Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
10 TITE OMAHA DAILY BEEi WEDNESDAY, FERHUAHY 12, 1U0Z. Af FAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA X 7. ttwit Iftkiif Aistfctr Iffwi ftr Opiii( f X limb TROSrCCTS FOR SUCCESS THIS TIME sVapertr Owirra Alomar Street AV Ill la C to Vmr Cost of Filling la Die Gaily Dclwrn Tweatleta i ' F. 3. Lewis of Rock' Island. 111.. I her making Dot her effort to have M street graded. A petition la being circulated and at present baa a large number of signa ture. The scheme proposed by Mr. Lewis la to make one Improvement district ex tending from Thirteenth street to Twenty-fourth street. The opposition bss been, heretofore, that M street Is now graded from Thirteenth street west to Twentieth r atreet and from Twenty-second to Twenty fourth street. In order to open the street there remains only the big (III to be made between Twentieth and Twenty-second streets. Since Mr. Lewis took hold of the matter, , and with the assistance of the East Side ImproTement club, property ownera appear willing to make one district of the street and will stand their propor- ' tlonata share of the cost of the improve ment. This action is taken at thla time for the reason that there seems to be no chance of the city opening N street to the river and with the ferry boat and possibly a pontoon bridge in operation a direct line la desired. While It will cost a large sum to grade these two blocks the property wners now appear willing to stand the expense on account of the Improvements and the increase In the value of prop erty, providing the street Is opened. Another Idea of property owners In trying to hasten the opening of the street Is the rumor which Is afloat that possibly the library will be located somewhere on M street, although no definite propositions have been made to owners of property on this street by members of the counoll. While the cost of filling the big gully between Twentieth and Twenty-second treeU will be high, the expense. If prorated In the district proposed, will not be large s compared with the benefits. Wait Iadletineals Quashed. Several South Omaha people who were remembered by the grand Jury, Including some of the members of the Board of Education, now propose to go before the court and attempt to have the Indictments against them quashed. The ground that tb evidence is not sufficient will be used In these arguments. It will be remem bered that on the testimony of a discharged employ the firm of Cuddlngton Wilcox was Indicted for the reason that certain slips could not be found. When the firm showed in court that the slips went with the discharged employe an order to quash the Indictment waa promptly Issued. Prank Barness Married. ' ' At St. Agnes' church yesterday forenoon Prank Burness. deputy tax commissioner, waa married to Miss Christens Eggers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eggers. Mr. Barness Is a well known business man and la at present employed In the office of Tax Commissioner Fltxgerald. Mr. and Mrs. Burness will take an extended east tern trip before commencing housekeep ing. . Galaa; After Baslaess. Recently Iowa has been sending large Consignments of hogs to this market In tnreferenca to shipping to Chicago, as the shrinkage Is less and the price paid ftbout th same. Now It Is reported that the management of the Union Stock Yards company propose! keeping several travel ing representatives in Iowa In ordsr to Increase tlx business. As a general thing Iowa shippers are pleased with their sales oa this market and those who have been let will ship again.. It Is the new trade the Stock Tarda company Is going after. Ceaarll ' Meets Toalcht. The city council will meet In adjourned western tonight, when bids for the proposed Issue of district Improvement bonds will be received. The bonds offered for sale amount to 8110,880 and will be sold to the highest bidder. Yesterday, afternoon the city clerk completed his history of the lasu and was furnished with 4he proof of pultcatlon by The Be. In addition to th selling of th bonds it Is expected that the regular routine of business will bs gone through with, although there Is noth ing special before the council at this time 'aside from th sal of the bonds and the library proposition. Are Hat Dlstarbed. Members of th council are not disturbed aver the report that unless the council soon gets down to business and appoints a li brary board Mr. Carnegie will withdraw his offer. ' In this connection Mr. Johnston aid that differences of opinion frequently existed where donatlona of the sort proposed had been offered and that as far as he knew Mr. Carnegl never paid any attention to th matter. When th re quirement of the offer are met, the money, o Mr. Johnston says, will be provided by Mr. Carnegie, Proposltloa for Park. Bloc th psrk board has been appointed and organised Mr. VanDusen is endeavoring to sell syndicate park to the City. In this he will meet with opposition from some of th members of ths board and aa bonds Will have to be voted for such a pur chase It Is not probable that the scheme will be worked through this year. Many eltlsens assert that the park la desirable property for th city to own, but owing to the financial condition now It Is not deemed advisable to advocate the Issue of bonds for the purpose, especially whtn an Issue .will surely have to be mad to pay an Overlap of over $40,000. Seaoal Board Caadtdates. At th coming election three member of the Board of Education will retire and republicans are casting about for suitable candidates. Among those already suggested ax A. H. Murdock, John Keegan end R. Gilchrist. It appears to bo the Intention of th republicans to select good men, wits a view to having them elected. The. term of those to b elected In April covers a period of three years. Masle City Gossla. Thar was a big run of hogs st th atockyarda yesterday. aflsa Anne. Riley will entertain the New Century club this afternoon. About two dosen well known repub licans met at the South Omaha club last bight to talk over the coming campaign. Political rluba are being organised In every ward In the city and a great deal ef Interest la being manifested in the spring campaign. Ttie card and dancing party given by Knoxall council of the ftuval Arcanum lut night was well attended and proved to be aa enjoyable affair. . Tha first ball given by th South Omaha arris of the Kagle occurred last night. The function was well attended and the entertainment afforded was excellent. Interest In the Bmlth-Colvtlle revival meetings now being held In th First Prcabylorlan church continues. The ser vices last night were of unusual interest. Roacoe B. Skinner has resigned his po sition with the W'atkliia Lumber company and has none to Waterloo, la., to accept a position with the roaster mechanic of the Illinois central. Vabllsa your legal sot Ice la Th Weekly Bee, TaUfhoaelil. , AGREEMENT SEEMS IN DANGER Trassresllsestsl Railroads Rat All "atlaled with Arrsafrarsl for Coloalat It a tee. Transcontinental passenger circles are all In a whirl over difference between vsrlous lines and Interests that have been multiplying ever since the adoption of a schedule of colonists' rates some weeks since. Muttering of snsp sctlon snd over riding were beard st the time from seversl sources snd the storm cloud seems now to" have reached Its capsclty. Anyway, It broke upon Omaha railroad offices yesterday in a shower of circu lars from the Chics (to headquarters of the Transcontinental Passenger association, each one providing for some new subse quent ruling which is a distinct alteration from the first '. arrangement of these colonists' :at?s. The rock upon which the understanding has spilt waa not a single crag, but a whole reef. One big point of difference has been the apportionment of the fares between the different lines comprising any colonist route. Some roads charge that this division was msde hastily upon a new basis and one absolutely unequitable. Another dispute is the time-honored one of comparative total fares from different terminal points, such ss Omaha, Chicago, Minneapolis and 8t. Paul. There are six circulars In all which have Just been Issued by the assoclstlon relative to these differ ent matters, each dealing with some par ticular point, and It Is hoped that the pro visions made la them will settle the squab ble and cause an amicable Continuation of the colonist agreement. Minneapolis and St. Paul, however, are now dropped altogether from one 125 rate. The Northorn Pacific, Great Northern and the Boo line- have, by combining, prevailed upon the association t6 eliminate the fare of 125 from these points to Oregon points between Portland on the north and Ashland on the south. 1 Omsha's status is now as follows: A second-class colonists' rat to Spokane and Intermediate polnta Is $23.50. Farther on to Portland and Victoria, B. C, It la $25. A new feature Is that stop-overs are al lowed west of Hope, Idaho, and Havre, Mont., of ten days. . Hallway Note and Pereoaala. A. P. Chapman, city ticket agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee Bt Paul road at Chicago, was In Omaha yesterday for a few hours, enroute to Salt Lake City. His wife accompanied him. A minor freight wreck on the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul main line In Iowa yesterday delayed westbound passenger No. I more than four hours, as it did not arrive till 7:4S last night. No details of the wreck could be secured. General Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific railroad received word while he was out west on the line yesterday that his brother, James Dickinson, had died at his home In Cleveland, O. Mr. Dickinson at once hurried east on a special car. He has been called to Cleveland several times recently by his brother's Illness, which has been severe for some months. The dead man was a prominent cltlsen of Cleveland, having been chief of the fire department at one time, lie was 61 years of age. GRIST OF CRIMINAL COURT Frank Parker Foaad Guilty ef Burglary and Trial of Reed aad Yates BesjlBS, A Jury has - found Prank Parker guilty of burglary and Thomas Leonard has pleaded guilty to the same charge. Both are in Jail, waiting to be sentenced. James Bmlth, colored, haa pleaded guilty to the charge of daylight breaking and entering and been sentenced by Judge Baxter to four months In Jail and a fine of $100. Yesterday afternoon a Jury was secured to try William Reed and Reed Yates on a charge of robbing an aged farmer who visited their saloon at Thirteenth and Casi streets, about Christmas time. Reed Yates Is supposed to bs the man who stabbed Ella Depew a little more than a week ago in the fear sh would testify against him In this case, but th woman, though badly wounded, refuses to prosecute him. Don't Aeeept Coanterfelts. For plies, skin diseases, sores, cuts, bruises, burns and other wounds nothing equals DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve. Don't accept counterfeits, i None genuine except DeWltt's. "I hsve suffered since 1865 with protruding, bleeding piles and until re cently could find no permanent relief," says J. F. Gerall of St. Paul,' Ark. "Finally I tried DeWltt's Witch Haxel Salve, which soon comp'etely cured me." The Blst Trees . California's attractions are mostly of It own kind, peculiar to the state, and of none Is this so emphatically true as that unique product, th Big Trees. The ag of these colossi Is from 1.500 to 1,000 years. The Mariposa Grov which can be visited while enroute to ' the Yosenlte contains soma of th largest. In- th Calaveros Grove are from ninety to one hundred of huge sise. Near Santa Crui is a beautiful grove of redwood Hlg Trees which will well employ a day's visit. These can be best reached by th Union Paclflo whose fast trains from Missouri River reach California 18 hours ahead of all competi tors. City Ticket Office 1324 Farnam. . 'Phone 318. Union Station 10th and Marcy. 'Phone 629. Theaters. Hi Henry, known as the minstrel king will be seen at the Boyd this afternoon with his' minstrel company. Mr. Henry claims to have the only old-fashioned min strel compsny traveling. The company Is composed of fifty men, all of whom are prominent in the realm of minstrelsy. Prnh. ably the best known Is Blllv riarv th. comedian and dancer. Others are:' Al Gates.Carrlgan and Davis and Cook and HalL In addition to tha mlnatrar r t a vaudeville bill which includea the star saxapnone quartet; Herr Canute Levatrom, basso soloist, the Bond brothers, acrobats sad Little Viola Abt, danseus. At noon toaay a parade will be made through the principal streets. Sond articles of lncoroorstlon. nnllr.. f stockholders' meetings, etc.. to The Be. We will give them proper legal insertion. Be telephone, !3S. Shampooing and hair aresslng, 25c. at Ths Batbery, 216-220 Bss Building. Tel. 1716. Mako You Glad Next Saturday all our old customers will hiu iwg-tna so will all new onei win try a bottle of eur Egyptian Lotus v ream at the spei lal price of 6c a bottle row. you pikers, fill up your windows with Lotus (ream at 4c a bottle you always jmn-y-B Malt Whiskey Tie Hospital lse Malted Milk 12 03 ow sis i-udahy s Extract Beef 2c f "Wf Extract Beef ... 13c t-oa. sse Leblg Kxtract Beef " l-os. sise Llebig Extract lleet 75o lo-oa. LUeblg Extract Beet fl.a Tnis oeer extract Is guaranteed to be prime and of best quality money back if jouna io conirsry our woe is sood and is AKMOCH'S the nia.nufJi.ti.r. Don't forget our store .never close no extra charge for prescriptions filled after SCIIAtFEiTS Cat Price , Drac Stare. Tel. T4T. a. W. r. la. ama Dklaus. stood delivered r&Us U uu Bart at git, J PLEASES SOME CREDITORS tajaaetloa Astalast Ealtrrrent of Jedae Favrcrtt'a Decree la "arias; Baak Caae. The announcement from Lincoln In yes terday's Bee that Chief Justice Sullivan had Issued an Injunction preventing the enforcement of Judge Fawcett's decree In the German Savings bsnk case was grati fying news to V, O. Strlckler, who has been in the front of the fight in the Interests of creditor of the Institution. "This Injunction is what we wanted and all w wanted," he said. "We have ap pealed to the supreme court for a review of this caae, and we only needed this as surance of Immunity from interruption or trouble until the supreme court can take It up, which I think will be In less than a month. Things will go smoothly from now on." la Bed Fssr Weeks with I.a Gripe, We have received the following letter from Mr. Rey Kemp of Angola, Ind.: "I was In bed four weeks with la grippe and I tried many remedies snd spent consider able for trestment with physicians, but 1 received no relief until I tried Foley's Honey and Tar. Two small bottles of this medicine cured me and I now use It ex clusively In my family." Take no substi tutes. B.OO for a Half a Day's Work. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the farmers and stockraisers in the neigh borhood, you can make $5 easily by tour or five hours' work. Write us and we will send you our proposition. The Bee Publish ing company. Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, st The Batbery, 216-220 Be Building. Tel. 1716. A Piano Sale Beyond Comparison The entire wholesale plsno stock ef Jas. T. -Reerdon it Co. of New York on sale now at Sctimoller & Mueller's, Omaha. v 175 beautiful standard pianos, com prising all makes and all styles, are now offered at prices that put all previous piano sales Into Insignifi cance. Brand new Upright Pianos, In rosewood, mahogany, flemish oak, bird's-eye maple, Italian and Hun garian ash cases, regular prices $350, $400, $450 and $500, are now offered and sold at $118. $137, $149, $156 and up. Terms; $10 Gash and $5 Per Month. These beautiful Instruments are fully guaranteed by the makers and by us and are made with all the latest improvements. We are the sole agents for th cele brated Steinway, A. B. Chase, Vose, Steger, Emerson, Steck, Mason & Hamlin and Marshall & Wendell Pianos, the oldest makes In the United States. Call and pay us a visit of Inspection, whether you wish to buy or not. If unablo to call, send for catalogues, prices and terms. It will pay you. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER The largest piano house In the west. 1313 Farnam St.. Omaha Telephone 1625. 502 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Telephone 386. . National Vaccine We have been appointed distributing agents tor Nebraska for the NATIONAL VACCINE CO., of Washing ton, D. C. ' This Vaccine Is put upon the market In a form entirely peculiar to Itself, being an IVORY POINT saturated with Glycerin ated SERUM, enclosed In a Paraffins Case Coating. It la moist and ready for us all the time. We sell this Vaccine at the same price as that charged for the less convenient styles. This is the Vaccine which Is used by Health) Boards In most of the cities of the east. Remember the brand, NATION AL, VACCINA CO., Ralph Walsh, it. D., Director. Mall or telegraph orders given prompt attention. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Cor. 16th and Dodge 8ta.. Omaha. Prince Henry A GOOD FELIX) W, loved and honored by hla people, and so Is Shrader's Fig Powder a good medicine, recommended by honest and upright people for such Ills ss Chronic Constipation, Liver and Kidney Complaint, Lead Poison, Gall Stones, Dyspepsia, Ca tarrh of tha Stomach, and all Ills arising from alvine poison and constipation. No medicine but Bhrader' Fig Powder can remove alvlae poison try a 10c bo. Sold by all druggists In 10c .and 25e boxes. Manufactured by W. J. Staler Medicina Co., New. Jurk ul Omaha. . tt. w :. II R II I I fill I I f I By - i rV ' i i i Men's All Wool Fancy Worsted Suits, worth CJ3 ES $10, $12 and $15, for 4 Today we will close out the balance of our great purchase of men's suits and those that haven't taken advantage of the sale should do so by all means. - - . - The yaluesare . tvithout on equal every man that bought one of these suits expressed their amazement that Buch high grade clothing could be sold for so little money. ' iiA 111 t fff 'Sm ' lis Men's Blue Denim Overalls with bib, elastic suspenders the EQc kind on sale at . . - IN BASEMENT 3 ! SS5.50 a Ton A high grade 'coal at a medium price. Hald & Rice Tel. 1238. V : ; 506 So. 16th ITS32 Strong Points of the Omaha Special High grade cf lens compact In form elegance of-finish.' This instrument is made for us bv the Rochester Opti cal Co., and Is ntte.1 with a Bausch & Lomb double rectlllndar lens with Improved shutter, reverslb e back, tele photo attachment and solid leather carrying case, ' List price, 4xS sise. 114.00. W have all leading " makes of Kodaks and Cameras Write to us for Information - and prices before purcnasing. -THE Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Farnam St. Wholesale md Retail ' Dealers In photo Bui!lles. Especial attention given to DOMESTIC GOAL Bright, fresh, clean coal carefully screened with prompt, efficient de livery. C. 6. HAVENS & GO , 1522 Farnam St. Telephones 30i, 317 end 82S yypXftapagtha i A i J 1 Lump1 S5.75 U and p a P Egg J Ton i7" H ii . E "ut f i i . f v -rri r - It's another illustration of what advantage our knowl edge of the market con ditions is to us and to you ; for you . get . the benefit of every, advantage-' ous transaction - we make. These suits come. in. light, medium and heavy weights, sizes 34 to 42 every thread in them is guaranteed to be all wool. The range of patterns is very extensive $10.00, 112.50 and ?15.00 values for PIANO BUYERS COMING Hospe Listing Piano Bargains Sets the Instruments In motion. A bin iter cut for this week. Monday we placed on sale some of the finest pianos we have shown. The prices are selling them the easy terms we mane Is the Inducement. Pianos In mahogany cases, in oak cases, In ebony canes, -with the latent Improvements, with -the Boston fall bowrd, three pedals, continuous hinges, duet muslo desks, at ridic ulously low prices. Think of -buying a nne new, up-to-date piano for $98, $118. S12i. S138. 168. $178.. on payments of $10 cash and $5 per month. - Then see the hlfth grade pianos at $227, $247, $287 and $317, in the - most beautiful vmeers known to piano makers' art. Come while they last. Our matchless "Knabe"' Pianos, the art "Kranlch & Bitch". Pianos, the best known "Kimball" Pianos and the ever reliable "Hallet & Davis" Pianos have no-equals. Then there are six teen other well known pianos to se lect from, which -we offer at-prices unheard of in the past. t We also sell the greatest piano player, the "Apollo," the best self playing piano attachment In the world. Just a little cheaper and on easier terms than you can buy any other for. We sell Piano Stools, Piano Scarfs We Rent Pianos, Tune Pianos, Re pair Pianos. , A. Hospe I5IJ I5I5 Douglas Street. "A. Good Thing" rvvi Our fine Rock and Rye Is a mighty good thing for colds, grip, etc. Made from old rye and bst rock candy, and only Sl.MJ quart bottle. It beats a doctor's prescrip tion and it's more pleasaut to take. Our Peach and Honey is another . "good thing" like wise Apple and Honey all at same price $1.00 per quart. Come and see us; we can do you good. Mall orders filled. City orders delivered. CACKLEY BROS. riaa WIbm aad Table Ltnra, Opposite resteBes. . Telephone 114a. AQENT8 FOR THE CELEBRATED HUNTER RYU. This signature Is ea every bos of the geaalae Luativc BromfOuinineTabiM ruusd taat eaurs m c14 la aa star. 7 w SKIRTS MADE FREE For one week only, we will make a plain lined skirt, free of charge provided the goods' are bought In our high grade dree goods department, and not to cost less than $1.00 a yard. Wo will commence taking orders Wednesday, February 12th. and continue until Wednesday, February 19th. No risk to our customers. We will guarantee a perfect fit, or money refunded In every Instance. We will also guarantee that we will mnke a skirt of less cloth than la required by the average dressmaker We simply do this in order to Introduce our hfch grsde stock of tailor goods which is now complete. Our shirtmaker has the most phenomlnal success, is out of over 750 skirts made to order he had only 8 misfits. Those who give first orders will be made first. FOR FULA. PARTICULARS. INQUIRE IN OUR DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. WEDNESDAY IN THE BARGAIN ROOM NO PEDDLERS, DBALERS OR MANUFACTURERS SOLD TO IN THIS ROOM. These Specials nre for our Retail Customers only, DRKSS GOOD. 61-lnch fine lustre black broadcloth, can't be duplicated for less tban $1.25 yard 49c. 68-lngh strictly all wool Scotch tweeds, worth $1.60, heavy enough to be made up without linings 49c. 4 60-inch extra heavy Siclllian, In black, blue and gray, finest gloss mohair. We defy you to duplicate it for $1.00 per yard on sale at 49c. 64-inch strictly all wool cheviots, worth $1.25; 62-inch black serge; 40-inch new spring granite worth 75c yard all will go at 49c. SO-lnch Scotch tweed skirting. In all the new grays and browns, heavy enough to make up without linings, worth 89o yard on sale at 25o. Half wool dress goods at 6c, 10c, 15c, 19o yard. ' SILKS, VELVETS, ETC , We have added a handsome line of new spring silks to our bargain room silk de partment and while some of these goods are worth $1.25, $1.00 and 76c, we are re stricted to sell no silks or dress goods In this room at over 49c yard. Come and ex amine them. 24-inch stictly all silk foul ards. In all the new spring shades, nice patterns; they are sold here In town as high as 75o a yard our price 49o. The best quality klkl cords. In short lengths, from SM to 10 yards In piece, sev eral pieces to match on sale at 39c. GRAND LENTEN FISH SALE WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOC YORK, AND QUOTE PRICES LOWER TH Large fat Labrador herring, lb 7V4c K. K. K. Norway herring, lb So K. K. K. Iceland herring, lb 10c Fancy extra large Norway herring, lb 12V&C Holland mackerel, each Co SpanlBh Blue Bock mackerel, lb 12Vo Choice fat Irish mackerel,, lb : 15c Fancy fat Norway mackerel, lb 17Ho Imported eels, lb' 12Hc Fancy family white fish ; 6Vsc Blood red Columbia river salmon.... 10c Russian sardines, lb I2c GRAND VALENTINE SALE Valentines of every kintf and at all prices. Figures made to close out every one. The most astonishing. values ever offered RH L3 SELLING THE MOST - PART 3 The Living Animals of the World NOW READY At The Bee Office Price 10 cents By mail IS cents mCVCCirilT Is the most precious of gifts. Impaired or defective eyesight Is tltMUllI I mwt a crime In these days of scientific enlightenment. tiluiuiea can be made that will take away thene defects. W make scientific eye examinations free and can tell you It glasses will help you. All lenses ground by a competent spectacle man. o Mawhinnoy & Ryan Co., JWSler gad Art TH AMD DOCQLAI STtV. Itall a aft Mall order given careful attention. Belasj. tWaUsjaai taaMislitarU, MMV LUEWS YOUR CHOICE THIS WEEK Of 1,800 STYLISH SUITS and OVERCOATS Thst sold during the regular season at $16. $18 and $20, for only $10. THE OVERCOATS are cut long and full and are fine pure wool kerseys, friexes and oxford gray vicunas, perfectly made. THE SUITS are pure worsteds, rasst meres and vicunas, with military shoulders and shsp retaining front. The balance of the P. B. Halght Co. clothing stock, bought at 29o on the dollar, will be closed out this week, regardless ot cost or value. Men's $10 ulsters go at $185. Boys' $1.60 odd long pants for 60c. Boys' $2.60 odd long pants for 96c. Men's $12.60 fine overcoats at $5 00. Men's $18 kersey overcoats for $7.60. Men's $16 worsted suits for $8.85. Boys' $2.60 aud $3.6 all wool knee pant suits. In double breasted style, vast and Norfolk styles, at 95c. ' Boys' $5.00 to $7.60 very fine Norfolk and tnanlv suits, sizes 8 to 10, on sal for $1.95 and $2.5. Bpys' $2.50 chinchilla reefers at tac Boys' $4.50 fine overcoats at $1.95. 75c to $1.60 odd knee pants for 26o and 60c. BEGINNING TODAY Flaln silks and fancy silks. In evening shades, worth up to $1.00 yard will go at 49o. Yard wide lining silks, black only, EOo grade 19c. Yard wide black skirting, worth 75o will go at 29c. VELVETS. 60c silk velvets, no blacks, 19c, 60c velveteens, worth 60c, all colors 25s. 75o grenadines, all colors 39c 10c Shaker flannel, 3 Tie. 6o LL brown yard wide muslin 4c 10c towels 7Hc. 6c full laundered prints I He. Simpson's black and white prints 4o. Simpson's silver gray prints tc. ' American shirting prints Sc. Simpson's fancy aatoens, 10c grade Ho. 12Ho double fold dress plaids 5c. 86-Inch percales, 15a grade 6c. ' ,' Skirt linings, best grade So. All th new dimities. In all th new shades, plain and figured, some mercerised, In short lengths, worth 16c, 19c, 2oo 10c German "B" 32-lnch, wtds calico 9c. 12c extra heavy sephyr 7V4o. Scotch ginghams, fast colors 7Hc lBc black sateen 8ftc. 26c Imported percales VAc 28-lnch bslf wool dress goods 7Hc. 65c bird's eye diaper, per piece 49c 1 19c dress llnons 8V4c. All silk mousseltne de sole 15c. K OF IMPORTED FISH WEST OF NEW AN ANY WHOLESALE HOUSE. Imported rolled mops, 'lb 15o 15o 25o 10c 25o Herring salad Nova Scotia smoked salmon ... English Bloaters Large box scaled herring , Brick codfish, per brick ,v.... Brick codfish, best brand ,., 6o . lOe .12tto Georges Bank whole codfish...; ... m-aIh1 u.wiiuu .u incivi, yor tMl ...... . . . . . Imported sardines, per can , Domestic sardines, per can ...... T.. No. 18 brand clams, per can .. 20o 12o 15o fB)fa CLOTHING IN OMAHA.