tfllE OMAttA DAILY ItKE: FRIDAY, FKllRtTAnY 7, 1002. I' f .4 SPECIAL NOTICES Avrleaat far- tbea aalaasa will be takta til 13 aa. far lb vealjtaT edttlaa III HO p. aaw (ar Mnrilli aad Saaday edltlea. flat, 1 8-8 a vrer rt lasertlea, war thereafter. Rtkiasr takes far lea tkaat SlUt fas tka rat lawr . tie Tkn aalTrtleaats asset k raa eoaseeatlvely. -Advertiser. k rtlaa- i here eheek, caa kave aaswere aa greesed te aaaabereal lettev la eara ( Tka He. Aaawara aa adareee will be tfra mm araaaataUaa 4f Ik kh aalya - BIT UATIONS WANTED YOUNG man wsnt place to work for board while attending school. Boyles College, New York Lilt Bidg. Tel. WANTKTV' hf an pert In th heating 1 and nl Kni business, a poeinoii an . i nn .i . , . . n furnish numbers OC aatlafactary rtfTence. . AddrM 8 45. Bee. - ' ' ,tAWB". I pnnixiov .a h-.:t. her or hWt'ctltter: rec ornmendatlona furnished. Box 27. Hhrnan- doah. la , . i i :A www i- "wanted by kh frU STEADY jdttiat encad yomig Swiss ba her ;w reference. Uuatav Meyer, fierce, Nebr.A'M'4 8 . rATKl-MALK HELP. . GOOD giessengers -wasted; Increased ps-jrf A. D. T. Co., ill Bouth nth. U-ina HTEADT work, prontgDl wora, ior u enraetlo hustlers. C. F. Adatna Co., W Iloward. ,. r S FOR A HALJ DAY'S WORK. If you llv In th country or In a small town and have a. good acqualntanc among- the larmer and atock raleers in th neighborhood you can maka la easily by four pr five hours'. work. Writ u and w will send you our proposition. Th Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors lP1 umana.'ncu. ' - - WANTED.' a good man In every county to .w.' for The Twentieth Century Farmer.: iOur agentH maka good wages evarywliere. Uefurences required. Addresa, Twentieth Century Farmer, omana, nett, . - TRAVELING salesmen to sell wool hosiery In Nebraska, Iowa, ColorKdo, South 1 Da kota. Address, with reference,- -Ruahford Knitting Mills. Ruabford, linM4j() 7, WANTED. state manager to close con tracts and manage agents In Nebraska; none but person accustomed to soliciting wanted; Can be handled as side Iln by . drummer. Addrees "See," 27 Harrison St.. Davenport, la. 1 B Mvto 7 SPLENDID wages' raid men who learn the barber traWi wit us now; can nnnsiiv ; arshlp. board, tool ,nd transportation If desired; 100 wanted to prepare for spring rush, two months -required; our method of practical eaperlence by free clinic and expert lnatruetlons save years of apprenticeship;- this opportunity cannot be had elsewhere. Pa rtlculare ' and - cata logue mailed free. Moler Barber College, la rarnam St. A1-M8U 7 . WANTED, reliable, young man familiar with Times mailing machln as first as- ststant on seven-day morning paper; give references, age, height and salary ex pected. Address Box 881, Salt Ike Utah B--M731 7 FREE! FREE J Bhave.'halr cut, singe, any work In barber line, at Moler College, 10-j r amain bi.,i r Ulliaiii dv.. j B-M72J M5 floor, Hours, to 4. WANTED, an engineer for steam heating plant In wholesale house, who is also an electrician. and can take care of electric elevators. Answer S 3. Bee. B M746 I WANTLU, nrai'iaaaa mimiiiaii. " "'. maker A Brqwn, merchant tailors, 123 BO. 16th 01. ; .1 B-76? SALESMEN WANTED. -'' " ' - - ' BAILSMEN wanted; vfull line nursery stock: ulentr peach trees; outfit free: pay weeklv LAwrenuei iiuraerii vu., w- renoe, Kan.. M634 Fll V WANTED FEMALE - HELP. . il.ii lm 1 -.,s in ui 1 a. ,ai"i WANTED; two young ldy student to learn hslrdreeslng, manicuring and chi ropody and scientific massage. Call or writ Room U. Bee Bldg. C-W GENERAL' housework.' 127 Bouth 25th St. i . , k C M323 WANTED, ladles., to learn 'halrdresalng, manicuring and facial massage; four weeks required; steady practice, furnished by free work: expert Instructions and every facility 'for. teaching. Compara tively' no expense. Call or write Moler College, 1623 Farnam St. C M612 7 SECOND girl at 2225 Farnam. C 717 5 OIRXi for general housework. 1514 Yates ,t ' C M733 T COMPETENT girl for general housework. 101 N. sain si. . - - aim WiUTKT). stenographer and general office assletanti state experience and salary ex pected. 8 61. Be. C M727 7 w i WTrn luitv in aew fnr Hnaril lira. Emma Smith, Hi and R St., South Omaha, ,. - Midi WANTED, girl for general housework on . farnrr six In famllyj no children; wage 14. Mrs. John lllukey, uretna, Nen. I - ,. .C M745 S WANTED at once a first-class up-to-date cook st Hotel Southern. Rock Port, Mo.; lady preferred;' must be good- and ready to. cone at once. t ; C M740 GIRL (or general housework. fXM N. 14th at n C-MT63 HELP WANTED. MALE St female help. Call Canadian Office. , i". 1 " ' ' 4t7 FOn'RBNT HOUSES. HOUSE3. O, a. Wallace, Brown block. .. - .i v - . ' - D 372 r 1' I !-, TO MOVE -right, get Omaha Van Storage Co.; ornc lollH Farnam, or Tela. lUa-Mi. ' , . ' D 3W In ell parts of city. The O. nUUOLO y, Davis Co., 662 Bee Bldg. , v;;i D-jka , HOU8ES and flats. -KingwattBarker block. atlQHT-ROOM. modern, except furnace, 122. , O. M. NatUagsr, Bee Bldg. . 'Phons 4vi. '- D 273 ' fX)R rent u-rwirn modern house, 1724 Uougiaa street. 1 JOHN W. R'JBBINS, 1802 FARNAM. " " " D M721 riOOD or 2-room house, atrtntiu . ero, good neighborhood, within walking Jl.lamtai' VarV raaSUiraU Kla ant a.. . . - I party. M. J. Kenuard Son, Sut-io Brown PIOUS- . - A. D ia XWO I A r. mo cotuges. Phene A-iot. - . . t D 7ta ' noceta, etc. F. D.-Wead, 1624 Doi uglasl JU ! " ; - d-j HOUSES, store. Bemls, Paxton block. 1 4i StO h!1 S N lltlf It.. 8-room modern Vinnu with bain; newly repaired ao4 paintea. 115.00 Ijii 12-roora mansion and stabie. with box atalls aiid coachman's rooms. 111.00 luita North lid, T-room house, city water; tie wly .papered and patnled. ua w a-riKjm i-uiiage, rtiy water, iv tto. 17th ave. " THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY . . UH1 DOUGLAS 8T. ' - . . . - - D ta FOR RENT,' 10-room modern flat, CiH I North Lit Bt., iJU. Chaa. L. 8aiinders, 311 bo. isvn "i. . lboJ PAYNE. BOSTvt'ICK A CO.. Sul n. Y. Ufa. . . : . . u Mku CENTRAU modern,' steam heat, T-room house; and 4-rount Bat. Ttsard. T& N. 23d St, D att F-21 TO' RENT About Auril 1. Modern "house nine rooms, barn, good condition, Kountse Plscei will lease for tern); M So par monia. Aoureas a 11, lira. i at I FOR KENT. Storeroom, lffl S. lth st . 119 00. House. 1 u4 Howard st.. T rooms. UO.e. Fiat. 2HI Farnam at. i rooma, modern ex ceut !(, J .vu, OLQhGttl & COMPANY, 1001' Famsm l-M;tl FOR RENT riRJUHED ROOMS. DEWEI European hotel. 13th and Fsrnam, a, 01 ONE futnlsh.-d roon.. with heat, on car line. ji via:; m per monin. a r.w I housekeeping rooma, (8. 2 S. Mry. B Mo0-M-1 LAROH front rooma. furnlshd or unfur nished, modern. 201 . to v. K-MW 7 tlRtillllRU ROOMS AND HOARD. , . NICE noma for young men. 108 8. th St BTEAM heated, nlcelr furnished rooma, ltd or without board, at lb iburston. F W - , i - FOR RENT, nicely furnished, steam heated rooma, wan or without board. Miuienu hotel, 16th and Chicago Bta. F 81 ROOMS and board. Qlancalrn, 1808 Douglas. F Mi gentleman, prlvat family. KM Bt. Mary'. , . - ROOMS, board; steam heat! foil Harney etreetv ai FURNISHED front room, with board, us Bouth 26th St. F Mm 1 heat ias! FURNISHED rcoma, steam r Ml I batli. 'ltin Cass. STEAM heated . rooma with board. 1 Capitol Ave. F W FURNISHED room, with board, modern. 'fiion a !! Hiim hi. Marv a aif. F-M747 f I I - I '- 1 ' 1 ' - , FUH HET I'XFIRXISITED ROOMS, DESK room space, IS per month, ground lloor room lu 'lha Be building, lacing arnam street; no expense lor light, heav or janitor ervlce. h. C. Pters Co., llenuu Agents, tstm Duiioing. u u FIVE unfurnished rooms. 1120 N. 17th. O M100 PARIX)R floor,, unfurnished; also fur nished rooms, housekeeping. Middle flat, ) Dodge St.- GrM'!l,l. FOR REXT-STORKS AND OFFICES. )OK RENT, th building formerly occu pied by 'l be Bee at sis i arnara tit. It has lour stories Hna a iwatnieui wmuu ww formerly used as The Bee press room. 'i'hla will be rented very reasonably, if I Intereated apply at once to C. C. Rose- I water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. IWol FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rent .reasonable. Apply H. c reters at Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1 XA AGE2ITS WANTED. PROFITABLE work offered agents ROFITABLE work offered agents In every town to stcur subscriptions to th Ladies' Horn Journal and the Saturday Even'ng Post.' We want agents who will work tnoroughly and with business' sys-1 tern to cover each section with our Illus trated little booklets and other advertis ing matter and to look sharply after re- newels from old subscribers. The pay Is first-rate and at the end of the season Ijo.iiju will be given the best workers as extra prizes tor good work. How well some of our agents have succeeded Is told in a little Booklet we would like to send you portraits of some of our best agents, with the story of how they made It pay. una, uurtis ruoiisning Co., i'Mia- ueipnra, 1 a.. j r 1- W ANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Steady employment .with assured, good income. Agents- In the country1 with horse and buggy especially desired. Can vassers tnake easily tUO to 1100 per month. Aaaress uemury farmer solicitors Bu olicltors BU' , j-3U mily mtdlca good sellers reau, Bee building, Omaha. "MEDICOLOGY," the best family tnfedlcal book In the world; 100 other good sillers. W. A. Hlxenbaugh Co., WO Ware Blk.. Omaha. . jio7 BOOK canvassers wanted In every county; PIS raunoj; new proposition; sell to everybody; write today. Pontlso Pub. Co.. Pontiao, Mich. J 63 Ml WANTEDTO RENT, t miAKu . wantea: write run particulars I n v. u 1 1,1 ..-Lion, i., m i u aiiu nnniia lor man and wife for six months. Address J. Rloe, 4iif Olive St., St. Louis, Mo. K M74S 7 STORAGE. OM. Van. tstor. Co.. 1511H Farn. Tela. U69-S63. . 863 PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 112 , 914 Jones, general storage and forwarding. 34 WANTED TO BUY. WANTED About 10 acres close to Omaha, improved; aescnoe improvements and state price. Address 8 to. Bee. - M-708 WANTED One feed water horse power boiler. One H. F. Cady Lumber Co. FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodze. Tel. 2O20. New and secondhand, bought, sold. exenangea. -4-siu " y FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC. THE BEST In buggies and wsgons at H. Frost's, Uth and Leavenworth. P 284 SINGLE sleigh. 110. " Double sleigh. 116. I other good double sleighs. Druinmond Carriage Co. . P 341 . i ' t FtH SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1111 Farnam. Q M7 CADET coat, good as new: will Bt boy 12 I or l years ia. Aaaress n n, nee. , . .J-Mo8g I INDIAN goods and relics. 111! Farnam. a-3S TYPEWRITERS, latest models Reming ton, Smith-Premier, Densmore, replaced 1 . L. I fl , - 11 ll'l I..I . , . . L) y 111a L.iurjnnuuy, iuw price. A. It. Workman At Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phone UO. ' . ' W 4 , When You Write to Advertisers remehibei It only tsdea an extra stroke or two of the pa to mention tne fact that yoj saw the ad In The Bee. 2DHAND sat cheap. SuhwarU, 114 a 13th. FIR timbers for housemovers, etc , 40 to 71 It.; criuuiiig auiu uui ivnoa. mil Loug las. Q3J FOR SALE, phonographa, superior to sny other musical lustrument; & up. The VV'lttraaa Co.. mi jaroarn. . Vr il too STYLES trusses, cstalogue free. Sher man A McConueil Drug Co., 16th and Dodge, Omaha. . Q 12 1 FOR BALE, fine mahogany bank fixtures I and Chicago Safe eV Lock Co. safe, auto- roatic double time look- double burglar proof steel chcata w ill be sold at a bargain. National Bank of Commerce. . Q A2 FOR SALE, scholarship In an imiaha shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 11 Be Bldg. QMM FOR BALE CHEAP. Smith Premier No. I. only used six months. Call or address 1110 Clark st. (J-M,V BRAN, 11.10 per hundred; cracked corn, 11 .80 per hundred. Wagner's Feed Stare, lwl Cuming St. . 4U:jb TO INVESTORS: Ties sre now being dls- trinuUKi aionat tne araae or tne Laramia. Hahns Peak i PacIMc railway. Track lay ing eomtnenors in April, first aivtaion to Centennial. Wyoming, Will be In full oiwratlon In July. The company hse signed contracts for sufficient tonnage to pay dividends on Its common stork now selling at 12 a aharw In blocks of from 10 to luu shares and upward. The par value or aloca is iu a snare, ro preferred stock. No mortgage bonds. The common raDltal atockhoijer owns tne property. Call oil or write M. J. Greevy, nnancixl agent, representing Isaac Van Horn a Co. of Boston, banker for th corpora tion. Omc 414 Be bldg., Omaha. W-M7l CLAIRVOYANTS. fit. 1 MJtS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. HI N. lth. II 1 fcv- tt-296 CLmTOA1Ti MUB. GYLMER, genutn palmist, 818 8. is. ELFtCTBIC TREATMENT. MME. AMES, 7V4j N. 11 r tut E; attendants. 1 ma r - .... L.L i ; .-, i i ' i MME. SMITH, bath. Ill N. 18, Id floor, K L T if4 MT BOSTON PARLORS. 321 N.- ISlh. fiat K BEATRtCB HARIW. bath; Egyptian treatment; attendant. 31 N. 15th. Flat MASSAGE and batha, 115 Howard, flat A. . I-UIU JU'. ' PERIORAL. - " L . L : I 1 J Ippiviti' hn.tiim hainn irnl durlnc c6n nneroent: tmDie aoopiea. mvb uraut oi. Mre. Uardei. Tel. i-MCl. .. , "?f' DR. ROT, chlropodlat, corns and auperfl'i oua hair removed by alwtnclty. K. Is, Frenaer BlocK., , " GOLDMAN'S, th only" perfeot pleating nlnnl in f h aui. Sia) Doualaa blocK. i . . . ' .". U M400 SHAMPOOING and halrdreselng, 26c. In connection with Th Bathery, 16-2ai Be RUPTURE permanently cure In to aays;,send ror circular, o. p. "". - D., ail New York Life Btdg., Omaha iseb. ; 1 ' " ' ' " 1 HAIRDRESBINO, manicuring "and "'fr1 pudy, for ladies oniy, la connection witni- u U2S - BURR HATCH INCUBATOR CO.-. ' CLAY CENTER.' NEB, . Send fer hanH-r,mA hil.n. fraa fiatalogU. , , --- f , LIEBEN, theatrical,' masquerade eostumer. wis arnam. .... u su. "CHIROPODY a specialty. In 'connection with The Bathery, rooms ns-xai uee lei. iae, . . v , - . . , tii 11 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and J '. quickest, airs. A. v;. juara, 11 ss J"'". GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholeeal and retail. 00111ns i-iano to.,- iw ia- PRIVATE home for ladle before and dur- Ing confinement: babies adopted. Burdette St. Mrs. Burget. U M4Q FP PUNfl tnnlnar and ranalrlna. " Tel. TOL A sent for Weber piano. Room ?, nee Bldg. XJ-M64I FU OMAHA Canoer Cur Sanitarium. 1007 N. 4th St.. Omaha, Neb., treaU cancers. ' tumors and all skin diseases ; cure guar anteed. . r u MlH MM1P OUIT K.t.a n K IR 7d fmor rl MME. SMITH, baths. Ill N. MJTi0., VIAVI. .woman's way to health; rational, wholesome home treatments Hi Bee Bldg, But you'll like It better If you smoks the I PRINCE OF OMAHA, . Union made. Best cigar on the market for ostraignt. W7 per i.uuu, W. B". RTOECKKR CIOAR CO. ' U M650 I Mlddlemls, wait paper cleaner, 140 Jackson, riKOROE: What I thought Is told hi big letters on page 80, February ''What To Eat."-MolIle. U-M77 7 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. WANTED, city loans, bonds end warrants.-! George a company, iwi arnam street. " . . w 40 - ' ' ' - 44 PER CENT on business-property. per bent on residence property. '"'.2:. Options to pay wnoie or part any time. . W. B. ME1KLE. 401 B. Uth Bt. W-40T wanted, city ions nd warrants. w. Farnam Smith 4Tk Co., Ji2Q Farnain St.' W 08 WANTED, city and farm loans; alse'bcnd anil mrilranTa1 n I : WmW mTM &P F.rnim St . Bee Bldgi I - 1 1 1 .1 , 1 ). 11 kjONET to .Joan on Improved Omaha real estat. Brnnan-Loy,p,,.a0a South, ISth. 1 FARM and city loans.' low rates.' W. H. fhom.. 1st Nat.. Bank Blrhr. . Tel it4K. 14 TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton -Blk, 1 .... - W 41. PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 7 N. T -U ... . .. : W 412 ititp BAT.R FARM AND CITY LOANS. n r PETERS at CO.. BEE BG.. OMAHA. ! I f OT A r 1 J MORTGAGE. G. O. Wallace,. -Brown Blk. VV 414 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY To loan on Furaitur and Pianos, Live Bioca, etc. You to retain possession of the property, t . . . rvr l " A 11 people- nolUIng OALAfvl . L.Vi3 permanent positions. mi ran borrow from 110.UO up; You can t the money on short notice. . You get the full amount in casn. iou may seep i. m.intb or more ana pay ior it oniv .- tiina vou keD if. Our rates are low: our business is confidential and. our motto 1- irv to Dlease." UMAnA muniunuiii uusii HI Hoard of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22S6. tr.iabliahed l&Z) Kt 8. 16th St. ' X 117 WB NEVER REQUIRE SECURITY. B ALARY loans on YOUR NOTE. Only- requirement a steady position, xi n Unrimn. endorser or-publicity. (SMALL PAYMENTS REDUCES COST.) , 'PAT Weekly, Semi-Monthly ot Monthly. IPRIV ATIC OFFICE FOR LADIES.) R. R, Men. Clerks, Machinists, School Teachers, Bookkeepers, Stenographers or a ny employee given time to suit their etiulrement. reoi GUARANTE ILAnAll 1 IM . . ' .1. x private onicea. caoii,! tuuna. ft Y ortvs Tafauhone 1411 for v. data. No charaea (or Information or papers. ' Open Noons'' Wednesday - and Saturday Jiivenings. i-an un yuu ii -yivmrrcH HciL1AIL,iu i.rvE.L11 yj M r Li I , Room Sua Third Flour. Paxton Block. -, .. ' . X 701 LARGE8T BUSINESS IN LOANS TO stars, boarding houses, etc, without W f uritvi easiest terms; 40 offices in prln- ripal cltlea. Tolman, 440 -Board of Trads lildat. A. 4J iiiNt ON SALARIES. . FURNITURE. live stock, etc. yulck service and lowest ii.... .uaranteed. J. W. TAYLOE. SaJ (top floor) Paxton block, northeast corner llttt tM ff Biuam, aii.sauw vn avn iimii MONEY loaned on furniture. live stock. Jewelry, to salaried people Foley Loan Co.. sue to Duff Green. I Barker Blk. : X-674 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew elry, norses. cows, cto. w. neaa, sis n. ij. A U MONEY loaned on plain nots to salaried people; business connuenuai; lowest rates. til Paxton block, ine i. A. tlutton Co. A UU i.,' n iti'd i.- iiiajria nnpsca i-r. 1 g L . V..., . ...... .M, . ..J .J. , ... V.., Lf.jA.V8. - ADSoiuteiy wunout removing anuos." Vk rnten suaraniee given to ims effect A.XLnicAn iaai v nooni 8u3. Paxton Block. X 118 Bl'SINESS nANCEtV TO GET in or out cf business call on Wil liams, Boom 411, McCague building. Y 423 ' WHEN you want to buy, sail or exchange your business or property quick communl. cats-with oae who has the customere. J, H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Lit. Pbon L-270, X atui A PARTNER wanted la th real estat business; more business than I can attend to; party must have acme, money and ..... . J . . , . .. .. . II . . .. ' Dl.l. ivtviiiiiitiiuaiiuiia, , ' m.1, ,', ,, JSeO. 8 -- RESTAURANT, furniture and fixture, fln iocaiion. paying bualneaa; oainer leaving cliri a bargain; inveatigat tMii. J. ft. heater for 128- PRIVATE money. F D. Wead. 1524 Douglas LANDS AND n7. Jnulr'e" fireproof af. ....': , W-416 for lands and fms In Kansas Nebraska. 'K 7B9 : 1. . Iowa and 8. Dak. Give full description. l -a g per CENT loans, Garvin Bros., leo location, sea.', twp- and R.. and price st "i v.-- . 5 , n a111 sell, and naV commission - Johnson, IN. x. Life. l-MJas) B(MNF.S CHANCES. ! EI.KVKN rornne. elantljr furnlehed, mod- ern tirlrfc tenement, brni loiwtlnn, very room (tiled with tlrit-cli roomers, pay ing proixmltlon. future plana neeltlei, lady aeillng by Feb. 1. i. 1L Johnnon. N. r. Ufa. FOR "ALE MilllWy atore, doing good puiinm; also gooa Hotel lor enia tor iee to ngnt partr), both good locymon in N. E. Nehraslta. C all or writ N. t. Ufa building, Omaha. T 134 SALOON for aaie. ' Ad dree a Joarph P!o- bodny, BU Faul. Neb. . Y-M3 RARE chance for a bustling buxlneaa man. with anra raullal. to enitaare In buxlnean. Kxclialv aula a tlty of Omaha for a term of year, th produrta of a large eastern manufacturer. Addres for par ticulars u. H. fulvrr, HocneeteT, in. x. 1 MSi F1)R BAI.EThe atock of goods formerly Belonging to ltdrtin nrrm., Z4tn inn i.ia ata umana, Xet., consisting or tne en tire . slock of giocertes. furniture and flxtiires, on horse, on narnpse, two de livery wagons; ail must ne sola in ouik for the benefit of th creditors. For pat- tlculurs call on or adores oeorce Spangler, trustee. In ear of McCord- Uradjt Co., Omaha, Neb.' ; QEOhOB. erANGLER, TrWJj - FOR SALE, new grocery stock 4n Omaha, witn nxtures, nors and wagon. Aonres i o ea, car sat, iw - $10.(100 STOCK general merchandise, mostly ury aooas. aroceries ana oooia ana snoea. all up-to-date staple goods; annual sale Ijs.fmu; good town In eastern Nebraska, I to retire' from business for two 'year; -srlendld chAnce- fof mn jnto g0O( paying business. - S !, main. Una H. A M. K. K. : owner nesirea two or'inrwt man to get good paying business. - a fe. FOR SALE. CHEAP, steam paste) ant; all the roachinerv and eaulnmenta for manufacturing' wall- paper paste and brick musn; mis business pmauces large pro fits; can be conducted with small capital. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Ufa.4 : :V M7j6 HOTEL, furniture and fUtrures,. M-rooms, e ecantiv eaiitrroeoi sz nousn: ns-Vinn proposHion; locates in live county seat town southeast -Nebraska: owner s age I necessitate retiring; will sell reasonable and lease house. ' J.: H. Johnson,. N. Y. 1 1. ... . . yl. 11m , -.. i. ... y-.- ' "" TO INVESTORS: . lrarrtle, HahnS Peak At raellle KV. capital stm-k at 1 a snare la kn invostment. of, arrest merit, either I for permanent Boldinffor ior speontation. Slanda th Closest 1iiverMra.tion.- Call on or write M. J. Oreevy, financial agent, 414 Bee bldg., Omaha. - - . . Y M7S4 WILL exchange ' gootl ck . wardrobe for j.ui 1 1 vr jX n.t.' 1 rr irriA . miuini' wau. . in w, , . . , .njiy WILL exchange lot in .rTorth part of town ror piano. Address, a en. net, x ooi 1 EXCHANGES Oft SALE," general merchan-i dise: invoice i7.ouo: want nortn neorasKa land; If you want In or out of business writ T. M. Cllnew.124! u St.,-ijncoin, Men. WANT, to trade 'South oMmha,'' Neb., prop- I erty for rellnqulohnjohls- In the- new. county. Address P. ,O..Box l93. Rl Reno, 1 iiaianoma. .- . -. tt oiiqi 11- FOR SALE REAL . ESTATE. ' 1 1 1 1 ' s, r ' 1 . i " i' 1 CfiTiRADO ranch lands, homesteads. school lection leases. - u. w. irwin, Aa ron,. Colo. . b JdJUB i'"J7 irATtMa! " FARMS! FARMS! For bargains 'in farmf property . go to O Weill a xteai lisiaia .jtgencyr ooutn Omaha. : ' . .- . " RE 428 HOUSES; lots, farms, ranches, loans; also lire insurance, . uemis, t-aitonmocK. . tth. 4ZJ BOYD COUNTY lands: v On account 'of ihtrsw snow, our J Bovd county tnpvptponea win give notice'bf.neT'Kttf jtf at least three t3., 1 an-. WrlVA frtr narlin. days in advance. Write for particu lars. POTTER. FDRG Aft t& . HASKELL, v -jl 420-21 W:T.'.f5'331dg.- t.ima'i.'' .ii '-' -aM Mr, V. a M u- i . lvV ... vh -V .WA"'""-. HOySESHarrlspn &p Norton,-Tel. $14. . RE-rM167 Mch4 ; NEW Snow-Church Cd.J"4th floor ' N. T, V Ufa Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Largeat lai collection and real estate 'hgency In the world. Associate" banks attorneys and real estate brokers in evtOT county In the United States ana tiuus m iuicin coun- tries.. RE 637 RANCH and farm lands for sale by the MoAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa- Union racino nauroau company, o. A. clflo tieaaquartera, umaua, iikd RE 429 of I per cent, plus IJo.oo,. In caa of sal Only. VV. ei'iiij, Bciicmi ictu cstai and loan, Board irew piog, re ms9 HOUSES and lota In all parts of city; also acre property ana irm tanas, ine o. Davis CO.. noon no-, n xiunaing. "dtlli ,-,'.. : RR RE-430 ' 7ft.- J IF 'YOU .want- 6he -of1' thai tircest 8-room homes in tianscom rum, 1 win give you a bargain, -ijwner reivcuy. muii sen. J. H. Bherwood, 3T T. lA-Bldg. . d .-' KE M153 WILLIAMSON 4a 'I rv.' .s. ,f . - RE 428 LANDS ANTS f ARMB IJ tatjuta IUI IHI1UB llU 1 W ... lowa and o. uaa.- una iuii auacnption. location,.' sec. twp. snd Rg.; and pr foe at which you win sell, Jand pay commission Of I per cent, plus 22o.0e, In Case of sale only. W,- L. Seltor. general real estat anq loan. Board Trade 'bldg. " ' RE-M687 1 ' 11 1 "i 1 1 When You Write to Advertisers remember it only takes an extra stroke or I two of the pen to mention ths' (act that law hit 1,1. WW .M ' . Jt .: FOR SALE, 104 acres choice farm- la'fid ad- ooining sinawvi III. yuuu.y vca; Ul oruwn county, Neb.: only hi mile from. High school. Can be subdivided. Into residence lota If desired';' 260.00 per acre, .Correspond with or call on .; uacsjey, Aiimwortn, Nb. V RE.738.10 PAYNE, BOST.WCK CO.. 601 N. Y. Llfa, Farm Harrhvott A Morton, N Y. L, Tel. 514 .1S 701 Fit HOUSES. I ' 400.00-201I Maroy. 8 rooms, . modvrn nuuri v new. I2.sOt.00 N.' W, Cor. 28th and Parker. Sts.; I.mnm house, modern exwent fur nace; also good barn, property Is in nrst-riasa renair. I2.fi00.00 3014 Cass St.. 8 roomsJ modern. 11,800.00 For 2413 North 11)1 at., near lke Bt.. good B-room iiouse, mi smi feet. A desirable place and well worth the money. -. . . . 81,000.00 For 4-room house -and lot near 2btn ana cnicago ova. -CHEAP VACANT LOTS 8d500s For to-foot lot. 24th and Bristol Bta,. paving tax paia iu iuu -ana perma- tiamff .ldewa I3M.0O for lot on Franklin St., Just west aia. 1,1 1 hi. rv avenue. OEOROE AND COMPANY, 1801 Farnam St KJS M78I 8 BROAD ACRES. TUKEY'B TERMS. A. P. TUKKx AND tntn oner s acres. northwest or city, on ine lonowina terms: For each acre, 10 down snd 10 pr month for 80 months, WITHOUT INTEREST. Will sell part or all. Will divide to suit purchasers. X P. TUKEY AND SON, " Board of Trade. - RE 7iio STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. JuUa Vaughn, a) Rsmgt Bldg. ' 4M NICKEL PLATING. OMAHA Plating Co., Be bldg. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Losn Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business conCaeuual. 14 Douglas -4tl I " " ... . MEDICAL. DR. TRIE", the acknowledged leading snet'lHi'st In dlreasea of women In Omxha, Would rail the attention of sulToring ladles to Ms unsurpassed accommodations 1etore and during confinement, and his treatment for Irregularities, no msttrr what use. Call or addrexa, with stamp, lr. Pries, Arlington block, loll Lodn, Omaha. il OUR Ot'ARANTSH IS wJ REWARD To rellere at bom any case of long-stand-lnr. obstinate, abnormal suppression from any causa. ' Even if othera have failed, try our compound concentrated vegetable fluid extract. We never disap point. I'sM for over eighty years with out a stngla failure. Why despalrT Dr. Mead Rem. Co., 1 Qulncy St., Chicago. -T1) i il ELECTRIC BELTS for-th cur of vari cocele, lost vigor and power, rheumatism, kidney, llvrr and bladder troubles, con stipation, stomach disorders, nervous de bility and lame back; also orgsn de velopers for small and shrunken organs. cair or wr't the JNcnrs.sK. vacuum cv., Bull 90, Douglas block, Omaha, iseb. dm o SHORTHAND AXD TVrKWRITISG. QRECO Sliorthand. Om. C. Col.. lth ft Doug -4M A. C..VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 44i BOYLE3 Collego, court reporter principal. jy. x. jure. 4311 NF.H. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's 1 neater. . 417 OSTSOPATHY. DR. A, T. HUNT, 611 McCagus Bldg. TU aVbX. 14 DR. MRS. MU8ICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2823. Q. E. AND ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 615 N. Y. Life bldg. . Tel. ltttt. vo CARPEKTKRI AKD JOIJIERS. . , . . ,. .ii AL o.f,?"r5"2tLW0.rk ft nAZW!u?2! promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2th and Lake street. -470 WM. EVERITT. Special rates to real es tate men; weather strips put on. 280& Leavenworth -4. FRATERNAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old sge as well as life. Charter members free, particu lars from Frank ' Kosewater,' supreme manager, zzx Bee Biog. . 7H4 ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1 WATERS PRINTINO COMPANY. Tele phone 1110. 611 Bouth Thirteenth street. STAMPS, COINS, ETC. BOUGHT-Omaha Stamp Co., tot S. 13th. 453 FIR DRESSING. O.- R. GILBERT CO., tanners, 1424 8. 13th. AUCTIONEER. IN Neb. and Iowa. 2512 N, Bouth Omaha. S"I9 F-JS LAtADRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 80; collars, c; cum, tc iiou ieavenwortn. lei. bt7. 440 . POLICIES Pl'RCHASED. INSURANCE policies, old-line companies, purcnasea. . ioans on policies. 4jail on or I ' write The Putnam Co., t04-e N. Y. Life I Bldg.,' Omaha. Neb. 342 COAL. MONROE Coal and Feed Co. Phone 171. J 467 F2I DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING- in families or at horn. Aims eiuray, n2 arnam. aaf a FAbTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases-trunks repaired. Om. Trunk J rung j actory, WM Farnam. 461 MANUFACTURING. OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. make a spe- I clally. of nre escapes, shutters, doors and vt. I 962 F20 I v xiiti Mtnin i.ith .mt uoward. ma- chln'sts. M46 TYPEWRITERS. NEW & 2dhand. Ill Farnam St., Omaha, 4fiO FLORISTS. 1 1 Henderson, ms Farnam. Tel. 1251. 449 FURNITURE REPAIRING. TEL, 133L M. 8. Walklln, 2U1 Cuming St. 464 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale-Tie Co., Ill North 16th. 155 Lost. v doo LOST My black and white rgUsh setter; reward for return. J. H. Dumont. Lost M742 J LADY'S gold watch) "I. H. M." em I on ram Reward If returned tn at graved i First Nat. bank bldg. , Lost-M 8 7 PHOTOG R APHER, F. J. HOLOUBEK, photographs. 1251 8. 12. M!I F20 POSTOrFICE NOTICE. I timuge may occiir at aay time.) .Should be read dally, by all Interested, Forelsn malls for the week ending Febru- sry 8, 19u2, will close (PROMPTLY In nil cutes) at tne uenerai i-ostomce ss follows: 1'AHCh.Ul fUBl MA1LH close tlNiC HOUR KAKt.ll-.H than closing time shown below. Parcels post malls for Germany close at t p.- m. Wednesday, per s. s. Kheln, and Fri day, per s. s. fnoenicia. nt.ui.i .iiu Huwu.b.i.a.'va. .ii.,,. viu.w " .- -a closing tlinai shown below (except Supple .1 R,.,iiuru 1 1. tup rnn. .itii r.nlp.l I America, via Colon, closa una LuuV latar at mentary Malls ior jLurope swreigu i3ia,u;u. Traasatlaati Mall. D 1 TI'DHl V A 4 n . nm PlTDADOt B a . w I." . . . . , n . . ... . v. . v . . . . u. per s. s. Btaatendam, via Plymouth (mall for Great Britain and Ireland must b directed "per s. s. Btaatendam"): at I a. ni. for ITALY dlreot, per s. s. Alter (mall must be directed "per s. s. Aller "); at 11 a. in. for DENMARK direct, per s. Nome (mull must be directtm "per e. s. Kerge"): at 11:o s. m. (supplementary 1 p ni.) for KU.KOPU, ter s. s. Baxosla, via yueenstowa. I 'PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer lO.r, . I I r liu a . . . . , vviuiv. i. . uara and Samoles for Germsny only. Tha . . . 1. 1, .1. . . VI.. , .. . 1 V. k. I ( , . same clasi of tuall matter or olhnr parts of Europe will not be sent by this shlf After tti closing ol ths Supplementary Transatlantic juai.s named above, addi tional Supplementary Malla ar opened on th pier of th Amerlcac, English. French and German eteamera and re main open until within Ten Minutes of tne nour 4i sailing oi steamer. Malls for Seatk mm Ceatral Aaserlea, West laatles. Eta. FRIDAY At. 11:20 P- m. for BAHAlfAB, uer steamer irora siiami. jp ia. SATURDAY At 4 80 a. m, for ARGEN UUAY and PARAGUAY, psr n'i?-Am',upp,1'.m"n,rJ? TINA. LKl a a. Arabislan 8:30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Caracas (mall for Savsnllla and Cartagena must - be directed "per s. s. Caracas ); at 9 a. ni. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Buckman. via Ponce (mail must be directed "per o. s. Buckman"); at 8.30 a. m. (supple mentary lo:3 a. m.) for' FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8A VANILLA and CARTAGENA, er s. 8. Allegheny (maU l-OSTOrrKB ROTICK. for Qosta Rica must he directed "per s. s. Alleghany"): at l.ixv a. nv (supple mentary i:V a. ml for HAITI and SANTA MART A, per a. s. Alps; at 10 a. m. for CV nA, per s. s. Mxl.-o, via Ha vsna; at W W p. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Curltyba. via Matansas, etr. (ordinary mall onlv, which must be directed "pfr a. s, Curltyba"); at II: p. m. (snpple mentsrv 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. Seminole, , Malla for Newfoundlandby rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this ofllce dally St :sn p. m. Connecting close her every Monday, Wednesday snd Saturday), stalls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, clok at this office dally at :) p. m. Malls t-r Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thenc.y steamers, are aispatcnca nuiiy. nnai con nrt!nar elopes, for dlstatrh vis Pnrt Tamna. on Sundaya at M:Ju a. m.. W ednea. flays ana rTinays, -:.w a. m.; ror dis patch via Miami, on Mondays and Fri days t 11 M p. m. Malls for Mexico City, overland, unless specially addressed Tor dispatcn cy steamer, cms at this of. fie da'iy except pun. lay at 1:W p. m. nd ll:3t p. m., eunosys at 1 p. in. and 11:W o. m. Malls for Costa Rica. Bel se. Puerto cortes ana uuatemaia. by rail to New Orleans, and thence by almr. close at this omoe dally except Sunday at !:) p. m., Sundays at ! p. m. (con necting closes nere mnnaaya ror Rellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, and Tues days for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at p. m. previous aay. . Traaspat-ta Malla. Mails for Australia (except West Australia, whicn goes via ,urope, ana new Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fiji islands, via vsncouvee, oiose nere daily at :to p. m. up to February 1, Inclusive, fur aisnstch Der s. s. Moana (suonlemsni. ary malls via Sesttle and Victoria, c'oe her at IJ B. m. February " Mall must be directed "via Vancouver"). Mails for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip- IMI1B ISIHIIU, vm Mil f- 1 atiiuiei u, viiisa bera dallv at 1:80 B. m. UP to February 2 Inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. China. Malls for Tshltl and Marquesas Islands, via Ran Francisco, close nere dally at :30 n. m. up to February 4, Inclusive, for dis patch per s. Australia. Malls for China and Japan via Seattle close here dally at 1:30 p. m. up to Febru ary II. IIIVlUB'VfT. IUI U,;il 11 a. Iyo Maru. (Registered mall must be dl- rected "via Seattle ). Malla for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at e:stf p. m. up to February in. inclusive, ior aispaicn per s. s. ais meda. Malla for Hawaii. Japan. China and Philip pine Islands via nan Francisco close here dally at b:3U p. m. up to reoruary -iu, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Doric. Malls for China snd Japsn, via Taooma, 3 close here dally at ;30 p. m. up to February 14, inclusive, for dispatch per is, inviuaivc, lur uispaicu pv I.- i.r.. i. s. s. tiympia. Malls ror China close here daJI 1 srv 1S. Inch) impress 01 cnina. tnegisterea man must De airecteo -via Vancouver. saercnan- dlse for th U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Can ada.) Malls for Australia (except West Australia. wntcn is torwaraea via Kuropei. new Zea land, Fiji, Bamns. ana Hawaii, via Ban after February i and up to February 22, r rancivco, cioae nere oauy at s:au p. m Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s. Saxonla. due at New York February 2J, for dis patcn per s. a. uonoma. Transpacific malls are forwarded to ports or aainnar oanv ann ina scneouie or clos ing Is arranged -on the presumption 01 . tneir uninterrupted overland transit. Rftlstered mall closes at 6 p. m. pre. vlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster. Pontofflce, New York, N. Y-, Jan. II, 1902. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF SALE OF SPECIAL DIS TRICT IMPROVEMENT BONDS Proposals will be received by 8. C. Shrlg- ley, the city clerk of the city of South omana, ' Nebraska, until I o clock p. m February 12, 19o2, for the purchase of an naua .01 oonoa in me aum vi siiu.dov.uv. Bonds to bl Issued In the denomination of . w r v , uc.iiiib i t. . tj v. ...,,.. j . , 1902. maturing ten (10) years after date '-,V fU -aaU k.... ,4... Tan.i-w I and bearing interest at the rate of per cent per annum, payable semi-annuany. litem m. . .',,1 V rI uuni.n. , J tanv uJ nuy pay certain special district Improvement oonas neretorore issued and outatanaing. a large portion of said bonds matured in 1901, the balance of the Issues mature at various dates in 1902. Principal .and interest of all bonds pay able at the state fiscal agency of Nebraska, In the city of New York, N. Y. ; all bids must De in writing ana must De uncondi tional and accompanied by a certified bank check for 3,000.00, payable to the city of Boutn omana, isebrasKa; purchaser to ac- cRtna 'my IOT said nonds witnin twenty v V" wi !L "":"1a" .i-V':- .-a til bids Dated at South Omaha. Nebraska. Febru ary 4, 1902. F d6tm NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice la hereby given that the reaular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will be held at the otnee or said company, in Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m.. on the 6th aay ot marcn, a. li., iauz. y order or the Board or Directors. Lincoln, Nebraska, Feb. 1, 1902. C. H. MORRILL. President. F2 dSOt A. B. MINOR. Secretary. BANKRUPT SALE. Under order of the United States district court I will sell st public auction at Cory- don, la., on Thursday, February 20, 1903, at 10 clock a. ra. tor oasn. tne entire stock of dry goods, clothing, shoes, hats and caps, etc., being a complete up-to-date, new and clean atock, belonging to Aaron H. Cohen, bankrupt. Invoiced and ap- praised at seveuteen thousand, nine huh- dred and ninety-one dollars. And on Fri- day, February 21. 1902, at I o'clock p. m., 1 will sell at public auction for cash, at 605 Main street. Keokuk. Ia., thi entire stock of dry goods, clothing, shoes, etc., belong- Paris, where Be remains in ssiety. ah to Ing to Aaron H. Cohen, bankrupt. Invoiced aultsn's blandlhmat failsito loduoa him snd appraised at eight thousand, two hun- 7 . i..ii - ,v. i-i..i dred and slxty-thre dollars. Bidders ar to rtnrn to Constantinople, go ths srlmtnal required to deposit one thousand dollars eourt was Instructed to Issue a warrant before bidding on Corydon stock, and Ave ( r Mahmud's arrest sod to try ths fual hundred dollars before bidding on Keokuk , , 7, ... , fc- stock, aa a guarantee that they will carry tlva by default, with the result that ha was 0ut the "enn" of theirbld Stocks to be sold In bulk. HIRAM K. EVANS. Receiver. - - Corydon, Iowa, GOVERNMENT NOTICE. WANTED for U B. army. abla-bolied un. married men between mat of Zl and 2b. cltlsens ot United States, of good charac ter end temperate nsoits, wno can epeak. read and write English. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge sts., Omaha, Meo. jieod M31 PROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE BTuHKs Office Purchasing Commissary txt b,il..f.t.nj. ftmnli. K'.. I. IT-Kn.-u 4 1902. Sealed proposals, 'subject to the usual conditions will be received at this ofllc until 10 o clock a. m., February 17, 1902. at which time and place they will be pub- nciy openea ror iurmsning suosistenc atnraa aa fnllnar.f Ituiinn flnll, ,.rr a sugar, canned goods, etc. Preference will be given to articles of domestio crodurtlnn Tl.nlr nmnnula mnA anAi,! fl. linn. n v.. nin , man .r inn nrrnat vv u .iwiivi.- a-urcnasing commissary. n-l-lO-U-U and 17 I RAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION JOTH . AND MARC Y. Illlaels Ceatral. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Express .... CMcasn. Mlnnasnolts .a 7:20 am a 1:10 pm St. Paul Limited a 7:60 Dm a 8:02 am Minneapolis A 8U Paul Express b 7:20 sm bW:IJ em Chicago Express....... alO:X pm Cklcaco at Nvtk,waalra, The Northwestern Llna." Chlcago Spacial .t a 7:10 am all :20 pm Chlcaao Passenger a 4:16 pm a -00 am g,UrB Bpi:lal Eastern Exrraaa al0:64 am a 4:04 pm a. -a 4-tt pm a 44 pm Fast Mall ................ a 1:40 pm rT.tu .' ....::ilS 'Mmm (dar hapidr Pass'.'.'.'.!'. a I M pm Twin City Exprees v. am aio:26 pm Twin City Limited a TA um . fl u, . Hioux -llx s u in a x-lA . , - . . : w -..ii Wtkaah. St. Louis "Cannon BaJ" Exprea .......... ..... a :U pm a 1:2 am St Louis Local, Council Biuns aao.os am alO: pm Cklsage, Mllwaalia at St. Paai. Chicago Limited a 1:00 pm a 84 am I Chicago Omaha Ex.. b 7:U am b 1:40 pm I MleeaaH PaeiS. St. Louis Express alO 00 am a 8:28 pm K. c. at ti l. pm a 8 U am Chicago, Hack talaa. raelSa. .. CAST. Dea Moines and Day- anDort Lxftcai. a 7 xi am a i n am Cbliaso luxpress bll:i8ata a 8.0 pm D Moines Local a 4.U0 pia bUM am I IAILWAY TlR f Attto. Chicago Fas xpree..a : pnt a 1:? pm lrm mil nes. n;i tan and and CMcago a T:C pm 1:31 sni WEST. Lincoln, Colo. PprlDga, Denver, t ueDlo kuu West 1JQ om a 4:11 una to.uisuu. eiauuuia aa Texas Flyer .;pa, a i s am ..-IOt. Overland Limited ... ..HWsni aT:9fm ..a Ul ant a t.Zi ui ,.1 :pn ..ail J pm a i n Dm Fast Mall v. sin, 111a k-xpress. Pacific impress csatern ti.xprvss.... Atlanlla k.1. cress a T:uo am i-iiicoiu-buomiiuurg cx si oeom nil kin,. Urand Islsnd Laval i:Ju pm b . am a Dally. BVRLINGTON STAliUN 10TH MASON Cbleag. Barllagtaa aft Halacy. Lear. A rrtva Chicago Special ..a J:H ant aM:M pn Chloaga Vestibalett Ex.. a 4.o pro a I.U am , Chicago Local a l:tu ana a 4:06 pm Chlraio Limited. a J.W pin a 7 A am m l.n pm I tiarllngtoa Mlaaaarl River, Wymore, Beat fie and Nebraska Kxpresa ..a I 40 am a T:Q pm Llnuola m s:o an. bU:H am . Denver Llmltl..........a 4;3 pm a i:V pm dlack Kill ana rug buund aMinver , voa- tiaciiua ... s:00 em a S:U are ' Lincoln Fast Mall.......!) I vi pm, i 1.1? am . , sort ctvoa, Snd fletta- aoouta d :n pm au.-oi am . beiievu as r'scitio net. .a :4u pm a ..v am -bellevue 4k. psclfle Jet.. 1:09 am Kansee Cil. i. J-atph a Ceaaell filaffa. Kansas City Pay Ex.. ..a :fl km a I flj ra Kansas City Niaht Eg.. al0:K nm a :il am Bt Louis Flyer. .......... a U0 pm aU:l gia a Dally, fl Daily except Sunday. WEBTER DEPOT 13TH at WKKSTKlt ijeave. AmVa Kieaaoat. Klkkarn at iaawarl a.ty ' Black Hills. Dead wood. Hot Springs a s.w pm a ;w pa . Wuinlug, caspvr and Douglas a w pa .iar pis Hastings. York. David City superior, uaniva, ., -. Kxeter ana ocwari,...o pm a s:u pm Nonolk, Lincoln . gnd rramoat '?n sm b W; am Fremont Local ...eT:t0sm Mlssoarl PaclSe. Nebraska I.ocal, Via Weeping water... .....D 4:10 pro an:z sm ' Cblcaso. b. rial, Wluaeapolla at OmSBS. Twin City Passenger.. . a t.M am A 1:11 pn Omaha. m im im tiailv b Daily vsMPt Sunday. C Sitn- dsy only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monaay. OLLBtlD-At:RlGA LI 'IE N.w York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne. 8. M. New Twin-Screw a. s. of 11,000 tons register. - 1 - 1 ur,, j '11 - . . . . . . tiiaamrr . wiaiutiuuiu ren. i. s a. i. Via Plymouth and Boulogne-Sue-Mef. Steamer Miasdam. ...... .Feb. 14. lo A. AI. Apply to Holland-America Line, n t rai, N. Y.J Harry Moore. 1415 Farnam Street; Louis Neese, First national nans.. LET THE POWDER GET TOO HOT Two Men Killed and oeveral Is .- I by Explosloa at .Month of Mia. TELLURIDE. Colo.. Feb. . Twa men ar Aett na .fouf others seriously Injured I " . ' . f ,.-. .v.- th result of an explosion of powder la th powder house at the mouth of Japan tun nel. Ths desd sre: . . D. JL O'CONNELL, aged 45, married. - ALPHONSO FLARIETA. aged 22v Injured: John Franck, 'shift boss. Bantino Msrta. powder thawer; will loss ons and probably both eyt snd badly hurt about th back. C- C. Weir, water packer. . . , . . Henry Meldrum, blacksmith. H ' , AH buildings ground the tunnel ars complete wreck. ' Marts, who was thawing powder In the bouse, stepped out . of the building for a moment ,nd ths powder, becoming heated, exploded, the concussion setUng oft th en- tire powder supply,, amounting to several hundred pounds. About 400 ysrds distant was stored tons of. dynamite. To door of the building was blown in, but the dyn mite was undisturbed. VERDICT OF DEATH IMPOTENT Soltaa. of Taruey Benteaces Ill Brotber-la-Iiw Wke I Safe lax Pari. CONSTANTINOPLE. . Feu. . The sul- . tan's brother-in-law, Damad Mahmud pasha, has been sentenced to & death. ; Mahmud has long been prominent in the young Turk movement ahd was recently , ' n,ui.. at th hhs.i rf lha ' "m Greece at the behest CI Ut sultan. Mahmud went to Bom and - th 1 tultan requested his expulsion from Italy. 1:" . . fc, w. ..j.a " WM refused, but Mahmud proceeded ts condemned to death. Oppoalllaa Galas m Seat.'. DUBLIN. Feb. l.'-!-H election for niem- her of Parliament In th at division of County Down to succeed Dr. J. A, Rentoul (conservative), elected without opposition In 1900, who was recently appointed a Judge of ths city of London, has resulted as fol lows: -Janus Wood (land purchase candi date), 2,676; Colonel R. H. Wallac (union ist), 1,429; Wood's majority, 147. Th re- ,ult "" lu opposition gains seal in I rarltamt-ot. James Wood is a lawyer and farmer and was i ths pledged nomine of to Farmers' and Laborers' union. In bla 'election ad- ' dress Mr. Wood said' that he was and l- ; aaa arm i aa A tvaa IW aft lanlaKaJtlaS. Vans aAMViAllAH The result Is th first fruits of T. W, Russell's compulsory land purchase cam- ' palgn against ths government, of which lis -ia a former member, as Parliamentary sec- . retary of ths local government board. A great , demonstration followed 1 tha an- , noudcement of ths vote. Mr. Russell and Mr. Wood were carried on th shoulders of their suporters through th streets. Mr. Russell, 111 m speech, challenged the , unionist members of Parliament for Ulster to vacate their seats snd b would con test them. He said they had beaten th landlords and ths government gnd tn "en tire Parliamentary deadheads of Ulster." Mr. Wood's victory has sxeltsd Belfast and lively times ars anticipated ther to night. ' Far AbttlT Evasloa f Law. ELBERFELD, Rhenish Prussia. Feb. f. I Judgment was delivered today in th caa ot the thlrtn persons accused ef helag concerned in tb traffic In exemption from talluary srvlc. Baumana. th originator . .. l " ' - m k . aarvics. was lanLaDcaa ia iwantv- six months imprisonment, and t fit years loss of civil rights. Ths othsr defendant wr discharged: , la. Beat Faar Weeks vsltk La Grip. W hav received th following letter j If- air. Bey Kemp of Angola. lad : "l I was in bed four weeks With la gxlpp and 1 I tried many remedies and spent conslder- I abl for treatment with physicians, but I received no r!ief until I tried Foley's Honey and Tar. Two small pottle of this mdlcln cured m and I new us It -elusiyly Is my family." Tak a substitutes-