Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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BidiiM Mm f Tire Itreete U rijht for
Tiadsst Location.
Mayor "elects roanollmea Jihiat,
Vtnut and Miller mm Commlttaa
Confer nlth Ofllrra !
Stock Yards Con pa ay.
"It looks now," aald a buslneaa man yes
terday, "a If tha location of the proposed
tock yards viaduct was to be left In the
lands of Councllmen Johnston, Viuunt and
Miller. Tha mayor has named these three
confer with oncers of the stork yard
company In regard to a location. Just what
this committee will do remains to be seen,
but it la evident that In the end the stork
yards company will. have Its way."
Heavy property owners on N street are
considerably worked up over the action
taken by the council In appointing such ft
committee, and a meeting was held yester
day for the purpose of preparing some line'
ot action In case .the committee reports fa
vorably on the O street location.
The N street people want the bridge. If
one la built, to be located midway between
N and O street, thus giving both of these
streets an equal advantage. One heavy N
street property owner said yesterday that
In case It was necessary a large sum of
money conld be raised to be used In pro
testing against the O street location. There
la only half a block's difference In the two
locations, but still the fight Is getting bitter,
and especially so since the report Is out
that certain speculators were given a tip
that the bridge would end at O street and
either bought or secured options on prop
erty. - One of the prim movers in the N street
movement said that should the council de
cide to locate the viaduct at O street an
effort would be made to restrain the city
from vacating that portion of Railroad ave
nue, which la. desired by the stock yards
Business men In the downtown portion are
taking an active Interest In this viaduct
problem just now and many red-hot dis
cussions are being held. The O street peo
ple appear to be equally well organised and
promise the N street people a hard race
for their money,. ,
In this connection one of the heavy tax
payers aald: "It la deplorable to see the
fight now going on In the viaduct matter.
Everyone who has ever had any business
with the live stock Institutions here real
izes the difficulty of crossing the tracks
and the need of some safe way of getting to
the exchange. Either a subway cr a via
duct should be built at once. Steps should
also be taken to get the N street and the O
street factions together so that a bridge
mar be built this year."
Iloetor for Treaaorer.
Thomas Hoctor, until recently a member
ot the Board of County Commissioners,
made the announcement Monday night that
be would be a candidate In the spring for
tha office of city treasurer. Prior to this
announcement Mr. Hoctor had declared that
he would be one of the democratic candi
dates for mayor. After a conference' with
some of his friends he decided that It would
be better for him if he changed tactics and
made the race for treasurer. Ed Johnston
la one of Hoctor's friends who are boosting
him for treasurer. This, it Is stated. Is
with the understanding that If elected Hoc
tor will appoint Johnston a member of the
Board of Review. Under the law the Board
of Review consists of three members, the
tax commissioner, one man appointed by the
mayor and another by the city treasurer.
This board goes over the work of the tax
department and is supposed to equalise as
sessments.' McHeyasUi Files Bin.
Yesterday James F. McReynoIds, 11
brarlan of the present library association.
Hied a bill with the city council for $10
This amount, Mr. McReynoIds says Is due
for rent for the space In his store now oc
cupied by the books of the library associ
ation. For two years- this space was given
to the association without charge, but now
an effort will be mads to collect rent at
the rate of $10 a month aa long as the
books remain where they are. There Is
something over $500 In the city library
fund and the council baa the disbursing of
. the fund, the members of the association
having nothing to do with the city levy
made for library purposes.
' ( Loechaer Eaters Denial. ,
John Henry. Loechner paid the Bee office
another call yesterday and emphatically de
nied that he was tied up with Ensor In the
race fot mayor. It had been reported that
Loechaer was willing to take the office of
elty treasurer on the Ensor ticket. Loech
ner says this is not true .and Insists that
he Is still In tha race for- mayor.
Advertlalna; Boada.
According to an advertisement now run
ning in The Bee the city of South Omaha
will receive proposala for renewal bonds to
Ihe amount of $110,880. These bonda are
Issued to take up special district Improve,
men bonds of 1901 and 1901. This Issue
when sold will do away with any further
Issues of tha kind fur a year. The bonds
draw per cent Interest and will run for
ten years. Bids for this Issue will be re
ceived by the city clerk up to t p. m
February 10.
. I'aloa Evaagellstle gervlres.
Union evangelistlo services, under the
auspices of all of the Protestant churchea
of South Omaha, are now being held at the
First Baptist church. Messrs. Smith and
Col burn are in charge. A choir of forty
voices is In charge of Mr. Colburn. These
meetings are being largely attended and
everyoue Is Invited.
. Mast l'ay Dabeoek.
An opinion has been given by City At
torney Lambert In connection with the
claim of W. 8. Babcock for $250, In which
It Is alleged the elty Is liable for back
salary. Mr. Lambert holds that Judge Bab
cock can collect aalarv for tha amir
for which be waa elected. The opinion haa
seen rererrea to tne finance committee and
the claim may be allowed. It will be re
membered that Judae Kinir waa mirmA
sucoeed Babcock and took bla aeat before
ins latter term expired.
Two Bla Bales.
Two large sales of fancy cattle will be
neld at the pavilion at the Union Stock
. . yards thla month. The first la a tile of
registered Heretorda on February 1 and
$0. Thla herd consists of 121 head and
rotors from many of the principal breeders
Id this section of the country.
Oa Friday and Saturday, February 11 and
tt. over 100 .head of Shorthorns will be of
fared at auction. Manager Kenyon ot the
Stack Tarda company Is confident that
those sales will be largely attended and
that good prices will be paid for the stock
Mast ty Oasalp.
The Ceoellan club gave a very enjoyable
oanclng party at aiaaunio nail last night
' Ftock Yards Rrliuf aaeoclatlon will give Ha
itura annual ou ei tne cacnange ouiui
It la understood that Harry Christie la
trytnar to mm tne vacant scnool property
at Twonty-Mvenlh, and it etrvet fur planing
mm purposes. ,
Charles Dutch and Mlsa Florence Q. Au
tin wn nmrrtatd Monday evening at the
huiue ot tha bride insula, feiahteenih
and K streets. Rev. Pr. Wheeler offi
ciated. MIm Jean Ringer entertained the Chrln-
Ian Knilrivor snrtaty of the First Chris
tian rhurrh at the noma ot Mrs. Harry
lennl lut night.
A detertlve lliK started a fire In John
Sexton a house. Twenty-sixth an1 fl utiwix,
yeeterday afternoon which caused damage
amounting to about $4H0.
Q'jlte a number of well known people
will participate In the entertainment to be
(riven at Woodmen hall Thursday night by
St. Catherine'! guild of St. Mnrtln'a church.
The meeting of tha Young Men's Repub
lican elub held Inst night at Kell' hall
aa well attended and a great deal of In
tereat In tha coming campaign waa manifested.
A Oreat Life Isisrssrs r-mpaar.
The twenty-sixth annual statement of the
rrudentlal Insurance Company of America
Is a document of more than ordinary in
terest. The figures for the year ending De
cember $0, 1901, tell of great gains made In
the extension of the company's operations
and of vast volumes of good work done In
the payment of death claims, etc.
During the year Insurance amounting to
$271,000,000, was' written and placed, making
the total amount of Insurance In force $703.-
000.000, a prodigious total, Indicating the
strong hold which the company haa upon
the people of the United States. Yet it
does not appear that the people carry as
much life insurance aa they ahould and
could, seeing that Itbe average amount of
each policy Is only about $166.
With the facilities and . the Impregnable
security offered by Ihe Prudential there Is
no reason why those who now Insure should
not Insure for greater amounts; still lers
Is there any reason why those uninsured
should not provide themselves with the Pru
dential protection. , '
Elks' Fair auction, afternoon and evenlag.
Aaaonncemeals of the Theaters.
Thursday, Friday. Saturday matinee and
Ight "The Jamea Boys In Missouri" will
be seen at Boyd's theater. The piece, aa
can be seen by the title, la a Stirling melo
drama showing the exploits of these cele
brated bandits. The hold-up of the express
train In Blue cut in .Missouri is said to be
realistically ahown, as are other dating
things done during the career of crime of
the Jameses. The pleee Is very heavy scen
lcally. It is Interpreted by a very strong
company of forty people, headed by George
Kllmt and Alma Hearn. Mr. Kllmt and
Wilson Reynolds enact the roles of the two
Plcolo'a Lilliputians are scoring one of
the biggest hitsof the season at the Or
pheum this week. They please everybody
from the children to the grandparents, and
with Deaves' Marionettes, Billy Clifford, tha
little Idol of .the matinee girls, and Hitter's
dogs, will present great entertainment for
the women and children who attend the
matinee today. The other acta are good
and each Is Scoring big. The amateur show
on Saturday night promises another big
Installment of fun. Seats are selling rap
Idly, assuring a full house. ,
Tha Yosemtte,
The tourist paradise of California and of
the Pacific coast, Is set apart aa a park
and dedicated to the slghl-seers ot the
The points of Interest are Kl Capitan,
Three Brothers, Washington Column, Ca
thedral Rocks, The Sentinel. Halt Dome.
Bridal Veil Falls, Yosemlts Falls, .Mirror
Lake and Cloud's Rest.
The Yosemtte Falls are composed of three
cascades, the first being 1,600 feet, the sec
ond 600 and the last 400 feet high.
The only natural way to reach these scene
of Interest 1 via "The Overland Route."
comprising the Union and Southern Pacific,
now really on line. Three through trains
dally. The fast trains, arriving San Fran
cisco 16 hours ahead pt all competitors.
For full Information address city ticket
office, 1324 Farnatn. - 'Phone 816. Union
atatton, 10th and Marcy. 'Phone 629..
Coffee at Elks' Fair.
The Ann of Chase Sanborn haa con
tributed to the Elks fair all the coffee
served In the Palm Garden. An expert
coffee'maker ha been sent from Chicago to
brew their celebrated "Seal brand Java and
Mocha" coffee, and the results obtained have
been most satisfactory, as those who have
partaken will attest.
Larklns Treats It aa a Lark.
William Larkln waa eent to the nnl'ra
station laat night suffering from an over
abundance of alcoholic stimulant and two
froaen feet. The former trouble waa left
for the police Judge to attend to and the
police aurgeon administered to the frost
bltea. In the hose on one of the feet a
silver dollar waa found. Upon seeing It
the suffering man's face lighted up, and
he aald: "I frose to that dollar all right,
didn't L doc?"
A Pin Cbampsiat.
Especially dry without heaviness, deli
cate and breedy, la Q.. H. Mumm's Extra
Dry, now coming to market. Importations,
120.359 cases In 1901 nearly 60,000 more
than any other brand.,
Send articles of Incorporation, notices ot
stockholders' meetings, etc., to Tbs Bss.
Ws will glvs them proper legal Insertion.
Bee. Telephone 238.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 35c, at The
Bathery, 216-220 Bee building. Tel. 1716.
Publish your legal notices In tha Weekly
Telephone 138.
OI.8EN Jessie, February 4. 1908. daughter
ot Mr. ana Mre. Martin Olson, aged 1
Funeral services at 10 o'clock thla Wed-
need ay morning, February 6, at the family
residence, 1415 Park Wild avenue. Private
services by Rev. Mr. Murphy of Auburn,
Neb. Interment at Sprtngwell cemetery.
Dissolution Salo
Shoe, Go.,
1515 Douglas St.
On account of business Interests else
where. Mi. W. L, Howe and Mr. I. U Mess
ier, will withdraw their Interests from
tbs Rochester 8hoe Co. In order to enable
them to do so, the stock must be reduced
to a limit. The entire force haa been
working overtime getting the mammoth
stock ready for the great dissolution sale,
commencing Thursday, February 6th, at
S:S0 a. m. The entire stock thrown open
at the moat redlculoua price concessions,
This sal will be the moat complete one
that ha ever taken place In Omaha The
stoc represents the products of America's
foremost shoebuilders. Armstrong's, ' Fos
ter's. Ford's, Eddy as Webster's, t'ti
Dunn's, Keliey's all makers of women's
finest shoes. Nettleton'e. Boyden's, liana's,
Schwab Bros makers of men'a fine foot
wear all going at leas than maker's cost
ot production.
Mr. I. L. Mossier arrived In the city
Monday to conduct the great dissolution
aale. Remember day and date, Thursday,
February th, at 8:30 a. m.
1615 Douglas Street.
Store will be closed Wednesday after
Oaitiion of Omaha Supply Depot , frm
Iadiat Apprtfriation Bill.
Marina; Bee Aasared ty Represeata
tlvc that Matter, Waald Be Cared
For, Omaha Mrs Pay Ke
Atteatlna to It.
The report from Washington to the ef
fect that the appropriation bill made no
provision for maintaining the Indian supply
depot at Omaha waa received with con
siderable surprise by the members of the
Commercial club and the merchants Inter
ested In the operation of the depot at this
The surprise was all the greater from the
tact that Congressman Mercer on his last
visit to the city had pledged the members
of the club that the usual appropriation
would not only be made, but that it would
be Increased to allow the government to
pay the rent on the warehouse. Assured
by Mr. Mercer that there was no danger
of losing the depot, the people Interested
paid no attention to the matter, devoting
their efforts to securing the opening of bids
for Indian supplies In this city. In this
tbey, hsd the co-operation of Senators Mil
lard and Dietrich, but as the arrangements
had already been made, bids could not be
opened In this city this year. No thought
was given to the permanency of the depot.
as Mr. Mercer had given assurance that he
would attend to It.
Wires to Conireiimas.
Aa soon aa the report was received that
the Omaha depot would be abapdoned under
the provisions of the bill now pending in
congress the secretary of the Commercial
club sent a telegram to Congressman Mer
cer asking him to explain the matter and
to let the merchants of the city know the
reason for the change. So far no reply
has been received to the dispatch and the
interested parties are still In tha dark as
to how Omaha came to lose out In the bill
In the face of Mr. Mercer's assurances.
R. C. Jordan, the superintendent of the
depot, said that he knew nothing about the
matter other than what be had read and
waa as anxious for explanations as anyone
Don't Accept Coaaterfelts.
For piles, skin diseases, sores, cuts.
bruises, burns and other wounds nothing
equals PeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve. Don't
accept counterfeits. None genuine except
DeWltt's. "I have suffered since 1865 with
protruding, bleeding piles and until re
cently could find no permanent relief,"
says J. F. Gerall of St. Paul, Ark. "Finally
I tried DeWltt's Witch Haiel Salve, which
soon completely cured me."
fS.OO for m Half at Day's Work.
If you live In the country or In a small
town and have a good acquaintance among
the farmers and stockraisers In the neigh
borhood, you can make $5 easily by four
or five hours' work. Write us and we will
send you our proposition. The Bee Publish
ing company, Solicitors' Dept., Omaha, Neb.
Shampooing and hair dressing, 25c, at The
Bathery. 216-220 Bee bulldlrg. Tel. 1716. .
... Cl l' I'
" urn mm -
Piano Talk :
Is Quality an Object?
Is Pries an Inducement?
Commencing tomorrow We will offer
the highest grade pianos In the world
at prices less than you can buy the
most ordinary Instruments elsewhere.
. We must reduce our stock, which 1
double what we have space for, and
will do tt If prices and merit are In
ducement. v
We carry the largest line of stand
ard pianos In the west; new pianos In
all the rarest woods from $128.00 up
to the price of the Stelnway. tbs plsno
used and preferred by the greatest
living artists and scientists. Also a
complete line ot the famous Vose,
Mason ft Hamlin, Steger, Emerson, A.
B. Chase, Marshall ft Wendall sad
Jewett pianos.
Beautiful Chlckerlng
Pease. Bros. CQR
black case ZpJJ
Fine Walnut Case Sample $112
Elegant English Oak Case, CtQ
Sample piano kPlaSCJ
Also great bargains In slightly used
Weber, Decker Bros., the genuine
. Haines Bros., and other reliable
Call and get our low prlcea and easy
terms whether you are ready to pur
chase or not. We sell planoa In Ne
braska, Kansas, Iowa, the Dakotas,
Wyoming and Colorado, and will ship
any piano on approval and pay freight
chargea both waya It the instrument,
after careful examination, is unsatia
factory. Catalogues, prices snd further Infor
mation sent free to out-of-town cus
The largest piano hnuae. In the west,
fteprehentatives for Hielnway pianos
ana Helt-Playlng Pianolas.
1313 Farnam St.. Omaha
Telephone 1625
502 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
TcUphono 3G8-
Attend the
. Dissolution Sale
Comaiendo( Tkurtday, Feb. its.
Tha Rochester Slice Company,
si r -1 1 it lit rif,.ii
The Climax of the
Cloak salebcereached
Prices are given another set back.
Ctjgt and values are entirely ifjnoretl.
Reductions are the most radical known.
The unheard of in cloak Belling has been achieved.
Tomorrow's offerings eclipse all former bargain records.
lies, for all ages, also clotn capes, in
cloak department nn second floor,
Thursday while they last, st
Our entire stock ot ladles' 27
inch box Jackets In kersey, beaver
cloth and melton. In black, blues.
castors and
throughout, all
sizes, on second
floor at
$15.00 Cloaks at $ 5. 00
Our entl re Stock of ladies' raglans, loose or half
fitted ' backs, 42-lnch lo?g automobile coats, silk
lined throughout, long bcx coats, these come in tans.
castors, oxfords and black, every
one worth $15.00, on sale
Our entire stock of children's Jackets,
reefers and long eiderdown coats, trimmed
with angora, go on second floor at
$5 French
ununei, ana an this season's style. Includ
ing about 75 silk waists, go ou main floor,
bargain square, at
All of Hubermann's )2.50 lmitatlcti
ten and fox scarfs,
go at
long cluster tails.
novelties, and go
department, st
$1,000.00 A TON
And worth every cent of It at the North
Pole but here in Omaha we sell an extra
good NUT COAL for J4.00 A TON. This Is
the best coal at that price In the city.
If you want a coal that Is LOW in price,
but HIGH In quality order our $4.00 nut
mm rice
SOfl So. 10th St.
- . Tel. 138.
Arc You Interested
in Photography?
If so, call on us or send your name
and we will send you a copy free of
our Illustrated monthly magazine.
We have everything rTiat is new In
A beautiful Folding Poco Camera,
with case, alse 4x5. only W.50.
All other amateur photo material at
lowest market prices.
Robert: Dempster Co.,
1215 Farnam St.
Wholesale md Retail Dealers In
. Photo Supplies.
Especial attention given to
Blight, fresh, clean coal carefully
screened with prompt, efficient de
livery. C. B. HAVENS & CO ,
1522 Farnam t.
Telephone 301, 317 and 828
Deputy Btate "Vstartnarlasi.
rood Inspector.
11. L tUUICCiOTTI, 0. Y. S,
OOrO and Infirmary. Mth aaa hum Btt
1 sin six . - -
I mil ii J ils Mtuum xi .. ..juj. .u .1 mwm in sljiisl miiihii in ai si
$3.98 Cloaks at 75c.
In order to close out every one of our winter Jack
ets for ladles, misses and children, we have placed on
sale for Thursday all of our $3.98 cloaks, which come
In black, oxfords, tans and plaid box coata, halt tight
fitting coats, also children's and misses' jackets, all
Cloaks, $2.50
grays, all silk
and Silk Waists. 98c
1 vJ! I i
In order to close out every one of our large stock of
French flannel waists In red3, blues, greens, navy and
black, all made from the best Botany Mills French
Fur Scarfs, 98c.
$12.50 Genuine Marten Scarfs $5
AU of Hubermann's genuine black marten aearfa with
These are the latest
on sale In fur
Told You So
Every day Is piano sales days
at our store and musio warerooms.
We have atv all times such bar
grains as will keep you a coming,
with a big line of - the leading
makes, and the many medium and .
lesser makes of our vast stock of
pianos, there are many bargains in
either one or the other of the
, pianos we represent. In fact all our
prices are Juat a little lower than
elsewhere. Therefore, we again
urge you to compare quality and
You know that such celebrated
piano manufacturers as the Knabe
Company, the Kranich & Bach
Comnany, the Ilallet &. Davis Co.,
the Mathushek Company, the Mc
Phall Piano Co., the Melville
S Clark Piano Co., are the best that
the world can produce, and when
you can find In this variety of
makes pianos ranging $300, $3.r0,
4u0, J450, &, $550, ttXM) and So0,
some Instruments that are nearly
as good as new for from $142, $170,
$192, $216. $232 and some a little
more. Instruments that cannot be
sold regularly for less than double
what we ask for them, you will
indeed find the greatest bargains
any house ever offered.
We still have a few new planoa
ot a lesser grade that sell for
less than $100, and a little higher,
on these we make very easy terms
which are equal to rent, and there
fore makes a good Investment.
There are over a dosen other
makes of pianos we would like
to talk to you about, but you must
see them to appreciate our great
We wish to again remind you
that we rent, tune and repair
Iilanos; that we carry the largeat
Ine of Piano stools and Scarfs.
Also that we have the finest Or
gans, both ior the home and the -chapel,
which are sold on small
monthly payments . of from $2
1513-1515 Douglas St.
That means the "mean cutter." the one
that pays no attentiou to any body else
the onw that mlnils his own buxlness and
runs his store hia way that's the IVji
scher AKlheker on lih and Chicago
that's ua.
These prlcea for this week:
t-quart Hot Water Hoi lie Vie.
J-ciuart Fountain (Syringe 4kc.
3- quart Hot Water Bottle ft:e
S-quart Kounlan. Hyrlnge fc.ic
4- quart Hot Water Bottle s-o
4-uuurt Fountain Syringe sxc Marvel Whirling Spray Syringe. .$2M
Good Atoiutzer. 2frc, 6uc, 6e and 1 00
All rubber goods guaranteed BY t'S one
year. The loliowma are a few of the
many TiKlCP CUTS we make on patents.
Why pay more?
Kc laxative Brotno Quinine J:a
26c Qulnacetol (best for coldsk a
11.00 Peruna (one to a customer) s:c
$2 00 Cramer's Pennyroyal Pills $1
$1 f Temptation Tonic f:a
Mall orders solicited send CASH with
SCHAtFElTS "ir:r......
Tel. T4T. S. W. Car. loth aas Chleaso
Goods aeUvered FBEE to any part sf city.
As jflOSpOp
P. B. Ilaight & Co. Stock Wednesday
in tlio Bargain Room.
We will have several Important sales all day. as well as 30-mlnute sales and two
hour sales. We will sell Drees Goods, Silks, Grenadines. Wash Goods. Muslin.
Sheetings, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boys' Clothing snd several other articles too
numerous to mention. Be sure and attend our celebrated $0-mlnute sales, NO
From H to K.w A. M.
We will sell extra heavy U. muslin, yard
wide, worth 6c yard, only 10 yards to cus
tomer, at. yard, IV4c.
For the next two hours we will sell Lons
dale muslin, at yard, 5c.
We will sell ii8-lncb nice dress plaids In
dark and bright colors, double fold, worth
15o yard, 4c.
We will sell 10c dimities at 4c.
We will sell 10c tephyrs at Be.
We will aell 15c black sateen at 6c.
From lO lOi.'lO A. M.
We will sell 46-lnch and 80-Inch plaid
dress goods, strictly all wool, heavy, regu
lar price $1.00 and $1.25 yard, at 15c.
For the next two hours we will sell 8!c
silk, fancy silks and satins, at yard 19c.
We will sell silk velvets, worth 66c yard,
at 19c.
We will sell silk finished relveteens,
worth 50c yard, at 19c.
We will sell grenadines In black and
white and all colors, worth $1.00 yard, at
89 cents.
We will sell Kl Kl Cords, first quality at
39 cents. ' )
We will sell 24-Inch extra fine foulards.
In all the new spring shades, worth SSL
yard, at 49c.
From 13 to 12i.10 P. M. "
We will sell remnants of linings from 3
to 10 yards in each remnant, worth 6c yard,
only 10 yards to customer, at, yard, lc.
During the next two hours we will sell
No Valentines Sold
Do not buy anything in that line until our sale begins. Trices
lower than any house on earth.
REMEMBER Do not purchase any Valentines before Sat
urday, February 8th.
Croceries. "
Wednesday will be a red letter day In
our grocery department. Read the follow
ing prices:
Large sack-pure buckwheat flour 35c
24-lb. sack rye flour 49c
5 pounds breakfast rolled oats 15c
5 pounds hand picked navy beans 19o
3-pound cans grated pineapple 10c
We bought the entire wholesale stock of men's, boys" and children's Clothing of
P. B. Halgbt & Co., 13th and Howard atreets, at 26c on the dollar. This is the
way we offer It this week: .
S8.50 Hen's Overcoats S3.85
. 386 Bovs' Norfolk Suits
, sr -
' SlVfQ 3 r 19 marla nrw In oil
many of these suits are 902 spring styles not a suit
worth less than $2.50 and up to $7.50 now on sale at
95c, SI.95 and S2.S5
arr ,
TTHaJ- BOVS' S3.50
- - a -
Boys' 75c
V Bovs' $1.50
rrrrjz.r.-m $1.95.
Men's $3.50 to $7.50 finest
on sale at $1.50, $2.50 and $3.75.
i ".I'-I.V.."' w.rf.u- i 1
Kellinc; the Most
We carry
y the most exqulxlte line
here are Cluster Kings of
and Turquoise. Prinzes
Is. We'll take pliauuru
In OmahM. . 1 h
Pearls. Glials
' tairu Ulainond.
Mawhinnoy & Ryan Co.,
Jeweler and Art ith and douglas art.
StatJ as era Mail orders given careful attention. Selec
tion packages sent t responsible parties.
Why Are
You Sick?
Because you bare been taking too much
medicine. All anyone nocds is a good lax
ativeone that removes alvlne poisou from
the liver. gllRADER'S FIO POWDER has
no equal as a laxative and cure for Con
stipation a preventive for Appendicitis,
Gull Stones, Kidney Troubles of all kinds.
Try a 10-cent trial size. Sold by druggists
or sent by mail.
W. J. Stirader Medietas Co.,
1603 N. Uih Street. Omaha.
New York. Room 10. No. SO East 14.
Bigger Bnn?nins
Than Ever from tlio
bleached muslin, worth 6-5 yard, yard wide,
only Id yard to customer, at S 7-c.
We will sell 6c toweling, at. yard. te.
We will sell 4!ks granite dress goods, all
the new spring shades, at, 29c.
We will sell 3-lnch silk linings, black
only, regular 60c goods, at, yard. 19c. -'
We will sell 68-inch Scotch, strictly all
wool suitings, worth $1.60 yard, at, 49c.
. From 8 to I. M. '
We will sell 100 dosen towels, worth 10c
and 15c each, at, 20. Only I pair to cus
tomer. During the next two hours we will sell
36-Inch snd 28-lneh .French flannelettes,
worth 10c and 15c, at SVio. Only 10 yards
to customer.
We will sell 38-Inch double fold, half
wool spring dress goods, in black, three
shades blue, three shades red, two shades
green, worth 15c yard, two houra only, 6c
yard. Only 10 yards to customer.
From 4 to diftO I. M.
We will sell $1.60. $1.25, $1.00 dress goods
In patterns, in all colors and black, only
one pattern to customer, at, yard 25e.
For the next two hours we will sell Simp
son's black and whits and silver gray prints
at. yard, 3c.
36-Inch percales at 4Hc.
Remnants ot 60c and 75c dress goods, at
16 cents.
From Slid to Ri-tS P. M.
We will sell apron checks at, yard lfcc.
Only 6 yards to customer.
1-pound Jars pure fruit Jam
Largs bottle pure tomato catsup
1 gallon cans honey drip syrup
1-pound packages seeded raUlns
3-pound cans table peacbea
Campbell's soups, sssorted kinds
8-pound cans compound lard ....
6-pound compound lard
.... lOd
.... 35o
.... 9c
.,.8 l-3c
.... 27o
460 '
848,000 Clothing
Yl IS.
. WStW-ta
ttya nnn, fnl..i,n J $1.-'
Men's Finest Suits and Overcoats
Choice of any $22.50 to $82.50 Stein,
Bloch & Co., Hart, Schaffner fc QIC
Marx Suit and Overcoat at. ..... . 0 1 0
$15 to $20 men's Suits and Overcoats at $10
$12.50 men's Suits and Overcoats at $5.00.
Men's $10 Suits and Overcoats for $1.85.
Men's Sample Coats and Vests, worth $6.50
to $10, at $l.U5, $2.95 and $3.75..
Tlnvk' '9.1 tn Stn KtnriTi 1!iufni. o r. .1
tO $10 r) fnr 1 OS on.l
W - m-sw U -A
to $2 Odd Knee Pants at 35c and
to $5 Odd Loner Pant. 50 ntwl
Odd Pants, sizes 30 to 50 waist.
Clothing in Omaha.
of diamonds and precious stones of sny house
Diamonds with Rubles, Emvrald.1 ttanphlres
Kings, Oypsy Rings. Circlet Rings and Ball'.
In showlifg you thuite goods.
We have Juat received an
Invoice of Sragram's Cana
dian Whisky. It Is a fine
old liquor, fuiiy rlimiied. lit
seHSoniil oak barruis, hot
tied und ix-aled In distillery
bonded warehouse under
siiK-rvlMlon of ufTli'lals ot In
land revenue department.
Price. SI. 10 per quart.
We have a complete line of
mult whiskies at 46c, (or. 70a
Hnd 76c per quart, liar s
Malt, 75c quart.
Pure California Wlnee,
(bottle ripe), &c, 6uc and IvO
Man urriere promptly uu.u.
City order delivered.
flmm Wisci ad Table Ltqaere,
Opposite foaiattea. Itlriikos U4a,
. .... aii.j
Tbis stgnatare la oa every bos of the gaatatas
Laxative Bromo-Ouinine Tablets
reatedy last aaire a eM la eM stay.