Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
TIIK OMAHA DAIL.Y HEEt WEDNESDAY, FEIlltlAttY 12, 1902. SPECIAL NOTICES will ba akea tll is aa. 1r tha tli ealtlea aatll S:ltO a. aa. for rlf aa4 edlttea. ntltt. t 1-Se a war tret leeertles., la a ward thereafter. Jethlaa takea far less tbaa ana for tha Sret laser. Ilaa. These ad vertlseasaat a4 ka eaaseeatl vely. Aartlar. by reaaestlaar a beret cheek, tu hava a as were a4 reasa41 a aeaaherea' letter la tir ( Tka Re, inwin um afltreeeadl will ka deltveraa aa sreseatatlaa of tka kMk aaly. SITUATIONS WAITED. YOUNG man wants place to work for board whim attending school. Boy'.'.' Colin. Nw York Lif Bldg. Tel. im. A-MWfl A YOUNG American woman, capable and gently bred, wlshe a anuaiion an h--governess; ran take entire supervision of the house. Including servants and chil dren; can superintend the preparing and erving of mesls; run also do plain sew ing la acquainted wnn " "V. r" tiiv anri ran An all the marketing refer- enceii exchanaed. Addrs "Mlaa .9 cat of Th Hph A- WANTED-To iddreaa ""OP" 75 cent per 1.000. Addrea T T1"- WB hav good cook waiting for poattion. Cook' L'nlon, 1. O, box M, Omalii A Man 12 WANTED By young lady, position a bookkeeper; can do stenographic work; Al refweticM- T 23. Bee. A M9S1 If WASTED MALM HELP. GOOD meaaenger wanted; Increased pay. A. Ij. 'i Co., 212 South lath. B STEADY work, profitable work, for neat, energetic hustler. C. F. Auam Co., i Howard. B-4i . 5 FOR A HAW DAT 8 WORK. If you live lit th country or in a small town and hava a good acqualmanc among the tarmera and tock ralers in the neighborhood you can make tn eaai.y by four or live hour' work. Wrlia u and we will send you our proposition. Th Be I'ubltbhirig Co., Solicitors Dept., Omaha, Neb. B MJ13 WANTED, a good man In avory county to lake aub-criptlon for Th Twentieth Century Farmer. Our agenw make good wagea everywhere. Keterence required. Adore, twentieth ' Century aimer, Omaha, Neb. B 413 x?Ttrrr i lrHKIC! Shav, hair cut, ainge, any work In barber line, at Moler College. lbJJ Farnam st., d uwr. nuun, I t. " - vutr vriiT.K-u nnrhoe CnllMf. 1623 Farnam st., wants men to learn the barber trade by our mtthod of practical experience, expert Instructions, etc.; steady practice furnished by free work, which sayea two year' apprenticeship; only two months required; bn account of th demand for , graduate during the spring rush. peclal offer I made for thirty daya; can earn scholarship, board, tool and transporta tion It deaired; particular wiurm man n tend furnace End do ' chore around a house. Apply 912 Doug. la. WAfTED One turner and on machine viiirkr Rjrr Incubator Co., tn v. and lavnport. B M9fiJ M WANTED-A Gordon pre feeder. Chasa, 2111 a, ltl at. Doxntm v. WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circular, samples, etc.; no-canvassing: good. nay.. Bun Advertla- Ina-Bureau. Chicago." B-M9i8 12 WANTED Reglitered druggiet; young man preferred; must be well recommend' ed. Addrea Tho. Klske. PgJ WANTED Flrat-claa experienced clerk In our general Utor' to ibk cnarge oi ou .K.rv HnBrtmunt: tnunt be thorough!! posted and ba competent enough to do Inle man preferred.; stat salary ex pected and send referenoe. Becker Co. Albion, Neb. B-M980 16 WASTED-FEMALE HICLl. WANTED, two young lady students to i..n halrdrMslnv. manlcurlna and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or writ Room 2S0. Be Bldg. " C468 WANTED, girl for general housework. Mr. Geo. M. Entrlkin, 419 N. 8th st. .-. . C-M7W14 WANTED, ladles' to learri hair dressing, manicuring and facial massage; gradu ate earn tn t6 915 weekly; only on month required; best opportunity ver offered. Call or write Moler College, K2J Farnam L ' C 924 r HOUSEKEEPER In family of four grown person. Address T 22. Bee. CM9S2 HOUSEKEEPER- In small family, fl. E. cor. 18th and Manderson at. C M9S3 FOR REHT HOtSES. HOUBES. o. a. Wallace, Brown block. D &i TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; offic lullV Farnam, or Tal. 16i9-8U. ' ' ' ' '. D ac LirM ICCC Jn ail part of city. ' Th O. riVjUoCO F. Davlg Co., 66J Be Bldg. y . . , HOUSES and flat. Rlugwatt, Barker block. , - D ill BIGHT-ROOM, modern, except furnace, 23. G. M. Nattlnger, Be Bldg. ,'Phon 40. D 97,1 FOR RENT 12-room modern hou, 1714 Douglas street, 46. . JOHN W. RClBBiNB. 180J FARNAM. D MiU A GOOD or 9-room house, strictly mod ern, good neighborhood, within walking dlstsncc: very reasonable rent to right ' party. M. J. Ksnnard A Bon, u9-10 Browa block. D-ia TWO I 9-r. mod. oolUgea. rhone A-25CS. D 74 HOUBES; ate. F. D. Weed, 1&24 Pougla. '- ' U-4IJ4 HOUSES, ator. Bernl, Paxton block. D-7 FOR RENT, 10-roora modern flat. 904 North 17th ft., 9J0. Chsa. L. Saunder. IU So. Uth St- . D iui PAYNB. BOBTWICK CO.. 901 K. Y. Life, ' D M4y CENTRAL, modern, steam heat, 7-room house; 9 and 4-room flat. Tlxard, 2Zi N. jjld St. ' D io F-21 TO-ACRE weH equipped dairy farm, with , house and barn, near city. F. D. Weed, 1-44 Dougias. D M934 i FOR RENT, KU N. 17th St., $'J0, large -story modern house of 9 room, also barn. lf, i-room hous at 36th and Detatur St. The Omaha Realty Co., lJl Douglas St., roa RKXT VCRNIIHICD UOOMS. PEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. ONE furnished root., with heat, on car Una, llil Cla:Kl w par montn. it j I bousekejplng rooan. 99. 96 St. Msry'a. FRONT room;- gentlemen only. 1417 N. 17ih at. E M!;& 16 riRilllHEO ROOM9 ASD BOARD. NICE horn for young man. 109 8. 25th BL r 4S i . , STEAM heated, nicely furnished rooms. with or without board, at in tnursiou. w yon rt'NT nlcalv furnished, steam heated rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel. 16th and Chlcagd Bis. F-Ul ROOMS and board. Olancalrs, lu9 Douglas. j ui BOOMS, board; steam beat, toll Harney treat. r-MSM r- FURN18HED rooms, bath, loll Casa. team heat, gas. F-3o2 STEAM heated room with board. rJ9 Capitol Av. F 41 LAftorc parlor. lngle or suite. The Rom, sum iiaraey. " FOR Ri:U-lFt nlllED ROOMS. DFHK room space, IS per month, ground floor room In The Bee building, faring Farnam street; no expense for light, heal or Jnnltcr service. K. C. l'eteri Co., Hental Agents, He building. Q 11 FIVE unfurnlehed room. 1120 N. 17th. G-M100 FOR RGK1WKTOREI AID OFFICES. iOR BENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at ! Farnam 8t. It haa four stories and a baaement which waa formerly used a The Be press room. Thla wf'l b rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at one to C. C. Rosa watcr, secretary, room 10 Be building. 1261 FOR RENT, atora In flnt-clas location; rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Pater A Co., ground floor, Ilea Bldg. 1264 AGBXTS WAITED. WANTED, canvassing agent In every county to solicit subscription to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Steady employment with assured good income. Agents In the country with horse and buggy espec ially desired. Can vasser make easily to ilia per montn. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bu reau, lit Duiiuing, umana. v 'MEDICO LOGY," the best family medical hook in tne world; lew other gooa sellers. W. A. Hixenbaugn Co., COO War Blk. Omaha. . J lu7 BOOK canvassers wanted In every 'county Dig money; new proposition; sen to everywxiy; write today, rontiac run Co., Poritlac, Mich. J-il Ml AdENTS wnnlM in vev town to sell "Hunt Round Pointed Pen." These pens do not scratch nor spurt the Ink the points beln rounded by a. newly Invented process. This 1 an American Invention; the first Improvement In eteel pen making In seventy years. Put up in patent boxes at popular price.. We give large profits and liberal cash prise to the best workers. In every town you have an equal chance. Writ for term and full Instruction on How to Bell Suc cessfully. C. Howrd Hunt Pen Co., Camden, N J., the finest and best equipped, pen factory In th world. . J-M979 12 WASTED TO REST. WANTED Board and room; . . young couple; no cnuuren. t zi, nee. K M3SS IB FOR BALE-FIRJUTCRE. l CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodxe, Tel. 20J0. New and econanano, uougnt, sola, exenangea. u oao FOR SALE HORSES, WAOOJtl, rETC, THE BEST in buggies and wagon at 11. Frost s. I4.b and Leavenworth. at ftlNOLE alUgb. 10. . Aoubl slelan. Sib. I other goou double sleighs. urummond carriage co. P-S48 FOR IALE MISCELLANEOUS. FIR timber for houiemoVers, etc., 40 to 71 it.; criouing ana nog ienoe. wu uoug 1 I A .j.. r wv ilDHAND afe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam, CADET cost, food a new; will At boy 11 oi 14 year oiu. Auarea n m, at. V-M58 INDIAN good and relic. 1119 Farnam. TYPEWRITERS, latest model Reming ton, Smith-Premier, Densmore, replaced by th UNDERWOOD; low price, a. H. Workman k Cd., W1J Farnam. 'phon U&. When You Write to Advertisers . . remembet it only take an extra stroke or two of the pn to mention th fact that you u th act In Th Be. 2D1IAND sat cheap. Bchwarta, 114 8. 13th. , ...... y m FOR SALE, phonograph, aapertof to any Other rtluslual Instrument; fa up. Th Wlttman Co., l&a Farnam. - vj ail 100 STYLES trusses, catalogue free. Sher man at McConneli Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. , Q 838 FOR SALE, scholarship In an umaha shorthand chool, cheap. Inquire tXi He Bldg. Q-M9S9 BRAN, 91.10 per hundred; cracked corn, 1.30 per hundred, Wagner' Feed Store, 11W9 Cuming st. - Q M739 SAMPLE piano, eastern manufacture, tully warranted, at a bargain. l.UUlll . , 1, illU Cague bldg. Q M7S2 FOR SALE, slot machine, all sixes and style, both electrlo and automatic, new and aeconanana, at your vwn pries, o dress Box 304, David . City, Neb. Q-M804 16 BEAUTIFUL, Chlckerlng upright piano at a sacrifice. Room 414 McCagu bldg. O M7S1 niPVPLES. nhonoaraDh and lunplle. Omaha Bicycle Co., Cor. 16th and Chlrseo bts. " ' w ii 1 1 1 1 ; 1 CLAIRVOYANT!. MRS. FRIT clairvoyant. 819 N. 16th. MMS. GYLMER, genuin palmist, 915 S. IS. onn ELECTRIC THKATNE.IT, Mm. Am, Cumberland house, 15th ft Cap. a. A 7il at MME. BM1TH. baths, U9 N. 14. td floor, R 1 1 at aii- BONTON PARLOR8, KIM N. 15th, flat B. . x mjoo r w BEATRICE HARLOW, baths; Egyptian treatment; atUndanL IZ1 N. 15th. Flat U ' 'i alow M MASSAGE, Manicuring. 1616 Howard, flat A. 1 Miil Ha' PEB90NAL. PRIVATE hospital, before -and during oon- nnement; babies aaopiea. wu urant at. DR. ROY. chiropodist, corn and superflu ou nair removea or aiectnuity. n. ii. Frenser Block. U JMK GOLDMAN S. the . only perfect pleating plant in tn west, zuu uougia diock. U M400 SHAMPOOING and halrdrassina. 25c In connection witn in tJaitwry. .Ltt-iM He - bullying, leu ill. . . u u RUPTURE permanently cured In 90 to 60 days; srna ior circular, u. a. n ooa, 11. D., ill Nw.York Ufa Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. U WJl HimnnCWINQ. manlcurlna and chiro pody, for ladles only, in connection with in oatnery, tiv-M a ua. u a Mlddlemta, wall paper cleaner, 140tJackon U ELITE PARLORS, 415 8. 16th St.. 2d flosr. V L-M.W Ml HEADQUARTERS for Phonograph Orapbaphon. Record and Supplle Neb. CyrU. Co., Cor. lth and Harney aVCCORDlON pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mra. A. u. Marx. 17 jjougiaa. CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection wltb The Bathery. rooms 114-220 Bee BUlg Tel. 171. u-vm GRAMOPHONES and aupplies. wholesale and retail. Colllna piano Co., 1&3 Doug. la. U 4t L1EBKN. theatrical, masquerade costumar. , luU Farnam. u 4u OMAHA Cancer Cur Sanitarium. SO7 N. 9-tih St.. Omaha. Neb., treat cancers, tumors and all skin diseases; cur guar an teed. C Mil F14 MME. SMITH, btha. 114 N. 15. 2d floor, r u aia ri! VIAVI. woman' way to health: rational, s,boleoni home treatment. 944 Bee Bldg, U oj PRIVATE home ladles before and durln ronnneraent; adopt babies. I lur1 !. Mrs. Burgvt. u atsu miv FKR90JAI. 8t"PIOSB that In the purk you at ' AND heard the hand upon your hat PLAY waltses, two-stop and marches too, I think It would aetonlsh you. Hun t youT And then his pipe went out and h pro ceeded at once to procure a ' PRINCE OF OMAHA which la the, best 6c straight cigar on th market. 37 per i.nrei. W. F. BTOECKER CIGAR CO, U M98 17 GEORGE Go a the fat boy. Bee February wnat to Jat. Mouie. u-Mrn u MONEY TO LOAJI-REAL ESTATB. WANTED, city loans, bond and warrant. George Company, lwu f arnam s'reei. W-40 V PER CENT on business property, t per cent on residence property. Option to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 B. lath Bt. W-407 WANTED, city loan and warrant. W. f arnam smith 4t Co., mw Farnam Bt. W-408 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bond ana warrants. K. j. meters CO., mi Farnam Bt., Be Bldg. W-409 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha ral estate. urennan-Lov Co.. su Bouia istn. W 410 FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. ... .. W 411 4H TO i P. C. tnony. Bernl, pa.ton Blk. W 411 PRIVATE money. Bherwood, 937 N, Y. U W-41I FOR SALE. FARM AND CITY LOANS. R. C.- PETERS A CO., BEE BG OMAHA; W Sl4 Mcni MORTGAGE. G. G. Wallace, Brown Blk. . W 414 PRIVATE! money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglaa . . W 410 S PER CENT loan. Farnam. Garvin Bros.. 104 W 41 MOSKT TO LOAM CHATTELS. WE NEVER REQUIRE SECURITY. SALARY loans on YOUR NOTE. Only requirement a steady position. NO Mortgage, endorser or publicity. (SMALL, PAYMENTS REDUCES COST.) rxi . i . .. Weekly, 8eml-Monthly or Monthly. (PRIVATE .OFFICE FOR LADIES.) R. R. Men, Clerks, Machinists, School Teachers, Bookkeepers, Stenographer or any employe given time to suit their requirement. GUARANTEE Ixwt Rate tn Town. VERY private ottlce. EASILY found. Telephone 1411 for ev. date. No charge for Information or paper. Open Noons, Wednesday and Saturday evenings. an can on you it preierrea. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, Room HXM Third Floor, Paxton Blocks X-701 ' MONEY To loan on Furniture and Piano, Lira Stock, eto. You to ratain possession of th property. Al ARY 1 OANC AO PP' noiaing rtLAM.LUAIlJ permanent ponltiomi. You can borrow from fio.uo up. You can get the money on short notice. You get the full amount in cash. You may keep U one montn or more ana pay ior it only what time you keep It. Our rate are low, our business 1 confidential and our motto t to "try to please." 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. X295. icjaiaDiisaea imm.J'.' us m. ma oi. X-417 ' LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO BALAK1H.U rturLBi, mercuanis, team ster, boarding house, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 ottlce In prin cipal citle. Tolman, 440 Board of Trad Bldg. X-a LOANS ON SALARIES. FURNITURE, live stoca, etc.. iuu snrvico ana lowest rate guaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE, m (top floor) Paxton block, nortnast corner 16th and Farnam; entrance ou luikt street. .;-X Ud FURNITURE, PIANOS, HORSES, ETC., good." Written guarantee -given to thla "fleet. AMERICAN LOAN CO V Room 803, Paxton Bloclb -. X 419 MONEY loaned on plain note to-salaried people; Dusiness connoentiai; lowest rate. bl4 Paxton block. Th J. A. Hutton Co. X 490 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to saiariea people, roiey loan Co., sue. to Duff Green, Barker Blk. X-674 '. MONEY loaned on piano, furniture, jew elry, horses, cows, etc. j. v. tieea, sis b. 13. X-424 Bl'SINEIS CHANCKS. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, McCagu building. Y-425 WHEN you want to buy. sell or exchanaa your Dunnes or property quick communi cate witn one wno ns in customers, j. IL Johnson, 4S N, Y. Uf. Phone L-9270. Y Mssl RESTAURANT, furniture and fixture, fine location, paying Dusiness; owner leaving city: a bai'gain; investigate this. J. iL Johnson, N. Y. Lit. Y M2 ELEVEN room, elegantly furnished, mod ern brick tenement, best location, vry room tilled with nrst-ciass roomers, pay ing proposition, future plan necessitate lady selling py nso, i. J.- H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. . I-SUW FOR BALE Millinery atora, doing good business; also gooa hotel for Sal (or leas to right party), both good location In M. u. ruebraska. van or write tee n. x. Llf building, Omaha. X 134 FOR SALE CHEAP, steam pasta plant; au tne- macninery ana equipment tor manufacturing wall paper oaat and brick mush; thl builnes produces large pro fits: can be conducted with amall capital. J. H. Johnaon. N. Y. Ut. Y-M7&5 - HOTEL, furniture and fixtures. 60 rooms, eiegantiy equippea; . nouse; paying nrouosltton; located tn live county seat ,'owll southeast Nebraska; owner ag necessitates retiring; will aell reasonable and lease house. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y M766 FOR BALE, an established general mds. DusineHS aoing io a year; located In good farming section; only on other general stock In town; atock will invoice about 98.0U0, but will be reduced to about 9S.000 In the nex thirty day. Ill health cause of selling. No trsdes. Ad dress Lock Bog 14, Upland, Neb. Y-M79S 13 FOR SALE, old established grocery busi ness; rresn stoca, gooa trane and nxture. Will reduc atock to 31,000 If required. T 20, Bee. ' Y-a 17- WANTED Young active man : with 31.000 desiring to establish himself In business; splendid opp (unity for right party; In vestigate. Southern Home Improvement Association, auita 408, 79 Dearborn St., Chicago. Y-M971 12 FOR BALK California restaurant: propri etor want tv leave city, zoue in si.. Boutn Omaha. Y M984 18 FOH EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding Deo. IN 4, ue. 2 M510 FOlt BALKHEAL ESTATE. Farm Htrrrlson ft Morton, N Y L. Tel. 314 Kit W7 14 RANCHES FOR SALE. If you want a ranch In the beautiful South Loup river valley, well improved, all deeded land and under fence, away down cheap, wm to n. a orega, I'aiiaway Neb. RE Visas 14 LANDS AND FARMS, I hav Inqulrle ior lands end farm in Kansas, Nebraska, owa and S. Dak. Olve full description, location, sec. twp. and Rg., and price at w,hlh vou will sell, end uav cumml!nn of 9 per cent, plus U 00, In case of sal only. W. L. B and loau. Boai elby, general - real estate Boara iraae Diag. RE 11594 WILLIAMSON Charles E-. IX rarnam street. RE-429 95.600 FOR 2 4-room cottagea, modern ex cept furnace: 1 4-room cottage, all tn excellent condition, $ht monthly rental, continually occupied, fine location, on 17th street, lu blocks north P. O.. owner going to I alirornia ior neaxn; n casn, v easy: J. IL Jobuaua, U N. Y. Ufa. FOR SAI.B UK A I, KUTATK. IF YOU want on of th nest 9-room home In lianscom Place, I will give you a bargain. Owner lft city. Must sell. J. 1L Bherwood. 937 N. Y. L. Bl'lg. RE-M1E4 IMPROVED farm, JnO acres. H mile north La riatte, Harpy county; easy terms; f rlce t'A an acre. Kason, llrr Orsnd llo el. Omaha, Neb. HE MS12 li WANTED, to bny, $ hotis and lot. j.'T" ioi near ine puri. house. Wet Farnam. HARRISON A MORTON, TMephon lit . HHUiTI 12' When You Write , to Advertisers remember it only take an extra stroke or two of th pen to mention th fact that you saw th ad In Tb Bea. HOreiiS and lot In all part of city; also acre property ana isrm lanaa. j ne u. . Davis Co., Room 652. Bee Bulldns FARMS! FARMS! FARM8! For bargains In farm property go to o Neiu Real Estat . Agency, tsoum Omaha . RE 426 PAYNE, BOBTWICK CO., 901 N. Y. Life. K1S UIH 4. HOUSES, lota, farm, ranches, loan; also nr insurance. Bemls, Paxton wmcx. RE 427 BOYD COUNTY LANDS On account of heavy snow, our Boyd county . trip postponed. Will give notice of next trip at least three days in advance. Write for particu lars. .' ; POTTER. FORGAN & HASKELL, 420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 470. ' Omaha, Neb. ... RE 331 NEW Unow-Church Co.. 4th floor N. Y. Life Blda.. Omaha. Neb. I Arses t law. collection and real estate agency in th world. Associate banks attorney and real estate broker In every county In the United States and cities of foreign coun tries. tiUiil HOUSES Harrison tt Morton. Tel. 914. ... E M167 Mch4 RANCH and farm land for sale by th union pacino Kaiiroaa company, is. a. McAUester, land commissioner. Union Pa clflo Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 429 ffM r-. rr ...Alt U.i Y...mmm Am UlAfnAiA lailVli i n. . infill' DVV. '. chool section lease. D. W. Irwin, Ak ron, Colo. - KB M3U H it FOR 81 ALE One lot 60 by 120 feet; two house, barn, good well and cistern; for (1.1U0 cash It sold at once, call on or aa dress Thos. Johnson, .2517 Maple st., Omaha. . , RK M9 w CHEAP cottages: Two cottages, corner lot. Zith and Burdette his., Dotn ti.ivi. 218 Miami St., 7 rooms, 91,160. Milt Da a .Ann.a tfj 11. OU. II' I II Dl.i W luuilin, W w. 361 S Hamilton St., 8 rooms, large lot, 91,760. I4i Dorcas St., x apartments, i,6w. 2711 Burdette St., 9 rooms, $S60. Vacant lot, near 30th and Emmet BU ,S $1B0. I.nt S. Nelson's. 62x120 feet. 9&60. GRAHAM & URE, Bee Bldg. RE-S44 14 W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO. Fine farm for feeding or dairying, only three mile from South Omaha yards; good Improvements; 7-room house, large barn, cattle and hog eheds,- eto. ; to be sold a once; a bargain at ,ouu. ee or write us 'lor runner particulars. W. AKIN AM BM1H1 UU., 1320 Farnam St. RE M9B9 14 HOR SALE Five acre close to city, 4675. Hicks, 326 Board of, Trade biag. RE- I IP MEDICAL. PR PRIES, the acknowledged leadlnr specialist in disease o. women in umana, would call the attention of suffering ladles to hi unsurpassed accommodations before fend during cobflpement, and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause.- Call -or address, with stamp, Dr. pries, Arlington &locK, nil uoage, umana. i -i OUR GUARANTEE 11 ' thm RKWARD To relieve at home any case of lotig-stand Ins. obstinate. - abnormal -suppression from any causa. Even If other hav -failed, try our compound concentrated vegetable fluid extract. We never dlsap- point. Used for over eighty years with out a singl failure. wny aespairT ur. Mead Rem. Co., 19 (Juitlcy Bt., cnicago. . 070 F21 TORAGB. PACIFIC Storaa and Warehouse Co..-912- 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. KM OM. Van. Utor. Co., 1511i Farn. Tel. 15&9-863.' MS SHORTHAND ASD TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Cm. C CoL, 18 th Doug . . ' S4 A. C. VAN RANT'S achooL 717 N. Y. Life. t 4dO BOYLES Collego, court -reporter princlpaL - N. -Y. Ufa. - '' - NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd Theater. - 437 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopath, Suit 515 ti. I. LW Diag. lei. itMH. ..-,. -695 PR. A. T. HUNT, 519 McCagu Bldg. Tel. Z3U. ' PR. MRS. MUSICK. Pougla Blk. Tel. 2823. MO ' CARPENTERS AND , JOINERS. ALL kind of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. j. i. ucmitree WM. KVER1TT. Special rate to raal tat men; weather strip put on. Z8u Leavenworth. . , - . . -4m REPAIRING very cheap. 1519 Leav. TeL Ci9. . HP 11D TAMFB, COINS, tTC. Bonn HT Omaha Sumo Co.. 309 S. 13th 5I MANlFACTlRIKa. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wk. make a spe clalty of Ore esoapes, snyiters, aoor an ate., u. Anarecu, i rop., iva a. nun t . . I . -9M F20 P. MELCHOIR, th ami Howard, ma- cnin'sis. M469 TYPEWRITERS. NEW ft Jdhand. 1119 Farnam St.. Omaha. loO WE" RENT new typewriter for 93 a month Including ribbon ana aesu. .Tel. 1713 Farnam. Th Oilvor typewriter. 7" Fl'RNITlRB REPAIRING. TEL. 133L M. B, Walklln. 2111 Cuming BL . BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bala-TU Co., 911 North 16th. Ino FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases: trunks repaired. On. Trunk t actory, 120 Farnam. 451 Al'CTIOKEER. IN Neb. and low 2612 N. South Omaha. !9 F"2:l" FIR PRESSING. O. R- GILPERT CO., Unner. 1424 8. 13th. UK POLICIES PIKCUASLD. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, purcbaaea. Ixians on policies. Call on or write Tha Putnam Co., iw4-4 N. Y. Llf Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U LOST. ItX'K KTBOOK between rrth and 91 on Hpauldlng: return to ttli Spragoe and receive rewara. lxint M. J ii- FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE nARPF.NF.R8 protect old ag aa well as lire. i:narter memners free. i'riicu lar from Frank Rosewater. auprem mnnsavr, 221 Be Pld. TH VOICE, CLEMENT B. SHAW. Voice, Si Bheely DUIKling. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas LAt'NDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collar. ic; cutis, 4a itM ieavnwortn. lei. Mi. 4 tO AL, MONROE Coal and Feed Co. 'Phone 971. Q 4!7 F29 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING In families or at horn. Mis Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. 457 F29 PHOTOGRAPHER. J. HOLOUBEK. photograph. l?n B. 19, NICKEL PLATING. v OMAHA Mating Co., Be bldg. Tel. tM5. Mist STAMMERING AKD STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramg Bldg. 4n6 FLORISTS. U HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 126. 449 ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- pnon xiu. oil ooutn inirteentn street. I GOVERNMENT NOTICE. "l-l I v.v OIT1 nTirnUiaTiTD'a ntpvrru OMAHA, Neb.. January 27. 1902. Sealed proposals win be received her until 10 a. m., central time, February 45, 1902, for furnishing l.OOO.IMlO lhs Viltitmlnnua iumn coal for domesto ue, and 1,800,000 lbs. baled lay st rnri Kiiey, Kansas, proposal ior I ellvery at other points will be entertained. I u. o. ree-erves rignt io reject or accept any or an proposals, or any part tnereor. in- formation furnished on application here or to Quartermaster at Fort Riley, Kansas. Envelopes containing proposal should bo nirlrnl "Ptnn..l. In, frta I .nrf 11 ,. addressed to Major JNO. W. PULLMAN, 1 C. O. M. . sn-9i.i-i3 I i WANTED for U. S. armv. nhln.hnrtieH unmarried men between aaea nf 21 and :. cltlxens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For Information apply i nrcruivniviimr, loin ana uoage bis., Omaha, Neb. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholder of th south Platte Land company will be held at the office of said company. In Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on the 6th day of March, A, II., im By order of tne Board of Director. Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 1, 1902. C. II. MORRILTl. President F2 d30t A. B. MINOR, Secretary. FOSTOrFiCB NOTICE. (Should be read daily by all Interested. a change may occur at any time.j. Forelen malls for the week endlnr Febru ary 16, IM, will close (PROMPTLY In all civsest at Hie General Postoitlce as follows! EiEYfiS '.Pi0?6. EARLIER thau closing time shown below, Reaular and Supplementary mail clos at f oreign xsrancn nan nour later tnan closing tlm, shown' below (exoept Supple mentary Mails, ior ,urop ana central America, via Colon, close one huur al Fureign iiraarnj. Transatlaatlo Blalls. n.pnvponiv A, K m i?Tfe.r,t)ii per s. s. Cymric via Queenstown (mall must be directed "per s. s Cymrla"); at 6:S0 a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. Phila delphia vlA Southampton; at 10 a. m. for BElAilUM direct, per (. s. Zeeland (mall must be directed "per s. a. Zeoland"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. BW ITZEKLANO, 1TALX , 8PAIN. PORT UGAL, TLKKKl, r-G Y PI, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR Ql'KZ, per s. . La Gaacogne via Havre (mall for other part of Europe muit b mux; Via. J Iw T I a directed "ner s. S. La Gsa ogne ), SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for ITALY dl rect, per s. s. lionensoiiern (mail muit be directed "per s. . Hohenxollern"); at 7:30 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE, per . . Lucanta via Queens town; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS d rect, per m. : Maa3am (ma mut be dTeteiJ.p-v,'i.aA :! a. m. for Scotland direct, per s. a Furrtessla (mall must b directed "par a. . urnessia j, PRINTED MATTER, ETC.-Thl teame take . 1-riptea Matter, commercial pa t,er and Ham'jles for Uermsnv only. Th same cluso of mall matter for other part of Europe will not be sent by thla ship unless specially uirectea v iu After th closing "9! th Supplementary Transatlantic ia.a namea above, addl tlonal Supplementary Mails are opened on the pier Of the American, English, French and German steamers and re main open until within Ten Minute of the hour 01 sailing ot steamer. Mali for Soath aad Ccatral America, West ladles. Eta. WEDNESDAY At 9:30 a. m. for INAGUA and HAITI, per . . .".olviVnon ; at 9:30 a. m. for FOUTlNis 1 b law d, per a. s. Hungarla (mull for Haiti must ' be dl rected "per s. s, Hungarla"); at 11:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per s. g. Admiral Kamnson. from pnuaaeipnia. THURSDAY At 9 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN, CAMPECHE, TABASCO and CHI APAS, per s. s. Havana (mail for other parts si Mexico must b directed "per . s. Havana"); at 12 m. (aupplementary 12:30 p. m.) for BAHAMAS, OUANTAN AMO and SANTIAGO, per a. s. Beguranca, FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per . s. Silvia; at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1:30 p. m.) for Lh-h.-WARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS, and BRITISH. DUTCH and FHKNCH Oi l- ANA, per . . Carlbbee (mall for Barb ados, Grenada and Trinidad must ba di rected "per . s. Carlbbee ); at 3 p. m. for BARBADOS, BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA and BRAZIL, ner . s. Cuprt via Barbados and Peruambuco (mall ior rsortnern Drain must te 01 rected "per . . Capri"); at "11:30 p. m. for BAHAMAS, per ateamer from Miami, SATURDAY At l a. m. for BERMUDA per a. . Pretoria; at 9 a. ra. for PORTO Kit w. per . a. ronci at a. m. tsuno e- mentary 9:30 a. m J for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, 'per . a. Maracalbo (mall for Biivanuia ana .vartagena. must ne m- a. Maracalbo"); at 9:10 a. directed "per a. . Alene "); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per . . Morro Caatl via Havana; at 1U a. m. ior ukc-naua. ikimdau and CIUDAD BOUVAR, per . . Mara- Cms. Mall, for N.wfoundland. by rail to North Sydney, and tnenc by steamer, close at this ofBce dally at 4:W n. ro. (connecting close her every . Mondy WedneMay and Saturday), alalia to JUIqUelon, by rail to Boston, and tnenc by steamer, clos at thl office dally at 4:30 p. m. Mall 'or Cuba, by rail to ona., ana tnenc by learner, are dispatched dally, final con- r.pti.,1 ' iw, a m. (supplementary 10:10 a. m.) for FOR- disturbed on appeal. 00010 against nessirr, Ior tne ooay, wniie 11 is nttsa so snugiy a TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVANIL- 37 N W. Rep.. 632 Neb.). followed. tO avoid unde.lrabl bulk, and the lleeve LA. CARTAGENA and ORETTOWN, per 2. A mortgage I not liable for a fallur j .hi- tha eoat or i.rV.i a ana 1 . nn. imaii .,. bt., m.i h. r,r rafnaal to release a mortgage when th I allow of slipping to coat or jacket OB ana netting closes, ior aispatcn via i-ort it natural course .u uw .ain.iii .igu.i Tampa, on Sundays at 4 3u a. m., Wednes. and, If so, whether It was the best and daya and Friday, a. m.; for dls- most advantagoua mean of disposing of patch via Miami, on Mondays and Frl- such water! but whether uch culvert was day at 11:30 p. rn. Malls for Mexico reasonably necessary to a proper main City, overland, unless specially addressed talnance of th road. for dispatch by steames. close at tbl of- PAIS. Geiman Insuranc company galnt he dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. m. Stlner. Error from Dawson, Affirmed, and 11:30 p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. end Hastings,' C, division No. 1. Unreported. 11:30 p. m. Mall for Costa Rica. Hellxa, 1. It Is not error to overrule a motion to t, ,nr and tfliiMtemala bv rail tn atrlka which Include loaether with om New Orleana, and thence by steamer, I matter which should hava been stricken I expenss. Ia order la get a ay pattern en close at this office dally except Sunday I out of a reply, other matters which embody I a)Ma j (lnt, glv bumber and 'Sam of llcii 'f hr'rMo-y. rB.lSS; rosTurricB notice. Tuerta Corte and OuatcmsU, and Tue- I dsys for Costa -Rlcm. 'Rfglstered mnll close at 9 p. m. previous tiny. Traaspaeiaa Mall. ' Malls for Hawaii via Ban Frarclsco, close her da lv at :!W ft. rn. up to February 10, Inclusive, for dispatch per . a Ala meda. Mails for Ifawsll, Japan, China and Philip pine Islands via pan Krsnclsro closs her dally at 6:30 p. m. up lo February !, Inclusive, for ulSDatch ier a. s. Doric. Malls for China and Jspsn. via T aroma. close here dally at 4.W p. m. up l0 February 14. Inoluslve, for aispatcn P S fllvmtllA I Mslls fir China n1 Jsnan, via Vancouver, close here dsllv st ." p. m. up to r eoru- I ary is. Inclusive, for dlspat. h. per s. s. K mores nr China. I Kesisierea mall must b directed "via Vancouver." Merchan dise for the U. S. Pi-etal Agency at Shanghai cannot b forwarded via Can ada.) Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle, close ner dally at : p. m. up to r eoru- ary inclusive, tor ntsnatcn per s. s. Klnshlu Maru. (Registered mall must be i i , . ....i. o I Malls for Hawaii, China. Japan and Philip- pine island, via Ban rncisro. cioss i her dally at :S0 p. m. up to February 20, Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Nip- pon Maru Mall for Australia expert West Australia. which Is forwarded VI ICurope). New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa ana Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:90 p. m. after February 2 and up to February 2: Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Campania, due at New York February 23, for dls- I patch per a. a. Sonoma, I Malls for Australia (except West Australia. whlch goe via Europe, and New Zealand. which goe via San Francisco), and Fiji Islsnds, via Vsncouver. close her dally at 6-..10 p. m. after February 22 and up to March 1. inclusive, for dispatch per . . Mlowera (eupplementary mails, via Seattle and Victor', close her at 6.30 ii m Msreh 9i Mails for Tahiti and Marquesss Islands, via MI Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. I m. up to March 12, Inclusive, for dls- patch per a. Australia, I I Transpacific mails are forwarded to port or salmi dsllv and tha aehedula nf lna. I lng Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland, transit. Registered mall closes at ( p. m. pre vious day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT Postmaster. Postoftlce, New York, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1902. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New York-Rotterdam, via Rnulns-ne. II. M I New Twin-Screw a. a. of 19.W0 ton tegUter. oteamer maahuam Feb. la, 10 A. M. I I win-Borew DnftarHom I Oteamer liuusiuaiil Mar. 1. 10 A. M. I Stesmer AMSTERDAM ....Mar. 9. 10 A. M. I Apply to Holland-America Line. 39 B'way, I N. Y.J Harry Moore, 1415 Farnam Street: I ii Altai a aT VI Jliu g' a I I in 111 Loul Neese, First National Bank. RAILWAY TIME CARD. t'MION STATION lOTH AND MARC Y, rmLa r..i..i Leave. Arrive. rM2 xV Ku Tn..!,ii, MlnneSpoIll Chicago Expre a 7:20 am a 1:10 pm Minneapolis il Limited .a 7:60 era a 2:06 am poll ft St. Paul chicaw FiIikm ' So' S Chicago Expres 10.3e pm tsicsfe as nonmireiiflvs, "The Northwestern Una - I rhtraao Boedal a 7 -in am n m.m Chicago Passenger a 4:16 pm a 8:00 am Eastern Exrreaa al0:5 am a 4:05 pm I Eastern Special ,a 4 .ao pro a 4:06 pm a 2:40 pm ir asi man Omaha-Chlcaao L't'd..a 7:46 nm a i-nl. Fast Mall a 9:90 am Cedar p.apldr Pas a 5:80 pm Twin City express a 7:os am al0:26 pm Twin City Limited a 7:65 pm a 9:40 am Sioux City Local a 6:16 am a 3.50 pm Wabash. Bt. Lout "Cannon Baa" Express ..? a 5:15 pm a 1:20 am Bt. Loul Local, Council Bluoa .... aio:oo am al0:90 pa (Jkloaau. Mliv bt. raal. rtiiiwm Limited a 6:00 am a s ot tn Chicago ft Omaha Ex.. b 1:1 am o l:4u pm Attaauurl l-avifto. St. Loul Kxpres ai0:00 am a 4:2s pm li. u a nt. i nira.aio;ao pm a l.i am CaiuMatu, aeva laiaaa as 4'aaiala. EAST. De Molne and. Dav enport ixcai...i a i.a am a 9:35 pm Chicago- Jiaprea ......UU:16 am a 6:0a pm cmcago Jai express.. a 4:ita pm a le pm Lies jwoiniis, wva as,- ana aua cntiaga.......a i:wpn a 9:26 am WlLtS. Uncoln. Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo aua West 130 pm a 4:11 pm Coiuiado. ukianoma m Texas siyer pm a i:m am w .. .O.l I'MIM. Overland Lsmltad a 9:40 am a 7:90 pm feast M.aii a- m.mi am a .ia pm caiiLoiiua luxprewt a:pm Pocirto Jilxpre all:) pm eastern w a:36pm AUanllo Kxpie a 7:00 am uiicoiii-btruuuiMurg a.x.b 4:Oo pm uii-pu Urand Jtnl iofa. :u pm u .m am a Dally. PtRLIMGTON STAI1UX10TH as MASON Chicago. Burllagtaa A tialaey. r-ki.n HoHclal . a J tZ am ia-in Chlcaso special.. ....... .a i.iy am aio. pa I - , m . . Chicago yeuouii ,.. .w pro a ?.46 am Dm i tnitaau . - " Chlcaao Limited. .a J:o0 pm a 7:46 am ai . " Uariluataa "" aivee. Wvmore. Weainc ana Nebraska Express a 9:40 am a 7:3 pm . , 1 m :4U an. hli-u. Deuvr Llmltad... ...... .a 4:2e pm a :w yu Black HHls and Pugt bcuntt B"r k,v-v- -.. I Kill :UJ Dm a 6:44 am Lincoln Fast Mail.... ...a 3 W pm a 4:17 am uri k v mourn - .v yiu vu:n am Bciievu ft Paeinn ot..a ,:tu pm a so am Bellsvu at rswui, .. a.w am Kaasaa Ctt, bt. : Caaacll Ulafls. Kansas City Day Ex.. ..a 9:20 am a 6:06 pm wausas City Night !.. ai0:W pm a:Uam k. uuU Fiyor a 4;K tm aU;ia am , Dally, b Pally except Sunday. . . . WEBSTER DKPOT-1.V1H WEBSTER " . tav. Arrlv. Premuat, ElWhara at jaiaauarl kaaey ri.w Miiia. Dtitdwooa. Hot Dprio w; a lAyoiniug, capcr auu Douglaa ii" :! :fl0 pm P Exetar and bwari....o 1:09 pm b 6:00 pa Nuriuik, Lancoin ana Fresnunt o 7:90 am b 10 am Fremont Local 7:90 m JMlMWSri 1 .CI. . Local, via v Weeping aisr.. s:u via aiv.M am Ckleaara, Paal, Mlaaeapall A Oanahav. Twin City Passenger... a 6:90 am a 9:15 pre oi.,,. ritv Paaaanaer..a 2:46 pm all:20 am Emeron Looal b 4:90 pm b 1:46 am n Dally b Dally except Sunday, a Sun- fliy only, d Dally except aaiuraay. a uaiiy erreni vonuajr. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI- ' " 108O7. Sullivan Saving Institution against Rh.rn Annual from Chase. Judgment. Oldham, C. division No. 9. Unreported or?th.a i. annh that reasonable mind mlaht fa'.rly I differ a la the correct and proper conclu- sion to w VIT:"" V. " '? I tact maae oy . !"" .t" I right of th pereon demanding uch releaa I l,a o isrm ted Quesuon. . .. . i iujii. ruiiii ..'''" ''' i-; from Johnson. Affirmed. Albert, C, dtvl I slon No. 3 Unreported. I 1 On the fscts stated, held, that th county board had authority, to direct th 1 roaa overseer i piu now I highway in hi district. ... 2. It la not neceasary in u-h order to I aestgnat ina spet-uic piiii ij m ... I at which uch culvert I to b placed. 9. In an action to enjoin the contructlon I It would divert tb urfac drainage from or ucncuivar. , .... 'J"""" """'-""" rfi&wKn. cannot ba reviewed In thhi court unless lh rrcor I shnwa they wert pssncd tiiion by the trial court an.t an ex- t,ii.,M ,Bkr,A t r ih rtiiine i nrrt'Oii. - - a i'i,i..n., h.-,i m mnrmnt the snbmls- io'n lo Ihe iurv of qu.-etlon n to whelhor or not the ttimiranec oMiipsny were nf Ibi-Ib as tn conllllini ot tne policy nv Ihe time of the acts relied upon a a wslyr ami Instruction No. 9 set out In tne opinion held to prriwrly mibmH tlmt question. MMS. Panford aenlnst Anderson. Appeal from Snunders. Afllrmod. Albert, C, divi sion No. 9. Unreported. 1. An error In appraising real estate for judicial sele. whereby a deduction is mnde for liens thst nav neen satisnea or mersea in the decree Is error llhnit prejudice. Where tne p'openy so. i .or more man mu- vf' .i 1 .V.1 ... , , rtM lVn 1,1 "B l,J 1 Hl-mifniurni tv be avails hi must be lodged before sale. "e - , ' . ...V.. fourt had Jurisdiction to enter th dcrc """. iiv4i Rumlev eomnsnv against Jelsma. Error from Gage. Remittitur. Pay, C. division No. 1. Unreported. 1. Evidence examined and held In part to sustain the verdict and Judgment. . These esses will not be reported: 10ihi4. Pearson agnlnst Badger lumner tmPfnvA AV V'L f,r?m 1i'",f,ur firmed. Dnv. t. Division No. 1. Al- . Where an arpraisement of reel estate ; f,r" Judicial sale It cannot be successfully at- lacked aolelv on the around that the prop erty- haa ben appraised too low. To use the low valuation as a successful bssls for attacking the appraisement It must be al leged and proved that It waa fraudulent. Brown v. Fltspatrlck. 66 Neb., 61. i. The purpose oi an appraisement or real estate for Judicial sale is to tlx a pnea i below two-thirds of which, no bid will ba receiveu. .... The appraiser are by Btatut a tum- mry innunai to nx sucn price, ana men action when duly taken under th atatut can be impeached for fraud alone. 4. Such action of the appraiser floe hoi deprive the court of any of its equltj power to set aside a aala or to require thul uch sale be for n adequate price. 6. No abuse of discretion of the trial eourt In refusing to set tha sal aside I. snown or compiaineo ni. . a piaintin: in error must snow amrmn- nveiy mac error waa committea ana tnai he waa entitled as a matter of law to a different Judgment or order from that com- pininea or. Where the finding show a narrower liability than that enforced by the Judg ment of the court, or show no liability and the Judgment enforces one, or In any other way a discrepancy between finding and Judgment Is presented which no possible state of the plesdlngs could Justify, modifi cation or reveres I may be had upon a rec ord showing such findings, and Judgment only. 3. But where the ernund nf romnlalnt la that the findings of themselves would en- title the plaintiff in error to more relief J.'"1" wa r"1'". a recora containing tna "nuuiss ana junimeni oniy is insumcient to procure modincatlnn or reversal, sine he prayer of the petition may hav been more limited than the relief warranted by, the fact alleged and found. i. u a i-uniraci in so Droan in Its languags to cover matter of which the parti, were Ignorant, equity may confine It ap plication to th real purpose ot the bar gain. GIN TESTS VERY COSTLY. Experiments with Modern Flarhtlaaj Machine Cot Many Million. At Snndv Ifonk reeentlv rein la. Iha V. York Pree. one or two comfortable for . iTlT llfndd " the comparative tests of the Gathmann gun and the twelve iut.-ii eeivice nue. tostiy projectiles were hurled against expensive reproduction ol t" armored side of a battleship and It I WB" " donf by WttV of experiments to Prov,e "nd- disprove theories, for In naval I lnI meunea are not worm mucn until I they have been thoroughly tested, and I these teats cost fortunes.. Shins hava been blown to pieces to test the efficacy of some I new projectile, expensive gun have been I Dur"1 aeuoerateiy py overcharge, and at the Ind'an Head proving grounds, near Annapolis, expensive steel plate are being Biinucirii f.-oiiBiHiuiy ny neavy ornnancv, all In the way of experiment and test. it is.saia tnat a unique and costly expert ment has been decided upon by the British admiralty with a view of trying to -find out what th matter I with their new torpedo boat destroyers. The destroyer' uuora recently went to tne Dot torn in I mysterious manner, and her sister ship, itno vunure ana crane, - ouca ea wner when they went to sea. It Is now proposed to - spena aoout aixj.uou in DU'.'Jing a nummy destroyer which will be, in all 'essential respects, a duplicate .of the hull of tbe Cobra. The dummy will have no engine or boiler or gun or torpedo tube. I will be anchored 1n om harbor handy to. wnen completed tne dummy aestroyer the open sea and a soon a a big gale' springs up with a heavy sea th boat will be towed out Into tho open and her be havior carefully noted. . Should she buckle and nreaK in two, as it is tnougnt ane win, the mystery of the loss of th Cobra will, have been cleared up, . Home or tne curious and costly experi ment which have been made In testing men-of-wsr and their guns are historical. Ona brolllna hot afternnnii In IftiH tha tn I habltanta of Gibraltar, attracted by tha I aouna or neavy ana incessant nring, rushed from their house to see th British gunboat Wasp busily hurling projectile at tne fortincation wnicn fringe the top- mot rldg of the "rock." The bombard - ment waa only an experiment to show whether or not modern gun could be ale vated sufnclently to throw modern pro jectile to the top of the famou mountain of rook which guard the entrance of tha Mediterranean. It was proved conclusively that they could and. th coat of the experi ment was !.vuu. i nose gun were tne ' last that the Wasp ever flred. She sailed away from Gibraltar through th Sue . , to th) tyDhoon seas and never waa canal to the typhoon seas and never was heard of after. Many, expert contended that tha firing of her gun at such an extreme elevation had weakened her plate and started her rivets so that when aha struck a storm she was In no condition . weather It and so went down. There are record of many of thes I. e -.T i . However, th most thorough, concluslv and InStruotlva.tesU of the efficiency of i modern high-power guns ever mads were I m.j. h p.rt.ln Xmwmrm mf H. ntm and Manila bay ioraa three year and a nan ago. Seasonable Fashions. 4)49 GOUVtStr Woman' Golf Vest, No. 4049 A aug fitting vest that can b worn beneath tb wrap, when th weather demand, I a, recogalied necesilty la thla uncertain cll- I . J mt nl..... .1... K,. -m.W " '-'." ..." . . v " I oi ail pursuit nnjii aaentiai to tna com- plet winter wardrobe. Th . admlrabU 0""L feature and I suited to all fancy vesting. tn .jaav being mad of silk In a harmon- Ulna- tons. Tha ve.tins nrovldea warmth I . T. 7 . ..." ... ... . . I 0ff th . . I Tha vest I mad with a aamd back. .-j a, ..a i.a - I under-arm gore and front fltUd with, lngl dart. Th nck Is slightly opes to I . .. . .... ... cwurmu. 1 m ciuama land buttonhole. Th ileeve ar In coat abaoluUlv nlaln. 7 I I To cut thla vest for a woman of madlum I . .w rftnjg material 27 Inch wld or rn. B0 Inch, wlda will ha rennlrad with 1 yard, of silk for lra. Tha pattern 4049 1 eut la lse for a 12, 14, 14, t. 40 43-Inch bust mtuura For th accommodation of Th Be read er, thes pattern, which usually ratal! at from 25 to (0 cent, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cent, which eovr all P.tUra wanted and buH 16