Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1902, Page 3, Image 3
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY,' FEDRUAHY 5, 1002. 3 CASE OF BARTLET BONDSMEN .Cuu'i Astita Againi. Tiem Assigned far .h t Afurieca. DCMICRAT.C LD1T0RS fOFJI ASSOCIATION iwtl Object la I reree the Papa I lata ta Cam (a Their Tumi la Fasloa fereee. (Trem a Staff Corrtonieiif.) v LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. 4. (Special Tele tram.) Tb 'east of tha slate against tha .bondsmen of former Treaaarer Bartley .has been assigned for ' hearing tomorrow afternoon before communion No. S of tha supreme eon ft, consisting of Judgea Old 'bam. Pound and Barnos. Attorney Genera Front and Norrla Brown will appear for tha state. Both eectlona of the caae hart been consolidated and will be aubmltted at tha one bearing'. Upon tba motion of Attorney General Prout the supreme court this morning d la in leted the case of tha state against the Argo Manufacturing company. This waa an action begun under tha anti-trust law ta prsvent tha defendant company from doing business In Nebraska. In the motion pre sented Mr. Prout said be bad examined tha books and records of the company and waa convinced It had not violated tha lawa of tha aUte. - Treaaarer Btaefer'a Report. State Treasurer Stuefer today Issued a tatement of tha recelpta and disburse ments of the treasury during the month of January, the uninvested balance of the permanent educational funds, amounting to $11,701.11, betcg credited merely aa "cash on hand." Tha statarasnl follov.s: ' Bilnaows ' Balances Ie. SI, Re- Psy-Jan. 21, 111. relpts. menti. 1902. I 33,f)73 47.746 t 4d.9.T7 t M.rWl Funds Gene ral Perm, achool... Temp, achool... 97 1,915 122.817 9.074 102,781 1.042 444 44,f" Sol S.4.12 15.8A7 2. KM 9,812 1.079 12.527 J.22S ,0 862 62.717 13 11.9M , II "i'.ti 400 10.yO 75 "z'M 38.402 i,000 'isiiss "j',224 2.239 '19,666 " 1,826 ""25 7o4 Perm, unlver.... A sr. Col. endow. Temp, unlver... II osp. I neane . ... State library.... University cash Normal library. Normal endow.. Normal Interest Pen. np. labor... Pen. land A(. A M. Arta.. V. 8. ax p. st a... 2.427 6,4. 8.1' 7,207 16,!W5 3.299 R13 3.22 11,4') 3.2!8 9,343 8,857 Total I249.M4 $314,838 (317,44$ f24,:i7 1o unwritten recelpta t 61,943 Total ....8298,900 By cash In . depository Denies . .... By cash on $280,107 18,793-3208,930 hand ...... Weodmen Aasnelatloa. The Woodmen's Accident association had Us eleventh annual convention here today, with thirty atates represented. Reports of tha officials contained statistics claiming that this is tha largest mutual accident as sociation n tha country. Tba session waa devoted largel to the transaction of rou tine business. Tomorrow matters of pro posed legislation will ba discussed. These officers were re-elected: A. O. Faulkner, president; W. B. Sharp, vice prealdent; C. B.. Spangler, secretary; T. S. Allen, treas urer; A. R. Talbot, geberal attorney, all of Lincoln. , Deaaaeratle Editors. Thirty newspaper men today attended the flrat meeting of tha Nebraska, Democratic .Editorial association, formed for the avowed purpose of assisting In the swallowing up of tha populist party. Not a populist edi tor was In attendance, nor was any Invited. i uioounp waa , ovum a , ciasea .aoors, . nernly (he, program and election of, officers being, given voluntarily to tba public. On of tbe men who attended aald tonight that tha association proposed to give con certed support to tha movement, which haa a Ita ultimata object tha reorganisation of tha fusion forces Into one party. This re suit ths democrats hope to accomplish by assuming a dsflant and Indspendent attl tude, thus to foroe the populists to come to their terms, 'not as a distinct organisation, a In tha past, but as member of the demo cratic party, They concede that It may ba several years tieforo they can eocompllsh their purpose, tut they propose to pull together with ths one and In view. Tha meeting was given added political significance by tha presence of such democratlo leaders as W. 3. Bryan, R. L. Metcalfe and Edgar Howard. At the conclusion of tba afternoon aesston the adl tors were Invited to the Bryan home on D treat, where they were entertained at SUP- Jier. , Mr. Bryan spoks r encouragingly of tha prospects of tha democratlo party, but made no direct remarks aa to the abaorp ' tlon of tha populist organisation. A per manent organisation waa affected by elec tion of tha followlnj officers: R. O. Adams, Grand Island, president; J. N. Tanner, South Omaha, visa prealdent; J. W, Barn hart, Auburn, secretary and traaaurer. It waa voted to bold tba next annual meeting In Grand Xaland. Tha ' program of apeeobea Included the following; "Objects of the Association," O. P. Msrwtn. Beatrice Democrat; "Demo cratic Duty," R. B. Wabloulat. Hastings Democrat; "Fusion as a Democratic Ex pedient." C D. Casper, David City; "Demo . cratlo Heroes," Edgar Howard, Columbus Telegram; "Democratic Expansion," Clay SJavls, Falls City Nswa; "Our German Re latiooa," J. H. Johannes, Columbus Blene; 'Some Democratlo Ideals," Will M. Mau pin, tha Commoner; "Tha Democratlo Mule," O. N. Hubner, Nebraska City News; "The Pardoning Power," R. C. Adama, I Will Cure You of Rheumatism . r:o pay twit you know it. After 1.000 sxperlmeats, I have learned how to cure Rheumatlam. . Not to turn bony Joiata Into Cash again; that la Impossible. But I ean cure the dlaeass always at any ptaga., and forever. I ask for do money. Simply write ma a gtoatal and I will sand you aa order oa your si safest druggist for six bottles of Dr. Chaos's Rheumatle Cure, for every drug gilt ksepa It Use It for month, and If It Uoea what I claim pay your druggist $5.30 for it. If It doesq t. I will pay htm myself. . i have sa samples. Any medicine that tea a affeot Rheumatism w4ts but a few doses gnust he drugged to the verge at danger. I fte no such drugs. It ta folly to take them. Ofou muat get the dlaeass out of ths blood. My remedy doeu that, avaa In the moat Difficult, obstinate cases. No matter bow Impossible this seems ta you. I know It and I take tkla risk. 1 have cured teas of thou sands of oaaea In this way, and my records how that 33 out at 40 who gst those six txxtlee pay, and gladly. I bava learned that people Is general are honest with a ghyaU-laa wae curve them. That la all I ask. If I fall 1 dou't expect a peany from you. Simply write me a poet a 1 card or letter et ma aend you aa order (or the medicine; also a book. Take It for a month, for It nroa't harm font anyway. If It curea. pay 3.6a. I leave that entirely ta you. Ad tlreee Dr. Snoop, Boi 1, Racine, Wis. Mild esses, not chrotle, are often cured k UfcO W 19 avlUea. At aU arugftata, Grsnd lalsnd Democrat; "Democratic rroa pects," R. U Metcalfe, World-Herald. It Is said the populist editors of the stste will soon form an association for the pur pose of resisting tbe efforts of their demo cratic bre'-bren. brass Army Orders. Department Commander WUcoi of tha Grand Army of the Republic haa lesned or ders encouraging tbe work of tha Sons and Daughters of Veterana and detailing the condition of the various Grand Army posts during ths last six months, mention bains made of those ahowlng galna In. member ship, those falling Jo report for tba aecond term, and changes that have taken place throughout the department. , Sew Balldlnsj t'onsaasr. Articles of Incorporation of tha Insur ance Building company of South Omaha were recorded in the secretary of state'a office this afternoon. The company la cap italised for $25,000 and Ita Incorporators are: B. R. Stouffer, T. B. Holman, C. W. Smith, Icaac Noyes, A. L. Sutton and John Klewlt. The object of tha corporation la ta acquire, bold and retain real estate and to ccnatruct buildings. WOULD RETARD SETTLEMENT iteat of the Bowersock Bill Is ta Obstraet Drveloameats, Saya '. Mr. Irwin. BROKEN BOW, Neb.-, Feb. 1 To the Editor of The Bee: Referring to ycur op position to the Bowersock bill, providing for the leasing of publlo lands at t cents per acre, It should not ba forgotten that tha object, purpese and InteLt of the bill ta to retard settlement aiad obstruct de velopment. Settlement has been rapidly Increasing In this state during the laat two years. Ths homestead entries ,ln the Broken Bow land office compare aa follows: ISM 1MI1SP9.......... 262 US2 KdlWO 478 l 9911901 2 1K98 9 Evidently tha settlement of the country la th moat serious danger that threatens the big Cattlemen, and vice versa. Tba Bowersock bill la an attempt to make permanent the condltloua which have kept Nebraska stationary for ten years. It Is true there Is a provision In tha bill which sets aalda the lease In case anyone Dlea a homestead entry, but thia provision can bs easily nullified. Most homesteaders now irr to secure hay land, with a view to tanging cattle on adjoining aand hills. The lesss holder will promptly fence In the home steader, who would aoon ba compelled to depart with hla homestead right dcatroyed. The pilce of S centa per acre la absurdly low leas than taxaa. Paaturea In Custer county bring 26 cents per acre per year. One hundred and alxty acres la not suffi cient to make a living by graxtng cattle, and Mr. Fort'a auggeatlon In your Issue of January 11 to Increaae the else of home steads la a very reasonable one. A bill haa been Introduced by Congress man' Jones of Washington providing' for the sale of graving landa In 820-acre tracta to bona Ode resident owners of landa adjoining the tract to be purchased, at $1.26 per acre, payable In five annual Installments. Thus a homesteader could secure 480 acrea by paying $80 a year for Ave yeara. and thero are thousands of claims In Nebraska that are worth tha money. . 'Yours respectfully, BENJAMIN IRWIN. . Civil Service Clerk, Broken Bow Land Office. Ta Carry Ita ral Delivery Mall. COLUMBUS, Neb., Feb. 4. (Special.) Postmaster Kramer haa received official notification from the postal department to secure applications for the carrying of a rural free delivery 'mall route from this city , north over the territory now supplied with a dally mall by aur route. Including Bohut, Nebovllle, Shell Creek and Olden buach postof&ces. v Coatlaaed Col at Paplllton. PAPILLION, Neb., Feb. 4. (Special.) The mercury droped 14 degreea last night. Tha cold weather baa been taken advantage of by the Ice men and their harvest la now completed. They now have their houses filled with the finest qusltty of Ice. Sleigh ing la tbe beat aver known In Sarpy county. Shelby Mea Jala Davie) City' Lodge. SHELBY, Neb., Feb. 4. (Special.) David City lodga of the Prince of the Orient ini tiated alxty-flve candidates from Shelby last night. Tha degree waa conferred In Workmen hall, after which a banquet waa aerved n Buroltt a hall. KANSAS AGAINST COLORADO Files Paper a ta ReetraJa Monopoly at Water la Arkaaaaa River. WASHINGTON, Fsb. 4. The brief of tha eiate of Kooaaa In ths proceeding of that state aa!nt tha state cf Colorado to re strain tha latter in the use of wate? from tbe Arkaaaaa river waa filed In tha United States supreme court today. ' The document covers 160 printed pages. It ta claimed that tha diversion of ths waters of the Arkaaaaa affecta 1,500,000 acrea of land In Kansas, worth $60,000,000, and that much of thla land la owned by tbe atate Itaelf. It la aet forth that It would be Impracticable for individual owners to Institute procsedlngs, and It la contended that Colorado, not only as a party In In terest, but aa the party responsible for tbe creation of all ditch corporations. Is tha proper respondent. It la asserted that there la no desire to Injure or harass ths state of Colorado by the proceeding, but that the only purpose of tha suit is to protect the Interests of Kansas. On this point the brief saya In part: The Arkansas river le In Ita natural con dition a generous etream and Insofar as Ita waters can be used in Colorado for Ir rigation purpoeea and then ba returned to the bea or tne river, ana insoiar aa me waters cannot be diminished In eoasona of flood and at othera without Injury to our lvra. their taklna will not be misted by in We wish It understood that we do not ask or expect the destruction of the irriga tion dltcncs nereioiore coneiruciea una uerd bv pemons and corporations In Colo rado. 'Doubtlraa some rtetrictlona ahould h nlared on the use of the water right by thla proceeding merely to prevent Colorado from using Ita vast power and wealth in diverting theee waters and to atop It from giving authority to others to do so. WANT PEACE IN THE, ISLANDS Fraaslaeat Assertcaas Bia Pettttaa for Ceaaatlaa at Has. tllltlea. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8. Senator Hoar to day presented a petition" aignod by a num ber of distinguished cttlsens of this country tor the auspsnslon of hostilities In tba Phil Ipplne islands and asking tbst an oppor tunlty be given for a dlscussioa of the situation between the government' and the Filipino leadera. Ths following are among the names attached to the petition: Carl Schurs, George F. Edmunds. Judson Harmon, J. Starling Morton. George 8. Boutwell, Charlea Francis Adama. W. D. Howella. Mark Twain. Rev. C. H. Park hurst, Bourke Cock ran, Robert Treat Payne, T. K. Boyeaea, Bishop Huntington. Bishop Vincent, Aoaoa Phelps Stokea, John Bur roughs and William Lloyd Garrison. Included la the list are the names ef thirty-six professors la the Chicago an! versify and a number of other educators. CsSskf Aseat Killed. PALM BEACH. Fla.. Feb. 4 W. J. Tay lor, a traveling representative of the Cudahv Packing company, was run over and killed by a a train here laat alghL his BRINGS COURT TO A STOP Ceuatj Atterasj Questiois Legality ef Jiry aael til JndfS Pitcairjrta It SAYS IT WAS ILLEGALLY IMPANELLED Saawe that taa Saaae ' Hastes Rsvs Beaa Drawa ay taa Caaaty Caaa. tlseloaere far taa Last Flva Yeara. NEBRASKA CITT, Neb., Feb. 4. (Spe cial Telegram.) Business came ta a sud den atop In the district court this morning when tha county attorney rnao a motion to discharge the entire petit Jury on the ground that It waa Illegally empanelled. In support of tbe motion proofs were sub mitted showing that for the laat Ave years practically tbe same namee had been drawn by tbe county commissioners to serve aa petit. Jurors. Judge Jesson promptly sustained the motion, ordered the Jury discharged and Instructed the sheriff to summons twenty men who have not aerved on the Jury with in the laat two yeara, to constitute a sew petit Jury to aerve during tbe present term of court.. This Is the first time In thirty years that tha legality of the drawing of a Jury haa been questioned In this county. HAS WRONG PAIR ARRESTED Rarta Dakota Chief Saya His Prlaaa- . era Are Kot EVanetoa f Caaplc. CAS8ELTO. . N. Du. Feb. 4. Chief of Police Ballard today received photographs of Miss Florenoa Ely and her nephew. Frank Rogers, who hava been misting from Evanaton, 111., for some months. Tbe chief at once atated that the photographa were sufficient to convince him that the woman and boy under surveillance were not tbe ones wanted. He' aald that a woman and boy who answered In a general way tha description of the missing Evanston couple bad been In this vicinity. Hs had looked up the newspsper cuts of Miss Ely and young Rogers and had become almoat posi tive that he had them lctated. To make assurance doubly aure he wired to Chief O'Neil for photographa of the missing pair. Chief Ballard la aomewhat Indignant that the Chicago officiate ahould hava made the positive statement that he bad located Miss Ely and Rogera, and saya be waa never positively convinced that he had thv right parties. WYOMING CATTLEMAN FINED Spaagh Mast Pay Fifty Dollars far Illegally rendu Gorara sneat Lasl, CHETENNE. Wyo., Feb. 4. (Special Tel egram.) A. Spaugh, Manville, Wyo., a cat tleman who was convicted In tha United Ststes court last December of Illegally fencing government land and Ordered to re move ths fence, appeared In court today and was sentenced by Judge Rlner to im prlsonment In tha county Jail for one day and to pay a fine of $50 and the coats In tha case. ' Spaugh has had a large fores of man at work for several weeks removing his fence from a tract of over 200,000 acres of land In eastern Wyoming. The taak was only completed a few days ago. This was the first case brought In ths United States courts against utockmsn who have been .fencing the government range for many years. Another case Is now pending and action will be brought against ranchmen In all parts of tha country unleas they remove tha Illegal fences. PRISONER FEARS LYNCHING Clareaea Woodward Plead Gality Eaable Him to Gat to Peal teatiary. CHETENNE. Wyo., Feb. 4. (Special.) Deputy Sheriff Mtlna of .Caspar ' passed through this morning enrouta to the stats penitentiary at Rawlins with Clarencs Woodward, brother of Charlea Woodward, the murderer of Sheriff Richer. Young Woodward pleaded guilty to grand larceny and waa aentenoed to three years at hard labor, fla pleaded guilty In order to get away from . Casper before his brother was brought back, for hs waa afraid that If he was still In Jail there when Charles Wood ward reached Caaper, that hs would be lynched with his brother. Pyle's Coadltloa I'aehaaged. HURON, 8. D., Fob. 4. (Special.) There was no material change In ths condition of Attorney General Pyla yesterday. Hla Intel lect la clear and ha asked to have h's will fixed and hla law partner, Mr. Taylor, was tent for. His temperature la not abnor mally high for the cloaa of tha aecond week. Ha apoke to hla physician and said It waa pretty hard for a man to ba cooped up when he bad so much to do. He had no hemor rhages during the laat twenty-four hours, but the fever has sot abated. 7 Herreld Opposes Special gessloa. PIERRE. 8. D., Feb. 4. (Special Tele gram.) Governor Herreld on account of preaa of business, will not be able to at tend the meeting of state bualnesa men at Huron tomorrow, but will send a letter ex pressing his vlsw In regard to the matter of raising funds for a state sxhtbtt at St. Louis, In which he takes a decided stand against a special aesslon of the legislature for the purpose of ralslpg a fund. Pierre Beard af Trade Reoraaalsea. PIERRE, S. D., Feb. 4. (Special Tele gram.) At a eltlssns' meeting today a re organisation af the Fterre Board of Trade was completed by the selection of 3. C. Eager, I B. Albright. C. C. Bennett, Louis Kshr, J. E. Mallery. C. B. Btlllnghurst, C. U Hyds, A. D. Hsngte, J. L. Lock hart, C. E. Deland and John Erlckson, of which J. C. Eager was aeleoted as president and A. D. Hengle ss secretary. Tbe prevention of consumption Is en tirely a question of commencing the proper treatment in time. Nothing Is so well adapted te ward off fatal lung troubles as Foley's Honey snd Tar. - PENSIONS FOR WKIT&BI VtSTEBLaMa. War Servlvere Ilea ewene reel r taa . Geaeral Geweraaaeat. WASHINGTON, Feb. i. Special.) The following pensions have beea lssusd: Issue of January 17: Nebraska'. Increase, restoration, relasus, etc. John A. Strain. Danbury, flO; Charlea K Barker, Tekamah. tl7. fipeotai, January 21 Ed ward P. Hug gen, Omaha, St. Iowa: Original Na.thanlel Angevine, Ma eon City, t- Increase, restoration, retaeue, etc. Thomas JeSreya, Knox villa, Albert Craven, Homers, Jlti, Rufua Johnson, Iea Moines, t; Joeeph Cars. Muscatine. Sl2; Pbllip Hetatr. Keokuk, 18: Lewis Pray, dead. Wee Librrty. W. Original wldowa. etc. Mary Iticharason. Nsauu, SS. BpexHal accrued January Elisabeth L Pmlth, Montlcelln. Sa. Minor of Charles V. U. Smith. Albion, flu. Colorado: Increase, restoration, relsaue, etc. Francis L. kJliott, Telluride. tlu; Denta Hereon, Rica. 18. Reaoratlon wid ows, etc. Soectal January il, minor of George P. I'rownlnahlelds, Colorado Bprlnae, 110. Nona Dakota: Increase, restoration, re issue, etc. Timothy , K. Randall, ptckJa vsa fceb SHAWS FIRST OFFICIAL KdTE Ha Favara Natloaal Raaka aa De pasltory af Sarplaa raaae. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. Secretary Shaw'e Drat communication an financial legislation la contained In a letter to Representative Bulxer of New York, concerning the let ter's bill to deposit government funds at Interest In national banks throughout ths country. The letter saya.. I find on my deek awaiting my arrival your letter of January 17, referring to bouse tolnt resolution 111 and asking' In formation ss to thu amount of Intoreet which the government wouM have realised had the proposed law been adopted aa a part of the national banking law. If the surplus money In exceea of $."0.00O,. 000 working capital had been deposited In clearing hcuim citlea in proportion to the relative capital of each bank therein, with no other security than a prior Hen upon the bank's axeta, the government would have lost nothing, and If the government had reallaed 8 per rent upon the funds eo deposited It would have received $.12,0ix,0i0. Aided in thia way the banks referred to would have been able to Increaae credit ac commodatlona to the people In tha autn of $aK,000.(HIO, . , Thia computation waa made at the In stance of my predecessor (one year ano) and was bared upon quarterly rather than dally balances. I think some rrovMon for the deposit of surplus funda belonging to the United States government, with na tional banks upon isacurtty, othur than gov ernment bonds, would be wise, thouKh I doubt the limitations aa to the amount of capital and surplus contained la ths bill. I also question the wtarlom of mandatory provisions of law. On the contrary, I think there ehould generally be a fair latitude of discretion. Authority to act In a given Una la generally sufficient (Signed) LESLIE M. SHAW. SHAW AT CABINET MEETING Secretary of Treasury Makes Debnt !a.DllbaraJaa of the . Body. , WASHINGTON, , Feb. 4. Ths cabinet meeting today developed nothing of Im portance. A number ot prospective appoint ments were talked over. Thla was the first cabinet meeting in which Mr., Shaw, the new secretary of ths treasury, has taken part and he expreesed himself aa very favorably Impressed at tbe perfect harmony and good feeling prevailing. Hosalaatlaaa, by tha Prealdeat., WASHINGTON, . Feb." 4. Tha president sent these nominations to the senate 'tot- day: Register .of land office, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, John F. Toat. Receiver of public moneys, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Charles D. Warner. Army Lieutenant Colonel W, D. Ward, Infantry, tq ba colonel; Lieutenant E. P. Jar ver, Jr., cavalry, to ba captain; R. C. Caldwell,, at large, to ba aecond lieutenant. Navy Lieutenant, Junior grade, to Jbe lieutenants: J, T. Hopkins and S. P. Ful llnwlder; Llsutenant W. A. Gill, to ba lieu tenant commander;, Assistant Burgeon E. J. Grow, to be passed assistant surgeon i Paased Assistant Surgeon N. J. Blackwood, to be surgeon. 'Assistant Surgeon E. G. Parker, to be passed assistant surgeon and aecond lieutenant; N. G. Burton, to he first lieutenant, marine corps. ... SNOW WARMER WEDNESDAY Nebraska Is Promised Clearlagr Sklea Tharsday, with Westerly ' Wlads. WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. Weather fore cast: For Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and Missouri Snow Wednesday, with rising tempera ture; Thursday . clearing; southeasterly winds, becomics westerly, For North and South DsJiota Enow, with rising' temperature Wednesday; Thursday clearing and colder;1 eaaterly winda, be coming westerly. ' - For Wyoming. Colorado and Utah Snow Wednesday and probably Tharsday; varia ble winds. "' . i Local Record.' OFFICE OF THE WEATHRR BUREAU, OMAHA, Feb. 4. Official record of tem Derature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of tha laat three years: 1902. 101. 1900. 1899, Maximum temperature... 13 12 t Minimum temperature.... 11 12 12 Mean temoerature..t.' 1 1 22 I Precipitation . 00 .00 .00 00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for .this dsy and ainoe March I, lswi: Normal temperature , 2 Deficiency lor the clay , 23 Total excess since March 1 10.12 Normal precipitation 02 Inch Deflrlenrv for the day 02 inrh Total rainfall aince March 1 ti BS Inches Deficiency since March 1 i.L2 Inches Deficiency for cor. porioa iu.. 07 Inch Deficiency for cor. period) 19U.. 4.87 inches Reports xresa Stations at T p. aa HI -SB oB b! : i : 5 ; a : a 3 : B e I B ss ii CONDITION OF THE WEATHER, Omaha, clear Valentine, cloudy North Platte, part cloudy. Cheyenne, clear Salt Lake City, snowing... Rapid City, cloudy. Huron, clear Wllllaton. cloudy 4.. Chicago, part cloudy........ St. Loy Is. clear St. Paul, clear Davenport, clear Kansas City, clear..... Havre, alear...- Helena, cloudy Bismarck, part cloudy...... Galveston, raining Indicates sere. T Indicates trace of precipitation. , U A. WELSH. Local Forecast Official. GG-JSHETCa rosrrtvcLY and epfcctively CURED BY HATUtAL UXATIve MINERAL waTEfJ A half glassful oa arising in the morning gives relief, and its daily use for a short time cures stomach and liver troubles. Recommended by over one thousand physicians aU over the world. Ask HUNTADI JANOS (fall aastaa)) asset get it. Don't Ascesl aVbatittatee. Dissolution. sale- Commences Thursday Feb. Cfh, 0:20 a. n. ROCHESTER SHOE CO IBIS DOCOLAS ST. ,4 .00 10 14 .00 20 U .00 2 40 .00 28 10 .02 4 10 .00 6 .ro 2 a .00 2 .00 12 .00 t .00 -3 .00 12 .HO 21 61 .00 , 2al & .00 4 .00 4i 4j .0$ BEAUTIFUL WOMEN TeS.rse 1 t 'trm Miss Lenore Allen, 407 Dowell street, San Francisco, Cat., writes: "I consider Taruna an infallible remedy tor catarrhal diseases. For with influenza, especially during our rainy season. I usd to catcli cold when the wathcr was the least bit luilem;tit, or in the evening air. But nothing whatever the matter with me. Ini In perfect health, and tin J out of the bodyi I go anywhere r,ov enjoy lite because 1 enjoy perfect health." Miss Mattle Douglas, 188 Thomss ave., Memphis, Tenn., writes: 'From my early womanhood I have been troubled with occasional headachea. . I took different powders and drugs, at times get ting temporary relief. One of my friends advised me to try Peruna, which I did. I soon found ' that my general health im proved, and.,my entire eystem was toned up. "I felt a buoyancy of body and lightness of mind I had not known before and my headaches haa completely disappeared, and have enjoyed perfect health for over a year. I gladly enaorse reruns. MATTIB DOUGLAS." Women from all parts of the United States and Canada are teatlfylng dally to the virtue of Peruna. Only a few of these letters can ever be published. Write for a Sit' BEST PERSONALLY CONDUCTED TOURIST EXCURSIONS (AUFORNI Three Excursions Weekly -s; VIA r 'U.iiiiv tScenic Line Daily First-class -Sleeper Through to San Francisco via Colorado, pssslni the Grandest Scenery of the Rockies and Sierra , . " Nevada by Daylight. Direct Connections to Los Angeles. City Ticket Office, 1323 ARE YOU DEAF? afaT I AIV 1 SS ALL, CASES OF ' DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bora deaf are incurable. HEAD liOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. P. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMOCK, SAYS l ,, , BAinifOBS, Ud., March 50, loot. . . O'ntltmrn . Being entirely cared of deafness, thanks to your treaimcat, I will now aira yoa S full history of mjr caae, to be ueed at you discretion. ' any hearing in fluis a "entlrel riM to ""a ""I thi keP Ung worse, oatU I lost I auasi went treatment ir catarrh, for three months, without any success, ceaeulted s num. terof physicians, among others, tb most eminent esr specialist of this city, who told me that onl aa operation could help me, sad even that only temporarily, that the head noises would " then cease, but the beerins; in the aSected ear would be lost forever. W" I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat sneat. Alter I bsd used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises cessed. sad to-day alter See wee km my bea nun in the dUeaaed car has beea entirely restored. I thank you heartily end beg 10 remain Very truly yours. ' r, A. WURMAN, 7J8. Broadway, Baltimore, hid. Our treatment do not interfere with your uaual occupation, K".ov".tir:.nd YOU CAH CURE YOURSELF AT HOME Mua . INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE, CHICAGO, JLL. v 1 . . . fvJTaT sT X TaVU t M 1 1 X til I W9 that Peruna acts as a tonic, and seems and in all kinds of wither, seem Peruna Makes Clean, Healthy Mucous Mem branes Catarrhal Dis eases Disappear Per manently. , book of testimonials ot tha cures Peruna haa made. The mucoue membrane Is to the Inside ot the body what tha akin Is to the outside of the body. It lines avsry organ duct and cavity. Catarrhal Inflammation attacking one part la liable to spread to other parts. A neglected cold or slight catarrh la often the cause of lingering and dangerous ca tarrh. , Good Old Grandma's Advice The children are sick send for grandma! Who is there, like her fof wisdom and gentleness.' and sympathy, since the first baby earner What would, we have done wKhdut her? j ' . , . ' . ACsKsrnM sr 'splendid, my old tsotnsr wrslaes thens vory highly, and sfys she wsnld nsrer ba wlthont them. '- Howard W. Wsll- bsd. In Trsmoot Straot. ralrmoant. ,unu. I snffsred ss vssrs with tsps-worni bot didn't know 1 hsd on. Two months sso 1 WRS taken wtth Inflsmatlnn of ths bowels, sour stomsch, sick hesdache. I tried Csicarets and liul ,nt t.k n them a waek before I was relieved of a tape-worm II lest long. 1 am very loath estser . . . . Mrs. Jons stoat, mna-eaj isiano, wnio. The wisdom of years of experience with her own health,, and grandpa's and the children's, and children's children has taught grandma what is good for her and the several generations of family she has looked after. Grandma of today knows and advises that Cascarets Candy Cathartic are the only perfect family medicine for all bowel troubles, children's diseases, diseases of the stomach and liver, sick headaches, biliousness and bad blood. caul Sterling Remedy LEAVE i OMAHA Wednesday Friday and (Saturday Farnam St., Omaha. "1 HMV SY; J fill I -5. f V'- SISkiassAA ummi Tbls stcaatare la os) every bes at ths geastae Laxative BroraoQuinine Tablets 'the rsued that ears es4 ta asaa stay. several years I hav been troubled so easily that I was afraid to bs out since I havj usei Peruna 1 havj to throw all sickness and disease to have an Iron constitution and LENORE ALLEN. Women are naturally more susceptible to lnclomencles of the weather than men. With thsm a cold la often the starting point of some severe pelvic derangement, caus ing much pain and suffering. Every woman needs a remedy upon which she can rely to keep her system fortified against the trying weathsr of winter and early spring. If Peruna Is taken at the first symptom of a cold It will cure It before it develops Into some annoying catarrhal de rangement. If you do not derive prompt and aatls factory reaults from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratia. Address Dr. Hartman, Prealdent of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. "After taking Cssearets for a few hi flits ba fore writing, 1 was able to esas a tape-worm ft feet In ler.sth. Oaarareta have onr prat, and I will wllltnfly tarnish, a testimonial to anyone who oealres It." " - Mrs. Hsrry Wood, Kenneth, taa "f was tfosbled for a Inns time with II vet complaint and was in each misery thst I had to give up work. 1 took -bat 4 Sates of Csiesrets before 1 was able to go to werS asaln." -Mrs. Jos. Kreslln,lMl Coneress St., St. Loutl. Best for ths Bowels. Ail druggists, tec, t)e, joo. Never sold la bulk. I he genuine tablet stamped CCC. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. Sample sod booklet free. Address Company, Chicago or Hsw York. in JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS PF OMAHA DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. G ARSON PIRIE SCOTT & CO WHOLESALE DRT OOODS, CHICAGO. E. L.iT.CKS, Oensral Salesmen. OMAHA SALESUOOM, 150(1 Faraaat treat. J. E.H0WEf Resident Ealeamaa. MACHINERY AND POUNuRY. Davis & Cowgilt Ircn Works; BtAKUrACTirRBrtS AND OMWUs or MACUINERT. bnkraXi nnpAiRiKa a arwetkvrx IRON AND BRASS FOUBTDBKsV tSSl, 1DOS si SCO Jaebeaei Stress. : Oasaaa, Ret). Twl. SOS. 9J. CaarUkla. Aseat, 3. B. Osvcsl. K f-llAHE CO. ataBofaotorers sal Jobbers ef Stsarn and Water Supplies Of AU Kinds. lata ssi leia dacolas st. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Uestsrn Elccfrlcnl vv Company JTUctrioal Supplies. H softs Wlrtai Belts aa aaa UXUa. a.W. JOHNBTON. Mar. U1 Kvwar4 t. ""WINGS AND TENTS. ' ' Oniaba Tent and Awning Co., Cwsaha, Bea. Manufacturers of Tents and Canvas Cecil. 5nl lor Catalogue Nunaber 23 GASOLINE. UN, IKES. I, tcQLCSUODILE" Olds Gasoline Enirine, Olds Gasoline Engln) Works, 111 Far asm tU Omaktt. . UiiM la wt a&uWM, -