Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL ffMnUtori Eriiu Tim'ditj it Aili.ipa tin f H!idj Baipsiiifs. W-AT EXPEDIENCES SLIGHT CHANGES la lb. Lead!., Cereal th linr-l'rw BHi of Balllsa Sews Baoy lit A Price. ' and Pennsylvania, 2S29o western, at murk, 2tWic. oULTH. Alhra. Arm and higher; springers. Ho; turkey. ll1Jc; fowls, l.lHf 14: drennrxl. nulet: springers. 1013c: fowls. 12fr12c; turkeys, 12r.. M1.TAL8 The Ixnlon market for tin was advanced 6s, which closed spot at 11.1 sna tu aires at a.l. Tne looai marKet wan also a shade higher, closing with spot at Copper wa firm and quiet; There were eel I em at 112.75 and at 112 .V) for electrolytic and $12.50 for canting. The liirann copper market was wl netier, closing at .: for snot and 54 "s d for futures. Lead at New York was firm, with pot quoted at I4.12S- Iondon lead closed ja nigner at an lift ad. spelter wm Heady here at $12.60 and Iondon cloeej unchanged at 17 12a 6d. Iron ruled Arm at New York and unchanged. At Glasgow the. market closed at 60s hid and at Mld dleaboro 4fia Vd waa the closing price, I'll Iron warrants closed here at tll.fjuif 12.&0; No. 1 northern foundry, $17.on$j M.ou; rxo. i nortnern rounorr, in.;jia i7 za: No. i o. l sott rmr-Ano. Teh. n. Timidity imom B1" ,SSnr-Bn'& ttltU'iw bi3-"f oulhcrn sundry, till bullish news helyed toward better prices 01 around. May wheat registered a net In nf ufrifec. Mav corn a and May oats Mio. provision closed a, shade to Comdltt si&ner. Trade In wheat was still much In the sun rut of the present week. Information vans divided rather evenly between the op posing forces, and It was largely the even ing up over tomorrow that brought out the Scanty sirengui mat neiu to m cerem OMAHA "WHOLESALE MARKET! of Trad aad Quotations a Staple aad Fancy l'rotlare. KOQU Receipts more liberal: market un settled; fresh muck. 24a-fc. LlVhi rUULTnV nens, BSV4c; old roosters, 4iuc; turkeys. .1H:: uuca ana JfcrthweeterrT receipts were light, but ad- 6ci Prn chickens, per lb.. v -hRt "Sf W" T. 1"-' iJKKSSED POULTRY Turkeva. MAM,.: SnoVu fEon, Oklahoma and Kans-a" were ducks. loUc; geese. sunn. ih.c-S.n-: unrvnrhl for thn winter croo and were I I'wij. -'" ..... rajMd mereJv u the forerunners of a . 1 4 "-ommon to fair. 16c; enole l7g series of complaints about crop dls- aa;rJ0LUD;.',i' PC.wr.i, that mill cmmn&n the onenfna of I . ivttU.fc.N rIBli Ulack bass, 18c; white I ttaaa 111 hi nulla h 1 . hi. k.iarf. I.-. 1..,,' nVnd80oVadwhenVBratre fa.os. 70;"., l7c; 7 mc? "appTe. eddeaJeln the wor'dTJval'able ": halibut, lie; herring. 4c; haddoca" c KTbW Sf b J., compared to Ta large P'ke. ; red -.nappar, 1m; salmon, lie; sun- increase a year ago, wheat waa helped Up- I i"". w i'uui, av, tvmiriinii, ov, iiilbci el, vrt. Trade on the whole was small, but " .!"""?' e"cn t'".l,i w that aJeo probably was due to tomorrow s M ifl"0-"",? 1 urn''. lr crr". itc; B1nu" hollday. Liverpool cables were steady at rd'Ver ant ?tr "elects, per can, "hi BUrtT but eased off. beariah lnHu- cr New York Counts, per can, 4oc; bu.k lLirh Vl a. llTht emort demand and Standards, per gaX, )Llu(i1.2o; bulk extra rSood'p" portrU" uT.ourt'worked sLOMtLfei bulk New York County against the . advance aotpewhat. May f& opened a shade to ho up ai nc io iiti.'(p rh ' 7ft.c sold to 78o and eased back to opening ZtMir iiia tn prlces again, as corn and oata lost some of rATailf? their strength. Later there waa a revival of good feeling and May closed Arm at Its top figure. H5rc higher, at 78Vc. Receipts. 85 cars; Minneapolis and Duluth reported Z15 cars, a total lor mo tnree pouite oi at". OATft-61a BRAN Ver ton, $22.00. HAY Prices auoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Uealers' association: choice up land, i&oo; no. 1 upland, (.o0; medium, l; a.alnst 202 last week. This day laat year coarse, b.50. Rya straw. . These prices ... . hiiH.v SeiLhord clearances are tor nay oi good color ana quamy. v. quailed 111,500 bu. ITlmary receipts were maim iaar. eceipia, cars, Ult.WO PU VEUKTABLUS. POTATOES Home-c.own. 11: aorthern. li Salt Luke, 11. 10; Colorado, (L10. cakkuib i"er bu., Ytc BKKTS Per bu. basket, 60o. TURNIPS Per bu.r-owo; Rutabagas, . per Cnm was lower at the onenlntr on lower cables and some forced selling for St. Ixxils. Sentiment was divided for some time and the southwest began turning V. -I . W .Knll i In H..m A hofl Hah T1AWH. v. AA nAthln fn" vrloAa Hhnrtlv &rter I fWl I w . iti t the opening corn waa atrengthened by fair PARSNIPS Per bu., 60c. sales St Detter prices at ine innun, Covering and the better tone In wheat and oata did mcje to push priors upward. May, which opened as low as st 61Vlic. ral lied to 21c and closed rather firm, o up, t lilUffiKlX.r. RecetDts. 102 cars. ,.-.nHi.alltf m a ia nn all thele recent I IV. O l . t.n. n ox losses on purely local conditions. The CABBAGE Holland seed, crated, lic rain waa nn the oversold condition Of the I nm.IFT AU'U'U la A 7S market after yesterday's raid and another attempt at the same tactics this morning. Shorts covered and without any outside help prices got to within He of Saturday's close. Trade was light, and while the early prices were lower .with com, this market acted independently ana enowea s;oou CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., 2 40. LKTTUCU Head, per bbL. 16.60: hot- House lettuce, per aoi, jbc hAKBLisi-wr aos., 20C. RADISHES Per dos.. 26a. SWEET POTATOES Home grown, per kc; ivansas, per idi., s.zo. CABBAGE Holland seed, crated. 1 CAULIFLOWER Per crate. 2.7a. ONIONS Spanish, per crate. 2.2a: Michi gan, red or yeuow, iyo per id, CEtjUifix caiirornia. imorioo. TOMATOES Florida, ber t-basket crate. o. APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $4.004.50; sold Gp to 43M.C and closed firm. o up, e"s ber box il.76. at 43c. Receipts, 14 cars. PKARSVlkersI 12 2B- In .nit. nf W. general recelnts nmrt. . PHAK VlkCrS, Inn. were atrone. ODenlng prices were lower with the lower hog market and tome earlv selllnc for Dackers. But a good commission house demand for pork .1 ... ,. . . . , , l AUlO "M";- .1C", "2e'V? I Wlneeaps. 6; Jonathani. $6.50; BtUetlow: LawrencA. 12 1r(7i 2.50. ' " GRAPES Malagas, per keg, IS. CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $7: per crate. $2.50. vavi jjHiAN b xer bu., $2.16. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES California navels, $3.003.26; brought a sharp reaction, and though much of the gain was lost, as the market quieted toward the close, the aeneral tone was verv aood. Mav nork closed i'io higher at I budded, $2.50. $15.95, May lard a shade up at $9.52H&9.56 LEMONS Fancy, $3.26; choice, $3. and May ribs a shade higher at fc.. Estimated receipts tomorrow: Wheat, 15 cars; corn, 30 cars; oats, 90 cars; hogs, 4i.0 head. The leading futures ranged at follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat Feb. May July Corn May July Sept. Oats May July Sept. Pork May July Lard May July Rlhs May July :T7W 775i-oVl 74 78H lffi61?2 I I 424it 43HI 36Vi?f37 H1H; 15 90 18 00 16 00 16 06 52H K 60 65 52H S 40 67 8 70 77'Ai am 61 60. 42V SlV4i 15 90 16 00 43 15 95 16 02H BANANAS Per bunch, according to alsa. $ 2.75. FlUU-Callfornla, new cartons, $1; Im ported, per lb.. 12(i14o. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; bard shell, per lb., 11 Vic; Wo. x soil sneii, iuc; no. x nard shell, yc; i xtrasiis, per to., xc, mwru. per to., J4c: TTUiiw I pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, loc; cocoa nSiS.TS blU. per sack, $3.50. CIDER Nehawka. per bbL. W.25: New Tork,$3.6a POPCORN per in., s. HIDES no. l green, o; No. 1 green, 6c 76H 78U 6i eiWg 60H609,i I 52W 9 9 60 I 8 621 s 62 8 nym s w i ggin; 4244 I No. 1 salted. 7c; No. a salted, 6c: No. 1 veal aSJ calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 9c: No. a veal calf. 13 to siiI 15 lbs., 7c; dry Hides, ldjfuc; sheep pelts, 76c; borss hides, jl.6oi82.i5. ' ,.' 15 92 10 w B2U 6i 8 67V 8 67V No, 8. Cash quotations were as follows: FIOUR Dull and steady: winter patents. aiBOtylOo; straights, $3.4O(ba.70; clears. $3.00 3-40; spring specials, $4.30; patents, $3.30tf ' Ut. Loals Grain aad ProTlsluas. CP - TSYTTTO' VUk 1 1 Wtltf iin no. 2 red casn, elevator. w'4c; track, 8Hc; May, 85c; July, 78c; No. 3 hard, 78 80C. f 'ADM Tami. Ma ...h U. i(pt2Vjc: May, viiaDzw, juiy, 'c. niTU illsh.r rjn r..h UUn- n.V fo'tHoc; May, tc; juiy, 3o; no. a wnue, 410. RYE F rm at 62UO. FLOUR- Market dull, steady: red winter patents. w3.964t4.10: extra fancy and WHKAf-No. 3 71.&75C; No. 3 red. SSffMte. ttlgvi 'vr l3 o OATS-No. 2. 43c: No. 3 white. 45VSie: ?.Pr'"tPoth.y.' nominal. $5.7o(&6.30. x li.. .Mi.ra. - - i l-l KNMH AiMairk-Ai aiiinnv. S.X 111 wnue. v.,a0. iDi i7 j.m- .i.J'TS:: BARLEY Fair to choice maltlnr. 60O .HA.?7ad.?ri Umthy, $U.0u&14.50; pral- vii"- I nnrvuiSiAVTO T-..t- .. j j DVVTk. 1.A 1 f-u-r 1 Cfl . T-T . ... V. . I T T X Oi Or fUI Ja. -IfHU V . JUDD nK, em. $1.71: rlme 'tlinothy. '$6.60; clover. C3 35- 16-1,0' "w- id.' "i' " ;a' ,-o. s-.aL tu I r)ry --it meats (boxed), steady to strona: DDnviiAMiiM..'. m.1 ... ml extra shorts and clear rlba. $8.62: clear 16.75. Lard, per 100 ts'.mt.M." Short Wee. $8.87. Bacon (boxed), steady to ribs sides (loose), 1x.40rgw.liO. Dry salted ;"", f "1"U,V: " uu, t,tm nouiunr- luuirai, Dlion Clear ixfiriaii' a.. et 1 in.. w.v.ri 1m v -i I WHISKY Steady. 31.31. 1 ' ' .1 . ... . . . I 1DAM -rkT.TrkKl TT - U tl AA B AUU 1 INli 0lfl6'),C. HEMP Sc. METALS Lead. firm. $4.604.06. Soelter. 37 "& 101 000 I ruuiiim rirmi cnicnenB, o?c; turaeys. WHISKY Basia of high wines. 31.31. The following were the receipts and shlp xnents of grains yesterday: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. riour, ddis Vh..l hn 1 nrnk Corn 'hu (unnn -i'?, ll&Mc; ducks, 10c; geese, 5i&c, Oats, bu 173.000 9l'ono . BUTTER Higher; creamery, gubU::::::::::::::::::: sir rMMr at On the Produce exchange today the but. ter market was firm; creameries, 1727c; dairies, ltdfjiSc. Cheese, steady, 911. CSS, tlliu, ftl-au, eiv, 2228c; RECEIPTS Flour. 6,000 bbla: wheat. 30.. uou du corn, w.i'io du.; oata, su.oou bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 6.000 bbls.: wheat. B(,wu du-; corn, oe.uuu du.; oats, it,uuv bu, KEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Qaetatloas of the Day ea Vaa-laas Ceaimodlttes. NEW YORK. Feb. H.-FLOUR-RecelDts. 13.2S bbls. exports, 8.843 bbla; showed a continue., firmness and fair trade at old 5s 2d Liverpool Grata aad Provisioas. LIVERPOOU Feb. 11. WHEAT Spot No. 2 red western winter. 6s lVd: No. ' northern spring, 6s ld; No. 1 California, 6a 3d. Futures: Quiet; , March, 6s lkd; CORN Spot: Quiet; American mixed new, 6s Zd; old, 5s 4d. Futures: Steady; r eoruary, nominal; Marcn, bs 2?sd; May, prices: winter patents. $3.75&4.26: winter traiKrnts, xj.ocoi.vd: Minnesota patents, $J9oU'4.15; winter extra, $3.miai.a: Minne sota bakers. $2.Ut:3.25: winter low grades $2 -ik. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, u.2!!3 4o; cnoice to fancy, .! inxu j. v a. CORN MEAL Steady ; yellow western, i. city, lir.naywine, i iu. iti r uun; mo. i 'western, etHo r. o. track: No. 1 hard. 76'te. Nn 1 northern. TS'fcljMSte; No. 2 northern, 72'.(fir73Hc. t I .... u . . . . . r -, " ruiiLn-uioii nrwi pRI.niH, ..wy i Second patents, $3.75((.1 So: Hrst clears, $3.70 fc3 o; second clears. $3.46. UKAN-in DUlk, 115. Visible Sapply of firala. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. Pneclal cables and telegraphic communications to Bradstreet's show thee changes In svalla'ole supplies irom last sccount: Wheat. I nlted Biaies and Canada eaet of Rockies, decrease. 6.123.0(X); afloat for and In Europe, de crease. l.f.(HP0: total supply dc-reaeed 8.423,mn. Corn, United States and Canada, eat of Rockies, decreased 369.000 Oats, t nited Mates and Canada, east or Mora les, decreased 6-H.U00. Among the mce im portant Increases rertorted to Uradatreet'S are thiVe of 76.000 bushels at Louisville and 50.000 bushels at Davenport. The leading decreases are those of ftoo.flOO bushels st northwestern Interior elevators, i"o,( bushels In Manitoba and 60W bushels at Minneapolis private elevatora. xty days. $4 08 on demand; New York ex change. c premium. . . ...,. BOSTON, Feb. U.-Cleartngs, $24,466,013; balances. $3,440,011 ..-..' PHILADEI'HIA, Feb. It Clearings $2J.51.4;t7; balances, $1,680,11; money, 4 per cent. , , M n i i.timhr tr Feb 11 Clearings. $4."1,- 659; balancea. $461,32; money, 4 Percent. CINCINNATI. Feb. 11 Clearings, $2,762,- 10; money, gifiie per cent; rnew 101a hange, 10c prtmiurn. Bostoa Stock (taotatloas. BOSTON, Feb. 11. Call loans. 34 per cent; time loans, 894 per cent, umcisj closlng: tchlson 4s. as Is Mex. Cen. 4s.... v.. u. c... tchlson do pfd oston & A oston Me. Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAfKF.R Feh 11 WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern. Sic; May, 78c. ki r;--nigner; jno. l, 6ic. BARLEY Firm: No. 2. 64o: sample. 55fi4c. CORN May, 6174c. MOVEMENTS OF STOCKS ASD BOXD9. Market "hovta a Farther Expaasloa la the Yolanie of Deal lags. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. Todsy's stock market showed a further expansion In the dealings and the great Irregularity of the market continued. The disposition to tsxe profits was natural on the eve of a holi day. Recent sanguine expectations of ben- ents to accrue to tne express companies from some sort of consolidation suffered some eclipse, aa shown by the sharp drop of 7 In United States Express, although tne stock Anally rallied 4. American Express, after rising nearly 5 pointa, lost It again. The steel stocks were all heavily bought on encouraging prospects, but the United States Steel stocks met enormous offerings at every slight advance. The late movement In Pennsylvania was re garded as an alternating movement, while that In Southern Paclflo seemed due to operations by the same Interest. Texas & i'acinc was advanced on the strength of the yearly disbursements of the com pany's second Incomes. The cause of the strength In the Iowa Central stocks and the Minneapolis & St. Louis stocks waa the supposed competition for control between Illinois central and Rock Island. There was large buying of Southern Railway and Louisville & Nashvlle, The buying of the Readings continued large, but they showed the effect of profit-taking. The In dustrials as a rule, outside of the steel stocks and some of the gas stocks, were inclined to heaviness. Amalgamated Cop per showed a good recovery, but closed with a small net loss. The closing was active and Irregular. Business In bonds continued lars-e and the price movement Irregular. Total sales, par value. 34.MO.000. United States new 4a advanced per cent, on the last can. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says: American shares were quieter. iney negan good, particu larly the coalers, but Inter In thn Hav profit taking taking In anticipation of the holiday In America brought about some recessions. Erie. Southern Paclflo and Chesapeake Ohio were scarce. Cana dian Paclflo dipped on the $19,500,000 new capital, but recovered. Rio tlntos sold at 4o: copper at Eo the ton Money waa steady with discounts at 214 per cent, en the fall In the Berlin rato irom ft to a per cent. The following are tne closing prices on the New York Block exchange: Boston Elevated. 11 Dominion Coal N Y, N H H..210 IFrank'.in ltchburg pfd....M5 ilsl tioyaie ... nlon Facinc ...pki inonawa ........ Mex. Central .... 2 Old Dominion Amer. Sugar ....127 Osceola do pfd 11 Parrot mer. T. T....1M Dom. I. 8 X2 Oen. Electric ... Mass. Electric... &ti do efd 95 N. E. G. C 41 nited Fruit .... ra U. S. Steel 441 do pfd 91 n Westlngh. Com.. 88 Adams Con 20 lice 4 Breece 66 Brunswick Con... 7 Comstock Tunnel SV4 Potost con. cai. at va..izo eavage Deadwood Terra. 60 Horn Silver 126 D .. . I lull uinri ipv .1 Leadvllle Con ... t I Coadltloa af the Treasary. WASHINGTON. Feb. 11. Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve in the division or redemption. hows: Available cash balance. $174,263,896: gold, $87,662,874. Atchison 78 So. Paclflo 67 do pfd bo. Railway 33 Baltimore & O...105 i do pfd 96 do Dfd 9iiTex. & Pacific... 40 Canadian Pac....ll5 Tol.. St. L. & W. 22 Canada So B',a? PW 43 Ches. & Ohio 4 Union Paclflo ....103H Chicago & A pv do pfd 88 do pld id1 tv . mum . Chi. Ind. & Li.... u do pfd 43 do pid I"- i m nvii m. re ill 1424 do 2d nfd Chicago G. W.... 23!Wls. Central .... 30 do ist pm m ;J "t: o nn zn mil. ...... Tfm "mbuib 7 1 u Chicago & N. W.219 lAmerlcan Ex 238 C. RTI. 4 P I "; 8. Ex na Chl. uer. a xr... am ""-rgo ex. 00 d -171 "ii. vopper 7iu ft Bt. L.W3 Amer. car at F.. 2Wi Colorado So 16 tin lat rjra. ...... von do 2d Dfd 32 Del. Huason...n-i Del. L. & W.... Denver A. R, G do pid Erie do 1st pfd An id nfd Gt. Nor. pfd..., Hock. Valley ., do pfd Illinois Central Iowa central ., do nfd Lake Erie At W., 68 Uo pfd 134 I,. & N .... Manhattan L,.. Met. St. Ry.... Mex. Central . Mex. National Minn. & St. u. Mo. Pacific .... M., K. T.... do pfd N. J. Central . N. Y. Central . Norfolk 4 W. 281 44 931 . 0 , 70 67' 188 , 84 142 , 47 80?i do nf Amer. S. r do pfd Anao. Min. Co.. Brooklyn R. T. ,Colo. Fuel & I. -un. uaa .lOoVk .132 .171 . 28 do pfd. Amer- .Ln!"6ii;!! aoS 48 47 64Ti ..86 icon. Tob. pf:":ii6 vten. Hiiectrlo ....289V inter. Paper i! r do pfd k Inter. Power .... 84 Laclede Oas ..... 90 1 av. r-11 Mm 1 1 r National Lead"" 17U Nation, li???. ' il do pfd 64 No. Amerioo- i - 1 ... ,.;, ' ... 00 ... iT4 t,"',"" -oast , ...110 iPaciflo Mall .., ...103'gPle s Oas .. 24 53 .194 .165 67 74 43 101 39 04 Pressed S. Car do pfd ullman P. Car.221 xicpuDiie steel .. 16 Pa 69a do do pfd 90 Hugar , 12T Ontario ft W 34ifenn. Coal ft I... ge Pennsylvania . Reading do 1st pfd..... do 2d pfd St. L. & 8. F.. do 1st pfd do 2d pfd St, L. South w.. do pfd Bt. Paul do pfd 1MU W Pd . 83 u 8. Leather ... 67 do pfd .62 U. 8. Rubber 84 t,do. Ptd . 73 U. S. Steel . 25 do pfd . 58;Western Union.. .164) Amer. Locomo... .191 do pfd 75 11 V 14 61 44 91 0vt Trust receipts. Offered. Hew York Money Market. Virw vnpiT tt.k n vrnxTxr-v n- .n steady at 2 'per cent; prima mercantile paper. 44j4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.87 iur umnmiu aiiq ai-tMjj't.M-B ror Sixty uaya: poeteo raiea, m bu ana H.ob; com' merclaf bills. $4.S34.84 . SILVER Bar, 65c; Mexican dollars, 4314c. nunua-uovernmenu, strong; railroad. Irregular: state, weak. The closing quotations on bonds are as iouows: PEAS Canadian, steady. 6s 8d. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm, 8s. HOPS At London (Paclflo coast), firm, i.j 10s '. 4S. - . PROVISIONS Beef, firm; extra Indian I mess, 79s. Pork, firm; prime mesa western. I us. l.aru. sie-uy; prime western in tierces, 4Ua 9d; American refined in pails. 39s lid; Hams, snort cut. 14 to is ids., nrm, 41s. U. 8. r. 2s, reg...l0S.Hock. Val. 4s...l09 unu 4s... 101 ., - 1-ic , vi. immi, siion cui, i iu iv iub., nrm, 4is b., afloat; state, Wttwc. c. 1. (., New York Bacon. Cumberland cut. 26 to JO lbs., steady carlo ts. BARLEY Steady; feeding, 63ift5c c I. f. New York; malting, 6Bu.2c, c. 1. f.. New xora. WHEAT Receipt, 10,450 bu.: exports. 68. 9rt bu. Spot, firm; No. 3 red, 8so f. o. b. 41s 6d: short rlhs. 16 to 24 lbs. stead v. 44s A. I long clear middles. Hunt, 28 to 34 lbs, quiet, 4as; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs, quiet, 4 in 6d; short cle.r backs, 16 to 20 lbs, steady, 45s; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs, steady, i tsnouiuers, square, 11 to srtoat, and 90o elevator; No. 1 northern, in lbs., dull. 96a 6d Duluth, 8oic t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, I BUTTER Steady; finest United States. Manitoba, o f. o. b. afloat Practically I 90s: good United States, 72s. all of the sen-Ion wheat ruled very firm on CHEESE Firm; American finest white, a moderate speculative trade, mostly cov- 48s6d: American finest colored. 49s 6d. rrtng of shorts and to even up for the holl- Receipts of wheat during the last three dy. Other bull factors Included a large days, 112,010 rentals, Including 92.0UO Amerl- decrease la world's stocks, scattered crop can. Receipts of American corn during the complaints from the southwest, strength last three days, 31.700 centala. in coarse grains and ngni onrerings. Closed firm and c net higher) March closed at MSko; luav, jwtjj i-iac; closed at twc; Jufv closed at &kC. CORN Receipts. 10,000 bu.; exports, 800 bu. Spot, firm; No. 3. 68c elevator, and 6isc f, o. b. afloat. Furnished with a fair demand rront enorta. corn held nrm all day, helped by light ' country offerings, small r-cetnts and the rise In oats, cloning firm. KtiSc net advance: May. 6SVtfitf7c: closed at 67c; July, 66b6 9-14c; closed at auWC. OATS Receipts, 67.500 bu.; exports, 5.415 bu. Hpot. nrmer; no. i, 49c; No. 3. 440; No. 3 white, 50c; No. 8 white, 49c. track, mixed weatern, 4Minuc; track, white, 4Hi:5c. On Kaasaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 11. WHEAT May, T57ii0c; July, 7c; cash. No. 3 hard, 7bc; No. 3, 74C(i74c: No. 3 red, 68c; No. 3. 87c; No 1 spring, 73iaT4c. CORN Hay, 6jc; September, nc; cah. No. 3 mixed. 614j61c; No. 3 white, 67c; No. 3. SiHtiiaie. OATS No. 3 white. 476170. RYE No. 2, 60c. HAY Choice timothy. $13.50; choice prairie. $13.00. BUTTER Creamery, ZOQCIc; dairy, fancy, 16c. EOuS Market nrm; tresn Misnourt and a scare of May shorts at Chit ago the oats Kansas stock quoted on 'change 23c dos.. market advanced sharply Hiid remained off- canes returned; new whliewood firm during tne asy HAY Steady 1 shipping. 60ij6jc good to cnuii . 01 . HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, 11 croo. lmSElAc: 1900. Milic: 1SM9. 6iSc. Padflc coast, 19ul crop, llal5c; 1900, 6i !; SV9. 6ic. . "HIDES Quiet; Galveston, SO to 25 lbs., ItV; California, 21 to 15 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. LEATHER Oulel; hemlock sole. Buenos Avpes. lignt to neavy weights. Z4(0"tc. WOOL Firm", domestic fleece, ianriie. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet: family. $1160 rju uu; meea, s.auiiu.w; eei name, !.jm 21. 00; pacaet. iv.tuLi u.ati; city extra India mess. 17.5uti l.ti. cut meats, dull; pick led bellies, 6.c; pickled shoulders. 7c; plcMed hams, l'H-. Lard, firm; w(- ern ateamad, $9.7-i.ia.60; refined, firm; con tinent, tHhj; South America. $10 65; com tHund. $;.7iS.00. Pork, steauy: family. $il ("; short clear. $17.5oy ao.OO; mess. XI U-(l 17 I". BUTTER Receipts. 7.111 pkas. : strong: atate dairy, l wtiiac; creamery. June creamery. ltxx'iSc: factory. 14mMc. CHEESE Receipts, 3.03 pkgs.; firm; fancy larne, early made, colored and while, lc; fancy small, stats full cream, early nle. colored and wnue, 11 v i.e. cases included. 24c. RECEIPTS Wheat, 7.300 bu; corn, 9J.0U0 bJ ; oats. 15.0)0 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 12,0u0 bu; corn, 78,uu) bu; oats, 23,iuo bu. Philadelphia Prod ace Market. PH1LADEUHIA. Feb. ll.-BUTTER Market Arm. c higher: extra western creamery. 2)c; do nearby prlntn, SOc, ECKiSMarket Arm. lc higher; fresh nearby. 29c; do wesleru. !9c; do south western. 2U',c; do southern, Ac. I CHEESE-Market Arm; New York full creams, fancy small, ll'.c; do fair to choice, 9V.!fcllc Tofela brala aad Seeds. , TOLEDO. Feb. U.-WHEAT-Cash, 85c! May and July. Mc. CORN February. 591c; May. 62c: July. 2c. oats February, 4i.c; May, 44c; July, SEEDS Clover, .February, $5.67; March, . 0. Mlaaeapalla Wheat. Flaar aad Bra a MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 11. WHEAT Cash, GG3 Rscelpis, 8,143 pkgs.; steady; stats 7J":a74i;; Ma, 74c; July, ioi,tt:'. On do coupon 1 do Ss, reg los do coupon lotfW do new 4s, do coupon 130 do old 4s, reg.. .112 do coupon 112 do ss. reg 106 L. ft N Mex. Central 4s. 82 do is Inc XVi M. & St. I 4s. ..104 aa.t JV. ec x. 4B.... do 2s dl N. T. Cent. Is... 103 -uo gen. vsa..,.iue Atch. gen. 4s 104 do adj. 4s J B. ft O. 4s lot do s do conv. 4s lOtHi anada So. 2a....llo-M . of G5a Ul do Is Ino 7! C. B. ft Q. n. 4s. DO. Ches. ft o. ( hi. ft A. 3M-S.. M b ft Q n. 4s.. 9b M ft B P g. 48.114 do coupon I06 iN. J. C. gen. 5a..U7 n a. i'acinc 4a.,". do 3s 74-4 N. ft W. c. 4a....l03 Reading gen. 4s.. J9 St L ft I M c. 6s. 117 Dl. U It . V. 4S VI 4 St. L. S. W. Is.. do 2s 7y ft .A . A X Am nn7 So. Pacific 4a..' "! 94 Ho. Railway 5a.. .120 Tex. ft Pae. Is. .12" ft S P g. 4s.ll4lT. St L ft W 4s.. M C. ft N. W. c. 7s.l3 Union Paclflo 4a.lW. t. ., xv 1. as r. is.iii-! CCC ft S L g. 48.103 Chicago Ter. 4s.. M Colorado So. 4a... 93 D. ft It.. O. 4a 102 Erie prior I. 4s... WtT, do general 4a... m F W ft D C ls...llo do conv. 4s 107 Wabash Is lis do 2s u 11 do ,deb. B 77 West Shore 4s... 112 u W. ft L. K. 4s.... 93 Wis. Central 4a.. 8 v-uii. iju. as....,, so Bid. I.oadoa ktscK Uaatatlaas, LONDON, Feb. 11. 4 p. m. Closing: Cons., money.. 94 13-ltj, Norfolk ft W 59 do account.. 4 10-m 00 utd Anaconda eVOntano ft W Sj"t Alchlsun kOTj Pennsylvania .... 77 do pfd 101 iReadlng 30 naitimure t u. .. 1 uo ibi nra 42-. Canadian Pac lis do 2d pfd 3JJ, Cliesapeake ft O. ( V Southern Ry 31 Chicago ti. W.... 23 do pfd 9i C, M. ft St. P. ..17J'. Southern Pac iwner oz tx. u. . d- union racmc VI do pfd fe do pfd 9." Erie II a, U. 8. Steel 45', do 1st pfd..... 72 do lrfd 3 do 2d ptd ad Wabash 24 Illinois Central.. .141 do pfd 44-14 I-oui tvl lt) ft N...loS Spanish 4s. 77 n.. v. 1 o 1 nana Alines 1- do pfd i , De Beers ... 4b N. X. Central 169 BAR SILVER Quiet: 26d Per ounce. MONEY 2W-' per cent. The rate o discount In the open market for short hllli is 2ij'J per cent; for three months' bills, 13-16 per cent Mask t'leartags. OMAHA. Feb 11. Bank clearings todsy, $1 oui.Mj 72: corresponding day last year. tf, lie a: increase, iv.t.4.s. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 11. Clearlnga. $8.053 127 balances. l.uw..ot4; money, 44i6 per cent rew lorn exenange, rac premium. NEW YORK. Feb. 11 Clearings. $331 S497: balances. $16,927,847. CHICAGO. Feb. 11. Clearings. $27.05.9 balances, $1,GJ7,270; posted sachanga, $4.65 OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET teara ii Ifatt Cam 111 a Littla twr but Good Oowa Ira Etronf. HEAVY HOCS STRONG, OTHERS FIVE LOWER Goad Dessaad far 1(U (Adventure .... x.,uJ A Holies K2 Amalgamated Sti.Baltlc 7H Bingham 9s Cal. ft Hecla.. 262 Centennial .... ..lX'iCopper Range . 21 . 71 . 39 . 23 .630 . 12 ,. 6n . 72 . H . 22 . 34 . 32 . 81 . 81 Qulncy 140 Santa Fe Copper. 8 Tamarack 2T5 Trtmountaln 73 Trinity 13 United mates.... Utah it Victoria 5 Winona 112 Wolverine 60 gs. 6.237 14,664 Sheep. 2.77 4.238 Rerelnta wat. 1 vi.u 14 o omciai Monday 3.012 Official Tuesday 4.555 Two da va thla ...fe ?t;7 1 Jl 7.06 Same days last week.... 8,4f7 16.646 11.5,9 Same week before 5.2S6 11.444 4.(9 Same three weeks ago.. 7,61 24.277 6,(X4 Same four weeks ago.... 8.216 11.946 6 3S2 Same day a last year.... 8,032 13,443 8.SS7 ine following table shows the averag price of hogs sold on the South Omaha market the past several days with com parisons with former years: TSevr York Mlalaa- Qaotatlaas. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. The following aro the closing prices on mining stocks: Little Chief Ontario Ophlr Iioenlx .... Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ., Standard ... 12 ...650 ... 80 ... 4 ... 10 ... 8 ... 12 ... 35 ...330 Wool Market. BOSTON. Mass.. Feb. ll.-WOOL The market at the present time Is considered to be In excellent condition. The demand moderate, but some fair sales have been made. The announcement was made to day by the American Woolen company that the Providence, National, Riverside, Manton and Weybosset mills, which have been shut down because of labor troubles, would be reopened and caused general sat- I. --.! 111.,,- wA I. .4 ,..1,1,1,1,11. ,, 1 1 1 1 n lit. UVUII1 19 CA A teady trade Is anticipated. Shlnmenta since January 1 show an Increase of over ("00.000 pounds over the same nerlod of 1901 since the beginning of the present year. Territory wools hold firm and the lock or better wools has become consid erably reduced. Holders of wools maintain full market rates and buyers In need of upplles readily pay these figures. For fine territory wools the scoured basis la 47o to 49c, with some chance lots to 60c For fine medium wools about 4346o scoured Is the range of sales, the latter being- for rood lots. The market for medium territory wools Is ouotable 38c to 40c clean and choice lines up to 42c cleaned. wregon woois are steady on tne basis of 44iQ46o for fine medium and fine, with val ley at stttiHoo and staple at 474? Wc. Fleece wools are firm and sales of choice Ohio fine Delaine have been made at 28c, with XXX and above Ohio at 27c. The mar ket Is quoted at about 20c for Michigan q,unrter-i)iooa unwasneo. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 11. WOOL Market un changed; medium grades, 1318c; light Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. n Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. n. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. fine, ' 12iQ15c; heavy wasnea, 14u-ic fine, Italic; tub- Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 11 COTTONSon ciosea steady, hc nigner; middling upland, 81-lGc; middling gulflands, 8 15-160 ; sales, 1.328 balea. Futures closed very steady: February, 8.41o; March. 8.46c: April, 8.47c; U, . . .1 Tun- C JA.. T.,1 ft A . . 1 J .. wu.ld, W . T TV-, WUIJ, Q.WV, AU U D V, 8.29c; September, 7.95ci- October, 7.85a The market opened steady with price 2ii3 pointa higher, and closed steady, with Drices net 9(913 uolnta hlaher. bt. lAJVia, r eo. 11. COTTON Firm, l-16o nigner; middling. sc; sales. 22B bales: 1 celpta, 8,811 bales t shipments, 8,794 bales; stock. 63.946 balaa..,. GALVESTON, Feb. l-COTTON Steady at bvc. LIVERPOOL. Feb. 11. COTTON Hoot. moderate Dusiness; prices unchanged American middling. 4 19-82d. The salea of the day were 6,000 bales, of which 300 were for speculation and export and included 6,300 American. Receipts, 11,000 balea. In cluding 8,600 American. Futures opened aulet and closed steady; American mid ling, g. o. c, February, 4 15-64d, sellers; February and March, 4 34-64d, sellers: March and April, 4 34-64d, sellers: April and May. 1 4 34-64d. buyers: May and June. 4 34-64(64 36-4d, sellers; June and July, 4 84-64 (n-t 30-ow, Duyers; juiy and August, 4 M-64 ti4 ga-4d, buyers; August and September, 4 30-6464 Sl-64d. sellers; September and Oc tober, 4 zi-tMig zz-tttd, sellers; October and November, 4 la-644 l-64d, sellers. OH aad Rosla. OIL CITY. Feb. 11. OIL Credit bal ancea, 31.15; certificates, no bid. Shipments, ds.oiv; average, su,v4; runs,; average, 57.336. SAVANNAH. Fen. u. 01 u Turpentine firm, 42c; rosin firm. Quote: A. B, C, D, 17c; Ei I1.S2H: F, $1.37; O, $1.46; H. $1.50; I, $1.7; M, $2.76; N. $3.26; W O. $3.60; W W, 3.80. ' NEW YORK. Feb. U.-OIL-;ottonseed firm; prime yellow, 41g42c. Rosin steady. Petroleum firm. LIVERPOOL. Feb 11. OIL Cottonseed hull refined, snot. 29s. LONDON. Feb. 11. OIL Calcutta, lln. seed spot, 55s; Unseed spot, 49a 9d; tur pentine spirits, 40a 34L Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. COFFEE Soot Rio quiet; No. 7 Invoice. 7c; mild, 80. 1 ne coffee market opened steady and un changed and ruled dull all day, closing quiet and unchanged. The scope of fluc tuation was 5 points and at no time did the market dlsDlay symptoms of special strengtn. The foreign market news was of Indifferent purport and statistical changes lacked feature. Total sales were 6,7bO bags, Including March at 6.70c. May at b.woc, June at 5.60c, July a.? .iuo.7oc, August at ft.Nhc, rieptember at &.9uwo.9ic October at 6.00c, November at 6.05c, De cember at s.ioo. aad Lambs Bheea Market Rales Active aad Stroas; aa All Desirable Grades Feeder Also Btreag. SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 11. Date. I 1903. 01. 19O0.riS99.189S.ilS97.lS96. U... 14.., 16... 16... 17... 18... 19... 80... 21... 23... 33.. 24... 26... 20.. 2.., 38.. 29... -0.., 31... ai... 1..., a... a... 4... s... 6..., 7... a... 9... 10.. u.. 8 02 803 6W H 8 12 I 96 6 92 ( 92 6 94 6 11 16 a 03 98 coo i 1 4 63 a 55 a 49 6 161 3 60 8 49 $ 26 4 tS 8 47 I 6 27 4 o2 3 52 I 6 20 4 48 3 49 $ 47 I 29 4 66 3 51 8 $1 6 27 4 64 8 64 3 84 64 8 56 a 50 6 26 8 59 8 54 $ 12 4 63 8 67 t 14 4 59 a 66 622 466 8 61 882 5 13 46 8 ! 8 60 6 18 4 66 8 67 8 72 4 62 8 63 8 67 I 22 8 66 8 62 6 2 4 63 3 64 6 25 4 64 8 70 5 17 4 55 8 64 8 66 6 17 4 60 8 64 8 66 8 22 4 67 8 64 8 64 836 468 368 863 4 62 8 69 8 73 t 31 8 59 8 72 ( 23 4 69 8 72 6 21 4 70 a 66 e 05 4 81 a si a 78 t 29 4 75 8 66 8 71 a 25 4 84 a 701 3 71 4 801 8 711 8 76 6 32 8 66 8 77 a oi a 47 8 16 8 5 8 261 8 69 8 23 3 66 a 71 8 23 a as a 84 8 26 a 23 a $5 a a 35 3 U a 30 a 27 a 27 a 29 a 26 a 21 a 19 8 23 a 23 3 27 8 27 a 25, a 27 a 19 3 20i 4 03 a 8t 8 ! a 98 a 91 a st 8 92 4 09 4 11 4 19 8 93 8 91 a 9 a 98 4 03 a 98 a 93 4 00 a 00 a 93 a 89 a 84 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Bh'p. H'rs. C, M, ft Bt. P. Ky... 8 11 O. A St. L. Ry 1 a Mo. Pacific Ry 4 3 Union Pac. System.. 37 2 ft N. W. Ry 7 16 F.. E. ft M. V. R. R. 40 33 C, St. P., M. ft O.... 8 15 M. 14. Ky 31 81 B. ft Q. Ry 14 13 K. C. ft 8t. J 1 C, R. I. ft P., east.. 28 C. R. I. ft P., west.. S 6 Illinois Central 1 8 190 21 Total receipt 188 The disposition of the day' receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated BUYERS. Omaha Packing Co. Hammond Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour ft Co R. Becker ft Degan Vansant ft Co Carey ft Benton Lobman ft Co W. I. Stephen Hill ft Son Livingstone ft Schaller.. Hamilton A Rothschild. L. F. Hubs H. K Dennis ft Co B. F. Hobblck Wolf ft M... Other buyer Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 606 410 854 1,108 701 124 74 62 8 119 79 101 93 83 42 199 36 229 1.875 8.965 86S4 6.165 817 471 'in 1,078 700. ToUls 4,871 14.639 4.037 CATTLE There waa a generous supply of cattle here today, but still receipts were not aa heavy as they were a week ago today, as the table will show. - Steer buyers were ratner oeansn in tneir views, ana trade for that reason was alow, but the cow market was active and fully steady. A big proportion of tne receipts tnia morning consisted of steers, and as pack era did not take hold with much life the market was slow and the tendency of price downward. Some sales were made that looked luat about ate. adv. but more fre quently sellers had to take off a dim before they could move their cattle. The nnalltv todav waa nothlna extra, the bulk of the offering consisting of short fed cattle. There did not seem to be any mora cow and heifer on sale than packers wanted, and aa there was considerable competition the market ruled active and steady to strong on the better grades. A bunch of heifers sold at $5.25, but they were good. The medium sxadea of cows and the can' nera did not sell much different from, yesterday, and the market on those kinds was not oartlcularly active. Bulla sold In lust about Monday' notches where the quality was satisfactory. Veal calves seemed to be a little lower, as it now takes something fancy to bring $6.50 or better. Stags were lower unless they were extra choice. There were very few feeder in th yards thta morning, and anything choice and of good weight sold without difficulty at steady prices. The common and lightweight cattle, however, were a drug on the market the same as tney navo oeen aii aiong. rtepre sentatlve sales: BEEF BTEERo, Dry Good Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 11 DRY GOODS There wss no material change In the mar ket today, but local jobbers generally re ported quite a marked Improvement In the volume of business. A large number of buyers were here and Jobber felt the benefit. Narrow print cloths were quiet but firm, with a better demand for wide goods at full prices. Bilks were In good oemana witn market strong; plain silk were In best request. The market will be closed tomorrow. MANCHESTER, Feb. 11. CLOTHS Mar ket quiet; yarns dun. Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralta NEW YORK, Feb. 11. EVAPORATED APPLES Strongly held and offerings are moderate: all arades nave experienced good export movement; prime are held Ho above previous quotations; state, common to good, 7&ec: prima, 9fe9c; choice, 94? 10c: fancy. lollc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS More Interest Is shown In the general list snd full prices are obtained. A fair Inquiry from Jobbing quarters Is noted for prunes. Prunes. 8fe64c. Apricots. Royal. KHjjfl4e: Moor Park, lVa 12e. Peaches, peeled, 14 18c; unpeeled, 7&9c. i Kaasaa City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6.000, Including 400 Texans, 150 calves. Texas steers and feeders, steady; other cattle stesdy to 10c lower. Choice export and dreeaed beef steers, $6.80(6.60; fair to good. $4.655.75; stockers and feeders, $3.50 tiu.OO; western fed steer. $4.75n6.25; Texas and Indian steers, $; Tsxas cows, $2.75i4.25; native cows. $3. 2594. 00;. heifers, $3.25uj6.0: canners.. 12.00-42.90; bulls, $i.0u3 4.50; calves, $4.506.00. HOGS Receipts, 17,000; market closed 5c higher; top. $6.45; bulk of sales, $6.7o-((6.40; heavv. $6.356.45; mixed packers, $6.0m 6.45; lfirht, $5.36i.16; pigs. $4.50w5.0. SHEEP Receipts, 2.000; market 10c higher; native lambs, $6.00gj.26: western lambs. $6.wj6.6o; native wethers, M.fiOtf 6.00; western wethers. $4 404 8; yearlings, $5.256i6.76: ewes, $3.6O&4.60; culls and feed ers, $2.0C54.60. : Bteek la Sight. ( The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five prin cipal markets for Feb. 11: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha :.. 4.555 14,6f4 4.238 Chicago 6.01O , 43.O1O 12.O10 St. Louis 6.4jO 17.0H) 3.OJ0 Kansas City 2," 6. 4u0 St Joseph l.loO H-OvO suO No. 1.... 23.... 17.... 20.... 15.... 12.... 20.... 20.... 21.... 5f.... 15.... U.'.W 26.... 23.... 18.... 21.... a.... a.... 15.... 10. 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 13.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 1.... it.... 4.... 4.... 1.... a.... 3.... 4.... 4.... 2.... ..... 1... ..... 1.... 3.... 1.... ..... 4.... 13.... 7.... a.... 1.... ..... .v: $..:.. a.... 1.... 48.... 1.... 7.... a.... 1.... 1:... 19.... 23.... 1.... 10.... 1.... a.... ..... 1.... 1.... 1.... a.... 1.... 1.... 1.... Av. 670 .... 687 .... 676 .... 846 .... 9x6 .... 820 .... e-'O .... iei .... - ....1091 ....1120 .... 876 ....10K2 ....1122 ....1074 ....1197 ....1124 .... 963 ....1083 ....1015 ....1016 1063 ....1138 Pr. a 00 a 40 a 75 a 85 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 60 4 60 4 50 4 70 4 75 4 85 4 90 4 90 4 95 6 00 a 00 a 10 a 10 6 10 6 15 6 20 No. 40.... 8.... 8.... 20.... 16.... 18.... 9.... 23.... 19.... 39.... 9.... 8.... 21.... 22.... 18.... 18.... 49.... 20.... 16.... .... 5.... 19.... 15. Av. ..1210 .. 973 ..1063 ..1220 ..1130 ..1117 ..1135 ..1125 ..1240 ..1128 ..1137 ..1207 ..1220 ..1158 ..1244 ..1144 ..1242 .. 1I40C ..1317 ..1276 ..1230 ..1440 ...1554 STEERS AMD HEIFERS. 661 . 943 .1037 . 922 4 00 4 50 4 75 4 80 16.. 19. 12. cowa 904 ..1014 ..1152 Pr. 6 20 6 30 6 20 5 25 6 25 a 25 a 25 a 30 6 35 a ss a 35 6 40 6 40 6 45 t 60 a 50 a 50 6 56 a 55 a 75 6 75 6 75 a 15 4 85 4 85 6 30 Total .19,255 101,354 13.438 ,.. 820 ... 860 .1M ... 0 ...1000 ... 80 ... 940 ... 800 ...lOuO ... 838 ...1000 ... 630 ... 9o3 ... 720 ... 856 &0 ... 945 ... 920 ... o ...1030 ... 93 ...1"27 ...loao ... 970 ...1170 ... XxO ...1000 ... 873 ...1070 ... 8O0 ...lOfil ...1030 ... 931 ... 210 ... 190 ... 160 1 75 7 971 3 70 t 25 855 3 75 3 25 23 1200 3 80 2 25 4 712 3 85 3 25 1 1120 3 85 3 30 1 1140 4 00 t 35 8 7N1 4 00 3 60 3 860 4 00 3 60 6 Its 4 00 3 50 4 1103 4 10 3 60 2 8.6 4 10 3 60 9 1097 4 10 3 60 10 1143 4 15 3 76 2 14.46 4 15 t 80 9 962 4 15 2 86 7 1322 4 25 2 85 1 910 4 25 8 00 1 1170 4 25 3 00 1 1340 4 25 3 00 3 lob6 4 25 3 10 2 1180 i 25 3 25 2 1116 4 30 3 26 10 901 4 35 3 25 2 1295 4 35 8 25 , 17 1042 4 35 3 25 - 6 1070 4 40 3 25 11 960 4 40 3 40 1 16M 4 40 3 40 1 1370 4 Oo 3 50 1 900 4 75 3 60 1 89) 4 75 3 60 -1 1640 8 15 3 60 CALVES. 00 1 170 7 00 show. The market opened slow end bids were generally lower, but later on packers raised their hands and the bulk of the good weight hogs sold at Just about steady prices. The hogs changed hands quit rap Idly, so that the bulk of the offerings wa out of first hands In good season. Th lighter weights did not sell as readily and as uaual were left mostly until the last end of the market, and aa buyers are not at all anxious for that class of hogs, they would not take them unless they could get them a shade to 60 lower than yesterday. The heavier loads sold mostly from $6.15 to $6.30. Medium weights sold from $6.00 to $6.15 snd the lighter loads went from 85.95 down. Representative sales: 320 No. A v. Sh 24 1V 16 118 24 li.l MO In3 78 l'8 87 1S6 72 11 61 1K3 70 161 69 175 53 ire 71 203 OR 169 40 155 90 170 75 177 196 176 96 183 ...177 ...14 ...1H2 ...192 ...200 ...191 ...l'2 ...195 63 214 ..20 ..2"4 ..192 ....228 ...205 ...199 ...mi ...20 ...21 ...2o6 69 190 7 a 14 74 ISO 60 orvt 58 235 9t: 215 80 2f 86.. H5.. 83.. R2.. 95.. 5.. 86 80. 62.. 36.. 97.. 97.. 53.. 82.. 53.. 96.. 77.. 91.. 69. 180 7 00 00 1.... 1 00 STAGS. 1260 8 25 STOCK CALVES. SoO 2 75 8 86 3 78 BTOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. 671 ... 840 ... 62? ... 330 ... 62 ... 64 ... 6s0 ... 450 ... 763 ... 7ul ... 9i"0 ... 60 ... 790 ... 8- ... 850 ...1210 ...1400 ...1270 ...1261 ...1210 ... 790 ...V40 ...1170 ... MO ...1610 3 26 8 25 3 50 3 60 3 50 3 56 3 65 13 16.. 4.. 1.. t.. 21.. 19 HEIFERS. a 00 8 40 3 50 3 75 3 75 3 80 3 85 4 15 a 10 a 10 a 10 8 20 3 20 3 25 3 40 3 40 3 50 a to 3. 1... 4.... 22.... 1.... 1.... 1.... 16... BULLS. 671 6o 632 .. M0 .. 760 ..1013 ..1001 .. 756 ..1040 ..125 .. M7 .. 910 .. 940 .. (M0 ..U06 t 70 8 75 3 75 3 75 4 00 4 15 4 85 4 25 4 35 4 35 4 40 4 40 4 75 5 US $ 25 1... ....r.o .... 7) ....16M) ....1250 ....14O0 114.1 ....l"t'3"4 00 1W 4 10 ....1750 4 20 ....I860 4 25 3 60 3 75 3 85 3 65 4 00 .4 00 HOOS There waa a heavy run of bogs today, a lb table of receipt above will 120 R0 200 40 40 40 40 67.. 3.. 94.. 74.. 77.. 81.. ...214 ...214 ...192 ...26 ...2ns ...200 40 80 ai 120 IT. a 00 6 40 6 50 6 65 6 65 6 65 6 75 6 75 t 80 6 80 6 80 6 83 5 85 6 85 6 85 6 85 5 85 6 85 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 6 90 5 90 6 92 6 92 t 95 95 6 95 6 95 6 95 5 95 6 95 6 00 6 00 6 0:1 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 ' 6 00 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 a 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 a 00 No. 94. 77 2"9 44 -4 72 210 79 2"0 At. 8h. 21 40 61. 69. 79.. 61.. 68.. 65.. 66.. 6S.. TO. . 75. . 82.. 62 63. 92. 66.... 74..., 25..., 77..., 79.... 81..., 67.... 80..., 65..., 67.... :20 ....2" ....219 ....213 ....21S ....224 ....221 ....223 ....221 '.'.'.'.220 2T1 ..235 ..215 ..2f6 ..240 ..266 ..214 ..211 ..243 ..26 ..233 ..240 ..250 ,.2f4 70 25 18 25 56 261 70. 41.., 69.., 43... 61.., 77.., 69.. 65... 66.., 86.., 46... 60... 22... .., 12... 67..; 5C... 70... ..237 ...275 ...256 ...329 ...267 ...236 ...219 ...249 ...247 ...2W5 ...22 ...296 ...2S2 ...275 ...802 ...266 ...314 ...272 40 40 80 40 80 120 40 trio 120 40 Pr. 00 a 00 a 00 a 00 a m a 05 a 05 6 05 a 05 05 a 05 05 07 07 07 07 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 a 12 15 15 a 15 15 a is 20 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 S 20 22 25 25 25 25 6 25 8 27 6 27VI SHEEP Thar w- . nnlta f.l. - aheep and lambs here today, but the de mand was liberal and the market ruled acUve nd strong prices were paid. Buy ers, all seemed to be anxious for supplies and practically everything was sold as fast , amvea. itmbs sold as high as $6.3fi, yearlings brought xk to ,hun in ta and ewes $4.60. it was a very satisfactory mar ket all around and the pens were cleared at an early hour. Feeders were very scarce this morning, Dut the demand continued In good shape and anything of desirable quality would have sold at strong prices. There waa a bunch of little cull Iambs on sale, but they were In very bsd condition and were no test of the market. Quotations ri-iA n..t 1 -11- $5 25 5 50; good to choice vearllngs, $5.00 6.25; choice wethers, $4.75&16; fair to good Werners, ai.ourjM. ,6 ; ctlOICe eWeS, 4.00'4.5O; Kod ewes, $3.6O4.0O; common ewes, $2.7o!rs.60; choice lambs, $6.006.25: fair to good lambs. $5.756.00; feeder wethers. $3.50 lE4. (feder lambs, $4.00S4.60; cull lambs, $3.00(34.1,5. Representative salea: NO. 4 bucks cull 6 cun ewes 13 cull lambs 60 western ewes 71 western ewea 243 western ewes 38 western ewes . 19 western ewe 10 cull lambs 23 yearllnar ewea 879 feeder lambs 10 cull ewes 13 western wethers . 155 cull lambs 2 yearling wethers .., 62 western lambs 113 western lambs ....... 49 western lamb ..... 3 western lambs , 60 western lamb 10 cull ewes , 10 cull ewes ,, 43 cull ewe , I buck i , 16 ewes , 10 lambs 197 western ewes , 220 western ewes , 4o native ewea , 61 western lambs , 61 western wether , 66 western lambs 358 yearling wethers....., zs western lambs , 19 native lambs , 8 native lambs , 12 cull ewes 27 western ewes 123 western ewes 28 yearling wether 123 western lambs Av. . 160 . 132 . 62 . 91 . 102 . 148 . 128 . 69 . 73 . 62 . 73 ..113 . 54 . 85 . 68 . 63 . 90 . 95 . 87 . 97 . 107 . 95 . 200 . 127 . 49 . 108 . 103 . 171 .. 63 . 108 . 65 . 103 . 82 . 90 , 106 . 88 . 84 . 89 . 86 . 64 Pr. $3 00 8 00 4 40 4 40 40 4 45 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 76 4 75 6 00 6 25 5 50 00 00 10 10 10 3 00 3 00 3 35 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 60 4 60 4 60 6 00 $ 35 6 36 $ 75 25 26 60 3 00 4 00 4 35 6 40 a 75 in that clfy. Ther I $2,800,000 cf state property In Buffalo. $1.600.0(. Including the reformatory, In Elmlra; $1.4O0,0oa, Including the state prison, In Auburn, and $l,156toio, Including the state hospital for the Insane, in Utlca. In addition to these Item there Is $20,- OOO.OOO of county property, $375,000,000 of municipal property and of acnool property, of which $9,70,wO Is In Ithaca, Including Cornell university. All these Items are exempt, ana in addi tion there la $130,000.00 o? church property. JrtO.000,000 of property devoted to charitable uses nd X2,oi.oot or rropeny purcnasen with pension money. In addition there Is $2,700,000 of miscellaneous property, the chief Item of which la In Syracuse and comprise th Indian reservation there. BARMAIDS OF CAM. ITT A. lfo Woxaea ta B Employed la Saloon Aftor April 1, 1&02. Calcutta 1 throatened with the loss of Its barmaid, reports th London New, and a no small portion of the community vio lently resent it. Aa order has recently been .Issued by the government of Bengal that a clause 1 to be Inserted In the license of all hotel proprietor absolutely prohibiting 4he employment of women In any capacity In or about th bar. This prohibition I to take effect from th 1st of April, 1903. on which date a number of women will be thrown out of employment. Th result I a widespread agitation. The number of barmaid In Calcutta ha considerably Increased In recent year. In the majority of case they ar brought out from England by th hotel and bar proprie tor under contract for a term of year, generally three. Th loss to them of a mean of livelihood Is to be deplored, but a they ar entitled to a passag back to England, It doe not entail th facllla des census Avernt that th more violent among th agitator predict. Th correspondence column of th Calcutta Press show that their sympathizers aro numerous, but they further show that th sympathy, though doubtless merited, I th outcom of a very erroneous Impression regarding th reason upon which the prohibition I founded. Th measure Is one, In fact, of considera ble political significance. It 1 deplorable, but none th lea true, that th veneration with which th whit man used to be re garded by the native la rapidly declining, especially In largo town Ilk Calcutta, where the European population la composed of almost every stratum of society. More over, the freedom which western nation allow to th womankind is whoUy repug nant to the Oriental idea, and the spectacle of an English girl selling spirituous liquor; a trad which among th natltea of India Is relegated to th very lowest castes. Is on which tend still further to lower th "li xat," the reputation of th dominant race. Tho Oriental I alow to move; th Inborn prejudice of a thousand generation can not bo uprooted In a day. Where th west jostle the east, where th most advanced of modern Ideas com Into contact with a conservatism such a 1 undreamt of out of Asia, friction la bound to eusue. By wis concession to prejudice that friction mar be reduced, and th skillful driver of th engine of state I he who know where and what to concede. Let the barmaid and their aympathliers take comfort. If they are sacrificed, they are sacrificed for the sake of the stability of the British empire In India. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS QF OMAHA CHICAGO LIVS STOCK MARKET. Cattl Steady, Hoar Lower aad Sheep Strong aad Higher. CHICAGO. Feb. 11. CATTLE TWelnta 5,000, Including 400 Texans. Market steady: good to prime steers, $6.5O(a7.O0; poor to medium, $4.006.0O; stockers and feeders, $2.50(iB4.50; cows. $1 .2Ta'S.O0; heifers, $3.60(3 5.25: CAnnera tl V-Jhtl V. hulla to (cvna art. calves, $2.50lg7.60; Texas grass "teers." $4.00 HOGS Receipts todav. 43.000: tomorrow estimated, 45,000. Market slow and shade inwer; ciose strong; mixed and butchers. $5.9d4j.40; good to choice heavy, $6.30 6.47; rough heavy, $6.0orrf.26; light, $5.70 aiu.aip; DUlK or sales, SHEEP Receipts. 12.000: market atrons-: lambs strong and higher; good to choice weiners, mtgo.zo; rair to choice mixed, $3.8orfrt.80; western sheep snd yearlings, $4.25446.85; native lambs, 3.754j.60; western lambs $5.25igt.65. Official yeaterday: Receipts Cattle, 20,818; iiuan, oo.aoo; sneep, is, too. Bnipments Cat' tie, 4,154; hogs, 8,978; sheep, 1,766. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Feb. 11. CATTT.F He. celpts, 898 head, mainly consigned direct; a few dry cows sold at $2.10(33.35; cable quoted American steers at 13til4c dressed weight; refrigerator beef, 10 u'&c; exports, 440 Deeves, i.tutt sneep and 4,250 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 356 head; firm; veals soia at o.ikb.ui'; Darnyara calves, 13.75; westeru calves, $4.25. SHEEP AND IAMBS Receipts, 3,823 head; sheep, steady; lambs.' slow and 10c lower; enevp, 14.00135.00; culls, $3.26; lambs, $5.62C(i6.70. . tHNis tteceiprs. i.ets neaa; lower; a small ouncn ot jersey noga sola at $6 60 St. Loals Live Stock' Market. BT. LOUIS. Feb. ll.-ATTLE Receipts. 2,200, IncludingM.lOO Texans; market steady; native shipping snd export steers. $6.k 6.25; dreesed beef and butcher steers, $4.60i 6.00: steers under 1.000 lbs. 63.OOdiH.90 stockers and feeders, $2.754j5.25; cows and heirers, iz.Wij.w, canners, xj.uon3.0o; bulls. $3.0O4i4.uo; Texas and Indian steers, X3.ooue..oo; cows ana heirers. I2.50a3.96. HOGS Receipts. 6.C1O; market steady: pigs and lights. $5.65i6.00; packera, $5.95 8.15: butchers, $6.106.40. SHEEP Receipts. 400; market 10c to 15c higher; native muttons, $4.4fi4.85; lambs, $5.0o4i.76; culls and bucks, $3.50$4.60. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 11. CATTLE Re ceipts, l.loo; market steady: natives, $4.50 ,6.50; cows and heifers, $2.0ofr6.60. HOGS Reoelpts, 11.000; market steady; light and light mixed, $5.656.30; medium and heavy, $6.06ji6.45. SHEEP Receipts, 800; 10(fj25c higher; western lambs, $5.504j4l.40; western sheep, $4.0O(Uo.85. MILLIO.MS AH- OT TAXED. Vast I.aaded Properties la New York that Kseape the Assessor. Illinois Is not the only state In this union In which large landed properties pay no tribute for the support of the government, reports the Chicago Chronicle. In New York the same conditions exist. The constitu tional amendment aubmltted to the voters of New York state this year was designed to prohibit the passage of any laws In creasing the amount of real property ex empted from taxation. The present amount of property so exempt Is about $300,000,000, or a seventh of the total valuation of the state, including real estate and personal property. Much of thla exemption Is due to law passed by succesalve legislatures, but a considerable part would be necessarily ex empted. Thus the United Stales govern ment has nearly $60.0u0.0u0 of real estate within the boundaries of New York, and of thla amount $u0.ou0.0u0 Is within the counties making up the Greater New York. There is $2.0(0.000 of federal government property In Buffalo and $1,300,000 In Oswego. The other cities of the state do not con tribute much to thl total. Th state of New York owns property to the' value of $39,000,000. of which $22,000,000 worth. Including the state capltoi and a number of state departments, I In th citv of Albany. There la $0,000,000 of atate property In Greater New York and $1i0,0io In Niagara Falls. Including th state park reservation DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, CARSON PIR1E SCOTT & GO WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. CHICAGO. E. L.TncKsr General Bales man. OMAHA SALESROOM. IB05 Faraaaa Street. J. E."l?0WE. Resident Salesman. WHEN IN THE CITY Visit Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Go. Wholesale Dry Goods. 1117 Howard St. MACHINE. KY AND FOIINJRY. Oavls & Cowgill Iron Works. MAJTUTACTURIRS AND 70BBEIUI OF MACHINERY. QKNXRAL REPAIRINQ A I-K3IAIri IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS. tL ISO aaa IBM Jsslusa tree. Osaaaa. Has. Tab S8B. EabrUkla. ga J. M. OvgUL ftTga -HM1E CO. 1. . liaonfacsarer and Jobber f Steam and Vater Supplies Of All Kinds. S014 aa 101 DOUGLAS ST. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. A cstcrn Electric.! vv Company Electrical Suppliex Blastrt WlrUs Bells aaa Oas Lit sttSA I a. W. JOHNSTON. Msr, U Koward. Sb AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Osaaaa! Rea. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Goods. Send for Catalogue Number S3 GASOLINE. LNulNES. QLDSr.lODILE" Olds Gasoline Engine, Olds Gasoline Engine Works, 111. Far nam St.. Omaha. BUY WHEAT Wheat hai declined sight cent and corn nine cent from top price. W coasldei both a purchase. Place your order with 1 responsible bouse and on that will (Iti you prompt and satisfactory execution. boyd corassiof. CO. KEEP P09TEO ON THE . Chicago Grain Market Dally Trad Biilletla seat upon request. M. B. COOKE. CotaaUasloa Merchant, S aad Baa-4 af TreSa, Cklaaga. fttssaber f th Chicago Beard f Trad.