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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY, FEJUtUARY 12, 1902. NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MISOR MEXTIOK. for Davis sells drugs. Stockert Mils carpets and rug. Met beer at Neumarer' hotel. Wellman, scientific optician. B'way. Paul Aylesworth wUl leave todajr western trip. Born, to Mr. and Mra. William Prper, twin aona yesterday. Mlasourl oak body wood, I8.M cord. WW 4am Welch. 1 N. Mala street. TeL Ka. Something entirely new " irtXtv . Alexander at Company. 3 Broadway. Mra. B. A. Mutert and daughter Panthe will leave today for Onceola, Web., wner they will make their home. W. R. Batchelor, IV Twenty-1tn ave buX 1. home from California where he went tat November for hla health. Willie Ever. 1248 Maple atreet, a new p.r eVrler. h. co.larne Monday evening aa a. result of a pony tailing on biro. ' Juda Oreen will remain In Council Bluftr thla week to am.lst Judge Thornell la disponing of the bualneei ol thla term of district court. Dr. Bailey complained to the police yee terrtay that a sm-alt thlof hurt entered hla office In hla absence and stolen a case ol aurglcal lnstramenta. Mr. and Mra. H. M. Met of Olen aye. dim are home from Dubuque, where they were called by the death of Mra. Mota brother, Ftank Slmplott. ' . : ' . The Ladlea' Aid society of St. John s Enailah Lutheran church, will meet on Thursday sfternoon at the rummage sales room, South Main atreet. Six more caa of amallpox In the Spry family. lol Went Broadway, were reported to the Health Board yeeterday. fhe en tire family of eight peraona la now down with, the diaeaae. .. Word waa received here J'Jy f death of the - ear-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. William Grogan, former resi dents of Council Bluffa, now living In ttewllns, Wyo. Thera will be Ash Wednesday services to day In Grace Episcopal chapel church at 10 a, m. Ber. Allen Judd. archdeacon of western Iowa, will hold servlcea In thla church Friday evening at 7:30. Former Governor C. 8. Thomaa of Color ado, at the close of the argumenta In the lKyle-Burna ault, left for New York, whence he goee to Washington on bualneei before the United Slates eupreme court. The preliminary hearing ot Dave Kinney, charged with brutally aaeaultlng Abraham Bnyder, waa partially had In police court yesterday ana continued until this morn ing for the attendance of additional wit nesses. P. F. Bertrand, a traveling man of Chi cago, reported to the police the theft yeeterday of a ault case from a Northwest ern train at the local depot. The case contained valuable papera of no uaa to anyone but the owner. Donald Pile, Infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. l A. Gray, 352 Lincoln avenue, died yea terday afternoon, aged 10 weeks. The fu neral, which will he private, will be this afternoon at 4 o'clock from the residence. Burial will be In Walnut Hill cemetery. Nate Bethel's, charged with the theft of a quantity of copper wire from the motor company, waa bound over to the grand Jury yesterday morning by Judge Ayles worth. In default of ball, placed at 3U0, ha waa committed to the county jail. Aftlclea ot Incorporation of the Specialty Manufacturing company of Council Blurts were filed yeaterday In the recorder's of fice. The capital stock la placed at )5O,0uO. .Alexia F. Glllet, A. H. Dillon, Lucius J. Olllet and Dillon ft- Rosa are the incor porators. Fay Miner left yeaterday for Coming, la., where he la to be married thla morn ing to Mlaa May Wilson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson. They will make their home in Council Bluffs, where Mr. Miner la bookkeeper for W. A. Maurer. The receipts in the general fund at the Christian Horn last week were $117.61. being $H2. below the estimated needs for the current expenses of the week and In creasing the deficiency In this fund to date to I1M.M. In the managers fund the re ceipts were (22. being ii below the needs for the week and Increasing the deficiency to 171.1 in this fund to data. Mr. and Mra. O. H. Lucas will go to Mills county Saturday to participate In the celebration of the aixty-seventh wedding anniversary of Mrs. iucsa' parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gllllland. H. W. Gllll land of Delta, la., brother of Mra. Lucas, Is visiting her and will attend the celebra tion. Another brother, Bhlrley Gllllland, of Glenwood wilt also bo present. Chester Egbert, who attacked Detective Weir after being arrested Monday evening, will have a hearing in police court this morning. A charge of resisting an officer will, it la said, be filed against him. An information has been filed In Judge Bry ant'a court charging young Esbert and a colored youth named Palmer Nealy with stealing a bottle of whisky from a Broad way liquor houae. The hearing on thla charge haa been set for February 1. Nealy gave bond for hla appearance. Plumbing and heating. Blxby ft Bon. ' Victim of Railroad Wreck. Frank Adams of Moorhead, la., who was Injured In a wreck in the Northwestern yards in Mlasourl Valley December IS last, died yesterday morning at St. Bernard' hospital. Ha neter recovered from the hock of the amputation of hi leg. Adam waa S4 years of age and waa a stockman. Ha waa unmarried. Hla remains will be taken to Moorhead thla morning and tha fuaaral will be from tha family home thera Thursday. AtTJj y. Jt There te certs !u fn0(j come'dowa'to) V4 Va through many cen- e ' ' turie and is phSQlPp SSrfiB- ill' aa'Vsa4J' 5et Yerr few outside of those wbo bare learned from bitter ex perience know anything of it nature or Characteristic. At first a little ulcer or ore appears, then gland of the neck or groin awell ; pirn plea break out on the breast, back or torn other part of the body and Ell with rellow pustular matter: the mouth and throat become tore and the tongue 1 at all timet badly coated. Headache are frequent, and muscle and joint throb and hurt, especially during damp, rainy weather. These are some of the symptom of that most loathsome of all diseases, Contagious Blood Poison. ... This strange pou- ContaglOUS on doc not affect Blood Poison ?:vtiizz; eaten up with it within a short time after being inoculated, while other Uow but light evidence of any taint for long time after exposure, but it tendency in every case is to complete destruction of the physical system, sooner or later. 8. &. 8. i a safe end infallible cure for this bad disease the only antidote for thia specific poison. It cures Contagious Blood Poison in every form and etare thoroughly and permanently. S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or other harmful minerals, but is strictly and entirely a vegetable remedy, and we offer f 1,000.00 reward for proof that it ia not OUR MEDICAL J"" T.Vr!"are" -.- llahod yearn ago, DErAllTHCNTt is doing noble work In relieving- anfferlag. Give our aeyelslaas a e-frt blatory of your oaaa ea get their advloa. Thla will eost won nothing, and what you aay will b bald tn atrletest confidence, with their help and a eopy of our book on Contagiosa Blood. Poison yon ean manage year ewa eaae and emre your elf at koaae. SWIFT SPECIFIC tO., Atlanta. Ga. AULD VANISHES AND RESIGNS Unit; tnrtisr frm Wright Tewiibip Leave Iwa, PECULIAR CIRCUMSTANCES OF DEPARTURE Wife aaa Family I re fees to Be la leraoraaee ol Hla Wkirtstosls rersoas In Omaha Said '. to Be Concerned. Ben. 0. Auld of Wright township, mem ber of the Board of County Supervisors, now serving his second term, has resigned and yesterday Allen Bullia of the same township waa appointed to All the vacancy. Supervisor Bullia will take his seat at the meeting of the board this morning. Tha board convened in adjourned session yes terday afternoon, but owing to the unex pected resignation of Supervisor Auld adjourned uatll this morning. In order that In the meantime hla successor might be appointed. When a vacancy occur in the county board the appointment lies with the county auditor, county recorder and clerk of the dlatrlct court. Auld" letter of resignation reached County Auditor Innes Monday even ing, but for reasons beat known to himself be kept the matter secret except from a select few. Including Clerk Reed, Recorder Smith and County Attorney Klllpack. The news spread rapidly, however, yesterday morning all over the county, and In a few hour the wires began to work and almost every township had a candidate In the Held. The east end of the county waa particularly active in insisting that it he recognised in the appointment of a supervisor to All the vacancy, and tha telephone at the county court house was kept hot all day. ' Saggests Hla g accessor. Auld in his letter to County Auditor Innes suggested that O. L. Mundorf ot Waveland township be appointed a hi successor, but the three appointing official could not agree on him. F. U Reed, clerk of the district court la aick at his home and it was there that the conference over the ap pointment waa held. Tha other candidates in the field were: H. H. Rounds ot Bel knap township, Allen Bull Is of Wright township, A. B. Wilson of Carson township, O. H. Nash of Center township, Marlon Palmer of Valley township, George Bolton ot Grove township, and A. A. Bruen of Cen ter township. Falling to agree on any one candidate the three officials decided to draw lots. The names of all the candidate were placed upon slip of paper and placed In a hat and then the little daughter ot Clerk Reed waa impressed into service to draw out a slip. It being decided, that whosoever name wa on It should be the appointee. The first drawn from the hat bore the name of Allen Bullls and he was accordingly declared the successor to Su pervisor Auld. - Allen Bullia 1 a wealthy farmer ot Wright township, a life-long republican and a member of the Grand Army of the Re public. ; 1 Circumstances connected with Auld' resignation lead to the" belief among-his friends and acqualntenaacas that ha has left this part of the c6untry. Statements now recalled to have been made by him during the last few month indicate that he haa bad such a move in contemplation for some time. Clreatanstaateea of Hla Devartsire. Auld waa In the city Saturday, having Just returned from Chicago, where he dis posed of a shipment of cattle he had fed during the winter. It is said the cattle were mortgaged to William T. Auld, a banker of Lincoln, Neb., and brother of tha missing supervisor, who also owns the farm in Wright township upon which Supervisor Auld lived. Auld is reported to have realised about $3,000 on the cattle. When In the city Saturday he cleaned up some Indebtedness in the First National bank, where he cashed the draft received for the cattle. At the bank it wa stated yeeterday that through an error in the reading of the amount of the draft Auld was paid $300 more than he should have rightly received. William Auld of Lincoln, the brother, wa In the elty Monday and he aaid he had no Information as to where his brother had gone. Aa to the sale of the mortgaged cattle he stated ha would not take any teps. He admitted having loaned hla brother large sums of money during the last few year. Ben Auld ha a wife and several grown children living on the farm In Wright township and they say they are equally Ignorant as to hla whereabouts. On son is la Lincoln and another is farming in Ne braska. Thsre are rumor of an entangle ment in which persons said, to live in Omaha are reported to figure, which la stated to be tha cause ot Auld's sudden departure from thia vicinity. The letter to County Auditor Innes containing Auld' res ignation wa postmarked Omaha. N. T. Plumbing Co.. telephone ZM. three week before he would hand down hi decision. C. J. Hughes opened the argument yes terday for Doyle in resistance to the mo tion for a new trial and hi argument was mainly along the law points involved. John N. Baldwin devoted hla argument to ahow that he had not gone outside the record la hi argument to the Jury, a alleged by the defendant. Governor Thomas made the cloaing argu ment on behalf of Bums. M0 1.800 Real Estate Traasfera. These transfer were filed yesterday in the abstract, title and loan office of 1. W. Squire, 101 Pearl street: J. A. Wilson and wife to Lewis Wert, atrip of land feet wide through se4 seVi 13-77-44. q. c. d t 1 Rollle McCrlckard and wife to Bar ney McCrlckard, nft se ot w 19-T7-4S, w. d John Flint and wife to Warren Flint. nw4 nw4 11-74-38, w. d Edward Hoden and wife to H. C. Dreyer, eV nw and nw4 sw4 3, and neHs4 35-74-44, q. c d Dubuque Building and Loan associa tion to H. C. Dreyer, same aa above, w. d Frank Hollenbeck and wife to Min nie W. Hollenbeck, part of block t. Mill add, w. d g. F. Shusrt and wife to Lena Alle, lot 3, block 1, East Omaha plateau, w. d Frank Hollenbeok and wife to Min nie W. Hollenbeck, lot 13, block 11, Crawforda add. w. d (53 800 350 200 260 Eight transfers, total. 11,453 Charged with Assanltlng Wife. John Hogan, living on South Main street, han a hearing before Justice Bryant yester day on a charge ot attempting to kill hi wife. The assault Is alleged to have been committed Monday night at the home of Mrs. Hogan'a daughter, at 1610 Avenue B, where Mrs. Hogan la visiting. Mrs. Hogan left her husband some time ago and a suit tor divorce U now pending in the district court. Since the proceedings were begun Mrs. Hogan haa been living at Ascot, la., where she had secured employment. Mon day she came to Council Bluffs to visit her daughter and It Is charged that Hogan went to the house and attempted to choke hla wife to death. Justice Bryant took the caae under advisement. Scores for City la Damage gelt. City Solicitor Wadsworth scored another victory in the district court yesterday for the city ot Council Bluffs In the personal Injury damage suit of Ernest Marsh. Marsh sued for $2,000 tor a broken leg received la February. 1901, from a fall on the side walk on South Main street. He alleged the city waa negligent In not having the snow and ice removed from the walk. At the close of the evidence tor the plaintiff Mr. Wadsworth moved that the Jury be directed for tha defendant. Judge Thornell sustained the- motion, but granted permission to the plaintiff to introduce further evidence on the question ot the du ration of the condition of the walk. EXPAND STATE CN1YERSITI Hsim ef KeirsuiUtivsi Appwe Us f Obaogiag Lcottion. GIVE OLD S.TE TO MEDiCAl SECTIIN ConssaedloaV Casnpaa la Outskirts Soagat for Mala Botldlags De clstoa la t'oaaell Blaffa Laaal Caae. Iajared by av Raaaway. Mr. W. C. Vtterback, 700 Harrison street, was injured yesterday evening in a runaway accident on East Broadway. A horse hitched to a buggy containing L Jackson and Mies Lottie Aylesworth be came unmanageable at First atreet and dashed north on Broadway. It plunged Into a cutter in which Mrs. Utterbsck was driv ing. The force of ihe collision smashed the cutter into kindling wood and Mrs. Vt terback was thrown heavily to tha side walk. She waa removed to her home. Jackson and Miss Aylesworth were thrown out of their buggy, but escaped with a few bruaise. LEWIS CUTLER Funeral Director as tsAaL a rata;: r. - 91, Robbery la Weekly OBIee. The office of the Tlmea-Democrat In the Ogdea house on West Broadway waa broken into Monday night by thieves, wbo stole three colored shirts, a revolver, a sixteen volume set ef Encyclopedia and forty pages of democratic campaign editorial matter. The thlevea secured entrance to the office through a door leading Ipto the lobby of the hotel, which ia now used solely a a lodging house. The editor haa sent in a requisition for a fresh supply of campaign editorial and ears the burglary will not Interfere with getting out the regular issue. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read, 641 Broadway. Marriage Lleeaaea. Licenses to wed were issued yestsrday to the following parties: Name and Residence. Are. Oscar Haines. Pottawattamie county.... tl Mary Fox, Pottawattamie county Z( Elbert R. Orme, Treynor. Ia 22 Sarah A. Fox, Armour, Ia 17 L. C. Holllday, Omaha 21 L4szie ciouse, umana is P. H. Cook. Ogden, Utah... 33 Juliette M. Klassner, Omaha 22 Lawaon Bolomon. Council Bluffs 4 Anna Marie Elscheld, Council Bluffs.... 36 Beeeases a Hallway Mag-Bate. Colone Charles R. Hannan returned yes terday from a trip to Chicago, Indianapolis and other eastern points, where he closed up a number of interurban railway deals In which he was interested. He will estab lish a private office here for the present. TELLS OF RICHARDSON CRIME ahoesaaker, Allaa amlta, Relatea Hla Story ta Oae of the Pros- eeatlag Atteraeya. C. F. Booher of Savannah, Mo., cne of tha prosecuting attorneys in the Frank Richard son murder trial, arrived la Council B:uft it evening to Investigate the story ef Minard Shoemaker, alias Ed Smith, that ha was preaent in the Richardson home la Savannah the night of the murder and wit nessed the tragedy. - Shoemaker waa taken to Chief Albro's office at police headquarters, where he was closeted with Mr. Booher up to midnight. Mr. Booher is father ot the prosecuting at torney of Andrews county, Missouri, who haa charge of the cue on behalf of the atate. A subpoena was received by mall yester day mprnlng for Shoemaker's attendance at the trial ot J. Stuart Fife February 24. Booner secured -from Smith a written statement of hie alleged experience la the Richardson house the night of the shooting and aa excellent description of tha man be claims bs saw fire the abot. The descrip tion tallica with that cf Fife, but whether Smith really saw Fife the night ot the shooting or at tha inquest, is a point oc which some skepticism is expressed. Booher said parte of 8mllb' story are plausible and parts rouse hla doubts. H said he would submit 8mlth's statement te the prosecuting attorney. . , Davis wilt glass. Doylo-Baras Argaasst Baaed The arguments In the motion for a saw trial ia the Doyle-Burn ault were com pleted lf ore Judge Green In the district court yeitorday afternoon. Tha motion oa the pert of Doyla tor aa Increased Judgment waa submitted without argument. Judge FARM LOANS 5C.H Negotiate In Kasjern :sbraa Green took both motions under advisement tZ&'U&t 1'A4 U tt ouJ4 ft, maw. tee. la Davis sells glass. FREES OPPONENT OF VACCINE Jaage Bishop Issaeo Writ Habeas Corpaa, Setttag Caartaey at Liberty. PERRT, la.. Feb. 11. (Special Telegram.) Attorney Bhortley appeared before the supreme court at De Moines yesterday to ask for a writ of habeas corpus for J. J. Courtney in tha vaccination caae. Judge Deemer advised him to go to the district court of Polk county, which he did, and Judge Bishop of that court directed a no tice to be served oa Sheriff Hanes of Dallas eounty to appear before him with the pris oner today at 11 o'clock to show cauae why a writ should not Issue. After the hear ing Judge Bishop issued the arlt, freeing the prisoner. Bhortley contended that the Board of Health exceeded it authority in not speci fying how long persons could be confined to their homes If they refuse to be vaccinated. in trying to keep them from public places when they had not been expoeed to disease, and In trying te compel tbem to ahow their arms for inspection In public places. The friends' of the city council and Mayor Wil son fear this will make it hard for them to enforce vaccination and thus stamp out the disease. A nearly every man, woman and child In the city and vicinity has been vaccinated, it is hoped there will be no more cases. Work aa Weaabary-Moaaaa Ditch. ONAWA, Ia., Feb. 11. (Special Tele gram. ) The auditor of Monona county haa completed the contract with the Canal Construction company of Chicago, which was hung up for about a year and a half in the supreme court, end the eompaay has signed Its bond and will ahlp it dredg boat and apparatus here in a few days, to be ready for work on the Monona end ot the Woodbury-Monona ditch as early as posai hie In the spring. The work will be pushed day and night, ualng two shift of men and working continuously. They hope to complete the Job ibis year. This will be the first work done by a dredge In thla part of the state, and tha commencament at the work la anxiously awaited by all par tic Interested U dxaUiax matter. (From a' Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINE8, Feb. 11. (8peclal.) The house of representative this morning went on record in regard to the atate university in a manner entirely new and original. Mr. Dunham offered a resolution aa follows: Whereas, The Interests of this state de mand that there shall be within her bor ders educational institutions which shall be recognised among the leading Institu tions of the kind in the nation, and this state, by her record of the post and virtues of the present, la worthy of the best. Whereas, The university of the state Is and alwaya haa boen looked upon as the Ideal of ita citizens as a place for the proper education and fitting of her aon and daughters for the battle of life, and Where an. Owing to an unfortunate loca tion of our state university on too limited area. In the heart of a city, with no room for growth or for the erection of commo dious and artistic placement of proper buildings for the use of such school, also making It Impossible to surround such school with the proper Intellectual atmos phere which should surround a great edu cational Institution and can only be at tained when the same la somewhat removed from the busy marts of life, and, Whereas, The buildings now belonging to the state at the State university are no more than can be used by the medical, dental and pharmaceutical departments of said university; therefore. Resolved That the appropriations com mittee be Instructed to take these matters Into consideration In arranging for the dis position of the state funds; that said school should be dealt with liberally at present as to her needs for expenses, but that the appropriations should be made with the ultimate end in view of turning over to the medical, dental and pharmaceutical department all buildings now on the State university campus and procuring on the bluffs across the river to the west, or on the beautiful rolling lands surrounding the university city, and removed from the bunl nes portions, a commodious and proper campus and erecting thereon bulldlngr, which shall be an honor to the state and a credit to the guardians of her interests; and that all committees of this house be Instructed to earnestly consider thla prop osition and report to this house any sug gestion they can make which. In the mind of auch committee, would be feasible to reach the end desired. In support of this resolution Mr. Dunhim declared hi belief that the people of the state would support a movement ot the kind Indicated. The visitors to the university recently were impressed with the fact that the campus of the university Is too small and that there Is no possible way to cnla gj it. He would have the state build no more expensive buildings on the present ground, but go outside ot the city of Iowa City and secure a desirable location for the ma'n portion of the university. The resolution i passed unanimously. Mach Work Doae. The house met at t o'clock and went to work. Eight bill were passed, as fellows: By Sweeley, to make the statute in regard -to malicious mischief apply to elect rlo' rail way property as well as to rallroada; by Dunham, correcting an error in the statute regarding discretion of Lotrda of super visor in letting contract; by Kendall, to prevent membom. pf the Board of Mine Ex aminer from being connected with schools &t Instruction; by Buchanan, to' forbid sale of cocaine, except to. druggists or on pre scription; two bills by Mordort to permit commencement of actions against steam boat on boundary river at any place where they may be found; by Hamann, to extend time of 'taking school census; ty Dunham, to allow condemnation of orchards for achoolhouse sites. The senate passed a hill codifying the law relating to printing and binding, a bill to make it a felony to be found in posses sion of burglsr's tools l:h in ent to commit burglary, and a bill to legalize transfers of real estate where the husband his signal for the wife under a power of attorney. New Bills. Senator Townsend Introduced a bill to forbid reinsurance of Iowa p:opr;y in com panies not authorized. This is to stop the practice of weak Iowa companies insuring property and then transferring to foreign companies ao aa to escape the discrim inating tax. " ' Mr. Rooms introduced a bill to appro priate $100,000 for the purchase ot old Fort Atkinson in Wlnnlshlek county and to re store the government buildings and con vert the tract into a state camping ground for the state militia and a state rifle range. Mr. English introduced a bill to revlss the law regarding libel In Iowa and make it possible for a publisher by a retraetica to prevent collection ot damage for malice, Jones Introduced a bill to require thit railroad companies and other ccrpoiatlon hall pay their employee semi-monthly. Mr. Koonti Introduced a bill to give the Btate Historical aoctety an additional ap propriation ot l,60p a year and to give it 19.600 for publication of certain historical papers. Including the letters of the late Governor Klrkwood. Both house adjourned until 10 o'clock tomorrow. School Bills Considered. The house committee on schools this aft ernoon considered at length several bills in relation to schools. A bill for compul sory education ia being atrongly urged and several persons interested in educational matters appeared before the committee to day in ita favor. A bill to give to rural schools of a certain grade and having aa average attendance of more than twenty for eight months ot the year, $50 a year direct from the state treasury is also re celvlng consideration and will be reported back to the house favorably. The bill Is patterned after the Minnesota law on the same subject. Approved, hy Committees. In committees this afternoon the follow log bills found favor: Application tor In augural expenaee and miscellaneous mat ters; taking circle off ballot; taking maxi mum fee limit offl Incorporation law; com pulsory education law; requiring applica tions for liquor sales to be signed In Ink; requiring counties to pay ail quarantlns ex penses; to require milk Inspection of cities of over 6,000; to take from mayors their Jurisdiction In criminal matters; to require rallroada to report receipts divided as be tween state business and other business. The bill to reduce the open season for game and take away spring shooting wa killed. The Iowa supreme court today reversed Judge Smith of Council Bluffa and releaaed the World Publishing company of Omaha from payment of a mortgage of $$50 on cer tain lot in Council Bluff. It appears that tha lots were taken on a debt by Grimm the Council Bluffs agent of the World Herald, and afterward transferred to the company, but according to evidence, without ths authority of the company. The supreme court decided that the company is not liable for this unauthorised transfer. The following are the decisions: A J. Lough vs. Mlnneaolia St Louis Railroad company. applicant; Emmet county. Judice Cluarton. affirmed. B i. QueUsrt IS. Jr'.mmat county, anoal- lant; Emmet county. Judge Quarton; re versed. W. 8. Hutton vs. J. W. Doxsee, appel lant: Jonee county. Judge Bemley; re versed. , W. E. Tucker vs. Dairy Mutual Insur ance company, appellant; Lincoln county. Judge Kmley; affirmed. R. J. ntcn vs. Mason uny ana k wt llsnt: Oerra Uordo county. Judge Kelley; reversed. Bristol Savings bank V". J"" "no the World Publishing comrany, appellant; Pottawattamie county. Judge Smith; reversed. New Corporations. The following artlrlee of Incorporation were filed with the secretary ot :ste today: De Witt Tjind and Mineral company of Clinton; capital, $10,000; by E. S. Jones and others. Iowa Loan and Investment company of Hartley; capital. 150.000; by E. E. Hall. Oli ver Evans and others. Franklin Hotel and Land company of Strawberry Point; capital stock, tau.Ooi); by D. W. Newberry and others. Caramlns at Llaeola. Governor A. B. Cummlne goes Wednesday to Lincoln, where he will deliver an ad dress at a Lincoln day celebration. He ill leave here in the morning, to go through Omaha and may be accompanied by some member of hi military staff. The governor is in great demand a an orator on such occasion and was com pelled to decline a large number of Invita tion to accept the one from Lincoln. Probable Harder, F. M. Eaton this morning found the body of a male baby lying on the sidewalk In front ot Balxer Bros.' teed store at the corner of Southeast Seventh and Scott streets. Near the babe, which looked to be about two days old, waa found a paper sack covered on the Inside with blood. The child had evidently been dead some time. Mr. Eaton found the babe on his way up town at about 7:30 thla morning. There was nothing at all by which the chill could be Identified and It 1 suspected that a murder has been committed, al though there are no mark by which the cause of death could be determined. Mr. Eaton brought the babe to the police sta tion and the matter i being investigated. Investigate Mime Explosion. Governor Cummlne today appointed the following persons to assist the state mine inspector in Investigation of mine explo sions and report to the legislature: James E. Stout of Des Moines, Thomas J. Phil lips of Ottumwa. J. P. Reese ot Albla, John P. White of Oaknloosa. The commission will meet in a few day. SUBPOENA THE BANK CASHIER St. Lonle Coart Orders Exhibiting ef Aecoaats la the Bribery Cases. ST. LOUIS, Feb. 1L When Judge Kyan opened court tooay wircuii Attorney rout appeared before him and requested a sub poena duces tecum for Finis B. Marshall, cashier and recently elected president of ths Continental National bank. Mr. Mar shall is commanded to produce before the grand Jury which ia investigating munici pal franchise bribery, a deposit slip for $145,000, said to have been deposited In the bank in the name of Mr. Marshall as true tee in Krow, in October, 1898. Mr. Mar shall wa at that time cashier of the bank. He Is also commanded to produce the individual ledger ot the bank, showing the individual accounts ot Robert N. Snyder, with the Continental National bank. Rob ert N. Snyder waa the promoter of tha Central Traction company. Originally he came from Kanss City. The most notable company ot witnesses summoned during the present Investiga tion wers those for whom subpoena were tosued today. " Among them were: - Honrv Zelaenheln. mayor of St. Louis when the Central Traction bill was passed over his veto and president of the Lafay ette bank; E. F. W. Meier, wholesale glass and china merchant, president of the city council, who signed the Central Traction bill- Frederick C Meier, commissioner ot upplles for tne city or at. ixmis; vnar'es u.inwitor. Dresldent of the St. Louis Merchants Bridge Terminal railway; An drew F. Blong, police commissioner and purchasing agent for the police department. POLICE HARASS AMERICANS Eeaador Aathorltlea Abase Contract ors aad Coasal Fall te Check Them. GUATQUIL, Ecuador, Feb. 11. The ar rest of Michael Bolan of Springfield, O., tor refusing to pay a magistrate's Judgment against him, as the result of alleged black mall waa made in a Judge' order. He wa detained for three day. The United States consul general. Perry M. De Leon, took the matter up and obtained Bolan' release under a personal guaran tee. He appealed to the government of Ecuador which, apparently, declined to interfere. Ths tendency of the government authori ties here 1 to proceed under the police lawa in civil cases, and to harass In all ways American contractor and subcon tractor by orders from magistrates, as the government authorities, under the atate laws, have no Jurisdiction. A similar case against J. P. McDonald, another American, is now proceeding. A subcontractors claimed several thousand dollars and McDonald was ordered, by a police court judge, to pay the amount or go to Jail. The American asserts that a strong pro test from the United States government probably would stop these abuses. . The action taken by Consul General De Leon is generally regarded as right by all ths foreigners here. CLING TO SPRING SHOOTING loax City ipertsmea Oppose Passage of Bill ta that OsT geaaoa of Banting. SIOUX CITT, Ia., Feb. U.-(Specla! Tele gram.) The Boo Oun club, whose member ship includes 188 sportsmen In Sioux City and vicinity, opposes the proposed passaee of a bill by the Iowa legislature to prohibit shooting of all kinds. At a meeting here the club decided to call upon ths legisla tor to oppose the bill, and C. C. Hamilton, court reporter, who la president of the club, and H. If. Hawman, ex-chlef of police, who la captain, will be sent to Des Moines to lobby against It. FOR C0:iSTIFATI0i DRINK Elunyadl Mncs Hatsrsi Uxstlr Mlaarai Water. The safest and most effective cure. Always ask for IIUNYADI JAN0S (fULLi KAMK) or you may be imposed upon. Substitutes are worthless. BUB LAHfl. WITB gr.D CEXTH. Wreck Manhood Our Modern, Advanced Electro-Medical Methods Cure Where All Other Treatments Fail. mm ii tf:&tf:&&- &&&&&&&&&&&&& CCT A SEASONABLE REMEDY! m ft ft ft ft tAjf ST. JACOBS OIL, applied outwardly according; to Direction a, lj i Penetrates to tha Seat ol the Difficulty, Remove Morene, f? Tlghtucas, Hoarseness, and Reduces Inflammation. zr 'J? !iJ ui For CHAPPED HANDS FROST BITES CHILBLAINS CHEST COLDS SORE THROAT COUGH CROUP There is nothing so good. la 0 ft ft IT ACTS LIKE MAGIC! 1K 0 us Soldtn 25s and BO cent sizes. 3 9393919 3393339993 333939999 Maladies That WE ADVERTISE WHAT WE DO. WE DO WHAT WE ADVERTISE Loasrest Established, Most Saeeeasfal aad Reliable Sperlallate In DIs- easea ot Men, aa Medical Dlplo anas. Lleeaaea aad News paper Records Show. We want every man afflicted with NERVO-SKXUAL DEBILITY, CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON, STRICTURE, VARICOCELE OR ALLIED TROUBLES to coma te our office, where we will explain to htm our ELECTRO-MEDICAL. METHOD; (ELECTRIC, ii x ainu MhJutuiiNK dumbingu) ot curing theae Diseases. we invite in particular all men who have become dissatisfied with treatment elsewhere. We will explain O you why you have not been cured, and will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction why we can cure you Safely, Quickly and Permanently. Our counsel will cost you nothing. and our charges for a perfect cure will be reasonable and not more than you will be willing to pay for the benefits conferred. We will do by you aa we would want you to do by Us It our cases were reversed. ' Certainty of cure is what you want. We can and will cite you, by permission, to numberless cases that we have eured "TO STAY CURED," which had been abandoned by family physicians and so-called EXPERT8. We cure to stay cured by our combined Electro-Medical treatment, Varicocele. Stricture, Contagious Blood Poison, -Nervo-Sexual Debility, Rupture, Kidney and Urinary Diseases and all associate disease and weaknesses of men. We charge nothing for private counsel and give to each patient a LEOAL CONTRACT to hold for our promises. Is It not worth your while to Investigate a cure that has made life anew to multitude of menT If you cannot call at our office, writ your symptom fully. Refereaceai Best Banks aad Leadlns; Baslnesa Mea la this City. CONSULTATION FREE. OBee Hearst Froaa ( a, . t . nt. Saadarei to a. aa. ta 1 . m. State Electro-Medical Institute, 1308 Farnam St.. Between 13th and 14th Sts . Omaha, Neb. BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIvST EXCURSIONS TO (California. VIA Three Excursions Weekly VIA Scenic Line LCAVC OMAHA Wednesday Friday and Saturday Daily First-class Sleeper Through to San Francisco yia Colorado, passing the Grandest Scenery ef tn Rockies and Sierra Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connection to Los Angeles. City Ticket Office, 1323 Farnam St., Omaha. When dissatisfied, move to The Bee Building x ?Z Reasonable rental prices and perfect accommodations j i j R. C PETERS & CO., Rental Agents, Ground Floor, Bee Building. This slgaatere Is oa every boa ef the aeaata Laxative Dromo-Quimne Tablet 'iks reaied Uat aaree a eM La aaa Jj.