Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1902, Page 8, Image 8

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it Omaha.
lowered 1Ja a IK Thus lake wa re- bu.; total supply dwrwuKl 771.000 bu. Corn,
due ad to $13, electrolytic to $12.87 end cast- n th I'nlted Btatea and Canada. eaet of
Inn to $12 78. An beari-h feature th Rockies, Increased 83,or bu. Oat a. In
waa tha decline of 1 los In London, thua the I'nlted States anil Canada, east of the
r I nmt n m inAt nnrl fnturaai thM at .A Km bnbUa inrMiMl fwi Kn
I T- likB 1 marhkt fiw tl (In aaav with I '!' 1,1.... .1 .......... . i .mmlx Include
ExnerisaM Oliit Ifarktt M I sellers at $24.25. that being bid yesterday. I those ff &nn.!0 bu. at northwestern Interior
trail t.vm F , ,, ir . London tin closed 1 6a fewer, with spot elevators. IM.ono bu. at Newport New and
Aooeiat oi m nvtr.
Attract the Attention f Klaa
aat Make a. Coo Aataatt, tat
Breaks Toward the En a of
h leasloa.
at 1"9 a and futures at 104. Lead waa I lue.ntio bu,
tH A t, K,, mil mwA V, . .A at tl 1ft I
at KfW yorn, and Londun wa w nigner MOVEMENTS or Bl'OCKR AND Busi".
at 11 i M. Spelter was dun and points
lower at New Vorlt at $4.20, and Iondon
was unchanared at 17 10a. Iron waa dull
and unchanged htf, while Glasgow waa
a ahada hlrher at 49s fcl and Middles
borough waa a trifle lower at 44 M. PI
Iron warrants closed her at iil.oms'll.ou
No. 1 foundry, northern
foundry, wnuthern
foundry. southern
foundry, southern, soft, INI. tAKg 14.60.
i coid wZather market, holding up weJl at Condition of Trade and Qnetatlona
the opening- on fi-ara of aerlaua results n
thiir. hut sliding off aa
Prefeaaleaala Eadcarer 4 Awaken
Market from Somnolent Condition.
NEW TOFK. Feb. 4. The day's -mall
railroads and In United States Steel, were
of quite Insignificant proportlona. Amalga
mated Copper waa weak on the eharp break
in the Ixmdon copper market and on me
first reaction for copper In the local metal
market since the market turned upward.
The strength of Sugar waa baaed on the
recent stocK argument of a pronaDie r--
started weak and finished firm. Tha pri
vate rate of discount today was Increased
to 3 S-14L. Three per cent rentes. 101f22v
for the account. Exchange on London, Saf
12c for checks. Spanish 4a, 7 47.
MI.ndon. Feb. 4 Though there were I ... . ..j T4 Inl..
considerable repayments to the bank todny I Btf ItOtiptl ! CtttI and Tr38 AU148
money waa easier, the release, of large I II. rl Taa
pressing tha supplies. Business on the
nearly featureless, and prlcea had a la! H06S SELL GENERALtY FIVE HIGHER
KIMS iriiuirn-jr. CMTt-lirTI irn wrie pinuy,
Americana opened hesitating and were al
most neglected, and subsequently had an
Improving tendency. They closed quiet and
7rr? TvIt7 iift. Vin i business was largely congested In Amalga-
ll iffi !N ? mated Copper. Southern I'aclftc, Sugar and
' i S'fty2i2: K i Metropolitan. The dealings otherwise, even
:f.'iiZilSv2,A 1 In the great transcontinental and Tactile
below the beat prices of the day. Kaffirs
harply at the opening and cloalng dull.
weakened allghtly on realisations. Rio tin-
tos fluctuated wtldly on copper dropping.
were strong, though Live
ih aeverV weather, but alidln off as the
pita turned beaxleh once more. M7 J"": I EO39 Receipt more liberal; market un- I mission of Cuban sugar duties. The opera
cloal with a net loos ot H'Sto, My corn iMtlmd. frrBh Btor zf. . tlons In Southern Pacific were largely In
a down and May oats W0o depressea, UVE POULT RY Hens, 7V4c: old I the hands of the aneculative pool In the
i i-i - ..I A V iLn tm mAl UtHlDQ. I .-. . a . .1 -r..n . . . l. I ., . . ; ' k.
bcwh. iHcaawanna rose uuiun niR"r'
than yesterday's high price, but reacted 4
fcarly buying on Oie cold weaUjer P""i ducks, r&10c; geese, 810c; spring chickens, Sault Ste. Marie stocks rose 4 and points,
especially by the southwe, end some oi l sif9r. hens. Q9c. I respectively, for the common and preferred.
Uw local crowa io;i nme I ounniK common to iair, c: cnoico i Dut saved net gains of only ana
csxloned a iair myiuic-, j --ry-r dairy, jn tuoa, itfync; separator, z.KBi!. American Kx press and United states ri
bullish news from KJUisaa City and FROZEN FI8M Black baaa. 18c: White I nreea made i.rn aalna. The declaratloi
"v I bass, juc: Diuenan, jzc: muineaas, ic; dui- i of a no dividend on standard oil, tne same
a": . 1 I faloea. 7c: catfish. 12c: cod, 10c: crapplea, I as for the first quarter of last year, .and
IOIQ UP to I .... v. . II V...4 ,in. t,A-i- ln UmAA t-f I . v-- ..... i , : I .
f4c but seJUng by local Intersota ana pre- i ke( gc; ,nBnpert ntc; salmon, 12c; sun- significance, aa It was feared that the re
dictlone of moderating weather brolie tne I j.hi trout. c; whltefish, 8c; pickerel, cent fall In the price of oil would lead to
market toward tha end of the seaaton. ""J I (c- fresh mackerel, each. tixaXici smelta, 10c a reduction of the dividend. The market
sold down to (fuc, out. "ro"Vi, I otbtekb Mediums, per can. .c; mana- i closed dull and heavy.
good covering ana btmu .i Jr. : I araa, per can, atc; extra seiecta, per can, i business ln bonds waa wen aistriDutea.
i ... I mrmm nif fnnr liveo U1U W-J . . , i . rv. . w vnrtf I 'innt nee can ! niiiir
...t. -wo down, at 63VZ63a. RecelpU were standarda. per sal.. li.JO(B1.25: bulk extra
Only t earn. . tri-vii Mum . . " a wi m wiiii,
Wheal nad ratnr a ami u.t. - '?! I per gai., i.e.
in prlcea waa limited to He The cold 'pi5k6n8-LI ve, per do., tc
weaker, while having M IndepdentbuH-I VEAL-C"holce. 4c. .
lsh effeot in tnia pit, " I tjunrM new, sic; oiu, aic,
more by Ita Indirect errm-i uini "'C ,., I OATD-mc.
!m.. mrmm hlllllsh M COtTl. bUtl n D JD.- An l AA
later wheat turned independent n0.b""!- I HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole-
Th, emwd sola a-no iih . Bftia hi, ifeniera association: v.nnics up
Reoelpta, botn local ana nonuw-s- i isna. w. rto, a upiana, i.ou; meaium, n, i tne- isew xor tstoc exenange
small and the world's vimdio bupput u i coarse. W.w. Rye atraw, r.. These prices
Receipts Were: Cattle. Hoga. Sheep.
Official Monday I.9 i.uoj'4
Official Tueaday
.'old premiums are quoted: Ruenos Ayres.
17.30; Madrid, 3A.06; Lisbon. 30; Rome, 110.
Par gold, 77s lod. American eagles, 76a
BERLIN. Feb. 4 Home fund were firm
on the bourse today, owing to the marked
ease of money. Banks were Arm at first,
but there waa a general reaction toward
the close, on tne decline in coal shares.
The New York advices were also rather
44' nfga. for checks. Discount rates: Short I Kama week Ihim
whs. i- per cent; tnree montns Dins, same three weeks ago.. 8.215 11. MS
percent. I ttame four weeka agu.... .4i8 20.S14
MAliRIT), Feb. 4. Spanish 4e closed today I Same days last year 4.987 12.951
at 79.99. Gold waa quoted at &. I The official number ot ears oi
brought in today by each road waa
J3o; New York Counts, per can. 4oc; bulk Total sales, par value. $3,520,000. United
States old 4s advanced Mi on ins last ran.
The Commercial Advertisers London
financial cablegram says: Americans re
main dull. New York lifted Union, and
Southern Pacifies. Copper fell 84 to 53a
a ton on professional manipulation. Paris
exchange, 25.154: Berlin. 25.40. The Aus
trian banK naa reduced us rate irora t to
per cent.
he following are the t'.osing prices on
C M. A St. P. Rv
OMAHA. Feb. 4. Bank clearings today. O. & 81. L. Rv
t1,Ofi4.2M 29; corresponding day last year, I Missouri Pacific Ry...
$871,962.17; Increase, II92.2flfl.12. Union Pacific system
ST. LOLiB. ren. 4. Clearings, sj.SoS.bos ; c. N. w. Ry
balances. $1,4.'.843; money. 4Wjr5 per cent; I P., E. A M. V. R. R...
New lorg exenange, zw. premium. c, St. r, M. et O. Ry
BOSTON, Feb. 4.-Clearinge, I6,00,01; B. A M. h. Ry
balances. $3,701,412. C, B. A Q. Ry
NEW YORK. Feb. 4. -Clearings, 312,4,- K. C. A St. J
250; balances, $18,5S7.7B9. C., R. 1. A P., east
PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 4. Clearings, $20.- C. R. I. A P., west....
8Sn,2frl; balances, $2,635,243; money, i per Illinois Central
BALTIMORE, Feb. 4. Clearings, $4.Wtl.- Total receipts
111. V. . 1 . Ei1 ice. A 1 -. ... . I
t:Hii:Aiio. hfti. . cieannaa. rj9!M.wa'i . .,v.,..-
bHlanres. $l.930.M9: posted exchange. 4. M follow, each fcuyer purcnaaing tna num.
lays, $4.R8 on demand; New York '
eraad 721.000 bu. On these lnfluences May I t'r hay of good color and quality. De- Atchison
farted Ho up at vi'XiO ana "iu ui """".": I mana iair. receipts, i cam. 1 oo pia....
v i Baltimore a
PATATftrfl HnmkrTAWII. 11 northern. I do Ofd
$1: Salt Lake. $1.10; Colorado. $1.10. Canadian Pao
i a k ki 1 1 m fer nil. voc. i v nmua
BEETS Per bu. basket. 60o. itnea. at vnio
TURNIPS Per bu., 6uc; Rutabagas, per I Chicago A A
Chl., ind. A L
CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do., $2.40.
arted ho up at mo T - rr, J
1,1 ,vl uniimmt turned the market held
very wetL considering the selling V"S?
and May closed easy, &Hc lower, at 78H
784c. New YorK reponea aimTiui.,...! -
. h tha business was
laraeiy confined to Manitoba wheat, which
was being sold under uie price ior 100 lbs.. $1.25.
can. Local receipts were only 22 oars, two PARSNIPS Per bu., BOc.
Duluth reported 20 cars, making a total
for the three poinia oi ;.,
.Tl 1.-, m.U mA 3tX a VAST ajTO.
receipt were 401.000 bu., against RADISHES Per do.. 25e.
a year ago. wj""?""!" l.ilr..i I SWEET POTATOES H
mnA nou r eouajea v,t" vu. .r
Baltimore A O...102W
. 4ftH
. 52 V
.... 7BU
. "dm.So. Pacific
do Pfd
Sfrg-filS LETTUCE Heo r bbL, $S.50; hoT- Chi A E
lu nnn hn. I FARBIJiY fer oos., M. h m nM .... .. 4IU
So. Railway 32
do pfd vi4
Tex. A Pacific... 3S
Tol., St. L. A W. 20
do pfd 27'V
Union PaclQo ....101
do Did... M4i
Wabash t
do pfd , 42ft
Wheel. A L. E... 17
do 2d pfd 28
Wis. Central .... 19-v
do pfd 89V4
Aoair.a cx xuu
Home grown, per Chicago AN. W.214 American Ex m
,t !.. TT... t tl IK . U . . "t X-....iT p. Cl IIS
rrted three loads taken for export. . I Snofcl!lHAiLnt eXl crated l;e I Chl. Ter. A Tr... 17 IWells-Fargo Ex.190
At. .r unln dull and price fluctuated .Tirnrin. vui.., ? do pfd........... Amai. popper
. i.H corn over a very narrow XC.VCv Q o. .Ti li. V.- uiki. C. C. C. A St. L. MHvi Arner. car A F
ange. ine miisi.ii . -I tui. red or yellow. Be per id.
In the market and the. big local iraoera - cSTT.ERY California. 40aT6e
were Inclined to let thlnga rest as tnry i TOMATOES Florida, per S-basket crate
were. May sold over a range of Ho and
closed steady at 44H44Ho. Receipt were
88 cars.
do 1st ofd 65W
do 2d pfd 81H
Del. A Hudson. ..lis
Del. I.. A W 292
Denver A K. U.. 421
waa a demand for pork at the APF"5M."ii yftPr . w?-- do pfd...
" . r . . r i i . . ii w iiihiim. mo. riniiaiiiauo. i.ifv. uciiouun' H.ria
n that nniM nnrtH un lainv wrii. i . ' . . . . . . .
do pfd.
Amer. Lin. Oil..
do pfd
Amer. S. A R...
do pfd
Anac. Mln. Co..
73 "a
Brooklyn . R. T... 66
opening that carried prices up iainy wr... " " y-g.J'-fi w
The msrket at the yards had a good tone erRkHwxe'rs- $2 25- Lawrence $2,253
and the pits retained their early gains until PEAKS-V lker. Lawrence.
near the close, when the reactlonln gralna so". M . k . '
a mr- mra loanea. Trade was "I": P"i .""'
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $7; per crate, do pfd.
. . ... i ,. .A tiL hlirhof. With
email, aii proumu iii V K jn, I ti fit
May pork at liw. way lara at .-n 'AVY BEANS Per bu., $2.1B. "
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat,
10 cars; corn, 40 car; oata, 40 cars; hog.
41.000 head. ,,
The leading future ranged a follow
do 1st pfd..,
do 2d pfd...
UL Mor. pia.
.... PiTJ!i"vni,Tl. il. A.
.... 38T;Colo. Fuel A I..
.... vVt -on. uaa
.... 55!Con. Tob. pfd.
....iHb.t-ten. eiiectrio
Hock. Valley ..... Wi Glucose Sugar
U-7 Unablne Ia.. 1
Illinois Central.. .1374llnter. Paper
Iowa Central 40 I do pf
eiA .tA 7 at TnrAl pAwan
KiKF 'lt. I"""-'". v -a
Artlcles.l Open. High. . Low. I Close.lTes'y,
July p.4
May July
May July
16 95
16 05
S 66
I 7W4
15 "7!
IS (Jb
I 50
8 67Vsl
75 I
xiivii? l n wu., ,.iu.
OrtAlNttco taiiiurnia iiavcia, . iowo.w, i iaae tine a tt.. "".vr.1-" um
budded. $2.50. do pfd i: i. iscult .
LEMONS, i3.zo; cnoice, J. u s n
BANANAS Per bunch, according to slse, I Manhattan L.
M 7R l Met. St. Ry...
r Itio t.;aiiiornia, new csriom, un- i mu i-cimai .
norted. per lb.. 12414c Mm. . National.
, - - 1 , i D
UlttJ'K .I.INKJ1 IM I i.lillll. w m.
NT ITS New crop walnut. No. 1 oft i if 1
hell, per lb., 12c; hard hell. per lb., Uc; I . jo nfcL...
Nn s nnft anpii. toe: mo. a nara sneii. uc: i v -.i . i
3H!fi3HWHfi3'4fi4 ner lh 14c: nlherta. oer lb.. i:tn: V ;..L.
633YiVH;6H,f?i4 nmond. soft shell. 17c; hard shell, 15c; Rorfblk A W
62 62 63 pecans, iarge, per lb., 12c; amalL Wo; cocoa- "do if d" . . !
nuts, per ! , o.oif. i Ontario A w
Horn Hi rer z-section case, Pennsvlvanla
CIDER Nehawka, per bbl.. $3.25; New Reading
York, $3.50. I do 1st pfd..
PUtvuKN-rer id., dc. i do Zd pfd...
HIDES No. 1 green. 8c: No. S green. 6c: I Rt L. A S. F.
No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 3 salted, 6c: No. 1 veal do 1st pfd....
cair, to uy, ids., so; mo. i veal cair. u to do za ptd....
16 lbs., 7c; dry hides, 8lic; sheep pelt, 75o; St. L. Southw
none niaes, n.owa .
. 49
. 14
. 19
. 74
IS 90
15 97
8 46
S2 . 81
15 90
16 00
8 47
8 67
15 87
15 95
8 46
8 65.
104 iNatlonal Lead.
..135 'National Salt.
..172!Skl do ofd
..28 No. American.... 93V4
.. ll'.aXaW11U .... ii
..107H Tacific Mall 48
..102 People's Gas 90
tressea s. car...
i uiniiMii i , uar..iijf
republic Steel... ISH
do pfd 69
nuear 1
Tenn. Coal A T kI
union Bag A p.. 12
do pfd 73
U. S. Leather.... 11
do pfd 80'Z
U. S. Rubber 14
ud pia ... 61
24 VI
... 62
'". 92
... 83
... 56H
... 82
St. Lenie Grata and Proylalons.
ST. Iflim Feb. 4 WWKAT Lower:
No. I red cash, elevator, 87c; track. 88 89c;
74 TJ. 8. Steel 43
ZSVi! do pfd 43U
do pfd 58ViiWestern Union.. 90"Z
la . 1 A ...
Dl, rui jixjtii Amor. LQeomg,., AS
do pia 187 oo pia 93
i New York Money Market.
r.m miMAHnns Mta aa follows;
. FLOUR-Bteadyj winter patent. M.KVfJ I May. 86c; July, 78Vi78c; No. 8 hard.
Spring speclalsr wlor patenU.' W.:S; '"SoRN-Lower: No," J 'cash, 2C; track.' NEW YORK. Feb. 4-MONEY-On calL
straignis, I7ii;, -t . m., pw, , -. -- 0 , v.u
WHEAT No. 8 spring. 76c; No. I red, I OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. 46c: track. 47 I asked, 2Hti'2 per cent; prime mercantile
RSt!hHf)iAO I 47 He; May, 46c; JUiy, M'C, 0. 2 wnite, I paper, us' per cent,
dATS-No. Hc: No. S white. 4747c; 48c. STERLINO EXCHANGK About eteady,
vVV.":,,: iiZSX.' ' RYT5-Nomlnallv. 62c with actual business In bankers' bills a I
RYB-No.'l, 61o. . 1 FLOUR Firm, unchanged: red winter $4.87H4-87 for demand, and at $4 .84 for
Mexican dollars.
BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 59 I patents, $3.954.10: extra fancy and straight, I sixty days; posted rates, $4.88; commercial
VIliB, e.no7Suet7S.
DlLVc.R liar. Ktto:
BONDS aovemment. strong; state. In
active: railroad. Irregular.
una closing quotation on oona are aa
mu. I X3.Dima.7o: clear. H.ztxavt.w.
SEEDS No. 1 flax. $1.70; No. 1 northwest- i SEED Timothy ateady. $6.76ig).80.
. II ii4fn. Hmnlnv ME t&7i4 SO I fHRNMPA T HteA (1 V. $3.10.
clever, contract grade, $9.40. BRAN Dull, weak; sacked, east track,
PROVISIONS Moss poTK, per noi., i. 10 i aoinuc. , .
615.74. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $9.30.82. Bhort HAY Steady to dull, easier; timothy,
-lh. eidea (loose). $8.25T8.40. Dry salted I Il3.5twi4.60; prairie, (lu.oiitau.w.
shoulder (boxed), r.1237.7. Bhort clear PROVISIONS Pork, ateady: Jobbing, old
vnnuiurraj iwmij, . " t
WHISKY Baal of high wine, $1 SI.
The following war the receipt and chip-
msnts of grain yesterday:
Articles. Receipts. Shipment.
Flour, bbl 80.000 84.000
Wheat, bu i 68.000 74,H
Com, DifTV. 86.000
Oats, bu....r.w... 1X3,000
Ryebu ,..?......... 8.000
Barhw. bu . 87.000
On the Produce earjiang today the but-
$15.30; new, $16.50. Lard, steady, $9.20. Dry U. 8. r. 2a. reg
salt meats (boxed), strong; extra shorts i do coupon
and clear ribs, $862H; clear sides. $8.87.
Bacon (boxed), strong; extra shorts and
clear ribs, $3.34; clear sides, (ii.ittft.
whisht Bteaay. si.u.
BAOOINO 68)6c.
HEMP 9c.
METALS Lead: Firm: $4.00 bid. Spot
V I ter: Lower at $3.90.
uswl'V 1 tint. . m tw T . 1. 1-1 D. .. .1..-..
I "U U 1 II -1 ii i il , i;iik:miib, fcu.Avjr.
lWrile; ducas, iuc; geeae, iwntic.
Egg, strong; fresh. MfeiSf7o.
aeotattoaa - f tKe Day eW Vartea
- (Toaamedttles.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4.-
27.052 obia; ex porta, i.w
ateady; winter patents.
dalrv. 150-2OC.
eoos Higtier at 6C.
or. n. T iyra im.,,. I IW1A kkl. . V . . ,
I I'll. L.1 I 1 U I IUUI, V.VW UUID., W IIVMV.
7,000 bu.; corn, 6S.0UV bu. : oats, w.uuo ou.
do 3s. reg 1084
do coupon li8
do new 4s, reg. .1.19
do coupon 139
do old 4s. reg.
do coupon ....
do s, reg
do coupon ....
Atch. gen. 4s...
do adj. 4s
Bal. A O. a....
do SV&s
do conv. 4s....
Canada So. 2s..
Cent, of Oa. 6s.
do 1 Inc
BHIPMENTS Flour, 8,0u0 . bbls. : wheat. Chea. A O. 4i
10,000 bu.; corn. 92,000 bu.; oats. 33.000 bu. c B A Q n. 4i
. 9a
. 79
. 844k
Kansas City Grain anal Previsions.
Q n. 4
C. M A S P g. 4S.114W
C A N W c. 7s...l384,
. I . . . . ... .m I . . U T K. U . ini.
v , i Kansas tn r, r-eo. i.-whsat-mit, . i. . I ;A7f
FIUR-BenelDts 75fi76o; July. 74V5: cash No. 8 hard. CCp AS L g. 4.103 u
w.VD,,-.i-aX,l, . I 75(oT6c; No. 3. 75c; No. 3 red, 88c; No. 8, X"'- ,rT n---' 7
t3.7t.4i4.28: w1nter I i,I".,Vi., iT- uk,t. . I Colorado So. 4... 2S
utraight. $3.6.85: MlnneeoU . pitenU, CORN May, 6(&i6o; September, 63Ho; a,
$i.86(a.15; winter extras;JW.0()l&.t6; Mlnne- oaJlh. No, 2 mixed. 63564c; No. t white, Ee PrJor.'
sota btkaro, $2,964(4.30; winter low grades, ggo; ko. 3. 67c , . U.d&e2nK4?.",:"-
. - Jtyo nour, smajri iair in sy
; choice to fancy, $3.60i33.7&. I
$2.i4i4.). - Rye Hour, ateady: fair to tfpod, OATS No. 1 white. 47flt74o.
i3.nn3.40: choice to fancy, $3.60(83.76. I - I RYE No. 3. 2iai3c
CORNMEAL-teady; yellow weeUrn, HAY-Cholce timothy. $13.60; choice
Hock. VaL H...10I
Li. cc rt. um. s...iui
aiex. central a.. t3
do Is lnc 32
M. A SL L. 4a.... 104
M.. K. A T. 4s... 99
do 2s M
N. Y. Central 1.103
do gen. 3H-...108
N. J. C. gen. 6. 1384
No. Paclflo 4s 105'J
.no as It
N. A W. con. 4.103
Reading gen. 4.. 9h
St L A I M c ia.118
St L A S F 4.... 97
Ot. U. B. W. IS... 93
a A A A P 4s 90
So. Pacific 4s.... 84V
.so. Railway 6a...l20u
Tex. A Pac. Is... 120
T. St L A W U.. B4W
Union Pacific 4.1064
do conv. 4 106iJ
Wabash Is llt
do 2s HliZ
do deb. B 68
West Shore 4s. ...112
W. A L. E. 4s.... 33tZ
Wis. Central 4s. 88
iiva, auu. is...... Du'j
$1 26: city. $1.25; Brandywlne. 83.90.7(X orairie. $13.60.
RYE Easier; No. J waa torn, o, f o. I ' BUTTER Creamery,
o., anoai, atato, wmyaiu, .. w iwi i fancy. 18c.
Iar23c; dairy.
incv. lHc.
EOOB Plentiful but higher: fresh Mla-
BARLEY Cull! feeding. 6MfS5C. C I. f.. I .t .A Vanua atncJr minted Ml 'rhinn.
New York; malting, firac, o. 4. f., New jaHo per do., loaa off, cases returned; new
whltewood ci
returned, 23c.
WHRAT Receipts. - 1L100 bu. : exports.
mm bu. Soot, ateady: No. 1 red. 87Ho.
W M ..... V. U A kuli. . I ...r . .
I. V, If., a.ii..1.. - , ...... ,. H
No. 1 northern, Xhjlutn, 86c f. o. b.. afloat; I go xa.; oata, 36,000 bu.
r,o. I nara, jiiiuuioima. oi-u, t. o. u. , aiiimt. i
Considering the decline of trade, wheat I Liverpool Grain amd Provisions
Boat) Btaek 4netatlens.
BOSTON. Feb. i. Call loans, S'4 per
cent: time loans, per cent, omcial
Atchison 4.
Geed Ren ef 8heep and Lambs, ttnt
Demand Is Liberal anal Steady to
Itrosg Prleea Paid for De
Irable Gradea at Killer.
io6.....iM :.r i :
28 2S ... 6t
55 18 ... 6 00
31 214 200 00
37 ?" ... 6 () .
90 VM 40 6 00
79 191 ... 6 00
P9 186 140 6 00
78 1! 90 6 00
83 15 160 6 00
8.1 193 ... 6 00
76 210 40 6 00
78 199 40 6 00
79 180 6 Oi)
61 210 80 6 OO
171 1!7 ... 6 02
75 2H3 ... 6 0.'Vs
17 228 lt 115
34 274 120 6 06
68 215 ... 6 0 i
94 194 40 05
86 193 40 6 05
Two day this week.
4.2U) 8.000 6.2U0
7.459 15.053
6.256 11,444
.581 24.277
Bank Clearing's.
Cattle. Hogs.Sh'p.Hscs.
51 2?8
77 212
71 2;4
67 I3
49 2-W
77 228
61 253
70 224
40 fin
,.r 110 .
40 6 10
... 6 10
... 6 10
... 6 10
... 6 10
J if
,.t 6 15
15 .
... 15
80 6 15
... 6 TO
... 6 20
... 6 20
... 6 22
... 6 25
... 6 25
... 25
80 6 35
... 6 33
Hardy f tht Hitsoiri Taolfio oi Tmi'
f IitPrdiOiitn. '
63 243
62 2?
12 39
60 328
SHEEP There w a good, liberal run
of -sheep and lamba here today, but there
did not seem to be any too many to meet
the requirements of local packer. They
were all out earlv, and as fast aa the stuff
arrived the desirable grades changed hand
at steady to strong prlcea. The commoner
kinds were, of course, negltcted to some
txtent. owing to the liberal run, but sellers
had no difficulty ln getting good, steady
prices for the kinds that ahowed quality
and the' pens 'were cleared In fairly good
season. So tn.tny of the trains were late
In getting In that the market was delayed
to a conrlderable extent, but that was
not owing to any lack In tha demand.
There were not enough feeders offered to
make test of the market, but it Is safe
to say that anything good would have sold
st steady prices.
Quotations: Choice lightweight yearllnga,
$4.8"o5.15; good to choice yearlings. $.50
4.80: choice wethers. $4.40i4.6S; fair to good
wethrs, $4,2614.40; choice ewes, $3.76fi4.0O;
fair to good ewe. $S.fHH-ft.7R : common ewe.
11! TSlfiJI trt- .lifilm lamha 1T. 7Mi6.00: fair tO
good lambs, $5.505.75; feeder wethera, $3.50
tjt.w, leader lamoa, M.uti'ot. .'; cuu ismoa,
H.oU'UJ-ij. Keprcsentativ aaies:
for alxty ds
avchnna-e site nremtum
CINCINNATI. Feb. 4. Clearing. $3,340,- I omena rcxing CO...
goo; money, 3V,(ntu, per cent; New York ex- I nammona rf. co...
change, 30c premium. I Swift and Company..
Ivuutiny riiciiinK ui.,
Armour A Co
I n Ttaclree aV 11cm rt
in r. t iuni, rvD, . inn luuowmg are i vanaant A Co..
the closing prices on mining stocks:
Adam Con to
Breece 63
Brunawick Con .. 6
Comstock Tun...
Con. Cal. A Va..l25
Deadwood Terra. M
Horn Sliver 135
Iron Silver 65
Leadvllle Con.... 6
Little Chief 11
. 45 lOntarto 700
Ophlr 78
Phoenix -4
6 Potoel 12
navage 6
Sierra Nevada .. 14
Small Hopes .... 38
Standard ...343
Waal Market.
Carey A Benton
Lobman a co ,
W. I. Stephen
Hill A Huntsinger .....
Livingstone A Schaller
Hamilton A Rothschild
L. F. Hus
H. Ii. Dennl A CO.....
B. F. HobMck
Wolf A M
Other buyer
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
... 331 1,233 1.199
... 125
,..1,078 2.577
,..1.268 1,968
778 3,713
98 ....
39 ....
..4.476 9,463 8,454
CATTLE There was a big run of cattle
LONDON. Feb. 4. WOOL The market I here today and In fact this was one of
hero presents few new feature this week, the big day of the year. , The train were
The demand I moderate, while values are I late In arriving and the alleys were blocked
held on a very firm basis. Manufscturers I until nearly noon with cattle that were
are taKing a rair amount or wool from I lust comma in. Buvers or course did not
time to time at full prices, but there la an I care to do much until they knew - what
aoeence ot speculative reeling, owing to was in sight ana a a result ine marxet
the heavy sales of wool last fall, together I waa very slow In opening and the tendency
with the steady nicking ud of good lots. I of nrices waa decidedly downward. Corn-
mere is considerable snnnitage in tne avail- I parativeiy few cattle were weignea up
able aupoly of good territory wools and a I much before noon, so that It waa very
buyer now has a poorer choice from which I late before anything approaching a clear
to make his selections. Value hold firm, I anc waa made. Had the train been on
about 46S46o for fine medium wools. The I time It la safe to ssy that the market
scoured oaais ror nne territory wools l would have been In mucn better anape.
about 47(aH8c, while some fancy lots are There was a liberal sprinkling of beef
calling for 60c. Medium territory wool steer Included In receipts, but nearly
are quoted at 3840c, with choice line 42c. everything sold lower than yesterday. A
Fleece wools are Arm, with sales of Ohio few of the choicer grades did not sell very
washed delaine at 28c and choice XX and much lower, but aside from those It I
above Ohio at 27c No. 1 fleece are firm safe to quote the general market right
at 2626Hc, with buyer holding for 27c. around a dime lower. While some sale
'i ne . onenngs at ine auction sales I were not iuc lower, otners were more man
today numbered 13.3o0 bale. New I that.
South Wales and Victoria merinos I There was very little activity to the cow
were In active ' demand at firm I trade today and prices were lower all
rates. Punta Arenas and Falkland Islands I around. Some of the choicest grades, such
were in rair demand. The tone wa steady I as sell from $4.15 up, were very close to
for all grades. These are the sales In de- I steady, but all others were all the way
tall: New South Wales, 2.400 bales; scoured, from 6c to 16c lower than yesterday, and
6dg'ls6Hd; greasy; 4"i4T?10d. Queensland, It was late before sellers succeeded In
600 bales; scoured, ls4j'l6d; greasy, 6 disposing of what they had.
7Ud. Victoria. 1,500 bales: scoured. 7Hd Bulls, veal calve and stag were all alow
l4d; greasy, 4104d. South Australia, I sale and a little lower than they were
1.400 bales: scoured. Is2rtwis4d; greasy, bee yesterday.
9d. West Australia, 800 bales; eooured, 10d I The stock-- and feeder market was slow
frlsZMid; greasy, 4(jj8d. Tasmania, ZOO I and lower today. Speculators were sfrald
bales; greasy, -botwi. jsew Zealand. i,3uu that the extremely cold weather would
bales: scoured. KrlOd: greasy. 3T10Ud. I nrevent buvers from coming to market, and
Cane of Oood Hope and Natal. 1.000 bales: I for that reason they were not at all anx-
greasy, 4H?d- Punta Arena. &oo bale; I loua to get a heavy supply on hand. Borne
greasy. iK'ni. Buenos Ayres. 400 bales: I of the choicest heavyweight feeders sold
greasy, 8iud. Falkland Islands, 400 bales; I at not far from steady prices, but aside
greasy, stmd. i rrom those tne marxet was siow ana tuny
ST. 1,0 IT 1 8. Feb."". WOOL Steady to I a dime lower. Common, thin stockers were
firm, medium grade, 13t318c; light fine, 12 1 almost unsalable, aa no one seemed to
i!5c; heavy fine, 10812c; tub washed, 14 want them at any price. 'Representative
MC -, :,, ale;
25 culls
284 western ewe
17 native ewea
495 western ewe ,
10 cull lambs
6 native ewes
7 western wethers .
150 western yearling
71 native lambs
8 western ewea
1 buck
2 bucks . ...
97 goat
48 western wethera .
23 native ewes
20 culi Ismbs
8 western lamba ....
85 western lambs ....
124 native lambs
97 native lambs
10 CUll tWS
30 cull ewes ,
20 cull ewes
86 native ewea
1 western ewe
229 western ewes
1 western ewe
420 western ewes
287 western ewes
675 western ewes
78 western wether .
210 western wethera .
430 Colorado wether'
63 Tigtern wether .
.4 82
. 95
.. 137
.. 89
.. 80
.. 154
.. 95
.. 93
.. 92
.. 90
.. 100
.. 215
.. 126
.. 121
.. 127
.. 75
.. 70
.. 86
.. 85
., 123
.. 106
.. 100
.. 97
.. 100
.. 1"4
.. 106
... 107
.. 121
.. 113
... 103
.. 104
2 25
8 90
4 15
4 20
4 25
4 25
4 75
6 00
6 90
2 26
3 00
3 00
2 60
4 00
4 25
4 50
6 60
6 60
6 15
6 00
2 00
1 60
2 60
4 15
4 25
4 25
4 25
4 26
4 25
4 25
4 75
4 75
4 85
... aT aa . B at
NEW " YORK. Feb. l-COTTON-Soot, 1
closed firm; middling upland. 8c; mid- I
.,11... ...If 01 n - M.. tut K.laai r,it,i.M ! M
closed eteady; February, 8.08c: March, 8.13c; I 1.
April, .ioc; May ana june,; juiy, b.iuc; i "
Aiiaruat. 8 flftc: Sentember. 7.75c: October. 1 49
7 1l Th. noba nnmat Aiilat art A tin. I 41
changed and closed steady, wttn price net I
unchanged to 3 point nigner. ' I ;jr
Firm: aalea. 4.100 bales: ordinary. 6 7-16c:
rood ordlnarv. 6lS-16c: low middling. 7c: 1 18
middling. 71-16c; good middling. 716-16c; re- 16.
eelDta. 6.813 bales: stock. 3S1.2i7 bales. Fu- 1 19.
(una nnlet? F.hmarv 7.88c: March. 7.946S I 19
7 96c: Aorll. 7.eaSc: May. 8.046.06c: June. 11.
8.09.10c; July, 8.13Q8.14C; August, 7.9S9
7 ftsc. I 21
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 4. COTTON sreaay ;
Av. Pr.
....1090 4 25
....1011 4 30
.M. 978 4 40
.... 780 4 50
.... 896 4 60
.... 972 4 60
.... 979 4 66
....1000 4 66
.... 862 4 70
....10UO 4 76
. ....
. At. Pr.r
....1230 4 80
....11$; 6 10
....1133 t 16
.....1090 6 00
....1250 6 30
....1007 5 40
....1090 6 40
....1153 6 40
....1550 6 80
....1300 6 90
601 4 00 1 93 4 70
18 983 4 70
7 1!S1 4 90
7 1181 4 95
16 1096 6 00
12 1266 6 30
sale. 810 bales; middling. 7c: receipts, 1 14....
9.972 oaies; snipments, i,iu
64,940 bales
steady at 7 15-16C.
moderate business: price l-32d higher;
. . , i j j 1 1 ... . m 91.4 . Muwt
A meriua n nuuuiiiiH iwi, . .-tnt , mid
dling, 4 21-32d; middling. 417-32d; low mid
dling, 4 1-16d; good ordinary, 4 6-16d: ordi
nary, 4 l-16d. The sales of the day were
7,000 bales, of which 600 were ror apecuia.
tlon and export, and Included 6,600 Ameri
can. Receipt were 21.400 bale, all Ameri
can. Futures opened quiet and closed quiet
and Mir Adv. American middling, g. o. c.
February. 4 tt-6M 29-64d. buvers; Februsry-
March, 4 xs-std, seller; Marcn-Anni. tzs-ia.
eilara: Aorll-Mav. 4 28-64d. aellers: May-
June. 4 28-64d. buyers; June-July. 4 28-64-4
29-4d. sellers: July-August. 4 2-64i&4 29-6-'d,
aellers; August-September. 4 24&64d, buyers;
September-October, 4 le-43t u-vm, buyers.
Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta.
at MVt I A lloiiae
RECEIPTS-Wheat. 21.600 bu.: corn. S7.S00 Al. . M Lin,.!..'""
' Jo"000 bu. ui. Ceotral 4a.. 82 Baltic 4U
BMirutnio wmu, ifu. , corn, au,- i N E G. A C 5a
Atchison pSi
do ofd 97W
Boston A Al 263
lZl1l9Jfti.?ZlJlLZtt-l LIVERPOOL, Feb. t-WHEAwk Bo-Jon A M.:::"
small receipt, light speculative offerings, a No. $ red, western winter, steady, te 2d; "lon. ft i'Wf"'
decrease In the world's stock and fairly No. 1 northern, spring, ateady, 6a 2d; No. ft.'-JS vtd.'.Y.
Hlnsham z(U
v ai. at iiecia M
Copper Range
mm. coal ....
20 I Isle Royale ..
SHtcnhurg pfd. ...145 iMohawk .
Union Pacific ....101 old Dominion .
Mex. Central .... 28 (Osceola
Amer. Sugar 127 Parrot
do pfd luiivuincy
Amer. T. A T....1M Santa Fe Cop..
large New York clearances. A final slight 1 California, firm, 6 6d: future, quiet;
.V.-.L. ,l.k nrn ltw U rlneln, nri.-a. I Xfarch. 6 lUd: MaV. 6a 2Vkd.
. ,-. nat inwtr. Xtapch einaeH at uun- CORN Smit. ouiet: American mixed.
May. 8S U-16.o4l4c. J-loeed at 83o; Juiy, new. 6 4d: American mixed. Es 5Hd!
Sy4c. clueed atlo. futures, ateady: February, 6a 3Hd; March,
COKN necpia. w.uuu oil : exports, ihi i am nu, . . ...
bu. Spot, eaay; No. 3, 6be. elevator, and PROVlsio-.-Lra, Anrican rennea. iij gen. Electric ....279 iTrlmountaln
Site. 1. o. b.. afloat. While somewhat r. pain, iwm. yuim wnwn, m. inrrn, 83 Tr nitV
. i . . . . . .... a . . I 13.. ..m i1h tn,.l,a 1. In I r - . . I ......
regular, con averagna iainy ateaay toosy, i eicaAij,, ,om. """''i -" ""'in. E. O. A 4J.... 6 t nilea States
with a moderate iraae. me nrm npota i sv idb.. qui, t - I XTnlted Fruit .... 87H t tah ...
were due to increased consumption owing I PK AS Canadian. ed. I u. S. Steel 43 iVIctorla
to cold weatner ana tne nn&i aeciine tol imcciii u ".""'' I do pfd Winona
local realising It closed weak. Ho net day. 177.1)00 cental. Including iicuuv Amer- Adventure 22 Wolverine
lower. May, eviniw", cioaea at K.c; July. I u-n. niu ...i..ii. .. .umui
tbCiVQ. cloaed at 6c. I the last three aays, ,ouu cantata.
X w. Ill EAA .. a a mrn. I a ai . . .-at. . a
W.. C3 Mrea 1J ra Atti A -1 X.' t ACa. I ST k 1 1 B.m 4 1 B la 1 . Matlttt. I
No. 1 whlteT 60o: No. ? whit.! 60Uo; tiiVk -.v . LONDON. Feb. 4.-1 p. m Closing
mixea "1l: l TiL' . .r. ""w I Firm. Wi lo higher: extra western cream
. 6i
, 75'4
, 17
. 24
APPLES There Is little doing In the mar
ket and the feeling Is generally easy, al
though price are about unchanged. State,
common to good, quoted 7c; prime, 8
Interest 1 shown In the marxet, partic
ularly In anrlcots and peaches, which an
flrmlv held at slight advances . on some
grades. Prune are eteady at 3&ic.
Apricots. Royal. 10tfl4c; Moor Park, 10, a
12Hc. Peaches, peeled, 14gl8o; unpeeled.
naar Marked
nnen kettle. 24.ifl.1Ui-: open kettle centrif
ugal. 2i?t34c: centrifugal, granulated and I 1.
white, none: yellow, 8mg3 13-16o; seconds, I l.
r-fcSSc. Molasses, steadv; open kettle; 10-i) I
28c: centrifugal. 7a 18c. Byrup, steady, 10 I $.
22c. . . 23...
NEW YOPK. Feb. 4 BUOAK steady; i
centrifugal. 9 test. 8 ll-16c. Molaaaes sugar, I 1.
3 lo-We. Kenned, stesay. moiaaaea, nrm. i m,
LONDON. Feb. 4. B1JOAK naw. Muaco-
vado, 7s; centrifugal, S Sd; oeet, roruary,
s ?a.
66c. Optlona dull and barely quiet.
Cons., monty., 94 T-l Norfolk A West.. 6'
HAY.eady; shipping. k&e: good to 'Z- T-Ti.C',"!- w. do account. .. 94 11-WI do pfd
clinics. 87'ulO.
ttiipa Lull: state, common to choice
1901 crop, ll(91o; 1900 crop, $'jUc; 1899
crop, ".lee. facino w"i. ii crop, uaV
16c; i;v crop, eti'ui i ciup,
HlDt Steady : Galveston, 20 to 26 lbi.
18c; California, 21 to lbs., lc; Texas
dry. 24 to ) lbs., 14Mjc.
ifiTHF.R-Stmlv: hemlock sols far h
Bueuos Ayre iigut to neavyweignts, H'tJ 74Hc; May, 74c; juiy, to-tc; on traca. ino. I Erie
I . I . W . . t n ... 1 .... n Til, n XT.. I " la
gtiC. ... I naro. iwn , a iiuiih.ih, i. tiv. . a
A West.. 67
A W 34
7 nnt.Hn
western and southwestern, 29c; fresh south- I Atchison 78H Pennsylvania
ern. w. .. 1 do pfd sVKaading
CHEESE Firm; ivew Torx lu creams, Baltimore A O...HMl do 1st pfd.
fancy email, llo: New Kork full o reams, I Canadian Pac lltH do 2d pfd 32
fair to choice, vano I Cheaapeaks A O.. 4ti' Southern Ry ,. 3i
Chicago G. W.... 23V do Pfd 97
Minneapolis Wheat, Flonr and Bran. I C. M. A St. P...lb7!8oulhern Pacific 64H
tenver it- u... J un'.on t'acinc
M1NIV EArtius, J:-" do nfd sCl do nM
rle 40 1U. 8. Steel.
WOOL-Steady; domeattc fleece. 2627c: northern. 74c. . i a" tV a 2 a'.KfiS-
Texas. lB-'l'Hc. . FIXIUK-Kirm: nrst patenta w sosw ininola Central. ..141 do pfd
PKOV1B1UKS- neei, atraay; lamuy, u.ow i lrrona patents, M (Mria tm; nrat Clears, hi. iv I Louis. A Nash l)aJBianlah 4s
M.. K. A T 26WKand Mines.
Cf'.l 0: meaa, $9 6ii lO.OO; beef ha ma, i9.6ul I tail: sx-cund clear, $2.46.
21.UI; Pacaei, w.wiyii.w, vuy ftir tiiuia I tlKAM in uuia. sxo.
kiml 1J "il.uu. cut meats, sieaay; picxiea I -
belllve, fcuu . picjtiea snouiaers, ic; pica- i iiwanace oraia ssaraei.
tmj ItaUU. P 4. 1" " ...h.. " ' " I ........ vrwmn . ....... . . -
.tmt. 18 70: refined, firm: continent. I saH"V f eo. m. n nn i-biwt;
' ' . . . ... . I Un 1 K .. w n Ell..- Ua W i,rl . . W .. 1 . .
$9 86; boutn America, juxsu; eompoumi, w i y ,' , " " 7.
do ofd..
N. Y. Central..
64 iDetteera
..16 I
, 77
,A6. Pork. -Vi. tmly. $17 0"ra'l7 .25; .XfJ-.. v 1 c
?hort clear. $17..00; mesa, $l.00lf.OO. UARTaY-liiin hn 1 o-
BUTTER RecelpU, 6.04 pktra : strong I BARLEY Dull, No. 3, 64o,
pu ...... , -i " f I .
state dairy, 16. -lata: orearaery, U426c; June I a5;
ample.' 669
mimiTV. 16u.ic: factory, lfd'.Hc
CHKiliSK Heceinta, l.tAt pags.
corn-max. 3c
tnw.OBr-IV-yeii'iaj l.w. I' ,, I
fancy, large, early made, colored, lo4kc; J
fancy, small, state, full cream, early made, 1 y
colored. ll114o; fancy, larg. early I yj.
made, white, luo; fancy, email, state, full
TOLEDO, Feb. 4 WHEAT Cash. 84c;
y. wnc; Juiy, itc.
cream, aarlv made, white. llWilllio. I ji ' i jtallana were quiet.
F.iiil& Receipts. 6.714 Haas.: steady: atate
and Pennaylvanla, 2sc; western. ,at mark, I
POULTRY Alive, firm; springers, 109
l(rc; turkeys, lifinici fowla, 12c;
dreased. Arm: sprtii8rs, llViUic; fowla,
Viutiiwo: tiirKi. liWlllAc.
lt.TAIJV-The Oumavt for copper today
w ua materially leM than It has bii. as
buyers are well loaded up with stock. 8U- I show th
BAR SILVER 26 T-16d per ounos.
MONEY r2U nar rtnL Thai rata t
discount In tha open market for ahort bills
la 2 Vol 15-16 per cent and for three months'
bills is ' per cent.
Ferelcn Flaanelal.
PARIS. Feb. 4 Business on th bourse
I today wa Irregular. Rio ttntoa affected
tne upvning uniavuraviy. Later ousineea
Improved on a sharp rlae In Spanish 4a.
rricva cioaea nrm. ttenies were buoyant.
Kpenlab 4a were In
OATS Februarv ' 45VaC- Mav vte- Julv I demand, owing to an uiicouflrmed rumor
OAT B-reDTuary. ic, May, '4C. July. I hat .tfcmped .mterlor bonda would be In-
6EED Clover. February. 15.80; March.
Visible apply ef Grain.
eluded In the official list and the likelihood
that an affidavit of ownerahlp would no
longer be neveaaary. Brazilians were brisk
anT flnlahed with a consiaVrable rise. .In
dustrials were Irregular; tractions were
KKW YORK. Feb. 4. uectal cable and! favored: 8oanovk-e as easier: Rio tlntoa
telegraphic communications to Bradatreet's I declined considerably on the poor condition
ahoar thaas chan.M In available auDDliea: I of Amalgamated Copper and the puhllca-
era trll to find buyers, but there was very I Wheat, In the Culled Blaine and Canada. I tlon of the copper statlottca. LeBevrs
ii.. l. ...,.m 1 Av.nurM In .1 n I aaat i.f the Hork m decreaaed ! v,l im hn i i on-nM weax sna airong. Kamrs were tne
Aoi t U Hud tradiug basis prices were afloat for and lu Lurope Uicreaaad 1.8u0.(M object ot Iainy large proni-iaainga. TAey
INSTRUMENTS placed on file Tuesday,
r eoruary 4:
Warranty Deeda.
M. J. Hue and husband to E. O.
Rodgers, lot 2. block 4, Marysvuie
add I
Alex Beck and wife to J. J. Walter,
lot 40, Nelson's add
V. L. Beed to J. V. Shipley, lota 4. .
6. 6, 8. 9. 10. 12, 14 and 16 to 19, block
131. Florence
L. C. Graham and husband to J. F.
Qulnby et al. e25 feet of w&5 feet lot
IT lilrick 1 Pilrirk'l add
John Craig, trustee, to O. C. William.
lot 6. block , Kountae nace
T. A. Crelgh, trustee, to J. M. Ander
son, n of a lots 6 and 6, block .2.
Dupont Place
C. P. Coy and wife to H. P. Larson.
ee nw and n nw 8-16-10
H. P. Larson arid wife to Thomas
Larson. se nw 8-15-10
D. L. Tidwell to W. 8. Curtis, lot 14,
block WW. Dundee Place
M. S. Coe to Charles Haas, lot 9.
block T, Myers, R. A T.'s add
4talt Claim Deeds.
C. T. Mc Farl and et al to John Craig,
trustee, lot 6. block 6, Kountse
Place, and 42x107.82 feet in lot , 104, ,
Glse'a add
J. I. Redu k to Clinton Orcutt, w
lot 6, block 150, Omaha
Benson Land Bvndlcaie to village of
Benson. lot 31. block 21. Benson
M. K. Brown to C. H. Brown, w lot
4. block Ul. Omaha, and w
and nw swi 12-15-12
Omaha National bank to Lv J. Roys.
lot 13. block 7. Central pirk
Used a.
Special maeter to la O. Crossman,
lot 13. block $. Waahlngton Hill
Bame t- Omaha National bank, lot 1$,
block 7, Central park
.. 814 4 25
.. 966 4 30
.. 963 4 30
..1103 4 40
.. 981 4 65
..1048 4 60
.. 881 4 26.
.. 797 3 10
..792 2 10
.. 902 3 15
.. 700 t 40
..1020 2 40
.. 863 1 40
..1010 2 60
..1043 I 60
,..1106 3 60
.. 865 3 60
.. 925 t 60
.. 863 3 70
980 3 75
80S 2 75
670 - 3 80
1010 3 90
100 8 00
10110 3 00
1260 $ 00
,.....10.13 3 00
920 3 00
1030 f 00
994 3 06
846 3 10
1084 8 76
723 I 00 2C 10? 4 65
730 4 00 1... 830 4 60
718 4 16 8 863 4 76
804 4 15 4 770 4 80
830 8 26 3 126 6 00
200 S 00 1 $30 28
820 6 60 4 163 $ 78
1310 3 10 . 1 850 8 60 .
1465 3 60 1 650 8 60
620 2 75 1 1610 2 76
10X0 8 20 1 1650 4 00
1320 3 26 1 1770 4 06
.... 930 8 36 1 2150 4 60
1320 3 00 1..". 1810 6 08
930 3 30
438 3 60 4 612 2 95
621 2 60
3S0 3 60 1 340 $ 85
: 340 2 90
22 827 1 10
12 894 2 10
9 1046 3 16
1 1250 3 20
1 1180 3 26
1 1000 3 80
$ 982 2 45
6 1190 8 60
6 1000 3 60
6 90 8 70
1 1020 8 75
21 962 8 75
16 1056 8 80
2 ...1160 3 85
1 610 3 85
10 1075 3 85
13 1047 3 85
16 871 8 90
22 1035 3 90
10 948 4 00
i 1210 4 20
6 962 4 20
1 1260 4 60
Cattle Steed y, Hob and Sheen Strong
and Higher
CHICAGO. Feb.-' 4. CATTLE Receipts.
7,600 head. Including 760 head Texans;
steady; goon to prime steers, .tij7.s:
Koor to medium, $4.O06.00; stockers snd
I -.... n Esu . .1 6CiiE ,
imirin, ... irvi'll T . 1 11 , wwb, ai.oi4V.U, IICIiriB,
$2.506.60; canners. $1.2fr2.30; bulls, $2.6049
4.60; caives, eiuwo'(.a; Texas tea steer,
hogs Receipts. 82,000 head; . estimated
tomorrow. 35.000 head: left over. 4.500 head
strong to 6c higher: mixed and butchers
xfi.H5fqtj.3ii; gooa to cnoice neavy, ii.zwu.);
rough heavy, $00f,.20; light, $5.6066.00
bulk of sales. IS. 95ft 6. 25.
BH tc,lr AN L 1,AM BS ItecelptB, . 15,000
head: sheep, strong . to higher: good to
choice wethers, $4-5096.25; fair to choice
mixed. nWiit.w; western sheep ana year
lings. $4.26476.66; native lambs, $3.60436.26
w extern lambs, $5,2506.75.
RECEIPTS Official: Cattle. 22.78 head
hogs. 42.291 head: sheen. 2.287 head
SHIPMENTS Official: Cattle, S.437 bead
hogs, 7,578 head; sheep, 3,442 head.
Kansas City Live Stock Market,
..I ... . 1 Unit 1. . .1 nalluM CA h.ail T.v.n.
200 heati calves; heavy corn-fed steers)
steady to loo lower; otner cattle, steady
choice export and dressed beef, $8.8b&4.50
fair to good. . vt: stociter ana reed
ere. Vi.Mqb.ib; western led steers, 4.7i
6.00: Texas and Indian steers. M.axtit).
Texas cows. l2.6WW.26i native cows. $.1,003
D.ut': neiters., canners, (
nuns. calves, ai.ouirni. id.
H t3S Receipt, I4,w heart ; - marxet
sfeatTy to 10c higher; top. $6.40; bulk of
sales. $5.606 35; heavy, $6.30a.40; mixed
ackers, K.96rjj.35; llgnt, $6.K3'.w; pigs,
SHEEP AND LAM Bl Receipts, l.VO
head; market strong; western lambs, $5.60
6.00; western wethers, 4.oo4.oo; yearlings,
$6.ooi?i5.&o; ewes, M; cuub, j.iuhoj.'S)
fed lamb, $4.uu.zei.
St. Coals Live Stock Market.
BT. I.Oma. Feb. 4. CATTLE Receipt
6,600 head. Including 4.000 Texan; market
steady for natives, slow and lower for
Texans; native snipping sna export sierra
$4.66fi6.40; dressed beef and butcher steers
il.flurri6.75: steers under 1.000 lbs.. 12.75476 00
stockers and feeders, $2.804.55; cow and
heifers. $2.26436.00: canners. $2,004X3.26: bulls.
$2.7&4j4.26; Texas and Indian steers, $3,309
6.40; cows ana neiters,
HOGS Receipts, 4,sou neaa; marxet .se
higher; pigs and lights. a wjaa.uu; pacxers,
$5,961)76.16; butchers, 6.i(jae.s.
SHfcBf AINU iiAMr-neceipis, o-ju nnaa
market steady: native muttons. $400i4.60
lambs, $5.00B.00; culls and bucks, $3.0064.00.
New York Live Stock Market.
1 n . . in V. A malnlv ennala-nen nlract
Vil.a, w. .mu, m . - t - - . - ,
nn aaJea reported. Cablea auote American
steers at 134f'Uc; refrigerator beef. 10
10c; exports, 810 head beeves, 1,804 head
sheep and 4.80O quarters of beef.
cai.vks Recelots. 161' head: steady: a
few veal sold at $6 00h.16.
SHEEP AND IjAMBS-necetpts, mi neaa;
firm; sheep, $3,0044.15; lambs, $5.40iS26.
HOGS Receipts, neaa, ait cunaigneo
direct. '
t. Joseph Live Stoek Market.
RT. JOSEPH. Feb. 4. CATTLE Receipt.
1,600 head; ateady; natives, $S.60igi6.00: cows
and heifers, $1.50476.40; veals, $3.50$6.60;
Blockers and feeders, l2.6oft4.75.
HOGS Receipts, xu.wu neaa: diuc nigner;
iirht and light mixed. $5.70(34.20: medium
and neavy, a.isxae.; P's"- ""Wm.
636 2 50
, 6M 2 60
, 692 3 00
, 646 8 00
. 6"8 3 00
780 3 00
OKI I 60
, &.-J $50-
. 306 3 60
. 65 3 65
6u3 8 46
661 3 68
. W6 3 75
. 666 8 75
.6(6 3 76
. 6J0 3 75
. 610 3 86
811 3 S6
. 960 4 00
. 850 4 00
. 805 4 10
. 946 4 10
HOGS At the opening, of the hog market
this morning there were comparatively few
An aula but It was known that before
1.000 I the day waa past receipt would be liberal.
and a a result pacaara were a nine siow
ahnut taking hold, snd the morning was
1 1 well advanced before very much waa done.
The first hogs aold all the, way from
aiaadv to 6c higher. Seller held their
77S I droves at higher price than were paid
I ireatardav. while buyers In most cases were
2.000 I nm wining to give more than ateadv Drlcee.
That. 01 courau, nieua irauniif now, tne
hulk of tha gooa wetgnt nous soia rrom
100 I $ lt to $6.26, and a few loads aold above
I that ftaure. The medium welghta brought
.008 I In most cases from $6.90 to $6.10. and the
I lighter loans sola iron, so.w aown.
2 201 1 aitar In the morning the feeling Im
I proved ana nogs soia an ine way rrom
strong to 10c higher than yesterday, and
11.. market as a whole was about 60
600 I higher. The advance waa fully as great
I on tbs lightweight stuff as It was on th
heavier loads, rtepresentauve aaies
It B
17 102
44 144
11 164
Av. 8h. Pr.
6 60
76 lo
64 14
lie 16
221 16 147
75 ISO
308 45 I
71 1
Total amount of transfer $U.M J 40 13
6 75
6 60
6 85
! k
6 85
... 6 86
... 6 90
... 6 90
... 6 90
... 6 $0
... 8 96
... 6 93.
... I 3
... 8 95
80 6 ta
87 1X0
9 V
Av. Bh. Pr.
.199 ... 6 05
.217 200 6 05
.271 11 6 06
. ... 6 06
.29 80 6 06
.2.5 ... 60
.'111 ... 606
.214 200 6 06
.206 ... 6 05
..I16 ... 4 06
.221 ... Oi
.. 6 06
40 4 06
2)1 160 6 97
69 242
... 4110
... 60
40 8 14
M 4 10
... 4 10
Mr. Hardy Says He Has Ko Radical
Change ef Poller or Manage
ment foe Ills Department
la Contemplation.. ,
Though appointed only Monday gen."
eral superintendent of th MUsourl Pactfl
railway, D. Hardy I already out on tout
over the entire ytro, and wa In Omab
yesterday. This trip I Dot on of Inspection,
but ot Introduction, and on th Journey Mr.
Hardy 18 the giiet of H. O. Clark, th re-
tiring superintendent, who 1 conducting
the new omcial over the line, making him
acquainted with all tbos men who will
now be under hi supervision.
Ensconced comfortably' In tha luxurious
private car which Is a perquisite of lb su-
perlntendent't position, th two men arrived.
In Omaha from Kansas City Monday night.
Th car U7 in th yard at th W'ebstel
treet station all night, and yesterday th
occupants visited th different Omaha rp
resentatlvea of tha mart and than ' wars
carried away in their car on a tour of to
South Omtba yard, going around by wai
of the Belt line.
At 4 o'clock th cr wa attached to th
afternoon train out and th new auperla-
tendent and th old went on their way
around the system. They visit thi western
division first of all and will cover every
mil of th road befor returning to St.
Louts; Th superintendents of th different
division accompany them over their re
spective territories, und while on thi dl
vision the visitor were under tha wing ol
Superintendent Rathburn, who met th cat
at Kansas City.
"In our department we r doer, not
talker," atd Mr. Hardy whan en ln bli
car. "I am not contemplating any radical
change In policy or management of my
pher of the work. ! hav been with thi
road for twenty-Ova year and alway to
thi department. I wa uperlnUndent at
Bedalta for two year pact." v
"Do you often have it cold aa thi up
her?" asked tha official, glancing . tskanc.
first at th frosty window pane and then
at the heating apparatus. "I did not think
you caught It thi way In Omaha. Thos
Baker beater had all they could do all
night to keep u comfortable." Th Mag.
nol la had braved the cold blasts of on of
the coldest night thi winter standing un
protected ln the open yard.
Great IgnlDcance has been attached to
th fact that Mr. Clark ha resigned th
uperlnlendancy of th Missouri Pacltto to
tak on the management of tha Choctaw
Hn. Thi ha been Interpreted a mean-;
Ing that th Gould Interests Intended Im
mediate extensive ImprovoiscaU and addi
tion to that ytm, and wanted a pioneer '
railroader like Clark to hav charge of th
work. Mr. Clark ld:
"It 1 true that extension are planned,
but I will not be concerned In that. Ther
1 a aprat department for such thing
on the Choctaw, the construction depart,
menu We now hav about 1,000 miles ot
track. My new appointment take effect on
February 15. The Philadelphia Interests
In the road put me ther."
Time Table) of tha Fast.
Assistant General Manager Looml of tb
Burlington ha received from Flattsmo'j'lt
n Interesting relic of th Burlington In
th form of at) official tlm table for tha
road printed to take Sect on May 11. 1ST.
Th entire affair 1 but 'ngl ,toet of
very light papr folded one. Th two In.
id page are all th space that I dt
voted to the schedule. ;
At that tim th Burlington in Ncbraskv
comprised only 239 mile of road. Ther
wa a atretch of seventeen miles between'
Omaha and Oreapoll and 191 miles mor
on the main Una between Oman and.
Kearney. Then a branch line from Crete
to Beatrice mad tblrty-on mor.
The circular show that O. W. Holdreg
wa at that, time master of transportation,
and C. F.' Mors superintendent. There
wer eight train a day on th main Una
and two on the 'Crete branch. Plattsmouth
wss the location of headquarter la all d
.1 Railway Notee and Personals. -
General ' Freight Agent Crosby of th)
Burlington has gone to Chicago.
David Young, son of Erastus Young, ha
been appointed stenographer In his father'
headquarters here.
Robert Heed, advertising agent for tha
'Frisco line at St. Louis headquarter, waa
In Omaha yesterday morning.
Daniel 'Burt Costello, statistician In th
office of President Burt of the Union Pa
cific, ha gone to Chicago.
The first of the Burlington's harvest ex
cursions from the east passed through
Omaha yesterday. More than joo people
were on the train, and most of them wer
bound for Nebraska points,
Gennral Auditor Eraatua Young of tha
Vnlon Pacific system has gone to Ban
Francisco in ms private car, ana win tatte
a trip over all the lines In the rang ot hi
department before returning.
Trains from the west were late yesterday
morning. From the east they were from
halt an pour to two nours oenino. innnn
western Overland Limited' was late In for
the first time In many weeka, being fifteen
minutes behind time.
. ...... r 1 vm 1 . f ; a X3. .!..- a ana
BM BiTir l' 1,1 ..,--, a,w
head; top wether. $5; top ewes, $4.86. .
Stock la Sight.
Th following table shows the receipts oi
cattle, hogs and sheep at th five principal
market tor February 4:
Cattle.. Hogs. Bheep.
South Omaha 4.2o0 S.ono 4.200
Chicago 7.6(10 , 82.001) 15 000
Bt. Lout 7.5.W 14.000 3ySO0
Kansas City 6.6-fl 4.S.O 600
St. Joseph , 1.600 10,000 2.300
26,400 68,600 26.600
Oil and Reals.
OIL CITY. Feb. 4.T-OIL Credit balance,
$1.16; certificates, no bid or offers; runs,
69 379 bbls.; average, 49.229 bbls.; shipments,
168.907 bbls.: average, 88,271 bhla.
NEW YORK. Feb. 4 OIL Cottonseed,
Btesdy. Rosin, steady. Petroleum, steady.
TOLEDO. Feb. 4. OIL North Lima, t&c;
Bouth Lima and Indiana. 80c
SAVANNAH. Feb. 4.-OIL-Turpentlne,
firm. 41'rj42c. Rosin, firm. Quote: A, B.
C D. 81.; E. $1 $0; F. $1.S5; O. $140: H.
$1 46; I. $!.7d; K. $2.26; M. $2 66; N. $3.25; WG.
$3.60: WW. $3.66. ,
LIVERPOOU Feb. 4.-VIL-Cottoneed.
dull: refined, pot, firm, 23 6d.
LONDON. Feb. 4. OIL Linseed, 29s.
Turpentine spirits. 29s md.
Dry Gesds Market.
There are more Inquiries for brown cotton
for export and several lots of four-yard
aheetlngs have been bought this week for
export to China. Home demand continue
unlet for both brown and bleached goods,
with prices steady. Denims are Arm and
continue scarce. Prints are In fair demand
at full prices. Print ciotha flrpi and orders
difficult to place. Fair demand for silk
and ribbon, with a firm market.
CatTee Market.
Rio. steady; No. 7, invoice, 6c. 'Mild,
quiet; Cordova. 8e. The market opiuied
ateady and the cloae waa steady, with
prices 610 points higher. Tolsl sale were
67 X) baga. Including: May. t.&ofte.iiuc; July,
6 7fca6.50c; "Septemlier. 5.90j6.&c; October,
tc; December. 41ma6.15c. -
Standard Oil Dividends.
NEW YORK. Feb. 4. The directors of
the Standard Oil company of New Jersey
declared a dividend of $20 per share today.
This la the same as for the corresponding
quarter laat year and the year before.
Encase tie Id for Kapert.
NEW YORK, Feb. 4 It Is announced
that the National tlty bank baa engaged
11 ! tn aold for export on Thursday.
I.axard Freres baa engaged tl.tuO.UM for
export on the same oata.
tinder the Present Clr
caiaetaacea. LOS ANGELES, Feb. 4. Report being
circulated In th cast to tb effect that
Mr. Jessie Benton Fremont, widow of Gen
eral Fremont, the "Pathfinder," la 111 and
needy are somswhat misleading. It la true
that Mr. Fremont is crippled and wilt
nsvsr again bo abl to walk. Bom tlm
go sbe fell, dislocating hsr hip. Bine
then h has been helpless so far a walk
ing I concerned and hss required tb con
stant attendance of a trained nurse. Hsr
general health, however. Is good. Mr.
Fremont ha been receiving from th gov
ernment a pension ot $2,000 a year and thi,
together with the comfortable horn which
tb women of California provided for her
some year ago, served vary wall for her
self and daughter. Mis Fremont, until th
ever accident, which rendered her help
less and made necessary many extra ex
penses Incident to uch a mlsfortun. Now
Ml Fremont th pension I not ade
quate for their need and I looking hope
fully to h tim when her mother's cllra
to a tract of laad In the city ot Baa Fran
cisco, valued at $50,000, shall b recogalied.
Chicago Grain Haricot
Dally Trade Bullet! a seat sees reqaest.
M. B. COOKE. Ceeassljeloa Merchant.
M sad Base ef Trade, Ctaaa.
Mauser ef the Chicago Beard ef Trade.
Wheat ha declined eight cent and corn
nln cant from top price. Ws consider
both a purchase. Pise your order with a
responsible bouse and on that will glv
you prompt and satisfactory txecutjen.
coyd cc!.::.:issio:i co.