CONFERENCE OF .CHARITIES Tario'u ttata Braicbn ef Work in Ersiisi at lettriee. SUMMER SESSION OF NOPMAL SCHOOL Aaaeeaeeaseate Mad far be Gather ! at Pera Case Aa-elast Hart ley Boadaasea la Cea tlaaed. ' rFroni a stall Correspondent.) LINCOLN.. rb. , . ( Special.) A state conference of charities and correction will be held la Beatrice Inmortow and Friday, Under tba auspices r.f .the Stata Board ot Charltlea and Corrections, which la com prised of Governor Ssvege, Superintendent Fowler, Land ;Commlsloner Follmer and John Davis, with A. W. Clark ot Omaha, J. W. Seabrook of fjnlverslty Flace, Joseph Huesing of Weil Point and Mra. E. C. John It on of Lincoln a secretaries. The opening .- session of the conference will be held tomorrow afternoon In the Methodist church, for which program has been arranged aa follows: Address of -welcome on-behalf of city.. Mayor Norcross tVords of welcome on behalf of the Churches One of the pantors Response... ....Rev. A. N. Clark ''Bofcntlflo Charities as Applied to Bmaller Cltt and Towns' Prof. C. E. Trevey, Lincoln "Administration of County Charities".. ....Oeorgs A. Murphy. Beatrice "Jails and Lock-ups" Chief of Police Hoagland, Lincoln Miscellaneous business and enrollment of delegates.... .t In the evening an address will ba de livered by Chancellor E. Benjamin An drews. (' Friday morning a session will be held In the Nebraska Institute for' Feeble Minded Youth. Tba program will ba as follows: Words of welcome .'.Huperlntanrient Dr. A. Johnson Address. "The Care of Feeble Minded" lr. C. Q. Sprae-ue Aadress.. superintendent John T. Mallaueu Address... '. Prof. Bolton, University of Nebraska Address...., Dr. Powell, Olenwood Lunch for deleaatea at the institute.... Public exercises by children of the Institu tion....... The meeting will close In the evening with an address by Superintendent Oreen ef the Hospital for Insane in this city and a general discussion on "Juvenile Courts." , Governor Savage Intended to speak the opening session, but bustneea of a pressing nature will require his presence In the city tomorrow afternoon. It Is 1 U 1 w V ...... 1- - . 1 11 . , . A Ik. ac. UVTVI, IUl UO Will bvsuu meeting Friday morning. asasner Session of Normal. Announcements are being circulated for the summer session of the Nebraska State Normal "school, which will open in Peru May IS acd close July 4. "During thla six weeks' term credits may be made In the prescribed work of the regular courses, The term Is designed to meet the wants ot three olasses of students those who have never taught and who wish to spend a short time In getting a mora thorough knowledge of eome of the common branches preparatory to examinations before county superintendents, those who wish to take CP secondary subjects In extension ot gen eral scholarship and those experienced teachers who wish to comblno a review of the branches they are teaching with critical study of' educational alms and nethoda In a well-organised teachers' In FREMONT REGRETS CHECKS BtsiiiM Mra Cask Tata for Wall Prasad Itruftr. SAYS HE'S A GOVERNMENT STEWARD stltute. The plan com prises a summer school aod professional Institute. The class work la this six weeks' term covers the ground of a half term's work In the regular curriculum of the school. Students enrolled in these Classes for the entire six weeka will cooeeqaently receive a half term's credit for work completed. Arrangements are mad by which a stu dent may ba given double time for study la any subject, thus enabling him to acquire full term's credit. All grades mada in I oalae Credit by Deaesltlaa; Draft la the summer school are counted toward graduation In the normal school. Presi dent Clark says It la the aim at tba In structors to adapt the character, of the Instruction and the management ot the classes to the wants and ability of the In dividual pupils Beak, ssl Cheeks Oat aa Ae aaat Befere Plepart af Fare-cry e Rerel vee. FREMONT, Neb.. Feb. 6. (Special.) A Tuition la free In the aumm.r school and 1'n bJs " Morse, csshed no Incidental fees are charged, except for ,,rrJ chck' "mon Tttvaenl business materials used In lahorator work. Dr. Monday, to the regret of the business Clark says the cost of living at Peru, men. Monday morning ha deposited a drsft where the school Is situated. Is as low as or ow V""' " Is -h ,nA h..i.t. and com- rrsmoot National bank, representing that tnr he was the steward of a government geolog a. i. ..... ... , w. - ,,, 4K leal surveying party which would make the , .uu " i . . .l. TV. for the term. I.""." J -Z. arau wan lorwaraeu lor couvcuon. mi next day he deposited a check for $23, pur- The sunreme court finished the major nor- porting to he signed by F. J. Coates of Hon of the business of this week's sitting Grand Island. This check, was forwarded tonight, but an adjournment will not be I In the usual course of business and this taken until tomorrow-evening. Hearing ot J afternoon the bank was informed that It the case of the stste against the bondsmen was a forgery. Morse, paid several small of former Treasurer Bartley was continued I bins around town wttn cnecKs on tba rre until tomorrow morning, the assignment be- mont bank and Tuesday evening left town Inc made tor Commissioners Oldham. Barnes He appeared about 5 years old. smooth and Pound. Argument in this cass had been fsced, slightly pitted with smallpox. . He assigned for this afternoon, but owing to waa educated ana or gooa appearance. Ik. 1 k...Ue AAmln a haf Aa I ... It b. rTta- u ENROUTE FOR MEXICO until inmnrrnw. The state will be retire a.,. j .h. .,im.nt hv Nnrrla Brown. Former Secretary , af Acrlcaltare while the Interests cf the bondsmen will he I x leeks Relief from Bros. protected by Oenersl Cowln, Frank T. Ban-1 ehlal Troables som and Robert Ryan. Real Estate Coaveatlea. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Feb. S. (Bps Labor Commissioner Watson has glvsn clal Telegram.) Ex-Secretary of Agrlcul notice that persons having exhibits or ad- ture J. Sterling Morton left for Kansas vertlslng matter for display at the conven- City todsy, where be will Join his son Paul tlon of real estate dealers In Fremont Feb- In a trip to the City of Mexico. It the cll- ruary 12 and 13 may direct them to J. F. mate there gives him relief from a bron- Benson, secretary of the Fremont Commer- I cblal trouble Irom which be has been sur- clal club. Mr. Benson will arrange the ex- Wring, be is likely to make a long stay htblts and prepare tor the proper dtstrlbu- In the Mexican capital. tlon of advertising matter which may be consigned to his custody, ,., . . ... . I e-Ku. wen., reo. e. (special.) ine I senior' theses will be given each Monday Governor Savage this morning appointee: avenlng from March I to April 14. Mrs. Nellie Richardson of this city an ad- The preliminary debates preparatory to dltlonal delegate to tbe interstate irrlga- the contests with Missouri and Kansas will tlon congress to be held In- Sterling, Colo., It held from February IS to IS. February 26 and 27. The states to be rep- I prof. Duncanaon and Dr. Clark attended fate Normal Notes. Miles north of the town ha can reach four teen families, Including oaa of the two now reached. The thlrteea are making a strong pull for change, but claim to have little hope of getting wbat they want. - Horse'e Kirk Fravea Fatal. FREMONT. Neb Feb. S. (Special.) Martha Furstensn. a 11-year-old daughter of William Fustenau of Wsbster township, died yesterday from the effects of an In jury aha received about a year ago. She waa kicked In the head by a horse and lost tba sight of one eye. Other complications set in and medical help proved of no avail. She formerly attended school la this f ity. Golaea Wt-aalaa- at Maarat. COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 5. (Special.) Fifty Columbua people took part this after noon and evening In the golden wedding celebration of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hendry at Monroe, a special train being provided for their return at night. The town hall was secured for the festivities,-in which 160 Invited guests participated. Fasloa Papers Merged. ST. PAUL. Neb.. Feb. 6. (Special.) The Phonograph, for a number of years a fusion psper of Howard county, sold out Monday to C. B. Manuel of the Press, who unites the two fusion papers Into one. The former editor of the Phonograph Intends to engage in real estate, loan and Insursnce business. Drive lata Opealaa; la tea. ST. PAUL, -Neb., Feb:-5. (Special.) Mr. Bridge and Mr. Haggert from near St LI bory on leaving town last night drovs Into an opening on the Loup river from which lea had been taken. - Both horses were drowned, hut the men succeeded In cettlng ashore. Baraam Estate Asjaia la Ceart. " COLUMBUS, Neb., Feb. B. (Special.) The heirs of Guy C. Barnnra are in court again, Helen Barnbart, one of bis daughters, having filed a partition suit asking" that her interest in a large tract ot real estate be determined and confirmed. . - resented at the meeting are Nebrasks, Coio rado and Wyoming, Sew laeorporatloas. the meeting ot the Acsdsmy ot Sciences re cently held In Lincoln. , "Shakespeare In Ploture and Song"' was Articles ot Incorporation of the Bank of ,ven by. M,B" E,1U n1 "Uted b' ,oc' uiubii kicu ... The next lecture in the annual course will be on Saturday evening, February 8, by Memphis, which has a capital stock ot $5,000, were recorded In the secretary of state's oftce todsy. The Incorporators are 1 n.a nr.iL...di imri I . , t. W. E. Barkley. W. T. Auld. R. E. Moore, ipn,. L. J. Dunn. Floyd Seybolt. C. W. Week- 4V,udJe Ke,y,r " m,h w" lB,tor bach. J. H. Auld. W. C. Phillips and I. H. th Normal Tuesday and Wednesday. His Hatfield. ' The Blue Springs' Farmers Elevator com pany of Blue Springs has Incorporated an chapel talk was enthusiastically received. A six weeks' summer school will be held at the Normal from May 21 to July 4. From der the law. of the state with a c.plt liters received the Icdlcations are that ths stock ot $10,000. The Incorporators are: S. A. Smith. J. C. Miller, C. Dawson, O. 8. Harris, J. D. 8chock, B. E. Chamberlain, W. H. Beck and George F. Harpster. laspeet Flsk Hatekevles. Governor Savage and Chief Game War- attendanee will be very large, A cantata was given last Saturday even ing In the chapel under the management cf the musical department. Miss Clark, ths director, spent much time in drilling the varloua parts. . Mr. Bailey of Omaha, state secretary of An (Ideal -iyledicine A New Discovery Which Cures All Forms of Catarrh. den Slmnklns went to South Bend today Young Men'a Christian association, ad to Inspect the state fish hatcheries at that dressed the young men of the school and place. At the governor's, office it was as- tow Saturday afternoon, and also con sfrted that there was no particular signlfl- ducted union services In tba avenlng in the cance attached to the chief executive's I chapel. vlalt In South Bend. It bains: exntatned that he merely Intended to look over the state's F " School property at that place. I HUMBOLDT, Neb., Feb. 6. ( Special.) ' I Stata Superintendent Fowler came from UNITE TO COMBAT LIQUOR Lincoln last week and In company; with -., I County Superintendent Crocker made a trip Freaebera of Hamboldt Orarealse (or 1 to Dawson to aid in a movement toward the Sprlaar Campalgs Asalast I consolidation ot several school districts ....... , I near that place with the Dawson dlstrlot. wr:cn recently sunerea tne loss ct us school HUMBOLDT. Neb.. Feb. 5.-(Speclal.) fl.l(trict.; ther. but faw . th. Tha local. ministers met yesterday at th c!tlMM of tB,t ttio believe it would be parsonags ana peneciea ma or- bette t0 eoMOd,u th, dl,tr:cU and not gantsation of a Ministerial union by the onIy ,av. Mpense. but improve the edica- election of Rev. Curria ot the Presbyterian tona, tiatMKea. A few taxpayers oppose church as president and Rev. Wilson of ths lh. dMj but u thougnt th,y fal, , Christian church as secretary.' The pur- ,ln, when the .dy.nUK9g of tnn ,Titem poaea ot the union are' announced to be: n-d-r-tood. The Catholic element Is To perfect plana for the union revival . ... i- Tjawann. and it l. tnd.,r.wt service to be started In thla city sarly In th(lt Btonop Bonacum nM ordered the e March; for the mutual benefit of the pastors ubI,,hmmt ot a parochial school at that aod churches; for closer eo-operatlon and ,ht, ,a AoM lt le..n nlon In the Master's work; tor united ef- th. ....ndanoa at the nnblle school, and forts against Intemperance la the oom- ,f tn ,cht1D, of consolidation Is not suo munlty. and for any othsr work. eM,fUi o-i- . .mall buiidina win r. Tbls la understood to bo the first gun of l-u)rej the spring campaign, which promises to be I very bitterly contested. The llcene people I Wake Seearce Hew Telepfcoae Llae. nava oaim in control or municipal ana.rsi WAHOO, Nab Fob. 8. (Special.) The for the ;'mst year and the antt-ileense ale clty couocI1 iut evening granted fran ment belisve they have a chance of winning ehlB- w. Hunt and M. M. wlt. ta back the ground they lost last spring nd th, u wajr through tba streets, allays are determined to do so If It Is possible. and publks -roundi of etty of w.hoo tor The tablet la the Ideal form la which to administer medicine, but until recently no successful catarrh tablst had ever been attempted. There Is now, howsvsr, an ex cellent and palatable remedy for catarrh tn tablet form, known as Stuart's Catarrh Tablets and aold by druggists, composed ot ths most recent discoveries in medicine for cure of catarrh and results from thslr use have been nlghly gratifying. The old time treatment of catarrh was tn ths form ot ' Inhalers, wsshss, douch - sprays, ate. ' Later on internal remedies were used with greater 'success, but being la liquid or powder form were tnconvent ant to use and like all medicines tn liquid or powder form, loss their medicinal prop erties when opened or exposed to the air, ' Stuart's Cwarrh Tablets contain highly concentrated antiseptics. Red Gum, Blood - Root, eto., wbtch kill the catarrh germs la the blood and mucous msmbrane, and In this reapect are strintly sclent lOo and mod ern, because all authorities are now agreed that catarrh is a constitutional blood dls- , ease, and local applications can have only a transitory effect. The use of Inhalers, .douches and sprays la a nuisance and Inconvenience and can Itn Ba wise compare favorably with the same 'antiseptics given In tablet form Internally, where they can reach the stomach and blood and kill catarrh germs right whers Ahey are produced. prominent lawyer and public speaker ot Pittsburg, says: "I; have been troubled with catarrh of ths head and throat tor twelve years. In this climate It seems im possible to get rid of It. The continual dropping of mucus from ths nose Into the throat caused Irritation and hoareencaa. Jerlously interfering with my public apeak Aig. It took nu aa hour or more of cough ong. gagging, expectorating aud sneesing every morning before I could settls down te work and thla condition gradually brought on catarrh of stomach causing loss of sppetlts. poor ' digestion end a foul breath, which annoyed me exceedingly. My physician advlced me to try Btuart's Ca tarrh Tablets add I took them for two month and was astonished to find how autckly thsy cleared my head, throat and stomach and I hars no hesitation la rec ommendlng them. They are not only pleasant to take, but they seem to get at the very ot of the trouble, because stneo using them I have had no trace of catarrh Drug-flats sail Stuart's Catarrh Tablet at (0 cents for full slaed package. They can be carried in the pocket an 1 need aay t(me and as often as deaired. sines j they coutia no oocatae. mercury or aay other lajui rton drag. SNOW , AND - COLDER TODAY Aierthwest TVIa. ta , Spread Storm Clouds Over Nebraska and la a. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5w Forecast: For Nebraska Snow and colder Thurs day; Friday, fair In north, snow In south portion, colder In southeast portion; north westerly winds. For Iowa Enow Thursday and probably Friday; colder Friday; variable winds, be coming northerly. For Kansas Snow Or rala Thursday, with . rising temperature in east portion; Friday, fair In north, snow' in south por tion; colder; northeast winds. For North Dakota and South Dakota- Snow and colder Thursday; Friday, fair and colder; northerly winds. For Wyoming and Colorado 8now and colder Thursday; Friday, fair In west, snow In east portion; variable winds. Lacal Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, Feb. 8. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: ' 1903. 1901. 1900. 1899. Maximum tapiperature... 17 19 S8 It Minimum temperature... S T 154 Mean temperature......... 10 IS 24 8 Precipitation ; 00 .00 .00 .09 fteenrd of temperature and oreclDltatlon at Omaha tor this day and since March 1. 1901: ''. Normal temperature. :..., 34 Deficiency for the day 14 Total excess since March 1 S AS Normal precipitation...'. 02 Inch Deficiency for the day................ .02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1..,. .24.86 Inchea Deficiency since March 1. ......... S.14 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1901. ...... .09 Inch Deficiency for cor, period,. 1900.v 4.89 Inches Reports from Statloa at T p. m .. i ir-1 no ni irrr rtmtii-rv r a r I telephone and telegraph lines; to regulate nCHno ri-H I 1 1 luum I HOW the same, and for the erection of J ad are Holleabeek ta Try Three Crlaal- aal Bad Itvta Civil Aetleaa. poles and ires, ate. The ordinance also provides that ths new company shall be In opera' tlon by August 1. 1902. Thla Indicates that Wahoo and Saunders county will have an Independent telephone Una la operation In COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special.)- r muoT u" M Judge Hollenbeck will open the February . m"um " M per monia term of the district court next Monday. "r "" P-. i ir rmcoces. Three criminal cases are to ba tried- Th "w Wpsbi expeota to build a line that against Casper S. McPatry. charged lo sniano r- FATAL EXPLOSION ON BOAT 0i Mas U Killad ait OtL.rt Irs Eadlj Iiri ' PEOrLE JUMP INTO ftJYCft TO SAVE LIVES Farreel from the Teasel, Which la la. , weleped la flames Wltbla Few Mlaatee After tbe SSz aleslea. tTTTSBURO. Feb. S. By ths explosion of the boilers ot the towboat John W. Ailes, owned by the Menongahela River Consolidated Coal and Coke company, near lock No. 2. at 1:30 o'clock this morning, one man waa killed outright, four prob ably fatally Injured and several are still missing. - Six others ware rescued from the Icy waters. The dead: WILLIAM PERRT. deck hand, of Roscoa, Pa., found pinioned under anchor, with clothing a Are. . , Intured: Edward Mitchell, mate, badly burned and Inhaled flames, Merrsntvllle, Pa.,1 will die. I Maria Walker, negress. cook, of Pitts burg, leg brpken and badly injured about head and body. Rescued from the river. James Williams, fore iy an, leg broken and seriously hurt about head and body. -Booker Hull, second engineer, Beverly, W. Va. ' Missing: Joha Coffin, watchman, Frederlcfcston, Md. John W. Burke, pilot Glyde Sills, chief engineer. William Campbell, fireman. Weaver Wolf, deck hand, Mlddleport, O, No trace whatever of these men has been found since the boat blew up, and lt is thought they have been drowned. Those rescued were Captain W. I. Shaw, commander of the boat; John Rankin, deck hand, Glassport, Pa.; David McBryde, deck hand, Mlddleport, 0.; Reuben Watts, negro, deck hand. Mlddleport, O.; Maria Walker and James Williams. Tba captain, with Chief Engineer Still, Fireman Campbell and Cook Maria Walker, had just gona off duty, and the new watch was made up of Burke, Hull, Mitchell. Williams, Perry and Wolf. They had passsd ths Homestead steel works and were nearlng the city, with seven flats of coal, when one of tha boil ers let go with a mighty roar and terrific force. . The explosion communicated to the others boilers and then all went Into the river or Into the air. The boat immediately took lire and burned so rapidly that all who ware able were lorced to take to the river. la a few minutes the towboat Vuloan waa on the scene - with a full crew cf men and nearly all were rescued. The Injured were brought to Pittsburg and seven of them are now at Mercy hospital. Four of tbess are reported to be in a dangnrous condt tlon and may not recover. -The hospital authorities, however, are unable to give the names. m The Alles wss completely destroyed. The loss Is placed at $25,000. Tbe boat waa considered one ot tbe best owned by the coal combine and Its boilers had been In spected but a few days ago. - No one has been able to give an account ot the exlct manner In which the accident occurred. The aurvlvlng members , ot ths crew as sert that they were not carrying a greater pressure of steam than tha . government allows. DID NOT KNOW SHE HAD KIDNEY TROUBLE Thousands Have Kidtiey Trouble aud'Never Suspect It. Gertrude Warner Scott Cured by the Great Kidtiey Remedy, Swamp-Root. ' . ' . , J: , , v Vinton. Iowa, July 18th, lMt. DR. KILMER CO., Blughamton. N. T. Gentlemen: In the summer of 1893. I wss taken violently" 111. My f rouble be gan with pain la my stomach and back, so severe that lt seemed as If knives were cutting me. I was treated by two of tha best physicians In the country, and con sulted another. None of them suspected that the cause of my trouble was kidney disease. They all told me that I had caacer ot tbe-stomach, and would die. ' I grew so weak that I could, not walk any more than a Child a month old, and I only weighed sixty pounds. One day my brother saw In a paper your advertisement of Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. He bought me a bottle at our drug store and I took It. My family could see a change In me, for the better, so they obtained more and t contin ued the use of Swamp-Root regularly. ,1 was so weak and run down that tt took considerable time to build me up again. I am now well, thanks to Swamp-Root, and weigh 148 peunds, and am keeping house for my husband and brother, on a farm. Swamp-Root cured me after the doctors had failed to do ma a particle ot good. . CONDITION OF THE ' -WEATHER. Omaha, clear Valentine, c.ouay North Platte, part cloudy.... Cheyenne, part cloudy........ Salt Lake City, cloudy........ Rapid City, cloudy ,.. Huron, snowing Wlllleton, part cloudy Chicago, snowing Stt Louis, clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, snowing Kansas City, clear Havre, cloudy Helena, clear Bismarck, cloudy Galveston, cloudy :R:i g : : ff : p : 8 ; I : :5 : s 14 18 ,.00 15 24 .00 86 40 .00 ,3fi J .00 SSt 40 T 84 BH .00 I 81 10) T S .04 8 8 .01 20 B .02 4 8 .00 8 8 .04 18 ZOl .13 8 12 T SOI 82 .00 l l T 44 . 46 .00 Indlcatea. sere. T Indlcatea trace of precipitation. Bllloaa Colic. H. Seever, a carpenter and builder of Kenton. Tenn., when suffering Intensely from an attack of bilious colic, sent to a nearby drug store for something to relieve him. The druggist sent-aim a nottie oi. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy, three doses of which effected a permanent cure. This Is the only remedy that cen be depenaea upon in tne most severe cases of collo and cholera morbus. Most druggists know this and recommend It when such a medicine is called for. For sale by all druggists. ROB CONTRACTOR'S"" OFFICE Foar Masked Mta Gas Watebsnaa and Carry Off Hack Meaer. NEW YORK, Feb. 8. Early today four masked men entered tha office ot George Hill, a contractor ot Ellsabethport, N. J., who la conatructlng shops for ths Jersey Central railroad, and after gagging a watch man, carried off 11.500 ia money. The watchman, in trying to free himself, was struck over tha head with a piece of Iron and badly hurt. with fraudulent mlsrepresentstlon In se curing possession of a horse; that against Thomas Le filler, who was run down at Paektaar Hoase Resamea Operatleaa. NEBRASKA CITT. Neb., Feb. I. (Bps Walla Walla. Wash., and brought back Telegram. )-he packing house will here, on a charge of grand larceny, and begin tomorrow to kill a limited number of that against VUcent C. Connelly, charged ho d"' Thwta l th ttemPt ..h m.,. ..i n, inHr.. I operatloa alnce the strike was declared. Chrlstensen with a rasor at Lindsay. Ma",er Burdlck announces that he has a Sevea cases on tha civil docket have force of men to run the plant at bea set for trial, tbe one ot greatest ia- P11 Information whether or .h. i. whirl. Me. iui.a ttrm bave been made between ths A. Hilllard ..ok. to recover damages from tr,k,r' "a ekln Pn h" Joseph H. Frevert. tha Platte Center """ saloon keeper, who. she alleges, brought rtw Werk af gcbeele at aeperler. destltutloa to , ner nome ny raraisning liquor to her husband until ha became a habitual drunkard. SUPERIOR. Neb., Feb. 6. (Special.) A Joint meeting of patrons and teachers was held here last evening. Superintendent Fowler waa ths speaker of tha avenlng. County Superintendent Bottenfleld, City Su- Platte Coaaty Case Affalast Former I i"""""""" "" lu" eaiira corpe oi leacners irom neiaoo were ia aitenaance. AMENDED PETITION FILED In connection with thla meeting the city schools made aa exhibit of uncorrected dally work ot tbe schools. Wake Mortajaare Reeera. t V.'AHOO. Neb.. Feb. 6. (Special.) These farm mortgages were filed and released dur- Ceaaty Treaaarer Beeenaes Mere Cosaetteated. COLUMBUS. Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special.) Aa amended petition has been filed In tha ease of Platte county against tha bondsmen ot tha former county treasurer, James W. Lynch. Mr. Lynch aerved two terms and I Ing January: Farm mortgages Iliad. 45; up to this time both sets ef bondsmen have I amount, $70.(65.55; farm mortgages releaaed, beea defendants in ths suit, and practically 1 8; amount. 99.91.71. City mortgages no progress has been made la area ap- filed. 18; amount, $5,284.10; city mortgages proachlng ths trial cf tbe cass. which Is released, 14; amount. $5,965. Chattel soort- very complicated. The amended petition gages filed, 100; amount. 82,685.62; chattel leaves tbe first term of.offlrs and tha first mortgages released. 88; amount, $23,815.11. act of bondsmen out ot the consideration. naming only tha second set ot boadsmea - eree. as defendants, and suing them for an al- I FREMONT, Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special. ) leged shortage of $1.C00. The case cannot I Jessie M. Dugger filed her pstltloa la tba ba tried before the May term of court I district court yesterday for a divorce from owing to the necessary allowance ot Uma I her husband. Albert. She alleges that he for the defence to make Its answer, I baa beea extremely cruel, baring driven (tee mit of the bouse, beat ber and eAlld " her Inaultlng names. Shs also wants the FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special.) At custody of their two children. a meetlns of the School board last ala-ht Dr. A. E. Wlnshlp of Boston was eeeured arai aeau ssaate, to deliver tha anaual address at ths com- 1 FREMONT. Neb.. Feb. 8. (Special. mencement exercises ot the High school. I Some people residing near the North Bend Frederick Mathleeen waa elected truant offl-1 rural free delivery routea waat a change cer and a committee was appointed to look I aiade. At present ths carrier rides two up railroad taxes which the board thinks I sad a half miles reaching but two families. belongs to tha district. I By going west Instead ef aaat whsa lg MMS a SM (Dyspepsia (Spe what yess Hat Tba agon you auffer after eating, tuat feeling of fullness, flatulence (wind on the stomach) and Deleting Is caused by decay of undigested food which forms a gas that distends the walls of the stomach and ex erts a pressure against all the internal orpana. The eating of more f ood forces out part of this gas and causes belching. - Just take a little Kodol Dyspepsia Cube. It will relieve you at once. It oerer (ails to permanently cure the worst cases of indigestion and dyspepsia. "I suffered untold pains from indigestion which were always worse af ter eating. Two bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cube made me a well man and life now seems worth living. PeterSherman, No. Stratford, N.H." It can't hc!p but do you good Prepared by E. O. DeWlU A Co., Chicago. The tl. bottle contains SH times the ton, alaa. The favorite household remedy foreouphs, colds, croup, bronchitis, grippe Uuoat and lung troubles Is ONE MINUTE Coutjh Cure. t cures aulcklj (Gertrude Warner Scott.) Women suffer untold misery because the nature of their disease Is not correctly understood; In many cases when doctoring, they are led to believe that womb trou ble or female weakness of some sort is responsible for their Ills, when. In fact disor dered kidneys are the chief cause of their distressing troubles. Tha mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famoua kidney and bladder rem edy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Is soon realised. It stands tha highest for its won derful cures ot the most distressing cases. A trial will convince anyone and yoa may have a sample bottle sent free, by mall. i EDITORIAL NOTE It you have the slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble, or If there Is a trace ot It in yourfamtly history, send at once to Dr. Kilmer as Co., Blnghamton. N. Y., who will gladly asnd you by mall. - Immediately, without cost to you, a sample bottle of Swamp-Root, and a book telling' all about Swamp. Root and containing many ot the thousands upon thousands of -testimonial letters ' re- " celved from men and .women cured. In writing to Dr.' Kilmer de Co.. Blnghamton, N., T.,' he sura to say that you read this generous offer la The Omaha Morning Bea. If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root la what .'you need, yoa - can pur chase the regular fifty-cent and one-dollar else bottles at .the drug stores everywhere. Don't make any mistake, but remember tha name Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blnghamton, N. Y. ' ... ; 7hen. dissatisfied, move to The Bee Building JZ 7C, Reasonable rental prices and perfect accommodations f j a R. C PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Rental Arcnts, Bee Bulldlnr. Owd to Stay Ottpmd let SO Dayi ' Mot m mUtrnmimmt htrt apsewaessf caw a a1 sVfawajfiasmsfasf My Mn for um . ami a l . . . . k.n . V lar aa4 arvM Ifiliin, rlSM and snrtrkes Ui klotf, ltM au4 kli th kUd4r sad kidneys, InTlyormtM th llr, rertva tkc pirlM, rlhiBa 72 7 tliiilc,ad.a,saad sjoa4 aU,rasUras tae wasted sews et seaasl i4' mto. nils T n J t ? nt wk tmmmumm cmm rrwa Yirimu or Strtotara, luuwkM a?.:I.rA2 "w4 ? " r" tros, erauatoos Ulu u tae mjfm, sd ''atasiisnesigw. phtnaU aad rnaaial AmIIim Ireqseatly fol.ew tort aukeM. la mm Oorrcspondonoo Gonfldsntlal. l7TZXuVZtZ?ZVtTlZ tmrk wmldMiH Ut I rl m L(al Unaraatee e ntaad year 7. VriUMhliranlrNf www, mu lm rwpij t win bits yea siaMmuasaaaaaasstepiaJvala rials savelee. AJOHTILWTSON. M. fX, jaaTlllotsea Bslldlsf.M Dearbori Street. CHICAQ0. A Vomai's Gratitude. . ' 2316 R. Street. Rkhmoai Va Oct. I led k my duty to inform yoa of tba food vine of Cardui has dona w and a still 17, 1930. doing BBs, I scarcely War my from day to day. have beea a sufferer for tome time writh femais troubles aod it seemed at times I could suf ferlna. At last I lost aecctitc and became so languid I could do nothing but by about until finally my mother Induced ma to try your Tina oi Cardui, which I did with great success. I have only takes two bottles but there at a decided chaos, la looks aad feelings. Mrs. HORTENSS STUTZ. Mr. Stub wrote this letter because hc felt It was her duty to write K. She wrote Lhi letter became she wanted suffering; women to take 1 and find the same relief the found. The reputation of this pure Wine rest upon what 1009,000 cured women UU Mn. Stutx tay of it 1,000.000 American women who know the dbtxcM, aony, terror and an jubh, humiliation and despair that female trouble brine; to modest woman, we teO you that this cum this misfortune may be banbhed forever by the um of Wine of Cardui. Wing of Cardui wlO re julatc inefwtrual deran jements just as surety as the moon rccutatcs the tides. It Is a simple, bitter, vejetable wine perfectly harmless under all circumstances, and used in connection with Thediords Black.-Draught, to assimilate and digest Ms virtues, it will regulate the incrtstrual habit stop the pains, restore the menses when suppressed, stop them when flooding, prevent miscarriage, male the period of pregnancy pleasanter, confinement easier and recovery quick. Procure a bottle from your druggist and take It In the privacy of your home. You cannot doubt this. For advise eaa ltleretnta, address, riving syaoptoats, Tke Ladles' Advisory Ptsartrasat,' Tae CoaUaaooga Madictae Ceatsaay, CaaUaaeuga, Xsaa. .