiug- u LIEREN, theatrical, masquerade eostumer. juia r arnam. . u OMAHA Cancer Cure Sanitarium. 8007 N. Hth St., Omaha, Neb., treata cancers, tumors and all akin dlaeaaes; cure guar an teed.- U691 F14 MMB. SMITH, hatha. 118 N. 15. 2d floor, r 1 , U M716 F15 V1AVI, woman's way to health; rational, wnoieaome home treatment. 34 Bee Biog. PRIVATE home ladles' before and during confinement; adopt babies, ztrjn nurnptte. Mr,. Burget, U M961-M19 'SrPPOSH that In the nark vou aat i AND heard the hand unon Vitur hat . PLAT waltaee. two-atena and marches too. i minK it would astontan. you, uon t tout And then hla Dine went out and he dto- ceeaea at once to procure a PRINCE OF OMAHA which la the best So straight cigar on the rraritnt. W7 per LOW. Union made. W. F. STOECKEH CIGAR CO.," V U M968 IT MOLLIE: Affairs of Men. page 70 Feb . . . , . . M ..." C . . . . ruary What To. Eat." Don't talk. George. IIMR97 IS MOKEY TO LOAN RE AW ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds and vsrrants. ueorge company, luui Karnaj street. Wr -m VJt PER CENT on business property. I per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any '.lme. w. a. AiciiiLitt, ui o. ifitn art. , W 407 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. ram am umitn cp., uai rarnam bi. VM WANTED, city and farm loan,; also bonds ana warrants. K. c raters ,U) nuj Farnam St., Bee Bldg. . - W- MONET to loan' on Improved Omaha r-al estate. Brennan-Ive Co., 209 South 12th. w 110 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. 1st Mat. liint uat. lei. its. ' iu - H TO ( P. C. money,. Bemls, Paxtoh Bit PRIVATE money. .. Sherwood, J8T N. T. 1 V-tIil FOB SALE, FARM AND CITS' LOANS. R. C. PETERS & CO., BEBBO., OMAHA. w on iwcm MORTGAGE. G. a. Wallace, Brown Blk. W 111 PRIVATE money.- F, JD. Wead. 1624 Douglas .. w ti 6 PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros. 1004 W 416 Farnam. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. WE NEVER REQUIRE SECURITY. SALARY loans on YOUK NOTE. Only requirement a steady position. iqiiVt i pa vmIpnth Hrrinrvs iNit (SMALL PAYMENTS REDUCi-S COST.) ' wv,., a., .JFkiT w.u... jnu Mprvgage, enaorser or puoucity. Weekly. Seml-MonthLr or Monthly. (PRIVATE OFFICE FOR LADIES.) 1 R. R. Men, Clerks, Machinists, School Teachers, Bookkeepers, stenographers or any employes given time to suit berr "requirements. -r. - i GUARANTEE LoweatARates In TewtH -' VERY private oWces. EASILY found. ' ' Telephone 1411 for. eve. date.', No charges for Information or Daners. Open Noons, ' Wednesday ' and Saturday evening,, can can on yoj ir preferred. KUUABbti CKB.U1T COMPANY, Room 2U4 Third Floor, Paxton Block.' . X 701 . MONEY-. To loan on Furniture and Planoa,. Live Htock. ,eto. . You to retain poaaeasioa it the property. At ARY I DANS " people noiaing L-M i 1 i-cnno permanent positions. You can borrow from 81o.uu uu. You can get the mpney on short jiottce. You get the fuH amount in cash. You may keep It one month or more and pay for it only ihm time you keeD It. Our ratea are low. our busineas la confidential and our motto la to "try to piease. - UMAHA UB11AUB AAJAIN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. TeL 2M. (EatablUhed 1WL to 8. 16th St. . . X-41T LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOAN8 .TO BAL.Aiii.uu r-n,cii-i-.ii., mercnanta, team sters, ooaraing nouwi, e(o., witnout se curity; easiest terms; 40 omces In prin cipal cities. ' Tolman, 440 Board of I rade Bltlg. . - : ' X 422- LOANS ON SALARIES, - FUKNITTJRE, live aioca,. em. viuieK srrrice aim iowcsc rates guaranteea. J. V. TAYLOE, U3 (top floor) Paxton block, Yibrtbeeet corner 16th arid Farnam; entrance on 16th street. . , X-42 . FURNITURE, PIANOS,1 HORSES,. ETC., 1AJAISH. ' Aosoiuieiy w)inoui removing gooda." Written guarantee given, to thla effect. - AMERICAN LOAN CU.,lRobm .803, Pax ton Block. Xrrll MONEY loaned on plaid note to aalaried people; dubiiwh connaeniisi; 10 weei rates, U4 paxton block. The J. A. Huuon Co. MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. jewelry, to salaried people, roiey ixmui Co., sue. tc Duff Green. Barker Blk. -; " X-67 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horse,, sows, etc. CI. '. Heed, Sl 8. 13. . : V , x- BtSlNKSS CHASCKS. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil- 1 1 T .-. . 11, , 1 ' .. . . . Ll.IMI. . llama, Room 411, Mccague building. 1- WHEN you want to buy, sell or exebahgs your business or property quicn communi cate witn one wno naa tne customers. J. H., Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Phone L-227U, Y-MSM I ELEVEN rooms, elegantly furnished, mod era brick tenement, best location, every room niiea wun nrsi-ciass roomers, pay ing proposition, future plans necessitates lady selling by Feb. L i. H. Johnson, FOR SALE MUlinsry store, doing good ousiaess; auto goou notei ror aaie tor lease to right party), both good locations in n. b. neorasaa. can or write u-i n. x, Life building, Omaha. Y-134 FOR SALE CHEAP, steam paste plant; all tne marninery ana equipments ror manufacturing wall paper-puts and brick mush; this bualneaa produces large plu ms; can ue ronuuciea wun small capital, J. II. Johnson. N. Y. Life. YUiai HOTEU furniture and fixtures, (0 rooms. elegantly equipped ; si nouee; paying propoeUlon; located hi live eougty seat town southeast Nebraska: owners axe necessitates retiring; will sell reasonable . I - k. I I T . I V anu lease huuh. 1 1. vuiiaun. 1. 1, Life. Y MTSa FOR SALE, an established general ,mdse. businesa ooinsr tsi.wm to u.i.uuo a vear: located in gixid farming section; only one other general stock In town; atock will invoice about SS.OuO, but will be reduced to about e.ow in tne next tnirty day. Ill health cauae of. selling. No trades. . Ad- J I. T, . . 1. 1 . . 1 I ... Y M7 1J FOR SALE, old estab.hhed arooerv bual. rieee; fresn stock, good trade and fixtures. Will reduce stock to H.uuO it required. I w, ttee. x m4 it FOR SALE California restaurant; prouri etor wants. 10 leave cuy, iWJ in sr., aouta Omaha. MHM 18 RESTAURANT OPPORTUNITY. fiiu location, lylnt business, furniture ana nxturee or restaurant ana 7 rooms atMive. well furnished, alwaya. occupied. Owners health forces sale at eaerin.ee. No Teasonable offer rejected. If you're qurca you u get vaiuanie propoaHlon. 11. Johnaon, H.,X. lAtm. , Y 890, FOR SALE, nloa clean stock of drugs la live town; want cost ana carriage; good reasons tor selling. Address It. Mamev, W It Ul.nl. vT U W , I 1 I . .' ak. tmsuua, I'll , a.v.i FOR EXCHANGE. WILL etehahge good oak wardrobe for inning rel. N 4S, nee. I m:hj FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE.. FOR HIjE, 6-room house," city water, eee tf, enst front, nice location, only four tllocka from llloh arhonl. 11.100 00. Good S-room house, south front, two blocks from High school, city water, Bewer. Will make a nice home for any one that wants to live close In. t2.S"0 AL Two houses that bring an Income of ?2.00 per month, well located, in soumwesi Dart of the cltv. onlv H.WO.ol). Two-story, 7-room house, city water; hot and cold water, sewer, bath, lot WxlH0. natural shade tree,, within easy walking distance. I2.6UO. 6-room house, barn, lot RoxlSO. eat front on 26th and A streets. Houth Omaha, ll.iuoou. 1'have succeeded In securing from eastern people absut 150 wen located lots, irom 1, 2 and 2 blocks from street cars, close to school; these lota used .to sell . from S4R0.0O to S500.00 apiece; also 2 blocks with 12 lots In each block, each lot lOOxU'K. from i to- 4 blocks to street car,- well located, high and sightly. The price, 21,000.00 per block. I have also a few well located H-acre lota from 1160.00 to 2200.00 a niece. Remember, that Benson Is one of the best euDorDS or mana. mere were nearly goo lots aold In Benson last yean and over 30 new hmisen built, and there will be built SO new houses thla year that i per sonally know of. Benaon has got as good school facilities aa Omaha as far as publio schools sre concerned. It has also now fot electric lights, and win. In the near uture,' have, their ' own water works. Street car services are of the very best. Please remember that 1 am only author ised to offer the above low prices for the balance of this week. Nothing reserved. First come, first serfed , "ll and see me. J. A. UOVOREN, 421 l'axton Block. . - RE 992 12 Farms Harrison ft Morton, N.T.I Tel. 314 RE-707 F14- RANCHE8 FOR SALE. If you want a ranch In the beautiful South Loup river valley, ' well Improved, all deeded land and under fence, away down cheap, write to K. E. Brega, Callaway, N,b. RE--MS39 14 LANDS AND FARMS, I have Inquiries for lands ana iarms in iuknu, r-eura-.nn, IoWa and 8. Dak. Give full description, location, sec. twp. and Rg., and price at which you will sell, and pay commission of 2 per cent, plus 226.00, In caae of rale only. W. L. Selby, general real estate and loans. Board Trade bldg. RE tMSSS WILLIAMSON Charles E..1202 farnam street. ' RE 428 IF YOU want one of the fitcest 8-room homes In Hanscom Place, I will give you A bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. i. II. Bherwood. 937 If. Y. U Bldg. , .,..,. Rt M1&3 88,600 FOB- 6-robm eattagea, modern ex cept furnace; 1" 4-rodm cottage, all in excellent condition, U0. monthly rental, continually occupied, tine location, on 17th street, 10 blocks north P. O., owner going to California for health; y, cash, H easy; J. H. -Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. . : . "... . BE 880 - IMPROVER farm, .200 acres, mile north La Platte, Sarpy county: easy terms; nrlee 856 an acre.. Naaoh, Jler Grand Ho tel, Omaha. Neb. RE M812 la When You Write; . to Advertisers .:; remember it only takes an extra stroke or two .of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad In The Bee. HOUSES and lots In all parts of cliy; also acre property and (arm lands, i ne u. , Davis Co., Room 652, Bee Building. -480 V1HMSI , FARMA1 FARMS!-' Fof bargains In farm- property go to O'Neill's . Real. Estate Agency, BoutU Omaha-" ; --- V; . - RE-42S PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO., 601 N. Y. Life. HOUSES, lots farms,-ranches, loans; also Are . insurance. Bemia, rax ton jniocK. r..i-' ; !.: ii . RE 427 BDYD COUNTY. On account, of Heavy snow, our Boyd county trip postponed. ' vv ill cive notice of next trip at least three days in advance, , Write tor partlcu-; ars."' - ': ' " -; ' OTTER. FORGA1S & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 470.: Omaha; Neb. RE-331 VRW Hnnw-Chiirch Co.. 4th floor N. Y, Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Largest law, collection and real estate agency In the world. Associate banks attorneys and real estate brokers in every county In the United States ana cities- oi xoretgn coup tries. -.. HE 637 HOUSES Harrison ft Morton. Tel., SI4. .. titLi mid, ucnr RANCH and farm landa for aale by the Union Paclflo Railroad company, a. .au McAllester,-land commissioner, Union Pa- cillo Headquarters, ciroana, -ep. RE 429 COLORADO ranch . lands, homesteads. school section leases. ... u., w. irwm, Aa. ron, Colo, v itK-Mji FOR BALE One lot 50 by .10 feet; two houses, barn, good wen ana cistern; lor $1,100 cash if sold at once. Call on or ad- Omaha. -' RE M959 13 aress.Anoa. wuhiibou, i"o . CHEAP cottagea: Two cottages, coxner lot. Z7th and Burdetie bis., oom ei.iv, 2818 Miami St., rooms, $1,150. . 3518 Hamilton St., 8 ooma large lot, $1,750, 14LU Dorcas ni.. a apariniemu, 7il lti,r,ttt Bt . i rooms. 8x60. ' vacant lot, near avm iinu miimci pw ,.iuw, Lot I. kelson's, vixvm leei, . ; GRAHAM &. URE. Bee Bldg. . RE-64 14 IV Vinvi Xf SMITH A CO. Fine farm for feedtiut or dairying, only thru. mii.Mi tmm South Omaha yards; good improvements; 7-room house, large am, cattle and hog sheds, etc. ; to be sold at oneej a bargain at $S,5u0, - See or write us for runner particular,. W. lARNAM Hill lit at tu, 1320 Farnam St. RE M69 14 THREE BtO. BARGAINS. . acres, close to city, $o75. lota 49,1 and Haniev. only 81.250. 10 acres near Cnnter St., pavement; no city taxes, ror il.ow. HICKS, iM BOARD TRADE. i . KE MlWS 13 BEST 400-acr, farm in southern Nebraska for sale. A. 11. iiammona, ruiroury, nieu. ttc Mam u- MEDICAL. DR PRIES, the acknowledged leading speclullat In diseases 01 women in umana would call tne aiiennon oi sunemii ladles to his unsurpassed accommodation before and durLna conhnement, and hi treatment for irregularities, no matter what cauae. Call or aaaresa, wun siaroPi Dr. Pries, Arlington block. 1613 Dodge umana. OUR GUARANTEE IS tMlO REWARD To relieve at home any cane Of long-stand ing, obstinate, abnermai auppresaion from any cause. Even if others have failed, try our compound conceniratea vegetable fluid extract. ' We never dtsap. point. Uaed for over eighty years with out a single failure. Why despair? - Dr. Mead Rem. Co.. 19 QUinoy St., Chicago. - -970 I"21 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Mia are the beat Safe, reliable.. Take no other. Send 4o stamp for particuiara "Relief for Ladles," in letter by return mall. - Aak your druggist. - Chichester Chemical Co., Philadelphia.' Pa. ' .s.teopaTuy. ID E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 815 N. Y. Life bldg. .Tel. laoi. -OS ' DR A. T. HUNT, 813 McCague Bldg. TeL IBeS,- DR. MRS. MUSICK. Douglas Blk. Tel. ISO. " 44i FBATER.1AL OBDERS. THE OARI'KNKRS protect old age aa well as life. Charter members free. Particu lars from Frank Koscwatsr, supreme BAAMtr, O 10. -5.4 LANDS SHORTHAND AJIO TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. DHL C. Col., 16th ft Doug m A. C. VAN SANT'B schooL 717 N. T. Life. BOTLES College, court reporter principal in. i. Jjiie. o NfH. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Tneater. -tJ7 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALI, kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attenuea to. J. i. ucnutree, 20th and Lake streets. IT0 WM. E.VERITT. "pedal fates to real es tate men; weatner strips put on. Leavenworth. .. ' 438 REPAIRING very cheap. 1518 Lesv. Tel. 776 M6 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 912- S14 Jones, general. storage and forwarding. 384 OM. Van. Utor. Co.. 1511V4 Farn. Tels. lKt-863. Ufa TYPEWRITERS. NEW & 2dhand. 1112 FarnAm St., Omaha. w . ! U J f MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. make a arm ciauy or nre escapee, sn utters, floors and sates, u. Anureen, i rop., it a). iutn Bt. I I 953 F20 P. M EI, CHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma- chln'sts. M4i POLICIES FtRCHASED. INSITR ANCE oollcles. old-line cdmnanlea. purcnasea. iosns on policies, en it on or write The Putnam Co., 604-8 N. Y. Life uiag., umana, ueo. Mi VOICE. CLEMENT B. SHAW, Voice, 512 Sheely ounuing. FVRKITIRE REPAIRING. TEL. 1331. M. 8. Walklln. Zlll Cuming St 454 BALE TIBS. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., 811 North 18th. 165 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repairea. um. lrunx actory, uo Farnam. 461 AUCTIONEER. IN Neb. and Iowa. 2512 N. South Omaha, 999 F23 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 B. 13th. 4S8 STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT-Omaha Stamp Co., 208 8. 13th: PAWNBROKERS. rim it T ah n .n.t.i. - ing; an business confidential. 1301 Douglas 447 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts. So; collars, tc; cum, to. uw i.eavenworin. let. M, . . 446 COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co., 'Phone S7L Q467 F2S DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In -families or at home. Miss Bturay, xutx arnam. -67 F29 PHOTOGRAPrlER. F. J. HOLOUBEK, photographs. 1258 B. IS. M9?S F20 NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee bldg. Tel. 2535. M7 31 STAMMERING AKD STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 466 FLORISTS. U HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1258. 449 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- pnone xiw. eu south Thirteenth street. -440 d u n o D ' Refined people are particular about the care of their teeth and about the preparation used to clean them with. Dr. Bailey's tooth powder is a su perior article, ones tried always used. d Bailey the Dentist, 3131 r,ns sUeek, 18th and Farnam Sta, Lady attendant Phone lust. a a ta n d POSTOl'FlCE NOTICE, (Should be read dally by all Interested, as change, may occjr at any time.) Foreign malls for the week ending Febru ary 18, 1. v.i'1 clwao (PltOMFTLY in alt cuies) at ilie General Postortlc, ss follows: PARCEL8 POST MAILS clou, ONE) HOUR EARLlKR than closing time shown below. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign .Branch half hour later than closing time shown below (except Supple mentary Malls tor Kurope and Central America, via Colon, close one Luur la'.er al Ft-rcign Branch). Traasatlaatle Malls. THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE, BWITZKRLAND, ITALY, SPAIN. PORT UGAL, TURKEY, ICGTPT, GRELCE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. Ql'KZ, per a. a. La Gascngne via Havre tmall for other parts of Lurope must be directed "pur s. B. La Gascogue"). SATUKDA Y At 7:30 a. m. for ITALY di rect, per s. s. tionencouern tmall must ha directed "Der B. s. Hohenaollern") : at 7:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per S. s. Lucanta via Queens tow nj at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct, per a. s. Maaadam (mail must be directed "per s. a. Maaadam"); at 9'80 a. m. for BCOTLANU direct, per s. Furnesala (mall must be directed "per s. s. urneBsia ). PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer iiiin , i ii'i.u -w.u.nu.v.viak ca pers and Samples for Germany only. The same claao of mall matter for other parts of Europe will nut be sent by this ship unless specialty aireciea vj iu After tbe closing ol the Supplementary Transatlantic iial.s named above, addi tional Supplementary Malls are opened on the plera of the American. Etiguah, French and German steamers and re main open until within Ten Minutes of tbe hour of sailing oi Bteamar. Malls fas Seath aad Ceatral Aeaerlea, West ladles. Kte. THURSDAY At 8 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per a. s. Havana (malt for other parts of Mexico must be- directed "per s. s. lltvuiB l; at 12 m. (aupplementKry 13 80 p. for BAHAMAS. OUANTAN- AMU and HANTlAtiu, per s. s rteguranca. FRIDAY At, io a. to. tor NWFOCNl POiTOFFICE NOTICE. IND-dlrect. per e. a. Silvia; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for LKK VARt and WINDWARD IPI.ANPfl. and BR1TI9H. DITCH and FRENCH Ol'I- ANA, per s. s. Carlbbee tmall for Barb ados. Orenada and Trinidad must be di rected "per s s. Carlbr.ee"): at 8 p. m. for HARUAlH)a. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA and BRA 7,1 1 per s. s. Capri via Harbadoa and Pernanibuco tmati tor jsortnern nrasu most oe rtt "mw a a. "rrl "l: at 11:30 r. m. for BAHAMAS, pr steamer from Miami, ni, oaii.iiai Al " a. in. i . i i' r.ii 'i , 1 per s. s. Pretoria; at 9 a. m. for nwiu RICO, per a. s. Ponce: at 9 a. m. (supple mentary 9:S0 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Mararalbo (mail for 8avanllla and Cmrtasena must be di rected "ner s. s. Miiracalbo"): at 9. a. m. (supplementary l'):8n a. m.) for FOR- I TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, SAVAMU I LA, CARTAGENA and tlRKTTUn IS. per I a s. Alene (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "ner s. s. Alene"): at 10 a. m. for I CUBA, per s. s. Morrn Castle via Havana; I at iu a. m. ior iiumvaha. i ii .-. ' and CIUDAD BOLIVAR. Der a. s. Mara- Malls for Kewfotindlsnd. by rail to North Sydney, and tnence by steamer, close at thla office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monrtaj, Wednesday and Saturday). Malls fci- Mlqttelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. Mnlla or Cuba, by rail to Florida, and Jthence by steamers, are diepaicnea aniiy, nnai con nectlng closes, for ofsnatc Tampa, on Sundays ,t 4:3u a. disnatch via Port 1 1 1 1 1 v i, mi , v. 1 1 . n WnilnU. I OKI" BI1U niunifl, ."V . . III., . " 1 - , batch via Miami, on Mondays and Frl- riv nrl FrliiHva. S:80 a. m.: for dls-I days at 11:30 p. m. Matla for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed ror dispatcn riy steamer, ciose at tnis oi. flea dailv ezoant Bundav at 1:80 D. m and 1130 p, m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. Malls fer Costa Rica, Belise, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleana, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally except Bunday SecVlrS ciorei nerWon'd.y, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues- I days for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at S p. m. previous day. Traaapaeino Malls. Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to .February '10, inclusive, ior aispatcn per . e. am tnoita Malls for Hawaii, Japan, China and Phlllp- pine isianas via Ban r rancisco ci i'f ' i naiiv at x m. on to February 10. I InrlusKia ror dlanatch ner B. S. Doric, : - u . - . . f . i Malta for China and Japan, via Tacoma, r oaa here riatlv at 8:30 D. m. UD to February 14, lnclualve, for dispatch per Mails tor Chum and Japan, via Vancouver. close hare dailv at f '3D n. m. Un lO t eor- close here dally at 1:30 p. m. un to Febru ary 18, lnc'lus"lve, for dispatch per s. s. ary -IS, inclusive, ior oispmcn a. a. Empress of China! (Regietered mall must be directed "via Vancouver." Merchan-I dlse for' the U. S. Poetal Asency at Shanxhal cannot be forwarded via Can- Sartm 1 Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to reoiu a rv ia in,.l naive, for dlnnatch Der B. B. Klnshiu Maru. (Registered mall must be V uirecieu via cseaiiio . . , "eMails for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pine island, -via nan srsncisco, un. nere aaiiy at e:w p. m. up to reoniar 20, inclusive, for dispatch per s. b. Nlp- tion Mam. Malls for Australia rexceci West Australia. which la forwarded via liurope). rw Zea land. FIJI, Samoa anu Hawaii, via San r..n.t.nn ii.hu at CRH n m. after February 2 and up to February 22, I . i nmictv, mud. n . . . j v - f dnuCeU:'tVeNew ?k"VbruVryr?oradi:: patch per s. a. Sonoma. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand. which goes via Ban Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via' Vancouver, olose here dally at 6:30 p. m after February 22 and up to March 1, inclusive, for dispatch per b. s. Mloweri (aupplementary malls, via Seattle and Victoria, close here at 6:80 MalU forlahlu and Marque... Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 8:80 p. m. up to March 'U, lnoluslve, for dls- patch per s s. Australia. Transpacific malls. sre forwarded to ports n f a.hlnr dnllv anit iha anhaililla of eloa- their uninterrupted overland transit Registered mall closes at p. m. pre vious uay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Postoffice, New York. N. TC.. Feb. 7, 1902. . LEGAL NOTICES ' RFCTCtVTCR'B NOTICE. - In the District Court In and for Douglas ".nly I"0'11": .... . .' w i lium u. Ataatien. mainiin. vs. ino- i braska Fire Insurance Company, et al, de- fendanta. To all creditors of Nebraska Firs Insur ance Comoanv: You and each of you are hereby notified that in purauance of an order of the dis trict 'court of Douorlua county, made Janu ary 17th, 1902, a dividend of two (2) per cent on all allowed claims sgalnst the Nebraska irira Insurance fomoanv has been de- clared; that aald dividend la payable at my omce. in tne nrown oiock, in ine cny ui Omaha, and that payment thereof must be demanded at my ottlce. and unless such demand be made by April 19th, vm, you anit each of vou will be forever barred from any right to participate In the funds appropriated for said dividend. Such claims must be presented at the office of the undersigned, receiver, in the Rrown block, in the city of Omaha. Doug las county, Nebraska, or transmitted to him at that address bv mall. Dated this 13th day of February, A. D. 1902. a. u. wtman, Receiver of the Nebraska Fire Insurance Company. . . l- is uJOl .... J, . .U- T.. I . C- 4I.I.I.I nAU anLr i DALin,. court I will aell at publio auction at Cory- don, la., on Thursday, February 20, 1902, at 10 o'clock a. m. for oaah, the entire 'Block r tr-i awnnnm puimm,.. anriaa.. naia Mm caps, etc., being a complete up-to-aate, new and clean stock, belonging to Aaron H. Cohen, bankrupt, invoiced and ap praised at seventeen thousand, nine hun dred and ninety-one dollars. And on Fri day. February zi. iwz. at z o ciock p. m.. i will sell at public auction for cash, at 608 Main street- Aveoaua, ia., ine enure stoca of dry goods, clothing, shoes, etc. belong ing a Aaron H. Cohen. bankruDt. Invoiced and appraised at eight thousand, two hun dred ana sixiy-mree sonars, tiiuaers are required to deposit one thousand dollars hTnd7edWdo aiou aa a auarantee that they, will carrv out the term of their bid Btocas to oe wim ;u uuia. HiitAiu rv. cyAr-B, rtecetver. Coryaon. lOWa. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice ta hereby given that the regular anneal meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the office of aald comoany. in Lincoln. Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m.. on the 6th day of March, A. D., iwz By order oi tne noara or i ji rectors, Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 1, 19o2, C. H. MORRILL. President. F2 d30t ' A. B. MINOR. Secretary. HOLLAHD-AMERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Boutoane. B. M. New Twin-Screw a. a. of 13.0u0 tons register. B learner haakuau t ea. i, 10 A. JA. Steamer Mar. 1. 10 A. M Steamer AMSTERDAM ....Mar. 8. 10 A. M. Apply to Holland-America Line, 39 B'way, Harry Moore. 1418 Farnam Street; Louts pieese, nrat national tiana, RAILWAY TIME CaKD. union sTATion-ioru aid marot. " ' Chicago Express VM am a 1:10 pra Chicago, Minneapolis a p"!,imi?wuY 7:60 pm ,: "ra ExDreae iV.b 7:20 am blO-83 nm Chicago Express alO.Jj pm . Chleaar 3k Mvetawaaierav "The Northwestern Line" Chicago Special a 7:10 am all '20 pm 1 Chimin Fuiennr a 4:16 Din a e-m Eastern Exrreas alO:64 am a 4:05 pa Eastern Special ....a il pm a 44 pm Oraaha-Chicago'X t'4".'a 7:4S pm a i.M am Feet Mail a 8 JO am Z"i.tT P'i'.iiA?.' ;JPn Twln City Umited a 748 pm a t0 am Bioux City Local a 6.U am a 6.M pm LUlslH Jr Jl C Overland Limited .. Fast Mail califotuU Express Padne Expreea ..... Laatern Express... ..a 9 40 am a T:S9 pm ..a 8-80 am s 3.26 pm ..aU4U pm a 4 :36 pm Atlantic til""" . . a 1 a n. Llucoln-Biroiuauuia &a.B,.apm tj.A'pm Grand Island Lotisi- t:3v pm b 8:8 ais Daily. - , Chleaaa. Mllwaakee at Sf. Paal. Chloago Limited .a SaOS pm 8:68 cm Chicao Omaha Ex.. b 1:18 am b 8.40 pm ailseaarl raelSe. - St. Louis Expreae aiSSS am a 8:88 pm K. C. ft 81. Ia aVxresa.aav.M put a t.U am 1 4ILWAY TIMB CAR IK Chicago, Hack l,iaa M I'aeiSe. EAST. v Dee Moines and Dav eoport iocai a t. am a i:s cm Chicsgo Express bU:15 am a IKK pra ! Moines Local a 4:"0 Dm bll.fto an cnicago r est .c;xpre.s..a 1.3a im a 1:38 pm Les Momrs, .nd and cmcaga a i;w pm a 3: am WtkST. Lincoln, Colo. Springe, Denver, ruevie anu W al a 1 M Dm a 4:11 nm Coioiado, Oklahoma aV Tcxaa rtyer ....a sun pm a S:8S ant waKsih. St. 1auis "Cannon Ba.l" Express a 1:18 pm a 8:20 am St. Louts Local, Council Bluaa .... ajv;w am aio:8S pm ni;ii,IKGTON STA A .ult 10TH as MASON' Fl" ei,"., Chicago. Barllae,tea at (tolaer. Leava Arrive Chicago Special a 7 .to am alO JO pra Chicago veauouira a,a..a pm a I. to am i hir.io Local .a 8.30 am a l:ul nm CMcago uniiteo a :ew put a 1:4, am Faat Mau a z.v pra Uarilugioa m n auver. u .Mfln Heatrtce ana Nebraaka Exprees ..a 8i40 am a 7:88 nm Lincoln .wa. du:m aot. Denver Limiteti... ...... .a i:m im a .w pm Ailaca r.-.'iie ui wi, kmind. Aenver ww uin a s.'uo era a i:u - - . . ., - - - rr Llnooin e - a s:ai am ort crov - ... noun ins su:n in . , M ; , - Al, .... A u . Beuevue Pae Mo rfct..a i.t pm a , gas Bellevue m r.M -... ..w mm svaasae c., e ..' i Coaacll BlaSTe. ' City Da Ex. ...A 9:90 are a SiS nia' Kansas City Night Kx..al0:M pm .a t:l am. Bt LuU Flyer a t;lo pm ajiua ant a Dally. t Pally except Sunday. WEBSTER DF.POT-ASTH WBSTr,: . 8-sava. Arrlva rrtaaal, Elkhara at aiu,rl tsuley' Black Hllla. Deadwood. . HOt Bpnug"..- w - " ties Wyoming, Caapor SJ4 r,..i.. d 8:06 pm iw nm' Hasilnga, Vork, David . . , City Buperior, uiini-i v,.i.r and HewarJ.... 3:06 pm b 8:08 bm ' ; b 7-30 am h 1(1 ara Fi-emont " JiLm"L " 19'u A.incvin lu i .ncm.i . ........ ...u i.au ri.wvu, - .a MiS'Us'l s-avrnw. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a:28 sm Cbiraco. bt. Pssl, Ulaaeaaeils J Omaha, " Twin City Passenger... a S:80 am a 9:18 pm1 . " " r a la nm alt-Mam Blou C g : m g4:3 Emerson Local o e.ov pra o am tii k nail azeeot Sunday, o Bun- day only, d Dally except Saturday. Daily exceoi mmwm. , PROFESSOR PEARSON RESIGNS; Maa Who Qoestiomed Parts of Bible' Gives t'p Chair at Northweet- . . ern University, CHICAGO. Feb. 12.-r-Prof. C. W. Pearson. whose recent utterances against the Infalll- miii. of certain portions of the bible oc "-'oned wide comment In M.thodl.f chtirch ; circles, today resigned as professor of llt- eraturt at Northwestern university. ' The ' . i volnntarv resignation. It is stated, was voluntary. Prof.' Pearson also asKed for a letter of dlmUgat from the Methodist Episcopal " " . . ' " church. Th letter was given, but after-- ward was recalled, as Its possession by Dr. ' P"n would Indicate that he was l. food standing In the church. Tbe professor is t0 continue In charge of bis class until .uecissor is found snd hla salary is to eo- ttnue till January L 1603. Hla letter Is: ; . . . . . i . ,i ern Hiniverslty. With the kindliest feeling toward you an, ana rei wisnea ior wm future welfare of the Institution to which I have a-lven so many years of service,. I. am, very respectfully yours, (Bignea) ' c. v . ruuwun. In a statemerft riven out by Secretary Crandoa the trustees point out the excel lence of Prof. Pearson's services during the I thirty years bs has bees connected with the lt.nu, and that the faol areat rearat at tbe severance of relations. In regard to bis seeking s letter of Its-- missal from the church Prof. Pearson said: I made an attempt to Inaugurate a new policy, but the changes proposed, , tnougn I do not doub that they will be accepted In the comparatively near future, are not welcome. 1 deemed it my duty to make' I my Dlea In the church and in the university. I The plea having m-en rejected, it seems, i euuuny my uuiy id wmiuiaw 1 1 um win. I expect as opportunity offers, to icon-' i tinue tne worn upon wnicn a nave enterea. WILL PRINCE IS CONVICTED Fossil Guilty of ' Manslaughter la Foarth Decree and Gets i Two Vears. . KANSAS CITY, Mo..' Feb. 12. Will- Prln.cs was this afternoon found guilty of man- alanrhter In the . fourth derree and his i i , . a n , WA.- I n I , . nan.- I UUUIBUIIIOUh UU V IWV -1 - .t. V. w ltentlary for complicity In the murder of 1 Phillip H. Kennedy,' wbo was shot snd' m,d bT hui wtfe. ui prnCo Kennedy. I . - i January iv, iiu. aonirea; u ing agent of the Merchants' Dispatch Trans portation company. - The Jury had been put for twenty-four' hours. Prince says bs will sppeal the case. Phillip H. Kennedy married Lulu Prince' under compulsion one month before bs wn killed, but he refused to live with her.' His wife's father snd two brothers sought to compel him to support her and because 01 ; th"-J- ssalnst him and thclr.d mands upon him before the tragedy Prosg- I tutor Hadley, acting upon tbe theory thai eonanlred ssalnat hla life and influ- i . . T .c Z . I encea nn. nennour iu ure ine imai iuihi, Died Information sgalnst them, charging them with complicity in tbe crime, although they . were not Indicted, by the grand Jury. Mrs. Kennedy, the first of the Prince fam ily to be tried for, the murder, wag con victed and given a sentence of ten years in the penitentiary, C. W. Prince and Bert ' Prince, the other brothers, 'are yet to bs tried. , , ' '. . PREACHER RESIGNS MINISTRY Her. Charles S. Dudley Leaves Pulpit oat Account of Dtsseastoa la Coagregatloa. CHICAGO, Feb. 12. (Special.) Rev. I Charles B. Dudley, pastor of the Oakland Methodist church of this- city, delivered I hie farewell sermon Bunday, having' re-' signed tbe pastorate of the church snd the ministry on account of differences with his I congregation. On February It he will preach his lsst sermon at the church. He I announces no definite plans for the future. ReT- Dudley was formerly st Beatrice snd 1 other Nebraaka towns. He was one of the I most prominent Methcdlst Epltcopal preach I srs in Nebraska. Ho has not announced his I intentions for future labors. Ullloae OoUe. . " H. Beever, a carpenter snd builder of I Kenton, Tens., when suffering Intensely from so attack of bilious colic, sent to "ssrhy drug store for something to relieve I blm. The druggist sent him a bottls st Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera Snd D1arv- bo" Remedy, three doses of which effected s permanent curs. This Is ths only remedy that erg be depended upon In tbe most sever cases of eollo snd cholera morbus. Most druggists know this snd recommend' It when such s medicine Is called for. For sals by all druggists. t'attleaaea to Ueaaat Heelereelt y. WICHITA. Kan.. Feb. 11 The Oklahoma Cattlemen's convention today re-eleoted A.. T. Wilson . president and W. E . Bolton. ' secretary. Governor W. E. Stanley of Kansas spoae on reciprocity, lie urgea the cattlemen to unite and demand aa ex tension of markets. He said the politician, I would not grant reciprocity unlet, pressed by jiuoiic sentiment A )r