TIIE OMAIIA DAILYllEEt WE DN ES DAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1002. BOYD COUNT! HOMESTEADS Cut Bsatd Imti Applioatiaa of Alsxaodsr Blair and Othsri. LAND RELEASED TO GENERAL GOVERNMENT Present Oceapaat Mar ItecoTer It y Farther Process "tat RfiliU th Mod of Settle Bieat. LINCOLN. Feb. 11. (8peclal telegram.) The State Board of Educational Land! and Funda bai decided by a majority voU! to pint the application of Alexander Blair and seventeen other for government deeda to homesteads In Boyd county. According to tba term of the aettlement the land la to be released to the general government, from which It may be afterward recovered by the p relent occupanta. Land Commissioner Folmer resisted the aettlement on the ground that the home steads are atate land and cannot be re linquished. The deeda cannot be executed unieaa aigned by the land commissioner, and It la likely that official will withhold his approval pending receipt of an opinion by the attorney general. Tha matter haa long been In dlapute and an extended ar gument wsji Indulged In at a meeting of the board last week and again today by tha representatives of the homesteaders, who are seeking to hare tha landa deeded to the government.' Bible tat Pnblle Schools. John H. Llndale of Oage county haa ap peared a a friend of the supreme court In the caae of the Bute ex ret Freeman against John Schev and other dlrectora of a Gag county school district. He bega leave to call attention to the danger which he aaya threatena the rights of a large body of people who constitute an Integral part of the cltlsenshlp. the membership of a great church. Mr. Llndale refera to the Roman Catholics. Tha caae In Vhtch Mr. Llndale appears arose from an application! In the district court of Gars county for an order re training the authorltiea from causing the certain aectlona and veralona of the bible to be read In the public achoola. Mr. Llndale begins his argument by as setting that the aeparatlon of the church and atate In thla country la the result of a compromise. He aaya: . "When the constitution was formed. there were Congregattonallsta in New Eng land, Dutch Reformers In New. York, Luth erans In New Jersey, Quaker In Pennsyl vania, Cathollos In Maryland. Methodists In Oeorgla, CalvtnlsU In South Carolina. Epla copailana In Virginia, and everything and what not In North Carolina. In order that all should be on an equal footing, It was provided that congress should make no law respecting an eatabliahment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Thla waa the first amendment, the first article of the "BUI of Rights,' aa the first ten amendment have been styled. Under thla "Bill of Right" under this provision. 'every denomination acquired vested rights. Thla spirit of toleration gradually filtered down Into our atate constitutions, till It haa become the genius of pur Institutions. "Our owi state constitution provide: " A1 persons liav a natural and inde feasible right to worahtp Almighty God so cording to the dicta tea of their own con science. No person shall be compelled to attend, ereot or support any place of wor ahlp against his consent, and no preference shall ' be given by law to any religious . society, nor shall any Interference with the right of conscience b permitted.' "Compslaory education -haa been, (a- force In thla state from time immemorial. . I have but to refer to the act of March SO, 1901, to aubdlvlalon xvl of chapter Ixxlx, of tha Compiled Statutes of 1891, and the other links la the ohaln. "If the bible la need In publlo schools. If hymne are aung, and If children are com pelled to attend acbool, you compel attend ance at a place of' worship, which la con trary to. tha state constitution. Hymna are but prayers In meter. "But the bible, you Bay, la common to all Christians. The Catholic yields to no one la his reverence for the Word of God. In a recent editorial In the New York Sun the following paragraph appeara: " 'Aa It Is bow, the pope Is the sole, bold, positive and uncompromising champion of the bible aa the word of God.' "The Cat hollo church has condemned the so-called 'high criticism,' which la nothing but Tom Paine In a parson's cassock. Tho Catholic must take hi gospel straight with no augar-ooatlng. or let him be anathema. "But we do not purpose to have Jamee Stuart'a tranalatlon forced down our throat without a protest. It would savor of pe dantry and would serve no useful purpose to point out the difference between King Jamee' veraloa and the Douay edition. "We are not ssklng to have the Douay edition read la our publlo school. We do not think It proper. If we did. what a bowl would go up all over the land. The arrogance of Rome!' It doea make a differ enoe whose ox la being gored. 'Orthodox la my doxy and heterodoxy la your doxy' has been the song of every religious tyrant from Jew-burning Torquemada to witch burning Cotton Mather." la closing, Mr. Llndale remarks: "The gods of Olympus are back numbers. No body believes In ' them. It la safe to ay that for fourteen centurlea nobody haa. The difference between Homer and tha bible la the difference between a dead wire and a. live wire. You cannot disassociate ' any version of the bible from religion I Will Cure You of Rheumatism KO PAY UNTIL YOU MOW IT. Attar J. 000 experiments. I have learned how to cure Rheumatism. Not to tura bony joint Into flesh again; that la Impossible. But I can euro the disease alwaya at any tag, and forever. I ask for no money. Simply write ma a postal ana i wnj sena you an order on your nearest druggist tor six bottles of Dr. Ehoop's Rheumatic Cure, for every drug gist keeps It. Use It for a month, and If It doe what I claim pay your druggist 15.60 for It. If It doesn't, I will pay him myself. I have no samples. Any medicine that sea affect Rheumatism with but a few dose Bust be drugged to the verge of danger. mse no such drugs. It I folly to Uk them. You' must get the disease out of the blood My remedy doea that, even In the moat difficult, obstinate cases. No matter how Impossible th'a sesma to you, I know It and I take this risk. . 1 have cured ten of thou aaada of cases la this way, and my records show that tl out of 40 who get thoee si bottles ray, and gladly. I have learaed that people la general are honest with physician who cure them. That Is all ask. It I fall I don't expect a penny from ran. Simply writs me a postal card or letter feat m send you aa order for the medicine ai.Q a book. Take It tor a month, tor It won't harm you anyway. If It cures, pay lb. St. I leave that entirely to you. Ad dress Dr. Shoop, Box (tl, Racine, Wis. Mil 4 esses, not chronic, are often cured pf aa er two ct '.!. At all druggists. Any attempt to run the blockade under the literary flag reminds one of Petroleum V. Naaby's celebrated definition of a conserva tive: 'A man who takea a round-about way to get at a devilish mean thing.' " The concluding atatemenC In thla argu ment to the court la: "William McKlnley waa a gentleman. I hope he la In heaven. Leon F. Csolgost ha had his day In an other court. May Ood bav mercy on hla aoult But either of theee men haa about as much to do with thla case a Kama chatka haa to do with Patagonia." Nebraska Real Estate Coaveatloa. Labor Commissioner Watson expectsup- ward of 300 person to attend the conven tion of the real eatato dealer which be ta ln Fremont tomorrow. He was noti fied this afternoon that a delegation of 100 real estate dealers would go from Omaha and It la likely that a third aa many will represent Lincoln. "The movement to organise a atate asso ciation of real estate men seems to have met with popular favor throughout the atate," aald Mr. Watson this afternoon, and I have aaaurancea that there will be flattering attendance at our preliminary meeting tomorrcsr. The varloua railroad ave offered a rats' of one and a third fare for the round trip for all persons who desire to attend. When the proposition to bring this clasa of business men together came up we had aome misgivings that It would not be successful, but we soon found men who were willing to give the movement their hearty aupport and assist ance." The convention will be called to order by Mr. Watson tomorrow night at 7: SO and an address of welcome will be delivered by L. D. Richards of Fremont. Appointments will be announced and the evening pro gram will close with an address by Chan cellor Andrew. Person who have agreed to apeak before the association during lta convention are: W. R. Mellor of Loup City, O. O. Wallace of Omaha, W. L. Hand of Kearney. A. W. Crltee of Chadron, P. B. Tipton of Seward, John A. McCague of Omaha. J. F. Hansen of Fremont, C. B. Adam of Superior, G. W. Hervey of Omaha, John S. Knox of Omaha, Prof. Charlea W. Beasey of Lincoln, R. E. Moore of Lincoln, C. E. Smith of Beatrice, R. c. Peters of Omaha, J. Francia, J. R. Buchanan, E. L Lomax, J. C. Bonnell, of Omaha, Peter Jensen of Jensen and H. H. Wilson of Lincoln. Dedication of I'nlrerslty Orsran. Arrangements have been completed for the dedication of the organ In the Univer sity of Nebraska chapel next Friday room ing. The Instrument was purchased from the Transmlsslsslppt exposition by the Alumni association and on Friday will be formally presented to the university. The presentation address will be delivered by Prof. Fcssler and response on behalf of the university will be made by E. von For ell. nrealdent of the Board of Regents. A lecture on "Music and Culture" by Prof. H. P. Eame and a recital of the history of the movement to purchase the organ. will form part of the program. Prof.- Wll lard Kimball of the University College of Mualc will preatde at the organ. Admla- slon will be by ticket. Time I.oelt la Obatlaate. Ever since yesterday morning workmen led by Nelson Westover have been vainly trying to force an entrance Into the big vault of the First National bank, wherein is contained all the gold and silver and cur rency and paper belonging to that Institu tion. It Is all the fault of the time lock. Sat urday an agent of the safe company waa her and placed the time, lock and. appur tenances In good order, aa waa supposed When the time for closing came Saturday the vault door waa abut and the time lock set for nunlm Mondav moraine When Monday came the lock refused to work. Everybody about tha bank who thought he knew bow to coax It Into open Ing tried hla hand, and Weatover, who Is something of an expert, waa called In. Hse-Hses tat Lincoln. Throngs of Hoo-Hoos and members of the State Lumbermen's association will unload in Lincoln tomorrow to attend their an nual convention of two days. Their de Uberatlona will take place In represents tlve hall at tte state capltol and continue throughout the day, a morning and after noon session being held. Thursday la appointed as the day for the transaction of the business association. Aside from a program of papers snd addresses there will be election of officers. Closing a day of Interesting performances and reading to morrow the Hoo-Hoos will give a banquet at the headquarters, the Llndell hotel, and the lumbermen will have the pleasure of a theater party at the Oliver. t New Incorporations. Article of Incorporation of the following new Institutions have been filed in the sec cMary of states' office: Tb Schermerhorn Irrigation company of Bridgeport, Cheyenne county; capital stock. 110,400; Incorporators, A. D. Schermerhorn-, R. H. Willis and O. M. Roblson. The Humphrey company of Lincoln, capl tal stock, $30,000; Incorporator. Sarah M. Humphrey. Julia A; Herrtck and Cora H Wheeler; tor dealing In retail and whole aale hardware. t The Union Real Eatata and Truat company of Lincoln, capital atock, $20,000; Incorpora tore. Lew Marshall, Nellie Marshall, Will H. Love. The Hold Cattle company of Central City, Merrick county, capital atock, $10,000; Incorporator. Thomaa B. Hord. John L. Carey, E. H. Benton, Heber Hord and Q P. Blasell. . The Rector A Wllhelmy company of Omaha haa changed It corporate nam to Wright A Wllhelmy company. Movers rind Skelter. M'COOL JUNCTION. Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Last week a mover's outfit cam to McCool and la tha covered wagon were a man and four children. The man told a pitiful story. He claimed he belonged to the Modern Woodmen of America and in a short time he waa well provided for In the way of groceries, eatables snd clothing by ths Woodmen of this plaoe. One of the Woodmen Immediately wrote to the Wood man camp at Beatrice, where he claimed to have membership, and received reply that several years ago he Joined the order, and after paying for three or four aasessmeats dropped out. The citlsens of the town ar ranged to get them a house, where they are now living, and are aupplytng them with all the necessities of life. In Interest ef Old Veteran. ' ' HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Captain J. P. Orinstead of this city, who served two year in the Philippine with the Thirty-second regiment of United States volunteers and who waa mustered out laat aprlng and returned home, left yeaterday for Washington, D. C. He goe to work In harmony with a number of hla brother off! cer to secure desired changea in the army bill, which they believe discriminated against a few by reason of the age limit preventing their getting proper credit and advancement due ""by reason of thslr past services. Laborers Scare an lee Harvest. HENDERSON. Neb..' Feb. 11. (Special. Ice dealers who have been getting their Ice from the Blue river, which Is only four miles dlatant. were unable to hire farmers snd laboring men to put up thla year' crop. They offered laboring men aa high as 10 cent an hour, but were unable to find men who would work. They are now ahlp ping their Ice In by rail and have aecured Ice packers from David City. BIRD COULD IS ARRESTED Georjt, Brsthar of flatts Vails Catbisrs, Lsdrsd in Jail. HIS CONDUCT At CLERK IS SUSPECTED Ckarie la at Receiving; Deposit Whem He Knew Ceaeera to Be laeolveat and Aiding Other la II- ' legal Transaction. DAVID CITY. Neb., Feb. 11. (6peelal. George Gould of Bellwood was arrested yes terday afternoon by Sheriff West and lodged In Jail In thla city. George I a brother of A. H. Gould, cashier, and R. C. Gould, as- latent cashier, of the Platte Valley Stats bank. Hs wss clerk In ths bank. Tha com plaint filed agalnat him ia that hs received depoelts when he knew the bank waa In solvent snd hs bad knowledge of aad aided and abetted A. H. Gould In the forging of notes and In all the Illegal transactions connected with the bank. George asaerta hla Innocence and says ha can prove he had nothing whatever to do with any of the questionable transactions. County Attorney Walling aays that he has a good caae gainst George and that he waa a promi nent factor In all of the dealinga that led to the closing of the bank. CHARGE PENETRATES HEART Boy Kills HI Brother by Accidental Discharge f av Shot . HUMBOLDT. Neb., Feb. It (Special.) A aecend aerlous ahootlng affair has oc curred at the home of Joseph Helm, a farmer near Daweon.' ' The . children were coming from school and had Just driven into the barn at home when they saw a rab bit. Emesreon Helm, 13-year-old on, ran Into the house to get tha gun and In hla hurry in loading It the weapon waa dis charged, shooting his (-year-old brother through the heart. The boy lived only a stort time. JOHN M'CORMICK ON TRIAL Nebraska City Man Charged with Harder of Mrs. Hs(ls Llnsley. NEBRASKA CITY. Feb. 11. (Special Tel egram.) The caae of John McCormlck, who ia charged with the murder of Mra. Mag gle Llnsley, waa called In district court thla morning. The defense filed a motion to quash the entire Jury panel, but ths court overruled ths motion. Moat. of the afternoon waa occupied In securing a Jury, The taking' of testimony will be begun In earneat tomorrow morning. The courtroom was crowded with spectators. I Women Discos Llteratare. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Feb. 11. (Spe cial.) The meeting of (he literature de partment of the Plattsmouth Woman's club waa held at the home of Mra. S. A. Davie. A review of the "Vision of Sir Launfal" was given by Violet Dodge. Mr. James Her old presented a paper upon Whlttler, la wbjch the life and the poetic productions bequeathed to American literature by thla author were touched upon. One of Whit' tier'a poema, "In School Days," was re cited by Miss Jeanne tte Murphy. A humorous view of "Maud Muller," preaentlng the popular poem In the light of the opinions of the Boston High school pupils, was read by Mlaa Gaas. Mrs. Asa Sleeth recited Skipper Ireson's Ride." A.allpplng of a humorous nature, "Holmes' Interview with an Editor," waa read by Mra. H. D. Travis, president of the club. Arrested for Spending; Hla Fiad. HASTINGS. Neb., Feb. 11. (Special Tele gramsHarry Wlcka was brought before County Judge Dungan this afternoon on the charge of larceny and by request the case was continued until Thursday. Several daya ago young Wicks found a pocketboek containing nearly $40 In cash and a cer ttflcats of deposit for $100 on a Hastings bank. The puree and all lta contenta be long to Mrs. E. B. Ktnnan. Wlcka made no effort to locate the owner, but apent all the money In one night. As hs could not furnish ball he waa remanded to Jail. Valley Connty Farmers' Instltate. ORD, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) The Val ley County Farmers' Institute will be held In Ord February 19 and 20. Arrangements sre being made for a good attendance and profitable meeting. The meeting will be under the direction of Hon. E. A. Burnett of the Bute university. Dr. A. G. Peters will also be present, as will C. M. Llew ellyn, William Ernst and O. Hall. Much Interest ha usually been taken In the meetings and ths fores of speaker thla year la stronger than sver, so that no doubt the attendance will be large. Arrest for Theft of Swine. BROKEN BOW, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special Telegram.) Chrla Burhof of Roten Valley, In the southwest part of Custer county waa arrested and lodged In Jail her yes terday by Deputy Sheriff Richardson on the chargs of stealing thirteen hogs of James Byler about Christina. Ellaha Furgeraon who la charged with being an associate la the theft, was arrested Saturday at Kiowa, Washington, and la to be brought here tow night. The hoga were aold at Cosad the morning after they were stolen. Falls to Rally (ran Operation. GRETNA, Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special Tela gram.) Little John Langdon, who has been suffering with appendlcltla tor aome time, wa taken Saturday to St. Joseph's hospital, Omaha, where aa operatloa waa performed, He could not withstand the shock and died Monday. The body was brought here this morning and laid to rest In Forest City cemetery. Service were held in ths Catholic church. Rev. J. V. Wallace offlclat lng. The boy waa the only eon of Mr. aad Mra. Anthony Langdon. Daughter Death Follow Mother'. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) Mice Louis Qafeller. $0 year of age, died auddenly laat evening of heart disease. Eervlcea will be held tomorrow and the burial will be at the Mennonlte cemetery, near Sabetha. Her mother died only year ago, leaving the young woman to car for a large family of children. Light Docket at David City. DAVID CITY. Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) The February term of district court coo vened her today, with Judg Sornberger of Wahoo presiding. Ths docket la light, with only forty case. There are no crlm Inal casea at the opening of the term, but two or three will probably be tried befor ths term close. Knights of Pythlaa Dane. TECUMSEH. Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) The anniversary ball of the local lodge of Pythian waa la the opera house laat even ing. . Fifty couple engaged In the dance. The mualc waa by Conrad' orchestra. The women of Grace Mission guild served sup per In Knight of Pythias hail. The affair waa a complete success. Farmer' laetttnt nt Albion. ALBION, Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Boone coun'y will bav a farmers' In stltute In Albion February $7 snd 2$. Seven speakers ar promised. , Tha opara bous haa been aecured. A band and the AIMon orchestra and the Albion male quartet III furnish the music. D. J. Poynter 1 manager. tkasgt In Aneler Bank. BROKEN BOW. Neb., Feb. 11. (8peclal Telegram.) The Acaley - Banking company of Ansley ha sold out to tb Ansley State bank, the officer of which are: F. H. Young of Broken Bow, president; T. T. Vanay of Analey, vie president; C. Mackey of Weetervllle, cashier; B. J. Tterney of Ansley, additional director. Red Clond Nation Chaaare Hands. RED CLOUD. Neb.. Feb. 1L 8peclal.) The Red Cloud Nation, popullat, baa again changed hand. A. C. Hoemar, an old-time republican editor, formerly of the Red Cloud Chief, haa bought tha Interest of A. Walsh. Tha firm now la Hals Hosmer. The politics of. ths paper will not be changed. School District Aarataat Ord City. ORD, Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) The of ficers of ths Ord school district ar asking Ord city for aeveral hundred dollars of oc cupation tax and license money collected by the city from draya, pool and billiard halla. Each party haa employed lawyers and a fight In ths courts will probably fol low. Charged with Asuaalt. SCHUYLER, Neb.. Feb, 11. (Special.) John Donnelly, charged with assaulting M. Orasaman, waa arraigned In county court yesterday, charged with aasault with Intent to do great bodily Injury. Judge Wells bound him over to trial In district court In ths sum of $500. . aaeenmb to Typhoid fever, HUMBOLDT, Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Mlaa Ella, 11-year-old daughter of William W. Stalder and wife, aoutheast of ths city. led after a long siege of typhoid fever and waa burled Sunday, from the Four-Mile church. Rev. Mr. Lehrer, tho pastor, off! elating. Long; Illaes Terminate. COLUMBUS. .Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Mra. Coulter, widowed mother of Mra. W. A. McAllister, who had been long aa Invalid at the latter'a home, died somewhat sud denly late last night.- She was 70 years of age. Dislocate a Hip. HUMBOLDT. Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) Mrs. Llxsle Russell of this city, while at the home of Charlie Penn yesterday after. noon, stepped on a round atlck and fell, dislocating one of her hips. Prodi for the Charch. SCHUYLER. Neb., Feb. 11. (Special.) The successful presentation of "Charley's Aunt" by the women of tha Episcopal church, which was liberally patronized, netted the society $35. Cornstalk Disease, WACO. Neb., Feb. 11, (Special.) Chris Gunlock, a farmer here, 1b losing cattle from cornstalk trouble. ' Several of his neighbors are losing cattle and some havi loat valuable horses. ' ' Coanellmaa Trsiaw Lose Mother. HUMBOLDT, Neb., Feb. 11. CSpeclal.) Councilman M. W. Truxaw waa called to Riverside, Is., by the serlou Ulnae of hla mother and yesterday sent back word of her death. Shoaldcr Broken by Saw Log. , ARLINGTON. Neb.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Uaekaaf DmvwtA srm Tri ' lntsns 11 V tA ttla shoulder was broken while cutting a tree for a saw log at G. Gejsnnan's near, Ar lington. . : : ! WOODWARD TRIAL POSTPONED Alleged Marderer of Sheriff Richer Beenrea Delay to Prepare . HI Evidence. CASPER. Wvo.. Feb. 11. (Special Tele- rram.l The caae of Charles Woodward, alleged murderer of Sheriff Rlcker. which was called tor today, was continued until Tueadav. to aive the defense time to pre pare Its case. Woodward la cloaely guarded. N The caae of Roy and Charlea Walker brother, charged with the murder of Dee Blair, haa been continued until July. COLD WAVE AND MORE SNOW Weather Forecaster Saya Winter Wtll Now Tarn Itself Loose la Nebraaka. wiswiNfiTftN. Feb. 11. Forecaat: vnr Nrhrukk-Cloudy Wedneaday. prob ably now, colder, with a cold wave at Icht In northweat portion; xnursaay. rair and cold; winds becoming north. For Iowa Fair Wedneaday. colder at night, with a cold wave In northwest por- Mm? Thuradav. fair and cola: nortn winaa. For Missouri Fair Wedneaday; Thuraoay, fair and colder, winds becoming north. Fr Smith Dakota dnow and much colder Wedneaday; cold wave by night; Thursday, fair; . north winds. For Kansas Cloudy Wedneaday, probably snow, much co!dsr at nlgnt and xnursaay; fir ThuniiiT' winds becoming north. For Colorado Cloudy . Wednesday, wltn nnw- r.nlder In east portion. With cold wave by Thursday morning; Thursday, probably snow; variable wind. For Wvomlnr Snow ana coiaer weanee ! mM wave by Thursday morning: Thursday probably luow; winds becoming north. Local Heeora. OFFirE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. rvM A II A Feb 11. Official record of tem perature and 'precipitation compared with the -corresponding day of the last three year' lSOJ. 1901. WOO. 1899. Mulmnm temoereturc ..85 25 46 It Minimum temperature .. i iu a zo Mean temperature 14 18 40 18 PreolDltatlon 03 0 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for tbia day and alnce March 1. 1S1: Normal temperature 1Pnmu f .. lli. HflV Total of excess alnce March 1, 1901 924 Normal precipitation 01 Inch Deficiency for the day ............... .oa Inch Total rainfall since March 1 24.86 Inches Pendency lnce March C.29 inchea i. v mttm ifir ror. US 111 1' II Deficiency for cor. period !.... 4. 63 inchea Reports Iron Stations at T n. aa. HI o3 sari ? . c : 9 : 3 I CONDITION Of TH1 WEATHER. : 3 1 l ' Jl S4 34 40 S M 40 0 48 M 0 (8 63 14 44 0 15 68 I T 10 20 0 IS ft) .06 M M T 20 24 .01 18 44 .04 M 24 S 30 IS J4 14 S 14 U t H U 0 Omaha, cloudy Valentine, partly cloudy .... North Platte, partly cloudy Cheyenne, cloudy Salt Lke. cloudy ..! Rapid City, clear Huron, clear WUUston. clear Chicago, snowing St. IxjuIs. clear bl. Paul, clear Davenport. caar Kansas City, partly cloudy Havre, cloudy Helena, clouay Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, cloudy T Indicate trace of precipitation. L. A. WEI.8H, Local Forecaat UQlclaJ. BEAUTIFUL CHILDREN Made Well and Strong by Pe-ru-no. A Letter from a Grateful Mother to Dr. S. B. Hartman. Mrs. O. W. Heard, of Howth. Texas, writes to Dr. Hartman In regard to her baby girl, Ruth: 'My little ulrl was two years old In January. had aome derange ment of tho bowels. She ws a mere skeleton and we did not think ahe would ever get well. She had been sick three or tour months, and after giviug her less than one bottle of Peruna she was sound and well. 1 found the Peruna splendid for wind colic, with which she whs troubled, when she began to im. prove in strength and appearance. Now she has a good appetite and is a picture of health. Mrs. Heard also writes In regard to her son, Carl: "Mv ton'i ears had been affected ! since he was it babe only a few months old. He seemed to have risings in his head. He wou id be very fretful for several days, then his cars would run profusely what anrered to be corruption, ineiasi year I thought he had almost lost his hearing and had a local physN clan treating him for about six weeks. He pronounced mm wen and for a few weeks he was not troubled, but since that time the din charge from his curs was almost constant and very offensive. Final ly 1 began giving him your remeayi and after he had taken two bottles, he wis entirely cured, l cannot praise Peruna enough." r nu iir victor itin.3. vs. vv. ii.Aivi( Mrs. C. B. Long, the mother of little Mlna Long, "write from Atwood, Colo., as follows: When 1 wrote you for advice my little three year old girl had a cough that ha been troubling her for four month. Sh took cold easily, and would wheeae and hare spells of coughing that would aometlme MITCHELL TO HAVE A LIBRARY Ctty Coancil Accept tho Proposition of Andrew Carnea;! to Doaat Ten Thowaanel Dollar. uttthell S. D.. Feb. 11. (Special T.i..nm i-At a sneclal meeting of the elty council last evening the proposition of An drew Carnegie to donate siu.ww ior mo erection of a public library building was accepted by unanlmou vote, which alo Included the appropriation of $1,000 a year rnr lt maintenance. A petition containing the namea of three-fourtha of the taxpayera ... nranted to the council urging toe. acceptance of the proposition. Rapid Ctty M lilt la, niPin riTY. 8. D.. Feb. 11. (Special.) i . m.ettnr of the militia company re cently organised here these officer were elected: Charles L. Brockway, captain: Earl C. Dennis, first lieutenant; Eugene Parrlah, second lieutenant. Captain Brook- way served as captain or one oi me com r..nia nf the First South Dakota Infantry during the Spanish-American war. and Sec ond Lieutenant Parrlsh waa a corporal oi company M of the aame regiment. tne r... .nmninr I ready to be mustered Into tha ervlce as oon as th muster is or dered by the sdjutant general. There ar forty name on the rolls, and It la believed they will all pass muster, a majority of them having served In the volunteer forces during ths Philippine campaign. Killed by aa F.lkanrn Blast. LEAD. 8. D.. Feb. 1L (Special Telegram.) John Crowley, a laborer, was Injured by a blast on the Elkhorn grade today and died from the effecta In the Lead hospital. A heavy ahot was fired, and he tailed to retreat to the dlatanca prescribed. H wa 45 years old and had a -family at Holyoka, Mass. Old Settler of Gresory. SIOUX FALLS. S. D.. Feb. 11. (Special.) A call ha been Issued for a meeting of the old settlers of Gregory county, to be held at Bonesteel "larch 15, and perfect arrangementa for the third annual pic nic of the pioneer next Jun at Bon steel. Meglect of s Coats or Sors Throat stay result ta as lacsrsbls Throat Trowel er S7,'$J CeassmptlosU BROWN'S For relief ass BRONCHIAL TK0CHES. Nothlsf sxcels this slmpls rcmySoldBlyBoe XMWra "robbinsV I last for a half-hour. Wa doctored winter without relief. "Now we can never thank you enough tor the change you have made In our little ene'a health. Before she began taking your Pe runa she suffered everything In tha way of cough, colds and croup, but now she has taken not quite a bottle of Peruna, and Is well and strong as she haa ever been In her ltfe. She has not bad the croup ones since she began taking Peruna, and when she haa a little cold a few dose of Peruna Axes her out all right. Wa can never praise It enough. W tell every one about It who haa any aliment. Wa want to keep It alwaya In the house. Tou may use my name anywhere In lta praise." MRS. C. K. LONO. t - . . f i ' Dr. R. Robblne, Physician and Burgeon of Muskogee, Indian Ter., wrltea: "I have been a' practicing physician for a good many years and waa alwaya slow to take hold of patent mediolne, but this winter my little girl and myself were taken with the grippe. I waa so bad I waa not able to sit up. I aent for a doctor, but he did me no good. I had such a cough; it would not let me rest day or night. I got so weak and prostrated and nervous that I could hardly stand alone and I waa all broken up. My system aeemed to be all deranged. "Finally I thought I would take anything to be cured, so I went and got a bottle of Peruna and commenced to take It. I took two bottle and my cough was gone anl my lungs loosened up and my head became clear. Then I could both hear and smell and the pain left my stomach and limb. I want you to know the grippe had me In stead of me having the grippe, and my little girl took the aame way. It looked as thounh she would die, she was so sick. I gave her Dr. Burkhart's Wonderful Offer sfcrrfci !H Days' Ireatmcnt! (Enmm mnMPnunn Case wtth the following distressing symptom cured oy Dr. Burkhart' Vege. table Compound: Pain In Blrle and Back, Bmothertn Benaationa. Coated Ton rue. Bloated Stomach. Want of Appetite, Sleep lessness, Headache, Bad Dreams, Feeling of Fear. Bad Memory, etc. 10 days' treat ment tree. All druggist. DR. W. S. BIRKHAHT, Cincinnati, O. DR. McGREW (Age 53) SPECIALIST. Disease aad Uuuru.i. of Mas Oaly. 2S Years' txrleace, IS Year In Omaha. DirfifCI C cured by a treatment YAnlUUULLC which la the QUICKK8T, safest and most natural that ha yet boon discovered. : No pain whatever, no cutting and doea not Interfere wltn work or busi ness. Treatment at office or at home and a permanent cure guaranteed. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Diseases. No "BREAKING OUT" on ths akin or face and all external sign of the disease disappear at once. A treatment that, la more successtui and far more aallatnctory than the "old form" of treatment ana at less man UAtr THIS COHT. A cure that 1 gurautots4 to be permanent for ltfe. Ill CO Ofl nnrtcoes 'cured of nervous UlCn 4UUUU debility, loo of vitality ...u an unnatural weaknesses of men. Stricture, Ciieet. Kidney and bladder Dis eases, Hydrocele cured permanently. CHAKUaiS LOW. t O:SlXTATION r'RKU. Treatment by nH. B. O. Bos 76. Office over 115 H. 14th street, between Far rasa aad Douglas at.. OMAHA. HUB. all A Doctor's Little Daugh ter Cured of. Grip by . Peruna. medicine, but it aeemed to do her very little good, so I sent and got one more bottle of Peruna and commenced to give it to her. It was only a short time until she was get ting along all right, so 1 give your medicine, Peruna. the prulse for what it did for me and my dear little daughter. "I have told everyone It Is ths best med icine for catarrh of head, lungs, etomacn aad nervoua prostration." DR. R. ROBBINS. Mrs. Schafer, 436 Pope Av., St. Louis, Mo., writes: ' "la ths early part of laat year I wrote to you for advlo for my daughter Alice, four years of ago. , "She haa been a puny, alckly, ailing child alnce her birth. Sh had convulsion and catarrhal fevers.' I waa alwaya. doctoring until we commenced to use Peruna. ' 8h grew atrong and well. Peruna la a won derful tonic; ths beat medicine I hays sver used. "I waa In a very wretched condition when I commenced to take Peruna. I had ca tarrh all through my whole body, but thank Ood, your medicine aet in all right." I would not have any other medicine. "Peruna cured my baby boy of a very bad spell of cold and fever. Ha la a btg, healthy boy fifteen montha old. I have given him Peruna off and on alnc ho was born. I think that Is why hs Is so well. I cannot praise Peruna enough. Wa bav not had a doctor alnce wa began to us Peruna all praise to It." ' MRS. SCHAFER. If you do not receive prompt and satis factory results from the uss of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will b pleased to give you his valuable advtc gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbua. O. " Curse DRfNK CUBED BT .. White BibDon Reissdy - Can at Uivea tm Olnaa of Water, Toa or CoSTe Wtthoat ratloaf a , Ksswltiia WMtt Ribbon Remadr will euro ttr Se atroy the diseased atpetlt for aloohoUa stimulants, whether th patient 1 a con firmed Inebriate, "a tippler." social drinker or arunaara. impoasiDie ror anyone to have an appetite for alcoholic liquor after using White Ribbon Remedy. Hadoraod by Meaaoora of W. C. T. V. Mrs. Moore. Superintendent of tha Woman's Christian Temperance Union. write: "I have tea ted White Ribbon Rem edy on very obstinate drunkard, aad th cure nave neon many, in many eaeoe m Remedy waa given secretly. 1 tooerfully reoommend and endorse White Klbboa Remedy. Member of our Union ar de lighted to find a practical ana, economical treatment to aid us In our temperane wora. Mra. West, president of the Woman's Christian Tm,-ujio Union, etatos: "I know of so noMiy peopl redeemed from the curse of !rlnk by the use of White Ribbon Remedy that I earnestly request you to gtvo if a trial." For sale by druggist every where, or br roalL 1L Trial Dacaaaa tree by writing or calling on MRS. A. M TOWNBSND (for year Secretary of the Woman' Christian Temperance Union). UM TREMONT ST.. BOSTON. MASS. Sold la Omaha by SCHAEFER'S EsTAf Phono TtT, 8. W. Cer. lSth and Caloago. Goods delivered FBXJfi to any part of city. DISEASES? MEN ONLY. . Loaa of rower. Orgauale Woaav we, arteoeelo, ltlaeaee Ot UM Kroalato clasMl, Idney and llladder Troto bleo, kaslsr. Btrlelnr and l afUMU for Han-lego. Established IMS. Chartered by the State. Call or atate ease by mall, for rXB UOHE T HZ ATM EM T. Addrei Dr. La CROIX, SIS Iron Block, . M1LWAIHKE, Win. wis) "T CMlCHrSTtN'S'S)LISM Pennyroyal pills S'eaf"4r. ""'' f.atai bmi AJ-V CHlCMKolKK'S XNOLlrid f 'V V . k' StaO . O.IA MUlila kw, nwI s-W3 .... 7 ka 4ar. ara 1 Sft SAl 1.1 mmm Sat.tJl.tJ.tM aa laOla I fK a.a S f fu liiiuM. m M.4 4 c. km I - jf at Nriininn, Twi.l.ls I V JS aa. JtaHaf hf LaAata Immt, .7 ra. mJy ao Mali. I .u TMla.i.u. SMJ - ' an BrMi,u. aua.ui. Ual f Wtviau.. ! aa.ara. rnuXJw fra.