Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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Trail ia tha Gain Pits ii Ttrj Dull aii
Reetlae Hew U ladltTereat aaa the
Vthol Market l.aek Aay -'
lure to Redeem It treat
' Lethargy.
CHICAGO. Feb. B. Trade In ine grain
piTs was of a dull and ""Intere.tln nature
today. The trend waa bearish. " a. raault
of trie effect of the moderating weather on
torn, other newa waa meaner and at t lie
close May wheat and corn wer tVo
Sower and May oata VMJ4.C lower. Pro
visions cloaed unchanged to 6c down.
Wheat lay almo.t llfeleaa all day, tha
dullest market It haa "Pfjj'n1 Jr
long time. Routine newa was ' different
and on the whole The Pt
tur to redeem It from let harg y . Tlh ie early
fluctuation, wera J'moat ImpercepUble.
though under the Influence of corn, May at
one time got c under y eteriay close
There waa almost, no speculation. Cat le
wera slightly lower, but Improved with jhe
da There were some selling ra. knd
the local crowd aold ViLVPCe u.ual
though not to any great fnV,nii.h but
active atoclta were ''Kh4r-Mbll'Li!;
helped little. May opened tc to ttwc
lowVr at 78c to "c. and aold up to .(c.
On the corn break May "wly declined to
77Hc but reacted on covering, the email
r'on jn cornand In the .roving
foweV.t 7 Ial -rece.nt, w. only U
car. Minneapolis and Dufuth reported 173
care, making a total for the three ipo Ints
ill .ouin.t 177 last week and 809 last
year. Primary receipt, were 382,000 buahela,
: a .i.t im h.hpl a vear ago.
c v......i .u.nnru In wheat and Pour
Kirov-",.. " ' -
Ud lUtft kllHhulU
" CornTwhiie not so dull a. wheat M
weak and quiet market. Sentiment waa
generally bearlah, regardless of '""
news from the country. OuUlde offering
were light and receipts were very mall.
Movement generally haa been b"' h.a,m;
.... .. iwnH tinm. Moderating
weather led to the belief of lighter feedli g
to stock, and liberal selling did the rest to
depreaa prlcea. At the opening report, that
the Argentina crop would be i only half ! It
uaual sue ateadled the market, and later
Improving cablea had some Influence. But
May. wh"ch opened .lightly lower .old oft
lo to. 82Vf!2"r!. Toward the end ot tne
session thcVe wa some buying and cover
tnir which hroua-ht a fair reaction. May
closed barely weak, 1ilc lower at KysC
Tj . aa ai.ra nnltf 4S ram.
Oata were profoundly dull and feature
leae. There wa. a weaker feeling with the
other grain., but .peculation wa. almo.t
nothing. Support wa. abaent. May cloaed
!.!.. X.-,.!. . ic. Reoelnt were 37 cara.
After a fairly etrong and higher opening
provlalona .old. off with the grain .lump
LnA Hatae,.i annall loaaea. Trade waa
dull. Hog had a fairly .trong market at
the yarda, and there waa a fair demand.
imA bi inwn at 115.85. May lard
a shade lower at $9.4&3.47Vi and May rib.
unchnnged at $8.47V.
Estimated receipt, for tomorrow: Wheat,
6 car.; corn, 36 cara; oata, 30 cara; hog., 38,-
000 head. , ,,
The leading futurea ranged as follow:
Artlclea.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Clo.Te.'y,
May July
May July
15 96
16 02V4
( 60
8 bo
15 97V4
16 07V,
9 60
8 67V4
8 En
I 67-4
74T' '7r,'4j
82 V
16 77h
16 HlVi
9 62V
15 85
16 62V4
9 47V41
a 66
8 47H
62 Vi
15 80
16 00
9 47H
8 47H
8 67Vk
r-K niiniitiniii wera a. follow.: '
FLOUR Steady; winter patent.. 83.8IVJ
4.00; .tralghta, 3.40(&S.80; clear.,;
spring apeclnla, $4.20; patent., $3.60SS.0;
WHEAT No. .8. TlcgTSc;. No. 9 red, SSVi
OATS-No. 8 white, 4fiVMT47Ue. .. - '
T V XT Mrt fUi.r
BARLEY iAa!r td 'choice malting,-
SEKDB No. 1 ftnx. 81.70; No. 1 nnrthwet-
ern, $1.73; prime timothy, $6.66&6.60; clover,
r.nntrart arrttAm. 89.40. .
PROVISIONS Mea. pork, per bbl., $15.68
(P15.70. I-ard. per 100 lhs.. $9.J7Vir.30. Short
rlba aide, (looae), $.26rS.4rt. Dry aalted
ahouldera (boxed). $7.0,47.25. . 'Short clear
.Idea (boxed), $8 2V4W?-76.
WHISKY Baals of high wines. $1.81.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments of grain, yesteroay:
Article. i Receipt. Shipment.,
Flour, bbl...., 60,nno 24.OO0
Wheat, bu ......VW.Ono .62,000
Corn, bu 69,000 63.0ii0
Oata. bu 96,000 68,000
Rye. bu I i 6,000 4.000
Barley, bu ..... 44,000 16,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market waa nrm; creameries, iwk'z&c
dairies, lix&22e. Cheeae, steady, iSH1Vo,
tgs, nrm; iresn, xbfto.
ikm9ttkUomm of thm Daf ftrlos
NEW YORK. Feb. 8. FLOUR Receipts.
22.40D bbls.; exports, 117,708 bbls.; quiet, but
steadily held In face of the wheat
break; winter patents, $3.7&54.26; winter
atralKhts. 83.6Mi3.II6: Minnesota Datenta.
$3.8oy4.u; winter extras, $3.00(8.86; Minne
sota naicers. (a.imo'j.w; winter low graoes,
$2.802.90. Rye flour, steady: fair to good.
$J..i;y;i. 4tr, cnoice to lancy, aj.eutga.fD.
t'ORNMEAU Quiet; yellow western, $1.87
cltv, $1.2; Hrancywine, .(jwi3.70.
RYE Euv: No. 2 weatern. tifie. f.
b.. afloat; atate, 6466c, c. L t.. New York
BARLKY-Dull; feeding, 634? 65c. c-I f
New'Y(.rk; malting, 6ti72c, c L f.. New
WHEAT Receipts, 416,660 bu. Spot, eaeler
No. 2 red. CTttc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 8 red,
t,e, elevator; No. 1 northern. Duluth
:-c, f. o, b., afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba
rp.c. f. o. b.. afloat. The market wu sub.
Jected all day to almost constant bear i
pounding and experienced considerable de
cline, notwithstanding a llnht Interior
movement. Kxportera were Indifferent agnln
and the eouthweet waa a seller. The close
was rather weak at V.c net decline. March
cloaed at ttf'dc; May. 15-16c, cloaed at
83-Vc; July. 13-16c, cloaed at fSVic.
CORN Receipts. 14.000 bu.; exports, I.R63
bu. 8pot, easy: Ne. 2, 6hVc. elevator, and
6x'ic, afloat. After opening easy with
wheat the com market rallied on small
receipts and covering only a second time
under liquidation prompted by wheat and
closed tasji at H net losa. Mav. HT.
6S8-16C, clomtd at 67c; July, 67'47'4c,
Closed at 67!c.
OATS Receipts, 48.000 bu.; exports, 4,046
bu. Spot, steady; No. 3, 49c; No. $, 4-io;
No. 1 white, 61c: No. 3 white, fr'Uc; track
mixed western, 49U6oc: track white. 6oi5ic
Options were dull all day and generally
MAY Quiet; shipping, jj63e: good to
choice. 8."Why0c.
HOP-Steady: state, common to choice
ll cr.i, UVjlc; 1W0 crop, 8'al2c; 1S8
crop, 6n!c. piii'lflo const, llol crop, HWrf
1,'iUc; crop, 6 12c; 1.SU9 crop, tisc.
lllPKA julet; Ualveaton, 2) lo 25 lbs
ISc; CalifornU. U to 2i lb., l(c: Texas
dry. 24 to 30 lbs., 144c 1
IJ)AT11KB-Cfulel; hemlock sole for the
Buenos Ay re light to heavyweights, 21'
WOOL Steady; domestlo fleece, 26070;
Texas. Wti 17c.
PHO IrtlONS Heer, firm: family in sn
tiUuu; mess, $ fcxtil't OO; beef hams. $9.6(i
21.", pmnei. fiu.rni.wi ciiy extra lnal
mess, $17 MWilcw. Cut meats, firm; pickled
bellies, $fc.bc"d'l0..: plikled ahouldera. 87
pickled hams, M.75'o 10.00. Lard, ateady;
weatern ateamed, $.7o; refined, steady; con
tinent, taho: South America. IIO611: ,.
pound, $H.i S.26. 1'ork, steady; family. 117 1
4it7 6o; short clear, $U.6uu..0J; mesa, $16.00
W I TIK Iv Keceipf s, is nkrt.: slrnnr-
state dairy, li'i:Xo.; creamery. ld27Vio; June
cresmerv, infic; ractory, m g iv,
CHKbSK-RecelpiB, 41 kKa.; firm:
fancy, large, early made, colored. V.c;
fancy, small, state, full cream, early made,
colored. UVjuiU-Vc; fancy. lHrK, tsrly made.
nu, aiu-y, snimM, sisie, lull Cream
carlv mails, white. llV.nllVc.
KOG ft Kecelpta, 6,!'j4 ikgs. ; strong; tat
ana i-ennsyivania, iJc; wcateru, at mark.
l"OULTRT AUv. firm; springer. 10
loc; " turaeys, i.v-'. roais, UVc;
dressed, snong; sprliuters. lom 12o ; fowls,
l'j'iUc; turkeys. U,U'M1c.
MKTALS There was an average decline
of 14c in lh prli-e for copper in the New
'York market loilay ana at luidon the
a a loa of 7 d for soot and Km f
future. At New York lake closed at $12 60
ti U mi, electrolytic at $12 '0 12 76 and cast
ing at $1! url.0O. l.onaon closed with spot
at A.1 17s id and futurea at 16s. Tin
waa unchanged here, but the market was
ra'her eay at $J4.25. Ixndon closed 6a
hiaher. with sput at U0 and futures at
104 10. Id was unchanged at Nw
ork aa well a at London. Here the prl-e
wa $4 10 and at London 11 12a ftd was still
uoted. Spelter wa weak here, but un
hanged, at $4.20. London wa unchanred
t 17 10. Tha local Iron market wa firm.
but quiet. The Glasgow Iron market closed
t 4!s Id and Midd nebnrough closed at
44 lHd. I'lg Iron warrants here closed
Ill.oorl2.0: No. 1 foundry, nortnern,
HOi"ai6o: No. I foundrr. northern. $1K.0'
&16.5"; No. 1 foundry, southern. Ilsoofm 60;
No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, $I6.UI 6).
Coatttloa af Trad sal otatla
at Staple and Faaey Prodaee.
KOOS Receipt more liberal; market un
settled; fresh stock, 2252e.
LIVK POULTRY Hens. 8gc: old
roosters, 4&6c: turkeys, 9nl0c; ducks nd
geese, 7?rc; spring chickens, per id., u
XJRE8SED POTTLTRY Tarkey., lKftl.Tc;
ducks, KKtrllc; geese, 9U10c; spring chickens.
Hj)"c; hens, IxaiOc. . .
HIITTKR Common to fa r. 16c: ' choice
airy. In tubs. ltlHc; separator, 8iVg26c.
k'BO'EM iriaHvtla-k huaa. lc: white
bass, 10c; bluerlsh, 12c; bulMiads, 10c; buf
faloes, 7c; catfish. 12c; cod, loc; crapple.
11c; halibut. 11c; herring. 4c; haddock, c;
pike, c; red -"napper, loc: salmon, 12c; sun-
n, ec: trout, o; wnitensn, sc; picaerei.
c; fresh mackerel, each, 2i:i5c; smelts, loe
OYSTERS Mediums, per can, 22c; Stana-
ards, per can, 26c; extra selects, per can,
33c; New York Counts, per can. 4oc; bulk
Standards, per gal.,; nuia exira
elects, $1.0((L6u; bulk New York Counts,
per gal., $1.75. . 1
i"i(j(.u-L.ive, per ao., oc
VEAL Choice, 6ac.
CORN New, 61c; old. lc.
OATS-61C - .
FRAN Per ton, $22.00. ...
HAY Prices o. uoted by Omuls .Vfcole-
sale Hay Dealers' association:. Choice Uii
land, $6.50; rvo. X ppiftnar si.av; meoium, i,
coarse, $6.50. Rye straw, $5. These price
are for hay of good color and quality.' De
mand fair. Receipts, 7 car.
POTATOES Home-iiDwri, $1: Borthern.
$1; Salt Lake, $; Colorado, $1.10.
- ... . ... . ri . . . . -e..
Hk:S"rM-Pr bu. basket. 60c.
TURNIPS Per bu.. 60c; Rutabaga, per
100 lbs., $1.26.
PAKMIN 1 rH per du., vx.
. 'i ii i, i.'li J un,l,nllua via Anm
LETTUCE Head, per bbl., $6.50; hot
house lettuce, per no., stic.
fj nol .c I rvr gut., w.
RADISHES Per do.. 26c. -
hwkkt POTATOES Home grown, per
lb.. 2Vxc; Kansas, per bbl.. W.2o.
piuulilli' HnliunH aefl- crated 14c
CAULIFLOWER Per crate, $2.75.
ONIONS Spanish, per crate. $2.26; Mlchi
aan, red or yellow, $c per lb.
TOMATOES Florida, per -baet crate.
5. ;
APPLES Ben Davis, per bbl., $4.0084.60;
Winesaus. to: Jonathans. u.tu; Btuenow-
- - 1 , 7t .
til B, yri wa, i
PxSAHa viaers, lawrenw, ii.iaq
8-60. . .
orapes Malagas, per aeg. s.
CRANBERRIEtt 1'er bbl., $7; per crate.
is A V uejainb r-er du.,
ORANOES California navels, 42.7EQ3.00:
budded, $2.50.
r.RMniMH Fancv. cnoice. k.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to slxe.
82.25W2.75. ' ,
FIGS California, new cartons, $1; - Im
ported, per lb., llfaltc.
NUTS New crot walnut. No. 1 oft
hell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llftc;
ISO. 2 soil sneu, joc; no. nara snett, sc;
Hraxlls. per lb.. 14c: Albert, per lb.. 13c:
almoin! . soft shell. 17c: hara shell. 15c:
pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, loc; cocoa-
nuts, per saca, aa.Du.
hois K i per M-seciion case. x.20.
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.26; New
York, $3.50.
POPCORN per id., oc.
ill lyr.n ii o. a kibci . w . au. m k i ceil. at;.
No. 1 salted) 7c; No. 8 salted, 6c: No. 1 veal
calf. 8 to 12i lbs. i 9o: No. 3 veal calf. 12 to
15 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 813c; sheep pelt. 75c;
bora blue, il.wxaa.zo. i
t. Laaf Grata aal Pravlatoaa.
red cash, elevator. 86,c: track. 8Kc:
May, 80Sic; July, 17o; No. S hsrd, nc.
CORN Lower: No. 8 cash. 614sc; track.
62Hc; May, 64Sc; July, toaXc.
OATS Lcwer; No. 8 cash, 454c; track,
4Vifa47c; May, &c; July, 38c; No. 1 whit,
RKE Nominally, ezo.
FLOUR Inactive and easy, red winter
patents, extra fancy and stralgnt.
fj.wi'iJa.iu; ciear, .itnoi.w. ...
bx.ku nmotny steady, xo.vtKcp.80.
CORNMEAL Steady, $3.10.
sJiWVll f Ull i g4sWga1Saa fnoi (ItW-B, OCJ CTVVJ.
HAY Timothy, firm. $11.00(314.60: nralrla.
PROVISIONS Pork, quiet; Jobbing, old.
$15.50: new. $16.00. La-d. easy at $9.17V,9.20.
Dry salt meats (boxed), qulot; extra short
ana ciear nos, e.u; ciear siaes,
Bacon (boxed).' quiet; extra short and
clear rus,; clear siues, a.tu4.
wniSAi Bieaay, i.i.
HEMP sc.
METALS Lead, firm at 84.00. Spelter.
dull at 13 .90.
I"OULTRY Firmer: chickens. 9c: tur
aeys, un'uc; oucKs, low;; geese. 52c.
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 1926Hc
OHiry. lexfljic.
EGGS -Lower. 24U.C.
RECEIPTS Flour. 4.000 bbls.: wheat. 11.,
000 bu.: corn. 19.000 bu.: oats. 60.000 bu.
BHirMiSNT8-fiour. 7,000 bbls.; wheat.
Kaasa City Grata sad Provlalana.
7&c; J my, tfc; casn, no. nard, 74Co77c
iso. a, vavic-rio. a rea, sc; ino. , efic; No,
:ni hales: arnursit la ilr1a sd : areas y
VSiM. Victoria. 40 bales: scoure-l, l
lsrtvi; greasy, $H7Hd. South Australia.
3") hales; greasy, 3'iK. West Australia,
nsies; gressy, 4Vt'nmvi. isew av"1"'
VI DBien, scuurea, S IS SO ; irn;, v
9d. Cape of Good Hop and' Natal. 900 848.791; balance, $i.8M,009; ' money, 4 per I HO VALUES ARE A TRIFlE IMPROVED
Profesalaaal Tradjera' EaTort ( Ba
Market Prava laesTeetaal.
Daataa Staak $aatatlaa.
vrur vnnr . ...... i. I FUSTUN. r t. IS. tall loan. OT
k; ...,. ':",-.:1" '", cent; tin., loans, $H4Mi per cent. 01
oj prnrespionai trader and Bpecuiauvo i
he ntCK kfi, Hy th lima thPV ucceedei In I iuiiwn i,,,"-l,v",ovTV
sminr. 74S76He,
cash. No. 3 mixed. 614&63c; No. 1 whit,
tti'ytjDfc; in o. a, oorgtoc.
. UA I
TS No. 1 white. 47047UC
K X rj iv o. z, aiuJC
HAY-Cholca timothy, . $13.60;
nraliie. 81160.
BUTTER Creamery, 19c; dairy, fancy,
EGGS Firm, higher; fresh Missouri and
Kansas siock quotea on cnange, iUo pel
do., loss off, case returned; new white
wood cases Included. 24c.
RECEIPTS Wheat, 46,000 bu.; corn. 42,000
bu.: oata. lo.txv du.
SHIPMENT Wheat, bu.; corn
66,600 bu.; oats, m.ow du.
i Liverpool Grala and Provlsloa
Baoon. ahort tuta. ateady. 40s 9d. ' Short
ribs, steady, 48s 6d. Shoulders, square, dull.
90S ou.
Mllwaakee Grata Market.
No. 3 northern, 75(&'76c; No. 3 northern.
ah-A7SIa.. Vfav 77 r
HI E Lower; No.'l. 60Ue.
BARLEY Steady ; No. 2, 63ii&64c; sample.
ua ib-Btfauy; io s wmva, tori'dnc.
CORN May. 63c.
MlBBeapolls Wheat. Plaar aaa Braa.
734c; May, 71'ic; July, 75c; on track. No.
1 hard, 7iljc: No 1 northern, 73',4j74c; No.
8 northern, 72Vn73c.
FLOUR Qui 1; first patent. 83.85f35:
second patents, $3.75"i3 85; tlrat clean, $17otf
$0- aecond clears, $3.45.
BRAIN in DU1K, 13. .
Toledo Grala and Seed.
TOLEDO. Feb. $. WHEAT Dull and
lower: cash. 87c; May, 87c; July, 66Vc.
CORN Dun. lower; reuruary, twe; May,
taken by the home trade, 77.0DO by th con- balances, $007,941; money, 4ffM4) per cant;
tlnent, 8,m by America and 15.000 wss held New Y ork exchange, 86o premium,
over. The following la today sale In de- BALTIMORE, Feb. 6. Cleerlngs, $2,648.-
tall: New South Wales, 2,() bales; scoured, 814: balances, $42A40; money, 4V per cenjL
t,-w,tc,la 41- area av 3X f; M uoeenslsnd. NEW YORK. Feb. I. Clearlnas. $3JJ.7t.-
"ci&o!1 eacieanng 126.641 : Uf .Wr Wpti f CatUa t.d Trada I.Im
naiancea, ii.iis.yii; posted exchange, t as
for sixty davs. $4 W on demand; New York
exchange, c premium. ,
PHIL.AUKI.FHIA. Feb. . Clearing, .
letit, vita f rieaa Btraapr.
ales; scoured, 9d; gressy, fd.
BOSTON. Feb. 6. CI sarin. 837.481.88f:
pa lances. i.zai,9e.
CINCINNATI Feb. 8. Clearing. 8S.JS4..
100; money, 3Htf5'4 per cent; New York
change, 2&35c premium.
Llaaral Dasaaaa far rat Skeea aaa
Lasaaa u Market 1 Aetlv
aaa Tail ta Flfteea Ceats
Blgtker Tkaa Taeday.
moving prices at one point depression G : J "
wmilrl Heti.i.,., i- .. in Mrx. ten. 4s 83 Bingham
I A ...t.ln 97 i, ..i AA, ir,ia
quence tne dull movement waa irregular all '.. i.T iiii
;'""r'y...h,e,d BoV0onp, Ai::::::2,conp:nrn,R.r:e:::: IS
i mmiiiitin uaimt ivn
w I neceipt were: cattie. nuga. wi"
401 I Otticlal Monday
1-tiZ. Othciat 'luesday 1,218
Omclal Wednesday ,)
feature. The sianltlcance ol these move
merta was not disclosed, although traders
ougnt to make the most of them fo.' their
ympatnetlc effect on the general . list,
'1 hese apparently sciiaaitioitai movements
on a small volume of trading are a natural
consequence where the stix k of a com
pany ia closely held for purposes of a con
trol or centralised in the nana ot a lew
Boston r. Me 191
Boston Ele 1K2
N Y. N H A H...2I0
Fltchburg pfd..,.14.i
Union Pacific .
Mex. Central .
Amer. Sugar .
do pfd
Amer. T. T.
Dom. I. ft B
Isle Royal ...
102aOld Dominion
.. stN osceoia
..127va Parrot
.. 22't
.. 23Vt
.. 82V4
Three day this week.10.9M7 27, Sad 12,779
Same day lat week.... . 81. lu
Sam week before ll, .' lv-
came tnree week,av su.ue .
bam tour week ago ..13,644 '. .d
bam day laat year s,lu iu,si 1.4
Omaha id past Mvcral day witk comparison;
916 3 23 10 M7 3 83
3 00 1 fu 3
9?2 I 20 3 KM 3 5
? 3 W 12 M W
61S 3 49 3 71 3 90
KM 3 S 1 6 4 U0
, 738 3 60 1010 4 3d
. 726 $ 60 13 fl 4 M
. 672 3 V) 66.......... 949 4 (0
.776 3 60
Ale Brown-Wyo.
I feeders- 864 3 00 66 feeder.. 884 I 10
R Hsnev Wro.
1$ feeder.. r. 4 00 10 feeder.. 91 4 00
8 feeder.. 83 4 00 3 feeder.. W1 3 TO
1 feeder... WO 3 00 3 feeders.. 8 aw
9 feeder.. 4 10
HOGS There waa a rood a vera re run of
hog her today, which, taken with those
tnat wer carried over irom yeateraay,
made the supply on aale of liberal propor
tion. Packera, however, seemed to want
the hoga and a a result the market wa
fairly active and fully 6c higher than yes
teroay. in some cases the better weignt
hogs sold as much as 10c nlgher, but aa a
general thing the market Is beat described
by calling It a big 6c higher. Good weight
hogs sola mostly frdm o.W to $6.30 and ss
hlsh as XH.40 was paid. Medium welxht
hogs sold from 66.06 to $6.20 and the lighter
loads went from $6.00 down. The greatest
advance today waa on the heavyweight
noaa. wnu yesterday ine ugniweigni
Improved th most. Representative sales:
the course of prices in the open market. I M?"- ,Jecmc"" J? rt-WitsVl State
Among the storks so moving were the Chi- P, 2TTS ;; ?! .1. la
168V, San tSrFe Copper 3V Date. 1908. 1 1901.I1800. 1899.18M.lg7.159a.
i'i norai western, American r-xpress, i a h,i
1 n lil U - 1.' . ... . . n .1 T .V-K,nnn I ' ' 1 . .
1 ..... u . J . I. I . a UAICDB -H'l A JO .AI...H,,,,,.. A, Vff
Nashville, Chattanooga A 8t. lxiuls, which Hva,ntiiea
. - j, n,r, un;, irw.iru i7 "U11 ' I 1 A 1 OlieB fl n.-il wl.k a. .. I 1 1 T W . Al.UUn
recent sensational upward movement in
Lackawanna la associated with the rumors
of control of that road in the Intereat of
that road a. an outlet for the Wabash
system. The Wabash tocKS were very
nrm lonay in the same connection
43VVIctorla .
9!S Winona
, 22' Wolverine
. 74
. 134
. 17V
. ii
. Vi
Jaa. It... I t V0V4I I 3 8 3 8 48 3 0 3 47
Jan. 14... UV.I I li l 6 sui 8 4st a i s as
Li... I Is., K 91 Kxi t i 1 I I I M
an. 16... 1 lvi .i 4 mi 8 631 .J l !?
Trust receipt.
Coadltloa af th Traasary.
aaiL ll
Jan. Is..
Jan, 1..
Jan. 80..
Jan. 21..
Jan. 23..
Jan. 33..
Jan. 24..
Jan. 26..
Jan. ..
Jan. tl.
WASHINGTON. Feb. B. Today' tate-
An- I nf tha teaaaurv balances in the Ken-
omer center or speculation wa in tne local i eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 goia Jan. X .
im.-iiun aim an, unuer ine iimuencv vi uuu- i reserve in tne aivi.ion or reaemj"ion, 1 Jan. 39...
iovwi ib 11011, ATiiiiaueiiuiia ui iB i snows: Avanaoie caan oaiancra, ,xiv,an,- jan, . 30.
formation of a securlllea confpany to hold
Metropolitan Street Railway stock and
possibly other local traction comnanies.
Manhattan waa the most active of this
group and Metropolitan Street Railway.
after an upward spurt of 1V4, declined on
631; gold, $88,101,641.
Cottoa Market.
Feb. l.-COTTON-Spot
tjitw vriBir
cloaca, auiei inn iiraar miiiiiiiiiH uui.n.
pronttaklne. falllntr IV. below last nla-ht I R K-iftn: mHillln .olf 8 IB-lftc: sales. 690
during the day and pulling the other local bales. Future closed very steady; Febru
tractlons down with It. The speculation In I ary, 8.14c: March, 8.18c; April. 8.30c; May,
jiinaiBumnieu copper waa levensn, ine 1 s.i9c; June, s.3oc; July, s.2ic; Aiixun, .'i
price running off 144 durlna- the mnrnlnz iiniamhir 7 liw ninhar 7 71c. The mar-
on the further break In the London copper I ket opened steady In tone, with prices lCt
innraei, ann ine slump in itio iinios. 1 ne 1 points higher. Upenlng maraet quotations
8 V ' 4 66 8 81 3 Jif I 8
tl 4 64 3 64 3 64j 3 J
ITV, I 4 64 3 6 3 M 8 3o J
8 14V, 26, W 3 641 3 2; 8 M
8 tui a lii 4 3 I 8 671 3 83j 8 91
8 03 . 14 4 69 3W J!;,
a avw a 22i 4 o a an t o I
6 MtJ t 13 4 46 8 0 8 o 85 4 141
IS 4 so 8 6J 8 73 3 tol
tiA. it a uu a 671 3 m 4 H
t 9S I 83 3 6a 2 3 27 1Q
4 JTJ ( " 4 63 I 8 641 J t7j 3 K8
6 06 6 26 4 64 8 70) J JJ
k a 17 4 sol 8 641 I 6ft I I 96
Jan. 81... 1
Jan. 31... 8V I 17 4 H J l ' g
Feb. 1.... 6 93 23 4 67 8 641 I 641 8 irtl 4 08
Feb. a.... 1 a 3o 4 w a as aal J wi
Feb. 8.... 6 92!, 4 fc 8 691 8 J3I l J3
Feb. 4.... 6 IMS S 81 3 M 3 72 8 25 8 9
Feb. 6.... a 11 6 24 4 66 $ 7i 3 ill $ W
steadying of the London copper market and were unchanged to Vtc higher, with do- I Jr., . ' ft- e
report 01 a name imnneMt ina rteara in 1 nati iii nn.ra aalrf tt tva in active com- 1 y
Rio tlntos rallied Amalgamated Copper to I petition with exporter for upplle. Order
1V6 over last night, and It waa an effective I in hnv wra aant from New York at an
factor In the late rally In the New York I oven iUc arivanc. nnlv nortlons of the
stock market. The speculative pool operat- I amounts needed were secured. The mar-
ing in Houtne facinc tooa tnat stock ket waa finally steady, with price net zw
vtsnrntlslv In hnnil and ernaheH It itn 1 V. nn I V. I . V.
rallied with aome vigor In sympathy, St- I Steady: sales. 6.100 ' bales;' ordinary. 6Hc; I R- L P.,
Paul rising 3 joints over last night and a good ordinary, 7c; low middling. 7 9-16c;
number of other transcontinentals about a middling, 774c; good middling. 8 3-16c; mid
point. United State Steel also developed dllng fair. 8c; receipt. 4,179 bales; stock,
some strength Just at the close. Other 349 4ti6 bales. Futures, steady; February,
features of strength were the Toledo, Bt. 7.8c; March, 7.98c: April. 8.038.05c; May,
Tn 'I., ... a-A,v
The otticlal numoer of car of atouk
brought In today by ch road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.w r s,
a a
1 1
Missouri Pacific 9 1
Union Paclnc System 23 13
C. 4k N. W 16 17
F.. E. as M. V 31 H .
C, St. P., M. 4k O.... 11 "
a. at m is 2"
... 8 12
t.. 8 14
C, R. L 4k P., weat.. .. 1
Illlnoi Central 1 8
Total receipt 118 133
, .... " . . ; . , , 1 1 "' , wuvu, , " ... . .r ' 1 xne oiaposiuon 01 iua .
I .nnla Mr Wu.l.,n , nr. kr n n tha Innln. 1 a ... . v.... c 4 AJ I i. . T . . 1 S 1tVe . I . . . . . I i . w .
V.n4.,hlll. in 1 1 m r-tr n t ahanml nn tt , V.. I a .a a waa 1. . . ' . . . .
Vanderbllts on rumor of absorption of the I imnii iffWd M
iui nier ujr , mrru ii inirmin, Amillio I Ml I J II IN. lean, k. i.lll lun dicbuj
apolls, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie preferred galea, none; middling, 7,0; receipt, 8.99n
Caaea ift 10 no upwara course, ine recent bale; Shipments, 1,831 Daiee; biock, o,j3
uylng of Sugar continued, but It net gain bale
wa only a fraction. There was no general GALVESTON, Feb. I. COTTON Market
Influence effective In the market at any firm st 7 lB-l&c.
time beyond the disposition to dullness I i.ivpppnni. ir.h, a. tnOTTON Soot.
caused by the export movement of gold and I quiet, price ateady; American middling
ine uimuieu uucbuuii ui me fiurviivin oa. 1 fair am-lfil: mindllna. lf-sza. ine wiin
curltle company case. , of the day were 8.006 bales, of which 600 I
The bond market wa only moderately w(n for speculation and export, snd In- h
active, but was Inclined to be firm. Total eluded 7.300 American. Receipts, 14,000 bales. I Sin m.
sales, par vaiue, h,iw,iw unuea otaies i including 13,300 American. Future openea
reiuiituiia ia uiiiiini 7, jei inni. uo un ua cloned steady: American miaanng, .
last call. vehmiarv I siYjuit aollars: Febrtiorv.
The Commercial Advertiser com- I March tsjuh aollara: Msrch-Anrll. 4 2-4d.
merciai esuirKraui aavyai a lie. luntf 01 m I adler; Aprtl-May, IZHhMl, ouyer; may-
June, s av-raf jii-!, Bcuora, yuiiwiiij.
4 29-64((t4 80-64d. buyer; July-Augfust, 4 2-4
4 30-64d, buyers; AUgust-ewptemoer, js-ot
4 28-64d. sellers: BeptsmDer-uctotrer,
4 28-64d, value.
ber of head Indicated;
Buyer. Cattle. Hog. Sheep.
stock market was good today, the Par
tlally successful pusult. of General Dewet
stimulating buying. The American depa; t-
ment wa neglected and Inert. The copper
situation is looaea upon witn aisravor, as
are New York gold exports. In the after
noon New York bought Southern Pacific on
a revival of old consolidation rumors.
Louisville 6t roasnviie was aiso Dia up Dy
the same source.
Omaha Packing Co
Hammond Pacalng Co...
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour 4k Co
Om. Pkg. Co.. from K. C.
K. Becker 4k uegan
Vansant A. Co
ft Benton
Hill Huntslnger
Livingston 4k tkjhaller..
L. F. Hub
H. L. Dennl ft Co
B. F. Hobblck
Other buyer.
Oil ssi Iteala.
Total 8,669 10,265 1.141
CATTLE Ther were not nearly Aa many
cattle on sale today as arrived yesterday
and aa a It the market recovered some
what from the decline of yesterday and the
day before. Packers took hold witn more
1TT. CITT n. Vat. a fITT feaAlt tval- I Ufa mnA tradln waa falrlv active on all
Rio tlntoa clnav. it ..... i ik. miami., nn KM . aKlnmavitN I kinds nt klllaiea if danlrabl Krade. Th
45V, after having touched th extreme of I $2,670 bl.;' average, 80,096 bbls,; run, 66,038 I common kind wer neglected, but still a
a i i a- at, 7a. Anacnnna. clna-wl at lfUlfi nr wli. C7 atjc v.ul.
"Jl " - - , - 1 num., vrinnir. . m ,'",. ,
U down for the day. I bavanNAH. Ot.. Feb. 8. OIL Turten
Tl,. rnllnarlna m r. ma, J.lnlnr rirlcaa An I . i m a, . O a A n r mwA
the New York Stock exchange: .Id, 81.27V. E, $1.S2V,: F. 81.35V.:' O.' 81.42V4:
' - H, $1.60; I, $1.76; K. 81.86; M, 83.66; IS, 83.Z&;
641, W. G.. $3.80; W...Wt. i-K.
83 NEW YORK, Feb. 8. OIL-Cottonetl
91V, I oil, quiet. Petroleum, quiet. . Turpentine,
an I firmer, 44MI44V4C.
30T4 TOLEDO, ' O.;
. 77 So. Pacific ....,
. 97V4'8o. Railway ...
.llSVil do pfd
. 96 .Texas ft P
.114 T.. St, L. ft W
(78 1 do pfd
do pfd ......
Baltimore & O
do pfd
Can. Paclflo ...
Can. Southern
ci... Ohio..
Chicago & Alton. 84Vkl do pfd
do Pfd iH; v airnan ...
Chicago, I. L.. biA ao pfd .
do ptd ,, . OK iJ. Hi.
good clearance waa made at a reasonably
aarlv hour. .
There were quite a lew Deer teer in tne
yard thla mornlna-. but apparently ther
were none too many of tha better grade to
meet th demand. in general maraoi
oould safely be quoted strong and activ
and some sale were mad that looked 64
Ion hlahar than tha aama kinds sold for
Feb'. $. OIL North Lima, I yesterday. . The common grade did not
46V, Union Paclflo
...... xa
...... 43
... 17'
OC 40na.ak T Ira ttwtA Tnr'tn xafar
LONOON. Feb. 1 OIL Calcutta linseed.
spot, 39i 6d. L4n,eed, 89 9Vtd. Turpentine
spirit, z iuya.
aall much more than ateadv
TAa cow market wa alao active and
strong- on anything at all good. The sama
aa was the case with steers a gooa many
lea looked txiiioo nigner man yesteroay
Chicago E. I. .143 do 2d pfd 28
Chicago Gt W... 7Wla. Central .... m
do 1st pia o-j v u piu 4ui,
An i nfd 4o' Adams Exnreaa..anx
C. & N. W 217V4 Am. Express ....224
C, R. I. P-ii"1''?; J?xPreB....ll6
rhicHoro t. ft i.. ii iwens-r arao im
do pfd 81V Amal. Copper ...744
C. C. C. & St. L..100Amer. C. ft F.... 2V,
Colo. Southern .. 16V. do pfd 87
do 1st pia do im. iAin, oil... 2ZV4
An IA tnfd ZiL dO Dfd a7ll
Ueia. at nuuuii..i;-i"i. m n.... tl
Del. L. ft vv &i I uo - pra
Denver & R. Q.. 42 Ana. Min. Co
do pfd 91V, grk. Rap. Tr
Erie SSColo. F. ft I..
An lHt TnTO . KMfe LOD. .UU
oo ton, -jod. pfd..-.jl7
187HWen. Klectno ....2b04
tw i-uiucoe sugar... 4HV4
64 Hocking Coal ... 15V4
do 2d pfd
Gt. Nor. pfd.
Hock, valley
do nfd .
Illlnoi Central. ..137V4 Int n l Paper
87 Vt
Evaporated Appe Sad Dried Fralt. and the bulk of the better grade waa out
N1T!W YORK. Feb. 6. EVAPORATED I nuArtlum milai.dlil not sell much mora
AyriiUS-very ipramn aauwni, wu i than steady. .
ataadllv held at former quotation: Stat. I li,,U. mnvmA a lltlla mora fraalv tndav
common to good, 7eV4: prime, Big8Vc; DUt ,tm t,e market did not show much
rhnlM SUfftlOc: fancy. lOViOllC. I ... . an rae aa tha, neleaa nalH araeai con.
i CALiruKNiA AjniE,iJ rnuuo- int cMTi-4. The same wa tru ot calve aud
a, la small. Apricot and cnine I
are firm end peache steady at unchanging Tha .tocker and feeder trade wa dull
price, prune, a 'Vovac. Api-icois. novai, ,ajn today. Thre were not very many In
1014c; Moor Park--?'S- PeacnM the yard, but o few buyer have been n
from Jtne country uui wee a tnat (pecu
lator were axraia to buy anything tooay
peeled, 14tol6c; unpeeled. fviGeVic.
Saajar Market.
tjvw ORTaTCANS. Feb. 6. SUGAR Firm:
open aettie, jtswt1!. "i" jiun
fugal. 3SO7,c; centrifugal granulated and
' 'Zl. ...I1A, .a,.J.
3VS-37.C- Molasses, steady; open kettle, 10 1
tj2c; centriiugai, (urmc. , .Tf.
nm w v,,n.,v. r bu. . aj v. va a, ivim w. .
Illinois Central.. .137J int n i paper .... 19V6 ateady; fair refining. 3 3-16o; centrifugal, 9
IohW tral A?'-"- IS te.n-loc: mol,,se. .,,. lU-lbc Re-
. r, " v - "I 1 flntWl. steady, saoiaaaea, utw.
L. E. ft W 67V4 Laclede Gas
do prd 132 iMat. insoult 44V4
Loula. ft Nash... National Lead ... 17V4
Met St. Ry 171 do pfd $4
Mex. Central .... 28H No. American ... 33
Mex. national i-acino t oast
Minn, ft SL L....1021, Pacific Mall .
Mo. Paclflo lMVPeople'a Gaa
M.. K. ft T 24 V Pressed f. C.
do pfd ti ao pfd
N. J. central. ...lws1
N. Y. Central. ...162V,
nor. 4k Weal oe
do pfd 924
Ontario ft West.. 33
Pennsylvania ....H
do 1st pfd..
do 2d pfd..
St. L. ft B. F
do 1st pfd..
aq ia pra.
CaeTee Market.
St. L. S. W.
do pfd
St. Paul, .
do pfd
63 Vi
62 Vi
1.... 830 4 00
630 . 4 00 i
1 7U 4 Z
4... 896 4 36
Cordova. 812c. Th market opened steady, 1 m 940 4 86
with 6 noInU higher. Total aale. I a 930 4 60
i w itn mm. inciuoina; mifen, o-wkj; avtst.
100 s 55ig.70c; July. S.756.86cr September 6
41 6c; October, .95c; December, $.10,80c;
January, a-16a
KrwnT TOT V. T. Feb. 8. C43FFEB flnat
I Rio. steady; No. T Invoice. 6o. Mild, quiet;
Cordov, 812c. Th market opened .ateady.
unless they oould set It at a low figure.
For that reason the market wa alow and
weak from start to finish. Anything
strictly choice In th way of heavywsight
feeder would probably have met with
ready aaia, out siicn Kino are very scare.
Representative sales:
No. Ar. Pr. No. Ar. Pr.
1...., WM S aS U 1WI 4 90
80 .j... 973 3 66 14 1176 6 00
U...,. ..-..SO ID aia s UU
io W7 a oo
CO 1089 t 00
23 901 6 10
83 Vi
. 14,
. Vi
. 63T4
. 14
Kaaaas City Live Stack Market.
No. 3 red western winter, steady. 6s 2d
No. 1 northern spring, quiet. 6 lV4d; No,
1 CRiuornia, oa oa. r uiurei:
March. 6 lSd; May, 6 24d.
CORN Spot: uulet; American mixed.
new. us 4V4d; old. 6s 6Vid. Futures: Steadv: I NEW YORK. Feb. 5. MOVFYrn eaii
February, os o; March, bs 3Hd: May. I steady. 2V.'ii2W per cent: prima mercAntlu
OS ,i7ta.
PROVISIONS Hams, short, steady. S9s.
Pullman P. C..
nepuouc Eteel
do Dfd
Tenn. C. ft I....
U. B. ft P. Co.
do Dfd
u. 8. Leather 11V1
do pfd 80
U. 8. Rubber mi
TTda pJd : 61 4 26; native cows, $3 O0Q6J00; heifer. 33.75-J
U. a Steel 4oi J'St e.nners. 82.004f2.l4; bulls. $3.00(34 .50:
K calve. $4r6,76.. ....
i HOGS Hecetpis, "w nc.u , uui ,ri dq
V k tun A a CTTT. Feb 1 CATTLE Re
el nl a. t.600 native, ew lexsns ana w
calves; market steady ; choice export and
dressed beef steers, $4.8().06: fair to good,
$4 66ifi6.76; stocker and feeder. 88.60S.60:
Irr, fA ateers. 84.60i!6.76: Texan and
IV Indlaji te. H 52
37.'.'. I
... 946 4 60
...1003 4 60
...1082 4 70
...1060 4 75
... 944 4 SO
...1976 4 80
...1124 4 90
1140 ( 10
1260 ( 15
1139 8 24
1363 I 25
,...1048 8 25
...1235 80
...1161 I 36
...1360 6 50
...1264 6 70
...1671 8 26
1$..... 1015 8 66
J2.. 967 4 70
3. .........wa 19
14 998 4 7
do pfd
Weatern ITnlon
.165IAm. Locomotive.. 3-; hlVher; top. 86 45; bulk of .ale. 85 66.40;
HA do pfd 9JW heavy.' 36.346; mixed packer. $5.906.45;
llaTht Sfrtlria .Hi: pipce, fv)v.v,
SHEEP AND !MBB-RewlpU,h4id:
market irong, ww ,w vv
western weth'rs, $4.25S4.90; yesrllnga, $5.06
iVm: ewes. $400&4 W; culls. $2.(wi00; fed
lambs. .mo-'
New York Money luarfcet.
C17.P- Julv. 6JTaC.
tlA I B r eoruury, aac, iuay, jc;
blilvlJB Clover, reoruary, o.iva.y).
Philadelphia Prodaee Market
Flrm and hWher; uearuy prints, aoc.
EG;S Firm, good demand; fresh nearby.
?9c; fresh western, 2c; fresh southwestern,
fresh southern, 2bc.
CIlKtsis. irm.
Dry Goad Market.
fair number of buyer wa In attendant- at
the market today, but no ch-inge of temper
ail noticeable on their part and' general
business waa again moderate. All descrip
tions of ataple cottons were quiet, but
prices were firm. Print cloth continued
rare ana prirea remained unchanged.
prints and gtnghama were firm. Men'a
wear woolens were Irregular In new line
otentng fur fall. Dress goods were firmer
fur low graae sis pie,
Wtol Market.
T. ixii'iB, sen. . wiiou Firm on
Diier grades, witn medium and coarae
grades easier; medium grades. lH$il!ta
llsht fine. l-filR-; heavy fine, lo$12c; tub
LONDON. Keb. .-VOOL-The suction
sales closed today with offerings of 12 216
Halts. iunng tue cats t'jt.ouu iaic wer
paper, 4ifj4V per cent
Hie. lit, lis (J t
EXCHANGE! Steady, with
actual business In bankers' bills at $4.87
for demand and at H.80V4 for sixty days;
posted rates, $4.8&,iS4-tai; commercial bills.
4.MV,(r4 M.
SILVER Bar, 65Vo; Mexican dollars,
New York Ll Stock Market.
xjTrixr rnnif. Feb. 8. BEEVES Re
ceipt, X.1&6 head; teer. firm to 10c higher;
k.,fi. .n,i cows, lira lie higher, all sold:
.leers. 84.50W6.aO: bulls. $3.00rc4.40; cow. $1.90
64.20. CBDies, nrm, ""''"";. ";
6. ......
a eu
8 60
8 0
8 60
3 66
SONDS-Government. .trong; .tate. nac V"' et'tlmM.d'morrV'T h'ca'tt!. . '
tlve; railroad. Arm,
ihe closing quotation on bond are as
U. 8. r. 2. reg...lOii'iiU ft N. unl. 4. ..1014,
do coupon l'nMf. Central 4.. 2V
- do 8a. reg H'f'! do 1 Inc
do coupon liVM. St. L. 4. ..104
no new 4. reg..l3SV,;M
do coupon l1
do old 4a, reg.-iiji
do coupon 113
do 6a. reg lo
do coupon .
Atch. gen. 4
do adj. ..
Bal. A O. 4.
do avi.
do conv. s
w. 9i
IV. A T aa uui
N. Y. Central la.l.j
do. gen. 3Vm I.
Sk'n,!"1- 6..l:t6U
W - a. -Aa.
N. ft
.. 9tm. s l ft i m
Canada So. ....1HH, ni- A W. Is
c tit ii oa m I uu
do 1T lnc Ws. Aft A. pra:
C. ft O. 4Ws 10XV ho. Pacific 4s
c. a. sf n"ir a..
C B. ft Q, n. 4. W Tet A p,c. l,.
C M ft B P g 4. .114 IT. 8. L. ft W. 4s
C. A N. W. c. 7s. 1V4 Union Paclflo 4s.
C 11. I. P. l conv.
OCC ft S L g 4.103V
Chi. Ter. 4b
Colo. A So. 4.... 9JV4
D. A R. G. 4 lie-
Erl prior 1. 4... V,
da gen. 4
V W. A D. C. l.100'
Hock. Val. 4V..!'
c 6..ll7Vt
4 97U
91 Va
120 V,
cii.vvn.Rnralnti. 649 head: active and
!Sr50c higher on short supply; veals, 86.O04,
9 50; baruyara caivna, o...w,
9 tufn t 7h
. .T -.. . A. T A UDfl PaMtnla IMI
HIlEiLr Aill' A JAA ... .... . . ... v . w
i.... ahaan 15c hiaher: lamba. IVa'Ac
ii..,,.'.. ahaan. t3.21Wi4.60: wethers. t.ifKS.
6 2S: culls, $2.0fS3.00; lamb,; cull,
i tu'vfif. on vearllna. 85.50.
tate. $6.606-76.
St. Joaeah Ltv Staek Market.
cv ifavTu Vah. 6. CATTLE Recelnta.
1.600'head: steady: cow. and heifer. $1 VJ I j4;
5.40: veal. J. I0j v, iwv.di a aim idcuci a, i g
82.264.7ll. . . 18.
HOtJS Receipts, ao"" neja; steaay; ngnt I ja.
and llaht mixed, w meuiura ana
heavy, $rt 7"" 45; pigs. an.n6O6.30; bulk of I .
sales, 15 9016 S5. 21.
SHEEP AMJ LAaDB-niii, iw neia;
market stronger
I a
870 I 00
1000 3 25
930 $36
834 3 25
877 3 26
t "
..... "
, fttt
' 730
....1160 I 10
.... 940 I 76 .
... 9M I 75
.... 961 I 75
....1010 $ 75
....1060 8 76
.... 934 t 75
.... 628 8 78
.... K I W
.... 995 3 90
.... 920 3 00 ,
.... 930 3 00
.... 620 $ 00
.... 88 3 W
.... 8W 8 10
....1046 3 10
....H6 3 10
I... ail 3 10
....lou7 3 16
i S.
.... 877 3 1J
.... 970 8 1$
.... 717 8 26
.... 960 8 25
.... 610 3 36
....1000 8 35
,...10u8 3 35
.... 993 3 36
....1040 3 35
931 3 48
.. 973 4 80
.. 834 4 85
..1005 4
...1100 8 50
...1130 3 60
...1166 3 60
...10o6 3 50 -
...1090 8 65
...1230 8 66
...9m) 8 65
....1131 3 70
,...1028 $ 75
...KKjO 3 76
...1142 3 85
...1100 8 60
...11(0 8 85
...1020 $ 86
,...1015 $ 85
... 800 4 00
...1160 4 00
,...1053 4 00
...1170 4 00
...1320 4 00
...1206 4 00
...1170 4 00
... 960 4 00
...1044 4 00
... 857 4 10
...1061 4 15
...1110 4 15
....101 4 20
....1250 4 SO
....1160 4 SO
....13u0 4 26
.... 810 4 26
,...115 4 26
.... 793 4 25
...1270 4 26
,...1343 4 35
....l-0 4 35
,...1460 4 4
,...1230 4 50
....1330 4 50
....1310 4 50
....1070 4 6i
12ao 6 30
so. .
04 226
Av. Hit. Pr.
s -D
80 8 65
... a 6j
... 5 70
... 6 75
80 8 75 '
... 6 75
... 6 75
... 645
40 8 85
... i 90 "
... 6 So
a 90
5 95
t 95
a 95
t 93
... 95
40 5 97V,
40 a oo
... 6 00
... a oo
... 600
40 600
240 t 00
... 6 00
66 276
91 214
.1 223
87 220
7C fMi
Av. So. Pr.
... a ia
... a u
... a 10
40 a io
a io
a io
a io
a io
a io
a io
a io
a 12V,
6 09.
6 00
6 00
... 6 00
... 4 00
... a oo
129 00
... 6 00
40 6 02 Vi
40 6 05
40 a 06
so a os
... a 05
... a 03
oo a 05
120 605
... a oo
40 a os
40 6 05
180 6 06
... a os
... 6 05
80 8 07V4
... 8 071a.
40 8 07V,
... 807V4
80 6 07V,
80 a io
224 120 8 10
.. 6 la
80 a 10
.. a io
so a io
.. 6 10
80 6 10
40 6 10 :
.. 6 10
..'8 10
40 a 10
97 219 120 6 13
76 820 40 6 15
26 246
22 2)
92 27
73 237
14 249
64 2L
79 222
95 21H
38 266
70 243
83 217
87 236
20: 224
6 la
e 16
a u
a is
.243 120 8 15
.231 200 8 15
84. .....220
61.. v
64. .r.
6 15 .
6 16
a is
a is
8 15
a 15
a is
a ia
... a la ,
... a is
... a 15
240 a 15
::: l
... 6 29
a io
a 20
a 3o
a 20
a 20
a io
a 3o
40 8 20
.. a 224
.. 8 22V.
29 200 a 25
274 120 8 26
a 25
a 25
a 25'
a 25
a 25
a 25
a 25
a 25
a 25
a so
a 3o
a 30
a so
a 35
a 33
a 40
a 40
a 4o
.270 80 8 10 61 293 80
.247 ... a 10 70 302 80
62 270 80 6 10 62 200 ...
15 200 ... 6 10 68 238 120
82 229 80 6 10 09 847 200
72 2a'6 40 8 10 47 847 280
82 193 ... 6 10 ' . 63 338 ...
85 199 ...'6 10 64 332 40
67 216 40 a 10 65 229 ...
SHEEP Thera waa a varv llaht run nt
sheep here today as compared with yester
day and as the demand on the pert of
local packer continued active It wa not
long before practically everything on aale
waa out of first hands. Not only was the
market active, but the price paid wer
KulT'loc higher than yesterday, which carrle
the market to the highest point reached
so far thla season. Colorado wether sold
a hlBTh SS 15.00 and fnloeadn and stout h
Dakota lamb brought $6.10. There were
no prime ngniweight yearling or choice
ewe on 'safe, so that a fair teat nf the
maraet on that class of stuff was not made.
teeners are still very scarce and the
margei may be quoted fully steady.
Quotations: Cholca lla-hlwalaht vaarllnva
$5.26(86.50: cood to choice vearllntrs Ifi OiK
6.25; choice wether. $4.75(66.00; fair to good
wetners. n.; choice ewes. $4.00&4.40;
fair to good ewes, $3.fJ4.0l); common ewes.
aa.inifi'd.Du: cnoice lamna. so. !&. 111: ratr rn
good lambs, $5.60(85.76: feeder Wethers, $3.60
.; ieeaer ismDs, H.oug4.6o; cull lambs.
io. ; neprejentauv aaiea:
No. Av.
10 cull lambs...'...,...,.... ,, 43
au uoioraoo ewe..;.....,
44 ewe ,
1 sheep....
423 Colorado wet ber....
61 western lambs..; ,
t Colorado lambs
250 Colorado lambs ,
6)9 South Dakota lambs
83 50
4 20"
4 25
6 00
5 00
'6 50
6 75
a 10
a 10
CaaslderaMe Decrease la Noted Iw
of the Lead! agr Place la
' Market Sapply af Hogs.
CINCINNATI, Feb. (.(Special Tele
gram.) The Price Current notes a consider
able decrease In the market supply of hogs.
The total western packing for the week Is
460,000, compared with 646,000 the preceding
week and 490,000 in the corresponding week
laat year. Since November 1 the total la
8,440,000, against 7,406,000 a year, ago. Promi
nent piacea compare as follows:
1902. 1901,
Chicago $,670,000 ,846.000
Kansas city..... 1,075,0(0 930.010
OMAHA 746,000 606,000
St. Joseph , 648.000 490.000
BU L-3UIS 616.000 635.000
Indianapolis ' 425.000 376.0O0
Sioux ?lty........ 293.000 210.000
Milwaukee 2S5.000 319.000
St. Paul...... 248.000 207.000
Ottumwa 310,000 196,100
Cincinnati , 195,000 207,400
Cedar Rapids................ 158,000 164.000
Wabash la
.I.. -..
do deb."Ba""
...113 'A,
West Shore 4s'. ".112
is. entral
Con. Tob 4
4a. ..lUU
la..., 9314
4... 81
Jfevr York Mials gleek.
NEW YORK. Feb7 . The following ar
th closing prices on mining stocks:
Adsms Con 33
Brunswick Con ..
Cometock Tunnel a
Con. Cal. Va..l2i
Deadwood Terra. 40
Horn Sliver !-
Irou Silver 64
Leadvllle Con.... 6
lUttle Chief ..
Sierra Nevada
Small Hopes .
. 11
. 78
. 4
. 10
. 10
. 13
. 38
Biik I'learlaaa.
OMAHA. Feb. 6 Bank cleaajng today.
$vn.4i87, corresponding day Last year,
ItMil 7ix HI : Increase, t,w2 14.
ST. LOUIS. u. s. Clearings, $8,187,135;
INSTRTTMENTo placed on record Wednes
day, frebruary a.
Warrasty Deed. .
M F. Bourk to D. W. Merrow, ari-
ous lots and block In Plorenc
n 1 j Merman at al to Christ Jenaen.
sw4 30-16-12 (except eighteen seres) 8,000
r H. Sanborn t al to L. J. Keyta.
lot 6. block 6, Ambler Place
u jr. Jane and husband to J. C.
VUxarl. part block 3. Hrlghton add. S.96D
n a. Morton ana wu to j. u.
Hart, lot 7 nd 8. Luk ft T. add. L009
W. W. Baker and wir to n. r. Paul
sen, lot 4. block I. Clarendon add.... $00
f J rtisgeraid ana wu to jmsi
Pearson and wife. nV4 lot 4. block 1.
Klrkwood add 1.006 I
N-eis Pearson and wir 10 r. J. I"l(s-
gerald. lot 1. TroxeU subdiv t.000
4alt I'lala Daad.
Newton I-aml company to E. M. Har
riett, lot 3. t and 8. biock 3u, rior
erce .r...
D. W. Merrow and wife to same, lot
1. 4 and A block 9. and lots 3. 4. 7
and 8, block 73. Florence 1
. 750 4 10 3 1175 4 90
.1027 4 65 $ 13o$ I 70
. 9-4 4 65
.. 658 $75
..6)4 8 10
.. Tol 8 10
,. 760 8 36
.. 6o0 8 25
.. 874 35.
10 ,
Total amount of transfer $.4,413
1 530 I la 1
1 :;; i2 3 00 1
1 " 1140 3 00 1
I" " 12j0 3 00 1
1 " 90 3 00 1
i 100 3 10 1
1 100 a 10 l
9 J0 8 2S 1
t. 1020 $40 1
1 1370 $ 40 1
1 1420 8 40 1....,
. . 140 $ 45 I
1390 I 50 1
1 rn 50 1....,
J 2f a 00 1
4 140 a 35 1....,
1 1000 I 40 1 1030 4 10
...ia0 3 40
1 70 $ 26 8 04 3 TO
1 6s0 1 36 1 ! 3 70
I l0 I 60 6 415 3 75
1 876 t 50 1 $75 X 85
I aoO $56
1 109 I 36
...933 4 00
... 614 4 00
...663 4 20
,..10J 4 35
...933 4 66
... bol 4 70
....1340 $ 5S
....12H0 $ 70
....lftiO 8 75
....1570 8 "5
....13u0 3 85
....1560 8 hi
....1690 3 85
....1430 3 90
....1616 4 00
....1764 4 00
....IStoO 4 00
....1610 4 10
.... 860 4 26
.... 170 8 60
.... 130 a 75
.... 150 75
Cattle Stroaar, Hoc and ghee a Aetlv
aad Hltraer,
CHICAGO, ' Feb. . CATTLE Receipt,
16,000 head, including 600 Texans; opened
sirong, ruiea ateuay; gooa to prime steers,
nnnP t rt en awl t iim A ATaAg iVs
Blockers end feeders, $2.60(ft4.50; cow. $1 26
jo zs; neirers, 2 v'qD.m: canners. $l.254T2.2S
bulla, $2.504 .60; calves, 13.0OS7.&O; Texas fed
steers, H.oonS.ou.
HOOo Receipt. 3S.00O head: eatlmated
tomorrow. 33.000; left over. $.250: active.
trong to dc nigner; mixed and butchers,
$6.90u6.35: aood to choice heavv. 86 Soft 6. EA:
rougn neavy, .t""; ngnt. $5.7&6.10;
bulk of sales, 15.96(a6.S5.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnta. 15 000
head; market strong to loc higher; good to
choice wethers. $4.60cn6.30; fair to choice
mixed, $3.WKir4.60; weatern sheep and vear
linns. $4.25!b5.66; native lambs, $3.6&ti.30;
western tamos, Ki.mB ao.
Official yesterday: Receipts Cattle. 7.859
neaa; noxi, mmi neaa; sneep. 14.H67 nead.
Shlomenta Cattle. l.tsMI head: han. i 71.1
neaa; sneep, neaa.
' . - M
,9t. Loel Live Staek Marital.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 5. CATTLE Tteoelnts
4.6oO head. Including 1.000 Texans; market
trong for natives, steady for Texans; na
tive shipping and export steers, $4.50660
dresMd beef and butcher steers. 84.0oa76.16
steers under l.oiu ids., 2.)is.0O; stockers
nd feeder. $2.809176; cows nd heifer.
$2 25S5 O0; canners, $2 0033 26; bulls. $2 75
4 16; Tsa and Indian steers, $3.305.30;
cows sna neuers, fj.exis.w.
HOOS Receipts, .ZOO head' market Sc
higher: Dla-s ana licnts. o W'ris.ut,: nark-era
$6Ki25; butrhera. $6.l6Ti.47Vi.
BHttr Aiu uiniia neoeipts, 1J0O
head; market etrong; native muttona. $3 f 0
tion: iambs, cuus and bucks,
$2.0Olij3.7. -
Stork la Slatlit.
Th following table shows th receipts of
cattle, nogs ana sneep at ina live prlurlpa
market lor repruary a;
..... 2.500
7.100 91 i0
4. t.800 l-0
1.600 e.uio ion
South Omaha
St. Louis
Kansas City..
St. Joseph
Hogs. Sheen.
10.721 1.200
36.000 . 15 000
.32.300 86.920 17.100
Reelpruelty wltb Caaada.
KANSAS CITY. Feb. 6. Secretary Rlaa
low of th Board ot Trade mailed today to
Missouri senator, and representatives at
Washington petitions signed by l.Aoo repre
sentative business men of Kansas City
favoring a trade reciprocity treaty with
Canada. The petitions sr the outgrowth
nf an address on this sublect delivered a
few weeks ago before the Commercial nub
by Oaborn Howes ol Huston i ne petition
la similar to on sent to Washington by
ths Boston i-namoer oi commerce.
Robbers eat a Sheriff.
FORT SMITH. Ark.. Feb. 8-At Clark-
vtlle. Ark., early this morning Sheriff
powers, sheriff of Johnson county, was
shot snd killed by bank robbers, whom
he surprised at .work. Particular ar
(meager. . obeyed
Van tail Aaaarta Bia Dotarmtaallat lo
Crtak tha Marpr. '
- " . i v
DeMrlarea Wertaera Seearltle OasaFaair
I Orgaaliei ta Evade aad Vlelat
- Statatea af Mlaaeaeta aad
Asks far Ca-Oaeratlea.
ST. PAI'L, Feb. S. At 10:80 o'clock, be
fore the seeslon of th legislature, which
had been assembled In extra session to re
ceive the report of the tax commission and
the measure presented by that body tor
enactment, Governor Van Bant today read
hi message. Th prlBClpal portion wss de
voted to tha recommendation of tha com
mission, to which h mad om amend-
ents, covering points which war suggested
by th comlsslon but not approved by him.
After announcing th occasion for th extra
session to be the destr to secure a revision
of the aomewhat mixed tax lawa of tbe
atate. he urged that Immediate action oa
the matter be taken, looking- to the paassg
of law suggested hy th commission, with
sucn amendments ss may be deemed wise.
He argued against any discrimination ta
the laws, especially speaking against any
law which might make the poor bear an
unequal share ot the burden ot taxation.
H would not analyse th proposal of the
commission, but simply called attention td
It aa an Improvement over tbe existing
atatutea and worthy ot consideration. He.
however, particularly endord th sug
gestion ot a permanent tax commission, op
pose any reduction In the amount ot prop
erty exempted from taxation and auggesta
that the grain tax be made to agree with
those of neighboring states. -
The only other subject discussed la tha
so-called railroad merger,, ot which ha says:
Take l p the Merger.
At this time 1 deslra to Inform tha lea-taa
latura of the suit brourht bv the state nf
Minnesota against th Northern Securltle
company of New Jersey. Believing that
this corporation wa organised for th pur
pose oi evaaing ana violating in laws ot
Minnesota by consolidating the rrooertle
of the Great Northern and Northern Pa
cific companies, which companies run
narallal mnA MimnAlln. 11mm rf
within the state. . I ren-neated Attnrner
General Douglas to bring suit In the nam
of the stat to prevent such consolidation.
He then quotea from the atatutea cover
ing tha case and continues:
That the Northern Securities comnanv
can, and, If not prevented by the state,
will, merge or consolidate the lines and
property of the two - railroad companlea
under one management I evidenced by
reference to section 8 and 4 of the article
of Incorporation of the Northern Securities
company, which authorise that company
to purcnase, hold, sen, assign, transfer,
mortgage, pledge or otherwise diauoae of
snares of the stock of any corporation or
corporations, association or associations, of
tne state of New Jtrsey or any stste, ter
ritory or coutnry, and. while owner of
such stock, to exercise all the rights, pow
ers and privileges of ownership. Including
the right to vote thereon. To aid In any
manner any corporation or association of
wlilcn any bonds or other securities or
evldencee or stock are held by the corpora
tion, ana to ao any act or tninga de
signed to protect, preserve, improve or
enhance the value of any such bonds or
other securities or evidences or indebted
ness or stock."
Power Ar Uallmlted.
Those power are broad a language
can make them, authorise the Northern
Securltle company, not only to vote the
stock of the Great Northern and Northern
Paclflo Railway companies, and thus ex
ercise all tne Dowers and Drivtleaes of
ownership and control, but specifically em
power tne corporation to oo any art or
thing designed to enhance the value of
the stock of the companies mentioned,
which, of course. Includes the right to
Increase freight rates directly or change
tne ciassincation or ireignt so . a to in
crease the rates.
Knowing that several other atate. In
addition to Minnesota,,, would . b affected
by thla consolidation, and that the de
clared public policy of such states throjgh
constitutional or legislative provisions was
similar to that of our state, I deemed It
wise to call a conference of the governors
and attorneys general of the states through
which tne l.nes ot railway pass, in order
that such method of procedure might be
adopted a would be uniform. This con
ference wa held at Helena, Mont. 1 here
were present the governor and attorney
general, not only of our state, but also of
Montana, South Dakota and Idaho, and the
attorney general of Washington. The
! governor of the last named stste died
ust prior to the conference, and owing lo
his fact his successor. Governor Mc
Bride, waa unable to attend the confer
ence. Governor McBride haa since, how
ever, In a published Interview, called tbe
attention or tne peoput ec nis state to tne
danger threatened by the consolidation
of these two companies. The conference
was harmonious throughout, and that th
official representatives - of the several
state were wholly in ympathy with th
action of thi atate and Ha Intention to
oppose thla consolidation, I shown .by the
resolution which waa adopted.
Ha rcltd tha argument before that
court on January 17. and added:
Coart af Laat Reaart.
What th final decision will bs It I diffi
cult to foretell, but It doe net aeem possi
ble that a New Jersey corporation, no
mstter what It capitalisation, will be per
mitted to violate the law of th sovereign
tat of Minnesota. If th final decision,
should be against th atate, the battle I
not then lost. There is one remedy that
never fills and which is more auorema
even than the supreme court. I quote
tha words of Judas Brewer In an address
made at the bicentennial of Tale college, in
which ne saia, in speaaing oi trusts ana
the Inability of the courts re- crush them,
"appeal must be taken to the great court
of public opinion, whose - decrees are
Irreslsiable. In that court every man 1
counsel and every man Is Judge."
It Is a plessure to commend Attorney
General Douglas for the able and efficient
manner in - which he haa endeavored to
vindicate our laws I learned from him
that the enactments upon our ststute
books ure ample snd thst no additional
legislation Is required at this time. But
It, during your session, any legislation
should b needed, will Immediately com
municate that fact to you. While you
have been called together olly for the
in view of the extraordinary expenses at
tending this suit and the great array of
legal talent In opposition, 1 would sug
gest that a sufficient sum of money be
placed at the disposal of th Isgal depart
ments to employ assistant counsel to prop
erly continue the litigation and meet the
expense necessarily connected therewith,
Tha governor said further on th msrgeri
If the supreme court doe not take Juris
diction It Is the Intentiun of the attorney
general to at once bring suit in the state
court and every effort will be made to
have the case reported In the court of last
resort, where it must Anally be disposed
of. Neither this company or any other
company, combination, consolidation or
trust shall violate the laws of our state
If It can be prevented. 1
Raaeaer Hilled ay ladlaaa.
TUCSON, Aria., Feb. a. The charred re
mains of A. T. Vail, a pioneer rancher,
were found In the ruins of his house st
Aravapal canyon, eighty-five mile from
Tucson. Th supposition Is that th hous
wss burned by Apache Indian who roam
around that suction. It Is believed that the
Indian killed .Vail, looted th house and
burned It. The Indiana are laid to b much
dissatisfied on account of th government
culling off their ration.
MlaalaaT Barge Tewed la.
NEW YORK, Feb. I.-Ths barge MyMo
Belle, 4ne of the three of ths tug Rich
mond's tow which broke away and drifted
out to sea In Sunday' gale, waa picked
up by the tug Cuba about sixty miles east
of Mnniauk point last night and wa towed
to Newport. R. 1.
Geld Kaaaged lar ICareae.
NEW YORK. Feb. $. Laxard-Frere
have added $ju0.0H0 to their engagement of
gold for shipment to Europe tomorrow.
This brings the total engaseraetu for to
morrow's steamer up to 4.25o,uuu.
Wbsat haa declined eight tests and ctro
Din cents from top prices. W eonsldei
both a purrhsa. Place your order with i
responsible bouse and oos tha -ill giv,
you prompt and satisfactory ex .en.